Lucknow Sentinel, 1898-12-09, Page 3L. • • BA NKLita ilton• Head Off\ 1250100 775,000 Clpttal i 1,199,114 31033TV3 ra'r• • Total As: Preside*t it.m4Ay, .D3,. ROACH. Pramkat 10,41-1"rctr01it°) JOAN STI int. • JoN Pkt u A•.T. Wool .• Ass• t. Co :MS /4pect del Owen Sound ., 'mow Port tou, Man. Simcoe 11e7! .1trn Southamptor. clairboruen,.3.1au. Toronto 0* • Ligaza Falls Wingtain st) OrangevIlle (. Hamilton (East End) tAit LottasspoNt) Li% incial Bank ,)1 Loudon. J. Tr Relit' H. S. H. M. NVATsON. (Ltd.) AnItnliAN coanZsPONDIENTS : Ifassith Nation:A Bank, New York. /layover National Bank, " Internati..nat 'r rust CJ., Boston. Marine Bank. Buffalo. rylit)nNatiouat Bank, Chicago. - Detroit National Bank,_Detroit. National Bank of Commerce, Katsas 114' • National Bauk of Commerce, St. MAN TS IN MONTRILtE : The liank of Toronto JOIIN D. NIOH.OL. AGENT. e • ,M11 31A1R & SIDLALL, Bankers, • L Li C A-- -V 0 JvoN7. A BLISIIED /838,- d ncrho al banking sincs.s; ft dras t:;. ut Canada and the United Seat,: Tqake collections on all points. : Western States. 'Manitoba and the North W. -A Provinces, and ail whether note or aclOunt, %ill have promo' attention. Notes anted and fartner's sale notl cashed. We 1..an to farmers on double or single notes at &Lon one to twelve months time, and at • AbIC ra te of interest. We loan small or large amounts on scoond .triort4a.:;e on farms or other real, eqate sec- twit.- and oa first chattel ni Irtgages ou live st, -el: anti implements and crop. We %Ave a lar.:e amount ef funds to advance .,a trot mortga4es from 5 per cent. to ti per ...jot. The rat'l• i ratted according to the ality ani .4 the loan required. • ha. e on hand for sale 100 acres in Ashtichl impr 'land. with fair buildings and w sold at a bargain. We repre,ent the leadine; English and Cana- dian yiTe insurance Companies a.nd can etre_l Dtv,iridt,•,• on all Flamcw of property in - Stock or Motoal Companies as desired. Our odic, hours are fr.on 19 a. m. to 4 p. m. VOL XXV-50 - the nchnoultutinti THE LIBERTY TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE FREELY ACCORDING TO TIN DICTATES GP CONSCIENCE WE PRIZE ABOVE ALL OT4R LIBERTIES _ Luckuow, December 16th, 1696. _ . FORSICK OH ILDREN. The managers of the Hospital for Sick Children, at Toronto, appeal to the benevolent throughout Caned; for contributions to pay,.cff portion of the debt on the institution. The GO2. SIDDALL PittinE Chriams Qt . MANAlett. erg es • inoTtgage of .i..)0,000 falls due thia year, and under the agreement half of it must be paid off. Owing te the in- crease of patients and expenses, it has been impoasible to save anything for that purpose, hence the urgent request fois"the aid of everyone who can spare a eirigle.dOlisr.'' During the past year over 5,000 children were helped back to health. or these 633 patients were 'cared for in the cots. One-third of the patients came .fruin place2 outside of Toronto. .The Hospital is a Provincial institution. Its serviees are free to the children of parents who cannot atford. to pay the 811141' fees charged. Some of the moet difficult - surgical operations known have been skillfully and successfully. . performed at the Hospital.. Many tt parent has had cause to bless the great charity, not only. fOr saving their child's -life, but for making happy what had otherwise been -a sorrowful home. Children wile lied been cripples for, life but for the ministrations of the Ilospital will grow up strong and straight, and in. tha years to come they, too,- will bless the work of the Hospital and 'return thinks in SOIlle tTtugibte manner. . fp twenty-tvro years the Iloepital for Sick Children hasbeen the means' of helping 30,000 sick children. A charity of -this character is . serving of aid, and we hope the readers of The Sentinel will remember it at this Christmas Seasorl, and do their share to help Mr.: Re')ortson and his. brother •Alaeagers uu 'or de- LUOKNOW ONTARIO, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 16th 1898. Tea -Meeting A grand tea-reeeting will be held at Hackett's church, Ashfield, on Monday evening, 26th inst., when a splendid program of addresses, -music, etc., will he given. All are cordially invited. Tea served from 5 ,to 7 p.m. School Concert The pupils of S. S. No. 7, Kinloss with their friends will givean interest' ing concert m their school house on Thersday evening, 22nd inst. The program will be varied in its character and partially novel in its nature. Ad- mission 15 cts, chiliren 10 ets. ty. Contributione ty he addressed t.. J. Ise .ss R ebert eon, thairinan of th.• Ilespitil Trust, Teronte. They will . he promptly eeklowle4get1 by the Trees sel in the celumns of the Toro to Eveniee Teheei a rn West Huron and Halton In the bye -elections to the Ontario Legisleture on Thursday last, in West: Huron and Halton, the Government carried both sesta. In West Huron the Hon. J. T. Garrow, of Goderich, was elected over Major Beck by a Christmas Festival majority of 45, and in Halton Mr. 1 The annual Sunday School 'Chrigt Barber defeated Col. Kerna by 150. nitl8 Festival and entertainment of St, Peter's Sunday School, Will he held in the Town Hall; Lucknow, Thurs- day evening, Dee. 1224. at 8 p.m. There will. be a very attractive pro- gram. A silver collection taken at the doors. Horse and Buggy Stolen Che night recently a horse and Luggy was stolen from.the barn of Mr. Henry Taylor, wholivesin Kinloss township on the boundary east of Great lubbing Offer. Whitechurch, ande 'ne- trace of the C animal or rig. has been heard of. A Notwithstanding the fact .o.f the farmer. in. Turnberry township, also, imposition of postage- on .newspaporti, hada horse stolen from his stable the the SENTINEL seerill be sent to any address from now -until -the first of same night. _ January 1900 for the sum of one dollar. Or we will supply the SENTINEL and Globe for the -same length cf time for 1.5O;iitthe SENTINEL and Mail for 0.40, or the SENTINEL and London Advertiser for $1.35,s Christmas Trade Lucknow inerchapts, it is a general' remark, ,are better prepared -for the. Christmas trade thts year than ever before inthe history of the place. Their places' of business, are bright with an assortment of holiday gifts that will- equal that isplayed in the farfeest cities. Lucknow citizens can have all their 'holiday wants supplied right here at'home this year. Watch the SENTINEL'S business columns,. To Let. D welling house ou Inglis St Lucknow, S rooms, hard 4nd sof water. Apply to M. Weesii, Lurgan. LadlesBetts Just the nicest kind of a present. and not out of the way in price. The new belts are most attractive in every way. You can see them in all the newest , and desirable cclors at Arm- strong's Jewellery Store. LOCAL ITEMS. :1 u -Buy ourskates at P0. Tayler's. Just Opened.. Direct from the best. manufacturers elegant perfumes, fragrant toilette soaps. Would. like to draw your special attention to. the above lines. They are the best we have ever handled, erices are right and quality gauranteed. Berry's Drug Store. Dr. Gordon's Old Stand. Just a Word or Two Before making your purchases for Xmas presente, spend a while in b'erry's drug and fancy goods store. He has a wonderful attractive collection of goods, suited for nearly every kind of presents. Prices seem to be all right, away below former seasons. Everything shines and bristles at his store. , Orange (Moors • At the rear meeting (;f Luck -now Leyal Orange Lode,: No. -12q, Tuesday evening last the following officers were elested :-W. 'Alasters- Dr. .1. S_ Topant; D. Master, W. .)1eQuil- len; FinlgVec., Jae. Lyons; Rec., See., 11. Archer; Cii'splain, R. Grliain; Treas., W. Taylers Lecturer, A. T. Daviion, Director of Ceremonies, 'Wm. \leNlellen; Committee -men, . Fred Greudy, \V. McQuillive W Cooke, W Miller end N. McCervie. • Ours is not a line of ordin- ary goods wl!ich wear out or soil, CITIZRENT EVENTS.. Penton haa get a job as a traveller fee it cigar fires. Ile ought to be a teking traveller. And there s more money in such -wcrk than in some telier; jobs. 'rue Provincial lye -c'- in Nipiseing and North '11 ings will take place on the -27th of *Jecember. The late tro in Nipissing was a Reformer, end N Hastings- a ative: The candidates are the satee in each case- , at the general erection. The Can'etlian :moles is like the little Irieleuen in the novel who was A Few SlIggestions!I ter latfk of a batirti." To ;site the moose a chance for life, the Government passed a law that FOR TOTTITu MITT: nobody should shoot one of them for • F•sh • eery tertu of years. For a while the Parcel Post jackass 'rite deputy P.,31. General has sent the fellowing. circular to publishers :- ‘.‘The attention of postmasters•ie furth- er -called • to' the fact that. no parcel can be -sent from Canada to any other ceuntry. by _parcel- post it bear a enstoms declaration' spttine tenth 'the witeise s.f .ntents and its value. As the acceptitnee.by ayostmaster. of the :parcel addressetto- any:, other c6uutry, and not It ov with . a casto.m.s cleclaratioa!tiaill sult in its being -sent tally. dead 14tterliffiee, are 6pecially direeted, net to accept ...such -pare Is without thte customs declare - . • W.0 • . Tho customery menthly rneeting Of the W. C.T.I.Te was held .in.Oddfellow's hall on Wednesday afternoon. The president, Mrs Bryan, conducted 'the Meeting in her usual affable rnenner. The subject of "Sabbath Observance" came, up .and it. resolution formed to as c�-operatien -of local Ministers in bringing the matter more proininently before the public. -Com, m e 30(oese-enjoyed exemption from attack Fin(11 Seale, . . . ettLinilis,4414 to,. !mt he seems to hive wearied of the e Sterlialt i ? ! ver • tfted cased. piptre.. mbnotony of thee weal:, -piping tiniee. S9-444itof peace, ..so he. ,assembiei his forLA:..4 . . i...1-'Ilasaa , aed $t3riistg *vet- Ms:toted Urishrel!a.e. train near -Newcaatle. In iver NT seeele the first and attacked an Intersolonial Railway t C else 0otive came "lb r 1111* -116<to 110147Qtraci LADIES St3rline Slibasssilsitkure Sete, ideergita- .te, Sersekne Silver it $uives, • e Chain Bracelets, `. Silver 1 hitnhles. • sn, .406 ; )14 in.., s. G..niViasigs of ry Sterling Silver Meanted ere. sia. • •t'411`..'s,""s FOR OLDER, pzorLz : skirinisle the loco conteiseror, thre t.. A mieutele part -of tle paragrepli press i• tome es ira.ie . ed by post to the Unit um and foreign countries, it may: sit.; that these forme if declarati n are farnt--Ned by the post office to persons off f the moose being • - _1 N - en tog existivq, on the eq. :Sold Burglars, Midnight marauders entered A. Finlayson's in '.14ochalsli Mond4 night of last week. Whet.. *hey had tnsde a careful ,selection,.of what goods and groceries. they thought they Might require,' they .went into the postal. conipartment and stele. e25.00 worth .of • stamp and Small change. It is impossible for 'Mr. Finlayson:to torn any idea whwthe daring ,visitors. Were, lait they .seeni to have :adopted .‘Pate's plan- to effect an, entrance aid turned the !oar of the front -door with a key. Out of consideration for the man they were robbing, they • Railway Matters Eiucation and transpoftation are perhaps the two most practical ques- tions our people are called periodically to 'Iliseuss,. and every hamlet' and community ;die° to its future welfar gives S01110 attention to these matters. To this cud it number of representa- tives from the surrounding townships met 'in conference w.itit our Village C0111161 on Monday ifternoon in • the Council' Chambers. The ineeting, • though an infgrrnal one, marks the lbeginning orshat merle a 'movement of much interest endimportance tci our village and the ontiro country surrounding.' The quo -akin discussed was traneportatione the poseibility of. securing the extension of a. completive line of Railway to Lucknow, and the 'probable advantages this market and the territory tributary to it would gain thereby. : were agreed that sonie well directed eftort should be put forth in bringing to the notice of the Canadian 11.'acitic Railway the business advantages of An extension to this point. It was decided to ask the townships of Kinloss, Hueon. Ashdeld and Wawanosh and this village to discuss the matter at the approaching municipal nominations, and to ask' each Ccstincil to appoint a representative to.a 3 shit committee to' co-operete'- in procuring, stivistic.s and -Go to the concert to night in the Town Hall. -Garcia, the great) Cuban patriot and leader, is dead. -The Bruce County Council is naeeting at Walkerton. -Greateet treat of the season at the Town Hall to night. --Many appy returns of the season. R. oonsr. Mr. Hailey Davison, of Toronto, was in town on Tuesday last. , •-A large assortnient of dolls at very lowest prices at Harry liays'. -Spleudid musical program' by the combined choirs in the Town Hall to -night. If you want to sell a farm advertise in the SENTINEL, the best advertising mediate. --s-•The annual iChool -meetings in rural sections will lab held on Wednes- day. Dec. 28th. • ,. --s-Every note and account must oe. paid to Fred -Grundy at once. • Take notice of this. -Public and high schools will chise fee the Christmas holidays on Thurs.- cmy,• Dec. 22nd: • A -Just arrived at R. - bloody's an extra tine tot of ,Xmas' candies and confectionary.. -Miss Jennie McCrimmon, of Rip- ley, is visiting' at the reSidenee of Mr D. RS. McIntosh. --Fancy Chinaware and glassware in erfdiess variety at T. L. Treleaven's fancy goods store. -- Girl Wanted ! Good general servant girl waated at once. Apply to Mee. Thos. Lawrence. -Fisse THAN EVER, is the -com- ment you hear- regarding Jeweler Arnastroug's Xmas display. - -Vtreteven. -For the winter, • a, careful man to do chores, on a farm. Apply at once at SENTINEL OffiCe. • -Fred Grundy always sells the best value in men's ulsters. You kao* that yourself. Tell your neighbor. -For pure drugs, medicines, baking powder, dye stuffs, horse and cattle medicines, go to Berry's drug store. (Dr. (ordon's 11 *and.) • _ • -ss-You oult bee tho% or 8 for 5 cente:;- rth at loafer - WHOLE NO. 1297. -A special freightlisin passed up on the railway on Sunday atternoon last. \_ -Theurling season opened last week, and the ice is now in good condition. -The mercury dropped to eight below zero in Ottawa ou Monday night .last. --The first hockey game of the season was played in the rink on Tuesday evening, , -The roads throughout the County have been badly blocked with snow the past week. • -The rink WAS well patronized by skaters on Saturday night last, the first of the season.* - Two special freight trains left the Lueknosi station this week with grain and other freight. - Mr. A. T. Davison and son Meer - ley spent Friday and Saturday in Kincardine Township. -Mrs. john Alli n, of f3eaforth. spent a couple of days with friends in -Lucknow this wiek. - A rasp named W suddenly at Reid's h on Thursday morning • ilson, died very el in this village - Little Eddie-ra. what's " the silent majority 1" Pa -Two men when there's a won* present. 2 -Fred Grundy wants to tell y.)tr that he is making a Sacrifice Sale of Clothing, furs, hats and caps for 30 days. - Parties living oultside of Lucknow can become membe0 of the Public Library on -payment of the small gum -Xmas Eve at Armstrong's Jeweler Store. Just think what it means. -CHILD SETS. Knife, spoon and fork, from 75c a set, up, at Arm- strong's. -The appeal case of Robert hall vs Wm. Speers, which was to have been tried at Goderich on Tuesday, has been postponed till spring. --HAT PINS. -An inexpensive but nice useful gift is a hat ptn'in gold, silver, or enamelled. Just see them at Armstrong's. ---A conference win be held (D V.) in the Presbyterian Church, Lucknow, on Wednesday, Dec. 21st, beginnin, at 2 o'clock p.m. -The Grand Trunk Railway offer exceptionally cheap fares for the com- ing Christmas and New Year holidays. See their advertisement in this issue. Good things from Reid's Bakery. - New York fruit cake, walnut fruit cake, fig cake, jelly roll, chocolate cake, Boston jams, and a choice vari- ety of Other kinds to choose from. -1). 0. Taylor has some very pretty pudding dishes and cream kitchers in Japanese ware which make very suital.le Xmas gitts. -Miss McNabb, teacher school section No. 7,. Kinloss, will conduct public examination of the school on afternoon of Thursday, 22nd inst. -In the election to the Legislative in East Northumberland on Wednes- day last, Mr. Douglas (Lo.) was elected over Dr. Willoughby by 586 ----Go t a R. Mo31y's for soda biscuits, Italian fingers, iced honey bar, honey tumbles, ginger fruic, lady lingers, after dinnerr, fruit biscuits, away down cheap for Christmas. - of 50 cents. , -Your husband or gentlemen friend -.The party whd 1st a red colored may enjoy the weed. Make it doubly woolen shawl on Stauffer street on enjoyable by presenting him with one Monday last, can have it by calling at of Armstrong's fine gold or silver the SENTINEL Office. mounted cased pipes. Prices from 82.00 =County Council, nornivations for to $7.00. Huron, -Kinloss and Lucknow will be -We see by the Windsor Record held at Ripley on the 19th inst., at that out former townsman, Mr. Geo. one o'clock p.m. Mair, Vice President of the Windsor -We notice that Joe Lang has Curling Club, has opened the curling s discontinued the publication of the season by defeating the President's Owen Sound Saturdsy Star, the issue rink by a score of 18 to 13. Saturday_being the I,ast. --eIn the live bye elections for the Dominion House on Wednesday last, cation to the Ontario Legislation for -The Tara council is making appli- the Liberals carried four seats by large majorities. Mr. McCarthy, the passage of an Act to legalise the Independent, was elected in North bonus granted by that Village to simcoe Biettd & CO. -FOR THE 1b.)LIDAYS. - A good ----Days' Castor 011 contains 75 per friend deserves a good present. If you want to make a present that will be a pleasant reminder of the donor, and 'eking happiness throughout the coming year, call at Murchison's. Change of advertisement will be found in another column. • chocolate crea welnati :at -**' -'e;ticent of pure Italian Castor Oil and is ''''f the ef• very pleasant to thse taste. ,For sale only by Harry Dos, Chemist and druggist, Lucknow. I -Very little excitement exists in the village over the,coming municiph elections, and the cOly names we Ave heard mentiened for the l positions are tBhoearmo!mbers_ of the present Council 1 -Walnuts, almcind nuts, peanuts, filberts, shelled almonds, shelled wal- nuts, ,chocolate alM011(1s, chocolate walnuts, maple creapas, walnuts, peanut sticks, etc., at 4. . c!ODY'S. T -_,-"Meals at all 'ours," the famiiiar 'eating -house a n nSuncement would make, with a slight change, an appro- priate sign to hang at the door of the Lucknow post OtlicS.` -Days'. Enaulsina of Pure Cod pouted, at It Moopi. - • We have. a few Cutters tn d yet• Those desiring to get a- barellh osrld call ate once. Styles andprices_eo suit everybody. II ildreci. -Sunday Schdoi teachers would do. Well to call and eee our tittles boeklets, 5c ea,ch, and npwartls -for Sunday School clatises at -T, LS Treleaven's e-Messts. :Alex. :icheisors, of Kin 1084,, and John ItloCharles, of 'Huron, are attending the County Coticil MP•ting at Walkerton. _ e . Fancy Geode at Days' dreg store. Come - in -end get his priset1/2. Xmas goods of all tirade. Prices that will surprise you. . -A, window display worth seeing "Will be Jeweler Armstrong s window . cm Saturday. -nice every day, but Liver Oil for cough li and colds, pleasant ,perticularly nice for Saturday. ._ • to take and contaies over 50 per cent --YOU Wilt find the. hest of oranges, of pure oil, 25c and 50c a bottle. Try a bottle. 'lemons, Malogli grapes, dates, cilia- berties, Spahish Onions, etc„ etc:, at lluin forreerly G. It. Moody's. to press these facts upcef the attention Ir. D, R. Alchitosh last week of the company, if, neceisary, by inter- 'Whigham. She is a good looker and purchased.a very fine driving mare in viewing the President- and. Board at• lleadqtearters, and a te,porary com- mittee to carry out the ,initial work aud expressed wiehes of the meeting was appointed. • • ,-Most we ..have 'fain° resort to. Our illustrated- -Catalogue!? to meet. the demands ol Cue customers. This me- 'wet heve.. the finest.' line or Watches, Jewelry land t4ilverwar5iever shown, in • • "ff and conse- tg tinenat derssfia;,- ,p,teded to would tigs are. .ribetuo! We meet t the ir Have t yOUrsel lecked the door' when leaving, prestrtii-1_,- inss. t irer red. .S0 -getting a part Of the plunder who -omen who hav ab:y prevent anyother. etek, to might. not ).e lucky enough to •have the ciatibinatiOn. • jolic over a lecent r.g the round% ef the g of cus- • _ - 1 nersfeir areas dispatch - ill 5061 arcels and it is e'very . tn.& p C, 0.1111 b more snit- dioorseler. There is no necessity e• than a, nice p.ir , of 1 whatever to apply to the cuetoms for Gold. Sp-,ctacles or r.ye G1asse4. We have some nice Chateline Casts that go nicely with tui G1at.1144 All the • Cu:44;111-r hai to do is to get • suited al) out Weight _ and Quality. Wi• do the fittng • wir e e ut char ro tlryni, fur a-; ;t matter of feet they are furnished only by the poetoffice, as hae been the .praetice since parcel poet wee esetblished, No ,declaration . required for paekets containing Trier chandise sent -to the United States. The new Imperils' Postage stamp hi h will come into use on Christmas -!' Dey hal been printed and those who • Xliiite iiIiit3 Seem leiee.seen it spell(' highly of it as a ri1it without a visit to wurk of art. It is about the size of Anniversary services The anniversary .servicea. in. 'Idle Methodist. Church -on Surelly fait were well attepded, and , large conga .gations were preseete at both services. In the Morning the ltev. A. McKay,. of the . Presbyterian Church, kind ly withdrew the servicea in •his own erch and occupied the pulpit in the Methodist au& his able and, approRriate sermon was greatly appre- ciated' by all present. In the evening the paetor of the church, Rev.. J. Learoyd,•took the services and preach- ed an excellent sermon. OreMonday evening, dispite the -stoteny weather, en appreciative audience assembled in the church to beer the lecture by Mie Leatoyd, on "Christopher Columbus and hie times."' From start to finish the lecture was highly instructive and interesting, and at the awe' a hearty v0t3 of thanks *as tendered the speaker oh motion of Reve-Mr. Oliv.ant and seconded -by Reeve J. G. Murdoch. The chair was ably tilled by the Rev. A. McKay, and the splendid muscial selections by the church 'choir were greatly appreciated. c • the iubilee stamp and is printed in /A . three celers. The :damp is a map of rrastron : the world on which the British Empire ie show ri in red. Across -the.`fRt are the " Canada Postage." Along the bottern the patriotic -and poetic 34.1froll toro 6;F:raiment "We liot emote( t mpire than has *sear pcinted, while above this arefillie words "Nines to corerneite the date of issue, In each 111w -the lower comers the figure "2" appears. Though sjiN ally designed for imperial postage the Tstamp may be used for its Lee value a for all post or otherwise. • • greett must liberal pa from the et eieet our costom fljImas buyer Owe. (arly. • . set its% Armee erest Staff are ow goods. - d out Our Christmas -our custoiners, anti nkful for ;he very bu` we have received zens Of Lucknow .and surrounding oeu.ntry'.. and. I hope :that we shell clitinue to have your eonfid- Me and a share of your tradesfor this Chriflimas and New Year. • You. will tind Our stock of ftuits:and confection- •ery •the very lieet, and we wouldask you to eallsaud . inspect our stock and ,get Otir prices helot° purchasing eltie- where. Come-4early and secure yoqi• choice.of the ,purest cenfectionery that can, he had . at rock .bottorn prices: Your epurelesse will be carefully , labeliedituhl del i yered at • your ehoine whenever. you wish. Again, •wishing you all a 'Merry ,. and Happy New Year,,, we reineiii yours, IL Moovv.• r. • - tT.ItEi;s,7--(1, W.- Berry, the druggist, has m:uleSpechil purelitssee in goteis suited . for erneineating. Xmas ake eek save ..vo buy- moves. well. • • I • •:besie de". •• • .•.ft-flas Vv. The •• ,atirio•- '4.or to the as;o1 . -4este Is Nola/ *POWrnt - • _ -Go -to Days' drugstore if you want to See; a variety of.. the' latest ineblianital toys for. 189S. lie has them. . During the present manth the local and 25c a packag councils will inske arrangements for. • -A full attendance is requested at sending their indigents to the County . the business meeting of the Y.W.C.T. House of Refuge. , .e-WONDERriTte is the expresston we U. Friday evening at the home oltiliss F. Hambleten it 7 pm.- Saidie have 'neon hearing often lately regard- . Johnston,Sec -• ing our immense line of Ladies' Gold ' •• ---:-An execUtoles sae of valuable tarn) property, comprising 6) acres o lancl,.,1llc be held at Cain's hotel, Luggnorir,. on DecemLer 21st. JOHN PtinV113, 1111Ctio0Er -Duncan McC T. R., ys,rd maste been, transferred he takes the place penney on the Kin -Days' Pure C Powder has stood of years and is ad the best that can and get a sample only by Harry Da at Stratford, has Kincardine where f Conductor Halt- ardine branch .1 am Tarter Baling he test for a number itted by all to be procured. Call ackage free. Sold a, druggist, at 15c -Mr. Andrew Watson, of 1.2ev-eit, Mich., and a former resident of this section, who was spending a few weeks here the guest of Mr. William Barr, gave the SENTINEL a pleasant call on Friday last. •••••••••• ILLTDIEBCIILIE111. Everybody gives Handkerchiefs at Christmas time. One never has teo many, and for that reason we bought 56 Dozen Handkerchiefs last week. and added them to our already wel assorted Handkerchief Stock. We now have a most couiplete stork' in this line. Prices range from 3 kr 5c, in Cotton, and So each, for Silk, , upwards, with speeial values at 1,00 12 1-20 , and 1,5c, in Ladies' Swiss Embroidered, Scolloped and Hem- stit,clied Edges, and Ladies' and Men's Fancy Silk Handkerchiefs at 150 and 25e. -Oysters! The very best Booth "Oval Brand" salt water oysters, something with a real smaek about them, sold in bulk or served stewed or raw in the best style at R. Moody's. --The following are the markets for this week :- Wheat, 65c to 66c. Peast 52c ter.h.c. Oats, 26c Ifc. Barley, 42c to 45 -Do nat ' , •'" are .p-.eyeo 14 many pretfv ,„ be found in the hardware line. Call at D. ('. Taelor'e and you will be sure to kee something that will &mit your fancy. -PuesEs-Most people have money to carry -that means something to carry it in. A sensible idea, and a sensible:gift. Jeweler Armstrong is showing them Sterling silver mounted in real morocco, real seal leather, and real alligator. ASS.#0,44a. GLOVES. What uicer Christmas Present than it pair of Glovesi In this line we it:Igo have preparations for as big sale. Ladies' Kid Gloves iu all shades. Men's Gloves, guaranteed to wear. Childrett's, Miens and Ladies' Gauntlets in Grey and 131a,ck, st 50c, 75c, and ;11.00. Kid made the new and Mocha, ioreits TIAB. Every young man, and older ones -too, likes it new Tie for Christmas. Our range of Ties was never better than at present. The New Puff Tie is the Lawler for this seeson. Our motto in this line is " Ne*est Styles end Closest Prices." See our Puff Ties at 15c, 25c, 35c, and 50c. •vieeireser 'Many other lines of Seasonable Goods suitable for Christmas gifts at Close Cost Prices. Ria Cameron . YWCTU M iSS Florence Ile in bleton entertain- ed the members of the Y.W.C.T U. iii, and a large number of thei entbr . at her home on Friday . even . After the devotional t xerzlises conducted - by the vice president, the hostees wel 'corned all in it very 'cordial gD1r. Readings were. given , by Miss, Lawrence, Birdie McIntosh aad Lottie Armstrong. Misses Hamilton and Sara McLean sang solos which ' ge consignment of Xmas goods such of Lanesville, says that after purchas- well received. Refreshments were WA cuff and collar -boxes, shriving sets, .ing one of Bennett's Excelsior washers then served, after -which all joieed' in i glove set., gents' • tie belies-, photo that his little boy of six ye as old singing "God be with .you till we eneet holdeis, jewel cases, trinket boxes,- could work it with ease for a washing, again". The ineeting•clowel, with the comb trays, pin. trays,„ souvenir plates. and they recommend the washer to Mizpah benediction .• Call and see goods fof yourself. ' ()they& Watches,' A visit to Armstrong s Jeweler Store to look ever his fine line of watches is worth considering. -County nominatioas take place on Monday, Deo. 19, and elections on the ,first Monday in the new year,. Township nominations wag be made on Monday, Dec. V. . ' trces. 13c go -id enough to. dr his atom. Brilliant cleCoratio ol every description. Rearm counts given for Sabhath-Se charitable porpoies. Dr, ett stand. -It is coming to the tit» year that the people of Luck .vicinity are making their y menta. Why wit call and payment with tho print are a number who sir in •this paper,, rvid owlig and advertising. It woe --Are ask for a share of your Christmas trade. We go on the prin- cipal that if your trade is worth anything, it is "worth asking. So please remember R. Moot. -Mr. D. J: Mongovan, Ate able - editor' of the Orangeville Post, was weelayed and clubbed by the son of Juage Mistlarthy who lives in Orange- ville; on account of the editor criticis- ing his father.e . -Xmas an.1 New Trim cords, caleriders, booklets, very 'suitable for Sunday School children. Call and see them at Harry Days'drug and fancy gooes store. • ' • - -The many friends of Me. George Berry Will be glad to .seo him again handling the• beatitiful in Mr. Arm- strong's Jewelry Stcre. George will, we believe, assist Mr. Arnistrong until after the heiliday rush is over. -Mr. John' Reid, whqlr.110‘ past few tnodths kms been employed in the here loft on Tues - re he has secured n the furniture ent of --CI nae hon the ns eareltity of beds raOva health he and ly- hat Oro for work er. it it they great favor onetbe publi would kindly hand iu the amoun owing. :-Since the last issue of the Sentinel Treteaven has received another furniturgfite day for Oheel are exceklent situ d uPholetering e1S R%g fires. airver-*-The Piery letest designs ID gra albu dressing ca manicure ke end a.host time, to write it inst. see.uti. Berry's Drug and Fancy 'ooda- tore. (Dr. (lordon's Old and.) , 1 Money ! By not buying the Excelsior waelier. Mr. W. Agar, nae pre. Di mon sense having your Ma atilated, and an will attend LUCKNQIN PUBLIC LIBRARY The Public Library is now open on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays of each week, and all those that with to avail themselves of good -valuable hooks on Religion, Poetry, History, Biography, Literature, Science, Fiction Miscellaneous, 'Navels and Voyages, will find many volumes to choose from and when appreciated have a on - to cheer the long gloomy winter*.r. ings, and leave ielasting impresser wse the mind of the reader for tirreeqe. eterni.y. There is no part le 4t. s, If . Epent more profitable than the biography of gr eab and PO r•hs which elevate the mind to euitate the example set by those passed from mit view. But their works still remain with us for our guidance, wheee eye• ings and works its lustre shine ag san that imparts to earth her biele light. Such knowledge cannotla - be profitable to both old and where many, yea, very many,' have in their youth neglected to gain knowledge from books,_ while others may not have had the pillvilege we now enjoy of free schools and libraries. We have now in Lucknow a well selected and valuable eollectkn of books for all those that wish to read them in town aud country. The directors are adding Feveral hundred doliars worth of new books to the already large stock accumulated, which will make the institution one of the largest outskle of the cities in Ontario. It has been said, and truly said, that when you find a ceinniunity of the reading class you will fillet them morel, law abiding, and intelligent. Many through our free institutions of learn- ing may yet become famous in history, like others that have preceded them in the field of fame, We still love to read ot their memory and! aele*fef them with our pen. e • it __Mr. James obnston, reeve of K.inloss township, we understand, intends retiring from municipil politics and the names of George Moffat and Frank Henry are prominently men- tioned as probable candidate.. for the Reeveship of the township. -Almond nuts, shelled and in shell. Shelled wallnuts, filberts, Brazil pea- nuts, new halloweee, dates, oranges, lemons, Maloga grapes. Candies - 1000 lbs. mixed; 500 lbs. cream and about 100 kinds to choose from. The eqemillebest assorted stock of ma- in Lucknow, and if you want a e, any size or shape, you ce it at Reid's Bakers-. viants; trext door to Gall harness shop. -Mr. A. Cienapbell, I.P.S. for West Bruce, has been appointed one of the - Beard of examiners for preparing entrance and public school leaving examination papers for the province of Ontario. The appointment is a good one. as ,aa•dil 'photograph and aeto- ;:fhlluloid andplush llaidltnd cuff boxes, r dressing cases, es wo can't find t. Kindly come -Xmes Goo thing about th Ds. -Won't say any - largeness of our stock of Xmas fancy -goods. Will simply y to eome and inspect, This store is open fsr r you wish to purchase ill be welcome guests. ruggist (Dr. Gordon's invite everybo for yourselves. yau all, wheth or not. You G. W. Berry, Old Stand.) • -The Post Oilice department has given Lochalsh and Verdun a daily service; mail!) leaving Ripley at 7 o'clock in the morningii k mail -bag catcher has been putII( Lisburn and the people of thwasastrict will `twelve daily comma nic.111t3',.1)cornme uc- It ing at the first of the -READY.--Stocii k""ng '• Every- ln the ie thing in readiness. ,t be n sumerate or give you an idea 011ie be :tur stosk is like. Don't think be the least disappointed lers this store. You will tine goods suited for Xmas and vi money Resents, etc. Have not forge" little folks. Bring them ireeent 1, store. They will have a good tseardir G. W. Berry, Druggist. Dr. (don's Old Stand. - -re are headquarters fee canned goods, such as tomatoes, corn, peas, herring, finnin lieddie, turkey, pigs' feet, baked beans, corned beef, sardins, canned sehnon, very cheap at 11 Moody '5. can PRESENTS. -The Making of presents is it pleasurable task. It adds a 4slightfu1 charm to friendship. Jeweler Armstrong may be able to rifest you in planning surprises f3r loved ones. An immense assortment of nice goods to choose from assists you very maWrially in selecting some- thing very nice in Jewelry. Yell'ofv:aulWie ;rib " m *NI the laorels frienaklaip maj claim To bend her green 'ta must lose thew, thovis- 'Tis the whisper of I AID Vit en the byglc own, Padilla it far them oar Thongt fondly at has biowu., A• the rider who restslit the spur on his w:ft'gertarilt:Iti incetdiursrebogfreayPvele! we will 'Pres(' Ash"thleijr•ore.0" rth ta7Mg.ainglirlir r - bright s th:eyinae;c:iter villo stands with his l'iltrAh" the string, nglil.umber unborn in their Whbeeanuttyht.;iriiiwiarf,100auire.shall cease, then their And their tapestry sl;a11. longthen their life Thg%1°t‘lonmg edyteros'm the fr.in7t and strain of the fikies. -The Christmas -time clerk blesses the Early Forenoon Shopper, and the Early Forenoon Shopper gets the best attention and biggest cheice of the goods in the :ewes and is net crashed and dragged about till she hates the nerne of Christmas. De you see he moral 1 -When in need of it lunch don't forget that you can get at R. Moody'e oysters stew, oysters raw, corn stew, tomato soup, peas stewed, turkey lunch, Boston baked beans, salmon lunch, sardine lunch, corn beef, finnin haddie, etc., etc., at R. Moody's restaurant. • --PRESENTATION. -. A present for • your teacher may be thought of. We have made preparation for these sur- prises by placing in stock a full line of gold mounted canes with the new i I ish oak or Congo rook handle n r wood. Just see this tine line of goods suitable for presentation at Arm- strong's Jewelry Store. - I announce to the public that I manufacture tho Exeelsior washing machine, the best washer of the day. Save yourself money and worry by seeing this machine before purchasing e!sewhere. Do not listen to local agents epresenting other washets be- fore seeing this one. When you buy, buy the best, the Excelsior warher, the chea est machine of the day. Man- ufacted by John Bennett, Lucknow, Next doll. to The Sentinel office. • In the alcoveof death, ittin, channels of time, Wheretlit the gaunt spectres of paision mid Therecrimatee; trials untold. there are martyrs Thutuveguaureg. heroes yet rilent, untaught by the Givet°1tsgtiet.lie proud story which time has Fron hp that now beuctlielf Ve know of .. once breathedi WUto Canada • ^ axornit. Mrs. Mago our):(‘lisrik (3.1171.4011:is::;rairie,t. et. Oft run our canoe in a NeA girdled shrine, Wi li incense we to,,k frotn the rose an ; pine. Our champion's bright cup with sunliih gushwl. But Morphia's bright je11101 lay mahrutsahoflet;true Thekniileareiri theoliirld hole Gtd:i3 eble I .dtheircareer .1 ;e8gthemre, .(1 w .°11)' )wn these, ea Lucknow, Dec. 12th. R. Quite* ••• • • -Word has been received at Gods. rich of the murder at Los Angeles ef Peter Edmonton and George Engelike. Edmonton was formerly it well -know* and highly estee, mod resident of God*. rich township. The crime occurred 8 year ago, but has just been brought to light by the oonfeeaiqn of the mistress of George Hancock, the murderer. k The wouzurs she was travelling with her our, and one morning she was awakened by the noise of it pistdr, and found that Hancock had knocked both Engelike and fichnotus- ton on tbe head with itu axe, and shot et' • • • .440frot • • • ••••• .-1111••••••...010.• • •••••••- ,^