Lucknow Sentinel, 1898-10-28, Page 3Z IL
A6.- T_
LUCKNOWD AN& A *.0.0 f buso 11 THI NICK OF,111111
TT U U b b E Off, $112, 0 0 of
+ +
+ It is the easiest thing in ilic world to bave
99GH A N 0-3 MEL I ING +
+ Tordble Experipnce of Two Parry
+ Immense Sums for Missions Sound fishermen, LUMBA60 OR LAME BAGKO
WITH GEN. KITCHENER, *+ by NY, CongTegation, And it is Just as CALSY to get rid of it.
+ Try Hound -report Goo. Tay- No Aremedy has ma(le surcr
and quicker curc. tflan
iourge Richardson had a.mir-
k)r it:p-,l
+ Story of the Trip From Omdurman to f ashoda + ST, JAGOBS OIL
+ 4 row "W"W from drowithi- in the 1111110
++++ - 1 11 11 04 Georgian Bay, allLl -m*t STIFFENED MUSCLE6.
I I - qxperit 1 IT RELAXES 1 HE
w nimk would
Tbe fiollowiAg extracts from tho IWIP t4u elutblo him to conkbat berir-
Igor havo mrvivo(i. -They If -ft hen, ill t1le
tAnidoit Tek?graph-ji sWeial corres- beri. as there were other cases among Rev, At B. Simpson as a Rai
Whitxsier yacht (ilga for it 4luck
t1w Setwicalese 8olilters. I � believe ---
ith the Sirdar's forces will lluflt- fit 1'(.)illt Jklix llar4l-s au I
-that tII0 46k4WO iR (JUeSti011 Ila.-4'in- '7� of the Needfu.,. 110kong.
Wl"I they left tLe a
be Of lllt0r*wt. as being thC ldtebt "eWs vatletl "a Publin. hospital. blowing, which
sharp eaut wilitt wav dkme,on oartli. TIw reign of pemmy,� I
JI)AV SCHOOL. tit gun - Tbe. Ilrintw in on U* tilmm
-froan tho-,wat of war ou the Nile Tho Nih- was teeining xvithanimat % lateli developed intf) 1, 11 -lau'v gale. Sl INIA
"We Wt Omdurman lit 4; oi% UW life. crocodiles and hippopotami be- Ali Went -well twitil theY arrived ilear
Him bride besidp hLn. The whole ear
ing abillikiant. Forty of tho latter $20 FROM A WASHERWOMAN. Itixt!" Rock lighthookwo, it little to tile 119TARMATIONAL LUBSO V W fuid of I'lls g,ory. All natlons call
morning of September 10th. Our f 1,, IN N()
beasts were often seen in the course % wxftboast of the hliltk 11ditild OCTOBER 3o, 1898.1
film biew*,iod. All kinghi; fall dovni be-
til4L consisted of tho guntloats Stiltall, of a singlo day's, journoy-. Large they ran at'full h1let-,I tmi a foro Ifint. Tlw righteouiv flourish. thd
sho.d. Hopitig to be able to float t over lxx)r tuml needy lire dk4ivf,.r.0d.
Conmman&r, Keppel's flagship, the gatne of all aorta alw) abountletil Ili the a Their Jewelry, and One
Fatah, Nasr and Dal. which Nvits tIW
Wonion Gav
atteamer with tilt- 8irdar abourd. all w ood.s. -in, who Had no Watch, Contrll)Ut the slifixil Uvomrs Taykw mid Itid-h- Me""i"Ll' a RhIC1101H Voretold.- Irat. 11: 1-10. fbtxydW clap, tiw-Jr It - tuid% tlw hillm am
Major 3,11., reh.1 fill 1.4 despribed aii 111NIwMi threw overtoard their listi- Joyful 0 together for t1w 1A)rd line
flying the 1:11glish and Egyptiall flags. lbeing jumt ;Itwjve tit#. nli(14114- Ileight ad ail Oil Painting Qave Readily for last and peirt, of tolwir g(xi.W, IAjt tilt- 720-701. I'lace,-.11pru- eonie.1
Nothing,cd any cons -qui -nee tx%curred alul a.4 w4i:iring .1 beardi busily si;1W 114.,.tv lovell kept tilt- yacht pilmlAilig The feverish litute or main am to tile
during the next few days, but I imay (I tile rof-ks, ail I two of tile Progre"N of truth, woul4l pluck opm
whi,4k4-n-4 aiJ long- halr4 ' 11is com- tile Benetit of the HeatheiV. lifeav Y 4)11 6-rae.l. Thme G en-
wiy that we had at %ery miserable imiii,ionN are rather tintlersized juen. eongrega- li�ig px-ks thrown overix.)urd, rolling tile Im"I b0fore -the fulnew of time,
Ne%% `A*ork report'.. The
Jtmilikey. for it rained hea�ily every' Norti. of tltfft�ni weri- netlijainted witfi under her, two large Ito!#-" weri-soort Coinineittary.-I. ltoit-A new Nliooti woul4l 1111vP everYone manctified anti
tioij of the Gospel Tabernacle at 10"I 'UtO the fold of Chrint in a I
night, aud nit -at got ()" I poutuimi if, tit(. iii-Atotu or tius yacht
_04- Arabic tongue. Tit midition to tile A Youlig, Aaturdiky *&ekk1!0ftber 17th. we were 13() or,.11�hereabouta .14eitfigalpme Tirall-, Forty-fourth street and Eighth ae- -onling atitiong fit thin tiui;- t3atler yet vigorous. weak. mwiell V
tbut we have tA) Iparn that the ell1i (I
4) -rtarkei ly Uw igunix).-it khii $10u.000 yes- Ii move #41owly. Truth iot liki, t
vt uNlajor arelmind 'had with him nue raised more than ftil t1w yacht W.Mily tbff tile "lo-il, Ir
I YOU filli qjf life--i"A'Al' C()ln,' t5t'em-- Ile tilly grit in or inutard see 1, it must
-eu. slilllook& &tun' I# Of a tn'e mt c'oiw by the roots. el;
whit UK During tilt abotit. li1q) work. Tile 1110 tibe iiiooii lilltNi with water and
terday for Inissionarx callitp,:1 over (pit her b --ani ends. 'i'lit H. Opikutiftifly applied t4i, JUL till, n
were inlorre--d ity AT Kilint lb -111411 in it' Own orderly manner I
flight %%
&olru-rs from the eaemy that tilt' Rev- A. B. impsun. pastop of the f tu at, fit it main g ft V) t limb up Icie"Uto family fallell into decay. yet h
tuen lat.ded. tilt "Im"unimation or tIl6, 'Nrvishos were enrampc�d further tip ehurch, -and Ilresident of the Christ- I thell where there my b -t it tkoemidant that y #,Awmv swtly
'411 i looli Alit] 13 ull pp ch MV
it - an -I f lou rlsh.- - Bari ie.i. 1tw
- river. - iers in tl:f otha!l ri& 'A floa Lug
ON isur- to 4 g"t thim wMig of the nilr1li't
S I (Itilift W%%ard till- %%it" -There N but one Jt*w (to hal) in tile in
ra14-ritized with nd lissionary, Alliance,
WITH 'Y1114-11 WIli) 4,xjiori%,",t -ir ever chance 'A 'being carrif4i -mit. ripture. to vour heintr go on cite Alino
thVir ('0111111tV I tip passed ll Ilia previous efforts at Branch- it t4ipr. if slmxA. 'rlw, undistin- 'tKirowf. Be 11"Iwful-th"A1101 lire iAi Yet
fillf"I with vorrow
Nuxt morning. su.tIl-ty, tbeir. fit Ifike, whit-" at tll"t Po""t '" I 10b. e
money raising, though fie Ilan the re- lip"llpy s&r 111ilem wi-14% 14 4-arin- it pa-!- thf& rnorut (.0
IStb,, we a6ghted tile gain the gui-dif-lif tiester was it Im", �Ilwpim-d eth ; let ng t-
I.A. Tile . 014.4 irda ills the champion lie ri Alli ilk) what we van to
Sult.til. twkmg tile ;elid, putation of being it rr"IYA the w -c k, tile Ills4l __ #
This rufers to Moil ,ulo, y and 118 A t,011
-CI witt tilt. eiter,% jo
t*91in firiiig at tho Dervish1 itativ4-4 wer, to vi-4it his fulat of the w4i wr (a L-. rt
t, Nautm-th its or etww-
the hore we I th. They M41--managetil to, gro"I'd oil :1 Kil"" refor W his birth tits lk-thlehe "bout
%t Frm were fortrtws pild thit gunbo, vountry. -4,41ty f4vt it -�ianietter pr-mptly'answered by th,-- DIM that only .1 41OZ4.11 nx.V, %
')Ir. 41jupw)n larit' y1mr I Gro", out of Ills rioots—Out NOVRLTIMs IN P -U
I)ut we Nooll found them out. ho CC N10. 11 V ft E4 41 thenispIves of thi- priv- Tiff- ill4l.''Ibout it Pot wIt (If for hizi roots shaii bi-ar fru4t. it. v.
stonished tile clergy of all denont-
enemy had four small bra,% rifled Suns. ilt'90 at 3 tiim-. 01viiervittion tits- tiug aiiilifore, they ffmild Slight. lit Its vilmnalent")ent, it tiliall Smart Lit
t If,. tic, shoulder Wra
the fact lor'k LIVI-11 P kind Kink
inations anti bewildered the IRILY by bettor off o 1 evolitually 10"Xittev "t1w fruit of t1w.
t witil- which they madew really excel- tht the 4hlIIQok
I di. -Jilted letting tlipi� C01111- -tilt- raihing (if a lqrge sutil or illoney ml 14-1 - Cape.1
Ient practice. Tho Sultun had ial-*eral for missionary work. The Chriat- eartit nd emnely." lwi.
l.t4p with t8capeak as *shrlls pas%ed �oiler, trYm0ft '1"141 wOulell arrive in . tilt., t L -r, X &,-r hows and fitern. with'all 1111tti011.L.' coft-ttline-a t4t:ate of nature- Allianve has'twerP the Pray thVill tA) &lit- iskiii l -tit furnishoil wardrobes of at eonv6ttion in thim city for 4,ur ILLlims and quick -firing guns. Iwo they It. holding . at Iuont intervals, th two llwlj Jesw'b root-, like tlw
th*criptio-s. btlt only suffi-. the lst - few dayN. :nj(l it wait thr and tit(- 4'Alloint-
su . btimbardef.1 tht.1r vainji, that v On to tho reek from abolt I lil. 1. . J N
tli*,-v ImpIted, leavirnqig izirge numbers tf C""'t' f"r .1 dozelt :At .1 thri*. go thai 'TI i i s is good. portrait of SIR WIL LIAM URWKES.* tit(' Ilresient 'of Xir. to lint, 9 1). in e" Ili ia. 1xii. 1. has the Sp-irit or the
tho %isiltiors took it by turnis to the British -4-ientiric Agsociation, ill wiloNe itilijual address there wits tile close or tile convention by break- �:tlkpr, wife 414 Mr. George Loord rteitiiig oil Hiln.-Bib. Coin. TIW
-t -; , because of the Ing- his previous record )f money-
%.6bes Were going to attack he llxt and the gunboats. :1 prediction that tile world wou kI otan in 1931 Sta I er, fililleritrall on Mink lisland, wiw b) propfietoi sloake.
to the pe"i'4WIlt itild 1hpubVew of the nitrogen supp ly. 4011111,
11141 trie,l to rwich th- 4wKiat., Vashoda. Owing L tho'Upper N.*14, for Mnclit-tatpr raining Tills was done. the Ivoiter, . . let it ill t, witA to b tip prophet.
ile Safieli, the ul- In the morning the Gos- tilt- rovk, but. I ng If u . xvill. 11, 18. Itti-At-Not merely 6.0
cottoa gock1s. pel Tabernacle $!)7,0W wita -otilil not go W their f-r-
tik turjwd her batteries that way" raiaAkl 111-11114g. Mr. Me- 111KNi hini. but, att"id hini pit
allif Put eight shots through fier tx)il' Wiok have not bwn' reproduced with amid the most extraordinar %L*aes w �4(- heavy Y.ea r Tiu. SlArit-Three
U-4ally distablint Or, 1)er%ih LIKE A DOG. a riy rul Or - rairnt4*4 in, Iaris. ntl of religious enthusiasm, And fervor. ki4-lyar of tho Retl Rot -k 110.1irw cof ;ire,set forth its ispf-e- 10A
BA"LKED FRANCE IS DEFIANT III -XI ".1w tit!. Inell oil tile and mult-r-
ilk French ptiblic (?pill nd Ili tliv afternoon nievOilg tills High (xi Jully An.
to., toretich -is it iiws rounti -sun, sweneki to si.1,2,650. Tile fter- but lit
htan(L.;, . moral ap-
omisiolto illis- noon. ineeting was held in. Carnegie thpin, In tilf. llpavy te A with only it Vic. ubVity , to perV4vt*
ptioll ilf tho l4ituatiwl. But Hall, at Fifty-pightli 8treet nd ` nj Ill Nkiff, but Ill- #*AjII4IP(l hiS f0IX- moral itud abstract truth.-I'til. Coin.
I'ashakia lit a6AIt It) ti'l 14K,k Bov, Wflor of Wrophljbia,- Bit ati horil vontilillou, ly ill th - of It-
thit -Freltirli 4;overnitient is 114A 19- -Seventh 4veiiu(-. There were titree attf'ntilloll fr"pll."-I ittid inighC-Ability to plan
11'reach flag The 11overnment 11 esists the flig -lee utc.- A 1pxaiider.
itoraitt. either 4 tltililv- facts t r 4! �Ile Mi-etings yestephty. litit it sz-oined ILIW ability UP
tuet our gw. by-atiLti-loye we wkw Parents and Howled. to,it, fStlker, retiirning f roin
attitfrilf- assulut-d byr Lord like olle lillig Ill'i-f-ting -with. slight re.. Davilti alitt s(Atmuoll ku one, 't4juall
sentry tvalkiiig abutit 1- iinyielJing . ft 1it g with I& sttzlim tug shartly b JeAlKV find ill JWRCti�;'-
SaIL, -Iovk, and learning from Iiii grt-at ilk kli4)%V 1001.
bury ,-man I Kiiiiwletige
it, guan:imr tho tricolor. ds fore J� ) wit '114
wif of tiff- -hutenei Vi tiff- -4, -Ylid,.
clowr, %v itlitAlt by public tiplitl4itil lit. tbis country. BE iN WITH llIt.%I8E I I;g (11,11jiliVill(INI'l With tilt- Will .01r 11;tkiii1111d
wa`ll' KED OTHFELS 1 Now. its it Is itist likely that and with tile amidtane o! it
IL-kiled. w" unw that the The bitgan -ill tile tab- fter at long found anit the Out 'Itirt
well fortifW, ill :1 styie uitwh Art— has trae".1 f4)r itsi-If ill V&i,,zna.ttA-r.. at 7 to'chwk with . Ara Age reopl"t tiff- lnwylit l-%ll'ustPd WiA U) tile futl--I'ul. A'om- All tlbm*-
ith mblitig that emlok-y I I,y till. ller- 4 Russ it 6
'Ir.4 ke. PR, wilvive till. Atev. Dr. flenry thew tiff their poprCotis ppri-Iii, it ild qualit4el; Pli -41 ill grvat*A-st 1* -r-
41. so.1 fif It, by too Stoll
� PARA "IONS FOR WAR fodiploillittic
vishes t 44 Bayvih-, L. I., Ilight, in Wilgt,)n. Tliim was. purely an pvzkli- them (omfortablf. In lit -i lumitw ftwWp.t ill our iord.--lbid.
lorised std>ut niti-I retliptilA fwrm-- tilf- FIII-Aiiig Ili tie- ge.lival w -r% i4-1-. Tha talopruac-lP w18 for ip ill.rht. Iu)tI1 ini, 11 'witen rewtie.l :1. quick wuJoratasitUng. imi tho fivir
fthuc-shatm-41 forinz k t � o: A. alinIng at tilt- hy.mtki)o kind.
1rhin0of hydropholoi.z. ' 1W lit w . 114)IP ftilrly well filled at these- early wer Ill :L ery pitill"le plight, 81111 (.Pf t[w 1"Lir-1164 (k -light 1411all It- ill illleN (Pf (Villiecting 4' tit( - be""Vill U,4 nu ilitA antl- ovi-11-1. his jxtreiitei. nd Russia Said tf) be SUP 'QvLtiPg Lhe 'I , hourp,. I but before 10 weloek, when ]fill 11.1vis VP tile eff"Cts ()f the foar (of tilt-, Lorkill tt. V. Tit#- If -at
tbi rkotf like. a dog o louilly that the P it, raJ.. the regular pervices began, tit,- tilb- thell, 'loong expAxure hid the or tile i"ti shau b-- fragranvo to
flank. .%txxve tile tn'llelle-, tie A, A . at W 4 -XIM4141011 It'jid of, 011 lliu!.Il 14ic 'tigo aftA-r the
w4Ki4p th erntrule wiki4, pai!ked with pi-ilsuliti. , ()If ticer del -&y hitU.-1J*IitWII. ot, ' ju too
tlw� feurfti' sfoulidl;. little Pretensions of France. -othor ultiniatfV objimet
t1w platform with the Itev. r. jsiglit of His eyeii—Not aceApr-fing
Co. -', In. x% i. 7) Tilt i very smart little "boulder Mpe
f ac, ebbi,41 to 44 the; diwils*.ion (4 that qllfV4- t the'delegates VAL, tile hunuot apiwaranee 41. a
1111til . 1111psoll. sit THAI FAMOUS
tlinciis't �!-uperhuiaan jtwtifietl tilt,% and issionar.V Alliance ILot with "o -et Ait perikoix Claw. ii. of ermine 6 bordered
tll.rrific. tie wwe bittv�ti hy a. niollgrf, her of
I up
BRITAIN MUST hAVE FASH00A anti severall nils'sionarie-4. At one uut by c(minlolii. famts awl ropfort. it frill of old ro4e litiely fte4l
rVady for ItlK tm-lutlgim-, t�o a r;irn; I.Ahorer at I Egy 1-1 t by loillaing. tho. -plea",
side vat it ehortis of forty women. cordion and lightLy eCe4
Ifire4l, Ilrewittly rvv%v-1 oilt to %%'+4-k -it I A gor :::11try who. * durifig, Ot- tiervices, sang with Wit4l a fIoUnve of coffee-polorod'*'
101. o. T h the tq Marg. lifiviring-Not by niere la, co,
from trt co; JylIlg V�lt'll Solne ofL_11iS fr4nu the viouth. Tilt- lk-rvixit er The fur comew to a point in fro
n%0I i te zest find vigor. plausible hearsay, but by tilt, true nt apd
ru"e-111, (Jre utlar tile old-distirlet What Franc#- Would Lose in tile Evezit. disixic-4-d of. F4yl)t,. After it t4hort prayer '.N[r. impso ita-wit of each F. by bows of
gen,tlemall was _Nlajor ..%I. -tko eat re of
can t.
tht' C-J'PV is coimpletal
ofWar Marchand Will beRenioved nhjlel,
txtr -oil- dftl it Micirt prefli.iiiady addre -- on -Ail intelid- heliotrope mirror % *-et anti a (tali.
.1 und his elk,%v sineii , 4 _s 4. With rightAmmonutsit; caded JAbOlt Of lace. Th� lining i4 of
a 114 larg.- with a chairt. at- oeciipati(mi
Tin. it Necessary Irish Cheers for France 4-f 'tilt, '%vork of the -Missionary Allialle(A. ol coatramC b,-twoeu tiw MedsiLLWN
I,is uet-k eame l*ypt has lxl,4t the ()fie: w t if
Nag wa, flvitLg from tbo. by the *rraitor Element we lxpfn 1, 114) stated tfiat the organization had rulo wid that or Vk" princois oftTuda.h. mative bro-ade.
# ranning t'atutising the Miain. f4welgit polwiy. t)f Filaucea vrav- 330 mimionarie", W the fwId. and tlu&t
keil el%k�rlv nd, tIlt. ell?"Imm led kiell but. 1. 23 ; Iii. 15 Shal I Ju't
% the t�wg_ into Air. Itussiau allianco, W-1-4 it, coo4t.about $300 to umintialn each
*111no el,11.1 1lib . - .
Worli. H'. had laug. si Dun - a it Jill Ved it. was upon, to"S"tis France that tlieir cimfe is brought
ry. . W1 1 14%, -.V 1, Ls ke r forward to w, Juidge4l. Isa. L 17.-
th ..tot WAeave th4t, yard. vionii- ii%tr a lor -lit alomz.--i ho start A dranwele Meldent occiallmd whl!e Bib. Com. I"wovt—I'lexul. Prov.
e4i otit. tit+! -anitual jna'de i,,.Il t,ir tl!#- for. tilt- which ltt's- (jaw of the bmuthren Wess;ing the
till. .4&lkamer �1. -blokv the and riiv :1'ttitJIJIl' hirt Seellrik I tIIr4)I4gIl tll:tt .111i . prayer cffering. . ouie Ime (it
M -till, iaNt I- jrhig 04
teo-vl . in tIlV childs gilt 1114VO 11A) 1111111-all0i Of VVIlMelLitilig tileln-
went ator ri
th.. 1101,114. Il.; Iliftro 101--lillf- 1 1141 mort,* ilLtliA- pruilit-i-t insttnee aliow), Rev. Xlr.� luip'-xin a slip of
%%ith t1w iwar tlw iniptith. tvaritig way till friout!thilt . ix-- show it tAr Ili- nieribly pa p -f. I fel rt.atl it and wait( -d I'--- JKka 6 - them rt, 44 tf;q'- Uflwli'. The bo screttined 64 Tile mLWk, in, whowe witArtla re Alto
: ti -Ill, 4,r tilt. Istit itill"ri PlItt"tLic., 4klt, I iu-#,, K-- ci binpel led, ft ir for the prayilig brother- to'cease. Tinxii I., -ill
the Sirtila r Imit 1`4 -r%% lX01,11 -.11041 tcrror. and t _11. lif tilt,. II;1IIJk_-4I Iflin ti will-vinAlicatio,fis tAt
14Pf.r4 - ant 4 lle dog t4l* till'. thrf A tit gif
fY d4jwil tho rt').1d luirking tilt] howl -l. 4-ar.--Beiti. Cont. SnAt4- Ve -arth
tit lttit ii -,pt -et to t-111:11 -:tl'- 1141,1011114�41(1 114% 11:141. a "lip of i,,) 1 4
varilt-r the bt-ast bit -T I w uuL A A. (of tilt,- oaxtil that 4nil-
will 4 or, %VIdeli w:m writtf-n, ** 1'r:ty
Ck 40.1 ttlf- kilotlif'r nl,-Ifl r
offiq-A-r stay" -4 pril%ovatioli VIA-tt' quieki for a totil is Nillijillg."- 1141-V to lbave
-Ili t r. .14 i if I pt* askod All to -unit,6 in Slwbet. V44-liker of a ruk-r. ail
Ing for 4o4ir lios 114.
wlit) art 1: ( I.,
tiltit. five In k- - I- - A rt&A It'ir chwdim
- steniur% wv� , tinder prayefr - for tile - ditriaught iiotil. A' of offic*..
I A: treaitie:it, but of, llari.4 Oct
bank it. tilt- A nanies their V. X. 1:1. of
vailed. above liwut or corroctiAML 1lr6
lYsIclait rq
for exhorting Uii- 0ov- Ijo royal word )I(- tit -
shallow water Itf11`101111. Ilaxnei'lito- member of whicli &)uld bf�'-hearil tilt- x0ft sobbUig mouth -T
by afill ti-rh 1X4,119 carried intoo
s-tructilig were treated im-tit for. tiwt of some, 40111461. - . I iminodiately
.iW 411sl)4)Kl- I &fivt. jipekip no v1sible stlepter.
-1 wt-Ilt 1,.JCk illt4l' Ili"i they healed up ltill - I
Ma re h. I 11 114) tile Rule jnt',eting here thil'4 evii-lillig.
W -*-ills tio lis- V) resist- tiw. Brit- 11 AN' G 1 I-23 $20.
dangerow,4 -)r WASHWO olilw--That
this time by ""' Will- It' svillpto s. st 10 for chei-rs for Ut) itreli- Ilib. Coin.
t4. tit .1 fill), W,:IS ViliPlIght to bO (tilt of d:Ulger. illill 11r. -Simpoxi-I [I is wxt
ga werel given' with great'-- oH64 him, 116;
rtifiOatio!04 iti, st-hool in Tuesday Jt is rept)rted thalt tile fr4Au -tho fifth. (-Ill tour of the fo I pter 'of -E phesituis,
bfcoir otlior rretiell o,- 114.0 slight -spittem. aild taken t st; t:.4I c A ta wrelft PIS of '1rL-dinwit. are with kr8p: 4-nallig tile time. The t-ayingi of Christ the Coll-
fieerg,. all- elf wrioni fairLv quiet ijittil I i -k in, invill(WK tilt- 1-f-tviltion, of, iltynipathi l
were dro W rit. becdtbo t4w, In Tits
14*nr atul penetrate the soul as no
le -&aw he begazi to Franco. prutimifiary rentarke. th . n- not
white, Begi,' ell attellapt . .'fit I - pulpit el"lueonce. othc-r woran rrivin hunian lilm.-Bib.
b:irk. -tial it) bito those around TO SAVE A, MURDERZR-� lS
rt, Frenchmen, wrg ley. - Jay--Condeznn. mentenoe to
ltill n4no WaN the" It. ikell to the licis- Nl-illitttor. Cisunt :is- -buti t6wapd th end he force..;
Ka 0 1 case full with iliticir:_ e UJILM A
% Efforts to k an Internatiuna I W i0kc0_1 I
J1i)ISTFI,. . It, Of tilt, -Frent,li i',)r- ow r and i i. The strot4g haid on tile
tion li 6P*J!V(.qI fire.. lit 111o'closing ezli6rta e was The ulilik crodwes in front in tht.
all the trit), itr�l bit Out of Brown. swntial (it gof-wd
bark. itid Oil tl,,4- Div ii-iintrOversy, tends t'l ill(. 0"I)MC fil tile Inia-a- W all'. imp.u- wrng diim-r im an e form of at fi1iu, the entih being finisk
ordfi-" bit,ten by t)w*4-timis toy Nir. b - tit - old womall
-,f I 'o'. I It - �,14 - Of 11 )r the Y ed with fringe of tails, while all
tu ry to tilt. e4filtilillf. , to - 111allit,41 All 1114 v dr(,%*mx1 i4t Uavk, w1m), w1th some dif-I twit, by the out- I the back tho rur falls Ili such a way
k -g Iln*'* flowing robe was collfilletil '
camip wt, vr but no syInptoins nsult fit tlu- rt-turji- for 1`4-97 ON, I I ficult, Ifinp-41 tio,wit the inain isle. Wikr4 that It forms a kind of @quare brap
wi'lgaw :110 tile alidt t, tilt-' hig!w-r tifficials.. - ;11- -1 4,
%, it.
tit ellil of , tte Yr#.Tteh %v-)rk,. or a f-t,U1-fli:'1tt)rV tfillf.. Oat
am et, developed. o1ar
nof hydrophobia bav s t lutd. hat 4--d ill) ;i cri-s-p twenty if activit, labor, running or racing ery whieli reachas almost to t tie
d t`w i 'Vi varry a abot by a policemmul, ,Iji(l
txwt tilt. "11� Of' thil V11114p, joility ti) tit#- wittit. ho%e the fur there is it yohLp
Dr. tof)ry exalained qhe bcxl it -is tthat N11r., SwIlx4m t ')Ix-il O'luirt . Ili' his. of white satin, embooidered with col.
01 All ketion, faiLliftil Ili parpodf. �
yariliim; frtim t x% here,%iie till ailima! had �botfp reati the jiotit-* find said : '*We oreii a4lks and tin jewels, and abort
lie baiik. r I,. ei i 'y #,tit witl� her rig�itsi :i,nif 11 h MARION' Vi, t114' left. fillally. I,alting behind th#- Pi,tit4wo.-it. True to his Ivilinvi
'Slim-rCrte, r..,.bi"--. iWighto at.-# woR stiiq) right, here. Here f If.l. I at 'llovoilkon:. ftor -tilt- Nbirtler' oT plelu ne4i this agaill .1 I1JgIA-V(%)War of fur. Ili
I hillilw rit-iol#, up ap om-ring by at poor woninil *110 11oli* emait TiAoltey. .-7PPk)Ilbet- front the cape 6 finished very elfec.
of the Ei;*Pti--tI f!- 6, 7. Wt4f, lamh .... lelxoapl, kill. ..
tile A DENTI878 RFVFNGE. It fri_;nl 'tiarfkV.. HAin. Dit%id ludk� it by' washing. This i-4 a sacri- t4re1v with reveris of mink and a fuli
hc�wtitqi upoll a tali stff. lifilii, fatling...,vow, bai&t4 #A the 11th n( AlilIK . %thiNU-il id tice. nd f1m -offering, brethren. it is S20." Jaboi of eream lave.
1.1101 irti ' I Nit- TROPICAL STORMS IN CUBA, Itwilk(41 iiii its
em pLtyed t arthem. Th0t An Eye for an Eye and a Tooth for� an t.1lisin ir thv inf:mtry regiluvicti4, il-nt A144jitiley' ill r4fritrol-tittlif. 1112tt- fic- * st tho'cliorta wMig, it Praise isong,
lie Nhedivni ittural prvy. 11%yell.. lie tlo-wn-The
-interview With a Pretty Woman ult whic -t et -r -gatloft Joined Ili.. T1110 Downpours of Rain That Water I:iulb F, THE BRIT18H ICKPIhE.
lctl for SiritV 4-bt4--rs for I-mlip,risillic -tilf. :.A.,t Ili lit- "�h m jai If rttveive the wCoir ilito it4i
the Sirlar ca. vismij, y state Iro it will hij or�� aemituatfixt the Iervor of tilk. congro-
Hi..# Ifighness' tile 9114 -dive. L:fo ill Viu-i--, Is proverbially gay ;I.Ild _It' N;Illtvs. of hi Ills.. I W In. Cataracts.. rritorles and Includiiiii;
1. .., 'i%i It Covers 8,)moh To
f1#1 Vrunelimen LleCU'ptiVO ilk �Ilareter.' buttho bold, PIVtf4I tilf-iil V) I*% Ikurned t4l, tiff- gatkxu home th" IeOP- th.1t 114Pn4l Of t .%var lluCh for Itoo twey. 4tall lie down
Tit#, abas 1 *4 If After the incident *of tile womail A lvi(blf-ii 1xittering iiii the treca, 8: 4'" Various R&ces,
ViC4111W Who 'paid attA-[Lti(#It to 111:64 it - i :1 1`20? tithorit7ic-% -if to Ilk -
Rike tA the French tile, with the $20 offering cAvurn-41 And stifildext dark!6ning lit big Npotk; of 'tile 11+11-1-A Itteral 4-h;inge In tile colat- From tim, lat*wt twtatwties publiAmn
exactly boltitiol tt deRtiOt's wiff- will probably curse rf,tinoW frfight, vxtiladitioji� lit his 1vttA-r tA
arc tune it fo- ft . -y-( for tilt- fitcut hhort the pilintol-d sliPs whiW muivits, nd down came 016 tiolis of aiiiinals to main and i-eciA it appoarw that the Brit6ii EmDirr
ofw.� I)llr troopo, ni. llitig to t1w r btiliging -him iniforttine, . and :11141,01"' ltregi- ttortit wntbra
N114 Aurn 'rV iNthlbe- itextotwtd-tt 4wer 11,334.7( 1 ua Campro!t - ell oil -lit % 104.1 sitp- ' round. wliil' bittskets -kill( 1! Like B. The mohl power- W1 ro m e&
ftf lr# ; 011 tft that th triVimil rabi. How it r. otho .-J
Paiii.,. Tho latly ilk th,1% vaig) w -is a fir ful Im-nists shall sub it to th
with 'th.f., jiAiigh, an4l tlit. guy - vi- --W)uJil lwr Affair wem, pammed by thp ushers for waves bn_-:tkiiig . gri-at 1.4-avy blobis of of Wilich txdY 12L481 are in t1w m.
iofferings. The, cli6rus niing wth a. wateir. vrAleyitig t you like bullcota trit)l of :1 elkilit.-Pul. (4)nl. Lead-Hels. Watill*4 which nn- thie ImAw of -tiop
A. or tJill- applivattoll tiol comt4y %Vas o enlrapturel. with tile vs.i t! t; lit. t r
Which, r.tckr;4)tj, -waA or- i(k I( f vim all tile time. Rev. Henry- WilwHI, r llwho were Nithag, drive. 0trange drove this Uttittl<! Kingduva of Great Brit&Uand
mider 0i, aitil,it-iS 114 -lit -%4.111 thi-itip twtloe, anti Ilrt* -fit A -Kinley. or it niaeftine gull.
I a'pparition (_4 I)cxiuty 'that* wl't", 441. -
ml garri-zou tilt- I- act" iC 'rea from their U-IILS %vere we -ep, leopants, goats, vowit, In-huid. Queen if, ler ev'"r
deml V). rtin, h;- to follow tier OIL 111.1 jno�_. triilw% re iits-ndool f0r. �voast- .1f.- ooand r. ba-vid r acted as t -wolv4s, slit ru
tellem. while Air.14inilwxpa sorte.4 out through lwfore they gained uhe4r, 111(mis ;lull -bers.-flulibut. 4(I0,0(Q,(X)U lyuple, ittul tonly 40.
rights- r
tor car.! Fort une fav(>rc%k1 11 im oil til The f.)t He vlainw for'.his s
- 4 1 IL1111 Ij.V i1n:141P in, Palcwtine. (") of thif-m dwo
-the- slips as they came to tilt-- Straw -No IN J within tht c4 N
�i win under' thp� A rt(in pulplt. lit five minu" ttie cainp, wain
lilarn anti sh.0 eyel(.0 In siglit. ll -at bf-ing organi 1. Choppitti straw v
ti ty. Nirs Simpso,Alk- wife fOf astoor, wit e rushing
t rith barle is the or- of tlu- UiUtffi Kij4R*)IAj. ID I
(,Itiy. ho, b, followed by the d4--;Ib!lt' 1-11 V) tht'- Tenipi-froin ttPatJV,Al`6 119vilig'.it the ter wier dinary foo.i for cattle. -Nan Lineib. re_ve4luom 4)f Great Br4tain and her
t1w Brit.isll- atl�l 1,93--ptiall P')Nit i, sn "to Canadian _territor.V by meelver r6r. the cash offor- tormwits: oil' were p COV
it Ho cravc,41 ail inter- tfk�si-rtl; itloro-;Aae ,Jvr4)IIg4t lit dee
l-'aslioda. The I idly -e oil fl#�wli
4r. -h-all naionger li%
Tli(- litmi wery whili tw
f!ag-4 were t ttA- allot rvg.irilins� thf, is itrtificlitl aiW Without IX -Ing ilwr. swirfing' 1xitiAs. Down tile trunks of &I
.11II!,priv Avas the and bI(x)d._'J., It. ithare ral6fti Ili the Vnit,ed KJqXdL*
Cameroiw allot tilol 13th Sou(tane. t Prit, i ill h -t % ing of-li-lart-d i4w r by tile 00ted, States It wmi niarvell,6us IX' -),%V quickly tho tUo trom tlw- waWr poured ill cata-
off on gul1bo.1t.
Battaliof, were m -lit, I;flt the inevitable was wicker baskets f illed -witli erlisp, bills. ractAL From the lowet, edge of every S. Suckling -001d t.,hll pl.-ty-Infant watq (wily II:iIr tilat anjonwL
authoritieN or givs-it thi- right t4) delight-hinlw-lf with it %enomous
to ttifi- t%oath. were and oni tPay t the.� They were emptifell anit, rvil'illed many. utint it nowed'in' a bmid stream. TIw lits-lia, Auffitratia wid Canada
a 10 fil't+. (lei! 11, �-ulttnit mho. pitmo extraditlif"l. in writing. to tile serivnit.-B rnota, llciile-Cavorn' or murwl,. t1w. rielmait tit 11ritainti,poo- fllj,r�tly coliveye4l upon bairo'(--�i ly*.s .lKtiltntent ti nquent t1wir
UP imike. N1. the timt�K awl many at erisp.IA - -if' (.ollar mon, drawing up, the. coriiers of pll.aeo Avp-Whose
by tlis. ind they r,tAVhqMLVl:,as " tl:scoxpred" by.the hustgand of noti� f1 Uhl nl)otlt- having --beeil I i v y at s to keep tile tx1*;j4bzhs. In the of Tridis
Liver (ilit tho. 'afternoon MRrIllo fril creature. Not to be 4. �tion, t4) 04- fact that Iir(),.vlL 6; -Ill oa POi-A)II kill. -i .111110114 inliltlin'tly.-Barnes. tilt,- Qimpit'le mtjni extaudw over jai
1v tluit 411,111.,l 11111. 1 :m oittlet blown. from the, tjakkets Iq tilt. fl(*xi way from find t1wir More vc4l. tII:iII ,!,)00.&Xj on.
tho -iierpent, in' tilt! nipst calnil U81 n
;opt. 22nd. Only a few nAtOrew Y. rv--ervation 1) iiig mlWel draughts. Tlwy were quitekty, 111IM01.1ii than t1w itiq). Thought to
bout.. Tlw�b llopelloed much .iir- informe,l th 6alty'kidualtIN-41 mul -lorought into aind ahiver&l. cerQy odit.
well. . o de4ttist that lie , Itad turd -41, h wever. and nowt got wiiy. Wilily. and throwli her Vi
pri.*-41 t otir arriva. a r w I '- lltreaty and rulew 2h4L1,(Xk),00(j pwjq)h�. The
Tho Sird. -iol for a 'e6i�tiltation, onw of his tip lo, 61f-ti-rinined ii1wat. Li)rd During -the 1illing otft of the slips It raWed ftpr t*o liours %%itllout
hii staff agaill lande(k thil; timo 4mly teeth giving great trouble. theri were mail.* exhorUtti-Ons I)y utopphig. lit thii- fimt, half hour every. 9.- Ht4y immilViln-The huly land' (of dimt posaiLsionot cover 4170.25T 6"arf.
-The till', flow r6fi-
acmimixtilied by thir ivihf-41` to examine the offend- ?-111ti-Ig 11i..4 Itiolf o4urrondk-il barin'
9 m '%If 'impson mail" ill c,,Lllil) w:Ls wet "rotigh mileik aind the Canadian subjects nun -
I inistem, and the Rev. 80 tilt- rodeem#A earth. bilaii. if. 2-4. Zion
lKA41., UlUkil'. Itrown, it 64 '� alliged, t4l f ir
Qf tl!4- Inolax. was allowod tAp, foulul'' t twar w%arly 5,110,OUU aDuls. In Austra-
callki on thiii mlssionark* to ri,4- and that inalty 411 V14.111 X),k 4) 1., t hfei .(Jerumtleml the iseat of 6overnment
wits observed as'. at quite sonuil.' but 0 viitirely Igii4pritut tXmt Ills ill ti lia till- QtActitnt halt 4,213.-),250 lf)yal sub-
mony il wam k(t 4 themselves *to the -congregation. w0t el"thes 11-Ild hit't"I '"'ke"I anitt of throne im imit for tile
flag- i, -am hoWted lfal t1i"- vcm FL *oyo or ail eye. an(I a totioth f6r a 94ii[Lg tO N11141 W.4104 li(A 11111114W kkct4. It, in tho largest 6iland Ili thm.
I- a Then the Rev. 'Mr. imp#xon 4.,IIMlzp.l rai�n for t1w rejuailider of thii) tilne. wholf- earth. Jer. iii. 17.-J., V. & It.
pal1I#" (,f ttie it -ft Lware of thf- clutrige din whilch Ili, world -about 3,175.153 a
wire. whippool. it- out of its socket and ',III1#iti4Pll' will not leaft them'Atiti- their work. Tile suit cme out again wion after. of the Lortl-Underotand- quare n1jap-
It I until hP 1.11114-11 Ili Vit'Vorla.' -r. and, tilt- dainpearth Oquitilling ill Hiso thie United Stat4w,
xtool triuinlihant with tilt) ilL* hotter than evf hig of tile pf-rfpet plant; and
to garrinou Qpaoplae6 and hold th+- r rew t, LN
nocent t4l w:i r. %t, the tinit- tiff- 41( -t( -r-. Including ALiska, find being tw4mt?
eouritry for tile FgyjAisan to Ililt-wisleut cKinley iiii aoted t4i make (1 0RUS 4AN(; 1,01CY TO i #101)." isteamed til.11 t114. (-.111110 wai-, '.I.11 opt;n- cl,iimi (of God. Barnitic- And tilt re.
ivory I*Aweeu tilt, j:two; i4 hilol oper- iumatiow ii roitt-ratf-41 not,Afo I Imith. But lt!a7w way as cognition of Ili- flow twinifftist*41 g'ory. six tim4w asi bilr ns tfw littie, tA
1% hir'll till. itigli_
TTIF. .()F- ating i0eti-m-ment. o'aiia to, ow if,- fre'knit tit!- -Ilo-ftiolt' jato tl'4' That vent of the inorning itir valxpr
GOVILMILI'll lit - t4v Brf Vwll Wilt thit) auu ill-ight,. t;IK) grfiAiind tie ver got I3. -Bib. Com. Wators cover that ruko it.
e I;4jv#-rnn wnt Imm Vike-h wip, no inatter Ih -i lit
r. tlr- Jili)'I, h4o askittil. for anif obta,1114.41 ft r Jitted. I)r'. WI w -kgaia' ratiing from
leigil gives a- few more details. tkils- of :,'Of for t ho w f Prk. I%%-11;1*t thi. glilt;-ome in ty Im.. it ij� -a.litt bnek. and t.k-ait with to tile slips. At -first the twenty -five -1 dry agAin that day. aud-at hight we the the watem of the ocean ")4rwQt (A UrleUt Britiu's
It is reported ttiat i mliopri fit -41' th-at- tilt- Brit,1% law.—T,foiWon Frtx� lMrt4w, tunwttl in diiivelring vit-Itil the daMP ii -lover all its depthm, Tind their way PW~kmip fire I". territoria
thoroughly ctir441, it LN -d singing fly
liff-11 wus dif-terinined 'not dotla,rcontributions catuk earth striking 00:d through the.'ru& Into ll its cAverns, flow into ll its Anportant. 11, t1w Fligliah and
of his falkey for a"pretty %%-ire th:��Choru.4 an,l hallelujahs and %Iory
-d *he though
%o to bro.,ik unrea&bnahl - 410 iy. wl.that KED I "'-and other exclamt4ons, but ber olifee-t nd thel blanket. 1lity the t#14*e,:,8e8 oil the shore. w) shall Chris- Cluumola itre tlw INJO of Man. j.,.AN
tary .--haracter of his'exi*x1ition ;ti- ullfltiltv mail. r, awk rs. Den- -to Go flow who. when t1wy were tUnity 1wilvade. every rf%*.iw of the and (;uerjwF�y tiff, Ilediterrs
in� tiff. eveiit 4,,r to. eVa- ep ,
thougli *Iie hatil with him several ;iull- t6lit evi4lently elljoyefl,_ the iok4-, for tiley stpwl got -to be to,.) numerous, P00'r ill tile sim6shine, threw away eurtil.-J-, V. a B. are Gibraltur and Maluop wid C";
(lull at, hl- A rchud partr The Abble Rowe P Pfr Anarching
te V.1111orl. arty. Boston -aid
fireff armed men." peah4 of worry laughter were. heard -- ri I - i t I t1a t -, anitt Dr. t5impiwin announced lie wo. -Ex- 10. That tiay-or tilt- fiiial r444titu- lailitAugi; it, tlw GuU
%V1111 b -niov'(-41 from th +, if - tht- rubber shillet wid blauket. of A don
Ili. tdded tile following: tilt the, 'of t.114. victim.. thoulth it i-� flot f-Xpiq-t(,41 that I it will Wrecked in Norton Bound Ilkv, tri, t -Ing fill (lay, Ilut.tho Alps were. tion. of all thkgs. tho subjact �4 one group of dx1xq"VjcvAfAa; in tilt, l?,
Suattk-, W.wh., Oct. 22.-
.311ajur %farchand declare4i that his to resort to i4ueh e x-- Tapp, tit many nd tho time, was short. (if I*ter's griea� stli-nixotts. AtAm iii. 19- 00mult nale Ce�vkxi find it ftw 16
expedition WaD C.rrifil out hy tile WIDOW AND AGED WIDOWER- Aditoy, a correttimmAlen,t (of Hurlier'i; contributi(xi of - V;00 roiii*,,d k4radstreetw on Trade. 21. The w-.cotul ctoniUig 4 Uip Lord it, Axia tin, Indin ane
ex rn- W`4-4-,kly, 'who arrivod,1116re froini St. great enthusiasm, tile. "first $10X) Ill t1w Aul
presin order of the P*rench Govi for which ematiott gr(wti and Straits tkl�tt4enwm1t&:
retire fir to Chatham Man.70 Years Old.Sued For iftiliac-I'm uilk t1w, stot-amer RIAL1144e. csonsiderabl--� #Anging -an I exclanin- Lest. favorable weatlwr t.onditionif travalk-th tow4her uxitil ivyw. 11(min. Arch�m-litgo it - iic Ig Kong
MPIR , Bi-rlifi,, -0 -C I.-Tht- St. b interfert-d, with trade distribution rt W . 1;
avail himself of the favilities :Lfforil. Breach of Prornise. t)ri;tr,,z till � Iff-wi4, or thiii probable tions of 0y, 41 fid thp excitement Ili- viLi. 19-211. How w(nuierfulily In ar- Bomwo anti Labuttei I#&ujd lit
PlIt of the -f t t1w wnwift. istediner creased until a $10,0(00(fering ralsell' Ili Canada early ;k, but cool-
ed film f4)r doing w). Tilt- irdar con- forreiiiponil 14 x4s Abb M last wft cord were tht- (if the 0. tlw British fidig r"tiv
Ill 4-tV., i!l .1 t4) th'it papi-il on her has intinced a larger dis-
Itowe.Ain. oirvion The tile. enthusLimm t6 -a wondrful de- Pr Iveat - New.-Den.U Now Zmtlaikd suid tsim-' FiJis; oe
versed very little with nyjr Mar- -114 and tho alxmtlow of tbf
tt*rson. it writ tits. pt)liti-al itli-ation, prtys.: tile pe ,
it-ee. Tile .-chorus sa fig its i't never trihution of fall anti winter goods. Ar
#-hand. appaiPntly coi&n'liW lillUNPIf bi*qi Avr%,441- ont Ja7ines IU11114-r, int.4-rowt, Nile '111111`11111tion is KX-4 before, . and the shouts of Toronto reports the wheat litove- C01114t. 114.Ittlit-Tht-, oh)ot from thp aprimtn continpent. begidw Cana
reourne. ro r,ipi:lv Itz atior w A t, e 4hivt in thi.; m!itter will conform. to fultitoll laud, G in -Ila and Honduras; in t
W strictly (ifficial inte* .%Il graiiii no-rchatit, eliarging 1iiiii ing"the Alpfoie ftowe liarty,-- of sang stock or Jtww- =6 at t1w maino tiu)e Britain ItAID146 y%v:jy over Newfoun
Tile- lxtky left Viol. Lord!" a nd invilt, still sinall, farmers lit tile itis r(xA. . Rov. v.. 5, xxii. 116. -Rib.
t,ur officers mpeak-10 f %Il breavii 4 i jioromiw of niarripS th,1iqr-4'I6ngk tb4sion, loestUvi othier exclamationji ."me froni all Northwest holding wheat.,ill whi) theyl egiYaw A* ft. Mr. NlilW-r. whiip i,? 74) year -4 of ge, is I If#- t I tio-tvi if ornu-41 ill 4-olinw;ti"ll North Mull lt4l,utli AtkinUe am a dot&14,
list"o it was (7oni- a wi4k?%vf%r. nd ii #xii� ur cilitt.liam's with exp6rt tratic- IsWikda its 11trinud4l, Bahama
on &A -s. Thou a woman wav# t( a ratht
iujrLil -Varring kerchlef and Immediately thil eh(krus ()I)Irs�iwer privem itild Canadian h6ld- anji 1wumim-ntly aml, lw it twintior lift- Sluelt
ma-mler Keppel whop first landi, I with 614wt,"Inerchants. ' He lII*-J4Ii- a snug Areording to thf- flawtW's vol;re. t%l up to b:� tho rallyis4g pfii#it ot- ail Jamaica and ElarbadoM and added
Will vrmi 1,7 w(x)l and barley. hoping for
141ILt tII4-Y A11011141 have starticki- another - smig,
te and tits- Vreip-h offiver. f0itirri-I in the graiii it -if 1W.4,imi 1LccIf
011. Wing, tiuvw :ire thit- m,illkxw tq ib
not iiiiii(It &riny or pwqPk-. Ixa. v. -.1., F. &
Ar Nlarch-tirl 11,lil heir &stiwititin in tolirve for rour Went the Crown." nt,111 hand) Prehiefs favprabh- rowiflts from the pr�wlnt British territAwy a2i-d t1w ntillio
-it appears tht %litolf liwq beelfl, li%ing 4011 ilia Ineans. 414-tilig ill Not sultnintmijig thein, UP w ar but no
fluttertm] aIJ over the church, and It troaty built IiW wrks -upon what ;!I- Thit-i -Is' tim, woluall sineo the '%if rr, Niiiiister for mritirs, WaViltgL "Pa 0 ilrawing thoin U) hiniiiiii-If. 11olin, xii.' Britlittit subj(ti-tti Ili darkiist, Africa. Tk
most thp faily ace"sible iwirt f t1w 61 hio wite who, haK brought. att4julItcd to, Istrio,' loart ilk 11(filit W -fore tilt. Wmllwke lert looke4l a f white stAlcks or I A (I i:k if wtx)l.arp report- 32; Ninn xxL 9-Plil. Com. (;4qLtiI*% 1111111tallfwt of 11ritnitils (torfi
ed I'llit(41 fly Vall,
shore. Elsewhere in the ji_iflit 11m)-ino to Mr iLn wllAqliif-y A.typi at 1pj-ty strrive,l linen. 141 in tII4 tio-aw but im tit,- &.1tne tilnkll: k1-'Ae
y er the fact, that imil ft 'similar :I from t1w. itiort4i with at Ktory to Oil,, enthusinsin ww� mi, great that' 1141 if dealera.- notes re- w*k-l'itto IlLin shall the naiouNwwk.
the Winks were njurihy, :oil i t!;, trim Ir)ve doto-not rtin rs. nl�liii ill 114.0in. It. V. s vs. 1-7i, (IiiNtierib.-- the, lIermonal the llk(*A U1111II[MA41111.t. ig Gibral
WaILPr o%erflowel his liost. rofids-ri;l,r Pat . terwAL is V14� %illow of a well- offit-et that tiff- 'IffilifflIS had report- -tho .-Rev. Wilson's voifile muld tall, trade help&NI by cooler wether. (IMIllitieO Of 141-l"i4h. Vis. G-9 tile re- Which i4keludew itmily 4amne and ni
it almost an island. k1lJIPWI1 liVeryInUll, :111d UW two have 041 It 14111411 - stf-81,1114hr' w riecked, ilitating warcely he hea-rd. This FAV.Ile was re- an(I dry gm:ids Jobbers may tratle is golkerati U"tilw oquare wik� nil lei tilt. .1
New York..fict. 21. '1 It 11A)Ildoll I (yr- peated ofer and over again. Men and ft effecto of thim wvondct
kiteplug compny for two yearti. that, thVy saw it, stivill c-r6wd tof inou up to the average. Autter exports A`m- Of 2601111 PPoplv.--8cot14Mi 'Amer e
ARCHAND14 I-DOSITION. iquaitiont" 44 %If!. \4.w York ing oil creatioti. so, via. 10-16 110 n-
itteri*Ai got tiic4l wititing, for on, t1ut, - h--ach, attil it- wao 'generalLy 'WOMP111 went forward and of fered are hen -,y. but exports of cheftse fire of I lit tho
Slart-hand had had no Nir. iw-r to filifil I * to money. Later -many women A
Lis p,romises. She h--fievod that Willi in-ust hav4� boeit Me of fered lig t. A healthy trade is doing at reotorati(ft of h6 THROOSTOPINTOPP 111as.
wit r with 1-:jigland w4mlil re peoplip. tilt,- -Iews, itild tile c(MLverskm
for eighteen inonthiti. The sou'rAplitwIt'AlYs 'that two yevirs; iq plenty long party frow thv- bbio ItAnve. tb-A r jewel Ifery. and ope man r0ise 111 - BrI Ish Columbia points, and eoilec-
through thi-tit (if tilft. y Train Starting
of ammunition and other war stores 4311110ough ror people thii-ir age t be niM, Iw 104.1t, Ilia spat and excitedly declared that tio have Improved. In tilt- Ntari-. A B.
promised film by tile Frenel ;Ovprll- th.i- Fretwh 114vt IN- .11HIihilatf-11 -h-, had -nothing to give b 11ilovinces trade is rather d Orteatly Inereseed Expenseiii.,
- . 1 1( engage -1. The plaintiff imawdiately . WORRAID TOO QUICK. - .. ti In- Teachia4p-TI11-0 11oly' spirtt will
eached him. anifil. in afte'r ' the writ waH isAded left for. ill u fortnighto and all tiff- painting worth $200. and Ile willing- apl*)iuting, and collections fire -dull. In ail article in a reioent
forleit/-d ror ever. oreovoir, Cline or the, Queerest Strikes Aver ly gave, this. At this announcement Businema -fit iltireg In the Douaini(in of 4.11light4mi tile finhid and influeuttit, tile
cona"tiellf-e- of' his fight.8 witil theicalm. �fiel the American Electrician 'hir.
I llftr-t. V. . To know truth
DervUh nV-4tiiers and the antileahe I-rench comint-h-4- would suffer Recordo& th.--r waB a tremendowsi waving of, nunihered last week 114 -ring statem tkLt. as tho
i -Dr. Wilson, and duty,we need n(?l only a cl~ lip:t(t
hwl tery few- rot1niN oi A TrIck of the Trade. blow..coiasidt-ring frindkerehlefs, TJto- Rev. ag4ilist 23' the previous week. sire teWtilli. lie 1`170111 tful, differenrw lu-
Wt per wit n. lle had. Lowe% f,r TI t tire. exp0,rtoj of amounting to lAinidon. (k -t. 21.-JUVantio it I)rlck- Higiialled for quiet. i%heq he read tile but a- pure heart. V. 3. att -w. N. a - . I
la - tim3ro aro, tricks ilk all trades layer in if lxxly of thirty-one nien t4m. following: only one-half what they were one making a 'stop and a atart ai it
plenty of. food, tfianks- to VIC tIs mll(ywll by -'a- peculiar circutiAstance oiln!-thing like llarly employetl building' the dectric ymr ago.- and dompare with :10 in I -oodnoai requires wverity against evil. ti,on an-il running past it variew fr(ml
](,o,k natives. awl t1is! (if tatfirrouitkiing tho import (A British llrf' takVII IQV lig!it, t4tation for tilt- St. Nlary, New, By one once. h, afritience, flow in 1896, :17 Ili 1895 unit 39 Ili IN94. 4. Thr, wiciiied shall 1" 90 unl)iiuw- 7 -) to 100 A a t t 114 M ra, tk4*qidtiq ulp-
aine'in the nPighbf)r It a m. 114.1giiiiii. f; illgtol)ll. verty. $1." 4. The voining cif Chrint'u 9 Iiiisul Ket-tart (I his ot, bact)lk'arml 8alt pork intoltal 31"kily Its muf Ve"try, at Areet P0 Canadian luink clearingii; Inat vru;ek ik thi, gradimitat and load. TIw *-a ver-
y, 9
meii from want. which by law in pirohlbitAd,' placing '011d thO I'lliblit Sta1AA tcwther tALk#-. The. Lord shouted all. kiiirdom o'.'Ili holding cut, nlWit I Worth, - hats proTed ftmtrter, -11111all aggregated $28AW.510. 14 per (*nt. age %&Jue utuler ordhiary eon*io"
rtvitrictiotL4 upon, tho p6reino producth- sm4lier than the previous week and
Tho archand 1.1.1d iji.-4 twenty-five out of the exeltad mn. -heart. V. 9. Alatt. vi. 10, f. e. Tit. 2. for IL partially lotAdod 7 1-2 ton- o#r
with him wtwe ruxt '44-twgaie niattf-r 4AI F1114h4glit th4t I"r4.-neh -4-, tilt. contractor oftys, - Thpit the chortis Nuig at"(] tile cO6' 1 -per eptit. smaller than in the vor- 14, V% Christ Himaii-If ig the ellfk4 at- 11, 8.#;
m!. but fuL-- of any country for alinitary re- -ritmmit MIL"t tLi I �tllk'-r rely oltl JL Yielfl- thirty-onel lift%* grgation joined lit with m-liglousen- traction of thp (;(wMl.&V. 10. " lit watt hours.
ti%sm of the Timtmilitticountry.TheY W,) I L-4. BY simply_ making tile re4ju,(-*A wipue on' mtrike. ie men object4litl remixilmling weilk a year go. (if ti4ectrical e4lPrgy too IXl 401W Celt
hig dimp(Miti011 S11111-111' 41-4 1-:11glillid' iliS- ergy that amounted t4i, aball(loll, day," 1'. 10. sliall Iw Inifil"I tile
wore P;Lmoip4l before Wingate. momt fAlwr c(iluntritm have Necured tci ww,; getting tili, to di,; corner t(x) I*W kilowatt hour. one mtop woWd
-w an AUttifig asi,410 of this rt%ulatioti Handkerchiefs fluttered. men graBped Inglis and the b*n&IiL PrOARey we thil; day study. -t
awl the Wtal strongth w re 11. tho tile ilitickly. The loricklayOr referred to each other by the hands. There were eout 0.085 mant. and the oost or nmk
a nd West ll rk.-a. flislwtes, fir they must (_�f MCA SURVEY.
-r men in tile, forte we , .41ri lit theIr favor. But it Im not generally -it olus iend I- wall, anti the PH AC
Tho intim w. .; , tears lit many eyes. and the fever of lLife (A Admiral Duifean " It4r onie untutcawary stop on .4P&Ml
k)okm and Itical blacks. Pur officem! known"that th* W th(M. ivith- he'neting oil itit. undt-r4untling With iot11(bil nicqi ha -d 'to level 1ltj[ to tile by I tlw- l-iirl for the fo`I Tim, rapt --iAloit of tlio pniphet, orter- trip for 1r, tri1w daily would awouat
toll mo that Majw Marchanti'm Tlin-' f art 10x1wrwIvo one, rA, e' attill 11111MISIA., If tiff. firs$ tip1mmiti6li itticbr-.1* worlk perfornwml 1) him. The- ffpii.- giving was at its ht%ight. Men and IOWJLllg ;1��ry is Will: IMP,' tlw "iturietis and catelles tJbe too $4.67 Imw car INV year, and for 100
v 9 the v their JPwelery later.
huktu infantry ani, tho finest Wly ter nm of the reilgtilatknt. it vt liam r" -t. . th;.y, inty4t Ile %.Pry hadly in -.1 tracto furtlwr� AYR thtilt the men wM011 ga , 4The Belliquetix, 6*4 gimmi, hall loven spirit, anial olitlook Ff,Wat- otiter prol- cars $467 lww year for the ("W A-
form,-il fir the or this country w1m) ceiv-*bii work deniftillip(l the dis- while those with mow. -y. after this lit -
4 mot they : aye ever seen in Africa. w# -r(- packeAt in. it hermeticalfy-w.-ki- ilk ri-"wt U) the whole matter of' oltiltrV.- of tlw,,,wo, klIllLI1 ill 11111COM011, cid.nt, preiiwd forward too give it to If 1110fig tiff. nlogt illutillolls of Admiral PhPt who . witlmvmxl the HIR)"'llyPw Urn mt.op paw trip. Abcmt 74 1wr riem.
Atut art) sq)!, bravo 1w)1#11pr4. 4XI till. it could brq paivsefl wsi prenerv- Duncans ships, - l"it- mlie to(xok . thirt oc- fmm Uw, holatul of tho AF4rvan- It. I& of thil- totl tmLorgy require�i for pr0-
c tuqp. The choruR anng and
BERI-BER1. rw-at, even it the label frankly 1-1gy 1) t. if the wirlmd, thpii we miumt ankil refu#*xt U) une work until lie thf% c.t8kml to refteval tier character. Cap- a 1"dm of 11olit- Uhnt bnqitlk(* t1k. loilision im exl*muW in aectieleriLting
tiectgred that the thi corttalited 1111 1W% prepared. for - the, waN t*-nt nw;ty., sang, thp lilm were read until taln Inglis, a Fktotsmitn. Ill-Ionging to at4wr4phero of tile New Teattutma And liftUig it car. allowing t3uwl if
Lppearo tiu&t four out 4 major �ontlrv- harm. ThIm polut has ty-en ttiAling riolnt lu.thi- affairm of'the Old Tim-, plikim-4 vacated --by t1w xtrikerm o'clock, whvn ' the remitrkal)tp gift of-. East Lotillitil, who had rathem a fililterg. Isainics spirit eyeill were 11IL-- only cxiielllhalf of Vie energy &Wr*d in
MAL"-h&Lit,l'* ilino French Colleague$ illot yet Ix -ell filipil tv).. The ruan fering ended. %fany of the gift offet- WNLI&I aild his lips tAptielbed with a MAI
Muca-8.4fully te�. hasty temper, Pall Ile-glectoed to ake a movInc car r(mid be navod. the, sav-
tw,, 1'r th - (U-a-lfe known a�,; ber,- 'That the French press Invariamw objeeW to it, a'fully-qualifled mm- InIgs were made by delegates repre- from thitt, altar lof (;(xl -that ho nilght
bhrl, f-haractopriatic is biy wititholkiK froin the public i ifor- ber of tim firlicklayerig' Union. senting vArloua State artments of Ill w'If complf%.e mitater of tlie six- litter fie Jftw. Ing would be vory large. By eareftl
'T t$rivilig a saving of from 10 to *11per
It"ftympalliod by alck- IT("- J- 1. Tartot) 1twImiatixt the Gov-� mation. - which may provo unpli, itta- the orvnnlzntlon. na book, and oil the morning fir the The pht'llilletic PYe Of David a1w)
mdenu and spoke PIP 64 it Wo 1xittip foputl hItnwIf more puzzlpd ofmt. inicht b,- effected.
k ilfwj by failing from 'er"I'll'"t worksat It blo or may clash with the Intereat-k 1419 thff Puerto RIco? than enlightened by I t. A t I it at, caligilt, it glimpte (of tile futAire king-
tl"' ffturth wajo e I'll' t1m), evening lit a tea meeting In rel)reoented by �wllvidual Journals lit " What makeA tile Mad tremble go? it is claimed that there is dom. Tim- 1.0fig rv�mted One lituR tx-- tent. of tile inhOhit-
sitoen by I a light- throwit4r it upon the deock, lie 4.x- of 801. His enemies have only ST pw t
r4 %IaJr)r March- a notorious fact; and In the prow4it VolcalLIC phenomenon"" "Vo* that's house to every 14 miles of coast in claimed in broad Scotch: sintm of 14prOn tire 6ermans by birth.
14%W8 Wurs% His fort&t4xid. ' Tile of t n -
fighting. The, nev; Wittk4w winig (of t1w King- inotwwo no exemAlon Imm been ihatip Gem. Ntkem pacing tip ana �� -in England, to every 34 miles In Ire. lI"tod prayer. 'Thy ki eunw, Some 110"I
&a energetic and atoon tieneral Hotiipital, wam formally to the rWIP. Tho, factig &Ad argit t of hbi tent, thinking of his Confotind the book ! I'll %% overwork then0olvft
trying to live wit I
HYLI" flout work.
land, and to every 39 miles i n 9cot. hel4em and gang Into the Illitidl"' Il. 0), 111 OnIswered. 6 will ip
'w" inxious for folijivited with a special receptioti. inanto &Wuved In the EIWI*h bluc- W land. lit