Lucknow Sentinel, 1898-10-28, Page 1• A. „„f BANK OF HAMILTON LucKNow. 6 AOo()Winn unm414nw' BANK OF HAMILTON LUCKNOW. Head Office, - Hamilton. JOHN 44Tt. - 776,000 - 11,199 141 Board of Directors . Viet Prterdent GEo. ROACH. M4 31. GIBSON, Asst. Ca.shetr, • M. WATSON. Agencies Get.•rtretown illordwn, Man. 'Toronto NVinitipe,;., Mau. Hamilton (East End) • NItti,•11:41 Provincial rank of England, (Ltd.) 1.• •tuth National Bank, New York. Haute. yr National Bank, " In*.enzational Trust Cet., Boston. Marine Bank, Butfalo.. Union National Bank, Chieigo. Detroit National Dank, Detroit. • National Bank of Commerce, Kausas National Bank of Coinmerce, St. Louis. AGENTS IN MONTI:FAL : The Bank of Toronto , JOHN D. NICHOL, AGENT.. G. T. R. egralf: TABLE. • I -rt OtoltDo N . M . , VA% e'rtintri. N1r.irloch & C .'s -re socItariEs IN 1)1.1' F.NTIEN1 1 'Order of Fore.4ters Lit'ist$ in the 0.1tIfellows' ail .-11 f..irrth Tnes 7:10 O•cloe:fc,1 .eteteRT SHEI:W1001), NY :Y.., 1.1.-(1( - ineetir . Seer -tory 'VIIIT t... T: ' U.— T he regalia. r moyithly T.--n.peralc.. 1.7ni •ii will be held every se ''S Welne4 lay'. -1 each month in the Odd Fel eke hall, Campbell street. Noble Grand. • br,thre.n col -46..11y Lodge .No112 at o'cl,ek • All brethren AWItEMt L, Lodwe of the. -Ineet4 in the 0.1.1 Monday r -venin -4,4 of Yisitinz man. •RecorJer. OLD L —11T Lelia Wqrshiani Ma • THUEADAY NIGHT the !lit moon, in the -ter. Secrotary 'h. Friends. Tne;t•-lay evening -4 1i isj,t.ori coin listly 31, . Recorder. edENERAL RoBERT CUNNINGHAM. INSURANCE FIRE AND MARINE, Colle,;•., —int Doctor of Dental Sur - win visit Ripley -v-ry Tloirgday • l(rIPienotti • • tntiltd. VOL XXV-43 LUCKNOW ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28th, 1898. MA1R SIDLALL, Bankers, :S7ABLISI1ED 1888, We do a general banking business; issue drafts throughout Canada and the United StNates. We make collections on all points. including :—Weatern States, Manitoba and the North-West Provinces, and all collec- tions, whether note or account, will have prompt attention. Notes 'discounted and fannees sale notes We loan to farmers,on dont& or single notes at from one to twelve months time, and at' reasonable rate of interest. We loan small or large amounts un second . mortgage on farms or other real estate sec- urity and (ra first chattel mortgages on live stock and implements and crops. We have a amount of funds to advance on first mortgages from 5 per cent. to 6 per cent, The rate is kraded according to tbe iittality and bize of the loan required. We have on hand for sale 100 acres in Ashlield improved land, with fair buildings and W,. rePiresent the leading English arid Cana- dian File Insurance Companies and can effect insurance on all classes of property In Stock t•r Mutual Companies as desired. GEO A. SIDDALL, MANAGER. ZIttpcknotrffitutintl THE LIBERTY TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE FREELY ACCORDING To THE DICTAITE8 OF CONSCIENCE WE PRIZE ABOVE ALL 5, the next 4 and so on, each time dropping those who receive no support. This plan was finally adopted. The clerk and treasurer were appointed scrutineers. A motion to proceed with the ballot on Monday evening was defeated, and, by consent the vote was left over till Wednesday nee -Ling. Moore—Douglas—That the treasur- er be requested to prepare a stitement of the cost of the House of Refuge and bitee 500 copies of the same printed showing (1) The cost of obtaining and distributing the information for the electors proviotis to votieg. (2) The cost qf taking the vote. (3) The travelling expenees in connection with the site. e(4) Cost of land, including solicitor's expenses therewith. (5) Contract price of building. (6) Cost of eetra sessions. Thompson— McOharles —That the Warden appoint a committee to con- sider the duties of the different officers for the House. of Refuge, also the rules and regulation& to goeern the same.— The Warden appointed the follow- ing committee : Messrs. Liesemer, Nicholson, Scott, Shouldice During the forenoon the councillors visited the House of Refuge in a body. There was no session of the County Council-on.Tuesdey evening owing to the sudd'en death of Mr. Stovel, of leacknow‘ October 28th, 18084111PARA PIONS FOR WAR Britani was better • prepared for a-11 • ssia -Said to. be Supporting the power. thee now. The 'flurry created 14 Lord iltosebei.y's. speecid gave rise to inomiriee • about. the• navy by an American- correspondent, arid tht latter discovered. that if a war with Frence must come, -could not happen at a better time for *the British navy than the peeeent. Two -years hence, he was told, if the ships nowon French There ne‘er wal a time when Great paper were then really floating in Fren ch waters, Britain might hair) a toughish jon, but to -day the game was in her own hands. THE COUNTY CoUNcIL Joseph M. White Appointed Caretak- er of the House of Refuse. The Bruce county. council met in Special session on Wednesday of last week. Issuing debeetures to meet the cost "of the liciuse of Refuge sand the appointment orofficials to run the inetitution' were some- of. the matters that Cantle before them. The first ::.k2i),000:debentures .was. read a third time, ,signed . and sealed'. The next inettA- 'te cow before the councillors, was the.appoin went of superintendent end matron to the Ilouse of Refu,,ee. Before - the applications a isetioe was passed that the salery conaiuittee fix the salaries for all inetitetien. The, ,applications were, then opened. and read. With ,a. few exceptiens which are- noted, the appli- applying :fcr, the 'pesition, of matron fer his. wife- The list of applicants .• 1 S. Saunders, Walkerton. • '3 A. Swaiaeton,.Greenosk. Gee. Lobsinger, Carrick. 7 'Mies. S. ftoether Walkerton. O 'James 'Walker, Walkerton. 10 dais McIntyre, Pennsylvania. ' Campbell, St.•flelens. 13 MeKaY, Walkerton; 1'1 Refit. Thompson, Heron. _ /5 Alex. MCKay, Bruce. 16 Jac..40;-tnlecherl (*sleet. P3 lachard Dagg (k), Kincardine. 19. 301m McRitclue, Ripley. 20;Elijah Millar, Kincardine: 21 P. Cummings, Port Elgin. 23 J. Armstrong, Culross. 21 J. Townie:in, Port Elgin. 25 it., McDougall, Eldershe. 26."Miss lc. McFarlane, (m), Toronto. 27 p. 31. Sutherland, Seugeen. 28. -Miss Ann McGregor (m), Toronto. 29 11. McLennan (k), Lorne. 30 J. M. White, Elsinore. 32 F. C. McInnis, Holyrood. 33 .Allan Bleir, Lucknow.:. The salaries' committee -at the even. itig session reported tecommending efficials of the leouge of Refuge :— Keeper $275,, matron $175, ,physician to ,adopt the •report an amendment :vas •tuoved Seott—Riehardson that the sahries of the keeper and . metron be $360 and $24(0 respectively. This was losr; .as was a motion to reduce the salery •of the physician to $100, and -the report was carried. over- the plate of voting for the keeper. Mr. Scott moved that each councillor vote ter eight applicants and on the first ballot the ten lowest drop out, the second tallot the same and ten drop oat. On *the next ballot each 'councillor to tote for 5 and 5 to drop out. On the next leaflet each was to have two wites and de two lowest to 143 dropped: After this eeche was to vote for one candidate and the lowest (Iry out. rail only one candidate wao left. Another plan by Mr. Moore epee each councillor 8 votes and all wHo received *no votes to. he dropped The. next ballot each councillor had 7 votes and all receiving none to be dropped. Tho next ballot 6, the next _ Pretensions of France. RITAIN MUST OM ieASHOD4 iihat France Would LoSe in th-e Event or War Marchand Will be Removed . if Necessary Irish Cheers ror France by 'the Traitor Element • I filled. A claim was made by John I Gilespie for damages, for injuries to a was offered, and accepted to satisfy the said claim, The Council adjourned till the .14th PETER REID, Clerk. Village and Tirtnitv fttti Great Clubbing Offer. Notwithstanding the fact of the imposition of postage on newspapers, the SENTINEL • will be sent to any address from, now until ehe first of January 1900 for the sum of one dollar. Or we will supply the SENTINEL and Globe for the same length of time for $1.50 ; tbe SENTINEL and Mail for $1'.40, or the SENTINEL and Loudon Adyertiser for $1.35. ' Ploughing Match There is to be a ploughing match held on the farm of Mr. Wm. J. Mc(iluire, being north half of lot 25; 1st con. Huron township, on Friday, Nov. 4th, 1S98. There will be two classes for men in sod, and 011e for bays in stubble, when there will be a lot of valuable prizes awarded in each class. For further information see bills. Don't forget the day, Come all and see it. Public Library Every one having in their posses- sion a book or books belonging to the 19 Public Library are hereby' notified to return the same to the librarian, on or before 31st day of Octdber. Imnsedi- suate ' attention to thia matter ie nunecessary to arrange for- certain i changes, which are expected to, be 1 If pomade in the interest of our readers •Itand the public generally. By order of • 4.4) Iron 8trhagers ,1,4 At P speciameeting-of the Council f:latt week the contract of putting haseven iron stringers in the beidge in teithe centre of the village was given to ityllunter Bros., of Kincardine. The 'Aiw-ork when completed, including the ;neon work, planking, etc., will eost roabout seven hundred dollars, of which •11:inql• II:1S ii‘e•I' Prellell "Pill iissum the County Council pays teteo ,14-1 t.ir the quest tton iiiiring ithundred, dollars . The bridge is badly eset te lestire. t tt MI6* "f ei4in need of repairs, but it is a pity the The whole of Wednesday afternoon was spent in ballotting for a Keeper for the House of Refuge. Nineteen ballots in all had to be taken before a choice, could be made. On the 1 lth ballot only the foliowing five candidates remained : Lobeinger, Miller, Arm- strong, McDougall and White. Two ballots enore were taken. when Lob- sieger dropped. aut. McDougall was uext to come short of support and he fell by the way. In the 18th ballot Miller was distaticed, and Arnistreng work was not done during the. fine No More Deputy'Reoves.. It will be news to the man who are thinking of aspiring to this trst, second or third deputy reeveehip of their township to learn that the very name of the office, which 'hes been Meaning less sleep the pillitiire of. the Caunty-Cceincils Act, has been aril-- isbed. After this year a , township cow:sell will consist as at present, of five members, but there will be only one reeve:apd the remaining four will and White stood alone for the final. be known as_ councillors This ballot stood 19 for White and 7 West Huron, for Armstropg, and the Warden There will be no election trial in declared Mr. White appointed. 'Ile was warmly coingratuleted on the dates remained until the contest was. over. Mr. Cummings being a candi- date took no part in the -voting. • DOING WELL IN ALGOMA. Demi Sin,—Would .you allow me space in Your valuable. piper • for the' following : " Mr. Wm. Alcock, of the township of Coffin, additional district Of Algoma, formerly a resident of St. „Helens, wishes to let his friends.around Lucknow know tbat he is • alive tied doing well. Of fiee acres. he threshed barley, "seventy-six bushels ; •and• of Seven loads of peas, be 'threshed one working =Hi, and a good socitible neighbor. .'He Imo a tine keine house, .with stone foundation, alao a lot. of good stables and barn. Ile don't wish his St. Helens friends to take tbiletoo ;bard, but he 'thinks they will hardly believe it.. He Says they are welcome to tome and pleasure .the -ground, and he' will keep them • over iitelLoSS COUNCIL *Met October 17111. Members all present. Minutes were read and Cheques were- issued as 'follow's:— John Little, 90 yds gravel, 14 ; Selec- tors of jurors, $12 ; 'Jas. Bradford, repairing hall. $2.50 ; John Hodgins, repairing a Culvert, Con, 12, ' 13 ; Jacob Miller, filling 30th side road, $13.68 , Jacob Miller, gtavelling south half 'boundary, $6.60 ; Jacob Miller, repairing culvert on Huron boundary (one half) charged to Huron, 84.00; Jacob Miller, covering bridge con. 2, $7.00 ; Jacob Miller, cutting culvert con. 2; $13,50 ; Jacob Miller, under draiu con. 2, $8.00 ; Jetcob Miller; covering bridge con, .4, $9.00; Jacob Miller, repatiein.g hill con. 4„ ti.50 ; Wes Henderson, 'ditching OD south half boundary, $4.00 ; Wm,Henderson 80 ydligravel $4.00 ; John McKenzie, Joseph Corrigan, 'repairing culvdit ing 2 culverts con. .8,. 114.90; Joseph Johnston, repairing twO culverts con. 13. $3.00; John Johnston, repairs at the hall, $7.60; Jas. Stanley, work on work 10th side line, 25c.; J Carl- ton, tiles for road and hall, $8.60; II. Pierce, gravel, $5.50 ; Michael FOrhen, ditching and tile, 15.00; Wm. Dempsey, work on 15th side line, 16 ; Jacob Miller, cutting etc., con. .2, 831 90; John Fraser, cutting hill con. south half boundary (one half) $25 ; D. M. McDonald, gravelling 10th side line, $188.32; John McKenzie, 300 yds gravel, $18.00; Caesar Perdue, 36 yds of gravel, $1.80; Wm. McNeice, road inspection, $17.50 ; John Armitage, relief, $5.00; Elliott family relief, $5 ; ilfector Morrison, relief, $5.00; Smith relief, 810.00. A letter from Jas. Wadel was read and ordered to be West ifuren, It will be. remethbered Mrs Garrovr (Liberal) was elected there by the casting vote of the.return- Ing officer, and both parties claimed the seat.. There is it petition and a cross -petition. The case. will be for- mally heard at OsgoodelIall on Nett. 1. No eVidence will be effered, and both petitions will be dismissed, where upon Mr. tearrow will. immediately resign his seat, and, the candidates will take their chalices , in new election.- . • Apples! 'Apples! . Five hundred bushels wanted. eich and 'every day.at the obi Caledonian hall, Lucknoweirom now until the 15th of November, 1898, for which we will pay '25c a bag:for: good Sound paring apples of fair size -,-20c, a bag for those of lees value.. *All Must . be large (weigh to pare,. 24, inches in diameter; 15"c a bag for tkoee eot large .enough to pare. The bags must'ler full and of ordinary orain bag eiee. Small end seft apples must, be kept 'separate froM the paring apples. Patine. apples to be 21 inches in diameter. Rotten aiiPles not Wonted.e-L, S. Town, H. Holbrook, :manager. Luckhow Markets Never has there been such a rush of grain to the Lucknove market, so early in the seeson, and it ill .no Un- common thing to daily see farmers whet • live 15 or 20 miles away coming with their grain.to our village. Our elevators are thOroughly equippe,d *With all the modern appliances for the quick and convenient handling of grain,.and as the. prioes paid by. our local buyers are away ahead of any other market in this section, it is a profitable inVestment for farmers to sell their grain in Lucknow. The Wheat, 70c to 71c, Peas, 60c to 61c. Oats, 26c to 27c. 'Barley; 38c to 40c. Orange Blossoms Another pretty .but quiet wedding was' that of Mr. George Haley, merchant of Hamilten street, to May, youngest daughter of Councillor- Jas. Colwell, • of 1:oderich. Rev. Jas- per Wilson tied the knot at the residence:of the bride's parents, in the presence tif a number of invited friends. The bride was prettily dressed) in _white organdie, over drop skirt of white silk, with Spanish flounce. A wreath of orange blossoms and boquet of white shower roses completed the pretty costume. 'The brideimaid, Miss Tenn Lawrence, of Lucknow, looked lovely in pink chiffon, over drop skirt of white silk, and carried a boquet of pink' roses. The bridegroom's presents were a handsome gold bracelet to the bride and opal ring to the bridesmaid. The groomsman was Mr. Maitland Whitely, Newgate street. After the ceremony was performed, Mrs. Fraser, sister of the bride, played the wedding ruarch, and the bridal party and about 30 wedding guests sat down to a wedding dinner. Among the guests were Mr. and Mra. T. Lawrence, of Lucknow, ;and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, Dungannon. Forty Teams The high prices paid for grain and other produce by the Lucknow buyers is bringing the farmers here from all parts of the counties of Huron and Bruce. It is no uncommon sight to see ten or twelve teams, one after, the other, passing up the Main street on their way to the station, but on Tues- day last fortyiteams, all loaded with grain and appl6s, were seen standing at 'the 'elevators and in the station yard. This is a record breaker and cannot be equalled by any Other vill- dtge in the Province. Farmers, if you .wish to get the beet prices in the county for your grain, &miles and all kinds of farm produce, bring them to Lucknow. Short 'lore hull of Canada at the head througE the Fairs of 1897; het June passed into the hands of n. F. Brown, of Minnesota, to head his shoW herd. Has twice • met and . defeated tIce. American 'champion, St. Valeutine, at the' Omaha Traus-Missiasippi ExpOsi- tion, concluded.' NOminee was de- clared best aged championship, any age and headed the champion herd. Nominee 'was 'bred by Messrs E. Gaunt dz Sons West Wawanoah, and as the breeding of an animal meriting such distinction, seldom falls to the lot of any man.- - Metiers Gaunt are de- serving of •eongratulatione for their skill and judgement in producing such ao animal. Died in Luekno`w. Mr. John Sell, an old resident of the villag,e, and father of Mrs. Jaws - Saturday night last. Deceased, who was 71.years of age, had been confined. to bed for- nearly a year past with kidney troubles. Ile was a Member of the Methodist church 'and religioui services were conducted at the home on Monday evening by the Rev. John 'Learoyd, assisted by the Rev, Mr.' en to Exeter on Tuesday morning by the early train, and interred in- the family plot in the Exeter cemetery. For nearly forty years he was con- nected with both the Masonic and carried. 'from his • late residence to the - station by' the. following brothers of Nichol; D. W. Hayes, 1). PattOrsoue Harry Days, and Jones Lyons. Huron County Nomination Officers The following who • are' all teeuici- pal clerks, are the nominating officers; for the election -of County Councillors, in Huron for the different districts :--s ;Co. 1 (A.shfield, Colborne, *town of Gaderiche Stothers, Belfast.; No. Chnton,) Jas. Campbell, Londesboro; (Stephen, Usborne, Exeters). Chester ersmith, Seaforth.) A; G. Smillie, Winghane) Peter Porterfield, Marnoch; Jos. Cowen, Wroxeter. These gentlemen, will receive nomina- tions on the last •Aloeday but one in December—which *ill be December 19th—and the electione willeeke place twit weeks later,. on .January 2nd, along with. • the 'other municipal • , Orange Masseuse 14r. John MeIntyre Ain' Miss 13- Gollan were.married..by the Rev.. Mr. One of the oldest .and- .most respected announced bY Miss tees, -.Of Ludreow, and supported by her sham- Ms& B, Gollan, the bridegrooni ',supported by his brother, .Mr. D. Mcl ntyre, preceed- most belutifully dressed in white lustre tritnmed *with white •satin • and white chiffoo. :She held in•her hand a chinning- bouquet _of 'bridal reset. After the, rites were performed mady and warm were the cengratulations, tendered'. the -Young couple. • After witnessing this interestine .event _the „guests partook ot the goarthings pre- pared tor the banquet. The dinino room Was mote artistically decorated', festoens of evergreens from which were . suspended Chinese lanterns, giving the room a most delightful. appeerance. This together with the beautiful tlorel display satisfied all that the eye could desite. Over two hundred guests sat down to the rich repast, ta hill of fare ,being sufficient to:. satisfy the, with his Orcliesera - rendered • sweet strains of music while the guests,' were partaking of the 'delicacies provided for them. The Lucknow Band was in attendance and disceursed many -sweet eelections, their 'music being mist heartily appreciated. It . is hard to find a more manly and gentlemanly number of young men -than we have in our bind. The evetting went' quickly by and was heartily enjoyed by all. With music and dancing the night seetned to pass too Oen., --.The bride and bridegroom 'were the eeeipients of many valuable and , suitable presents. Seldom ham a young married pair been favered to the extent of Dr, McIntyre r. and his wife. The young couple started next (Wednesday)- 'on' the. :; o'clock p.m. t rain for Chicago,' St. Pa'.11 and Manitoba, It is to be hopedthat their wedding trip will be a pleasant one and that their journey through life will be free from the many trials and —Paper harriers are about the only men who succeed' in Lusiness by going WHOLE NO. 1280. A Hallowe'en Supper will be held in the baseineut uf the Methodist Church on Mondsy evenifig next. Supper will Le served from 6 to 8 o'clock, after which a fieit class pro- gramme will be presented. Admission adults, 25c ; children under 14, I5c or two for 25c. Bring Them Beek. entered the cellar of a resident of the township just north of the village, and took away by mistake!. a couple'. of large black bottles filled with catchup. As the parties were seen entering the place and are well kuowu wc would advice them. to bring them back at' once and save further trouble. A word to th wise is sufficient. Fined for Assault Robert Hall was hest week fined $20 and -cost hy „Magistrates R. Harrison. of Ashlield, and W. .11allougli, of Duirgantem, foe' assaulting William' Spsers, of Asettield. • Hall Cad •a con- tract to • lirudi and cleau some land a• di -put-• te the way the work was specified he the agreement. Speed fuels belly used up.frout the potted - Jug :he received, and we -understand Hall now intends lodging a complaint against, Skeen for assault, fklver Medal Contest . There will be La:silver-medal contest held hi Pentland Hall, DungannOn, on Tuesday, Nose: 1st, tinder the aus- when the following progeamme. will -Piano Solo,. .. Miss Armstrong. CONTISSTANT NO. 1. . Miss K. MCIntosh. CONT-E4ITANT NO. Mr. Re Hughes, CONTESTANT No. 4. . Miss E, *Peart. CONTESTANT NO. 6, Recitation......MO. Jack Armstrong. Goa Save.the Queen. • • LOCAL ITEMS. Sole Sole . • valutole *horse, op Saturday' last. ee-The Sentinel to 'eny..address till the eod cf the year for ft quarter. • • —sMes. McDonald' and daughter Elies, left 'on Snturday last for Torente. 'McDonald, of Ripley, Ores reneWing 'old acquaiptances here last • About an inat of snow ital. on nesday uight. • This is the first of the confer a fever :by handing. iu their —Mr. McKee?, of•Ifurot7 called op fricuds here last week Wedding Me. Holmes, of Lucicnow, shipped two cars of apples this week from Wingham ; one car was for export. • Evaporator apples, also cider' apples. fAny quantity. Highest prices. J. G. ANDERsoN. --Mr.:A. B. Davison, of Gederiche and formerly of Lucknew, intends --Frederick Beattee a -farmer living neag Goderiele‘was shot and killed by family quarrel.. . —The annual winter show - of the Huron Poulity, Association will he held 'ate Minton toiverds Vie end •of- • s--Gret your salt .bills printed at the Setitinel taco. Wc .giVe .a free notice in tbe-Sentinel up.to the titne of sale • with. every lot of bills supplied. —The early soils winter wheat is almost too strong and forward Row.. Should a heavy fall of snow come this winter it will haoe a tendency to —Wallaceburg has been experiment- ing with granolithic sidewalks and the Mayor reports thee suth walks can be made et a cost of less then..11 cents a spetre yard. --eThe G. T. R. are constructing double decked cars for sheep and hoge which are .35 feet long, fitted with seperate doors for, each deck. =Grain of all kinds is from 2c. to 3c. higher on the Lucknow market _than vet be got in any other town. It •will pay favoiers to bring their grain to Lucknow. -o-Mr, Fred Robinson, of the village, . gOce of the death, eby accidental drowning, of her brother,. Robert, of Butte City, Montana. —Burnside farm, the property of Mite Murdoch, of Paramount, is adver- tteed for sale on another page. , Any • oneldeeiring to secure a valuable and contenvient ferm should not fail to --The annual Thankoffering meet- ing ef the St. Helens Auxiliary of the 6CC t. wi 2n of giv Oh mo pion's Foreign Missionary Society T be held in Calvin Church, Nov. ' burn, is to be present and will an address. abbi Daniel, a native of Persia, preach (DN.) in the Presbyterian rch, Lucknow, on first Sabbath ing, and in the .t`bding.evill give an eccount of the „„,eion work in 111 Milian, of this vil se -Messrs. J. C. L40. 14 Archy tinonnei n sal held at the Ontaver ago'!_eiltural ded the Co erne Guelph, on - ey pf last . Jack secured sornhoice birds Arciry purchased a fine Jersey Alf* eceounts and notes owing to egtate of the lat,e Adam Thompson, in livery and blacksmith shop t be settled by the 15th of Novem- ber as the estate has to be wound up, or they will be placed in other hands for collection. —DAVE THOMPSON. we an but th bo mu —A good double heater coal stove for sale cheap at It.. Proctor's harness shop. —Some fellow, hearing that Howard Gould bad by hie marriage forfeited $5,000,000, bas -made the computation that Mrs. Gould, who weighs 140 pounds, costs her husi-and 188 times her weight iu volt]. That is cheap, when he ha,s a few millions loft to fall back upon. —A good story is being told at the expense of an angler who spent several 'weeks in Muskoko. . Having enjoyed au usual measure' of success ene day, he wired his wifa :—" I've got etre, weighs seven pounds and is a beauty." his —"So have 1, weighs ten pounds. He isn't a bietuty—looks like you." THE FENIAN RAID. some Interesting Notes from the Momorable Campaign in Goderich Our old citizen, jbhn Emerton, has handed the Star an eatra published in - Godericli in' Juee, 1866 ; the day of puelication however , is not given 'After mentioning 'the Ridgway affair the following items referring to'Gode- rich and vicinity are given. It will .be noted that the gallant captain who 'threatened to sink the Fenian vessel in the centre of Lake Huron is stili in .the land of the living, dud able 'and silliog to carry eut his threat of '1666 sheuld circumstances need suc-h action. These notes will be read evith interest by the. veterans -now living :— On Friday information reached us that Goderich wight, expect to be attacked by Lake Uuring the night. The news, of course, caused much exciterneort. The three companies ef Volunteers ,were I put upon active service at once, the- home guard turned out with guns cf all kinds, many of which were flOsn:-Ited by Mr. J, C. McIntosh, powder 't).s prccured wher- ever it was to be geund,. even in the neighboring vil‘ages; bullets cast, and everythine done ehat wisdom could suggest., °The Mayor had the town bell rune on Friday night -to call the people to arms. After the guns had been served out Mr. Horace Horton was chosen captaineand the men put en patrol. The Manner in which the people turned out item tbe neighbor- ing country was most * creditable. They came in nutnbers from Goderich township, Colborne, Wawanosb, Luck - now, and if there had been arms for them an army of at least 5,000 men from the county of Huron aloue oould have been gathered. • , At DOQD -on Friday, Constable Trainer left town to warn the northern domparies to get under arms. The voluuteers answered to the .sununons with greae alacrity iu every case, all being eager to ito to the front. During Saturday streng Istrricades were thrown up at the wharf, and the banks commanding the hatbor lined with earthworks and orenches. 'lhe i2 -pounder gun was got in position, aud• let of shot, cast by .11r. - The two CHI ranadeV beioirging to the .town were-. taken: hold of and placed uuder the charge of Mr. Crabb, %Ike feels *confident,of being able to do good execution.. • • On Sunday !Wont 1.30 the. " Silver Spray came ku with two infantry cempanies under Captaius Barker and • Daniels, and the Seuthauipton rifles under Captain prout. The boat immediately retdrued for the- _Paisley infantry under Captain Brece, which arrived in 'town ai 6 30 this morning. Ail of these:companies are full, and Their promptness in turning cut on this occasion does them infinite' credit. As Jet there- is tiO sign of an Guards are'placed on the lake shore above and. below Galeria), eild fishing 'boats and the Str. Bonnikyruise in the offing all night. The light heuee is also darkened, and a strong chain stretched across the mouth df the harbor. We are sorry to hear that Capt. Dailey was considerably hurt while attending to the matter. On 'Saturday, by seine mistake in placing the lights of the Bonnie, she woe taken for an eneme. The Gode- rich Rifles were on guerd at the time, the main body being in the bowling alley.- The guard wan at oncehitlul rannedd out by the sentry, and the whole cowpony stamped down the were in position behind. the wharf bat ricades little less time than it 'takes to speak of their spirited cons duct. The alarm being unfounded, the bops laughed a little and walked quitely back We have now about 500 men und4r arms in town. .detachtnent from London arrived by special traia with 7000 rounds of rifle Mr. Detlor deserves the greatest praise 4or the exertions be has put, forth during the. excitement. Day and night has been at his post and nothing has been left uudone-that he could attend to. The members of the eerporation and Other leading citizens "pee wrought hard. Major Ross, upon whoni a great responsibility rest", has laboured with untiring zeal, and has been backed up ably by his officers. The unity of feelingin town is per- fect. Business is almost suspended, hut we hope things will assume their ordinary appearance before long. Eleven o'clock a.m. The Propellor Niaeara is just in from Chicago. She left on Friday afternoou at 3.30. There was :great excitement in Chicago on Friday.. Ott Thursday afternoon a sailing vessel, apparently haded with erain, was towed down the "cieek —She had the Fenian flag dying, and was cheered lustily '''''''"'"14111111111=111111... ET EATHER ANTS ! WATERPROOF COATS. purchase of CURRIE'S Celebrated WATERPROOF COATS tOr enables us to offer you some - men at a big reduction on the regular price thing real good at the low These goods are made of good Black Cloth, with Sewn Seams'and full 26 inch Cape, and each. coat .1)as Currie's Edinburg Stamp, as maker, which in Waterproof (311)ods is what Roger's stamp is in Cutlery, These coats are the best value in the market. Uzzzlireita In Umbrellas we are show- ing a good range at 40c, 75c, Silk Cloth with Steel Rod and era Si D.Cameron Let There bc Sight ! Is the modern version of "Let there be Light." Light is useless, even Worse. A cruel n/i&kery if sight is defective. The use df OUR _ GLASSES can change all this, and substitute Clea.„ Comfortable Vision, for the blur, the smarting and the ache. We warrant our GlasseSt) to be of the -BEST MAKE, and we Guarantee also, to supply the needs oi. The. Eyes. No charge for Examinatioa. OPITICIAN ARMSTRONG, Alin Block. The hands jeered the Niagara u they pessed, and Capt. McGregor gave them a true British sailor's blessing. They asked him if he'd teke over a thousand men. Ile said he woulds but. that he should burn the boat in the middle of the lake. Theo concluded not to try him. Ool. Taylor was iaformed by tele- graph yesterdey that two vessels filled with Fenians had left Chicago. On the etrength of the report he dispatch- ed two nresse_„_ngers with cannon fusee. They arrived here at 2 a.m.- tills morning. • Council met en Sept. 24th. Mem- herr all present. Reeve i4 eho chair. Minutes of previous meeting read and pasl'hede.following chequee were issued:— Jas. Hayden, repairing road on D. L., bridge on L. R., e2.45U ; Alex. Stewart inspecting. e.4 ; Alex. Moggeoll, gravel shovelling gravel, $3 ; Neil McKenzie, repairing two culverts, e10.50 ; Wm. Kemptem, repairing culvert, ei.” Donald ROSS, gravel to patImease 12.40 e Wm. Oliver, repairing cubs culvert, con. 2, $10,00 ; Isaac Etasii7n,41 gravel to pathmastero 50c ; Thomas Stewart, ditch on con. 2, e15.00 : J no F. Johnston, gravel to pathtuaster, 84.08. Mathew Farries, gravel to pathraaster, 11.70 ; 'Patrick McNa- mara, atoning out ditch, ;,•.3.06 ; das. Robinsen, statute labor, repairing ride, 13 75 Alex. Jahnston, repairing cui-1 vert, :2 ; M. Bowler, shovelling gravel, :1.50 ; John Kilpatrick, -repalrieg. Dungannon bridge. 1200.00 ; James Leathead, graveling S. R. & 7, and Campbell, repairing bridge, con. 10 and 11, $3.20 Lawrence Ricknor, inspecting and repairing read, ; 308. Hackett, repairieg road S. It. 9 and 10, 81.00 ; David Agnew, repair- ing culvert on boundary, Os .:")0 ; Devid McLean, gravel, $9,20 ; lid. Johnston, repairing two culverts cere 7, 1:.50 ; Patrick Wallace, repairing culvert, D. ere-; ; Paul SmeltZer, gravel. /4.48; John Amstrong, pipe a,cross road 01*. 7, 8,1.00 ; Satnuel repairing 1 •