Lucknow Sentinel, 1898-10-14, Page 3Aiit 'd
-4m.- %
7 -
L-M-3ir M.31F 31:
nasaw nie uA T" 18 41,1ftmn resent" W T11T I U
0 within 200 yards of Macdonald's line. I
0 1, Scoms of the Emirs and lesser leaders.
0 PWI 'Ar V I IS; Affack ofl I --""a SONEHOW AND 8611EWHERE
its well as footmen. only fell a few -feet
from the 9UT49 and unshaken Khedival Attacked When Soldiers'Gus
infantry. It Is said. one or two threw Among the 4iuscios and jointki tile p&inr
alwars across the Indomitable soldiery.
1> and a few t4ned the f lanks, -but Were Unloaded and aches of
14acdould's Briga e. lludantly despatched. A few Salvos 'x I Ae LJN4 Azo -'"r 11 E5 N4
" ;
110 and volleys s400k tho looser attacking
410 columns of D�-,rvisheh. The Khalifa's creepin. Rightonitstrack
division had qt length- received such a
surfeit of wit
of ring f Ire that the rear creep& in. It penetrates.
GrapW( Description of the Second Half I I 1 8 Wegg awi I hold back, anti the'do%- I
St.. Jacobs Oil searches, drives out.
1)(, ra to r of the chiefs and,their
the Battle of Omdurman, mrsoital,,rellners grew - fewer and Pivageris are ugly and may cause
feebler. ut belkh-ed-Din was with -
I n 1,000 ya rd#4 rwining, w ith his collf I- much mischief. M� Alk Alk -MLAbALA&
SC ff- W E AGAINST FANATICISM. delit legions )P . In all(]. do-stroy
the First Kiedival Brigade. Ilac--
doliald, when he saw that lie could STORY Oo- qg jjjBU8H Tog. xW rel oa i rt, would be in tkw bmu-
hold- film own ggliltst the whole array SUINDAV SCMOL tiful orimmentatkm which M&AP tilme
made cat tomple so remarka"e ast it work or
G. W. 54*vf-its thus dewribes tile at- rtridges daunilessiy' Their of tlx-� Klmlifit's liersonally commanded nnreport 9:1Lyd: A hard
f ight art. 11"aill &11 the ruil0sh of unWief
tack on tb" A-lac(lonald hriga(M in tho Iqk%arnlell. Charged death at t -very inin- divisions th" baf!k his right. tho with tile 111dian omurml If,d Ninth, on;'and then another bat- t-,r,hty, alid w4fimhutws and wif-will be e1saj*d
41"o attle tif Omklur- 'it" hopelessly. Tlm-ir and tile reports from the INTHRNATIONAL LBERSON No III awav t1wre cart be, lktie optiortumity
lid halt 4,r the b Nittil Attawk, tiding ifito the bulles tAtry- fit) was'now fairly beeiet on'a4 w3ene of battle on t,
1111.11k: ne other side of OCTOBE1i 1(j, IBM
VI nothing wins lefti but three 110orwes but fighting splendidly, (logged- Lake are somewilat conflkctr- for rpliairtiol or tx0lding up.
All this frout bearsay. wj too go trottilig tip tf� our line, licilids, ly. The Dervi4lim.'tking fresh cour- although all rporth agree ttiat
let -10%
'k saw. When the ir- "For goodness' sake, n. made redoubled efforts to destroy tilt, re6ult hali been 4-13. ORDEAL BY BAK800 ROM.
bi�t( tA) Whilt %vt- MMUiderablo The Tvinpic ltePftir(xL-2 Cliptill. 2#
tOut of thiK" Not. oritt rush, or two, him. It was by far the finest. the most 9114midilig of blood and low up life, oil
Rztmordinwty Corewony Practicied ft
Mir his brigatk* or ten—but rusli oil rush.. con1pally hi-roic strugglo of the, day. A necond 878. Pla-ce.-jeruhaleni. I
kliviv WfuLt lie was doing. He Three. newapailer 1111uptiorstitioub Nativelit of India.
, as giv- eoxn1win, never stopping, .,hough battallonbe ffLmons fightilig Eleventh correspont:4,lits, 1�1pri'"I'lli.-joaah. Jeh"iltda. Ievitp%.
itig his right tA) zll*, jklibeatk.11 ttieuly ;.I all their view that 'wwa not xingliaken Soudallf-*-, W*) 141.4 so heavily at At- tj Brill, of the st. Paul 1r,.ss Thi- following extraoidmry u&rra-
%VIth Ilis U-4mal dtr' hot Maile. it onewy wasthe btx1lee of the inen who swung' round and - interposeol li"Adt'"It, 0i U10 Minneapolis Tribune, (-1011111nontary--4. Joash-It, of fjwto us tlwy tx�curred, and
'Od-8 purpoiie
to gt t between t he hd rualied beforP 014-111. A. dusky Iiiie tht-niselves to Klialll's and Sbelkh-ed- aud Knappen, ol the Minneapolis to G (;p1werning miyb the Madras Mail. we am
is ga mi . I low w ZZ61
lie tzot tip stormed forward; 't bent. Din"s flerce, folowers. Furious aa wasi Times, are known to have tmen in of hollse bL lfolrmtA were witnommed and CALn be
14-r%whes wid Omdurman. 1 the gift of I1W SOU that on(;, at least il
did it -tot gut Hk %v h.11, k ). rell'apart mid dimppeared. the flinst of' 1�ad ana Iron. the Djer- apare(l. H*"Ice Ili; tAwtkfied to 1)), tho wiewherii of three
bPllVflll 411 IWLt- iii the fWlit, and (xio report is tliat prt-4erved tile
they were killeil, hile nothor ,Qtys r toil, h(AW-lopldh (A-cupying a large house iii
ellemy.w,oultl take. Itefon-o the liad Heared urother %6'h--$ hd all but forg.d in betwee.11* fillifig I infitilt jo�
bending nd torming f tllq- Nfiitli and F.Ieventh. witell tile .14CM.- they are ?jpw prinwers iii the hands K 4 x%Xiir. 17 IT ;I lk-litinlek utniot. (,alcutt&. am so re -
But ho truatt tj to Ilis xvii. Id. F. X. I I. marka-ble t4kat it is W(Wtll the while
ar. if lwayj. tIl..y I)t)rt, him of Ehe tudians.
SU i the &into trae" wheeling t tile dotilile. 1-9; :-' Chron. xxiii. TAP % ift' UP r It The veagivit- Ailwid- fIII4-tj th.-. This little towit has beeli full for xxix, .11); H; of alY W!ielltiht t4l, t*WA tbom jabruton-
blacks of tilt. I Battalioll Egyptian vava'ry mivept excitement all day,-antl as tile iv--- 'If(! I' It notable Instn(* of ally, Im Ulis 1WvaAiiy done 4lon t1w
were storming uebel one w1io 4,
surg&lln. U.N porW from the other iiilie of tho lake inatle at gu(xi tmiill, but (. f IM3, ttr,.ft tjoy donloestic
ling to it 'tj ill
Mid lind, ga:loped b4lck to thout hilsititioll tiiL. fellalluen in., Uw peWlit became frantic. bad end. Of a weak ebarm " h"us'. It added tilat every
- Macdonald, facing I -ere made 1A) gret up -t*r, lie wtjj
buid formi,it right 11,igle. riie% wt -it Ix- Md -J, nttxod their grounil fill. -I efforts A% :1 kept fron Outward trapwrtlowton ljoy AF'r%jL11t lit Cak--utta is & lively hj�..
rveeiving the fire of tile Klialif, 4!lt ariptrob with� a b(I'llet 01, confidence. Called to UP go to tile help of Ulf thO iliflumee of the strong Jf,hoiadoui'; fiever III its Officjilcy, and. if
i's divi, P:l- k - troops� a thipf.
ililon, auid the 4-hargo of tho klialita's through his thigh-b(mle. lay oherj awl -ft ind buy9iitt this will bp witt in it few hourw WOR as Jehoiada. diedi he yielded 41 t 0114XI C(Pfl160*t#*- A Brahmin tbehind filek. tilli LP.Ul mider !ik-; brot1wrt's Ninw-r. From j)oitit !to: inore reinfor(ww'ents ctionling Oil :'jif-clai f:fill mde t to-
h0rWineft . t, . 4�! hto If Is P'. wOl*kf'r Of tho-je- marvelti. lie ij, well
hugv, blitick tho givwtk -truly thcre. now only vishes, who, b-;tving olioj it! itni wrt-.-k o hiq ebaracter an -1 a
4 tru'lit from Burforti. 0 ill C'lcutta. slid d4ow not 1pro-
Altandard was flappint &sp,-radoew, stro3ing. I tiny. How we should thatik Goil work Out his method of th*4t
raven -like. The Bacgura horsemen I dashet agahwi their 11114. It %,,-Uki The fight txvurrod milew from t
were few' (nio by one toward. -a the rif! ' tPur Higli Prieltit (!:in tlift
ulld jl1g to Umg1j, proxacted strtigge, b-il Witiker, oil a point Jutting out Into dil-U!f-tion for moiwy. tout k3a%-em it w
201) aittgethi-r-but tll4k* rode t4) get -1 Mindi'd-It IN M.' t4k"W' Ulploy 11111i t4l re%v&rd hilti
y peal, turning . side to' Col. Mactiollak was s1bwly frt4-ijig the lake, near I -Sear Island. Tlie.wA- mrkable tat the first Movement to.
home or die. They dieki. There wa;f at rettf-%-Lize corphv, then vatight by a Itimseff. aidd w,4111ing till long the I diers, IM strong. under voinniand jif if tVy think fit. It in buid that thib
midtlen j% -t (4 fury. bou.nding forward, "he Camel Corps ?ruruc out to (soneral John M. Bm"i awl ajbr ward restoring tIlf1 temple shoulif i" readily tk4oiie. tklkd that Ile nuLkab a
when One galitpping ftaggara ehtvki-,�g.- shiking limply to the ground.* his If, -istalleej forined -oil thr.. 1A)U18410 LUCHENI, WHO KILLED THE EMPRESS Of-' Al'STILIA. come, not frow Jehoindit, bout from go,)d thing tout of it. A cook in tlw
Wilkinson had arrived there in
-would h4ve ellased a I'lder the black flng,*in.a ring of right k of the prifvt, but a-rvk�n A)f 4A famil
tialls ; but that time is %ery Iong pa^ -t vow it the Eleventh - Sotiflaneme the Joaah, not from ill the locality ILI_, and at 4-30 a. m. they wept from. the king. -Pool. d t" entrunted his nelkliew with
fellah"Pt' Stood like it wall. ailt' txxlie�f. AA)Od only three nien, facing Shells 'allAI showeirs of bullets frolil From the photograph taken,by the Geneva, -SwItterland, Police. orit boalml boats, and wvr#) carriedto
I the threp thotistitid of tile Third Pri- t I x I mws the gunboats tlro%,, Th(t New Vork Worlil luta I recei, ed Luc-heni's career be irs out tilp story UIP houwb of the Lord -It i.,% it ouper. f
OA the point wbeire a lan' iiin was madel fichif w�rvant of religioti w1jo ii(jes W k#V-4) it, df --
They fo!tled thoir rms Lb011t the reir lines of the first pli-turo sefit to Ameriv:i of' of his face. He was horn of Italian %
with considerabole difficult"y' a gal not re)ilair it dij house of worship. that he
dily f6r%vartl. jDill,s allns of Wall- atirri-d up it pretty -B. kitr. Wh,m eartben pot,
as n% tilt" Stiiff -11101 Steil 1111en. Thzee batt: "Is Luvheni, who assassinaW the pArentage In the gutters, and never of wil 1 11. v g V'
jTw4) fell. The last lk-vvl;tqil stootl 111) it -1 in I EPA houde or 4;od'ii h if. 11
EwIll.. st4x)d ad j*k#.%�j-k-: tilt. lope, got tip to�'.lflaist ill complot- 'Eniprltss of Austrii. It in also the, new father or mother. Fr4m the livply w4a. The landilig %v:IN 0-ff4M't04I vau4e� i; running down, it is tfine for fit- buried. The lomijaluoli of t1di.
hel shouttt(j the of t1104 Kliallfa.- Tli f fret* photogra ho, go far an Is known. r-barity institution in whioli he wasi t t a bou t 8 We 411"let §qx)t w. -W
last Paggar fell jit tilt. ullizzi4� sof ti, e ,,M.k. s0m" One too begin it crumade of r#*A- 091011fitled to a friettd.
v I nam.. 4,r iiir4 g4xi :,:,,I burili-d his spear. over tken of Vie Auarc!431; anti iuur- reart-d lie was cast out at ten yearlil! Shortly -iftc-r this the 4%x)k W" Ilk-
riflea 4iur fire W#.Ilt to,,, rt,- Tlm%it 114. (Illite utill, waiting. It xAncoll- sitilt to - t lip' ight. got' ill ST0116Y OF Tiff-. AMBI'S11. toratiorf.-Jaetob6ic
O -t, joill�.d derer. The Wan's, name has appeared of age to shift for himself. He 11v6d; hin that the 1,M)t
took 11 lit fil-1; Ito quiverc(l. gave ato ljoe the jCamel Corps and s- varluusly as Lut-chest, Lucchint, Life. its bz�st he could lWays ilatilic work, Company B, of th. Third l'itit(41 fit- were jilipt. for Mod lo�
bliliteAl ill finislAng off thO W reovive. but Up go miti :,HR. -and monf-y had divalijoeal*41. %vitll tfl
;L-nd t4)pp!4-d with -his hend etmating dild In othor wayg, but the Swiss until he was ola enough to J* the, fftatA-, Infantry. commanded by tIW 11ralimill A -a,4
boa ,4 itj or tw. so:,. 4uthoritivi (-%-I lently have -vont-luded army, hoping in rms to f Ind it '01 it t c or it of t�ol
tljo- bl. if Li k W y
rick heads thitiswel out iii*frfon!. lli�s f-tt4*,- towards tht. e)or Wilkinson. Lieutenant Itoom, and itf klet"19-- to diNiover UP4, thipro w-jiltj
-ond tirao theatt:ivk, gutti-retl wl of hip eonquerorg. that. his proper naino 1ii Luelieni, for of ease. DisappointeJ fit thftt he de- arg.- (of Geivtral -Wax not too Ile ninde at Jorill-
A the' Ik�r%Lglicw for tiu-- first tim4 tlw- eitif 4if t1iidah-The
flickervil 4 -out. it 04 years. turn tall. it'N t;o 'Written oil the offieial pho- Nertetl three times, eavii timil being aiuler ch. thl- f0110u'i'49 Is a bnfv- iarratioll Of
m4pre. t,".t)nWurnt;tn' lily. bilt ill thf- vities kof .11141jill- t -be eXtraordinary proi-*-dum lit. ad -
LIKE WoLVE,4 o\ THE ly un for their liveA to tite Mipll tograph. It wits taken by the police captured Imprisoned. When -fin- geri ludianu. at ll;tvar Island. The
��Ir anibumliel and traply4l fly the Pilla- ?Qij"ll 4p
D. -lily says ter of 1: Ivan a authorltion fruinedlaitel after the as- th4' rA viIA-s bfill' OPUA alid uxually adoptijiP in all mm*
milintes, silt -114., ally titshonorably released fro ser" attaok was :t* t-oiul)lf%tA- ' viurpriw� to ijjG tilpir qpwli jlf4gIjb0rIj( t4p.11'et4d,101
Mlpi'4- ttu, the saine ttack: !,t. the oiily one sasslitatit).n. Thf, assassin's face, It vlcx-, he wits for it time valetto the "Is. all "i4i. Ife.
wils no battle lit the'course I havo ever smilt 4-11gagesj if) will, b,-- notod, th;- troo!*4, and (ni t4w firist b4liots All I 4,liws to) thc- IK)LLW-. pro% idt-ql A ith
UIXPII wt m4wo vraslii-d ff-rth the is ossentiAlly brutal, Prince of Ariagun, nil then studied tirael ioi 111411". , ,
-1 tilt' JaY'ki* blootfv work -a fi-lit fired four UUHL' were mtricken. or tlli� urilm-s as the tw" loamlito) rfxk lllxjut fjixtPqk
in througli lialf wtf;n� *of loattles Be- Phlllily� showing degeneracy toward law. FalUng to find life easy enough, -41 IWt
Tbi ttinq- it burst %%-Ili-Il the barbari.m liwt di,l serious yond -III the donble,'honor,4 of ntni-il of the Meanest or- he bLcame it tMicontented 'waptierer. There %-i-re meveral liulianm spen about P!eior God. At tile Unly! of tlkd. W-Ijimil knig jiitd fill iik-h alid a lialf ill diap.
UP"ll -Villed"1111(l til" llortll- Im-19- to tht. i-lienly, nd wherein the day hall I"n. won fl (of., Nl:ic- der. Indeed, every feature of the man, Attracted by t1w opportunity to live the few Ioj� hoiumw tm the shore, but thtll tO-k t4ib�49, ao the larger wvtkisi to -r. lie jiliv) lilts with Ilim a llumtFer
w"dward upon hi, i i --!it there was Britih
r, , danger that the when th,- troijjos 1, nAled throilgh the arnigatz!K1 to, till- Ilayne' of fr4wil I*-4'1)Ul ivoetiallut
t4o I,:.-; rear. %i -in I
iimg fid gathei (*tory might not W, gaolelij. it was d It Kliedival BrIgatk%. fact-, sets him. down for what lie is, find s he wWied by anarchistIv t1jeories,
witi, -item In %he well-worn he JjIfied the red brotherhooJ,'but he 0110 ppear0d in tbe 1110'"" 31PPIb"d V 0 .1 Udit it.-- Gri e.L4. 4;a ther MOM— rkv� and aqw- vermilion aiid cow -
a t f -tl,;Lt lict.ri although he pr.
FI the i r sud, It -i t -nv i f t l to tiff oot w a 1141 t 11. it :111.T 114.1p surf all but
third. of t.he Khaliffil's army lilstic- argumOnt, It I-' (41811Y to 1i bellevecLto have betrayed for gain Woods. On. lawling tho fu)1dii-irm pro- mtxiey-l. The **at lifulf-lil.
Hung themselves.upou Ajo - riva: it ffvvjh estrtlopn diuli It" to lw
itlent the lliniuglllmlt� th ift4glied In the story of 10% On- nare
reatt In IlLs face thilt a dNtem provid--d 1; t4k. pe
git-han le4l triomph." 0- one great plots of hN il;111106- CPX'4W to thP 11011W in. which Bog- the k%IIW alljolilit 411a:f a laxi wiltj muninjolls
tkay iie%er Icst tit -ir [,,rmtimi : their. tit -Egyptinn troopq, him.k4,1, about. y
HiVa drovo on s rigldiy�as "i, whivlk had omt-how . bocome iolated 'THRI IN(; and vontorteil nature ;Ltes.: At the time of his murder of Ahe-Ma-(;co-Shik reiiitkw, w lien fit -30 twfitrv') f4m- rich find poor allik; film. aWwell as a su-Nol.
a ry more res-ponsible for his miserdble' the Austrl�in Empress, he was under hoine. but tlw-,('Ilk-f, who had threat- iflusitrathig the truthwit tili-lopoilili4
mt-ut alonvid..- reginwim in hito-4 #)f Ax f rom the All Uip vervants in the houlw tire
rest of the forces. The I lly Ne s"t-torrespontlent gjves position till, I' th(t theor'lR be PapdUqed. it charge by his aparchistie colleagues. euvil to kill thp ooldiert; In cajift the re equauy precilAis in God -S thev are made to litand
and eight and it d4ozeri. rnks *till you The- Daily Tvk% t -orrepont tent it thrillitig pit!t re of tho w6ne as th.6-
raph y
;'I. xxx. 11-16. 2. Mo-orwy rngn In it half relp, and their names are
might have fall( -641 %lit' 11fleellorliall ivels ft excellent account'of the' gay. Dervi-41i m d sh forward lit. their f Iret. should b�� twitt fwr hilm. was not at Ill gilt, L (.1
struggle- gre, home.- Marshal Sheehan. however, "Pelk"fti vOw#,, will0t regulated by writu"i on mieh leaf. ftn(j th lea veg,
phalagi wa-9 agaill. JA' -ft lld at f1harge. his is It: ese
front nd right"31id rear th+- .11,141 wilde a, wide swIng "At ON tint I. P.., when the DerL- found lla-(tuod, a Pillageri Indian, lit -w- and clicuiastaneAw, with One :iinted with the vermilion.
to the went. Thp Vervishes 'like vish m4sees w ..-ibout FAV --will offeringu. F. -x. x are in the dish. which, in its
ary ulo* ttw orilorokeFt turn, b4 oll the stool. Two utter
hirteen bun-, who w" olu� (4 tho 22 who rescued XXV.
W101vtv UP011 'tll-- veit for'.brey 1. 5. All them- nx-llt*)l,
fast alid ft , sud- dreAd yzirds w Y�-the --,peetacle theyj the llillagi-ri wune weeks ago. atut
felily I" "' K 9", titrarris tire theii made too hold the
sprang I roin "tkuvxp�cted, Iairs. it 1101-fietical Ml
present :1 wa.4 the' most marvellous
-ortound 3.000. platwAl Win Under arrest. !%faliAluod r in each hand, oppo.
With swifter fi4-t anol fierver vou n i ge, most hinghtfi:-ent; that can gtwtilim f(mr tw.-.1 bib. To re
...and th niatle a thwilerate fight, although the tt. l0am o&. ont
Nite eacti other, with their elbow@ far
they d tshed for till. i-;oltetl bri -ide of
b., Imit ln&f. N*) one of 'um who was L ow� company of mAdiers were drau-ji, up bellbld their hirm, wo that they eart
.\tP%V tik-T4-reest fight. Li tliat of Col. ltough w*e Were, rei;Ont oil-. tha day will ever'in his lmv-leet. and tittiiiagi- tiollis to it, jt %%,,"
-top far illwa in front of tho place. It nmlqired tile havp I ttle or no illflueu(.e i4 turning
ftere,- day.- The Khalifa broug'olA y at- the rin6ment w1th' the rife bphold ag if a sc�ene 'go, grandly- wiltilY ollt of relmoir. The voting kii
rs t - or Lyttcil ahwista-itei- of four soldio-ro to subdue 19 1`4 or b�mnilirfg th(- rods. Now eomeA the
#,wit; blek' baiiner gikin` lklo shou Ilk,. toli's Brigade, the. I m press I v e *. or stirring. It'..typif i6d thil, primizu-it atul Im)t the handcuffs it Rtr�ge p:trt of the pm-eedingi,. %t
ts; * t
floide of tile. demoeiRding In - eVi y the, 1ill:ll desperate INUt '191 ;'A
-litibmw1h�st 14-haL-4 4lr4ov it into the
Aftor Ma li-qw pit had bo3en the Brahmin's vall (A each na,mv the
a ga
1wrifis; lit b7imboo to& in thp first inatince rise
arth add iock"t their it. tor%4�roj,, us. From bellind tile struggi of b7irlb.uri' Inst On, bim' tAVYf'a]-St4'a(jy.
g. IZ, ve- unrensoul. placoed fit the, bow of the steamer Flora
sou gn�-eit. flag dauced encourazaWnt --olPol' -or Val Xutrii I I t Io,, Of, d t xggi nt eoreguLirly e1liol"(141. tagethf-r and form a semi-virele abo%e;
the Klinilif4l. W.t.S C-11:1 ol It-intt:xieat -41 butL Ii f rging witli all,. a; v flqll.ltt(. in g.1111st tr thit, tr(xpiw forinfxl ooluninx of two and If .111 itt"Jillot b,- act""
u in,pli. Nclemet the ultimate
f prottst o te-br.Ave Ignorance 00- (if sinall Indian w-ttleluefltOl but -1ga.t I Lilil aga ill.- -1 bill. piek Up Ulf, 1p.if
-111 Witt till I lt aban(kiltied. c1rele below, gradually come UWther,
I o marchoil around the Iwiiinsula. A q.t 'lot, Ix -
tile .Itt4qjlll#+ at EXICIA. they then bend, and forming a omi-
Wall tic f biti llu
--aratAm-i uo%V. was victory or I -. �* " /' werit, isitel and inijuiriem made - for eontilining the jin Me
Dervish cohorts
Ofir. The iiiatter-In out. and throw It out of the
For Us A was victctry", or shredtk advane rolling for,ward over the and t4OO tila , t Y'
fk-oli AiLki bwtvs. uubiir�ed, criwitting Indlanm, for whom tho marshal I low n
wav might roll or a his ik-putif*4 had w&rraitts. 1111ittAri refori- 44h. Tlii-� strange pro. -tem is repeat-
untiertiti-ro-ki slipper.4 (of ilaggatavie- hilge pliairle flreswe6 overthepla-In. D-C.GILMAN- 9 N. 1. 6. t; of in -at penaunaI th-c6ioll ed till the wime of the thief, a*, til -
1 %, 'C& E N C Ht"i E S. F Ar
tcro. Itwas the vk-ry crux antic1r;sIs A PAItLEY bilAIN e% thaing ttirouKh not. legeAi, I--; clled, when they both seize
Their v6uirtleik bin rs swayed an'
of thk. f*gllt. If -macklioitill'i wo-lit, Bog-Alle-Ma-( _8jjjkL k4 t out of the Illititing to (kowhat he lilts purpow�d the Iemf, lift It up, and only diiwn-
-C _;o 'P
t1ifty mol A, t4elr gr at broad-blitd-
way, s well as others of the or i"IN.63M caliml to do.
oit his left. and C(Alinson anti tho -sup-' g
l0a lit every- gage It fit the call of the Brahmin,
,,med tribe wanted. A number 04 the lead;. '119 t 'it, lic In rods
pt,rting caffif-I ctorp-4..*.1ltt-tI-. lit-%% I., i ii;heet or, silver the itun. Their lead- 11, -0di W bc dotte. 6,11ow im who e treats the to lot the leaf
ers.-o �m-ill, 0vift hore�so-flashed to' f(m- its doiiig.- 00. To all nflopearanve the two men
returiuttl cavalry, �%I, lIll. I , i;s rght (,r ers were talked too Im Gen. Bacon thO acCePtC(I 16,2m thf- rods make no effort
af-ross �he front of their line; hud Manihal- O'Connor and -they pro- TrUmbull. who hold
rear must all go tvo. Thit. rid 13rit- and fro.. whatever. Mile thhig 6 done In #such
--41 aitill Se�itl Egyptian Brigadv 1 6 %vere'i here- Ira there, dotted conspicuous be- fmaed friendship for the suldiers and 6. Jehoiada tim- chief -He* bei'49 litigh
'A 'ti luid chief clia un extraordinary fashion as to ex -
far coff by flow. advaitc;ug by ti fore tl)e ace ot tile 1108t, wild figures promised to do wit. they could'to lorlt rg;- of the work.
fin tI veed belief. In tact, a reawmablip liu-
re- ie alr� in it most tribe wanted nd t&, fact that lie did U(A priws it
have the members of thi
of *urgliam hill ; if t hoy has f t(w 1), Milk tj
to give themselves up. Several In- forward bhows lie had ho -)me personal
called the Klialifa could walk bck. into frenzied war dibnve. the Mort n - twing vannot believe it till he
ifig of t elr'wa -hornfi.Alip thunderous dians %tere w -en walking about with vxq-tigj. for thta (jelay.-p. ham witnessed It, and when lie has
Itisstrofighold and then fill our fightirg' 'I %%*fly hast done Ko hisi amizenieut is all the great -
Wart to begin. anew. But Hunter throbbiOg of tWIr drump, the: hoarse riflm in hnds, but they were ;if- th,lu mot requirtA ...... tIW ('01if-etioll ?- er. HPre im Indeed, it marvel for tpe
pmviate6t roar f theilr battPle shout, CEN. E N C. M way4 t a diRtnve and made no de -
Bey %as -N 1
there, and acdorild monstrations. Two hours nd a half 1%ly A t'ofWn`gati01l Ila" falleft into acientimt. to puzzle o%er. The two rods
b!ew", . with the fllitmh reiteritnt SCHOFIELP. b 0 ti I remained in (kway. becaump
ther,-, born. figh-ting men bothi w lout. ; 4 ir like thuoe bond. oome together, find seize upon
er-isi, of their rifleo, folit the were fit by the troops and the
fir ght
two daitgor can flurry, and no sudden marolia s in %isiting the wzweral set. Jilkil"AlIV-d t') be iW i,ullders have not the rh rutmov as they are called
41 storwi allif the ttiliverIn wall of duat ritiv-d their negligit-jit lialidig. out, and then throw them imide, ex-
ohift lit the kalf-id(jecopo of battle dia- 4f '21� *tlyj I - — tlements and then the p!irty i4tart- 7 Solis 4of tthaiiatl -No young vfvt in the case of the tilief. in thill
ctPnc#-rt.-Huiit4-r wnt for Wauchopele 01PIA, Vfth tIlVJi!nj.V Rheet. Of
-y-brown ke th4t thinly veiled ed bek ftir the landing plave. Just Th
In front of Bog-Ahe-Ma-(io-Shik's hut Mul knows weak The is until tho Illstanve the nephew owfened to the
First Uriish Briga,ico to fill the ga I) I %All tll,,q-r f t. nu kitig it fitting frame
e0or a young Indbin was arre6ted by De- insldratiottii of home iliflU6.1it-4. theft. find it number of his relatives
belkyo-eu acdonald and Lewis. The for the fnfwt'.- x -or!d cture that .1 re Who had vome front tip -country to wit-
Tl(�e fell4ow nsw4tred to hdravvii. It, IN not always th orkk-r . wo�ikt 'to General Gatacre f� r -it... looked - oil. flon ty wit
the name of Mu-ioutrinde, and made and amiable litkys un(kw t4le wAA-liful no -,As the orde-it rulide restitution
Inatopa-lort6tho Sirdar, With w0, wet
filer's iju4tinet the brigade iulfv- i no ot*vtion to his arredt. The rom- 4)f )od mother who milk#-
-a gc
1114-11 :tt4 (on din ired EN NOT USZL�.
pany, minus a few guaints oil Ulf- Uu. str(ma nu -n. A tuan is what lie is
(.oil the instant. The khaki coluntriSr" )It
litil"10 gazitig ;it, the fact -A! roUlLit and edged riglAwar I,', 6noola gl-A, ow ract ituit, sttvt in( Fit or. linoil ow, witli their lip MUNL sUutd a r Kodem Prejudice Against Ago or You"
rqhtwant till tho fighting- iiik- r t 1, 1 if tht*", a en Ili Ole d es b:wks to . the lake, and were Imt Tfult wiekd-d woman-Daughtler 4of the
--y ly -earn t'
th6,BritiA nai w# ri it few evolutltmx fly Major
741. through . I I I
but,keti with :3,000 - arid wife fit t1w s*ii,
Lec-.Aktrords, -Alitf Coitartrvative, membeV. of i1hrl'ju-- 110t. 10119 _6-110i ignored. for
fit which :no wall. on earth 'couiti. faeli, M# tit. for Yo,rk. 1A),rd ('hai" Bere4- 11,4. may. dallied all the tow i r4 i3a s4wrates, when, lub hair whium40
0f J4 alld tile exvelot With Ulu snow of age,
awl live. ujidervaken ' a W pla)
- Later the Lincoldct were mi.%jall - to
-'nc4 it 1,200.yardg' range The very last,
move,it further still on to Mactibiiald'o Chizut .111 the iliWrests of British com- Lillcohts 0P I ordei of the S. Mq. king'$ 4towtuantinwnt-T4) toll instrumenu; of niusic. Catto, at
with the War- ms,rt*,P, . id ro-loorts credi -!it t . inia rvf I in "di
right, They dimputo t h fin alk(I h:! %% I commanding of f icer jaosrt b4ore ('11170 gTenter VO4eienry and exim-ditition fourecore, Iftan his study of I mak.4s I 1trdly:a y m J: A.. 7 7 the ma#mwre commenced was to un. m4mley for aDd Ule 4amc uge saw, IluVarch bw-
Qj- iioi3eawry
wic.k.d tho title of tho-'beat shoo'ting d . no �anoke. LINCOLN. 0. AMONT.
reg.ment in the B' tiatoi-' art (offprisive ti y I L AII cbserver had -cit. "id This wall iybpyleil, and fill t1ri.relhair (Of tilt- topmple If(- rva)lved ginning, With the entfluin"n of a
ritisli a:rmy the nd defensl e all tmen tlwy 41iot at will dimpute wo claim tX-twf*il Great Britain an dtliatioll the meit rested firms, -a signal shot tf) 44M ljg,.%.tjje Metlo,oxi of m-eiving find boy, his first leswoub in Latili. " Tlw
Soldiers and Civilians' w4o heard. This was followed fill ill-
rmo 4 Pr if �-1111-tfoil(w -,was hVited b thepresident to Investigate stant later by at w-cond one and then 41,110cwtitiliff It.-Illid. ( hch-t-104-irmitting Character of Mail' Theophr"tus'
"f tho Li0colus forever. Japan nd to vompam the.dowtLfall of
. K- ' FIGHT. if IW)Miblf-. IN.-ri he 11.4-11 iritthe firing !Ine' Conduct of the Bureau. flisilade t4r- giver to 411 divide hixofferiqg for I'lagnum (motis, %Iab hwull oil Ills
COC I -,IT 0F THE Uar of ohota war f ired
iQling r k tA -the rc4ol-ive. dtfrigging th - temide front tile offering'toii the 90tli birtloolay. Chatioer's ter -
but the etockpit of the fight was' orif.-W'by -tkie isling*-the f roni the' tM'411(W flUd small llork*U; (2) PA,*- for hinwelf that it bury Tales' the work of Ulf-
ty tinilw-r by the India.rui who were in am-
Mucklon"Id's. The British ye't, , intact coltimil Of 15,000 Men, could hold them -and. ex. applied Ij#P intended.- istioet's declining years. Itousard, the
m'g " t their - 1xi g. ND SH6y BABY ATE THE RAT POrSON'. bwsh- Whei, the fim*t -shot wits heard
liners and mounted Emirs cliall (11 theni [for c0o! weii THEN FROM dAIL A llilige. At thie gate -.%'Par tile dootor tof
avenge his Lorigade; it was his W Pons. nofather of French liailtry, whuv�� mai-
"the, forefront. A broad it the (-Ompally '11S thi- prI444s' coiurt, and the altar.— neta uven tr%uslation clulnot t" -troy,
kc*p it 'azud to kill off he attae-k.' stream - running from the south It Had Been Spread on Bread to Give to unkofiding his rifiv had
Tto meet it lie turned his fr nW'AS L'OV Z T FIRST SIGHT. Keil. , riot develop hill jKwuo faculty ull-
tho est, of beriL4ies who. had :ain
Ra ts dim-hargi-il it, The b"tood shot emitted
through it vomplete balf-circle tle- X4 ot t I nearly. :d). Benjamin Franklin at
44, Iden, spRing up and, ran tow. stiili:6 . of 15ir '19 o ileslo burpr1w, nd Own it volk-S. as fired Pirtif-latuntioti-. voiitent with age lu"I jubt taken lim really
0 1..1 01oly M A llarylaiid Maij me Qiiick Work jitch: Itats Ila ve plaving t4if. elk*& fit tho"entran(w. tie
af0-1h upon the soutbwlt corner af Mae. defatig bl' d tlip by Uot Indians from tlw-ir looints of
north. Every tactician in the :irmy dioluilff's brig -a oe Engineer. Calt'll"l, Inuell alilloypt flilitstgwof Importannein plillowilollie
qb-. vantag.-. Then tlw 44 4;en. I�aeAjii m.ttl(- it prfm-laniation Pt - Uje mange
delirious Ill. Iiis the ig.% o d -pill ajil(I yull;�, tim-- fit JuAL-th and Jortimik-m V) 4ifrer Purallits Arnatild, tile U4"Offiall
rettirm-d- frfjTu 4-bi Tilsoillmir an lif-ard eauti iij ti i ) I ,
LN g. w. 0`1 49 JO met V le the so P, trantilated Jawphus ill
inithi-f- 0-7 to
not"wit correspondent %%.t:; cou tent ilig UP' EgYjAian ca�ajry. wem. hast- t' f'rst i4ight,,* A-aijing Ili tlonli-r to e lilair of tile
-itch tho maft tn4I h f,1111 %I� I ' themlit. cool awl Aeady. -Major Wilkinson IV- Ills rpar. Winckelmann. 4xte of
to w. . . #r
W th their ilkision it f atold this rruiark. and the woldierm -ritem o4i f4amwe
(4tooixl .18 OIL Parade,** i.s art (1111 Vo ttao-k thum in t114- tl Udk.'44. -stnClo'llille. I If. p0. M. Ali ...... vast into the riteut-The Uie nKmt famous
rear. Scarcely HAII ASOA UhTED A WOMAN. loread st)ught Nbelter at P%%-ry tipot. Volley intiquition. wam, Ujo will, of a . t4p- -o' �
thi, v lot rt �*A imitf-ol after %4illey fin -it loy t4m- littlians, 0
Ik-y %vas very ;j, soul ill ths rdar's rmy. from was dropIP4,41 through if to te
m ue I k coolor. Beneath the strong. i0is I F4 or a frielld- sinall fr,,,41 Il:jjI it ll litaker. an4l II%r4 in, coloeuriky 1`0111-rdl "Al.111glitA,it ill tip, lid, intilliatilig it had twell
spiare-hewit face ou coulsl V-11that it.,t work whou lie wh4*&- lor-atiin v0uld only be tlf-Ur- wilorallVe . tqitil the pritne of ikfe.
o6ligular jx-ri! #)f Ulf, ittitiour I Virw... t41l ff'IA)II i!)U Sly '.1 88:1111t Milit'd fly the HindAke fnnn tim-ir rines. to G40 never to 1 0, re"U'll.-Ni. 17.1ki)tv. tile Engli.-ill l4liloolpher. ymb-
.40m the brain was working 11 wife of uiptihi JanjF% orrison and Air. Parker ha -4 it little jxPy. Tiv- eompuny. tit tim- (-4 Pitt ma ntl of Thev put heart into t6eir %ursion of tAAe
w ai4 y
lfo wit sto-lid toll his hor-4e, .1 k.11k ftier mixter', after 1weaklill- into their i bright, gifts. making themi tioubly lorech
no Wrriblo- timl... iI,I N. go -t out - ibr illift :1 lJok' 11A) t(Ulkildt if rOjillif. Majt)r NVIlkii'mai,.deployed itf kirmiltih- in hill
k a r4 1, tif.r., t;gu 10h.. ii.(jilple let roonrat thf-*.Nlorri*on r ts delive, nea,
bent hL4 hl, brows tow. - - - the yollligptt T7th year, and! his Ilind gvc*311 riag and the - f.peniiiigtforis, it,!, -rtor th . !- first till dtt I -forim tatiol' r The. haby. half watt-lie(I iii -s * rather (tra * find 19lun-il volleys inti) thp brusla tone Par later. Clwvreul. 41w gmst
rog.,&rding the tj, vivil bali re- If. King's w-rilof . ...... high French lk-lentist. wlKw- unt4
Then lm) turned o -wit It t I ii� I r - ;ubr4v- to of 1 .1, whil,- the captin waj; Ing the wirpriw party for the front flivir Krag-J4)rgeiwt--n,". Fior the wisto h ntr
ga 1161*r litlif giv:-11 If the flight of Keptember 11 hnging alwout., q) thP'XI4PI04%4,fjlf r. t tot, i i (I . tN jow xx 1 " the imirefit's baek first five minutitiv; tlw Indian ' m f i red
art ortler. antl cantered easily tipto) (fill -lit litst, Wright -Smith, volored, wits tak; ovoltor liave so
lil" i.%1 -1'4 1kll('2Wh VO i the j i if here shortly after tc-midler luid reacht4l.1 ter. only drew up the lihig's e4lif-tot, %%riow his 82 ' bw. keen
y fl Lw fir ti I L4 1:11' 11414VVI'S" 1.01� letters. and 1wrim1w ma naged it is :jfjjI tll(. er. with much rtgularity. lout af enrif-littl tim. w
battalion commantler. Magically en f ron wam ttiritt,41 the
the riflfvi hushed, the stinging p0w- 0,(.Io(-k thl. d Wi Of the ate whf-n there a eleative to (1k) ext","- death called him.
rutifol. tll;- SirtLar hael dirvad ited' -r tio, tllat tilpy morn ng ind ri,ldl( f I his most influen- 4.irh ago,
.r is g bull(.tm until he fell ifead in a 'eme-
tier smoke,wisped away, and thi, bat- wert- to Ix- 111,fir 41 1; If-aked q lx0rtiq1:i, (if it, alld hall :1 mouthfill tion. wip-n a #*Pldler hImf*-If. t Money 10 . at tlw ( r4,1* for the.artillery and Alaxim'S tA) tery near tl-v tather came back and 12, the Indialls turned their
-tallons were rapIdly threading hark the rLgon
qpt-ii fire upwi tw- K 11.11if.t-s. big Itt- WO t 7 flat Ite wa-4 (Joig. attentiful W tile two ste.amiltrs and r4ti-ognizelle. the These men did not fear age: thme
It wits wItb -the "I" w
and forward, round art(] rowid. in IXWt4-,i IIA) b- t f- hioiir; (for the it weri tragedy, viltiaub of (;od-His right to their few nilmes from the 1"*at MumSer.poll
alld out as 6� were a figure of '.11 Umn. At tht. Qinio inoment the- rt-- In nly, I.Lr 4 fit 1,44reT, light of tho oon only to illumina-like lw baby was lll:ltio too pject what, Ux)k liartiot-ular painis to
maitilngbrigadeswf. .94 iihars 4f tht4) hridp's � best -and gladl:i- rendered it liber of the famous oneb defied tilt,
4jalle*. Nin t�pojlniitea' the brizailf-. re whi-eled to face: the. dreadful deed, and With Smith'N wa," i'll itH limnith and was carrk�d PRA-TICk,' ON TIIF IIJU)TS.
rrit-ittloi.. a' mily "it hawl. ally to Hini.-Douglass. years, shoulti be VOieft of hope and
wnm,to�pthefr atain In a jww Wauehfo,pe's Pitbous for. merey... and - 'Wild 1"ith AN IlastP UP tho, Office of Dr.
Wasl.wrlt at-thwdoubli- V) heI110 the bri-if-, w o ij4 qm�- (d (jiWilec(a e . P Iteid, wh Thipy were very Skilfill, Mid %far- The king and 3ehoida gave it heartening to every individual wbow
The Mold In front wan hasiUnlnL� fril- 8110,dt-4 of "murder!" to nveentuat th. ere an emetic was applied in 4.
-y-browij of ('4)1. Macdonald. If' I O'Connor, who wam oil th,
wards U in 1k I u 114 - h ookibtl.vl4'!ry' hAimisoluel. horrors -of tlfp lynching.' with(mt ally ef(fvt. The ntomael', -The disposition of tile tuonev walb 'ourage and eptiridencip is weak. The
a whiU rllal�� 1 itr it -to- tile . The, jynehing trirty, evidently,co'ni- li,unill -brought into low suc.- vlora. gave orders to put out in thi, tinder tile immediate dirtvt With Of truth. higher li%ing, trupir
of Der;dsheO. oll all sio(-,. - Fort -chalwl loan- lake unit i6n*of thu development in ever!r phase of life,
ifilately ingoliber fatlt,trom' firm. an4i * head for Walker. This king nnd high priest. who engtigeoli
hardened alf Vw h" k1lew fils men. and bi nien knew cc0ll1 the neighborhood Not d
ktws grIM-ol and D(kif)d of tat -n front an t1w. piee4) (.f poi ie
4;ow- e, was e
f Lame , strixt000l out again, , anol the him, for he had lind the training of all Sinith's of f ene ow-- breitd _wiuj. ejeet.Lxj from the child,#, wall done. and the last seen (if the the workmen art(] paid them fortheir ii never shut from the IndividuPkI un.
(q them. jile gtll,.Iotll. jjtIl witteti, soldiers and marshals ther til he closes It himself. Lpt Man feel
white j4juda 11 Pit. Thf- rot,m, 10 reached the jail h6re "'at -2 stAnuit c I were mervives. Tito laborers and voutri
y -brown qqkveml and st"A w 1. 1 s at nf.441 rang the b0i at the front doot, "'I"I lie 'i"m 'Out 6f dang"r. crouched ifioler the iflielter of tile lioutors alike took part in this, believe It arid Wilke this faith
still. He saw everything; knew "He nd the 2nd underVaj. Mr. !Itoiild fnkc% bO`Y find it ; pet . cottker Hpaltiel the fur- it real and living liction ill bis life,
- illont, t which at that hour of the-.itight .4 ajj I,. III- e
what to qk)-; know 'how to do it ; t*ik. o. form could have twen ill A I Ver Itev. �! Ii M4 Nornian 4 at the lloump;. IUW bank of tire whi It afforded therance of this enterprise. -Green. nd tbre are no limits to hbq pro.
time W USNI tl,4,. th(' higrltil'that a prisoner is to be Wiltlut t1w father and soll returned protection from the fire of the in- 13. Thu workmen wrought andthe gross -
did it. �%t the fire he was ever hrt"l- Have t1wm had they n4)t fought flptitt k not. �% ter - The voilstant jookinx tm
the cf rfL- brought In, it -lit] Nummonemi -Night- Iloulf. rohl. thc (]falls. An the Flora steamed out work wilm pprfoeted-Thp labors of ward to what might have been in.
anti saved -themselves. Lewis', brigadt- niony ti . bf-13 aliff';g oom drov . f ek.
-himl Ids firing 111W. to WILU'llman Thomas J:'Duvall to the into the lake a rifle ballet pasped all. from tile 'king to tlw llull,I)l4vt
ing watchfully W. IN[r. rt 'it liniff- doctorn the little dog
at tho consp fim tw was instantly i rfwt alm%t a -milp
awaY.:arld the I)Prviah+w are Wmit to 11 .!a r re 014%,-e of bread tile
was we but(it wa. ril-4 It COrpiwl- lit t.11pir absence lip had A*,Aad of forward to what M&y be.
Wor i pt LV('14 (16or. -He t�)k down the inside iron f4Lt0;l tll( through oide of the pilot-houne varpenter. wPre essential to tlie 14uc groat weakener of Nelf-emri,
in front of it; all s;a bar, and ' wiliell 1r.
-am soon As lie did t e
fhajd in&44 tile elliki pit out and struck Edward Harris in the vew of the great undertaking. It fience. This worry for the (4d papt.
knpw that they werv- Move, Six that troops speni to am: pa0taken. of. -Mr. 'waft bU.r"t open and half a dozen re -
Pointe left firm, shattering It, nd making is not (for fifty worker in the Ionj'jj thig waRt J,energy, fo-
us triumph. stand Rtill. 141110444111flitly fort volverg were XI at hL4 head. of 164.-nir6itth, haiii (lit4i ill r no power in
(or fl'urry would traiii for Behind them were mitaked men, and amputation neetsmary. Bullew flew ('111118P V) imy lie Itax or Ilinwelf (jolw tIlP World enn WoItTHY 01" THEIR POP thiek and fast. but no other lierson :in.%, g4xmi ttlingw. At the bf*t fit, Individwil'R falth in himself, W#Wk Wor;ri wrockeod Maedotialds brigaikr-, but tho.-il. llol . it . y� ow: vnt. to the rear of them More armed men. CONVICTED OF BIGAMY. wits hit. although the sitles and dettk is only one for agpltil in tile en -i hiii erfortm to develop himaWif for
The black,4 of tijo- Ptli. lbtli anol r%villi,illtly kne Illit Witim-Rit it word they
their brigailier forced the
11th. the historiv fightin'g regimentn btl8ilLe#w. w or the steamer were perforatptlwith lwrfet-ting tbp future to thip oA)f the Egyptian rin. were worthy ep which co4lift not, t". tile ifecond floor. anti Cornwall Woman of (liOd'A planii.-Trum
F �aejl hiiq wen) being Hellt A411 hill) :POSED A8,A WOMAN. thf,ji they demailed the keys tip the Thought Her Husband bullet The steamer Chief fol- bu 11. -of their ehief. Tike .1gypti4tn. to try anit litold oil, that -help , %Vaol vorri,lor find clellj. He gave them.,up. Dead and Married Again. lowed the vourse of thp Flora iiiinie. T"a eh Lugs. -MOM livfw are brigadwif With tl��p fighting in com;ng. Yem; buttlic-a4urging Dervish A Wow Tork f4an's Ruse to 0htain Tire (k)or.of the corridor nwung operk Cornwall report: - Three (]lately filter Indian Inspector Tink- frolM wasit (xf purpow-, tAull, from A COOL BURG
the line. were worthy of their eom- columns were converging ulioljoll 411 111140oyment. aujil'titraight to the �eli Of Smith went ii, tilf. (.()nllty kill mIntellf.e er. the only passenger oil board, had delilm-rattel evil rPO"P - V. 4. A IHe Dined so Wol I
rat*n. and of their ()wn relmVitifon br; the men. The edl ddor was tbrown IKTII shot in thp left forearm and inpidatA41 'chuper reveals It bask- That R* IP
thrlim) s4it". Surely' it NPW Vork re0ort: Arrented ill mkirt mAed out to -day bi Rio Hotior'Judgo Booty.
as the bmt olisi-iplineol hatui!i1iii in %vfoUIlI br� f'fLgulf#!fl and mwept away. 6 wi(10 OPelft and tile pri*oner ordered to. right !pg. POWle. V. 4. He iriv*w twl(4�
for masqueratli4g in a:woman-m gar.1), ('011010 out. Neither the mob nor the Pringle to ".%lary Laughrin. t1io X Marshal -114-0 gives quill The e
the world. fi-w th-It th" , I- *% kly. V. I r 1* �
Waks tite fear in juany n1i][14. Al"I what no.y- orth O'Connor proceeded by )., 1. C. 1'%*itlKxlt WiOn of the 0old bath, so
blaeks would be try) forward. tl'P (Alwr ear -61d "C4rimtlql"� Breckles, a (loomed vaan had a word to say. LfllivaWr woman. whom Igo fourrd to boat to the old Indian ageney. and pfuraiistence tx- ,,ar to JEnghshmen. i4eenis to have
wreck- woulol follow ?-Ah, that inll, almocit BY this tilnt.- the lyiwhers, thirty In -be gui I t (if big M re no trill" r(viehed the -hu
yellows too baekwarel *. except t1rit C4111141 ivalt for anxwor. deceived the' elect tit a V. frilip PXtelluating driving to tile new agency building. mutvPtm, *A'- 6. " Ek- thqm fitithful unt lar elam, pays the
ent, wIxFL a single Kliedivial He him %fary notified Lieut. Humphrey of the at. (xr there in 1m) e.rown of on Telivra a=
the bla(,-kmo, as lways. lookeft It was it cru- Jeff ersorl Market Polive Co number crowd(xj the Jail'- corridors. circumistAne(w . doubtk�*N savpd Lnd And aftet
el -11 Incom- urt to -day., wom,� 11,
t light clotlic da work what is go nie in
pier, there was nf) 4tirferenr-f- 'tt all lJor;gIvil. wag the extict voice, figure and bs juid from it Aniten(v. The ease wati tack. From the agency building to Rov. 2, 10. Ai* the Utiothtle. P
toe.tween them. The. Egyptialm %v I'. 'going t" tx� tc*14-d in a varrfige of a- woman, nd now that masks �anil & without mauko. a pi'culiar'orw- Tho-prinuiner's mifldf-ij Walker is about nine miles. Half IN) the childrett. V. 'Or. Ck) to churell onuf rtory daY6 its a bnth and a choloW
ty froin which only Britio4h i4fluaren detected, he dmits that %io'at0CllU1.Lti Duvll Says ItIQ cotild not liam- w , - i clothes? With thils eniti�t an
sprang to the dvance at the bug1p; #.uwrge!l victoriou. Moot ',for- for make out ally persor am !%fary (*ofUIW,.and in 1874 110f thIR was driven by %farshal 0Con- too give :18 WWI an to mwbivp e4lljgIlWliPAJ thief fit Bicklpy SeeM k)
years he has pos' i individually, fill', Ww ivarrjtbd at Cornwall by liev. nor wIQl a team, anti tlip remaining Try rww
%be N4)udaneae fire in an in- ed as one,'drewed aA
- 1. L(Pugg It. A.. -had wmt one, but 'never before been " qibtted*' P111118 wh#41 old one* rail. have bpell th0r0119111Y ill n000rdsace.
e htigle. They 91ft1t441,. ( '0 nor coul4l 114) tell whether they were I-'jit.h:,r Murray to Patrick Laughrin. distanee was made on a run. The V11. S. 9. Work shiLml k ll t h riv. tm -
tteriem "to-accoompany Col. as a man. en. 1890 L-nughrIn4 went away. and al- marshal was quite diwippointed lit Pr"Cifttftl by All. J-. 10. Uyve. young Or lulddk�-aged in Hilling entered a houme during %be
or though %In' keld, e of
Breekles ekplpined 4is disguise - by Tho primmter Ivan forcod to walk tfiough'.Iie elitilng lia writ m tll( of Lieut. Humphrey to flJV`l-RtlxxW. IMW to expr#m litapif the gmtleman appears W bove OW
eyes wpr#- clamped on the Dervish 131r; ade, juimnly, Ilea 6 - to VIP tA to b ref usa I the faiuUy an sprv&sta,
an.11 Do Rougemonta. The Saying that, asi a married man, atill the hwb, ajid when lie reach--� linr xpveral trtues, she denied havhW go to the rescue of ('Ten. Bacon with- In gifts. V, 11. joohn .4. 141. (;4.t t114, to work to ransack the whole PlAft
Charg".� thft Dervimh brink. 4"I'm work, tli harmly but deadly Max- father of a fanilly, he'liam invariably 0�1 UM fr011t steps oil i,'alvert street hitarid from libil,
fliwt. Xjvp out UW contracto
found It I e h a superior officer. from top U) bottom, Provire". Ward.
1011ald flat] aftPrwartI.,V. 12.
.%fail after rna,n dropped mit behind foldt 12 1-0 flounders. Mae- to find employment 110 littered it wild, defflmirink cry of bp1leved that lie halt -been killed at The fiteatner Flora wils stocked with
the firing line. Ifure wall a white s a woman th n as a Man. r0b98 find cupboards were upset., AW
offirpr *itli rf4l-lathered charger; tile lItIl While he W4 thfo'01311terlU strewed bout Lu all dii.
marcluml olit with , "llurder!" He was (Iuickly Jostled oil NfillV 110(-hM A, letter addromtod to her 111UPPliett and ammunition and started PRACTICAL ere .9 tolaek mtretchetl straights *v on , III& lef to the wi still bWfjtlmg earlier the I* ertiticis. The anitfouo tamit finished, t"
Sh' thL morning tp the polive, that Ile ill num ynehers- now nearly 'i() from gan Francisco, and sigTwd by back for the scene of the battle at God, the Father. dwelt allV)j4r luen -oltil 1-:gyptiall in the centre, and ber, anti ab(;ut 50 yards dis-
-if, in the sun. dry-liplif,41. the 10th otiqlai ~' on the right. t4illt, an 1m) turned up Northeast htill fqp(�rsist(.d In nw :i title to a IN-ith, a) be
WOR no man, he was hustled off to the film, had Peel' read to her, but she O'clock. burglar e% thimight Ir" go.
uncomplaining. bllet through his all brting it, there tr4�ot to ad. f18MANAGEMFNT saiwtuar ; that I may 41v%-441 n"ilz hatli.r(x)m all(i tDa a
jinf% ercer Street Station, where thinking film de Ile c"M111111414*0 Alust*. " klake
away a Beflim I tllcv 10th' matron. Half an hour later he tho c tile City Cemetery, one of lVh.-%,, 1--nuibrIn returned to thin b
11Tpr two yards elPad alwp !it lillp Wl-
wore the 9th '-14"nese' rowd- struck him 'With (1, Cob- tion h4b f(lulld tilitt llis %%,ir4. Ifil(t A t a ter a% Ithem." Ex. xxv, S. lug tub, with no doubt.
.Ilrlvpr toy is flead 'buttery mule. hill ajpir Walter. commanded the 9th, Wall llustl6d bauk again, with all fill- IbItIltone, and he fell. boan tilf. wl,4),4, fun rihig U) tell
Mil- 9fY and Indignant remonf4trance from inarr1rd it few njollt.11.4 at Lall- truth it 00d, tI* Aml, dwolt with Illen of warm witter SO MkO off,
a ti"'l. I 1N)Ut th'" PxPed- They call"i jemni- lijime, .,p quit&
whip istill Xhied in- hand. The table jor Mamon, the, 10th, arml M Jor ack- tho matron, -who had quirkly diseover TIle:L he crieff "Murder" '1191111k, easter to John Tri,key. She wits ar- knew of r%u(-Ii groas mls- Mmaill".1 for after exertion W. be th
of Icon had topped 100-1150-nparf�d -4'll, Ulf) 11th �4)ttklancvio battalions. ed that Breckles was a man. which being ijtAArlMxtj%(I jo (;qwl u.1ti, J,4 apt to be hitirmfWA. xt prL)
?W. Still they otrx)d, When alRI when ton, yards In advance'of reffted and sont to Cornall to flurnagenlegit or isuch t -rim -
f i ref] - 11 d - II&Ntellinig forward to meet the Kliali- arraigned before Magistrate Deuel, _.t11i6 crowd the lynchers bmw to ll,�r trial, Which t(x)k pine4a to. y. hutl obstinacy an. liaA bmi jpxhlbIt4-d U8.9' MR-tt. 1. 623, 3olin xiv. 27,. (-etAed to, lout On an V"M d.
vanept). fired. changw! front, fired- ra'm attack, (,'of. %jne.,k)naI(j threw with tha veil still over hiH f f1m oti. him. He da
not ace, Breck- tied to thi) open lot IK -re. The Aliffli of Bacon's collilliall(i ., ()od, thp Holy Spirit dwelis in mpn "it, lelivilig 11110 04M In 014`411ance, a 814 -
firing, fi:4ng alwAys. (16af in tile. din. his wholo brigade ifitno line, disregard- see why I may off. Nortfilveot street to the rear of RIOTS IN wl" tak011. Out Under cmditions that Yp are the Winjole (d (kvj. anji tile ;Iftor foijo, Or tqof 3ftu Brummelloo
blind in 00 smarting mmoke. hot, ifig for tho momont the aamulting - R09 i re a oman so long a PARIS. failtirfw in th,9 W*r 41f tying a cramt.
I m 15 " s I 4"414trs' row of bulldina. Wouild dlQ'grac-h it Militia ant we, e Spirit 4 Clod Awo'lletil In YOU." to jil.ige froft this' ubmilux
4heikli-M-Din. Who prvi- behave In- latlylike mannpr." fit" rf"x-yllsil)l4. for t.
(try. blepding. bI(xxIthlrFity.- endurint c(IIII'milm of F The moon gai've, sufficient light to The Strikee fitesult Ili Serious Di thms *Pry life Tho tempka w" built (If gnbri -mwdaj &I -
the Dervish fight to the end. Brockles was firleil,$10, th,"t lifto beeii loat hem.,Is a jlsej@� teinlotioi IW left lying about the fbW,
I"ll,tiallY were a little behind In the not for man. tilf- lynchers see what they.were Ofttl.v i4tonom (I. Kgs. r. 17), ihig fr(sm t,,. jqvergr4 fam the drawing 'robw
attack. Thel batt(wies went to the querading ajR it woman, but for In. doing. The reports of the foevolvertl It broke iny heart to see tht% dpeli, dark pillirry : id4ently put fintl mook dapper in the dining jWm
TRIBUTE TO THE DERVISHES. rront in (n* toxicatfort and (11-iorderly, ponduct., ' Paris, Oct. 6.-Tiu. Striking navvi thO :XX)r fpIlOAg (troppiflg. tit thpir pla(4w (in tim- f(min(lati(mi- lRu* like Nqxiolson after the treat'
mingm botween the bri- % . ll-ro"Nl thO people ill. the vicinity, have b (W Had a .t f
Anti the Dervihes ? The honor of 9A(141" anti #imot#� tlw faceil of the Der- THRE;E BULLE-rs IN HIS BODY., find oil k;oklng out of their wludows em Joined by a great many I""per f4ce 13 -em @PnV up Iwre in tlw mtomb, (4)vonitli with cedar and ga r- 711sit, 4he Itur "W wtip
the fight inust still go with th ' they saw and heard the fusilade Of dock laborers, pamitere, On r did riot k
0 nlen vL"ll c0lum[W .4t4NWIIY the Infantry rna"s and rLr@t P111co not a ohot would Ilave be4.11 nio.-hol wl'th gold and jrtu- to xWp. and at supper he IdIJ biaWNt
w1loo died. Our men were perfect, -flmf, tho black,, ', tI-14r own pet famil- A Brother of Mrs. McKinley Murdered fifty WlOtR Or more, rabd Smith fell meanbers of other tradpe, and all are firitti.. I hay. -o licqwd that 114aM may PIN, I. Kocu. vi. IS -242. Lik tlw t4v well." Thoo lable ercaned witil
v,ljt the Dervimheto were superb--tW- '47m hukVendent,j, the Hecond Egyp- at Canton. dead 0C, tile gram. Then the lynchers begi,liling to show an ugly Rpirit (ttlitrenclic(l 11iils.1f. atliftilat th ottotwm, we wv-re in the doop (tar t#Wy weAtAi and tPutptling wines, almd
It wan their larg- t1a" It: careful. wpil-aimal vollp Seriouij rioting took place In lie f it i,! Un� t( the Pu(l of th
perfection. 1"atiton, 0 went off ad (11iletly as they came. parto of tht, city this afte Teral 111AW7 019111118 l"t night But (,'oil I)r(,"Wht us out of tlw ,,,rr(- UIP OvOr-fed
nd bravest army that r Port: George 1). The lynchors had come In buggies, ritcoon. The 411110
ebr@RkW left the somw of his y
n1l"PIRUD INTO nt1RItD8- Saxton, a -torpother -of U"liliation not 'to blo PI"nol w4 our feet upixi a rtick with onI
-Mrs. cKinj were tied up oil (oil wires were betray 1* tion. The taftn had 124) %l. 2. He dpelarow. "I havelO
ever t"3411911t axaInst un for Mah,lisin, eyt Creek t1elegrlPh arld telephone y a crucot "and.
Anil It jir-cl worthily of the Iluge '.�fr we could &* and rejoice that wife Of Ule Presi'lent, was to -night lirridge,at the.northern boundary of cut by tile mob, workshop@ were in- roun& of ammunition eaell. I hardl,31 thFOP with an everl"Wig love; IL
Pizipire that N th - briga& was giving a magnificent found oead on Lincoln avenue. He had Annapblix before they went t4d the aded, and the operat4ve ere tl*nk thfPy [lave itzhauxie(ji their mi�- fom fnign atar have I drit%lk"
(andism won and kept g W in of the uiln4. its diylight and
0100 long. Thpir riflemen, mangled toy crorit of jtw�jt. been shot, three bullet8 having p9ne- jall. t f1treets. ply. The rjewspil p" . - huram IP* Of t1w Ikeartl the
avery Tbo Khalifa's Der- trated his body. The police are look- 14bice Smith's arrest last In -tile Rue Bodle currealoondents -)or. xxti. , Marg. We werw of lu smile* and teare.
ki I rid Of. dpath anti Nfo#,- stowd ftlw, drivenatz the --,ice 'Were Brill, Beaten and Knal4wji am still than the &tonem---jkNad In t rt*
cam '10viilp. clinx romid the tb draway GO; a tlmg. witli th troolle. atul shis, bat now wo, "m Atim-How haig h4e nu bmw
torment �ih-a were, being hurled broadcast1o, for it isroman ri-,witted to have flay In BftltlmorP, Mrs. Morrison ha 1)
flag n(I ground. Major Williams at last Detachments of 119'00110 have been b%rf,, w4d6tr. 8 menthe vifillity nt tll(� tin -hesitatingly Identiri(l him am tier stationed In the am txlllt tit) a spirituAJ dR.T% of r
thei r tile green, wid cour other battwries, as well a oshooting, an4I a fjou t nonallant. He tremblf.41 violplitly, blit nibft disturbed dis- Niftli has fineo tritit4phant momentA. Patroh-0411ind nno&t*r.%-aitpr %a
1111"re w)tterl, !ioine. xims. wero titiding the rangie, and tvicts, and Tho word traiwitited
P I--,
whom theM are wrWational reports. dented his tullt. for Wm prew.nt quiet h 01 110 grtkat hero whon the year V. 7, 4iwjjvjw,,pvery
bmi reetor*(L an bitt ' Will 40-Rk Ordo-md
Ila" rolled nround. that pn y(mr 00�.