Lucknow Sentinel, 1898-10-14, Page 2Tv� A
laxii trou'bled. memeci W _U400 a % T .
An he pawed the letter to lior, ment &it mi�y hope of seeing my dear tanoe ol a Otar. Representeo a zburv"%
T somethLug dropped rustling to the little love again. bill 1):Akifioed in
BANK OF HAMIL floor, and Munster, looking rathe 9 1.822 John oully. butcher. i
r red, No other mema e -no other g`ft�- I Colony Founded on Bellamy Lines Among the capabilities of the spec- When the reform wise fight -
stooped and picked it up. It waa a �ever came; though I wrpte, In my troscope Ii Its power of Ind10&tingthe returned
h nd. a little letter er and colliery owner. W&O
LUCKNOW- curiously Printed paper. and looked round, boyish a rapidity of a star's movement "in line Ponte-
Some foreign bank. of thgknks and kind wisliell. ,,ill grew goes to Smash, of eight," that is, directly toward us for the pocket boroulCh Of Worn Out?
like the norte of 'Little Madeline might be 0 fract. and lie flat from tile 10til Of
TT on rl Offlon Breakfast was finished -school be- silent. 1 tile lonely or directly from us. Sue.11 IL movement December, 1882, to the 17th of July,
gan-but Madeline did not appear. lying �n her grave. far over is known by measurable, 1837. He was a native of Somer-
1% A k1l U n lie AS + Munster otill looked fidgetty and an- waterp. for aught I knew to IIP con- a slight, yet -t up lose of
THE CLOUSDEN HILL UPTOPIA. i Of the star's setshire but came to London. Be Do you conx to the C
iioyed. trary. # displacement of the lim left, as lit business and failed. lie wail im- theday thoroughly exhausted?
#Wncae, As foir inylow. 1. wm torn by senvit- I re alned at Munsteri. until Iwas TI I ie (.0111mullilit colony _established Npectrum, to the right or tit(- prisoned in the Queen's beiieh for Does t" continue day after
rs I never the case may be, the &MOU"t Of wlllc"
Ili ail these "a the ion &H a
t long to heaxt had four I U. s debt, but,
which- lily little Clounden Hill, -ment L proportioned to having a reputat
d to mcn- three years ago at displacc day, possibly wcck after week?
tranger.- I felt on forgo� Madeline, never cease nt. Henry Pearce, tile "gamei
been hitherto a s when I rate of the star's moveme lx)xer,
tile brink of a precipice, down whic�b tioit Iter nante every flight lilt- near Newcastle -on -Tyne, of which A very ingenious U" has lately been chicken." the then champion Of Eng- Perhaps you arc even too ex -
A 0
1P r V I i by MY bedside, never re disc 11 L-00 acquainted Paint,
4k ig. rayo king Backward cletermining the
of her all that I held dear was disappearit p 41 tile thought, of some day sail iples of made ol this fact for the bill- land, who was slightly hausted to sleep. Then some
ne was thinking us of 4on-w, of in prison
not say my qulsW hopes, has just distanced f rom
w as wr(mg. Could not eat, I could it looking On Bellamy had great with him. went to see Iiiiu thing is wrong* All thm
taolis, I could not thl.nk. What was Ing a4pross tile ocean, an ary stars. to speak more and there had a bout with tile gloves.
oil clever?" she asked, sud- to happen ? I asked myself the d0ar, bright face again. come to an untimely and unexpected . A JAnary star --or 11 pleased that he things indicate lihat You arc
goui,g . Tit Intense . anit solitary passion be- stri-tly, a binatry sygtcm--consIsts of Pearce was so we btain tile release from ntxvous ex -
Wildly again alld again. I t. the se- told him he would o sufferwig
Wits a (Illestion. which 1, its a end.
ore sUUl_ calne.l if I may so express nuns wbich are revoiv-
At two o'clock, when wc w Those who launched the novel two stars, or I if lie would back himself. against film 00 Your viiarves ne"
t boy, felt totally unprepared to - cret krength of MY life. it brightened 11 to about the other, like the two Gully ae- haustion.
peep- moned to dinner, no sight of Madeline cc of included men of I o' ed into the for a considerable stake.
ekr. I looked at tile ground, hint of the the coarse and Indigent experlen scheme -and they balis of it dumbbell togs
Illot they circle cepted. ills debts were paid for him feeding and your blood en -
t tier, and laughed. Her expremllion flut by this time some whoof-life. filled it with tender and -are now bit ill W , lie fought
I - and ;intelligence alro If the or ard 0 riching.
truth. was forcing itself upon file a nearmtinfJons! education , a ore or less wtizewise tow by snorting patron"
not cluuw. A wlli$Pekr had passed round tile mysjoriouh; mean os 1111 . tender, In- convinced that Utopia is its alawtnt, i ST; L" oach-
14 me inquiring and us, then one star' wtil be appr Pearce and got beAtten fter a %ery
"I inegLu, do you know much,"'. she -"Madeline Graham Is going It ma',10 mean; It determin- its the millennium. Ing while the other 1,9 IreCOdi)[19---except, severe f ight. 1 9
cntinue4i, in explanation. "Have YOU school stead of hard and know" Sc S Emulsion
away ? Whither ? To that far distant, ste tit favor of beauty, and w en, as they pursue their circular
learnt much before?" whence she bad od my ta The gardens and greenhouses-, tile 0 ;00%-Illg squarely He then fought it lind beat 0M. Ott -
from It that mysterious land , I- matte me reverence true womanhood d the residential course, both ar ad this dll- the Lancashire Giant. retired and 9)
explained to her, as well aa PCW come, anti whither I might never fo wilor#ver I saw a word. It gave fruitful fields an cr,,o the line of sioht-a
that my acquirements were - (;o1jig away for ever f Pass- louaden Hill reinaln, but i hortly after Pearce champion.
frow my L. low tier ? with her my commonplace experlence just house Of C The set- ference of movemnt,call be detecte oully was acknowledged on tile Of Cod-liver OiL with HTpo_
-Ab* u now n vor slender indeed, and merely cOft- g westward, anti taking In under altered auspices. with the spectroseo1w.
Ilk t1ke CtLu. - it auti- tho c loring o rdihance it neecled, over tile *K. Meanwhile be began betting
)Jor., world. MY mother sitc4l of tile stray crumbs of know 11 that made my young life be dispersed ow of tile loligmi kimwil of thi uck - add phosphites oiime and Soda,
as tile New to a, it (ill religious light from far away. tlerm are now it turf with singular good I
, ans.11 I had led Iptige which I luul been enabled - Could this bo ? - race of tile earth, sadder and, innary sLrs-discovle CA to Ito binary judgment. then he became an owner
hati long been dit-ad ful anti happy of wh t wonder, then. If. at fourteen Contains jus,#,Oe rtnxdks to
4111)][DeWhIlLt negleCtled life, omethues 1.piek, up at day schooLs In tile various shall flever forget tile agony naginative lay be, wiser men. by the el&r 11�-rwl (;itmula N'ir-
wits tile orl- s, won the Derby twICe p
ant towns where my father had realded that day. I have Ilad blows since, but I f it myself reading it th�_, Ilil-d magilitutle, of race hqrse . meet thew wants. The cod -
flying iuy father ton hi t, have felt desolation book alit] writing verses --of which A Zech named Kapper glids. it star of -ir Spica. and sevetal other important raceds !0
derings. more often being left to duritig lily childhood. fit Point Of fac toile luLrder. I early compositions. bF! certain. blade- ginator of tile colony, the' capital, not far from tO,,! b Ight mt. winnI49111 W liver oil gives the needed
Ow care. or carelemilegs of strangers, t w -.4,a thoroughly uncultivated boy i4ilep, but none do-eper. weary- plave � 4. Profeemsor nd fintillY Invested his
around tile line as the chief and never- or the bulk of it, in tile first Ili thp ( Durham.
'0011 nd id never been crammed w1th the %ftor School, I hung oin one hand in Sunderland. UL-Iolm)Isky, of tilt- I'llikown obs6rva- it colikery speculation it' strr-ngtl-4 enrichcs the blood,
At la" I had been, -ient to -- - nt-h in voglie t oor ,oifsp, flaunted every spot where she Ing 111teme. Ko of coming fr I Krapotkil"H prin- Tills proved enormously fucce@Gfui- feeds the nerves, and the hy-
&MpUm to colutpleu. a %ery Iterf.titte- ioliti pabalum so m . i yearn- I had taken tolerable advantN while believers it tory, has re4vntly niade a sf;iectrct�-
ikt road and write, Inight W A small sutnw, and pur- He bought the estate of Ackwotl I pophosphites give them tone
%or educs4on. publiesehoo!s. I cot . expected to appear her own Mutk&Wr's tuition. and was sufficientlY ciples contribute study of * this, star for tilt
11w as afternooff -1 lialf-'holiday; iyf 4-otirA-,. whi knew aritlitiletle as far od to hea the truth from -1 crini- well I tile details of an or- when fheY were able -t. anti oO 1-W
nIL pac rounded if the colonists, determinh4g its d6talltv by park. near Pontefra( d or Be sure you get
ad got ed to and f ro, like I haA to do It, mad some financial sacri- ltxhlo ' of for tile borough. It' Iffi an Vt
sehoolfeiiow. playing the rule of tfiree. athl awaittlig. ills sentence. could dina `English education. tn.i, the % my new -i werto method above il,41ficated. and here came member Emu
mym-lf, 1 t')" t rough tile first four dee.lenstolig In inal boys, in er, a smattering of Latin, fice for the goo,l of the cause. art- thfA ",sult.4 of III* ijbvrvatiolls: 1844 he won the Two Thousi t SW 6ion.
ejoew by' For 0 a
ry IIUS*!r- thtw j.atln g mmar; -but all wI not bear the tw lit] the Oaks, and then -year 11
u&,ftl W'lottelitiew to be v 6! 17.11 , omplishments. the'se4et, places, moody whic in illy after struggle for sub- MAN HAD HIS NOTION. **()nfl of t4lj� t components of Derby a otiolill(i All drU99i,', a.,d Sl.oc.
in for chaos. nd I had no ace but kept to ill ful. I EVERY
I Merely felt A,r- �e e, turned out very use amma Virginia f�und to be mov- later won tile Two Th
able'. siste q f arther. te if 13,11ii wil(% tile Derby again. He died at Cocken
n't took toI id not explain all thiN to MY Int anti distracted- wand- shoul I have progressed btill A lease of twenty acres for sixty Ing from ws at th-V 11 Toronto the tilot Willig. rogatot; for I was too protul. ' Quite late it, tile evening. I when T - . in 1863. lie Was SCOTT & whatever in InY 114'�% '"0"34' -lever. 4111141 know so n -a- '&vorlte re- un the caro of my schoolmaster. years was entered upon, nd a-econd the Ott* the rate of Hiill, near Durham hild.
I ,lust T ared into tile gartle by the
!mt t V I uJi. oil are nott ghtfully, sunk, but but I t tills lw-riod my fattier died. t3fe land had been broken 12.21 milv" a N"(1011 11 The difference ill married twict' and had twelve e
IstU41V . f ront W hielit lttt!e,.' obsiervi-%] the girl, thou� sort of oura The firull had till tint- anti r found tilyself cast upon tile, first workers the settlement 'oll(L -ren by eaph wife. -Pittsburg Dim-
ke cit Why Ills slowly failing light was 8 -9 erat(-K 1. 8 knile.4 a 4%
-t. rp of tit*. other boys. I until there wore twei p=110 4) the rbital movement patch.
a slight �Amntt _,tartlt4l Ill' them (julet place, and the ahadows world. �lty-uix
4 . .1 cl�.ar ,IDn,,t you moke frielldiAl with Ing the It is laot lily purlxme�-it Is unneces- muot be due V) the
boy ? `_ * ' prl- Ott Art- yu,th oil like to sit alone, and be Of trew and buishes were still distinct it. Including tile wives and child- of one star liflout tot, other, or more
W by 141, y is here. I sary-to enlarge, oil My own 'OLD I XONE DAV --Getting the Peol)'(_' into tile 'd
it I hall touch upon strictly. of hoth abfiu.
v (Are. py Millen if there were gir upon, egTound. ren of the colonists. t their common TO CURE A 4, the who, of succ4tjwful Suor-
fl(xitik-d. 311A _%t:LrVk1 �lt filf-titis, I know 7? Ilut, boy ni>t 1*vell her* long vato history, an the Theywere of various nationalitlet e - entre of gi-avity. Them figures form The 1axative Bronie Quinine Titbleta. All is not
WW -Il agPo shoul It n*wely so far as It af fects e money it it fails to Cure- _6W
tthey have cruel way nd turning. es, Belgians anti 13rit' U:Iitl lVaditlig N York
gau girl f licrd. the. foot I knew, il in hich I after- -Germans, D, s of the.prpfesisor's elticula- druggwth refund tit
each other.' . Id my little friend hastening strailige Incitionts they were of snany trades. tw.. basli chandist
I behe actor. Things were Tit,- orbit- of Ithe contim),1110111 Of merchant; Vbut 't IN th#-' fimt Jitel]t-"
Witt a 1141 they flau er oil war s be-canip all one -and
in ;L j..,y All tit& was sald In a tone rath toward tile. re- Six gardeners were of tile arty, One -r tar being 4Leh Otber. even thai. To get tile .114"do
th',11 of convergation; lit t is point when i one Morning one vook. Gamma A1 * rgillis-tbO larg4 it (!at- rond of V liardly t fhwt
child a% 611t. seellwki. ref it 1le was pale; but otherwiel). coil'- the startling intellIgencethat shoemaker, orle emjwsltor, regArded as statioq4Lry.=-has tw* folld of tud (3 ot tile fitoro mus
Hvr a r aw ohe still k,,pt her on tile distant aid :It ewe I v They were sell otlwr. intoo tit tlie le Ut
ar my titer as dead, and that I was out- eligine6r, two laborers . and a culitt;.-d and plotted joy wveral ah -troll- �ed; but they quarrel- call upon Ap their homes.
ft-Ilkifillic -ret, S()IlrcA* ilave, you tli.nt I. alit. )iII9
ships.' Ila; if from some !Qvt W 9( it must call c t4 if-enoqgh to set UP
Ilk( IN flient, for t tone in althe %vdrltl. The rfrst earman. omers.- Knowing. t4fell. thO Illy or tills 11'.141 be" eng."Ktoo'proud t4J
ni, olll_� tbe current of Iler thoughts was
r tit wa.* ?** Vroduced I n n Initial blunder was tilt- Ileglebt orbit In 1qla4-e. If:. could dotermille Ifti Its ativertitwillent,
bri,ght eyt,s 40101 feeli which tile news I Mf. 1 -44 fterwar-is at hoe 110110, ful acquaill
Ilave sonletliing, I know not x one of very co*nfused itild (In- If eani ly f rom t lie st lie clilk tlte oki v4litk3i"'all siti:ig rard. it iF card
flt� of regulationts. It was to loe,a ar�u'obsorved rate (lit busl;� In ust be i ts v L
Witt, *'Tito- lboys hat*' pursued st Ilave beeit, inaudible. MO 'of late yeara,. I had governing colony, -of -course. lint as In --t We now for all. the ' business in-
Ii�j tri.It r what; It mu 0
Ji".telf- �**tk�e.jujqii- tlu.y think Me prowt. I nt tlj)ll,1jUkI bNA o I 'sorrow - I rovesoi0f, how filet it actually trave efix .0 to wa :It tlittcmr- timo
that ,fill wiltC '4 b 1. Iltul a W114A my father. Since things - turned out each matt had it 1par$- of its 11 e 11 Blank. I bv- timavie" to be cwtablisll(A thilit fall.
%%*.r. %4-11V twiglit btkt I 11m, quicker and ch v- mm -n tory little of "Ali, 110 dropl*d 11*- woks front tiers. . unsters I hail been left notion of his own as to what should 1g.1lig acl-tte.; the. lip 0 of sight. -'sn,1411 : 1 ri., at,41 I ceaw frow '46 1 ot it ietter'froin illy hail camo to M Ill- I io%"(' ki Is yo -iii- fatlwr ill lrolly of - ule dt-.
erer han they a -tvp Just - g going home for my VO
I twat them in tile 11, 1 be done and who should do It. Now, it im knowp that this im no i
to g1l therv., never even sho repliod: pibetter frither. I ' �boys did.' I its prini- sir.
floll4ays ot wr Thus. after the gardens tr revolvivt aroun, lk) you Wigh tAJ tile Hillkn'llit. t clam and at all thiligs. except figures
Of A, "Iediatelly. %flit to all lit- brought Into condition to giv The
ilt haw 116111ed tit#- bigge" of thrin ill 111i'lland BW 9, *118' In'y 1101.1p. I e a re-, ary fit it period of, ISO yea. oersonally ?" 4. ves" wits ilequitter. It Is AloldOM Saying. sim. It"and Ifurptom Jdr. and Mrs.Muz- turn.- jealousy began to thake itsOlf !oIld'at, which it I
-ere _tUP'" wilivil .41le feeling tilat slm� wax yiekl- exept ill tlIL. t.-liging off oIN% tot ti find ru te ill illi1v tile sivit 1708
01-aing.. gWr were a fath4.r and mother W felt. -work when tl'PY- travPlH haVilig I found, I tit 14-t untierf4and." fr(mn Munster Ill tile 14 A few would - �qtl Ing: tery parti Iluoulimember ofax4etY tho kiwAv- 111. -it t sly turned too tvilltWfi have lioell A,xhauxtA-1 by th-
IV '4till, for all that. liked... Oth'evs would not work tit of the orbit. voillill be figurs oil 41 lie prow
All this wa.4a re%clation to me. plizzle4i look, m1w exc;aifiled: m` b t its :'I;
ceing fit. t had a father in some atik 141 th. All tim
11 -at that I ky foul go way. 1X19 Y r pa
tht lul)ment I llaqI never suppoSed thst yoti may read .1 The- ta1lor declined U), PT IL19 tr. dramatiNt or among the w 41tiarter of tile globel tile coloniats 'pre- im slit -it that o P-111alf of its long
v fill rMe who for. Itio- We1are of F1
ni-xillion's plaw %vas in (mto quie.k. paill vallm afU-r him. IA hoe struck tho last world admires ft gallao mail
tllfli my IVO tw 0 rend- it, y maintenance, 1041 6ferring too work lit tile' whete . meter it; 71.11 s The hysteria PA 011141 Willelub6r every pi for in gn r( Iflu& W110 bitiall I URY 0a 4,10 tilt. anffc
tk1tv During my firs Vt. of cc thall -land of a man tipoll )r
ty %v ritte I arge. front thP 04ult. nl1cwt again.
slip hadf been mt 11 Muneter's abollt onre lit hL4 efforta were n6t of much it ounC d18t. 114% 110V4111 6 turns tile NI)lt0 I t w ms ipend lilt hour writing
whielt she eooll explaillf-Ai id, nuill ran a,4 follow;., olkeight, mtAlths to would 91milld the day two :illfil IL half timeN t1ka,t of -Nep- - self is ot plkilowplly� Hit
bolt] Ila, wit() lie-
payling J,itle *M lille: 'Or
dp1Ii4 or i Lit t 11j.'tel, we without atly (111(vt wl I mt-, had been it 8oUr13P'0f 80mc rticko for tile 8004118t, gA'w lit ftont tile sun. ilk thiN MC- petulance. Even tlw Una it
to.) regarti, I&' if�lve txvil n%vay on a visit..aittl lie Tito- Virther awny thing is tlIV tion or th,il eountry titan all other din- f 0 mi
S 114,. t- .* yoll %rill bear front tht--- I ]let.) mt faction, and calu*Nd MO hotuo ' and broad. 1P I votes llimst,.lf to riv
n-1- t:11ell iakli lealit.: to 4141- utUyr Inek or unanimity
only 'returnoti this morning.' I (Ito 'lot, you are living � that. .1 for� A short timo at inlialler7it looks to ut togethier, tind until tile last imprewivo cluiraeter 111lit-
A" U14 - use I with .11 retrogra(k� niovc4iiea and -
-it VAlonx% 14) sehool every (lay b6ca -lit challgil 'Ilas ws� low the t apt ill, COV41red the ctual liize of t1li" orbit. few yeArs was SU14)osed too be ineur- ter.-KanaarS ('ity Star.
11, V 3r ther will 9M tinned. 4 by one tile colonisti; withdrew.
dq4d r, ia that yoll, mW t once. (To Ile (N)II Milt at Bmall. it alillielItH ble. For a great man. years doctors
W iA a 4% la-a-daches. and w t kni)wIng Ito'
1110�111'4- I pile&w. N f161W
ave wo learli when ov. ail yodr he --or. what anioullts tothe Halite aso. and prte- s the bftt.
faiti-rint only h . wish a kind good-bye to SSOR DISILLUSIONED pp. protiounced it a local dime - - Minard's Linjuaeut I
Witt-, Ilet us go dow it a nil 1")k at the 911, rdell - It trent dis- ly . (%Mt
I tol, 1. 1 ie r o nd Some tFliglaild; Wrhps Velli !IIAY �11 Tllere -was no break-up anti ban- thing. kpowilig the scribed local rem0d" and b
I [Ther.� art- frilit-bushes there, them ag*ln. - Come iwitllout stars which
pive, I , CANADUN Hill. but �tlte, tallce apaA of the two stantly failing to cul` with 1(fu
iwd, alyn -L-X- dtximont of CIOUS&II
.41 tili Ill,t Of the fruit ripe." oill. loving fattier, 194rginia-�-the astrono- tn. incu'rable.
-alking 4!elay to, Y mustemr at tile olfim011 diimer table form Gainnia
it. %% . I fol- atmfqlt, pronounced it ar oil what
lit *-till re*qwi-%f ul ittl subm itqtterick, ta I I to be a panierod fronts :,PPe
)0111 )%ved, and we were soon wandering became smaller.. If ar retired. settler- titer wall able next to determine lioW &,.Iellco has proven (a rr would otherwise be the basques of :I
tt) -U-4 1 Ila u, for 4tie blow, % bi4r - away, tile . a M is. lit- found,
�,lv on't you tile quiet garden ltlprepare.i irlx, ry asSi8taned -)re fat sy te loligtitutionAl dlowtuie, &lid t herefore Lit of a blue moire dinner drew.
moc-villffs V v shb. ill I ravvi Y -as it might trpatment. wa
out. - tile otlit'r �Sie b. it Alitl not fall Ao I Wonderful huni'druni i t.4 front its to be so great
1.71ver Which Has Mado his removal' to some more 4 requirps consti til tit), U The panters art, faced with Ivory
ba%v I struggled with lily pit rt rth- . in eut out
Witt 101 V - . of tlie.wij-flo tile ahl waki 1`0 that lWit requires 67 years to flash liall's ('atarrh Cure. mliIItlf&`1-ture4 white age
an -d ation. an we walked, I heard tile hotliltv: tbat 'ice i1;,. j. (-hplte & CAD.. Toledo, Ohio, is tile satin. 11he vors.
41 my playmates; bnt tdoW it a, iok4lt k8putatioll ThrotiahouL nthp interveninir ap- e shoulderii without being low.
cololList Il.jLd over th
Ott - him initiation -contri- only e(�mwtltutiollal eure oil the ma r- A quallt,
telWelicy to -en. suit -reinove(i to tliat distance would �tv -of white lace is US&I.
ttwy wen- sixth 111.1gill- dowils
%vttlkt."" Slip perceiv(XI lify consternation,*-. buu4i financiAlly or,not. star of �lie ket. it is takein intortiall.v in itrouii(i tile de�colletare of
forstaketi life. 'llut there was -a Lhe World. tilat t1ke tioalo hubble-s will - It frilled oil
t%j 01U, A pmj-fc8wff of from 10 drops to it teRNPOOliful the corsage.
PZL*A'tl illion, lite, and "Aproplf liWrature nietiu. flit
-ersity* Of BrUNIPIS" One Of till' tude--olle of tli.()pe little twinklerti aeth, dli%,ctlY on t1lo blood and mucolls
Irt%t for tt4 in it ream. _ts I writo In cialething,
ps , 1, L vam ir. she U-nipl. just visible to tile. nked eye. The Tl*,y offer
-it in sdi-round-i,mv Ntill Years obb inciat earne#K theorist. of gave Ulm surfiteeP of the b-.Vk;t('M- Truth N "Ot 0) f"'*"llat"19 aN
40 fr away.".. 14 Investigated in despair. lie 1110 lint 1.11011cYAU tlk� combine(] mass of t1w two Nuns which -kity caw Ig Paint.
imply VIAIL ri- a flight that EVery Cure Pub or did it dyii
brA,& had eared to C01IN e()lit 110 " I
dulL cloutib- part, .. I hnvP Pftkyt'-.11,111111110 ony. but tlid -not gTudge it, it rglium. -119 one hundred dtAlars for ,
ly wrti.- zone comp itearer atid nearer. and' I Tile form Gunima Vi ordi to falls tA) cure. Sond'for cirenhirs aid - j
illuclio ill 60 111131 1114 II-ly fatlwr by a Responsil)ia Newspaper lie ask for lut returit when hb revently j� As
Un(Wr;t,%'1 nie. Belo"ky's calculations. is Itbolit 15 to-h-timoill. Is. Addre
Site X to m, again wandering ill the quiet shadt' N&ill. tilonglitfuily ; *'and noW 11,le ha and said "Good-by0` to w \ 1 Foll t,
m-enle4t illibilfcv. lit of tnws with t1u. shining ,young face - I wareely feel. glad. I alit Advertiser Has Looked Into - lilk brot ' tiers. times that of 00 nuu. F. T. (-HFNFY & "Cautiftit
altilougli Alle - " It 1141 no longer necall so. 'it iculars of 0110 During tbe last- few daYu two' -gar- _ very iliteresting binary, % 7 -,c. Prives lou . term,
tronbli,41. I'll I o Gives Belowthe Part Lk-ifeM members of the colony. Another fr Sold by drumist 04 0 do) 14"-1" Ol- w4m,
JUT Condition. at my si emr. afraid there I-; ficialethtng"wrong have star is Gamma 1jeol)is. tho thirdmti 111111,8 Family uillq'ary th tw6t. ADO i in
woro I lookit n4l words .%If becomes a tr 11, 9hall ypu. be "sorry, .110911: of These ourep. PowwaLm, or the littid, ito libemL Sk- I for Ial"I fr tile voice secured E e- -til.. and dtdU4
lker I milm. t 114. t)i1e onlys but ?10 lit tho reckoned f rotu. ao for lorosilcm
to Ll;rect Ott when 1: L They intend 11row your first order.
90 Ill-artli'lli'l. N.B. buildfuga and it& crolm Ilia. it is or about tile sami, mag- Eaters of Human 04, Adv -r
11ky%W11. for her bright bevomek? huirticulate. At tfiN 01*111,'question I broke down conduct it oil sonm--tiling. uppiroach.- 911 Me It* is Well violent sob. S Gamina Virginis. Ac,.ording t4o writer, Wkutt I remember la4 a'suk Tlw AdvOrtL-A-r. tin" -COMP. "CI till
down and strOkedl spell. A bell rulig "ttierly, anti bu rst iii to rkable ing. ti - ke ordinary bu4nf%s -lines, though nItUd0 am
%4 illa
f11poll he'put tier lizintig lillue, and allother tuathilm. of t[Kb re t6ey'are inclined to f vor pFof`i"h4r- that star, It is a. very prottry ' dbJect whose statements appear In the Medi -
my compa;i- y face. so
it Lv)ketl earuwitly* into M -ith their em0loyeeg. -for a small -telescope. Profes r Belo- 'ItAL
kitul 13 ou-ily from the house. anti . I c irative' powers. of th# Ing. cal Pross, 20 per cent. of all canni- SttVANT
ao dutteretl ail exclam4tioon- 1, t1louglit you *would'. be ixtrry. U rem - W i. polsky finds that 41le saini-diameter bnls eat the dead for the purpose of -WA%.TKt) A
%be tit�pr fir. Yink' Vills A vAWt to c!ouhxl�tn -Hill. a day or
till fixel U:,q)ll file; rhat.ts tilt- bell for tea.:- she ex- 11' ne sq much as I L Williauk 7redlie. tfi orbit Ili this caAe glorifying them; 19 per cent. pat mm. Kent.
her eyes tv tWOL ago enabled tile writer to -make -the longer of to warhing or irolling. Apply W
fit*. I othelil %0
I %%itll ail ap- -You had better go- a� of earth's or- great warriom in cider that they
When I look'l ill) agail have -been great fr4ends; Allover Brightoll. tt,pr6minent nIll- ttle acqua4ritanee- Of tile j)uly- settler Is 102 times th age, nnd eat rtj (,ent r4l It %,4-11 tic, 6mdon, On'
I ,114. turned Iiii-re Aml,-shc ran before me up the path. -OU141 be friends r. calil4i �very near at thaf,-tim- OIL tile wtaw. Very pie- bit; that the combiniNd inam of tile may Inherit their cour
no-ye4 the thouirlit 1 4 lid fartne Ili Ilia :C,*vo stars which form tile binary is dead children with a view of renew*. N OL
� she wits nearly Ily rather of their dihe-Aw Can to-
nd out of sight among I liall tel I I ' rlitumati4m, tile 1( way. bushf-s wife Ll by eurioa- a bl). gig it CripplO,fr4na turewlue was Franz SWdlach, 6.r) timeg tile girieg luasi; and that tug th(,Ir youtti: 10 per cent 0( tilt. n, urip you, anit lie will lik Will I iliwase w) previi1elit fee*t luld open shirt. A young 1tIle061_ it,, to
This emW%1`116 (1 1after xuu.� too. 1116 RICM9 tho bare. . Platives from religlou� MOtIvell N-41
to 41 lity.' I totik 4-ourage. nd callvil tile (11stalwD of tile pystetu from us 64 near r HN thumidofffitich
kil,eation 'it, lily turn and Bay "0 imt, -who had refuped
you kiss me, Hugh, j6111, ltivt-r, Sir. Te_dIle 'is now Q Austrian journal h inith. tory liernic;tle
re Ton h4 r. 1(;7 -r wit
elthe In connection e
7 rs of a ge: Yell M ago w " to lear under *lite, native light Jears." diwaw t"'vOlne?-
-1 cri 1, if to kill' y deities, and aboyat iti, nti 'd
to your futme?" r for lieft but oolo�q, I lie it ppoars to have volulitdrilY. The principle which awlerlies tills rites or to glorif expect- lindat micrelm.'Killer it- the 4111i� ft-mv
tt-r ?l With the firs* fqmptouik, of cent. feast Addremp;
tilt. _,iiiore---po- f -d bck with -h-mile. nA rouml Iier tiebk,'and I 40ver 'eXJX*Ure.. tile flag Ili method -first to determine the actual
L%h weeti I me ider the French r e 'ff"'t th"' rad
Ivitiv. 'vi, rW
At I feuplatima Ing tn this way too avenge th inselvee
she replied. I ion t njy arn
Iny 41it! kis.- her -a pure, true. loving boy's, thie- generai'liard, ofte, of the orbit in tile caiie of a bin, -
brightly 1XIt"lly %Vltll Withothat'she wa4 Com. n -ani drivem, and the wit Viols.' - . dig- upon their enemies. Those who dP- bond(m. Ont -
impre.,iiioll ot wildered.. and k'L%,-wOrt1l a Itlillion of tile kisses- men I e orthe lumb�eriui FRANZ WILL WRITE- A -BOOK.- hry, and then to determine its your human flesh because Of famine
bltindk-r. that lily 1'or a lw)wC-ILt I ACOLI be 'bily or stpal � ill the broad world. tile loilgemolit ong I joined the brother- taitce fr . OM Ito apparent size -is sim- are reekone-11 IS per cent. There
tier b-gan to, illkprovv. Saw th Ate ith quite a flew iight in . Div, Aly, tearls moiNfDelletl tier �ljeek aml Ig disease. -:rhe sylliplAyms fimt malli- He had'itot I who eat RUST I N THE PROVINCE
Iratlicr lullierious. I ul.-Ijit tit#. bmt pf'my waY 'lit" herself. . lio(xi at CloundQu. but littentled to re- . pie enough. Tile difficulty in applying remains only 24 per ent.
.4 :it IL t1irough, tile lc -914- minuteness
Ung t wem INI iiqq -principle Jim Ili the
pr4-ttv, Yo % arid cond9f, main dt work there. umler tile new
so, Wit she ditt 'lot e the, such flesh bfcause tfivy prefer it
t kie 110,U wa.-a rn" all.4.1 1wilitth.. of of�,tlio quantit" which have to be Central
y Oil lybov litx)d,. fb; there apopiects. chiefly with the, Object
do Nirs- icd at cuperior,.bollig tloWll t 14 X L4 Wre W Jjitervi %1011 measuied. With the. instruments flow
tit.'& YOU, ithough pri,61. udi�
-At VOu." silo mplied * collipaskilonating ajut therishing file; -otild bo tilt albittoultnt of the milt- going throiigh'a. course or st ;lit of uncertainty 18
t h.% boa n 1. lily new friend UP- tie or, wait t.' s NewcaAI6 during tile In UWN thf-" l"afli Dli�ar Sirs. -I w.1s f6ir seven yearb a
IU# like Y0111r- Ibut in all I;or;A;ibility haring lit f0r,lUoIlthJ4*Va#A! year lip itgli li at very -conmidlerablo; but- It may Ile, #.X-
liched my brea, roubIP, wid ONT.
6nmer. here. as I Ulu 'Bi011 She. ItelploiN. Tito, pain wits win.Wr uiglitii- r f rom bronebial/4 STRATFORI).
gtra tholight ot IN'r fa4w with'a- perh�onat Ila% ery mvir . ly agm at. Ilected.t dpereW. as lastruments,are 811f fe re-
Nly p�41(e live fzkr -&way I tt. w its nea 1voninullood than I to waa Out Of Franz.: who has four jangu, at times tl'At I 'm; of lilt, atudow- ennillod Our
tillorica, and are very rilell. k- 1#1 4,r Ill-ettiny pl-i-amfure, rer ) t4) : 1work was Eng- Improved. . Thq!inetll,(-xl. II tillage would be at) boarve olit P441V I lie 4 -it .1 1 , re- I t .. . . I . I 1111111fifXACIgirl-s l'%Vayb are iliart� ilia- ."mand, 1W desirous (if knOwing conshlered, Is th4 mcwt reliable which c
4 kle"d, ild rmall *-ven 'low. it jilt#! t(xAk my, ;kf etWd Ma -11 r 'ouid scarcely iq)oak abovo a whitiper oum f;rnduiLIe-
fit' had: lish prior to w; iting a 'few. 1111142so lilfth
My Inother ine, - - - t4ro titan Itil The WOP- phieft-I wqrk, to bo has b(XIIL enipi4ed . in estilliating I got, no rel" frm anything till I Enter ittis*
Ily f at1wr entitled 'A Tile-
illember tier 3 p, -.' A queP11., nread of' the %%'rit4-fitriwautifult-stit4gue .01::1
in)9' 1"0' stat# star-di#;taTIcp14, though, unfortunate- I
to he taught;-iYut sooll a ubject, s--ollld 'lot efficacy . tot. DWillinintit' -ory of Happill0w." ARD'S HONEY BAI,
11 -re h than, similar, Uo Lastic. go- ly. It im restrIctol applica- tried your MIN W. .1. F.I.I'lurrT
baciL to, him. Havv you father?"' a n entlius lid six
-Nemexis littervenes. aw A. studeiLt � and a tier a
tier ch& k litore royltll.y link Pills ill SAM. Two b6ttles gave r*
adoLied, tinickly. hastly Of I have little -Mrs,ttlell L ne or.feml' 4ior 4-heek to that lie remylved o try cialist, Seidlach attributed tile fail- tion to binary l
-attle, or no m
ilooWed. and! lie tu a 14. ention of the whool- like. however. that .. lie -ureof the communistic Cot ' ODY to the bottleir made a complete Cure- I would Manitoba Farms.
far as yet' her; nianfier was hill Of strong not IK4kf-Ul Of M*iVillg fact that the theorists who pro- A TERRIPLE WEAPON.
hck kuld tO Y(>u, master atmi h4 wife. Indeed, so w as tic -artily recommend It to allYOUe mg -
I to sulluol 9.-' she lite, di- -d d ood t roat or lung troubk-.
that ra0lit YLx prewnt retrosw.,ctioll i.q eoncerne-11, arr"!tion, Would 11188 *Ips .1fe. had tried. malY Me I motA)d it lookc oi y,to the g lual- Myers, M. P. P. -
But Without waitirg for Illy roply lily anti they form I felt tire. is gooj r"Illt - foi- ting tile ill. An Electric Gun for Which t lie inventor fering from th
colltilluej: ,Nly tiwy are honentitiiW; lint -44 without Ally tief4 of- Mankind., forget J. F. N'anbuskirk M&niUW*.
to her uestion* he ho?Agll part of iuy atory only in 90 muibh as fit tho liVilky ;tgt)ny�, 1,found lowin.g. He bt-vall the UsP,: Of tile .EgoiSM ig ildietent in US," 110 aAld- Makes Startling Claims.
fatlier cried wi,en I t M-la%iolta W ith -tile wor,is'ti-) inquire how soi)ff our . dread- ,ills by tile tiluo. a eouple . Of ed, and it is idle - t& pretelld u(It A reekletnt or Cardirf,,Geo- C. Smith, Frederletem If I -oil waill lolmy or rent it farin in tile fertile
I$ Li, great titan, allti wile" he gilk". h.111lace. What. -y were 'id of is eorreK" -Ith* the British War he my in thc.. life drama to eol Iiartipg was to take ere 'used,AW- foud tili Ilding %% Manitoba.
thew olarrings, IW t0IFJ me %vhk,.Il tile elu4te. to* hear that., boxes w to bu ccnW us diTig him illventlott of an Northwestern
we chpters re the pi w.,..-; illy aston6linient helping Thu e-nouragetl 110 later Jouriley.,to .the settle- office regar
motlitir ILa,l worn them before mt-, IL10 mulsu. a fiv--ble-looking bu -, leave In. a -%.iew too Ita being gtx-W timber. Ila) anti water r was he -wus going to
lwai. Wc Ave fas :%WaY c4mitillued .,the use of iwout tile writer founZl' Frank Starr, e!e�qrje glill. w' it Like &n Autum" Sun"k- graill grtiwingdi�tricl- k till(-IIV4l litti.. "llian.'with a very high u r it tq cq t Mt evento, with a
lie and 'gradually 11,11P POL11 1 9 "flit tile eeretary, and Treap re t k t up, (W. IN"* ie f&nllot have hitildinW.
brighter .04111tantly There i14 a sbip to sail ill two days, '40111141- being afforded film MaAy of the Iattmt Parisian toque,@ to $ &lion ('Ioee W rail-W.1)4h
-rr.' a br�glit Young fe-L-. iew too favilit red ng alld cultiv
f r(ou here left film,* Im wits able home. ta -a a mixture of tprlll;P Collittl tA)
lj�ju� with 4-4441 Jiter. to) - xb :11141, 1 Ill".t go away to 1,kerl.wx . if , to- I y, 11141 4 low, i4i a compositor by tr 0 st its practicability. are blaze with der leB ties.
v (11.1 lift ex(- -lii-tit atie, anti no to thor fighly
rather a %tartlifig monfinate li,adached; and. rW MUD- I y D-ontor eLftims for. Ili@ and Orange that almost "IANITOBA.
11lorrew, early in tile- nwriin Cardiff in
s in using Th4 ries Ili rich
b t Ill (_)f ;,,In,f, bartler a kill4l creiiiture. . with all lwx4 father There . N soniotillUg tit& street. -%vfb;1p(p:l tilat i!� i-4 Moro terribly (k- criptioil. Velvet drape
u ra it will be .1'Jink Pills for 141104 thit-11. t.w" Ifv- frankly owlw%Ll that th6 WIOPY aid and petunia re
tAI_ 11*1111111t fcor lifo ill gelle rmoLw for lier 16bi, and. %ery wrong. limleede stud 114-' Ktruetive titan zilytijing, ow in ex- orange, emer ted here nd
"110 rewt lit us, boys. nionths; r. Tedlie. ii -4s had failed antil'thought thO cause Of ed with crazy net, dot
gi-1.116oil. 1,14- iN I
'w a motherly lift*, it week before we ineet. 1, tile ifinat4wo.that with the
cried; 'I uk himself i1i Itif on-*uccess wa.4 (Aw 1)oo,r hum4fi lie gul
it dreary -;hf. ha%lrig �no chil4tren of her own. ever so fi!st.- tin.-; gr#4kt aid of Ills eleetre gun. ere with sparkling jewels nd jew.
rAins . it wjtru� frien 4of I and
all,1 Illist4able. .11,41 It i (.'ollection qlarkit-us rs iiattire. Alt wautod,Uy lead ..
The iji.�i tlies - g *X1 people As .1 write re. r 11-p :IIIy 111an-of-war. lly navy large dimensions fasten HEAP FARM
du kirres:--illill.1
&1y. 1, -jilt. nd I Lot 10 W
, -it I t L4 heir treatment tllt� A, 11 - . outil follow. loop@ and twists oil liats and bonnets.
lteurly every kind towards all.'blit t sink's' behind thle, little gar- "W" lit mine or tor -
4 lwyt too, exporlmCut witit otfit-r flit%, t1loriigh tho gardimia and fields mpbm%riw�
t(%lille frout %flat" % -azille, A&
It Graham was blentled With filides :101 DO YOU WkNT A ROKE ?
re are flowers of iluost bordering f lost the littli 11 to 14!- the 11�1111 hail tkjltowell aim] all-tho produce ,ad fy4i,) tiont, fort. -illy maR
k.rigilt there. th+' :1 1l1PW'** of restraint a :11141 it. is dark iii1clit. W'e'l link RtAoro, I -at -ontskill" suffi Ifinard's Liniment for Rheumatillu,
are full Pr- WilljIMW I ta imividing ( -11 (
oNerywhere, �Illjl the tr-es ea r. It' was (Pbv ioco that tl'4'Y had Illefilto-r ho routul..'a ready mark ot, '.bet ti!r restil inawrial of ally kind iro%eil itud ii
inlprovm farnilow
1009000 ACRES
'Would have, txvit obtailied If
bright ii0iect&% itier witi 1110 "till t oilly a Sol4iwr-
oll fruit; UIP1 there ark bevii instrim-116"I W tret . gut what ,;- this 'it tit Of. too wreek ltw'(. he I 'Ole *iout livrii Miell i .41I.Lke,4 with(Put stingsi morp thait onlittary ',solicitu4je, and it Virtihi paral tile mettlers were competent workmem Itinds itis twallufu kjiefore fit(.*! lirostra-L ire within- fifteen 4w twenty Miles' Id KI114
to twiiie r"un( -re -rv4 oiw Am .1 trikill %%"IN about W '*!"ve *Oli% am' %ortll 11"01"'%o oil 101 tmti 14,01ble
va% W4, talight -t is the faint grey Tbo shoemaker haAl kept tI 661011Y whether tit. ling Illit"t ratage.. It 01*41 not luatUm
tor votir It nd." was equally, *ob%kom that tim-Y %v# n# IVAI ie EASY PAYMENTs. it littic t
feed (Alt a tkM and. d1wilt, ilepent 11 r tho t4ilcor, wotild do N'ikoff the other day with a and sA4, us. or write. A flocib, n fi6erally lK641 for top 64149. 1 fqLve been lit ery 41i%turliedslee.ik, j wiell its wrofula. w6 tile, itrinow im tltio-k or that Ca w 1) N a 4vouple 11,11F TH3
thus, it it'"lled - ile11400 - 'llotiling sartorial 10 1 STATE HA\K. or
When mile bioke frow all restraint. as and alit awakeneA by a harAt - sound or 4 'i it fand. ' being ti lhar to tile ftill. number of soldiry ulioari
L To vv wit tratwWrt(,l tA, tile lan-1 %vas, ti,,L. 4 -as. occa�.Jolially. their conern 415staime. It is th0�FAP1,11141 o)f' poorest gar�ip,lter,of'ail, would persist entered Qw fort
Li Dwork' f tl.e gulf.- The of young women THIA TRUPdAN MoSS ESTATZ
re o bi�fortk I. fair Areatnient tent trade. C l basket of fruit.
%vhicli she ,,W)ke lier #-ye-s %%e for her Iterson,al, welfare was not UP wheel -S., #. I -in following that M68t alic I-ffe(!t.,IJf the 111i U) the oroswell. S&nIILc co.. Mtchimwi, U. S'A
WilliamW Iink Pills. Tbey giv I be aI*xAII4Aly Most pa r
fact so, bright Inixe.1 With 11, fear ledt opeit rupture I.YtArt p; tsflow A*.--- THEY. vert.tili. 141141 119tallt:111001K 11-nd he 0114L Of tlw girls r"114.(,
night, rob them t,f tliP iluitalments dc-- I- bear 11 y tA) hot JIL unde,rtakt-4 t4) givirante4- if tit(- op- iiear"t ullifOrmcNi passenger anti
elliny, tier form so> f0l Iluill of voicfw In thc� 1101IND healtir. - nd-ivo4lk
1wr earrhig" 41i -t- i frow their wkatthitwt UPil.- awakening taly. of pie-'Oolim. Sold li�v .111 f liciod or butt at their Ina"Y me fruit,
r t em be!o,.v. Without vs for said YOU have `0
tier heti,110" weth herces %%e itFO"ALE
r beautiful ivory 4tt 71(k. bibirked" work or had only' if011, P0rtIll'ty lit
anti h oil her sitle. wavi Illy coil I a n in t1w rotim, I creelk 1. 1 ji.v to,, tife bottom of you llave been such
saw tier walkitig in justice. M ilig tile, DWil- witole reet or ; to (k) something for you "You sea %vitilifil Ive Minutes, provid- in Aretiac, 10WO
nA-011A06011-S Of thih; but- t,(, tile and - look. out. 1py ddre4w it 'anti 'flow they till- , io.OW acro; uutitl fa ian(6
gleamed mong all won- .1 ttuit sit - . 4 un- danip lta=W MOdIcktIO pro.juellig his Itecount, I.00k. r. wenty-m! mistaken, MISS; I t*kmtg -witlwr too 0 _�n&,, litift, mich,
that land, a wonder a must .1 scidoln too flow Chilly looks tile eokl," b&,- itig the rk*d im witbin a t _g, .. jilt(I cm(ord (.4)u
flowers of her Immition. o%v pitiless and cold Do not be I)erguittieti to take wmie !itarr foutittl that' a ;tlw last M perfect, oil u. Ity. Detro
- , If . . I
dorm t I ie re. with fruit.0 4lue SU%autag* world titlusid( Ltl(.- railge (or tile vcwq�-! tw likn(l lipon wilich tilt, seventy-first or to. the I(ough lake fty. At prices mewing tnxn
over her heud, a61 bril,,J;Int inWets` Tile, more'l suw ormaticiinc. Graham, iie tile leav#% all round!- joulwtittite. tile totut vilrue 6f the the elevtrie 1111 im plact4l. The gun Itiders," said tile soldler 'I am wily and Loon Theot lands am clopc W so
tile qlew.s -r mannerill and -ineut was returned at V)s 7 to. .. $2 to 86 tier acm.
floating rount! luminous thj. inure I ot*ervd lit I sither, an,! )n3- beart would vrill`40 the int-ooluing regmiar, MkBequently not a he te rising Ilt.w town,., churchm whool-, ete_
-aluing liaTm tlier path. general bearing, Ol mor.- the tbought Hradstreet'as op Trade. 1 -?Al either 1xvit laliti or w --a by expl(xiltig ilut lie took some frult.-Plilladelpilla be gold on wn(wt favOmQe tern -t. Ap
duakeo gl( % tra%eling carriage stAnda at tlw re.e. %,",t HA City, Mich.. of
-8 withig uts'll tier and (,f Ile lxj0jeWj,.d blended with n gleepy-*y(41 coachnin of courw tile man who a4 ly tz slavc r failure stat�im- till thmltr pow4or a -I'd .1414-1113, and NO itecord.
and 'Jual Triule reports and the first place was en- Y.' W. Curth;, WhiUAMOM
doillg her r(Airtehle& Yor it illunt be luy� quiete'st Limama. ypw,L.. on tile box. - ties Xo to confirm current reportt4 capital in the -in to fall back upon
4,11 at'l- rview, mile held tl titled to at claim on- thii money
borne in "'Intl that I haii bc Aftor that first itit& but ntcive business in.UAlladit. Tor. their baytnieto for tituttem. Even if Warts on the Nos*
[Idl1lg I (I boo k a aloof for many daya� of a ver. beon Ito finn" Moot peopie very PERMANYNTLY CURED llffi*
foltil of rt,4 r. unster, anti' by her si1f. etive it ud Them Ila-(]. howe - nitlglllinf� (-lia iilbi�m or tlw men- Kline's Gro&t N*rve
dious buY - atching onto t cLa4 trouble over the disbanding -of tl'4 boo- .%re considered by Kanto~.
ff'ravid ail,] advelltiire, nd 14 Ple- tier eyed wer6- constantly w tile little figure that I IfDve. P -, FITS No hiii ow tier vou-�veos after first day's
o"I anti lit, mealit, though fly employed. -war or forta tAiould be made a
%AlrilLg my mind tile Of In" ift sch Tito proud spirit. Is Oroken till Canadian mills fit the colony. None went there with a of wkwardly 11IM-fti. A . wart any
that I ha 1 1 f ah-. witliout re fam- ments of (Anailian cotton gowls to view of making aboney,-and I fit few !utely prtx)f :igalsist which wife . re is annoying. tillitighLly :I lid uom. %Send to Mt Amb street Phila
appricach to tutu es look soft tow r tile
ally Morning. and t1lo little ey of tile week. fllventtw 0oubtn, tiff wart�. de-114iiii. m.. for treatise and froe$2 t;;a boUW
f aroig, lall Is. Much .,are a feature -tlwy 111141' t selegs. ust -I word to A
liers Ili diat4int regions was ilirifity. t41tir"u-4 Of keeP" anti wet. Madeline clings to tier pro- Egypt were tile ppomrjor it, - 4-!ectrie guit w(mild not Kive t1wenemy 11 . tit eure For ide by J. A. Ilarte 17W Nouvi Dame atra"
e isti of d1we flow bellell.1 for ing lite -.1 for reasons t4vtress, anti nods adieu- to ti Wheat reeeiptHlare more lilieral. glilli-41 4xperienoe anti add6d Mr. file", vertain and perniane! mont,".&I, Quo.
realijgc4t In the face -11 1 could - not pmalbly penetrate. ie ser- prices arp still above -an exliort wifle.h. sts F'ineirwon lllXplt WIKMI It Illight Ite fireti one Pal Ex
tile. firot time. hwilt flock around to bit] lie' Starr, sigit- i4lirt4l o4 :,,. 4-halive t4) bringany IIaY autiful creaturP IvMadeliue had not exaggerated when fa and less tendency V) acerlit maxi- says, IN the first wealth. A their OWN Illitm I.lw ilei -k of tlwir travtor. When yoll have eured- till Ask Your Dealerfor
At what g" 1$ :4 be le heionging silo boasted of excelling the othor Slit) does not look tills Way. IkJeB -silt muni.patimates of anitolfall yield is In conclusion he Wild. If(. had had ' 't your warts, lisp tile romainder 4 oil
jjlii more piLrticlilarlY 'If i. tiis ad- scholars Ili brigtitneffii and ititelligellce. ny weather has in- OWH vewfol wfthout being -xploded lit it cures fitoth.
U_p t1lo gentlor ow I- ilia -11-%ibl think tit all of tile podr friendlemboy reported. ' Stori elkOlIgh Of COMMI111i"1111- were ' a tht4r owit hallds; br. tile aCtioll Of ttiP our eorns.
certain that lny� Ifor illemory wa extraordinary, anti wli(we heart site Ila& rilled with hey terfered with' humill0fils In the Mari- bit tAX.) proilous. lit another exist- ekwtric glill '%At submarine minoe. Ito
lfaratioitt? a in -rgies of Newfoundland 11911- BOECKH'S,
perceived likine, and that tanks which Vile4l all the eim beauty.- and wilow, eye!i are watchi timp Provinceii. 5.000 years hence -Al. cOm- Ntrong fort. Enough Said.
ilt-w friend red by lie r I t I not displeam ller. it ws, t'anY boylk4"t wore easily niaste ing.hor o wildly from tit(- curtathet Pry returnmtre, unsatisfactory. and mullietle settlement might., I . lit Ve no vartridg( �r shl-41 titore would I*- Thow Arkaiwas never weary
e quietly ex- uick wid reb-tlew brain. Site was 4 r Iratle In New Brunswick ftw.081011.
rate. gerxiline hcAnge, e ty--d-room. window.dbovel. tit(- lumbe -At - Vic-, bihance-" gakwt . tile public With long rilymeti, but
t gatilet my will In the taugilt with tile rest of uh W th TIW. coachma,11 crack!3 Ills W11111, the 0howm little improvement. . Starr, with big wife and fitmilY - 7-- ' __ - - - 0
preomed, almOs ()f nT.v e3res.. opoll whcA)l, antl was generally &t tile horses break Into a trot, tile litth torla and Voini-ouver trade is active ILTI(I a yoling co!onist nany-d Ths% Bath. come, straight to the point and distnim For Sale by &U I.Aading Houmv..
loahle'l yet timi-I glalne4o subject. Witness tile following CHAS. BOINCKH & SONS. Kanur"tall"I
kip, her 1.111- hoa(l of tier claw tgko ltalls out.'and waves her liand, and priem of hay are higher, partly it Dane,*removeAl Up Durtmin almost ow allit then comes de- tilt -
he next 9W greatly Changlt It so lLapponed that I illYself, at- kerchief 'Until tfie carriage. rounds the because of the short Uallfornift erop. &t,once P� from an Arkansas weekly exchange:
there to takp Up -r.irdenlng Every TOEWNTO ONT.
tuow toile was 11 es eree front it Jalysician, ..don't Imi tile
i Aof tone and a k ino.--r light 4wUlt t,1161,gll ill ,,any things dull and In corner anti is-lild from�vlew- Bank clearings lit the Dominion of oll commrclA iln - I A dally hath Is Weaken- The bL%t man that we ever saw
lifferent, w4u; also gifted With a Illem- Madeline! Littl Madeline! Canada aggregated $2.5,545,000 last proprietors of the ('IOU@- every (lily. (;od, a.nd Married hill mother
e , The flew Ing--thle In pubstance. But thedally Praiwxi
,.her face with me,- she sai, (Jpry (_>f 1111collimon tenacitir. In all I Itavo fallen u knees'by m week, 4 per vent. sina,iler, titan the- den HIJI farm take over -.0itsihould bathers knoW that to iniss, for one in-law
If You will come Wi8ide Pon k I -4�s i per vp;lt. prove a aDund buidnew, for tile land lumn
he place. There L9 tanks which domanded the exercise of and alit IMI-Sionately kissi previous week, but/ (lay, jilt entire ublution of tile person Wllat,s tile use in taking a columil
.41 wil!, w1ow You t I the garden. and t1lL,4 ftinctlon I took' a fOremout place. t1le, lock 'of hair I begged from If larger titan Ili 'the. corresponding Is well titled and the Plitlits re 1.14 8 discomfort, it something mitmed of qlace to tell that beautifulatory?
1104 inuch W see but N .14tc-lille was lily moot formidable qcems brea Failure's in Ithe flourishing, the communistic 'Tlotflt�-6 REE
well Will YOU L last flight. My heart for'all the -waking. twf4ity-fotir hotirs.
I like that eflolligh. week at year ago. the� nine water. -Atlanta Colustitution.
rival, and wo begim 1juletlY at fir", iijg. All tile orld has grown dar anada tieing particularly fine.
Dominion of c. Fattier Knelop, the famous
come Wt give this fine
I rcee awkwardly, " if at a wor-I of but afterwards with energy, to I
right for me- in it moment. months nuotber 1.091, witir aggre- bure practitioner in Bavaria, w hose Nivard's Liniment the best Blur Restorer w a t c b, chain mbd
astery, Death In Craps. hygienic code hat' for its chief pqnt
command; anti, taking my cap from for tho m, of sevor- To what now trouble Is this that n E! gate liabilities of $7.592,510, it de la in harden a#d strengthen the Way, charm, for wiling two
tho peg where it hung, s%vilng, it In Tho competititmi, inmtcad ni abr-)4 to waken, flow that tile 0 crease of 26 per cent. In number anti :1 woniall tit to Xxperlencea It. doir. Lavas Cot I.An
llow"I her to the ing, brought us.cicw,_�r V-) each other. star of my life'S (lawn lias fadel 0' PC' tot JILtes no,wa tile liurToNs, at ten CM
fly hand as 'I fO a ( of '29 per cent. in liabilities from last her cof f ill . by tit wearing of era er rm bathm save
Ielinp rc*,T*!cted tile i4pirlt which 4) medicated ones, but will Poeticus-Have you read Shake- each. Send your sid.
low. away. year. and re tile smaiJest alike in writeo a physician. "it is a sill Up do remedial, i
1pasp -r, and 1, for my CHAPTER 111. ten Involved for or wear anything that hurts tho have hi -i pat�ents to take cold bittlis spdare's "L*Te's Labor Lost?" d rem and we tog ward
VithameiI, yet p (I. w be vhap- sometimea subtlued lw r for the hum- liumbef and in liabilit t - ix)6i - very swiftly putting oil their gitr- the Buttons,pom paid
oqIder,pd what part, loTed her the bettt ri Cynicus-No; but I've taken a girl
gLri, I w Aftor Teti Years. I Begin Life i ny year for fit least tteu and theref(no I think i atd OUT Premlv;;
yea rs health I
errAwd by it] think or it- allizing tonchw or passion w1fich, lily Earliest. tively stidul for women to wear 1pents while tile body is dripping to the theatre and had her talk to the List. No morwy m
Illy whooltellOwN w0v awakened. mourning wet, anti getting warm find (try 1)
Ise. A bit t tons among y * u r
Clogo to tile whool-room was the victory frequently Tito prologue over. tile draiva of Even plain black Is not ft man next to her all through tile show. quired. Sell the but -
or rather the cupacloul; We had been friends six months, the ertislng*s Impact. wholesome. It is astollishing that tills Immediate active exert
playwoultd. I by that name. luipt round of school life Ila(] beconie my Jiro bie ills. There is always a leon abolislied, for tub is by no . means it necessity. A friends, return the
o( Iavrn dignifle ologuc, I -, in which-tte Do (iJgukkT 81LYH: "There 4s first a not 1 basin, .I pitcher o MinLrd's Liuiment cum L&Orippe ononcy, and we s4nd
pift* playing cric- railiar arid P 1paimilt to me, when, -pr 0 home sort f water, a pieceof
My mehoolfe.410wil wOm- kfast, I noticed that key -note df life is generally struft tbu r woinott have growit very sensilok- in oil cloth or a tragmf-tit of worn car. ttic watch, pre*d.
ket 'therwxi. They PRO Do attention one d, at brea evii.pleasure or pain. Mine lite-ra;* InvaIX kliowledge-ar.lence-and tile matter of dress. It would have pet or blainket, or ail extra Turkish The CMItle Loxngua--e A genuine Ameriftn
1. bu t pipoked at my funster wore, a very troubled expreo- for good ot secol-emplo.viiterature of power. The been abolishell Itnig ago were it not waiai, guarantee44
to me pillow a ot too sion, am lie broke open the largest of in tile cpIsode of little Madeline. Mui h for tile fact that woman cam more towel to stand on, nother Turkish The 0-1tie language is 1110141 11101)11- tot a tew hour,'wark
rompanion with a carious an( ;t numWr of letters lyilig before -him. of tile Npirit' of what has 'been to d fuIw1Pz,..of the first is to teach the towel for (trying, and it palr of tmltli Mention thts paper
f riendly ex prp*ni()41 he, on her part f peculiar yellow will survive fit the oventa whl(b fune.tion of the second is to move." In' for what other people say titan j4he mittens', or iL stluare of flannel, or lar -than one would 0ink, for tloerie
alon imperlouhlY, without The envelope was 0 ked I all dom for herself. For example, ir even the hire handii and a warm aM no fewer titan thirty-nitle news -
Gant 14ingle look In'their papor, and the post -mark too I about to narrate. scarcely and peri(xbcals published Ill It LFVER
ioign I ng to atle;ine Graham fadmi t once aid De QuinceY's time thOre was wornan's. hus-band dies silo would not room, if possible -these are thechlef Papers of 11111 I -TON
farectim; anti I noticed that he oreign. I forever out of MY boyish exiatence. I 'a, literature of advertlHing. rrwre is daro 'to go without a long crape veil. needs. A soap bath onve or twl(-'p if most of thimu having their Imme, Co..
had and that her Ma4lelitle, who Rat, 0011110 by, tUTIIP( If ot and a crape trimmed gown, (w the week is desirablo, for cleanlinem, find course. Ill wale*.
th the for- whitO n't eager, and,her great eyt%A neither 8aw nor eard Trom,her such a literature flow, and It 30 A 6ch"a .9-t E
dsirk brown were knitted w1l o' Ige mig- roetty; but some months after tier only teaches tile people but mov world would s-ty that she waN glad e*en tile wap scrubbitig need not It takes m(Am. than 12,0(X) Plectimi Temste, ont.
f"Ar Unpleamint exPremiOn- -4he sal fLzetl themselve" n tile otrat rivar lit tier I distant home. there es to get rid of film, -after. wearing It take 'over eight minutes. No better ers to man tim- precincts Ili New
nothi however. for domP ininti". sive. Munster was riveil a wonderful parcel. full them. There is practically no motion It while silo is not brave enough to a -can be used than a pure white of f ic
ows the ria c=rtlp.
vi"t wax t4,� tit& tfop cd a Within th" letter to dried fruit&' nuts, and other forel n In t4le avenues of trade that does not leave it off, for mile kn York.
high knfAi behind the h0liffile, whence , mmaller (xie, which he handed t,0 edibles. addressed, Ili tile hand I kne relentless world will say that she Is
untiLlig country. Xwteline silently. Y009 owe11to Impetus to advertising'sF IM -
to ,Ma8teir Hugh Trelawne t looking for number two. Woment-laim Rxceptionis to Every Rule. Ask MW �r 1W
we C001d map the staTo hward, the With impettioum eagernew, mile open- Uat viourning is a protection. f ollo
and, note mum U) Ole W)ut " It's always Tiretky Safe to Judge
djff%&n,& am, with a white frmt of bit- FmI and read it. It was very short. As Munster's. My school -mates laugh d Pftc is really own One Day's Wo*
it, fie. r bogom rose wildly on its arrival. 'I tore it o More p(41e, are willifig to help bury grief-stricken ne's a, titan by the inpany lie kt"w"
0()V Of milver-colored she glanced OvOr foolings are sufficient protection We five OAS G� waack. Climb & C9100
and fell, her eyes brightened nnd expecting to find some memage a dead man than thero are to lend against society, and for my part I I dolk't kim There are Ox foraditoftwedeal 'no 01`rzqsl�
writing. showing me that I wa*j n ceptlons. WIT I .7011d's businew lite rwUme t- coma 6wh SWA
I ic
It wax a quiet, amlem (lay; but f arr fijled with teaJIL forgotten. Thp-ire was not a 11 a dollar to A living one. believe that empi and other Mourn- &ad vs
watery To hide tier trouble, olie row, and Al-Ith a goinewhat heavy hea A Berlin watelmiaker lias invent- Ing hbillments aro often directly re- makes it nectssary for him to aii*o- pfttpaw. awl ow
rt6 I elate with aldermen a good deal, and "Wink" IWO VA.
away them weft glearns Of oil an Inmtrument which will mea- i foam
fight on Uw white latin or xhipi4 pao- lef t the room ster evinced simi- distributed tile more perishable fru gWnsible for bad complexion#;, bad still I'd trmt film with every dollar we -A-ed the ct Igo
Mun imp U) the 100tii part oI a We- p events* A
by andw full canvaA eanwhile, my scliocil-mates, reserving a "11170 t eFl, bad digestion and hnd temper." I ve got tn tile world." I awo wet
1&r surprino and consternation. Hei bit among ywlf-for I hd -Dletetic ail(] Hygienic Gazette. ow
he Vt woked maward at the PaA, very little for in 10 vwt*fu SL
it s WATCH
, _ __41*11. vso-h th,& &Am%& rowullar h ifs 11M as he reuAl hi letter, art(] I + +_ oat r stored un maiiT of tl� fv%nit. t the idea Into your head - --- .. I
04ling an &.19 worn on our first him hand n-ervouslY through lim t hampagno WaS Il.rat maAle, by monks M.
141 ch significant look nuts in my trunk, till tileY we�e that w1jil women oil Juries titpre it takes a wiso man to pick a foo! AOL A9116_1
9 1 nA tn the 17ti, century. - - 0
OW. jr. I lion, - a nito mouldy and rotten. When I would be lewpr (118agreumt:11111M. W Immu uAkAw'y U66- Mki-C
r thoughAA' ho WWI the letter to hi,,; wife, wh.) (I a - er"t *$No.
4, fathom h6 I
of tbe'16%4, ftos di,,.vI1gbt md
-bJinXW 1111 Of tlW iWiM a*
aw"T ki tv Its Nuilew and.,tiftIML
an t"N 41pi it vV 0 I'Mif rIC6 049(T."6w IfKfe UUJV UL JDlJLJ16JUIUMf 4U1,jg. Anorriboll rm-How l(mig If
111P. cling round the the ground. Major Williams at last P
Detachment& of drrq64i2ffi live
YOU bow
Well awn in the� vl(-Illlt.v lit Wtilter-T4n diLy% 1dr
flag all'i ill indiesita tingly 141eiltifiell 111m as her be" lit up a a
VIA zrern and our other batterim as well as t1mf, jq I fftationcd in the n1k
poov. t to d an(Ah*r. Waiter
_"1119, and a )Otlt assailant. He trenibletl violently, i)llt disturbed (ns- N111-11 Ilan flFW tritituphant momente, Tho word translated
ffaxinaA wert) finding the ran&, anti w 110 tvkto, mid. for the Prewnt quipt'has, hilt L4 no gr*tnt hero when the yen r 4ne uUm overr
!ioint I Wt are bra p4rAtuai Pat
In theml, a Wnsational reports, denled his guilt. bomi reetore(L V. 7. It ki ft"Rit Vt-nx Or(li-rod
01110 y
ham rolled around. tim no that
ill the bNLU-
is nuLik. tile
it work of
a of unboiief
41 be ekMU%-d
wry uarra-
WmA, and
". u e ur*-
aad ca I i be
to -of three
Ce houge ill
844, No re -
the while
on lyarwm-
low on tlw
unsatics ill
that every
lively Am -
It a w6pf.
Inin ih tAie
114. it, All
* not 1pro-
Pd of tii*4t
ta%pa it to
�ward him
glint thils
'4 makeh a
sok in tIK-
vality "I -
few with
erp ilk dp-
I that lie
-ttwn flot,
KH I Of t 1111-
a f r"id.
W" Ili -
tile IX#t
With the
Win %%ah
'hier, alld
ration of
If<- ad-
-ail M*
aid. he
%% ith
&lid cow -
ax to Imp
iuse a re
,:) stand
Awes are
a leavft,
A. In its
we utter
sold the
d, oppo-
-owe far
ley call
wee the
ngv. �k t
twe tile
nee rise
a item i -
e Ila me
of the
as at -
Ji seize
be leaf
v men
6f fort
a Nuch
d[l he
.1e has
.or the
ro rods
? UT11
val ed
el ex -
(V tills
flo the
I& ti V ell
'q wit-
p play
it b* --
of a
" Tile
n toer-
F ull-
4% at
sp or
- for
h lid
on -
.� so
10 11111