Lucknow Sentinel, 1898-10-07, Page 2A Za A.— AIL WL ago - BANK OF HAMILTO ail wits wit c, -and, paying no dary' about which her busy ringers ment was giganti Late bossip too sparb. From au article by Mr- Edw'srd lieled to the otham lie Sought 'to vept played. LUOKNOWN own", says Brow I.L. S., a roliowned author ell his rage upon Strattm, who felt He says to me, 'You must go up on --of the-- A in"ter of th in the eliffs this morning, Margot. and (Knit.) Now 66 Como into and authority on pourwy matters Rftat4 Offim himself growing weaker and weaker f Ind.' 8tocktion week and got Creat Britain. I OOnKlenne the f0110wo In his enemy's graAp. bring me every,flower You call this off tee one day tit Twice over aa tney swayed here 1 0. Madame, alld--7-" ou always Rowd World* it dr�ink of waten lie 1111urniured ing be killed off *�Itor they and there he caught sight of Myraa one moment, Margot; Y not ma- Milo I 19-r tho water and Fowls should 88cmd year. i h* 1dren face convulsed with horror while She forgqt I am mcidemoiselle- tcm much ati We quAlIt'.* using 411101 have domploted their censured tkle office or believe tile Birds may be marked 80 " 'to be clung to her cousin, and her look un- dame." A -grgteful omration. for cataract stuff, saying lie didn' nd oil teniper- easily by putting a need would have gone "The greater the pity mad'molselle distinguished. A El. nerved him so that It young looking still You should halt just beeML Performed in Baltimore, editorial staff -ova" out it was ring oil One log when they am Put- that are not very robust hard with him but for thorarrival of a You So y chil-- e. Af ter ble bad lie d be tile beautiful mother of man anc I t. warming, building and f at-fOrffling party of folur men who' had lande What of the III which sight' %vas given to a girl _discovercu lie had n drit king I-Dt". is whell tile pulle dren, or a widow like me. been had waall"'id bont time lood--something to be used for tw`0 from the "t that had kept pace e------- ning never tile water In which The six montild old. --th&t mon*1eur ? I take him very mor five years oUl who haid Jt� a illixtAlm are from fIvO U) iuch am or three months in the fall with them along the shme. see, he Is as able to see. The first exclamation mir type, and it w - and pr A round India rubber A ng t c ye One of these was the fisherman, the nil the flowers. and ther tie child.. Of of tlw Child Wh011. tile bwWages wa, er, onctNatraW. 1, f rol 11 tllot�e used f(w umbrelt"t br rL rig they may not suffer from C0kL two others were a couple of gcliclarmes happy with them as a lit OF ovod was: "I call, I'm � the' er's Ink. WO al ayf drill o my other sick ope-look at her— W41,110 rem W, . ;illk re -40111 ily soft, fioxime* and another fisher, and the tw She pointed with tile other needle ligIlt1,9 alut it was at otteco followed Itydrjunt, Init tw IIIlLq, dr 4 . or copper or a fit. officers threw themselves into the just got free to where Myra alld,&Strat- by: "And I call wmo yoll, maitima!" )all under till- fly - drallt." IN suitable. should W put, on to OTTIFS fray, with the reslilt that tile 'text I ' Seated III the shatle ig&z- was matk� ofthe The ring. tylit itot tight 4-flough .um,d ;,11(l ton were. a go ApparewittlY,410 "t"(W fairlY (!low- n1illuto Daic wits firinly Ing dreamily out to where the an- early iimprtwWous of tho littic girl 10THIL UiJurv- tile loog. EM ON ell upon Hado of hold. cliosed miling boats rose and f ILud hor new wnsations. as w4w till 11 IFFLIC Ail t-R&TIlillAtiou shoulil be I' I, I "Thin to tile 111811 -ed wO- ti e rina t1lell", thelcalm blue water. case,witIl tile young Parisian some overy fowl #L fortnight after Cod-Uver Oil with HVPoPh08­ of the officers. Aout Jerrold looked through tier half- re-StA trOd bee put 0111- ween the Sqda su -yes,- Said the fislivrman front tile c-yeo, smiled and nodded again. Illan. Wit~ Wgilt wam �11 iguish bet I �,- lies strangle ti-Illo ago. Ili order to distil j p Itcs of Lime and L cottage. "I may lie tried to 4 6 lfalth of a good woman!,, said Mar- Nurfing Hor J*g Ohild fier luw roar and two YeArs old, I exactly what they want. Wey this g"Itle , night at Ply g urse, does *she Ire(' fowls one ; to put the rings "M .mal, in the ot, "does Site want a n rhe good doc- Tile British p(*FAV#JI"IIM aC(IU it isagood plall and the will thrivep grow strong and be THE ANSTALMENT WILL APPEAR. place. Look at his throat- wallt a physician? No. of Queen Victoria m. only in one yeALre Bre.ttisoll. ter t log Lt this splendid f ood 661t is quite true," said . tor is by tier side, and ever since the during the reign well all winter on ui!L, monsieur, cried day, wile,, the bad mail Was taken 1 7,779,570 mill,1170 rings oil the right leg@ ()Uly - Tie] - % ad so on in the, alternate years. ..lid you tobt reprOnchfully -that the beautiful brown of' the make a- total Of tlIe UnAted 10ng- y6ar a tile right legs tonic. Nearly a of them becomle the Msherman , I mileti. The are& Of gis paths. rings arO Put Oil I ond of F ults who d was Imbecile, anti that have seen or ad ur f rien sea air and the my being doni'ls'121,115 wIllal System-Ner Friends Ill 1898, Z rose of the sua coloe re, ini". Anaeml&. Followed bY Neural if tile tbon all Ilen..; in the flock yery tl%l sting Y, Into'her cheeks. It is a folly tile right 1098 Will are niot cry strong, a wo tiec-41 not fear" Racked Her rrl as g, One,of the Most Intensetv Intere: dly. "I e lit ex- with rings Oil 1900. if the r Said BrettisOn &a nih.dl here -now, but if madminolselle and th of califorida She 0ould Not Recover. course of treatment With -11 Pu for grefLt wa-captain will keep my faith- The OIJv0 CTOP freared That r~iy for killing I t lev in the au - wrong, but I have bee hey marrj be J00done. although 'lot Ing to injury (1,,rom Ithe 1i)ntwpr1w, BrtfteWwWr, A" Pit, on the lef jig to Ills friend. cried last ye: i r, ow tumn of 189,9, theon tll(r*1.o hens w �colln Stratton,'* 110 coil- the Emulsion for a couple Tales Ever NVroittenll my Hill fizi services till t F and pected.to bo a F - U W110 happy; and oh, mademoiselle-" so I arge an of months in the fall will tillueti, brill, IlIng it, tile autumn i st(XXI there With his breast heaving m.alrgot, turning tier , eyes up 'toward weather. bo ready for * k I still, anti gazing wildly at Myra, who thfo sky. anti displaying her whitc. f roin dry Mr. and Mrs. James & Diehl. WbO 01 190" put them through the ith a. piteong look, textilo live about'lano by It is dowirable thAt a written re- in first-class con - met III% eyes W row, a ad teeth, "the, way that I adore.the dear. it *104 w0d. that tIle` coming and a hblf Mitm f roW &dp of tile facts, all winter gratitude, " de little children!" Bridgewater. tire 111SIdY e0teem'Od STORY41 minglod of ke aus- fibre will '.bo In" from the rxmiC cord should be m to ly" faulty. dition. Ask your doctor WHOLE t,espaLr, ,, call ,Pon you for tile slit Miss Jerrold. a large etrele, of fritendw Mrs- D10111 NOT A DULL LINE IN THE denounce this Mial .0 a'rgot!* cried id walked away., WIACh growir -aburmullitly In a tryling illness, llI.,; apt of all here tO te ly, and she rose 11,1 I)IalLt. tilts PaAWA throug , lwultry keeP-.i about t" Wit alth Of a good woman! whathave -111*0 the Ixu-tit!ulars of hich obe ��tly The afth"tR90 to tlw Frroukirm See that the Gjx>ds magdo frollil this fi I marking tit", fOwli far mor# ret SrOTT" tile offloem" lboking Florida. or f ron !I- ;.Ufe YOU --I cannot " Mill] Id ?" Muttered * Margc . Ard,# MP(t ILILd. silky lit fillisil till] itur-t- ga vo a reporter (A the EnUrprise. &H thilit - for till. trouble, swon and fish areviln the WTAPTFef Vll-Ltie --The to .14ir Mark nd at where (,Iueut and Udle had ollows: 11 lit the owing of 1896 my lisat" r"m Pror. Roh- The Struggle Bev%veen Viee n quick look f;0111 Myra .-no orock PdoIAh'WII`iclI toll- '111141 Ilygiellie. to MV Which 6' iiivolvm.-F All druggit% -, Vw. and Si at, tank shall bs il health gaVe way. n addition back. go dow. fishilig iti their hands tivil I dutleff I had the or tson'm Itertort. %COTT& 14OW4E. Beau Villain andthe Hero ---With mine." words I n tI y enell Othr a' SLr 1-:41witt'A tgfxxt ordimary box light, of a ........... --Will niolliour nay Clione fo but c ramtont 41a. alid 1 1041 ewi the offlj!er. who lad fill ers Instelid (imp down tinder tile mto4lry illustrative, 4XV the I Pri of slick cliUd. , tit ti P8 01 F;R v Ing M37 T0 CITHE A ON I'll fLl I iierolne Besides --R French ?" said -S'h'r very. "Who WAR busy w "I'licy will all Ifiarry. and appr*+iJ1ti0,IL Of tfW IN-raiistol-lit little one, itAid toccur to me that 14ronlo Quiljlljf� 1,aiiietii. All JIRO; 10-4-11 tAko-ii 4P0 off Will. .01 , . I -it *#,, AOU fileep asid aniWity dMiggiA %; rf'f tint, I lie I-101iry if il fgil% to cum. 4 of a rti Fillst Chapteb arid Yoll 8:11'41 f-ro Ilip; 1110b; it. Ali! tIl0W Old maids, bl, - "Ottv., wbi I over -work . h tlw� 11gi.1till 41 little, but altecially re-, spirit of tit') lvrt* 111literstand F lie Otte to '1V'ht"n* Simi. ilig fune %%-4.ro exhausting I�h strength. Finalt Read the L,-isL- if at a time'like fe red lln.ti. down -now- by %%�JLH UtWIL't iuLport;ilit; alltoratittg :1 Clinnot, rusT. InY80 wtyk my ehlold and then I titling it ves- at MLvriborough Hot'sibe" tftl f. of alunvina nd 4-11"lic xide In I . , I I cir ndition. Shortly ,Vhere Alfonso SItIt in (i PfLw t1w vsk- he -- brother, will) wits HUA till iutrrator. -1 Sir t raikeis Kn0U*8 roalizi-d my pity Ir - M jig With Ilia glas�s- Forglivo me, , then. ark,' eal sel iu Vic offil lie to-tIM3. Iojoitl.CO &W-1 rCluarked: aft,(jr I wam ats4 edo with netiraLgic The thrne-room Of Paill is " inag- etecittriticthe Intro Itictioll qf 143 11111P speaking now 6 'allill-of-War, Rebeca." lie al"Itior, wh1ch shifted. llificent awirtment of crimson !'till 1XJors. w - P` - eon - ItrettL4011 firmly, of the Press . IN 1811' -ti'tl' In t llydrochlori( , d intc) a. eonfo�ind- jitk�niei till weekiR, all'i excellent French, "anti YOu, sji. "Fine vemet..but olify yal Ilig,11114 Id, with colossal mirrors the Hiblex iln;ss oli Your iuy of rock crystal that tie' 141-1114 6 my child," -he Wild, taking and kim- ed imitation Of olw of ours." Ito., awl wtVed liere, The peill In mber 0 + lear. I HUPPOW so" said tile 11611061 worne, amkd -I haVe tried for ye,*, Ills &I Hilow them. f (.1111 ijig 11yra's hand aitil W� III tilt- door lmid(� grew a4er a few (LijOn conidered the finest eXamPle of thl Pwpitate. oll.with tier em-_ _tT he world. Under the gorge, your sake anti til:kt Of th" aiantl Hlw went If t1ley tkxt't Co bet-aino-liviablo, t), 1p&ve my bed. Ili kind lit t to but tilt, two largT& chnirs .11)IL,re you pain, at )U!4 c:inopy are lovo its Soll br [)iilery�- thoy'll efollto to. my btodily 1 194- 4 Minrrd's UdDeUt is the bOSL S oken 9 # t , e Ct ed a hould e ave 4 the t1rae has coffie when thik num "'Art! YOU 94-tting timl (if tit Place, rame' melaewply 411(l wag yPry inlic" handqomel r% Lnd gilded, and upo- # end.. Off icersk this Inall. an Inilecile it rdeld streol ade. rhese A collar lsullunl.�r� M irk said. suddenly. I it reply. to, ,t correspondent %% fcii-nd" reg. I erlirson broc a' bealiti- e, rules f.,Pr tile. re- 0 Qlvo at rare Llitervals, Illie has Ih tird! Whitt, for? it' �h my pa If Spain, where ItIcoliar 4 U) flow OC_ N Ueto ga ttheor violent' homicit Ili I fits, is'Jitmes till tili,l calin, and there's wate'r-and it 'wl "'ItO maji"l in bell oovsoeral weekw; to to#% bov king nond quem regent sit on wilit-11 J,4 ,h:ip!-d like gbove­ 0 tlip Ilk Mou 1; lobc- etimes the ljutt--- k convict tvWva-ped oand e "*Ibl to de- r veryoue seems 11tamp- nirtatio, t4lons of ceremony. -SOM the hook plortion A THRILLING STORY'OF I--,$ b rrlred? No! first i'llIP it It -is illi'l PAide their iDothef butt'011pr ttile 1,111glish prisofii -6mfortable f ftirexk' durl �AmKhters stand b e with tile o�hank, W CRJME. f roni me of I happy and emphutically itti3elarva: wribi- tile- ag4ollifilit 1 811 n bent Itt :tit angi WNSTANCY AND -ftlill tilt) A e you.-- is -it It 144- tillit, tilde.' A skilfut I1llYhICiaLL w" _r for all the royfil r(.I4.;tXhIg it from the outton. Myra utterett' a will cry puttiltgr tile hen it is prope ilywilen 4-Neepting I h.er aunt's.hMnst- tdear, ()Illy I 001,11ght We t6f., Altu-ndil ve upon me.. He fimlly to recelve, die court. rmtreil Strat toll'' rWr eortier Of uld not gl) Iqnger like.th.1s." on tIl4 right hhIld - ull`P` said niilw wan lie W0116t Cam Ifinard'v Lininiftt thO iAst H81T Reatorer t4irrh ill this 'rheri . s-stery C-1ken leave '61t. fat4- 10ter it. th * dn." said the tl,4! . plLVelol�, illilivatA-14. tha-t Z171:1611kila 1111141 K4414O 'C iieuralgia lw had Ths-re mipro, c. tit -lit we know. Sir da r k imiral grtirriy. ­Oik)n*t cliteli'me at-. elilfb tio,, 4pf tlit, -Ln all other it's lo�id fftrm Vo ilrink Vgo Illuch of your writer it4 it f(O." r After omo weeks he ue­ til, yra hasil't _81199CHWIl Hue.h. a 4-4-4. h-41. lit Kettulg % 11w. I"I and q..*t#c#4 ut tor4lipr. sind 1111ti'l ti"' he illeur- s 1prit4- for 441,1 isi I vi -r w. a. few. nvirii witleks I '0A*1i##':11W-111 tA) csw%vring hi.s tile d. quikly A ret4ord few yvartil will" HUMPY" )rs my lfthlPo No," salil Mim jerro) 114 IK lit ho, 41old wotk-'. But t I I tit his hands is 0-1). 1 rim'i"ItlY IlY 110C, 14 Creat MAILY Years di'll ztrk!" RtA 10ILd talifisi orfiner M -AA 1t- It .ow of my f di&AW. ajid IPP, t4 ricll tII4' 4)1'.1 tA PI II)w t tier happy once ag WLH. %'4!r lilt, til1w -tl 114 4 of' W)r- aind and by Oink she must" :111 ing Mill 1401 Clutlit U) Ajilitly falling u.) 4-ure with� 110*1 1W led ;pr4qtd to tilt- I-1-gion -Ir lit* Lit -1, t it-k*i- i - ? ":* 1 .111 ­(;oli bless'lier. yes %V 1lI4fI(ltk-,1 like that -It th. all the trouble meat for her. d it I live hall \-,-r Ilig storm. M) that 14114. 4 P1 thv�. lkwirt 0ii'd lung4,4iF olart-Ing i I-11ri4i,lis j,ll;1jngr rtitning 4 ill ont, I 114 JU114 Clitifti-rh UP REE -11itl tltr*,%v bafk 10'4. lit i -tiers hatt tT'"' right to tile and. jtbQii� so." said A t tng lit vilit )itill tot ll -I cti, its, you kni)w. --I Pray that it may. be X141. flOOM4 fily nil ro fi� kt tLey h'llow llaPIVy site 11:144. to Apply on oil and fly blib­ mquird-.4 C401tkututi4nial -turd-d loy We give this (me htorror. tilt' 11"'t too N, trii,t,iffor man., They'r(* errohl fervently'. altar.' tit# rl.. jualluf#0 tch, chain &n4 tilt 1,4ird of tI;1AI 'i btid t TIr., YIIU al tilt' ITtlo"o. ng1wri lit, f or ou it lily Wire ooksl. Ito %V 11-inir pretty '.%I Y M� Y4 Sir on�iy friwi' kravO UPF -thinking J. C I,FV" CM.LAR Itoo "I otliurToN%, at ten cts. st:ind ilwhk as� 901141. 1 0 M-Ully ifilly cipluttituti4oll. All lult Z, witipw throng t l wi, t . elled It.-Ilt A 1.�. I t 111'r. t. ig.L-IkWj your ad - t tl,r .11 it %%cre poz­ i 1, 14 - t a.4 near, 1'earing ki each. Send , 11, .41 tl?A, 1)21-t lit. sir jilt t,-Iw iitwlUI4. Ills sister spoke. 14 on. 01 .r 3.4 414110,411141 liml friom 10 drMw V, It .t Illcli 110161o;A117 flit illey were right, for- t1lP Calm. 1111(X41y. thl% pa 0 ,bout lily heart dress OM we forward loot know wilit i-4 1.1111iiiar. to ersived tilt' 114 4069-" ttoll Airt.f.tiv rjil ttm, liltolpt. and ujuvoll-4 the Hutton -&01 Pa;d. ) C. L eated Bimnia rek was, OUP 41,4. Ill It t'01"114"ly i'm gilt'. Utke ny dny. Duri119 ctJ44 hLnd lit hand, Stra &I'd our Prefillum 1pilled TWy 44for 11T tolti my cc% Ik. tiw soft. dim light Of vr . t. No monq re- I'lizzit-41 tht Clever *IUX,41g ottler things Vh(o i,ILik zny ilint!g# I ad ne,%-( imought of .,Furfaef- 'of swtiv-m t of "tilt% Lit - I I n"Ir4ul where . 1. �,hul,dn.lj (Ikpi I.trx for any it the waters murt in ai&3 _uwdicinw 0 wr thall what Iny (Pit Sell Lim But lie 110thr;Childs hardlY nch t cost to g, quired Ject, 4if flow MU l4ttid f#pr circulars and UT T 0 I.,,o,?, aitt of his trou- among V ftvt. all I ,eAr lW� Well, voll were tile- tangle croppl4l 'up. He kel)t prescri it.happened, liow,- to I 11'-v forced him perlence- It, 11142' itnijollial". -Addr#4w. friends, return the Y. It, to marry bles. nd,skie had literh tilat ILL g nCiFig txver tit(! 4/ -Xt and we send thou4tif, '1*01 tht'In 1. .%nd sti, Joined ever. y n - W" the again, for I - 4.)..L. 14.11 4*111' Y. tite watch, prepaid. wart) voll -It's =et- to tell her all a-gaili and t4lent for IL tInIP cone dti M dti. lIIXA1 -tit -dious to i'ools . - I sold toy druggisu% 7-A,. A Cenutm American saved biwilist rittack 11POU 11MI. lit 4)(T ArVetliir tile narrat4e was never ti hethe conversation wl sid: .1 Ify Dr, %%Al to: tt- I ill ex ri-- atatetnellt':Of a t . 11v vast, tit x, warn lee. told tale, while the ktto*l- tend that YOu Va" ()Illy ga To -ing t0- There.- I'v Its al Owi Tho It.0-I'm l'ill" ar' t . 'lit watch, gua .1� till tile* thA%: he had"buffered for her: NIC116 at your own expense, Iave 1.1i.1 fol, a few bout tly it 240'. 11ilbi-wil. edge of a the ex- 111.,lij, in 801114" -ad and Mention this P&Pef Lw. 1 ys managed u-) learn at ;tpintren eell them in a *1 H# I,_ I left ellenly." bond betw. I ff 8.1, �ome tluletly7- sake-ilrew tile. --ad' the ar le. It haiinted we B wLtti w1iting. ig - 910 tilly.14.1f.* cri-Ithr right. gentk I . I . . . . � pelloifb of t 1 Alt hWa f4 Ott )I!e reral day notIvitheitanifing I r� faster, knot. k ne% f iiit; t hwagh - ho- �l s. Iting.. when al, ind. At IC- X. 1114 LF -VER Vol 01111118 .�artivubir wor rola lily in 6rning. . I)q) . te 04 W.1Ut4' ?U for rietf thil- 111 \, iconj W 414 stA.x, f4ortno-fly. 1riell to.dismiss f of tilt BUTTON \V hiLe lit, s briglit j�liliiiy, there yet was, i t- i0ictiter lie it, lai4 I mkcd I luutteret.1 or -aut v ts. h.\iv iittie txlv� ejouil. lielp, He -it W 11411i _trea In, vall -rlain "Up too wilit 1,4 d., wife, Vol) Iva ttioug It 1 n 6 lit thtv*l Aleck', 20 AdelaidC M E %I, it They. wilio -intiv. ti,ink lict. will. .Alt from. till. volt-t9fl. UP say 1114 tIl4 V 1400klmd -at mo I w1ok-4 1, 44200.01 1 orrinte, O"t ITU �Lwa h. .4 -t- t '11 oil a niomeni wid then re oil m -Is U, houCt I gamp "Ofter - langer liviotit, nev.fr tilt. it. 011. -P-4 1 P_ it rcee sl ilit- Liza re. mzi t -ked wrluips y6u bad 'to wnitiscrii till t lert. w ork. fter s, 1 be sve _114-.:Iikv mallY try them, iiL Ing a V. it 'r they do, work It. ,lit- 11141 n -. Wk.0-W-.M 4r Ittelit-s tit" 4 -r% itors. W-101111 -I f ti key (10 t ft*w MO in .Illug t4i, Iliq Lrm. tier ey of hng U*Mpl�" kit, bilk w ho Sir ilark and we Alall. ll-lvf� V) rush linix,rial #a Caryes an(i With - lng.'�witfi the dreasl Of some 1116w tron. r *11 st-1114i. .jv1V ri-sk- ilohi VIP- 114, NV y wIll certaUily o f% ;1_11ol ae. tg,linst, Nlyra. 3i Ild till, he at -c'milned - her. livelt ItAg -Iltkt Cure ind bun 4 of arm Ttta, 6 remark opened too f4illilopolvi laivoratorv. w1wril' rithlT Al,%. *18111 e4 afU T Ith 01". lie go t�jvr tw, h it -I fill ticalan- r -:tr:ttt4)t). rr;f%# f: its trou door of life, for had he f4w yosim-Of it4off"'. F4w liar lba-%* fill -y 14-v rhere can -my. tile rlf4 " it C, 1101`191 lit- whispered a0d lip Ills o existencr. . . . - t tIll'. tW' I %hou avo USNI tile pills. entirely Itel'-111 lLk- MC 11 Helit to Id n )t h 14) t Cie of watc.11 Ilin, till lie -w & itt-lll�llt .16 lit, taillilved .4in wilill.v., anti glip s. k I 1-1911411ul Wboelu I bad'us 41 two boxom I began tie 1evupled- anti it #)1.4 tiott-rVil a but A .1 Wft1*tS .,t,,L there i%ifh. tli-tt Will. still, )r%e,t, t114- 1111illgling* Ilp' t1le. P21st bil - to feel better, my aPPetit" imPrOTOd Warts! Wamfi! roil of tbopo' p Ln N .4 ORTH t 114.:v It'll] n briO Ve. sug tile door -r Md t'llem %vev w4mmig nro full dif uil A( el"nPally Tile off land Wi t1h ina"10 tAL nir ner..; of who hail rrested 11 chest. ly believe S4011110ra % lrrified ;i Ili-, hoa -t anti Another ted i his life. dermn, in t1je, littW r(lom tAi" about t less severe. I kept %f:& wartl-; ati(L who f4molish hk-It he &A of tile variotts &C-Pliff; enac in IL pr4.4) int lough, tw. A U) c�e More were talien, I a. rf y a mtring tit Ill W, 11.1 vs. dolle� Wri),liz. ia t t dy. Stratt4 141 1 a w of -1) .,.w Uut. ;medy cannot 1w found w e,u then" he whisioi-re M t six -tn. Suril t 1'14 1 'trained' to. will 1kaltilowly remOvl[` tim, V F"It he shrieke ll't.00r old Frft'Y it ail --hould ita Rt lookilig, nail in. black, a ! ' 41 n"t., earnv� _.#L i1i lilt'. tily0elf ki . ry short, him a1%Pr*vrlI3t olight, to, h:ivo- Of f Ali' -tit I liforill N. it r tie bIrd llas Ilecn J'and 1: make 10119 ple do not kfv)w witat they ar'e talk 4 r 111117 8jWMJitArG1 med t;4 wear off it ial I 1 E,_ Cowards! tgh the se e, tho bidoiug .4)f its ow tie 'all aLn, appotite good Ing about. Our readprs raRY 114�. Kurc 6"W ostiolattley "00111LA. fior It W-ak� t fir�t. :]IV .)Illy 44 1 tialm e w yfielf as air� the hatter r411W'd nil. 0 V4, f roill swini-blit- WS for !ife well -an(I thell.the ki f fer (it Irito buoYiL-11t, paina gone, and I and tem" fw _qle tibc1:011. t(I olil J �tn-hand- Bov�8 were ex hanged, f0 agp1pit of ail UP ork with comfort. Wit three applicatiolLN 01 Putilam'-s lilm-i-M. til-aliddedlI41 Lbe anlo"111. M,Ort. griioi,zli; intr.. :1 lid -for ife; and poor produRed some papers. 11,0(X) M. k 4L y, could do my OV�'111 W knotTk th--ill -ill few'- lie A ytonr iiii4ort, $L r pi have. al iem, jllot-shot!", latter Corst ttir will evor rpaching W) nionsleur, respecting AmericAll bave been W�ll ev"r since. al tuget1wr in r ks*p all.. I kpew fro -wilore. in chan' id in- vlery Dr Pink Itigher th.1111 It kitA-. We have e.lir- four t lie man Barroll-I)aIts " lie sa i n,6 doubt that Williams' jig 111141tit. Aelf - tcw M.T!a,- ,in hiks Thee man's anner ge �9 wilat we art- talki !,Itij Wits.1 tier eyej fu�l of re- Myr-, Alt -tile twitching -or tile. mits4s, 1*.pll rendred tored me i A 1,41 kIlOw t*fO ik6thing for I t �ts ynti know., moil- 1;,-IeV.-Xt4rs havet'llow saved my life, - and res dy ( f, cite playing of the nd the g(i(,Nl !ation in ever to hrea3rt. 1147M." Ice tc siour, we, have lit Comillunif In. imRe fall Ily - nit4iis 4)f to MY family. I A Not to be C&ualill. 4, W 1140 - Willi look ill -tile eY(19 gav" Pit glisli :,uthoritins, -hard - to IN- nk their pr rea trie." tie, cri-3. ***t *-'%I'0t I and, 'as ises, and in my heart MICROBE KILLER 11, heliFelf. They hPavv stare. M4 with tile Elif air 4- it.'s.`rather ..% - ' I dreamc4l last -night, Mism L'117, RAIDAPA'S - f4w jillerlillf i(I no$, he the 'vaeant. w . e, . Ituvo re you from time u0h a I ever iuvoklng God's blessing up rry edWilit .1%. #or No. !to. Trl n a nec k . anf I Iola y tliat ilt a. Al.et that .%Oil asked me to ma jou." 4114. 01411� fill, ft I( all ter lit nil rospslowlv V-0 Ili ti.,&t; ljd,4!11 IL 'reluctance lieve, tout, thv-y Mky ou their diawverer. ry." thers, .4-4*%4,r - I Droa ins IV contrart-8. Hen ou -art, %v ho ell Ck of ilis CA'r. igate t lie sciatica. nouraigla, gvrlll. in 1114 tiot tI.Ink Oh, thr, --ha part to invest widc. ill Nti�w Rheumatism,- m, Lucy i4pit. bnmichif i- Ill- -%ill. f-woking ul tor. t4o%ar-k I I see. W I N-ou ina rr.T vrleil th#- oflowed Up drop locoMotor ataxia, 4% - ' lit. valatril. 4 tw titer. did not- partial paraly4s 6* H'ift�what did you dream our all jrrilqw. lh�er id C.1 �r%v'a r4l fit the rdmiral anti smiling. beadache* nervoug prostra- thre.01111 -it r4 saifl fi-111 'th itrvouS uwi-r was i4milo ftrl t tlit r pilt upon ear-ItrvPr Tti, a Ilia- ble KILLNIt. -behind in,l it kL lit. t -a I in. 1) n-4 i k 4 -998 Vi I 19 tion and headaches depending tivir p64-jr %4trattloilL tm iiig t( (A bright, thought Arikfi* ItAIDAWS Nil' lly wa te. r iiever, found- -at him- tilli Illid(lip of iid)r I f'DIV to, 4 out tA P* t ry in the blood, wich as scrofula. ................. 4 V that 1111W 0ilvil . - , . .1 lam Quick rrie(I S-tratt,ifi. - swploin Thf wf tt last sent UP rrom glum. I lag,. etc (IlKappear yeg lic.4i-ielir tilt-' gbakti. chronic ery8 0_ - Dr. pROVINCE --pt-tirou or o as t4t lint and tment jilst contrary enough t4l li-"Y T"E ait inlik)"We, and "0 $'Ou 4'lid., you, Mr. pt"t"' grf). tilit liv -4:14,1 ni t forward -fillitt'lY t ir with Well, I.,on RI: IN That ynan 116. % i -it till' 'Dal" word 4if T coctortions tll.L� crosm their t-,. Americtall tr(p , upps "k ti e. Pin it lipt Aft re 1911. kw4 t # or vertaiii tII4^ VillsArbey give fron% th" I;tliips ell ging your piale'ft(l sallow com- I. t tit. CA -01 f. i V r, Ito lot- front. islapids :L'Midier In t, It M healthy glow fr w Ila% h#d sakeit it 1, lily W itil or XiUWd Sir, I lative "Ait)! plexLonis ad Is Linigmt for FLheuinatiau- Brf-Ctim nnit t IN-li(bVe jold by all dealers 11101wis-iir. till Ill Ill f rightelwd grollp. onlit-1 and renew tit" en - "if f iePT 4 at wat for ri-n4-r. " for )it in medi, 1 50 ceints a box or an it, to $ILI' that" the FIalisli authritii*i we trall.S114)rt Ull- spfft Polit Alnlo:,t flewdy it t ake him WaY." Jilld t1lese i.1.iPtWTW4 N ill iiffici-r tit illvPStI;-_ tww"t �_ t!O by adresAng the ei I U) urge f-1141, I *gtlore- the article -,IX b63Le@ for the,_ dog liA.4%om werir 1,4 ol- ONT. %% twore linit iliNtatitty toward ti tO have til, he 'Wao :0114, t" r4 1"119 tilt, VOL"t W;JJJ Ille.4 J�(Vll 111V gf)orl Tlii. gate� t - latttr; but, as yo,11 D ine Cb., Brock- 4,11r(W1141i *41 WK Ilf 11:1*tiL I*bp tot ejulwpli% t1f. Williams' MOMC th4, collector of QW441's tAx- \4.;Irl% Ito. Of Otto' r 4"X'pIlI4.F' t.ill 1,�,- r tu-1,-it, jtlgt ns.Nlyra tit 4iwncr. be perEftiaded to leetd by ton inforf: Ois- loirst hifornipol, titV 111111,11 t111114 -s- Ont. Do not wilpre tli-. fainted flipatl wa-V., lot*( e iU -11, so-rupillolls lit 418 I few years a9f S umw z farmer worse and wOrs atal. ".I .14_4; lkiell' iitAno �ake eme NU and 1w)'1119 rd 4.11pi4p. V.1414'r ff tr,--- h -Ai r It ww� .* wimp beforp. slip - nif -till. Ikirisoti Ott BZLr w. 9 written V) too [MY, I,tl,4.r. traliv,Lv. 11Fktt0n knecl- infirmary lo was one for a dog. fqor 1waillif till calAkW1.14'. gave. tf, ritine to fkn(I '4_*t mill ttack oXr charges, vil-le. Y"Wr WIL UNT "R AMBER.-_ its. IVIVIF Ill -4-11 116-110- 11.1y Ir inV tile 110141ing her.- hand. wrote bac�l Now. Mr. Brown. my t4i the . li by tier a fit." fotty k. years And lia%4, willie-the others SUM a.little a]O'nf tit o two, tile for two 4%4.1 ff rzi V. fe momentR there wills not luid a dog. Mlldl I Ill frip.nd"'i 0Y fr X� 1-11 41 L Ill! Palma-tt for :L Monte A Powil INW link ng bline Siul d to be on an 11111Lnd Of' paid this ta ELT it this tim4l. 4j. wiloily F( -)r looke lit t4tra'tton IICI( o-ologis rt t4i Ill ; ", %%74* 1re Poor. If m)king W-1 Alaskan CO&st- at tAll, v)tibed thil- W(dn. Wild &till wonderinx* look in�,hpr ey .. Iffirulty is now, mon- beeti dug but if voll don*t find nil, a (kyg H E'A P FARM ani it i, ftly by It r l411 lip -te 111,8 . 0. it It Igrtil,ve It th�ivaand years Ill 4pr 11 ui1I4,.4Pf aint r. otwe I will not pay hAnd. I-il"' tha-t­ thl' f rom tile ul), tt� %q&.klW)rt. 1:11,91and. -ill ulenlbek,J Of (ion Telegraph. Wood frio-od '.tf) to t4ints,. as h1w Vhispeted tllkk � % DO YOU WANT Ii4i, iiot -recover son. I (ionot'fluitegrblo it,"ll, aleol it. .j,tillg t4l, lily The e.or- it fband. v! of those it er too: to blo*' tho Party- ill�-ppndelltly wealth ail -me 't-liat Is it trie--that YOU Okftor$ town want -ed i4tid tivi att 11 or th( ypro% ap I te 0 pro- t Sitka, a flow W a f expedition. ronchial trouble. ujid 0 ks--J& pbftol 101111let W.1 eeks Siiw,-1 was for se�eik arli a f,,rt- sonif-thing It; ar ?" .1 of - I up with dyll�114itoe� 10 9000 ACRES itlloroved farillillu lift f. nix' to) reall.v love n1e, tie y r i08P" to tile brain. Wit psotebts from off tho adforer frpm b T6- lie C111, Ifil"T 1hellispill. lw ticits 'not leavP tile 14-i I . true as, that litillet fr- om 1414 .0 ago for Ot land. iii -4)"t tier" (,oil lolig tinle juid %X, ItI4 Ills 1st*44-*kq lkF' . ilhall Old would time so hoarse Rt times that 1 'orth Dakota. akii.(4t. get 116 ti,j take ­u1,1,44ting him-wif ili#l.it' luine. elear from 11 staln.a -ad was itnd N lit i tll-(xlgllt tratt(ill. Alifskaik Coa�t. Atits lit speak above, a wbisper. not- - eat -it ear. nialls roil Mk wif, y,. -TS littit in gailling to nanw, who for :10 (4mid warCeIY thing till EA -Y I 14AN MOSS* king away., 114- C)ft 0 for. me.` Itwis itg Air wrij�. TH E Tit I recen t- ilt ill. t r tu4nt -Ventura, Cal.. t!±f f by t.4) glet wine I got no rt�]"ef from any 6114, (1 tlw admir StriLittion left Ing SI'A 11 -tin Fight.. A few njillutes A regide,14t. of -.n. try* IIA\K. alifl-Act 4" -,Ii)wl:v b"t P14-ttv t 9 ther, 4 Xtylawl.tiOUS hat sued. wplit 9traiglit W with in y o wild him Ili Aaarell tried, your MINAUD'S,H0. Y BAI AN MOSS ESTATZ. T011 - Lit he.' officer, hild litne,horwn it Ot � I KS A I - Two bottles gave relief' and bit THS THUM --yej. lint Iong afto-r the Po(A of tile Cliff- lad. th You was walticv�; trembling %it- sl:tym later 4)f thi? ambe. mille. Ilia .4tory iK cure. I would c)robwell, gau. U. V A w Sell theM. If %vtpillil oliv V-ttirn oil- �16n' for Dftll� ? here *.I ' yra hirtv Years -194) bottles 03-"0 11 conlPlete Co., Michl :kJotm tol)k t1jis.md witli , I Itement. SOn* Wa,4 AAPepo W e c heir old, libMe. 1!tiv-. a It ubbian heartily recommend it to anyone suf ith it %tart. tLinking vt,,, 1111.1 reti;rn- wtimaii they retrned.w t oIt boar W There is some PH 1 .1 inisrortlirtO till )"Ill -bim 'it pa;ture-' and -tray.: 'lit- irom tbr"nt or IQ'ng tMUbk'r back !'rre t IN &&But, you liad surely - title, hand. from recked oil fering Pd, hu t I w.Ls hortli, lip rif,41 1-11_9 I . . K , which was W n 8 C 41 distanco.. %vithOut 0-0119 % "ss 3. F. N'anhuskirk IF * Illy 11411 At' lit, 044 small I W hall me by the tbro. of ir No. dearv%t," 4low ty,' t It - c+)il tile enitliv- 4 of tt, off the FOR SALE s all t)v-.r I vn.l 14- bearm it likf> Iv 1,1111b. Raw, froin a the herder. linfr4i too Fredericton- Z00d,,f^r"11lUL10ffl&jn. Amac. 10000 -lad. I ti-ough.s It wa pawed away. driver or Ala9kall.-COal-t- The cn'%W ma wo. but It(- -pug wa% IF rvf4ef all islaild in tile. Michiell WC(14 I UIS nilr TI1F. .-Anterican ri-itch er sm Mactnow rils. and ountled by tile rowol.'strit terptime of -the hi M. -mtw,r thinking Of OJIT tv" .%Vas Klirr Tile, ell r' 1 rly sttrvM wtviont x I ts. ajid a Fine fvvm rem# 114tent. is. qualed -%nk t& I �Q�v, vitilmilt.. him., face. 0 PRODUCTION *211ir v0t*410 linjollen- 111'rutt Jat? OPPI10" ililid 1oon Lakc ItY. Al prims ran I-Igp �l bY Tliet,4 I&I'do, thou all '-v;lh fc,)ilful, Iseople Wert, 'Jorearnt Itt the., t r I I i- Sery Ui 11 Journal- easilY olwllel by I" the rrm. 041 i v I)y tivit or t it., aw rc*W*U441 timpm. Frnit, jars can. be churrhT% owhoolt-- I hlid A �t Inous brigand, was recently ishuid tII41Y 1`41411(l L ReW dPTiM, conSiffting Iliem gold oil yncwl fa%,omnte tern --a. At, SttPndinC tilt- tosit j)o' #Should 14*6 0111,"ful Hatidl.1119 oft all 1ro lo. Croi rt. Tho w. de, Whilf� Into doliblP Housing. wire 1). 10&v. Hem., wept Ra city, Mich.. or I th MY too sil t';pid re -,t iv I'N . shot Ili public VXecutioll.at Belgra ln1wre and traced it t4lo of spring ewl of W. Curl iii. Whit Wmam Vich. 1114 It. L o ur Vny,riv W. but g na a big T W, Pkm 4W i tho"411, f trin rty anti the 8POeta* of nmbere port,, say tile smoke circle. with a lialmile, Ott each w, to 1.0 f,f Ili$ ere - fiorrIfied when r IKx%WW-+-kAn the wirp to contract the coils bY grip- wilited r ih hito re %bink it inerely tors . W had ill t tive de82a6d ill lifted. -to fieC a second body lying be- whicl trlist Illi'm it," t ri,nwintler nO W Hipcei tthere is. Jul a� ke I win rd the ping tile handles together. second W hel I taq, oil bolt l'%,f oil hen1a r.ke of the brigand. ,rile tile off icers. POL side thilit nt ff I't t1lat ndent who were taken. twav, I)N Vir shomP, "Anti 1, Of veAl to- bzb it correspo _V i or ner%* ouaineow thrAightfully. G 'Beitain. for f I no c rea n3- Mail Pro. tOtte* sinall -Theil- w0l hP 11" le, In 1-ci iwder to porr manaled14) HT -111199 Li cures 1AGrll)pe T S ftvr fir,"t d1kY*P' U014P. or#,." Oil '. bilt lit. ightb.* �R had Itpprottehed too near in bitterly. 8.11 tv the primer side r tile IIW4% to it ever 31 inard mi Art -it tf:t- forf the 'winter.'. ecount fo a W a y. nd has ­%Vhat do voii nje;tn lint f roiri tho gAllery. r bet Ind ery butter -made dur obtain. a imlistie-- a 11 over Pit_ for tmati._v ain(I free 02 trial you aifniiraf.. 1):lrkrl till 11% a nee, -.,I I tht It 114. has hmn R fit 90111#1 &r nbqve. tie er it.. is quite practicibIC. to paper. In- D H I.NT lit- world I ri hag W) lift and since a way lig tile ymrs tillit I SA1,;11,y.l. A. Harte. 17*1 voll Ila 6 M Ic. told Sbe never w9uld wed vp fet lyoll or either face u til they tt r ' n businew In Such t Mo trel. Q%lt 1),tilifill J01iiX U0 9"itill") carry oil the. -w -of tho faet i�at All terVenPd. hant*,d him over to till, 1001i"P hi. com -k. 0(t t". leave �the (kick, and then It a.8 to P',_,diice a gcood article. what in tit '.vlc in lie tried I.Ily- tillieA to have all aps sl Apar ix,)y. yon hve ralll4- i.11 Night #4 tik#' rot s. :L was thin mali'm Only- ho other pri- tit Q - e* % needed 'is much4further. improvenio 579 deaths and .1896 there wet -exiledition [)utfitted. but nver tmv- pent it, rom* cur id anti two The man ris mnll ' i producing and liall- Wile' ite, ex- ve willingly broken Ask Your Dealer f6r ClullPic of .11undred.yard.-i wft, him lit the methods 01 metho&. of FALgland'. f copded. Dur� tho recent in And then she'd Ila .11 told ya,l I k1l"Illd 116t fli ndCould 11"It dling milk. and In'the north Ilb got.a far his head, Ong.- its owiiers harit Work Vk madmali'm altered feat rem butter Or th Other, Poiso"', W "'ell 'fa citement it, the irtjoily, Yoii r,� wr w rete.hed and Ill stranded. qtrattfm alotric tit#- nuf-acturing and marketing lkx-,aumc- the poor th.L4 lit �tnnd there t1w., eiirreht %vhich ran OU t'!� ima %;alitieo 468, z were su"dlBs its Sitka.,w re he becanle 100 the aroulArpt I had 0*n in' c' the cost as. low' 14 H'S as will reduce -d is fa�cjret to a few f riend *� of - 1,6rds for e" 1) I.jv Inpet. I iorp tile admirAl' thet- prOduct the due t9 - accident, a . bill has -bee _He confl(lk meant It. heaven. maii Thosp two -11 .. i..� it, inueli fartlicr Said rf!t- cried possible, and give, !d -lit tht,�,114>uf f nished tile money tilat --I)o YOU tililLk tile, Inolkey (lu U l'! file. I am tw-tti,r. n0w *Who rootild have ' dr0amed am value. .� At. the. trodv" )IL. of tile mile of and they lit, roki Ist last, tm tilatir (I L (i UeMr%�' 000r. jjr� b. highest exchange -the Iletter rt,..gurati! outfitted t Party. loopoff.gVw"With will cut any figure -in the politici BRUSHE� -bh*D Rooms, lo at nil "It egame Ce eLnn daii�ymen'n ht,)m#� end of the busine PGIM>n& lid pXTV. cam Wol 1. rather. cc etq.to be baek shall n(A. voll ti. wretch! -his fa ' wan Ilk 11 to be over theni'all 9u, . 11 -1 paign this fall For -al( i�� a w hin six M It dol)sn't shell out or' Ciffity yartix. I that f it therro are difficulties Kti Ili Sitk onthr.. eattle 9 , old . well-wQrn sohiling tit The candidate w i SONS. KiiinufacturwV P fit, to -yonfl thtxw r6eks -ried Stratton. Y "Cc'no 111st'tute. TI freely may as well quit running right CHAS-80ECKI 'T Ol(i fpllow, qd A!" come Although till 1"dInte ttAnef t In not an km .6 11.01, 04"n 1. an -I strong 0111. Rem! I. nothing.' said lftet- A milking Cow is a Dilsitivo fill"ll-li, V)On pas%;l off. ll;o atwlrr,� t 1.4 nothing- Calroo' distribut(A IYMPII for a03,OOO now. e tr t's on Tre4e. W y BroAtimal. 'Aitil High or. r0l f Strattcon saved him and reapondn (iuicklY it, her inilk­ gipt lillit year, tb yon not 8P4r' t1wit hP e con- vaccinations I lit E L 114'. -if ter ':L - f4 -W "Filt) IMP - tijo�iil faintly Its nd, 14 1 11W Imw IWO, nol a fit P: froML a heil,vy fall. My � enex)u liter last y1eid to favorable or unfavorabl as'not e(Ilkill to the dema ajetive lit t, tier. afU-,r FLII" saitt virntt(,n Out Ug.Lill-., IJUNSC-4-1 tit", Idy ill. your rm, ditiona, A (x,imfortahle stable, is eq- supply W th volitillue f tint has foiind h;r," I" night --a little gl( for fitablo winter, dairying. AW tII.klI -,0.-)7 (�ftse@ of small- a n da nprosPoc Da, ,&Hc k :W 't"I v land 110 Ip Or f 0 ortN ne and thol! #1011.171t Ilitzli 11 aJ_ r. better row. Well* arntial to Pro the (jovernment Toronto relol y's Work glowly. and king In -A- str, y boy .1 te is this &W Watch, CbaA& lit StrUtton's - mind sift, to Whe.- In d you low 1`11,1*44i both ---;.b gilt The. requialtea "re t1llt _.tlie stal pox. were trc, very fa A mIechanical Op &./ Ild moderately hinspita IFL fall tra F no fell 401 packarm tll#-v tho. paity %voulti. still I.*- wli6re IllivO T not save ewell-lighted. -r 'it it If(b fillt flappinwaind )ow niperature should not vi tile tro cf."ts Vol M6 What wMA. -Bi battimitilm, 11111llir lie lke- i4 -ft. thVIII C -tiler, and warm. The te 9 1). 114 -:1 t ..(ir they have A F)TER. LV. below 45 degrees, nor above 60. Tlio ruirlitur Pyllot'll or *al. 11 ;,,tot tl,4, whent INUtItA.-ti :k.4 IW- H.L%V th-it tlil'Y W41M rAr 4 fe 11,,, eli the f all tit, hat] WO rt should be kept clean and the vOWFl 1%4 ftq1k".d W)I(l the old man lim to, the end, glitJ141i'll-61 t()gl'tliCr' as -ir Jere. %% Th6� LaA 1(7100(1 doll- ow"As, —t— =0101 I a" t clean. curryin thp usfit,011 in 1%fietnitr, is 0 xCitellielkt. . . 9 11 t 1,v jitAkitir, Of 40,0 rild tbr WWI% Me"Id 'ball %@*A a rV I , -111� 11, -,., must be kep, y -ki. Brpttison heard t # A- f)t t tl. but with r()nV1r4l4)n 114 MW64 In the stitbi W, y i4 zo a nee a da llouth N y 1,1P [Ifit y C"atne Amotori, jlisloeri.-31 -Iiiieki.y. "'I IlleMl you 4"llawlifte 1619-9110M"t then fain lmr* liz, - margilot, �.4you;aud ypur go YIPI(I of milk per at jqt4)ring gr in elevator*6 W 16 he crie toll w 1101 rifwl angrilY. often Increase is to (.f *%t nv*arly ted to h i is t01W it C it ranfuit m, till tiome tace uch to ATCH jf#� never wl�at taken cow, anc -in the net re- ulittion in exp0c ylyfitl vry.'-teoil t1w sturl Y. am Its liough the At Montreal bItAi- AEL n looked at III -m IWO-tooll 11:06!*.4 t, w h*I I 14leep; you Rend Ine out venue from the herd as 't nn tit - StrattO %%,oniali D)rl am. raised two conti; Illit prit-4% still rtilc� ad. nelalit it, , I " anti. never tell.nie e Price of butter w Ctis IN Re, anti shook hiR lie te crWd out. It y patient, 'you rob e (01 d. An uncomfortable condition' Ill.imilm, lingulist, WIM), 11ILM I"ell pr PrIle, cheese trade iii rv- ll said. . I I` k 11441) H; and then It ir rather I quick' ilangeron a ay. w , un ,it cannot he triip*' y gett in sent prevent. a COW f rom 91*. n y-ariotm Ifutitutiom vort('41 h Ing and colifttionS -1 r4' my. broad b. Ing the imum, yield f fircl,k. I r ad- lmust' Rather 130tw Ion. w1low. breathing back Ill her Max -a Atall r(Tr( I l4atimfnetor pretth telling Iii. -I COM- trat side it -in ruin, W wards lit 1-:uroliso all4l A 1114VIC� A SOLID GOLD SHELL STONE SET RING9 poinful., Tay back W& tand d ward, U) '*.,e.*, onduce to eep n_frult 141111411 It' I10- dimtrkbutivO trade (,onto a-%- -tile town and stary - uality. it perinit t"k lPrOvint"Ps, %%-title flilate(I eye. anti thpn watitt little oice letting milk. be of'the- beat 11 IN BRACLU WffN GENUME pantoll w . I grop cimned, a M'9'tlt tilk.t.randiR his cried a Ica w stables are old and Cao. or woman who' had drawill (I she turned sharply Where the 00 nibia businew is r'(' - _vi boU with rago. I'le, I -ted, they may be made fro turn&I W %be I vil(w Ilind her; an lit the badly con9truc anti Colectlio" gatiffrat PADLOCK AND KEY hark from the tw-d and waiteil while I)RIe wam holding Myra'm wrist'W'tth round to We F-41le tn a temporary iorho municip.11 authoritit-A of Venice ported g Lnd r ' Varff. at least co Ili 'tit(' friend. d smiling thr(,a)ugh mforAable 1jnfd viottor talkP'i to h,, rda around the In- T-10" @"A her 1. 11 -in left hand An. otn4gling violent- former way by nailing boa Lve petitioneA tile* Itlian Govern- txwv 1R. -I Ilk t me.-- lie said in French. Lral anti (;uext, who about t vny � poor lit of r I its name and iutdr�,% on it Ire%6 Mada ly with the. aft "Have no fear and stuffing closely between It.6 GNP w.' and side, ment to take diplomatic H%epi; to re 11 Tt"a mid %-e %all wl)d Impt to t ('nVisin H*iiow were -'vere- afraid to -exert their atrength Vargot. COMO up k them and the outside wall with straw. gate ('at&. Vazm of AINMA"r chmers Tn the wl ng Myra, wh(j wits no my POW counif (;7 *y 'Wen hitewagh tile. cover 6,000 pieturm whieb were car, IIrWer thi% 1p",,,%,Ioum mvtk and Post *4 20 itar .. wi perfume .141le tu tt .. (or fear of LnJuri It 14 a good plan to w - tween 1806 s.n lw-r t. largrr thall in tilt- vt)r- (WhIe.rary a 000111"'Am 10 I'llrit'i 01 harl been wa hing. 1 wipported by Margut with fine rin, f the cow otable twice a ded off by Bona rto be Ule 1,re&UI) t0 llell for lea. if yem can, at 6 cents Tlef 41 1 cried InAlde 0 1 Itusi- 0 thp qatida. monFiie.ur."' mh I her strong fingpr.4 she, -My faith, (W h1reh wero appropriat- ImekW. WIlen p-ld its emiriminry. gi.nn, wA tvililo with year. That prctice in the Ht"Ieff of and 1910, JLhd w ri%potilding week a, yeAr nmo. f t.-I.A441 Your t4tartlo-fl waY. graapcol tier patient'it wrist in turn tho'stllrdY Breton w(nnan. at Britain ham contrihUted great- (.tl by, vitrlf)ul4 pow0ho niter Ills fall. I~ f it tin in tile Dooillillion 11111111"V, 41 Fars- cboilm Of WO sitting Ivith the neir I I" 'cried Margept; in far G re - that it demand I() laxt aglLinst, .!0 the lire- bowtiful, lw'Jm 11111bt m"" it -4 hp iq mormaeur t, Margot's handn' were , The- city ItlwP liomires i "Quick, to the Th,." &m t,he hatwitown-1 und "vorl ecot W Ly, heathfulness of the cattle Cnni 'ny who have ronw in a fit. Re L14 half MAW - 1 pretty fiill dUrlog the nex-t niOntlig I v algo to their prodoetive* Nhall'bio addretwed to'.Auxtria for, the W vilice Y' ana doubtlPAN %1CAIN in the offen"I lw% P& tr) t he hoump ntw)TP-" Ing bUt tlw f-I"t �- for Wit- 11:14 'tW6, P141entx -to. tend- r( -turn (or 13.5 rl,�turra whiell -were ar. one �rjtr ago, :11141 ent-r9f."C PMW mn sell U* k'Orgetting everyth, e0t,_ new. r -ror Ferdinand inj ir husband ?11 ndro'114 at t1lo little chatenii anti In t ri(,41 to f I 1Y injv. Iwiir ew t- - Where iA Y01 ilyra was in thiX "Mu ITA! that r CW=V*rison 0 _Wt till 4*1101111111 grasp. Stratton spring lit him. tag(,- just below. r Loiidon's FlIgnsm- 1838, In tilm" (a twiwe: -for 't rAiimw an F, Ire" cmd flut. Mir HP --he w,,Iq r,bliZt-d VJ �look- 1 9 selift %If, Our nallif 11will (.1- foot N. catchijig, Ilimr, hy the thrtmit to try ",%Ill halt, mallainP,' mhe xaw,� 1(,rifvt of Vienna. thip.rorr Ante'a ill Pew Xf, to the ville." "What (k) Tfiere are -Novell " C% WAtA9 Tou wish Chavom, WA nwntlte Improsihif.", mAd Ing ul) from tier knitting. iti re- st cc n the Ba,(, JLhesd Of vou). No nlolly requirrd. wip taki, all ri�4, and make hl" h(Ad In I (to? Nothing. Tho belo Dtlrp [Mpul;ktioll -ers, of I'etropit, R I N G ffet i U= by a cxnpany col high ax he looked AP- z rrintl Sir Mark ved miss tries Twi dh STAM M E r. Stratton!" -not, Ill excew this is a c1mD Ilutiucw f wtj better and in beautiful (lay ly 1pltfwjr bplfvw or an to old mnn� -yr+ tf)d Population cattle Involveoll ill 'tit al Lill' p,,,1,1nCIy in tw angry amazenintz gro lay, and in It Itele it th��, good of. the preart twtinia ilincl every form Of Plo Rmttivon. tell Me tell like nagic. DILIQ by ( I* work ,ranno,t be true. The name Se physician come front St. Malo?jName of Iondoli Mweden, NorwaY. Tur- tile wflight which subluarl rntly t ure. UPPLY C061 I i W water, DALL S My Inind lot wanderinx. is 11014 1 Ira' r anti I 'mrove % h)t IL shook himmelf fr#'P Of the L"Im &'little cider apple! noi Look at kr�r In E . Deninstrk, Port",9111- cafry with theiii. Under tl T Jig Moro thall Margot lorinaning '.%IyrtL'H wrist In the of &ar old momipur there.'- Greece and Holl&n& alld one of thein offered - to bet $50 Linton Orthophonic Institute TORONTO, Ont. Sb&Il I wait monmiur siked, act, &�(l with an angry miarl. like the ted with a knitting needle -not walk tit Brockville, Cnainda. Snowdon ChaMberso fixed IiLq hands She poin n tilat, tihiD othpr could the wrmau, who was tr1emblI1119 Thl- Chat or wAne beast, to where Bretti0ol" #;at, proppet) up I Don't attempt to 1AIS111 Ill) y"ll - quarters 9f n, It'll*% witil. Ills feet eii- Wrrw to-diY for prospectlt,-- Nu ImY Ulitil IWT. t' (A) 6.4trtton'Al throat. a chair, In the shadow c4- the rock children tn tile way tilry "llould K1. vlg-i In dl%-IIW sligoi-N %%vighing 241 Cureeglectm4. Fall terin nowon I am twtter, now. 14111ft BM lit popite or his last meeting Guest table before him, and Ml9R unless Y!pu are going th.-i t yotir Ig)un11w each ill towo wd iijor liourg. nky rriond riend'10 asHistance, anti with looked ve self. r[W With flo-w to his f ry old aud grey 14 ively n aq thpy %vs-rr ;tlon-P- Ilargot brt, flung her arms abOut errow. who want a doctor now. twir pre - anti dex- of W aw 'low. 1b oa 71, CRIM 114 tILf4ya T r n14 7UN-1 n h r Lao- threp well. In tInp PI-PhIselte shfAtiarne 22 tnTor 6f le ben e leut P1*4 I 'fit mugh r how I ed a SUO, itee I - n n D e y eal. 3ods The vitk ,Yle V- A Iff