Lucknow Sentinel, 1898-09-16, Page 1i --� 3 1 ­%,�__�, 0 - . . - . ,�,- . el . A 1� . . , � 44 - --r-000- - .. . - __ =V I,- � V - - ___ . - �"___ ­, - - � "a& ___ - , �,., �� �=-,Ww .- 1_. ad - . I . � * . . . % AMILTO-- - . . .;#.., I I- _. f i I'-- .. I . d . I 1_1 I --- - . .-. . -, _.. - . ­�..;01.�.,_­ - , - ..�. . . %^1 I I . ­ 1� .1 �� � . . . .., . . . 0 1 1 * . I � . .1 I mom -ft- - ___. . I - -downib. - . . . , - . . . . � - - - � -_ .,.A11111.1_ - - - -_ . anise swoff-Ima mns a 0 ow I I/ "&A I ­ — - I - _ - T _____a��_ — I - - � . rw. A 0 Ahk-­A._. Adk &---X W-0 .'' - . _A:�:!&Vmww�.� . . __J I -_ ­ -qbAd* .. I .- - , . -0- - - � L Y%ufthu " .. — V-doWN-4? - fte %41 a I a - - - W__ M . 7 pinu. W IrA &A to A"4a" VAL;.=.. N .-- i " a as 8"Sap . _q � - - . � again.. Here in England It would al- "Come; don't fool. You are keep- Mob" a Dental Jo=59&0 to ZQF , .- ' . � ays be possible." In the lady waiting, and old Jer- A 3m us 0 .. About Its Tftatmellt- ft 3 'No. no; don't say you will sen ofd Is a regular Tartar, lean tell � . - ould lie Hav"e S n? poor wretch back to the prisorf." you. He will not stand any non- --of tbo-- 1! � Xr.� M&M Nichol, In & etAnmullic&- ;% 0 e �; I 'No: as I have said before. that is maw. I know him of old. Wme, .1 �. i U011 to tj� Dental litword, advocatca I ' -_ - .. - &'.01_____ __+__ fit __ . � out of the question now, but lie must what Is It to be?" I . - 1 some new remedim for tho various � I ­ leave England." -1 He looked fixedly at Stratton, as fornLj of pivin fiLmil;ar to most peiN- as i i a �"T"%" v MTe, C�r,(-Nrl%r 1-v 1 ----. - - 3Jq0 V. I � . - swus under tim above heading. The . I 1: . j but bow - it U.rging him to speak, but no _____ -_ Too Dikult and Complim I I - - , q .. . I � - -_ . - -A --­.�-,­-­.­­A.4---- ,-- - -_ - _.-W_ I -W150 - 0 . dull. mvwtm tit, "ItAnir due to Darlostq&I a AV%40 a V 40 11 . - . , I I � . . . I . .1 - .. - . . , I 11 - - . � I L I � . . . z . I .1 . .. I �, . A' . . , � , , . . d6 , . � , � . . te - - it . . . 1. I . � . . . I I . I � . I , . . L I I 1. . I � I . . . . .ol . . I . I . I 2�111 - - __ - ----.J- __ I — !�_ I I I I L . I . . . � . I � . - . - I : it . . � � - . I - I � I . . - I - � I I . . . I . � . I . I . . . I . . I � . ; . . � � - I Wft_!z= - - . . . . . BANK OF HAMILTOK : . , L I . . ­ , . .- .1. . . . I . * I 14- . I . LUOKNOW- . I "I ac ­_. � V 11N." \ _. ,�. 'Mio � . . � .. L . . . ,%��� ,-.1 , � Hamilton. . . I %411;� R4J%T1n - V0 � . � I _t�l S'*' . - I - \� . - . � . N CA,V1t31�P&idL ,;.; a a 1,250,OOC 1, A # . . - �, . - L_ - .. i. " M a a . . . ­ .. Res 5'and. � 775,00C I - � - . � . I IN _1W . . . - - , � � ,- - T,* Amete a IN 1111991144 ____ _____ - _----------_--­ SMENEETM! - - ___ - __ � - . �_ _-_____ ---------- § - ___ -------- ____ _� - . . Boardof 01racturs . . ac e so - RT * - - , I0 prrawatt V: t pr(4440t, I VOL XXV-37 00KNOW ONTA .L .& & � � JOHN STUART. & A. 6. 1"XiAl. ji Oi FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 16th, 1898. WHOLE NO. 1274. �__ Y. . ____ __ - - - -_ 0090*040-_—__-�-& JOH-4 Pilo" -TOIL. Gito. RoAcu. . . L _� - I - - - - ____ - ____ —_ ____ - —_ - -_ - -_ I - - - - -It � A. T. Wvoo. N1. P. A. B. L". (Torunto) . WM. 019-wil, M. P. the two unfortunate men, and, they , The IWIW&y W" one suction. I think that city, town, I -Buy your paint at D C Taylor ri. Our stock of Mantles and *0. . . I 31AIR & STIRALL, were laid gently on tha. sidewalk. A The CaniLdian Pacific and Grand. and village councils bliould adopt solne LOCALITEMS - Jackets for Fall and Winter t#* *_ . CaAier. I . - ut; U. Trunk railways have come tp terms, . I -Mika Ethel Wheelet- it' %'isiting is now eomplet4�, - I t, __ - J. Tu ii -i a slight flutter of the hear� was the only plan to destroy them in winter, which -Remember our fall iihow. friends ia Kincar&ne. andwe�iqje .- * , A $4. V("A ie P. . . 11. S. ST1,NKS. � visible sign of life in Finlayson's body, r . . �_� s. I Bankers, and afte' the 25th of this month the could easily be (lone if proper means -ei V, Inspect,_)r, . . - . It. ,'%I. NV. -,1.-,0. and Dr. Walker. who'was an eye old rates 'Wig be restored. Anybody. were taken. .-Tuesday and Weduemday-Ocl. -Many of our citizens are in iAn. offering %, -y noat and desir.. '. L UCKNO H/, - - ONT ; I- that has, got to do any travelling soon, . . � 4th and 5th. don this week atWnding the We4tern able lines at I . s. Our . I . I Agencies . . - witul-82 to the horribl. affair. ahooK otter get I a gait ' I _____ . � Fair. ow Trice . berlin Liaww,A t I%vt:u Sound , EVABLIVIED 1,�&. hii he'Adl ominously, n'. ambulance .had b. . I . on, I . I . Or"' d Concert on Fair Nlght� - -if you have a tine animal bring it _The acreage of fall whoat &own $2.50, $3p $4, an $5 lines are . Canuan, N.1an L.u%;kno* -e- F,irt Elgiu � . was quickly eftllfed, . an I - ' I � Jr- William Macy, i of New .York, t� the fall show. is yeat- is the befit we have, ever shown 18-4ut - . StrIcken With Pamly9ft. the ireatest, entertainet on the Ameri- !i'- Je ti, considerably larger than I Chez,ley Xanito�U,Awa. ti4ncov lVe do ft %ceneind bAnking 6t,.Aneds; man w" taken to %�t.* L ke's hospital, I t everybWy heip to make th) , a . Dethi Milt -M aonthatulftoL draft*throu out Can"aud the United His niany friends throughout Huron can '-oontinent, v�jll appear for tho f .;how a success. Usual. t the Pi -ice, and represent I IV, make coll4&,ztioU8'()U i hi � n` liour. An a:'nd Bruce couixties - I . I Go,,r4vtown Mordon, Man. Townto sta:ies. ,�fic All ints, *bdre he 4ied wit in � i will. regret to leam, Be - �11 * � . -Miss Libbie McMullen, of -"m- GOOD I .N-i&fgtjj,F&1Ls Wingham *' ta.tes, 'Manit ) sbowed that tiLat Mr. James 8�omerville, o*f'this cond time before a Lucknow - Njew is the time to select your ,�UALITYI 11clilding : --Wodern S eX ZkM I , OL . . - I (s'riw*1,y . 6C and ination of his bod; audience. Mr. Macy will be as''liatetul I iaRtOn, is villritilig at her home in thi.s , 11AUlilt-111 I bASWU *Q : "ninge , yillt the XOrth-West- Provinces, and all collec- his skull was frac$ured � -his left arm village, iind ex M.' P., for West Bruce, exhibits for the fall show. W LL 10ADE- %%' iusiPL-g, Ilan. I 6UL-31tom ('r.'Xdt LU,A) , , tiow-A. whether note -,,r ac-.ouut, will have k; I village. . P Imipt Attentiou. � 1. and right leg bro'ken, �and his hips was,siezed with -par�lysis, of the -left by other emminent 'artists, an GO t4). 1). 0. Tivylor for —Miss Tens RoMnwn, of r_)Letl-,Jit, LATEST SYYLES; Y319IT1411 , C01tRzSr0XUz.N1r*14 . . X-0=1-4counted und farmer's We 111'otes auahed by the terrible 'weight of the sidc,.ai his residence on Monday of, gether it 'promises to be the I)eat � � I . . . you r . � Nati.,r*l 1'r,,viz,;i&1 13wA ijt riag!aiid. (I.td') culied. I c' . Isatill in a ve'ry'dang- ,consert given in Lucknow for yeart, a- ves'. is visiting fri(nds, in Lhe villW. and . We lots to fi tru k as he Isy beniath ,the tear last 'week , - and � I � � . - � l'undon. rtnera on donwe or single litotes � . . . .. .. I -Mrs. D. Slictiff is visiting friend, %,Icinity. I . ( w 'at fitom one to twelve months timt, and at Vhftila- - The body wa4 immediately' erous condition. I . - . . ' I ' . . - - I t�A--,oaatblt rzte'of in( ereat. . 11 . . I . .. - � - - Dled In Ashfield . ik Londou. —Messrs. Al. W haley and D Our asSOrtment ,of Mantle I I reinoved io the morgue. � � * ! ' � I - . � . AN10th'AN -.Uiih%-Sr0.%11UN!`�1 %VV loarl zimall or la4,e awourts un ziecund , Died at D��nqon I Thore died. in the town6liip of Aqh- - -I)id -ice that haudiottle rangl- � 11 Be,aver Fourth Nx!iuual I'ank, N.rw Y -A MOT 949v on farm* or otber real eaUt# se . c. Mr. Twaddle w" taken to Scott's N � . . . . . rju Burley, of Kincardine, spent Sunda3 Cloths I , Fancy . t . - %re - ex tbnd . our" eiirne4t sym . I � # , * I - x-rity and va 6r*t chattel iLiortgagell on Jiv, drug st,)re, P-*ttl'Y tie'ld on.Thursday last,'Air.',Allan MO- , &t D. C. Taylor'sl in town. ClIeCks, Curl y Hanover National Bank,, ­ whete'it w 9 found ihat. - 010th i, Grey C � - Mr. J. G. Ward, of Du�gannon, the Intiye, in the 65th year of his naf). - -Miss Af.,!J�-' Brandon, whe ha.� and Black Astracbans . latcrnationa"'Trwmt Ca., 114ost-vi. . . . atock o,nd implellionth And,!roV_- I big hip was broke - Hp was takep to 0,40 1 . - Mi -is .kiinie Jolinston, of Lanes, i., I . NI. -trine 11!fbak, Buffalo. We . I r vellerable treasurer of the township Of 'bec'eased who 60 --been ill for s o in c been staying f or sometime in Lucknov,, , for . Uni-n .N'.,tti.)n&Ll-,...tak,A,'hic,3.,t.,f,. conhja%:L� & larRs'- &lnouut')f fuuds to advance 81L. Luke's hospitii a, -A where he is visitirg fkAeUds, in town. has returned to her home in Morriti. I irst mortgage# frozr',5 percent to 6 per , " * making to order, I cent. The rate is graded . West Watwanoah, on the *dClath of his - time 'pa.sb, was widely known and & 4 I)rtr,-it National Bank, Detroit. Accordin to the now reating as co: rufor;bly as c ' ' " ' I ' . . . _ -;� Sm;t,h is in London this week I . -Nati.,n&ll1auk,,f(.'ouuu,rrA:e X��(*Uy �Vltlality and size of tbe lo . ould beloved wife' which. occurred on I - ted' He 'Was aniong t the . z ' -The rate war on the railways i.- attractive one, as well %ti our . 4 an requir%. e: t e circumstancei I I gre.Lt Y I-e!ipec - hasing full millinery. I Xzbthmal rlaak,.( C V e h4ve vu Land for *-de 100 acres in Abh d be expected unde ' h i .. .. - ' I c.tauierv'. 9t. Lou: -4. Improved lau(i, Wi hd . The other W# thai were injure' Saturctay.last, ih the 68th year of her earlic3t settlers in 'the tdwiiAip*, -but I", I afatiend. llateb�,,%reto Ix, restoored lines for Children's Weal% , ' i . . - AGE.N-14 1.1; X()1V,rRFA!. � . th- fair buildinp oz d � d age. ,ised lady and her now apent many 'years id . the ininf�s' in r -.Dr - . an -1 Mrs. 1). M. Gordon speut to their old begis on the 21 -5th initant will he irold at a bargain. I I were able to take 'care of themselves, . I ,& week with fiiends in Toronto. The Bank of Toront- We retoment the leading Engliwh and Can&- ­ sorrowing husband w�!re amoug the northern Mic4ig%n, where lie held a . - ied oi We %%ill be pleased to -show . . I Driver Warren, �esidenlii broken arm, I _&1vr,r.rt;. Will Sharpin and Uhas . ' . I dia* Fi%t lamrituce Companies aud can . earliest settlers of the soction and w48 responsible and lucrative position. . 'w r Mr. G. W. Berry lias diqx): our Jackets and MWitle . - I -rie, *ere in town Runday his haudqown .little span of Shetland JOHN D. NIOROL. A92147'. - toer6it in.�,,,Tauce on � all cLw-s--�a of peoperty in had it bad cut ove'r U3, eye, and with jnd . 041), -co '. - ------- Mutu. oulparilem RA . . - Cloths whether you desire j() , ---- %_%. : - - 4ock or - %I C desired'. the blood streaming frow the wound � i ponies to a-gentIcinan in Dunasonnon. widely -known a gnuch esteemed , f( ___ - __ - S by The remains *ere ittterred in the � , Mrii. Win 11w,; of St. Marys, i�- - - lur �, . Itic.. houra i4re frow 10 a. ni. to 4 p. m.r he presented a sorry loo�inp Spectacle. a large circle of friends. The funeral Kinloss cometery-on Monday last, alld - I purchas/"A, or not. , -Mr. J. C. Lyonii it; at piesent Dr. Grahnai atte ded him. Cain took placemi Monday last and was the funeral wits largely attended., Ofi*p guest of bt,r . -rareftts at tt.w Put -son . I rf JfAF TA13LE I , 'EO A. SIDDALL, el,011 � . . . 11 Attendfng the Northern Exhibitiou at G.. T R. , .4. 0 r - I . . . . : J � very largely attended. , I . . W.. . I I . I . , . - - ___�__ - . � -w- . . -w - ,6 MANAG E it. and Twaddle we attended by Dr. ,. I . . �m * i Walkerton, and has secured a lot of �_ I � � ___­_____--_--- .- I . , . ____ — - ,_ - - Walker. . I � . , . A Creditable, . ': --Mi G. '11'.4ferry left Qu Wednes lirizes. I - ' - . . I pa"tuart trAin" Iv;#-.-,: 1 -U%1 -T4-_.% 4'.ti'" 4.0 � . - . Pubtle L1brdLrY-ChXn5",: , . . The ' Bownian I - Suit Go -j- Ltd., day for a vis -it to'friends in,. Ingersoll ' - . . ! . . ft;b. Finlaysda, the dead. fireman. c�,me The monthly- ni I offered a valuable prize,to be 6ompet.e -1x,st-A pair of frawele,;s eye- . . fol � tow* ; - I 1 . . , ecting of the -Pub ic - I . aud, WoodsWit. : - ' . " I tht �� it ch wo ir #Mfilwl to -Duluth from Luckilow, and had Library w;wheld oil Friday evening for . by '-tile 'ina'uy; agents 'in thei I . . glassrs. Will finder pl,ase leave sarae Going 8"Uth. �_ G ii�_- '_\ ,.-"!I' � � 111 i6au. 'a Swith ;,,t Mr. J. W. -Armstrong's Jewellery 9 . . I I .3, -1. A. Tod - __ ____ _____ --------- - ____ - been a memBor-o the �re department 1, ' U I ,e Mr. Robert, . ---� s Elith and LAJI . 8 - . 6.25 A. in. . . . . . Is t I when 'cer 'iii .cbanges 'wet employ., Our towniman, i a erDn . i 14 a. In. . 4.920 V. tu- I � since Dec. T, 189 , 4h a he was made discussed.-.' M'essrs. *J4P. Bryan, 1J. Grahami entered .' .. the cuintest with Are tha Kuests of Was Edith I Treleaven, ,tore. � - -_ __ - - ---. - 21. 56 V. tu - � -1 I.tr_p 1). m. IrRX LIBERTY TO UTT91t AND TO ARGUZ third pipe i an of hose - o. 5. in July (4. 51 . Otford 8t., London, -FAIM TV REN'T.-A Valuable farin � - - I . Ul I urdoch,'�. 1). Nichol, J. Alurchi- other ''aspiralits an'd hat licaded the . . , to wa� . -Mrs. Berry and Miss Lalla Berry . r). %V. RAYI'.S.Ageut- IVREFLY ACCORDING TO THR D,10TATX& of 1,895 he w" Prom t04 9011" Pon, and. D. . t). Yule were appointed list above all. 'competitors, 'lie having . t, o rent, Lot 5, Con-. I 1, W - U., Ash - I . :�___ __ _�' - ____ - C,1F GONSCISNCR WZ PRIZX ABOVI ALL maker for the Uepa �,Went,- wbi : . �pentv a. few weeks with friends in YOU T - _-, - �.__ __ __� OTHICH LIBRItTils , ch a,:cpaimittee toarrange for a concert secured o'no hundred ajid sev*e�ty-six d . 7 N. Y. field. For further particulars apply to ' . . �(__ ! I I � positidn he had since h d. His head. (in th .. of th6 Fall !.'Fair. orders. during -the tinie allotted for TorVto. and Buffalo , Rod. Matheson- Lochlaa!t, P.Q. , � ', . LEGAL .:7-. - _-_ ---._� . . I . o evening . I I , q -_________�� quar M I ___ I � . � M( CANT I itI ___ ___ ___ - -I— ten were at 1 No. i hallp and he Messrs.'.D. C. Taylor, R. 1). Campron., the contest, therefore whanin.4 tile . Atrc,.. . -Donald, of Buffalo, alutend- - Mits Clara Goorgia.A. of Walker - f A. ,MA.L00Nt:30_N , BARI( 1-_�qFi_u Luc�=Ovo, Seytmba 10, I= * AlWaYs made the rqlp with. No., 3 W. Connell, and W., S. Holm(::i were . I % �d the futic-ral' of - her brother, Mr?. - & . . . a . . grand prize offered by the company I too, who has been visiting at the Cain n -the cQn - ,Fetcr Mcl,,tregi on Tuesday la'st. . etc'. (lote o __ - - ______.-----.--_7__ truck. He was well liked 4bY hii appoimed to interview the village by 23 over all opponents i' , . House for the past few months re- 4 . '. P0 Soli,.it,�r C'niveyancer, . It__- � ------------.-- I TELL Cam--r,n.fl,olttearat-l"ln,Cv,i,(is�rii:b)- Offic �*_ I . Mgnciateq, and W,13 U#e of the m - ' I , e I - ; � . . ost Council with a view -to placing the .test, lie having the largost amount of I -The ' atire to*n of New West- turned h(mme on Weduc.sday. ' � up-!it.i.i" in .%Ilia's u-?.wbI,wk*.- . I . . Tli,, gender of an egg, I i . . � � _. -I---- . DTED- AT HIS POST* , faithful ulen in the dejartment. Mr. li I - * _ , ' . ____ _. __ . I brary under municipAl control apd Nurspey st(ock sold, tind greatest iinister, British Co'lumbia, was des . -1 I —I-- ___ ---="— Finlayson leavc.. ,i 'Wife and two making it free tot'he, municipality.- number of orders. The conte' - �. .Notices are up in all the banks, Till it is htt,ched. 2 royed by fire oi! -Siunday night last. ' - It. . � .%l4)Rk1St).N', - UALUISTE children. I - I __�____i_ .. - - fit com - notifying the public that un and after , ' 4 He 84-li-At if, comniiwei,�Uvr9 I N-,tary DoAtl'Df ArChY FitlaYSOU At ,Both' the i"otoorma d . . I I . in.e4ced. on the 2nd of July; and - -Mr. iChas McLean, 'of Bost)n, re- ()Ct. Ist a discouut of one per cent You Can't Tell What Ails 4 etc. M#3111fv t) I-fau, 01fice Over ,vok-Aly'll eoriductor Serious Ace dent . " . -houie on Frid4y, after a three 'Your . . I . ended od the 10th, i'st The , most il 4 rn' e d ' American bills. . I- d� Parber Shop. I . . Dull-atk .. ,. were taken off t car 1 vhen it reache d "m last Mrl' rermarkab'lo -of, the. canva3 was'tbere weeks visit under the parental roof. will I be charged on &I. I . ,, _�e * atj � I _ - . . _ . I I . I& _31ro. McKianon and Miss Mina - I ______ - I I the power ol no T)ey weet botli James Gay, of this village, met with were.butfiye apple trees sold by' Mr. .-HeillembeFthe meeting of the 'Yis' I%L , 1 . . . . A .4 F1(,M,-6h,L 1),.Ilutil Ne%v:j_oi�.gept. ,. ijiu4 bdreqU4 b the cidebt. I - .Graham returned hoine on Wodnesday $ 4, I . . a ver serious accident while eu'ovitig Graham, the sales . bei ed . ARROW & PRoUl)FOOT, UAIRRI, 4 . . . . . . . y - ,. � J n -g cwapos his (Friday) evening at -7 o'clock at " ()Lt.- . - i # G tole Sollcit-1.4.- ot,;., ti�)dvrlclz . I , . v RESOLUTION OF c! �' . from Torontoi with a full raiMle of 1. j.'r. GAS I NOW, 44. C. WX. FROUlfrooT. . . . . . 4 OF e DOLENCE. . '. . a drive pn the boundary just cast of of 'Ae'rriev, pears'-plWas, peaches and e home of Mrs. Jack Armstrong. ' * . "I I , ­ . . . V DieJ at his Post er*dLit �- " . ,t - - The Dulu-�h, iret' ) no. . . . . 'fruit, I caring. I I . tuillit.ery, and are now prepared to . __ - - - — --:�- - - - -- � . , . ine a Releff a ' the village. ju coining down the hill, small vliibh coine into _b I ,Xr.'aud Mrs. J. Bryan returntd � :::�� __ * - __ - - =---:p TWrl Lithe izscription that'may� b,b- ciatio" . .' ' * supplj you witli f lie latest styles in all . I . . . y qaorning . r ,**L � mc. on Tuesday froin a ten, dayl . . I ,. . . . MEDICAL ' 1, Plated 6L the t4oblet that. marks .the n -iiaet yesterda at. the near. M... Peter Torranc6's farin, the cirlier' than applett, and therefore o. . lines. I � . departm ' , horse - Btu mibled and fel I t o the ground* bein. ' ' ' fit;abl to the purchaser, 0sit to friends in Detroit and London, . . I . . I . I � - eiit, .headquar ra and passed . . g more pro 0 1 � . — ___ — ____ �� . -t r r . and in the' fall botlk shafts of the road. bringing him in a quieker retarn for ; --' Mr. Hugh Murray, of Under- - We read by yesterday's dajJy Unill hu Have Them Examined, lAs I c'sting *ldace. of b �ate Fire ' lutions on I I of - Archibald . - ' ' . . I . r. T E " N A N!F, V I 11Y tF V' I A X I I Archibal-I Finlaysov, wh ' aymi, . the man . Who was k -off ! that the governmeDt purpose taking , - D ,,-Ur ,e,)W" .in,t -.tcc. .­.'-henr. � Sur . � . a was crushid Fin) It illed cart wiiere, ' broken , and Mrs. Gay 6is 'otitlay, ,alud nine times oub . of ten ood, has been appointed returning . -, Wry . I . lw I 1)on't Guess ' I . : jiver J. 911i, tt"4 .;roc-ry -t - . ing at th while the department was answ . ering a, and theAriver, Mr. 11.'Ghent, 'Were more remunerative to the. * I' some action to prevent any but . ol , c,u honra to. ItAth yesfer4ay -morni e . p inter and -offieer for taking the Plebiscite vote in . . IA r%);1)9t,1:!4-'U.. ,f1 ­...*Z'. '. -�!., . al -I #'r �M' "corticr of Lake avenue and Superior cal'.1 on Wednesday. ' Previou.�' to thrown for%�xrd over the - dash -board fruit -grower. , . lWest, Bruce, qualified graduate opiticians to test Don't Surmise ' ' ' I . . , . .1 ' " . t,,,, it, ,.nl -. . I ' I I I . . I I passing the reso utiOns tile ,,!,got iation to the road. Mrs. Cloy had her nose J% , . . and tit spectacles. We beheye the I . __ _-, __� , _ , I ,--- ---' L .strer, by - a. collison Wween a street . L . I � —_ --- . I __gntries for tht! fall ..jbow should ' KROW --KNOW ABSOLUTELY111 L 1, Ntt-,D. #.,0)L1);,.)*,." .A-.1".. - .,-t1.,.. Y. #1.. I dircL:ted that -th a I 6 for' which bl r. broken and. wits badly cut and -bruised - : proposed action of the government Va " � g , * , , I 0 Itich - JM 0 0-M W - _�. - I 6: r 1!1 - , .190domm- _1W__ � ._7!ill Fa"I I � . S h P k pt� ; - 1 M6 %oam; 1 V4WJ f I W9 W I t ng "IV ,4z 1,110100 ,; imat, ill t,L I Lad T I J kt I 1. - I e rill rI- -1 ' d d Ir IV t -� I R D G I I I I , I P I ,I T I "41 I 1W �_ . . , -, r. chr and truck No, -� of 'the fire depart,* I . . * I . I . Death of Peter McLuren . I 1 be in t6 ,handsiof the sec I Hundreds cf peopiv to wbom nature - I 0 M.14..* lof.C.P.S.0. b3 .4-ilta';' -,ur- L-. I FijJ& .son wass nsul,e _,a. � in* U -about the - head 'and face, and Jh.' . .1t,is wi, retary be a goo�l one in the iul.cre*t (if public .. ., ph I I , I Usoc tio - . . eepest. I . . . .., , I I . tefore Manday, October 3rd. *.Alem- bati deuied isormal Vibl*011, enjoy perfeet . * - . It.-ae, 'tatt k ­,",u,,'1it,ur-. . C,11:. tir. in %Val. ru.�:n 1, be 1�aid to Mrs. FV�1% son, and that 6h,eut- thokli -not seriously itijured - ' ' , e-.0,all u , , I . . safety. We are fortunate, however t . .. � AUU-Irvlew t,:,,;k. 1,.t.%1,l_-uc.. 1� ,,* --tr-!(-1', , I *. 1 4 11 regret we Ar cd P011 tD Announce ��(-rs will. p!,-,ase.note this. I 9 r,ight 6y the aid of our scientifically � ' - 4 . , I .The accident was oub of the most J I ()O' W vas-i�dly aliak6a up �y tho fall. . . . . I in having aspectacle dealer, who did 1. . appro riatc. - - - . '�" .. , ri,n, N2,Uir,loch ,.t (',', -,'I.- .. , . U1, all, a funeri.,l I I . . the death (if Mr. Pict�r. McLILM4, * � . I . . . . I -_ - .-,. - - I __ L at big .' � . -The 1tevq. Whaley,of St. Helens, not wait for -the government to legis- I . . Ks fit. * - - - ___ ___ I.. , I shoc'Wng.that. lim vi!iited Duluth for benetit. - - The r oluti S 'it I . . � . - ad.* usted GLA&SRS. - ��_ - I . - . .. ­ 1[=_ - ___ - - 1. . I , I . . * .Pati_�ed fire . . whi,�h oceprred , residerace on t, -o"NIN ; Ary"s k . �� d Mackay, of Lucknow' will .(D. V. I i.#,. i ; ; t� f. 1, i. . i W's AArdt ,aA # 4 1 . � . I . y WCTIT An t . . 1, r: I I 11 -.3 1 * C.J. . . . IV I .. - - Tht , 7 .y %; M,k 0 " AJ Dull a y es mangled %FTWO . � I . . I - - last .. J L" && ags,y ab., 'JU U law "T, I-) invu -_ . i 0 I . I . Havelock street on �iaturday. ,, J, I .0 1ETIRS - I . � . e hollie * f � __ . a 11,� &':�e Whereas tile * tile L , * The Y. W - C.* T. U. - met at ih - ren, oldit ' - ak'on Prohibition at 11olyrood on foreshaaowing coming events, took a the country over," L -4 - � ",Ipoe &" t -_ ­ -_ -_ I ! Ail � U, d. at the morgue of Bayha . great r ter of uni- of tbe-pi:e9fdont, MIrs., LGeo-. Douglas Mr. McLa _ug4. in delica eviiiiiig, Sep�- 230. � ., . I shw, . I I .1 .) * * e I � . 4 to -W, only . thorou-1i courbe in optics four years We are here wLeu you . 1k 9. . . I - . P% . . . f - I - -aria �ik)wts,' aw.1 the injured are : verse has in h' infinite w'isdoi� re- I health forsome. yeats pas' I. . %A ... I its . lo, 0o - Fto � I L move(I'froML OU . on Friday, -&pt,'2nd. " There was a been c6n for a. fe I -Miss, 'May McLean, of Calumet, ago, and can now give the public the want no.- . - . I Arlhur ,T*' 0 Uty. widst our worthy and - ,. fined to tile ho"use a . I I � a �:, I 0 rri � P LOX - addl ' 'of, 709 Two good,aitendance. The meeting was w Mich. wiio has been'. visiting friends benefit of th(we years ,)f constant 'We are at yq.ur service . . I PO � _. . 1. U(',� N_- () Nv 10 1) G. h , , I esteemed broth r firewim, Archibald I . - dilys with, con estion of tile' I � .1 I I I . . - - 04' . i ' � 1 SOCOUAI avellue west. broken hip and � very succesoful. After the ol)enin'g 9 ung" in,the vIllage for the past two months. - ' N � . : 11 Not i , .practice, in tile person of Jeweller at any titne, I I , #_ ' - I I � 4 .__1 ; , i - Finlayson, th folloloing, resolutions exercise.3 the-hostc-88 w,elcomed the ,y, and his -sudden death was -a great . * . I for & I 1. IN 1) I'll 11 11N DE .NT .1.4'11j� Lril'ied about, the head and � � I returned to .h.er home on 'Saturday- Armstrong I . . . . . I J AL I Ordcr of Forrootery . are adopted: , . I 6 her home - Miss Libbie -MoDonald sh6ck to his fainily- and many f rionds. * Our bugineu its t'j fit you L . . . I , t'!'Ons � 1 ' I I Of Uoderieh, won 1-4 1. - . . - I ehou`�lers; no -.v at S#. -Luke's hospital. , . / ' ' -7AIex. Melvor . 14 d ­ I i " . I I . . .J tlulL d I vie,t,4 in tht-Oddlell-w-i, i - I th. i jul- gang a solo *hich was much appreci. Ile. was a comparatively flun I ,-Apples, wanted'at the Caledonian Sighl perfectly, We are doi ..� - # Stra (01 ( Q I I the fiist. time prize against 176 bicycle hall ucknow. We pay 20 ce - I . ; I. 1. 13 ag I I ­ II all on t1w t ,'urth T; y 9 man I I i A . I . ..S a . 14�1& . 1)an`A- Campr4,u of 10 -East Fourth 'h,�),,,vM 1, - � r.� ,* ated. Essay on -Francis Willard the Wing onl�'in his' iliat, year but WaS I L I I . � L stra ji.c. . -1 f 1% ni.inflk --�* rn t. IT" f; I. # I I , L Tits I S � a bdut � - zz. V U V'S, . IV I r . 1X14 t by Mrs. - G. Douglas I . r' I I riuers,. iu the 11t. Q. I. race at. Korortitto i! S1 I eSle -1 %A 0 L LAMLI low jr%;u 1CvV1J my � . . ,7:So olcloek., - VL-4itir-4 .itr-e.el.. 1,.,'eater.ant ,.of the truck, ankle fire d lul friend" ,.w4s widely' k d greatly tespectO 'On S , teks cagh, for all windfalls and . � . ! . epartme haliq I . . at'arday last - . U lobw . � , lo t the.tervices of gir . -1 ,. Alex. is a flyer. I - I roni a bu"eu stand- . - brethren cordially.invittd. I�ad -'� CFU,*!Wt1 . uGw at his home. � very instructive. Hymn, I I Work for, by .All, aud in hi% demise ourAllage ' ' (Apples r,ho4,k Irorn the treft, sound and IV ,r T I 0: CHAS. FAIN011, W. 4�&, J.A-)�­.'.k;$CL, . ' ' I . . a conscie4tiou.�, and Itithful .mewber, the Night is Coming"'. Piano s*14�ly looWs a " .�_. : -31ardtoba wheat is e4timated to P)int it payz U13 w mks the � .Charles Wartei, o f A' East r rth 6ne � good eduzen. Ile -oprie , * )argeenouqh' w pare, two inches in . tces4ary time to ennn a i . 1, ".-nding .4 i ( - rt t a I y . . ou of rare cou a p. a id' abdity, and I . �v!s pt - . I 9. , Miss E - -'ri Was yed. . I . Cbief Ritui"r- I . . I -, t r t .ci. t, '%'vri,;;t broLen wl,d head b I � . - , . szai. . vc ry much enjo' .. yield 30 busheW ta .tbe acre alid the Small applet. 12 cents a N8 " , . . - . I __ . - ____ . I ruise4;' one Wiio at -a' time i �perforrned IliS rM i _ -' was present tor of tile bus line, and in his dealings . y diametoer. , wd h t. Uuridredti c&& 'r . -gess of the 'W luality iwill be the ver best. The. & --. . UONV at M8 -home. . ., I ' I . ss Bm . - r ' , - hand-pickW per tt%tify to our ability t.) . . I I . daty in a ni no*r 6cting ,',:re' with the, travelling public and. ou i -sack, and 23 cents foi - C; 0. F, .- - di t And sl)okv a few w1ords - t; . th young I . wheat ytvli,,,of the pisirie province is . . . . I a .00ONAM . . L - �other ;iiani on the trud citizens generally, was always cour- , sack. -L. S. Tow,;, H. B. HOLIMOOK, I I iie- 6ul) k upon himself aki d the, .paitbient" liiclj* people. - lle'freshm�nts 4wing then 4 ed *t,o be about 31J million . . r,,,i,,,. . , w _ L IL r � inake our qlatwe�: guarantee � ' . I I ,expect . - ' . . . teous and obliging,and froul which I Manager. I OURT SHERWOOD. NO "), -LU('K - a : . k if th.c accilent was Second lie serv6d. - - - . - Satisfaction. �! . C nt-.w. Jsfeets'gvery f!"t kr,d !hiztl- , I . I . served, the m6et'ing closei with singing. bu*hels. . . . ' VVnd' I &' d. rHe , 1Je8olV I . I � * L 41pn - Tr _kzman lleiwwi F. I * a . eds th t ,lot* S - he wift be greatly4nissed. He. was .1 . '. . . - day A ever3, li-­nth ly. it t- 0. i. I- Ke U4111. . n1i i' *his death' and -,the Mizpah benedictiba. I , . o � . - � -Ili% Lordship Bisliop O'Cuuuor, THP MUSKOKA COUNTRY. . % 11 '.ili* side'next to the cAr,, and & 1 L mber. of the Vauadian �Order' of r I I ., . Wit. -I i 1) luth ' '._____­__ me . . - . , . . � . viiiting hTt-thre, .'if - , r !-:,I!y JI ,,it tul. , W. e Aoss to tile . i %! Department, ,. � � � . . of Lou -ion, , adwilmistered the rite of 4 . I .. k . � L air - Vote - � , . - I IWARMSTRONC, . � . I - M 1W. I .,.I ..., , .T. 1). ly. Xt Ll'. % `4 t11_o%A_n. ".0"'P1 tel-)�% 0 ve,r � - - the but lie .i .0 sincert ourned 1) - th * Plebloofto Forester`j-.'in` thi� .,,village, and the I . . I � -,to the shlevlrnlk on I .d Y, in y , 'D ' I .� , C-6tifirinatioui to twr-lyo carididates * . . � . a "or,30tus IL the ! I . In A Oyracusan's Trip too a- Famous I % --- ____ , th6l indivi ual embe -s -of the depi r The proclawat�jns -for the vote ow inembets'M that society walkod in a' - SCIENTIM OPTICIANS . I � othu; tiide. L He Nvas very ba4ly I it t- - . ' . tLe Romari Catholic ,Chur,�h iii th1*3 -Region In CanadvC. 4 . ' - mql hiln', - - body � to tilt' funeral on, to day last . . ____ - . it. , e w o kne .jo %veil bin .tlio, Plebiscite t,o-he takewo� the 29th 3 n r , L 0 - -_ - ____ LOYAL ORANGE LIODOE � bruisO ,4%bout thu hil, and thigh,' tit W . . . village on, -Suuday inormu . -- - -_ - - --- -Z * . - a I U I , - -vt the cortege - - 1� . . I � . . . . . wa-i able to retur' to Jut ' I .)*ar testimun to h a iiianly, kiadli' inst., havo been, i"*ued for this riding..' cemetet I I . I - *, * r . . . . . , - - It i. ' -ek: (.%3yrietthe Statid-ird,,lidy 10, 18*..) 3 owph m a t,prinR . ' .- n Y.- - � � . . , qa f I? Wt . - 0. 4289 Iff,)i-10S '17':'; RXGULAR. . The. kic-zi,letit! -Ace urrvil"abo'll t 10:15 nature, and .w eanno 6ut. de'plort.the "i-mida.We * looking document -being pi�e of t hie largest ever.h0d rin . ' I ., Its crystal %,&ters . F.-Witi. all, I . � I *--LTh'dr 11' w grain elevator ereeted p,t Dr. J. H. Wormail, the owner %ind refleA:t in altuo6t perfect imagery its . N t1.,#--,*i'i1;.,:, in thv O" r e of 11.. I mobaWy �, H. 5,(f ' I ad'eircumstan ,,,Jr. . t,(;()d,, and, sets fort h the boundaties of all the -the villagb. . 11"Cligio,us, services %t the . % I I - in the mornink. Thf,' truck - w . - J S r e . I .Canij.3*11 strext, Lu, kn,4-, -11 Ac ptxvild . . - as " . . . *in . -D lie- W station- for r Messm Hay e&ltor ot Outil1g, entertained a party y 'woodel 4: Ttie* 6y -e ven im 4 , � f L vnduct6 I -by til I -�ch �tatl t.%*,ry taon�h. te-41143nding to' a - still . po'ling" sub-divisioni - the riding.' house, wero c v. A, Lnckno rocky i-horm and luxuiiant! ' i . alarm, for -a - L ' * - . . . , Bros., uUL-stowel, is now completed' hundredL. of beautiful lakes, hm threa . ."it"latt Tv.t-r4day t!*&,ning .hi u)#�ey tire in a lo-J.-ing hou' Resolved, 'tl,at wf te'ndur , to' tfie The questhin upon whIch -the' clectois McKay'. of HIP 110st1terian church. � . t I of invitood guests . in the Muskoka 1. . t Degrt­ lii.zbt� f.tr tkt I V ' e e V . .� -ko following. All v6itlatT t-rethren el,rdiaITY in ,U rse a til icted' I famil .oU C ke � dece4wil our 1 -ked 10 vote is worded'as f(iflows :, Mccased - leaves � a vidow itad -five and . 'rec ii ring all kinds of marketable i principal ones, IAke .Muskoks, lAke ' . 4 . vited t., the uivrth,A,1. ' ' - r . :. coruix,,.of ,Lalce avenue 'and � o ' " . I I . arc is. - - L grain, for which tha' highest niarket region, province of Ontario, � . y,tn ' ' C ul! 'los' ' * , J UUL f "in RoswAu and Lake Joseph, Muskoka I Is � - U.kN ii.# As,cimh ,,�. 11. '1).k%j'.4#,:'.. streeC At. machinef lef t .No.' I - h'all .heart&lt a athyL. 'in ..,their g' ' t ..""Are you in favgr of the passidg. of att -daughters to ui' n tho s of a kind, , . L . . 0 .4 . l.t)&VeMe1Dt.. L _ I 1`1 I ett .. - I I . . price Avill be ,14id.-D. Saxicivi, . e .'2S to and including July 4'. L. . . I � - I I I ,%v-. - 31. - in in t the truck leading' with be . � . Act' F*eohibitiijg ihe � importation and hidulgent father and 10vi"R 41U.J- r. - - , . ls,ecrt's4ry ' . . 0 shape' . is. 22 uliles in leugfb eaJ 10 miles ,# 4 , r . . . I � . � � I I . - - . . � - - - --77 . . I .. ' ' ' - ' Uaiigge , S - �ide at its widest poiut - Rosseau is - . - ity witb the Swith v - I . � . I L . . . I a `r' .Q L bUnd, and in thbir gre,at aillict . . Wilson, of this 1* the, engine - close. "behind. Driver - Resolved, th tt a e y of these reso- - manufacturb and r sale of ipi. Its, win . ionhivz - . I f_ rt�4y%lar monthlY Warren was on ihe seat � I . * I Led - . 14 wiles lonig and seven wide, and , 44 ,r 'O. T. V. -'T h , -�-The trial 'utlgei have uuwA , - ., r I and Lieut. 11160118,be eligi Dssed d for warded t * ale. twer, ciorr, awl all other alcollolid th'e heart -felt sy�npathy of (lie who] Premier' Typewriter Coinpan' W" . � 0 _. I I . yo I �N 0 ino-etin,,'.�4 the W"Tnt'n'd Chr'stma Carnero . . . . . . I . e Ifi-Xharlesbalder, who defeated the � . , . . -iot- tise as -4i beverag,6.1 - . :r a was,with- li�m, On the left the faraily of tfie de'��. d : -The're cominu -1 . raLupt!r.A;1ee V. ni.,!, will Le h,ltl* evori .4icc.rid . : I . . 11(luora I nity.'' - '. . - 4 , party. Joseph, extending farthest nurth, IG - , I . .1 .. . , I . one of the members of - ­ * .. . ,I ster, w6re, � Finlaysop� and .Twaddle, . .1 .. . are tw Ullot one ., ..-!---- __ —,-I- - . Hoii. John Dry,den, in 6outh Ontario � wileii long and seven wide. The first & i0l, - I I � W"ame.klay,)f bach m'nth in th,I Odd FOlows I � I 11 B. FiVAZ, I o...cul U*mns in -the - . - I - I . I . U R3' J. Bms .,t% while on the right stip wm Triickman . - . . -ovincial wetections for Air. Wilson retarE iursday t w4.) have i ribut,aries, but IAke Hall, Lticknow. i6t'3 pan. . to . :. . - - re to -day a at the late Pi * #L .4. SMITH, ,.. . I I . L � nd away to-luot'row briWry by - cross last anti is euthablaistic -er the *slands. Lake Itmeau L- thme feet 19 , 1. J I, headed 11yes" and the other "no " Ale , I � - L -udlaud' The truck went - tow,axas I . 1 4., 1 prt.qijont - We I.- I .. % .3olit,3.11(p.1'.49r.L..�iet:rt.tAry. , ­ . . _. - __. .. I . . . 4,!Lgeuts. Thei t . . — ---= Is it farailiar saying amongst itinerant . __ - - _,%_ - - __ - ____ r____ . . L 9 . . , . _ , * I � . . . . I . � . � . Lake aVenue with the team- on' ' tive . A ... (11 Rf . 'E MAG11"t'N' . . . . . . 'W� eddWS Bonn . I 'pectaclo voRdors. t * We. '__ipake 110 pet - ition * tgainst Air. Dryden wa,j also natural bekuties of Lhe place so ittle higher than Muskoka and eteaniers . I t . . * iu�,p, and,turned down the hill. T* he � - 0 � 11 tnit . on'Rei;oluti(ins. - - .4 . . . . I - ___1 . 1. 0. 0. F. - I � .- .- - .,. .1 . .1 . -cry pretty wedding took place at 6pecial plea. on .the gro6iida that we ' &:misaed with costs. -6idetits of _X by means of a lock st Port; I . , I ­ car No'. 50 of the Interstate line.'-jr I A ,.% - �. U IP to i ew York enter . I � as I I . 1. � , ­ 'agaill t'n tte Parma C - "_ I .1 I . Ir 1 ti rt. t 0 a,, Carling. trom Rommau into Josepir I A URIV 'D IN ,CXNoW_ . tile rpsidence of U- r. Fred -MeMnald ,Are permt-itientli located. ajid Aoing a g ... . . . , I -, 7 - 0 W Vink ci I .. I Ity this 01114, te. * - ; - �_ I U C K _N . ast' in Lharge of Motormad: J. . , I ' tho 111fly. jk-ilig . ll %n, k1ww" I . � 1'.,,t1g.f- N(o 112 -no 131-;rItt' _ reip, there'* is a canAl-like passage at Port . L ' G. , . os and Conductor A.- P, - 'Xherenmin t' IrS LWetit . Waw4tnoah.. on 'Weidnesday -lekitimate­ busiiiess.' � Thist' N '-h tim-ir friomisliiii was -19-1111 -ter who sought I . � � . � Iveco panied b b " . . � .your Y", , T . ni�eteo every Friday evi-ning ht A ,,'6-)ck 113- Kulkyou. 0 . .1 I . Fifila�son 11 two littl­ ,y . . vening,, 7'tlj- iust., when Miss Uzzi " " 1.111 At iast. f4*1i119 .Isaur"l t1l'" To a Standard repoi SandAld. The outliet of &N the iakes . 4 - � � . . 7 11 girls, and e e - adVantago; no� ou-ni. Out- .work if; a ' . their h&l.l,-camipt),,Ai street. Ali brttLrvn . - . .. . I e . a f(MI&COf te . ' I , ­ . , I oordially invited. '. ..'� ., . n .Mr. John G. Loss; McDoixg0l,, sisier ot Mri. McDonald, goot], on - - t he b�at. . ' . Eyes tesW � free. 11 aweetheiurt .W -W I'Lli lllnl�aii in rview and who asked - What is is at Bala, on the extreme western bay . . . .. � ' .. . Tfiere'.,�tere tw`0 passe gers in the ho had charge of, an ge 0 - .. I - 4ifr't'o" Aluskoku ? " Mr. Wilson sai ' of Lake .Muskoka, where the waters . - . d �.oun st claugfitee.'f the'late Mr, . . m evor, J-11100 1)4)PPi-1l 'L"# U ' I J. W. A lj%l._41toy,�. . W. WILRON, ._t car &L'the tijme,. Mrs. Angus,. of'. the the,'body, arri e,d in ucknow b - the . . j*,4-(g1d tJM43 in 04 following it. . z . � . . J - . y - - a I . 11 . Mrs. Bly of -22 . � I . I . t I":; .-Weel, %.121gg;v. X", M � Rtic.,rdor St. Louis. hote) - A-ngus MaDougall -. - ot Lucknow, w`ks adeyprgrt- 11 Muskoka is the passwotd to a make a plunge in three fa:19, :.'� feet 9 .NobleGrand., , I and .. . j) I late. train on aesda ' * night 'and . were iinitod 'in . marri�tge 'to Mr. 'James ,- " � . . 0 0 1 . " as: -1 Aye, 3-ainW." 811P IMPw"pleasure paradise where the lisnd of or more in height, forming the Mus- ' . I __ ___ I ______ --- . - -_ ---I---- AN"es.t Fifth.strep,t. ' I . - conveyed -to- tho* ,r idEn-ed of -31ra. - .. � I. & - I '. � I � � I I . ' :F-arster, young6at-,4en of the -late Mr. - 4L "to # W. ; IC -4 it D1 . _� .* - I . -� - - , Finlays 0 i . . I I Mrs. Duncan I . I. rs. - - V. Patterson, 0 ) I �, . on's ii ** t her 1. . tvf. ""ImidY 'r " 11,0 man is very little in evidence it is- ko.,h river. Two wilet west from 1. � � . :_ . *Ap.thr truck appr*oached Su.periq.r , -- , `( )k� . if. Victoria, were the gueste of John Tol. the key w a realm where nature Bala falls, the. Moon river formE a �� k\ AOUW . C9,rAero Josepti Forster, of West -Wawaliolt' I : . 8 . . . � . ,,, Y� . . no Inglis, b,tre#4t. The lunera The marfialle curemony'wits pe \ Q " �o - . . � , �,\\' ��,,�� - " ,Jtre�t, going full ii1t, the car started, C,k '' ' I . _JQrmed'. '.,- . " � . ,\%� \ -to P1 he' Ki* i4ass cemetery -on . . . � _r J,PLI L I( ato . "t _. I . . . . _�� U -C K'.N 0 W 310NTJ4­ - ovti,r -the switch toward the Wedne ace "' 4 a an impressive manner bj� RovL. A.. . 11- tiliet ALP:rfor;a few days this week. shows herself in alI her charming branch of the Muskosh, and through 1b I .1 - .1 �_ ­_ L .1.44,,e (if the east cul.. The ear was -oin isdiy fternoon aud� was at.. , . /,U- , The'y left, an - Monday and are now luvelinetis. Muskoka is but a single thesa channels the waters of the lakes - . z ��,_ , , -�: me -K, , p' the presencel of a large I . I � * ay, i . a- I: � . Ancient orler. ,,r tended by a I rge cogcourse of sorrow.. . - - - - - # sloll-ly-p-epple on the street say - so � ' . visitiiig tit Mr. Win. PatWrson's, Indisa word and to the tuarny without go out into Georgian Bay, tLat wow , - . . I — -ZL'uited' W,.rkwew' . ' number of invited guests. The - bride. . - --- ----.I:- - � . I . -_ " , 'i ' ing friends a relat ves, . . . I * � . : - --- - -_ - I ' !6. . I - . # -,- M iju ih... 441 ".1, tile-, 11reinen it,dmit *.it -and that . .. . I who as g, lven away by her brother CREW& -_ , . . .- 01- . . ' et:t+ . - I . .1. W It I Lucknow. , Mr. Patterson is a very signiticanee, but to the few who hav- der water -land, with ite twenty-eeven -1 - . I .V__ , � I �- f0r,,w:�* Mall, r -n thi, alono preventod'a far' more disatLirous I 1 1 . 'Mr.- John McDougall, was beautifully,: .,. i .. . I � . I . 400, k I , . �. r , intluential gentlewaii in British 0olum. ing been introduced have quickly thouiond islands on the eastoern ;oast I . . Aw I .. - 1. !A'4t alid � secOnd - .- I .I . I � .1 , '' accideist. - But tho car was 'moving, I . '!-- Z* . , , VIE-olmol (1 'I ' � Kttired in creamy -white figured -Sioilian Mrs. McLean, ' mother - of - 'Mrs: bin, and owns a line oi railway. -Kin- learned to Jove the region, it is very line, ' I . / " , Mt,1141ay *- I ­ * . . i ' . , N \ -) t atiol litr-sions that were on ilie spot sa.-,- M iss Mary Cror ,haF ROne to, �Iquct Thor. BliA6,_ died on .Wedt'esda- full Of Meaning. It is SUggeStiVe Of " One read@ that thaw three lakes t I . // J � '11�% f-lach m"tith, ..-t 0-iih . I and carfitA avery'llandsome ,ba , I V, the cardiac Review. . . , O'clock, , vi the'inotgrman was looking down Lake I - . . . A IP - I A 61J. . . . M9 Gorrie. .. Pf, White roses. , .The bridesmaid, M, wai 81) years 91 o f W'- an almost never-endiag, ever -shifting contain i*tw-ben 400 mad 500 islands. ' 0 . tort,thren corolially in vit-ed. * Avellue across the viaddot., , ' � 168' .3).st of August. She 1W -Dr. McDonalti, M.P.1 lug. I � . .S'Smitb, of Kinli - pertormed that' . .11 , - . Mr. W. L: _11ack t bai gone to! the , - o"V. age, and, had been helbless bs some hain, will speak on Prohibition in panorama of eelightful scenes in lake That is not only true but it is a,lea I '. I W.S.1l0LX18 D.1).YT:LIE, ' Theintit oii, ths- truck saw the car, Goderich. Coll�giate -astituto w, tal - . r .a - � _1.01-� - and atres w � ** Master Workman. Recurder. but it was, impossible- to 'stop that I I ke -- f iinction to pi'fection ; -nd, the groom time P'Sai. Anioug end- Luc "-a next Tuesday evening, Sept. tu and - ' ood slid isky. Those true that very many have upon them . __ � ­_ -- - - ­ e ving M r. W. ' was we p r y his neighbor, ' - . - powleroui vehicle in its-s%vift course. , ' F ' 'Mr. T. 14168-- After partaking of & I -�l ' - bs an*ial and beautiful private ' $up J unio L - *ork. 11 su 'Po' ted b - t� � dislttre 20th. The'doctor is au interesting w ho have visit -A the Thousand Islands moot su t 11 edthe (tineral .frou a is maw w " ' - I . OLD LIGNT LONE Hands were waved . .at the motorman, lrwirt-4s ,it wr rk on ;"r. Martriculation . - 'two sons,- one from.Dctrol�-, and one and forcible speaker, and all voters say that nature was larish when she cottagei, or hotels Lw the accomodation :1 . . I . I at the same natitu on. I suLmptuous.dejeuner, the ovening was , , wo shoulLtr -IMd ayskil themselves of the caused that creation, and lovers of the of tourists. The prewrit season wiII . very ple ' 1. 1. . � anti soine say they- shouted at him, . Ms -wife and t �.� . .:, asintl�r spent in so ng, music ,from Goderich WWI it - . . 7 1 0% , \ L. F ac A X but thewindowN iU the vestibule ends .,Mr. Fid. - cLean had three sheep 0nd speech -making'. All join in wish- privUei�g_e of hearing him in yiew of the Adirotidacks say she wu carele4s in see a very material il)cr,r_#.se *n the . Ilk I . . lie � Let, Nives sia %ged part. importaut duties of Sept, 29th. The ' I , were closed, ,a's the morning had been die from the ntenie heat of' Saturday, 'ing the'young coupI6 a most successful ner, who is - also .-very frail, her leaving to much that is beautiful number of cottage,,, &,, building is now G n 0 I damp'and cold. I . - I ,. last. � I . f . . . mogting will be held in the Town Hall � % r .. '. � . . Journey over the sea of life. . ildren -to nioull " ainung the highlands of New York, active, and coming ata8ons will u . she'd "I ng, and almost - A series of �meetin s is to* - be -held . .- . I I .- � . - ERTS EVRU'l 14)AVINJUIFTIT The truck da' ' ' , -_ . I.- loss. , . ::: at 9 o'clock. ' 6ut if this is true she certainly was doubtodly witnew the erwtiou 7 # � � PO'Tylt. - the front of t e- car. But it. in the ya * I . . 1. -The Sacrament of the Lord's � 11 � 11 - � M #,r*)W1.,r* the fil"I M(O'D'. in the. cleared . t riou# pares of the Riding in - KnArlish spapr-ows. prodigal, extravagant in Muskoka, far other sumnu,r homeb and by peo 9 ,1 # . - "'n I - -1 Destroyed by fire on SaturdiLy I" , Supper will �D.V.) be dispensed in 4 . � Mim onic 11all', Ila velnek st-r- -t.. . was just a second too late to prevent the interest Of the P,-ohibition Plebis. 6 A ,correspondent .writing to win one tind8 there the islands aud the from the. Statow, wt)en the us * !_ . . . I . ffie two bodies corninj together. One cite .. I I I I . IN of a uumber of i4acks of grain and, h - � Lucknow Pre4Vy.Wian Church ne Mug * * * * 1. D.- NICH,A. if.%Rky I)Alril, of the 29�h in it. I � .. � our exchanges .Rays: . Xt woods combined iti a wealth of soener . 4011. -0 hall have )'�&-n accorded 4# Ili .. I WonhipfulMa4e.r. . Secretary of the rear wrheels of the truck rode up Revs. Hutton an I Oliva�nt -and .Mr. I the whole seasdies. crop, 6-1QUOng #4 Sabbath. - The usual services will be I gitin a .. I . . . . , I . DEAR EDITOR -It I had iny v ay almost too much for any fine resort u1st place among ttw outing resor of 00 . _" - __ - - ­_ - - - - - _____ over thp fender of the car and twisted Murdoch I&' e,tchar of. a me6t* , I 1. J. Blake and It. McConnell, on 4 held? English oil Thumday aud Satur- 4 i . . - I I - L . iL . . P% but ' L bf ra. 11. day at 2 o'clock, an(l Gaelic on those on 111 well North America. . . tho dr&wbar'&8 if it �ivere noth ng but Crew 06 a .e. 21-st ._ L'"ng *In- . 1 -would give the Englishman t - 'The Muskoka regi known , r - . do . 4 C90408P a I scho' ; . Revs. brought sparrt)ws to this country at place they had reqed from W. D., days at 12 The Georgian Bay and is rhe shore litic Of Ali theft 1&keoi is rf __ __ a slender twig. of 'wilrow. .Whaley and airba Il...and* Mr. � Har- . I Finlay, being Lot 2p Con. 5, .30 and on Friday at I I a.m. to Canadians. i ­ � . U I C K X 4) W ' . . h 6onduc -6ne i Findlay's sbhoo l(AA ten yeara. I say tho Euglish the Muskoka district, just east of Lohe picturesquely it-, ular and SO thickly 5k C - . ( ")Ubc il, CAD - After this -,shock the body of the r180 I . I - Ashfield.. The tirb was cansed by 4ev. Mr. h1cl"d, b.D., of Ripley, V . 4. L 1. I . . ' on tho -22 d 'and' ev.'. 'Olivant' inl&- '", for ffeel certain that either a will preach on Thursday, Mr. John bay and but I 19. miles north of beauti- placetl are the iiiiandr, that at very few *. MAL411 Ortter 4 truck slued round andomehed into a � �Zn , & L . rom a threshing .engiiie that 4 . - . , I . 11 Messrs. *A'.' Cionerda and 8: J.- m3n or an Irishman would hilve had just commenced to Athre9b. nto, long have bten theirchief p)intA ip any wide ekpanw� of water � - �*, , McKay on Friday evening, and Rev. ful Toro A? _- I I W -1 (*)vm*P , F.riendA. telegraph paJe'ou the east oorner. of '* , ' Scotch ' � � I" * 1UA1 ' . . in I pact of that Boydin H ett t a C�iu - . I A, Miller, of Ashfield, on Sabbath suminer outing places. To people in ' , 'The i � . .., " . i ch. on the 26th. ,sleets 14 an4l 2 1,.Ae avqtiue ac .bad more commonsenst, than to have Fires -started to run iti soine places visible There is no tuarsh, uv low , i kl� - -.411 . - P ... T4,-wl.y t-vt-nin-ii All meetings beglir 4t 8 o'clock. The done such a foolish thing. We I 1, who and Monday. , - . the States who are familiar with land in all Muskoka There are no . J � - . "I t4,�-ach.in,i2th lu. fraumewoek.41eavy iron, loaded down . around here. 1t. J. Treleaven had to � .1 I �3. �Pl Hawit , �all. Wit,h .') . public, are cordially [invited. .ever 1krought-, them, they are here., the __�_Rev. W. N. Duthie, Mrs. Duthie mountain, wood, river, lake aud ima ull,)b in Muskoka. Pint, spruce, . . .. (),ldfC1& WO feet of ladder, was something. - _ . � . . . ., . fight lira all day on. Sunday last, buL _' most I *% . 1 4 * . - - I . . Vi,it0Y14 1--r(lif,illy us, and one of the spokes of 1118TANTL* KILLED. ' pugnacious little thieves. Liko the , and 1%fr. F. Duthie ceturned to Luck- resorts, Muskuka is but it dot on the bid6sm, hemlock, inaple and Oak are . , tremendo lie rair, on Monday .morning will I i�o , . . . I , itti . 1. . whet wa � I SpanimikIn Cuba, th must bo fought t - .. now from-t6eir prolonged stay in the map, if indeed, that dot has ever been the prevailing woods. Jim size tho V I * , , , the'rear q driven three inches nald ChIshQirn. an Old Settle check thpm for a titre. Muskoka lAke diarict, on Tuesday discovered. Xvection so abundantly islands vary from Big island, in lAke . i� .4y" 4. 9 7 Mit- If. X. SNALL-61901, Z, . - Mrs..Po r to keep them under control. One of $ 4 . Reconler... in'tAi the polo. The sluing of the truck I Almost every one amund here art Thby had not expect- provided with all that is eiseutial to ttoi8eau, with ita 1,100 aer--*, to tiny " - - %_�. I .. . ___ ___ --.-- - . .....­_,_ smashed the ini of the wheel in an of Cutross, M"ts a Bad Paw. the most effective ways of doing so . - night, 6th inst. I �. .. ) . � � through seedinf. Tito grain that .%% 4s ed to get home before r. &---- - ----- I ----.- has beeti oparrow. hunts arnonm the Wednesday meet the exacting requiremetits of the 8peckg with a single tree or r3ck _. I . . instant, and the hub was stripped of Teeswater, Out to ' Seft- I %"`---Mr3. boys. A weetigig is cal led, lead'e' sOwn a week ago is quite groen. afternoon, or even night,, but trains critical American pleasure st*ker, ahowing above the %�auw, in i4i sizes, 404- r, � "NIKRAL- 1. .., ife, spok--a _i[I r the twink) ing of an eye. I)onald Chisholm, Ure. if. ,% " ri or P) % - w"M - - — 0 -1 _ I IcDonvild captains are cliown, ajid the select Mrs. Samuel Kilpatrick IMd family connec�ed well, and after . it very should not go unheralded. To be sure shapos and oondition of improvemout. . 0 6 . I . . I y 4 . I - . 'When tile crash canie, Finl%y,,on �Ind Miss ,4111all a Ariving home Porhap3 -twenty or.wore on each t,ide. returned home this weok. - pleasant fainily re -union in Muskoka there io% the railroad , literature,' itles rest in individuals Thew, �. R 0131ERT OUNNIOMNAM. I - was between the truck and the tele- froru the Presby a Church.. at . . 'Then the hunb begio.' All the �arns � W. J' . � . . Pet,re, wifo and children, of they are glai to he in Lucknow telling �of tile place, but people. are islands forni the ruovt excellent aitss I . . . 1r1*19 AND MARIN29 , - . , graph polf * % His body was lurched Teeswater yesterds ,L'whegi the horse for perhaps tf,.h -infles around are visit Spry, who, Ila I ve been visiting friends 9941n. � ve seen ad vertise- itutginable for permanent t:­Mcgep Or V . I against the pq)e ar.d thrown back 9witcl skeptical. We all he - ' I GUELPH. � � ied one of -�he lines Loin ,the ed at night; tho boys stand in conven- hnre theee. two 'weeks past. return -I)CIU)'s :11'e, daw,' ments of fimt-clags railroad oating tenting partieL Fast Rupply Ikoate - - w . erous.-Notice � I rf*io*vo%,%** ,%o. t93 under the truck, lw'hfre. it lay motion. driver's hands, an turned into) the ient places with 1-titern.g. whilo others 11on,() �llis Wer.,k.- r% - owned by individuals, p1Y thIp waten . . . . . 1. . ., - __ - - - -- 1W, pinne-1 to thA ground. Truck ditch, up6etting th bany, , arouse up the hir�s frorn their sleep- . , f d Risk , i I tim pe,)Pie who wear giasses. Ask houses, with home nisde everything 11 .0 ­ 1006 , * . I it Twaddle was.' hurled to the Mrs. Chisholm Mr, Hughes and some of his chlnl - 1MY Of them " Why they wear them" have even p&tronijA them and sull of all the landit, Constant an I .;.Opw A. �. 1A , . . ID .9; 111,14 T, 1 S rz. . . I pir ,,.I Sholm as throw ' o on her ing places. They at onco fly to tile isn, of Teeswater, wde visiting his Our record book contaiaB the names of have doubted, But in this inotance furt.1shingthedweilerpin LakesJov*b ' I . gutter and n to th'o ground by head and iadt�Aat:y i4ed. , lights,. and are knocked down [-y a . . Rommou, and the Gypine and 4i 0 . - ' . I C. As NEWTOW, Unle of th � e 10'rwArd wheels. The other Aliss Small * th *tw, Urs. N. Pierc6. I liundrcxis whom we have fitted, who the railroad people have not dared to and � I) lAke Muskoka, ' I I . - MY . seriously dozens with'stubs of.hroows or bate . ,- — . call testify to the. benefit they have picture Muskoka in abaolut*ly true Monzeks those I . . .. � . . . 4 funar icr*1u*W in dpati.,t7 nift were tc*se.d ,violently to the side- injured about the bftd, whilo Mrs. :made on: purpose. , Tho heads are pro- - the story, ttw Ule urlinitiated, with prov are small Jb ); Tt~* I . , ifjio . ns. They . . I I Dental 16�ollt­r *M 1),m.t,)r ed utal Star- walk, McDonald . sca with .Ikght in� iservod an(I on a certain prearrangod .. -There are six -vacancies in tile received from glasses, itad to our tints, foi provittion stomm and if one �) * a . irerty, T -rrnot� 1,'nfv.;r*ity. All rwrAtwn plans Finlayson and Twaddle were. both - u I.ie3. I . Dominion Paritamebt. West- Hu 9bility of adapting theni to their would read like a hadly overqritwn pirt bie q I - r %, . � i I r�n I . I I I I I I Il I I , � & . . I � t i a evening the, two sides incet� the heads is one of the six. It is the intontion 1xi or,deml and promptly deliv,wed. . conscious, hands I *as about 60 years [are counted, and the losing side gives juterusting exaggerat,on, but fai , � . "`1'1-*f"J"m swi caroofnisom'in w-Amoin-ohip, Un - requirement. tale, I -e looked upon, perhapa, an im des rw artielfm not iu -stock. they will . . -Offfao in Allift-is bl(.Ck, upstal". . r but a hun'dred d ra. . of the Gover'nment - to hold tile - sij 8ight 0ptician absolutely in its convicting proprietito. - Hay fever cannot survireVie prary 1P - "4- - Vil vloit, fflpky tiovery Thuz@4a their assistance. of age, d one of the first settlers of ot .has to pay for. an oyster supper. In UICCti0n.13 on tho same * (lay , dato zl�t Tested Ait.m.11THOW". . I &10'r"4. � It to* 1010 men w0ift the, truck from . ; I : $ . I . I .. Culrt)48. this way thousands are' destroyed in yet jkUn01jUcqd. . . it * intiun"i -.-u Folirtii I aw.) ., . . . . . Free. - The Muskoka rogion, with it," I . r - I . I . . . I - I , I - I - or- -1 - - Y , - I I se ,ill!, ,Ilk 't c �A I , . , . wim- - I �. . . . . I I I . I I I � - I I - � . - 61 � — I - 011111111111� ,� 91 . � . I � . I I � I I . I I . � . . . I I . . _i- � WW_._- _�.V�_�;­__ _11111 . . � J . �___bA1fiiF&1_0W I I . �' -t- . �. . Q