Lucknow Sentinel, 1898-09-02, Page 2so. a 19 IL arri.vitled he twk It very quietly, tul - 0, d was driven t(so N%,l(_A)dstocj, slit IDS wul3all 4.01 Lt.* - FTON IN and, kXjgvtj in the jail. 00 '. _111lowt— It Bur- t efalisto in consultation it vulsr to Your 1jrr'u1fteu?u11Lu' "a bu FJhOOk MY head." "'Yes." ould He -Fatal"?, I slLid at last. OLD NOTE195 A80TJT 0 1 fie sliruggell Ilia shoulders. "Beeause lie fears that yoll will FOR LITTLE PE6PLL, Mul't 81)eak Mainly, @fro' fie buid. give him up?,, With J100le New 1pilet" Wort is rixti, ISSUE NO.35.1898. FOB THE AG K1111- -_ It i's ci IM use to talk of llope to "NO; Ile does not fear that. Bt;t 0 the Kenwry I listen to me; you shall not Judge LITTLE BROTHER. Xt"IlY Of Use I)ojpular notions fLboat A a man when one feels that there call too hastily. Wait till You know all I,ittlo brother's jurot oarlinol orebills are all wrot4g. Their eallu. THRMLING STORY OF be none. I"oor fellow, his fa the tale plaillly ellough. ck) teII8 my reasons.11 a rN Drink. 8tint- CONSTANCY AND CRIMIL uJus after stimullis till the brandy, 'Tell me them.,, You'41 think- so, to4% IN [lot, its geswrally Modern Treatment of or "Not now.,, If JVRXI Come to our lionso. It Matly Ilixury. MML whatever it Is, ceases to have JU ef- "When, then heard "hil" ccx) all, Coo. Paine's Celery Compound Mr. 1-0�' Boyle I&Uif knew olle poor fellow who used to heat birandy over "After yoil have Wpl, u"t SA& III his carriage, b"I telliliff etmtribuWir tox) tlw -James Bar- Us Merr.,v-4;(ss_uouIj(j tilat while I noIllo J.".1 it W UU 'tilt' oviii ri t 8111,11te"IN isn' spritigs ail' spl-illgil gives the needed stimul lamp to -ruake Its effeej more rap1t 1. ron.11 It ore his require Ijeu%,y "Odel' cIr(-ml­Lst,,,,,,,,, "vils sure that this was so. 04C]" <Put for all his toy.4, Out Cons mption "Seen film ? orf,1:1418 really cout %,Ory little to tul- alit] my Yef,, ceaws to have Its effect, aim m(o Meet that 1111111 11IN rtibbor 41oll an, thilign — hopeli Ivere all dashed 14' again ?" erleof str)jtt4)lj. witi, & tj %, it te. efmLly 114-atillic.al ab YtAl k"(1 -VU11 I fell; t1j;tt I Ilat, have calletl vat, a again 11pople IN ufifti.. Then the digestive orgaiim to good digestion and olbarUtuall The latest work dullo rigilt ill arned man, Mal- break down. look of horror. in ret on the "Aim its)' fir.st st,.p to- vOlum; but. befolst- It if the over -goaded brikiii it HIM ort -W it"! bhuo­-likol. iiiiije arti; julfixi ; "fly ordiiiary hoump, LIIL. Ward y"t, rrolmi tllk* 1 WIIS a Poor, help iffieulty like that, lea))-% from its bountim, and we hit%, Yes. We!" Ilkis 114411't fifty IIJLIr; ra ttjrP III w1j.101 in n4A tft&tnient of discases, wr?tten IP@d. Ignorant ellifti. the delirfuni that ends -in nle,, ff*lill Up idnk below 4.-, olk-greA.1i will ,io. by forty Cnif Sufft,ring �Illd "Afastering 11 11,1701! Pink, liko nots4i, a8simflation, and ""J" nent Anrzrican t. t1l" W.'s stiro to s NO: It Is lily Wish -11ILY All' lw'h 0) flit also fair! Ft1w lot9jille saiti Mr phYgicians, says: I h_,jd no, jollI)t (of tlli� ""'W. r4)r thrust nly Mysplf' thoug", at la,'it, thAt life is 'lot worth living. alill ('Onlf with me ana Ape Prayer. - It hand Into - bix breast; I)ut makem them suichful"like titim., him.' T Ali' whpl)n Ili, 11LIWIlm, hto t.111111U1,, BOY e, ** itnit, 4P .11 could feet, notilin lion you -kn, his 41411111C.4, 1 4. tit Hp(). re-hids do not nNui anything like tile trouble andi exiienw. re for the con - I argut*Al tjl�,t f1lueled there "Yolt remember the- %vry %%( keeps the blood oil has do, )rd dollo; and 4 4t, 1 911'e You my word tit" I will fol- I thInk IwVN I of (JI.4 If buls & Pulsation- but could [lot tell Haiti Stratton. 1,)4)kiiig :it Ills to lit jllAt tilo lii(*%t "IrtY 'Arwi Teu dead, lie lOW` out your wimlien to tilt. letter." Littl4l' brother thuro vall the Isle, "ll"llw! 10it"I'lod, UWI sumPtivc than all other rejug. 11, ort I I Itolos. and that. 'P, W ri-tol wt that It might be fly nlv f r) I Iwurff Lt, toollir twitain, i#o inrill- co oft[lt "Ot to havo -th OVVII throbbing arteries. I tried tt; io� w0n%'%"e0'rr'tn1gftiy)r- words" 'Jou promise tiltit-, pure, ItOly Irrvmter." diC4 put togethcro�" I t also o, . . AM twos pew 0 Power to in- wrists, and the,,. tearing open tile tatid Ilrettisoli, BrettlKoll gav-4. Ililm Il'iN Illind III I"lit whell Ifiltillillit ),It Of QW charm4 of oI#Cj)Ijjjd In tilat I "ors: "The hypophosp fAr _1ved "10wIY, '4 and 80WIlLY16 All"ll. I renjent- of film prondwo, t4)keii to lue �X, One hitC& whom I III - 1 k.1.lew col"Ir f)f Ills shirt, thrust -my hall ber, tool) "Ild �-;trattoii sto(oil tl'eY flower all the year rouijil. -- jl*U(!jl_ %hat you Meant U-) 1116- your—_ if In . thethrill to( horror that ran I know rlule,­ there., anti the Pulsation was plain through my tier thinkluf fur 'It mollictit, or two. 'Witatn comill, timul. HI-th Illid gerallitfins, 1`10wer Ior a pew Of lime and sooda arle v0s I'm 110 mt4xxl for it 4 regar&d s, interlisome,il .14trattli"j. now. more. r distill( Yetiv 110 waid theil, hase 110 An' W I tftJw) illy little v.jirt, suitinier A"d hire Practically 04 Ikovtbr looketi Upon it ll" 3 vrInte. aa a low mq)an 'tlY felt it throb. 101v monteiits with his back uj Ile. Ise- Oat by t1to rabbit pens Nature's medicine brings ollea.41 by many English oburvers as once more eawallseil froni- tw c(Lum' to fear. It IN rowitrilly.to re- bbr shells for Mit- rest tit tlw ye ft,sit nit- nnot tho bell, befitting fIr4t film - , &r. But it, Yislur lips over i When 1411411 the, navioting be?" Just 1111,41 tho balpy dowil, It well-ch('oni, nsurnpti4Dn." Y(AIP tpWU liflo.. save "Not dead I)'-" PlItIbIlt, alld tl)Ofl straighten- To-inorrow." AW 1 call't, 01-411 pw1b. health and happiness to 71 "Plitteti011 of or- sla,ying I;1vth4.-r 'I' t1l" ef[00'tto ?" gusP-d -Stmtton. '*Her I"Ir filliam)II ill) aild raisin 01iollb, one flat, Illooln sPeCifics for co There, then %vas hits IC 4XW a all thi. your, my IxAllition. band! T.I%illg? 4;reat 11eaviF%ris!1* h1w rfirlit -witit 'Ills rist cle,one 9 M*o be (7ontinQml.) I betWr Play- otitiloors IlebtlVe sojni� jjIILIjtjy Widloobimather gcon to mlwj). f flipwer t,#tn or twf_,I%,4j "I'd UP Bank- baft Into his chair. atarilig bist tfiv littlex thiger, which he pummed �kg_l SKtt S Emulsion .111t as t i" task fiat] - th - 11 folet. dfff't It I had gx)lle fa; those in advanced that I"t t"k %vjt._j t,..Uy t*,8itlt, 6 wild]Y: and t-beii. it, it hoarse %;Iiiiiper: OVE'r Ills shoulder to totiell. witi t HOW LONG DO Tany LivZop MY "fania saym tilat L, 11just, t)" oplit, Uflu tired of VIVAlig tIJ441tu W.Lid to Go on!" fie pant poillt to[ this finger. thO 81H)t behind What st&tlllticsS---- 441LIPPnjal .0 Lie.— -Ko The k9ximilevt that I call years, The b(-Jief t1lat tlwy *,The way of eseallso was otili'll %,videly Ills (mif ear wheno,.,tlie bullet 111,41'ell- how About the Aver For little- brothtws w4jjcIIIj'I, lie t" b* is also a tuistalip. Thqy !Ontains the best cod-liver oil U.", wb.,ist VqAl 0111.- said t t- 1110W." cried Prettison. ro&-hing o% age Life of a Railroadnilasn. Am I. 1krow up it ll"I. fill, UA I h on reel y— -er le" wreil, fit*%' 'lot C'(Mt IUQ-re thull 4 stock #If in a partially d-lizested forrn, ('111tc-h his conn't-mion's, wrist. "and I Fora few illonlitsIlto, I did not tilk- It th 61 IM)C AD any 6their 101141 or ptan - I I I Ills IV L for** jilitt I � goocimt 11 klitpw llow- King D� t- You (!&Lll yllu I wit illown to, t Il ill k 101ritf st4. my .%-.-IV eletarly. It—,wilm mati- deristantf leS J tA-r- Ali' tr to) i4ewleo my, motber, vltl" hikV, Plenty (of goo(I Vitro; theik I grasped owts iore -arm it re froin i combined with the H attellipt to move" the lootty (it Ilia thoughts. than Ail' "Tho KJAYN of our yo 'rown t(l five bli,llilg 4% _ypophos_ et"ly- -41110 Cis, iii..ro .1, the filet, 111141 followtJ ntilmad i w I tl� I tAilak of be -111* )pail Orclilds for ; * thought tile attorol, lultt).*&S :%- ofead milli through the stroll ts. I "Imther, it to threAvicortf years w4d tell ; atilt if by pliell.,, Phites of Lime il;ls' thotask- 4, )OT '"o was, h6w long he will live. "1114-lijbi-r jitw brolpt1wr. 411"Ifted to grow. and Soda. This "Jilrelf wait froin orw Iblace tti tiellt mussit haviq let, it. t 0 r jr silso a dyv a standard i tom ntyzav th,tt —deteetion wits tol to liju heall Its lie thought .1118 pa- er You Mtwt a -rafir"ad m#n ^* remc certalit: but to, take a fit 111111gillatio". 1101411lig it ')'s- Whenev r"tw"t Of�441`041 th they Ix! ftPurseAlln- Tilsit, t)"lli,11i sire dpileaw, i#w f It must t'P dmt--th-at Ilmlkoiio� niiist tm. Sit-ki or I hell It E YPUTS, Y44 IN t leir utrengtil labli PfVular eri',ror. for 000100aled w1lert- no it gToup of tilt -Ili, t1w MIJI)J44-t you WAS THL-11tE. 1911of #*)rrow.­ M I I eould fill., it, t,,,ttbrying eyes -allother was simplicityitmo-jr, allot I trigger wa.m 41rawn. Re Ilad coul- I rour gertillitialit all4l t vois ean 1 4% quarter of a C-enturylo is in breatheti freely. I co -1111 let.- pleu.lv YA'I 1 ff'"d :9 14�111 (IISCumbig, -�or the A, little. :')-y L kill taken my vlew that, I wisileti, f1rut questioll thev will eur-olif girl utwilded U Tho physical trouWt,w itittl hur(Jens 4)f' St, It I r. fuellulas." A Czact accord with the latest It Could never, ptit W. -You (61111ilrel0i Isarty I"t WOL-k-. and 44 it old I loyle If t I 41"'fy y t" *­*t`Pl" 11,1`0 Many. Diwirden-41 kill till ripellid " forell,41 to o tot �Tead—n(,t ife.11jr 41 to hilpartlo ailti lie "s thinking 6f tile fir 0mvervatioull, 1;;: 11 hat W -the W " '0110 of I eazi t velit1kow ill U11,10"W you law it vjCws blame. -.-I r t lie Strattpill. wh(y looke muttert, nervevi. etiliNtIpation, flattliell"..dr4pw of the nlfdical prof mion. , . L 41 as It two bad re- inqtitost. :111(i the evidelieto he wo,1141 average life ;Uf.a! traiji Wall ?,, Itail- "ImpmInably. They glapl). %-on,t (tip Su re you It the loolor %rt -tell %% #.' velved st,)me tile mlial'I'w1ur"It re titst-iw_ terrible nitisn'tal tok1w fillive to give." WILY revordas digpej the . -ijit!a . that 6talice Wax in to [U4111011 the* etrunk-_ hilleA*W, fildi eutl0n, palpitatijoll alld if -you e tillelill any , b aw, tilt" averoge eor- III1lxPv(-r ;t Jill 11(4 nuitter. thotigilt I— '111th Rw vestahl, by filer Willi) WIP4 blood wilell, to wake them 0fit, inwil uk) 011 "ll 1114 fit( 'm Afl4i - .3t"toll lookpif at 11110, for life' .11 trallimall 14,111- 40, terin thli�ljl tj Em get -SWTTPS %voll't, irlow 11im i'vo Ilizide the effort Ili -N olif MOIllelit-K Vvith dilated evi r"Pondl Importailoo, a'y ItheN.ow grow wtoitkor from wtily tA) day. tor ttill. 111 0 wirrati,se'arWt hol-ytoliti his At I'll-st fie hilooke, ror'f t1vely engaged in t.he t4ilway m -r- Orleaulig 4frimew I'lant "rebtl0fl. - Time sjVurIj All df ul;, tir it Ill 14 140 '.1111111or DenturriLt'. (70111,111)(Pulld Is it pre- y usatter tr�.ttt�oll at] vice W atiltislit 1� W WIIII Me (it (Pit, seven yearm. oI,(, of the UV S410TT & tiloilgllt, and t priwipal uot� `0 Witt' a 12 -year-old qu4illt- C, tful wehid jol,111014411. , , I)IJV #Llj ( roads entering [AilkliNvillli. aufx,- or flers, w 41#4 Nor yeliew.0 In .1 lip hlAtittistler. "Pill IS llftturw�'s true nerve. tim- 6, C- 0;, Oise tol, .1 i.It1*0,J '11,14'r lit In drea(l Karing -before. if so 'ouls I 1114*licifio for old on for tholl"all 9111,141-Ythu vol"11141 get shot.k- flow lest the- 'nit" . vhol�,lilol Well 1% hole horror once a fain. �014* "Ilijo 1114(l tvuw to W'raiikc-d to grasp th, Vt 'xily r44�61jti 30" I'll".111-111PY fter. :oil :I tit Nw- Ull(l fl(*ill builder - It kwim tile Too And - di' Jt y- 011 014tt the li-IL of ratlic A COLD IN or4t., T rnssii' fri). ii.y t4l I'll r A KLMAICKABLE [JAN could work duriii few llayh; lutc.r whoij day, r4 uini roolly ettolligil. '(;oIjlX brokeir vortim, 19 tlu' fait- thr*4. earm there 114�9 _ to 14x4tive 11ro"10 that voll Wolil't lle� 141wit I'll lily kill"11-8 With .14110011ge *;ITAI ; lli It#- %ay-a.t tile 'Were Only Awo, IIUNU-s tho orgitus or tliggstioli, (IrtilrXist,, re Use sok) 1 14 1 Illet ., tfjc (jI. All At 64PPA"s - I w"'011 1`0111141 that there was a that It wam siliciiie ?­ till- 1XI t r(-4IljIrktXI Wat"r t.0 Liverpool. qevsilty 1):1sit) Injurt4l. of. ll-yaAr-ulsll silo lid oolxi tilt. jLpIx.tiW .V t 4,1 ., s ll ortilive III tile tn. - the right vltt. liro.ttisuil, looking 'brakeluell, t1ill.stt twqj,. [if !I.kt. ths-'r, This had bled fret-li- but it ll:ltl iL:%.aw,jl* i s�pt msi� you at tim Ijarty at -1 Away. 9 th, a start from his :Muvingti, 111) wen' fno�lght Omit I tic! tors, we Airs. worlol mp julekly n-erultm tfif. mtn.11gtij N66deld a Diagril,03. ell nil tile time of lltel4fell -ill L 1114.- you It �illlil 4.4pluar (11K iIOU W fig tofwrgis-�.4 4.4 men and wx J_4,rd'LytW, wl,4.lj %-jee,�y of India Ulf' World 14ff fill-igi Ill, th-'It the bullet tile effeet of 116 w to act ill ords oil fls -hnil 9611P Vxamitied next to companiou hp - te -.41 Wit be color, b1ii1d, for was tjjj�re w"" womtted tilfie day it in or miyu thi. I nee a liva y i,. in that i's Janies 111111c, or encel 1pjXjWJI that, inexP,orl-. load a %er Ilitts, gillle.­ lady Is next to the 111L% ut, � It might lot i-ry ('4011ilmniful Itad a(kw ma fifill Its od mfly long snontoulli-t wlis. in* -lie ly li%'ing 110 yf4irs toy tlli� livis" of "III 1w W11" w4a Bire h. and whiK!ll tie tot) 4)1)1e W'U,),, tiloustwil A."ry gockl get InJured. 111111t the rtw,4jrdm tht's Nllt- UP -day thouwarlilm sing 'lot OVOr ilit&III -tit. p till III the livail. N' L40 I%klfli)IY watler to, A iNk't ry. rit, - , Mik) 4k !olook kle ll'i I 411mig4t ttf't w -4ret, mo.1111A :1 litth wald to 1114 ult. elty of ly llig, CRAITERL 4X11V. difforently #A corre1xillitklont of- lto joraiw" 4of kerploolpl, oo)up- 7o Ijljk,, t 114,111: -tile Wipliliprful jup,jitsllit.. Excellellicy tisoll Railroad tilt, ".Why.. Clara." said tile Mo IiW.111-41 ft II.L,, Are yolij building this dain a gr%.,j.L pf' tjoi. 'i nil colitrit"Item t1wr of A it"444ell llll�ace 11141 fte-fluabited with ti tro-wh Bret im mysterious. It trig Midi, k4-4-10 f.l*4..fjrqjlIj flif. y or blit I when Wj%t- t1lat tillY Barron living llow.?,;, cried following L -i We f Itt little I threo. iears, v4 - 1.1 ff r t got flee Pst 14+InJ tilt- Itr, there wa4 ntor­ Strattoli t�jeitlij(ll of for a letWUI toll U tile; so Y. "Thank Heaven 11 t atellot-Y-64 going to kism papit good:., OW,fif lklif aso. ofllthill InJilml well nee6rifing to thil"r ternk by * I . . ilifiriiiiti % idth qf 120 allot a ru4jilijull, 414.lptll g tl�:kt'lle %V11,64 [its' of wrvlee: 0? lie will be, le it. wmk." Lyttorl. Itut as Afto w 'nor. for le fact.; unjim-r of trail 94 llc*w several Of thf!= Want Intimately I%as er changed His face had r-. PH"t like up ti..�w whilO fit FAMI-IIII)OPol In ' b 11141.11111, or"Is- -left Ilis lips 11's )Urf4l durhig, the first yt Waa th H011odStreet'n oil Trad". nummiry W164 Ktar" 'Ot reply, *lt�oz ijiluN dot jjj)W,jllt*,.rjq than I ca4vd to. .9 P'. i 14�11 allia I i g I I t ex I a r, .4 4 ()or(, ilitifnately t4liK trv-rjg-h it m1list's is( 4111114-IJAW ft t :1 M4011it-lit, p at Brettwons" to ft -It. nill"4 114, 14MZl if I tvi. u ftnpouow . 0 fl:Lr%-4WtjjI '-MY liffickh of ait" lillill. -%It I r %livoll to vuent. fo felt ru,. 1-1. 19 44* XIIIU-, Wedged t"KV, . I i is r the knowledge th fie Was r cc -lit. in P*-rvt(,,4- ,r V%:ijs cho k. 1.'%v;tl 't ft'Plilig lit arim 'lot a DIMAIIII1011, foorget tjjf� 1jinqim - I - llswerabW $or tile convittlg thrPoe, years, sler ill k4t, tf&4) f4li oulook u :L goKxl on#�- A4)rt- tit olit-th­r I -ditt deatir-that Ij Vice four year,. A 111MIlt'll T110 . minjo." rela ti vt% 1,11,11d et -Mi -lit njf)rth th, f e Ilad not slaili the Ikun- .9) 1* -r, cent. ill �UMM Toronto hjg)rW 66 liftm to -ilia t4,! ll)v_s6,jt ih-lailim Ica Lhe oji(� hand of tile jVt)jIjIII fie loved wrvke I10 Cami'llukli CA)ttoll And tlwy cut, f'"WItAllill Ijl(X*kS fitu-11 tow waq it 0and, 211.77 per pent. wimider if fll19% 11:11141. If it (10.4ri4f you work,,W w, ed 0:1 ppr coo-ilt - %VIIY don't. YOU lie awako ' roy. but.,, Itfill 114� anijelj grp-It 4*:ir,,, tlit. eight. which had crinih vioe six eailes if. Soule e0tt0ls -in unable to -fill fplt 'fit frt)m Wh:j:t 1 oil t e . o v e, I ln'rge him- d6wll, tiuddonly ro-Moved ; but, like III N'Pvl-00 -seven YPILM .3.90 -per t-elit'. 'I'Von ted ht-igfit f trie ('13111 fill i'lg 1f;1 fet, liar t flight her big th# 41icit- bC'Ing r flitippild'd by. efillpod tip kiqi tjIjj In- - (,ft t',,- litht-r oa Wilt cabje, the- v k* elgilt Y,,r rm, Vrother. !4m fit, sill -r 4 7 , tx-r inlportN fro, 1 (Its 'low." of .1114, chaniiel t,,) V:Wry off flo(pav Hil. if I I ltlell- 9c'kthilk9 fl.-Ish, Ito ruld tj I a I tilt, 1,14-k 4 tile I Aid- -Sad UP tility, I'shaw'!" tiaii -4iivornfulij. --it Od' bY 10W tntightet, 'American wheat Its, horror of Myra's position _0441ce III re. siprvice ninti;' earn. 4.1 -the :t Its- There was I no . hellishness in' per y thO p(Jobit. adol BiWil (lid surplits it, t4w fakol. fitivli-ilig thol. &he servi 'd hor husioll fill, If in frolit 4ki tfin &M, tt-0 "to. hills. :11N thoughts %viv-P CP tell 4 16 .1 Wouldn't miure, being 141,114*d front T010do aijd De- lad in"1111111ted her. ft"a t per cent, Tile. r(smilillinj 8 - pior . - t it "'lliell iii sAs toll. -(so- it It lit )r. edu rse. 411 'ry I t 11111le hrT., That nl:ll* % 0 . ; to, Montreal ror exjwrt tx)l()w of- lwrnilt ,w trw j, f P41,13 I still li elf, and-alie an twllt- In , 'the wrviee, ()v (or 101191101,111Y. *1 might Wake rN of Ontario gra4w. CUStonis rf.- AJoea and t IV this., wife--- tit., I to all t it fnesot 40an"fA be Curood fIrPrent the formatill"i 11sligilt to dt, .,tell - YeaM anti. In fluts, instantlem.: Y and, Witelt fur the gird- very Jurge :u4 t 441 :lt fiFSt. fibr-I wa anti c6n "OtVmm. The Inke foloritiol4l fly it 'if" two(.!L. W.) his mercy, unless Dretti n IS and 22. eam heavy ijjlpWt" t)f fort,1911 got result (jor fly local allol:licatioull, am t t 11' tI tooik 4,10110 Ills duty and halided I�iiu It will b(s, wlsion timit. t1w XW to :ul- not reatll till 1 liseanelli -port joij of the ensem nii sita 1111 N J A I �i N pwflerentlitl flutic". .9t. jofkn* toar. There bf 0111 tine wa trght Mpatf, *4trattfsfi. over t4) tile atithoritles.-p.ut -1190 0f Injuries 4stocurn-d aftor rtlx) tliat'im fly 4101114titul, I t t to, pArope dearliplis, W vure fille- hildrell In JaPall, W)ULt! pe (itijit-ter to flto-eirilthm ad a full#. FA-idt. ff'f'lillg for her. there- Plilove4w had beienin wrvive MX that otim Uujtt�.ij tiOnal ri-int lie ea :1 4)f Its: uld be thouglit tar f "It., -th - -,t , overivilelm- an'! tlj" figures givell wti4lid i ts I by of ne" IN eauso(I "I'd over 12,fj0!#,4KM got - f too tflo� "11',l likill'Zint WAt-JI "I'lle I, Ing tit littlt,- buys atid girls in ("ILI large fly all I 'IfIAMIF',111 e-Quditlinj of tlif. Tti- 4j.a(III4K f""" ttw r tion. wPatr at- 108'Own helpless 1)(Al- th."Is the I'Illpl4kV,fvw as a gpijeral rtile -thow. Itiost vol I Ig Of th -a fill L!ske touer tA, the diftributing 1 ri #--*-1 111) W t,114% tiff*� "I'luillY are. titly P1114"It" fruU tilt', Klondike Tube. Vill. 1 1-0 rareful Y dt4,rs mid raijijt.�, -rl ell, froju VW.torj el rew4r- I'll 11-41,11 acruto; film I ld it z kju_c*r hrevd tul tjIL4 haj, 1, 1 t I I` t U Im' gcatm inflalu"I 4tra ttf)li `t -wag UffiVielit for me; threw IIOL',Ilis litt ave'llied on tx calls which Ilave white fur aittl bldrk. "ade the coaNt whe 4111 jaillit . V t'ra n,L es, AlAvP tlik� liervice tkref- 4or four or' have it r"jjjlpljtjg H01,110 or nthe Vity. ifol 1yeara. and th I6111) IIJ treilirth ,f liko, tile: ol(I re. 44011W.- livire varetew 11 L Ve _no' h_qperleet all'i horrtir iissi not Je011ik trattoji.'a I lie' I liptil tibiwt thpir eightil year 4& pothi.' and a Lt at' interior 8 Plitirely of I lkipol. 41141 ft trr�xt t w he Rert. niotierate.1 eire4ulatall Cofillubl. 4 ro- ("Os"' lra'jzgi�o I ""O"llis 11111141 to filis friond, n t1w. figuren show. t1j. i. I - the result. alidu4- to, 42 Ill"ll"w III di. -Ill) -V�r. Tlw.r,. bV, t )k 4 t titey hr 4sagerly extplitlej t 11110mo 1114kr4i PaWful. .1104 tofilli-W, 4-tj with Cul�oiuud %arititi r4a well lstot!k- (.allitolla to , or I ant wec. k .rlsr- itito Illy fos',tfroo�u til -it wh1c11 0 11 porteol I i the iffiftlaniatioll �Jsot!q )I, 1"PrOVItig. Busill4vis out and tills tube rf%tored 10 its th,. lllw�. nt foqlf, 1#1114*. also I w -a ave all aquariti "all be taken I'llmher (of nwrvo)irs 4itj titlik" t It :t-, t.*kilkg illy. 16 Ill. -'and tilt WW hft.d worked o eti of f ish of thev wilat. %,olt:1 CIO. lj� it. de III silt 4 nd Vee ten.years itumberlixf. :t4, ag;iPt!it 17 the previotW mg ; , tfuk, gragpelif In hand. siWiltly lopX11 00Mparative pP!**ILt..Ige kiti(- fift--ring loint. jwsit, -it bi.,4 r�_et half twautiftil I as gulds, hiiii-er vvt*%kj L, Ill"the corn tift-troy"i to hearing will ipe and erim rever fill,#- (putof isto till. illifilites.. dullit' With %pjV4dijjg fliaN Wt-ek ar for who fj Workod Ml Wit hatl it@ I :111 4 P-retti -as fiii' ril round. as Ito Pfluged by eaturrh, wiliell jsos Oer s it' Sol I W. 14 Use 4� Its 9&Uze. and qtjie .37 1890, Ifluthing but :11, infla is,4 r"' 1(ji 4)ettk y a M Mftl eonditJoij 4or it;' little lth4-:u;y- oier of thilij,- ip 8(tuth 1,4,111!oll ujwt remarkable pet, flow- ik clear- tile -inueous surface. A POP(JLAR HOME WOJIK� two $hlj tbink.;in ArpitoP '6f al With' the Ifni IA. it, 1 vol". re aboll,kt-.1 .,It. juy "IN)ut t4l ri-tirp For tllj� llitth.. ,ill') Wfaely-901* , r. ial t iia lari U 94 Ror t went -of box.i _gq,k.ttydjd. An .110meo gregatea '14, carw with. 4ittonlitth. way or treating the M.Itter. 1* 1but re*,dily ru.1o,, t)ro [farationil for the "I thfilk yoll for a Xut U101341 Kliftl4l :in W" will iiaveAf timt 14-fw and air'bra":.-Ow, le art bawboo'cagc% tfw for any cste'of 1)(4afnes, .1 -In wroj:g. it is ;111 of -III 4mifoirtimate (if StrAttoll. with a faln't. *all rp( ' I tIIIY in Whi6la Wt*% but'10-6 per,eel t. Id _auneoll, 14i , traltimen built like 1. that palLI14 I ST4110 , - thati last y tm. U%rled toy Upon. III& lip.* "But fQr ypu I nitwt that, tinTuill tht. n frc%li ea r. -Oor& er4 or 'leaves daily. Brghtly vulorc4tl for 4 -ire -)P, me; *H,)W,. I wl-He lburrled Nick.d6charg.-d my v&I. ha�-iss golle th %h at least two-411irtiq 4 tu -YOU.: it po re- t witit III hebm 'hildren Uw- Catarrh ff- . e it i"J"' 'je tile Successfui Only When the ra vej *1 th free. n )'f the 'a4" I- bu tte'rf I ie' A D$LJCADLPD DISBASLP. mond Dyes are Used. t4-) look IMIt-k 111KO(i it L I-lir* fr knowledge always "'r W ts were, 41 are soluetillies kept I & TW"Io, nder- n my brain. u by men uttelliptillIC cag%_s. ill oII rn of 4.11oligh td '11' have spared . me that. I can In Japan 'tile: birlils do not Druggistu 7: -pt.' Inty. 1;4 es" (llIv-tllP Mall. for this, wheet---f-Y rt-tiriiig. a -%I.,. -@()Of' 1`011111 for fit#- without '0 cOuPle autOmAtic drawbacko with More People are Tortured by the P&ngd take flir t a t -timphe-minde Iwaking to think of t njilik and pill to,the show the leau't fear of ficuple. and but- I I imllY Pill@ INt., n% oil illy hands." t w fits- terflies will "Jiglit VOItintarily ou.chil Of Rheumatism Than by Any Other I Inan's ablooll :bei orkeleton dra bar. - 01bber acelde dreaW hands. Cause-Tbere is a Cure for it. est piciuoTilemt �%-.ls t1jr r.ry or, oowso " T lip liAt there I so Were cauN--d by u Pointed Para�raphb. tllou"U�b of 4PPY and thrift%- herh t,r allt!� fill. taking- t,)� 8 Ope for you y nevewdrawbar% wme lig- up witi, nip, whimpe"tj Itrettison . ehrnestly. In Ube lJotililljoll it, laillot it -ft -1j, vary Much 141 th rep (From the' 11,) al Uen er W h ere- helcil MARY AMI HEIWLITTLITLAMB. Xf r then*. "Jtwty (49niollisi -to (if srwr"Iftidlawl tio. y hiijon, j)f I ",Wcr A itia-li frequelitly (,UtA, Onat makii ork I)[ 11, 0 list( fly well "I"Or" i"JUrd b the pa -.t of 111toto Vis LStratton nournfu ly. t. .1fa Shother's life, 4, trembling 'Ie"t I. "In the Othet world9"' 9tPPPIIlK On W) leN or a link in IY know% the story of -Mary fill tour., I'A lily vram -flead, # jump-.. fifnillielf lit kel Iltojilular. 119 "Ball e4ilpa I r I Iour a Ing off tio, throw gwitelwA 'and' fier JittIL. janib, 6�jys Itilt! w ItryJjjg tiu outu,it tisem "011114"111MI11' rUg's 8, an I several York tliO � 1110hit Proslw-r- uxt course.. lou rk-ed Off. t-boAleto-N)vered t4jlw (4 Ittiul, hill' Wily, -mail, 'this I ng at vvem jC NL treat of �ha in Put every one .04J. -A a"d lif-st kiis_ell fit rmers I or t 111(� soft Of film fattier Itiq Otte,, being w,,, '%%*jj%d- I lj�jo. L - er, who 'tcml re- ljgt�,. I'd 4 ifeturne',j RIO A few Wi�,a vere in ary SaIvy' "n"' Lnx)d& TIliN i - ti) Nothing coloes t6 red ee ChIP Off tile Old b)Mk. Ir t1ist"im, of %he I w) Otte', as the unexpectetl.,, en iggfo In oupling hiaded wit'll* wh-h Writ tieur Wurceater, r. III&,ty "r t III; �� efi-al 66 Man brantly, took .1 g1dism Strattorl mil Nv.t 140ft 110flor a flak; tilt - 00k his 11011 ilizilig lie help' "What ! Doubting. In'the ace f all- r el the ficUL as - W screen- yo'if fri)in kjjbc-tP% e "I vs*-: r a bridgo iioli extieudinir heroilmi of tjie 'Pocin. owith -all :tlttatok tf '"I"i'tive he is oln tfw stjoj�Kt. f"'Pt "'-It tIw Ytloti: an aectimpiii.o. loefore tit t tjjw� entlo 6f -tiva' cars..This (]all- was a littl,� girl pill I Yt**.rar tied to brot gilt, I),, ij f 0 ttor k;IX fit Y )6.403- sprinkleif have tolol.yoll.just'I'tow ger will fi")R. bo IL t4ling of 11141 jjast' found nb leafly liffering. 11 the toortui*x of til t 11111oulap tXj thot. -III �Iie I llo� is,omfl 11,1f. I ? Why, man, it- IIf-%W7burn 14-1 10VC41. alld Sh fight" It ollt on this t Cdid layiielf that, the its, Inall pirit laitt Illy jjPjv"4 .111118tr idnep most 4)f,tIj0 d A, w" L'Orn t0 10111 and hop "I'lle 1;1,-1 an't thav hae come upon you - coujjxxllie,�s rpillfirso. with llull void-. he, tenderly te F in I ille. rlll,�r.A :A I) (I rk of Was %voirk log, for I It -lit to the lielper"s `me. I t#lja)j Bee two carK V' ger and t 'like a iiiir.irle. P be w3ed wljtsh0vPr ther 1..j. Hurmstl it back fisl ).J1e. IKP- vveak A- wouigul call #it, ton, -tit and Ixc.tate (10-. P turit 41 l41 Isip"i'lli W '%%7.tN Y UMWA to. her Xeittle charge. llif IjiN fr-i(nldh a, Ivau We dyqjng. crit -4 mtern!ly. Tho� lanib wM tier * constant, tlesjpajr*�d of rifsledle. Line 0. -r;.&,, t if. an orjr. and iake. to 11`111 two tIlP call, was lence eried Strattbn l,.**0r Ixeliv, rhantiel that tlli#j- lYra happy- et.- oil 14)119 timbt-r'to Imol loaded. votoe4fly 'tt, fit- Was 111tabliloo t4' a pencil tilp trjM1ll1*j got al"ut "Lek a *I ti -t -nit -lis. for tj - rt*#, Iy W, tilsip 1:431 tit. -It In floas Ond Illaytqae, a u4 was. t(j I or h11141%t fit e Cum-, his r I IP Bret- the a twell "cure4i IUb UtIking- mounit. children. 1�er of ilill I Ah for t I kn It fiou rs _.Nia ry IW fly kile UNP 4pf Dr. lMyra 111,IL-too Wile would dr(,v;..i -tier. lailibAdd j)IJlfV(Mj as'lier baby. 4 I of- a to give thlla ft' for w(m)], t ts) (11111100-4 owita lo W!"Jagus" I'ink ficeC-Pt lily tatoe ifiTaIL thRnk- Whiliso ever meet again. W Pills, urgx4f Jvoftsb� With tji#4r ojp h -ea O take -i4ble' ul.T'llEvItillill 41)1114 r. Dixog, colt) fe re! I t k x f fered t4l,46.11, 00i -jer elt mly'll, tile er brothe trial, wbk-'It or etittint 'eYell. I knew in prctie N1 r.' t; toi Parg" htw as follovt lout me asi4fe. it aflliku. carry fill,, e sa Itbank O#J. Y Pceition now; ver-'oVhs%1 General Pit tako the lamb -to whool Irrort cto U* thol- Dam witil It( 4106 frola tjj6 "'t-onmikilloll. 4 ani Once ljjOre_a%.zna Tho thought so (lelightll. Mr! PIX0,11. lik*ain tho use,illf tile oil faileti r:ig* jjji4j that all i"lirovem(Allt, %, frfw r' thO -New York Ceit-tra.1 Itailrixtd, r. -at, ftw mats Om tile grea t r ljorror of. U Jille, Pita than usual for- o licit'I. IlrCb%'io4jj. 0)%Vti w ky. fAlid"intlirferi-i4t Oat 'we bring tile- rted earlier ly Ilbs :1 Qui(-kvun% fOr Skbi fuels r was all, itell lne. Tjle man r0cove gre, I the Sell 4)etito lilt 411#1 brilliant felt' t1lat- llf-tlt�ssary : .111ti- for- f"Oln, IIIH wolund?", North Ameriltsait fit) 001 lioum rettelied there be oulpletli.ly 5(* 5. 11-141t. 1% itil tlW hallifillt hwplk�e British - .41 Pow olars. tlw f'rht 1411 (of returning W '644 not "Yen," said ]Brettl n . relations verl`44�tly ralit Will It t, I llil .111ti tilt. pa an 90114,flolooking t tj amb ullile�r- heir' wat, w jere it a Day. I Jill P.11 1). States, by j"j(Iijj* ..Jay g41r. Tlk�ij t&- pains vF, wjjl joe; 1) 1! rillf. "If- other- bell - - Ifre(luc%t fft4filig of.hun. 'Atrattoii euriougly. �an(l I!Uttil- WIX torttiring yukl. I r0hr I I insr -it . tly. tlIAKY nvu k appar- ""ref) froto 16hp IJR quite methmot) .four' 9 mmie conUmU.,stily. A Lt all tillip Wvs; stilt ealw oll kjI Allien 111114's turit cauw ['is StrOngth, gradually rf- bra ris Ill ir that,:. oWy in fAwym -4)f the for hL-r- -fliet o'd aNdIll ill 41vilig JJW el of ChIllngeAl.' equitlibkso' ba.&is (joll the up 911 to, excite the _e .1 Ilt.i turnillil and after using about ozen w4p. K bo, uji (Aderly Irish- rug 1111 niat nink- Nv.ts titjite recitations-thi..,, lalnb-,-ra;l t I -slit Iterest fit then t WG cxPuntiollem. The -re '111- 111810 fkfWr, fit r. Dixon wits as w1lo flail b,14M allitiM Wrrilplv lstaelo Y' rigilt, t4.11, Yo* IlavP well h _Cre-, I Z s I bo lie �v nil t Yf, li 0., lari ats ever tilt' 11"t4l. IAAZ I�Wut t titts it, areless front etieol Stratton eagerly. tY ill app�arance be' iltut til I *r twOPIt 09' Of tho wildla tho surpri at t lie dc4ir And liow dQ r. You fifid spell le nothing I -lit the Valutda, and thloy do p0t.jjIf&,r III, teache The 11jah, Advertint3r, r. air, silver- tilo U11 p. twft)ro- it. rs a I t(I delight '114% "at' beeu- T`Os- it replortoer of tile .11-ic 41% very Atiltes :111411 tho or. to tile Int4c took plam :air Brattimbn few Many holury your WILS lom-ki-,I ii Illy vljitllilj�r and It W'fts - put ilt had It6 doubt hW tOA:'Y, Iiddget Sure. Illudd.v k lut P, tIk4' helptr was"oll tile lw)x yeff, ? lwtl ollor face value. 1.0filtood on- the doorstep prevelit lWulth Your hollor, ehnnot inuille 'L1141, th'tt t 4� 4,111 SC6,41 stIort I'll't "i"t for Muryr: InigiltY bd. This litan-1 an rwle "Then you :61jav qmd rollowo iter home. 'Is (lue (�odt'rely U) t1w III*' of tx-ki W,j,)lr tilt It of Mally corporationN i-li y' 1W welithbor1l be the end ot me0, 'e 114[4 handed 11 a "IlL9 fill too c 11("I silleo film Y. friars' 1:riolic.. -Willh 5' lofjtk� I Jolin I,,0u'lbton lot Vy file ot a 'Isitor lt t1le sc v c, Y04' 11441 chcown— tt re y all a It 1sional IY Isol 110Ctod. t4UOt@. i'shlujil I V,, IIll. olle toy. oil' Over 'to the I'lliteoll *;Sates to mfllsia up 4*44,- chali wOmall before ery t j4 air tile I)jaz. V.0 tile 'Itiding-P Ht# re I imply ChAiltlil illinley, allif )fW,or- and tho Ic(I UP; WRrAI off . a owrp#.A ia aure. an. you ask ' I him to tilts, rfrurreri YOU to -if 'fillAls hillimelf' inst4nivell tiulqu. ce of hulyffig 0at nially tin" fill Is ine to go Me, that yOu leit ve to iellef-il, oll T0411`6W tho -lie K� -Lt thf-'Welit Of m t 11. stree.t earm ollor elevaw..I 11114 -ill 4W' Milk fills With yqu. do sIt was ' bilt Yonder a)n(I make lore- tiventy yeprs. live no 14acretary-Hefoe 1milmWit %villillgly till life �bunjen is r lie'tAmdoers 4-ary. -years aftler kv 11jence 4. is a jettelr 1.1i, a 01111tifiali ten-4;f-llt pieco tills Mary Witn. piarrieill to Columbus 1119 new bWmI unit "Vigoratiog -YOU want firma -as Porforujesi ij, hatf yon What it ilk W I" wauto W know %%,flat 14141 film tit; I. thf- IM -11, the All"! fill(W it thriwt I)af,k :it 'hial it -g. Tyler.' of 2nind. Folic a U tv keel) the I"loskr-wre lily f nipt say. -*),,­rePj fna k * lett Bre tile Wrves, 1put yt tilipiglit tj� ;all tilell List" 4 stiek to it s P0kXXI ffistival. y - 44)*14- I t ust gpt thi. daY for your tjyilljr 1810 at J;ht. 1, lit ill calmi. 4. . -it to tl"- lamb. was, orti. en DO You kno%,. hir tame %4UPIN). 1 hall :Any the over to - t nt, The kulaw. Writ ough to Put 111) ilk 1](JoXem. t fie r The. t Ical againt ,;hear wrapper aropild ul,e YourEelf or tf )Pafv the latialu. ')a rx stoe"198 of '1110 Wool, and I%e applit-ation of i The Ate thoriti ill' N showil ary's m(Alif-r knit 1ler two full trade taftrk heup Imt ir I-0:1 it tllt- gror-a 4 he %vs fit 144L till, ladies Or Ills brCkw. t droilis 14 sWet.it froqj t*.'PTI Ill evelY'Paper"'of W tut, e oilfing-ti 0 An Imaginary, loi-na stil ry M 6;- Ty -r kt,pt. Dr tlmk ballet you %ill ko-o-1) I , Vj( Pink ]-ills for I'ale' I00tille." ho not P-1 In care- w hi' Ner% ifte-nerve, lw"1111Y filld Ont I0TW*A of Isfoll-M f ro In-, I lifW appotrates us-ITom our ('allittliall thom!-.64ockiligg until X,, porsu rt ill tbe I r 11ret . tisoll im . -ighho yll-firg Old. When tIlL. --old adeoll to 'take alty tkf tilt. n,,m Ulkt`l1uVh&I ftAr itiColitli-4. *4 ('11 Po"Pftell' such juar. y rPadillg bir the rX. and.in Powers ovr ail, herve *"1111- Ith 'Cliureh."'ot 13418ton. sas rals- rt%l inlitatiol,s filis provttj 4' ol -b den lilig 'a Us Ull. r0lih pink 4610 girl Ila' t p( adill)n -mollev, by fig money Mgt, In kIlw lliwerupuloug dealers say 41 re rus-ly. , t von,d Atcx! k I dgq rarel6d. a pair'qf the "'Just tlw-- for leuralgill. I Strattoll gated a anf arn. on k)t1lot 11114'act" Oil the liervets,wisoth,., tlif.ul, that ItIllil'st 111k4i -thv� cOMPOIRiOn rroia time to, tjMc*. �ut I "I tifw 44 this 114tt" to a remarkable uLtecess jr, ;urply iha ll tills itillot end Ait isinfore- enough 9 wound tilo - y A FORTUNE IN III P TAMPS. him sk*jj event Might result' it, tli' The 46141 Inh jt�htr it hf 1phr. berabw small ear& tto all thou w difficult t4j, IlPfill which t4io rflct t,10 Dr. pain out, alld *arelieoli, and, As-holill-i WrOto her (,tj,.4 11roe-kville, Try it line] be rAwm beilig opcned ital s 0411 bra fit, and I ka i4l 6r 1AP 0114kiavor W alltogiraPh. and, ill variL4. the I.IK)K were convine4ed. I lIJ4 htolywif 4.1mes 1). Harroll. ObIl"It It. ' It wotifd_.ht� thf- -w)ld for-' upWart will Xb, M:)ilefi. [NJ you ZIA, Lim t L I probability. tile llj.igIq talce -P fit ri, . Ate", w -h -lip r i o 0. r.,; ptwt Ika Ot'it 01,I) thIlW In died In Deceintmr, )oXes for l9ditorial 1-aill"d fill correN 1 revene anti prove our t*tr, world, vI -the world. wp.,ii or (-to I I ts "i"'d 'that 4jight t o' tile TYI( tryo-r- you. he esejapeil fro 1011 makine. t4; or gir, naturalist. know 11(jw. 111:111, gig betwfliell tilt It Don'ts. beto two, so. Voll -are to Wily Nil tile c0ftvlct prWil t-fi I I I ish 4 wo likely to gave that up, then, like tilt. I -Pt lije k#io w rtur bring film t 0ounti-leo -a- 'Plearin, PLANTS F4110 Um so YVarpi 1847 rest, l"9 tilt. life? For g Jchn HOPel'sPocuMar Will. IW tw #Iilljahlg�. Pr W -TH 1-3 R TUIRMT. in litter kwp�jjr, tm_g:Ilj t(l 01*0 worst -or sake, let Itim � . . 0 , 4 3 'Wortuett with houspg. 11 hTfw Howie. of Lords tja.�i just lk"I't forget that it -8 CA find&, 'U un- cripit, liter. roul faettli the lik� ilitel4iollN.. Vell 01W 'Kfateft %0V& ex In a curlotm deelfill6ti witit rmpect to a Bru=wIeV%bRrItivjj sit I,. tt " , to writoe tRilboth, sides of the paper. I ults dol>or .1gaill. 41rew I s life to fit wh Wit 44 feet preUed y- plants. er it It jr during Ia rg,6 "Impos,mible, !". tkil- fell -thf--hankm eo Rest w# and that. j in ot Will 'take itolvanta "Th gf% -*Itfir)tlt. more thall 4 dry fileiLOW1, it ibuicket of .1laritable IX!q1_lP8t- Fire year :tl1d editors admire elconom Prtnft Ehwar�l lgj&ad .11f WaA Still. Voil allot knoji t4oll. exeharl - Caqq�dlan 'In011ey jillf .1 Placed. near a -growing pulbpkill ore. 'ift.all firpbill"Aitir, Valirfierer ?11 his fre trif ling cc". Of ;�a ter he, 11910 'Mr. John Hope, a Y. T(w (,jLNaql& 12 Pence Black I will gitill I -ep. niall is aAllyrfil"N.,P(�Sitiollilnust money'. rin the a r well-known I)Olt't fail too ubmit a list of fifty f '-*()() ft or IAl`0k LIP your old Jeftprosited bc.irtfiriig, sick Wlkp Nia come- hivikoillf $uvh a (!I;:, a Moldit vine - (titiz(4' of Edinburgh, died. leaji-Ing alternative titles 9 course of ` rc. w, O*ript- They will for Yur eorregponj wit,, if 11 to ke it, oh!feilee tj bj.,4 owa w 1*0119, 'Air. I dthe; vfne Will tur $ -(*)0 "tO be devoted to adraliing 1-4 fitt or cRAdi purchaser. Alill iu disgust, I htcoofoe yu You flit ve lion my mpulsive tafik., p 'sa"l vabilly, Kettilig out all purchaileA And the wum and get at Of- total abstinence, and and keop him out of MiW1 "Ici vert n wild * f f6W I ts tile caum P10 ilse tilt ti-siached the 10**41M'Mod1tlfw ie -',or itN diaw.mill I lief. allf) jj;j_jf rlli �d his �41irjt At fig knowled ves swater. of the thamt hav- ster .:tn,l. -f)ptw sell tile twtjo- ftntl all drtiele wi Isead and shoulders fro.it now ic-41ge. "of W fill t Ila t- r i4 -N.' allti-Wfliptural.naturc, angeellaraeter C. A. NEEDHAM. floor. Ktrjittoll,. Piwfi- P-th"(I'mtoot 'ptch Where Is the4l"Ancier w1j4?�,%vjII f lash of ilig aw, it I t full kew it lightnMg. ti.41 W.k klas -his frienti the ftY rft'v ea rs,, an U14" sniff felent'-filtiproxt in thig 10EASING &N7triqev and practiom of tile bright julti attpac I fiebsore 1) ilia. Od Ko ool, :,. I PA ad h1cony of h, OM111 Cathali(! Church. tive. t inay tr a" KWn street eahl. hILMILton. jpnt thb diffieu ty eallse wil pirit -it Wi Tho rela- eilitoor's ey I be t" Pilt -it An A 'wielitist once pu& aut tiolm conteetN] sbut what by Iny efaotioll. I litli-rally "Itid said 11lTtti80n,, stir-f-filv, bear. ea 101holnit It to, the autho�ltitw W hyi M usle.-I! tk).x ll the Avill, on tile g-roll,11, tn Pies it r* (-he of that !Yol) 'ther I that the te IDY bedrOOM like a !runkeij man. tile litimulits ll(jw.,. tratt6n. groane(l. i0volld fu)t this W -'a- Puri (.4 t ho 1) . racti- tuatry hours a4vn, anti sipent gt-atOr belleveil that, FOR SALE 31141 droppedi lip(jR, nly lift t W, t, watellin I yf)" no 11-Plifig 1dr Die "And doret you se� yu'ar-e e4ttin e -rommimill4i r-'etontly bluebirds all- do to preach to,tj lily of jug had 11 d1ftc-t 00MIllaild from the lksIty th" th-al1krofflehis, of' my* 81101 ll anglitilth poilit'as lls ? the last pifte of Jimm4ritod. by', 1"nwi(lent Afi-Kinij. ther Mod: gatlwar* tab-9tintillee-and anti- 0 --ft- MOW farmilig lalld,, heart. tholigh It w.-js 1* M-1,11 ground--frolh y t;p aboul it. A: 10 -ry, and w 'is jolsom yipil ifo feelleig for one y. looking-giam, pc isiod folig our feet -lo aA ther4ofore Subject to I'lu Illneat e4almider Our. W�jpj It' -tting yotirself sit the. birds C.-jil Wjo th4j"'t hitillIcillationm and 'lot of sound mind. e Perfiwt. On ]a.(,. Ity. I jet Usiseinas, *u 'rlio !. 41 wttar other wor4ls &flat . I -'Hea- infirin, 4LI141 once In t6 a 8101191, of de"nd?­ -is Weekly. Astig. I in it Is WS0 tab 980 'W�, solid Loon 14kc' It)'. Al prit-io,& r&jLCjl,g fr0@11 004" Aly l000r 1.%41 llim Ittw)r tir iiflj is "Don't te IV.04. '. .. .1 verY attri­k!tI%b, Wflijlp as f0light through #.vry to in 1 mpt me, .,�otisrt up e P Per acn% Tht*t, lal"U art. (,low, l0 ad f-florts -t.( wall It COMbofnatioti- of box JuMA R'DS terprWng tit -wk. fro�mi tile jmisery ,4traitnn to U00418 of . Lords & -1 have '110"t fa%-Ovuble ler X 1. 1 your lot I flow w know Persons all"N I'"Ing-gla'ss Pleases tile I)inINr InOre -tleeilliett by It nNfJorlty that t�� Dear L41 1AM be oold on k ctC, re, reat tititl 1,13, 19 IL'Y.. 1110j,". ",e,41 j4LY A0 ForgiVe and flow glatfl ILIUM ftliy.tfllllg Lilm (Xmd, "PUA 4141%, testator was ill-Ranto, and upset tilp MINARD's LINIVENC 'I'm llist mr J. W. Curfloa. witittenjam Mic or :in& not %visa 'wo"141 lull ill with your [dens, Y Endm t4i for &agreed b I. aera ndwn, �Or� .1 IiA r4, uspmeflt. IN florsie of they.'are You Must 4n*". B. lias Witt, fvurexi will. Lard Davey. howeve live bottles. 9 t110011191' slich a Olaf! to prop(*,wt 'tilpm fie sald t A ttwta- III Injuriw$ and It THF,. Ljf�jVj,F Palatial Jn-:jn-, BROWN %4 l0luent erimiat joakage In Ili" 4 t4j'" belW thAt fie lind a dir#4't COM- It blimtered th hr fITS PER-MANKN7LI, (,L1oItW r Is "Perhaps so o I IL come but�' In it Gr4ft Roe said Brb H from 'Brb twon. �Ilgllligo III info- A.'littie.-browil t*j! malld from tll0 DOAY'60 promote was no ring.holle itti ut thil.. w1l,"Ahe (Illiet think I '111U.4 IN- :'I. lit le Want Prutry tirk. im tljf a aw w t hem) cobjee tw month there NO 1111ts tw viervoij,,ii slottes. Tifere - illy do ii in 0 JAMP11411101110. 19*111 sitting tio-re tvith.-IkLs drink that. q:4) lot ilidulge My �bjoy :eity. X111111H fit L)lut thb'_ground "llight be all Insane 11 Uw 8ftd tu 931 Aft -h t Ing, flow. BI delphi 1, a -the table. hi% flit.f. thill9s, k . Wr b,. -r j 4161 uskmi. bij t If t was it as ne DANIEL MuRCHIMOri a. up"ift tine! freest . woro, ath faint, and it, 'low ; but I think of yourself. I't yra knows tha is bum ffl)'llg 80-Alunf fie. 1ward -.not hlat had beal milarjo joy III: N. B. cmr k'n Ia. sale by = botulip- h 111,116-1 follf of hiorrot aittl tlix- Illy 70 Natm Darm sWea is ll:tr-I work to (.of- thim mail is Ntill liv,ilig she Y flis grigh- a, iiiI.Pillid of the IL voice .80'. ee t stilose a II`OW` thO illtoll-ftilt Ill W4 old thousrh". vee you again." will neveil- 1, Ills 6mika g'!`Oatelfilt benefit-vtora of tll(. vorld. whicil afrier,41*4 'Autement retarited. jiliff IKAured *jua (I witil tile shrill, Out. two*fil,tle gla&4" ot ."Never," I�r ! A Kilfrniticent Irish t I ke., con te 14iba t wi Stratton firm Iftert"'IfV41 knowleilge Sul 1. One -Stratton,, w 11 U41- temples Ot my. conduct on that day, ajl(I li 0 mull. a-nd lins,ben h" its Owner tranmfer* jillmsplf frinll Holder ror plat, Ljoll was ctiming at Inat T of' to- lay. I le IW sleepily. saitf, -oil, 'ba T110 "Irish Mill" "till survivem, evi-11 wittchftf film eagefly: -The ftts cof the Wil iecanter, and fie will get to know tile rea W flow 'it Ifoll"oblo old -tiiits-r, tijp. flaof and � wilcoe � Itdnif shall he forgives, for ll:iylIljr tjie no all cormilbondenbe Glass. (-ynical. ifilliffArent In. %v# -throbbing, obllgf�j tAp:. (Ipeli W tr#!Ujjjlo_lI it, a pa Va ri that" I Iminediato V tho Dublin to tilts, jAindoll Law fake! be I I f u3A I PA11111111od away. as 1w contillupor: I way 1�jjjuwed, I did. She will k or-, said the row it. -0h.; COUrU. Mr- Curwpll, (4. C., W gl tran#- ek to thiA %#-ry eetil. johnnie, , jtjjnp Idrtwmilig lit -sorted morts, # a new ha 1-halri -give me., Tha now Oil this nnd. f _,adi ly by :4t.ratt,Orn. tromblii N f ) w L t Is my rewarrh .I - Of 31ark TWafjt*Wrj" You'ro fit t UrY thO Other tiny, Silt ng alf-I -igitau!4I an , 9. It 'feeh, te- 1 to#' mm tinw., for Wwoet men,' t I I d 11011. holdor, �Wjljcjl I 4V I hall no-, er been 'tjef(;ro-. to- mto6p buttopm 10 char" agails-A AJA jutood of a Y. t ':& in' ill You-* I accept MY Position. jam� .410 gt NMI to 1y6o 6ut f (k4it that 4- have up� in my chell to W . flarron 'must'be given up.,, 81-n!o 0110Y mares' nests, wiliell JbIlell, pro% d0d Ith a liantile oyou Lem, You a rp engage- mushit ve lair of hooks, ittid MIMI with a ,kiwi' it anof tio-ri gop, 1,111011 one., lily tell de-termine4l j1poll (Villill rX I thilit ?' In, Auntralia. kijo%v to their birth, aulf are comptW, tion kno* thoo-rp-ther*_ oil tise rijV. fOt InY mind is� Yen. 1t wail my- (ilec.1sioll tj nt .61" 1 havo no which coUtractw as lljo!�Ail was. Joist ti -ore. bOY, aild loin face thrmigil, wit;l floubts no Iset 10� a 4Aa- W116 g(*w about iob- julno found to 1111TO had nelther origin -nor cools. tilt) flojkjk�ris being prp.,,,wd iWa It morning before 'the struggle. It , f UP' J11fil) IIP- -11141 fXINW1mV-P' This ould be i fist 'J"Ift On 14111"' Hide. 80 tha.t the Was right ill keeping- the only 6ourso for ail Will 10ilig t1jo 'Imblic oir the 9TOW hard to tjl0 glavj willip tile conlIx pro- yoll. ill Vd. all 110 lid not man. Wha' flonbra ble Ittt4 lie im fri d"hot.o, 11)" tit the %,ile secoundrel 6"1 out. I 9P" It was right then MUH 'fat, Ovel, aMklons�r tile biggest of 141f. an(I rotailling Lion, Is 1101L, Antiseptic doubly right Ilow. it t bP� Priam IMAinitrek'x.. br, So Johlull a oke, -pual out A twot which never otf. tlw4r uloried b-pokett IlP(Pn-JStr:ttt(jsfI,j4 *Otlr Myra -to tho. flatto�kr bed bei. ('10-arl,y cut'. agilli"t the� but;kgrfmnot tie ., or W all : if but whieh hati flee f lark chneolato Ing q%tilliate- the of, tram, Would bid me Fi, S were here,. sho pruce green t- aged fae*-� With If ol PH -let 418� Jutthroliolt gist ()tto, ruL It is tn UP its lArth tuld found to antj , mmpunction. ty I�PrOJP`004e,, eve" it It broke her �imm()", wit yiqkvw origin (%lould"not I** tfljlt of f1rettiwiln'm mannor was flow nxl,.i jill hav Cum Dandraff. eel. film wor@W low unit lit bead -i M fis4. jorotwibly 00 h0ftv"t know'n to.a a 111:11,4. ------ wt f act,&I for the 1*8t,. n- WaIlle bilt of a boill o *t Fibreware aly boy", tic- him 4D, heippy 63- we tile f tho lArgr Rize. PT0vfhJ` e0nt^gioua;;.7for acted for tlie "Even It It broke, hier' heart,"' said e0militatioll wit,, or on. in sunlight 13"ch" and Mr Tinibse-jug Ill 8j.ot)0,,. se'enc0- Her -r A m litw partal. anti 1* le&nftl I ftl*,b I t sl�; bt t I Brettison, ' though tfUlly. ",I'm Ofewor Sehafor, H0 bowed ti6l,W "n, u ard's Ijave I Linime4t Rastu Nounigill, At ullulbtlLal. the Ilar7 able. bee a, I I afraid Y rogiolls, *Xrolv the speaker. ' * tiffs "eulptor.- coneludeli f tn�id I wall. still 1"y zelt 4110 (Iet!PIY Goonler than leC.1 J rm the, mpa- tho experiment flail; minuUm I t4julst' itl) no . At Hueh 4L. time a itian her break her heart -suf*1110111N taken for were riot I been tried ot. 4"xil., 11HI, I Brp loop Cahnot be evol-blollslIk!d, and act at, fie "Brettiwn !11 "Chilifer'n bumt _Polovio�z Defitillionp. '119 b00ch and fir Wftead of Ane for Ulson. *,.% - - I Stratton; tan I fl-foin I I cri; I that tho brain of tJI0 old stativin hild- G*ZdML f (o r miA( Pack I I &ran&. ;�74 tvlomili , af ter ionger thoulglit.,! -1, Wiligh,141' 1,867 Tftftli�-The f0rio timbering fit it`oPm- 110th kinds is[ = to 110-41 nw-that I flail lic. saw .4t, ratton'mL hands MYold,fripnd to become lily tempter gramaleg, nd eolp� NOT, PROVIW. iturl. III t . he Illituall Wool] vvero found to amwer admira- trif I" had Tl,-", Ia 1lo ithe door I ra i -sed now at allothbr crisis ill my life ? j y PxM.e(W III _weig4lt that ( Palls of from a any known gpflills. A Patient In an liwane, asylum, jilljlg Uarc—Dyspeptj4-m %.IKj are e -But you do n blY wi0n) thel rock 12 Ib@ w*n tipen beforik "The olctor- 0 mean it. you are r's, OLU41 beerfill f*wure was not �'4111LCKY kaW jjutjwp, do IIJSL eame. saw the 1patie' . wmgi*xl 18m IWAIII Ineol hiniwit dead. Nothing j�ouljj. ( - good natured. tool) groat. Ab tl)Oy RrO colLsiderably two I&a L. 4.irWrl. anti that I )w.,In an,, m nt trying me. Come, I havle jri ete., n with the terrible U rexandnati(,pa carefully, bemi tried I.W7, gr&mn"3% Byrott-m tbLql delusion out, of tile m 're- Evellt-An Orignary vIrejlm9t:tjlce 014"Jilillto hOe-moilly 4&rffTt_ lirld ali lidprillitlip ko. 41WO-4-i 6114- tirm, ent1ing, by. Vplyjng p 'enough- You seem o bave given me 6.50" Schillers I 6:jo, brain. that V me. III C mysp roper bandagen a new levixe of- life awl Ow day the Phydelan r4ftly happelm by tl"r uw in r-Oluddra,ble. It again, tG.the vound. lay jwr- Let lls flare Ito 1#420. Tito average had a happy War-4hip—A meell ilicill el-Im ugc.(, -.1 th the oohoulder more trifling with duty; we welght of the bralm 0( Aq intp . thought, and said to him: a Tl*,y thpro. it ha ve 'llige - r0d" ('Orrodon and and wrisible, only utterii g a low both muffered e 14 Did you I ever Me a dicad mail Tb Problithilitiells l*Fk3-, llli�l 1ruard 'Lb@4r cofijn%, 'uropean 1V` Only 1,8W gillaminem. bleed lo T(Iligue--An ilistrilljttllt tllt e. Ca" ntinigh. Tell me, where It, Knit nufacturing history. P fram lip (-j)IlLfij0IflfttI(1II fit pot 1`1 . ,:,;,any now and then, fix. ff lw feit pain 18 this man?" all Ar t Ullit Your temper ate Oeep. 120t be verif fell "NO," he relAW. lindo infiPre good t,ii.,141 illilldi, (.111, an Joy w 6`11110 hf' twlbioi -r-1 jin ,ed aill Calmly. as if or&rs. you ever hoar of (tend man Mill%rd Kka thig walki, PlImPitw and priest I k JhA stifled Is when touc!ml ottool-rivissie. Im lay quite Brettison was silent f0jr ju few o Herr AmmoR"8 111-1lief eari YOU will (on owing to Iffifflearek" mentis, and then looked up quietly. In real th- cjtiwlw t bleedin 91, once earnZ TM [left No I Anil -am the doctor buled lilmself" "I will tell you soon. First of all, Blectric Phosphorn ' - 66 F - . I Liniment for g&je #WMWhM that more corn Is re- 1 IF4 fe #ovk1wti.#* riona toan fie a4leff 'no questions; but, am it h#x us Proedw& No. L Tou are Judging too T POrmitted moved' IUtuam-8 Painlem C -,o, 15MIllebollse aed Agreftelea Phosphorous being sue 'am 'Ztraotor never faiiii, givesno FAIR %Ve I, if YOU Will perm1b Me, I will and will relieve y of,l1of t letInh. T INw- were Influenceld. by ray tbougli ts ,Lm f ,No; I am ho electric furruwe Ilalj ;Mini A Deadly Appetitp. tf ive him a g�trbled ee.,i [jut dumf In diff if You bleed or not.- hours. otvto putni Ou In tv"Iftnty- our t "Under cer circumstan Ct-mftfullY - pro- try all experiment with you, and see Workmen who manufacture eYanitift Im'd Corn Ext losttoxl by film. watching lijill and wait IsILYIng what Is rlicht. to Viricinia, a) 9 taln t.90 e n WaYS- One method ritetor (I ie YOU (10 not know all, ye coni a trift 1, ZZ7 In W. rsion of tile Incitlent, he at is What! Have' oil kept sts in hea I a mixture of phol, The, gat"& gave hIN (.0j"ntos the doe of Pot"'um MrO Constantly haunuslod find be happy. xAk the very view ax I wjmjj*q4I Y something Phate, Of limo a coke, the two Ingro- tor w _ and torwnted by a strong desire to A8k rour Dealerfor I Ted out 111 walpel and drew its Logaitzed ()ou,jfej*jq%jt.ln, VC Yo,ar. he I&, back ? - hoOn in Filgift'll. Xi v It to him 'by worfis. Yes. diont-9 being finOly Powdered. Oil the a little Clood. Oat O'll t110 fift Ikftl In-oduct. In one of rious coilla aro kVally ma(ft, caw, 41r,' fie slti ,,tt last. Mass becoming pasty t1le, 0 64 There." maid he, Ifte-t0ri(w In the North til Spu n "Firmt,. tf�fl nlfs� where Is thiN Penings of bi #'You doe that, you 'tht" "t wok Uen have ree of China. They are uged to isn 11 -, a n C, w Sh Have Spoken I ,jon a f i , thaA ou at qe u1b tlu lio more flow. The buliet tb0 furnace are Bealed, except ced BOECK fie han been In your on thast proy(w that yf)ll am lot witttv, rulcl 80 far com- ,ply Imbedded. Charge ever through wiliell 0 dead." tile Awn'tOW606 I "vill wince hIN recovery." the vapor pw*" d' 111 t1li8 awful Manner. off"ItS Of tho (lead, ILnd the suliersti- ibk 910 probing for it. is i "Not at all,- tll#. pat4ollt - )Vill visit Ripley every, From the wound ? Yea.91 Is then collected and distille( rep1w, dithux , Irwtantly Elephants t1"I1 Prevails that tlwv 8RUSHES AND BROOM(9 L I t rhor"'lli, III t1w LWual way. OftIY_ provew that (lead yen ra 80WIVAIM(N live to Inj hapPY. well Cali bleed. -,nd-BI 01 (1 - I t ta ken 54) Yell M for JQr ftle by &U Ladislig aseetis to nxicil maturity. t1wou Ifinam's ulalment Cures Bwms, a Bonn. i"bufteturItoolll 'WaAm" ONT. 71 k V Ir I 0 M