Lucknow Sentinel, 1898-06-24, Page 2Brooms Baskets Brushes Biscuit Coffee • Confectioner* Canned Goods CocoaI Chocolate Corn, canned Corn meal Currants Cujlrrie Powder Crum Tarter Cocoanut Imo• 1 was claimed that Rittinger had ►? iven to ' • =r in coming Clown- the h l in or . . vreve►tt. another team 'tom getting past him. This other t'.,ain was art., n t•y th1+ Stee'e boys. 'tits draw iolt of tire sleigh was pro- • Bused yon 1 111'te id or 1,,•i:'ig :►n' orcin ary tir:►_w bolt it to. be tht' king "'skit of a as :;t.�,: �lr. �ilav►, . ►uracil tor the plait►tttt t'f this fi tact -in pnwil►g 4 . fondant. ti:►t1 there,..1►, t 11 �1. }`1'"�►t'T . • bolt th a,.,11.3/4 1;,•t ►►it.t• e th►tot►�t tn.'. f 4 se-. ' s'tt .kt I l..t t H% t' sofas It►ntI th,, �tr.' t away. M r. t ► (1-0-t, u.t },tit fl ?► strong la,ht for the,, tit-fvntlt•tlt,. ,►rgu nlent being t't.►ticludt!.l itt•:) t►elt.ck , 1f 3i-ednesdap f tt t:nt+t►t►. , _ l l t'• . J utl �t► i reserved his deCi ion . A& Hf'i b L11-_ tisa Mand Jury hi., rt•turt.'st Forest, miter an extt'ndeti safe. A little child ,f qtr' J 11. r fell.fitini an apply *lee N.rt'k Wass riously hurt. Lion Sunday ; :hoo1- hold their .annual picnic in Mr J. 11. 1;ar'iner•s Lush. lwoltni"ti 1.►1y. The prosp.• ,ts 'or ail. ;t!►tin'1 tnt har- ,%•est are goad. Faril't•r!1 are t'he.erekl in their labors by the. pro spct ts' .The F,atrane.' old P. S. Leaving e‘ t n:►title:4 for this tlivi'iotl sill be held at t.il•t:ul and 't. Helen's, ct►t11. lut'(teiog (.!ti rut'att,►y, �' li'it:s' We are ha :ow, very • tl-t bicycle these ou •Ju;y '► It. If )• u .want ti) ;;o to t► sp ►rty town, ejs'tt .►n Cargill If *you d;►ut t►t•It.�i K t ir;o ►' ►�t ask M.Lean or MI••li•tit, • •Nir. Ali t Mr Mr1►.•vit. ►i Lu.kno� , p id 1 our isur:; a tivirl;; i t 1:t.. t \1-eti:><c.dday, 'iti i icer.. very Much surprised to sty' a, tl►tt'+• year ,k1 •c,zi►, cal;ed Wtn, ti , ,rep �z►'l,a:i in 1 1'►. 3Ir. M•:Lean "pure,, '-es .r.►1Jitt t•u us again, ,ss he thiak:i t:tis.colt .► We cordially i►t•-ite -any person a sa3 who wouhl i.tkt t'• -tt : thi�.��'hirl.ind • 11E1 FAST. - N1r. S. J. A. Boyd was its l►t►Ytit its • EATON DIDN'T GET IT ALL ani Varna on Saturaay. . The Orange. Brotherhood are going . t, celebrate the 12.:th of J uty in ' 11r. «'ill NIcerts,i_. ;s stili abroad tiotnalns- • slaveP urchased several complete and ,. c. Swan as jus t f late n of Mr. Dougat Camp" The Lucknow 8entinei, Bruce County cridey June 24th fC R. -HUCIIES, C1othiag Soots & hoo51 The bulk of our spring stock has arrived, which consist of ' the nobbiest and pest values ever presented to our custom- , 1 ers. BOOTS AND SHOES-' - l3elow is a few of our snaps Nato-Cobt Toe, sp �cial $1.35 Woman's i 1Ongola n, Self Tip, Woman's Dongola Button, Pat Tip, Coin Toe .. .. 1.50 1�'onitn's Dow,. -Button, -Self Tip, -Turn, worth $2.35 only 2.00 Woman's. Dongola Oxford, Pat Tip. Corel Toe.. Men's .Dongola Congress, Coin Toe, .Special Alen's Dongola Laced, Collage, Special.. Dongola Tan,Laced, Coin .Toe.. CLOTHING_ • Men's all - wool . tweed suite best of Farmer's satin linings, worth $10 for $9. • Men's "black Veuetiau coat and vest, bound, and best of linings, only $0. Men's all wool Canadian tweed suits, good linings and well mails, special at $4.75. Men's `Canadian tweed pants, made as well as the best, worth. $1.25, now selling for ti 1,00: • ROB sy Sole agent for Williams; side . laced plough shoes. •• • .• •. •, . .. 1.00 1 50 1.:)0 75 - Tha lib Lth Tim 611 z FOR Family Groceries & Canned Goods. FRUITS OF ALL K1NDs IN SEASON. FLOUR, FEED AND ALL KINDS OF SEEDS; . FINE 1LLS Ail ApeciJty. IHE LA RGEST STOCK, THE CHOICEST GOODS AND THE Wel* VA:ZA l.t* OBTAINABLE IN LUC.KNOW • Goods delivered to all parts of the town. taWS6.111). el; IOUlliggi OSt. enjoying his helultly s in Uncle _don - �I 1 t comp tilt' one cunt •u be11's. barn. • . Mfrs. \V. Eagan. nee Miss It. Mullin of Ottawa spent is low pleasant days visiting her friends here. 1• Those who attended the Band- Cott-, rt on Yonday night in aoderii► r port having r► good time. flay; whew., and fruit .411 make t•. - I lir showing and abundance of each • of these commodities is liktly to h.• the result. • LAN1UE OriTt . k .—The dark mantle of sorrow has been cast over our neigh- borhood by the -angel of death who , has taken from u, one of the most i romising young men of our day, in . the person of Alexander C. Datv,oti, D.D.S. late of l,.ladbrook, Iowa. Al. ' P ways quick, diligent, and iimbitious I to a wonderful degree evens when a boy, he mates rapid progress in school. After passing successfully the Primary Examination from the 1'tihlir. School.' • he spent one terns in t)s%en 'souti Collegiate Institute, at the. close of which he obtained his Second- Class Non professional cer.iticate in July 1 '9i?. The remaining •terra. of.the - year was spent in training in Kincar- dine inar - dine Model. from which he graduated as Public School Teachers. and hay. ing obtaine'.1 acce.i,tanc«-of his services is S.S. No.',; Kia:pss, ht• 1,egan his' duties there on .1e nu.r) ►th . 1"'►1. t 'proved a fa►::l►ful 'and efficient cher. ever having ti:'interests of his pupils and. rate payers at heart. He remained three and a half years in the section at the end of which time he left to study Dentistry. After a few months spent with Dr. Jerome in Wingham, he entered the Penns) 1. vania College of- Dt ntal Surgery. Philadelphia, in October 1F364.. lits hast two years were spent here,• and des:•ite a painful illness each term. he succeeded in passing creditably hip examinations. The remaining terra • was spent it the. Northwestern Uni- versity Den•4.1 School. Chicago. front which he graduated in 1M9 .. After leaving Chicago-- Le 'practiced for a time with a Dentist n Hannibal Mo. .He next move•I to •Lacle.le • in . the same state where he first set up in busi,uea' for himself. Here he estah- lisl,ed a very remunerate practice but owing to the fact: that it way a rualai - iai district, and likely to Prove fatal to his health, he w.;s forced to leave, so in March 1s1•0•4 he lo.a.e,1 in Glad brook, Iowa. His ,access heti, finan- cially was beyond expectation, awl the climate -was more agreeable to his . health but alas' the germs of disease La•taken such a firm hold on his ay _m that tnedlical ski}1 or change of ;imItte_ ptoved of no avail. Noth- ing (taunted but with energy and am- bition beyond all comprehension, he still kept.at his work until his medi- cal adviser •strove him from, it awl sent Lim home. Ile cc +. rkt,1 till /he last, then boarded the trait, and- I:ad gave him strength to ;;et hoiii•• to the, with those he loved aroiin't him. 11e• ►tr- hnlerrcd c flax) s. ev•!r lip forgotten by those who ivat,71,e•l .h pt, .,idle. Towardl.da morning h.s .+i!f t- ir►gi b••ean,.1.•'-'., • intense, at. t its i'. v.•;1 t.lsou;;ht ilii sr•irit was Win„ii►z it, ttight, ail were sanitrioti t to hi. ,idlo?•. He bi•I 4 la•4'goot1-t►y,, t•, each, ...A he was rea-l`; 'o go, b;,'.. -,orr y for tho'.! mourning friertlie ht left hCl►indi hint and exr4••ss...1:t•1esirP +.o beer forge: hymns s►,n►. ,` p4rtirularily men- tioning, Goof he wi 'e ycer till we rue,. again" He loraye•i ro his heavenly father to take him '-stat home, where Arrow• and pain -r,.►„ be no more. '!be victory was Kitt 11 ;a! e;::►11 a. ta. June '4th his - 4 ir,' ;-4 ld1 quietly 'row the verge of tirt►o t, • forever 1'•athe Lord. }tis er:d Wpb peace Newly was a )(,airy rnan of `'aleharacto•r. 1I•: first pub- Ned Christ a , his Saviour lat1t+lphia ;u• 1 "'►1, and •ore's to 1, al a eon. life. 11 s integrity. open heart.. d•►etss D. eskeasant town - veal affect► _ •, came in • of foo that rived home on M.ty ::1Tt1► ar► with us for the space, of, u:.l His Iasi night on earth will. r 3aity .jd, - extensive limes of the finest grape furniture of the Lucknow Central .Furniture Company's best manuf'ac- ture. Just think, our line comprises 50 -bed -room suites of the most modern 1 Voi1ii+mb0,Nes.avo. iii► • • •; u 11 � ••4;84,* 4; ii es wan www �.+►�►•:l*. www !►� JOHN - ELLIOTT. M. CORRIGAN'S Is the place to make your selections in CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, GROCERIES & PROV I SIONi I have in stock the following : ♦pples :Slacking Black Lead Blue Baking Powders 1 Barley, vot Bath Brick Beans 1 , AND �UP-TO-DATE DESIGNS- We are now selti-ng our regular $1000 suites for. Higher grade suites likewise at oche bargain prices. Furniture for your rooms and pictures for our walls go together. Our goods come from the hest manufacturers. We handle nothing else. I^TURE FRAMING Is a feattire ot our business. We can give life to your bare `calls. This is the season for house Y • (lecoration and adornment, . and LAWRENCE H NSTONE are well equipped_ for the sante. That Touches The Spot ll''°LE011'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR Weakafld Impure Blood Liver and Kidney Diseases, Female Complaints, etc. Ask Druggist or write dir do it with thy might` work,- nor device, nor the grave whither thou Moss is more keenly felt Dried Apple Extracts Fina Fiah, a►►net1 I'ish, serine Gelotiue Gingers Hopei Honey Ink- Indigo Licorice . I.inie Juice Lemons Lamps Lard Matches- Mince atches-Mince Meat Meal Macaroni Mjietard Meats, canned Magnesia • l'jututt•g 1 jOil. olive' Oil, sweet IOil , castor Oraugee 1Oat Meal Pails Peels Pipes Pickle Pearline Peas,csnned Peeper Raisins Rice Rice Floor Sago Salt Salmon Sardines. enna deeds Sugar Syrups Al - Flout' always on hand. « _ t to 3, M. maLood, 00p\ERIc11, Ont. Sold by Harry Days, Lucknow' or ti,er.e is no knowledge in goest." His than words could express We mourn, but not for •him removed from lain, Our loss we trust, is his eternal gain, With hina we'll - strive to win the Saviour's love, in the room over Mr. Wm. G. 1:3M /' 1/ T, CUSTOM TAILOR. Allin's Block People must Having opened out business And hope to join him with the bleu Connell's dry goods store, I am prepared to turn out in Above MARRIAGE pot-Gt As-CARRI(,'K.—Un Tune the the neatest manner and lat- 1',th at the residleuce of the bride's father, Mackay, Mr. est styles all sort ot work pert�.ining to a a tailor shop. Sati faction always guaranteed A call solicited. Soda Soaps Spices .starch Strawbe,Ties,canne Siilpherti Tapioca rou►atoes .canned Teas Tobaccoes Vern►icell Vinegars Washboards Washing Cryata Woodenware Whiting Dinner Sets Yeast Cakes [)inner Seta Tea Set K Water Setts ('ream Setts Berry Setts Toilet Betts Have GrocerieS. •••••• ---- HOW ARE YOU FIXED FOR' SCYTHES Have you one suitable for the summer's work e. \' c have the best SCYTHE SNATHS & BLADES on the market. You can get none better anywhere. It 1 ,, the best you should Have and this is the plaCe to get thee,,. C. TAYLOR'S - WCKNOW. The grebe, question is where to get theta. `- a keep the. hest qualities to be had. We don't pretend to sell diens below cost, but we do sell them at a very close margin. TEAS Black, Green and Japan are unequalled in quality and diprices. ad of You will save from 5 to 10 cents per pound if you buy t tea peddlers. Compare quality and prices. CROOKR-Y W`'e have a fine assortment cf dinner setts, tea, etts very cheap. Call, examine them and get prices. FLOTTR 8z ��EED constantly All kinds of flour and feed kept con - delivered to any part of the town. by Rev.George . Douglas, of Lucknow, to Isabel, second dan:;hter of Mr. Robert A. Carrick, of Ashfield,__ — - FARM FOR SALE BY TENDER FFER`( WILL BE RECEIVED FOR Othee�ppurchme of 1,t 1E►, on the 10thh con. of West Wawanossh, up till Monday, August 1it..1b:1'+. This farm contains 2110 acres of lanai ateut 150 acres cleared, and has been ►,noler pasture tor the last fifteen yew. For a e mi'se�;or farther particulars apply on the p td . THOS. B. SUMERVILLE, • ' - Belfast P. U.. Out. . NOTICE . (YrI4'N IS tlil':ItEBY GIVEN THAT jv the i.ncknd •w1:'YntrslA�nr"� Furniture Comp- any, (Limited-,) has. Iy pase4-d by the shareholder; of the said Comp- anyreselvedl to winos• lip the said companyf, sato the prd.coedI4 of the assets o the company an►••n:;4t the sharehololrr. aft.•r payment of the debtas of the company. The Co npany will act upon the ,said resolu- tion npnn the 20th 'lay d'(, September next. Alt creolitor'e' f the company are hereby re- quired to file their claifns ssaainet the comp.any forthwith, whether or not etch claims are now dee !rated at Luttirnnw this lith,- (lay of June, A. 1)., 14. WILLIAM CONNELL, Secretary. ''^"�'• Wood's Phosphodins, The (,wit English Remedy. 1•sold and recommended by all druggists to Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. Six knots guaranteed to care all forms o :seine V r•ak n't,a. all aAeets of atom or excess. )!ental Wnrry, Fzcegvl•d nM! of To- bacco. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package 11.612.0. I,ne will pleas*. s><,G util4 cure. Pamphlet+. ire•• to any address. Tho Wood Cemwy. Wiudsoe, Out. -:(1(1 in Lucknow by For terms, etc., w►K`t.nr,. L�. FYI. Go%dotr�, Druggist office, Concert Work a S o,..... a To enter my rooms please come by way of main up -stair entrance of Allin's block. CANADIAN 'PACIFIC �Y. WILL RUN AT RETURN FARES NOME I Drloraiate... •1 i I I �tfditni ..... ..• r 21 Asteron. •S• SEEKER's- �ri,+sc,t►sal.... ,( r Moosonsi a .. • I 60 DAY winiaipd994. EXCUR- SIONS TO THE CANADIAN NORTH WEST Regina........ $3n +Yooso,►jalo .... Yorktoa...... Priaee Albert A3 Calgary Edmonton—,R Deer t $40 GOING JUNE 28, RE- TURNING UNTIL AUG. 27 jAll or S. 14, Alte.rtrt) Doing July 18 'Ali rail) Returning until Sept 12 Going July 141 S, Athaps-(,►; ing July 19 Returning until Sept 17 (All rail on S. S. Alberta) Foe tickets apply to an', Cana.ltan Pzc44 Agent, or to C. E.' McPHXRMON, Asst. Gem. Paatir. Agent, 1 Kin? Si. East, Toruritd►. berry wand toilet on hand. Goods 1ieC1nre and •iIn1Ioug1i, CASK (}R00E1z?,S A T DAVISON R. P Somerville, s NEW FURNITURE WARE ROOMS. Ilaving secured the preu►iyes lately occupied by G.W. BERRY as a Furniture Ware Room. I have recently fitted it with the, newest de signs of all kinds of Household Furniture. Ay to quality, they are unequalled. . The price is -- away down. All goods are bought for snot cash, therefore I can sell at as 'close a price as any person in the country. Why buy in To- ronto and pay freight, subject to damage, when you can save this at home' When at L..1% DAI VSON'S inspect and be con- vinced. rHE UNDe.RTAKING DEPARTMENT 1s co eincted at the old stand, which has been entirely renovated. Embalming Preserving and Taking Cars cf Bodies a Spec- ialty. The Embalming Fluid, material and ap- pliances used have proven to be the most effectual that have ever been used for the pact twenty years. ,Picture Framing d all kind of Re- pairing done at the old stand McKENZAB Baker and Confectioner. Dealer in all kinds of Groceries, Canned Goods Confectionery, Etc, Bread, Buns. and Cakes .. Fresh Daily Flour. Oatmeal and Corn, meal always on hand MUSIO - TAUCHT. Lessons in Vocal an d Instrumental Music and Harmony are taught by MRS. M. M. KEE, at her residence, Gough street. terms apply at her home. For Ac. r.N r l'olt hummer Corsets t 35, 50 & 7bcentS e pair. ALL GOOD VALUES. J. G. 1YIUR900R & Co'y. Allan Line Royal Mail Steamshins and Dominion Line Steamships. Tickets via New work and Montreal. Call at Express ollice an(1 get your tickets. We will secure berths, check your baggage and ►d do every. tiling to save you trouble and make you comfortable. High Quality ! Paterson's Biscuits! They are fine flavour, crisp, but not too hard. I get thnm often; I get them fresh. I know they are al- ways .good at Iteuzie's Nursery Stock Age Book kepis! Agricultural 1p1eeRI Aeots! 1 )r anyone desirin ► to better their position and increase their income should write us. The dt. s„auol for home gr'..vn Nursery Stockis on thd• increuae. W e tie. d more men. If want steady paying work write its. We furnish all supplier' free. We the Iargeet wur,N•ries In theDeasi•lea. t. pay both setae) and rommlrrlon. Wr engage rllhrr whole or part time earn. N e uuarantee all am wlerk• hr furnl$h purchasers wills certificate from Government Inaperter. staling ear .1 eek 14 free frown naw Jese *ralr. 1 ►lir Nurseries eomprine over 700 acres, aldol I,µ 1114 Mt• Or in large quantity enables us for �d Il at the c!(Isesst possible figure. Men Succeed witt usOtwhohave failed wIt will cost yon nothing to learn what we can do for y ►u. Don't write unit NN you n can lx)►+ine," and want profitable employment. Stone Sri Wolliagto , •TORONTO arpets, Linoleums and Japanese 1 Mattings are now in demand. Wehave good patterns and special values to offer in all these lines. In • LAOOURT'S We can give you a good article from 25 cents per pair and up Our Dpf1Vt'1U3P't Is keptsupplied with the latest styles in hats, ribbons rend flowers. Orders left with Miss E entland are always• ready when promised. •,. • e l • M. CONNELL, - - LUCKNOW. RE ADY MIXED PAINTS •house-cleaning you will want to do some painting, we have Now that you are doing your a large stock of BEST SHADES.AIL THE. , � ,. e (1 a new coat. We can give you a nice assortment of tilts in Men your walls will 11 (� •AND ALABASTINE.INISH WALL -We have a large stock ot brushes for WHITEWASHING, PAINTING, KALSOMINING, Etc., at allP rices from the cheapest to the very best. . We might also tell you that we have a fun line of r Screen Doors, Screefl Windows, and Wir Cloth. • T Material is co»r bete in all its lines. •• � ' Our stock of Building� CO31� IN .-ND SEF U's. The Leading Hard vare Depot. Oiit Lawre"Ce, Lueknow, Thomas i) ,§J 00 D Ify �ou want the inside price in boots and shoes, read the folio« ing• We have reduced the price of our own cordovan from make of men's laced boots. Shelled i $4.50 to $4,00. $4.50 to $3.75, and men's kid hoots fr4n All lines of hand -made and ready-made shoes in propor- tion. ropvi_tl( Il. We have a large stock of boots, shoes and rubbers iii all lines. Reinemoer, we warrant everything we sell. rip, f your boots ri , bring them back and we will mend them freeof charge. Repa��ir done on shortest notice VOAANNAOW"A#WWWWWIAAANIV VOA, _____- TERM: Cash or credit. A liberal discount off for cash. tl� i • ,. . .• • •