Lucknow Sentinel, 1898-06-17, Page 1r-
Head Office, - - Hamilton.
Capital paid up 8 ,2i5o,000
Reserv,. Fund 111775,000
rotai A ssets - 11°,199,144
• Board or Dieeetore .
Presceirn t Vice•PresHient
Joirx Picot -rug. GEO. ROACH.
.A. T. Woei), M. P. A. B. LEE, (Toronto)
GlasoN, M. P.
Asst. Omits tr, • H. S. STairEs.
• 1•444tretor, H. M w ATSON.
Carman, Man
I 4.ihi
ListoWel Owen Sound
Lucknow Port Elgin
Manitou, Man. Simcoe •
Milton Southamptot.
Georgutown Mortion, Man. Toronto
Grintsby Niagaia Falls Wingham '
11 :unlit...LI f liarton Mt) Orangeville
Winnipeg, Man. Hamilton (East End)
4 mit rIsH cORRUPONDE'STs :
National Provincial Batik of England, (Ltd )
Fottith National Bank, New York.
nano* er National. Bank, "
International Trust Co., Boston.
Marine Ranks Buffalo,
• 1. Ilion National Lank, Chicago.
1)t,tr National Bank, Detroit. -
National Bank of Commerce, Kansas City
National Bank of Commerce, St, Louis.
'rhe Bank of Toronto
JOHN D. Ife101i.OL, A922111.
I'assenger trains leave I.ut kat., .tation $a
t;( big:4 south,
a. at.
Going North:
4.20 p.
1t.cr2 p. ru.
1). W. HAYES, Ageut.
I. • SolicAitor Conveyancer. etc., (late o
('amer )n,floit k Caineron, Goderich). Odic
•p-staire in Allin'a new block.
• Sitlicitor, Commissioner, Notary
etc. .Money to loan, Office over Moodie.
Barber Shop. .
. A..7 gets, Solicitors., etc., Goderich, Ont.
J . r. (VARItow. Q.. 17. • Wm. PROODFOOT.
r•---7, • •
• 1111111DICAL
. . ti.;• -;.n and ,Accoueheur. Surgery
over. -4 „„, liott's grocery atpre. (Mee hours
ran ''..rt,o,1? a. tn. ; ftom 2 to5 p. in. 'and !rum
to 9 it.
LJ Ls, NIX.P.S.O., Physician, Sur -
iron. .an.1 Acconcheur. I:patois. in Wm.
*Ilia's new block. Residence Ross street,
behind. Cameron, Murdoch & Co's store
• —
. .
Ostler Foresters.
meeta In the Otidfellowie
flail en thi, fourth Tem
day of ,*ch montb, at
7:30 welosii. Visiting
hrethr..n cordially invited.
r %F.lott.z, '
Chia Langer. fv-ece rding Step -lei)?
MAAS every first and third Mn -
day .f ;-verv 1::, ntlt in the 'Orange' Hall.
Vieiting brethren .1tre c-rdially invited.
tr. Pallt, ('.i. D. D. 1 t L),S
monthly riveting% in the Orange Hall,
Campbell street, Lucknow, on the second
Tto:telay everting of each and every month.
Degree night onthe..4e.zond 'Tuesday ereninic
fsli.wing; 41Jvisiting brethren cordially in.
vited to the nitetings.
Secretary W. M.
• C. T.: U.- The tegulat:- monthly
• meeting of the W..nien's Christian
Temperance Union will he held every second
Wednesday 'reach month in the Odd Fellows
' Hall, Lucknow, at 3 p.m. Mag. J. Bitiazi,
Presitlent Mbs. H 0 a NELL • Secretary.
I. 0.0- F-
ertsevery Friday evening
their hall,, Campbell stmt.
cordially iiivitect
J. W. AniesTRONG., W.
Noble Gybed.
\\ -\
N.- ri'"11` 1:CKNOW
....-- "s114 Lodge of the
..... _ -1-ALcient Order a
....:-. United Workmen,
--__•• m. -ti in the Odd
--..,.: fellows' Hall, on the
- la-tt and second
,J, p.‘C' Monday evenine of
i , , \\‘ : each month P.t elqht
, . , . o'clock, Visiting.
breth nen solidialfs haritsd.
W.'S. IfOLVE4,
Mater Worbseaa. Recorder.
A 0 U W
Lodgo No 112
at 8 o'clock in
All brethren
,,r hefore the full moos, bi
Matonic If all, If a velock street,
Worahip(ul Maater.
. — •
Inpirreene is ISS
• jf.,cor ste in firotiAtry, Toronto
1)ental 17.a1egr, and f)octor of Dental Sur -
story, Teresa., 1: Diversity. All modern plans
ft,erati,n and carefulness in workmanship.
„ OfficeU1 Allin'm block, ppetairs.
P. S. - Will visit Ripley every Thursday
Given by
D. C iIcM9RR14N,
----ON THE-
Etc., Etc.
For terms, etc., call SA the Sentinel,
'Conceit Work a 5/wo.olly
MA1R & SIDL ALL chorous, by the. 'children, ."Little
. 9 I Builders;" recitation by Chrissie Miller
EJ1 A BL laili F4 188s,
We do a 14,eneral bankint; business; issue
drafts throughout Canad& and the United
States. We make collections on all points,
includieug : -Western States, Manitoba and
the North-West Provincee, and all collec-
tions, whether note or ac.;ount, will have
prompt attention.
Notes discounted and farmer's sale notes
We loan to farmers on tronble or mingle notes
at from one to twelvemonths time, and at
reasonable rate of interest.
1Ve loan small or large amounts on second
mortgage on farms orother real estate Rei;-
tirity and on firmt chattel mortgages on live
stock and implements and crop!.
We have a large amount of funds to advance
on first mortgages front 5 percent. to 6 per
cent, The rate is graded according to the
quality and size of the loan required.
We have on hand for sale 104acres in Asbbeld-
Improvid land, with fair buildings and
wilil,, sold at a bargain,
We represent the leading English and Cana-
tlian Fite Insurance- Ci.mpaiiies ztiad can
effect insurance on all classes of property in
Stock or Mutual Companies aiAesiretl.
Our office hours arr from 10*. m. to 4 p.
Coming! Coming! Coming
rs • saveLtzis 7.
Graduate New York, PhiIidelpii, and
Toronto Optical Colleges, will bt: t
Bury Days' Drut Store,.
, Call early and avail yourself of his
-valuable servicss. Examination free.
Remember the date.
Lucknow, Juno 17th., 1898
----- ---=-----s--
The reports from northern districts
of the Provinces in regaids to a plague
of caterpillais and the temporary stop_
page of C.P.R. trains as a result of
crushing myraids of the pests on the
raijs should induce all who base any
uthor:ty to. atric:ly entete• .00 pro-
isions of the law -for t 'prutection
f in sectivorous birds, says The Globe.
he only effective means of fighting
nsect pests is by sparing their natural
nemy. H school teachers and school
gainst robbing birds' n ts of eggs or
spectore would warn their pupils
estroying the young and at the same
me point out how useful the birds
e rt.4 an ally of the farmer they
ould do the community an _important
rvice. Certairi. privileges for the
llection of birds' eggs, tor strictly
entific objects may i'he secured
rs.tiugh the -Game Wardens, bat it is
lawful to have in ones possession
bout such a permit either the eggs
young cf any bird save eagles,
wks, owls, wild pig ._ blackbirds,
crows, rave , jays and
Don't elope with anoder man's
wife in expectation thate Statute
of Limitatioes will alterL h
ix yeah pro-
tect you froui prosecution. - It , will
not. Mr. Justice Rose, n --the Bailey
vs. King cage, ha,s decideI'that it in
such cases the(Statute o , Limitations
is never applicable, as "the wrong con-
tinues from moment to moment so
long as the defendant continues to
keep away from her husband," That
is good common sense as well at good
How shall eggs be sold? In Canada
we have been in the habit of selling
them by the dozen, thereby affording
opportnnity for considesable specul,-
tive proceedings In Great Britain it
hes become a practice to sell eggs by
the round. This is regarded as a
fairer method. It certainly gives the
person with the hens whi..:h lay the
biggest eggs better value for their en-
terprise. But it entails somewhat
greater labor, and ail is probably
the chief reason why the weighing
system has not been popular.
The monthly meeting of the Harris
gission fiend was held at the home of
Mrs. 'Murray, on June 4th, being chil,
dren's day, a large number were pre-
sent; after the usual devotional oxen.
cises and the businese had been dia.
pensed with, hymn 50 was sung when
the following excellent programme
was given:—Recitation, by Mabel Mc-
Donald; ch3rous, entitled, "Junior
Reapers," by ten of the younger mem-
bers; recitation, Only a little baby
girl" by Mina Rutherford; chortn,
"All the world for Jesus,"by the young
ladies of the Band; recitation, "Our
Mission Band," by Maggie Clark;
What can little lips say;" dialogue
by six girls, closed by singing the con-
! secralion hymn; recitation by Maurice
I Miller, "The company who try;" solo
' by Miss Gordon, "All for Christ;" re-
citation by M. Crawford, "Pennies or
promises;" after which the children
sang a chorus entitled "Pennies for
Jesus," while Miss Chrissie
gathered the collection. Thus, was Is
successful Meeting brought to a close
and after the roll was .called hymn
539 was sung and Miss Gordon closed
with prayer.
;Maio and ,=Cirtnitg gen
Potatoes by Weight.
The Goyernuient bill to amend the
Weighs and Measures Act Was real a
third time and- passed in the House
of firimmons last vreek with an amend-
ment declaring that wherever potatoes
are sold. b.y the bag each bag shall con-
tain.ninsty pounds.
The people of Lucknow .are required -
to take .notico that cattle and horses
and pigs are not permitted to run at
large within -thocorporation limits and
I am instructed to say that the 5 -
law wili b rigidly enforced, and every
°Saler wj1. govern himself accordingly.
By order. 11. Mortison, clerk.
stra‘berry Festival
A strawberry festival will be held
on the lawn of the Methodist Parson-
sonage, Whites buret!, 'under the aus-
pices of the Epworth League on Thurs.-
day June 23rd, commencing at 7 p
The Lucknow brass band will furnish
music for the occasion Admission
20 and I5c.
Forestsrefat Church
The me bers of the Independent
Orier of Fbresters of thivinage and
visiting. hr them will attend services
in the En 'ish church on Sunday, 19th
inst., at I o'clock, when a special
demon wijI he preached to them by
the rector,'Itev. W. M. Duthie. Ths
brethern will meet in the lodge room
at 10:30 O'clock, and march in a body
to the church. All Forester are cordi,
ally if) iteil.
Oddfellows Pic-nic
The Oddfellows of Lucknow, toget-
her with tlieir hiethern and friends
from Berrie, Kincardine, Ripley, 17n-
derwood and Tivvrton, intend having
a grand pic-nic at the Black Horse
Lake on rtiday, June 24th in honor
of the 23th anniversary of Lucknow
Lodge. A large and energetic com-
mittee has been appointed to make
the necessary arrangements, and we
have no dauht tut this pie-nie will be
the greatesteand best affair of the
kind ever held in this section.
at his parents residence. When the
truth became apparent he locked up his
office and started for his home, on
reaching which his whole system col-
lapsed and a week and three days end-
ed his bright career. Dr. Dawson was
young man whom to kuow was to ad-
mire, ambitious amiable and with a
profound regard for things sacred.
That his sudden taking off was deeply
felt by those who have had the pleas-
ure of his acquaintance was evidenced
by the very large procession that fol-
lowed his remains to rest in the Lang.
side cemetery. Much sympathy is
being expressed for his aged father and
mother and other sorrowing friends.
Gravelling Contracts
' Tenders will be received by the Kin.
1058 :Jouncil up till 2 o'clock p.m. on
Mcnday, June 2004.1898, for fnrnish-
ing good clean gravel on the Lucknow
road, from McDougail's lime kiln
north. Nt. larzer stones than will
pass through a two iech ring will be
taken. By order of the Council. Jae,
Johnston, Reeve. -
The Final Driest.
- in the final draft bf stations of the
Methodist Conference, the Rey. I. B.
WEillwin B.A., of this village, goes to
Leamington, and the Rev. John Lea-
royd, of St. Marys coyes to Lucknew.
The Rev. E. H. Hall goes to the Nile
Circuit, and Mr. Olivant, of Ben
Miller, comes to Aslitild.
Ventilation of Sick Rooms.
A, trained nurse says that, in spite
of all teaching, the hardest thing she
has to tight agairast in her work in
private houses is the non -ventilation
of tbe sick room. To shut up an in-,
valid as nearly air tight as possible
seems to be the shiboleth of the major-
ity of persons; yet the sick people,
more than others, need the strengthen.ingqu fifties of fresh air.
Educational Notes.
A,circular Idtely Wined by the Edu-
cation Departinent eontains dome in-
formation that may be of interest to
students. Those taking the Public
Sehoo Leaving Examination in 1899
will take physiolog• •r and Temperance
instead of Botany. After 1898 the
• Primary examination will be abolished.
Unsuccessful candidates at the Junior
or Senior Leaving examinations will
be allowed to write in 1899 for Junior
or Senior Leaving standing by select-
ing the same options --as in the course
of 1898, For these examinations the
percentages are one-third on each sub-
ject and 50 per cent On the aggregate
67 per cent will be required for honors.
Present holders'of Primary Certificates
or those obtained in 1898 will have
the right to.attend the County Model
School After 1898 if they so desire. -.2
A "Fake Horse Buyer..
The police all over Western- Ontario
are looking for a man who gives his
name as J. E. Wilson anct pretends to
be huying herses7.. Ile gets hie board
free, is shown every attention,. borrowa
atnall.sums of money, end i4sues bogus
chetis, on, which he realizes all the
way from. (0 cents . to The pro-
vintial police sent .out .a circular de
scribing him is a man of fifty five or
sixty yeari of age, 5 feet 7 inches in
height; weighs 145 pounds, has taus-
taehe, ind chin. whiskers, defect in
right.fOOt,-AvOy neatly • dressed and
al wa.ys tattling 'about the war.
made in
are doin
colds are
which it
ure to:dri
titles. It
washed a
few large
about by
call thia "
alone all
anything o
At the t
Dalton vs.
Jury at Go(
for negliget
by water w
tiff's land,
5 in the La
the townshi
the plaintiff'
of the land
niedy gen
Of sections
ter 285, and
and the acti
vs. Dawson,
bern vs, the
O.R., 583, f
sed with cos
140d Breaking.
nual attempt to spoil the
roads in the county is being
several s.ections by those who
g road work. .Where the
particularly . good, ani on
would ordinarily be a pleits-
.e, what -is improperly called
being dumped in large quan
,eonsists of earth that is
way by the first rain and a
stones which are knocked
every vehicle. And they
statute labor" It would be
better to leave the roads
umnier, or at least lot put
them until Oetober.
I .
Action Dismissed
rial court, Osgoode Hall—
Township of Ashfielci —
in Action tried without a
ierich. Aetion for damages
ice in the construction and
e of a cedar culvert, where-
as brought upon- the plain -
being the east half of lot
ke road concession west, in
p of Ashfield, depriving
Of the proper and full use
for the purpose of culti-
id, that the' plaintiff's re -
y) is under the provisions
34 ani 35 of R:S.O., chap -
that is his only remedy,
on does no lie. Murray
17 a/P., 588; and Hep
Township of Orford, 19
ollowed. Action dismis-
A Sad Coming Home
A feeling of deep sorrow has been
felt throughout, the community at the
death of IJr. Alexander Dawson which
occurred ie his father's home on the
St!C6Ild C011CORSI0LI. Dr. Dawson taught
for four years in the brick school house
on the gravel road known as the Grey
Os school, making a name for himself
in the teaching profession. He then
went to Philadelphia, where in 1896
he was graduated as Dbctor of Dental
Surgery from the Pennsylvania Dental
College find hart succeeded in estab-
lishing tot li..11.,;L d lucrative practice
in the stete of Iowa. Unkaown to
himself the dread spectre consumption
had secured him in its deadly grasp.
A severe attack of Is grippe from
which he never oompletely recovered,
during the winter he studied at Phila-
delphia affected his lungs and ended
in consumptionlie was a young
man of sober and . industrious habits
of a quiet disposition, of irreproachable
character, nothing lemonstirative. Rev.
F. A Maclzoinan, whose church he
attended regularly till he left home for
College, coeducted the funeral service
Drowned in the Stikene . .,.
. We regret exceedingly to learn of
the death by drowning in the Stikene
River, of Mr. Robt. J. Mitchell, of
Arthur, Who was well and favorahly
kenin to many Lucknowitee. • For
some !our years past Mr. Mikhail, Was
a meniber of the "Luekno'W party" of
deer' hunters in their annual trip 'to
the Parry Sound DiStrict, and a . more
wtiole-souled, big hearted young man
we have never met. fie was the :de
and joy of the. whole party, and *hen-
ever.i bard run or a ..long .trip ' Wag
necirasary, "Lob" witsAllways ready
and undertake it. : fie was
unseylah to a fau:t, and his sad and
unti ely death is regretted by all who
him. . Mr. John Neill, also a
fond ,r merchant in Lucknow, together
with Mr. Mitchell left Arthur some
timeiiagia With a party of gold hunters
for tie Klonkyke, and it WEAN a letter
fromiMi. Neill that conveyed the sad
intelligence of the accident to his
Big ImPleinent Delivery
Oge of the largest deliveriee of Agri-
eultud implements that has ever been
witnessed in Lucknow, took'plaee from
the Grand Trunk station here
on Saturday laet by Mears. Webster
& Andrew, the local agents of the
celebrated Frost & Wood's Implement
Company. There were fifty teams
in the line of procession, and each
wagon was heavily laden with new
farm implements whidi not only be-
speake encouragement for the push
and enterprise for Messrs. Webster &
Andrew, but also shows that the far-
mers in the surrounding townships
are in a prosperous conditiun, for the
total cost of the n3achinery purchased
in this big delivery will aggregate
nearly $5000. Thie is certainly a
healthy sign of the times, and we sin-
cerely hope that the bright- promises
presented to our farmers in the pre-
sent grand outlook for a bountiful har-
vest will be fully realized. Mews.
Webster dt Andrew were asaisted in
the delivering by Mr., J, ff. Thomp-
son, ef London, and Mr. W. Richard-
son of Toronto,. and after all the
machinery had been loaded and the
procession ended, the farmers web°
entertained to dinner, at both the
McGarry House and McDevitt &
Ileron'e hotel,by the implinient dealers
Messrs. Wooster & Andrew are only
comparatively a yonog firm in the iln-
pleinent businees, but from the auc-
cm; of this their first big delivery,
they thoroughly understar.d their
business, and are bound to make it a
For the Fair Bez.
All women ride gracefully but few
can dismount in any but an. awkward
manner. A woman's wheel is au
awkward machine even for the most
graceful to dismount from. There is
a right and a wrong way to dismount
so far as grace is concerned The
awkwasd way, though the one usually
taught, is to slow down, anti as the
left pedal reaches the lowest point, to
slip to the ground with the right foot
The graceful way, sometimes cailed
the "French dismount," is to stand on
the left pedal after the wheel has slow-
ed up, and then step to the ground on
the left side of the wheel with tbe
right foot. All women should adopt
this method,
• .14. lt,A1641b.
Decoration Day
The member of Lucknow Lodge of
Oddfellows, together with the mem-
bers of the Workman Lodge, and other
aocieties in the village will hold a
decoration day on Friday afternoon,
and pay their annual visit to the
graves of their departed brethern in
the Ktnloss cemetery. The brethern
will assemble at the hall at four o'clock
and beaded by the brass band of the
Musical Society, march in a body to
the cemetery
Grain Elevator
For some years past a good deal of
complaint has ken made by farmers
who brought their grain here over the
lack of elevators in the grain houses
at the station, but it is now settled
beyond any further question of doubt
that in future we are to haveallthe
faculties for convenient hendling of
grain. Messrs. Hay Bros. have let
the contract for the erection of a large
elevator here, and the work of erection
is to be commenced at once, and it is
also rumored that M. Holmes intends
putting in an elevator in his store
house. A third one, however, ie also
to ba erected by a joint atock company
composed chiefly of the leading farm-
ers of the section and many of the
business men of the village, so that
if the three elevators are in operation
our village will be in a position to
handle all the grain grown in the
surrounding townships.
Black Horse
This popular summer resort is
rapidly coming to the front. It is one
of the nicest places for a picnic or to
spend a day, in the neighborhood.
There are lots of good boats on the
lake The fishing is very good some
parties this year having wade hauls of
between twenty and thirty good pike.
The grounds have this year been fitted
up for picnics, a good landing having
been built at the picnic grtunds, a
kitchen put up with a stove and tables
made for the convenience of visitors.
A good outlet has been made between
the two lakes so that a boat can be
run between them. All these improve
inents have been made by Mr Joseph
Hewitt. Mr. Hewitt is • live man
and when be starts in to do anything
he does it well, and be has made
Black Horse second to no other place
as the ground for a day's picnic or
fishing. Parties intending going there
fen a day Rhould write Mr. Hewitt and
make arrangements with him for his
6D0 ooats. As a fisherman Mr.
Hewitt has no supericr and he knows
every weed on the lake tinder which
there is a hungry pike. .
Another Pest
T:re Department of Agriculture has
sent out circulars regarding the ap-
perance of a now pest, known ES the
gall louee, which affects spruce. The
insect attacks the leaf and enters the
immature bud, and the only rea;ly
effective remedy is to clip off the galls
which form during June and July.
After the producers have passed out
of the galls there is no course availing
available but to cut down the infected
tree. The departmeat requests that
whoever finds the galls on their trees,
should communicate the fact and all
the particulars so far as ascertained to
the Bureau of Forestry, Parliament
Buildinge, Toronto,
ritiC;ir.ops are looking good after the
Roadwork has commenced this week
in this section.
Mrs. Ross of Langside renewed old
acquaintances hear last week.
Mr. McLeod, of Hamilton, visited
the residence of Mr. James Fisher a
few days ago.
Mr. .MeLennon of Lochalsh spent
a few (lays visiting Mrs. Murchison
last week.
The 'Foresters' sermon was well atten •
ded and the address given by Rev. 8,
M. Whaley was ono not easily for-
fotten. If our Foresters' sermons con-
tinua to be so well attended and such
able discourses given, the day will be
one of the moat -interesting (luring the
year. A number of members from St.
Helens, Kintail and Dungannon were
present. After returning to the hall
votes of thanks were given the visiting_
brethren and Rev. Mr. Whaley.
Not many placea. can compete with
us for weddings. On Tuesday of last
week we had the pleasure of attending
two weddings, Miss Mary Hogan, of
this place and Mr. Stephen Martin, of
Port Albert, were made one. Rev.
Father Dixon performed the ceremony.
A Is.rge nunaber attended the marriage
at the Church in Kingsbridge, in the
morning, and_returned with a number
of invited guests to the re.sidence of
,the bride's father, Mr. John Hogan,
where a very sumptuous dinner was
waiting the wedding party. The bride
was neatly and tastefully dressed in
cream cashmere, trimmed with chiffon
and ribbon. The young couple were
supported by Mr. John Hogan, jr. and
Miss Martin, of Ds,troit. The num-
ber of very nice presents received by
the young couple were a good proof of
the high estimation entertained for the
young and happy pair. After spend.
ing it very pleasent efternoon and
being entertained to a tea equal to the
mid-day meal in excellence, the older
people returned to their homes and the
young people spent the evening in
social amusement in Mr. Young's hall
at Kintail. The best wishes of the
community are extended to the young
married eouple.
In the evening of the sante day as
above the home of Mr...Tames Drannen
niade merry with wedding belle.
occaiiiort WAS the marriage of
Miss Mary Drannett to Mr. John
Little, both cf Ashaeld. The bridal
knot was securely tied by the liev. S.
M. Whaley in the presence of a num-
ber of relatives and friends of the
bride and groom. The bride Was
attired in pale blue merino, trimmed
very tastefully with white lace. The
usual handthsking and well wishing
being over, the guests were invited to
the dining room where a table laden
with good things was in waiting, and
seemed to receive the attention and
appreciation of Et11 present: Ile
evening was spent n a very pleasant
he young couple have
manner and t
• •
.••••••• •••••••••Ir
the well wishes of all. On ti,e fol-
lowing morning they started On a
wedding tour and visited friends at
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Lane spent a
few days last week with friends at
Gosierich, Holmesville, Clinton and
Mr. and Mrs. John McLeod, of
Stratford, are at present visiting their
many friends in this section.
Rev. W. R, McIntosh, of Allendale,
will occupy the pulpit here for the
next three Sabbaths. Rev. S. M.
Whaley performs the same duty in
Allendale in exchange.
—Machine oils at Harry Days'.
--Days baking powder is the best.
—Pure Paiie Green at D. C. Tay-
—Bug finish for sale at D. C. Tay -
--A nice lot of flower planta at J.
--Cash paid for butter and eggs at
J. 4Iliott's.
—C paid for butter and eogs
at J. Elliot's.
-- You can get pure paris green at
Berry's Drug store.
—Nice red canned salmon at 10e
per can at J. Elliott's.
—Snaps in Waltham and Elgin
watches at Armstrong's.
—Mrs. Wake of Owen Sound is
the guest of her sister Mrs. (Dr.) New
—Mrs. Jas. Armstrong, of Gorrie,
is visiting her brother, Mr. Harry
Deys. .
—Cash for Futter and eggs at Reid's
new grocery store, one door east of
Express office.
—Some lovely lines of hamin6cks
at Days' Drug Store, prices very low
call and see them.
—Baby Buggies, latest designs at
Harry Days.' Look in and see bis
stock and get his prices.
—Our last purchase \of watches will
save 25 per cent to the buyer if bought
at Jewellery Armstrong's.
—Just arrived, another lot of fine
pickles which we are selling very fast
2 bottles for 25 cents at J, Elliot',
—Mrs. H. Bourne, of Revelstoke,
British Colnrobiasis visiting her mother
Mrs. W. H. Miller, of the village.
—Imported from England. A new
line of Celesteware just received. See
samples in Berry's Drug store window.
—Their will be an excursion to
Southampton to -day (Friday) under
the auspices of the United Workman.
Something new in melon dishes
celery trays, bacon dishes, bread trays,
fruit dishes, titc. at Berry's Drug store.
—To insure changes, advertisers
should have their advertisements at
this office not later than Tuesday
—Watch buyers should 'take ad-
vantage of the immense bargains now
being offered by Armstrong the
—To rent! That handsome stone
residence on Victoria street, contain-
ing eight rooms, to rent cheap. Ap•
ply to R. D. Cameron.
—Godfrey Military Band at God.
erich on the 20th. Reserve your
seats at J. W. Armstrong's jewellery
store. A few sittings left.
--Wanted, 20,000 lbs we wished
wool at T. S. Reid' s grocery store, one
door east of Express office, for which
highest cash price will be paid.
--Days' Baking Powder has stood
the test for a long titne and is adruitt-
td by all who have used it that it is
the best. Call and get a sample pack-
—Mrs. Wm, Rivers will be "At
Horne," to the members and friends -
of the W. JT. U. on Tuesday after-
noon next at 3 o'clock. All are wel-
—Malcolm Campbell, late of George
Haley's grocery store, is visiting at
his home in Blyth, before going to
Lucknow to take charge of a store.—
Goderich Star.
—Militia men wanted—A few good
steady young men of standrrd physique
to join No. 3 Co'y, 32nd Batt camp
open at Walkerton on Tuesdsy next,
J. W. Artnstrong.
—It is lamentable to read of so
many drowning, when the art
of swimming is 80 0687 to learn. Every
boy, and girl to for that matter,should
be taught to swim.
—For Sale or to Rent ! A house
and lot on the corner of Havelock and
H &mil ton streets. Opposite Presby-
terian church. For particulars apply to
Wm. Bowers Lucknow.
No. 8 Co'y, 82nd Batt.
—Toe members oi this Clo'y will
meet at the armory on Saturday even
ing. ;lood 'men desiring to go must
apply at once.—J. W. Armstrong,
—HOUSE FOR SALE.—That large
and comfortable home on Stauffer
street, for sale at once. For lowert
pri,:e and easy terms of purchase, ap-
ply to Mrs. McKinnon
--There will be a partial eclipse of
the moon, June 3, an annualar eclipse
of the sun July 18, a partial eclipse
of the sun Dec, 13, and • total eclipse
of the moon Dec. 25.
—Do not miss calling on T.P. hinsith,
while he is in Lucknow on Thursday
June -Iv' if you require your eyes
tested. zatnination free. Rooms
over Harry Days' Drug Store.
—Mr. John Chilies of the 1st oon.
of Kinloss had the misfortune to loose
a very fine t; year old driving horse
by getting its leg broken by a kick
from one of the otber horses while
running in the field.
—The annual pic-nic under t1ears-.
picee of the ladies ot die it a church
Teeewatet• will take place this year,
June 28. A good time is expected as
usual. Piper Archie Anderson of
H '5 will grace tile groan*
1 with his presenc
• • .11,41V
WHOLE NO. 1271.
—A meeting of the Directors of the
Kinloss Branch Agricultural Society
will he held in the Mechaqics—lasti-
tate on Saturday next, huts 18th, at
2 o'clock p.m. A full attenclanoe of
Directors is requested.
—Important—All members of No.
3 Co'y 32nd Batt. must be at the
armory not later than 6.15 a.m., Tues-
day to prepare for embarking for
AWalkerton on 8 a.m. train.—.1. W,
—"Early to bed and early to rise,
don't get tight and advertise" was the
motto prescribed for business by Robt.
C. Ogden of the trim of John Wana-
maker, when addressing the Merchanta'
Association in New York.
—The regular monthly business
meeting of the Y.W.O.T.U. will be
held at the home of the Vice -President
Miss Edith Smith, thic(Friday) even-
ing at 7 o'clock sharp. All members
are urgently requested to be present.
—A boon to the afflicted—T. P.
Smith, eye ep:wialist will be in Luck.
now again Ot June 23rd last at Hart7
Days' Drug Store. If you have any
defect in your sight you will profit by
calliog on him while here. Rooms
over store. Examination free.
—Mr. Jaa. Martin left on Wednes-
(ley to visit friends in Toronto
Pusliuch and neighborhood for
a short time, after which he will take
a trip up the lakes to Duluth and re-
turn by Buffalo. We wish him a
most pleasant journey.
—A public meeting will be held in
the Town Hall on Friday evening
at 8 o'clock for the purpose of organ-
izing in the village in view of the com-
ing Plebiscite on Prohibition. A4 -
dresses will be given by the Revs.
Messrs. Wallwin and Mackay.
—The annual report of the Inspec
tor of Legal Oiliest; for 1897 has been
printed. The net receipts of the offt•
cials for last yesr are as follows:
Sheriff O'Oonnor, 11972.69; Local
Master and Local Register W. A. Mc-
Lean, 11300; County Attorney Thos.
Dixon, 12069.90; Oounty Ooart Clerk,
M. Goetz, 11790.36.
—Dr. A, G. Elliott had a narrow
escape from serious accident on Wed-
nesday. The reach of hisobuggy broke
While passing over • crossing on the
main street, and the body of tbe
buggy struck the ground, but the
Doctor's good borsemaaship soon
brought the animal to a standstill, and
be was released from his perilous con-
dition The buggy was badly wren-
Showery weather.
Statute labor is being done
Mr. and Mrs. Treleaven of Dungan-
non, were guests at his son, Mr. A.M.
a few days.
We are showing a large
range in this hike of good
durable goods, laro, size,
latest novelties in handles.
Riinge of prices 25c to 13.50.
Our stock of Organdy
Muslirs is much admired aria
selling rapidly because pat-
terns are new and neat and
prices right. Special values
at 12, 15 and 20e. Excellent
values in lawns, Piques, Spot,
Check and Stripe Siuslins.
A nice range iet aesirable
goods for summer wear at
prices Sc to 50e.
See what we are showing
in Taffeta and Silk Gloves
mid Mitts -4 number of
special lines at 25c,
Ell Cameron
therein or thereon, too be removed
*ben required .0 (0 do br any meta-
ber of the oouncil or by the constable
of said village, provided always that
persona keeping horses or cows asay
put the up the manure thereof in
heaps, when the so doing shall not be
offensive to the naghborbood, bat
such manure shall not be pet up or
remain between tbe fifteenth day of
May and the first day of November
in any year.
No person shall throw any dist.
911, carcasses of animals, or rabbi&
on any street, road, lane or highway
within the village.
No person shall cast, projeet,
throw any stone, ball of snow ice, eir
other misale dangerous to the public,
or use any bow and arrow, or os•apalh
in any street, square, park or pablio
this plaoe within the village.
It shall not 1* lawful to gather In
crowds upon any sidewilk, or in any 4
street in the village so as to obstruot
travel therein or encumber the same,
and three or more persons shall not
stand in a group or near each other in
such a manner as to obstruct a free
passage for foot passengers or any
street or sidewalk within tbe village
after tbe tequest to move on amide
by bite constable or the Reeve or one
of the councillors of the village or any
person fully authorised by the said
No child shall hang on behind or
be permitted to hang on behind any
waggon or other vehicle and it shall
be the duty of any person in obAlle
of any such waggon or vehicle to pre-
vent any child so riding thereon.
The oonstable shall arrest any child
who protests after reasoosble warning
against doing so, in hanging on behind
any waggon or other vehicle within
the village.
The sacrament of the Lord Supper
was served in the Presbyterian church
on Sunday laet.
A congregational pic-nic will take
place this Friday, 17t13 inst., in Mr.
W. Youngfs bush.
A large number of people attended
the funeral of the late Mr. A. Da1V8011
which was interred in the Laugside
cemetery on Friday last.
A pleasant evening was spent at
the reeiderice of Mrs. D. Ross, on
Wednesday 8th inst., it being the
marriage of her third daughter Miss
Sarah, to Mr. Neil McKay, oFICII1roes.
The bride was attended by her sister
Miss Meggie, while the groom was
supported by Mr. K. McKenzie of
Culross. Rev. H Reid of Teeswater,
performed the ceremony which was
held on the lawn. Mr. Thos. Ross,
of Toronto played the wedding march
on his bag -pipes. He also gave a
number of selections during the even-
ly which were enjoyed by all very
much. After all had partaken of a
sumpteous repast a pleaaant time was
Spent at a variety of games. A large
number of pretty presents for the
bride bore evidence of the esteem in
which she is held.
For the Mace or Luoknow.
.1110Mm... ••••
That no person shall within the
said village sell or give intoxicating
drink to a child or apprentice without
the consent of the parent, master, or
legal protector of such child or appren-
No person shall poet indeoent pla-
cards, writings or pictures, or write
indecent words or make indeoent pic-
tures or drawings on the walls or ftm-
ces in the streete or public places with-
in the village.
No person shall profsnely swear or
make use of obscene .4a,phenious or
grossly insulting language, or be guilty
of any other immorality or indecency
in any public place or thoroughfare
within the village.
Every vagrant and every person
founti drunk or disorderly in any
street, highway or public place withiu
the villsge shall be liable to the pen-
alties imposed by this by-law for au
infraction thereof.
No person shall fire a gun or other
firearm, or fire or set off • 6r -ball,
squib, fire -cracker or other fireworks
within the village, ea vs on such oc
curious as the council may specially
allow same, and no person shall engage
in • charivari or otherlike disturhanos
of the peace within the wilier.
No person shall keep a bog or a pig
sty or any hog or pig upon premises
within seventy-five feet of any dwell-
ing within the village.
No person shall suffer or permit the
No person Ghat tie or fasten any
horse or other animal, to any Wee
planted growing or preserved for shade
or ornatnent or any of the public
streets of the village, and no porno
hsvivg the charge of any born or
other animal shall leave the same mar
enough to any such tree to injure kb
No person shall without the
of the owner, deface any bugaigi
fenoe, telegraph pole or lanspgr,
within the village by wnting or
ing thereon or pasting thereon mated -
or other notioes.
reST. MARY'S 81011111121016
• daishteirwitrugirmilftsassoirma 1111•0•111
St. Mary's Joarnal:---Soms 61/.
weeks ago a smart young fellow law
ped into the Journal office and ea
quired for R. Dixon, of St. Mamie,
whose acquaintanoe he had made sear
Oil Springs, while Mr. Dixon wee WM
gaged as agent on a Petrolla ninre.
paper. Dixon had canvassed hint he
said, and he had subscribed. He was
now in town for a day or two, aad
wished to meet him. 11. the Rms.
time the man registered as Dungan
Millet, of London township, at the
Grand Central Rotel. liar* he re-
mained for a day or two, whoa be
went west to Lucan or Craig, be said
returning on the 4 o'clock train on
Wednesday May 18th. He paid that
day a week's board in advance at the
Grand Central. On the Uth he met
a lady at the half -past three train
from the west, whom he brought to
the hotel and introduced as lals wife.
The next day be inquired the priee of a
ticket to Imlay City, Kick., but finally
purchased two for Port Huron of Mr.
Sharp, and had a $10 bill changed to
American money.
On Monday morning of this week,
Rev. J Learoyd was called out of bed
at 6 '
u a ion o dung, manure, offal men whrwe
krea tlookibe ningtvaingfor a two
filth, stagnant water, or other offen- who had fled t, St. Mary's, where. is 41111:
sive matter or thing, the aocuntulation was rumored she was laanied e.
of which is dangerous to the public young tnan, DOE11411 Illilett, widow
health, upon any lot or in any hoes* her here. One of the men 111.
building or place, within the viihwe Abray, • respectable young&
owned or oocikpted by histi, and it shall agagskillee towaskiP,
be t.he cloy of the oocupant, or if the *Lies how Oil 8Priesses
premises are unoccupied, of the ovro,er "111
his neighbor,
Irrben wl•
was soornealsomod;ilits.
of such lot, house, brandies 0, piso% rinti_
the person basin* *gime os charge
of the awns, to caw*
building or p as.
clea4ed And ckis
be thorough I y
and 60 such
as may be
Por a
see mai
if ow
they will
y del(vered. '
survive the pure
Platt* Past.)