Lucknow Sentinel, 1898-06-03, Page 3,� � - � . � . - - � ,,� ­ . -7�- � , -, ��_ W -1,900 -op""_ ____ - � - . . . . . 7 17r7`01 _ - - , . . � .1 ­ � � I . � .. � - � . . . I " I . I . . I . . , I 1. . 7_77"1911 I - " : F;W7 - . . - , - . . . - - . �� I � l- . , - . . . . . . . I I � . - . ,� . . ._F,� --- I . - -1 . I ­ . I. - . . � , ..7 . it .. �', I- - ---m � -_ -,-- Th I !Aw,w �at ­�_ I - -- - � - A . . " ­.� - - -, W -X6. - I ,� � - � - - . - * - . - I I I . _ I . __ I . � . :� I I :. - 'l �_. ", 11 - - -, - - - . T � . - , _. ­ � , � - . 0 . . . I I . I., I �. . - ­ . . . . I - . I , I 1�_- I . � 0 1 1111111 I ii� I . , I ii 7 .1 I ,� �, - , -'A - - , , I � I . � ,� - - ,.- - , I : - ,-. � - - � . . I . . � , . �� - 1; W. � . I . �:� . . - "I -if, I I ��_ , � I . . - I . . I . . .. ;_ . 0- - . I . . ­ I . . . f - " -. t : - - - I . � _ . I . . I, - - . '. . 4: . , I 1. , �� ::� -_ V , -1 I I t'. . . �_ . �1 - 1� -, . C � , I �_ -1 - , tf - - - I � � I . ; '. 4 . . � . � . .- -, .- ,. '. � . - . � 7; " 4, z I'" _. l* ..., - . " , X. .i P _4 :1 - . - 77 , . � I . t, 1. - I -_ I - . � -_ 0 visa 4wilkidshkibliblak , � - ..-- I : 1. " . . . 1. � �, . I .!, l : ­ � ... �� ­ -, -n A�_F 11 I - �, �, :,,�_,_ j.nk-� - ci,__ - , �_Alti-^ �­­ ea .-r I I -1 __� 36k*1L _"W_ - ,� . � - - , *i�,_. - _4�_ - - �_ , , .r _. , . .� 7--- .-Ii . � . - . � 0 . . I _. � ". ...", I . _� . I I 11 , 1_.. - ,�_ , � . . . . . . . *;*"--�, - __`V _111�__ I I . � 1- ­ _ I , � - I � _ . - or %,' I, _. - ­. . r , I - __� � i, - I I . ., . _. � I I I i � - I � � � - -___-____:1_ --I -�-A�,,�_.: , - ­1� el --- .11 . . - : - I _."- ,..-,- - � __ ... - - I � . .VIi,� ­,�z ,-, 17;lf-'. :. . . ,­ ,­iI,­, - -IL - - .1 - - 11 , - . - Nompmwlzk� '"W-9111"11111111 - �. -,- �2�;- ,:. - - 1;­;� - - . . � - .. - . . . - . . . - . � . - . . . . . 1. .. � � I _MPMON __ ^ - - . . I � . . . .. I. . , . J110 � ­ ­ I F - - . _. - . _____ -_ - -C"am � ­ -_ - - - - - � . ­ - . . I., I. - - " - . - I - . I .1 ­� ­, I . . . ... . - . I . . � I. . . _� � � I v � I . . I � - --- - - -W 0 . . . � - I I . . . . . . I � - � � � . �._ : . I ___ - I -1 _� I - .-i - - ____1 ­...& ­. - - ,,--- -- - - - _.�. -_ -�� �� qp---- � 7 . I . I � . . " - ­-� ­ !�`%,r.-V,_�-, - - , . - ��w,_qploop" W4§ pojwm'e��� � - , _ - 7. _ I_ - J - , __ .. . I . - . - I � . I . .. . . , I moo .0 �- . I . I . . , I - . , 1. - - . �, . - � � I . I ­ I . I - a I . . I . 4 . . 1. . .. I ". � I .. , I q I . 1�. . I . ii A I .. I .� .. - 11 . . I I I- I It � I I . . . I- , 1; I . .-�_ I . If . / � - I - I I I ,,,,I- - - , . . . . . I- Y - . . . 7 . � I .of I I . � I . . . � . ." : I � . . I I . - . . - , , . .. - : , A . I A � . �. . . . . . -_ . . . , I I . � . . . 1-1 , - ..., , I � - I I . . I - : ­­ I � . �.___ - - - I-.-- , J - . , i, , - . _. . I . ----whft- -_ - --- � I - .1 - �_._0000i000foitoi�, � ...... I," . ­ - _:t- _.1r,__,; t.."..I...11611" . � d /I t . . . fr- - - - I � ' .. I I "No. i I . - __ . . . . I I '61 - . - - / ?Z�,2�ree - fi - , I - - _1w - . I '11-A.A.Ii"' ., J I � I Ing U) r#Allk%O tile City ip 4- I .3 . -_ . I I , Q� - I �_ � / -7 I to rof%ular - boul6arthili'llt - w1liell �eaotetl tile 110118e. Site fixed the tiule - -_ - . I 6 ------ spoL_ - - 4601 j.f.j U L_Z1,I I * would , r fubj,cto i t HAIMUND To ' HANG - the Snow, testified that Ilae.Nab Ila(] // requir,1341 9M.1 tiotilee, turt, to Of thO occurrence by Nza Y the ev1dr.lic*, 3,f,r. *johliNtoo,all "it, it %%,#is _________Iii��� ' - � . . . the weastivard. I eontant�onced .tile at- I Ing it was told hink it would be hard if tilel A, . . - . - - - . 'Allee shoUld conflict. , , PUJ*IY CifthiskistantUil. eoula tile jury er"tiAP11 W tilt- jury. I.,rout tile 4,osoif I __ 6 0 ftbOut ton minuiteft after nine wlien she 41L r evi...' dt"Ift-W gj%iell t,lito _ , 4. 09 I I 'e, ** %% . � � I jkwk pit ww)ll as it was good ditylilglkt. . I reachIM Balley"R flow*-. In onewer to Dr, A. J. CasallAx,11, of (,* trt" to th4l full-wor , of Uloft.i, wit() teh- ust,,, "If � amidit,foll I)( tile w(P_ . r ilturst, tilled now .1 - I L)II Thi -V I-kiste'l UbOut tilree hours, . wheat If I Jolklwtcnlfi� (111(wtiolling 13110 got -ra- t4wtified to Oftliling ,I botw, Of I t'lle fligilt for lw.r tililmLli ,foliffift * rit %,ft , A AL A �. thO 91glia-1 Was made td disC-ontillue tt, ther n)lxe4l tQ thlfigK that, txmisirred Ili . ** .0 On tile tinl4e. d1ru"IC Ifarch. 18101? ,k'(Xwit1eriiyC tile _ pot soqjell jw t(, NIIAW.Nt solu,0JAik. I Kim. - firlug -,wl(l the Atuadron xtoo,i Th Jury Say he Murdered � . stillp nei4l to lilt t1ill,q),11 I oll tllo,. mori . , i4rosig % briiit litiq (qy�erful, 1,1,41 Ifolibe e%ipfff . � - ** !, -1 to .t1lo_, N11104 A' Ili Powever. um I * � 71 & IeY gave sindiar .,., If 111C of f4'elilig exhibited by wwase of tile wit- , , I I - � . Ilorthe"t 1111111 out of sight - "of � . . . L 41011ce find fixed the time ev'- A"'rell "11- 801110 for tile p 4 dence Of ll"--QV,'s tile jury no it werl hewitate far. W4411 flood llilr('IkMklW-1 11 . I ( tha,t *lien &I,(. got III ^ by hattyltag thbi witliee!Ls ,.v.Is ftwdieine tfift t ; - . 100' \ 1 4 . ( L I i � I Juan, whell' the .Course Avas laid I Katie Tough, _)me it'wait Wit sirq(-Ilee. a hurpriu.� to tile fort.. :tcoc.11tij i9l WOUld ijullorovo. I'Pr 1AP"Ith. Tto, fIlf-t �, - , I be. Witil r tl,C 'Itell tAwtimowl'. They UlA L tim. I - .� ,, I I \ will � � . . I . to - it weRtward, . . 11111tut4w aftf-r flille, and that wokiid be lie W116tified tilat oil the had oweti, ev 49 h vrliwpilder lind gqplw to IIW I .=:Z-- - t --- from hight fir Slarch 6th '(fence MalliVuluted by C(nt- Wife'ai holuc. off . - 11Z. %_ .,�, i � VIDW of commit flicating with tilt' *. � o 4W "I .,p - departimocint ,tit port p1titte. anti . . Wil to f If teell 1111111111tev after Pipe. In "foo slow IIUMUIOlki Wt,"J,' e'vi- %%'Iasi UO -41 Ji.4 a Life 1119fit-Of tier 41tiotitti . . * I It Cornell'so: tiruglit4prt.. d1I*n4CP Witil %%-Jtll(%-&f,N.' fluff they land 11 ILMIsulplat Of IliN illsoo, 1. r 1,� - I 1'a`9 tilt' bck'IY- Hu"Wever. In 1,er prpri( . con't-lally "'iti, It Young M-oman livar * 816i'll. Who had talked over I I : - - - . i 11 - Aearn ff-� tbC, department hall of)- ill. Tiff* wl,)Mafl load (NI'me, but lie' tiliglit Ionve elf",14fIforpol " I - t"'w"ano'fly- sile hi'd sworit that hhe , . I.. Wined ilift"ati - 1 could not plaCe the - a. cloak- *M411 it rilwil froal (111julit Lt) (wrtallit.1, I,- . . A MOST BAR C h,11 9 on. ' This with ne%v, Leoitlatiolly �� __ L I � oil Ulf to tile move- I) - that if fit'. Iff'r 1111"IM1141, find aid.ftuop,l' � � i of 41'" t.� iii,."l, I � - 111:1111 . , . Moll tH (of 1 site "'Spa Ifilkla. ve�se , I I or twenty folin, , Mr. Joililloo;toIj IjIL,turf1(I Khtig, T(Jugil ,,## tit) I. it %'1011141 I 10 � :1 V�t ,,, - . � - )(fit-hol, .111tyt Is. At Cape . tilliti, withill'fifteen ror tIN3. (.ro%V11. ,,,14, ill 11,14 Cross-exil. 1- it Stor(Plig :11141 Irigorou" I . go listI64' 1*4061L it MMIAX-foul, I I. eirt+ , I . I . . 1�vn t ill , 6 . .. * . !k . / till , - � I �. I . ( ... I left 11 ''irlAo.-vivea - word from the Mr. ffellry teff- '"le testlat'"lly 'of filintitioll Ifr- J0II1lw)tI wantc a . w(foullill. Vold ill ('Lre'll"Stifilitvii. Tiff- (,Iikoir juKtic*+ %%,:I rii- .'; �p . . . . . �( Jo -z- heir It � I . I . , . . - __ . .deliartinkit tilitt tit - .111WI ,velow-ts He Had 15,6go InBUr&nee 011 ,it t'lat,o ,,, girl uT;lfj o ­P" tile strpet roll , atidu what was to ]lift luirdiy imit, I - I i' r �1' P � 1, . . . "_ - Ituirderet-I - 01"AtIl #AoA)wc.d t"'.1t tit'(' ItIalliltiom front tile Kitut, 1 :1 - .1 d, I � Ill . . I . ere. I . . . . 1 0 Sill. _H,r wily .sq its Pd the jtir.% :I I 81110wilig "Ilv (Put- S. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . I - Il"Me r ulsortly at .tllq,p first 'vldP11c0 IN-liove �t UW nonlif quew � I ,i'. � 11 q � triwifsp, it, .,!; .. , 111.0 IX -0-11' js`gfIt4ttI UC 190 118141 not to (.Of I I W te4nia The jury were liske.1 tit ,it, Im imue I L"Ov, fret Ili' I - t i - tort Curaeoa toil tile � I ref1iof" A& lier 11 i 11r f .1. A"Kil)"Al'out Uffit"o. 11th ill -it. .%,-, -statmi in --fy telegram . . . L . Ulf ter eight 0,elockii 04tell awt ber flit I givell tl"x 4 � - b.y t,Il#*.(,r"%-fA that fit t,IffA 1114 to, , : ,I . _111 � L � I i!II .. ., "ll"N.Y. VOil4l alto mbri ' .. I . Lifloo .- '"'PlitigItt,41kil. Tiv� wit - I ,Jr,1W7 I P_ I )lit If 4 -Irl) . - I ,., __ �k I . tile 4treet. 11lellt thiS IIIAI %';IS 111f.t*ilig Ili,.,. 4 .1 . . 4 0 t . '"w" rerl"Ifed th"t it lkat "net' tillot tiv- Primpner (Jilia; injury watr t1k)no, to jitly As I . - triAll wlioi eflutloAll to filly reowilimable (kiloubt __ I f - - . , 141,Y.*;: W4)r,I eoitfit... ,If�Iore -tilat- *- 1). tfoo�. "I,,, .. I I . � ,- It' I to, 111111, alod Istiosilde.4 1 'lot ocourreq Lits, U1:1t tali . , 1%. ; 1 ._4 .111_ k, _;I " 41 0111 I - - iffolill L .. -MOIJ, :j .141 not 1".n t Z . b . . . . . . . I Da%% ,Air --it fit #4.40. - �__ ; ,__ * fig ex- killml liliki � I -1 4 aar of Dr. ('&r- 4,41 ti - '-stirt.,fle 11:111 live'l :111 114ofiest, .T III Iti rf . -.'- '11*44 ill ("Isit .1%4o.1 lout k- I with. :L roolu in tho *rc At 7 0'elock tilt- ei,urt 140rourn- I , J, T, - -" :� � .1 it. WilAfte4ininkp ill hiPol loo"'"11 Io` find blaek ititir(lo-t- Tiv, J 11 - I-10 --- . * onit _Wan Iwillm .r, ,IjookeAl. lit, h. IlI.*", � - - .41-1.4-11 W0411(w hflslttly�t­ I if I . . . ,,ell -A; 41619 ijtort� fit G-ravenhurst tops- . It 9--"U) in the morning. ;' ri*.tm,quL * I � I �'. - I" I ..,..-- t.h I (or, I i I I; t ry - I 1 n -1). I ra -t I S. 14 Ili ttb to rn4 � . - r I 'foo` 1*'f'WP,- humve'ver ,laid it %%;1)4 llglt _________________--m . - - - .. SOL illvasi � . I I 40,11 h ­ I - . � %_ 1. I- - I - .V, I'llit I o4.t.'It(,s fortv,4. .. . ,me, pol. Cried thitu Kati; - I bi(-, to liplif-�P thim. Tile- onoo-al li-4- - `w loii, l to RiOa Pight. � T -49- 'PRISONER ' Wig - WOL _.- foAigh ensue' jut . __`_,� 1_0;0__ - I Ut r&,*, qw.11llitie.4 . I . . . . I 0 Briteeloridge, .%Iiiy L,,7. . -_ . I ..--Nr--- - I .1 _� - . i. lI;I,Vi*. Ili".1-11. '111.1 for So t* t - I 1, s�s 1)4)W(k'kr . . ! .. I . 4 . . - I tile fostor(�� irboilt, jk!ven nil,,,, SLINDAN' SC"OOL .. - , ­ - . _;__-_ - , 'Aig'.11 111K 'Of -.' 'iy ""`� I - A , 1114:14,111 it' tlw .hossibaridineut (A c , too . 8 Ifillullsoll'i. tilt' ulul(.entr AN "Akilliffbil t1iffil loirituiwie af,.ifl %,jiK . -- - -_ Wall. 'Jaim w. its w1l'"ll )':,,,su(P1,d hall isua- I . 4 . � . I . 6A luck (,*I tile ev�elljsfg to* of 11144 Nvife 111116ra btAtle (if ' - . �, __�" - - _;:_ .; IMIS r,,r 11'so - by San Jualf Charlea A. Weyonan Kat4l: ell "ll. Katle ,vtoultil. expia - 1�� - �, --- (of Afar I . . - I ­ - - - I koti batteriiii. T 'Tio; :I w -,-I bo: t - - I - . WAr. Allholigil lit- kitew tiferp . " J emt# . ou -It could W bardly . ' Ohlef Ju- - "(1 t'lls evidence Wam mrroborated U-44 '11W eritilt. lul),m; W.W � WANIrS l 1o­-­o.(X1 tr4incti. 41 � 0761! 'Sp:ill-. "' I I t lk-1 a tgnzibartf- stlipe Mersd.lth's Scathing Do- hy, tile tt�wtlluol'Y 011 301ift; Brodie, tllf* 10floWs. After throd, trinis lleI,,,N t4lik ,atiolifut tilt, (II-atil 4,01 K.it'ji. ANTURNA"111UNAL - `P" - 0 -J "*if I I - . . wilu tA Tougil IItA(I,tIIllt IlioN LASsom-SIO. X� . HONORABLE PEAOZ�g 'I isil trlxspi it, I till. W I . nit-Itt'. fluet bre "a few -alto" nuneli for. Voratoll1i Clerk ror t1w w . __ U,r,t Frovillees . t on - Th6 Youth Will be Nxe- _qjV1rIed,tllltt of (P. "POIld time bet -ti roufall gillilty IN4.t4,11 I - - . . . ol-joir tllcf� IX)Illt into it . .. I I P ,(I, flunle W" (-()If- JUNE & law. . Splain i ;If C1111:1 -wilo. tnvillg . bay to aseer- ed on Septernber - about that tillif. IL(o, Nerved -a %fill blackest erii * that tatd-(l LIP '14491 'I"IrK lip 11,1141 riot lipooij- . Roslsi;4 systletil 1) " 1 - I ;4iin . re I 16 -Jury On With. I , 1111'% . - v tabbsited "Ji- . I ---I----- NA U, S � . ll* .-xii'"If."t it I if' 00 Sfahisli flect wazi-the . I out lifilly hilrallfait3 , can cout L eve" Sou I' War. and Only � tvleg.-,�I.1;11 , I ly pas'v I tell E*l t`s wOrth Of Iliac* joric, .*:-p,(j(),I illt.;, "19" tile 111'sAw-1111 1,Kxok I I - 0 . I _10-islon. IslitIlt,ko, t-ifll lit- I -011t., ' Y Then they, exelitai .-a few wore . Out an Hour and ' aciii, puttin - pi I elve or to obtain llx�ed to by . ell ra till . a Half. - sraiiep -ell tile life or "r. Clistilibell. Til,r.11 tiff, j 4,i*t *. .1 toy . . . 9 I't ul) in a four -ounce %V Ife. Itioli I will"If J"1111411--oudeninod.--liall Z-,. 11 1-4,11�J-.-n. r., A. t. . - tk),'ilt witilin -.a shor �1 'It - sh0t, Vith Uorro and tho ininor tmt- " � - tetioll I -:ItL � . . � "Illitt( It f ri 49 tillip" T I I toy - I It"tle- � A 111110t(iriuth of . Ka . I NI-kilrid flaill.t. Onlof .. . 'Ilrac4-hriqlge. AI4IY--L116.-F-,-r , , Ilt. ellA-11111V -Pltllllle(I (Hit tl'fJ gi III I 'iii I tot t I * QW61.11V teries. an -d steaine*d itway. Therf! w:18 * lit- -third UP sellf-Illf. twit of 11"toliffoll" ill 90i-1111; to tiff- Tialleiii-A. 1). :jo, 1,la,m_(iulPbftUI& . , I . tillif, , '"'faill" WIN"li'lle It -:1 � i 14� lI-111Y - Ne tk-,; �,ht I v.,4 * . V I or 1) 0% sitolill. 4 - In TM411 W:W showil I o'll"I 4)f fit-ai - J't,r%%)orLv__jo,AijuN. . Oka t I 1 1;4-4. - E, I 1,9 I' 8) a. .1 I it 1, . . J tv -r- littfo . 41.1ill.1gi, .done oil ishoa�e. Tke - t -w 4 if yea hital. and it() A`Usill p,P!mHliI1g (or 11 e%l t'; tile iff-Woo-ritte illild-NN W.L# JA iXAIIL ill IliN I I a I rs willialls Jalliem it' l(APked'Iik 'Alle. Istily lie 1111d Wait- I Iwo (; reft titil. nflor, fopr 4 164, I . f I .rent -Ii. -artillery � e Ls wift; (pit. lilt , . . . "altio"0`11`411 lt;�kfo ri;jmirt � I llff-�_ - ' 11.11111114pillf .0 r Itrielitta. I.,I,k. I'lliLte. Ba ra tistma. utiatifor.il; .111e. tattiki -om trial [fir Itifflife. o,:i up-oill. lit -.1 L'4 I-r-08M..,exial Milan troll to .ell o I 111oluelit,cry 6 . rool.. . e. '1.r,r:f;-xIh-r; attack.. tot raither the manner and re- ii . :1111i tIlp:I %ulf,opt tit" "'(04 h:iirdk*fw.d criiiii . N'Llel, -fro- I -er.-; t4i *,wl-111-4. , to. r,t,.- 111.1valla defell -Val .111, till. In. ,% I L lifortuitate. It intitloo (0)l listo . if tiltib overfour-1.1ou- - " itil tile 14)%% ,Lit A.-harge or-iiii. jtft�', _;I. � I twillo tier s, 11:11. lifter Lilt. 4 * , r I � - . ., Lt ii. . .Irksmail- suit ot .0 - I.; I (.11.1lig.4t h1th 'the 11111,011ioir I)( h fl .i,%-. 1 fe, -.%Jr. .1 y #),),I%,. "To t,II(*;A,. %VI,4#.lv#,LN full-o"oll wt&.11, -Ifift(I lulintnell"ry-11. 71w G " - - 4-ftta�blisfllll * 1i L ... I ilki I K Katii,, tialuillond, or, I L "o"t"ek's :14loolit'iff"t trli;l tllprt� w.:,.*i la,4 * tellP., W till- tProIllIllotoo.41 to 1114' - - k, -,f ,%Oix , t'old "'Ilit#- 'Governor of jQ(k.". IkJft_ - . I . I 1"�' ilk' I fly Lt 0 ll� - 4) btti.r tri.,ij !t!I#,o .� v-paimirds boastful tif what- -they. P do,14'. aboot liltut- &dlr.uik �.t%,(Arf, tiule Mlowh"Iff. Ix. , . I I lilt tit 1W. � t 114 .- � I . I 4)%%* I I . . , I . Itlat , _% Auivr,'t*.,w4 li?,%t. IN 6f. 1 1 . valled - . Katie Tough. . fly the fatly. Itu'l lip load nolt, .it, ..*I�-: tiff- Jury to-ok' tonly Ilios ,of,if!tilll. tL (LY . I of Itolulall I - , 14'% tlff'rt i -`i ;L 114 Vs,,, i 1,,7: t t:t4 vii I __ ItIt'i .to . 4. thvir Victory. atid. the ettptaiu�_ kit' It. IIN -.41le �%V'-'As also) i'll" tli(. bottl(. had IM -4'11 li'a"Ait'll Ilion 1114#1141"M K.;I; f^X11 thd. IN) long led UP tilt- ancient I . .1tk for lwat-e -itcral is.,ul oil of coil ' . . . ez- (Nip litotir iu* lirl-lj .111ino ' . I �_ . - ill - ft x1st t. I (; L � !i)II-til' ' I'light-of. Allarell I;tlk,- Istid'. ailallle,4 it V.), si-I, if- tiler4. -4-1;,- - . I � t �Nl it 1moziatuati . . 411jily Air Uw pontli� Low "I" , . , .ill 1%1119-11-t :I verdii!t. Tlip ilig tlll� efroleliols; ,f 1.1pailk , :It I'll 46�bithnt ok-1 Atlas A I'lilaillo. . A - . ;g1iiatulatioll I sttlr. Con-, - K:ltif Tough -1.1.11111t, 11 . . 1. I L"", Alftfliw- lais"A"Us "aronv,t %%-it,b t,ije Pitons, ,1lAV,e1,11J. ri , --!.-- . r . 1. 1ho! oil . hNit! at-ifi. With , , I . ... I -lb r --;;I,#I1I-,;h1qx . . LIBNOUNCmill T " 'WAR III liall , '1� ' Y_ w'"A"llt'" `r "J'0 -f JUNtive .11t-reititio lit)t liL-f.ly -1111"if 4-avital Wt., at ( e I . I N - - I T I 1141 ifflu. na '()"A' - w. .' ' fOund t1l;119 eND lit t1w bottle. I I " rot I ---ti:1 t4lolinwn j)f � spqj in a l I oiN. Jil, lying. ill. the snow itear he . Ld` %ft Ar . I . � loart"! tit P, UV � .1vi'voulli for tit#' Americans In . . r fatfier's IVL-IN I. I ll:Lt 111:11111JI44141 - Ise, 111111gp4l Ili . L L -ft -aftreft i'llilippi. I I 11gLIt *it . ill. , 1�& - rwii--� t,,.*. r! , 0 030eipt-l"ttioQue(.11'' J14,11-10. i (I � I RE 441-Al"N Tilt I - o ..r uff"I"" 9'%*`11 it titio lovir lout it way film q. . .1 - rst. -[lying frlc)mtlkt! j ir.-I;day. .No -lit. I. -,til. - . . O%vll do,ow, wood Isol 1111 ""t""All- UP 1ru too Joru- � . �Tooit 0,J011411rit; - tep;,--nt jillgo ­ - 'Nortf o R ico. 4toad Ifilitif tlli% t,.vI)t.kitk_(q, I I it'ravenhu * ; -.'Tilllilt. - T h I I - . _,;�_. . A illl%..v 1.c;r vii:51IL'. . I . L. - . " � of -if trilit till' tlllf..Il,t L I)f -11- (41t,vt Alf itrus,iie acill. lx)i.4xjllillg. Wit- , V!Ss flosifla '16181�4. Tilt- Towit ' 111"r rall ,1,,,-,, if, 11*llftfw 114-111 lit til" a-reat � * , lia%e . . . ill- wits enlic4l to t Ids-?rpet. itc........ itier and slift.t.-V ill tile I . . 'Wr"tuj ul I L y ill-tren A if - fowti%alh up &".00n. , th's" lolsit r. pra.i.lolld Vii. Writi-l; tor'l,",- e I - ­ L .. . . flie Cirt Y I':"'- %vl1'L-'#1 tile Will WIIN forritilc t(l t.11C. (A) . � 1. . -1114 h.ontiorlisliorp , 't. I'liL-; .--��iory .' A t eriralls..- Ii-folild lit., visitit-41 uIrm or%* li:lllk 1-famillonCt, 11l.r fill P%1�11 UP -give *4k%-i4#,slIv Nholt lield, wt- . . . ,,to . . I tlq&li,,�; 'fr , , " - L . . lon n- shand, f-hargred v- :is "r'#%:' -t`-1 '%%1th si)(Actitto(ors TolloCII, Nlw Ptsitioll o( Natill. Wtvik. ukelotio-Ill c.olf, hialdeity. He wam ' ; )111 .4 1,11ilAl'i'l I I . -ith tiv, 61111;.* .1s, ' wam; it htrqO1Ag_1uIu,14Aol, , . "illw-lin � r 111 � .. iank its Asni"Ke.l." . I . - "I'MI it w. -is Iv:frfl(4I 111lit a , -i trary ill fill, 114 . . - Tit.- ):Ittit, I %% A, 114 V-611 tAvice-tried. ifig Unit i1J4lufAJfAhAl-"1'1;,1 lia tit, Tough %% � cruel ; arbi- - . I . . 113 J"'Llio, vorrusliwiz.11 lit.: - - , * I :. . - w't er (oil tile. Iliglit of Ill, rell - %%,:I -q ow.11H. - -In , pri4ja , ver-ilet 'ort,u.j 1,t.. 9- -tilt] 0wrouhing 1#,.I- . I & ; !;opu.:zr' � - : . ill tIIf'4:4)vk fightil . 1. ' k'4P 110, , - . iic.aoi; an .4-Atitilt r&t L I I --u-- . I I . It Gt 11. 81li- � Ila, I -fli-itili-eiii - it vo,ul,14. tf)- wooir, (-Loo-,io, 01111111, #iad Illigilt -to 14"I - ()I "'"Ift"41111ot for tho allpligliPf, or . . fl� loo L *, , . A � W:t!-. lvtltes� - ig [for Ills life. & -Ili:vs. .% 1:11 P %'li (*:I Me , � 1 loot 'llitiaWk -tile ' blit iIr4:i1,'I'1Int`Ic*fl- 1wri- 41 J�,4 () . getti(r, %%,,Ilk,, . r - . . . nobla "* , - . . . � I "I'll "(P%% for thov third 011ie lie- ittlil' - 1'.� !re, V4,,1411 _ Oil Y ("11--tilit'd flatuniond tier W:Q'. Tilt, liff-pilo,ive f(I I.mr,14.1, :, a'. Mit- "fik ill ti -1t4% neglo.tia-i"IVIC, ;1.,4 iiinivit, - I 1 I hifl% -L - . . war. It tri A, I , , ­ - " tilt I'M, Ivii.suilliNA I. ' 4. . . . I . - )11 .1. .i., If 1i Ind. -Iiiii1itilti itf the Iliol- Till, ii;is­, :I" it JIg till .11141. (Nown (wt 1r1n,1--1ir;4vfiAaImrs __ 11.1lip, Iffili4vilt"Isp i144 -141J.4. ju4p, ; hilti until . L � I . L � all. . 'i;:1 :toy t. , '. t bi%' ')O'&t- _%VI'i4"II left 'tfuo, I;jCi*ntd,; ( - * . A , t .,.,,I 1111111,111t* IN):It. 'has go I I, i I I : Sarj�ll .1111d , 110ou'li- streets, till- ,wtO. -19. X,ofl '._i. . Vito,0. ht- woul, 111%. uIll.- itm r ,11, 4#110' if' t1w Iii -story or crinw..irli- Or UPC 10ILrtif-.4 till -tp, I '11,41tild a, #Wit , I that t . - st-1114I.S. iri it familiar 11" "'Itmw however, a 11unisai I ii._Ir I ­ 'Ititin sillonlit ; t"ZilDwil hy. till, t1ilikiloVerj I , tr�l I 11. . . to I e silo I :1 tilts trial I it- I ""' Paoilkio`11% WO -re PIL- L# Ilolliwal)Iftl I vitaiisal I'll-i"!c' 1,*11i"114 %% iiell i�% -! 111.1,11 We W.'sm ovorL to, tj'#, ilU1rrI;Wi-. It HINPW tile "-Uhl lConflooll :1111'rangenit-lit it -,%.()Ill* CA , Ist,rittit-7 WA-Sloill;,vtoll uith 441L I'". 1-:. � "I't"!PY, tiv4', As.,, ]lift ftPrivartil hY tiff- Crown. bi : at-illf," it enpe. She t-ouill not ii:1111111"0101"K filtiser. u-tillp 11iIN s4iL IN,, I"414i * W, t1w . I . rill' 11 )W W I by, tilt -.*uliy rvtpiia * to I � 1:0, I roo'll . C411 - Ato - - till" 4111piv W-tProl lkl' tili, A �i,.i (I N:Ijf. hij )WfIll , N (.to 111,441 _ lkitt-ko, s4r Id', PAI sfii)riv atiiiilt 'a"ff ro'soll"'" for l'&W---*"'e4ftff- 'Aidu,I Joint- . V-%:IIJllfI4*tI in , , 1.4 �11 Ittify mail, I - 4-ity to., Los, ]IIII fe or - t I` fittlNer tv) obt,vill tli(,l historian . 4 :ill Ifirol, "I'd iorut,ajif. The votirprell4m, o Ulf. Jew" w . if# lit) inillractic;lf, I tit I,-I*-ntto1,lIv,. Hall failvei, ba.s�fol: ,I - or 111alk-iff4 loll offur - . that g'rj' .iili tIle,4#I1A__ * IgIl. till. .41-jol - I A'as Ofs . . mi1rit.-or' 'raliqlp loritle I , 11 witil .. wi; I ri Itt'd ifil tl,4% VflitOl 't-tts-8 (;t)�vrnnwilt to 11'aluilliolid .1litif obtailINI 4pilitim. life or I Nil * N:t%v - 011 List` K'irl &ri,11, %%-,';.i i'44 'fit tilt- , riot"#(' if' -'"tie "r"4401"%; romotil, Wilt" Ulf Poifu44prilloss. ,A�Ili,4. jt�osuo, %%insf . , --see P t1c. (Ill;4-11 0.4-S -111 16, Ili.%; Wift"L . tll:lt .Ili- I ("art roloin Mr. .Jull1ist"ji hijid -t,1,4.r,. , So � . . P4 , t( t I 11(11141 . , 1101111ving tll,. . I). ;I Not.ter i e- . Lri s 4110-1111 )10 iiii I 4vr%-.-r.t-'-. "fleet. . - .--At, the -1 irst trial I _the, -!I1 I .Kht. %%'IIf*fi'NII4.,ktNt wa%V Uff. Wtw,, ;ht- %`(+Illet, U -;.N gritf-11. - A %V1114 a 114-0 A1.44- Withill. Tilt- jt -%q, -w � I . P"11111110 4,"iry #if ' I . 4 f.N- e"iII114. - tilpy. - Wflo, , Ifi-1111- : Old .%%;fr atl,i ft x1irt-ot-ang .�Ynl- .4Iis;1gr4`,AfI`l`1; but *a verilict _f)f guilty was Ili, Ill't':41J )1h'1Nf"1r 'jilt Lill tifff I flit of IlefW0 tol(J- 4rolilti-f-L tit#. #,adi.S woulti 'lot 1pi wiLlaill ,. , � .1 tii�l,a Ill lvfi� M1110 tllol�lLrht' toil hfiff fill I rol' St:111th"K ild-ar rt to -war witfi I*X:,u um, - . '' .. . , . I . I . . A L 1,141 tIfj%-. '�Jiit 10(ptil , - It WIkh I'libiwwor Loam.. soloold I � z.1fiar'O ,ruis,er ,was: itZlitt'41 lo.� tile I e _ .I .111olky.f.. ev(#ry If. a tf,ria f.i %%.,V I I . I . A 1 'I"(141184 ill'the Ktqu1.j4-'1; - i. - they woul'i il" (14-fileil Tile ef,slifto. . ii A,% er. S t; I U -.-Z. 1% i I. I I %% I I of: i I w , art, jitoty - :tt I ,I if Itf., t. *. ,,:, * * I ,,'*o ' "' 4' airrond trial. .whicil around N.310 o"Chick. .ox-iie -tit, - YP ill -SI'aiii-ill 4;0%-ernment.. - fr. 114,% � 11*1ttly with till- elivillie., (of I lik. I , flite, I , .111 roffiturilf-41 at, tit 1111114A14 I'm 911 te. .A I I t li,44. 11.1 pis - IN. I v4part favilig t-,, 11,10s" lit a � 'I'llt' r 14, � ._ is -% rsI1111)s Willilinqtoll. tt")6 phicl. lia- Illo-tte-loolifir Past., I rfx�m turlivii ilia Ilii :IN tiff, ,1,1 l,r,. %% , renCs, . � I - - ,% %%ar. .' litf.r. whit -I . I Is .-;ign4.k1 I IY �-., III i � .v . - . I - . . . Ilt Ltil.tt it- W.18 fat aillilittA.11 I - e(Otirt I - _.,*% Root olif", or tiii, (N,,Itl cirl. wi'Lb Jebuh was wittlill. 1_,41;jtl. returned - . . Iry � I - . tii.,; iri�tl it illi-Ijoositioll, Illiteli., lj.v ill,n, It'lling 111111silill f,rpr Jim -:I ill t1J giVe-their Verdict. 11 ;. - laartivit! ,oti ,.,, i - r � I k . , . , 1,:Iil;* *()Pil fiiit4`4-IJ:'I1li1f-N (Iff lie'.. ­ _ C Y. fi 14 LIP theI laill r "-�­"I- I"- `- CAW�,ALFB .VPNO" Alfro-41 11. 11"'N . I rt 'i, lei � i-i d.kt(-d*­III_ % , , . 4,(P.�1111( ) 1, 1 414.1p., . . ­ r 40 . I. 1. I I" too .;I ve.- I too 14101144T ,leno,ilig tit, JeWN ulitho". - 1%6 - - . i I � dot-In-liflo-tw'. . '.6"t'. laoi� ifig-lit, 416i at In$ pi# PlItIr :4 t tiff. 4-f-A.1-oller's Wiltiest %V;I.,4 :tl- nt.* .. to, PIN"I - %�-:#Ikillg ill -ii : Limit t heir f of c,0111.1 I)" M11111 U'llat- Vlat t " '' . t the lorimmer with -ii-Lattlibury. Art Tliou the King fir till. . . . .I III. � I 11.0 tilf-II)IIi-I, Aprii 't-ro"I'nt, s 1.( - ' - � . '61 -t- lilt , k-epittat, w4pul- r Lip. I 'k fit, iiartivul.rr 4,ijilm. (or 114.11til. I* * I 1. . I .. - St.( %if .. 1'.; - I 0. . I 4-11�L'I;fr.j I . 1) .11' tibma I f4&r- % *1 Alto Jown ?-Tile (-an � . 11, .it t" " 1"%%`�l -IN "'.Videlice. .Tit(- vourt,,; li-ti g P;)rhoAI. 1IJr wais -i . 811101"I To, 1) 1W . - . I_, J, L 4, "'-10-4. * * . I 1: , f iiis� ;4.14 � 'L ii� tilt' " rst 1:141-4- - to 11.11111wo,111 ri, P""Ahl I remarkable. . . � &�. � . . 11irittetilli, ' ' ' " , %rear elliff.m. ' r - , '*' "I ,,v&`d t(` tiff-' - - Itaiii-roft .Sit;( i. 4iA villed tfiat ill .i s1iiPlIld I ft':, rharifill"WriNtif- :Ittit1i(k-,, I, -IN Iff.;,,. The word "Thu . � t , I . - I , P, till, - . � .,. . 4. I If1)IIth:iI4-(I t,k _. ('4P1."er4!(J witli" Ids 1, - . - ., . I :_R I . . 9-Pit.l.. [lentier. Nladel.1, "paill.. it S.13 -s: -#.,. I I 1:1 t..I; ,.%. it I I Ile` 11 :"`!lilittA'410 ,""I fill thi--4 ground li;i'%-(*. , * .1 14114ps- the luoit", (if the- wenten4w. U'm . . :4 ;11 - '� 9ils - I . . - (4114,4-Itz1:4.4, -f � I - .1 * I "11 "a" t%%'(J 64tolf-S lit 1wr ro' li N't"I'dis in Uw orig- . h . ; fille . . , 4� PwVfI . � t 4 of. ,�l 1. .1 lot Ifil-IlVeii Two, other witsjt�'..,e.-; r .111i; 11iI.i raff.0 %i, ILI' t1w lorti, it, -rw .. .1;11 ,loll Svwkr ,Saiii rf.,i I Izi;1I ri. shi, '141. aflA inal at I r . $1 . .. I - , ; .Q'4 -1 1 4 114.1 -fl, 110 .1 1141W trinl � . 'flf!l Stool) - - t1it.- C -41101t 4 If Ili ritils "Pri( -it'ill,,Itif,tW-r('4)lit-;Iiliilitc" lutruvii .If 11,11:1U. Woulil f . a . . . It li,� lit 4�4.,r ht-aris tis x q-. -.I.-. tile ulll�, I . . . -,vas pantofiid. . '. 1).14-i'.1 .Xf.l.l L:k.�.'*, I - Alla kes 14:1 fill.- AN the '%,(-r.iivt gililtto- %Vas 411!- -'A'.',- lisixtitre. -A-q14--fko,.f.Iit LAP.Iff..r 4lay tAll Pol-i-0011 seli hutu:t . VJ'r.,j:JI I'A lIC4. t'(. . - � � . I . . L - . . . "%JAIAIPEAI,1. walkitttraltylig 11;cIlWed hio %%-1tll'*rA-%t`­ Ili" N1fl'l1d-..J tiff oil - the 10<4 . .) .j4p:1. lik'111I.M.11tifig:111:11, , . �� --V.I. - ' TfiV, I'lf"IsWN1I`I.! XNVI".. �q #*#Nflfi 61041, t1d sjbist-d, lialided over UP one "it & . 'Y I -.1 4 - . � . ri­uds 4, ' r . . !I.fIl1IIlJtJI4I " IV I I.,., k 4,4. . __�Ml,' IA�.IIL in. I�r:,04. )will 946 �%V.Iilk;iig x1olviv, :IlliIij;g. ,;.Ilk,,(.$, :(I-111-fil- off I 01 ilig -11er-l(Ptl.Sl,V. r�'Jlf- , , i 11.1. rk"IMOP4"I tli4.r#. .1 fd,,, . I Jewhr"!-N-flaff. I . E 110,1-,,,� I ILI W 4 4 I", . ' A G1 I Ill' FOR 0 11 T -A RIO.' I I Ion 26; luolltils. _. � -trial. o:lk-.-.s, _' I . � �-Aoiwr %v-.1,, , - . � .4a.1 the V is.111110% doubtful 11,119wer. but .1 Htl4ing,affirgai- I Ill .111 . I tllL �Nta`e`bt "_114" tileY 041W .1 N-4Ailde 9:1�("41 Nt"111flly aL'thf. .11141ge.-Illik I'llh [:if or her oRiatit 4%�itlffl�L I Isiallf4actor-art ,Thou tilt. King,4A tile -11 . 1**I!'*&-; for tilt- %%,J)r1ti '-fil'i . .1411 pri, Thou taiv , - fr-,rit tl;,. I'll- , I I Y atiol the, losig 4-011- 4 if- 4A. I I .',Il,l Lt-# � . #1eoa__%0t " - __Iii, Itid'Al '.'_�t:,�#_4. t%tJ.,IV %%�4. Ifl. r'. . � I L I (f*,-S*tiri4,-,1, JJ4,tt till, .1. I - -I uo'llit, (out . a . - .1 ,%. ;I liloirif.l.i It , - 111.111 44, t I.V .11-il-41 I . . I loli -4 . ___ . fill#-1114-Ift ,00 . I Y %I r. I m.'. I .. joljfq� I 4 ;4�xt 4% lo'l- . S I I . . . 3.t&'!1" i"l;rIv 4-4)1111�­ . .1 - . $ Wo:,(, dark clotfli.q . : 14 : - -1 -sill pit I 'si%d-r- . ,lit t!lio. (.;I.Sf. ft#r . A 111:1 t, 'Siff) is "t . , ( -1141AI-iiii-S too II:kAf- -topl,t 111PAsal . st!ov, -to the (left. - !f"llf-4- o' her i.;, I Illud it tion. . I ___ . . , .giillk ill t1141 ('1110.111 11611. Ifiv IfolikI.41 %Vf1itA. ;11111 "I P. t I.- lit, liali so'l..4 Ilw pal. . llco� friont ).%H to NJ �..lrwls f"Jili. Iff'or fatil,-�* - 0 - - , 11 . . - I � -6-kiy u-461 I. . :_f011er ift tilt. % " ., IS Ict? tiV(li;1Ii fl,iis- Ilia: t,,:'.SI.4'eI...,isf1ItI , , A 12. _Ail-vut*,fI for Ulf. cilidof � r - I I 11 - " , 1, ­ I - " - t tlli.#; .1worfolng. I. 14*4� # A .%,41jr.-_ t I 4114-s "' "I"I'mu '. � I F,i � Ilt' nliclit _W tfl.-tt pilot. ..,1,14 TIM.N. forgnit, LIPP dignity of - . __ 1� ti'lo011- '11.k ibl:!tillfilf 1�,.avw il.11d 1.%#"%"..I!lt*i�Ti',e'Pi�(ivii-icp, Has J11ri,stiieLioB i 4 I - I ) q P; I. I red iii I ropur i , 1 N 1 Co.1irt, :4 11, I I -,* t liell % . Y 1-111014SA" *I 41-Iderm- liork'111111,46 &Laid . . I Wilo'. is L . . . _. 1114-:1 I - . . . I . .N' 4 0,1. tOl-Iu-;i.r trom, till- 1: ('XIIIiii. th rea i . . .. i - -1i`IniI:i,r t-.,' tilt,Lip %%-.)I .tli ill ,'014,111. tolivii. Till- ,,1!1.� ,f.lf*. Cwr by - . � . I milluirig-lit I (I;d"l1`L'l%"`1N "'#94 ..!4' l0k-ofi fit-rm-1f.' f-� turlied ififOrm,form, and ill ;I - ' 11 - __ . " ii alf 41;,; father. it fill * ion , It v - t If ,,. r"r Isis to their plam . . - _�, :-. - * .. rt. I; - . "Loll I % I -it I I if r. -A, "' I - - -(+;,l *tIj("rglit . -IM111.1 . 4: I In lit (of 1111SC-Ow or'dt-hizil. A . I � I - . a )I g:rl fr that floo,ott.14.40f VI-41"WWAd : M1114 Chrism. .., isr.mi.-i-i - . ,. * -ill :to - fig, lit , . , 11164 LIP I? -,A"( -14I, -k, 111-g . If.1,vto , (I flot It# -.--:I -, '_ - i:I­"-fiIt:It'vi-.S ft,( Iiiii, % iwrio-alt- iiiI.Ir'l. jL� I s s -kill to'Jinve -*qx.lat - Nf . it;#- . - t. .'�IWL W"S Whi-t1wr tim. r I V . . I I 111t, 'Wits, . t :it - I I-, oil � L I, dar' or.i. LZIII his f,r4oloo-ri.iiI ill 6,14111(fil `0 Ill; lit Jupi - . , - ,* - -, --- 1. i'l iev" .0 1.1, � , 1�,If,llf Ift I! a Joervoll .� I I 0 ___-ft. I 1. tjiqt w�.. lW-1 , .. s'#,Ai ri I. _; I ig Ili -4 boy, - .1. .: . . . 0 hat ,,rw,si. If: -t -loureto.ow-4 I � � . ., II)fiIKJ.il. �fr,"L(l . . � - . 1, .- �11.111111folvi LIM. . 11)111%�* tot low Wait. theY whorea,doolly I '#* 11 filf,Llf . : 'I 11,1,1 . self. ;Iilqi- LW-, "Ir .14fillf-litUll f8prif-014 Par did liot kti - - . - il 11 IR. flklltlliliv.f'h� , IN.. I 'I I I , )II, - ____ '_ I . I t, itis 11A)t 11614 Oust till- Pik .,el 1 t 1.!�h att,1114C.'). . - lit 4 -it i a.! I . i Vik`ll- tiff! 110iih4sil lit:r- .V w4likill ':;' %%"ltfl(vft a.9faill9t, TINtie-They who ­ . - . 1!I1'/, - _�_ " I 1#01%, VII'd Ist'sill1l; at , * 11 Is. ( :, I . . ltrf.114 , , - � . - A cot . � I L . .. _.�� . // f I tilt, %_1 -t �fvir ii3tilill. . I � .1's - loplig � Its.-tI11% I)r_d."-j.filI.s th;,' t'llie-LIi .1 Y-:41" . -:1 I , I .6 4.44114.1w,loll -1,11 I . 1 4 tri. -I, will 1. t st I 4 I ter t4v- I-% elit . %;:-r )..I,; 1ll:IrAIi.1I,o.,, t1le I A. ", I I I.i I at the 4.14-:1. I ila,lf' . � I ­ . . - , o. A , I *.L 4 1- - _-_- - �. ., I I . t., - . " - ' - . If.": til:o. - " L tlae (Put""�, '"s"'y Who Were eavits troW I I -_ L .1 I - A rnixti,;I:I- �1_'j t.fik till. fliff%L4. * -Iqtt4 aga-:11.11t tilf-1. _14. !.., bY t,.Kilfic It"isoll I it! If- i i, I ."' " 11-l" 411-felIC0. Ilffilori'l .11a.li; if t- � . . - I. pri.%il:iIiier ,-I*-.1 i-ly :k ' . Illlo find not aliowed - - � I o -*,tit 1.4 .1 K . '"i,TA '-- DI . .,it _ _ _ _ ___ I %fff,'It :t. 4,40,lt; t4. � ___:_ - I riltu ldo:i t, IAr i WN(, !I NOQUE�TIONVLCIDEV to rf1p - _ .. i I , I z, . _____ L . . I . 1' .1 1, � I . . - - lalf.'JIL-4 714 , . . I. I,,, .11 rill, L - UP go into tile . '. r -_ , - - - ,Z.,11VIIA, V ,%loll 4-0)11; I .,;!.Il.l ;I 1, I# VG-, � � '. " .� . . -.1 . fill. ' Mr. JohlikVior -IV.r4.. . � ,_----­;;: , . L a I 11 I I � . 11;1 ltr q(r� iI ;SIl- tit * 0. I tio: . npu off 114 or WHAT manf'tuttr3,, tiopy %*Ijo Weft fef. . I - .; , ;;� - . - - , t agii ly - 1%, I :4 ., I. gilt off ("I. sely all,( ill . %% :1.% tilat vill-rif.!, tfoll- iiiiiii:ijranep., ;11141 4-11tilliest ti). I #%.;I v) , J . " I - - . sll;r, top, Al wr;�-:i. 4);ir, I -;;rt.-4 aro- 00.1 il`14A .f-:4,4:lK, I � % St.4-rdillY, 11"I'lillt-li 4:11t - ,� - I 4. .r 44 `r�' @",'% ('-I . hv Nir.,"Jas. V-.j1IA"t-1iI`PJ j4*.-tI1#. jujil, . A t s ule 41 falo-1,16POI--flow Wally this _ . - , I.=- - - I � - ii, - . I I . I '11, . - - 'It --.%lit, At lii:lo� f, .r 4 , .1 I I . . � - --_ I . . K Ar Iw I . . 'it lilt. . - 11 I I � -.- -_ I - t-. iiister. , -.,,.,Jiro - tf "' : f N,I I . i I, * 'rlie;f, , . �� - -- - - 4 11 -, ---------;- - - . � i.k: t I% If 4 Iv t-. " - . I , . - . . I .1 I __`� ­ I #,, I I I o - I rr. I -4,; � - i .vt)ll il. I %_6111, [if; 0.4),01t, I 1.0-� t...�I,ri�.., I 4011114 -if iN fill.i. .44 *.,:I t � � X . iiii , I 1.1 1w I . I ,;J 4 i ^.-V4 %.I.; -i - ),fr,.%'- I.% it ;goal 'A. Iliad lkw1i ilfhalweff Lo kito . f - . f ­4rz Cilier -his- ii� tl'#'y ,witlmv*i (4railiolft Him.! But ; ire, I " . 1;#,Niti, iiii'l -i&�� I - wr ;111 . 11 t P;, . 1. 11.�'.11* :.Ilfro) tit ))',*,,,,I � th.... I, -- bili hitl k -At.... Ilf-ro-glit?l Vvi;.s 14dot f-:jlf-IlI, ill I -ivire tifo . I . 1'. A I . i , " * . ,:I. Illit ttliit-� ri­l! t It I I . ­ ILI .1% lit."4-i- - - --- I livind, wii U, th'$ t 11:1 11111A141 . I . . . - . , r. - - �- - ) -%. � I! .,,�. t I . r - .. .. I lilotlips. had t.. V%* - L_"Utl "WhO h.iAl 4*4 I . 11�4, I � . � " :1 te. i t o ,W .(. . - . awe's- h6 . � � , - . I . ' . � I I � - � , I . I I I I 11'rof (-- 4 ' -.-I. I fzi,r Iiii. Ior:--x)iivr. it %V.41� I U S!fdowlt I . ,*r,t , ,,I %,4 -I;ril , ` 1 tel 16 Ill . IM0 it,--liviffif. it Ila I . - VIM. fJoulo, -twil A i�.4: .1 olflilPlif'pll fir I..wl'ada, 1- , I I (P. vil , - Atti Ulf, (J.,Ilior of Awletity flot AAUIW 41 - - �, - � 7 .1;L1, I I I? 1,11friltry - - Ird, at. lith 4 Oil flat f -vol -,I !P". % imp froua Use ain&t(k, Vt- yoi�, .11 . im- t. - I , I , � f, it, *- ro,bi,l- i- I -it le' I , .4t:IV4 tf at flit , 11 I or, "�61 . */1% . %towill'i I , _-. t _. . - ��, . � � _* 0 , 41 \ A' .A -fr -ywtr :,l; ; I ,'I ,. i t J 4. I 1` I I - 11 I I, Wf tiia � I i. U.,/ . I L A I t-114- III- �� 1, flilPistit, , � . .-. q#4 I r, :I if . ,I I-oili., ill j-)l1,;.IAi - -44-111 t,, -w !it. -,%'Ij..,. th.- itiry . . 1111,110"JI It-loff-liglob . .- ­ - __ 1, - , . 1.1.144 -It 'Ir "n-tire.f, lit0fe,it too ob- - 4, V;" � . I . I , - . . 0 � 1:14 ;,_�. .. . I I IfletA-etion.7 -�lltj s do -1-11).-J.'. -At 4111d at " it, Alsverajovil. -it life.- , I _ _ . Is I I I A." tj"'. (.� - . . . � . . . I, .11 ': " I . I "witui-.14 . .,. ..for .1(,8tk,�. L . . , 0i, . , . . I - . . . . *11 r -%-A.I.Irl. : Ilif. - . to I , .I [ .tJ .,-I vif I.* I .-It fit, t.x,. I. qw.1%. lilac. 1*011 C.- ? ou , ... � Ii - _ _ 1 Y, 0, to -fro A I. t 4. to) a v i tl,,;ti 11:1%4.1; �. I I 4-11'am"U'll, Sailf, "111110cent blood. ­ I _* 0 ; I . -_ 't 't I'- \'� . , - _.- ttio Nt:, . . 1Y i. -Ififl# I . . r. "at)IIII.... 9-M tileoi' -.-,Iif.r;.rf 1Q.I!t uiir thf. L- 6.1 -his . 14), The GOANVikor anarvelW_4�on_ I . - - -I r . ,I li fi I ilit-ql-t t-114. i,,p- *.I 1*11 all 4* ­41, 'al I, � ttentiull toi I . . I & . UJUS Aliloltrsfit. __ L t I I , .. _: - �1� ;I �, ,rt u . 4 stl�o;f valb�l , t'lle I, Of* Wt. x".. . , I - - . __ - lil:11116L-4 :4#f .Jfl!l fll.itV. I T4,4., ,,I lot . .. . . 1. 1. . � I . "'allf'opt 'IN I"illite Waoll of . .- . . I. .. I �'l " (14-ach.liwil for ,tlw -y I � � -do� . . � ` . . -it), "�7 %% . Is I Tiff, a dolrew for' t1k. Crinvit . q,fouli.4-1� low U, . f .7 - i . . -1 . - Ili- I , , . . I i, I I to , , Z'14 014 . it-' Ill- tli­- triar %%-:l..j _ #^Vmft* I I I . . . - . oc, - . 11 lire %-till- . WAIF' innot-euce It fill . V I 0 � - I 11 .� / 11.1%;I-470."�; - . � , " r � . lk , - 11 .. - I . I . li!41- flri"% fivio7illilve th,it-it 4": * .# .dfal­ *1'' .jill fPf ("firist- 140 Wall! full 'the move at a . .. . ,.4. , . , - ' ' % !w 4-41il lit ti L)f t hol , i, .. tP*C4q!TI .-, .1 41ii I - 4; - A �*f If X-C, - Ill, t. il'If.; I - I-*I;l' It. *' . - ' . ulldfm% . * ,r , I . _. I . - . A. - .91.414..# - rdi( .11r. 'JI, it. oh-ild-1. 14wit Lilt, ro - /I , . . I . � fli:lef"l V.11141 1 , . . � . 'is .a �(%r%, 104)W(.4 all a I . I '. oil, � ! . . if's%%, , Ir I %%. - I o.-- I . I , I . � . I for t.1 1�. I . L%�. , _�_% -flix,cl; sa;ll . I I f.+ Ia., t , to . 1-4fli. i'S tL I . 4N . 40114-. fit- - rbp&r ur* . " 1. 011 L itue 11 Aill.i ,�I. � . � / -.- .i ts.11P. Till: 51\4 41's of 0 I %I I -.\ -I- . k 4 rs . - I . I I . -is e4 Or- -if )t . sof I I * . I. . . � I e 10 L . . , I . ivr ;irtrtut -_ , . . . I . -, it . W . W PrIlIf'stier giiiitv' ,4 or 6 J1W*1I14ltIf-d out thiAt - L Iwo , . . I " 4 of, t 1 i4 �, I r1l,vt. _� I -. , .- I 10ity-I.", - :4.�,kfi�.'f - t loob wit'll w"'c" olle 111"'intio"'Iell Such sub- .4 - . L . ,J, I �f pill i it i §41, ;Iwi I t; I,, f64.Il.-II-; *_ .1. . � . . ,� ". 'I I 1. - . 9 k. (if L, et'AirL-i In olsollsid,liV - *' ""'re flum- tifilemms.--l1eyer. I . . . I _.." . %% 11; -ft. t 1: N 4 X t I . . t, sli I I L. . .. . . - I , � .. _.. . . . I . . I * L tll,-, (-I;-r . I A fat.". ill tit,.' f-Ittle. ol . . I f, _, � I r I I � " 114,tj I .liftit - - "Ill *:'lit * - � .. 'XIIr ,m OT I I i.: I.- .-A ,liff's"I'l Alt 0 %%* ,;i Tiwy Vt.,(.r*, tilift till- lorilamer is: , . a, ii:!oprofiir�lii I � . li , . 1 I ,' 4t 1 I I I r% :11111 ,.';' t:- -t ,I\;4r `k" 4 9 . 1 CA ollifi: t. . I . � I / - - I - i vilfit-4o.-rat-tipti... - TIN-. I . . . .Y. . . . 111. TIPe GO(Itoortior w . r.:Ii.tPf­ % It ,* l,'4 14 t(.I.,I, ill if "' . I. I, . .. . I � I . :IN W0111, to no- .. � ­ � I the, , I 41 - . i , . . I. , , * � - . I L I I , ., . . ;*&Ill ill ttle siorriiiig. . - - ------ __ __ � . 1,114., . 1--4,1- 1 1 . . , , . * .. . , / , - . , -11l-ft I'll;,., It 1 4I%41I1IIJ9,,,%VlIva. (o4t A: dw W 14)W tI.I.It it . er-it wuh a (;rf, k and I VL W:I��Ililljr, I . - : IK%V41kf4f t,lJP,J4#N!II,:j Is. - I -;:Ii,-% it lv-l.�. � Witin"if r, -� ,It ,or .tl._' !� -� -xitiV s A I ,,.T;fAiJ _, "i , if ('111-im-NUn deadly I o' ill four. -k-iuw .... it Ifori"i - . I . .t . 114-visi6l. �-.111-­[":! �TIJR - ' � _t I!. ,I,,, " , - .. ...'I. A 1;:wk, -f)llf . - '.4 (,,4" &'I I ' t!J6, 1.1#� , i,) fif I# r L . I , , , * -a Pry 4:f tiff ", 0 1 ,e . . . , 1: I.!, I -f ,'-,. "!, 14, : G-011 to, 1* -r, , I - -oJ � it, I)i I .. - I I *'Ilk .fl%vo, lit%' J,hr,.t:j.I.A'.IfI, . 1, I -�Jhjty.. �. - 1. . . .., -a=- b-Illo, .1. * ,.. I . � I lit b - T4 Pugh IlW -tip go cw.livr (Lf#Ill'I N,'.,I.(.l.I I . Ulf- -Iooxvilwd flif-d ill Off' 4-'%e.r'itir fr, i . . � � 1*041 - the . I . . L , . . th-lot-, O-Jamw Alf 1"'i I,( ruleM alpi upt,oll fextiV4. 1:1 . fis.14 b, �Ir I . " 41 its tiff, thsath-_ Will. -at "of hirthdays ( . . � o . . A, .1 %; I , . , , I .. I P4 - Iiiel. 1, if *; i I I '.-I, -tf * "I'A"ll Classoffooln tO P#401`1111111A pirisollerg 40l, - . , . - . r I 114'lr i t i$,V. r. 11t.il_ 't' tt. '; . 'L .- vill -*,�- :fi,l .,! i I i , , . . � --i I - . tf off I , lif v � .%_ Ill. If#-;# r I ... � . . I', -f,. tINfI it it, . , . . . . -_ - I I � - . I I -� I* �( - if I ,ii.: I 11 , . I :.4; I 6 1-11, . f . I _ .\. *4 Ioi if 41 JJ I I I Ali -510 illo,:Ith wzlk - . � Tit. il?-f.,t:I, I '. r'. I. I .: -*�II: , - - r . 1. . Ili".. ­111(otlif-r .Nl.r'* . 1woi,i,4jII was CX.C,j#4MIH. .. ,r . . i I . If --i "tllf.% '. , Il.ave. sh 4 _41lizi,ball I to I. %% If4i W*.Io64,4II*f..*Q-lI -bI Y�.d, 6. , ."I litill . . . I -:I . . , . . 1 '114 Ila - '�� I lil'f' -N t i I Ifff I SS - Urit reig _jol,lloosoll, . I!' ss*4r vg.'r u - 1;'Iitr t4. I , t I q, I , -V , . - r , � . . f , I . . -J I . _I w4l tit tilt, iiiiiially la-sd-t I t14:11V tim- dcoo-toor %%4to - . r - I., r - �.% A�-Nj-t_ i ` I . - , . I I . . . . Ill't.r. . � . . � 1. . . . I , ; i '. I .# . I . . tjlilR�.., ..�-f � I.— r, ':: I, t 14,11' Wilt .).4-l'I'l jlIg I * . I I I . . . I . . . - �- # -4 I N, C I r'%-' 44 -.;e..t i -,-.t -� - ..N4 'iV;'WrJl4# ;' , . . . ` t- - `;,.1-lp.jrA-, `l,t LI I? - ilj%W. It war, all Ill- - , � . ikt . , , i '' r, ,!#',-IO intpirriihig. sill. *g,1,..4. j,j.1-:v%i,If.,,j_, Nadd It-.lk2#-1 II%It . . - ., .1 I .-i It it �-r * #I - I . I . r 4 . . - 4-4 �. .,. j,14-11.. . I . I IiI o r, If I " .1 . I . a .. l . - .46c%% * L ,:;..# I 1 1,:. it rt . . '.. ' j-� 1). -r ,.t� - . I ", , . . . L - . f"" t-11-4-11-tY .vear-ii wl"I T I ) ; 71 I i . . Im " 1. bi jotIrinit r4il-will-oliflit: ,,I I -­ -1%,#-w, t Ji j *- It I. Y - - , I/. ,��q// . -i;k iia`-%-?�ry- t-ollf et,, , , Tfw-a� -.1*41111,4-s'll -it Ill hillk lif-re %%*:A% ;I %*.-4i1A1"lI of -iflk tille l*4V'#* eoulfl, if 44PY el'Oft, releam. I .1 � � r- , III I. . I 11, , : ts --. 'i I - I � . I 11141 I'ller. aw it -,r , . us -'AW" lout Uley would 11"Ve kept it up. , . I jI*4YIl# I..IIL;.,,, � * I I 11L, - . . - .- - I - - , iurt ,,. I :L1111 I I" � 'A 1: 14..11� I I . I durilig j 1, I K flaillilliflitt, Chief 11 . A N .'.I ­._ , ii,, - w.- I . . , .. . & 1114'r10:t"t - - ftlk',�-.! 6n I , . - . I .',�.. ­,^, . * I � . -.----. �__ I -1, I `o 14'-ital , 14 o., it I "." - $%-Itll Ills , Kw " Willfaill, ight by t 1k, IC . t' f.Ltli(. jlli I ,I 11 � .1 �l ill' I , . I, , , -didiff *- tot . I I .., - 111i , UP the I 4-11f.r.11 vfl� � . 'I. 11, I t . _iglIkilrJJ,.i f " 114 11 . 41 -__ �.'_ - . . I . I 1111 .i 1 t "Ji e . 'Nio-r400llit U141 Kliflo. if IW tile L .% If w lkorift, erimina [.--Arnold. , I '. . I I 1 -:1!4, llatfif­ i(" ­ ; .tb III, '.. if, -iI- � - ..'I'll.. erret 't, , .- . .iml . I .1..1�1114_ Ifailliliollif Auto. pol."Ill ill I . I I * . to . ..-. .. . till' WJAlil- \i1i:l1r.-. q% ,.%_ i I � I'l-6 'idt. it I;f)ko-- .1 , , , . I . � I . - I I 'Ail l'i.irtt,,til.�.'.4-4)%4.1.4.,I. It, fliiiviii tdill ';I L . ... 11:111., � .. " flilt ., .110. A nota,bi .4 - ,, I I V, , - . I . I . r � iv, I1i.,.;JIf, a . ll� thilig . - ,of tiff- lorulloner .... Ila ra bl*s - .1 .... . . "". 1�,P_l J L ' V - NO 4 �.j I o N-10 , ** -(,rS Aii.11 rrr; I . - *f � . , %%*.IL,r thf-,- �.IIU.Ifv. . I lailily ,I 1. -t:1 to ` 1% f- , I - '­ ar to, - .1 If 4L* , , . ­*rivr i - � IN % il.., -6 - . . V I. a or n one of ffoll(som, fiprf-4. * ' . for . � . 4 " I . I 'I - . -1 ' � -, t1,1q-;-, 411. -it, 'till. I Or ;of. izilk4, * �, _t-1 1, l.'i;. * , . I ki W. s It -I. lol(Agaillf. 1.'I ..i#" .% 1 .' io.-, I t � - .*41 1; It i I . j. ' i .r ., `%"- f"N'lltillir - , ilih,rin .4, - kj,% tir. Mil' I i t % to .-,. I JoHli4cior, Lit � $qf, ileafi( I r i'' towi , � itl I t 4AIlt.r . . . -.I-- , . , folow . to .Jf tii4s�lljk_ .01 Ili '11, . W: �, I ---; l ... . e .. . . . . .1,1 Ali J`t --.1,4111141 lipt lof% 1. 4 I;J;4)tl You. 4"IfIlitaffif'oh,:111-fal 16% 1141111 114. , ILI '-A If t if :-_ ' i It -11111., thit'. tot-rrittorlai l,/ . fi.11v.� adval eirig , Lill- I kili'l 1:1 I ii Ii C% t1f; � I I . .1 &;I S. lqud tol-4111-001v 141 . 1", - � t ; - - ii) r" ! , I . . ;I%-. tll,4t--J-.#- 11�141 lililtilii itti,'d th... 144, 1, - . I ­ q .1 , L if . I . . � . � r r - .. I , * I . .41. . ".0 . . It - outbmakm a4pailinst tiff. . . Wid' 11 �, . ! t . I I /, - r .-: I 8411virlt; 11r. � . I r I . tol, Glit %4-1411ilrKt tAiNfAd' "I'llat ,!,I. . I � I . . . 4-1 fAtIt'it, ta -, J V I If ," 'if 1. $,. Li . . I L . - I I .- . I . . .- ti;414-r queKtwoIll, ,I . . . 1.111. I R0111.,111 41(flilillation, Wilif-h Iftst mu(-_ .; IN -:t 'w i -t V - , - . I . ,- .,,-, . IlV.,Q-i0­ Vqf-r.3.4"o -tilt. %%-l'L-- " " � 'L .- ;it 4 I l.4 I -: I . #-rib ' ' � 1. I I kul'aii.s. � I I' Vilovi-ilt "N'.-Illd ho .1 - . . -11* f0rivard. d it ilk :1 rf 41114 1� J graiitoi it lrkw"i�-, (.,--4111 . N(Pthiiig. .%I.,,, .. (flat; folalit -;Is; S--,(Iff # ill tiv, 1kd1K.k,.-t.74J( , .. r . I . t :1.11 0 If. 141 . Ver; , . . "Ifilooll4l",ktotittl "Pilip, 1! il _r?. f., t . .. , I - bi - e I . . � . 1 b-,-!(ir;l't,;oIr, I-w-lf-tolillp, . I . ; . I �1%11- . toth 4111tbtli'll 40fif'r,lifil, � . . . - - frI,*t I ii� : %'. f; � ... � . . . . I I . J *_ 1#!I* ti 4, l.,IJtW I \4 ,L.,Il II, I, , I rol-gar-lilig W, . 1.4)r,.,I.** -1w. i-,,-1,Ijq�,I ill %il , - I * I . .. I . i I . .. 'I . . . z . . .1 to- , !, hi Pit I. - L . . : i .41111 . I , ther ill tile llitter tiftys . - - la. . I I �; . . I . . I & . I o. Z, 'I - I . I , ,0',# I rr if. I , � . . .- . . . , fo,j '': If- - . . I . 11rolm-rt"y i oi' I ill, I 1-�Avililt...' . . I . of.. . - %11b . . 'I, . 11114 4 of 1,,, r , -I I iis jiilitrjj�iiillilf . '"'. - . . . . L I ___ . .. I � . Or .kli is r va :,-(-t , � . - ' it'll :11`111 Ifialifler. (oil tfiv 4,%4, .. ;I Vifirdi, t1j'At 'lli'l 1114 tri -11111i44. I Oft W , tit#, .I4".%-LqII V010111k)IIWealtIl. � . I t, .,-- , jn.-� * -­ '.. ,* . . .-' I '-. �.Jjk, I , . I /, . t fallit ji� .' ".. 4 i"T I"llt'd-li. "lit I ll.kt' * . I . � . � �� .�. r *i .. . I 1;:_ C L - till. , , . L . ., III, %% Iii0i - I . - I -1 A 'rIZI . 414-:Itlf 1wroro. 11,:iti4. Ij4rt . I . t - fit - 11,110.14'r fix I .11414 d 9,,r ,-i -.o of A,- - '17. Will y.. tilat I At, i i--7' I �, � j:t_tI.'1. fo� .1 _� l'i I ,.r I 1 "4 ,4 �, � . - /' - � I till- If' 114-11 -toil In-ii....4-41 tit, - MIP&AMP ! &Atiolpq . . . �_ - . . I i; 4 . . . 'I . I . . d' . .. I . (111;0.- .1%110, i . I 4 . - . . . - V 11, . I , .4,1411i . � "aylill'T As I 4 M's * -r a' 4 1, :it A' Illillof'ene'e of .Temu,% rolialte r .. . . - -: .Alir ." ia.-Mi.t.-Il - . , . - lit, tiior,� , " 1-1 , , I of th , . . . . .. kow '. i.) L 4.-.,, tol, - ,,,.rt#,, . . A Itit . ' - . . I, r I _ _ ,. 1 t1w N. Ill 1 1-4. ,.-4 -11,4', .14�11 :t1fi.r I—' . . %%;It; laugfillig, iii;iip g 1111sollif,ie . . , till . - .1 Y, kill a lid, S Gil " "I`i!W*a',--e ell, tilt- lifi, tir llit4 Wift'. t4l - - I . I . I .� .. . � ___;__7 . I � . � - 4 0 :11141 . . . 4iiist, 4 it , 1 :rr ovio .A--, Ii fig. totor- I 'i It e I . .. . 1. ­ ,Io,00�,IIIII�iii_ - I . , , , up'thf.- Jottr.;i I f,4. Ill 4 .8p . . I , . . , %%.j r.n _ ." 1, li�- judivi - et" . � i Ill Owl 114: .11.441 .1,41 lulf. was . . - I . r - . %V4'llt fPllL Is,'t i.:p L . * '04 O'"'N't'""'s lot Irefeasifig' Hills. He kn w 1l;1.;P4- 111111;1 1.4 lid.14.4i Ila tfff;1 hi'st(ory tili.i. 'ifusur"two.' flo�- 14,41: rrteil uniji,r .;tit that though .Tt. . - I I ..i' . I i . - *7 ft . . . 1410,11 I 1� Iss 1 -4 4, , - tio'iiillwk, valiff- Iniek, ill :1 ..;I it Ir i - . , , hPA',11 eqndelh- I . SAME OLD STOP .1.. I f- 0 %,#.!If.,;.. � .-,l I -TIA-isaiiiii -� fr('iiil� � - i it- - % . - it, tjli'; A I �t. I Ii 4t4j, I -4 -1 I r . J ilig. K;ltlil .,I - -%t to) #A 'it lits"' . Y.' - % , .*_�e - - ." . - 4P- - - 6:ov.iltar top-li-l-orroPw I.) I 1* r ,� . L I %i ;k& I r,.. io%'liether ' , ,,, .- . ' . ' * I - . - t of tilf. jpm 11.1(i Vel'it r H,,f f I I., I... L , L I it I.% flit 4AU I ,L.I%- �Iitiijl.tii . I 6 I I Kii, I I ^ - . . L f tillo. pont.,rN � ;�41 t h;4 t4,r �* Pr r r, - l% I I'. %%'. � t, O . . W. J.. I_I.%.%I1ff1;XP., - %%-(*lit. Ill).st-.1irs - :lit;[ tii.-Il 6.f, � ' . . - "Ille'L-1 II:Jluf'.;:1fId ilill ,.4.41i:,t - -h4 W.w Fakir R II s t; e r '. � I -1.11k *x% .1r-.%:1IliS I . . � � I I . . .. � -rs. Odal ul e . ...L� � I . .1 . . . -.1 , Y fo)r, till. �-W.e_ .. ...; ifff"d by tilt- (-life( prie,mU Hp Waill yet 111 I . . T , ('41 N, l I 't I I I 1. k, I L I A_ I _#44. . I 1114 . If ;,-I 1; I v ig . .... . I I . 1. -..L . r . L , tht! 11:1 Vt twe - I I ,. , , � 1. .. ­ . - I r . . . , _OP, t Ai , . I -it IJ I ill d tot olj:�,Ifl,okVer tit'r. tilpt , %v.,Jx va,rli`141.�Jjll. Nl1,-,-�%':(­- la . "Ir, or - I I I %V'.t t4.6 , 11.1% 4 . J I % " ;*.of or 'thv. -tijurthfir "for -Ir 611 I'.# Vilt 0.011 it i1s, #.qk� if# I , � I I I J flovAilar --vitil till- peopi , of .. . . N I !, -1, .I -1. , ' )'Wilth- .11141, 1-44011-tilti.ilo la Ig"I'lli, tir. , . . . 114htikK. ag:1111. QI;l,I-t' folill tiII14, 414 : tooff-1111t�1111 ill' . U I, A in !Fartiatco. . .1 ! I lerf .,.;.-I., A or 't *ft I I.- * , I I bri . ..... . .. .1­aft�I , t 1:.I.t Ka I it. - . Vt )li.%,i( p and expectolod .. . � - . . . . . . - t 114. �kl. I ' k ' " L . lot, KI'04.1 t" 1. , - . . . I I o .;14t 114 ,,,ir , -71t-..�rAt,sJIJ:lI I '(s . . . to' Voo-or wiro% t1vit, % 'IN , flitilloll, Ili-#- A tile 1"Ie w0uld prefer Rijn UP the o.ti- - . �t. .114. t . I ik - . . If Lt v. . . . . . L I, oil i _,lj_ _; � *1.iii . . . k . . . I . I T L : i' w 4., � I -(-..,,� -fill f, illoat), xv;is� flibi. of'%' tilat .-I 414)wIl 'I! tlieviry ;-Iiilt . Vbt hi -sura I . 1. . . 4 , _4 r f,,,,,i. '' j_ivJ_J_..:,_ I ��Illviirioitr, for ."lithe . . I � to 0 .*41111.119 )'Y I �r us- folpufiLn.. 114 -to .It " I'l wil-Ift 4;%er' to oijt- i L . 41-it'l - too '.40.1 4, - I t . . I, it f, t , Y, I , *I' "I - - -, .1f.'s th . Its , t , � . . - IN)' t4w , . .fill, %%-:I 1-41 -I"-- lit"'iflot lo ( � . P41--likolil ff,l llit-41 vir , :It'll* - I IV. Vw'Crivivii.. tll#' C"kilift Alf Ih;, life frif 'Jot. %%,I,- Ousil r0biler and M11ri -rer. if left & 0 - . I A.q. 1'. .1-nd .,,,,: . . - I . - , L ' t : . , 014f. Ill.. , . . " % t-,* f N 1111:1 11V -(.litih .1411 fil ILA., I I " 4,K- 11114kir. She w.i-#q*:t htrtofkg yfluffle %%-Oolllitfl. I Ji . . 3t. ;ir *.I .1�%; . � - . . I ., r vvit-.-, g11:1 4. 14 �,*., 1, rri).&II :111 $'% . Is,%_ .tlle , . . . 1 F;4 t to, ­# r 1,.,iiiir,,i1 f * .;. J. � ki I WIC *', .till . .1 %% . re:ltfie . , I:. : 1�:. - I ... "i (.I I lo, L , silte, Ill- Wilt :1 , . . I 11 , ;fr tl I 'i . . - P tto '06. .1,61. I t () . . jill..V. jiff� 4 - f ) *V4 - I. aq. P - ':'It M-twi-411 A-taistri4l .4 3d, tiff. �'ij ,. of - - ri %-I � 1�-;, 1 tit -.I t -,;I I 1, i.,; 4Wvlidill 4*111110" t4i - . . -itil jkrqp� I � - . . t!# . .I . . lfi.i rloo-r off �,:, lot, "t "A , L L --'(Ah#iir t, . 1z ' tollf. Iv if , - ' %,% a .1 Alf lift-, IIA-fif". hill"01011PI'VeA the l"le would have chos- All" '. .,r '11.4. , . . vo�. . 114 � prisgaivir. will on I . flidjIftli.. -:1111f, %%7 itlif lilt trult.-Il w4orilm (-i . -Iiief-ly #I#.- ald %.' . I'll. the *nkwR small. . 11 JL N.. - � '�14 " V . . - 14194) *-t;l . - 0A, ,4,;,fllli4.11t is -ill- " I illt., lif� N waking. .41(-, 44, i . 1,41. V. 114-ill4oll'. . I %%*.IN tilt- lilt' � I . . -, . - . I . I . I . .. if ­�. 'r,ii, A vt-lt ri S. 4 . irr . . . tat Kva . - . 0 . . I , 4.1, . . .� . . . - 11:1. -r..41 illi" to( f.a It'll - Ilk(.l%- .141111i, S1.4'rily a' I t,4. , gtoirille ti , 114 -r Whii,ro, *tit#., I Ak. FtV PlIVY-They werof, enviotsm I,( Of _' . . l .. I . I V'Ilieli I,I*lJ,,,,Ir. . * . 'if 19 . r,,I. t,,,, _ t Aea tit I . ) r .that 4 or SIIPS-� f 'r till. 'Ajjfj�dcl. 4 -).w , L4.0 . . , I I . r I . ;I I. .it , all it it ' 1%. I I to Is % . (Ill Iflavd. 4 . - __--_ __ ' � fo, 1 X, 1 o1w ti) lit. .114) littioij.- I _ will ri-luff-r ilia- -.1-111i, if Atrv. '1'4)llgfl 61:- . '�' 6,4ovi vo pa.y- for t I -it!, vo. I 11 i tip I , '4tattii� [for irt - i **I ro!k I I I I , 4 I " I I I .11tionlo"ll Him Influt-nelp (A -or Ulf. lof,00ple. .. . - .... � - � ; ., I I, %% I; I t fir."i Illit , follo r Iii( Ill", � I . . . '49*11 Ila; "visAw pit iin- ,11 - - - - - ; " "'I '14" 1?#I,a ril t i6ift [fir t I #,. #,,, ; � I )II41 .for I I I.. llovit, Aml;viirt.IIIt. prav ti ct ' U111441, . I - % ... � a . . - . I I L � - - -it. . t it . I . 4 . IN -4,11' 9"'10% .1'4411 kar whiell . . . : - . - . _4 �q, . . I r �_­ : , .1 - _ I revi *.sivoary 3%opille 1#o,LgLlf3- I.,% i(jtjla(.f!.I Is.,41 111111 or. it;,% ilig*dfoofft jwilil4.tl;illg t. tA to ok - f r# jilt 1.,(-r h,01114ii. .1 WA I , " NI r. A 1sAI4;r ,a- ffat;., ' - . - . � - - � I . . tr'-IIIiFl;--ir*1.f*h- ' ' ---',tII4.4-t-., , :11 -)qt -� va, .1 *%-. i r . - I ( I . . . #4 I 111"ll -U-110111 ti�-rs Wilt"1011 Vol, "'Ould mW-UtInly. if left, air)fw. (1,4trt-)). I , , . . .. - I * , - . . " , " , , . 14, i -et.; I lei t1.1%*i()rI81 4 it' the I.Irivr , 'I'll , I. frin I L4. 110:4C . 414.1d -ill Allt. tfpw it Katie.. 11altillif.mid 414illifolf. 11 t t , -.11141 g.lid * i -P 4 If -Itur "f'"fillills"i"I to -tilit' Xvu- York I.ife t1WOK-iiii-Clarke. I L . - . . - ' I #,�o'.%-JI '.it, It ner. llii�, ,111.1 A , 1, , I -1 of ". t , , 11 till, pro-splif ... � I . r . .. '�4,soln lfe`�-Il,td 'not W -en %'#$%%*A I )%'A, _n,4,4j:lIl"#;IIlI L 111" .. < - - I .,I.: -tit' . ( tIll"t L"; i kl� ; li'lif all"I t I,c � - Ill -r I �%'I(:# it lk 4 r t I ) ' . . � - '' , - flial."lliflo'?,1 I I ' I . I 4 jq I Ineo I . K:(tii� � ' ' 1lL9 fliul�*ilf f4kr llisimaiwe . . . , .;A , forellil-kt, - 1111`f,s� wtI04' C , ill.,,��­4. -.i ge;Illt giving - ",Y,(Xl fire married too) ljesr.­311- . ft,r ; 4' %Vitli ­'swvtators this" ' � , .. . . I . � .1 I S I '11" %I' I" A t thill�r IN)IIIInitill it ts no , vv a ss M 11, ;1 I'd U) A"Ildbrish thir- 1,i.., ,itinftling Alf ,tj)d. lo-tioers which hi " "I"'" "_"'K re("A"o"'Ifig tilt' 11144 o rroni 411. -.I- - LIO lit. Ilis Wife lownt Ulf") fiiiii--Aftile - I I ;. - " t - � f. , , .j'lt4p ') . . tillit (L*` ilig li44r Ii - - I - - . , w tion.". - I . � ; % � ­.. I - r . . 14 It inu .. .111017111119. I't or the h,41 ill if) L I 1:1 111111ol . bi.. To I I I gil i ,'.,'fr- -, t . that I I . , � . , � � g;;��k � �; . . I . I tilk. 4`-X�-Illl . 1 14 Tes -ed-st, 4.4)1* . I(I... " at f#* "'I'll Pilot lifes :tll,Ll I*lr-; %%,iffo, *,lit,f,-,, l.:AI; tilipi %_iLtli 110 11 � i . � of r ft .41SIjilig ill . , "'N'I - I .1 In not - P111 t IN I . .l f(` �.. . . � 19 . .1 n I litilitlei to '[P*!* t4lk-- 1101114111t, "IV , . -_ -_ . . i . . -;I I I .. y wed - � . I I � - (or. � . � . . %V . but - shu. liq brilrri.4f '".'"l- " - "'-" 1 to NII-st-lit' t Itoi hwurattep. 4 Lzi - quit ' / - 7111. I . ; I . � .1 i If . tlwkr Qr -lioll- I'-" -;inpillld tJIi,s IlvighloorlwoI in. "' I to '4I Alulft1t. li:tlljf,ti I.er . , Mr. losler litS Wire. and Waitilur tiollunfain-for to .. I I . . . 1�� I . .l, ��- - I L . b Y N A I K, I I , t; 1 4V . . . III . 'i - 'I III V ig'l Lt) I 1! . tilt- - . . I - ;t I VIA .\ L111 4k)IjltC 11' 1 4 1 Lw , wti011 1% - l7i, Life, eI1W loriesU - � ". I 'I rguo,, I tit:, t , - I ME COAL. ` -11.1 riga hh.. .. , '(111 va---;A�,* Ullier Jitatilq', .Ni#A , , , , , - jq.� Ill .1,4W(416t, - *fill '*A'%' I 1`e4,o1Y` ToPugh" I . . � . . I . So: , . 4,r to - - �. .� . . - I. ;. : . -1 I . .. . r . AIN , ref fl.tIl - "tile. J; I mc ,I. rt.- fleath. Start 1% .111jility *1 if A tilt, IXIU*Itll�-411PI4 0 of li it tio, � 0 1 . . 1: . 7 1 . . I . 1 lial-li6r.%. though I 1; I Ill 1114 Off I C. anirl elfirim. ". bulgy in tjw croo,sol-d - , . . . . r . . . . "l, . , 'A KO -Y We-Nt -8941 . . A bl:il At I t hey, -Iia %-#, , , - , . t , *Jli# lgoi! --1fr"... I - , , .IS 1- lattf'r -1144 1',N144-d'it. Kat-ic '111111'.911"'k -t (Of ." itrorst- ( ,I P; tol'unk ere � �� ) - I 4 64.1 right Moll JurL,44it 111,M41tril:g _L -it. (I ldic%li- Tit' 4 "W" lic"Al-Iihiary tu tj U ul- - ,sler., q: [1,1111 that. Wolido as ft d-o'slaIL-kiluoid tit , illsootial.aft L C1 % fl­�- - A bbotti. - * S. -, ., - . . . I , . I ljf!� I I - r . � . .1 . - 1. 'tille. %Yarshllp - UP -livi-II.V..". , . ion 4 ii, ,1.( . L if' i . - ki-lot � ba.,� fo:vull 111141 .,Algg4kst*.d tit.., it U 1,1:1 Vf- 1141 4k-Kire, t(j. rkiod'-. t , twifs"a"11'"C' t1l"'I'l w`11Rt a I I is wor Lt 0 . � I I .114(l rekilratf,i'fix .. Plifillet-sc. ti - ( ,Lt . . - . 11 . . ..- I'lerk6s; ;or, i !.IM. fill -r' tilt. (. - . ... . . _X.1y4l,IyiII1llg til. � 4. (*I . I . . 11114f 4. . . . � - . . � I regc,". . . . - : 1:14i t-140 #If r . 11(ilf I - - , rowil . lm --r r4oriql .b..- .. .1tv"144 I- 11:111-1-4,w your. for-lifig--, ,at -tflis I ; r.t W114-11 lit, I j. -.i," "l - 11 Iw-ther of tile t%Vall, will ve .* - 1. � I - _ .ih OWL:+ i% ioir .vt (a t 11to _ , - (.,fpll*ll*t' - i-roiVII I ti-prife; . �v,t.11.. - . soli,rehi-d. ,11%%-o hiPtItles, IMP,,(ii,". . a-,"'sti"I. by . il%fni I . I I [ a. I i ,-t . .1, %vert.. W %Qt 1. to) You - 4, "lad loot U111W tilt- trisuk -Thim fil"tion t* Ills to II&ve ' . r ,I. i , AV. , .. tillIf". :1114i %%.11'It 'I no' I .", , � .1 .. I !.l . % 1. i i. - I .: . Y _ '. I . I . � L "' " . 0 � L A i4 iII.i. L i 11W tha t th. I ... w1w ( . ofit ri'ver"s loo-folig I , . h I -4 JC'_ . if. 14 . Itb, V4111111ju rut "" ' : I ' ,do.- I I � . , ,_.� " Tlw 11.1tt".- " . I'l";Ill:;* J14"Istort. Tliv lrrh��,#+,- i . a voll.11,1v# -4. r � � . ,_1 " -P . . r .. . . -, _­ , A . , . I . . ill t1le * with, liffil'o :11thlollcli If#- lili(I , I r � . '. I . ,:kq) ,f,t1.K4,,II .I ... i; o, thi. -1 -rt feluk. I I utadi-r'.K.l tro'k or till- J14olk" tit. � . ,.ff­�>:, -� - I I , , I o -o % eret I . - s., r . .I .It F4P beon I . I..." - I !- opt -k . , . tillop tit. rind a.ugv%r L: disitilain rtt , . .0d : Ilevol * J I Iex, I* I . Aiv-'s iiiat _I to .If!. siiiis.-d I - A . � . t - V %# . . , I 6 I %Ctf)fl, :Ifitsistod , . 11' r "I.% :1 114 ot folof , Vis viou 'if', that Iff. M . . I , L.t ' lo, . ct4litaillink t U 0 r 4 L* tit-tt tiff- Provitice *-Is lit PN-vifous. trials, 1w Mr. - lxj�t tit, Iiie 1`4 i to pro lout in 4fiW0,01' � . I . . . . . I 011s IIitIrf;;; 19"frit ii 41111it'.1, -ill' . '-I',%- Ii.S t'll! - -f L-411 , -1 11.1 , - right tit E. 0, . Its It .1 . . I - - I ZL "IM 1. li;k,-;' F.. I.I. Afl-111. * . . .10.Y .11,r. J. I if", .illixturf (Pry us.. VI -I 1!�Hlalllo,)- , OUM. ,.,.a - t1wir fil-kit'lleiss. :111AV,vr jit , .1;'i" . ' � t4w.r4ivo-itw. tilloollig,l)-thit Ist, . ill , w4ts - Won- rcit-A -11r. o1sler. t - __ - � " -\: - . .*k ': Z; Al ILA I 4 I anoii�lo­ .* , - . thi - %% 'f' " -Ucitl alid1frimsic.-:1c' * I -i' . . ,)'I Ili. y reflect lsii-114 of, -a tilt- failure . ) I , I --- , . - - '' -vo-11 nfiles iniinloll-lia.'i IA. Ash' 4ol, to All— firm for ..%kalinffy - id*1460 ' linol yo, h"It (of tile evil thoat youllave.. %% 114 -ii L . I I . I ."t*I.-..tIJ , 41 -rt', I r lIfI1Jfi.r.,it,()o4I -.,, riglit to .,Klll:t tiqtf. Ow., .4, A.4iwi.Orth.... - . . tif if -i 1 .IP3- 'If r.s. - Tf ougli .-I.,% Allp, 4 Ir t 114. I -M it- - #11111",-, -1,00!1 flot olilV ('4III1*1).'IK.,;f-Jl t 114. jr4piff, I lit Ill not ap I m''Ift' tiff- (A-14-gi . Wa r. 11fitrablinx OP -lesils. This . I t- '* ;I Ili -1 I... ,�. - - , I * . 0 . , .' 11 � . � fa t (if I"$ -1'frfW("" to' bit"M till torren&,_ � .. . " . . .. . , , t�l.j �IL _ I 1, 4. j.fjol . * . � , _ ' i I � . # I ii, - t t i4� � hill- to it t 6 -..,; V, ' . . A _ . Jirf P% I 1! ro, . * af-t Lot ., -bo:1 -4or'.1 . ji, . . . . . *1 r. 4th' (AL .V(Pll . .VdAw V( 1 ' rL 'tA I Ilig %%irt 1 Iffle . . - . -1 I �� _', - I - I I - -i M , I '. -.Ii-1 - . 1( . s Wt, re re. I 4 I I oy _. Wiling Iwo- - . _. ._1 r I I I I IJ i', ill, Lt I i ': III. -;,wrlt #1 lll)%4'*ill,g . TIll. 4.1t. -I 0444. Tiff-- 1%yo Iettd.-r- I . " I . . , k* -. ` ( , I 1(*f.L . . I I I . I ..1101111..� L . - A - I folvo, r nv i [4 .. fillitt - Ytiu ' inade tilt sttils tIrli,ilig uoe,Ii4.ill#., JUL . .1 I . - - P% -m%' nht 19.�'. be' it P; I r;' .1 r.. rrh *-,sill. ' .I�gif JA+ trivIii . ill I, f4f.f.- - " -, I . al" I . , I 1 _ I,, . 1 r -V t;# '"k of ""'ft 1111sler.--ttiii-� 41.1tvil .Ali,' 'N tit* 4flK%%_4lPlI of tc'-11:'Y-� that .1taft- Pf , , � t I IIA § t'll � I t I .11f. .111 : . . I . . 11 . tit...), JO: 11 Adillira, I . t4) 9r, dw.of all. .. . . Lt . I toil*' . 8 - I M :ill , It . 41111*41IN . * J L ':kili 1141.11 9%% 11 . I 111-Ardint-lit fir P-il",114' h44 for tit;. f.I*t.jI ,14 . ,! I .1 11, . ' i fair I Mi)- � illt,11 I f . - , r - - _,"i, .,.* . � .I �11 -75�111;fflffoll..- 11 Iiiji 4:o, ` , , , 11.1vig4bl, I . 11111f.tevii f-II;lrIlf'1Jgp,_. _- ' '1:11p 44PIlkowlirg �. Is , 4 -64114' thillIL 04 _ " %V:l L"r.-; A'. X I .1 -I-ct � lial-Iff) .. " " 114r "'Jis! ill flit Ilino ol'Of'-s lo%rititog. _; I I'l 14.14 Ii I I iz, I 2L- TA"t 11i'll fro eru4-ifj,ejl__.*jn,d ip, - _.10�-/440-_, . I �, I lolo. . � � . . lit U011 fiew,ir cttanp,m, . . I * i, I ' �'._ � I i I at. Ll-. lrlwi.. .1.1111!r, ­. I . r.1; L14 . I .. . - r W. t.:; .,),.,r.y - L * , I . - .. %L wr .A _ I t(. . I I A I., -��,_-J. . 4 . rf 1, . . - I lit -141 60 III r " . that Lill iti-r * ba bly if 10 11914t I.(Amm. �. . . r r. I ��_ �_ -1 I . . * I A J ,I. th.o. , *4 )r,-��ii , .%* I t I 1i 11 -tili"", ;)f)%V`f.r.4'iPf tift. ic�lfltlt-filfql %%vre .filla-Ily L :141 I-Itt thl-. illhuroitince wltigbit Yt-PU- !Ija -ug -kt,N Lt- , .11 olot . & . 4 I III. . I I [111111.4. -Iiirty -tilyll;l1nit,- ill fili. ; I .. . ­ PiAs,4kok: .101111 � k C,,l I t ... : "' %%-fr" ,". ll� `tl`(" 4"'lle Wiliell hete 1114v4st cmir eves : I . 1. . t ocnlrLw . ! f . I - waiting Ake it -r' .,;�", IUL hilt, 111:13* A1Ja%Lf' tjil,4.11 J114 it *,I%.6* _11ral ,* ; . t1litigs - wit's A - It " , i " . 4 C �_ I . - I I I rovi TIO.A. . . r L . (*;I 14--i.w(of I 1. fe.preinali ; - .1). *-('r.;,4%%,foed KZ10% . - . � . ! I "Illf-ilig - lif-r * too 4 .114s flah * � - I . I .- .6 . . . . , . & .111, '14441 lv+ .1o, . t Ife %% 4-1-4. it- . . . 42 4)olf if 1. 11444r,r1*4 �"Oqfllt . . . I . ,-4.1 ('Vt . A 1' A 4 fe c I. I. * lil. is IL, I ;� t 01 I . . . - . .. . . - .. Th., ' I .all I copt-ti . () )CI i no- (I t1wrl - I , I I � ila 101-1, Maki. iffalues'Colio. :I-.'.-- -Wa-te, Itolf-114,11141 tAD inaike -you I floor uuclotor aii l"toiAt-t It$"( by ttle %-oi,e�m ,of Lloot , . . . E I , 70 I No It' )li , I 'I if I , ,r- Q1 We' Illace. don tin. (61florAvilig night, I 1�* r "Vt It a - ir)03, aif' I - A * " , 1114hig'., wil I.-Illif., ("i'litt. - (I f6iifoortablo' f!tr' tiff- ri-irt I tife - I toil lk" ' 4 1 1 .1#,P1I'Xr 11. .11' P# I I. �F' , ..' U % , J�f! , i,f VA-ry .. -e.,,Prii rbou till.tlity.. , . , I- , I . . if nd' 11*&IJ1114 -1 11.41111".4 *141 * 11 r9r . I . . * . 'PI14 1 if i4s #I- --,,u $-'I toil her 'till �­Itna . �. . . - ' A - #.I 4 ; fiIf y 1%7. ; * - .. I ir tf . it -*tt (-ir(*ulJ1xUiI1t*(.S filf. - o I - ), . '%v ' filit I ". I - I, .1;r1*lzf!ik911l t AIVO,iriinji,lit if it gliar,is #Oil ADVIC D; I 16, "I" 4'' -J.- 1'. . Wilt -11-114 AV401114 1 gi%-(- lier tilt- k -f -.v 1111d 4 I!, - 0:"' W"llift #'%-It loath lk' 110114, 'I . . N4 -%s-'i-it- .. "i- '44,rrt-tltr� I S I i A 4. fl. . I I TH-Efisf - , 'S", �Jpi�fillf if, V. N1 . 1'%-P-"?- - I" illifIgIv ;-'ItAtri-sf lilmin u4trail.6it". h! , - Tit 11,111110A - , I � . I- . I - � . . i I.; . . I . . . . 4111tv *Gat th'. .vefiarf. whi v Lt . ' -t- . . . . hi 4'toli4t.. Tijfors. if' ' - I Do Sonto pawrjs.- Tilt otter %V,as ,sign .111 't-tmir I - . :-:111`410' W.14. ttillit 104ittke t i "Iff"a, . # . � . loll; * Was. takiiig it -1). ,ttl--- . I I I I """­_ - - . . 1. - I I I QW. Ile, 1, I C I I.. I .S. 11 "j"T. vI.. f . . Vt-,tll. , . � It . - . . . ' I -shiti, Alvi4l, %% lilli-li If#. 11, * Pilau, elitipav(I"Ad tA)* pell,lsole . . .. , I . WlUiteklt hL-4!IIiI4.4pvj "')I 1--.,.A-;I'je. fJ4�JV..,rrlIIH4.1 (At' st I ; - ; . I . I ... . I Janti--;." Ill .%'Out- li(�4ort :-1114 illt.-Ildilic. t6 SA., 4111 10AIM-14'al '*"w . 8 . f"'"11'""", YW'*I'-1%-il,;C ninn!vr - of �11' * 4.4- CIIIJI;l. ppli­s. , ,-j,iI4- _� f is 14)% iligly. W, - T.. � li,ru i- -r" - on tlw cmunil of Ilia I"j-10r.,easee - . r I I . � 1-1 - EN I NNG A PV T1 I J.".tt.olpq, Y -t- I .froin ' � a I . . ' , I . . . ,.. . - -1-41114 � I . it I r. -, atililpell. , if 114. I.0 PA, I I I or- tile f.I1nrg1%.,o anaile, . 1. _. 4 :% - fro, mlls*t. I . Cj4' _ . '. � -M-4n #IJIkIC gijit-irol till. ,,liat'-fo�V tion- * itil' I .(. ' : ' 1."i.' ft 41. ,,, r b . "Itstili;., �4-xlI`*r4.s,441_ flisal � noddritil . . A . r I . th: - it boottka ii,14),jobildati ( hven . . - " � - r ' I Till .Y. -Iettill-e, ditiPI Nlat.-eh ril. -r� Tilt 11"JiltV 1`40 *,Ilfflilti 114tow +: vill 1'i1tP.:Iu(-I-(I , , , . . Anwi - Ahl--rivn . I t : "ti --o; frien lly . t4lo .1 t 1-1 I t, Ill, r Offing U14- I lit . alrainsit 11111J.- " : - , ",i' V -P �Ihtii harblor. li-finiie ijl�- )r- I,.., no i tl.,, ee of tiff I � '13-- I I . if 'Crown I at )ter-.. .1je 11, Is, Jqt, n I . Ar'.1i" - j,,''t,­,, - - I It 11 Of frJ ON: Sow o , . ThQ I. 08216�*' of Their Paugh OrP . .NLr., Oslolf rete I ' 1 I ­ A . lelit at , I hY Y4 lit , w i t I I . I I!,* 0 . tiolioll . r I. . rred to - . - I . .. I Wm1w, , 1% f-ro. f qllpf ,a - Vr, - W � . .. fi-i4.IitY.tl1:kt t1d):W Itilin vrosliv. I I`s­ Jlla1"lv%-'1c1' " 1`41141 fi&lve hofwn lifilln- ' I - I n RI ill"04"Mit-A %'ik" roblov arut . rr . � . "LL a I.' 4 4 14.., v t., "fif ' ' r ' - ) I the 0'i,r.(-(Ln1 K* i tit' 1141t. 11' I . � I . I . - . � wi,i,; reef-ii-vil a t . 1, .: ,Il, 1. -I ."4allef I #ill rrount ling tj I * Am :i'l-fig 111"t � hfi:'. and atilitt-4 I 3-4fif e I. IWL -11'. , e - . . .Izillafl, wvlkfl.s� and aill Of ltvi­ .0 lilt. t hilli that: flight. T ' . � t, ..4 . - ,,r I I 1;, . . her46� "1111""I"t"'r W&N suffered to CAP llnl)uu- '# '.\.I%*V- .14-14;I11111.1-Ilt r I I , ie ile to flad Ax-eit .1tair .,fx tt.1,4., ui t tIiIalll la VIM , :T1li-.-4 �-Ifv,rafoltfl, �,�l t - r s �v . W tlw� Imi ­ � c ri - %v - f Lift, 0r*-L�, - ' '" . on If � thf, . . 6 Uarefully WatChed, I 1, -K, a t ie To'll" I �Valii& .114) ;it 14'tU-r,. lout I w(liala is tio aWay awil lit! 41i'd flot, thi:A- Im. is,14NI, It-hile Avus, Meltiftst %% . Ilono not, - � � � - . of). , I I , . , . ? - ., . 41" I. 1,116. - 4 . --. � of - ­­., . . a I MI If.' V "', Wolof . I lonkli'llfly. 11J.Pt 11 . -fir rritw 4.01,141 , . I I . In. Alt- It ilv. .[III- i4 -.,J.-,1)1*?-," ,of 111i � fu!;�, s..'tiollfoll -vuld b I - � , � r ail't uItAlod-r -for .Y4#i1r if,"um r�lld It :iga�ta. it N1111416w I � sh, I _11,. .. i'l 91" 114' Lollf -Olf '4114' oweret I'llgWitilr4o, tiff tit' u NO Ieft fittlit. - , . ir f)\%n, , fro"go:" If 11. :11 -ft V -111a griag ,,. ill the 11111 #or I �%I' Wa Ift.twif ell it A -as :0so it t hol, tudwriting J4 ake 414, low IN. 'i'lit'll foe de;lIe'r . � - " , . � t"'Id. 4-offiri.-AN N ' vi I I* 11 -o -ti, malio. if *114P.-I'tivu. . I . . . .. 'Lilt- 'OILI,ill -9krJ jrtlol 'Ji-IIIIJ11011d, 'alid of 11.1,1111114flid.. a trunk " -11" If" 11,111& i - r niaraills-4i toll.) , -A-4tiloultil 1v - i -,-, - tIP found. r �. I . 06t.1t4iine-fit #,;I tjlo. ,llf)jiP,lt't.. Z,I' - . : , I rvlot)rt at J'aila4p of to ;tlot .tf, ..I.- . � r .. Tit( II.iiht-r .grave. :tlt('l y#oll ,..-folill., ll()t, ,It,%% beiI14% Vie .1 .- I _ . lil��..:�.Pfi;w- . . kill I . Y I ,- -(tit imil lb , � %V 1(� . 114 - kia I, j h I . girl, A ;k"11%�"VA'l to Ili* Plienlies to tie . . . , g tilt- .1laillf, (of Wil- 14491141 liall ill, his --isifill alid, 14�' %%as fol-crilied vrnei hNI. This . - - 1*44-11 l . lilti4plif �011e r * r I . . Iso P. -is, t. I fe UP a "inn . - I _ _ I h I I . .1, - it, it Wture-itlof-Iltitilp *fr *I ,lit walatio-d too itli.11 - lilt, itill'"I"Pell"'O 0I tho blood � li, p -it Nalp-JI-0y).. - .'%� a . - - " fi;t ill - ja� -,. . it l4we it. - i jffjllg.,�. 114. , , I . tivalIN :1*1111it �tjcis,-t (�;_,.._. P - r is tilt."Shi � . Oung Girls BuscOPtible to Troubl ill , I. - .4 �r w6bijit Ilf. a ii-oll%lctetl .11".1,11I..Kilf"Jeth- to wait Vilatp-#j jlloctitv. . 4 I � 1;4 -- . . - . I . I . . � - b � P0 "i . _Jjinllil� - [ : liio.. .41:11,11jiv,flol.hilloit. r, at ( 144114-s if Ily - ,MiA. Ir -fore volfir I WWII, q!C. -I if %, 'llionseit � - 1111111 V16 ,:.1#j1-rIIt., **Yf.li -url.y . I lip -ti -4 .id flip,. T at MaY Result In. Decline %Ialker. YIP11.11- . ; F% � iii,a V- - .;%r,i I . . . . . � . . . . III- I I -;-ii . ill th. ire -opt.tili Clark * I I 'Plit-. r I I - - P@6ie- f iz-q,t. enjl,ilt�yo.41 i�l I * . I I . . 'Fit 'I.S loo-441ii,ging i .. .IfiA tilfk ot,it-OW11 11:114 loslek* . iu Nvu -J*,oj,k ji,j J.1111'.%0 I or. .torwII#;,__o­h,.,.,. . . . .. -( *. � it drlig xvi& , :11id TOlig . (Alf if 1'� I ;I Ill � A . - . I�ls: th;lt. we .-II-10---4. --, ..&JU .­� I I I - .110 6:1. 411; 11111-' I �. .1!1`44�09, Haaaach , tir-it .'t vierk I - 4U . iff. If,- * . . - ... ­ . - r# .4.1 . I . tf.r; . . 08 and* Fickle I, ppe- , . ,if. -.I u w � if rive.: %viwg W i tf I- K 41 t'('7 I Nit'- 4011119t,I)II i'll ' 1110thill.9 uLfairly lighill.4 .VAIIJ. 4. vullv,tekl,�ttiv J-11hur., i.j a t *to 2_1 Iii -4 bloo�f lolf. (on us -T114% rd.ololsoal !. . io- `i *1 1..-r ,if qj,fffi( ' Allif, A, I I if) 014; ,.-III girl Iiied .j of, I %% Is , -tn ry I I . i - . . , hl,t e r,os -s- - _ 1 14 . -f . -4 I Oil t.' J114"I_JfN* . I . . 7 14'4.* t *1' . Pt " �., I -4-rm e ;I S�Itlr,. I I 4o.logf)"17'" w, -, I . i,.. tit .. - . - A - :1 fid -K -a 11S, :1 (`1:4 . . - %,("rY - tlwt�. it, w 0411d 114it fi!- k1fou-11 In I . ' . � ilariolt-ol., rlo-fijark: - .e tU6 Syn)Ptums 011"Early Dee - i .1. � ftio- 'Tt,ough � wd . Illiflatioll Aluestioilffid , till. witile.'s tillng that .r4mil"I Isfif%ff. , .4bil'ity or ilils t IPa t if I � . . 1�1.,Pftci's - - 4 .fl 't- 1:1111101 ,.It .,If A go-ifiIIA. * k-,b,r!l-#.' ::Ip- , . . I . ay. I - s�-rva it t �a.rjiiiirg "T :I . lo"`11 Itlid -.Ilk' 4oliliursIt tuiait Iff-,, ,t% ill- i ru viiii tollev loublicly . * i . . . . 0 . . . tnill! n-4.14livo-A ! - III- -ill "%.w-;%; III,- . I . . . � . I X '4 if 111'r (-1o.4*. It' 4AS -tA')-tII4- tifilp tll�jt el:11**.41 "NI -Jia%e ll.,,flij dosir'll;IN tic4& .1,11 I . � !I:iI(J1r4l � v. orflers A Ilifol(th. (I 141, t4wpk ulooll tjoeMWj,r,& Tfie Mp . %. .1 t.",O-gr;;;n t,,,,ll, 1-1. , (Fr .. . .I, N:l ill 14, 114111lonIiii, iiii'd . 'Ifte � . I .1 :1.11:4--r.:'. 6,041s. Ii _i, ,0M t 0, Still. Orangoville, Ont ) ' ! to, llnruiffr . .tft.-..r _11� I a . , is if v ifit4f. - *i ill .tfiod, life ol ills %%-iiri. In ()fir 1,A-*-,I,N (le4,ltll . . . , i-i'i:i-irringe. Ifiln- tirtini 'tlti� til,17 - K (141414 -e . A, . .. rf's . - 1. V . . I .) V atid. Ieft 11-90 , k t,4, , Rio % - Y 4 toil A ifv: . I . wa,-.. r*-# i,,#. I - vv W * if 4. �- ',I Ik re,t tilt- - . )4;1 , . , I w ief I . . .,, orli,,als ki #-ri­ Is t ,,,;,,!v I)IIIP . , k 4.41A-1, : , , 111fl. lit.) TI is! Vibli,ory tliat %""re I;4&fLtildroos_ At* I �. . . . . . I O11110 111411ths , a ' ma ' li I .Itflloll;*� jfull�f-ofi: ,% - : tilt" - so'coliAl fit , . *`- ""At' tfilo-, INAMots, ill ti, , t1w. 911ilt inux-t alwark rf*t 4.1kiefly I . . I a: v. 11)?Iv f)ffitwr optilke *14)11 - 90 ggle. the Ili- . it b. Ilia& :if.illi juries .p-4),lo1Ift,.e,,I 3., Oil . ' A tW till , she Wa s - va rried I -, 14" I,- � C � I A . . I L . I 9 , t I u-.111(fil f . I Coll h tY - Tli t re .va n lik-ad irirot ro, . - I . . I # - .1 ; . . or Iiisuram, - oil tk,,. -1 Ili%; )1 0,41114111t, in the I I -till W-a's Illave-11 tfwro Los "!tot' tile Jews, -flotin "I I I � --p y it. '� '. 4, I. �:11 -1101� . I t`t'h -V-za r-01 d daughter of Mr. - .' Ili lit -r e0oh;lw(, to _q 1,41 y ,)(of I %, itito ,,r ., I ii v,_ tl- -iif%%, , , *�- fiyi;t ­i�­Ld-)-,4--qrre,l. . I-il.) .. ;.S-ufIeVPntf0l_ AI , . t i re I of 114pillf- to; 4W.. itir, .P#-�%o-rt* t1b;A tit - ! tht,' .1 . - -:0141 . rr,if. K;I%, t�l, r _- 4) tiull. . . � . I I . � It i of : I - 't. . I . ,iii. - ;1ful ilk-: 'i!l,,%_ I %`6 . I . I r4l . � . . andJ:-%%-ifo..,.-tf,P W. 16 -, " � to % .1dillw1f. Two Airs. Tiougii Nilid it Was alsont an'llour -4 u- Were " t h� '(111'�' 411f till' `,f*4II1t W-im litorlae : . n a L .11110h. . Oat % guilty. Tiff- tolify .. - - � .. . . _. . , , L'Of 11 H) :I it e I lout ill previlf-Pus Lestilliolly Niff. .�ald Nll� !fptlb& . I I to I itic, ild-w;Ii; 'It -all afar ed oil It.th'. :ngill- Mrs. , 4o.- - 's TV ("it . P" - 8"' rg"I JGOUB-7%hf- Roman . I a - T!w V,jrdia if ior N40- .. I . Joey. of Joit treet.� or­`-iri.�unitw­ ILI. . - 'Llatunioli.lof lic(ollsoxing wns - . I .� ish-I fleoitt: * . � I . - I I . I lo"PliVil's.' onle feir .$I . W am i`u ; 'i"ther the - .Cr4owit . 6:141 .1; ,o,IIggf...;Lioa1 th,fit L ,tPftIb!.i cruel. It wax 9atitAi'thPrr1ipofo.1)a%U4I -thi.,; ill, Ip , . ato JU all. 'Pit , Obtanilleff f r(PIll Uff.- thliflight it w,aN 11' . for till. ('.m(" not vt-it I tile "loorribie nwi- * � . . . . . I 'tin: I � I.; � �A I I . ; ols t4w.n. -b p . . .1 I . ___ * , . (19 f iloth In health . ffir -SIo-9-10..wert )(14,11 1,11de V) lay hold ,410- llft,,rlat Im-rioskmi I'l.,%q. U,I.k(.ff. Iosji_ . - . � "Tilde IN 1�1-11-11;v Ivt' h.l,,;*0I* :-f--:I-f,fI to I*,- . . 'a.` . . .. I and &pl* W. . , .1 I I - t. - I I . :'If .'Ili It.totar. � , proof 40.4 )iikin 111141- tii.lt 1 �4 . - - I I I Yh.. ;A* p . I ;. I ,ri MeAllee, Was . . toiII)tPlit.111 11PI1111:11ty ;kli4l tit" 'i,n)- , -- ., . %tould brii:K 4-,ojt%i,-tit,II 1141, . 11111A." 4 Wfliell . . . . 7:' '.& ,,IN j*'*-,ar�A '� 4 4 ( Ill' LAO . A n (I Witt' hiii' _i� IiArolirri ' tit" Rumi&r) knotit ig . lk-vd- Oat n i 'v I - I . , ahno9t as . . ,v0lI I Il.r * ro, tMN1 I'lid I,"-tt*-r w:tai . :� . - -d - in I . A-iliel, . ILI", ]to 11i'J" VA1,AE WITNE.SS . IIJ414-11 In I , -, I . 1% - wIIJA6 ab' clA.,11k, bei- ,11 11riovi'lo-lit...- . .. . . � a--t-ording-too) -tim- rub'd Ad law. I fla44. Pout. , Af r. 4 this. I . 1.41114 ill#- 11,111Y, niodern rer'"waltatiVe. The . . _. " , . . I . W I - . . - . I - � - (*r(1%V:1. had trif-ditno ; . . . . t . - toil. - . - if: A will,1111),all witfoill Mr. .144i stell sloslioll- !,'fly , - to In-tif . statAl " - � .. . I t!.,,*- 11*111*:11 is r,! III:! : �", Lr . ' it.% -.�t 1"'.11j.4; : ,'III_'-Lft.f, f;011j: . ;"I .. I l4ii.; I il't .4 r' -`nPpetlW very '..oilt ill' tit# 91flY IN-ing takvir - I - , . . . *1,1111f..s. Tiff- Crfowta- ily .- � "110 #11114 orin ii(o I ,1, r. Llic . TI; - ' vurv, oll-f-t.; vi., 1 114;r -o I tol-11.4 11,0111. -, . to ivwelL -, I,-r,P1oox*�o,.s to) . - tII(1t.,Il,Illln14J,tfI , p)t- t.-Owl'.1 I p W,I.S .. 11,11, I Ix, - fr toto ' -flar, ttint .:I S �. 1, ii; %il,'. , , - I 1`1 #,X- N r -it t 1! 0 . .1,-Il:I1tt3' to). tllfflj�j-' If. I I CPT tp " 1: ir-4v I , , an l'is-lifilig-Iiiii A` 4"j, , I . ' . I Ine of . it. - 114- WIN) Kt,11141S' ill yifill- I lot"ourgliftl ill " "'M111" t'O 8 IOIA' - h-wq 4,114 Al i" va blo. ,at ;�.-'J lit i:Ig,,!:1,141i#4 ' '14., % i .-6,.-. - % , I ) . fick" an4 11-er liinbq�oegan * _4I,ti%v 1, ..) 114. Ili 9 tltftt IWf"rW%;I b : , 411all 41011411? % .j. .If(.- l;"%' Oli:11-% t"'I't � tfl*' Ix-PY. but it -haof d,-wr- .. it- o tmvlfbl4r over, the - blown 'r . i �, -t:tti th. to , 1, 'M twifuS6 I . %VIIN N.o.b. :tit Iff""It' Of tit - tk�ad girl, Katle I 9-w ii * III'moi.if that wurtl­r for ill.,, , " . filight Iff, loilltter illflip "a. . - . I . - i . Onding her trowiltag' weak ' 4 iiisuraiirex. , ' Coll' filtisill suffer 41A.'-itioi. 1,114. M-1, . lr:lll(*tl Ifiliti.t. #' 4T ii n-101. . . - 4 O. 1 , . . . -- . . I I- - - - , . I . fro ill# ly rtorso) i-.? t i v. - 16, ; I I" if _i;_. 'lil;1:1- orc-loIr ;irri%'.tI t 4 - ro, %V-. I.-; - i tl(q . T fiv- 1:1-s t f. I t,r I I - th�� ? I . I P', k; I t i. T(Ill, 3' Totigii. lit IlLs vvi4N-Ia1VV-Ill-CI.IiJ-f Ile t4V* t4`111411 A I I I . A k- The Qmmrv. J I. "b IRS16 -mile A I . I. I. . - it J114,11gillf-Ilt, 49 tilt be follo%%�-�l Lo tilt- ofid. - . � I )sitivoly . . "i. , , i * . *r' khsteti ill attdisdink school ; * . . ,X. I tilieti'that ()-it UIP 11,1911t ,of 31:irt-h flall. -YOU. William J.tlntw lj:jul court 110(pi blo, Alf lu-11 - N4 .,ri . rdor Pv(Pul1ri1,g #11f, fllwt, � '. , -that' OW-4piroarUilolt, '-.* I I -. , I , I - I'll NI'P-it tx-rr'- Wilk fir thloug%. IfullPh WMI flits or irun I I .nt knew ,If ,(41 by 'tilt .-;;I,j!- I�N I .Itl IlAprit-if. %6 . - ' - ttpi I,rr: 1,ji. 1'lit� :rt 'Gr,L%e1111u,M n vil. I tiv. I I - , . - � %% as wl"all tilt! If6i.-i;f1 if -re waisa Ili;, Ir .. .1 . I � I I W tile Tough Iffilm.c. i;1.14ollt 8 - Jel000iiy ()I whifill � Yom. 11,1%i. - . "IN I q . tllj t .4 ­o*4wloi(xl.', Thus 6r04lf1Md, Inorlulteki. . . � -so,aek-11 A -, . a.v )ter -teacber ativiged lier 1" '-' I It"i to - Air. 4),;4,r. - F'our. d. " ' ' 1A.1.11 etilooll - -%% - MilitillistAifailf-d by Life tl:Fr1lol I I that thi-Will.".V4 - , 1...-.qr,- 'If'r,y I%-,- . . U I . alill t w`hs o P . till . 41 , 11111tif Ono d , I I li t %V 1 s*' I W41"Ilt todilf it ft or Kind Wfk&i ealleol . . . ' Tiff 1. 1,Y J,; -I' "(.I ft . hlK,)uI-I N.. 10% - -kf-41, Itiore lipAll � I . c! . � 14 111;1411. . ( . I 4A flig Wid 11frotoom-ting-ii "I'liato 1114 V - "h1l"Id". - 1w,4)ar`t;i*-ivt. trowevo-r; 4iol' 111 --it th. . Ft (of I . , !I 4 )��#.. � tiiio go I, L, , ' i I . 'tier -I Iva t 11 tj #_ is P. - oe`- I Yiaiik Tougli c:11114� ill an, %i(*tA.,I. im thilt, N,4�1 W takell . 44) lit . . lie it-ri no, I Will) hall * . � .1 risolier. :list) .It, 9-10 Went to IX41. It W2114 a, .1k�tI'L.. *44 .1,011. V.I fliv, '.I is 41 tti.l %% It. :I . * . I - I - I I 1fX1rJl,-%% . I - - .i;'&tin­- tit I is, flopt givi. � ILIVill f Ili � 6110 relti-100ttotor. At tile satue. tililp, - - it). 4; ra vo .11 If I I . iN 4urnt,41 cover ti"I'll ftlive. Christ flo"t .t#.--'I-I' en'll'thirk or I'v, rf ;Until. I r.or to . � -4 ,*k;II( I -1-14-f. front ,,vI1J.I;f , I 1.1ii1w ' fir. lill'tritiolti, Oat lik4iiNt Id. � 11 . . Ifi,, jits . "t. if III the iintor to IJIIt 4140"'If. t" tilf- 41101,11ers for ex- . Alf 9 . I A ilia fil", tilt- all.. -'rel - -' :Iftloolr tlint hoiur thni -katis- wa-04 car- of � 1."th (koy A,( Muti- ofl.--Oraf toil. . - . I rkvn! �;.I1PI;I4llr"n*if -aftiloll it it- 4 If,%- thly 'Atil � tirro.-pti I jjpij�,Jy. I I I , tilt . ,.. I unirfier' 11 , sept4.1all- 1%-KIKIII- 1)('IIV4pr,Pd .. . . .111.11 . . . I I "I'litirminy. tilt- TW pry 11:4il : ! 0011"I 111Y )1!14) ,,I .P tellefler, 411l6P kkbw tile --value of D* I hP pprv1vv4'- rivil in.. I'll(- hottit. �wilivll i.,4 sI1Iq)()sli(I Nor twxt, v `4iIJMtY.tA)'tlir 1,riPallaf.r, b t� I . ell Him -The � ,, r 0.1flit'. k if ow If; " kror. ,%.is Itopt. $I I , I . r. 4:1 .I tot)t - I, Id fiall - � I . Lt' t 1 14 ,t' .-- I I i i o' --i I;,- I Ili � r.-�. T I ,if-iAl. . , *."I"hat. . kv I I, fmill, thenve List to IlWy Isia-I �l loane Oxell't t)tf-111.. . - . � . t I'-%- f ,:' torussl4l. , I , t . . Alto loo, Lt L . - Ill spite Of life Own - , �,.,.i hisit .;, litborit ikfl, b -,--Ii!'. r. 41 11 I L4 "' 1. WilljaMs' J-Phlik 11 I , -% ,31 I tlt, !� #O*@!!fkt 1�, . . . . . -vwit.' itle-1 'tit#- ImAsion ilia ' flas-. tit ."Illave. (of 11XVC111tifolif , .111(i tllptlf 041,0111I.Y tot tIJ4. iw -1 I - -P r . . - . a-14-11 Of th, tim %`1 I . .'I jr'f., . Is in such cases, ad. I . .1� 4 � :1 lot I 'k �to 11,tv, re . - A 1w fill 4,1.4141.1i. roossitoll 4-ofil- Ilk iv-illgw, ot wifirnintrw from III@ wift% 4% . Ifillif'.11 :1 - � . I I lia%-: roolitil it, :1 flyi1w coll(fitifift fat tio" I _. Ill, lugi-if i44 -k ulitil Y4041 aro� 44-1141, J, . - . Tho ijiffoirenr6 to, bi,- .o-lr � Ili --4 if t gl) ; , " - I . I tiv 1.(Jlt.r .. , ­ .r - I I - Ild o -, r,r.v Y*W". heii ltO.;rAke thm. Tile '"t 11' *61JOYAlanintonol fropin for. Callildwil 4 11. by tilt- Ii faillooLy.. C%ury filuvelo-twfili tilip,1111hije,l I*f . . ... ViArt.lo-pt Aru!,.o,,,r,,.4q ti,,r t-1C,Aii;,,,i4 %oi.11l; ttl�,t ,I):jq-k. i , to,, lit I . 'L . advi.ce "oen `ted ell 4e.'Iv0r1`f to do right. '. . I t it's r . 's-frill"il-, ii till 111111.4 � . nitorilsf.,litifoll If#- bli allotimi 1_'(� r3.." ' ' . .I. . . . )I I k.a fing, 1. %ins 40110,%y(Al, .� 11tor-110119 of.04' alh­�gffi--1 niurtletrwa atiol- Ill-I.Y lt-11146 I,AOr 1, haviAo lol,,my ulso ill I 0, N 6 I I . . I I , I.- Is from tll;. I 144" L") '"sh - I'll4l (101611"Ir- "" "'to(' Y"li '], tiK*Wlh ill doing ,wt lie ­ � " . 'I 1);*j kl- 1 of N41' ;1f1d . . and M:9.. Swee1*14 told , '' [a os- fi,11W. � -Pf III'd . - . 11411P W I I - , , , % - I I . .44. Na 11. 11 - Illil fAjIlIld tll,L. .YqPur.wiul.*;i 7-. - - . al . . . tKo- Dii,volailron' ba .,,* A-ftt to, .S,iyk#, I * ttl,'I.t I im I'tre", It I . 11110ilt 1 I1V)I14-. . , . I r . . . � I � Ity At. , :ill?. .lon or tilt. ( offififulfit.v. In tile "l"WHO Will han,'�% IV 2 4 1, as; ANIWM 4. 1 1 1 . .. If 'tri, 1,131. th.-tt rf),14.. for fi+A. I,:l,I 1f;A,i;s­1 ,1)1-# itell fir the '11c4tra.lit 1:1 % (our :.reportnj t1illt, CLIMoRt front t he ' : -wj1.1t 'tlw - - . I ImAtkii bi-ax lirs... I e ri 11:1hilllonil -%vaV it' � .., . .Ilr­-4,tjt- vnoa, lulqi List, ,( np,,%-,, . if that . � . � . . . 'I . . - V.iIt , lie I' , I I 1. � r .* CrOot Il- Ill%%' A lit's lkousil (oil � 111114-diatA.I.y thkt-li I - Ario, 4 -1 I (%mild fn,e Illm from, if I iI at 1% I - I ; -outset. th , j" tlaft. 11.1 , --,t,. , U -street, tilt- lit ro Illotf%o, net- . - , - Vwro;igh i.t-llo. hitip IV- * r ,11rolko,t. .4 ttb_.�Nf 10 -guilt of tv3rn- � . . . l#'I'q- tilo. rtil'jo* -Ilio-lo ,):-� .tiwii moll � si-i lot. , . . ,qre' Was ilia kwipro* S. I r. I' b.iA-k tAp* his cell, illo tild ,()It allf.1 (It'ath '! If mi. it, Il4r over nit itinw,ment ri(-tian to . I - - . XI I P 1;4* - . . . - Tooll.r." - I - A � . - eilleat W.IA. I .44.11111, ( , fullomll :k-tl4f li�n 04 I ei flit urintol I if's A, . -, .. -if . . . thq 4-fix.1, . (.,I to have Wjilki-r :111d lkt.-I; -,Pffjl1-r,., ' � - iko, 4, rot I t Pli, I I oft vy - , is. ol I. I to - W., 111. . ., . iiell t lit - W:I.tA I , t ilp to, ry .. : - . w4*r(1 jilt ition. - Her appe.. . .11�gifo I 6 � %%!it.% [Air Use jury to act. Tile 1`1141111411111 - rt, ill I -her. dau0titir.1s mlin n1lier toliat I in found flit March I 4 :I ratring rot bbip. -Farrar. . . i . .1, r ('j,,, li;t.,4 I ifit,6 . I tiip %litiio�;�. LIoet%V1 - � " * .- . . P WevrVO4) The Iff-eliflig ill li.'.Iv:i,l vkr(,If..V, , U4.44ill4l"14-11t. * Tlk,; ' I;rit . _,If ii� . it *'.%*%*.I.,,; liroba * . ji�. ij 111i � Vs.# t :.,Ott, if,, _4.11 the 14.114-v 1,114I . JL;Ikilig Of 4.*%idellet, tk'fif � S I .. Tottehingw. (,re.It ll,pn 110p4i - � ble she W,..t ., . it to til't. [faille- alilt if - .. 4.111ti-A 10 - t.lj,'� (,- , '. s uini this wim-11tol'A. aud L,ikeil jilit.9iolitifIt jV,-,tIl gra(%%. 11 - r In , NO, :*I--' I " . . . I . rl.wl WIf lit lit, .1., - W- road. .11r. -'.i � 3 INOu'll - clillill,e %r in -tbe in'W? "(4,-rie, N '16i .110- :I IjrtPt*. ."it. I'll I t I . urbed ,,,#,)Ill, ,If), , . . � . . a ti t I oftd; u_ beea106 hettpt. tho eolor ret* '._.jlJ'Jl1i'rtI 14'. if . . I - . ")"I't-k '".1's W"Wl John u'lit) 111141 laid A Irreffit I-- - I 1411 I . - I 1 4 "W)f t 16D 7 , . 11 I"Inee"i; ftr(' slipper plaam. I Nast tit ., to er,face. and,the Severe headaches S'io *11:1*1 (Ir"'.�_("Xial no Ill sh. N t4 -J I . Y � f if Off It, .4 r: f4 �t. i . $% 4 wit- . li" 1 :I:t, tII4'rf* -1-4 no re: tljoor�lo.,� Iwrc : , %-.ill lift -tile :Vt- I , 11, � . ., . . . . - . - Imir­4 fr . ' ' . Ill .1 N . - �dtitlll. 1141141A. tilp iivltlwss� I)rq)%4. the insdranvet;lkell i I jury. I - . I 1'. .�l . . sabit ,th:kz ffw #0jill'iffIrdolim cor .'�:.I-i�ll- tf.r. I t i:. 1w, 1 IVV_t!171 ltill:_!,; I . .. � thato h " il*'-kt :1 'I-t-ll,,r store. . ililt 4411 tfl'� lit', .J)f . . . THE' I.- I It Ile "Ww 119111nivt Christianity .. r .Wt lilatio he .tlint iiigkt -.1, . fatill1it, that tilt- 4-villelow-hp had givell -11 D'i-L"S ('111AR(i f"Ime. (W perrew(me of tile truth. ,, - � *,- r - xfi #)if . .1 4 . r .r U0. fififtiable, visit- I r I'll i'aff wir4-ba-.x4l.-.j_- . e lif ` � . . : - Katiiie . . , _ r f)'Ijl)l*#. I . VVUS Ilit., jus�tivd. Awrtoitlitll fil alkifirfoo,tifth - - . � . ,_ -mm -fye .*-hk.yj or or ho-,#th, a r' trol - � to . f a * liarsul#­w 11 too _fou r- -.It ,.tjj -. Toilgit. un- , , � . 41. 1. , 11 A - , .,. t-111. if ritherine f-,. illuses I .. .., 0- V fx �- k - iW-I-`i;l lI4,W.-q):IIX.1r .f *ft- - Ole I ist, , hhe Ili flow fee log bettor .t., id)tt'i. Jlrst trbtl ail , ( V. I'. IN) b4% Ilk#% .Iffaiis you luunt know r - I � . . alting the o-iltnifive* to, I .4 , 11 . Orr# x1or ltok-ratp I . od.'- anti . . ilxt!lrr, � ftol;, true. The - "1141 I loop off. (.- . A _ � . .1 II4-'IhtJ;aKf*P r.'iy. S � the'. Cro,wil .4.1 . 114ANN wfum; askii I0111h . -a I.14, '9 h0w tot) bo Niipilt� - . . . . paf4ilsh Con -oil. It . ". ! � . . I I 1A,it InI3 tot) - Hankilitiold ,111141ler - the jury roi.fernii,l. ,Lo) 'tilc . . .. .ertaiii rs-%.-' tilt-rinitAllio. lift* ' ' ' . . for inaqk montits. t4) ' - I "' trital hi-iihitAl tostilits I too gript, 11allo.allf.), . . . - . Nriolwmly Ile.m. (P 41; 411IMP IiWIV rf-'r I I'' * � it Illis t(l, 11,1%.j� J if -it t1w lirvi'i -o . 11tKI'k.- C.a ,4" .1 -thalvaho JqW tkme r �Vvidvll , ultuhua I eir. linfoolwit I t IN /ten thin famb- � - 10 _* - . I � �it.l. 0 I - .. " t I 0 to 14 -&Te. if fill' re* . I I . I r .14141'w tl�atltflal OVII 41r;*fb I .fail Lilt, "linte of. %'.. 1;. .1,1JIlf.'s. AJr. iwa-ae ('411114-tilr4ks muftf. oulaof ling till. C.laije fiftj .1. . . r .. efffir"wette'l - %% . . tfill. �'."Iw:ii-,Itr:it'fol),, � .. - 4 It is (1l1h43-' qvidout th4t t" y4>ulW gother tll,,tt r r veniolt� . 44,<fn - UP- , " wimilk"ll tO fillower nathing oft a - '. )iV 41 t4P' g ): ... ,': - i voisollivieted. If- flellifA, tliiq, I No-1111mirst. �iamtgt-r ill TAillo ,t( or Lim,, ititA I,-bl it hadilti,racted it, tilis jo,. nim W I . , A tf-.r wits ;,,Ili) I L ,ft �J � last oil hi .0 O Vii 12. We lftrvel at tile thing, tl,mt � . in . - I_ , -* 1w, lef)ry, r I I to- I � r I . I � . - * ""I'llkill! Itowar.1% owe W. I . ' . - .1 _. I I . . Ig roni ,on t f "� r I' . I � 1 ,lXjii4.y LI_A ,1.,g I ..fille � * - . - 1. T 4 'y 7_ I loll . Ju** timt tile,- V-44fittitoll (it Otild revenis a toe%- wq�&k . Vif. . blood,' as"110 so many young glorbi'wh t 1,". ( ro J for $*%l;in) , (;: 1 %%444- IAPfr4 * I "hiPm utart# .1. prestimahly frfootli. tilt. . " - stri fr' 8 Itll(. I " I " 4 *(tlllll" lly- teNtifil-11 " too) If (""'It.%- II4lT4'l1kiil1,C1P4J%iJP * - , 64" 4 1`10tv 144f9f! w1heh. the Aniororirr�. - - " . .., mllildu%fl Willis sufferit ' I I ' to, lack of ILI'll"11 T -11f.. Lt o0tV.11. wt .4 _lPf'ifig p4'.I(I to flit,, 11(juli V. 14. ETM7 new r*_ - .. 6 �' 0 _. .1ril MI.. tip "I . 11#4 'if '.U,4 -*p but k.1 III, - it Wits a fill$- v-, their "iniinfN- frolu - : $ 14C I - _ ll tj . L . I. . I )fifty V - K I In., Y O)refl. . , w it i if n ti- it *. J# _ I ' . I - I ttlPt � fir take. * � . I . . JN. _ r ' , I a I r I I a liff In - - 4 If. I ( Acid anot-prIlm- -fthe. T4ae Josary 014) 14110 I . PY Went. ovelp tile, �-fy)4 ro just at Lt critiqat point in We, und *L loixtiirt- ' ni -4 -I r,v 4tJi, JKlofo. I t" ' ' J"44W4. &a nlf%&s Ill salifillft- V. 14. lie re),o:loiries twim , . . - - � lillif .-�;o If I ratici,r,if, i.sprt .f)#' . .1 I . .i,li . 11r.1dio-.1ftiorie . wits :1 1MO to * kroled too * admit . I obru. . w. I N Ilay I vtiliihilik,ring tiAt, ( - I . - first, .0411 I 11w Jutd. #,%I ill 114 vdoll. �:o t'lli. 1141SIA:tti'l ill.-tillb A -Vent, for -, foo r , I i t ig (Ii4 to an appa'rontr tIlat - n _ 711ti4i ilL MW O; , - 111441 I - y f, ' irivs-l- - ' LIM flea(in Kir-l's "Milli %%,;I,K L . . . . I .1 � t lip ntuvw . .Imoirlso,jr tf) the ptort,.�. . .j % era. Will se , Cliff t :1 it� AN ()f _4.t$.It 'IN I I .. la.1141(PIJOIs tilat te Lop (�()Il - 66 . . � � . . eV,fieffifi. , it"Llkilig W "u, wlt" tit"' ('4111tw- bor, lout "T's .1 '_ . - � of Stat*-�, - -a il;afho - 144t. noi Other remedy �( that it A" - - " . - J IN wife -'s deat.11 antl Would 4.4*t 411410414111% of' their . I 1(.f.%. tilt L ("11114' there is .om; 1 ' # ft So . . , rf"k- to -iv1PI1.Y ,"Yor"illi I Ills I I xto, r I 1140 14wiel- r . . Wt Ulpro.- Lq anirtli. crtioll1kot for t If, to(.- .V Ulat �,Vlgorprof ill inelis fIr4 tile equal olf Dr. Wil- , A vk. .41-­:1tIl`d(X.i. 4i r .11 riiifolft . . for verdict. Ir allv istan Nfi. I g. 'PI I vY " "'Its itom own heart 1 r . . - , "'I flat to iiii'llaMs'. Pluk' floor takill-,r t.lI.,jt lnixt,14 I . Viet-1121,111111ond 41ould, 6- f4irkly-onli. , � fall ter- "I W. J &C, flow Ull of ill IW4 k to 4 ,P . I . . I - ' vristAiir enrich . food. atian r, . �% IkA . Iteropif I fig. - I . -allit,zil ; "16li- ., I j,._ ti..ikoii by t , , 'is -They . W if - firNt, ye -11, $.­o1.�,#I*), 111114 A - If L Iii -f tivit :.�-Ill;.Y If -ft liht Into,to .thais, I , to. se0ire the b I'll, .it, such cases. . it. %%,:I rilh #33..31; at , v I rtue. nVY alwavoit liriefem %.kilp tilt - . ulate tile uervPA " :I` giVio'll'i(I lq,ir� Ity 11F.1.111111 Ili . It P-4-Vf-ral. other higtail' livt- a, verd,fiet I l* fi� . . Friday. "IFIT a 111,4. f Is'at ilia Urns wf,w voitill, toil 1,1,-r r#-% Ift, -tTi P'..fron"1.sAfJl1ltIl alsid r , r r . I I to I ! M, - , I ('111114 (if. IL uhnilar .1, p1tr, -UP k,fell llift. 14101141t go W to I c If - fist lierw i wp A'. 11M.Miralilbas ih prpferf,pli U, , - . . % Its' .1"1111 bulld uo thd entire system; an(I - I '% AT. .'Ifroi.jii tifor. I . M tilore wen- ItrotyCht to -him att--litioll, Nill. L8111sing, Morm", (of '. Ulf, No, lov w0ukl uot -ft' -14muls whomever the otfpr of salvlot,(,,, I . - . . . * *Aafitialtiti, IIIIIS't'lof., tip-rp by thw'' tillip. 3.. All; .At I pollirtio. - :11 -tf*t Viwtt , * prjuW46 I I alf-i I . -.1illt.f. . .1 .� )-suinwid.iLloself LIP hi* julig- IN re ,.. -, - 'With'.410 U)%fl 11, foll" whieh of I'flo'Xif-it'll luOthOrs will act pruident,ly If theyi. ,'wt, %7erv;.r.I.,1i-1l%-. Or- * I lillsilly Mr. Joinistofissf � 1*461.1- l'ili t-foid (of, iliterviewx I fit IsA_ Milhilt, till it ite qwt,6.11. J-. 01. If %,(]Its elk(*Wp sill " I .Trilo'di, I . reavirked, .. wain -1841 , . . . fr-. :*41tii, . - " "' "r '"YOU it Indt, theli, :tlult at tilt. fir.,z ,11wild had uilt.lr III", . in ?"i"'tO Iti"'I'litirv. .volur life cries. --a" I . . 0 - . .. cor.rtairitY tilat Cerillera han! - :$If .till . ifillalpit-outs I k4sist Upon tbeJr daughters t 11 tiff - IMF kili; , 4 , � . I At I . . I., 149011, .If -ft. S411141.1go. 'Daval 'Arliv ish, i. t'114, (!;iIJt:I I 4I)J)'I .4 to I akirg an to) t'.'� - 114.11111114)"41 1140111."4A , IN - I .N;I.w Yfiork '111 U10112'.. ,otiry ,rt*ola eagh 'Win, ' t-,Pt-Uh� be crucified." 11 . . � . 4s, . I I re - - , ' - . . 9 Occithional box. ,We kll()w from c.w if I I %,:I liviva I fly tlt,�'.L (,rfl..Vll .1 tria I Alt xwo,rp.to It lot fir tiltugs, Ulat .411 floweluioer, 1895, witt-II lit- w"Jute'l - . - 11, - . i writ I 0 I-fPf) )a fly . I 4 lik&%ft tolt 4he argunooi.rM '.fiw boiltil hitipoiff 4)11 '- . : .1ritplivii. I 111m,wif to- " * Jilt on I L w . "YetC, xephe-1 .Pie .wit- tAi liamure him *.ir4.,m life. -aildll e,V4 to if Iff. l4fIld -11 k* lok"rilig Wily' bit Z-il U � - & niAll i I _ .1.4 rf f4i - I ""'aald % ' -'-I'- Itsolite n41111111ft U) mmisorl-lo-r. 1'. 203 . . (ofti.. 1 114. PCr1eu(*- that Dr. "Willialiflis! I-Iln' _"" for lio-iietin'- t!liilt� I1.f - , - , - - oil 111 41r4b r. i UP � . ho ("LlIght- -ill -.& t.r;tl) - for. 'Ill. - I t. ;I -N tifild tli:tt* . ';::f,`IA1 It I 114VO d006 gfeat . , i k� Pills - f _11 loullionot ;I-tllllifl- , *ft . . . '. L . . . % I) -r. W.. B. filly twevit � 4% muls' 'lot rfWuIRtP -, 1-Midtaft-t by : . # k 4 , . . HA - , . Polish A 11wiltioll tlofA erilm I . IfIllf fill , a I I lk Vol Ville kstiiireoil till, I - flin-Job-If. : .. . - . .. . . 11,A)f1g, agvlat in Buffalo: � . . . ' 11-AN41 good in Ora . 'Aiii.wili I - 010 N( -'W looll Wooillt' W right tA) of the I . of #-� ci;tv .At, tl�- '10'tv fOr ., ,I tli&re is ff, nge L A . ­ _01allor. - '1�4!'_fWrf'IiII9 tff� Of- .11WRI, - . .. I ". Ldgi ill -.z.lA`.*: o I, owid vicinity, and . . no 'o. r- Ilan, - The de- FreA, TO 0 for A -111114W It liffould raultituille I". 26. 11 . V if., wool A . )tninablfl. V . I "I - I .I '41 uldi, a lorvot .York l.lf4,, 'testified that tit' -111-il,y. . 4 I _# lit* torido If areeLy. a - lillfolfl .(OIL tllf� oil ,� lv%r fof:_Ka,ti-Wt4., I1rCIlhll4taWCA*S PRACTICAL s( III . � . the ovini,rin i.-4 *.11-; Ili 4 I% if;4 , t* 1. IV - flit im .4, _; Ell I (bay tIl0A ow roportor (kons not come N.-Itif."I"61101's fleath ll� S)f u4stiriof-4.i taft lilt I e Ne4: to .P* to I In tAP worrunt it. Ite- il , I .1 Yttrk I.ife � land refuu.- *11, A , - . I 111foolot IIII)a . I tIllat .. hit, . , .lot . 4.. . iillg the stoploi-so fir tilt* , I tilie :Appfi(!&_" h4ring to t�li,4. oire U1111441141!4 -S Alf t lip TIw K I lag boufatt. louffeted . gs-,fsoril ra I that lot . Ipaoit ` If).. , #-V#JJ) I 110,oto",&'t404.-r.--'T1kf, ei,Ifis ill ('-*Ontact with somo p(tr6on w1q 11.1i, ntarrifi­j itlitti, . thilt - tioll. which wrow AW :4 $3.4 )()(I pol- 'Ctts*'i , I and I . Iffirld.- . for. ` 110 ., � . L-011 iowc�oprllillgly tf 1, tier : tilt- unlivitifil , ibils ""I'lot'- hit( . I dim-4overed thu -Cliief 311"ital.4, K.liol tillit tile gjk , *MrKsiflni (of a 970W word W Say for this wo4derful tlwtiv alolpeals fir li�'. fr. I 1�, - i I I t III.,. - t., I 6W. - '. I - . , lt*3" and .*Woultr ttolwt, li.loolit .$Ili) - . - vr jim,,rs . I I I 'ilitte"b Ifon,,looeince. as �' I :I,nwmf I I mvrlk%t. ott,o)ud- tit I - I I W � L.4 ill M * It PfAlflition . , 1.1 ;ighf,r.r*:o,l14.1, 1. kii�tlw I . . ti" 11,49. lksumono.1" -fir -to) k4vI1 till. It 14--incilwal IKPI `LrulY Xilig of ntemi aa if lit tile IFatij, f . , � - w W tieft i, tilt, - to (14111's nui,riije', 1INKMIne. for. 1 --or trunk-, %V'llielft : )1�vtue flirt[' or -ilmilifitiliar met.11ocis t;l vt lit W tit- olim-m-t4l w his , I vif t.r.. Oat s'". 0-�(Plj 1 v ;<); If. h`1* 10-11 lulsw,ric .. Dr. rong was- developed wlfe,# _pr.-Ifli� � .1 lixtive Mereditt' to "N'WOr, tAlk ('-If ief '#VI"%tll41,r Jile e0deliet. 4'sWiffishe'd tivit, 'elve kVions of niall- * .01 "tit arof t4j, rw I, s . Wils, fouliff in 11111 it , lot 114'4-t- ;jrri � it , I . . . . 0. I till- witile" Ktate t1k. -g:gl.l 11441 n.Af'*JV4iAJi i'llp IN Or"is, wosold ­ t i - % i , It ., t,:]L L , Willialn.11' Pijik Vills of fly * If(X"M'�44`s`"l1 - tile f'J4*4'N0k#A%_ that lif- M% f ,on ( IV -Is" (matt. 11% - 7631 111141 murroulldilod, I � 61- rf,t)#,%ir#-,l Ill tillo, tor -if olpl,rtrt Ioo,fai � lo�'h- 11 thily a'rri,o t Ji,., wli;trf it gIoing to tile root of J�, .�414)11141 kfaeor Tough-. linotfrittr --t, Pi*on frialn Ilill, 11,14 L . I . th- Anvirif, � Vv;_rs. croowillf4l wi , th disease. They - .P the trunk, -i'm -it A. brother. g.t%4,'-fIiX evi- U1.1 t If,,.- load 11 I of is i r#41 i tl:*' is:1114W Ut Life loriminer . - ".3f) Ships :tpP:`.a L I I liomt:lill- ( k"101411*. lito - the - A% t4it tile 111,44 ,,,,' I""'Willinsootil Ilia rot)yaltor. _14- i I r, d. Ttio-io I jujtMiis. w.ilf, (tt- - ronew afQ ImUd Ail ,lie blomi -and "I tilt' Iffstir-11111vii laplit iltio Illattl 411U46titital ,6f lfnOU­%-,p V4 11110111l 11118 Power iand con- . I t Ilis most J1141m)rt,ailt tt.r.tilliolly lat0aus elUter Juniors A),- 11IN %% % I.' to-11114f.fl to liorflv# 9 tfli- . 7., . 0i-14, on, Katie * , I I i . 10 P, af ' .%4nnlpw;.l ;. rl - .4.4p.11 Ir-:t,*ilI,r strongtilen ILho taerves, thus Iriviy - "I'ZION 1110, :vr;-o ah jifivills W` '' P "lit Allmir. f *** *if 8 t.k.athoccurred ­ .I I-avilti, -tit - hol."will doot .V.,4 , I 1 4,141, toV till, it-*- tll-lt Of' tio" eV.4-Ilithr or NIa rch to" Pity tit" .1prl"'llailtillill. AAIJJ _! '0111(i 111101T 41iMUWtIIn(*6 riliell Intl 111141, but ottly 1111ACRUNP tfj�elfc000p �F . �. 1 Jl�r I , I -jilt .1 so U0 41"', - Is I ht . a t k.- ' T 1141IIst-S - tell ri-i 1i Life, Im _ "rown -Its'l,oirots :ig, (411 114:. Id -t I;iN Ni ( Neel , . I t4l, florim. ,#A. ni "i.."I Atseabe from the MYSUM. AvZ -illist. Off- *Ilr* ste-r ' W. ,r lit tile mit- 1,4trti 6f anything t1kat 0 ", roffor.; i'lit 111' t If#- - rgi tfad bo L 1-11 (Valt-11, I . I ft to onlWilit. .. 16Y*s f##rfl#- t arf, With it I lyffOlmot. -f - fin. IW)Iif*r. W01111 IN bi It t to I it Its t lit- I Poll va tA, act of. wit' .16 ' ,� , i �_ . th(I o- . 1. If , . . . I tAt'IMB by iNgleting til&t oveiy I - . I "'I"ll,'11r. 4)xIA-r --tv'strialf,of tile (flooleeti011 (it 0011*114"ll"x drug stollit- .-Ilp),it, hil"W that tfk'. IKPIJC ' lili,<Ilt Iite. Coll- "LIM41 tit#- 11u4WtiqoIl meolho � . bi%r 10pr Lilt -it sitreti-bo-of ;, , it),sile I, 1.rfsft4. Itr " iltry :I ' I! , 8-Weltwk anti how, :Ih(Putii. all-11fl, - Air -salotiv,. %,.I* � . . - talleff. tt". #01oPw,-1P"L* sare, . . . I .-IlleIl You purchase is (miel6mml In a wra * in% -allowili, -of . I y Tim- Iiing I'll"Illo-W&S : after nea rly # . .1 . - lip'.,I"s%-#,f man1wilinEr ,,,&f­niN;q0' thi Ir rifloi-i4 :.%,,,I illr, - ,,, *11ativot p- 9, 4 t ally. ,lortfovitillm � � fr tollitit . Air F.. W. Burguyne, 11t`wt litiloortant. two tillolpialu"I . ) . " . - I I J �1 I , first qbi� -too.o I 11 i " D r. icsi r I Buffict) of �%,0111141 sligg(tst itpdpif '' . 16 . 1i It. Its ** rjrw.'# : th' - P1119 bearIng tile kne,wli ' - listo.or, ite lis own lit, 'lilt Sulot ' ax- (law 41upsth y0aft or wtuliv it ud _1 _. I . I , tlwt th,�' full trade mark, A. ,or tili, (,.jqf� ,&PP,1J-;1N Lt &- , niet Iter itcar I )tlwl HiNt- - -rhtten+llt is lit that ew,ruitiqy frk4id alul top ffill 1* - . . . . . *.#oI#,i�kAr11f1g_ -sarstingv, :lgaill.4fl- S1114 -mi � * _ .�Iolp tilil ropl.- Wilolianu' Pink.-Ifts for pap) �ljfq,rflieilt. . . In $,olu!'"lly %I-itli lf-.1111111�4141. Ile tilt- M44t,n)INklitill- ' &V tile kury vv(m iniw in . '.. i .. - . , Aly vor.;W-14. It i,N 11"110'.011f. t1lat , 1w �Vflfild IN., SlIfIt. - .11i,o-ilf " .tI ditt Ii -,11 tonal poople." . I I I . . I Te- if Life InNurnisee lin.fill-:1113. N. what 1111 ronfirulatioil (If lollato'd verdict for ! � , . will h.rw,ut- Lim! 11lo"ist.t' . I . . Wilp I . . *0067cslt tie! latil#-r- by the elutlow ll,e ('01upUlly, 114_%�'tifidro,d- CbA MI - Motive lift4i I Iff. -----. - � . . I . %% %XteiiI- 31k. .1ollnolotoll r4.. L IWINIP134-1- ill 94-tt"19 marr6old undwr it i till. oilynts, W411011t f4r..; . 't 10.1113' 111141 III::! 1XXJ pi'mip - -(A Weifollo, l4ioltik-fl don t,jli� PF-F-1-171A."P. .%II:,%I401CII.1%*4- tha t tile 4WILS- .' I _94tiod in Him no fault at L - . fill$ - . - . . � tlri.r ,infOostati4loi. � Pro, I Joint . . DRESSED Ll I I (I - Winne of y - kni. UW fnlm�- ail.41114., all.' Jolln x% 0. 9I . .L mitt- alriflw-r` Vemilvil lot .-Oof'-' i"vork -i 0 for tim KB A MAN. WIN-"' itrfie--Viking of 4io I- alld making It :1 I Pof I—; I r -iii. 3& ilia in tholl, ti,soly 4 , . . lmi4l' 1* -4-11 1njt,k-_1L1r;4)ukI ti .-- (-,o1a,M&II . - - - ei Itlelit, . eont' 010 Wittie-W previous evidence t10 him, lif(- (of Sirs. J.-Ill'I't- 9 . . III.: ot-xploolinir I* ,4 , ;' I. to a , ____ . . LR-' Pay"11010 U) her� th"t tlw ollead girl wall marrit " . Itr b000 -, I nij B . bp' "" - thilt there A to _. tile e -H W41�14"14, thre,ir jlyS IIIISlIttlid'. AfrS. .IjllnpN,, at, fir#lt,. 41 t4 0 a p%rof . I Off. . .- I Iliellf-eff It .Mild blaust-IfIloits figun. In all flistowy. How - .1 . '. mim-Pr With Iwr pno-imiatif.- �Lrjlll.,, ' LIP m4iiure Nxil, 1411t %V.I.t lout N , . ut ifii� the Skirt -She W ir )11111. he 411sl-rf-1, '0rotW& . - if ollifforof fit low-l-mon liKogetil -r philowni,hervi and ookoptift Inay 4 I . . . I ore she woulti I- 1. sitnelon" IoAbt%%-4.ell the tirtt,wr tilt. deatil 0 - � er " Tl t lit, . . - 11,114- UI'C 'X,4,.- -.. ifflive PWM4& , find . L - . ....... I--- - - . . , I his sixter, the wit- 1%alit-vil #--s,(100, lout tile Ponipa , next; thilig loloillu-0 [IV t1k.li- *(,rf I r . L . I rpat � pri'l4s . . I I I fly I . - A-411111 V i MN vall Wtri)w a Ir dam Such . )4Plt`f.'loPlltA "' -wittles"'I"N."t thiN trial. lw*ih-14411 -.1 he ,r iwar AV 1140t, liCeplist it. 1% 41iff-tv I'm ttlo Hips divine ('IliiUM. fkll Ik)W . . .. - I ., � . . . r 14 FORIS-04fill dr-.T1)Ir)it,1Vq-Ao,iI1`VP tILj._�f-!I;IFI . .. satatiftooYS Re r1o. � , * . . . 1. ., . it nil' the ,evistlenvot theY g4ve lait I ' I .1 , hit w lit rest- I I's W4 oil I (I A 03cond tillar- . a eiretalostallep . "" ,,­ I - . A fiptofo-ial tit forev- ('01711 tit linlooliortanew ' fol"f for# - Ilia ahwilute perfpetfon of . . . . . � . . . 1: . .. ;6 - , . welt.v at a Whabington III' Wofif VL-, A"; IP W-14 41,11011V -JI14-li afill too. terly preaultall) fir $LJ11.86 . I , 114*1 fr#- '4111110"..l %, ;1-11111:rtoll 414-4.1tell �r .. 'rhi- f10116 saw trinix. Tlielr tll�inory of & 4 Was" charticter. Retinal. in lilix .. 1Afe 4d �,_ . . . I wlifor-ro- ths- minom : . 1,4-postm Wt too I- I tilt" *fiif't Of tisto 2116plii-at _. 0 , � , - %V- roceptit)" WON It 144kY %via() wits' a . 11RU111 till N11411! %%,fls h1LTP bof1coll due On Va r(,, 11 . 1.#1 iows; for its- j4,4Aak._ ,goenks 41'r 1,1111 alli tiw ft . � � loop .1 . 31"d th".q fk-.qtrf,,v .till-ir fiv.A.Lit- ifig hil.11(otill wa-4 30*11ot-d ttA � tirfml ahAat*iJAlke fair 1111111. t- th-at opetirrell over two I 1-14rr . Ut istarancol,. Ti " % .. I a. I � 1. 1 E4110 land , YP! r04 14(ti tm '41 - into tjlk- 110JISL'. (111 ' I:Irt'll 18J)G. � . W -4, -idellre ainwarod #A 1 4 a 1. � its "-a If" 'Nf1_V`y 0WOrved - * w3mewilat slinken, by 1111p.r ,_r ,A it 1111A IA0t 1"-n ofl�(M_ .. il . Tit#- inflortnatioloto "in till- IV).w"14- 1)w"irtillent, UP -414Y : , � . I Z . the. -011ow. eflit'llue o( it' inanla t it -H - Af r. l8th, -,before Vit-Aloliff-4. 1I.-IgI..jtr.a6.., I . Show that "ItIvirabla," iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iii 'i . . .1 � - I l4iviro foe thii. .N, -Ivy Do'loart , . Ovening suit. .,Site 461111kon �baoo*lat of -p I M11- JOHNSTON-8 ADDRF.Ag. troverted I)Y The. King rejH.U.4i Isf ttw - I IL . . I .. tit ono-iiPt ,lihows ,� The followitW W a vo+y or'a report. � killoW 'that It wfw 61111111fitlo" giVilig teNUIllolly *fm , Qe salile point. � . tilt, pritoomf-r tion t hall in . Ft 4 1 .. To, _?I . . � Il. In 11114, exll Inilintion of -�tjlo.w tj ThW clomN%I tile ' foeitlier IN,- nor Is %%iff- find 111falillig to witollift, . th-t taist-WOryi fortirit"'I I , I.Aii. 1. Illade - 4ampw)ql. prololoor .lot loll OLVenflig �)veaxionm Kit I'- I lie saw 11111-#;isoltor all(I M,r. I..,. 1p. , . �.- , . by Uear Aiffmiral I Coll— If rom ivitnew,rx wilo foullAl K - to witilliew came for the (,row ", If t4old hr"ly in t.10, I, III � - . . I .0 -teff hnol will W. filapilloff. ' * , � AtIP T-011*11 I - 110tIll It*t Cq-toell"m *'c ' .144111's V-16411144, .10i L .. ft _. I 81 I I I .. r I . � I st ball of y eumer and latair if, N � � $tile I'toliftIO-o-ra lot#- rusi,Rtariep tit P L . 1119 0111 thP Nflow .Air. Johnslitlim ellole-a- V011ijuilt.-, - with .1 n , tiddrIt"I to tile Jury iin defelice. At It lie ent L #.0 ' thf. IfulpIrto. Rico .- . W04 k), approftch it tali � Whoill - Ito JX3. Co III J01111"i'"ll tx.g:tll film If tillf'o-b a44)Ii`f':l'tif"II,% W4%n& 'lot for ft - Ifirot a hor"" 8*0* to tile gtnll,tle* 11111Y It eflol*41ra fill- suin for islivalrallivi.. . #It -11%'-Ik- I.e "ifig tI`C -Aletioll off *a n Juan. 1* � All" W .. " So ' _ filki him ou . , 14P - t4 P fift! llf'tA§ hiki own. . .. , i . - � , 1-0m, I to brq.,alk itowll tile evideloee of lievell wa),; Itanifiloild. lit- Aildinitted, I 1111114"llciallielit, lie referri-4 to tilefliet ot. 11ful tittlov solt" _. , . ' V. S.- qltil',R� Th4%*. ?Witt# . � an 'n(mally.in bor' orown 006trume as the t"o, witti � Lumtranve. the queNtiAnt ttrAmAll%, %v f(I"' littin it an . . - IAW w(m)(1 Permit. 8110 . eAieiR will,11.11 stil, I . -rif-m #111 riot tifxPI.& approathing Skirl 1juan, it W. -l" at " A,I - . . I I *Wpf I tPd 4hat thlx toxi, ' 111ttking tllo willark , tll,,Lt - )tAldh � - Intl tier tullor (* , I M 101 - . a- that, none (,of the A vea- r ; lecillore.1 nr()ull(l ,.) oocl(k.k. MI*4 itin Ille that for the tilLr(j t.lione tile ,.-Ili wax 10 how dif -lit .4 .0 � L LLW tried for Iliq ]lip, re" " 40W biv- olpis the --4. .foolow ..-I.n&*w:* , . loaniolis I I . wilm tile oflojf-vt ? Tfien Hallonlol1q, 1111d . tuo-k. priobtilifil . IFInkO field it dr(m I - P- tim- irLrl'## trititk. stood witilp it Illigilt IW courm, of hunian liloor , . . Y 104"111,111411" it. wnm not win were lit tile .h.arbcor. 4 was there- .PzActly like :1 e6At anti * . � land hard , feelings :1 Kit Lfixt, . "d that It wil'" �_t - � ' - - . I #7 � I ,dlil . . ,etinsishkroloot ,A.iw* top 'exrow their- lo. tore consideratily I . 'I'llul"14. Slie '11ad a I .. vebt Caml)WIl.. o(:Gravenhurgt�, wilt) had thp lorlsonlpr and liotd 'N,tid I hardly At r:,Lr l-olol"t hetweell fifin, argtit-d LIP"& lie could haVe takeli fit d(*'w th4l Know- rpl" Of 607 WW I n . dou bt w hether friplad.cor,ttie d4ofid girl. told of - . self tilt- ImPlielflim and rPtujrla,pd tile trunit 9" on - i"14L V_ � .� raswe. ­ I 11 they haof reachetl San Jua7ti and A madlD. exillictI3, 'like mellox (ohirts. She 110W. * oif'the " JR11 t fiff ld I t'iIiie to - a ' futf in - 10 ailid the Ctown. Tile la,l had nil wealtil. k, * . . I , "irt .b(M'Ikt a � - . � �. � - . I . . agaiii L 'Niar,(.11 (;tll L . No still tII4- extraetbw fir tlu Tim- K it +r - , . . � .. . 91, - . . ­ , qpl--- departP4 for mom! unknown destina- Ita(I CASH litikiii, anaile lite a man's. .*With Annie Didivy, * , Ifile, = Im0e. 4 round )I to nock. C, I 1) lit t If 1 9 flO Wf 111PU" fripn(W au,ol no ,rest)u n Ps Inwit luir I b Imlicleit; ("XI)III . , I've go fare - . In.. t1iffol, eliffs alli in was eonlilig along lie[ Jus- by-willell fisqulei,w it, deffilito- Ilua.rito: - - .. . - I . lot a r- ,, wor#* 'fit(- .daintlext little pearl Ili - . reet, when slie Ileard #*)lneone � witneKs 0 "P -X- ""gilt' I)fo 131"Ale. Ifix remIxioll r.% wile aml-dimalloticerted IkiJ4 scheme. Tilt- Not fs '! .. I . '410nitt'sIt `101 Woo. or. Wfullother thoy had I theL shirt sliev- Brown wt Alt-retilth asked tile . A' arouft'd tilt. slisl)""11 ()f WN dolin i J ob n Alo ' -1 I . Arnhiligmaflo,pr!, at pillpix llno4 . tire in loo . , . . I1&J`r"*ofI tho" Freorh Alinistpr foror,For� I ri�*d. Am t1wir capture Sho with Ise ,p Per.) �A.`., I f)11ri Affn1r.-if. t1sult Slinfolila . wits- t be ob- Of th , it- groaning. , ,r I oron ou - prooll.. - of Ow expe(fitlon and its It *M - pollort ana r went away, ' ' � , � - : - pectivp *oIf.*#.I' Im. t h' jfTt a nPwmt 1141381911. floor hah _ ,onfloar,101 f-r's 111(illeNto, -stated that lie SaW the r - ter been luip (if MWlifig by 11"Jillooloak" (If Ule rXIIiAlklin - . n aN they were' afraid, but 141,1111 iviby ho flad not,. at tile C - j, 11#111ol was :ill tit INII)iIitV "I book wtl#4 ItMupli by tile (W.ferle . . , atir'" ror , tl),p Iforl'undron was partoill In tile iniddl -nw Priolioxier with Ilia sister (on tlienigilt tit" cl,rcumeta.110M 4"I 'r ft#$ rews f4wittial 'that Viey Rhould iIiiiiiiifor. ,Sllr tilb 6 -Pting f4tv- Joint Buirtion, -tl)p rp_ tile case. The (if- prOA)f of Ilim illn(xwlle a - . Koff"lloic PPAIIY lkt I'llieliz. Nitittorallk the., -not p1tw4 to t1W world Ilke that 'of turnofixt Rik y , ()f filer 4 -4th. The witnem-4 replied that flortroto 4�f the ('rowl, find been working not f1mvp ioppl, In( ,#.. Itis t Might I I. . I . westwards UdeitiormilleA " Bortip" V)I- Adolplium. d found Katle Toukh lying 114� had not tilongilt of it nit tile tillN, � - I .. _. I regw)rt that t I ,O,w � Over two ore - _D` -'4Pft1ai4h (;0vf"rloMPft& 1 to uttark the batt--rkw detending Q ' " e -W Ore a In - the snow. Alextinder liallpy, John - of evk Yeaff"90ttillig vvery particle ll()t to IlatVe m1riollift for Id 1 66 develop their - poftwitions f by thin aloqo her gel of and Bowe# and the prlw)ll,pr ivere min, tiv, I Y 114�gllflll in ploop fir. (v& 1. r - , . had Inff,,rrnP4I vr,41,rf. thIlt tl);� qrstion',1 le I nsirrow. e-lem fitting, black skirt' 1111d, illjywa . ho hardly knew denee- Of INUt. and witnems& Illild bell went .: r port In order � 1, ­ � � a � � I � 4 , - A � * * -, ___�;_, -0 . ., Ill` - -7- .Ar�,T_, - ., 71W 'W". 7 f ; Zt 4i %* 1;. , - ..ir - L , � 2:1 - 'a 6* * 3N I I I I I', t-( 4 il`�� , I ri� I - �_ , - - . - I I I I . I Sim of IN nopt wax M, Min was. -ill -- a It, I ut,mliogtil, an(I tlwn, , tthmt W&lt liquest "' I':' t beeft brt)tlgllt front New York, Btlff,-il() gwor,e tit toot" tile V"t110110 11101 A' - - -1 � __I IV'" for. The 11A,xt - . I . . . . Vr _V&W�Y. . was IrldleaW,li, ulohed and KntW T!8ugh. waig e#Lrr%d Wi t- and otlI(o,r � . . . . - . . . � __ . - � 0 , , - . � . . . . . . ) now. John BOWvg, ,%%-11() wax witil Mae- at lie had mold HnIn - I'll ,*- � � -I . I - __1 I I ok , . . tO 1181' hOme. She Wae alive whell 1)"'em Somp Of tile WIt- boWe of Poison. Tben It -in liou I . . . I . � . . � . - . . . . - I r . - I . � 3 bottle In UW acid HnTum OL - Shilf 1491b Wl" he found tilt, fic's"s'eas 1111141 even at'rengthelle(l their vvi- . . I - . ­ - � A I . . - ., � . . 11, . I do"Ce f rom Outort too Court. Tak f 0 1 (I V're I , , � - .- . . ,r � . ­_ -1 . . I I . - A . - - 1, � . 11 - - . Luc dn I& Aimittifla I - ­ - I � . I � __ � � � � 1.,� I I . . WK - I . r _� - _-'777-­-_'7wTk0 �_ I . ­�� ,,, - ­ _ - ..��ZaA . I . 1. % .. _W___:� milikiiiiaLili;6�,-�-,-- - _ -, I - .`4