Lucknow Sentinel, 1898-05-27, Page 3Q. t OF MARI -win L . . . . . All U ts had.not Tet &)M% t4) look1with. ham madb of his sublime., gifts..'the, THE SCIENGE Of ORATOR w1ultell OffiCe. Yet lie UtWred a few velry &Tea t HIS EM WASPEA keeit lllt4lrellt lor. wlint might fol�., sixglklar* beauty ;Lnd purity of Ili@ life. paragraph% rich with SUNDAV SC"OOL Iow, upon n confliet betweell -, tiww .&jilt. the bountiful harredt of u8ef til;. th4ught, pewfectly expreswA -i , in..[-.neiw "and" ldos�lyg *that has followeti lay I neveir hearxt but he niust twO 11111011, Who find no'imp-;f%A8ioI .-C common - eve4ppt OP111ILSr." . Q'latJsWqe-:-. Ilia 'sWitte.- it is, not too much for us -Col. aye had-a-eominitil'diing paresence. a l X. Ingersoll's Talk tq Those Who it .never fArOve. PbanelVs bitter � to 44i.V,n'o* that Ids 'earthly miseion. cIIIvaIrIC bearing. a heroic, voice. He INTBRNATIONAL LNIFSON NO. IX. A RUBI The World Mouns the Death on 1110' - old frit kill.. 81-r. Robert has lopett tv'rought -.out atilt the lamp HD past. He wam a MAY 21), 18J8. attiti Would SUCCeed c"J"ekt 11ttle for tl ' 0 BER Veer. WhVII. Ditoriveli lindertook. 'Of lif I gives fikht no longer and , "the iiaturul leutli-r, a -talker- to. wonderful deal with finifnee (Hatistone -poilinced 1-,lab6-ri06r'u" task is 11me " the. verdlet,6f fomittle. persuasive, convincing. ni� ot a great Man, upoit him.: amde ail ell .-Einglish naVoils' wlll. be, "we was Ilot, it i)oot, 110t'a lUa&tftr of lue- The Loo" supurA­�M&Ww: 174% 0 .404. hini*.. and thr hi. -I loudget nit"I -tbe-*ministry, of" whl�lj,, sitall ot look upon Ills like apin." REQU-ISITES, FOR PUBtIC SPEAKING. t&Pll(kr, but lie was practical. He kept E51r. 1416. CC) 13t4 (31 1_1 A.' D. �10. Ili- wak the- 1pi -Lord iJ' view tAII0 end to be accomplished. I line Qj lit the-sh t -fiNt of Aii,ericaii tiames. HO was t1w OPPONIte of Webster. Clay M611111t -Of "livOlf. N JIULL AND RIB NA Lord..Abertleell was tile morning, Webster the e 4'ersonn-Jesum. The tib-,eiples. IT GLADST014'8 DEATHBED a- lilidittry 44 , 04417, tinit -that sitand ax synonyms- ven- datone I' Ing. Clay ha,(l large a wide hori- as 31 -1 C1 placing "Mr. Chi it the.. Jobs Arbuthnot Responsible* for ihe for brilli'ant- poil powerful PrUtory tkiat zoll. lie wit all e. vi t ntary-17. First day-_-Th4 SORENESS STI FF N 988. �out-. of willell 4,;indkvine� lind, driveir'.' _. " . . �. - I I - im LM g Jr6uH, a U4 14th (if, INIsaii. called tile first 411,3 -k Appellation. Holier$ ersoll ha8 A secure. little tyrannical. (it, unleavened bemilbecauwaday orif Dislia011*1 illid 0114 vilt film - -ioow' '46 f row 11011toll - was tlI0n)uglIl.V pro,puration for the Pnj*sovi-r.-0w*:n. IW It Cures in two tir three, vigorous rubs. ! 'Now; -that .10hii Bill anti (),klele Saill. plAce. "Anti, �lu of inuch, assertions- . of a Long and Useful tho oarrow' ]harbor, of- Torylsm,- coluillon- Unk-mvened bread-Br*atl niadip. with kXV111111gIng lVotaplinAerits All such aunched hini tairly PlaC6. fib never uttered an bispired' it tile o contrUrY, the Influence of skill- It Pon. open 0 :kftl- t6 tit wan till iintense egotist. No lCave.11 wilis strictly f6rbi,itlen lurb,�. AL AL �A, Wit -in Life$ (Und4tme's vow. friendly -fastik-4il�,--folks are, asking ful'oriatory lifl$ not 14 110 11 subject was grent, enough to inako t4le- 48adit 12:. 11.1, :,Om. caus - verslion' to Llbe alistill wIg slt)w, 'lpajt %vio, ' 4 P. - Wr, - traniatiantk-, cousin gPt i4eni6at fit tile, world's prog III -riptare reprcbseittm civil.- erL reG& he Idni forge't hinvieit. caniout, was certain. Ito- Iwkaii to stv ii -dur- Ills �-uainf-. -:ind T%ery few pkwlc,, call ff ! 1, thou ? uIxAfIn ' word still * has Ito share fit political laivinist-narrow. lo Ila rr. Wherfs -The 43mi- "W Peel's lif et nit- had.. hvig- Attx)tl nii,4wer t1wAiii(wtion. C pWo took it for -granteq thnL 1w. ABOUT THE TRRSCHR4 THE SWEVING SYSTEM It lit' Of'speelair .111(xildilkic popular opinion anti act'011, dogmatic. flo wtta not an orator. lie a1dol" from botit '.4tie.-4 )lilt ill t 'n6t interest. to )lot' , 0- jjwt fiow that it wilb.. U.- well'stm tile printed word, tll(xlglt 'diolivefett ftwayx not orations. would' willift to keep up tit' okw,-rv- A Alrior Sketch of it Remarkable CxP645-11' realize that. Ti) p Sloull'S 1. it is probably truo that our national - "I think it wam in 1851 that Kos- "I'm of this great national i'stitu rylsm 'was At ' thing iltiwill. A Ill -I,. story' of I afta An Author -Statesman Whose Placo -1ther. ta Ito- ilol"i`rieil lior (,atnits�tigiis itro determined more by ..gut[, vlaittvil this country. Ite wan a 'ti011. and were wAli-Itoll k,. to ma. -l#.J,sHI8torV .%I.l)IJthlJ Ii. one of tilb*. prkitod iloetionfInts thall by pl ator. Tl' all We rviluisite arraiigonientti. Investigated by Willialn Lyon Mac in the Woi has Been Well it. 11i.-ITA44i -`t-4 lifilt prit-s't. Dr.L .1folill Worm great or. lere wato no man. at 10 lowers Deqcribed and Specula- rh;, ff rpit 4 it-, - w Ila t )row'.41 to IX, -,I long inaity ripy.11 I)II.-y-SIC1411114 'tit u -boll) tile X Narned Fits politic I. li,owever, *we r0mebl-� that Wne, un,der our flag, who could IS. Till. City-N"t) (" )Ubt tilf. 4111J. -I tionq al to, Its P -be*s0-' unAtirpa's i -rdeNi ' ham givc'll ber that-ito longer 11190 than 18911; two mpe4ek Bugliall its well its lie. in the 1)14�8 PxPeeteil Bethany would IN at Carter - A Man (4 Midget r.1".14 Av, I' St' Aell of .�Iit I kensie's Grandson. of Stl ong Views Ola,l# Wrtft...'wax tilt, -aoitlii.mr -of .161in.. Bull's 'great pariles Ire' carried I y -storni firoit slxymh I * rewl of Kossuth'u was Motown', but. Jertit"i1em wIJNtI14.pl:ic,- wC 1-0111i I 18tit' �nf Ap minglo speocIr hnif 'fewthwith roe iplx)illtx.ti by tile la'w, fon the fi-list, (�'--ifelivered oif.thp 1 rH. -.IxJiig. Ahn(vit Jorgotti-117 now '.by - arl' -, rky *, it thko litte:,'Itimin is the k -against Tilt,, ti;Ia"VIIV alo. "it 't o'clivir thiN The 'pleted the. -titit tile OrutlitV.' )VIlo, reineniber Mill � %%, A yvar 18CAll.rMn who' mdtlf! It' for -*bich t1w.tAgh for frov.dom breaks.' and Jewls �vollld Ili, Uien. ill t1w A IOUIL AMONG 1HE -TAX& - .4 1UPORT IN PRIYARATION. irith 'Frayit-e, A -Wil- 'is - t he 'iliti .14- if t, itile to say- that effec w 110-14 1 gtippcoett Nlr. (10mutprelal -tmsity v I'lilafi. bf- lot Alid 'Pril-wident,.It J14 lie this line you see the poet, the midst of rt-P)ielng intiltIttit", its llfwllr .1latl ''and III- It*,' -tive twatary is not'without 'prac4tcal orator. Alimm-If it "I of Israel. A in* Tito. fir tilf. last come mqv .101"t tilv -ratter Avity.' first ArJiiiihn4.tt- elilix 'rited the Pritj"li 'rile 41utwtion � was rewntly asked tile Sta.-pip llatioll Ili 1111W a, .1offil 111.111 isl tht" V bt0get.,11r. GlAdstone euded.4be ill. tlitisip wil, it (-it 'Ito' aU S.. IlirviatLyu was fit tor4t4jr.- -iple, perhapm nil nown to tile writer. La- I$ 'likely thit a 10el(4;V0fW (.11stoill ill tlw 116141111facuiltem fir eloth- llllillftil�. 111,11t lle-alkaill Jillowt-d has I.Jlp diso -do lity. This Parliawnreanie tti V -4-111 pt'Plith-al. kktrflre, ill.�itlelltill to A1111i flia. pro-voitis tiiit(--,. To the y6ung' matt but,- with t1m4'reekl0wnew, ior 41, 9:tltle-- Allopst"411.4. Ills tool It 4 4, , IF - I . Iven prip-trod can ever Ili! juade wildch aliall be pow- 1, OLI r Ilia A"ll July, 1W f;Iattstolle offf-red fili-SNat 44� till-- Millistry of 1710* a ?I rA oJonilar artie" of oran- who aspirtv t (P Ise the. leader, of "'Pit, wWr. lie thri-w - Itim. life -away. Ito said No oVef*w-e to.P a 1previouw* x3rcetion.- ri -if illk" �Imiw-lf fd)r*- (Vilorit and w1ten tliealplP it avarivicmiw %Util- rx !or dther- -tilt -Cook. Time 'iti t I n erful. enough to ' milow the tfine of li lit tw whi-ther Iii Ix)IiQcal'- 4ffa I ctjllhulnl;�ioll, which LLM opt tlive A a JPoT)I.i)(lgJl r,4t%V. t x-gilplilla 44 the de- lirofonfid &till be.. lfo�ol t1linirs, [alit I* Mark 14:15. 1& (1 wt -in looked *h4. wisi�, it,is (Itifte'vertstin that tile art '%vory one who It. Thq -evevtt. ereato lacked allplica#tioll. .114. -%%as IlII4-%4;l1- -11le sirike Ulls of Ilik fleath"Whiell ar ftlillwUrAl Of 111,11 spil'th Latlea "I (.tint. 4.0f lit forttin hat w-veatiti. prtwf%rnfn,J w-imkihal". his fir lli� cof public Nljf-:tkii'tg io; I.-; ti�eful now am 'tioned - -t4tying, ' ordinar lie kn­w­@fIouI-ln0w-`b- Wrough' it telemeope in aware t g myNtent. 11", It d6proloor y tho apfo%axanne of a . uUt r Is not bo-en'r4wwntI.V -oinitii4teil in t1w x r. -it -% firY Were& to, WIC.IJIM-_ bins'.:1 Milt. And Tito'- flistfir 4 -1(1111 Altill xv 104 it 'it ever,w.w. And 00. Ingersoll, am It `tlHlkqr4,olI great tweasiolls,-gi'lool Ito%%- --Ibid. At thy houw­-The. , inhabi- flj� li.lgt twit a Old. '4�f tit a OUUA liftil 4 a 'Will 'Irll(: 1, thitt r stNml 4441 v# satiit. oll -till- I eliang"I by.the' LnuCrument. exitept an real Wralil by y t 111.1110y- ie . P . pa4c.lililsuw P.:nrt, is probably no and. -tilvil, wi:tljoilt the mlitrittirst llrtj�- tan'ts of Jerusalcin did n(A let Out oxpre-4�wd�, thir-, 'llitv, -s wi.11 i it 6, rendert4l brighter. Evvit wheii ex- ifarvitniA A, as any man liVing -to: voraticon.Aitti2ring the istililiniest aii-d their -itfj came to TIP, writo(!r (A JJM-W I' ter - M ivritt4iii A 0 A. I it 1701 lie houses to, 010M. atuined Viruisgit t1w mu" powerful -axiting .4 1 Itirui tholighti". tho annual fensUl, lait affonled ar- _h, tile Herald aitsitA�,,, is IIISF, lit, exl1r, 4,-1 it This filtillim.-Iii. 1)5 )lit 11114 gI% - lympfle st4 -Ito- w I I tor r uti), Johysiciall, ext., I.jIliVit.f. tAp all�' of tile. tholl- nloqt IXq I Y �I-y,x-ewi; 361 :1 Ito 4-ap'sig,111'rie: lit.f. ruor 14..Vilils. �g at;' " Ill Illy Judgrillcut ("oru-iii %%ai tilm- commoolationm -gratis. A' niarl 'inight icuixw the btaLlis retuin t1ke up - pi re , to Wit* -try to (tit -it lit robi-ogniti P(t %Jr. %V. L. 1%lackenzie KinC, a gmdw At till! Is. (-)f :any 11110-..7 poaraii wbich tlwy have too thl atilt. (oil of fir. t tit .11 iilie( He was found at to P, i I - 01 aUv4-g*a r.*()f t#fje.JJJ't._IJ�. I Je 14..k'l go null. relluo: OBABLI I \v4)N%4'l4 If whell life A �% ail(] if rit 1.'aln)p.rAW6. tjiki-d I�arl fli-4 AVIA�l ives ill' I V 11 r.11.111, of,.: till( his 1114--sixillit hoillf. fill Aladiwol iv I Vellile, litt4*41 -eye. Tim -3. iLre. poructically I"- atoo Lir Ttirtinti,) nion- ArrounJu IA,4 quiver. He final eupiod rooni oil sitieli :tit ow-rami4in. �:chulitr in sai.e.1-ded, A or Nmv Ntitk, th -. otht-r,oi itilig. Alit U1491latk'a I f)(All i"--SOUM P(Plitit,ai w-A-liew at Hitlivard t, ('W%ersity. 1fr. King Ila& given upe- t,11.1% IliS pa ient. :11 * wn "J�-r,pf �e.41,nfjj loll 11S.. 114:, -wawj tilt (of - It , unitor, Ila- -Tit(- 4-arthett jug anot the Skill of. tile pit -et. "Ill _ ligving no alilweeiable-Aze, 4-vell %Via I.qtwu 141 tit*- lllcloit�- (of th- 11;U1 fAvAtkilli Ito 1 t4i'talk. on tilt siuloit gilitis wit allot )(Agle. - .114, was ait :to*- -saerifico. were left %,%-lilt tilt-, vial :itt#qluoll t4i tit*. Ijubkt.t, 10)LIi W;A-I* I Vt.1IPWIi(xr,4 lit -an lint, on Tiwsd�qy,, .4-01111111)ll* nn'tl %till- held tilt- 311nixt4,riftf tial 111111fit.-al A 1'11:111t- it .1"Iti011 hof What at -4- U) U 1A) :1111�1 hoily talked.. llis -11' VIn rke. viewed with tile IligiNwt IIUWnifyiug ... .- . 4 . '1%1"' Yotl gi% W.11113119 d StaLUmi. I. ( finle wit r V.Allwla solid the I IOU! #k1fice of ('1131,11-01tIr of the rxelieliver.. loop Ill'-itil it, or"tmilre :,t, :1 -It() -hillbith , , though -tit, jittillig l"all .%% -iIPl4;s--7I1vA4-r zind Jolin. powiw that (-tilt fit-, alqhiell too) thent. "I" V) bo" %% w; ill hin tallk.. w ilim :1.11,1 Ilas lawcAllalAf. rim V(Villb silil(l(w I . Cain astrunuuo-ra lifrols- 1�vvr tot) have I a reltort ution It tkititi, Alte Stint Mr. srura -:a pill lie'mpea k�,r iw i" (;o.%t.%t:nor 0. 'V.- 11111 -ton.. 44 1,11411mil, Luke xxil. R. Afaiiii ready -Purk-liffi*41 for tilt- 1,0luittifili Govtwisment. Tile an: OrntAor low was aAked. -i,L tho greatiast p4mer. gof P;ta to -iiij-n L tho .1ainfi. tim, iinlea%end-11 breml tof-14W.AJ-peff lxJVV#PrfUI VII(Stwil to exlAbit GwL,4tlbnt* retwUn.ii6.4 ally'Atne. Ni -ver... tilt f:if*&,s '-'OM "wiltolat.-I (in in tile Jifirald -et i Ir" r lit Ahe first. .1I*kLcP,"-8.'(itI In or- toy nian I-eVer. lie trol. A it the nr-' bitter herbs aii4i tile 44.onwry 'b thent with true tl"-s' as a very ortliti- P; elato Illuinly W the I-ity of 1-1 w(;tdat suh-Isil .1tint tit hav-e wt Io::! ary tijt; -tit will exhlbit tilt, --inooliff tru iu4 gJJIn(-lItJ4q. %I%- . f.V- in his.statfueoent. The -fruttj;; which I:JtALr*praeti(4-_wa-,4 :ill( %,jej �btit: �sst lk�� witt, -4, III-a4l faring the S0111#411111K V -?*)met-hing- - lvdr�lt 'fill of JupiU-r ? tAty, aud ar* 0 Ao� wrry rerrevtl,� - groullest. , Tilt; to tho older ritual -I6Iuii4otr;-. I linpoirtant4 botii frijIll a wjl.ial an,j -J�vit --r. -Irlo"onlic %t e. 1g.- "if'olkli%ililig tll':ttr fW(_qJI(' Wo t1fl- lit*, t-.V*'A CiPlIal-At. Ifis han'!q;- r(PnIt IlNion cecf.��ity. pabokner-A nient(irial feaRt it( till- � A littlo rough i-aiciiiatiliti flio-t4glic-d all If W.- hear. -TWN im 1!ie infport,-: 1ptirposo- wits W ko I- its t1w bstsLs of -lit answer to this Tit y are AD sialk's --think- puliticiat . sixim4th .1 * 4 -% fir' lift I rif %iIas Jewtit Tts ont vp 4-411 -ill- m -eve tjoe. (!ouble pur- thirL rf-sult of careful Loermolial in%eb -4-rwor .4 Wully In vipw the poaver and gvi.41 - d- M"i.141:0-k 'tof tit(%. rt tot ..tilt 11A a m:iJ­'Io% CUPA 4) r -4- tiPLU011 b.V A eltmw obowrver unit At t JHP%Vi-r' to think. jl�. or lIIil1oi.#4._ tt ll;I., i 01114-Ilt lit -MR of �Goll. displayed tit alv-4-11t. Is- 100'4- Vttlkw-4i htfido-lit -ItV .1 1 - I Of Jillowilig llo%%� linliu-il tilt- flow - Uri. rini 1� - - -4 A -even wor I;jfalmt telewol)eoi Ili c,�% dgq, t %_1 )at,, it U,itill put.'. iholrght %vuril.'4 )CY tlotw 1`4 411S ful .1114it, to%% or Lrr(-Al 1411.- Ittitnor.' wit, Ila- r.apl, Ili iii-livi-ritig the IN Plitt- - follil 4 trs of y witil tio. 'h. t ilovigilif'- thart, :il- tilt),;, iniaginatitsii, wimt I.,erfect-juitoir- 41 p.-rks aw 0 t h klerply, rill kk,.w t Iniat any, -, w(oriliR, .4tt4Ti­1. tit ..I folid, 'Illar-ftll and 4-litising tho-ill r4xilly am. and of atiduig auother it- "006iilg VIaAW%., and ofitif-lomw a state 'lliat-iA.-as ill t)w xrahill ye;lie.4, over tit(- ll�pd �4-a *.-to silt dry grillilitt. luAtration tio the niany thRt llavIl- uoi -so If 'fig lltark.-d it*. W's.r.. "11111twiL gol. and acroniiii-alde-1 by alipropriatfi" tiet-ii given t6the encornious renjioten(ws as. In boniv, linrUi 4 Vaid lortj%.Inoo ;111(1 bot ni,"_ Alwv �v-t%ta A Mig 11go, on."I '.4 Linvoln #-Veil wZ1.4 *(lille-Tile, vAqwtiltlito :ail orati' W01*1 of tho ftetl staxw. Ot 'Life I nitit-J SWW6. Thib, per- 419rq so 14 auti, kkftip-�is eV*..r, Ife -.4101 - -autbric iom-iW one advim, till.- y4qtllig� 111a.11. to N�Illlt his, If with a- fine -it. Iftit -libu. -4 '.IS awh:il suprx&r Was coullwally d'atell 1P. haps. it.: Only wlutt W" too tie ex- Vk Imillor affil YA present A. V% he -ot 44411 punctare a iuInuW Itole fit -I slip J1 not Ills* voifoo waN, lKx)r. tiis aftl'ir ON- a-ttilig Of tit(- #0M. -11"I 'Iftl-li iu Wi4idurflilly 'V.(14 Id Vol 1 / r .1 1 1 J� to to)' W14 mit whist' -h rx if? poo-te-1, kiecawav -tilt, e%i4li Ineldelit W g6o: 1. Ill the- Ilight. E*Z. xii. Tim. of Otfoll, or if thiji Is not sit Ils)11*11 ill t4f- 11,111)�-Vooiltraetjng -;..ieem -kwatd-bitt his 0(iiigia 014. _V1, I. VIIAUTV a Mill. V1 look *. -tt go. to I thought.* -1 woubi to. a sh"et of Itaper. ar"I'will liolt! it kw - At Were +r(irolind. Ifis at -#;pt- fe"i st 4 &-gho 4rnitid.(ii-at4ly aftor.11 e%erywimm-. r -IlllWt,()fl tit(- t114'. 17til (if -yen tom-; r I t 0411141,411H.' 44 1.1 %11- 4;� adziv lit .1 W* Roo- -tollt bis th6tigh-t-s or' ti) .:fr 0-.Alurg Im-on lIIJaWt0(,#rI)J4J,-4"j off" fun) him It I. It i a rong light. Tilt- chief objection tio till. i4kocitw of uot r rango- ihein ill hia. luilid, so that 114., iril world. ' Tim- word ' Wire.* is Nif;an, proclainte-I by trun4x-t I4ast.% Ile will'bas-4- a lo,lifect, artificial star. laimpr klI4)wll as tilcb 0w#? ting hFuwm. a vxlkCtl*y -what-lov w:tNK4)- fly varying the sizo (or the litA. four or fivii 'iiuv'�; Wi otteef. ` IAvt%-e frotu the teniple.-A; lkid.. allot tile Ulm., in fact. whiellham given hv!.fing I I k 1 41 9. Mill (or 8:1.1 lVasto lit) thile-oll the j tilt; -.1 .11 im Aev' 11hig t4) Ex. iii. 17 tho eirigrin-i'l tilo ilJtA-IiJSJty (of tIN' light. 114. U'll lift' it tJJC' llaln4., ti. ; , 44- be A x reme a of till elgkli 0"N 0`0 Iii41". I n .4 1, �,ikv Ing to V. 'I I to -re. the (4-f sfi(41. tit tif f . t. -over was vatien A.1,11(filig N." you art w 1 1, .6 1 t 1 lid bra r I it it %% Ck ro,i t%. I i. l ok it -.I abNw, deternihm! e" perilneutallY- till' *Wlitinicw shucking. dimproporti(xi be- -4 rfect. rf. Ile le -re had been i1itroilueett so rhango lit size A tit(, aluallest Ifulicture. that twmbli t W14- viiiat. xrtA-r -you know what,'you :I -%ir i4mr-e,- I ItzL*%4---h4-:tr,I ;I irma t t ftl"Oolillt and of the 4. I Voll Call -thillk I 4Jf I'IUW A -titictly a� :I round, work done mill tim- Vagra rft*ived. JJtj0'.:( H 'A F4(. ff thi..; ParrticuI:tr---4`xxk-t­ may tw, perri A 6114. A 21. ()lie (if V0JI=J'lf4.- t%Vf.l A.'4. %vere liok--. anti not onorely as I oitar-like lips, 'N.,hu- ­c1tit awii rar. betiv%* I. The tre itrimbil-4-d coulilv(I 'w Und dan- JtJI tile UlIl*.ftIthyr by M w 0 that weroug conditions; under which 'the /o. all Put, Ah s A 'Ith illClAle(l. 44or Jntlias had 1wint " f light. It will 1w Pound V It 4.w r -Iioori" in tilt! P"4?t V -V or ur tljiitk.*. x _o.tirfllf 41111iihilAi. allot ious stations' to t4 fur nitmt eyes, diameter 'If UJIM work- is loerformed. This art" almout H 1 A,4.1 I ki In. -hl ir4-*; but if- yciii.,ream. Jawlerstafid Oneaked back t4b� B,-Untivy' sif -r h6 110419t (A vents- fit -ir% -lhms, W a6litilto4t" (ot it Ili. r sewat I[A- at*fIIJ,wIt,6 Jl.44 f, iz�`I s iQ t y. enjphaNI;, to'W and aelik-tellientm. The.)`_-. uttor tile nclariou.q traitx:ti-tI( un with the Jd-'%%JAI' I,ulIf­!tur41 wUl I*- "b"ut, WK-Ald"(11'etith altogpUier froin tilt, sub-contraeting a at 121 .111ft. At %�,.tlr %prriesif. art I tit AIV go Xtirf- -take care �Pf them-SCIlves. tile nspira . tifjiis� 4,f tiwir ell atithoritlem.-Ilotor. lit- had Anid. :kfU-r of Ail Well. tho liarlit toward Will plan. by which tim- (wigiltal &lid rv- ctu .4 r 11 wastihig tteir feet. "'Ve.are clean. Iiiit i t b. 'I %A 1-141 -'sm ill pro'ollairly illi f,qp, I It ti `%W: sit lot q )Ilie f rinu ilte, inside. tign-. Thof%v eloilie .0mb rhildrvii o t e will bt4tig not too strong and twailble contractor. who ta kes a TIC4IY' sho'11141 fN- in--im-rfect Itaruiony If "vilills. not tke distwice from tile eye behyg about #,U e 1110olik- firl the-guro6us. rolms -I rge c(mitrae bi to it in whole. or 14t4 kJJ 4 P, With'. tilt-' lvvilng.4. Noieo allo�l go-st"041 Thol.y. ijitoirApret. the-Areanis. -Eadih tLolight 114it (if 10 inel". This way be taken abi -a ill gubc.4jiltraetom. who, Ill ff.. -.to 22. 1.4 It I U-4 neighbor loit of, lihitm-11: Verlritfw. In 11 e r 14" (At I! iv; I P t 41 IN'. goi.er.lWd by Ole f.illotiolls. the. rorop prolihe( fill basLq of our cal u tio . A i e _e�_ turn, give out tile work U) hivv-d hands, tm.. tliey Tile% T -v t I load they not biwm disturloo-d by Hur- litindrotith of till 111ril in nt hi whouht ulleollNeii)JISly tile fUt"re 2,witll ber-okc forni<. .-%v Lit houlkem and pther lArtoom not sub - r .1 distattOw of 10 Inches. subtenols I L L ip tfieir iave-s_ rtm- at tilt- faet that the :� dvatif o Joet to proper i1mqwetion. The pro- Iiii-i-174-et - agreenient...; %iith tho Npllti- ioft.v tiror;&q. irlipy -t4 00. 10wnrli ton- af-bing lit - Lip- ol., ineiits .- their Lor -I was aloprii. anglo 6f it littli- liver than four it in- f itig made ull(j" Nu .11 & of e Tlw "rator..-tto ho- true. to ril Wit - v:0 t Ills ibo%i- it' the 410. Ir -Nil( - avoiii any. rf�,ft!rvnee, to tA * ribie, for* h or treat-hery. t1wy nilgilt uttw, and thin nuty befimuttied as the )toy, 4 am P .)itl4l ne it ft". :Iim t of If . . I I,/ . . I ity a I? IrAvd- kupsniil titt- wan. To titeir crodit 0� I"M Ill 1114.1f., tgl4- tinder which a atar inust thf. ex they did llot.- W Iq.(lq off. 9 - peitme of the third clam, tilt real 'rilia, gi�cz t ctAll, 'Ltigunwnt it ishall :Ili - at L -i)il. 11611. m in o.der 'tit. 11111 (if IRLS . #'& workem whu, W many c.tAn, earn sIIJPjJl4i-._ lot. IL 11 Allat - (tillix-th... with, Ill J��t t ilthroken.'.1,146 Xnlk Altlorn, it war am a miniature sun-�­Wulli priewnt, oilly b-Wrvatiull wit" an(] bary but ..th4�'k. A st wmixis never -Pat lt4rW�tjier :I, d6w. solid not tlqio-ar miniply ax a -tie "A fair day'b wage for 4eV 16% allf] tiowerm.. It profusim I kt -!.V -.SlI,)UkJ, Iloi loo- ill'-stle HEART WEAKNESS 1.0, "t. --,11 Vil, (hLollir 4"114. (IiXII eki.f.pt %%,It .14 :1 Strong st:Lr. it faLr day's work" is scarcely a te "t 1 44. 1. A I A. 11114. it of the fijL"i ,t.irs is Sible whem a double profit muft fitwt t in rllefi*- thc to Will, t1lo. brightes 4'.1 I'S �;Frivt�� of 4;IPiAoflk- by illtistridion Mentioui-A to inark morf- strongly UK- Aithough it Is not also the be a*Mred to tile otfier two classes I perfid r: Turner. arv-4-1yar 1. 1), 'bUt trll(.%-' '411J)Jilil be 11 -sod, oill y of theekaracter of Judas- neart'st of ti4f. htftft. it I?; line or the y rbr, tile cou"ned. anti where tile f-wploy4 Jo it) -a4lding- strengti Ao tile, bit be, Treated in-TiMe or Ends Clarke. Ili the dix1r.-Itelil. W. -Ili dZI'le- ii,o-arest, and "s distaut-e from its 'is yer RIORT HON. W. E. GLADSTONE. dye.f tm-:iA-hery. -not, only agqilist film T apt to be at tile mercy of the airly well knou-ii T1 "'VV .0t su b - A Uastwr. but agaii e riet*-st law list, vontractor. Tlwre in also the at- oiWft.4Pr t:ie 11111- ­Tk4i, . A . . Wtr t I I tit' j;i ilL ! A: wialle-Vto I;Pooinean i P:irlus is abfout -600.000 twor, that of tendant rink of the spretio of t-onta- r Mir&l, iit'iltly Inin' ullg( the sun. -Its dirstance Wing known. gioll hy no L of 'lothi A, for ex - 't f nN i t�y 6rra-dtm'Vii,_- JA Lbtory:, fi-i- oratii' of - Eastoeirti litispitst .1011tiet. . % ')I L sl 9 .)4. As it is %%-ritten­Jii4Ias was -not eaj u c ng 1)1, tl�t- 'V4 I,- '' -�":! - - - A� -I I, ff* t, Oak* t A. TW- I'iCllt.:311) f 100 Jillaoll -di wil A. i, 40:1 t1c. -sliv outti. know -file (Imper, glealling it JJUtL SiZA' lnii�' 111!� elitilllateAl. tollougla ample. wlikell in made lu iuAww r.h., el t:f Lil�vral lift, rUvIx I. traitor, lovaivii- (;(ill forc9aw v ro- -it, all, Ill. anti the A I 4r.4 _v: 11.11AV.11'. A, Of A- woroilb.Al­ Alwillit. lin,14%rst -iloubtlt-ss, , with c4nisi(lf-rahlf- unrcer- out f-tilo-way pI not t4y �o L atxw aLric qle, 'otl Fonw.ew it.bo-catuo--julas would lie x..i r d I I ke p` eatara ert vigo'll. hild 1.444wlty' 4 Symptoms arePalpitation c -y. AN'o can to suppr%,ipjoll. fe. if verbm :'Inl 'tht- 1. (111. which call Ilow tild. -hUll, renio%'44ut tx) tionlit- i-twir ,,,At family life. and to the t�) I M- i.ut rot I y :112 Ith'-ri I - titinty. froin ilts lorilhaw The Injury to the to*tvo the fit,1111116. �(-Y, so.- WhIr I r ILJ' Ft 4-40loir or After-,Sllght NxertlonL Sometimes -t ollp, as J014 Vow- tILJ' I;V l'.." 11114."1- 1 1 Jilig, the kumv wli. 11"It tLti..If & Irst ler iJ hisw 'Alt flave. but one' sign if ica nev. worits tile it,8 iista nce. w4mil(I compare �%ith It 'llialf1_4 ft ir the, blir., L� a �seene,. to (Jfl� t,f 14'. t: I '4k't)t hitrodiso.-kne' s, Dizziness a" Ft" fJJl 1paint a' Severe [Ili"! hands. mai­ and femaler. -rowdOd ar tA"%, 'to- kiV4. life IL1141 a.tio.. r ,t, "M mtwt Pwfid an(L crushing that ever as a result uory, are &I& tow-41wr in timall. Ill-ventila t as I lit In spWklor a ;I ri� 144. 1444P 11 glit, ?&in ki-114"w'Allat '11.1 �_ 'ili i Ile 114.1 i I I. W, arrar t ­ :Sholild .1 poo -t alit I should culti- Spells It Can Iso Cured. paw. -it His filw.-.F. Not, Well ted rooms. V�;t.t LJ1414. rt-ttv -wife tit concluding tillit hiv!! yzig�-J ilirt;i1fid'it. TLe 14- ha tv jr Vlpili�rit Is anotfun- fratun- that is developed. Plitt 41-S I to"i I IP4 P"It I "-t I 1'� 'VI -1-y 111tvilist:kIlt lould tlew- eqw-ctally wherc; the law am to in- -all'i - I , tit)lf. 11p . Af born -A a mett, r oof ie brilliant Till Y4,.,Iwr . pr(overbUtl extoreNsion fit tlw- (;I A, tl * lk4c Ktar t ho fcalfing i4`64. 1 (J.r.nir th� FA- ho. Plat 411ej intost topyriblo dowtiny.--Selirdt. Judas luu9t b(Ao'Nuven. or eight 1i'lles that of'-qwetion is not observed. Tfie provis- 4`0111(i familiar with MrVitt, lxx! ry WT iku ri _14#k ;flit: -r fil-.. .11P'lUrt-ai. -,I not iold Ix %%; I,-;,. o i' t ther theil W14-illm too lulve It -ft tit t Le 1. it 1W rietion. with, i0endiff ruolu-11" t1m, *tit' ft (IV 01,41ge, - . I- 11"o'-bliall 1w0bahlY ile with- iows of tile Factpry Acts cannot lie tt if A to will(V Ilp-the tichatv. wiliell"l;( and 1wrole -1110 Fxli(i has rea'd and haR pilbilah- word after Morin , illilicateS :fii'4 .1 ot Po.,%- all! I lilt. It 11 %%.t.4 sery alit, t 111! boululk it- wt- put- its !lilt nleti�r, fi)r properly enforceA vylien the pronewof t flinIxtitf 1: 1 . _Jr, y -siudent of mitoitatemente,4ron people who wAicwo.--7C � k. - 'A 14 't+Jt4ktiC IoV4.1r'(s 4NI in. 1.1 fllP.4- tr -IJQ I : -Y :I V ga I II.S*tL 014t ftltlll'4'. -Ir -itl IS I tie Aouhl,read - attol (I IWO"flit Punx)`NP, at 6,00U.00W 11111140"ll. mandfacture is carriM on In Wraw 4411 lit, L4,it.., Vol 'arLous. atim 5. 11a)A*-r. ig it I ?­Aftelii all the P r Is A11ti-ir Alai rfrcti ailf;tot fight 4pia,ra 1.4 We'll of v ents It in ea-sy. to calculate utxkti this (ki. tour lally if t')If.V I t*J). g'Coverh', hilu - ir tho.-gretit. plays. -Prom S%hakes- cured Me-, liounpri. �w anywhere off tile ;Wemiseli oi,!e. The great ,il 4' . .. e. -itef- there gritt- 1114.0-taig #af the' Uolvltitii if flat'll. t 11�illl lifight I(.a,1 Whr". he c6uhl -learn A e art 4 if ex- - ily aadjudielow uW of Dr. r#v;t had sunk ijito mik J. at 1011c,"i h th-.1 timiel "Ill'tiotl thilt -Irt 1114% of the -contractor. All theme ;wrni- Nil _11, t 11 -V -I- le prow4oh conipri-4isioni -aild -ill V10 I)Jnk llillu*- for P -ale Peoplel,,. fit tile bitter- -it" thLi utar subtendo an cloux PrfectAi anti influenc(-x arp o4hown 4". Sit_ 111 lit 4k, t il4l. .1iihn' 'tewlier I, of ell up6n tilt Havioar's ear that hoarsooA, signeil to re Inight all -Al lltajestyo 4i Vy olwlf' ilmia Alii- air 'f linthuely whis;per. 4&11 --wventy-fiLth t,() pKist in tit#- city and loiland ot A r t*-�-rr 6. the head 'ri-nd heart. ia'4914, pf about otm A, PVJlt (If -Ifill j' 414-baU-s- ihio?04 wit'for. had satch it~- of its.. (lor-fiant mockery. not alik- 0"Ilogn:d &1 141 ri'Ll i tj I All's. wtatr ter lint i..I %-,-r- bfj�ore h( *rhat it. - Oiali subtAnd an Monit i V. 6"k" Wolof 14 La. % L Illonielit inifg., Is' or� illqvi.'rh. kikl ;!tAt',kt. ".The %Vm orator in J till 6 real. The aamp state of things. -his A thco reist. "Liord, is It arigli- of four- ininuti-s and I*%come vis -it bliv e:art I: f -Ing, proof -of th.-Ir. 111.9 with re&lw-ct to thiti pro%-Ince. was callik!g. -0 ;y &JI-s-filil 'trk- v4 piry V., 11111t, witit * tIWAA cold. forillat It t , Phirpri-x-N.. lit. I (TN.S.. agains . It: At lit t �14-11 Lit tj tl.,.. "11. is it 'a 'disc It must. s, kevl ks the. ei-Aivred IK,Ilq it, till. :air. ec Igii, bk- at; bf,- - tungultied revt a led !q�i r-thi I I lt",i I 't xi I iur -";dvA. :t').W balillo'l, of fi#-;L'Vy il.#4. i n ti".. Close of 'Mr". G r9e, in a QPrIe6%- of articles which lf� ( XI)rf., I, - I -44-k- . . - C.�V.n - 0" , Afflell An Varti.tnii-ia vi...is. -,%*#,r. -, %rf .11 fill t it, P 111all allva" -if -1 Tay.6r, u-1th her li",an4 and that iow. 'tin reproaf-hiu I :110;WfIr. 14pal- it - Jbout 0R.000 tililes. t-11141 If we allow. alpoarf,41 ill* tiv- 'Mail and Flwiiiry Iaxt tvili, h �,Wf. 11,4)* varij� ill tilig . rigrli;t. in''Im by- pit ItT4 ro I ('oLJ!I_ - -kill AtilIkilig itIV) J ON' I. N :L' I �finora'ijlil 111� I -10�ss atirli inch tit aloo-t-ture of citir tele- jutullill, and w`111rh df4aIt with nuum- !cri�lwv ipf til4 lioli14--ti" IIIAL"Cititt'i .60 1 to e. Ili this' village: To 01, w the m ttell fit hii . I r.. !1�� an ell hbot guilt.-Farrtir: Tilt -Al lla�-t sai'l i �ridl 1. 1 it, I y lor he Our U -Prof first inakes - :I go-nern I Av hl# ft is the theoretical power or I tele- cla&'", Vw hweating system Included. n't, - t -ty A "'.101.4 pill) ts. t i I tv-f I lt1v Itart- t -111116-d challot Le 'hold winit-, it powvr of 100 diauwter�; lit. - ilri-,P�qo -f. "tir bpr of niatterai tiffecting tile working V t i t. ;s1"Kill aill -will (IX!.tt ill tlle 4 A,%- e- (if. M.11:4 ro-,st' fliAl'S -Ilot N -11r. -it narrow tharl , �' I I . _;I�. - I Charg;v#. tilt S -i-t t-6 a grollp lk '"'t -_- I rM w-,ifinik*4 tt) fit. :t I t ic I 'f0Jl(PJ%:illg Jier,lllne" -and ti"Jugll kQv'IY attained 11, 11tac- Tito, facts then tJiwIfx*.d meempd, stimost :JlJ - hi -�4 .1 will IJCjVlI#! J)y li# oo no -4. solo, A yd V14.11 ns* -ala It'"fo oil*.. thell idelltifi(44 f, r ttid_ tit. r rt.t., 4� W alwa..Vs: ilt Jiffv 4111 cure, f. Jo iii. 2: -20. I I#- r Ina II A.! 'v4P-;. ROLDS AN 11PAPORTANT.OFFICV. 'pi te If --we (-all quiftly figure out that Alan Is f 111M*d l"'(11PIA. III!. n.nd -ell nitor tit Whisel lilt x tiet inerftliblo-, particularly tile terms of A iisk that it be given the" tilt,, tro A 14 h -lit Ilfips� litit. rtlulitt, hilli-wif.. t itN oby%rt iia-sli must lie g&ven­ a hlritkg aii4l mtvvice of m)fw working- firi-stit.-It . llry 117-30.-Whodon. r V. A. Rowland, ChairmAn of t -ft . hilt- orld witkvtt publivityj so that btliers inight cor ail: 41i *fk: " 1 :Ili 6`rtlor diameter of fiftc*n feet. No poreterm -I nd women, and ex iU d r too too V.4 41 �iwit ft stant lie is , -Alom e y wen If. 1, ii. f %#Jj4:I tilil. f.Ao) I ljr, tool; Nm they w4 -W eating. AN they Preiiaratiori Committee. - 1; )111, 1 a -iiefitv-1 *11 ain thirty-two yelarm Ili- Inot4k- force at clo.v* figuring, for we -lit ou ti ic n i it) r Conveir be. bi ora 1 4 oinnu lei twilen fit nit Al , . NW)VO-r um -a I. Vie next a ro. 11 r A4,11 tif ISZ:: f 'Tit , -in' A Ill i Ilri.4i:lll "1itkilld. ermitili"ell the I ot making lorr"als for tlwcon- of latmor ill at lenA one of ,ur' largim, w. - -re. I , It() .411frilig, fl -1101K. fig. Of agv.'�' said 31�Jq. Tayltir, "and In 18A. thitig lit -orklf-hr -afti%r- tilt, 4.vtli,!; .% I v w -Ct ri' I Ahe . Earl of lk-rby vt' Ott "_*U-i0I' llii or tite. ti4ewolw, but tile cit" ahl' -tool' "ti #I.Ntiltf I I 4h plot. '1161 it tilt-- Ch�njrjfvwn * (If Iny htisbphd and myself were living on of witio'wag.drank 'wait tile brfmking s.. ft)riti a f Mill 11fo ('()nfultoti '1114-t-11.1 u-itir Iff's, - r4vai4 I,; 14iffiviently -reliable to ona- 7%p writer ill tim- H--r.il I han liaq) the Pritiml I I I eol ii::, t -I "I !,r fi��iiarittifkil' -i)4 till- TlkW Jemis ditt atid 0. ve to e part�y ill, it, Iiofx-k-xm.­.n1nority. 14� i tolo. I If .111 lat-jr tola-t lPerth i-ounty- alid It w as of brell4l.* blon its it.4l, fort 141ra of the liketi-; -ii(lvantlllr�- to[ ilIv4,#rtiX._Itilii tit*- Ifol-Al 144. J11,;J1 .014.1 grea-Usst, renlAnir to ei I t wolAth liiuiw-lf. -Vx- tzt-r..oit- w#irIf .14 Ft "t'. Oil Ifix dim-ijile" li�oofl of olir-soon loossirwowig :tit Alarlimi1011 - fJI41t..tIIP,'f0I- 40 instru- in (,Ilicago, wition-e loo. Nplient llot, .1.4 -Otari- wits -first: tajoda slek. Tile (loc- IV. V es td-rhead -of tile fainil.k tool; (if . .1 P :iyenr Ili 4"xionji and ill tak- -sigiu-d ot 1erc*at-',iPrat.#)r W Qi-TiolvIt.. mireore.- 114. Or INill(j. jV'ng ralliji ifir-SJill I- wftS allr- tile unleavened , bread and bruke it a V- 'of-'-: rt I Alit."'sliti. s 4)f,tIlP- 11:111y tl - y4t;ir t.or% I Wripy it,44it ortwo, loo)*er. L At th -1 SIr'. JAV I 1, 4 ecoliV4.11titiql - 1 - 14!1:4 . - t.v ing t , - r f i It is re Lord ..of the Troa-,ury.. Ji*� F,14-:1 4-)f , i If,: - Ilva Ith.' ',-I n4l b1sraf-li % -nt!a. * 11. r 111g.,4 11144., lorniir AP19"ifil-Plit- 11114-4-41, -'W01JId , W , a- ing wort. In tile extiellellt w4wk Ill t llarlianwht -ollfi ti -Ailv- 11.1,111ilton I'llioll, erii mi'hivarl t n -jr- -telfwfnov T)f,Alllw sixe. rir(witlpil, �of Hel *110aari a Ulcment. nwi wtpr�- tbs- 'ItiZt' - 'bene r4-. -1 ti fill with diction. wi3ing, "This is Vpkwft Vo P I, ­idor.-r tof 'the ColI.,2.rV.ItImv!! fill Jw.q nt' go tow -.th4-r;" PV4-ri- I f - ig In rq0le. due th A. f !its It W. artIe- Wing- liro -thf. 10Jl1%-(;lAl6ll, ill:IS98" tile bm-.141 of alftliction whielt otir exrelk-nee waw oroportion- ifil ',fitlist�ir of Unglftfii lifino.-I i.; 4-'(Aiv IV Not, Olig- Is* %-,III-; 41f4-V)I4ty*- All Iiii rtnlitidles pinved me -S - r(W t he :.4posioll f -f t-:!.-. j'a rt m-,-f`Pr it. -N ilar P%Vv were' natu 'hell )W. waq Ifixtallott in'the lix)ko,-i ro 4i '111.111 air' thi.,; I v6rtaut., fatherg dill Pat-ili tho. land of Egypt.t, rally.foutiol in a rfico It ".i.sig that N fr.. D. W -jig -tkat. Ad- Sioll Mr.: I'l-adittollf", I * Joreed. '114% kno%v.4,;vx.:1vtl% ff(. t#r -.110i ltvaij aik, I xUa-lIly JPM-* All then took 'portions 6f the b nil Dilri G -it re It(. to".its nuk,91litiltis' and that allthe more aggra%:tt, I 6)rm, and flit a ition. I'Mwr S�Per-taryjor tit#, IVIN - I , bro I ught . Ili" hl.4 Th6. dpetor adv;x-d -a ehfingp.' ..-I t 141 (It d thein in -har6wth I -tilat -tiro 'tri.-Rit whool - Ill- -way or mountingmtelt ;vt­ntk4J wale %Vbat Ilia invIlatica- A S. Wid nia",41k, 1W IIL-4 _ i1iii-I iU ti,4* 41kir0i sIvA0.1 list longisp lo- 4-dilirr"I flilodled. it tions ffir fly- Conkunlert,' LK -ague at the .1 1Ift;ithtA-r--it woW41 need to lie flik)Ut #10-44"14-41 tot' 'mPV)VI'r1LlJ4- co)IIJI'itioll J:,J of ri'.k ffir.a., Fomillterr of Prar -11111 we lilovd-4: tit -molictorl, 011t. wre Niune) miol ate thein. Then they ate tltrtv- . hun4ired imstablis.heit flit. lri.-Ja Chnri:4.- ­` * i . -t1 4 itor I . . feet Ili length -n -ere will reveal n-maillm to bi- own. nW.rell:k1lit % yoa-r".- rehitions Wlf� (.qlalte' of tlw% lamb. and a third eup,- -,*the I tho ho:xi-y4,'a-r ";"r�V the Irlielt latid- 'lliff. 11(wJ6 ellitio.. Nfoit mif.akoiN -Wj� I I)tit. nlyst-If uiitk,%r Ntirc#44Rfully overcome. It is delightful It is allundatirly 1 -ii IS ;I#: 'Mr. 44 -til w I t h -t 114. rup (it hantiold arioutid. ; cf. , rlivy wr. phy�trian.-bist wKii. no tuAtoer -ned in thow --doad- iitarri,,A Nlk s Abitl a-,104,ol ttj, tbe- stattite IK rk.';' lift oil after they. aeo -tilro'ligli.- -ill) hilling t for (jw fittero-Ateol in astronomy V i that sill that has ltalq* t t-_'atJ"%rJlrw, Gl non. Ziry #.!!TlvaWPn. :1 qwsFii -,I if f.!;. Vr4. '4-iit. iv:is tiiadli- vae- ---Vollf. ituagluo the filvonderful largib (mintred of populati( n. r w her- ynil. d; I ligh,44-ri tof.",- Sir. e -re, i t t -C-1 If - I rd. Rati4litil " ;at IN." w All -� a now"here lit Alip itevomit-q a Il t lov of Mr..11iekle' 'in- .1 it Rirl�ard.'G.kvnn, 4.f r,' 0. -At' ti;c.. Ifnist -ex�-rtton my Al'i1W. -Tfwo� .. . . ti w .1fit.w:ir Iii -n :ifter k:i%v Ulf iriny r"gIilh-! willoActit, cirillifllWirul., - .Ain't. 141wa k - - a hirli ittightlat 6nee lit, niade mith it. ever tb- g.rgteni which lie oolidemns inf-wt h ­.!it tvcpiilql.p:ti)itatb-violc�ntly. I .%-m iAa flit! woIrd -witw Not to aile.)1 of nebulae and olouble has mtribliKhod itself. will happen in I ctis litek.- Tarld Thev travel At but "viili," ­'fri;it' tit- the .,vine, ­ 4, P_ vl.* f.IIJIx)!1Vitlg till-, aih- -ts. ' I .1. Ttifqy 11.,IV.. .:-,�A,raitght .'and fbistl%- rf*i .' I r' A ipliti4m of litireliho-'. latt44 4 f T'l w-. A- r..3 i Jr wt stark, witat a.riem for n-twarch isto tliijq country unkwu till#- prv;cauti(m is overeoine with, dizziness. 62 IW'- fOUIRi '.Vitilill Cll*.:- Own Aol:Jr. kyV.- Ike". "J'h4' ltrew of Uontreal and To - i im t.#!r u; f it^ Wit I I., In t-1 ha,.! iooflrilt # 4 who ei re storto filially. f. A , , . . Al tbat fwwli, mirertneirItIo full pave.-ruirins ait, utf. -on4jitioits t iving' bV -harnp4 lky iindirecti(q). lit. these my -s-itiAll tot t.1" W 1:19'.. 1 if L; tom. e rckfito lilt& proved that tim- evil has &I- ob.,*-rva fill". altil rk :I eitore O.r? W4. me Cold alid oftell atiy galited a fc%Aho iIIg'tI;4-- rcoy-al warrallt. A yvqr. l.k:U-r b -t Ve..; ­1;trid� vi -Its thefUl _No'one who has, itiot Not re. Id fit our (*&Ila - s;, w -S%I*JIIk)1 Ulan 14-rmented 11% -16 1wr niany -,64il. pialitit-s In,' fiNiA-118 ' to) :1 4 w, lyillg. J ;,:a ll� tile. witha telest-op­eanhavvany re:il'ztr liil-phil-l�ri- t fie l,al.lorPt­bAI: was Isass -41 th tho trivi- 4-1141 Wtlf)4L14,, t 11'.,' ply h. isba lid. tl)011gllt its I A 4�; -ThIfIli I what :I in(in.-ent. for tir dian cities. The unture and extent of thropic usirk, a -i %velt a._� toy tj,4.�j4-11 tl , '. _4 " I i I i v., rsfty 7 10 i 1.1 1: 1 A!Rto f I I - timlinvw 6f qwijjgs�, 4 -fie wnigs *of -4' so -it I of *-intv adver A to� -irk the sliadow -tiont fa­lw� fif the vexatifins ntitt4oyanx x-- the entluity itixtititwil by tlw Domin- trix ver. ne i( t I st Jel-itic-- him 11. 41,1. W-4, n t o 'N I r. r4voK114-d 1, .1 lid - Vill- 41-1144-11� iliVittll liliff- Os flot%i-ors. seonlex, tbo.'. e-ure Ar6ii.1*4 I . Ike nillne . - Jout, With lid re.* I I., IlLnioxw1i Inet that xbe -1 _-4 1 q-rw�s tilat table; 1111,W Vt'(Wtll- tell by It it. t1ii- ion Governmont, and thm. conelusions low .4 not 14 -Sm t1m. 011)1�ctf,4 GOV -.V %%,hk,,Ii nimy tv- drawn f4 I lu will nWP-.t j.ppre0lItJV#. �Ilid raelt V; foinit--a Mim 411- INqt - 1-II.-Sillto' son *no - it 16%*:k 14 npir(onomer's 4ine great enerny-har- I ring it fully al)[war -%viien Mr N repi(fft f lo ts to. r4-t-t.Pyc-r. Ili 1% .1y Act I' A[J1t4'lI thought It spread and Moen lwttflo�r -kite fattidoill- 1�i,­. Um -1 i i4e; 1. lfr: ';#-t4i'rn#4L 'top A-1 r4whet.l. in vigora to-ol. fle r f. d 1 4141 1 (of (4ttirla- thar p)rtion or 114 Pt 1114 As which he hi-eatlwif- it 10 thisi ratiier Is publiblied. Wluatevet tbp facts; of t r; , timplel'all-I -�Vnip:1thor-tie ill :11is '*I off .4 1*1' 1 �r4 ;ve. fit si stritight Mile'. 11' wotil-f be.h.-ttinr ir tile end eame. for lovilp Illystpry. 114- gaid- thanks." 0.0111ria... - . . I thall nny lueellallival diffielliltid-44 whicil t1b. Clio- may W. tlaere call lx% -but oulp a t-q� andt is'll like. il -streal' iny Ir' W of .111i Tlli,� is Ili% lllf�x)tl Of tim. New - 11 -q - i (4-- %1 .1 �,; Of sery. Ve moved 'T114- C61 -1 'wt (,oJIM. It() t)110'41.1 a one -left blumiff was t ie, 'aft f'a.qtf#- 6i ch.-t-rililrigly- .1 -rtairof-d as to tlw e% -ii 4t- iqtry w. s I Puts . limit 'to f Moil tole- opinion etito U� I t4.11 f on ff,, Il. _;t 11 * ry ()I thi it suf i ro is;x w tell :I "itlim. back to. the florin. * nil4l the day tainent-As tlw xprin:k a he Di"P- -46#1 r(i iftirtahk. tim t log.l 11' to .;(to too fiecollif.- a, ator '10 RU 'lit 'kniiiad Ito L of Ills A4)ttl O-qu.. It to Itot tlat t1w ltniov-plwre 1101f. and Uw iieed of a juditious and Pn it tw. I Ze. 4114- 14t. -t1I4 Of It lad w 110 intevitik-d to ri 'tt le bY ycoveitaiiL witis 114N Iw4op-le. wt chrimt ail and 16:1.1 it 'Wa-r purchawd by gr,#Lt 4'iritt& harq Or .%vondo�r- had twerl curtA 4f, 4111 contallis vloutim. W lich oft+4i Ito-lisist in eff"44ve reinedy.-Tormto. M Kot -t rv-A-tli-K-- and think.-iot illiso!11-101, .11111 Th ilar Crout velling thp -fienvenly Nxilles.at tilt- Iwo- Emporle. gw-ant 6lynne, tho 'on top r i AI I -I'nr or t1w wou.-A! #.r, coikirlion.4 me fill t n . '04t - hlllg­v�alled i~nvei He ham the the um tif Dr. Willianis' 11ink Pills. so ordairm-11 titait lif-iii,eforth titer Vitfould A,(, Nlr,4. f4adsWne, ..ivh#)- wa-4 Vi ItV. 41f .1. tie eim- tinx, w lwit 7the -aittronomer %rishes a Ilmi-4m-0. 1iladstOno- was �tpfnpthing known as ma* I "alifto iny - litisha tui that. I 'ould try hamo. t1w Mist Lord Chief Ju4tico Ity Vton)w.-11 w to (iliaerve thent. Temporwary interritto- TKB CUBAN INBURGUN". 11PV#-r '..p(opidar, tit innimor'. Ilis-ga7i- 'N' - Mwit lut v4' - a. - f lexible, this medlAae ofid It AN-med,to me tlwt throug-It Iiis tm it havrifivial loltmi.l. tioll k n, -4." iffich ns UIN miglit Joe, loortio- with ighteff Ly ( harl" 11. The . rfri-I was fix4-1 ra-r J*6,ve 1114. licit"M (4 nlox- UllUk Voire, capable; (,k'f.',t-xpr4 7 the first Lucktio-k. JW1110 41f tkJ41 \ I ica-I . -!eolng it wah, iny la*m� (-Ila live. lk-fore. 4hW throstigh th)t 1�044 is npen. to flit, -%� lluniort)ux. 114, box wax,fil -it -ta 111' :LN� f4jusinhitity, tl,(i.the air always 416-loort Th*ir Strength Seemis to Rave So" t.jl, JJ14-fl., 1141- til-folight ii(A. #J g.raplous tilt pathetli tbf liII11441 J f4 jilt linproveme'nt T# -s ent IN derivMJr4iiii tithi it -.iw4f propOrly wlien the skies aru w%- Orfilatly Ovor-Wastumtod. -:oy--j f ir, It ff L 'Ili lit lit , tl-- f Ii.ttl' "f"!X_ fli. s fie) Vi ­61c. w IwAy nitiNt mov4- ill. y fililm-tito- -anti felt that thim was Many --(hie fi)r 111 -lily. - tle I'llit, It dileff ll()IL. Illme%e+ htill buring the next five or six yo-arw Mr. 0, Ilisritoli, nateli ff ir, bbs uni.,,on with IiJq thoilght: He inlist Jr, -fill s fly 'tiw minf. I tiati tiieti ri)r all, nx witwaeol. llvatte%r Ifir. llnw ix 411iW "A likel� W be Ap it lJolm ign: tn_olll)lo fir flit- atniouplivre iiuvy wein tit -be 11 lilt -m more my filet .. 1111t as .4411: .41 it ('la'L4t1i`n0 was` PPPose(l' to his ff" t 'fit1914- Coitrtt,xie. Wlll(�ll %%it' li"lf! Illilit, 1`1111 byier, a logWn. 11fe miV.1 have tiwnl 4111111f: boxf A ktts-r or iuitivhittio iie\4-r vntirely at rest. It inconstantly correet ap� ofAier newmitaper 4-or- efilef, aful 14 im curlow, In view, of film It kee*www -tit 'humor -of thel-tugh. seenit t-ritLreiy gotie. and I parti0pation. the gn-at imil(ititilt )-Ali$ P#tar ba, lof-r\,aili-d fly currenta of air of flit- rtvillontlent n flfw-ribing tile vondi- -d tite ps- mtu -feLt, it Nill -e -of wla( -:tit nimiber*. iimjI3_ %%'if ferviit den-Atles and varying refrangi- tioll tit Cuba. lie IiaA load inuch iw4e prirvirnt' attitim-k-., that, I* wi.ow nip -n -,J r. G on till.. uve t a ble. H# 4 hit -vi *vIt: 'jiliarp itfid have. not gle ret.urrew )Ili lift. mati -tiloomi4vt aso"thop rising htqw, Id.. Ow'.1 helillpling, of 41arli.illwitt; ill J:`tA`11a`ry quick. He tn" linto sylnl):ltlly. y1ill tile old kviiijit(ollin. -Sillce .111fivilig to . .9 fie tile 16-1ved lit t1w It-ii(I.--Alford. T ll� 29. Until that 'will 114it hility, which. althottell tlle.v no U -r opittirtanitiaw for knowing th., Torift; 1874 -colt "tho Gonrk.iii knot.. Moo I 14..< ullou,1A I*- tilt- neighborx od life I'litttwille 4 � have' used two boxes per(4�111tjl& UffeCt'lill)(M ordinary %-'I Ill - all . d1irm-4-tiIIAL14 4d:I,WtolIf- tJI4-11 4y illi one I )r -4ro 0 - 111111t; stlid tile.*. It . a I if the effect 6(tonilic Ito Arihk tim syniholival wiiie, but '-wili ision. NW119th of tl' - iumurr-iitm than nicmt ountry wok w ning to) rii(Ir te. If t , lia-vo , Imagillatimi, I play. hdvoe with the 4'sN-htg*' through of hiti colle Ile%. and Ile HRyt. that fotwht retiorm. toorpth awl wail. Ille (.)p�' t'llat.L giVe i'ligipS t(r tlif" r slight � I 11-irliamt-irt w.rts 411s.4olvesi., The tlt6 early�-Ankrt of tho to�rjii or Isg6f I ie. liouid 'tho n.Vxtt-in alid cttri`ng my it- %%ait tintil Ile (-.-in drink the rA-'-" %ville a tele"le. eattsii4g all Ii)bjN-ti; t-4) the, ijwuftvn ha uo is 4h f (0 Oea"Iing Iq- IV at ve array e we re ev 44l WNS 44441U10 -to fill tile Va ' n 0%rywhery dereatf.oi. caney, allit ljail.iti-il -'nIf)tlo.4 ,;It 11141 flutts"r fr) dispimitimis. I tint a well woo- AvItivit thit; typiries ill the 'o"n%enly 0. ., i . - ijare -kill] flicker fit it way to n-nder Wld'. that tloey have nothing In(orw with t1w charch rittoew ill 4104-rellep 114) offhu- fo' Awo'WnrA Hav- tlj�. J411111ght. mail at -tins' kingnloin. 1AAwkion. Ilartlanient, r id owb my 11fe to IV, Willi, ft lIfftIlICt Vision MIlt of thp, 41114 -tioll. titnu uniall marauding bands thitt till t1w, vio.wm of flw 43mlietiters. lie paw fo4inil Ioiffl.w.lF ill. alinost exitetly tit' illg mtw *1 (Ivory, provin(;Ial coxwell- 1�%Vllilo. I tell :t*tnai' what to) i4lik Nllg'. And to me -my restoration- .30. Stinir. nil call rilifie I Different Icv-111tifw dif(pr %vitio-ly tit C,"norz rarely liax with Ilim any arnworl mifwato-ly do-femled iiegn4o apprentivi-, J,�#-1114- l)f`Ai tif)l I t;Ia4kstone had 10*11 -an orittor, J. -ran tell him W41 1110 114 JreqJW t1oa 189-1. fie im well-known by do totio-voint wittig.short a!_ -a miraiHe. 1. tlw- livinit of praiml-, thtitigh Iff, kitiows tilim. ithip. they Inat ventige oof sfiti(ety per- %vllell Ilp-pting p," tile 6rr -Iiio EwleavomrtA awl tile. 'a' few things n(A tit (10 lid' brought linek '111.4 (ilwiples are altomit to df-ny tow this reason as- force or-livept Ulf- mio-callod Vict(vrin wits like- one dead 4 irliainent-hi 1,--69., 3 wlit a mixty limit, and Ulat last tronomerg iwek UP locitt their tele- main tM.VWVtA)y' the -nI(.*;t proul- should be'no introduction 'VJ t4J III-*-, anti 111IL-011les n'llem, this annoyance im roilueed -var afte mitiftf illAbs. West flidles. He OPPOW-4 I I I i * lAk 7 the. 4voirreetiom i Tly!rt I i-tuinot iwak too high- fwtrav' lifini.-Brieger. Went otit r F-trenuou#w effuruL eovertsid natilwal Fir r urge tooidrong-' -Sio, f4mlile it, Vill- nrVigiii w lopit wt 16 it niffilniuni, but lit po loo-ality. ni)t- two montlix, t4) gvt &I furtw tog-�Llaw a ri: 114-rzo-gin1va, !lilt h 1114,41t, wo N that', fie- Ilas the ;fit oration The orator li-oilld 4-4)m-. ly of thts iw-tIlcInI&. 0 est UP r#-mo#v#- t1w, civil 'olLat)Wtif .4 4#r .11r4JA1JAtI.t th4t vollibint nv4 thowt who n --afflic d gi e low Ilia _tlif. %%r I ar, to - inake a we with his xubJt-et. There shotilAtt ly re te to v It t it In eirold wordoo. Theor,, even at Arequilm, 8.00J feet above the hil% did not &uf.(,*"i in colkwti -Pr Jews. :11iff TtIflif.y. -Nir. 61:111stollo Il"Irl all- 9(tool.'eoli'V401tioll coill,iiAttoe convtOer. bn Ito lirvilide, lit) flouriAl. no. :11KII09.Y. a tria L" tiever Anch a guing 'mit, I A�t I U40 f I`% %;ir Rotwort, 1t*I,,wam 'back Ili fi�)%%-#-r his - retirei 4if-from sea, 110i sIt Flngwtaff, Arizona, ill tiw lot, thousand JIWII. f4-flatItir I brortAw ne politivm, Ili Knox, (livireh t4iollety, of W'lilcli he 'tij) expili-flatioll. lie killolillf may �notllillg it, li.1.4 twwn ",;id Stme anti again its IK% very quiet Just. no%%- : the Mas- widort of 'a ltine for4wt on a, Illut4ball L an*# GiftfloUnto wam returni-ol awl sbrl,#�llolo-rvol tfle k-allershill 111''th -Ili all a IxJu t " h I ilitv(A f Like it w.ulptor lit! that Dr llliik 11111ir ter hits golle *out, -He is oil I I is w- y 7,000 feet above the wit 1pvelcall &Ijey lie never twurtrated tlw Uixurgent is :I IN bofalievcls Gomez ham 3.7,Mlit! mon, but looke, I o" W1 cure A to flit.. 1 i..ver.V. -hienr a14 1114-10*r for -Newark. -it ItelAt tiv() I-oloo-ral iiart "Itn'rtlijis WivWor. Aks :i citizen Mr. 1towilind in r kta.ilds. by, block of Atone. t troubhw. nervous debility, theif- toot (;4Abwtnntw,! 'to Geth"eillano.. elliulnitte tile atmosloliere entirely. lilmis;, atilt Ilawley 11RA boan With (;0- 4dr' -vaid'hol(In-the rem xok#� Ili for.1turpi)w-. Aw Iio. . A-orkm 1. sciatica, St. -Vitus' dai" and 4.01flo"Oof irt Ow MifiAtry .11, Nter ot Slit Alartiog-Voti - suvef-Ii ofed. ItIgIlly, C4 I pact wt intitb4n a PRAMCAL SURVEY. A 15 -foot, telem-olao. uligilt nitmwer onet Tile itilore ()fir (lffk%-ro4 im%v 41 a 81 of Wiaity proinhienf form -tieglnq ti): 'Altim-ar- %V hern t t sto , ma ke new Thp old piteellal lamb wits to ill' %ery well for an ohiiii-rvaWry ()it tile- (.0 Milit it.114 vieo-lx"W�kqlt of the Posir Bost t1w- nettialleput4fri-ak lif the %%-ar - 14 . to moch trouble. - They nil c(M #pf Tradw. bo-twi-4-ri it,vA;si.-t rrsirkey % i - 1:4iii6l: statue is fil`114hi4l, the, workman . stopit, blood and bukid up the nerves. restor- 6oil, Own- there Is nil atmomilatere nferml with the n-pjo Itoativi-s (if rh4- ro-v .64- tariff' . . �; 1;j4"Lrore niny look N600119 Ili _mW app"r and tile true pawlitil Litinh to In tiw tnNurpents, tlW iehs relinnot- they I.Siorml j-*lI6rl-'l­ Disraeli Ids f difficult. Via% a per- Ing tbe glow of health to pole an" hal- 49 pol-rtakell of by--tll(,. Islitlifill .18. t10 til, Ir"ked'through; but lwn� qpoll f'f6lIftd'Ct04l With t114- free tratle policy �:Ilpl tfoo"- it. �%,tle tlr forwarWit, a-wice4amful, irention tw fect' citiO. Voili -fxJeThxi,__f6W Pit-cen pf low facom.- E11%cure you get t1w g,'n- Plaveb itioun tile 11twolirgenU :a.% ull" Coll, theAr ap'Arittial forloIll. -the earth -well, t1woro-tically. it Iniglit driftill1r. gavo Will ample (,PW)rturilty ill the It pe %%,I" tho'lo(tal Ill -ovels end -w.ell- - X go d Wile apo thwq Is no othibr inediciile Tlj(- bread repri,senU tile spiritual show. the diw of Sirius. but netual-ly ir it wery Riot foor tho S.1taiiiWil %ar t(4%V,Lr.f -which G*I.-t,!xWno wam then lit-feate-.1 'tile Irtirks.. . linagpinent UAVA, fe',V lif, to We Ila ve been itiourell IvIo-a to-dly. thot t �olv w warr tfj' jfjl�'- 114�4 of thliv unergetic� worUer.-. story. n: great a rfcet poevi. "tile wlmo nall ­lloeil and Christ gi%-t*i f4xxJ Wiliell wt this objm-t would apIpi-ar, even where %q~lg. atilt if tjof.�- hall enouch Itill- fftr Ills 0,11il, hould, (.lilt JlWt` at .�he, "mtat4t-..4ni,-tillikf-"�r.1i'li P4.11t t114. I'll I gilh it f lfe t to protf-fit _j)roper. ]Dr. Williams' Onk Pills. if your deal- Tito spiritiial life in an real its 411f*. and wlu-n t1w tile 'w' ""Is lit its bext- munition' Uw insurjr�nj# "mid. takw viisw Cof it wiok! field, combined with WOMAN 8 BODY FOUND. The buil, the blossom, frift. --No cc dam no have toll'y"jeal lift-, and 114-f-38 Just as much so we lin- 11"'ell Iti 4,Ud .1.1114-d fill 11161i. . . t, them 'they wUl be dniply -as a blur of ight.A finshing alloi lin%llltn ' delit A great uJi-whiff a, crystail Ing ttw war VIA t PRINVIEn"Into, ninat4my of 4letailso. ti'llgell.t* Y -L iza- ment pbst paid at 50 mmits a ttickerink and ollf-tying till RiLtellilptoll at %_ev*AvIr box a corimtant suppi.r or n(mrishment. A Wwny. aii,l we made nil offort T*voR&WVerchiefs Wound Around the lit Its Iogii-, an effk.)rexce'neA- ltA,1U Ix W& for $2-50 by addressing in. A stir wilich x"bowillently niarkcsl him bull*,- In OWS0 41 ie W., fif"ll I 01binet gemeral's first lookout for Ilia arniy WasuriPluellt-alid even at diathlet per. st %'ePk- tool Mnd 17.0:�l rdi" atid Seek' May be Suicide. VI)r. 'W1111amW Mbdielite Co.. Birock-- is tilat the c"1111111"ie 9"'K- Even thell he 11WI cwtablixhfxl r--:tiAhrrIwii4ijt, anil.61nihAolle af poetry. 'a tiotim tire suc1l, ception.- Tim4wetically it might taIke' 8A will. bring all 104; men. Reede.il sup US Within ft dozell Mike Of the moon ; pxpealltioll fall4.41 bo.4-1411,0. kjamp, 1,4)uid A. A "Call You givP Mf-- 'I few 11111strat - I eartritigroi to (knolet, "Ito UW 1-4 a deb&Wr. an't UP 1) - in u ­L rwgt aint ion, ' wam by NOW Vitrk rd' -port: The Ishly ions vUle, Ont. Is Ili 0111f #.!I Ao forin a Cabillet. or t1NA drawn' from' ytour own expot-rience and XfjUllg Mll.-Ill 10111141 COUCelikA . Ill lilies. lie cannot plix-et prompt but every obJPct on the nompnn. Would not Mnell t1w, eckistf, %% All a f" Mr. GJWdmt4xw' 14 iVW',r NqPt r janters qrI tho stirutolieiy fit Central Park �yi_,,ster;afa obw-�rvation, of publh! speakers y Terminus. actli(xi, heroic fighting und vi(.Wry in be "it Indistinetl . to ILI. d y "We y JIN 11,10 -tell you tlli-- trqtho." -rejoihed xWII ft take thew -Will' #411111116w awny. Tlw-m much lbr tbs -poop]& t&at story of (;IadxtW,'Aft knowit tile end unleom he supplies tile pilysill vtm-am of running water. and V I t - tile. li-m-1*4-1i identifie(l as -that Of 31afle- Vt I . __ A !, 0 yc -A r4* C61. Viv astern Railway Cbm- I 10t Vt)Ilt1MJ%'fWAKV ainotmig ft . rsoll. "I have not heard many The (;;ClLt I raincw achievem-titi; have .1pikV 104 -st - re to Oil f1critard. I -ars olql*.' )tind wants of UsPful purpose we alight am wel ofight (if- Not every one rein . f afler: fw)w lie wmiglit heff. . -Ifost.of tit", greirt w.akers 11111"Y'N Lontion. city terminum'Is the Ili% army. There is tile slin1w I be ft viiii t.-tattvanen fth to) whiALIlIer the lit- 61L wrant. lionip- rido to Irplitnil and make tlIo.1t'V1onI;I 11's lical7k were tigliW 41raw­n ul"em, ill tile spiritual liff. (W hundred inflow away. such a toplewtq�e f)T olir coulltry We txfore my titime. I largest terminal station In theworld. n"'O"i ty lin4l nimWing tiont t.<)ultl be however, that ho Avow t1i-P Atilt4ior tim? kuarl Volit,had fi(i'en Ili w-ime re- two hawlkerebiefs. Site had, bee Christ'x army. We eal!ll(,,t fig of t tw, . 11 heard- Beef -her, aNI'll7wao aff orator.' -It covers soine fifteen acres or land lit tile might w,r%,e czeellently well am a nionu- rql.(W1llZ^l nA, A xq)%,V1rlIuWIIt, hut Par1lanientatry triiin . %v1sL­h islaii-f-IN ft '11VI-il,kneicst arVid. At nicaaep too 810rungled. 'but whethir.4 by fier Owli kill' (if thim %will with. all Itm str6tig- nkpnU but for actual servioe ill a.11 oli- it now IwN*fviw4w it qtotw"ttil w1wolier mpire, a billwark of, xtrength. I utwl 4) We had IfiiagillAtion.', humor, intellility. anti has - eighteen platforms and avehi -Sbe.full lergth of all Boost' t A14-tt of another Is* yet to be kolds ulII(VN.w4' re-cphe eollNtallt u(mir- siArvatory one ()r a tenth its i4se wmild tim-y Jin% -e nnything tilat j-8,11 he ro- t r, he' V r twk* it (lity. and at it farfp of ritip: Ill".4t tw.witllill tile recollection of". (if"tel 1pi . ft, His brain was; fertile as the valleys of , twetity . lines of rall. Over 1.000 18111111011t Which comes front Chrifit. b(. better. penny n [Rik,*. all, Tfi eVvii - mention for n liaw To -it n 14.8 ago 'Slim Writsirol canie, the trQJPlcH. Ile wits' toor) broad. too trains enter an -I leave Uie qtation Tbo cut) tow 8tiviour Himself ex- vomiiieI1 as ail In 11145 he r#-4igri­sl to r -i th,- sing, "IfillirJ4 tilt- Ills' -tip Anxvica, fron�. mn(lbri Efigtand. flobiloliuPille.. " poetic for -the pulpit. daily (luring the summer season. The .1mirnalitif vorwineroe. . . v , "Now And then he broke the fetters published Government, ratmrns show whi'll Ile Haiti. "This is My Poi n te r:. V Governmv,%tit bratight in it Vill #l#-:iVmr notable toirpor is Iniponsible', for Itim- Rho w-qurefl employment with . a of his'ereled, escaped from Ills orthodoi tilat the company- earr1c8 a larger blood (it tit(, flew, covennnt V% hiell in A gfooit lif-ald prevents 11 %vihe intin The smitb Family. witb MaynoroAh Co-Ilegor- ill foloftori In that of ttw- Britinli nation wf �a Itby � to fnily as - gover'ness. She hod for maity t lorisoti and became sublime. number of loafisengors than anyother 00 tkg� reillimsioll of a lid I that offendof hN mound chureh prin- for' - o%-rr xlxty yearw md-&) loct� homp with Mrs. Ge" - c- stils." V.: 24. It V - 140 I-vli(-n our Lxtril pin from iroing tox) far Both in 1,11glaild allot Keotillild th" eorge 211 t'Ttwndore , Va rker. wan ail orator. He railway -in the kingdom. about 125.- It'S a wise child that beam it n- it., "a, or r.�llkitll headl- tile limt 40 unnoes. eipleR. Next yuar It#- rettirits-0 totlif UP ncither sought iior desdired Ole, IL4VXi# toin idle, had known Ili Eng- lirelilclwol great ser'mons. 'His Nprinons 000 liersons flaming in- and out of gave Ills (lim1plem tile ellm fle migni- seniblaneu to Ito; wealtliy relative. ell"i it is fitti, (oil tilt. trbomph.4 of tvnr, anol film great taln land. nod -tot tippill that,fle lifft for Irel mint-otey a4 'I'ecretnry (,f Stat4- 1.(Ir t tile Mel#ml home 341m Ber- oil 'Old Ago' and 'Webster.' alit] JAN ad- the station daily by train. The total KiVillix Tito rictuwt man in Vie world was %% louts, ia�aqjillg lost low III U y I 0w. Colonim, and pletled himself t,, Ientq worw! P%-er Pidi.4ted tilt tile hide nard* t and became tile friend of thfon life, the life ur tilp %lireso on 'Liberty' were filAled with number of pam"gers, tarried during wKil-for tilt- born withoui a cent in Ilia pocket. intkir4p Sir R#Jwrt 1`44jm fr#-s- V -ado fit humanity; there -lay tJw field of a young$ artist: w`h(x4a.'nawe Is not b1o&J is. till. 11(p., go Christ III liff.. lKirtioll tim-re tin- more P4WVtoi in -d. 1R97 wau about 100,000,000. exclusive treat thougli$ft, marvellously exprew& It -is sald tlint elgarot" are Jn- 181141 thall in E.ligiall(L for in poli�ry, wMeh went UP the k-iigtli cf.. Itim Plopire. yet kno-Arn. Two weekx ago thlayoung, When - lie dealt with human events, of :10.000 season t1eket holders. live tlirbugli film- We Ilt'live our lift, (.r I u (led t n the up,40-drite widow*@ OwAimising t1w. otirii I:iws. The compWats of Citemar, of Alex- nian stolilieIlt- calling upon lis -r and mile realitie with'thiligm we knew, lie walk whi(1i, estImating each WM8011 tic througla Ills death. one iocruni in every wrent ket WOW& Ili- IS50 Sir Rolwrt Niel dk-il. I Ip 'anfler n -I Napoleo7i wf-re thp"- fruits became deqxxident. -ke 'k, TO fe6fit 11111011 Christ we must (1011le 0411lith while in F.1 la Ow winter.fit- that year. Air. ;4;lad- 311w llornard was highly educated superb. When It(! iq)(, - of freedom. of hohlf�r to travel twelve times awee utterly loellitelit. with no Itia, Glirls admire it (trooping mou !t! fa)n in evorry 72 6 101 ol' their Ivixt or nniI44olon, and their' duty, Of living to thO Ideal,- of mental would bring� the total up to 1'ILS,- ep or ex- especially when it droopili theiv "If p 4tto". wpnt W.Naplor--4 for a Ilf,lifJ"y*. wairs were carried cin jregnrt"ll Im of nud tile dAughter of a wealthy Loll- int4grity, be seemed Inspired. 720.000. ckI80.f0r idti, atilt our wholl(Ii t;4)111 goi jig Some -Joeople get sio tired Y. iin, woil ill) in I VVII alirl tiw-rp Inveottigated j)rI.-Ans fife. His- wretpheil'iti.-Litery, alld still %Wi don f anAly. G'WebstA4r I never heard. Out fift"r tit" 10%-ilig ChriH I"S voi W% as.; tim- (Vilrivillf He had t ftor tit(- nothing that they are nerer ab4 to MrCarthyoi skn4i t un6vt . f4-rdifla riot LI.,- iind Iw-vaillf- j6:o, Wretched conoluere!l trifles anti t qualities; force, 471191lity, (-fear- MaKing�fforses Step High. b4""(�f1t#`f of Ili-%; collivI-Aed re4ienipti(xi do anything OLW.* in n were tice Frairie ObIlosdphy. I A grandeur; but, and tlil% e0litillil"ll iJ.t4%re(jWsi()II. to'�, lomlll( rA of the 14 ViU intoi-romto-sl ill 114 t 'rhitrities that Le natiorimn.4. Tbeir career 011111- g3l after all, lie SpectabIft for horses haite been pat- Do It is Imid that wonwil, o'VA le Litt- 'Murpliv. fly rile.-IIIJ14 Cd 14-ttPF.14 V)'J; ter till. mor(% 9 . Wiftly to wor" I tile past. not try to vxpl:1ill t1ling.4 ,way U i Would come fie kept - his p I rm. Is N%,ft Imiw^ I oril panied.- toy rapine awl ulall-gh lim nwi by an Inventor, and are IwIng ivwullar conxtruction of her o T- Ar AIii-roluerl, therl PrOnier. ill arfou-4:11ir tliv very Ictootbi'af. wari .wf*e sittif4fied tbq #L4eaje matt if ho didn't have to back too t0110 OUILrise. There was ino used Ill wurdu- Mill 010 not fritter itwRy unable to JkimP--APx IKAII rvive the put e A, with cottsiderable sucefwa. Their a the' illitilenatliorl tor all Viiro 'i iixairiNt tot, rollletion. They gave no thoilght waste - Itl 4 hil keeping other meofilldw-11 1n. his bialn. 1110 was' not crea- object is not w) much W inagnify ob- Your nt"Iti011. anol frittf-ra marriage. Chicago NeWS P, way your tlw King. Ili V liv-, io'j- tit#- h(anco �nntde Iew)late fir to.the (iDwn. Jove, tWX Ill tryinK t4) rp disirtille s:,3, hf#w#-vf­r, tive. He hvid no morit of prophecy. Joets as to make the ground ifi front 0 Cont -Ile tilew I moo rnw. to it Iwilght that.gave him if livartoo'that yearned tit#? return Musicians we fie lichted no tcrell. He WaP not true with your nt.nsou. (;(xi 1k)ok#; It thf. AD ear 11mg-hair to protpct of the liorw. appear nearer to him head lloltrt, and If that In tnie fie neco-lits %VIIAT RV.-ALLT- HlA(TK flavy.11" 40-Ftaillwlit plact. in hiwvw,�F. A ',yf-ar .4 t Ili - lovwl I(As w If' im? 191011P.111 wfTFJ lef t their akisitiv6 Pan. but they never to hill 10"I. HO talked sometimes as than It really Ist Tito re.6ftilt Is eon- sarrifiep. " God abhom the mar. IN heii n r I 1 904 nkl4blAb bpftAPe Ili- had xhow-p Ilk.inastery to, fertilize thot fiel(b of c(onflict. seem to - earp what happens; to other though him head was aniong the mtars, tinual high utepping, which after ovoiA, - ? VIP wienror. of na tiq 111#4 differeitt' witivi GIMIXWIJP� peopi a r1ficc where tile hear& Is not foiind." I ier rare all Ntmakwl with paill, wlal* fIII:I1w;. em ears. but, 1w) fftootl In tho gutter. in tile , m.-hile beeomeA natural, atilt givex'tx) a IP. rea sp Atill Okiff'ring till tlw torture xPenre V) JAmt Derby wa.;o then Pri-noif-r, :111,1 whoop. victorkm were those of [Jew"I When a man takes all the carpets name of religion he -tried to b k the hor ail nristoeratic gaIt which lie D1011-06.9 ( hit twel lor of , the - fix e 11#4 1 ow r. pence, and whilell ther Popt 'tillx un ts) tilo, new howw Mill puta the;n down wkll of 14tophen Girard -to tioftroy the will retain for many years. drive - lier near liumne. Pl.wrowli &nil Glad4tow find Jonxwt-r'_ sirf, " NIP I`Psh rei'lowiled thitil walT." Alm nelghborR praixe Illm wire for inov Awt , charity lit all tile worl4l. A Curious theory lately revived In S11011 miy It W rhPumatim. f gr that the sap or a %roe ebtw anti flown other palin profum-, Viewing, thert4ore, impartially Ili.4 flx-., Ing Without making a film about II, ty it tho name of tile "atne rcligioll All that man -wants here ef I f -me It o0w-r tibitroy In debate, but txblow 14 Ili wmie way In aymMtJiy with 'the But never will admit I- v 4 liall not tw4maw. ownly howtile. t,."C- AIWI eliaracter, tile gener(Aw use Ike --ChicaV Recol%L tie doteuded the fugltive Wave law. He little more than bevis got. 00G&U. fa r QU Will