Lucknow Sentinel, 1898-05-27, Page 2IF 71 _0 7 .7 f saw b0at to approach close In, a stricter ufacturd ent, watch was kept, lest one of the more ----------- IMIY -the fur -of BRTTZR EDUCATIONAL KJ11TAW"O. Pemian cats. Many thOusandA of cat 1"30ut 114tj hardened prisoners should contrive to skini; were utilized. and the weaving PlulP the vigilance within tile build- Late Gosip occupied 80me yeam. The shawl tnea- A NEW NANO HOW SYGU�ju of Te&ching to he Tried in ifigs and inake a desperate effort to sumH eight yaritiv square. but is so England win ]its freedom. —of the— I fine that it can be compremed Into Tlw tww Kiug Alfred Schoot gilxiety hould He Have S e 0 1 But, as a rule, attempts at evasion tho nwcw of a large coffee cup. l4romium tri reulove one or two f were juade when the men were marelt- Routid Worlde tile ellud blotm oil oqr welsool Mum - .ed out to the quarries, when a dash I WRINKLES ON TIRE INCREASE. tion, maym a writer in t1w ondon A THRILLING STORY OF would be made during a sea fog, or a ------------- --------- leffill Graphic. The ilk!& of time "foullder" convict would crawl into some hollow J1111011111611M I Varied Causes for—Th- eir Appearance In Paine's Celery Compound Is im admirable one, viz.. to cotitinue CONSTANCY AND among the freshly hewn stones, and 'Probably the lowest railroad fares the Face of Lovely Woman. intA) later life tlw,, prc*�eptm of f Froe- lie there, hoping not to be InIssed till on record are those offered by -Russin irlm. number of wrhikies in t1w, indiv0duality --III ftet, to educaw. (!h*ldren 114% had inade good his escape. gave Him a Fresh be" w train th"! s"Afth"m ' dc%'&lop to the peamints whom that country racm IN I rather than to cram, Then, CHAPTEic x OR 'Wilt? particular night a young . L fiereasilW'at a rate that is How about your frikqak XL-. -j;tratt(,"j: member of We warder guard stood, ig engagwl In drawing from her fatiLl to beauty or t114. ttiltmo long litilitlayiw, wlik-li nmp a Who would prescribe only Wife to a j*onvict. lie hap; tile line I . d Existences wearine-vi to pavmtu awt- childrea, fUrg,otteli all thilt 111.1,kl L(,jl_ rifle -on shouider, looking out -to sea PeQlI d0MIIII0IIH U) settle at(, 'fig . - - Variety. you (loubt it, ju..it ()b- a-Ild only it JW to the teacbers.. will tonics and bitters for a weak, 1 Huppome from the were shelf of level rock near of the new Goernipent, ral road lit 81- - Ir _Nlark awoke the next mornir You I wrve tile number of wolliell-youlig be abolisilied (shorter tinWd (if study punychild? Its muscles and fbit know Majeolill %Atrattoll tile top of tile Cliff. beria. The cmt of traiuiportati6n * to- great steamer was niaking )OL for lliect in a day, an(l L-A�e in fichool hours being mutwtitutoed), UP- milvineetl that Ile 11tt as he Paid sadly. "Ilc- ha never her thLq clam of travellers is $1.; nerves are so thoroughly ex. n tue 19 11 getlier. with all eompetitive exatnina- les. 04V fP1V 0I He Had Endured Years hausted that they cannot be bee" tIIP victim of scoundrel. but "Wntio'4141 Nliaw 1yra Jerroki's tia way down eliannel, and tier lights 1.200 mtlev anti $3.60 for $40)0 all facial lines. ticum and prim*, which caume worry kept his word..aiid did evetything Pale"; or Brron',4," oald tile, stiosio like stars away oil the black and tanxIety, and are ' einif"IVY lady Ittenily, buk Gu4�lst QW0k his head waters. Ali attempt In the 134-litirare TA�givht- - Said 011C Wrinkles in a whipped into activity. The of Misery and Agony. harinful to young Oilldreli. I'loilve M till- Way of providing able't .-Silice tlk� weddillg, tjajr� but If I "West Indy or South America; and ture to repeal an old law uatWr willell' ftWil'" fat -0 ub loiigvr speuk only of alp; JIL UeIIA child needs food; atmidtauce for ltilt sou-iji-law. He know'anjUjIjjg of Iny frielld olie ha a Dutch boat, I should say;' mut- unday schools each receive $5. a year aW. There wAs a titile witcl, tlicy lewons wtli aitio lx! ininimized I a blood- ilever ifince been (Alt or ip turned lite an lic*iwible, and till! co-oi)oration of !IlAdit tilken Nlyra it nd her coilshi at thojIgljt,4.­ Wred the sentry ; and lie were -inf-rUlibleigils of deeliaingyear?.', -tits inviWd. If' the"p, J.,ointaMill makinev nerve -strengthening 10"Ce to a retired seside place. Witt Itu The'Ula..; started to Mi errold'o'; eyee to w ere, well up under the shel- from the. county failed gwmIni0UftIY- but that wan long ago, when, wo- Oyes, j _b men less active in,both botly and U-nded to and t1iie tlww- and musck-building food. 4asy reaelt of 66 ter of the great 'promontory, - 'the X- i(w of tlw promoters carried otit. - a 1. James 1_`oor txwr I.J10 Awd aoffly. ­BjIt :14. lighta of several vessels showed where The poaul.card'has been Put; t(y A brabi thAll tIkP,)- are, umv-' Wrinklea Had Given Up all Hope and E mall`4 "N. at case the hok- busilleso of hi@ life. mugt not iAink 4-4 110%. VY brother had they lay at anchor. new uw In Italy. Anyone who' wifillu's are attendani upon Audy, busitims ver.% Inta,-rt%ting experiment 111u14 It Wits twil days' busine&4. that certai thought -i, aj)out gt�ttijlg tile "This Is a mlserabk�, dog's Mut- to renit a smu'h amount. of nfbneY rc-mijouNibilit hail vivacious maiiners; the rpo4ult, To -ray mind, 1-flikIMI, &Ott S Emulsion trial, Owing to the efforts nuide by niarri. iii.rnet. a W011141111 Vidl& IM' interestiac* pected to Die. age entleellvil. bta Alyra will,not -teml the nian, I get precious am far too much ciducate4 on a pat- Ithe Counsei for the defence. who liear ()f It.— sick of It, but I think I'tj rather. be attaelt-to the card jwiitap! HUMPS to withoult jileni. and t1w lack (if tern, and crawnied till Owy beeonif, red amount. Viva! Lire eail- tit lays indle;%tem. In- smal-I maeldnest Incapable of inflel.,end- fought their' client%s, caujw galiltiltly. the deal It.w. Of Cod -Liver all of thiav 8110 (ItAINK no& tvire... [or this lien, than there. one can feel bot,_ (Aled #nd the aujount is loald to the %wriiikle.q. I "P"U But it was a loning ca'w- from begiu- tua il ent thought. Almost all gmat inell tom That f, a,re a tonic in F. anil be mf(-- sailors can't. roMiver of the card. am mom or letw, melf-.&Iucated, and and you still their aplwaraircis dcvtr boy. SloD 000 n1gliest In is the little mau-o'- tt 'Y(jee or IN)tll wit itild ww.; -e calne.d grit and'polver In tile bil4r to end; -tho proors were ut-terly "I 01(vi't k1row, tuy York rt -111111W. It is the Medicine fbr You Prorow. - Another boint tl~ re. - crushing. Jameo I)ale had obtained I.%# at n4yster t i1w. Raer Ila, the hypophosphites of linx triett to talk suppose, aind yon's the. big 11, a Zee and soda to act with the food. 4 large intsome fruits the for- to I-er 06'refal times wIlml I WaS near, oine. How (lark It Is!" paper. Penerni lAxioti4-et in istiuti.1191Y, fornipro Insist on haki alm-ady bec4i geries for years. anit his compan- but -mile ejagm.,Al niy I I Pool, Sufferer. pe at olqQe. I am He stood there trying- to Pierce the ilil."e\1 tlw 1�o r t Rn Prettv well nlan- blacknk%m, out of which -the anchor prataml "the younger generation of iibjel-t, n(l.w*-lit to wie. it ion in the miquity had llcA)ody� now. I e adoli,ted In America, with e1twitent, hin and delicate children Weet hiodian age 1er faher. 1xit-who *J�n the world ' 11911to of the ships stood llkv Fitaro,, heroes III t I h6--AoIkth.'-,A typographical at nian Willo oeaN: III wrinkles. 'rout Nyult#i, and that ibi the vo-4-ducatioa is no rerriedy superior 'pvuperty exten&lvely. TIA I ji- Will I -Aparned that tht" ,it* m (it boyto and girlsq. It Nt4r4AflgUjN*nH e"tft wery certainly iti. "liziletive, call Uls be?" e-hv, cried Ilhatily. 111 111 but lie courd see 66thing saVe 'a faint error made hipt mlY t1je younger go lb &nd beIot,,q*-q1 to family itanied 14ir- not. at hom." grCMyLl n s."A &h�js itow.butiy', MaO. different kind -4 fit You Cannot be Disappointed lf tiv" 4ila mindo,' and give" tho"i it to it in the world. It means I:t)luisll glealp ow an i I piratibil of n(,g't(x - n tilt -re -al %% lik-r ir)utl(vpk- oil life, wilije itr ron, but I!t ti.e prittwwr'oo . ea -se the.. She r0W to ring tht' tll(,. �expljjlnhig thil- ivattwr'to otlier t4oULIJ Mt*,i Jor thenf U) ilorfjo.- growth, strenZth, plumpness bell. buq there tJ'txfl far below, wherp Iand Witten tile bo.-vit, teaq-twit U&rn4e w&4.'Ws�lmeA aml in M�t real pat- L werp atpW alreaAiy m tile StAirs. Phosphorescence * of the sea waahed ernery. Ili- li'miANC ine ho)v ti i iev look under th"n mspee I t for 'women anti affor(W Mv Witt a �41*ongr Inagidtkifig gla;is. - There it; You Use Paine's Celery and comfortto thcm. Be sure itile 'e wAli WA c4rifekl�prat*-. was th servant, looking a little stattW. '94 litly, like so miuch luininotis #)Jl, over 044111 it Ova ter you get, SCOTT'S Emulsion. son -*III oervt4t girl flattvrilig about if luagnify- "111r.. tr. 1111 * 1:188, full] If -$-ou' kv'ailt W wi� 06 n han becom year.,4' perial (,jwdlk%kj the dwr. tbe hn wilml it ses of the and: played Compound. N(sw that educatio tt0q), nia'ant. He says--,, nwiLgAlle III , , tot sleawee4king hr fortle'tit year in the* eniploy of one Illost a"%vftU!hw(-,Prd of strife, it I% Novell Deoerv*14 it. -every hcvir,­ 5ut and St.00,oll d,uptibis Strattcat was lready at the do6rj aw-1-At. fftjfiiIy�xIXjjs Imbsenteii,with it gol�dell uN191 iflealleP of wrinkliv in- a. Mark, wllth�a o6igh of reliel. o trove til(tt 114 -V zokl- , to raimp it (in a - s4imple looking pale, but witll mi spot burn- flow irankistl tile kwa 1111.-14 'a gark way to basla, and to SCOTT & BUWNE, l'ut.uto. illir ill eaCh cheek. eroim by Finprew -Victorr.a. :.satisfy your curiosity. it will disliol -tiraln inm away fnini tl:e votirt witIt for a few 111441VI*4 0.4 quiet "Yt-xi here, Vanir.T. . 90114r, Sailig tight i r 'A wompn, rather than nutellilIP-4. YeiLr - 144 � 6f ' these tiela HI Vo., xcited-- 'yoi jiller.. not*kno'wing wlla� Yon 1.11AIt I W4117C rorever'. tilt- aitnit-We -tl�oor th.. &lAWNa4t W141 tl'.ell 6411.'Ill h,�tV* ` tO K* IY. Jortold. p distributed, onlylone of aro any Impro6ioftient: Dear Slr4t I can e4nuicieutiously r4--. ra ask your viece -may hit upon Shore' -s 1g(XXl :- %VrinkIV.-4 4tv 4�jjtire'ly , C 's (4-lery Compound -tAi TO437KIE A C61LD IN 0 00VE-RNED CITY the lawyrr., again X at rmi(knit, of BerlLP 4IPppjtdFm�t ' Common 1, I'aitle D�%' WORLD'S BOBT 041:4)11 U -11111i 1-tftHij-tkt. -N,'otIkjug lin- all who upty bexiiffering frm 4 -�d at 11:1111 ill4liliringly., 6,.Nly Ilitve. 51r. trattn.'- tid e6tivict. risou. with a 4ay 1YA411q*P- The Jaxative 11romo Quisiiije to) tx`k�'mf', if ctl]Y for a minute.'- vilimigh' for 'no, obvell. if Its I 4114i dtlwni'.1m*e.##urely than worry. 1411& film] ye.-jr.-4 drugestA ref utid the inoriey it it fitilm tA) curr. "Eh ? Wha do I ine.rui ? Well� I 4ioxk't A 110unlailiAll nlan ufactuimIr'. linit nit livor trouble. t4d Idy'Coldl. I larw., 011it'llow alid Olen. I . - I Glasgow'" Sucrobf, IF, the Markagemont 25r ujulerr-twitl much all -4 -int wich tnatter.,' Tiiy -reach-4 (m wk- �_110110 .11tion of sending to The lt�,tbim waylilifwar W.1 -ing its Mack llrtk)k. I suffer- I 11 \ 4). 114J., he cried 114, turned his face pho'reward, I' coil tlw inu i I lo I 1t - 4 of MunicilMl Affair%, but otwelar under tlw Vic fir.,it N the ikdl -tn-- made ftoni a coinplication of troubles, I od Chariog Crtk_s 11i)t il.-lir 41ti hotir 114,,, nem -A Vie I)ay. 4lotusl with ajilt Two Natural row. Lawo of Ekigintid will not kvqi. niy chiki tgo., to _ 1, 4,Xrl"itloti ill. pan111V 4,f r the 11tiris I" 1114111.r All); -)kl wilts -A 0 ll i 111101t sere the red lami iflit-, alit, 111till Witil dy*111114j�. til:It I %%, ' pas tho au -r will extinglii"Ji'a fire twenuot f#vttilr4o o( till. tied W &XICh a ILA t)lftt fortli) of 'nuch i-xcep$lonal sonority that 14 rhur Iront. til-IL-4r� 4-itilw4l fly study, I. rtM*I� not touch a worso-I -if food.. U, I thig waWr forms a voating over the jjff:tjr% lig t4ifA III* llfolpli 4of tli(. Guest %%-:is botit tt% -qleak. but the* I" writ be- hph.ni at it dIstafiee I ki qwl4j. it,.' hartwu &ht)no6.4mt with thr.ir hirid. its to :in- iind T:kkd; foulkl it difficutt'to ulld wil"t fut4, which it from tbe -air. and satke, contain glow. x milea.,The nian Whose dLIghbor's n8410111111, f UP ewbry 01iter- ulti ruan ittermpU link. cm rr -A of si t lo - -u ile' 16141 yry in -t littk), I did Ft -t oftoo-it brokii-it witil tot wat&r into steam oit said, ag fol - the to - &prnc1&1e1ug"_-_.itt on. -with t licwrki drealim InWita- 'suffering, trio" draws off tho- -1 t fr(yu thp burning '('iP"IitY is inti-t-toitful. Faney. in); 'aid. after a -n cried tratton -exeLtedly 3_4 (if the juiro daughter io giveik palf-1,111 be kv)k 1, i ul"11i -hours will have cause to -be tIlV eve" that livor votuppliat fill. ' led too 111v 1(pitil Air -s a fire it III", 4r%� oj,,& i1tv stire mill H-1fo rotitl -v .1 -a r inseenily -ver 4 tive!jllip or * e, yt t 0 n coil �4 a ea 1) 41rew His tO the- (ik-%)r : and i iv- ': - W fir t1wit--fellow kittwting *at -my door )low ):p 11 goi4len gleam st-ut up* by -1 the thankf tit that this iiwtruiuet4'ha.x -pov Is dimastrouN M'tlle agolay 4b*$ fiad fu4+ A litt4o water makf jo to say liv had lnnllw wlileli dotted the like. yet � been piA "Ott the mairket. russ fierevr, while a large quantity of niativ bright heads strtalS Jilong, ()It fit W fal ljo bark. uwl was Imale, liaggard 11,1141 called for lits wife." )lx"ql with fast hati-SAMI ghlk+ -is . rwator putm it (mt. The ttsplUnation ig tion of the Idlikilig By cah: nd *vUllout t I W o[I awl , tm. he title o rea ha posed of oxygen awl t1lig mtwljm tljj. j;j (;iiest ghtitLere I th­ Wea' wAx hor- -1 jer t: I ng the wa frolft, I The'swi�of Zatiz,ibar, r s foot.wriitklm ailont. the eyetit, -' I kept oloetoriiig wl ilosing without -ti. alwow will. Lzivillir alint or frisibmi witit till i they e hydrigo W.hPII- therefore. tile fire ltivid­ or rifty lan4l, *will make a -and it - bringm vii,.w Horne rma 11 wiriving till- sliLlitest Iwnefit. " and 41.1 !ied 41"n-listairs. and out to t he' for a slit t4 sea, who I" 'low if) E119. can (h4compove the water III- ith tA# its eitizfqm -No. fw, lily -ibilat Would not )rt ligtattee w-ar. the corni-ri; finally gavo tilt all hop' W r �tlletu the l"t "fit 4 % na ehistor, thorough tour. of - that country, add 't 144 1! Of 1104014K slmplt�, eleftle-titu It wrves nm ftit!l tA I frt*A vlPetrif- w ntA-r do at .111 J)f - 111011th. Tlim� 'writtkieR - Ub(]P- M 011141 day tny dhugWr. will) tll(� fill no ls()rO ra wa,# itlj�: eagerly np at the w frii'l I tf instt0l; 'Omle with upon rettirning tily film native JIM141 will me. impwor at ttmit , ll(pw -atwout It 1111-y jii-I by I %Itpll Iwar l.-4 C's blulull .1. .1bly !ltlil to tilf. �hltriii of int!rrintent Inid n�atl 61--' a woti&rful. eurp by them t1j f -4,11t 41,)414- alld gjAri� whom rays cut tile try to bitro-lolum tho idelm of Englisil "'i -jery (,4.#UjljoUIj4I r toll #in e4octrie roid at till. wh.-it th#.� lawyvrs think itlxmt a 1'41iv ?if. thirknew', for It was Uteelectric light hi :1 wanim?s ftje4-. -They are lmost llaim-'s (4 , like $409 Reward 6100. tU v orce. r givul Ills. eivilizati(xi aniong him eountryine. bewed - miltm for ally dint:111(w., ill,l t tl)e, v4�rtier 4& cmd of th pfer. (411jair to --0fiver :Shreltier's (jiniple tit try ot"', 1X) th., of Alie. 11110dicill". The rtuiAlsim of thio pappr will -be, furtj�sf# to all fr.,4- M "Pand'ji 'playing," joild. tlw mail, lis- 7, lv:wN introilueo-d to hTnin 'in told he -r- it wiCg- no ijw to throw'a wa pleas&d to learij that there is at leamt I)y y A;11041111k, . i. probably "' A gonpir-allk knQwn, -in Aftichn Farm. hai rPA MCI Deli. linK 40ftsill �At t'114�- lillxlweted .44 toning Intently; but itlw (11statice -of that ace tj ded dix-amp that e t41 frieiitj** eltain0wrill. t uoi.., iglisli. that the word dor r Thu- vity affair to renpru - Of � X, -i V across the curvo.to the towil pier imi, show 4*1t. tile (ur';. tkw 1wr I hought. a -lbottk-. nd been fil)14. U.) (ALM ul all IW atilges, bux, 11, 11. Where he knocki there wan eta It A% . , , rxww:i con 44ther �Wp of tUe fimuth, anti s moil with thl. kaillf. :1:, )6148 iFas too grmt, tvt� 'could 4laim.- U.4ml by niany elAldron. In pl4ce befort! K waN' Used 140 1 reit' better. a answer. make ftqj tfiat 6i Cat&rrh- Rall's Cat.irrh witi. I.e MdP114�41 'Civb cab-ittatr. thing 0`111t nothing but it strn notw' of' 11 Pnripurag6d sfk niuch I colitifflied of "father. is the Hreat* WeAsIt. (111M iN tile only p(witilve cure known owil aff:a�m . tilt- flumt thmigh., run) advances. T pa all< he'd '4111t* mrnot now-' dThe openl:ng wortis of the Lord's prdy-- flie. alut improw4l everyday. to tile fraternity. Catarrb.j eneiiito luodical tl!!. 34.1,10ining-rcm1w d: no. ODn4e, 14,37 up. loutk%r, old in&n lif longillic 4l drawn or I n We*b am "Rin porMy being a mistitutloijal diwase. reoluires :tjj I it of Ill. t was It ni now cut -00, thank.4- Ui lie has not coitue '!�avk yet froi:i 4tig flififti.: 1ki.lo-4-fill Ni4hilig" liko a bit of n-jusit t 0 t Ow y C4mimnind. You (-..InllOt won- a constitutional treatmnt. Hall* twinicipality t, 'ittliniiiiiii" the cityls the trVinblitisr' 1011v and tben. That.iF one good in -in Ger'niany ono inan An' 21-3 * S I W . 'tk,,r* that I t'onshk-r Vaine's VA-lery entarrh Cum. too taken Internally. act- fill:ttI(-(q4 in '11, t ri -tsn I t Ill- ri);irt- inti 1wr UP !:eliw her t., faling a stAdler, you do have it',band, Woe These lx) way. to 1re to Colle In lut ont* In 0. tho' grea test. triedictl (I&.-X*Over Lng directly upon tile blood and Inu- Improe the 11111olk- health Ill I phy hut cochl not we ;,4in tbere. YA)ti Is St ttllih,. we'poor lieggers na � V; In -Scot 11,140 to; rattv sihe al'114 I- vp to�cavry it th juirt Of -Ili tho workl. urgi- all. will) are suf- coua arurfacies of Uw systoPID. anit mpr.il llixar,t. of cour-*?", .11,1 lot t. +a- rifle -svitho'ut.- But there. )I I i m" In the, United Statm ond jn.:!.000 an'll t1Il-'favP_. -all4l.the eli#-Pk(q liavp A *dfik­ foring -Uj try this grand . inli-iliclueand dmtroyLng the foundation of the dim- brightni . %w atid t-lt(- Ivt*oAljiIjty of Ij.ip_ O'Tlu- veriliet ? Y yoll 11:414. 1 111 ifie . yoli -n drup UjW wlifffl' htt likes, jLuxt a in EnglApoill one -in 5.000. ttie mulierthl- 0 1. . %il 14 Nuocl�� i1i all The twi, '"(Iler cait't.", or ita it, -fadb,. 4wuo!. mid giving the patipjit strength p;m* �s Y4trn very trd.1 by bidiotIng up the conAltutl'on and thfw pactil t t7lIng iii wrinklos, how- hits Marked ali to 1.4 -all- Afr Gtu*t. to(;. Yes, y Intl He took -a t uru -or two up nnd do* New toll Ildi -alit] 1q slow th". )4XV1 Tits %%.w 1W.Irtl iiiiii-no the s-tairs- over. are tTli- I)i(-Y',.l amithig natum In tiloing itis work. nia,W the at-miri0bil (;! thfy eivilize't 'there Is .111ill stopped agjigl* to look va riety.. Ano they , he. . . I lit g;1ill tip B. The proprietors havtO @6 much falth w (.or I (I a j i i1jr itAt-it tile .ip- we'have tak ff4'41) cliff 91OPe runiling 'high. a60V tbe nvxt nil,.,ite. to oki,,g V. ry vW114 :&fill 11ite"11v Ntorm P., hint frm the slielf. (N� wh- '' i IU4 iiU0111" -is saill t(l 10-4 lr`4l*t_ Ii itw curative powers that they of- tomt giweruett city on' ipa hiitl Ich lifil duty- It n4. �to t1lo _,the 11 tlwul eve CHINA 8 COALWEALTH. NN ftw One Hundred 1"lars for any ease tl' r.1' la' 'this IMing mot, effil�vtt'is tlk( '48 When-. ti tim, list JI)e t- �y. w of tim SIX)ts. 11. illf'X Jim w4tible. -The. 10 fa 'iripf aitm to cAm,-. Split] or lint of N IN4'Wf()jjll(I bef-ollIN'drawn, from zinviety or-w0rty. The Most I wportafit Fields are Found in Uint it f. Ing.11inf' of 01`164-- ("nit Vvlwfo It. woul,L lie powtble for 'a, klar- elined, rul werit fiarL to0i im n YWL -) ' IV Fwler a wrinkles to 14, Cralgiiii'lan * to. get.. dowlil jto tho land IF) V-1, 1'. �0 Shanst.- CHENEY & C( ri0*1141 )1, Tol", (;u4*,t. . 1"; f ev rnliltili.,ts Ottliallett,44 to, t re brought '1IW itultortant c-oal fit. -Itis %it OO ljy all Drugists. 75c. wui hio ro)m, V17W 1", .14'- int -b janjootb, -w-flite ng. aa� 1,.e vi;tcrttll .4 Will' juienile suwluy t is 11.111. t4j- Of SlourveA'of Tilt,(* -t. tlli�t -tittle fb $4 thi-*skip is foand %6 11:01's Fitmily flills arw the bpkt. tit'.0w tiTi-eting. Aulli Ite-, .114., rhought.' In thO air, t su about 7(1,0';Gr tions r,.', va - ly r it 1111 1*s of an in-tricau" itetwork f illy a 41.tilllbra'ee her 1140W. Well; .1 Cin]n, *et 'tlaat -1).* aild. 4 t Pul-Al." about and f inkilied by Ili -d at r all of Eniglatioli lValow and The Longest renoe. Stra . rge- 0, �, who vall tell tne t U 1 Mre* r Lorol. - 'whatti feUow .k6V .0it it bi. only the -pill. askillir: 4"t d"WW Qkl fell UOW!: W01114 I n hah -a. 'p rAill Stratt#111. optilattoti of 19,tXX1,(X)0. iiiy-. twar .44) t", otimble about Ills -lit 14 si front Whtn The I~Wit retice -III tilt, %%orld isi ah stwu rf- equl and there is rf vilr. ahtj 1:0. r'sva-t: l#V tlWw- (",0 flehin itro Adit"quatel hw 0X*pr6*4hm1A1aIoit, or t. . -t-0, vf4y'j0a,!.. 1.1r. 4sufat. wo%41q it. bl.. to tit) lei ord a fff", t probably th'at whwh has just been a4toltiu,ly no duitinctioil bet%v4.ejI the fin plae4,. t .%ell 410%,rj, t".X 4,f extetnl�ore. 'ctA'(l ivith ;t1w tputA-r world b.v finished ro prf-14 (44 - 1 4 hat d a crentoij along the M.exienti, border. n liritil tjhe jlroa VolUtj4)lI r W, by tke,FAgle t7attie Company rielt Inan aMI tht poor mAn tip V41111)JI, 'rjo prOttiy' detit � f6l 110ir nut k arltlk,- litiff. A ran.' n t! otile little fellow, Whets c1ga w1,10t: hO hailtit,41 W #0111 s ;.! � . ritioll. IX I -le ne oti -'world. I t ils 75 If -.w tlitvi to *4 I im:4-lf -lv!t-1Jyra (Iieeketf Ikor. :IT141 thed. 11alt A 11 fev. :1 en 'loril-st*m I or- (of ninny atuki'g 1i vt' o'Milems in length, und 4eparatops exactly N it, I'milthe Ir, r ore -beat s)ff. 711py'd .4 it I.. t�t:i in- nNta,titilugrit of tbfl b distanep the two repub�- tlwy gv) its Fwitmifji -w t w 411 toi iti; mlu-t re tulles' tfitoliglf there h4 lit) bmak in t m. q-tgj li-ind -Pf Y;l,i to bave ohl tijink, no motr of conlingr befillid - 11*1e* -iII tlldir� Ll I Will illi' 001 Stfttu."T :�ck* lo king jo. North Aineriva.. Thi, fetim was loccio.-sl ansiver. strata- It , - Ar eo- that. tiff Ntfti0tljX(Wt aild H101A litprary built Up keep tlw carUe frotu runnin' i i r q j. -j. Aark aiul- c!kieking -me irlto.. t1le a`,ti )li 111u) slimed Allut there a4-0 40 fect of u-()rk- t thpili fill -wo"141 IW Ing (basy lily TI& 'proved tt -ro'tliere Jig acr.oss the border anli falb LAW 141-4. mit I at c-,% ry whi 'a im kinLrd's Linivnmit for" Pvptv v hem for lopr pre to Vie Alexicso cow-Imucherri. I I t4 b .4lis it ealcu, -J- r -huntoe. U filematioll. It hits' IN* V A%oll ni itt ir t he of Although it ecost a grmt eal of :to and ir excliLlined I ibink, Z,ir. 1144,41 -thl�t the lihl --l(W It Cr L ilf thoUrj!t. Money, t IN e6tituated that cattle tilin a harp glanee ruant) and'oli nm tI!vr*- are only t' eo,-L�J. ff or tile Will. be I,, f Ic H�- wo um, you I). OnoUgh low -alt the black e - ragi;. A i t bettwr sr (mt- ypar to Tilt.. '%lilliner—What'. did our hu& ni. to , k. linkeite. X6 othe' -alit alki,AA) tljiiik,,6f ty for it. I t is'a. bar'twd band think of titut *30 hat I made f (imil fit -141 fit. tIjW- w!)rld 'call thart 1). ta tii.r I DOMESTIC FELICITY. �tpprmvh il"t oli!y: eltap cull'to 1101P it In 4ch IL Tite BriAlmh, 0entral Africa az#-tte in Tue, eountry round wire fenm, With mfstluiW -'IU4 00tton- for'you last week,? 1,1 ace.. ono - side Is -.v(Kk.t polem, and for'the L-ntlte length 'ire. lfelglitly-4)41i, he at y ki th4l't 'arounol-o-V14., �?*%o befica-0 bout is pil u' just, raved witil a Ililt lau 11. tltk" cult'vatioll, it rnws as 611raight am the crow flies. apalkle of -supporting a large and is 4., ver it,-:�-when I t6ld file the lorine., -r rhich Livingstones. heart war, bur- t)k*- s3khtf-x rw - .1�. ­ . I - ",r lie ir 4 are -t I it- tit . minom havv 'been Not nI . 11ch c ahce for' )r irong fonm fins bw Madiatainedin fia*mifieg *here Squam Alle nopst any. work4-d for 2.770K) iears. of Course after Qui -keur., for llitnlo:l(e 171, L114'rn 4-oming -o t ftor* '(11liet joille 0�. khows jy whofic, Thi- ond St*rtl4'd tQ fifill -r4 Cli -Diamond, D w. 'n tl.: t (0: till, 'Iffen clew ti t.v yes, are Used, traukliorfation ire jw) tilow tt' anif the hlin1.; dri I u ryro�r f thos )a t tjle Eclirm" of i1se, ",to %Wo fr (ientlenwo,—Whih- driving dowli t1frileit. f ri 1141 gr;tva (A. entirely l6cAl. There is but M"S.- - - Wn Ple 41111- hit for th4i f1ii .1"I to $1, -ri- a. parti:0 eclilw*'- of Ui� .**out 6f to%�W' writtwn pluin- explorer Is an Inwription citnved oil 0110 c0ld Inilm- in China worked by f* sx-ry sWls fiiii last A ugutA, my'hoft Tho fit' Or- 11111"K r 14 tOlth. rt I r. -n went on It niklib6rifix tr�,e"a,4 fd)llc)w*.,'; - f I 'elgii nw-th(lo-1s; thin- lij at Tang Sban.. wtimililed j tid fel 1, -t Oil 111V :-r4l. ah Imul iw. r�pr thlbt nf)thing r1ol J& I . .. 41i"i - F ly all qvpr the- hou apprip. %' 04 (14. July I. -Ill, te t; 6 1 Strat- 414-smay if 7. 97. r yonder (hinibm iw 46 Y)o front till. fe.irfully ttxxit the IwAd' and bo of tlw- suit- 1*-(.. wllic on at ttw t'l .7 Rhe of the Imilk-Hill, 11ailroad. an4 a from a fris-wilr` that I litillrott Strip rtWjliir users of the d again, Atr wid flstening- t4o tiLat ilitu-& I (As 141 Tim--tlisrover for rt otiner.-il -,prhiq Thi -v tahte 'isill rp; ii-fil tik-i i -I uw-A %Iinard,w Liniment Jrt*4y .-,roti e1clillw1bt the 1II(*KI ar.-,x Cau-. L*4wpoft to� maill-4. i. r: I -I fainotw Jolanio.-itt 1py�vc' tit. ft-lic- t,,,#. tl,IrLk riohlqg of L�e ft r gf-ttfng- Wltjj tjjQ IlatOdl Ilea'A I of lilt, EqClaild, is, -tlllj-, grallhil.. Wme 4eamers. and'tile. �iw and iii few dayt; lie '1141i 1111.t, it wa­� (J" lQck aoM'ewh#"_ �Aj have iJJt 11' 141,ip� tilitit4l, W-caump tile 'llietitsift mArket. Ea&&-rtt China ile- To the. i. ad i-fi at ok-wribo-il by' a lbeal. ju1wr well as over : eir ; I j,jjt4- ,.t I,f 10 but'vecau wul cat t Al i -v reot 4 ex the rtwAw'd 'if dail-3 It every til t I ail bored a I Nave.l. by their luo9t ohilrely, on imports for .1 It A.. Beiuchemin 0'314 a d )r t oil 'comen e f a calt and t*ovf# to MISS 1.; Nip!*(Aher-dy.4% 14 Lo I n1 w -o or all lssmimt ()f silt -h froin Japan, Austrolia und Pijklaut).. sherltrotike 11to titot fril?m'uw� " r er' W4W*I;,,. 3;111 S114. vallirlit grWlf1jt wat.; JlWt thL- f4avlo 410wil, at rajur gurgling -1110 lio,�k asixi(Aw mid ifia% 141NIti -it. but . . .. I.' . r- Tiwi.tmoutit twe*iI now to geat, but it I,, Wly at fi-juv, n-1 r­.oly to welcoUW t's arm.' liome; Opre wa., 6tir to old aliople tro' i4aydi. e, rollill(k4p4l zor. sollietl it bagittelle to 4 -hat w I tk. requirl-11 nw� l'utntim's Ilaitilo4i Vorn' F.33rar- the (1eJUI0t--%I0yl4" 141111111ji, * ., niany. other inakow. extraet that mort, 4-twu go colli'd,get up tug M-idlitz 111 1. Poll- mY do-ar Noy. . .1 V. 1 190 t--, fill; I tho I lia 14x,k a44 mapy 444)ivu stwit t-bullitiql , S I wheri I 11kc4% (Ar it 111(till I t)i .13- 'Quit-livur.- 1or IkAls. 115. Iiis Tvutit in Providence. e,f- -tof,k his -frieu n9oPkg-90 I applei. they. was, too; l)jlt. Hit! Coinfort. er. tipf't! . A corL-tin iiiiiiisto-r lowt his nlatiu- IMP I,.,iir %%:ilkfw slik%vly they alway rs 1P r V 9)11#. fill. :1.4-thlbs, Kivp t114- 114wt tAj flr,t, an�l Vip 1**.%t tcxp. I'gh ikei) that ;I rnt r In K Walltel'd Tho htjioijij�t of rii�tivy 'at creslit liatiry, Nfodiotie 1 New nit. script otio uliday morning. w liv sill ii t, sir. Oust it ib Iyut T ('Gu tllnt IW wA.4 "lllv #'[PC- -oit'#4 waji. I'llal"i"141 *IIyP 91%e, )tj littered -k low, U) get over to t1loLf.of Taimilng Lio rig of thlKwitorN In the tofttittis 11HP Plitirf k;poko out thus as 0.1igy for it MUNI U) Im" through t ili, wit*fnetilki. - I us( -d the 4-ye'of :i tbetvile iia for is rich man .4 Uxne old harld.loakifig warta, willell was 4% (Al le -I'm -very .-to have W in - i. -,i a,kw- lgi.ijk,#i.svf' Frimemi- -T% lit -it 1111b -cothor 4if ji., Nit h.t m-ttl -of tj Wild .0 V! -,q; sorry like Itibbittig t1w kfwnp, off tilt! toop of . - 6 trion&-v_ %Aft lw :ofikootls f6r qmne of tly tho 10-4 -latos*t ' tairtipif, takrit. 901'x 1, - c*I I I and reliable 14.111101141 D'yes.9! 1-1114[4�esh 11 the um -.of eloctri- for,,? you tilat I to entoer the kityplow of heareti. 411111 eity ill tatallig *his bousts- When, a wijd UiAwrly Millionrtim-�--1 know it. Liat miru-� ;1111 1:0t gfulipir Iliad -Urj, Kq__jt �v !3 1 -Kuttoji or otlier, in4dald iny wrmou for this k .4 Ill.;, r half Of -I per lion. or tiger w.as Us be, ,ta 0 1 dooii't exio-et, W have a cent, witli "But vv hen nro%' th#-Y ermin.jr- b"k,. the proilml:tilir (.)f loull. Komi cent. intere-st 1*1 -paid will!Jall'y' hli; 1411m0a 1-.Ijves VAP4 IiW juornlng-� I -trust ! it tis out Wires riggp Tro, Rile I 11"V*-Ilt Inyw-11 at thegate. in W tilcy I it 41 Illl-ill'tiw to I Amvi(k&uop for hisq.Aration. t t -r M, _1vIt?t I 01141er %V�Iie_ in lilt hita lith tor 04'. t6wer -and the ricot fnit ft Tunjr flaip, t It yw, ther :it tht. illsillks, ilight, I will VOIDW to-tter prelwireql." I to SoNlothing, of thesi- lox)r lwggrs be- 11ter a thal- Iterzoti 4)ultl turn -his quit-kettro (or Ittirits, jV111 I** vwl I)CWt thijig in the w"ril to kpo-p fAtit if ljfp�is gan' that xs,1,3r aliti. tl,4.tl %vj.ljt llialf coi tbo t lit -ill to bark. and the.. wild vreature would in- !-Tid Bita. T.. for pom ind 1, Lye boen tb1nkr -ritit .,ill toll, 1111-Y shoU14.1 of thrifty Vrene*h, 'A. I,'4N 1 -1 k,.hpr. N. variably inakti a ktajo At hilij. Ijuj 4.tl-' of till, hnitherhooil hivurnisce and J01111*411"M Inen 11019tig to -tlie' Mi'rkitig rlttxcw;t4.. 94Yti: :kLin in *x-iovt it t4 are gi%itig the benefit ing t4at I mhall 1v -lerrold's Voiiw� have lk-nown. bet-tipr.". v y(Air - Plilm011d countering the charg4-d wiruR. would i " tl DjV4V4 -hols% family aniffering. A eltill. ach- tlwy h:iv#1 nllllall- tim" thl- nloijiflirt drmor I le, rplitintio-41 a -his "RI:jr,wil Ar trial �aijil fjri,l tileta vi j IN4 :1 Ill paralyzing lRhoek �yffieiellt !jig (of nerve qor or the etiter of ithe Insuraimv- Tile i4 nothing U, viontrary is mils4oinii've if t1w dirt -e- AV) terror v, it fort -ver. ' This lemon to clm "down. v, 1:01t 11.1y' lier cou- 'down for a 'wiQ10, and thi-n st.oppkt t the I KtiigiitA, 44 tile 4;oltleti EAigk� have �wou nlgia,, tAxAlnjeho i)r luni- .1 till Uwn.! ontm, wore,* grouixlc4 mi -uottitu for to P. 'It # w , ny-nddA thtuir ru" to admit ttw min .�ajj(j toti i fu 'rarely hav' rN of neur, e -to bp reped ted a ,.,go tan .11w wilil th~ last wj nw.in- isible to ;iny-. 4;1issit, gNtoil. N. k1w life tuiw-ry. Rut Nervi- onlef tw-tuberm to' t1w hisuraw* ljlr;nrw� h;tmd there quite iijv aplieur t W'k-e- (XI -tilf- Inilot-ridl, tal!lf.. tile n6t refillily. Inly that- flyuest It.live her a n Pn- w I r, III,. t'j ez hist I an kjrt forgotten. 1.4-- 4piwitetj for tit' lorown. thew Ner%iline is powerful. penetrat- quiring lmk.. anti the ol-l- fall sini'1441. Jle went oil Thow re%ijlt 'is - larg# with your H bila- ty ri-e INkin ell will relieve a.11 t y ;%it It o-us.-rg ,hit her Oinking al4jut' the to*11--, nit, �, the 'nttejidantx.*- To.x ­Ym warit to know why I aio e - Inusic, 1 awl' uncorkeNtl bottle�,, It all -I lir, J1164.1i :.5. lug an I effertda I 11 tell ti) and 10f,'Ji'the of th bay. ,Lnql th I ' ' �jj " 'black iiik ItonLyotir tt�at,­ 1p Said. " well, I yfal,, ol4)or thO of-liow tkne was going, 1-ini then'bis k4t ill the glamt.4.�.w ftnotli�r till'. it Ls tl . le folly SJngle Track Kadr-oad. Percy firwat. Old wcxnm can agolly that QloiXIiiU4 went back to' t'he 'eai ' Joilitko and to tuuth InseeL Hornes, avid. -Their Riders, WAR ATLAS can trunt 'You snggling for.oxit. r yars. and A pretty pllinly. an'r I '(;Uliforliiall it" Invented' a 4U.- Of beltutit1111% 40141n4l !N1141w, Flags cr or the tgurn# I bOly- J dangerous erimin.-kht shut tip tho. At a 'recent'.Mcv-ting of the Fitto- rreet. 71,p f�jefj, ifit, my Iwo- ..*,p ervii-1--so, a' 9"1-.tL 14 rititig.01- track railroad which ha con- aud "AMMS- of, all itatitotpi- iii ibeir pnis" t ms!n -huge, gim 11--hingtoll hente t ti t s She -pacell �Ile huiI#ji1Igtk, allof -of -ioty 4 tijiuous rail mounW on the t op or tMorp.. Tablesci%i t lie bek I I'ort ColhK�snie, 09t... gpeciIaens of chrysop.a. -I species of w detaiN of .01 thu great of fif , . t -111 r 4 il6rt w -in Nm-; Wringing tier If(Av much deps-n4led oil tli� care ud* ;.Vt,u. rc 'Lt osts to support tlw-- c4irs, which 14ren Ujo, I ty atteilipt 111 #111' *flee of _t. yed fly. ltrWh hall been eol- powen. o(t lie world. In eharge—a inere. t1w iDongTelfatioll. .:tl*l tho tA#44w�, Fcan xafely 'Hit' an( -her Ila,,lilfftl compar'"I t�)' * tit they lek-ted. in the White Mountains. were hung iji paim (mi a oen'tral tru k ill-fIrt Itlac Havakilk with (Ull few/.. ctfieerg Who aliltoyoA the InistAor. h_V turning aroulld yoll claila- flW of wheels. tIK- c W61ro* 641UIJ!� o -have, nj:jql_ c.-Lrryu4g it row aM 414441ilti. Size �of exhibited 'ax curionitkea. tweause each twing 1weventwi froin tipping -by are vokii1sir 2.m: for mainj)le ini- nag." txAk 'itt* tht! varriNt on Its back one or wore tijinut4- which 1114-diattel). Addres-is J. i.. %it ifots & (,o.. lio. Ls -jitf. 'or- vioo, ms -n lwni any de j t, the lu%j on . our takoi A I "' cl-vt -signing -4colindre,l enul'I c.-jjju,, Im! I Only W4 11, ttils- guikk� wlieplo nt" the bottom comers.: i-ecidomylld flies. The. oldnion was ex - a ul I I om"C' fie thouglIt; 3 Itielimowl wemt. Tortao. yiponi, T 41s)n't go to thern Ireadft�g t lie V!r4v ice it![# I iiaid run txi auxUlay 'raiW attaeh�d to t i" 11,114t. :IS ght r:tn ' through his Huge. bandlol Wh1oh Cont*insd reaw I -that this waiq a true caso, of 04; tl' 11 a cow th(i *;6im of the central 1xvits: arlif piy tirt, i1raj 4: 1 t,4 leg Of il'sect iising a 00'Yoli' t1iink Ine Illfra iql- lie' ff-ii, trie! blotA, joil T PlotwCandto Factory smaller Spec forelgii 4-ount tt;114, Of, flest, WI)o J!t�-4. .1411p, fill h10"41 ly jai 11#1 0#40, Wa4f a th t4b, ut',. "larger sl*,cW for the purpow. of -1000- '. . !. h X wiviont a jwnny, #ir Rf)m(,. 4ither lik#., -*liar tius.10 advertio-nients agotion.froul place to plam. H P, Good Lot fit ther­�- o ok). for. winillor, ho-miolwl6king . him -aunt--all tifw-at. Mf-. 11041- if I MY his' Iwart, ...f(jr there wa�.l it im werp 116 sialn4l awliy- tol"Ijo tig.11t I the..- 018PIlIP-d at Wckholm Ej- RNI deft % &.1faudIKKI"D ti; tIlPro 1-14 --W )tllfvr #-n93Zf`- it won't or twi wili A.t Tilo eda"usr-, of t1w 'rtilaij the -Lilluto'.-mvn 4-anilLa p!4yed thall Wastar WMIG to W , . L . . . for Simoitili, HospitF.l for C(ni.,5uwptivt,b. Ar.,.erlcav Oil. -nt. and Wjor tyra , r 0� wtei.p iitope:, of thei. eliff, �; ; , I (), ' IN ­ 1 4 i*01RI1 you 1g,jill -:Ipx tilit t 1,,. 41 'j4kj . Pi p. Wit ty I rt 4tood' a o I LA ofted a od, 11 -i M t' P.. ft# -r imels In My weaknew aiml 127 -feet high. 'ni4.- (ower-part.-A-hich, A Berlin hospitkil has one romi NA pf. I down a few y!� '-Vnw, WIU- plIly pay. In flivi 15"AL) KNEADED BY P4AC'HINERY. [lag #".n, Nfix Jerrn,'t,' foliy,- bliful U)'What I , i xls betbre stop e-, I WHO If ten'!ed,to, my dlity.- pirig in a rcprcwnt att'old,$Wf& We f9r pat4ents,with lung di9eases; WATER -Of er rwr Ilark wi�il thitile -Att -'ad(iiti,01141 ehar�t, .(A WHITE. offa cily Oil ft I werit'lie.adlong.ititt) tjljjt� oine-'ititrter 1uh en *.Its In reality aft eijor-6 De -ilitently, -inoils,s r (Unittod.) guilt lie fittm list4�nivx A Keelianical Baker That Turns Out Zhe air i artificially impregnated lw*t for '.%Iyra to olo will bft- ok-4pa -44 a -eek I alt -ort- hel'o;oe tl.o� ;jItjr to nit !�erY tinl6the t IR-tilro of bricks an(I nioetar with malt. and this air call be freely tt) illarry, wo vt.�..to got rift or ti� atit- ife tile sound wa, nat %,rjr0. in. �u I which. wam fi%tablishetl Finished Loaves. should.um part. &xbd, in -privaLe :I �u)prfee' breathed by the consuillptive, presum- b."", 41r.4 re, Vree, Toronto. ad- wtuipped i -a W repeal�ed,--all w`aa Ptill a�4 deth but, lllf.6f Li mat, f6r.offic,ii, at V, M Iiii"Ition if) whiell., 8110 I� 'it IN my' fate,� aim) thowe the.man's ulmn I' arild ClUI)tj. PIOYMW ory, )ere beolnue fainfliar.4 tibly with go(xi ramilte. Wif#- tfj convict HPrvIpg tinw. Chan&.11 P iatl-beon i4irreit], and. 'quarters ot a eetit fi* h worltell six hours*al.dn�. The Uitll utt-anj broad and aerated ' .,rkery lito lieAxt beat 11)WIl" that wns A sukall extrs� charge -ai86 seet-res t he bas:!,of.thp chh' 0mo Hkild, it give,4 mt a hwkk, "But painful.. Olriitiek coypred a hvftt,e and iiii kikow that .61 t,#!Il titer%! IS il#.lt" Con. -tits 4 4U feet Rqtiaro.. T6 come to tjet4ills. it Part in the ni.inufacturot - tsf of' it. tliere, .1 'will.not tirivift.go of having toe te IYO Winard's Liniment Cures Dandraf. FOR A It wtw not t1lat lie wam particularly -telephoilb,l W, the'eandlfwfle an I've, MY our * pjW" w I thou t k Itself.was -17 feet h4h. tbiq vf-mry txminodity, bqt my we- wanli4c in cx)iir,,We, but, #that In here 1V 10,40(m acres #oxxi tanning lHaids in Arense. Ithwo n1ind tilp,­and I ahall go, illg*. him onell, more - Im-fore ine m, it Waa rimpow1ble to bile tho latpat aspiritrit ror h(mors III tlti� Qtlickelln- for Scald". 15. r by� tlie darkita taeti—wav� fully 80 ftv�t; its diatupter line 'doew nlnvmt all. thp work, ouittles. Mi(+*n1i woullf." sait-I Gue"t f-APT131- holding my h a nd. with Ws A&ip back tlm,' thtAlght. that a dasper- M. Ity. llk)troit, Maemse e ss*p f Ro 11;7 orlds, E't 41T E "F.4y And. lbray-. wljy, sar criptl oy ml -The oftleat� piem of wi6dght I r, oil -I it *a�v 8 1�2 feet: The. C(Tt. to ent INSULT +0 IN'JURY. atioi Loon Lake It At lirietv rotiging (mm belling we th4t I ain libi W-Ife, itte man who had %t9len Out or hidden appearalk* of this 11hif OT 'Its height 1#r' $2 to #5 por lsmdo� are vkwe to eas- the �),!#1 Lilly xharply. and," tiho er"I pa."kmately an a low rn I exkvt�nce i� belleyod to Oe I a, ro' lly "extra ordina ry trittk,# trophy -was t takon tip b ifii that the "No, no," said she, " we now must ght I* Itirking clow by, ready to' ug "I tli�ought. it w6t0i tapping, was heard at the door, olleft remarkable an' erforuallor liew (om ll., (trillIVII444, W-11006, et.. ilnlxmiltk--' The *workinK t4tit Of UIP-Mitchino is -,.-Pry part a tid wW tw oold 4 wii tito" (at vomble ter nto6 Ap- t.-pring vipon hlin.lh an,unguarded ino.. fashioned jfickl� blade Joufid. by Cufet erinfuw-,Uy. ini wAlthig for tho oily when 41PwIll ment, drive. hJm off the cliff'Fhelf whIch zolli in Kaynuts. near Theb6s. e0lowil candlestirk was lialilted witli compact. At thok top is a trap door 'Tis uselew thus to plelid, y1v to IL 114. 11"ien't, HAY City. or For SC)Mf,f)nf% Wo know, 00 -X lt'wam,. oil niumInum 1)(nvder until It shone opening don-11witr4l' W. (,Urt&. Whit' Tile 41011911 f-116 And, t1jougli is wr*ncll 10vi, gi en otir .01 anil eome, wherciver I way fcrrne(i Us lxmt. acd all would be over, imbt�kled W.iijortar tinder -th,6 base- like silv'er. At night. IA)O.* oft thlo door an -.1 Plissm through fo heart, no, sir. Tht'k all twor now..Sonie to 'ejaiM im, and bid me follow In an lnAan-t.'Fcr*a fall there meant of th fthijiX, (Lmt On 1hat *account sin elmtric archlight- of 7.(X)t) (or. w -to of two rollers I--' NAU-r- treat their tivP9 an Illn, whawver M11V be I1IX fufnv- b gig- *111h , Aft t.1 0P U1 a, I &-3ucu wound is stuall, incleed; s f It) la known as "the vickle of the Sphinx." � dinary) ennd1&pQwer'cast its beants (orent distances apart, Wlien the wilorow)y U16.1r, �4,ttm,. mfw)ngP -A nd 1 shati hato to gyj-- to I shalt leave ervid i oT i W t1ije r4)cktj below. It is now In the hritish njuseu' for ty eumnalt of tile them neatly, rnako tlll-i14 Cleall, And _g "They ishan't take me unawares," hs 10 believ&l to w. anti f row the wick dkmg1t leave_q thin UIHL Pair it in only For I recall your attitude y 4,000 years over tim- whole exhibi -you clench bc nearl" ' 1wxin all over again. 1:'.%Iyra," whis1wreil Edie, throwing flmolight, wid theoi he lwv4tated am to oil groutids. All. on(".All Awhoel am teeth 911t1l of an inch thick, and has okt tpgother t1w, c been thoroughly knenill-ti. C H A ITF I,' X V1, laitr arnis alm)ut .'her eowslWm neck,, % liether lie shonkl give the alarm by Offt Of tile -monster* wa's It then And. apelike, stoop. w I conclude nbout $10.000.- tillsh, piay! Pray huAli ! AUntit- is firing Ido piece. 'Tis but it monkey wrendh!" MIA11 Have U) GO." - _a I . , fallm "lux, 11, Pioce of canvas attacileti ..Tho 060hess ot Northutaber,land Imm Aoo two TcAlerw- The rolleni (.ome to-. at ).r: sloo-niust not hear you Iii -an instant lie *had ra.liled 'aad a curotus yetr pas*w,-4f r.tj)is3_v awaY.. oluriliki . -.t,llg- Aot It, It is faCt that the lion talk Jikt: thbi. The..w)- terrible fit@ III.,* finger was oil the trigger, Out*. 6 4h4*.FWh1ch formOrly belongod-,So Y- gether, - forjuji-ig it -ketirt- fhr Itruiwo. 1.7,. w1l 11 tirTle wcrss P009Pt with the Qnit pretty art,. only r6r- mo to hear nty own sh-i- lie d6l not make its flash cut th6 COarks X. Of. Fravoe, Anol was bee wits never', known In,' the 1'njt4A ranvas, which forum thii. dough illto - CCXWW, t tir-) Ponr It( YW inn, i,r to that nian­ 14tatm till Imported -from England. tc r,, j) -r- ay, pray he calru." dkrkne,.m for a 'moment and Ita re- l0ftt 1111111"N', 11116 witelt the rollero be IraUtutim wimop. tl..e* ikew c traitor GRANDMA IS A LITTLE TIN.111i. T 111or toncip, her kljLwa, had the, tiesir- port ran re-echoing along the. clift amto agaiii the kkaf, in tilrowil out Grandma um&t too t;pin. but no% - ea erowt; and as the tapping at the "What for?" he Raid. to, himselfs,� nPoin a table. The operator, however. 1=1 I UU9 uluell ooptrit InW-hbos wi)rk tliat doo)r %va+i rs-sumed, '.%lyra iank d6vm "bring the fp1lowa here to laugh at ;y so ION usually grasps Ule dougli as tile Grandma dotlini't care to; (;u@A ~ Gaxne' to' the etwic-lupicol 14014)lng on' a chair, and bur1W her me because I heard'a rabbit oil the - ------ 4611prs oppji, and plitees it in the i)an Fact is wlw*lg have altew W). That tie mri4t have tiv.04-4.1_ Ills Imst mislie(l fafA� In Edle's. breast. move. I should w -ver -hear the last 'reftdY upon the table to be mit, 1nto Grandma (kx-sn't dam to. allter the fA01114AT, 041996,4" 1117 th0 A41 ti mirnJ-s pigtor. For 11wre. were Tio (7#APrF.R xyli.. 10 OvPn. Running -it vpry PaRy jjIWpd ninebine 'will knead dZid njould.34 aking t To'be Continued) tht, Winard'o Liniment.0am Bum, elr. qb��y ConfjollCTICM And It wao otily, tire, hp Unge. loft"(wj a minute. The, dough im. fed ;on 'that stratuon Tylight t,* lilt(b tile nii'chine by a dil AL ouppm", no to") the, fkAlig" of the Nigjit 'lk.Lt Tlw- Foreltulij--viliAl it Haivr th . appoil "Children. air carrier SP41� iiUSIODS. well lriffffffwd I .. fAmily atwv)AA durk jjlghf�; tim! J"C" riot dike' for oh which tin Cups *aA large an a "When a woman buyu ft law m- niowor At 1&,t ogle nrt-pr -twii . Ig ex hauM 4ad when #ihe arose not fikely Laugh" at 'tllelr� fault*;' eneourae saucer, but deeper, are fixed every two mbe thinks she caa-ruil it liervelf." a it too ' be seen. for tAw heavy clou(N white lieb; give thein 411103r,o"way; or three inchm. JK'acll cup 1101(ig elloufirl, .6yf" ?00, pectant wid on thvl�is fe' wideb bI - dtdrtj. Lighw toll them potty untruths; 11glie'thein maolle 11L.4 way to J�ayl4vvater. ot�tw4 out thL AMWII f0f 0110 loaf of breft'd, just 7W "And aftw dw ti&s it it week she the cup re4ehes the trqp. door it tkiltbi out she c*an*t oven wake her tjO ejLbmWI ivy a_rirr,iit,#?iui rout#-. wt-, Wf're out Imthe gmat.buikling, which witat they cry for; shout at'the top stOod up by many win- cor your I volco at them ; nov4ir encour- can -be. driven in or -driven- out.. Dr, Aye'es Sarsaparilla turns over a pulley to go back to Iluohalld run It.** 'oomy the * buge 11194 tr[10 (k)ugll tal)le, U111 U10 dough falls The r&mlly flad ittpt mtrirrie4l, 1,11t floviliml, . And , IMUding �11 � their offortu to do better; fly drives disease out. -Of ibe blood. Many ediCines supprem upon the trap door. Two tueii at the -cromied by . wall and Inuo a pamlon with thein several tlnmw M %be" were pgiieterx at work ; and ex-' promontory, r" . [I'm W d0ugh tabl(w fill tile (.1' inard ellwt hy titis tie r,,i= at W-0 -jo. wks,- anid with wntries be- a dity; punbili titem it tiipy OreAk disease -cover Jt but donvt­cure it. - Dr. Ayer's &nu- parilla 'PH ns fnot as e Liniment Relieves , Neuralgia. was dbeown up. a nd aA stion. &X h4a ll&f [ tween the convict . eatijAiih- gomo tfifie'lpy accident,; doti't enter thoy Pam. 4 .- curei; all - diseases ..originating in inipure blood by purifying tile (441 lady ti 'htpn- Ment arxJ the inainlanlL The iTito their gamf*; whon they t�qkfor.* I ­ -1 Wwth Dying I'Par. "Itom hands 9 Inrorination toll them to be tibias the blood it8elf. Foul . blood mAkes a foul b6dY. __ Make the .1 . sd 1wr Ups aji(l shook her licad at other tftr*V sides had the waves, Odd:Facts and rig I F4uuLly I-1hymiclati- Well. I cotigra- lot them think the streetil are the blood plvo'and ther body will be sound. Throul uren. wis-lich, washod the -nearly perpep- h -the blood him. dirlilar 1'recipk�M for warder -i, an . d best plaw to play; never take any _K As many as 4,061 illusel(w 1111vtv b&M tulate you! "All wy gorid afivice tbrown Dr., Ayer's Sarsaparilla., cures eczeTn -boi* �r�ptwm con Patient (excitedly) -Then you think I . a, tetter bvy,-- mho said. "Now,, no eAft-11, i rt'u,V,P i t .vas only hero and there that an notice or their childish sorrows: don't a P tit4xi- I it the body of a moth. I will rvcover ? mws?" artivo Inan well acquainted witlithe have atu toyx or Waythinip 6sied humors, rheu'tnatism, , nd all wrofulow d1iAease&_,,_,... 1�0 lower than 1.17:1 llersotiN have Fa-mily Myxieian-Not oxawtly ; llut been buried In Westminster Abbey. m," be cried. "I only c-11 W ' -'tf" frould doLk4entl txp tho sea, and goell around the liouw�; don't bother your- Dr. Ayees 0araparilla wam -recommended to so. *my aftnr romultation wo find that your h th* JUL at -liantancealilp was uot likely Neir ni)out witow imune they go to; ph 16dino' Is a crude alkaline ulatter. thwwwo in eutArely novel. anti if the ysician as a blood purifier. When I began taking. 19 1 hd Produced by the combustion of Nea- mjj4.,..pv mffio.idi Am *&Mug U.0 to b tho wretched men don't troublo Inviting their coinimn- r.7yeZo,7a;�d saw Wat there were marched o". %_ I(xw to yoor house. always take part 14 "K8 Or bous all over my Ixgly, nut one bottle curl& UL %V0441 Im MA7 lk#,riA and guarded, wo have declded to name It, nf ter you. 2-' consider Dr. Ayer18 the bmt 'blood -All the towtvi,ol Swe(jen are to t he grea 'riny afWr against their teacherm; -find try to , eouncc_ work "Anting.-- atilt thell CARWally. wal;r. lay, much as po'em1ble t1lat YOU made." -BONNE?. CRAf-r, Wet;Wn, MiSL ted by toelephone, )wned by the Clov- A8k rour Dealer for WIPPI" ! -.9 forget As elftrulateol Mists JPrrold. I bn c k to Haff a million packe of plarit vit r(IN 11%M lm&y mma my borcotber1a going th4lir celw wero orim young yourself. arnment. 3 to sold In Great l3ritain yeftry. A S timew $)m wenti"I duty out.,_ During tho last century one fill,,- a illo I building mold mally be relaxed on lot nc4 CcAng to - realfiLl a girl getu married she seldom .7 dred lakes III tLe Tyrol have subodded JAM Truolows 000thl"a it thp "a flde, forthe bilk)wiv came thun and disappgared. yrup ft's "evor f3O ECK H'S tl' 1064"old smiting the polkliml rocks be ahojlto�w good her father ujoed to ftfUtiellawiedy. It not only relieve* Lhe child .,*; jyou &re rjq0a; tV,,ring In, I rpm pain It eb 111 juitl flying jilgh In -air with a dpafen. wholl a ff;Rg clothes for her. but invifOmtmll the NUMnach and Qn1ekeure for Cuta, 1:1. 21S. I' (k-. %OW0101. CXW9VWtA &O-4dity, &ad givell Umf and 8RUSHES AND BROOMS. 11 PMVK W but iM a Calni,* warni, dark wales. by a wodfiA lost any of it's enem to bhe whole system it Wili alaw natilt" )cqoquIy. in din P pt"Iblo for Oraslon. they 0 mt ror P&I* by &11 LAod low Roumm. Abiough, W911t,'wilOn It w a-4 a arty never renewed. 0 It's all work and no play for the 111111141"47 cuiv gTiPing in the auWasch oubd wind # I I , r ----- - Iflan who pumps the organ. mlie. MoUbwa. don*t ftd to protoom IL Twenty 0&AJL 111101110KH a BOX*. KlLrurw4murem tl ve cotift a bottle I*lk)NW ONT 11111111111iin 7 -AM