Lucknow Sentinel, 1898-04-15, Page 4i flaw= 11 few The Luc knoweentin ,, Bruce BELFAST. Alines Mary and Lizzie Dowd. surds, are the guests of Mr. and .1111. S. Boyd. .Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rutherford, of Michigan, are renewing old acquaint tames in this vicinity. W Ituuio; _A % e•ry pretty wedding took piece at the home of Mr. Joseph spews, on W eanesday evening, when their JMrghte•r Jennie was United in the holy bonds to %Ir. Levi Bayle, of Kinlose The western sun was wheel- ' ing on his course and as the organ •peeled forth the wedding march the couple were ushered in and supported by the bride's sister, Maggie, and Mr. ',Wesley Boyle, brother to the groom. • ZIRev. S. M Whaley, of St. Helens, few of our snaps :— porformed the ceremony with a grace 1.3.► which roves haus an expert. I'hQ wpman's Dongola Button, Self Tip, Coin Toe, Sp3clal - $1.35 P a usual congratulations followed. e R. HOES, O1othi, Soot: &Shoes. He won't use it, because its " shine" lasts too loot, and seems too simple ' P ys him better to use a was -pore-filler, and polish up a previous polish. Paid by . th a week, instead of by the pair, he'd shine the actual leather, hard and smooth surfaced, with The Hulk of our spring stock has arrived, which consist of the nobbiest and ►est values ever presented to our custom-- ers, BOOTS A-I\TD SEIOES.- Below is a f ll d Tl' Woman's Dongol. Button, Pat Tip, Coin Toe .. • .. 1.50 bead �, wh•� is n special favorite, was , ' �2 35 only '. 0 Woman's Donn: Button; Self Tip; Turn, worth . 1 l ver, prettily attired in cream cash a ooT sere, trimmed with satin. A riLh -epaat next received the closest atten- tion of the guests, and .merriment, jest and music tilled in the evening most p:easantly. The array . of pre- sents was a suitable tribute a the comely bride. In character they are of rich quality and practical utility. At a seemly hour the complus bade the host and hostess farewell•, wished the happy couple bur euyitfie.' and betook them to their several • bootee. :`Sst�` Woman's Dongola Oxford, Pat Tip. Coin oe . . Men's Dongola Congress, Coin Toe,Special Men's Dongola :Laced, Coin roe, Special.. Men's Dongola Tan, .Laced, Coin Toe:. CLOTHING - Men's all wool tweed suits, best of Farmer's satin linings, worth $10 for $9. Meu's -black Venetian coat and vest, events convey a valuable lesson, -which '- Olill'and best Of liningsonly S$ . should not soon he forgotten. _ KA]F'U) CITY. Ftarmers are busy plowing, • hen's all wool ('steradian tweed suits, good linins and well made, special at $4.75. a Nfen's `Canadian .tweed pants, made as Mrs. J. Fisher spent Easter with _ cr friends in Winghamt. well as the best,( worth $1._'5, now selling Mr. McKenzie, of the County town for $1,00 visited friends here this. week. Mrs. •Knechtel and• two children - of Wingham, spent -a few defy' lust week the guest of her mother here Mr. said Mrs. Gooding, of the Nl.,.h 1 Farm, Guelph, were the' guests of Eli's Campbell, last week. Mrs. Coulter and daughter, of tltip- ley, spent Easter with her parents. Mr. McLean, of Ki nloa ;, called' on friends here last week. We are glad to report the• sick list decreasing this week. HOLY HOOD. 1.50 ▪ .. 1.50 • 75 (1 The report of S.S. No.. 4. • Kinloss !or the month of April. The three highest in each class. �, >,.rav At,nl-t)'.h,.1~ 5th. Class —Max, 560-1': Ackert, asses: fur the purpose of coni rr+a►; app sea - Sole agent for illiams' side laced plough shoes. tcrseIistrict of South Bruce TUAT NOTIcE IS i1EItEBY GIt'F.. " a 'fleeting ►,f the Bobrcl of License I .lHmissu„ners for the `t,,ath'Ridin • of llruce, y► ill be h 1111 the Walker House, Walkerton, ► $"$ at 11 o clock '029 k ,�n ar � .d 1 M. Hamilton, i' 3 ti ns for Licenses, under the Lt• tnur License rw 49 ); C. Sa ►mons 480; A. '► :w, ah •' ; brewers, 3, Ackert, � 1. -hotel* olw, Jr. 4th—Max 110—R. Hamilton, , 379; M. ltathwell, 197; W. Erwin, 162. Sr. 3ri—Max. 750—C. Carleton, E. Osrleton, 437; E. Forn, 31)1. Jr. 3rd—Max. 730—K. plc Intosh, 700; F. Erwin, 672; M Forn, 1. . Sr. 2nd—Max. 600----E. Fitzelle,. 416; C. Bailey, 338; W. Bowen, 300 Pt. 2nd -N. Fitzelle; E. Rathwell, E. Browncombe. . Sr. Pt. 1—G. Brownsconabe, A.' Strath, I), Carleton. Jr. Pt. 1—W. Brownscombe, P. Browncombe. • A. MARSH ALL, Teacher. The Orizinal - ' Act �d Ontario., for the license years 18:►tt-y"�. Sr. 4th—Max. 810—Ernie Ackert, •�s ser ,►f licensee i�►+ued fore years 1897 -98 WEBSTER'S UNABRIDCED DICTIONARY 1281 PAGES FOR 75 CENTS. . Only a limited number will be sold. at this- price, and only one to each customer, at Berry'S drug & Fancy Goods store, BEES IN THE. OKCHARD. Macy fruit growers do not thorough- ly appreciate the value of bees in an orchard or there would he more or- chards with bees in thein. Their value in an orchard was demonstrated • in a most practical way at the Oregon Experiment Station some years ago. A few peach trees were forced into bloom is November and a colony of bees were placed in the house when the trees began to bloom. For some days, however, a heavy fog prevented the bees from working. Although the flowers were open not a bee was seen upon them, The result was that not it peach dropped at the stoning season, the time all sterile fruit falls. The crop was so heavy thee it had to be thinned out. As a check tsst one tree was protected so that not a bee could get at it. On this tree the fruit dropped at the stoning period. Bees anti other insects have a duty to per- form in the orchard, for which there is no substitute provided. This is the distribution of the pollen from Clower to flower and from tree to tree. They insure success in the orchard and ,,every f,uit grower should encourage the bees in their work by not spraying or doing anything that be injurious. to the bees while the trees are in fuli bloom.—Farming. N amber of•spplicationsfor licenses ;eve ivt.1 t .r year`s#18'8-99 ;—Ta‘ erns, 3r;; shops, '2; 1,rewer�s, 3. Applications were received from partici' win► •re not now licensee. under the Act, as f oll�►wy .tnbu Ii. Messner, .'f the Hartley Mats., on Durban, street, Walkerton. John Connor, ,�f the Eden Grove hotel, - Eden Grove. A, Z. DAVISON, NEW FURNITURE WARE ROOMS. i,A1ER SHOE PALISH J. G. MURDOCH & CO., Sole Agents. WRAPPERS �d WH ITEWARE llg - AllllOUllcCMfltS Call and see the lovely organdies with Batiste to match, ch, also Batistegoodi in plaidand Roman stripe for Blouse waists. JUSTOPENED klIS. SMITH'S,si..nice choice in jetted fronts and jAt et,trimming in different widths and at reasonable prices. .�... SOLS �A� In black and colours, and everything to make up a handsome outfit fur ladies and children. HATS FROM 25 cents AND UPWARDS, at Mrs. Smith's Having secured the premises lately occupied by G.W. BERRY as a Furniture ware Room, Th • I have recently fitted it with •the newest de All license monies roust be deposited in tit* • '.sna•liau Bank of • Cotamercr, Walkerton., where deposit receipts will be given, . • • JAMES BRYAN... InApector'i (Abet., Inspector. Lucknow, April 4th., 1$t'8. signs of all kinds of Household Furniture. As. , T to quality, they are unequalled. J� C��J j�T V �� e away down. All goods are tNncght for spot R• asIt'LEOD'S SYSTEM f ore I can sell at as c. se a pesos , casae, three any person in the country. Why buy in To- —t1F-- ronto and pay freight, subject to damage, when you can save this at home' -When at ,. T. DAIVSON'S inspect anti. -„by con- vinced. at To'ichesThe Spot MORTGAGE - SALE OF HOTEL, U.-DER and by virtue of the power of Sale contained in a Mortgage from GLo. H. Gr:T1r and his wife to Arcs REIU, dated the 15th day of February, 1897, there will be sold by Public Auction at McGarry's hotel in the v iIIa,Ze of Ltickoow. iOntario, ntr8, ,an Thursday the 28th day o'clock in the afternoon,- the Mit ►otel and prem- ises connected therewith now occupied by the Mortgagor, situate on Village loot mmber 508 in the Village of Lucknosr, in the County of Bruce, Ontario, and the lot adjoiin;ng said - lot SOS now lased in connection with the Raid. This hotel i, a desirable•,rne, hating a good business anti improvements have been lately made thereon. - .. TERMS OF STALE: $'_0O down on the day of *ale and !400 more when pos*eesi•,n given and the balance: on Mortgage on the property, payable aPossession llin S or 5 will year as may be- agree p, be delivered to the purchaser by the vendor. For further particular* appyto the- 'under - !dined ter, .►r to 1'. A.. , Lucknow. or to the Auctioneer. ,.f ♦ ►rib Dated at Ingersoll. this. 1st day l PETER Colta1..• `, Auctioneer. Sol. for Vendor. • h The price is- have passed into stock a complete r.Inge of going Ladieo' We justpa� ' ware. No more reed of worrying as to how you are 411 V4 kite get your spring sewing- done. You can purchase them from us all ready-made, better made and a good deal cheaper than y make them yourselves. rHE . UNDIRTAKING DEPARTMENT 1s go•idut tel at the old stand, which has been entirely renovated. MORTGAGE a-' SALE . A Iiol'Si• LTTCKNOW Wedaose ay, April 20th., 1893. At 12,30,.w., then will be *0101 by public auction The south half of the south half of lot number Mix in . the twelfth concsesion, western division of the Township of Ashtiv1d, in the Coanty of Huron, containing 50 acres inure or less save and except one-eighth of an &cry more or less off the south West corner therot.. • For further particulars and conditions of .ale, see poster% or . apply to CRONYN A BETTS, I' r to C'ooresi+:��, Vendors' Solicitors, London, Ont. Auctioneer, Holylnwd, Ont. FARM FOR SALE BSING THE SOUTH WEST QL'AR- ter.of lot 13, in the 11th. concession of West Wawar:oeh. containing 50 acres more or less. The nced and contains a good stable placeThe farms ise well watered. For further particulars apply to ANDREW MULLIN, l,uchnow 1', t), Embalming Preserving an& Taking Cara cf So&ioa a Spoc- ia1tF• The Embalming; Fluid, material and aF- pliances used have pros en to be the most effectual that have ever been used for the pant twenty. years. R. P. Somerville, AGZNT rola Allan Line Royal Mail Steamships and Dominion Line Steamships. HOUSE AID LOT FOR SALE. ilirPicture Framing and all kinds of Rs- pairiny done at the old stand . • i AY1A)i E IiOUSE AND LOT FOR axle cheap: •`situated on Stauffer street in this village. The lot contains one quarter of an acre. and there is a good stable on the dace. This property was 'formerly ow.•ned y the late I).►v 11► M. Ross. For further particulars, apply to the Executors. ♦V�t. (. JoIY:40N, Lucknow, 3. S. McloN.►L1,, Ripley. Tickets via -New Fork and Montroal. Gall at Express office and get yoilr tickets. We will sccrlre i)(,rthM, check your buggael awl .10 ► every thing t11 f.ave you trouble and make von comfortable. Weak and Impure Blood Liver and Kidney Diseases, Female Complaints, etc. McKEIffZTh Baker and Confectioner. Dealer in ally kinds of Groceries, Canned Goods Confectionery, Etc, Bread, Buns • and Cakes . . Fresh Daily Flour, Oatmeal and meal always on hand Als>< Urn Corn, THE- PHRENOLLNE REMEDIES High Quality ! Paterson's Biscuits! They are fine flavour, crisp, hut not too hard. I get them often; I get them fresh. I know they are al- ways good at liaavatAle arAllig swap= t as.....gasImmo. gas it v' a tort or Write direct to J. M. McLeod, CoDEKlcli, Ont. . Sold by Harry Days, Lucknow iiH•+ Corset covers, from 25 cents up Underskirts, from 50 cents up Nizht gowns, from 50 cents up Drawers, from 25 cents up 2 We have also a nice assortment of, Ladies' Ready-made Wrappers, at 75c, $1 00, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75. J. e 0.0. � STA-NJJ�R� p. .TT]RI�TS- AG-EN'='S M. CORRIGAN'S DPE-B3 Is amatter of il.'terest to a lady. Weer o get the . • i o decide. prettiest and best is at times, a hard duestiun The selection we show, seldom fails to convince intend- ing purchasers that ours is tke store in which to buy DR -ESS GOODS. . *Via aitahlantitalr P/SrAIMMAKI Is also filled with new and fashionable goods. Orders tilett with Misa Pentland, receive the very best atten- on. We ale always pleased to SHOW GOODS and QUOTE PRICES. - WM. CONNELL -_ LUCKNOW. Is the place to make your selections in CROCKERY GLASSWARE, GROCERIES & PROVISIONS I have in stock the following : %pples ;Slacking. Black Lead • . Blue ` Baking Powders Barret', rt Bath prick Beans Broom* Baskets Brushes Biscuit Coffee Confectionery Canned Goods' CocOal - Ch colate Corn, canned . Corn meal Currants Currie Powder Cream Tarter ' - C000an t a Dates A-1 Flour always Pried Apple Extracts pies•:. Fish, alined l'ish, dried Gelotioe Gingers Hopei , . - Honey - Ink Indigo . Licorice Lime Juice ' - lemons • ].amps • Lard Matches Mince Meat Meal ' Macaroni M u stard Meat*, canned Magnesia , . Taking the lead everywhere. We are working day and night to supply the demand. Our correspondence shows that hundreds upon hundreds of poor sufferers are being restored to health and happiness daily. Try Our Rheumatic Specific or Kidney and Liver Pills. They are absolutely pure and health- ful. Guaranteed to cure Rheuma- ti4m, Sciatica, Neuralgia, lumbago, and all forme of Kidney and Liver troubles. g. XcE.enzio'g ▪ Os' Wooa's PhOlTilaine The &eat English Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine dtsoovere . Bis . _ guaranteed to care all tins o Sema We nese, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Ezeeae1ve use of To- bse°, opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price. one paekae 11, et:, 115. One will pi toUi curs. -Pamphlets free to an address. TM Weed Conway, W LDasor, O>srr Sold in Lucknow by Dr. D. M. Gordon, Druggist on hand. Nutmeg 4 Ill. olive! t ►i l , sweet Oil i cestee • 1)rongea lc hit Meal. Pails . Peels • I'itie•s . . Pickle , retailing` Pei s.csasya Fehper - - Rai:,sins Rice . . 'triFloor' •=:ra . $al Salmon Sardiees :retina , - Seed. ..:sine . SYTnns - • Soda Soaps Spices Starch Strawberries, canoe Sulpher"', Tapioca Tomatoes.caYst) Teas Tobaccoes . Verusicell Vinegars Washboard Washbo,arols Washing Crysta Wo, odeuware Whiting — Dinner Sets Yeast Cakes Dinner Sets Tea Sete Nater Setts ('ream Setts . Berry Setts •r.silet Setts Furniture. ' Furws ture. FIIRNITURE. ware of spurious imitations Manufactured on Honor and Sold on Merit only by . . . • BERRY 8z -00 Bedroom Suits, Bed Springs, Matresses, and Everything in . the Furniture Line. . OES w h,W1M/W Ifyou want the inside price in boots and shoes, read the follom ing. We have reduced the price of our own make of men's laced boots. • Shelled cordovan from $4.50 to $3.75, and men's kid boots from $4.50 to $4,00. All lines of- handmade and ready-made shoes in propor- tion. We have a large stock of boots, shoes and rubbers• in all lines. Reniemner, we warrant everything we sell. Ify our boots rip, bring them back and we will mend them free of charge. Repairing done on shortest notice. W1AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ANOAAONAAAAAAAI""AMAAAA MOW TERMS : Cash or credit. A liberal discount off for cash. LITTLE, LU mssdilmor Window Shades, Ourtain Poles, Pictures & Picture Frames, Etc, Etc. Repairing and Picture Framing and a Full Line of Upholstered Goods. Our Undertaking Department isCom- fete in:. Every Respect. LawcCe 2g JOb.ntOL Green and ir-y wood wanted in exchange for furniture. e,R Embalming is our Specialty. Calls 0. Promptly Attend- ed to. S_ 4\ liTt CUSTOM TAILOR. 811ia's Block Having opened out business in the room over Mr. Wm. Connell's dry goods store,I i am prepared to turn out n the .1eatest manner and lat- est styles all sort of work pertaining to a first-class tailor shop. Satisfaction always guaranteed. A call solicited. To enter my rooms please come by way of main up -stair entrance of Arlin s block. • - Lucknow. --- — People must ave Groceries The firers question is where to get qualities to be had. We don't pretend to sell sell them at a very close margin. TEAS Black, (been and Japan are unequalled will, save from 5 to 10 cents per pound if you peddlers. Compare quality and prices. CROCKERY them. Wo keep the beet them below coat, but we do KNOW. ot)iine is fetter 1 1 For general use in the kitchen, or in tact in any part house than Enamelled -Ware. of the It takes the place of china and is UNBREAKABLE. We have a large stock always on band, consisting of • Tea pots Drinking mugs Water paiis Soap dishes Soup bowls Jelly plates Tea steepen; Saucers Water pitchers Dippers Soup plates Puddin dishes Soup ladels Tea kettles Drinking cups Basting spooris Sauce pans Wash basins Chambers Preserving kettles Dish pans Dinner plates Pie plates Rice boilers Skimmers And the prices are right. Thomas Lawrence, Lucknow, Out letter Than Ever Before ti in quality and prices. Yon buy from us instead of tea We have a fine assortment if dinner setts, tea, berry and toilet setts very cheap. Call, examine thein rd get prices. Hmmi) All kindm of flour and feed kept constantly on hand. Goods delivered to any part of tile town. McClure and Mallough, C.A.E311 (3-1:1003011B ft "A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever., And there is not anything in the home that gives the Cheer, Comfort and Joy, that a .0 .0 .0 .0 BEiAITTIFUL COOK OR PARLOR STOVE does, and there is a large and well selected stock of these.-beatttiful stoves at the I-OPULAR HARDWARE, that surpasses any previous as- sortment that has ever been on sale, and it is to the interest and profit of thos6 intending to pur- chtse a nice stock at a low price, to call and see the goods and get prices. All stoves guaranteed. D.C.TAYLOR, LUCKNOW. 0 t