Lucknow Sentinel, 1898-04-15, Page 2A r W_ W 1711! v:v. POR THE LIVER QU NZR PZOPLZ I N AU STRALI A SO f T�7w. allowing him tilt" way up to the chalk- of round ipy tii&, iiiiiii.-tel 0 R&ee ILIttle Superior to Anim&l And Ow. waved her %WVhk4 oel. Or J lal's Remedy for a.11 bilious APRIL in t.h* Interior. Thanks. I'll just look aroutid," Trouble& Bu t I lla*aril Wt. 111811dell ultheed fiffiv lie mals.1 careilessly; but the words did Late Gossip I)Uvltl W. Carnegip, 801, (of the Karl by-- IN- . k . 11ific the BOSTON PRINCESS. I kFie"tv It W.114 J + and its lie --of the-- of SOULIWWA. has returiiel U) I-�,tlg1fll'L4 not convey his meaning, or the side She r, a Bosumi. princess, he a'(_Ol- uttils, journey a niaA*ihe Mlium* walked slowly ititt), 0110 DYSPEPSIA* after a thirteen wo hould He Have -S 0 0 aitilew to study tabletA and monu- ado lord, ud 6 re&t I,y I orlde acrow the Great A'ictoria a wtsr4-ritig how lie wOuIA -out a worst for Round W I I re I udly sat beside lu,-r at the Sandy deserta of western Australia. Itok if she whotlildsuddenly put her mentis� he c -d not rend , . ill --- - — + that the two Pelv openers Erma mptuous banquet board, During him travels, which were fluts handt,: 4M Ilk, KhOuloders and ttaY: "N'0%%, thinking' Trid with costly viands site her seen 0w[mah, him dtil anniverlIANY Of tho the w)uth ttj the north of UIP cOlOIIY- I ant g4ting to kL-,; you," in it cinol A THRELLING STORY OF he muttereti. The one hundre co so deftly fed, 'Mr. Carnegie traversed nearly W00 au-thoriti-th-4- toue 11 What a fool I am! It. amell, Ifickiewicz. the N o %% rd of prai&t� escalwhi her, flat Paine's Celery Lompound lWdes of unmapped and ulielplored de- 4 Of courm they know. Eve birthday of Adarn CONSTANCY AND CRIM. I thilt went." was to' have been comment on the spread. sert in the interior of western Aus- Is, Wish I hadn't, uset great P011811 poet- W.1th sigh of satisfaction, vbe her tralia. Speaking of his journey, Mr. 13SUE NO. 16 1896. could not have observed In '%N't1trsaw,, but the propowd Wish 0 astication (*ased, ut than If been prohibited by the If a Prompt Banisher Of this airnegie said: met, very taken niore apparent intere cult-brittlon 11118 nall -ered with lines of Anii gentle voice lie askod tier "In the Interior we CHAPTER 111. evor that mail inay have i*vn liswore ill tlutt. tablet eo,% gOod pollm. had enjoyed the feast; a. They fire at tho altar W, ho his faithful wife." all lell9flui. Setting forth tile �ribes of wandering blacli A Bad Quartor of at% Uour. Smith. -late of protty blue ey" twinkled Jerrible and Fievailiu lilomadic. and this may be explained ?.$ Itobert The Prince of Naples' Master of tile And **Weil ­TiiI tisitith iiiii y%)%& tvirt, eh? Yeo, qualitiet; of tudy was- RO- 81 . at the th a "rkle of delight" by the fact that their wells soon be- yt*" yeo;" saitl Ltile Isphol(l tills been dis 184ed st' e admiral. t*VtlIY, this parish," but the H glances at IL [ICA � Ati m musically azowwed: ly, came exhausted. and they IIa%'P ftl- You ra Us. Ar. "but lweA4 dealt Intl gfxle and forgstt- ilDnit-xinied by furtive (wt (lunrter of request (q tile princess for presenting m beaus was out,of Night!" Evils ways to be on the move in, order to "No confound you: I did not. ring.' ti -1k: tilp"_ W 11tv, lipp*j to slig'him ul) watelt during tile long w lior at. it reception a Per9oll who - r .. .. obtain water. Their method Of llullt- Beg aure, gir. .1111 hour the yOun;g man had evOe J>1 had at Late time been a ballet girt- A W1,81-' MAIDEN., Ing. too. causes them to be alwayli pardon, air. I'm nt. f Palm membered to have 9Pe at the San Carlo Thmtre. A tit- uptown gisiq is wlw -I*yoll(l i ",ovin They met, light to a tract 0 Lowt-ric t*ll*i; a little out of order, Well, I juleall by gi,1115 *) wll�lt,%Tml But It ended at last. uippdd witIl g. nd then surround thif Chl"Idren lie -tier rs. Her hoine iw etl lip. McCord Used the Cempond I iiiiiniflex a burn dir Telltalem; allow wrtqig imuibers. 11 mil %%-ejI,iiI1g n hailf zworn It He'll Awx)n be bere no%% (lermany has nine. pitpers that ap- 111111 t1ii-h IN 'I verpPtual nd mpearm Malculln .11cm*41 was g his new hat a i� i,on( Ing bush and throw Iticklil a !it r. ': - . tA) him-gelf. as, carryin re than twice (tally, 79'that KOU of interest to her. ht the lizazds and rats that try to 00 'I Mg3ged a Suits, cr private roonts behinsil him. lip laft4le for another tab pear mo It 3, or two ago slip iCravely said: ort tl me that are not vcry robust nCcd A 0t,ar." % tw6lve or thirteen thites a At ARN H e Had Failed 'With oscape. Naturally in a very all - 6 'it tlitil; hot* -I, mitt tliere'-4 not -1 1416 i tilt, tiloif'., I'll% %% rong. Only. If" I 1,1st neiarer. the chnneel, while (I'verg appear 11, there tire Jumt two 1")plel the country gets burnt up. warrA119ty, bu.1ding and f at-fOTMinq of privacy." lia'd kiw%vit, I tihiiuld'havo'Put My fOot wili.,;perp bphiyxl film WI41 of pev%-" be- week 1,185 Ix ote seven 0times, iLI'Li ha%,f, rieler NEwit And anx 81111161m.u'li. ri. :MO ':kd' used for tw C lave The people are very da I o ->d --snai t n to ix swry. air. intivvd.' tkw.wti --haxd- %%by, "Voll :W:1&4 Itir: filled by thtw Wilt) wl-Alleoli to 1: 1,745 from tco to five times. Tile kno about.".� AlI Wher Medili-,;s, and to their bhw4Mes4'b y mmeririug theill- - -re I Ozlt th'a'. 0 'Ifint3wr five Mill- U I , �% d who art- tfie.y?` Inquired tier grease alid 1IKIl4"­_kt fll" _7 lint "Ami look 1�twv %%.-riter." hilltilig at it jlist flow." Zo(XI P141cf-R, 1111d 6; umber of speClill "Id twchnical pub- hs in the f all Y*d, air." ­ IA`t t110"PSIL.-At n'St? dt-ar". I ld it tem 'finmed -lit the lications 111 18!)7 was 3,0,)G. j.Mant It. wiliell Illakem tlwir prew-lim, kIlow" "t tl-.::y mav not suffer from Co "Time lie wam helm tholig I*(- other ix was Quickly Cured. They art, "'Witoln you :htdr4-ss uic it I-% cimt(yul- g-mi0y. is forti Ie is G4141 11114141 u considerable distatiM. Sir Mark." thlas awritilig lily dar Upson liekl,. of Boston., I Ike r3r to may olarly arrival; R1141,�11mult-dillig 11 willitivill Jai tra 1. very ugly—more monke'vii Jillitil "Of courer. Sir Nlark ; naY uli"lltalkV, litig. Itut, I-Alwayaii rcel IA if I Ought ttlde rea4w for twilig staAred -at alld &Cittod to make' an attempt to itti their flitt tor(o- SCOTTPS Sir Mark. Ill minki in flititre." '%Iyr:i 1111011 Ile walked flulptly has N4 0 tot,l) t*v TH 1-' .11. anything Pike, w As -at rifle lIIK)j40KU1k1b tO VilIll, - awl, in T PI iw,, tk Ifuleel. racM round. and reach the sacred city of lha heittim and I'motrudir "H.%.s the carriagi- arrivetl?' toward tho el at tho three 'nbet. Ile PrOposeig to approach the I'm not particularly proud of el, Try they are very thin and of t4m EMU"ION "Not yet. Sir Mark." ttut I liny ysis. clever. -%,valted. otaring blankly st altli with tho assistance My icestry. in'tractag it up I rall R You are a Suffer 111441 A litiol"hirel I'sliz,4AId 1114.. 2110 1 or fonr wore )f fiicog watching him- city by e ture—on two OcCaNiOn" "Illy 1 sawmew tllatrWill 00. Nk, 1 0014 ustwort irbides, and then t6 %I at- it precious pair: wh(b ivere imwilrd of Hilfeet In height. -Thank yJ ag Ixre:ikifast- th . ibught yk.tir t,r.IoAtioll twillY maidt,ii- Kwerly. L)f tr ans of -a the Effi,acv of the iirt. ..ill xtiar� of Cod-Livcr Oil with Hvpopho- moftlent. The welildil id w, hilln"W. en ter and exanlitie it by me e V, it by ther landlord and c4ildren Pit( Everythiag in tsuite rmilY. 1 110104"?* IV rilirmlilittir. Yoe�; itaz ith III- t I" hoe W1 it execlute 66 1 0 -inurro. knowl"tige.0f -Nit" he wmie of the frientim here,* but- plan whiell lie thinks -he (tit ho -were ihey Great Medicine at Qicels naked. They matke tit 11(010 phites of Lime and Soda Su ­T!ie hend waiter has It it' .111il" �v it 1111,1 Ai4% - ry in. its Wly awkwar(I'l (to feel. without beltig perceived. iftliv and, Evcr." have no vilifilkle.S. The)- silaillY W04111 actly what they want. The I POI how etlytrolillt (1 411141 siplat, ill fx lookwi 91w wttrld, aliti ouch I V%. I me, t �Ur Mark. anti tlw tahle le in tilt- will %V34 Alkilltin'. out it Ito Ilk; will thrive, grow strong and K ho. 1 hate Of~ Wilet WWI(, spent $100 011, (;(K)I) MEMORY. witien- aw:I- rinst iAw our eanif lovely., ti IttI, viu.-; tt�tl giluCh for x" d evell If you're g4)ilig to lie Lallgftl- .%.Ik 1-1,001811 mail W1190 A avan'they n this splendid fc.( ­Thattlis. Ahein 3 1014. llow. I V011 M*..'and ' - 91. 1 to prckluclip iKtrate Orfit) haN latelY tit kell and car Were gr#*:itiy well all winter e leave. 1 ;11,.. if lilil h4A hill], ;it f4'" it� wtlul­ W!,y 1wilt StrattAm here . All Orchid hii'llb guaralitem M hiW, mau dli:kil- ivule-liter YOU Will'a I every inin- eited, never 114ving seen a w m becor � t: 1 wmo to Illante rival* I a fre virt - There were fre--h ar wilite -flower cult:v 'ted it fji)r t%vo thmelf it wig) -1 til'ink I've' wc"P W*-Ilri Itichardson ('4).. Nearly all of tV Is uli,,- 11.1yi. twou'differ, - it We never so rt.(l ;tlly tonic. te-tilly Jast th '-wrgivs-' "It- :111 tite. and OU4%%t KAZO(I alixi"111117 at, ere berore.011 :L Hiin-11-ir charge. -For over fi%f- years I before. ., If Is ft Deai Sirm, IV ut*-., A littl.. tout -of orde.r. w. Aer. &A thronixiv-1.11A.)t .01, lue urple, lillmsum. YOU 'o. yi&r watilt- Ilayp been 11 stifferer from (tyntlepsia, rrom thplil, I)ut when any of tIK"IT ery fund of it. For idults wl, I tht, till% Ills,,ipry I enust'd 'YOU - ttiward the d or, imt the arrival -4 were years 'alld Obta -1 'P -I&C-8, find , t) ilerly Primoner.7-N % - u#4 illorle they trie Tolle': of mY f*.%* -r eati91114 it that the. clerk or lie sued the vetutor ft;r tIILn14 -up. The last beak- I wtw afore w1i find have used it gTeat variety of got It tAp 1* are not very s"rongv Nl%- .1tar fttlier."" all female votifirnuxt a* tl&- e proved tri);1- East." drA 60 a allging cl!alliorw and t I I I,, Cou ri t * af A ppea I IL - 14-hentled old cove. ubt would 1111V COUM of tmatment Witt, I tol tt,.;biItg t iur verger wao rr * 2 --bO a 11 viedicillee without any - benefits ' or and if() do .%Il. thom I list )y wlike-h lIo_h;4ri-rover6 101111t.'i 11710 .1mlon I results. I was -advised to u0GA Isle Thv %%.6t* -r fiVk.-sl Ming plece. atild zwlill- S%1*,Itt4Ai*jL �:l tbekv thog, '111) by tile ecifilillullityl table. lie some if they had lieen given nisle'! Emulsion for a coupic pocketelt a nrw t lit, , 1M.St." iwao alipite and the. tv"tr'. liptsit which anQ "Sts. HAD NO 'USE FOR IT. aild olollcrtullity. The,%, are (Piliv "110' f anWill inwrt,"t at tile fill# 'we"'I ;kit Your Paine'ti Celery Compound, el,k-rly inall vV`h0 kept 41f 0111WO. d4lar., all eyf*t Were ttxpd UtIlL WIt'l*I's firt.Xtucled negiriy think I Will IlRVP U) buy you A -now, IIJIVilIg just about filli4it4i three Kret! removed fripin allilivalm ra UNe, 0 of montL, on the ary, )el it my duty to III- It will, lookins, Cori.f. -u4,­h4.:irWd .,love t1t)ne muttered 6UP-t, New So tho proprietor' oniv from tilf- Pill'oke 14Il(0!iV4,AI Whitt ."I gco . ti . - . -t it, boyttlew, I fe Pla: them through thC p�switig t1w routti %%itil 114'w�'P'llww t immer, a&4-110 Illastered a i4trong . demire to 10"k ,41x m0lion dozen oran" and 2.885 (lit I . heir hunting fires that we-wo,ro ill 14tmi Ilawl as he t4tikV4. waw -ss,)rt if 1)r4ylv�l 1 (11, Imet.livIt tother yourself I noul"t to the public the great Ilene- by t -k thoill, :11114 W) filld wiltit'r vriW*c"N in first-class con - I at 111.4 watell, Which heo know 111111111t, tons of table gralles thil-ifig the R"ask"I . 9 ." repli6d the type-writeir.' fitd I have rfeel%ed- Vor over it year aitle to trat *4-ir Mark. 4.11 1141v lo lisp em Ott. ­Allyt1du mort" 1 Call lbe;6I tollItlill now I,e wl�hlit fIT-4I tile time. 0,772P A(tA,r roliow;ing their sinflke w" W11"I'l diti Ask vour doctor Ntvr.%-, WrIwel her nd- ul 181)6-97. 111 the &Ltuv period 14 didn't think you did." I wits unaW. too sloep at flight ow- I 111111111"It 11 before I ip.-tye t! lle ro . olmi ClUltg tu Ili,' 110174'"t "I 41liglit tA)-1IaVe 9('k"4' 10"k a -h - tilion an about thi& ..1l Llig ir all. mi sir. #,Irk%t 04* Uld I to bt, 4141 it, anes (if biCat, W).710 careasmis - Of '0. si r. I lo()kotl at one Wki tfivill cr rAt, ing to palus in my hoatt and stomm .)all to leave. 41. lt,84 tm, I'a-11 to leave 9 llo�v I o0o ouching jil their holek;w wort- irrl- .It*- ats So W -frozen mutton. 19.729.11letwo of frosse %%-(Iul,l voll -believe Jt I -every :.fill my appo-tito WJAR 9111114%; 1's lim.1sbom Set thmt 1!.* -elT 11 etin sleep well timl ;fill alwny-� vmt(T -eapon !.�c sule YOU gool S C 6 i lit lip I.tIr4- like thio." _r %% I their mliare % 9 , -11"' 111 t. %V wa S t awn and f4h afe on the wrappiv- public itinner. .# 1 -1 It beef anti 101,740 boxes of butte wro*1C." .t%ffiv%-r, fl twi-i'19 WIt (%Ilk* Then.' K(xxt Ille., K i r r % IIIIII, III) *it V, t.whly -T! is i, few surroiinZinx lonrelied-up rel, -III lii4.works, If lie ejlIIIqI It.-JV41 taki-IL 4111t Ili-, Iland- -Oil Wilay. -litil Itave gatherlug exported front the colony.. for my, luft1s. tiltuiks t4) N i �on ito le All drugEist,I. Y>.. is-ld $1 .00. kerelder A (70NIPROMISE." i,aine'm Celery Compound. - -roiit� I t-:tIIllo, I r e sco Bow\r d# TT will Tyv Xlr.i. ji.110,lm �;trnttqoll ;11111 tb away fnlfln his teniphIt� lie W4 shae Barrow. One.of. tilt- gr a t� Ind it too hlghly t4p thtoi P 1144 have car*4 tap Illuell. for they pro- vaso thought to Iomme WKE A COLD IN ONE DA1 -loll Iw- all J q lk; but it's ag"In illy %ifering. front dyii1sepsia. TO C h1::*i4' ducc*1 a Urrithle iteld'19-tA-1-111lat lo -Al. Ilut I)f ngiisyl tiowherA 60ior. A b bo, Nit', Yt)ll %Vi It is Youriv truly, I^xati%,e Ifrottioqujiline Tablvl�- k�)qln.k-a. plot 44'r, lIIt,,ImLrvv1 :i-ft4,r nt,: 1,e nllwt v-*ni (!, lot Wid 4-4911reted. vi ry- titupid w litAl �%t- ' Y - - 0 I eft lot RPlit wood. tio ctir, %Vll�o hail lie? juitod to remark V411.9 0 site answered, "there will- 1mew McCord, tWILLARDS yqll )r. talking saitttliat his (at FRANCE %%ow. fItAting off a 11, tile vcstry, that if-It.'pIeas_!d Gko to t4ke from' irternoon, r r k. 'it herjorettY A,niewli-i-re 114*0 load of %-()at here thisi--z. . 114 -hv- hoped It Corr— -.oi, Wanted. mut He u(,o Ifer. tA-devp utterdlice 1-419 hini. any of ills "hi I A11, FE Of 11`116 14 ill Isaac lived. to tit. :11 -would be Isaac. I o C*ill. but I citUlt carry .%re yot, t!14, -t-ditAor` a you bay my daughter loves you irM. villng it tervIce. itIu twrry -it :,ni)- official Ipwk. Imatilit"ll It 4111 @;u r4r, t t �1 I*-eo*m(. a professor it tile UnIvOiral ty I,,, oal. But I'll tA41 �ou what I Will' t'K- larO- Wen""I to 0 t lluestioned the. old -man. %'ittiolit floullot 14 W not be RIM, larp volee. A Kliondiku IUt* r of t insk ke [U141 thell till I'm shre of It," VePllea tile You Lk f ie cis-rgynian j orl. oll n 1*11 coinpromip* Ef you've got a ( iu;. said tlw olie addr lilt h. 'Is f9i e." 11"ft.-Ill It- Nit tls�l ekk- ma n. W Isaac Newton.. s�ot f'ii* turt . I on, thil go th court reliorte. y .4,; 1 r ked at him Avekit lJoIld opellvd a Pew turnetl the old Man. Well, well." re viltig turlirimit 1. P. t k1L)J1r, Itical- ter Ali Ito le iii talki j :bouz tlit- gor-, 'A.PROFITABIX BUWNI"*�' -Al'y I 10� a%lmiritl 41mir. &:.d toettiriled �o approftelk 111", 11 & looking tile young man over cr you %%-III t.o. . your palse. TIM Agnill, wilth iiepreeative. c0ugh- Ifis If costi'liatth wort* by tilt), llrince,4 ly, " tliere's to accounting for -tastes. d, itb-Th(-re gfx-% a young Illit it �4111 ill its. -oulit or the affair at I ILIN)l t tA# but.' lie pnow act visitinK 11her e has is there aireit 1'.t1do-onlaid Ier t -y4- W,tftllur -0-rk-y 1j,n)k elt.. of Montellegeo. W11 w is but- 27, years -of age, Yet 11 tlittt floral :ecoratilats 4 le :11thollgli tho! young gil I! I. a I -d %%wlt baek int" 111114 v And liomellow, to ** * L . I . -rowil'11'riticess ul.lthlV ou !ded In Hy.).w.) kI whill VO r-, itaughter. tile accumulating ." lite 40111�� lift- stoo 4 begitity to the unin knew that lie ought to be tlftt')- I 14 1 fift% I)Ictur- lLiq -18 always' ttil xv- I and real estab-. fill. I'Mill fiald [-ave. our pialmar tate 01A %%0l ilill-i(MI" 1 after A file for UP 111"t- 11(' over the p(ximewion of the Wirl, Ile i lick up *18tratt401. YOU c'mquk' Mitionti.1 dresas her Wrap f r- f lorn I beautY wals Ilot 111� Py t- fe%%_ !or berChilei-A, 40 pluck a -tit) p(.-r.-evt,ran 110p tcowling 'and h1mcula '14�, ar 1: 14.t%% *4-11 i:ithvr (er�,d hil"ll 'if- VA au lip. fr'L.nl vr r ea ri couldn't 4 '1 own -Indeed! What IV -;I forivid 4%, tit rottel V you c4il"O dilving henig madf- 4 lini'l foe." Ing oil thnit; remark of th4% -red in '90111,- t i) '4 ;lro-tty- ro,!- t Iw rtloont I III pay yqn lie alld ritunw,l 1 #ut for thl-.'* 411k. richly vitibroitk *t`ft-- --ff 1,114- t it tile o1wra All- wvar4 s-14,th of'9011 411141 Ith-That. of oof a r*14 A Wjrr,*S LAST HOPE. �r a ffgllre Query As-f,ua a i tho C1111 NO-: I t inany Jewels. B Iy4n. thf- banker. 111. e vitioners ask, lw the ,o 4 I.rtola %t til fAnxious quc C&D alfw lklown tile Husband Smitten With Direer of sufter #ling r%1 Intf) a ew In st tllrcf' no ou-re eure for.eorns?" We a Iligs Rheumatism- South Ameri t% b"utdul 10! 0 I. -A) Id There- will be at If t urc in rich f -I rolv'-A ts,i t -t I, in glad to tw ithil- to tell tl'4"- sufff Rhouniatic Cul -e Giveti Relief In 10 NEW YLKILY RHOPt"I look Iftil erv�x til appre4lellgo-,l s th4 Urgan brgall t4ghtleth. tolebr.1tions in 111KPU 't gtAd. Tifemcf, lip alfro. % . - haCorn 411"1 p4)tes. to a Hours. 41t.h6ted. pellmi at tto Curolm, this Yvar -tI i �-A- 4f ivre with L tilli" % t ractor, will relieve them ill da Pt, - tier.. -tor!.5eto PaY 101-laW llus�lied shli4b.rillg 1�30,4j while 4.4-nd .8t tpowerful oYO put i1tto -bury. Que., freA 1) tid. of -Peninai oIV I.Npr it ,list extract comit,; without \Irw. Slfivaderti, Uprook 1toofor (,Ili. 0 s for 11. Y) for 06 V.. p. UcCfALLUK 49 CO., Mu ir rolleg 'ti, 11"t 'it) Nly llubball'i wa� Conti"" t M PC! tj Oat' IX f0111tv- In Of ex -Queen 'Mitrie 11it'nover. wltto%� over r. n.)t been thel hlb led for two IW h. rr(yr. tI:6r4- sV,4A a fig". elv it per, months With acutt ( princess or of King IrritA' it ith .1 toti. teda I te. grit y I I" Why.'dearcst asked tho pains an(i fever. Doctors ro-mll. t. J Ii . jul(I - j1A .\jWnburg by Ilirtl 011. Aitril 14tt hill t it gray husband. so little relief.. 1 11114 (4 Ar 'a rew anit or YOU aby has AtteAti011 AlOuld: be givell to di I- could gi% ly Iwt: .w4)tIn ir lair*di InAlY rand. flult 1,�Ilrf foilie re -ery. (if Saxe-Wpintar-FIN-o-natill.i. Ott Jull- things so, that the 1Iout lo!4t lioile of bis -V)% 4)r )t t1is ag-My if% a Ilig gret-n If American f4 rg4 iti iviolteil 1.1. 11 was iii(ines-, I to try Aout apptarance of their hit'% I.,,Ilj.um:1tie Curt ;ind tell hours aftA rapt t upon tile plat r. llc..r. .1t,n \Iyra slak 6C. a z niald'r4 faCe. F I� pAi ir, 11 - tomillik(blicing its 1, n had left (Ift. flip u., Tlieu 114, C4)ultl Isear it and !glarv% It r(Notil. Tirp WIV- platt(or mh(vuld be 11 11 three battIP6. itall 11.1ppy. he rs, 11c. took in a L:zk�" t r d t.r". ounutity swf r -30.; tA and stronf. OU ar-, im)rtionate V) rotu -e u plaer dlt-.d as tfiv r w, t Lza q 'Att(d1.WIjPII 'lle fi.It that I— I I-" - - vegotable plamed Its is flow I I,,. - - -earch' #.,f . tr diirli 4- it girl to. r4 %V 14! 11d it, shape of the 'every pal". t,- isr - -a r 0 Uattgl!—Well, .11"41 Illatter. ffpr ti ro .otiformity- with VIP -you ,oll't t,.; nk b& was t - W,6. fiw 41reatly tile )r tile ata-litY* ly- folile(f napkin q A.L:l it iti, * tit., -brW. itt -it t uorth- ittlything. I'Vall lleilll platter. .% "Cat jwjij%g t!vr to.. r pi: a - �1. 0. 1 Ve 9 at the convicte.1 of. illix:1811 Ightvii ve t!ie ,rr'.- ti. -floe.; Ito a,14I thy, 6, r at 14:4 6islAw, io-i, ake -t'ow'n lilt 1w.utsfed unitit-P dry, tit rf%ijrrai4c4, t4l; t1114- iiiiek glaitc full Of %vitil theill. likis aspargus, :If-tlrhokes or I llive lways been looking furw. 114. 4 Ali! -41 Ile r,-Ivq� . in 1 41., t, .9 to out doorm adme nigtit rf I-'. all is kill % I irl*a lying t 14. t, V liffereutint- his k! Jilig fro.11 -til.. IJI., 0118tellatiolis all I)ight 114 t 11HOOF. the c "Ant! YOU it , -is-. 1. EY CLOUDS. lopliog. Ity delaym 314k jig of a in if anyij,here KIDN pot ton it **Ali a JINITold for,rgo rith i< too. d usty, o I t islaughter. diiririg it 1`40-411 :1.1'. f. yt)ur-0 ml t4oic) cold' or too, Wet. 0 to, r Troub_les Acute Kidney 10 Vois, 1�0 ep lilt.) %h v4 @try. Strall Sladde oSir Mark' In - 114 oIs, your' f rhind atoto ai PAI skirt- laright's Di or tikere is silorw on th(j_ Itr*jund, or itltto tilig. ltl%%. iifniseir iny* 1`644til I'M orolers Di.abetes bOity by to) prevent It r 11. tvt 14 1, f%%4 the mmNlaughter' ykq Wax te7-to. law!'The orgau Di-spel led by Sduth Am9ricaLn Kid ey there Is some ItAllan and 1111),liltioll, v A- Ll of. to t4 3 b',dg anti pull!% stx.illgp that W) Inally All Her Su%he%-bg t,-tt t d t I c tWo r for Its 11 j" 1 'till giv hitr4*11tictor oorv, ytin suro Cure- Reiter in Six, Hours. em PAt t ing, ro-loth its thfb lis w1bd P1 tt i v lz 14 rgy1lie'll I ball- ezitrmitke� In* il--toll. 'Ibj% - 11 %,.(, (of our itwpiratiolls ppear to lo- n0n- CU111 W the t Wq) 1114 tv 'oil [fait owe Kidnev Symptoms are Iegi r. T, r vi,t it fiki� �wo years,* IOTI night long Int4s to-ar', v4%*4,try-. and U ek their oUnUl I have wittelied tl"' 14,e Iasi fici lost I tt I (or sor - j, achillig Ayr. fiord. 4Aft. -]Fit tip attill. it, tile stArm a I I EES -."40 we ftl:,lT. itimilk m it tho loins, t4 gl�p 104) k t'lle el -,-irk ranif - -ard wid b1glie& t(Ij hackatihe N to foel like a blinki ma -11 . v ru 1 4 -bo. an to tli,, %fliat Is" rwbbly gltill, )It the mightitist pateltilt 4 but I * t" 141, V11 �lrcll- -tafItlY )ONing 14; 1,416Kt V 6 $1�1 u, Nor. di7ziPe". 91119910" lit Artrv% 11OR-'0- (Vffn&w I,, CONVAI.I,. look- ITH w(lil- of nature. ---C4jmmon 'tilt ak r ItP01, drol-ldcal s v b x on - d oil' 0)n. irrelkilln -nt F02 SALE On U ich Coo - S._. I I U#ibl hp nt�Dortor. .,I consirious. lie itinpo'off -a rou -ly f-ibillo hot or' try kkin, 4e,l!4x n and, tile " - I optes of I 11V tie k%4VN' I III- i fit KarnAk, near e Tict orderm that 4e tra. & Mkwinse and -JI At' tout cl, t4) Idi44%&r. r r It, it lira].. !;Illtte found 1--y B,-Iz )it pleaw T 10000 giv .14 Ally t r Indkilatp k I i U.r 6 ral I wn,4 tjust ot (I the newsImpe".. isi aiurpriw�d iit tile lAm iAk-e ItAilroadot. at on- --YOU -will L: tliriltt,4 irea !ry split llarp hISPI& 'Nov COIHO up. l4fr*% w isp or Alto I)oel.or-11 don't thi KidDPY Cu It' ItY a Dd effica6y witl t nk Jj. would hurt' I w I Ito fi No r e Cost "I ly 11 fix I too Llf4-e aot - ACRES nnitle - - ' -relieveR neuralitia -W' r LAI way.' 1: 1 V4 jovell, testeil and never- it -nerre-pain cur A 'lio '. .. . W ent Ils-W a*. 1.9 be -tin! 0114% 1) a si bc erprisonst riew teltm. i� c(loull �lt 4 oll It I. IlKeafi,' ind rheumatim. -Nerviline I,, l -e w.a;-. t4 N 11104't -a r y 4.00(, yea it .8 ill, all ill, c.jfie� for kidney- GOOD chtirch" %ist or ,It vitle for ll nerve pait"; and -110111.1 t I,. **N0 bought I will tm, *010. on man farsilli flods ft34 t ill stalrf-w sainim-rr4 f4lit'll 111 114) f -very fa able WrTus. to hilly T 170 rti, W� re olyp 1s to kept (ma hand by 4 FARIMNU 1111- eowmQn pho sa lip %Jay *1 : I A, Y41011. -very if, U-1 *Ia mo.- better thatt 1 6 -A 1,44 % U) fftMai ko- .1 wfil­ 11A thin r cent. c4s, . Ita.11 I Nouila:*1 .1jll- V'slat Itay (Ity. MiCA_ 1,;j,r0tLxII =-dLoaltry ShOY 11 ...-v Chingos .0t Vuliu.;- B."biew. it Al. Curtis, WhiUsiols:11% 'lit or J. W it tt-stily. f4A bO*- t' " I r Lit.'. j.,* I, .11141"VIC 't hiffilloill, lie Ifurriett (lty%'n -i hi�t - -c -ature. -it f 'fine is(- A0 idw-ut a's blitek its Vie t :I rt 'raitning the-gaulitli't "f 'i�_ two... %)(AYIH� iL1r(,!.) 't it# I t!il'nk tile ilUtlitr OpinionS Ahout ;% "i I ator'. recen IR, iiiiinal ace xkf S'lia-dw. and tw-0 tiglitly rolleil III a Pikin or. bl"liL P4 111r),te #�f CY4.#;. it Nfoel"I'. ely. riot Ad D U xwIly fr( uit datnaets. enell tof whoin vlaimc4 ts-Imp '1141 with with 9T4 r tu ca 0, t,;.v rrivi tbf;y ''I -t III Itat tiv- tookii w( o I I i� te. Imly t�d, @�at IxAt P licit fire lilt yew. y v clilt -a ve. y to cull him lawba, !evrskin thougm, w tiltilgly. .**It 'Is Dimnond, Byes, . o courtrt*.Oin ajitl 911 ,t. at ilskSl OIL girl iticre weltItig thw, %v right Ili th ire hilt ollee A day When tilt, Wit" i t.3+. 1 it ult (to gl() bVi r 1'. 116 feir y a rdill. Ith natural- tt1le, def rre.shellvd. I f ihe blaby crim WATE R in ragi, 4jut ni Im w4b Is itier­' tit hurst irtto I I - li sti I iel'. .104t1g, Ytrr lldaior," raid t1my. IirW 1 t(I XfJ :I Go ­6 tl�cAm- L I, mo Aj,�. IWato applY 14�1` 8 ChAlW" f sit!: all$ No i -, I; of Us#- t�d I u.- U li 2 cric "'7 ter fts; but- ym i)(- ; '.tirt .4 MAP." klow s1rhill? Ln rtyu:- -ir of r t'11#441111 4#11 NI, plin-41 lie of courikI. f�lile. ruY de. kvi'-h t.1 -ill -1(wn IvIlat. g"luixJ!", iIIIIIIJM4 0 1 L White. all,t tiven yo -tia it'll( We,offer one hundred dollars e%% it W! hei h6ilegirtApla. .4 11K 1;1 mil -fit -an or 4�1. *hfy, t" 2% pill (01il ikiw; I! think t I leT t "Ourt. Of ('atarril that Till$ rour lol;l fool 00 111104. call -Ilit(s, ff� J.:111^41111111. In lis-lik-kilK 44d " rep( Uld D tho, 1-:11giisil palars t�)'eruw* tho. It -ours II wa!it :1 challgo (If Vellum, W. ).a liciteh r4- scralid tie eitr�d by Ilail'a Catalorli ('if r4, to oursplvtii. �k I (pf tli'o. el.ty,fikil! it 4-oek. Ali rehilntier hiligs Itu)'k RkAv Isecallw, Coo no) ff. -few. ti If .4, 9 e... 441 1:11t f -&ty.. i # [tin Peter's li'VIF i.'%I- (Of Christ. This. owomen 1,; 111s.. all Nla ry Lt I-ilicrt, sit u'l-fou-4- -0191111- rlv�nce it w0r, SARNIA OIL i4 'rf' ti, )It flf j;j-(jI-V !&� itit y aA o"e. P.., 0 %0,4,' practlev ­nrt*m very :w.ir Unel. k.. 'SI ratt'slit lilt: "'Ov er e, Ho other We. Life- uwi lomigned. have known If w t y6tir 111amixid I)Y r Kin&rd'a -and tak lriftevu W, t.14- all_�l tfi Ask f6 .1 rbetipy for tilt rcarv-1. t tIll. ?oyn I 11,14V -16119N, Witt I)Piieve him perfectl3' honorable it, 11Y Lir tit Iln#1 to 'of hri,� n Ing. esick-crower lo Inn kinic-. Ill )nt.- wr1teA:. suririvni uf ti.o btronsest. till Imsinovis , tragistictiolls a n #.,a c I % Restorer. towith The 4 o -k-crmv . vto S.01.161.11 wral packages of t in r ti) L'ialIV - IS tit iis., 4- ter nr.,Ii (111.1,411 4 front I I W carry oat :'11Y ObligH their firm. s4 made by .$2 1 ri Inte r Ari.� t if. -It 14�% hmtI3te At -011e til,tulli it *o%6r f**"114.� wilich all Wormin. bo, t le" e DruM911011ph. 1-ir I., Illiv ke hto West Truax I Ole& al ly, rhip in(ixt vigorouN-otte 1e , 11),f,iflilln tif th'e -.k a ro I re untlurne- lost to flirt.' irwigh th r -.iv. 4irst, t Ilrough simill IloI4- it tl top Toledo. 0. NI -4 loll r'. 1. Qlw. tt,, wo tyri hall. not efiftlo-.0 riurria r_: I rtAvi :t:.11 4ace tile, adbutral. _f;jozo-tte. the oh r, atIA1 thereapon it wtilding. Kit -4anly N.. -Toledo. 0. tilr7if4l to) bpen a I %%,am- nil anol f'*41..R Ullt)n tile t r,4'�g: Wt rl 1. till! 0 4sh row Dealer for 6410r"�k caik go -t illi.krri�_si I 1: 4-1 " -411., r 114 6 I Cure W taken inuir- t., ­ it; i^u,�,l -lilt 'irder for 01a Yff liall's Catarri %V, t I, itil *111to. lie Moo'] I tout "Have acting directly 111K)II t tiff it r, r ll#L*;J. i$: Opt' the -ari-06(t of A defaulting --mag1w hre 31o.. lilt., 14. .1181,Ve gmAlt A plauter -'nln& nitieous surfat .9 OT tl'P sYstopill town ltr t Oyear it I he avit- r. oe ritig -rot �i 4 Atioll thf'" trate of a ;anton flannel, lilken by all Npiopad. on I 'rice 77w. per IxAtle. - Sold I r -take l4alwKil 111141 tza!1441, owff KlIftag". 11*111-.* +-bree provIdeil not pro lief B E C -.K H'S Cotton' -P tuore mpt -e Will'gi% rligglata. Testimollials fro e I)aviel . f1,ij- 4+4f0a-ios. Mjy or the Jnipr610nb)eF4t*.- cot, - t1l i. ( or frollf troup than camphorAteti U'amily Pills are the best.. Strat- 9% ei -Si r 'Mark. .'If- ;k�- P ow, 0'. . . . . . . -W!.Y. 44, culprit lititil -11 Ah�tdd have-refu BRUSHES AND BROOMS. 1% .4 If ov. . - .(f monii .1 40611, bu1�1%404 110- .%if Imail't UP silly 01041' M'a twat M11 no, tritoil." A Pertitielit -querv. of hi,4'prolwrt * PArt of tpe or S;tle V -,V all Ieading Houpim. ti -P.- w(,,rst -voliflWatioll CH Alt. hcECK11 &SONS, fdanufacturerl A ro;,4 Y F&A. .db- od, % (AL4& iii ill for i r. tr, A I I.: 1r :9.4 t 1, f! ron- Ofisbetes Among JCrig impassioutd orzktor r .-jj% 111 fly Iklop 611111A fat"fier - . z iTH. AlietkxI shlmr chickells? about the rest tit y(lil 4!0, 131ftil I'll) ths. "Wr UVIN im in rf I %:at Illicti-A itk -Ja pa it her., oloubt that diab,,V 1,11t. Ioulterpr-Yeh, littler. -)tjw- I W; a Ighattered Nervex App&t1te' G0n`9 w bor If.ft. to' 1% .-.joaal ws tits I Fe a reastic bysta roll &up[ 1 0141 - lied Lnrprarded as ollf- of tilf- T)14. -voting IlotIWW ig t I i*to-1:,mw..t* T,,#vy haii'4�10 S tiaw for dintier, in -LI 11 Ai flad . - -(-(I gestion Deran-god-Discoura a a L, ag -# Alser t. it C4 tf lef L lli,6,t of'* kial�f Giee. Myra it 6u t - Death Scijils American Neivine to hat it IN rU'attily with the cro4 lilettoi t tlw girl. wit-st" -414 1 too fl!.- nmu . I- - G a lie is w;flVllx:.- tO I I') fill tht-�'Urvat -ren 4 I141th In'all Such Ca".9. for the artloolo f r find Whei'm 'it t141 ou mastic (of (�a a It n ne h- 14 Hope anti.. He and lonlildly tn( Kauikrae and sit. "thf-re Isn't ;t -1 SETTLERS' TRAINS wpre e.r I Mw 1(.Il West. itles -of -Atholig thi- mcwt' re - cheeks plie- a 4;111. Mr. C. lot salldtr 11 L. 1)0'% IS. ()pened is' grains). are dimived in a pint of alco I in'thc mcnwfit to low- ;". it -it ito tile loreva ant .,of 1� Ila& 1i very i -e- I thi-, rollert of 1101 mixed wJth 2.11 grains turpentitte tfnek- i;lr(-..% of Atiiv r4Jh0!.4 a. -i "ilt" 't"tif" artict: im:th If ling Keep 'A i0ard's Th"im 1AW r: of tilts Npecial 111211ady. and hente ution To Manitoba' and Canad low0ing -ttif tItt-.11-K of 4a left 92'P thf,- highest h1W Ln ("i shown that lodomotl -erai d to boiling. The sol grippe. Ve engillt and my, iierv- ..Out of His Dooh. Is theti added gradually to a hot COII- I crt-flories, i tsi; 111�w WWII% a to 1. ' . . :illg- have (limplayed -. I. niark,ed mortality iaid tho, girl with x -"M% Wid-kiiol littl4- Kystein awl go -neral collstltuUOn Us i III- Sl!l centrated solution of equal part& 61 ths. fo� ilif, f 1. Ah. ttlf- h -if ol". 411all6tes. Ali Amerleall obvIrier mile 1%winv en route t1iritugh the priticipal ciUm I& ;howrAl -nat 1;,urt P06-1 fiie rr nd: her �earx and. -I, title 1110- o1 three hair arou 0 and isinglaiss. FAIrring meanwhil itoig into tur* f., Intl one . . $I.1 a %tateil that tliW- mortality hili slile witimer,- yotir twillillill 4 tho glu it a tilill paste Is formed that Cariftda. the Gret W"terli City of Chi Joittif-4. of 'Sou�ll tilcrica.it Nervlue. . tiamn ri and unit uch eliai'Ve . * "t hu times' -e nn= miuen't '%Ot , kee, 60t�. iiit"I * i6tilm wnl'4 aii inuch 'aw Wvelil can be filtared and used )16e ordinary Ow Twin Cit4e* of -:t.. Mul and MI horik for, lifir it naiy polmh aulp.6 &nd the stat" of lilinnmast, and D&k*W on't know what. w VlOIItAiiIJ1C .17*r ell'i J of :1 of the ordli ition. -71hi- e t I s. 2' 1 thin. ftro stati-ol The Jrring L*,%-.thi"nN,_SVf 11 aii.ever !Qlv glup.-Pharm- (--f-ittinih speciAl Lmins with settlere'effwW *ad hounis, t's to t4l ti.;er lwop e. --ont! avul ime. average alwait old gooda. If toufficlent businew offem i�� 0 �)Atrihvt my roteovory-aiy regaineq de-Ailly' tt llft� 01). A lie turned eveY Ills Diw."ll"Is", 11 -4trviisrtW*aIIqI 11fppetite-miti rely tos),thlig per ce. h1qi0i,441 mn from l'orontu every Tued&y duriag Manlit wa tile libt of mar 0A. -k 0,0W Uervy I it 1wr cpnt..44 -it stroitgest, The nifntal mtrain un(Jer wilk-11 tll.ty* running do rrs-at elliftiot reconin and April. ISM tomaioncing M&rob (Ally koing III) to 17 (tr.18j'ier work. .1. The (-.half iif tempt,rature Port 'MulgritAe, -Tuile -,til. Istll7 ges t r I ag*IL illy at 7.00 p.m.. Tuesdayis. they are he muttered. "All JAA if. 116� IJV 1144*16�31!- Atilt. ryfo' widt4key :ljoglio per vent. which they undure. fit this voll"try thl. uspink)II J ti-suld my that 'I'll I lJ:It C. Richards & Co. Georactown &35 -probitlition Stnto sonte. of railway compallY tlip wm�* %%-Sy.- and lie -A0011 Putrio.tisin Not. III a tile rekAwlis ()I me largt IWar 1.41".-MINARD'S LINI-NIEN'T Guelph of Watt.!,�-Tlli,. mffhl Outy (of ths- Allier- file ..10.1. mwing UP011 tile qu-pst'"ll U1141 UP -4-941 il�, if --I cuLrl.t tf) -%&Y dio-,Jn(w milmil I s-I thenislelvoto.with- jillow that this mortality (of (%;iginpers Berlin my remedy for (-A)ld& te. It Is till far am it is pow1ble tho y(yluT19 W6111wfir's quitting thf! olot -it, opff 11, 1.41t likviy, ble. itizeni right, siow Is to keeli t*(Njl. out lidvertiming. front 4I1beV-s,_w Judgp� Pallet Angers, ican c I to compare then, with the geiteral best liniment I have eveF used. l5&nAA Ulllavu_ Wednesda vv#4 I I ial lot, I K - 41,11 111 tO -pottm-Tbatols W1VLt I tlihjk If war writ(w Qulckeurr'-. has .1 Tholiliss L11,111IIns with&a^,�hee and Fnw t if tli#4 oltt-r was f4w re Alle lurrin usliered In her cou- ip-t for 'fiNLr (it ;t kilip, but I rAlt I going to 11ritimll Dr. George Kearney, of Cis! IS. Iso)pulsitloii mWilt tile matni. ge. IN Josiah Hart. allot r break9 given reli0f to my at will run th imale'd it Pomew lift t geareful, and-witI., that In- Wiinli 1 10611 I'Ll! Ali-tt. ujul.q City DiNpenwiry, Ifni excessive. The subjeet Im 011(I inpSes Itch would be -11 fr%"W" U trom c� lines and tmw eam ritolible ivok tot love and flat)[, 1110IM, wl , wo worth a elose alld I, profewslontil protest gaitist thepre- extenhi%P inquiry. Thei-0 Im- much- yet I ec)ral Jewelry Kedivivup. @ad a of Toronto should tim* theamlveli "Irs" !'1i1lX 11114 valent CuNtoin dr6himig battles In conwriting the pathology and etiology (JU44-11 %lrgheritn of Italy I -lids Aivrays IrMtbful to His Trust. tow"weatiunotion pc lots to connect with Umm nminion. a gi 1W,- at the 11001 10311 Ula I PPAR. *t g(x)d this IIA011 WSW& 'Herp will) Iongelothe&, which priketim- prevent4 (of ($Iaheten whit -h. Is -obscurp.-MedWa' t4s, I*,. molquit slI*p_IioII'L you belong to tilt- st)- 11 #if .111 hour trio se, Kh-king," he wearing coral fi-welry, lit torder Book your intended data of departuro wit4 wn A Calm ppeall to them f rom kicking. Standa rd. -ity tl) Alp nntl riv, y off by hilvi ciety for tIK- Prevention or Critt our agentm. irbo will be f 11 adviad of them tiben fill swoord at velops strength I rid . pro,- f latAb tuars; -fly". tk,- vouragi- 1 0 AnimitIA vainj ta amplo timos Inudranalis, ftr TOTA fm w1w r1willing stry whicl 1 0 twa rmg ssfiilpo ete your armsessments. 91W C(01114 '110t rls"71"I'll- Vf'ornon Wing It- inotes circulatl(m. S-awillg the. ...tir Mrs. lllink-Alr,�. Klink! Mrs. -Klink! years fiIIlIx-MI lie-yt. $ the, stonl_ Nr pr all officer in it. e leg..q exerclFos 4,ur lit�lv Imly in our yitio-I'llitoning y be Is- son fr�* prn trww my 'IW 'if to Wa. It- with th It would not U dedIrfitei Colonist Sleepinir C&m I Mrs. Lys the Lady'v P vo 0 tittle to go allywil neplif-4v.. wi&II the. requ "-t ach mu.4clos an&l till the other'paits our - thickews Xtivik-llorrors. le Winnipeg via chi ft I ul tel -Iii lie tirew li'-64 t-101 to hi -14 -No- illictorl's *148took, leav huskilY . Lillig.alk)-it ilk tholl rhu"If Will iievjer utisheiith it vivo or the bt)(ty. (;Ive a child plenty of Lffvll got fiii; feet wet ht your big. tile IgOcIety. I'll ii ng for you ngen Lmvelin? Vitr4quat a n a P It it' I 1:_"li ill 1%11#1 No nif;hion I weioe to spread ',to Lon- All right just wait until I erosts every ueedity at 11.90 1p.in., , gilft I 1A1 roil .6 - lko)t 1*14)llg- ttA. 0.-. lKi rty." thut Its tAN % V let CT I if. I iliAl --tivrence.- r in defence : him m, nd It will do --the rest." tin.nb1% a lot ijon, s coral 1-4 Isivointlig tO ftltIIO8t the -cat. ge Wedliq day at T.W iii.m. it, wllf Ing roo graK eilv=7 rigijt. Ln !, that yQ t out." 'r Vj�14_11` A.&W *11311 'Already -4m can't #.(N-1 and call, of coullse,11se , 0, tountry.c r its rights.' it Is litteret4ing to note, hat I)r. N -Aour L tiny t� q eaka ami frewht torward -1,appy jo tiontent little 'oil) w4l . col I I -C ti I I g tur , inoil -in Congri.,ai Kearney Is it bnehel9r; rr�- Blink. Hlintle, front a so P%O without oustom examinatiew 001k. -X61 1111ppy'p. nrti'41 fly tl'P elk , t Iai4l up tile to bave dlhturbed ill lisformation apply to any Ageilt of we nq $Ltt�, rise siThi( does not wel &1irate; as to W. almost luipercelfAlble. Minard's Linialeut is utted by Fliysicianoi. at Lost- At mile w Is istwire, I & aldm e or*" TV R&il way Sylistam. or to 1"OnlY tlk -ps W little 'OLVIP0119 (if the 1*0 Of the PC Hid"t- Ills, tAll, a vivid red. If revival of the DicX@40N, 81W clung tf, likin lllnviRKIY'�- ri lr[Lble polo hV iy--# 411b attell-I %YeAdin t ifix 9"" i1f. 11:t(I words of - Wash dainty 6!d flligr#4- tiettillig shout ll!5o The Only Stig], sh Pol,(-- D" Pumnger A4pnL 1%-hnt grif"'I th-P ft'l- 'I'* w &It, till tilt Ihad exhlbitelt to' tile Olin MY wiptqs LIFEO met III, the kholli'd mean, intly The only E.uglishmaif who ever ruled aim 8t&Usw Torombe. 11,114111 hurry top' mef-r tII4q t MaghifietInt stiatesillankllip I)Mtty thlngq of a kind that w Id IM, as Pope as Nicholas BreakMwar. who aiff I YcAl " W jillfilt.-it 1lovelty to the girls of t lay wits born about tile year 1,100 at -A,rVire. nd tho,se who.' heinir ill ell' " %vorthy of III% great office. He tins of lo-ranthilltom keeii Nitirely OUt-' - jiglizp(l. that �he 'fiation 111114 ob- Tho r, tit i tv a Langley. near St. Albans. He waii -fall of, relief7. strol bltw'k ull, lonvo-lilent nd ptyrell pi - IncipIe and obey. luterna- ifinard's Liniment nmberiim' a nend unatilmously clected, for the papn I tht-, tqi.,itomary tional w the Is chair In 1.154. and bore the title 00 Is in'' III thh; crisik. anti (kws iWt :It, hf.lr beltutifill lwn- ffuliften the i oropose. to. plunge..tile country lAto-, How I was' the means tlie Odor or riowe Adriati IV. law" ram 1111,dil1v tivit . cillirj-1i, tlw hell ritisci,r-i. the womilp war unneresmarily or heedlesity Join Irfult 4 -it* rq)lT) . tJ:t- c - rsy--�-ikijr ;tt th,- Aornor (A times (A rx6tenient like t Artirici.o. flowers now imita th". -.%t w) truthr, 1-:1iglifill Liniment reUio%(-N al of aving it thp% It- war ery is it I %vlys a. popular cry. Alim naturni ont illy I that I. littiod, mort or calloum-d lumpq fill,' yfm. mi datr- rN-r%*, bakf*r4-* vwl fishniwigers' bf)Y4. ! to ask :' "What J11-14 aro much timed in room decor tiot ham become liluel, b1pinimlim front lionwic bloilid spavin Ask fo Jim, tout rimi, y;&II Vi 1co away wkth alml t1w. rill IN tll(*e I" around ha% -p we foe t)eelaring war and the practice i , I enrryin I CoNt 4, -idehliread tii1lee'llianufat-lurert. oitlIhs splInU, ring bone, tqweent-y, xti- It Y I tot& 10VO ;11111111 wilf) lovft�'Y0411- a topheftyy W-01011ti011, 170" 9 They do 110t count. )f war. more %% 'Im. wtionins. w)re iid swollen throat tho 0�" if' 91% il'K them a last- h&jip brim few u-ilting yfou, I"It il" ij4 '14 hil(AH 911114"If- %.vitit all- its Thoy when th@ Idirs firellitteeked and the tin V(. othollor chill.tri-11, licarif. a horror PtOmPtly !CnTe4."-K. MORRIS, MeMpIli-A. feiiiaw. lvfyr-,. %vilit .i4allor ro-gard any (lim!'Uusian iii tlif, (,onw)­ "n ptomq of co.nSumption appear. he �_ Teut3. Ing perfume. But a'iitill- more re- oough�', -Pte Mave M by us'p of on- b8lelitux tht-struggle between affection mlu(vl inni-kable fact fis timt Illutch , torti- bottle. Warranted the momt or I to *Gob I baT49 110! Percy #;Uf-%t wa-4 c(lill"eif"" Of (111111)(If's an unpatriotic. in that delltroying diseate which Maya its etilturihts have delicately lerflil blemish eure t-%er known .%t I I a buzziug mound k' hip walkeJ pros1wring I, Is collsuml)tjon cars- Tw, I* J Liu 0 T16" country IN'TIOW thounands annually. it is a happy totque The question, varlptiv�� 4)f flowerm -1111, they haft Plot 1.1willei, I Ilim h tbp gat*** If' what oill-- tll(. Inithm of peace. I-11111ge it Itito war. to the stniggle when di%ease is conquered ble'?­ is -still debsst�ed, and still dviniable all tbt witiard W46tory Ktn t fftf4lll()Fl e doesi % not a ca%e Of thoiw stwel(-s witivii usuffily litve a Mark— I t(4d Papa, Willie, 4�nr tt imil, no man outforetell the Pnol. and henith res -toted, Such au Isl4ti it is cosily jo %ay that thim wa, K_ lot alwayq end the struggle, btit it did In con%timidlon. - Yet the-ph),sician-t %Kill it in hio h~l- B(It 1 -4"y,. "lly hilt wlilch prove4l to be -vpry coll.W-�011m Q pain In weak, and we are stron thecasseo(NIT.K. Nfors-s-;,51emphim, Tenn., wai; They sholild know. t.% a matte., odor. Thus sunfl wer�­ that L tll(xwllt you Were Jus4t toul chil't. tit b0Y Thp advantage. seem. therefore, to wasting a of I. Dr. Ayet's -Cherry rectoral has exelmtigw� their 111111rent Smell f -ely for any toe. Willk—And What -I It, c�rsnwimj %Vh0 sarr his'Wiff nd weakening fac -(-fit of the to,% 'i d Ix. on oar side ;, but a war with 144wain 4, and then auk. ,imilar cures that It No , h". lout* MINI cried nad physicinus fielple, wrought *o viany . dW lie my, darling? Xlarie­-He said Ito, lls geteit the %imple renic(ly thit wrough" t;cetus to negue ihe cutablene-is of Cqn- to Kniell like violets. the faint pme rutne Illight easily le4Ld to far more serio v lux lip 11 IP Krp. I w W. Bill !19 the cure. lie tells the story thus: I bulliptioij. in W; r-irliet t4tsig". I,y the u,4* of Ili Imiroses im intenmified ail Ile rwufti am inuch. Now wbat couki ho, Yes. emar FortunAtely the ell urtoll door wil" f timpliebtlons. Our civil wnr lins "it I even years; lign, mywife bad R scierq of thi-4 remedy. 'r-herir is tio, iwtter large eyeinmens neil have meant by that, Willie. dear ? tjltA & littkV tAOP– tfb'p 11' lie enterell Imroened tin ith a pena!on list that clue for pulmouary troubles titan Dr. ulre the . I- y(m tapokon tA) papa? when you order Clow at Italsil, tmt before attack of hing trouble which the ph3,* . P sIto aronia of thv' .%Ipine viole he V#4ry Ifivoly, dUr You ;O(bk he %vam aware tha rwock 11R41 will tax the resoureem of the country -xiciia pronounced on%timptlon. Th Ayet a cli.erry rectoral. - it gives rel ielf in - I'l it tl Ida lol wb4h for, tmt coul;h was etremelv distressing$ C% - -- proe A - inti n enu I __yr,ll Iftimil the throrW with three bright for a generation, to come. Have we ca-seA of Atithink slid llrorchitii, wliere re Is Ntill it ferret, but it ,aid Bertist--Yes, I tiked him thwingli matches. Then oll ff Be( hn,.q 11yeen heretofore tintittainable. It that liorticultural Nclenee w I I wxv) the, teleph(me and lie anmworM: V@41,11rig. my met. ,vnlf y limtominioentA4 fjvpr lilm mhoulder, as If the rikht. elePpt In the clear defence. cially at night, Oita was Uen I remptly cures Coug A 1111(1 COMS. JA Ilki-ly to) be wanted or the country and ItS honor. tA) Nnf!-* attended with the spitting of bl= Th atand be prepared to disiclone It. knOw who You are. but It'" all right." doctors beinjr utiable to help her, I f arippe, and all affections of the thro tils, 1,,okm nvAttPr Ithe the nrem (ir our w)ldlerx andRall- her to try Ur. Ayer's Cheirry Pectors lungv.. Anyone who is Mck is invited to 11 my Ifxjk in her larste UlwArd 08 end- ur children wl wIlrile tckthe I�Dctor who is at the h --ad of criq-41 tile hpaAl Pprey Ou#wt * breath"I inom freely fir� and 0 and was atirprissed at the great relicti tl W' Irs. wonalover's hothloir %wrap to a "Vvrr� I(- third and fourth Is Me Ptaff d1f otir newly otganized Ftee firm. putting hW haikis to 11 ea rx fatiling renif4i)-. It slot only relievem lite ('hili ax lit, utepped illto the gloom of the griandellildren to ti gave. Before using one whole twottle -)f havinic t1ile best I a load of new debts mid was cured. no, th4t, now jihe is strong it Medical Advice (Iv,)sst-tmvnt. - The bzst JLR 114- nt,eral tho candy dep ment front -igorsiwss the tdoullach atid know. WOMAD ()Ug twdn hilt in% W .1 the Ie-t%t doub TV 'win, it kilent church. but, wax agisin dikefm- genuratio laite healthy. That this medicine a tnedical-advice, n nil dlowasses. without how ri,00rrecba Rarldiq. avid Ivest tono &M n n, i L.4n't I t A by the bpwile In 111.9 beat 901(1- obligation.% la. there true e I brive tiot lerence t0.tIIeJs­.uuT8I)JIJty by Dr. Ayer's; "Wh4l, gave thome girin pormilislon to energy to the whole -it)-itteni. 11 will odmost to parwie that rerte yegsloii for taking *down tho sword ny w1le's 111 cureboolL sent free. talk ?I' "I did, Pir," wild the floo#wnlk- insitintly cure irriping ill the atoniach "d wind (tow hrnkkvl cOftt,, h0ldinS OPOR 1wrig keep ur. Ayer'% CherTy Ilector A),er'% Ayer Co.* "It wais tive oly way to :Athe oune. Whenever any of Inv failli a on request. Address, J. C. r keep mlic. Mothem, don't faJi t4) protillre it. Twqmty !ring n wl bangs at %'ertion Phila-, n I I Myra, sim have a vvld or 6:ough we u se thm from entft up all tho five oeints a bottle. 1"b I I, i bnlw door RINI two Pew Ormnerm step it,'uud arl "Wrill, Mass. t 11 &lphla Record. rlIM OIL forward apparently bent upon -now. What - Ping so s' 0 t r AM rid. tt r tey