Lucknow Sentinel, 1898-04-15, Page 11•4 BANK OF HAMILTON- LUCKNOW. Oapita paid up ;teservct Fund ota A %sets • t'resident ,-Jott N STU ART. trt4itt P . RAMSAY. S1,250,000 • 8725,000 119 846,878 • DIRECTORS: !so PROMS, WM. GIMSON M. P,Gao.ROACII A. T. WCOD, A. B. Litit (Toronto). ' Caahier—J. TURNBULL. 11.43T.—Hours 10 to 3; Satur- day's, 1•0 to 1. Deposits of $1 and trpwards received ud iuterest salowcal. SPICCL41. PEPOSIV alsooseceived at cur- • reat rates of interest. 1. RAFTS on that lc-. '*. and the United • States bought awl s' JOHN D. NIO1C114.A011NT. 0.. T. R TIME TABLE. •• • l'assenger • trains leave Lucknow btatioa aa follows t;iug Sontb. ..71 .14.p. in, • d; • p, 2•1I -P• m-' • -Going North. 11.35 sm. 4.20 p. in. m. W, HAYWAlilent,- tioAL - • -- - A. MALCOMSON, BARRISTER jPos. Solicit°, Conveyancer. etc., (late o t antes Holt & Cameron, Goderich). Otfic op'stairia in Allin's :dock. EI!lilliirsiartrRITl •iLtonmine;VoarY rte. Money to loan, Odiee over Moody's Alarber Shop. .• •.! j 4 11 A RROW. & PROUDFOOT, BARKIS- U1•tete, Solicitors, fete., Goeisrich, Ont. tla.111101E.Q. C. Wil.PILOUDIOOT. MEDICAL II' R. TENNANT,' PHYSICIAN 3urge0n and Accoucheur. Surgery over .1. Elliott's gi .cery store. 0115co hours romlto 12 a. tn, ; flow 2 lo 5 p. m. and from 7 to) V p. n.. 11-151c1). OORDON, C.M., L., 3d.t'.P.S.O., Physician, Sur- •d-, 'TV* and Accoucheur. tpstair, in Wm. Plai-jak's aikw bbc. Residence Ross street, behind Canieron. Murdoch & C.14'. store - IVO ,11)..Tli'•E1NIAN„ -51. D. & M. IL • '1.111(44:jar( J sprgeon, graduate o( Toronto l'i4versity; anal...linen of l'hysician., sand Surileons tIntario;• Special attention *rsfitt. ti. •asss f thenose, throat and lungs. • tither in 'A llin's blot It. • Will open practiceon •a•r. beton 'Jan. Ipt,lr&S. — I. O. F. 1.1:e•‘NoW I.O1)GE -INDEPENDENT or,te.r of Foresters toect 9 171 thelkitlfell.,w.t' Halton the fourth Tues day eacti month, at 7:30 o'cloclt,, Visiting br•ethri. n cordially ini le* O.' - PATIIIrrRIE, W. A* law itliNCE, • ('LIO han..;er. • 1.4.c.i.tairk PActetaly • VOL iXV-15 a MA1R & SIDIALL, Bankers,., LUCKIVOW - Eb2 ABLISIIED 1888.: We do a general banking business; issue drafts throughout Canada and the United States. We make collections ,on all points. including :—Western Stated, Manitoba and the North-West Province,' and all collec- tions, whether note or ate:count, will have prompt attention. Notes discounted and fanner'a sale notes cashed. We loan to farmers oti dobble or single notes- - at from one to twelve months . time, and at reasonable rate of int treat.. • We loan small or large amounts on eecond •mortgage on farms or other real estate sec- • urity and on first chattel mortgages on live . at..ck and implements and crops. 'We have ',large. anaount of funds to ailvance on finat mortgages from 5 per cent. to 6 i)er cent. The rate is graded according to tbe ettality and size of the loan required. We have on.hand for sale RV acres in Ashfield township anl 204) acres iu Kinloss township, all improved land, with good buildings and will be sold at a bargadm • We represent the leading Englivh and Cana dian Tire Insurance Companies and can effect insurance on all classes of property in Stock or Mutual Companies as desired. Our other hours are from 10 a. In. to 4 p. GEO, _A, SIDDALL, MANAGER, Coming! Coming! Coming T. P. SMITH I intl* LUCKN OW 0 TARTO FRIDAY APRTL 15th 898 EYE SPX-C;ALIST, ticatiudite of New York.4biladelphia and Totontn- Optieal Colleges; will be at IIAR1:Y - DAYS' DRUG STORE; oNE DAN ONLY THURSDAY, APRIL 28TH. • • •. Vail early and !avail yourself of his • valuable 4crvict-s. Examination free. _ _ _ • ghlucknotrefentiuti THE LIBERTY TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE FREELY ACCORDING To THE DICTATE8 OF CONSCIENCE WE PRIZE ABOVE ALL OTHER L1BERTIE8 - Litaksoir. A,pri1 .15*, • C. O. F. 111.1.11W001.), NO ?/.4-, 1.1"CK n' -W. Meets e%ery first actl.third Mon - day of .every month in the: Orange Hall. Visiting t.rethrtu 4r.• ito m,. •p. YuLF, LOYAL ORANGE LODGE v 0. 4-.!8, •11Ol.lizi ITS .1:ECU 1.AR '1 tnoathly &alerting's in thelarange Hall, Catnph,11 Luckn,,w, 011 the eeei.nd Taroe Tarots! evning Of each and even?. month. Degree si4lit the second Tuesday evening - following. All Visiting brethren cordially in - :sited to the meetings.. • Davit. Au( - A. T. Davis0N. • Sec Mary. . . W.11. _Av. C. T. U. ---„T he regular monthly • V • meeting of the Wi,men's Christian inperanee Union will 1.e -held every second Wednesday ..f each monta in the Odd Fellows Hall, 1.natnOw, at 3 p.m.PrsIi.Icftt 31 RS. J. BRIAN, ; Mas. H ORN L L .SeCretary. I. 0.0. F. meet; every Triday evening their hall, Campbell street. cordially invited. 4. W. Aity-ino-N...••W. Noble robed. -• s \\\- • • "?...ararwr - 1.; C l N) Wo Lodi.. No 112 at 14 o'clock ill All brethren Recorder AOUW if/ ICKNOW •XJ Lodge .1 the Ancient Order of •T. 'United W...ekangn, meet4, in the Odd fellows' Hall, on the -•••• last and second Monday tvenings \` each month it ei ,ht •if, o'clock, Nisi ng brethren cordially invited. W.S.Ifecsa; •D.O.YuLx, Raster Workman. Recorder. rrrOw-7---^", OLD LIGHT LODGE F X C Air PETS EVERY TM VitSDAY NIGHT Av I_ on• 4.r before the full moon, ic the Sat ogic 1E6110 Havelock street, j).. H•ItaT DATE, Wol-WIJUIRaster. Secretary • 1- • WILNIMAL R•ORER'? CUNNINGHAM. INSURANCE •FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. •ifeleielosar No 1113 - Mkie. DELTIST C. /4. NEWTON Honor :radtiste in dentistry, Torovito Dental 4' dirge, and" Doctor of Dental Sur- gery, Tonolto 1niverity. All modern plans o, eration and earefulnesa in workmanship. Office is block, tipatiairs; • I'. S.- Wilt visit Ripley -every Thursday afteenoon. Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is successfully nsed monthly by over 0.000Ladici.:lafe,effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cosh s Gass Ilssi Gss- mad. Take no other as an mintures, pine and Imitations are dangerous. Priee,14e. 1. $1 per boxMe. lO 1. degrfteg etmnger,ss per box. No. I or mailed on recet pt or price and two 1-sen1 'temps The Cook Compeay.Windsor, Ont. PrNoa. I and 2 qn:d and recommended by all asponsible DruggistinCausda. ;14, Dv"; noir hy Dr. D, X. Gorica, Druggist. 41USIC LESSONS _ Given by •D: C McM9RR4N, 05 TH E uttal Banj 4,1arionet Etc., Etc, • - - For terms, etc., call'at the Sentinel office. Choicer/ Work a Shecialty Mandolin t'ornet .181111 Posttuaster-General Jlulock's, new post °thee bill gives a twe-cetit -Postal, rate .for letters throughout the Don:An- ion. To make up some of .the lose occaSi, ned 11 the proposed . re4uction- in Mr. Mulock will ask news - •paper publishers to pay half a cent a - pound on all papers set.toutside radius of teu miles from the publish- • ing (ghee. An insokency bill has been intro- duced in the Houss of Commons,. nr. Fortin, the member who introduc- ed the bill, said-; that it had been, prepared under the ouperyisiait of the Moqtreal Board of Trade:assisted ,by Meors. A. S. Kent and 'Mr. Steven- s( n, who are authorities on the sub . ject The measure embodied many of 1 the . provisions- • of . Sir McKenzie Llowell's Bill passei by tbe seniti in 1804 and reintroduced in OW , It is limited in its application AO traders. An important point of difference) Le. tween this and the Boewell bill is that it does not apply to.joint *Wei com- pahies, which comm under the 'winding up Act of 1S89-. Voluntary assign- ments must be compulsory. The pro- ceedure is this: Application is made by a petition to the court for a receiv- ing order. That order, .when issued, is addressed to the sheriff, who im- mediately takes possession olthe pro perty of the insolvent. "Mr. Fontin's bill seems to meet the most pressing demands, namely, no preferences, and protecting' the rights of British credi- tors. The bill has been favorably received by both parties in the Com- mons. AGAINSR FODDER CHEESE The following circular has oeen sent to dairymen by the Ingorsoll Packing Co., and may be of interest to those engaged in dairying, as proving the wisdom of establishing creamMes : . "We believe the factorymen in the Ingersoll section will he studying their own interests if they do not make any fodder cheese this seoson, especially as they are at best an undesiraLle article and reflect discaedit on all the cheese •manufactured throughout tam season. We are all well aware that the con- ditions are not favorable in the early spring months for making cheese. If they are made they will naturally find their way to the other side and are an important factor in depressing the market when the heavier month's Make is being marketed. Moreover, fodder cheese get out of condition as soon as the weather turns warm and cast a reflection on Canadian cheese generally. By not commencing to make before the first or middle of May it will give the importers on the other side an op- portunity to clear out their old stocx, and thus we will be able to commence the new season on a better bailie. The importers have lost heavily on last Leason's purchases for which they paid very remunerative prices, (aud many of them now have large etocks), and the money thus lost was received by Canadian factorymen. Now it will undoubtedly be to the advantage of all who areaconscientiously interested in lanadian cheese to do their utmost to see there are no fodder,cheese made' Iii discussing this matter with several of our most prominent factorymen they are very emphatic in denouncing the making of any fodder cheese. ••:The price both el eatuery and dairy, butter is hinher than for .years. past' in the spring, partially owing to the drought In Ablitrailia,. and, the milk can be utilizediti the waking of butter, much :more prOtitOly them in the making.Of tsdder .cheese. • - Patrons, cheesemakera, . salesmen and buyers as svell.should lay asidednY personal interest and all act in har- mony in serving the beat interest,' of the trade." a.ad Sas • Agricultural Slooloty Meeting , . A meeting of the Director's of. the Kinloss Branch Agricyltural• SoCiety, will he held at the Mechanic's Insti: tute; Lucknow,'en Saturday, the 23rd iust., at two o'clock p.m,„' to consider the securing of grounds;.etb., for the fall show. • _ . Grand Intenuctiai.lroant. Active prepare? lone are tieing made to hohla grand representation of .the Chief Nations of the world,. -in 'tilt Town -Hall, Lucknow. at an eac,i:as to -be announced hereafter: .grand- Carnival is under the dirtettian cf ;Uri. P. P,' Kee, Music Teachetrand D: C. Me3lorran, Band Master, who, will -spare no pains. to make it - both entertaining andlinstructive. - , A Priceless Dhoeovery7 "Soak and Swab" .is an infallible, painless and .non7pcisonOus reinedy-for the cure' .49f cancer, cartilaginous', ulcers, &c., sore.throat and e varieity of skin diseases. It cures cancer any part of the body .where thc liquid .C.sin_reach it. Send for circulargiVing instructions; how to. use 'the liqe141. Sold itt 1;0 cents per pint and. 30. cents per, half pint bottle. 'MeLeod's Labratory., Goderich, Ont. • • s---' , -council Nomination • • Owing to the death ot Couneillor, Adam Thompson, it is neceseary t� sele& a repredeetative to• take hie place,on- the Council Board, anci it nomination forthat purpose will be- held in the Town .Hall: this crf.iursd ly evening frOm seen to -eight...o'clock. If a poll is...demended the electibti- wil I- take place; one week' later; ' the' voting for the Northern. Divisi .n at. the School- House, and for the,Southern Division' at the Towii, Hall, Eteetton Cases. .Judgement in the two election appeals, reserVed by 'Judge McLennan, wan given on Tuesday last. In the South Perth case; the decision is given for Mr. Moscrip, Liberal, who is de- clared elected by .a krajority of .4„ West Elgin mcDiermid, Conservative, is awarded the seat with -a majority of I over Mr. McNish. The result of these sappeals leaves the strength of • the two parties as it was:- - Liberals„ '51; Conservativei,43-Liberil majority,: 8. . • - • The Road Grader. Mr. 'Jake • contractor, Lucknow, wishes to meleeknown the general publie:Ahet- :he. pur- chased a Sawyer •St •111ass4 Road Machine, and is now prepared to do all kinds of grading, such • as, roads, race tracks; lawns and open ditches, etc. daks thoroughly • understands his business and all • parties 'requiring. any work in that line should pairoriize him and silos/ their appreciation 'of his push and enterprise in buying Soeh a useful inachine.- of t4) Seam"- Organised • On Monday'evening last a number of lacrossists met in the Bend Itooni of the Town Hall and organipid a team for 189s. They 'have an excellent staff of Acers and it is to be hoped that they will win many laurels this season. They areq.reeared to accept, all.challenges. The. following are the officers :—Ifon. Pres., J . Murchison; 'Non. vice.pres.., J. F. Berry ;Pres.,' 'J J. W. -Armstrong; • Vice pres., J. f. Tennatit;.. Captain, J. W. Jewitt;.. Sec- treiti., W.. A. Lawrence. NOW boys; .get down- te practice' and it is expected that most of our -citizens Will help yOu along. _ Got Lett There are economical people, and there are others: A lady went into a stsre recently and inspected some dress .goods. A remnant that contained - only 41 yds suited. her taste pretty well, but she did not by it. She wont home and shortly after her hus- band entered the store to porches° 4i yards of said goods. Theinerchant did not feel like giving or throwing' away the quarter of a yard and 'die piece was not sold. Business people do right in refusing. to be a party. to the little schemes of that class who are eveilastingly trying to get some- thing for nothing. Suridait School Anniversary The Easter and Anniversary Ser- vices of the Sunday School of . the Methodist Church, were held last Sunday, the congregations being large andtdie services ex-eedingly interect- ing. .The pulpit was- enclosed in a great bank of beautiful. Easter •plants and flowers; the Sunday School , choir occupied the choir gallery and led the singing with ability; the children of the school occupied the centre of the auditorium. The pastor of the Church Rev. I. B. Wallwin, It , preached morning and evening, in the morning an object sermon specially fcr the children T;) ;) to or has preached the Anniversary sermons of the schcol during the three years of his pastorate. In the afternoon a large mass meeting of the children and their parents was held in the body of the church at.which there was a most interesting program of responsive readings, Easter choruses and songs by the children, which were well given and much enjoyed. Under the effieient superintendency of Dr. Newton assisted by a willing and 'ear- nest baud of offisers and teachers the schocl has done excellent work during the past year and is well equipped for the coming one. • Furniture! Furniture! Yorniture ! *ving purchased a largo-- stock of furniture from the Luck now Central Furniture factory ata reduced price, we are pre- • pared to offer you this line cheaper than ever; and our stoc of parlor goods, window,. shades+, urtain poles, bed springs and inattr sses, pictures and picture frames, is rger than before. Call and examine before you buy. Our undertaking s ck is alwayd com- plete. • Calls pr ptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed.—Law- rence & Johnstone • Presbytery f Maitland. This Prenbjfery :will hold' a pro-re- nata meeting at L "Anow, in Rev. J • Mazniabb's house,. n. Monday, April ai l• p.m.; 11.0 consider trans- ference of the co regations of Mc- Intosh and Behno • Saugeen Preshy-; tery to the care ancr oversight of the Presbytery of Maill.ind, and. to deal with petition fromithe congregation of • of Chalmers Vilurch; Kincardine •township, to be transferred to the Presbytery of Bruce. Members are requested to attest Moderator. Joel , by order of •th•s M ACNABB, Clerk. _ Locating' si Chicago His tnany biome:Nan this town and surcounding country will be pleased to learn that Mr. John. MeItityre. who .fuls been -atteuding" the Northwestern DEntal Collme-for the last two years, as' been.suceewiful in passing all his examinations. 'anti is -.slow a 11. D. S., .(Doctor Dental S.urger)), Mr.- Mc Inty re. has* the honor. of graduating in one of the: large -it • chis. -es that have .ever graduated at sum time, .-there 'being 187 graduates. The Commence- ment Exercises wero held On Tuesday, March- 5tb.-; and,' W attended by a liumber of former Luol4misvites- Who duly appreciated tbe privilege of seeing the -degree of I). D. S. conferred upOn their fritaid Juok, who is no longer jack -.but has -opened- up an 55th. street ant -where he • int:el:el future, Doctor McIntyre flies on the corner Jefferson avenue practising in • the - • How the ma ter is Viewed. Two farmers were recently,-- discuss- ing their local piper. (hie thouglit it had to many advertisements ift it; The other replied: '!In my opinion the •ad- vert is'entents are far • from, being the least valuable part of it. I look them over carefuily and save at. !mit •tieel tittiks the cost of the paper through. the business advantages I get from -them." Said the other"1 • believe you are right -1 know that they pay me'well and rather think it is not good tatite-to find faults with the. ad- vertisements after - It pays any man with a family _to take a good local paper for the sake of the ',Aver- tisments it nothing- rwre, and if busi- ness men fail to gi've, farmers a chance to ,read adv.ertisenients in the local paper, they are,blind toAheir own iil- terests to say the least of it. "You .ne.ier trade'with me," silid a business man to,prosperous • firm. "You -have never Invited me to your - place of business, .and 1 never- g where I ain not invited; I might not be well come," was the reply. - _ Public Meeting • The public meeting. in the Town Hall, on. ',Friday .last,.. was largely littentleft' The. -Reeve Mr. J. G. occupied the chair. He aaid he had ,called the ratepayers together to get an expression of opinion . -from them re_arding. the fitrniture factory.' compitny. at present eperating ;the- factory had -decided to, cease manufacturing furnl- ture, and had Offered the plant for sato,: :Several Parties hall come here to see.the works,but as each and -all of them wished to -know what haduce- Mentes the village ".'as willing to give -in the Way of extending the present loan, exemption- front taxes- eta., he 'thought it advisable to lay the matter before the people-. A lengthy discus-. sion followed ing *bleb Messrs. Dr. 'Tennant; Wm: Cdianell, Robt. Graham; Wm .Geddes,. :We Anderion, A Me-. Pherson,...Wm. . late.. J. Bryan, a - Morrison,. Fred Grundy • and others took part, :but fr m the tone of the. speeches .and thj general feeling of those-preseut, i.t 'Ves evident the rate- payers would mke no promises to.: grant -anything f rther to the factory, and the• meetin finally broke Op witheuttaking' nal definite actron: • Oranj /Monsoons.: • Thursday even ng laet, it the home of the bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blair. 2nd con..kuron, occurred the marriage of their daughter Kate to Wm. Smith, of Paramount. Owing to the immense. crowd the marriage ceremony took place on the hewn. ,About t;.45.the Wedding March be- gan, played by Ise Shier, of Tiverton when tht- bridal Iparty ippeared pre, ceded by the Revi W M Pomeroy who in a very impress ve manner performed the ceramonY'assisted by the Rev T I, McCutcheon, of St Thomas . Miss Ella McFarlan.?, *sae "Mr Thos Smith, as best man handsomely dre mere trimmed' and the maid o very much the ulrtions the p dining room wh supper was daintly served Sweet music was disco4rsed during the sup- per The bride Was the recipient of a large number of beautiful and useful presents 'Mise liair was greatly ad mired by a large cirlo of friends and will be very inuci missed in the com- munity. The tat wishes of all go with them as maid honor and rother of the groom, to bride was ,very d in cream cash- ith lace and pearls honor was dressed ine After congrat- rty repared to the e a delicious wedditi Our Co ntry Roads. Provincial Rola' Inspector Camp- -bell has recetvedlintimation that be- tween 30 and 49 township municipali- ties have this year adopted his. plan for making the best of the statute labor system 4f roadniaking. His method is to appoint it road supervisor for the township, who will be a paid Tlie_roacle are then divided intodfive-mile districts and a foreman appointed for each. All the roads and road -making in the. township will be under the direction of the super- visor. The townships are buying machinery and, altogether, a decided forward step in the direction of good roads is evident. Of I nterest.to House keepers Wall paper—large variety—new designs— up-to-date—low in price— Canadian and American patterns— unused rolls returnable if purchased frein stock.—D. Murchison. Care for the little ones —Don't make any mistake this spring. Berry's drug store is hoaclquartors for the latest linos in baby carmen; Prices away clown. After the Jubilee _ Last year the Jubilee in honor ot Her.Most Gracious Majesty, tilled the public eye. This year it is the inten- tion to fill the public eye in this vicinity with & celebration at Lucknow on May 24th. Already we begin to hear rumors of secret sessions of the- Celithumpian Brigade, and as soon as the subscription committee is found abroad among the citizens, we may take it for granted thet preparations have bekun'in earnest. • Passed Aire* lirs. Treleaven, wife of Richard Treleaven, of Dungannon, and mother of Mr T L Treleaven, of Lucknow, whose serious illness was announced in the last issue of The Sentinel, pass- ed away on Thursday afternoon last in the 74tli year of her •age Deceased and her husband wese among -the pio- neer settlers of the tearnship and isras well known and highly esteemed Ise leaves an aged husband and eight sons and two daughters to mourn the loss The remains were'interred in the Dun- gannon cemetery on Saturday, ,her six younger sons acting as pall -bearers and a very large crowd of relatives and friends were present. _ A Good Enterta. foment - The concert given in the Town Hall on 'Thursday evening last, under the auspices of the- Epworth League, e as one of the best entertainments given in the hall for some time. Miss Ethel Webb if one of the finest elocutionists that ha0visited the village, and in her many and varied selections, was heart- ily applauded. Mr.. Graham Hodsdon possesses a sweet, well-trained tenor voice, and he also was given a good reception and liberal applause. Mr. D. B. Boyd, by request, sang a couple of bass solos that were well appreciat- ed and liberally enchored. Miss Edith Sinith presided at the piano in her usual ability, and taking altogether it was a very enjoyable -concert. • • Wedding Belle. • On the evening of Wednesday the 6th inst., there was a large gathering at the home of W. J, Douglas,' of the firm of Lees & Douglas,' the occasion being his marriage to Lizzie, fourth daughter of the late Archibald Mc- Millan, of Wawanosh. At 9 o'clock Miss Dollrlsees. played the wedding march. The groom entered the room followed by the bride, leaning on the arm of. her brother, Archie. The cereniony was performed by the Rev. • A. NI c K ay. The bride was very prettily attired in a dress of blue and black effect, trimmed with silk velvet and chiffon and carried a beautiful bouquet of roses and carnation.', a pre- sent from Miss Christie, of London. ;Upwards of forty relations and friends witnessed the ceremony that made the twain man and %tiff., d at its --con- clusion they partook of a sumptuous wedding supper prepared by the sin - :kers. and brothers. of the bride. At this juncture of the occation the • 14‘nd stuck up outside and played a few well appreciated Selections. The remainder oftheevening was spent itt music, singing, and,. other amuse- ments, till the,. early hours of the morning when the crowd -dispersed, leaving Lehind them many cooly presents. 1‘..r. Douglas is be congratu- lated on his matrimonial success, as • Miss McMillan is a very popular 'ytiiing. lady among all who knew her. • Mrs. Douglas- will be at home to friends on Monday's' of this month. Keep your eyes open —For the next few weeks, you will see the greatest bar- gains ever offered in Lucknow in wall paper, stationery and f'ancy gooth. Watch Berry's drug store window. - —The list of convictions made by Huron magistrates during the last quarter is probably the smallest ever published in the county, and consisted of only four cases, by four separate magistrates. —The new Canadian postage stamp possesses a peculiarity that is some- what neat and remarkable. The Queen's head which form the design on the face of the stamp, becomes the head of a typical Arab or Oriental chief, if turned upside down. It also possesses another peouliarity. If you do not look closely before affixing it to -a letter you will have it upside' down nine times out of ten. The design i: two obscure. • It is lucky for Reultett Truax, that he was elected by acclimation or his election would also hav,3 been protest- ed. lie and Mr. Lucas of Centre Grey will find it rather lonesome these days. —Thes:ey Enterprise. Another big consignment , —Berry, the druggist, has bought out a big line of wall paper, Friezes, ceiling paper, etc., from an Eastern factory., . Prices will be cutjust about in two. Don't mistake the _place.—Berry's drug store, .Murray's —Rev. John L. Kerr, of Brussels, father of Mr. W. 11. Kerr, o( the Brussels Post, passed away to the great Beyond 1e.et week in his 72nd. year. Deceased was -one of the pioneer ministers and has been superannuated fca some years. Ile had enjoyed good health until recently. WHOLE NO. 1263. LOCAL ITEMS , — Mrs. K. J. McLeod spent Easter in Chzwleayy. _ s Plenty of Salt at T. Agar's by the barrel. —Samuel French spent .:ood Fri- day at Wingliam. —Mr. William Cameron left last week for Manitoba. —Get a ftee sample paclage of Days' Baking' Powder. —1)0c. fiostock, of Kincardine, t wheeledt to wn on Sunday. --Mr. WI 1 Reid is visiting his many friend4 n town this week.' . Carroll, of Kincardine, n Good Friday, . Forster is spending a uds in St. Thomas. pays cashior butter aud kes that a specialty. ill remain closed for the 8 until April 18th. Lawrence, of London, is visiting wider the parental roof. ._. • —S-ewart Yule, left on Thursday, for Sarnia, where he has a situation. Mr, Cli was in town —Mr. D. week with .f —T. Age cgs. He iu Easter holid —Mr. Ad. —House a gain for cash t -r -'Z litI a ndIzite Is:sirs: Wingliam, — Mill. T last week th —Messrs Kincardine,. day. —Seeds! seeds by the at Harry D —M isses spent Easter dine. —Roller lilyindow shades at Harry Days' drug 'tore. Low priced. Call and see themi . —Miss Mnnie McLean, of Kin- cardine, spe t Easter the guest Miss Jessie McM Ian. —Mangol . carrot, turnip and all , otherfielda d garden seeds for sale a.t Harry Days —Mr. S th Kiltin, of Clinton, is the guest of t r. Wm. Bower, of this vaiagc. —Beautiff designs in wall paper at Harry Days Have a look over his, samples. . — Mair JSidda1l have sold to Mr, Alexander exander siker, James D. Baker's fa — Call atjLawrence (k Johnstone'e when you are house cleaning, and get a new bedroom suite. • — Mr. and Mrs. D. Jacobe, of Tara, are the guess of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Ross, this jTeek. —For careta, oil cloths or linol- emus, go to onnell's. New patterna to choose fr m. Prices low. —Mr. Seinuel Barber, of Mt. Forest, spent.Easter in town under the parental' roof. —A large stock of fancy beds at Lawrence's $Johnstone'e, to be sold cheap, call 4icl see them. —Mr. D. B. Boyd, of Toronto, who spent the paet week visiting friends in town returned to that city on Mon- day morning. —Days Baking Powder has stood the test for e long time and isfclaimed by all who have used it, that it is the best. Get a free sample for a trial ' —In bla4k and colored worsteds, tweeds and 'tierces, we show extra good value. Leaire your order for a suit if yootivke-u.ant vl ue and a good tit. —Wm. cnu --Mr. Geo. Lees, returned home from Chatham where he successfully passed his examinations in Book-keep- ing and business courses —Mr. Frank Seli, of Winhain, Miss Kate Seli, of London, and Miss Net- tertield, ofinghain, visited friends T in town on unday last, — We have a large stock of furni- ture to clear out this month, at a low price, call and examine. Lawrence & Johnstone. ' — Returning officer Gibson, of Godeiich, last week deelared J. T. (;arrow elected M.P.P. for West d lot for sale. • bar - Apply to W. J. Little. signs in,roller blinds at Call in and see them rices. ean and Atkinson, of re in town Good Friday. s, of Wingbain, vent guest of Mrs. G. Douglas Allen and Harrison, of heeled to town on Sun cods! Field and garden unce, pound and package s'. Dors and Jennie LOW with friends in Kincar- • — T, P. Smith, eye specialist, will be at Harry Days' drug store(one day only)4n Thursday, April :Nth. , Rooms ov the store. Examination free. —Lost I -On Carhpbell street, on Wednesday of last week, a gold watch charm, V., inches long, imitation of an indelible lead peocil. Finder will oblige by laving it at this office. —Now that house cleaning has begun, it will pay you to take a look at the nice samples -of wall paper Ilarry Days' has to show. A bfg selection to choose from and at the very lowest prices. - -Miss Mabel Ool ins, of Kincardine paid it visirto friends in this village on Thursday last, leaving on Friday for Dungannon. —J. G. Murdoch & Co. lave added Ladies' White Wear and ready-made wrappers, tei their Ladies' Furnishings Department. See their advertisement iofyou ha Fag l any defect in your eyesight call and see T. P. Smith, at lIarry Days' drug store, on Thursday, April 2sth. Examination free, He will be here for one day only. —Every young man entitled to be on the list as manhood franchise voters, should see that their names are entered on the assessment roll. By doing this now, further appeals will be avoided. i — Silcotton is a new and beautiful material for embroidering, crocheting, knitting and all kinds of lace and art work. It comes in a great variety of plain and mixed colors, warranted pure dyo and while it is difficult to ' distinguish it from real silk it is much less expensive, and is bound to become . very popular. J. G. Murdoch & 0o. 1 have just placed it in their fancy goods department, and it is selling readily. ' —For first-class tea, call at T. Agar's. Teas gutranteed to give satisfaction, or money refunded. —A couple of rooms to KA, suitable for dressmakers, Apply to James Bailey, Havelock street. — Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hurd, of Detroit, spent Easter Sunday the guest of Mrs. Adam Thompson. The high school entrance and public school leaving examinations for 1898 will begin on Tuesday, June 28th. —T. Agar's is the place where you ean get it first class tea or dinner set, or any other article in the crockery line. —For sale! A house and one acre of land, containing good stable, near the station. Apply to James Bailey, Lucknow. —The blacksmith shop formerly ran by the late Adam -Thompson, is still open to all persons wanting blacksmithing of any kind done —Clothes do not make the man but they make him laok more respectable. Our stock of ready-made clothes is new and up-to-date. Give us a call if you want to get a spring suit.—Wm. Connell. —Mr. and Mrs. Boyd, of Relfast, left on Monday last to attend the meeting of the Ontario Educational Assopiation in Toronto this week. — Lace Curtains are always in de - 'nand at this season of the year. To those desiring to purchase, we would say that J. G. Murdoch 4. Co, have recently replenished their stock and are now showing excellent values at the following prices per pair, 25c.,30c., 73c, t1, $1.25, $1.b0, $1.75, $2, and upwards. THE COUNTY COUNCIL Selecting a Bite For The Poor House After visiting Port Elgin and Kin- cardine and examiniug several sites for the proposed House of Refuge in these places, the councillors proceded to Stratford to view the far-famed one of the County of Perth. This they did and returned by the late train the same day. Although at an unseason- able hour. they held a short meeting in the Council Chamber on their arrival. They then adjourned to allow a visit and inspection being mad., of the sites offered in the neighborhood of Walker- ton. 'This they did on Saturday after- noon, when they again convened and discussed the pros and cons of the various claimants. After -a' vote of thanks had oeen passed to Mayor Donohoe and others of Stratford for the kind reception the council met with at their hands, and the faculties they were afforded for viewing the House of Refuge there, it was moved by McInues--ijutntnings — That a grant of $25 be made to Ann MC- Kechnie of Elderslie an indigent and that said sum be plaoed in Mr. Mc- Innes, hands so that it might be pro- perly spent—Carried. Scott—Moore—That this couacil do now proce d to ballot for e fit and proper place in which to erect a House of Refuge, and that the locality three Ones receiving a majority yote be selected. Amendment by Richardson ----Long —That a ballot be taken in the seine wayasthe election for Warden—Car red.r At this point Shouldioe--McInnes movea that the village of Paisley be inclndtd in the vote for the location of the House of Refuge—Carried. ,Mr. Thompson addressed the , ooun- cil at eonielength in favor of Walker- ton, and made some excellent points in favor of the County town. Messrs. Douglas,,,Richardson, Scott and Cava- mings also expressed their views, after which the Warden appointed the clerk and treasurer as scrutineers. Voting then commenced, and after sixteen ballots had been taken, the matter was still undecided. In order to get a rest and have a consultation an adjournment was made till 7 3'clock. Council met at 7 p McCharles—Nicholson—That mot- ion No. 46 of Soott—Moore be rec3n- s ide red —Carried. Long—Beattie—That this council proceed to select a site for the House of Itefuge by ballot in the same man- ner as electing the Warden and that the balloting be continued till some place gets the majority of votes.—Car- ried. Twenty eight ballots again failed to make a choice. It being half past eight o'clock and some of the members wishing to go home for Sunday, • motion of adjourn- iTrried. ntti11 10 o'clock on Monday was c Council again met on Monday at 10 o'clock. A communication from the Mayor of Walkerton, and a tele- gram from the council of Kincardine were read, in which they both offered electric light for the House of Refuge free, provided it be placed in the im- mediate neighborhood of either of these places. A motion to grant $ 2b to Chas. Pas - more of Teeswater, indigeut, and an- other to grant $10 to Wm. better of Carrick, an indigent, were referred to committee. Dtuglas--Shouldice-1 hat we first examine sites in Paisley before pro- ceeding Lost.luingt311lot for the llouee of Owing to the unsatisfactory result of Saturday's balloting, several motions were made suggesting changes in the mode of proceedure but they were withdrawn, and on motion of Scott -- Cummings, the ballotiog in the same andafterrut: 81125tuthrciaYba!rotas earesiledun*d to decide it, the council was adjourned till2uon'cclioc k. ooi awed at 2 o'clock and continued balloting but twenty ballots 4 more left the case still in doubt. SUITINCS. We are sho4ing a nice nage of Suitings sad Pentings in new up-to-date styles and qualities. Seo our $12, *14 and $15 suits to order. S White alaunoried shirts iu opeL and closed fronts, with short bi.dy, gof4t1 quality and neat fitting. Colored lauudried shirts in latest styles. See our special white shirt at 50c. OIATS, .5 A large range of hats and caps, new styles and colors, excellent va lues' in capAt 25c. UNDERWEAR4 Men's fine natural Wool, Balbriggan, and cotton shirts aad drawers. s - COLLARS & ES White collars und cuffs in all sizes. A iivcial range of ties in latest styles at 25c. BRACES Special driv ! in men's braces at 10c. Extrralues at 25c, 35c, and 45c. ) Rlitimeron An adjournment was then made for one hour to give an opportunity for corunaltation. Council met as per. adjournment It was etident theft Dome other plan of votingtmust bet adopted before a decision be arriveat., and two or three motions were tabled with that end in view. It Inas finally decided that each member ballot three times for foar plaoes in ithe first instants., three in the seoonfl and then the final vote. At the clots of the first vote the place that had the largest number of fourth choioe tas, dropped out; at the close of the Pres votes on the second ballot, the WON* number of of third choice retOting and then the vote between the two still in the ring. lrr itaixor. Walkerton 6, 4, 2, 6-6, 5, 3, 4. Kincardine 4, 2, t 3-4, 3, 7,1-4, 4, 6,4. Port Elginl, 3, 2,7-6, 1, 3, 8,-6, 3, 4, 5, Paisley 2, 9, 5, 2-2, 10, 4,.2-2, 6,5, IS. Totals fourth choice, Walkerton 14; Kincardine J 1; PArt Elgin 20; Paisley 9. Port Elgin wits then declared out of the race. 21D IsiLLOT. Walkerton 8, 4,1--8, 7, 1-7, 8, S. Kincardine 5, 6, 74-4, 6, 9-7, 2, 9. Paisley 5, 6, 5-6011, 6-4, 8, 6. Totals for third choice. Walkerton 12; Kincardine 254:Pais1ey 17. Kincardine beink shelved, the ex- citement grew spot* when the ballots were taken between Walkerton and Paisley. The result WM received with cheers when it wig announced that Walkerton had 12 end Paisley 6 votes. Walkerton was then declared to be the chosen spot. The locality having thus been settled, the next in order was to choose a site from the various properties offered. After a careful examination of the offers made, it was decided to again visit and examine the various proper- ties, so that no mistake might be made in choosing the most suitable site. The was done or. Tuesday forenoon and at 2 o'clock the °MACH yes .pan called to order, Reports of Committees were read and adopted after whioh tke quest= of site was taken up. 'There were • goodly number to select from, and a great deal of care and attention were exercised to get this very beet locative - This careful inspection was of material help to them, and enabled them to an agreetneent without loss of time. The first ballot Mood: Todd 8. Wiles 7, Stewart 2. Tlis second and final ballot was: Todd Wiles 9, Stewart 3, ILSHrilILD Mrs. S. Kilpatrisk, from Lyn, Mar Brockville, is on a visit to friends ia this vicinity. Mr. W. O'Neil is making prepara- tions to burn his kiln on Bowles' farm this week. Mr. Bower has shut down his mill until after seeding. Some farmers is this locality are beginning to seed this week. The ground is getting -in good condition for it. LIORISIDE The weather is favorable and the farmers are busy seeding. Mr. W. J. Moffat, who has been attending the Owen Soand Collegiate for some time is at prevent spending his holidays atilt. Mr. Alex. yen attended the funeral of his smother, the late Mrs. Richard Treles, of Dungannon, list week. Mr. D. D. Yttle, of Leackaow, was in the neighborbooi a couple of days last week workilIg in the interests of Court Langside, C.O.F. We under- stand he has sue:ailed in securing a few new members to the Order. csaiirz Mr. Jt111011 Mannetry, bike been sick with paeumosia, but we are girid hear that he is seine better. Miss Lottie Pierce bed a bad @Pen of pneumcnia, but she is getting loseers,oc Mr. Wm. Pier*, is at wee* Meted Mrs. Thos. Culbert, IAD wee : poorly is quite well egisin• Mrs. M. Sheekleten still keepei unwell. The cold weetbill_jel very hard 0" • 1"1"5 here and they kisr• rAWOWOranhiir. • .....temsosesatenwestat