Lucknow Sentinel, 1898-04-08, Page 2P�
who was half way to tile door, aa'thfo. W003 AND MEASURES, o -_ __
Ing. How sirl, you. Pretty well ready?' sual Method of Procedure Rovers"
mail sprang at hinj witil the activity
.,Paine s Celery
"Really?" said Stratton hurried- by a London Organlz&tion. a
r ly. "No, no� yet. I'm sure of 'a panther. llo%%. being promot-
F6r the next minute.there was Drehw reform Is
Wily, liullo, old Chap a 'An lot in Which Farmers Will be ! ' '*J Q.--, L S
110 ; what's the desperate struggle, am the men wres- rigi
110 matter T' , . , ..� i ol III all 0 nner itl
tied here. and there, both moved by ooru i
one objL-ct-tlle lxvpiesslon prew Leagus.
.'.It[ attor -Nothing, nothing." of the dead- Much InLerested P 0 the Ind
hould He Have Spoken I Com uI nd al� make
S Well, you look precious seedy. the#e e is to
1 1 it I v weapon. The object of (M r S,
V W-111to tax)ut *tile glIL-4. " lly, Ll J1r, Then one . tirimi-ran freed, there was U 0 -
reform easier" by avoiding tile 1)
and a
%falt4diu. -; doWt L tako like that. sharp repor or a pistol, Iff 1114 PLT JOLTS MEAS -URE
t the
A THRILLING STORY OF Fancy . YOU Wnlr nervouo. Wit. wirf of III-wilelling moko partially 1101ty of an outdoor reform. The found
a grave er-
aix)ut? Packed'ims gling puir. Her Majesty, by alld witli the d- aL er thinkii that hitherto
Illd tlio strugl U0 -ted in tryllig
.d Apotlipr shot more consent of the 'Squato and The Groat Spring A ror has been commit vnuision
vice and public WhIcIl
!ny turn, Continu reform upon a
6i Vlkh e denae. flouse.of Coinolls of Canada; enacts
tilo. newcomer. t " well 11;1V A II(xIvy fall.- In not educated up to it. ty inen if It i; a strengtheniing food and
I It would st-irtip mowt el
il10011 two ebuOks: Mr. and NIrs. Mill- Then ol lell"ath like and strange. as f ollows
for Myra, too. nd Mrs. Porey second-hand deal- builder and Uealth ille ladies of their Offices. uPOU arri- tonic, remarkabic in its fics"Orm
Tlutnk yoil a Tloor 1. Auctioneers, r,_
CHAPrER 1. '1 gAy, old chap, you,are outmidol, on the stalrea val in tile morning. proceeded to ti
lint coake. yr've relpenteolL You Wilil liumt. Why, door was opelled; there ers, repalyers anti adjuster@ having ill C_S. It Contains Co-'
rty aft h4her, a' sa-le, repair or move their a'Artii and to hang them ing proper
In Bencliers' lun. lwe4ldiug pa ei all"** 11y: *a* i;t#.p, OR the at ne landing, and� their possession, for
111y* 110y.- I'M 90, Wed-� -ried Stratton, hurriot 0 with their fiats oil tile nearest lint UlSified or partial
darling' Mwe t ()It. Ito, Nd6- no, t . & Volee #41101.1t0d down the well: adjui;tment, any weight. meabure or giver. A Liver Oil Cn
king glif-st. - wb. - Nlaleol U14 d- a put4lwi tbought struck him weighing muchille, S. * to pegs. This IR the example which IN of
In. L 1 Silo half-, be t, digCStC-d, COM ed with the well
Ting-taug-; tiuc-talig.; ting -tans. di 0 A vitli4xit p'tho to'cgrain froll, t6e "-'.4'A*nytllijlg � th6 InfittOr -be within the meaning 01 by one, at leqst;-of' the cirlennizers bin
'tie a regular anci lit In&' ner v After a Illonlent another� Voice WaS =6 Hy
lndit not of the new league, MIN6 r;,. Whittfilcer. and 11i9b1V pri PO
-M"k1Vhu *tritttot�, Z. Mktulv- to ills fr The Weights itud eainit011 Ac.t known S6dq So-
.NotJIJnlk verious f Outgnte. Ambleside. and fpllo%%.
;A16t, n utudowtue, f alit FA)rry.,-.. I should !iked oof I hbard: IIA -1 --nothing. Someone. -bang- of this- Act., 0 phites of Lime and
to twe prt-.4eiltil' . -unto Strattoll mountain. you, "Notuie 2. . -Subbection 1: 0 section 16 of US BESU LTS TO THE memberN are recommended to do like- phos
al"ll What it ngitato ed his Ok." Act is MWELL0 h -Y Is matcriall�
'lit ago Measures t at their pOti=r
illouldn't 1A a thing like tit I gound',of people go- The Wlelght
Autl llu.%iaxi lixe at girm ;1011.14V, hu. :U4 tile
erv*es. tile dear, Thero w, hereby repeal(% and the following Is 'IT, an Indoors leaguer." H'ays MW;
'our noble n increased.
-I know it. illy Iloy, it, *, T
1,46tumt, Uw P11ULUS14VII lie itut tio, edimi't llr~ me. 'W11114"t Ilittlo, wo " an. I'll run: oil to Comm(Ill Ing back into tho-rooin abov( brokell ,ubstituted therefor; WEAq SICK A 0 BROKEN Whittaker, "have many rationni
ouair %vas 'to h - m we say in tho Slle!W6 wlIIcl1 followed, s for the sale and fr1pnds. Tbeo;;r, rld,- In their coitumf,
CAttrn-1 Avenue., nA by 'tile faintly heard strain of -16. In contract
only tioli- rptnrn honie. nd change for tile old
itiU y" tit-ar I r��V. VVnN 46nio:suckleo. t linusic at a distance, the delivery -of anY of th0 underpic Dip?
:ritAt '11 , bully tile 1,,eggarfor riot t
as' you But ellilljiXt L I iop wick for' som6 i4tree 'Inishel shall bt! deter- style. Ninny ride to their business or
0011110 01 1".3. VILi lialltioo),lit r I t, start hill) Alu DOWN.
A it lit t 1W if - door below, Qn, tho first floor handing. ed articles- the
Vlkwii uVer t1w Oki- ilii zliert- was a ill a J fY.** pened a little' way, the fingers whied by weighing, unle . a, husliel' (office. and tliere put on a skirt, tw 11 arrest loss Of flesh anc'
C. It, waar ilik 0)11�d 114,0V no 9, crW` i4rhtton. excit�dly, wits 0 ),ppdAring rounil tho edge. by measure. is specially agreed upon they don't wellir their new eoR- It wi
11. U, atkkkl - in a, whisper. tion th
batcli. Get the bbuquet, of -a hand a tume-except in Ill(- cling. This IN Only restore to a normal cOndi
pivvv 0, lo.� here *A, ttu.4t, lan's head tile weight equividellt to :1 1pear to come."' nnd &'poitloik of it it a, haof-hearted r rm. 1. on the mn-
carvel Oat noll't.come hai ck. I - out, its ownpf wam. 16tew. being its: follows: case a Marvel W, ault. 1:,
kL, t ilk 'Mr: lltettiami!'* t, ki%_ it: you, .99 f4lowly trary, wertr my reform fourteen bourn infant, the child the
i1e.,apritig ;ktuolki; with 1.1l.filpet yoll at tileehurch Wheat 60,poands.
lYour Ing. out of twenty-four.' I fiever quit It. will eni-1--h the blacod of the Jknemic
forei,41 gyOty. t -what I sa All* rght.-* h149 k,lo0ols %%0iAwI1 k&O"Ot is i ki. Not d vhap., dhavo it The, door a* '60001`1 once, more as Indian corn potlnd,.�- bit merely cover It with a watkingg
",I IW iL&,kl kk' Wilraggaig his Ili,. I'm- better wyrwbi%ys. 40illy, I'MY.- I .*OU ;t.11rte(l. softly io it wap opelimi, and the ye 56.pounds. lous One. t cinnoyanee.. yf ill stop the cou gh, hea the irr
tk rt to avol'i Iinnec4A,4nry
%oil sin .1kis. neigil., B.-�-beforc` Whi it '60 pounds. -
W&WIL irotu IiL4 14WILet', evferY wn* alli-ilt.- Autt7*.. il�ntt c -find lwm hidden all tile. morn- Iteam z to rYcV tion Of the throat and lung14 and
lift,, IOW lit bOVeU, i"keu. 14yi, wut oii 11"tily: lilp".8ml tion't coins with filce den clouds. ment''' a brighl Barley '48 poululs. In dirty weattier. not wishini WC
nuuattvi aunow but ile Ilaki f(Jr- lilt b ai uit on the longer skirt. nnii so willi incipient onsumption.
IAW 11" - ** 1, ii�l 'kniwkilig 'Y#A th ugh thednt- Malt 36, unds, pm
lou. ^ukl 4tirtlib -nou pek!kindl tf � ro po office witll()ut anyon Cure
ext tuillute Iiko he. ,door, otbei golden. ra He Says a e b�ing th4 ke this statement because tht
miti .* I.' rite itoeakor went oats' 34 pounds. Feel Like N�
%im. hur t.he I' ;ut Irca4e. window, straight oil ir it'witil ina
1111LILIRg 111-4 bor., , Fin off, t000 a I %Vtvkf14, olle�ned it, an,l. IwLi119 round.- laugh-_ inermi4ted 1-t Witt, Beans 6U 'pouuds. wlw-�. Arrived there. I lion
Sow-,. on' iona.dull : 1,11.,tell -qm to t4) tho outer door, do. hich Condition I Owe my flat On the 'Everyone 00mil"19: experience of twenty -f iVC years hs
41mad lie Write Pree Clover liked 60 P0un man, W
'llit tile New, Forest* y lther"" Timothy seo -48 poul"14. to my offim on blisinf.8% becomes edu-
011111,"! ho said* nd liurried occup. Wideh iii not ell- n it in tens of thousands 01
bawuki ue ux) LLtV. nw, ond eated to my reform, Prove
to tell Yk't,'. Litt uIu%t`r`tt-' b( W Budkwheat- 48 pountis. to the Blessing of God a 'one nee(i be I'lloCked. I I)P- —d -ft
ire -an ai.1910., COLM
lie ou ter door Vio0- I Stratton .4TRA Flax seed .56 pounds. travil.gant., N CASCS. [if Si6re:0, ,t scorT'S L
tile titl�kt goom; to 110Y. while, I the thin end of tile w"'19"'.
Klow ly -hut it, Your Paine's Celery- irin witt and lji.00. all dru"WA,
let vo-a gat few Of th-0 'Illml ');I rtm Itg, the, inner a, B, powids.
iC�bntlnucd.) Hemp well 44 r or I)Ioomer
he suliffeAl 141glitt v isi tor (To Nhowinit a bit Of tr(moP
ier to ho ..turned, 11.1a unw Blue grass seea 14 pout CoMpound." SCOTT & %OW\
j*vull.L11w h helov a short skirt. Thi
, , p the Itat
0114ir laut emot, Into Vie ro,wja thrtv.agk-' leading into SPANIAX NAMES. Castor beans -4 poqnds. toll! to tile Idea thnt it womftn ling
Votat4 -Aid from tile
from eI)a"lige Des, tu-5111ps, carrots Ila ruilips I two legs, njl�l Is not w
iwre . t. veW her, tilr." e-haittber- and rourned to Ali. Ay&tlierlty Explallis Their Proper beets -60 pounds..
1. -11 e.
lie Jf.WpPt%I kxwk Riciva-rob"I walst dl)wnward, - R skirts try to make Port N -.tti,
I lay- i1poll Illy IiN ebalr..* noiation. 1 50 limed for lookitig 1,orluutwi6l' :tho ,V . .4 to - carringell Pronou 011101I... feel e(miatrained, )r it out. The ToTigf�r skirt 114 reR
lk�_t Man -4 1 70 1101,111ti"'-'
t great mIIJOTItY Bitutulhou.14 Con Dear flirm: I home." 10 har, is
oritt.- bouque
Turks�y - carpet, ;U14t %ttAiAt fit 4 1 . . :weddilig biren k- it is* at' fao;'t, t_, OF ti". �.Iid tot tli(,i betiefit of qufferblir humanity, the jCurney
J! 1141 11 Vt: IlaVe . IN%pjJ 'IIA).WI waitinix- chumb 1,51y. 6. BYL oulty Ili. pronowicing Sect jilly worit by
U ft - iv F 41(fie to -tile ..wonde Ill The eostilmv Us"
IlIaLtilke it lur. 11 �jtr' nky 40r anti- ItAt", lie a -lid, lit b* IlleCts - - do, (;rn-
% ny t,ha4l iwt I roli t fir." their ereby repealed. " .. :1(. t ad tuy testiluo'lly
(if elln . I- I liew w4rd 48 of- th, aillets Celery COIII- lengtwrs Is raltvd tile po#ltumt to Ly.', c..4bulti drink. a. TOM -0110-* fect$ of.yoxtr V. union of !%foorigh y retiledy ftxr A, Ile I l.: I, iilk IiLs w-.ks. iLlustrittoi being :1 trou eyt T tilt. foll()%�ijltr ig- luepAi to tr YOU'r tin da.
I0%vj,4i* by I wxs -fro.,4: UL .it pagno.os,' I - 'liereby of I- W." ill(
as4 fol lly. �111,4 jimi. stiatU)n 'had groWn* ill tills eiiy 'the, Spanish' LM:tll' repeale - anti rh its wandii-iful 'ef- qern nti n Fougs, with short skirt. ail- bs- Itv- dear .�lr. 1'-retiils vi.. if ilk..Xew'York'harbor- suf�istitut4_41 therefor.-. throug rs. i4winli litirt.
0MIA tkoi� qxmlut. hatidik)MO to.1-he door.,� lie )f-%% 'air wa* after parks.' I Ilad- 1) vi- %%.pys allowl.ig tile. trouRers to bil seen.
dig trif444` ya, Mid 1648.,,Withill four nio0ths 11 colo id or wil't
t lutt le,"l -ky-ya,'other,4. Viz-korr ()f patint Greei-in Jack -t wit re
-111111k ) it itiger.: fr) 11 Of L tWb ._ye.ars :1 Vast 4-1111tiltity,
ly 941( -'. 4, . .-kid VIZ %evording. - tO tht,-- expirfttio froin I it ly uls ultnblp fo� eveining wear.
aligaiii live air#,# to cried -rs I 's
timpilig, nl(.
I 41 re It() 11010re verifie.-atioll 'it'll "its ,dicine, otAY W lRd 'ront
of arv6rai Pn%itf% k"I't %0 r: languages ms dobUrs' txw I ing
,I.. li, 1, %V ho' -;k I Strattoti.. Rom I
L'a _4 :tit professor . of . I %
w JI d �11 s enell- �!self I grovVilig weaker. -A griat 11filig ill thl. 'but
%v lit) roulql lbiLY wk! ;4ery k 1,[ in AW41- yeur. in
it It it et prQnuitela- cc. It Illpt 140 mue
you -obtained your In-. ilk lco,llv.,ter, the 0 9svAstr- et'ti Woeir Y I ."a%, we are,
ft.!C Will- t il e gir i U1 i'li v V weight, "tile We are W.
to ()It e r. vour Vititlem Celc'ry Wjtwr. -ant v.t frV o come tioll't� Ild the -ttit wlint qiir(
frmatVm. -Ulit if you 1121v d weighiliK 11i"011ue hidill gained f -(;Ood wenther I flow unnadian tr
tJV*% Ni4i, f five bottif
lz t of t 114% tis long. 1�easure all number o
-of- theAmsy ail 'oil tile �st Ilgaill. I*! I othervt Holmft.
: ni tioll. wliich w1g4t
,lutfet, lu,,t ywa,r a Ifalf ountio, apd am lbtribil
0 falled Ifts- . N16-irp threp U 011. beell very- ppimwptibly ro-
-melt a .. P nI)le to� w(rk haril fill day AS a., I
fain hAV416 died nvitl tan le. Y' vu i,t%authority for a neW certifiCILtA (if 11101-ilispection ve
ikooiLt,il loutui 1�lw* uy4v; thl- Ili., - Lit(. ro Yuur self of IR h r U t"i
1111H It]. The J�r that -alld �VLriflc�atioh obtalikeft from thot- golf ced the brenking ull Of
f as. . with comfort to 111-T du bi, I
I t A rtion', that, ali z lit- tll�ollgllout tilt. y
Or To"all tt 1produe- eel like new U1811, v"I'leb _outitr, tapplication'(4 Nerviline-nerve-
y (In ry it tile f"1111411 11111191,1119". ave proper inbpector 'prima tion -1 Owe to the bleming Of GO(l 411" Ito reporta, tra-vellerim aild �zk (Zur i shall be triete. Torot tcure- witiCh
Vtoti tile Itpt�+olllre ettutlwl- I y
.41. with -tioll f the certif I
IW"XtJJ Cif %V 1.1 k4 I JU4 1400k here:- 3-sulkv t tp. fu -W Ind. ian Woolen
taore ap, tob tlir0%&t0fI hou tlo, or -your pallies Celery Compot %,ellous power over nil nerve paiu, lum
lee 01 soujI(I ii favor facie evidence or verificat ing in ortiorbi freelY. ('anad
'N,. y t 114% pr0lxA11 tr - Ila li.knit yourm truly, 'gaills filied with orlders. (,wtadian eot- -pus ill TIwu-
-ir Ila ri! wit: to sanke r- ri- verificatioll. 4e_ provel a remar�ablv wilet
" B" -11:19 tit(.
-r natitral Team ago o! Vtv. Daniels een (AN
-I r t C_ tile. pro- taken toil Tit
t4wir oil. sil ti%t Witt t place wlt.1111, the period'. pro Lawrencetow" goods steatly lit tile r(
v, - Tht4i lie 114A 041111P* to nbankers not inclined te) ineredw drivew
.04 tilo L 4' ttriuuo4 %tJUJt%t (XI tile, nervqw, wJOth(
en N -PO
n, coolly., isound s6ribed by lAw.
rat I inan. . 't du AL cabilt.t 0r'oAv4)l0gLc:a I)rvli;,L . N#r ad ftw-sor. say* ain out nd so giveN relief, Try It
-Jt- lrair-"114) 1-4 . , Z, Governor. lit C tjD1JN1Um-S GROWING US the VI)JUMP of Money flow till ea
not'ecoolie Tilt
It, Is.
. 4 N6W, IoA bece, yog Jye t Ifn -i tiowe I ver, .. u e imuggling (.Onlillailit4i tif as aiflk v
Qb torst te, -yoll, of- gi iak regulatlOi� pru% all(I be CAMV111104A
[lit to- lviv)r a -alit 4,1'Arrel. . I i,ut for, it rhaligs, It lklontreit I reportAi
)IsliIii1g.4 o111 -tjig for Alle oad J!
Ir -111 I lot L be JISPit till a ore f"-fluoilt v.rttic�a- LaLrge-Works Building AI)r railroad far".
lit, 4 oil nit
f It41 ry- age
tII4. four t!ovcW4Y4- it., d f our. it.% r -I tim of elevatort railwav- production. _;()mP ti:1 in. icoff. -by f lo6ds ill tit# -
Ito lind bRd rtinds re- lltoll' TIR119111 THE NICW'
tijet,l tte L_ 4P, to lJJJWL.. k,t_ 1..kb; tirut'... 1111t, ror. Itoegor corre - et pro -
t 114- 4 Illy scales - 1jud sl its. 'rovinve Of Quebee
oulAl, lv-� rou iptfiyff. It wa.-Il't', n!iiieliltion of lininim-r of twilall-ps I pill) e ralliolly, n Of luving tile %olurw! of distribution Im-
But, 190k w3iero lie -W 1;4 4-t141r rite C ailoeg. jilid may requirill tilty, wner departme S vepagi&. (;r(werien as a rult'
'erWd,:44ti, provide. suitable dild LAMP
Rr' ,Aq, that oniie tion
NI - - 11 1 )ker rf*t -lye pp6avetr. lit
I U I -it. ii V4 bu Vf I I klu ft. on n it
)ok .:1 rol- works re
r it tre dull, but mOlamw
isli lov V 'ge oarriAlrR ii ster. lit -titereof to
ko im ouh1lietallurgy. and -a and dried fruit�
-46 Hi. hilo-Vock0t. was l(At. In. tile rmghinttan i nece -try for the, prolwr�roll- IN' nrtlVV alld higher hi priet 016
tit(. word Is'14PPlic'] '10 it lt&
teaft th Ok Alut
f . Ti,e (I M r-., 11ral It- re- ILY
11 lit' rifleation.-'40id mKY produetioll. .. The 11riti., tmpltlmPlit market Is (it'll Mt lfK*:Il d- ARNIA
dwct . (ytitup Till- al, jcotttl tkr. Aiewi
otkiv L fe and at* -surh Vel
ql. witil rellittile. in I elf- .%v III I: tw I -It am -ti to S4.4. me, *vrittA lit tit' ffmt co!" , I nlly's works zit. OP but a Wxyd businesm Is reportA-4
aLpear thei -for." atid KAW114 L-0464r*r.
I"gl.t er-itibil,1 jillgin n
t, It. y4rir erviiiir. imlostor 'it 1�; I I Comm I lw� I .-Pol, it I I it ro-;
1v teVcr.ii tu -011velopt� as M L arer 6f const cted )II P Yourdeni
I rpri.v%ol illoutle F'oyer ecount. BusinNIN f
r' y rdt ctl ale in. x0ort a it.
ek I
I W01 :1114 P0 per" Nq -u ret� a A line Welt con"t number 23 litut dolt, 4 to, LIKIT".
V,0 ;4, -tot tu tin wtights,? meits ind welght,19* HAIL- v two naturfil Ocll'� n the Dominion - I aft:
T ;ep vaiof th--'4 ld, *:aitl nil for tile p. -Ili. - iop for alle
t4) I lava IN ibil -1 he V. locil !g:,illst �Sl tile pre%ious week. 4;
011k. iq j o 41 my -hall liave ill )III% Raltelro, 1""Olden' Toronto
littie wirq .4 hthe t of this week of 1997. 40 -in 1896 and cro%ol Jlbe It(] s
CAACtly oIttiek,
bn.,Ilty f4itelling :up 0 y welght, rileas- tpojes of trade -In sit
VX Is. 1 '1 forillinir all unbroke
. firn r -m lour
rj�* ii ig 011t 'Vforr tier WC machine exceliptsuch ,tits co; ton iliti Ind 41 in V694. Bank clearings iLt Utin-
nwUlent or t 91V 0'. - *. tire Olt Weliglang t- wUter half tul1cf; ton
wh. -.k %Itii riovtll�er -it gewturt, 4b start vilable.. t, or' ulnii 1, In aggregate $2 14D60)0. -I tk-ervktie 0
trattivil, M' 01111114,
Ilifter adittstluell ir ad tlm-ro t tmt t114% mXII 1"It 11" Ing-kn. III-Celit of vious Week
L %t r. t A "Tef Xr. k lit hi veriticatioll. i. rlw r4 se: voir hol 8 if 7 per cent. froM the pre FRING98 go WILURDs
Iwill-stily. .-L . ... teo I to -lit
the pigtool syllablo. or arti dra gOn of 47-per'(v over last
monwiit ()It J�vpry , ninilufacturer - of. w a te still 'lut wliorizM� MVNIOlt
ta6surcl!i e of vea r - A.
.-Tlixtk "y,-li, '.%Ift ver. %%*(� art. luttiolliow 014, 41%
gallons bf.
-1 1 .1 C I f(
Ing out Ili.,i L4.% �4t ra, an -'eigh-V-4. me Ontilluoug , f( tory I A 1, 'M V E Of t 11 ()tt4-tJ till 1111d
wo-igiling mile
drtwer. ILA" )Ia .1111yrrif4l liorsii-Itower at love vot enor
ak-i[ th, pnek-t li6 Mid Viell, cn to peli
W tv,111. hill6i-i .411Y. 1114'. lluiot Atild -flipitVil. lileCiffltl MY)
L e(H kily;, litiles Who* VWIatc the, f
8 r - I 4,,IJTUIE A cOLD IN ONE DAV (.heAp. witilout dolitiv il 1W 0 4k )r y nO11114 Ila lliaA4. a hh+ re
tA or "INty ri 8 ill' cat. T I k 4 W.14P
t t ize'l - t t r wiviglit ars for tit(% r sull0vilig the,turb l imle. A Klondike
�uppoa ten oll. tout 3MO), t. I,(. 1,^Iwire BromoQuiniiiv Tableta%
(-,(,me VII f i rs;t ,.tit exceeiJi!-L9 T �
MAY Tflat will 44) r for ex_ :tit pffi.(-ti%-p fall of about 3f, fniio.
#-In ball takf4 lif� Ift'ity not . nL 0 -imidth-InolwY if it
I complet InIgiristpi
f t tile rt lit. ttk' in,rry ;yllaJ)10
v!lnt I k0lit ty ror e. ke I 't ha Itit-finintiAl wegt. Toronv).
tht,4 trip. fftv t gest eli 'trical ke I
canovam W(-iglktg. _tlJCAf_ at
rri#N1 a ter M.41-ilelit offellre'- Sund.qy -in L;cotiond
mn aVr- a. rathei.. U-ive liad..]
In weightlig hors in Arermc- 10w1n, OL-w*w
ture. k lial accent ea, Will about 160. 0 tite-Brit'sh elckint
na t hre Al(- Itutz-,110 -reth jj'� oli j!oidiwated.- titer lit ge ill Aceordiair t FOR
% W a and f , InM41=.. - r F%
141 L Q '
flo. Uwe (W _t(i t:i,4 IN-- t(xh air. tever yo!l ft` all InY flk�a r air. I .-Pan give �shftll lix! h 1kiliver. will mark no SALE
Ile ;. No : tr use, with It gf, , 11ju iinion, 4cotland. Ire rtilol 1Y Ve8sillf tO 10�' 'I Oil Mick CNFA-
She, I In Ia r041110 -the Outp 41' - ing A b d" clilac &04
e* and Verw liClintivr ill (,Ountr,
tile Ir n.NI'tY- It' rter*8 vfx..i elinpWr aild ljiI;Ichine. a -greater.� (X A I hor#*%-Po*er Ila* r. tak IIAtmVit & tin
ol lIJrte-:t Nveligilhig city Oil 10100 1,&,L.e R^i1roAdjot. at pf%-
fo -nit Irea Its rill eipimple wmmmm�
rt4lu alominjull -rdeen nx
d le ce* ran
oll., -syll, blid IlAb Of -ights'Aball for fly tl f rmp V to 16 P"
t ra ttimi - 11
it1-4- gol -a. to lite t" e r 4.ptu. %d44t- of U,nriig� � Imlyk. tho f-livelope But do, III)t ,You know lrr4 --get I I' it cf-11 t Ale rt kr., V to(l, with thF I, certaill Sunday, lately there vtOfre S -te landis am 610kG
'Ile 0- rilf41 71P. Jill thp i")r t.. lit. Ito s .14111 animther =1011011=00000
.11,4t Iib;tPV!nX- I truo. W liy don,*t J11ut "I" Is JV JoLla tt I shops olm,11 nd', i entarprioting
I fee
ery trat
a a I ill is, th-It 'it 1:111t. IlicycleK 1 0000 chilrehes sictiOOI"k. *Um" OnJ
ny olid :1 leflef, shail".- lie. to It 1W.119 -4tinday .:;72 "NOW with, * th 0%ni on lable., lit While bf. *old oil Wo" ftvQr-
tell ilolLtrei' for CATARRH CAN BE CuRk roall vvitlau n hour,
W. tor"30.
ei.ip T ;�p tA) -it at one. IN lice, necelits or. t 6%C.W�ldi (it exceedilig M. p,. x mour Ls mzL11y as 303 or 41(y) young inen 1FARIAING piervok
*ttatton .0 - - Af er- Dr. Hent -V Cv. calroll. ) *('4 nrovie a#j I' - rpv(.Iv(--r. oh- MvtAfersot itave been seen 1,111ying footbal ike.-ir A ppl y tc
mv cof f le. -V - a4mnt A le^i R&y OtLY, M".
1 lie
after' all, th-Ar 1i r 44W, 114 -re r aska. Que
t 116. yllalilp if* twelity tk)llttr.q-'.for i ft one of V I It
t" � k a'yid Ject tow yv1;r calliyig tlwni ill, to Ititker- tilptilf.z. t ft fit *. o Ha�e gureces fullY 011,,th- IA)rd's -11Y." I IA J. �V. 6urtic Whi
toi -�Jle,. confiscatioll, 0 Parliament Wh Ike Bay of Nigo.. U40W%
Und t -00=000010
od Dr.
'train41-0 it. jt4j. rao le Mr. !NIale4ilin 9triiUbti. . I wolld I'll of f Used an(I Enti4xis A g n w'is IL Ikerioud conditiott l0k.
I 1 0 ;#In 6 It h lerp. I I oli Aaw. ritis in certaltilY
%t)rn6-" ft I'lle-11-TeW '111W. al 0-81-7� a - 1,11V . I � Well tit
.1 t1w lJor a more oia I-elatit, Ft.. catarrnal ow -tir" at the I
linji'llot: let y(III CVJI t1kell) llr-ftyr.. licia 41 of displitoll, ftS to .'tile liedical ptiquptte aud coal il'atisw lf aff. alki it is oused to a
vq 111.1*1 1�aek hilt W, ir Ali!`*O!1 begin V) q Ojljl� J;yl If('. 7. lit C se- senwi
bit -It J, -1 er tl -ak weight, 'measufe or -hurchm ax(. twing ar
I -LAVIinrr, AVIi.-I hll;'01 14'14P i c(trrectness, Of
.a. e. I 1.ul eli,,Vr 1110. WSW. C13.1 1 give J o rge J it -)r or Illikke iul-111111-1-S Of tti profit it pill if thi-ir duty -� PrestlYWrian
in 't list rt. t n r fke- gell---g4 'lit I**-nl.'tIf' t' �41'4 Y4 W chine, it nn ill?-�peCtt 46 f f ieae�
014 Sir, ighing' ma Wasted
-,-rroItorVfV4 (jrds tile I uh 8 - A I It, I N% (I
h nd lijwterP went an you a little-'( I' IJId tile Illit it j-1111 lif"tJ16, rt4oresie'llte'l -t"istant- ills tor As rfqlliestp I .,.to Ili Iwaritig tefitim011Y to tl' Plat
irpetly vrith an icf�_:, I,'* It. 1041t IL Wil _ . . . - I - I
Toll. 6,nl WWIt it' tit -.-I proprietary tw41c1II(-
rblp measure sow s Th's? redo
upine: 4AV A ijispect Such W pdorme M m" "air 4*0
rgagemil. V& all I it E16gi is it I w h
al eyer., kell ylm hat Vxc Illn"lle floet"M do) e % It 14
t litiling. ni: -tiry t I A". C41111116
-6% -sitell I I dollars re%
otowk. t.., L_ tllJ:ln." he tonid telfte. -tile f( . for rp Val- We offer one hundm
. . - , * %[Vt� 4 * _', AMU_ -z 111 ""
.1..4 lien.. Mr... "Il.r. Ivit playpr'l �Vnt; at Ili( r-nalj, oeV4,11 w.p _ aill by tliii,, ri-br- Im- surc it' gi)ol. Dr. lit dEES
ba -lit or any eaw,Or URtn"ll tll&t
(if 1�.ilntluraskn.
.1. flint syllablrb
Myra On .4 44 r. �e loll rq roll. -Al. by tiall's (Inturrit Cure.
1h *Witb. . i,_ I n(selitilt, uii firtAt solv. aga ,t %Vbom dvels
-ITRvfb Vit. I-en,t,irk n*�ri- allij .1 tejv'fly,I6tJlt niall with .6 114 rut V I .1wetl 61 JI- - KA I signattirt 144)01 op etir(Ntl
Ile Co.. _I pit
41 C14 8��Jj;� 4 li4l lit" er h1j; owil, F. J,, C11E.%EY 0 IYU IK-autitV
ia, n Ity I I,. I I) 'n C
Ir Ill lqair. an Ild ( ta rr lin i
.,g **Ta ci dnrem�' Wtth q1liallties of Dr.. Ulu a lu C 0 lit
.11114111 aee. , gr A,,, 1.1 A r L? giTp Props., IRW VAVILT
reis-r-ti. I il -fiair., , ". , L -%'I �n Salita Crp2 -)ni- from per lilt lisf.. Toledo. (). 4 1% '1
4oki La yet.] thr, accolupaninielit' to 1. * . E DE OlE ORAS. I @j)w4!rr, IlOt it I, halre known, F ,r* til'oll. tut, Lb.-rOUILIA. Ill - ------ Al- elk at YX
- w 12 vAT
I no.%n "Nly narile, t1ir. kvir. JAIII felsll"I,� . %IV (tear air. 411., 14a �rj - I I p a rtjz% (y V. 9� d4m,* PwIlt.r. Aget. ti. 401114.1k — - -
kI y.,II t I lat. to t lt niellival "lit". fiftoeu yC18IM I t e tor'_,- 140 lv;k� i4c.
:%C-xiwit V, , -but as
yf". Ile z (Illellpy for I'llst
I, Lai ve* a Ij ithdrf4 lit'llp'far ceel (if larJament.
ho wam 1) Ir. tile portm:ln- 'uker-ling.. fr �4 i - -dro, it repare. D -mlwrs i)f I honornble U; I i. -I'J.
Unify 0tr.,!PP.. 0 -gaizoll VA.-. t; f
(,,r( I&C tIP6 t-mt1r. (,f fir epr 011$r.. tit W 9 ainti.t-s; vrom TMO, 1 firty mr ell ind 4*11ave him lieRectll i-, for al. -Al u $1;. 101 tltl� ilrAqts ;Mid.
:,nff 0. i.,e@4 wijll-�1114.- y,,Ai must.,-wr1tP.- nfll-* my ra after rirgt N�ll I fit Jlndro (is I tarrh. h us", d A111111- tart xul-t ft total.
I?-; %vh.lf 1")- 4 Nlro ell - re -on 16 C I I, a I �1..yo &I J. DRIVO Comestibit. o�uf ferr(I fron L11 I)Iwillom t*ansactiour nn,
Ikt4p Tili.;., at 'tile' 41 it riglit ard . , I I rhwlp —Kah.-A Funlous And F,,xpo t 1, 8 -4 y- obliga-
1;1,4t 1,neki tAok f Cnatil 1; 111f.flAne with SUCCUIL 'e U) e
on arry Oat an
t t b t*,' Ain
k P lixt)," Ithek. Of I tile ly, .111 -c -tit af-con s con i,6.r- ah.
tho" WM ' toLlli, r. 4.e %vas-thr.-wit. Uy I "i Woy. Ilium. 111*1119 JLj%.. 1.1 ;i of. li'm I , 1A I tw
wi r "Ill 'first -8*11:11111. Or Vrinri Li(lll� ;Uade by t4ieir firm. 'and bo rtA t1n.* little�rvil Ocal In4le'l (94 t 'S V A.
-Nr). ifft4jv. r.,r w ri t it 1 a. ";;N- rec- A rut e, IL
yet -.-Dry. Tort it nuakcH t rx 41 idier I.
-wet '114! kntick,;-ii I - - lit -If I %L ) IiIJ6 fir tit,
.1 nv- Jil k*;16*; Y4111 Wrat & Truax. Whol(*41LIP Druggld#,
(,V)Uyt 1"" 1pii lte'.; V - - I roled ITS NO
,,Lj 1-4 tv er w*w 11ger - I aft 1, fi;rcemeat: 0.0.
t r;r iv-rIfly. t�4*'J 0 ini anglILL-tlylilow. cent skeeolit tin-liablO. Ild* -ist. pat-, e-
4.xcell( tpae. sendto W1 Artli #;tre* P
Tit#% k4 t r4t V al %4 f are W. Ni & Iffirviu. WWII It
Avaiding. Kinnan
J.ctt)-j*r-.w-e-Ol1 I littit, er(pluet . yo -4 it p.4. for trual Iic. #Ljs41 f 1w. $,.
3TI innxiti# ""Oil - Lupei ifl' -w inuvil- ny#,ters
ejartll! Y'6(1
1",rt lit. x 41i-lt nit, :31r Whalro 6�w' ne lit) fiv re, re stlo,
t It *M t mi HVII 0 ---L er
43 1 -1. 1-4 Illy wire I xas.
it'll. h-tviters Vq'. CiPlItinurol). turtling :01111, f sia.- %tart, -I .4ale Druggist& Toledo. 0. For .X b)- J A. H&rtm --*J IN OIZO LALMO st"46
4 CVUpJLn% iew ar,te,*.-n0Zh- ncf-"It w4 inti, it,r'.c r
tin K bit I tie VV4,1 -.arply Illat 1.� 1 ke arp ef,nrlt a a:- cand f4vilabb. of, -%I tilluz. for fryhig'4or I.-; tit -riuergon(!.v I (,ntn rh Cure is take" inter Montreal
oprql tilp f4 urth duor. nwt ; (liv"r'.4. I _e, ., ar A.Ainvy nilnv% tills
t,(l`1-n I to yo tlr- ellickcif or amY. 11h.-Af tilis it r tly u ion tile blood
";I' t4 J,fnni, 1pwe(,. 111,11 1.cph Ill.* lially, acting direv
,t the.. lw4t ATIV41 hvi+y ra.. Dupuy 4 -'TRY le
It re a
V4 011r.i. is N p(Itux4l liow Woulil yt--JI1 tuvvt Jt surfaceim 0
r It. Fr;ench witt. mado frotit. .111(t milcous the wyllitem
-nli cz, rcy wiluirtant yesti: fainou
'41kjn#. 'It" . � skil L V. IV I I . . - I- ii%-*. .; ly 1- 1 .144,41 ) I,*' I � Ia U.T :1 a
e6vol Str.fjLjt�el ; - I to W4 - r -)c. Im-r bottle. MO
Stratt4l? amek ton modified rl -chang, 0 f ro that t 4(ing . t 141 Priev 7
0 IA) admit nprou. t1n4 Y' oil 0 Un -11104- Testimoniala free. -
paill5k, - .*- -. - - - lroigKista-
drtm-.46- I woman i al e.It ni't gi't#: y, ill 9IL-i %vill iiever,11 ri %
t3 - vvi!r'e'ell t4r. -a.;W. . ** - Tfl,. (k:ll till t, geese ivere slWlal- Remember Ills are the helj�--
110. -to) lilt( . ) S a. f4v1!1II11' liall's Family I X.
c#wro,,r (of wlI*lI,*i!lP t; ink I J�l '. If Y4111. 1J.-4ve, n?ti-thilig ttp.tay yoll -sly-11 switin- -Plit firo �9 I .
J)y t I i (I-. t.A,)IIC I i -l -r, net PA -41 11V -pril,-440f wft
I V11 11te4) yi t Im, twing di effect
. r,#Ntweonn Her "I'Mrs lip. ,kJV. 11,1:0411141vt aine VID1115-h a 3199 f i %,6 #1 4joll 1, athert
rrAbIll lolig -FJIIS 11 size 4) FOR ONE
y ...go -i * L lee
nm-�t %%ri I n�raln." il " tJ1,11. 'I * fit t4lp� ItIrre.
t-11 .4 't rma ft br % t I r. Cruel. ot4 EACH PACKUT. SEN
jot$ K), I C6 K4 kr6'4)*%v." vaitl tl4e 1�11-VtA'4611 tilt- At prelmirlti*` * ut for We* kno%%
'AimilillIF -It 'lal4tsue. Y-01,1119 (leir-mifil fak rf loft Is .1)
1-e 111.41"id.a. 0.. -tit -fr iiver., #;ubjf4-t,%p (TAMPS, I':' t You
man. a114 T4411'are )lv.iL,k ypur tqqpper fluliciatit;n. h �:r 41 j(; 1�*- :I- 1-iistak0i T.he 9PP,*-. you itrt. pt, jq f i iplIt re- SEE05 CIVEN A
.4ttatt.,yt. t.ek al -baiLk', and 1! 10, Ilave this:
rifitlibn I . . , - I# I le( Amu.& flaVe IlroUl fr. Airy',ftd- IIV 11"Cei"-
ir." Pile --00- if 1 t. --e ',&"o I Y,,II tt�e -r1-1v tit -if I , I . , p so-u-ty of N. D ALL IWORMA710t-
wom'er ec 'Illilpli-'im vrist4)-' it Is 'asaill ayl- no Nervil ne- r re -lin in ft foR rULL PWICU 5
T fory ar4l i W. - A I V d with ent n f Irst s.1- t al%%,ayw 6,Aving LAR AN
mako f. , ILI ot &'niaii 14.) to tri tA�
I btl Coj Gle
r t t illy (.4-11; wron 1. ;1
r,:t4i fA 0! tit r, Will.. IWr4 Ire L ;to fj w,(mi,;er(tIl fit) 111leditt
t4-i,g,i hill, 9 hi 41 Ill Off . . in:_11" a frOull I 3ENOTOR OUR 1858 5 E ED CAI jKLOCUE
ntot-Tite*id xJj,-11Wv4.- % hair (. , -A)IIIetiling *tllltt 4alo never hears;
1`14 m hi�4, Pur 'IS.. 1.1i lnlwn�VR * V fieres il CHOICE
IP ow "ost :;4 t(; Am.; "it I-liratiVe pow
v l! 1 .410 thi -1VI r rr'q-o f't4l,l * %,q - r I It: "'PRY' Posk. .. _.. er. It n I one 1111H CONTAIN 5 A MOST OF'
'I had 4,11 tilytiody else."
J T, :t!101. J0(-J..It4-4I t4t. t) M:I.t Ili it irunw lit rive. -11leasa ___11
th-41141.1- I W aj;p, f 1,1r t tie fii�ure. Thrap loin h -t vh�.-nv .4 fnilit Ilt ta tile A ND
ri -:imni - "lit The "Wially
t#i take' my 4 v six rplitiod 11imi CaYellile-
le beit X-nowl, reniP4 Co LONDON
89'rl,:4 -41 a m)jk! I ierci V)n. set:ollq, y1lahl .. %V .
It:; 6-441 W Mill a r. rhani-I &I -mi xvilio';11 "t, I" 111fInt. he t.nstv. nind ti "Ila% lie lw,4-11 prOil"shig to Yf)u,too?## I J
I te I I I.--ji tpd hi. v. ona L
-I.: QA4- N �i. - , " rriv
li, Ifiz h ng 11,01' -'Idc it 4 1, 1 " -f` 1. . -.-Ll% I 010,111i CC ;AA t ONTAPI
�&I. llsi? !-ot likely tt 1' 110'. 114 Azt,r for pnin. OHN STEAffE\%.
lf;t -a Ck if r 1*"-. 1).
%ir. I J4 ireN at
01, 16 - "luallf*t jar o;.f I
ir -,yo le.
_Yoil", fiffC.Itt I If -St WWW's 41114 Ubt go other
Ile It -o vot.- 8k -for
)Mll W�1114- doo 8. tllq-�-. of All th... It lat V �,J%h .4F e W A Sad. EX:-WPl0_
at r
of , tile
%,tratv'In.. Witt, it ii.-jr- I:. kh-rri-ay-tik y. a -C-Ilt t O'llI . ll�,j iifit,41 41gretit' Ntari.�
4r. i .. fr,
,q%y. "You (fare t4w.threatell Me, - coit..; 0) conta. Theifle ur d'"!
A rIeU. . . T I sprt ad of
PA. ply. e.
yf!I1. Pir da threatoll, 111fetilor to I-- I 9J-; it, Whola- fittor. vrr-!1sh I-Sn"U"9*
happitwols .340 Joy JC4) Witt, r 6)� er liim-. Asti Your Dealerfor
awl your 4'ear. tOW0. "IN n't waitAte w rOa iir I &X4. .1 itpll TOIL Alnilralite t, itfft!-A arit tollOw howit In I to do., Unie lately exprc
i ' " ; - _ Mit koe, NIr. Glads
011 t t I 31j; k Y(_11.111.' M r.- a! tL g & tbiri-I SVIInlil" ilk f (,Pl6r, L anti inuelt ,�;Iijg'ite"r '4t lieving that T 14jibil iS tio be
hrink yr u 1. � 1Y e -ilijifl--t e4me here todo qtiarr(r.l. Y. r lgf-aut. Ir-sh ar(1111111 4VIf nX be . lu -
010 J;4- Stratt. it okalkv t1k0 Inflill's t)jI.,l;14 a 82-rpilli 8 In i,,qurb(lo- lit ParlAall' N1 I -laid
A-4 1 Te. 11141 voll expect nie - Almiranl(" Ntake %v:o ror thr ture.
but--" n. little , t IW I.LIIgtIng4%.-4)f tile ft'
or lilts gone.
A# Im!. PY41K rest r, or -a vu alwilt "I-tlw...IVati-k' ready. I led ro Itt4'-wat's. 0 '00r. fiftv BOECKH'S
�d I pert Y4)u )Inv(. A116 nuAV, ijI.,e litt(.r or tile nobit Maric--'! itAtut-Is reamolls are 1,ased on what ha%
wno only Inal.f. r4hif it r1 ,; t*r(l,luVtt" Ill
1,o-gip.-ItIl t4j- J tt41r'*1VPJ;g'lIt at*d to j1cce' it f I rat", I 111,141k in but i)f �% )CC 1_ :1 n'. lifetime.
116 - eq I VA -rent 4,4ott,� yt 9, r,,,:, s %%,lint within him Ow
Iliee % as born F-IIX-
inaarry wl-ni" 01-13o- F41r, 'Ile jx'lnted V) tile novs"r my n 1k ned
f firmt "Y1181- f a trible Va -
naturij. it pt nn in- defray a 1.1t gr..Ill trip- wtk,611. ticiiii -beon "IlleS ')f letting* her read Q '10 When '.%fr. -(-;Iadgtc)lle BRUSHES AND BROOMS.
w11,111i; IA,* ycrdr 10%. *k&4I It 1,I)., If- fluk. -teri I f tf 11,911" )()(),o0-,) of peo-
vlr Itb bw atta( Stratt, it; ljftqI 11ard W4+k UP #41113PI'40' tonkup after' dfij!" was spoken by 30A
-tarit. it-, i. r by 12h
Is or S.0i,
mr-4. a gr, 0I.L. y 4 -C ten Sur!.' it "low voken by iLlI 1,cmidinjr Houwvj�
FRENCH PLAY. !10 . ^RVI Mill luit, lift q ritit, or ro�e,. rliend 1)1(- 'It is
With. hL4-' 61")w4 et tn \I,lir. o-jr; y4)'I JP41jy YOU 4"There. very nforry Jur you, my niin g mimple foreemeat Ainard'i; Liniment the Lumbem�n's I mber (it I*opV in the eartli CljAS. BOECKH & SONS. Marufacturem
lltM�L " I ;.I . jbo It - ie nu
1,vt *nv hear'it---+IfICe 8 put, up IV" d - -
e I N pervolsion half a -cup I im doul IP", every 1'01WNTO 0
M very lou"y j,. I . w4tividi41. - - Usl
tractil4t dear "r." ciont. The Government Exerc4es 8�u' rvision or Wh wlko speak'
114 e. Want ."essioll 41 lit Vc
a MIrMlefft, to ovir"." �,ht 'One _.t4 I e"-fri4-ndly, INAll t % RIL trufflON A lie basis Of
qLrs. This forms't
�t tint*" brsineo�44 W of. butterAu -W fly, tio fatililon's I -
sir,' nnd Iflo, W # on, 41 P, O;r little Nlvra--VV6d little Over Their r4anufactUre. This forty
(11111 'Itl, le tf PL 4.111. 141le. t1l(pught. m4V Ing n'tPaspoill. fill V AA
of v)ur awle crpnm It -in! i ie r. it I Wit Ylb "tiOu as to %r lien
)riti' ,e t.tki- :Ili' y fil. It i't f011OW it it %-(-ry simple callrul, irtli
(In, wil"ll li 111L "ll's tA Y., iw)nl -tieAd - 11DI(Ptil tile entire 'population Of the el
ill till! M"'"' 1'.-Iddilig the, Hainp
are ycou ps. e a N. 0 great
1 .11alf.-a rit som#- Tit(
I luiL
amwning." "$Ay 10ult. �tetllglrt f lire 44 ivi I 1 1. 4 & Xe4i %A` 11 y Shouldn't a illall sim-ak I ish. Ila
1,41�11qz ytkii o4it '�Next likettion- lay ilig -.-a r;JS .1.'1 .4 f :fJolir. ""Itir wilpf V, (' vat
coutitrit tre -, r
bull ell`�A.4i Stratton. 171 4 f all 'I bac k liki 1)194'6* ill- tlo!�, . 0:10, lilv 04'"1 of W111% illini %vben It Is taut
t 14. At1r1Lt1* JA let .1ii-in.-oir 4 (If Tit*
t I lt4*r , - blit (41P 'If -ver V-1 r '--t- isn't I States
*111'r 1,whi)irev - - 'I, Pepl,�er ', Wily 1'ji fignri her for
th" win4k,w it ', 'tild 'whits a gir Britain and tilt v earries ad
cliAlr. I Fajr II(Ite.s. 1 41 belp tirlonot mincell -fille Instead goes sil SJILLRY TRAINS
lip yjIlle, sililluer two of her face ?
1114-.. Well flui;P0 - 1.
a 60)11 1`4 - I. r .10 i -N t ..*tly -I 4tt, t e ever Great Britain
I)f twAffeev Yfill '.b-*;, Sir.: N4 lw_ tl ion. 014k . I If)tl, LI4JlI-*Of, t lif, al itit and N, I whtw%er
i -q 41,-n4l Vb a � tile 9114
t Lat I'll f6li91' Y01, it conf4taut- why igiot the raise bang laliglitiv,
bel jig teil, lit o4t mintite-s- mtirring.
fill FITIVAte %V1141it (F) Y# Al "Ly to til a t ti 110 U)fttle- Irtie" to the 11,111tVii stows letirns it. to MaAtoba ard Canadian- Nwlbwed
"y pakr1e4 thiN 141 tile t!) or
anti J11111 forniailcetl;� ILIO timehpa,l a dea;dlock?
ro. '11ftle"1111 w &4 gVe'It. ,io Judi Wily tiom. tile eollegi� yen havc- its
4, V Y'. "t d .." o.&W Stratt,ax. W i tia a w)rt 4). -Itwi tit;, FY A or 'icin Visn"Ber-
frwty yea f %% '_ It 'IV f . little- fats, t1i;1t, tilo, lroille iliIIIIIIIIIeturer -is in Ftin..�Ju.q s, Territories.
I to :1 till.1-tiow., " I never wa, thIP very- few 1111111,114. E'Hell '111 a-ying i-artl IN! 'ft that �tlle commencement at the enti
dreml 1-04 f9vom t1wrl il.Lpre 11114KIld Ie It Iii0st be retuem re
I %IlWIk you for yotill* rotigr Frayikly I .,.at toil ly-r urale)', a flod nirplilly -dor r seldom applieatioli (of Or' -ing on route lbrougli tiie principal cities Ia
I r ' I ree I
1. 1W atioll Of t, q, te -jlojole grai -4. is Why im tilt% average telie% %I by oil(, P"o
acl - In the %vay, .-Iiang therold rasca is, a .,eonsb1H. C&nmaia. the (iivreal NVestern City of Chiew4m
t "'i a I I..' * - : This 'IY In(-IJjIPd to leave well enou li alone ?
.anti I g:ivt.* ysm :LlI yottir I it. plt4be 0 Irt. a4 )lral'o, to v
10 11, y4m cjx-i't.- Tilt& it al,N)lIt rifty politid.; 4-f-lile. Rut to sape-r, trewiev- ettrtfer and AtO �gnew s f4utinent 4 10 111illutes theTwin Cittee. iot St. PAu &nd Misneapelb
t well if t �,I(j --to tile croquette inixture merc tetter, salt rhenin.
ys,.1erlay. Po -pray hili tliv, ilitlit -it tion or tiie ,air n glaw iOf madeira and a large Wily is tile edlt4 Who e JOVR 90011 radically cilrOos &M tbe StA, e,* of %.I innewta &nd D&k
cried lgtrait-in. �fierm.-Iy.. Nir M.Vileol tit, StratV it', taht, � uJ14 oil* w iyr standnig
want'!" obutijine Ill of. Illeat g1lize..' TiW," I.qldt a cri lenj rontil- %!zema N cam! t4x) long 14 mins wiLh 9"Wers'effeeS11=111
*A.V - 1. "1 41 6 lftfj�; ili-rill WXtn it E_ orinte(L 1" Aw-tia, liblesiloollf Ili-alth always in 11 1, S0.1,V&
Nirs. 11 f4l of tile !1111 IN's 1141 PA.) a 0 time L4 flYl,'19 11-1 . 11 1 11a � I I iIIlJ)1ie.'.4 it to b;� plfretlawil alreadY Prel)a tion Lo Wiffk! it ()It A [air trial. J (11
Prad#*, wi wof to lier 4'. -Blit k&.p C4 of., Y4,ung 11,W) -, wilere y0il 11111h4t be tile GovernillpiLL WhiCh nit red - hold C"sk. If Puffictent businem offlem
lAfted the Wff0er Of her'al I I -,e fit L114- C111IT'61. Je#&t tIIeL must bew)rt Wily ji(p they say t;treaW run dry wgUd head. Comillon at VX14!i- ruik from Toronto every Tuor-day daileg MaNA
HI:Iqj#,r jk.s6oilipl llkt% th, rlrJKt I jell Y4,tl tlWLt I'Will CAMMIlit to tile, IllailnifaCturl-rs it is - a iiiie. sn xtilre, whic
1111a tile use lien hot; but firm enoukli to form �vhen everybody knows, thei run %,vet jjg tillie. it il witilmIt L lwwr :1,.. and A pril. 19ft, commencing M&rah KIL
YON IA Cool," '%�Mt V-Pml*4tT)IIe wil(re VNI tvater-marked I -al 1,0a % Ing
'Ahalm- It
a if again. awl &410pt- card is.- q tteg When voitt. w hen they do run ? eenth. I oronto at T .00 p.m., Tuesd&^.
J,airolon, oir, 'nsaxterm;r 11ill1iie Law mid wcietY IL'iVit pIae4XI- me. f44ir VI* afty 'otlier for tlici face .,of tIJeL . nt(; croque rroquet"
kviletiAltoroughlY cold in'six I (IPorgq1Wwu &36
alift (or vour-44 law Ills. visitor's cynic�-il inatinar.."S" el it 4 1 it ty %loremwer,, the Guelph 9.X
t.4 witii r I y, be, iiandwome cAll-1114-rati"n- - W --hat (141 you. fO biol" 1 " t 1 t hr',the ';jj ally form You Ali oblong Taking No Riskr. 10:17
W.t. welapik you. sir" -*Iifj Y011 mll �. 0 �c% ror thp court eatr4* and f I Englimll. *41)a vill Lillituent m0li-PS -111 Berlin
can;" twe'lu.-A, Yoe, lo. 9- 'm- I nN)pl we )olice... # ilig �. exchisive oro- 0 liarti, m)ft or.c:111oused lu ps Seetle, llit of theatre. First Thea- FlLmtfard -11-10
'is td) — k, -L,; your .0blect-In M -luht� Jim We Ampe iN , n1way-8 it go�- I one, It 11 tit( and
I.v ttitL, waftor th it I w- and F4) iallrl. y4m Over t4; th(� ace Of, I stiavin - Is
with timpair ()f t116 Goterninento which 414" er6q'netteff In beaten -egg nnd then in x� blcx
alamt t41II I'm ing R tt;)' firmly. but blemishes from hormP tregoer (leaning forward anti whisper- ftmia &01 _wAfteln"dw&
I y for a lno� a 141 already printell tO. toe 1.4iiitNi toretul crumlvq,. and lay. them -I it Ale ron t of I I I In I Tbase timine w OK&OOMA Free 0111101111,111111
hns- -6 -wilints. ring lit P4
tA.Ft M!An di -I not. liverpt thenti! eiirb%, . ney, sti- - llir U, tile thentregoer in f
ffbrgtot. hill ey . PS ',MS again ropo a to Fi ve lette basket. tA)%%,er lipliem fl(".. oil In(1- swollpti thront -iteg your *1' rdon-, but WoII*t Y4111 I talu 9 SAW "PURN
I Wi-llt M4,11t. Imt let Y1011 It t. Yoll col;)rei by tho nutilufactifrer, Hav ' Ing in crtiml, oralns. soire : ka b". rts ChioW &ad 8L IN"LL
tily, 1,4o,,k 4iiro. 7,ir,4 tile ma4er pqt14 Itis into a :ot or. fat deep onough to cover . - 'S'live $--.0. by uW of Oaf' 6=0
di. thipre, I", finiAlle,IA;is citr(114, I coug"lls, ete. ask your wife to n-moxV tier lint '.' I p n bolvinea lines aod tram amill
yttu tit go) #4v#%r to illie ipank -. it Wiil uporl' tlke*noU%.. me tim! M(aley tile t4l g. hot In' the centre. out 16won-
I #qI7,. whi) are you, sir agreoment to pay 11 1 t lInIllf. plill ad4ireti.4 Oil ont.11 pavk antl th0m,hu"i qt"I'll" bottle Warranted tile m
1.3F 1114- til,14. yo.11 g4 -t aerfmr-to 1XII ail Ic lirpe w lien they can't ww, tfic at1W. "d of Torouto should time UmpmeWva
tor.iu� ;, 11 ',,1? iii4prtily !&jiny imlwlrtailre, I keep (lead --�Pllqm it back. to the Atith6ritic4f, wit(' Fry them' - three.- ininutem, opriiii 1114-juil,11 vure,e%er -known. At
,4 It t ii i.4 e),o4lue year &I. 10111W no Second - Thentregoer (whisix-ri Ig tOWTiVO&I, JUDCtiOD PC 10tA tO WD1160 With MO111111111
JaWt arotillif It, ;1i'd -Sli(* %-Pn, rich -brown: Clusters back)-At4k 'Iter %:ouriatir, oew",.
tit ail laugi ler, tA) go alld wed.yoV�.pretty ;),It at . spee'l, pild be an e N't Ila waln&
siliff tit#- mall.. wi an4I tl Book your intended date of departure willb
ann tild. VIA- Wit, Ile 41ff to, tj I ciolitkileest or ticket %tt' w itil the (;overmile4it staillp.. of green - pn ruley or., Pa le green PIwr% i I I tic, our agentol, wbo will be fully adviad of them
Ill r rty po.tulr .9tratton &prang up. And %V 141o)w V I . po'Isrhts fit Illiftee I Ili order to prol,ide #lint bureshall �ion't know I IiW. am i i ad vanm ftr ym to
A al P. 1 1711C ninn Ws part I ll,rit each end of. tie platter oil
-alk Vql�j tor t1irlist Ills 11:1. Itl behinli him. I elr�.%Vllpr, - ufacturc tim over the U" I a am Line n
takd** :1 -t, %% I e. vicen- (ir . tile c(tort whiciv tile- croiluette,. are merved will lie absolut,�Ly torreet tim 4.Q 11 kititts t ple 7nta.
y4%. J, top I -trill the Ile rw c it ts of it I
-"Nmo : inoniernw-. A.1r. Ma"Im. by a *00411W coloring 11 uickaure" cu' "' " or
rIAPIANI Coil- pq ent decoration -.00119 i cliefs mystem, the (;rand Trunk It ilway bau mzt� Zia
t g# . , 11 lif0 a' It(- aee of elubM, be 'fete I lacerated wounds; applied ea rly rn Can 00 oxwvn tnAft
-it f of 'fousirmag. With0l 11,ake rartlp `qnd Of t Or
Oh. nint I to unip"ji via ( I an,,,,
k to I pw U101 yo I this is it mr %V IV i w0u Id f trurrie#%. 11,rof, Meljeowl, of a' AC Mul ter
004 . -A rilm 40111pt,ijinm aild a gnrtflmh 0 aploointed (Nrc
ILY14 #of 1,faldfill tojwn-" ypil connot, mr9rrY Myra 14'r thronch C51fiWILWIt threata U) UIRIM I �printlifg -and c,oli4mir tile tMier University 01 servatory, to take it prevent& 11404d, powowug- con traveli witbout
tile W1 j% fla�4hed tbl�
9 - 111Y 1,4-111.1t rt;yi ffwnwrly Nlyra Jerrold, till$ ocor,3 of anch tliolight ()It water-nitirkt-ol pn I oer -it do -we live for if it is no e service. t* every
- ThaV# r-scht. 1.1rum to;d evqv7 Wedliewday at 7X &.m.
hurrioil with you." attAlll'v- brain aa,IW r4 state.' and- lit gi,azing. clittilig and Wh Vacli �harge of t - be company's Up to Daw.
t1.r)i1glW Str o life. less difficult UP
_jJr ?I cried ltero�re the ccel..calculating vil K together -tili. . t1jrt4- papers to inak C~ cbeeked and trolght forwarded
I khtow Wd-11 Wl"'It ..,Joy, w1te are - -you. o^still, - mine
111in *) keenlY. NIoney jji:tt go ti) form tile card. ,ther.-Vteorge Eliot. Vin&A'B Liuimeut is amd by rhysici&UL - He-Jumt h month and you1i be altijono wit1tout cusWm examinatinin
I.w. ISIliff. *4041' * ) Atra ttron fijrloiVAr-*- lain Wawl-1119 'rettis ill )ur old paxtur will wield the connu- rw sk linforn"on apply to ary Agent of Lbe
pup-li Afr. Vrettis-F! III.F.% 1,ftrron, my dear air-tilie w" Ili, 4)tljeft to [Jin. Nlr. 1,
I . Rewara -i LLolcrl hinl chain. OrmA Trill IL R&H way Syetem. or Le
%V I I Y. yoll call with th:lt 11141y's I - any am, U:lt, but It V C. DICKSON.
I;iPI would JOL 1.1111 liavu She lel tlIP Pn-
.if.4-mokiFig )ourw-. six years who attend" it -Then you may eftn( "00 =Aq=IL
,; right ill here. ;oo(t CACA wa#4 matb"4 t) iLl,i A 4ir much a c A boy o -11 linve it rhabilepaii eere- D" Pammam
istrango V,IPPM to '4110,40 0.110. Went (V.A1vr&R '11. T1.6r.. %v&, (j7lly olie other-tir free* the- BREAD9 POTATOES and MILL private sellool where pri are givell gligemellt. , I
. A.04 tho W401na (111jor di tile aux4eat Pum' W01"xi he i-dolized irow ery vort of provocat no but as itiony or none.
strailght terfiew 01, the, Twt) 1144iotm From --a Itivolve.r. I Oil e%
lich a wretell, and yet had 'never earned IL orize. came iQuickeure" dqstM,,w tile VrinK,
ck with, US PeremectitI4071 of a
left (d tho firi Millvolin .4tratton Aarted bei Lstly, ti.0 ta%v %v4)llld 4qlalple Itim tA) tk) that boino one afternoon anci exhibited
11eq"' w1wre ilre y(AA %VJJ'l, lind lIlF9 face,ghl] called cocel, tilat causp boilm anti car -
114 %Ilcotni Strtitton's Dkind wax made proudly one of theiie rewar-qs of werit. buncien, reducom t1w Inftanimaticon and
f4tratWil. J�INt .104 theme *WM the faint liou (I llt% i4tooil tiler*- gazilig full In
-C&Ille ill palloth- fjlr kfU.1*j_OjI I tllp gtonc. jitilitq, julil olir- -,(;ood!" Haiti ills motheAr "but how
remov(w all pain.
Lack filrs joy t,14� I)Iil_ till' :if ics daily diet.
eml toolew. ae-4.0 loll I pall Jle4 I ectly, alwir wrtne One - gave a long him vi.4tor'*1 oyes time A Dyspept -did you gain it?" "I was f frat in nat-
A Ia', h C118iiii. tile Klirgivig of sild the mait cooUN, ural hintory." "Natural blatory tit N
Iii4c Cd corttinuol doulple Allock on tile outer
Af bill tl"- rimli"J 44 si.littill-9, IA on ths. Wing, 104 1 mid. Wore, flow your age? 11(XW did that happen!"
wat*;r, tlInt letter it Admiral
Ia. . door. rnp" lly, ell nian, rio4-- much io them- under "Oil, they as ted me how ipany legs it
Jwavy I "Col fyt
-rottis,01 I y?', Porter who.wtid: Tit ke po 4mirter Ask for
1AV% hO'�V 111troug '.%fr. I ' I 111g. (ivt rill of' llim.. I'Ve a . lot to W t till fifty polm(L-4, rp4ali I D7%pepofa 14 ovie ot the most pr0raleat of seemaned wfth a little otalt. and drink aulY horse had." "And what did you sa froint thc enemy
that Inhe hunilroml a I at* a sald flvv." "But a horse hasn't fire
elo-II.- air. It'N liay llkelljory,--4 got loll M3 In d seaseq. Thou qand-t of pcv�pti suff er. f toll', a little milk. I became so bad th trifle
tear- or le.
reaipk .4. .1r. Lake --Naw.
gaggravatiedloT i.*t.%v taii much of even thcite cauoird I,
bw 1. '14 1 r, went mrtraight to Of! Iloorway. -Atrattoll 411liotly. it in he plomach. legs, ellild." "I know h t all tile
more painful tothe individ-uA suffering -in the te'ItIon# of t
Ing andl, carwfally, hh�lttlllbc the aigm 011, tile right of tile firepince. "N%*ritA% lilt- a Oleck for threv liundri-I d a e aietoarree it pains )a(. s, attcnded otlier boys said six." twwn--or, If it was, lie'a tile OIIIY loor-
haptlf� I What the dy%- with ;, loine%% Sind partial
human tile aug" Suess.
did), thil"Vi When har-qlIlY and rirty poun& then, wid tile, hargain 5 niore far -t hi n their effects oil dartin I . k. of the e �101Z of NiKlIt. ter that ever saill sucil a tilling.
LN"L I'm fiGiVAI t(P No, no," eriM f4trattodn
0:*1 1 for%64* 64 00�44i." P.1ptic needs is nor loc&l treatment. not The oul)- way I could get relief was 1)Y vOm- L),-. Afimews Cilre for t Heart V
I ow -t. 11'ert Waist #bving. Ila a fulue, door. ttimului- The real need 'iting. I.-inally I had such a sevete attack
t %fr. Bret- "thall 01 tim man ot..rqr it .1lenny", 14ald S - heaVen-sin
t %v" #xlly y"WrqWy Oft, "Fit Im d(" 9 said mere temporary For. that, tilt- entite left %ldc of nq body felt Is it it bwm surrerort. Keep M infige lAnimeld in4io 596SL
quietly- in the touing up of the entire systetti. I I e No niatter of
41 tills Tho I;itlY b4 waiting." ptythe %ystein and it will do its owif fight; numb and paftially )atra ),z d, atid ti t1li-s from lit -art diNvasil.
%f M . Rr^41P. *t Ite check. Pleaqp. Inld h1i n. tlio dour on "You Will infl, and dition. I was taken to my toont wncon- IiMv Iting standing it will et a radi- Ail Urfortunate Nemorv.
_promPtly eject any intruding con
mir." daki t1w. womall q haind upo #.'So arp the police." a . saccess of tl)r�A % Sarsn- acions. The physicians failed ul) hel me
W fts it little tilf, 14.ft of Ulf. Rad Ow-nei 4 rit-41 tho mail, rl^1 dise se. The io 'yrdr'dyxp - -al eure Don't potoitpon t reatmeAit I'm nfraid I have l(wt a
tli#*Ie fireplam, In 'Wlult!" C illg parilla in curing indiges an and none of the many remedie4 I I.= (Iij '
lu"tily. J*IX10 luttii room. I'll go it you siix!xK-t heart wea e*4s or nity ml,l tile T()ullg pily1jip.ifill. %N lit) rp&ljy#.w
r 4 A111- "All riglit. slowly and wit3i a InellacilIg look lit sia is due to just t�iq gali,M whic t site auy good. At last a ifiend prescuird
posj�,I�cs. of renew n Ke v tal forces, me wit.11 a bottle of Dr. A eir's S81'sIlPatills Yrt. This grrcat rem Ilan IMMI
ra,t,-�.' h6 rounton.ine I A lo,.qs of the body. skn(l fiefote I had itse( r; of it, I wuld V-ee the %alue of making nit itupromiolt.
r&t_t&t at the bra^H Now &. e. "No fooling, #41r. You t
outer dtmm wiliell "Ile f4w,"41 .0int h1mmelf In St repairing the waste'an III I w -ed Wstf%l and proved tile q lakest and Didn't- you kndW what rentodY tAl when you order
t0r," .0101 As tile mit n th6. nild you know I shall not Ile 'rhe ordinary treatment brings the food . 4
Iferp im Mr. 11rettia(ml, Um I rep a decided change for the better sarest of cures. ILPIW in .30 ininu"
to'Winjit a 'Ieti 1(4 If ill. woult) Ilave falleg trifl4ml With. Once more let Me remind down to the level of the weak Faomach- t1free I)ottles and wa*.A0 comPletcly cllte4 prtw.rlbe T'
xj* dre w - tack wxton # I rat, -tat upon tile littiO matches. Then
Jai dark tW(w1d, 1141t t him to hIMMIC you tit it a noli*� here would hardly Dr. Ayer'r- Sarsaparilla strength tht( that for four yearpi I have 110t DO" tiroubled in most nenw. eases. E.minent pilysi- -- verfectly. That part or it was
jrW, gray man. drelinki Iwnw4 kitocker brough 11,11t,111p, I eihits are using it in their' -dally prar- ,impte ellQuIrIl.
lw� lie:ird outolde. are not the 4toanach, and btings 1 tothelevelo with the old complaint. but am r1l9ted gkn(i IIAM I ivulditn't think
loset doet, jig fo(xi fit for men. it does Olin t at can
w1wo, rviiiavowl' b6i OPft fet;,Nt vl ft"Wt I I'll, and, after n ginnew at the c the Arol hearty and able to cat anythit, tieft.
it. WItI, a tKAsnim )#. (4wnell thnt of tile PAtry. and tilen mpriolls. thp prize for you .18 too by strengthening the entirc.system. Tile beentets. it would-be finp0q5ttle to ally of 'the IntJII fol- , mustani planter.*
tbrow Vy fallkpl, jitiek. ilp(Al tilp (AlteAr dt-tor. to ndmit a go(A-look- g ro., I t. pollco? 11ow could you marry stoinach cannot stity wenk when all t1;C too nlucli In lJoralse Of Dr. Ayclr'S Nly boy,** haid the kin ly old gril- you will lie sure
al ad a lit! watclied the.oWar- njig fellow 6T about the lady. tlien ? Do you think ray otherorgannnre gaining stren th W hot 1rilla. alitt I would not give one tlottle of it tienian. - remember that Ili always
I m(O", t il rn Ing. fair-linirt-41 Yo _A would take atty-other kind.'l-M. S. Ism WVBOOW%-G000tug 9
oafy timir, as w lie mol4t wrtipulously prond, prufl6h littio Nfyr Dr,Ayet'sS -itiparillit will dO 1YftPeP_ icr a (iorcnof %%4-11 W law- delitx%pra.timi. Nev-pr go -)f havitw the best
al the. W_ ond-twen tY, -ija is 1)e -At it lustratert in caqes like that of SHIRLDR, meridian. MiaL. t lias sm Y, Wantonly rellowft
4010 IsAwe Mij, Wsr% In MAIL fiv"-a stop, m. S. Shields, IMeridian. Miss. Allillg Ilealif Wma tain, bia ftwWomum IM 4411011118thesaag
_Ilan& look Of velation; In Ili@ you, Ignowing mo to be allve ? Mr. Shields into dll� Orem
and (bmwd a in (I a lie stcwxl looking at Ills will -you?" he cried with III mavage had Kot glown to the lant, level of dyitpcpsia. Try Dr. Aye'I"s ftTlIsPerilla if YOU atc cu"P mel, Hir." wam the iy, arto�r IIPP-Gis. corr"011 60dilLy- "d Ir , *a tees
merry.fftce an growl liko th-it or a wild be"t, "or, put let lilin tell his own story:- dyape tic. H ),01k, wallt more testIM012Y tO sonw thouglit but dt( you ever 0"'Iff I wtu
said, in SL V04110 Wlllte kill gloves. all ivy all that g holy-- Here$ wilatare Fot year%, I waq Rfflicte(i with dyl;pep- the vnrue of the medicine, get Dr. Ayer'* WAtch 'it bicycle rider pi ting on at UMK&lnU.V ouril griping to
"I any. old cilap, Ile cried# "I sli il I curebook. it im sent free on request by -Ila. HOUM 1"Ill'ttauWpo"Wou'.
Oad bless c:ould cat nothiul; b'u bread and pe
you ! HAP- Ahe mu9t linve You. going to do, fool sia which gradualiv t 1crew wor.qe tint Ayer Co., L0wC11- swen ter ?" 4x
yrri IxAh bill your bousekeepez. "Summon the pollm.*," cried Stratton, tatocs the J. C Ave tioint befts
CWd blow black-lead0d that knocker. Morn-
C&I friend!" reled Mtrat,
. aaa