Lucknow Sentinel, 1898-04-01, Page 24`
Commit 4W
- I'vLki
4,M -1� AM, -01K 'EL'
&41OPt t
c Aed to They Love Snow and Thrive During
noisky party whO-Wore bent on climb- The things lie loved her for were QQ1t6 Cleo I 1 1: A �,.Ile United States an(I the British 01 Age and Cold weather.
ing tho tower. t.O catch a view, such apart from any th.Ing that youth r.
way. As he omp e will thus #loot, be the only 4jilky (to the Yukon ut,081juit-OVI,
Look Out For 'Our Late GossiP it countries which have not Not erwhelm them, q..
no III rarely equalled. of tile 1)1-etur- - could either give or take a iortat
*I when she lamented tier% decimal system of attack men and ov but tliey -irive
*JIU0 Old City 11.11d itij I)C.tutlrul bay said once, —of the— r?pte I tile Imperial tqjyr. tile Denver Times,
"Never mind, let It 90. -YOU will al- Ures. Ali ing. - t
New Story 'comfortable. lilace to i4teep ill.; and ineus LI)I)OilltCti Itt'' Spr' tilt: UIQOW, doer and caribot' III) tile Weak
11101:1110 C410 once said to me in a wayk; be yourwif—aud mine." lo.� He do I 0muliosion -lias alno bm" 11 he beat mountains to tile jimow line. whCbre
r' But east or Tills was enough. He loved.he Round Worl j�t. Petersburg to consider t %%,ould prefer not to be
Mollmurne clinrehya J. ad no 110 Russian cal- theso. animals and 4b
w4,0t. honto Is twat., ....... I t1tink, Bob, luid always love4l her; site 11 0CWK8==C0=CWD means of. abaThIbIliug t lit berry time They kill 4096, Oft -ell LtIngs
I 1411all Wive it in my will that, you fear but that hoc would love her fait jLe way df a -ndar 1-11 favor of -that, whicil prevalls ejery COMPOUnd in even the big bro%vil bear, that W
at St. Andrewa." fully to tho end. it other pflirtm of the civilized worlil. mbed 0)
amo tt)-hury tile let wedding, The latest VkOv(ftY Ill t Paine's C InimCalled IL grizzly, has succu
You are Theirswas a very QU nio,-Mbers or me fioNyn to tile river
Nitmotonge. rnele 11 obert I should t ey CAMOod aa
one. "Why 11 trotter is isaid to Ile a yearling bull -tile wealthiest llear" co lie early you havc
ittit to talk of dying. And YOU .1ro to alid. a speedy otil. Pa. This Antong front tile Wilside In t
aited too 1009 al- AeY-4 sinall pri- U 00
to the top of the wait 0ey had w in traInInK Rt, (larretsf tile Eligilsit aritiuwr. viaorates and `tT6119th get some of tile balinolt that ILre ough,j tintil the lining ftlem
HdW 500kil ?a with 1%4 to rvady." Ile Bald, witt' -4me bitter- lellomenon goes oll It trot, makes no %-atc. tl*.Iill is the thing. Tile Duke anks wile" tile 00
towor. 11jaw Wit iamt�, will you con felt none. Witt,, tier all Ill ,t,.Iy (Illartero In fifty- throwu "poll tlbg 'b s - your throat and lull fs
too 1111t Site breaks, a-tid call wconds. He , has 11ind Ductiesh'of Sutherland have one, Thoger Advanced in Ttill " is Wavy. ^1 brane ot t
Included ill the If bruin rutim foul or I, swarm of 1110111-
Ntw. I tbin'k alke, had. better 119t," w -Is PeOAV- %-cry foolish five and fIftY-8i!' I I av- 1with engine COMI)IOU' s abont, is iftf larneo:4,
Nir. uoy did another U..%4*itA. tud Irren. in and ILAH lot his wit
Read it and Answer For 1-30 t'llc!o Votiert, t"t-cisively. "Site Iling, wlijell.l. cinnot conscientious- dilowil a wile in harness over a train, Wit #411100
horp, :lilt! I r tit duelli! 1-u--6nogrital 11 gold Will llim (lily Ilan coonle. The
will 14At will ket-1) lie t kiddle-aged Inile track Ill four minutes- olor; wi y 0 (E, 118 1 1
I.v rfvommead to all,y ly jitilstered ill Chenille, aliglit all over him. iliAftir pro-
044i[ijinny." Ire, y Of ic vellicle is ul, tA, Scott S
Yourself. achl.lor. pA*i(Sps imiATrying Ills w nniversar Tilt!' utside nd ill I!t,, Ilih- body., but Ills ey" jind noso
tho -fit tilt it, fatully. There Tile four hundredth very Of the aild list", milvor fitt,.419 be
tlm% tower, aittl tlij- tw0- chlerg walk- Ito InRITI-ed tier biwollen ull and bleed'"g'
was no other a.v otit of tile, difficulty, VaSW da (janift01 -iiiWo -ty Of Iner . clia York Ire- %v 141 moon It river or it # —
#141 PROUtly Side loy Old('. by tile to Indies by Iv ('11illehl. lit ill New I and. linicidi lie gets into :1 1 soothet 4
8 wilic!l liad *%rid nettlier of tllellt,,was illellued route to, tile Fast ihkl)o'ted L '(X) e 14 -of playluit strong wind lie will be driven nlad 1: - ; of "4ive-r Oil Will
gravtw-lwy tile 114'.Irt r 4 1
he content Witt' leaving od I lope is to be cela- (14 * Ittly Ilia k if You Feel Old, he Great 11 bout itolwl(- ur&
LOVE, THNGEDY ARVENTURE tilt- Cape of CRO -1i110 . Illind top wander a probablY
coamal It %-40 lic took tl�le lltrg-. tile Uspices of tho. 11or- cards froul Chiijin for tile. Of him tit lie starves to death. Is strengthen and Ikowe-vor chwe lay. -woul %Nj; nd liorOught brated litter the a bon f rom cheap the Vi Ijussimer cod-liver 01, f cc& -i - 434-110unp ill Kt. Andre - Vitt Government Ill Lin lot ying cards art cille Will Give You Aitliqugil tile The tis 0
i it.� lit janetta and Helen, till Da tugliege al review "tell - %�
rise his %lay 17th to 20th. A na t3p), inpreltall t t4tort, t*u brtiods of 11ION(lulto" I'd - W"kened
A IojrrWS could cl&lm t114,111; like%% gthens the
11' tiiv ill Ile I 'feature of tile celebration tilplik at tilt- CUSUMORM-40'"t S"celits ady for btigi
lowl the Flut Chaptee You Will y I (�tjt eavil year, find are re stren
0bert 1, at 1V pg. w ron
cted to have f I one to 't-11 01clPti(is 4j
"t; owin two orphan 648, *Ulltfl'they went tie ex and Health Of YOulb- -rqhc 917"Xine soott"
Read to the end -of:the-'Tale. Ill jest. 1'4t I nwillit lit Ito= itto tiend then' for thu'10t- chinew, ltlliploo�- leave the Water. It v rains ;I sues. -%b
L�t,-) it ig:lilk. .%,,it t4) 0xford; for Ch people kuPw tile, pass pasm-d thrO411- as aud rnill 00 po- 0
I Ilavo lit, wi-h, it, eve . ry way Only three Lont"i011e and tilt"" I A) ce --4), iier eclit. 1. tilegi along tile Yukon, and ts them# The hy fA
thnt anti bring tileill lit) tile Tower of jullier, vail'0 ,It",, lit, *
you." lit lit- 'nearty fell ilead %e:eomed, for it drives tile SO" 41
W hat I'lns like ills lywn ;On& j hetero- %vord tile Lord *,Illyor ad duty coinpoun cover. e of linic ait e (juee I d Thpy Wile und r t ley are th Wll('a'lt lily got a Wlljor' tiuitoijem to
'Tile Pa8sw ord Ili ca ower impa
toll lt cot- lit itt%vo ]leads Paine Celery tit tile uh
LOVE'S ENDURING -FLAES y ' gt-114-ous f; y pac k. $40; Internal vf4i anti branches tin
Vigo* tijI Illift4- Y411 It :in burdon with. great anti tile Constable quarterl At k, thon tiley come out boiling rt tonC and vig'or
njLy, raly� Lord 'Mayor Y - Vell -e be
ai One
()r it ix)re tlwkr 4elIt tO t IIL is merely rpvenuo tax-, Has Made More Old Pe 0P %t.itj, rage at the tiqW tile), lip( ncgleCt thcu COU
-4 reo. of 1_2 -k f�or t,
-kilinlity. it "qy 4ioc
tTv tit foll't f the ( . ill. .1liell jigned j:jy MaJeNtY all Other WletLe!!I�/ unit Mie
*4 AVItli :t 811"le w t -It. tA;jal 44 just torced to KIWIld in
awnietinic. Of. lin,olki custom 84111116, Happy Than bottle of tlic EmulsfiOn
118t shadow of path011 lit -tile survival reveutllt,' ,litter lilts a barder 'time till"' 0$1 cellbi, w(Ittit of OKKIS.
And theu but Nt,) wt qloder. They "IV the faII1t4 Ire Mo., Ow -r Ijis respiW. now than tcn
He spoke pamioti%k-ly, they like tollave young I I Ci-imbined Reirriedie� artA 'pore f or you
it, - - enOf Q - N
Allitig'! life after. a elf.rtaitt, iit'ittloir f yeare4 - 110t
I A anti okkikuwflakeis ari!
muttw-ring sonit them." f Ilia so" * Be sum YOU
wieut. At iastl Ile rVvAlt-4 11410- ['11tiout y ouliger 0 A 211)(moiA sitaft, tile States, but I'll cjn do later On
.anti I nd by clegiroi-x% tll"�fy Of land, oil pontemporarlem Ilk t1oks iitx)llt *,I,,tggIug pardou.' Bon **Y,Itlf.y, Aumtralin. It Iffe,
I) tn g4 *,#A jolt w,-LnjV-rin9 to -01P., A re, n t. Snow EmuWon-
,.%, oof tilt, old itacheloir iteres. a"otfier it"11% ',of t ap Mitsk:. it is d Ct S4;OTTtS t
aulged tile c4olitim. ry. It helo P IIX. t114L spritill jr,1j8cIIeF: in, and lit]
t y,,, Ile 'are we atA111Y Everyon ify c toother thein so MUC
nell, I f4 ifarms inillopirtypri. as Wood. It as ra
elloil. r inaid, afi&iUore*of\ ble haPPY kit t lit
tllilik 1 1.611all atay Ivrinallplit 4 ni 141 drit w tilt I taks time to pur )W tna.v fall wtAle t1lev :'r(' ond'St-80. chal tv t St.. 1101tiplelp a I t., j%lartLa'd iteres. #4ystc 0 loarlit*41
convervilollull ill1to . , b0XI t I middlo-nWit Isw#4,t s spring. ill Itan(i jANl4tA41l 401 tilt. the slit oIII *Vill C40114, 1, r tlle*ncr%es and regi: It, I Stilt 4111 tift! wing. - Fog (lop n&&*Lb, I orualo, 1-1:4 marriage, -Amirewei.. To -At � sullinior till' h' --:I -,die jibe to like VJ.)TT &W by ur a taint. cat.' its I I)otlI too im, to) l)OINOtI telephones- t thr digestivu organs. olol p.eoplo . tilt- -e y city. past Ob
TheY W4 and V14. e when it as in ant -
whet, it happened—which. of courve,. .41 lit 1,.vl by rt-grettilig tile ed Vj give 11.) imilt-rgrou"ll city gj,.-pr--some- it, They flo"t floollit1t tilt-, preselit wit's Boston ha#t i-Iii-vo-41. The "IKA- lle(.4t it tollic and litirvil9th- like 'itely-wou.iAl wholly, could not be just Ininletil yoll no -it "' thim; ori r Ito that t. the unw. ry pr(
-. I will if - ot that to lingree Potato farm Plans for rimis
make any differeiwe to tier circuit ow'09 I will restor(
slip ft -It tliert, pa ly, at 14'Ast- so rial Aid St- tl(-,*- lwills,� Ill, - tile ti . ilth that-condulres to by, unrltri4e. .one
eta new. But t the rt fatality. year because the Indumt, 11v canditkni if Ile cheerf ill and % c t�114; etwul stravigft Iavc the will cure. 8110 - :11 lily# E A C01,I) ONE DAV
ii-ey,.-jKll Which etillable to tie silijig Old ,go, lial In (ierwany, it nilltur' for tile Z-41orme difftwenee, slit- c4plaitieti, le- traiii *1111i I'll their lit- Uear iwar. y4tt. a*,)- rar InallY vletY Ila's beell by tilp INg r rity'. "y curly.toolke, .941ttem,
T-0, rail Me land for cliltiv-atioll I'ailet-- .4-11 -
ive, 41 Ito IItobert tilt% 9.11% It M10"t it Ill"lly bright. 6-jX;IIj%4 W01114 rI ufacture Of cl
-a whenever they 4,'amc (of foll- hill). iT'ql Yet lio Ilissioners. this kreatxray )pie-oill(Nid carry ljorne ot tilof. following.
p0b 11JU C11 V%vi) sides. to f rom the ilark (01,111 'tII4 0141 1pc( reflind, the 141tJ4141 f""l" 10 A Lie fortunt ill j�, rill, w -Ilow Itaird 1`444 t"It by and -by -a I)Ottle i"XI filings
-ed. anti tile sisters woulki of �irj ji;-Ingerous will 25c.
this jj IL -L
ago or m&r.ri %%'.1-,6 clotle Al t -d *4, 8 Y. :1100 1'etimes felt a s citinilley, them VA:IY compound.' it t pf)ujisll
nott like to tw- partd; Nwittez, Hvic" 8 Away mquewhorfre-ruit WItY lift, liad been. w-)" I A&Vffift)-1 .11111 o1v it no one IcId bust arrivAl of 1,jilne's' n(I ipffor Jar. part form. flitid iw Tit* th(f riiieumatirin' a of elder or %wit
lielp tile ulbilslimelit. Itidnking funiciUM allial. P baidsh ;iXII
ell; caloe, it all of i to ; hum. money would -1 wa y stern joy I iced ill ttle -ver reaelli"s he it rsk b I (a nit f
to be Ill. it no ull
f tilt, ry, there or eWorillo:
i1robably. wheliever David marrieO, lie huried. 1141. Ilext. gas sewer f4' IN the neiirtilg�a tllftt mak( .111 fill- - t() kit down wo(v-� 2 ed I t. I rift .01 1w,rimilto I that a Ill-kil w(pnld 114wo r.
ttle fp�t JUP-11lewo la I Bay. rite y I 4Lfl()Ilgll f0ul o0 -i(Aet browl, 0010
would Lakolthem Wth &Wa�; iIItlee`l,. numir aft. iw,- vvry Still. for a joing ti Hall f 1114 -lits it %vill itrivP Out ni 110%v- tile ;Irp. I oo pit rts Of
I � gentle 1 (tn.
011 ig of , th.-It This jkyroluaiite
orseful ten7 thO 1 .111it; puritif-N 'lligh Akv, alin, 1114114ag tul t of pyrvitiolto,
"Will' Int till. m:tkib VIP fif-' strc':'
,to had "itt s much. the botto felJillis kill tA 0 1 116W i1W m t Cured my *A of fee." of etopprr
tay oil here?" 411, 4ink fregli anit pury
Ud then, shall you S 'of b. tj e. cifty or 11 -iolet I pnr hlue
Illch itself I;, Ileap- tins ItIlt feelings. the c
a..kind.of rem
W q -pavaria, ts 1-4 oitstritetioll -tit(.
M4136 have .1 small ilicoilife, .%!L t I W of livir - � 4,; 1. not' fill 2
with every luxury Ily. It 9tands 1 Ile vigor a How tit, Velto%%
-ire your, till Oof my owu; bealdes, there t-ok ft., ing ills wife great 'lie', o,ke Ilim, elr illo n'-
!)vVrI()()king iverge tA et Jim M.
uld toring; better' 'that' i t lo? 14,4111 4 ei it Oxiiie cit tolitintolly
two little boyis, and I lilight flutl two deaOtTv wenith co - It autifill unit Will conipourili 11115 givea Iwo rto; ;0t
do -not trouhl ouilding iler W. Ith tllgLfa an , a Ile (*elery --------------- Nor
jil surT keg, it pallu-be. -near more. But, I 'Ilraq) tob lit" ilousands tw t I irm .. ll; yo of love a lone te Ito I g he flitlife.. r d lich, --------- anti 1#4119: V, Ivive W flult myseir mwit about, I 44-asingcare wt to the
a, WVIIA t6 blow 0111 )II11W tt
comr,ulill. I Im-d iver allo-wing- thc oitter to 0KZgSfRFC DNDCARD obill tilt, th ro�m ldn&vo tiling IS r lily tit tr - E I I of 4441 Iteop
Tk: tic "I oil
hAVV tkum- ;111 lily. lif ke -Y I rouglifyw-hlm- %.,till tli:lt W f ully hy Too iw)rw*' 1#44' 4-elley, mi, hard a s I and I ill N tier Oc -ith mly M(, . . - ollitts. Hug
ka") V ex y- .111 ed helf, Av 110 I'll(' A% tbe'0iriffin of Tht I if "ILI, i r I g, - I.
-Hao cu wtaked" ta 1-.41 Q - iii -It -i e.
illp: he Sometimes caD Solnething Abou :111d .111,1
They %re rett of 11111ril",
9 rered 'so Ctilld get
t,4,%%- Ilk much. ib W Illill . I � beat 1 i'klnK- lisp of
tdien. my po" 6 g e. and by
t' cl ini tw-�lt rt-*
leO lit r. r let h
He left tbe selitellet I . .- ! abostit t 1PY ;104. IL
jk,*,drhwn- to tilt- (1141 of t1leiK I, Xyfl. i . to W( All nI()jjt street, To if I get KIPC 4 � tI101%
I -at, L. IlAin* 4% ;141.%. Its a le lli with W like -niau ljottle.
4 r% Ti,.4il)Il,v if I- litindrol of At's ("I A. Thu va y 101 1:1 re liand lialf. extelit-k-41, w'. I : )r. rInwo originated. Wort i ; 1 ople wert'i rA-, worth.
rve YOUIM -.16t tot P41 % 1 IIIIIi-16pil With tilt, and other gi ('not OAOLER
for tile t1i; it ,4
14-11, Y* rider x!7 ilk' tit(* - fit rontO. -k In, -t- suh, jjURPRISED T coming dou n ti -c 1% S-riI, - t 4 4 w llic* 11 WII)Ws llo%v long till, )ther 9001 thing", IT wtxs* vikell'six allial
ii;arA ti, . I me, for, I lq4-11 is M, d.the first (of (is, fo,kk or niorre a RkeuTlatitm Had Batilleu eI.oyki. rIeturi it ti i;Ili th6 wife' Half a Bottle Of'
Sho tWk) 1, J144w,
Illog )I Ito -1 dil I -tit! Tito Rind"
t -1k,. -:114 4.1f till- .194NI 'City. 1C. I loc 11,11K wns lit Isp(l r0t ly olt�; U. - `* j I ft, ri%*(,r though puthent ymi(.I:Ill ttA-M1119 can
was ticar dimier tint lit Doctors for yeara RheuMiLtic Cure
4'eards Of niy Iw South Ameri 13ott les
ri M�e. tiltwe, t�% IN dotte
lid people must klille. mt?ted t4ftt tilt litertaill till to. '.Nty Relieved and frour
it, '11-0.0 td -e W-0 Cured Her. oil
be kt-A)tj to tilt ja,.jt after '()f were -ttivente rt
jovv; and lu,'Nt, I.ItA'-' % iti king of that' tit rs wcak, and a!1 ttvt (taily of life I o' or Of tit(- o r 'VanLuvell Goverwir
le BAN
ate I 'ttobr. art, 114 11 1 N. %V - 1,. - A
1art - "'k' 0 k(o foeermint,r or fill, m
at I-im ; stand 119 lig liabiv. tj ,;elj III.N --apajM 04.. %%Fit":
S21114I.S. VILL Predd
re 111411 [a4t four h mlwt be dvw partieli, tall !'. Imils'. , H. A liesm oris jilt -a s a
slik-11 -11 t1141 PIlY Itrds V(- i vr- It 1', 10 . %% great 4lifffever front
of Us y �k.,' :0j I : 4 �y itairdi I t-11.410111ert -k . re. I T Seth wiis treated by liekit dealer for thIp OiL
it# WZjjj a4 Weil f(" m t: e' I ill C40! S -Ire t ia re III VIM! tia , _t atisul. s1w AA our
rval 11�4 r4v4,l ',- k"' ill oanroll -um
114 1try in�- r t I - I � s Better
(111d.1 rh(
It. IN, uNed many retn" U12eaper oLiol
otg four s ,f Ilindus- -1 -:11 p -s r stlow- Uledical mcni and its wilite AmericAD
ite jIj4I c:l ,,e% Illyillg var I -
114 .%t64 ri4isillZ t nucie"t it t ,Illy telliporitry han
art ie-, I til gi,f r, relief TIA- girI6 or China 0 1 b'v 'Ifier :4 ure
011fid, V :11141 . % Illatie Oil.
of tht**- Ald it to tile tile were r -it elk Iteat Ing
It r of thP C
long alld itarrow
Mt 111s: . Tifey' wete IP tie oire wt, pr0 at@.. t Ir %
willell iuv not 'UnoiA)U1 Cot! 4 1 ;4 on r gI I -:1 '1F IWII ------
like- 1 n4 Av. ar Ili,- with n Iful $;I w(lilliells of rt. V% :,,iti r4tI111141 Ainericall Itheuma --------
illvl.l you rv, I s It I Ii - k t -ihi-r' iifi-O- t4st ited. it lialf tike
to Itrotiett 101'. 't " or
&ewfp in pi NT114% jr(�11!1 :t 'nit- t I-i(-i'lletit Cured a bottl and four
If :4.,"l.,(,' Iliellt tbr it 1114...tti It '4L Ott Lit y. re
day. Mr. R lilf.til. tho ly to lobt ail slit- is '114 f it d I st to� tile V10.41f, t1f ivory. It was Put c.ured hor. Arcilotc. L411'"O,
14-1 " .(-i%e -ail Il'ittles com
of tlie window kt, it with a girl far r!tn tury that tilt- # pletely
dolorous alr. th f6utWellth ceit 4 FOR SALE
tin, I ore vilefIlWenT 0
-.1 11111PPOse
01 It 1,-.;! sadpirs art
Iratfwr d to'have introducv4I II(L". are trnly tle MIrij C49111'
.1111 1 mt1ell bf�ll 'fit s I r, C� b
Isuppow I .. �: face t 0 I .1-t 4 tMI. Tilt- f! le,000 ^dp. at pri-
Ould JILA to 1,1. t - ier .6or irst pike t, orot ttv 00. 'I's tilt- SKIRTS No irp.malp VQIC" JOon tAkC K
them into Europ,
bu rc 4:Ij41 Lb -V I
I;ke % tori
nut turn- me ouk' lit IS.17 IVOIKY CLOTH Sb Per
Ia t fire tipit fing lin4l enty-4-ight I)aton,4 ' --r- --, e, rnnging 021,0
4. ree V.; or :1 gT!v y s w v In'. Wear ot a 4111gle ACRES cm Tbe^e ijtndb are
a 140IL9d Upon as Quite Snjart for
y. it
our t�otei ib
i;)ut 1111t, Wo piettit- Them is or St. Peter' s t
tile ehoir w entarpriinc new town
-kit 't, -twent.N
'Ind nione. voice in
dull, imn't PL 1.4 vt,:- Ills.. et dto III.11 t4ilj,-: 1wror. churchee, Pchqoh,. 014 -
at Luncheon. -the tnoit di GOOD
lit rgoir. j ex III On mOst Lt.&* t lit wilbro. lj4*it;;6-r -:tr(bi - hernilt, itome, an, twill be 00
Will you whicil he elipid. It -ly of skirt 01 ivory wldtc b Ott' atoricks :111141 sacri able tel'1110.
h We. I,, -%4-ry iwch iwlo�f -r.-; �% INQ
a lit- - j � **'. I IlItt , coato of Z411a, tile .41. reat- tiler(, in 141101 FARK M. N614611
Y, 4 -ver 0-mt ta!k4, jelv.sIfiart,- )v "ell t Applyw W TL
t1w rvi 111broi- ten are lit ill,. wilit, wt W ty
ii*! lit 11.11141 �en -ridd.-d I()tllf6r wonders. -tell e ,gille A,!clin
ier, is i'!( MI* have q jIiCgtj()4js 101i I t one Illig
plicity quite ita t .4 1114. oxl teio Nun.. In it. a" pat:k is *d witli app may r LANDS. or J. W (NAIr" WhiLLSOSM
-it-it ach -I not
. . Y�, :1 , otri c
up,, alid, Wo In dbri
was sell tilgrot tile a 1110
1p T;%rench arr-I III- or color of iv�tti,jj high sopr
f4 a0y. M kit it, tiloo
must rift) t 1 k4 t I i t vt that tics for tile tikirt. There Itich.
proper ILY, are Ifixt
malt 1p it U r, fra kholiVU for lIle vorti
it I w I I t -I tit( IILk%4. 'Lr -A I V t) .V t1li"g.. ri-iis IncluIes ll;Ire tir-Aned front till' illystoenw-sio )11414, Ie solnet [Oro
gsf 16 franev fi�jr the Iii. of -tell ti anti they
Ig lilt 'all Ilt"nall 8" of Vie lv� 10 ceri their, :1110 itro cost t
t loctor e toy V;t; &tlxl :91 Oil, %`erify the st4ttc $it oriviltal 14Vmb"ls-- Therf uoulleed.colot,'(Prang thev get coittrol I �-kg: in't. The* -I. f.() 11141 i t, to bout - [)n (if. Wile Vic 'White onie of lle best 51111
111) atill 414' trner cit it, ctfktf4 cords. I .11 A ft-%% J. it I U stiff ellcrus I years 0141. FRANCES E.
little bor
ki'll A111 tiny, it vards sitlifid f6r tilt, w(44
matil yfeurs. Ili- tI ti. I * t to cover tit(- re'gistratioll fifty often , jK)yj; IPRVP th
4r tAv it .% Ole Out In ge* of IT tilf,
tI ell r tile' 30', 1.4 of trin.iIiiiII98-' le� the a
111141 simpfle rs I%% franes ljtq,�and -11�.P &.1111cs t y f(or tit(' pike- tiLtiol WILLARD11
01l. U nipllig Pf decupile 3ek jewels aPpl
114 t out of- pique. or- Hp.
clude uni. ptl vinbrolder choir
-ketb(w*. An fOr %vitneivies. refle. or lountingt; R
Or tn
To,, 111141 eplat lot Ite%- It. IIIJ111111"Il- tllf' We art hatidlijig (h 11 uthOrit're )ft Ut"
141 s 0 tile hent border. it it. 'be
lilt it y tit for the 410,wil t.
IOU. Itl't w
lt-11 r dirkluoilds Quebet wr tAL MFIE UP 8116
he Ntlimloit corrutinIY mottf.%" A wt. eultitre* the* AtIliferalIx. ;trtiR:Ius. pjNjoNEb t4 1'ry. . I 1,,00k. beatititullY "Ott"
it leasure lit t(mitifYing t' 0`1 4 `f"'m"t itiiLl holve Ito eDer
letter mailed t it f0i buii-ling" sfolIP4 pFATH-9 -HANDS love �jj#-f itil- just ree6tted a. ck %%--Ithout doubt
make him a I wost,of 14, t, eliforur, jneau(ng the lie mou gal for .4geuU%. Wrtto
fly ills '-04 at* the. YPI411: aiid h effleacY Of Klendike
itit thill;r ill it -t-orrupted ill I V) edrur. or Kidney other r.,m(-,jie6 T:Oloro1 dialch
li tn ry. teldf-retl just aftei rboirmoon. o the Fact that it ftfulir ILI& 4 -ft k i4l ; t % Irwe revii-M." three years ago -1 -World Awaken t f ). L NICHOLS
'IVe,*,* fter tilt'. USIC .-I is a I - allit follll,l _ 11mollit illtitant 33 Itictiml0tin voll" Torento.
room bY - I Y. 11 heartq. eardti; in; n Ki iiiey Cure
ttWal.-A u-itto, in; keep It. wifl, me."
which TIw -1 law#' were
gtarited 4ml' a Europea
.ry fc;Il4j, or South America
y IjAj ,I. griKkit 110t. followpil.lilm about from 1) lie rifteol),th century, Never Fail" a IV.
onk-r t4j rojk,4t t4 get,wr .k: gritIan iover, lj*l,4 I�K% 'i) continent.. rrivi:19 at -the .1 re thlb- in- - I ttaltib anti I1vbr0-6
lit. all(4 'Ali ING CHURCH DUTIES. Ip 4if ichildret) -rwo itejolt 41'erts. welt
their mn46- F,,NFORC P1 r)jIlt too late fo 7 dellv- assed fol;jAdding teemed by Tw unsurpeewd pre4wIll allot detil from --yoll M.
V wilotie rards were racter. andlter All Wanted
%it(! t.%v e"olied each stoppIng P4 hilous was badly di 7igUred of . e,% � coil.
Helen tried V �bm she, tt, missouri Preachel,: R oprove.. Of then) ,Ilse t a retaurant UP KpeLlti Ik 1140 IY; How ery. The effvelOpe net, eand mail ore' Fjundatt.
owmq. The wirl- th I Ir 44.
A long WA of IV tible) a
r I 'wt' With Hi Ith form . lie total CoSt Of L - _pxcept at. ljoli(L . Ing diON'b" 64 1111A wait-refil0m. ram
-it they ere ev(e I es ,1 t fivi_ I t ie engirtiv W),Ugllt, to flirt I I �X
ome arks, and t " 01 S
s rarding addresses aild 19)it
oji. I ill- a wollij-.11 in appamntlY 9, t.%-ith, whom It(, EE
4 h is,* 'A lands was. 111 LII(I )4it-Ily oxeliang- lit physicians wt it
whO 11d V N ular (1iri-411111itY Journey in rpri-Ign rdic Italy I tile njost, (.111ilif W.
,,lot t: !'print ca i -k -%outh Am- -Yes." fille. *"No
Itil IXys. ILI14I t- 011^00. t . -I'lftk"d unt . . 1) of By Dr
fluelim. %V 11111KC of �tnd.mprehandif'P for, thooffif' y. and not mino-i I tit
cents. 4 41.1 .9 YLOU
- - - I )d of the 'to fUIMN -
ti e,-- iji'K
twilgo alread e Mb6rt of, Italy is Ba -to be soolf tp,pla( , fbil rr,.46: itint-y Cure -wtv Introd
Win Nat'l
name. tiler one u,4e sendto 431 Ain
lit' nlV'tll- K Ing It . U N with W-11lich it is" My o fitA dbr tiervoutil,00" iLfter timl, d4L:re
lt"" tilt.' 'nwre ' ';;'a 'Great NOMe R46torw"
Y 01L,,11
it bt�- truth-
Inity ix)� loch Pirdett Philit'
often hillid Fort' li�111gilIg .11,4,Ut that nwtlk:t /Allid free $2 trW botLw
lit -Y fili'l 11111. of n "-]':it wa.y
l%Iw itto t1w lipa had inaln.
lilt tonly*i-Europeau. monarch Of— thi? ft tAl
civ 'b( -en. wo (it U'll"ll <t dreadful tit iINI Ili-. A W Notiv LAM*
Upoill hi, their *110 has ra tA. Hall"
lit- wallit-4 Ii-tter "" -- fl, ri 'Ind MODUVAL Qua.
every- * � - . I . Lond( I thouX.
I I .�Ittlill;l .6xlsi
volilir. yl- A lilt to, W"
battle. -1 Of iw ent-Im
4 .11-lisoill, �jor soldier. at '041! battlii te gawill,
boEjj 1()VL-tl Ilim, t.ry. 811ts. .1. i 11y. her by an Aulit0an y I. A lid t1le"
ot tO --Itm wit, N%i.-ill to I At'"Orlill.1 RY $-AS
IP1 t I NO I-V 1141
#.64V - the.1tall '10" -Wpte NI-olt- of Cngt0jS*, In which I I w6rh c(II
.amoullv off IAPVI' %V ii it'll Ill-1-tj NEW
1V likill-f 1 _jig filst 0 or� tilmon a hackgn seuv. Ott 511C
S:1 11, 1 and he ould r. Pbqitog'tftgl4sed by X RaV8
Ito 101*21yoll . * anquisheds Y .--A C' jund Ill oulid rborS,-11 ., .1 ex Ili kstillateij, V ar liad� r.1jilk. L Ixtruel, 4*41%
r it led or -taken pirlsell
have been kit mat,
be4i fat, hija* -will Ori;11,10-1112 41% :Tbis tiny vorii jwi- *elloor. Awlits Cit'
be too Inyprs-11f,11fird oikin lefrocf,iol,25cto 11011)
then turued I"I t w;1 tjj litmit. not. hl, -4-'- -P�rgo* Call 1DVP Tile lily lip) for ILI I 01- Crery 'Imid*
f1w Ill. l-;4j'ltIs4-rgh p. Auy Illex t I! - (I
W "Ild N Illp lilt. 11.111 a e#4,lww keell 100111 - .101
iftr f1tollf it WitlIoUt Ilaill, LLCK C411., I)GOOvitt-r-
had been, -.41141 :11" M Dyes. t rt net, A
Tite rf;vereli,
and IT"isfully With Dia ow (if, extraet,
j I, ,t It. ills -41 less We fight jig. W 1.1 .11ai
itf,:.44� %7jn4Wa1,+ -
it being hum"" M A jr r tzim
kwowil": ilktA' It w, iir' it i1tt" )�*11 alid i'lusill.
.wt. titkip Irum j Try it. :ov n lilt
ogg.�,-anst. iR,(!Olt it Yf-* '11j) k -e
imir r C.16 I rp t1t) I*Iyb;ti ir tl' iN e.Wi.11 tAw be th . U4?I Vtwility Ijullsi. v. Ifrayer '11tv-sl rare A4 Ito lit. tor .4111ir Iiii Ik. -,04joto1 iII419
wt . 6-yj her to.- SIV. f044 alift- Ila it. A I .. .11. ( BOYS Inui
4 14 " t ly tban toour W 411d1l,t you, Iwar t lie MCI llmg- okIK blip.. jjNWVLa( AIN -
a ye more. t iiin 7!;: diree 1
v 111'er ftijv -of theni wo"11 hut. Jo 110t.; 'III Ally ftvi, t on Tor
the tw(> liwers fetelIP41 i_g so j, setlitt 4' 011 lilt 4`149 Vr licit riuc oers
It, I. poir fattier'
W aitl-WlelPi 0
nnol tilt- 4,1 vC nrked. this -yickct 4)r 1111,r;r n its, n4 1jut it's. jortiliall0' Adbaer
tilplu. *4 . t fj. tirflasi 11 � C()Ill-
.;i,4 jJYJ14.11 lwors -t4l f0pr tea. to it, wt fill 14), Pr
ill suit. 1)( e1jithe is lit. t%%*1lItY- INJAY
1141ii4dw I ill
-k t4m loake. cw%1141� fill it Alliat they -v l t livroic. i t4i' till- all.t -W�wk-, Y
ity re"ot 'r h 11 the Year
%vi-ry k
poorllp, r.,# -If' :1 4 sWill
ells tit) 1 .4. Illivt� IVe are-awnro, t
otile I )l;j)j tile evening.'A oI it - A ntw
-I Ilavi. lit Boa ri S011
was. view Jought, Ii( The rt:a KX't 'Of tile B,
It ki,r;ttl trial of, dYeiRg wo Nwimilling I
#.kt :I lh&T* iel �,Aoj- ral-. trtl 'if. w. -w X4 4 ri wt-ri-I. 0111 1 fool" mifi)rtunat. dollarm rewarij (inp great attr-jetiot
ObOolih.; tt - I - I . I
it Pw rf*,,t olle hundirm Ill i r
g1glo, b. 4 A i VVI Oki- t I P ry� 1-:1 thl* 8,4 4 i'vi �s on mb offer 11AV21
4'1 P PIC 'I "We't ;jUltill. villatelt t Ike- (of 3v r f(Ir 411,111y Carie oJansatt'l loll horne unw.rulo"1411.4 detti-ir, daiQ ungtj :111 tile ear aroutid-
Iilily. a :i rf lit 114)V b(o -to 11111411 disvipso lread cau dye.aliY* loot curfud bY tile WIPH-
tit gijs!-� A vi-sitors lw:10
coornpfw 1 .,14 Inil child ti
t rro; r t sll(,?4 .d gy,111insium,' -af
.1 Ivitt, Ki -v. r. rs.� [lily *�-ith'fliamontf I)YUH. 4'(IUII)IP
came ong, tjn4 eer- k fra rout ve lot the 1000A dP
root I nt I eyW-141 Aw4-lf 'it lilt Toledo,, 4
IW* Vitil. %Tf Wort, Al - tIV in* 4 t1yem are puto 1,�e know %isit, cat Ito ()Wit :Ico)uIIv Oryn
the 11:141. er nint "I h4,1)4; J4 ill III
1:jil :11111,se.1 lists, inuch ill
llil4)11 I chl"In t, Ray or it -4 ii-pring-. 141 1 �114,ky unlity. j. rir t
Mr. W lit) jk(jjI!qI lit- tall W -r 00441ge 113s sproad so
it. -4 tO f6r tht-lir u-nifOrwity it r -
In ti.eir 4 et ect V r(4-ent years ,11it it haN niall:l'
-k 14V -not Itoo, prI711 ';f
k tie' Ire f g jia it tj!. 1111174-94"ler: sttengti., ind bri ctionit nn
hriug,11i'll- - 1. 1 -- -. . 'r btlalilt�fis
fniiiftoeuv in 1119 teftile L.%%-( transA oriso to SIH
.4 rift
U) CiLrry in
BVI t t tit, 01110 C.1 Pyes You Out lly- Mant) toely.
chiLir w, niorittlig r In, dy&.
4-t arni's irm
A w o4 ht:lto. -I- T wle by their IjiS Z0111. U1611gli., li-A4-ti(ins not )Iflr titills in
Vj -Illuablp IWeat dx, oil lt *111.*,. r oTei, . . I I I ff . ' V. tit fretb .8.4 by & Tru.
lip, t 11411.1 Vr ways tile 'tit 114111111ril I& dis( ro-01 'rd Re ti, ally 11(lilri
"Oh 'k irl.jk :I - %j*'I ' .4-n
mia I 1 0.
j4.1 WIT. - Ask
tr tr) Iffill-t f. 4 Montrea 1. 1 Tolvilo. Itrour Dealer for
If xlft,% alwily-4 %v We 1,j "V Toledo, r _1.4 itv tite 14.
Mr tit t fl:l%q)r.'
4"Vell . lHUPIGARTAN WATERWAYS.. .4% is j6Wr- A
t 4*.
lit' ill . t . 'jljLji)t. - . . llaIrs,,eatarrh CUX
- I I trilij net, re% Il. it file
Titt 'lip It et R riiy r t Its, tr! .4 tile. tO f i Iiwlrvo� ing Given to*the Im it
t drejLtAttentiOn 8 I11jUCoU14 NU tl I I sye B 0
.11opt provem of the Rivers. :1 Ild
or itv N I D I MI(j, by all Wither' sorrOw It lm)tt L
t t4w I fwf t Jot 77&- IN
t . %% � II T"tijIlLoplaig free-
tAlkow! ;too -lit Ito h lln�l gfoljoi -IRCks"ll' s JR67 to 1 It is .114 OMS
rej-4trtv I purl,14111W, (of I l -jilt; are 'tit(- I for etilds. etA.
N4# That. trir ;pilt-k ode(, rr, %Wvr. si-er -rwayfi IL11 1omiing Houw%%.
ail n wim Ity it'. 1%:1., her Ititerfor- wav For Snit bY
o I I:
-at -jdAFlI.8oLcKH& SONS M
wh1th 09Y 1),. SO,- Cjkjy poille, the off, Ill. lwill hy. jt; tilt- bes
ijinclw we-kird- orekfe,4t. f irs the itoon. ga*1 t. It
te r lki . tile Vellilig A soft- clay nieotille flart
ivsit lit' y smoke, and 'tit
�Nt - e
ell A.1it Stoll Ir 111111(plis. %i RAF CoIllpletio'n'Aw awil gives a WO d. Briar.
'VAI tit .11 mbqt anq generall'y alisorbe
\nj ft Ill -41 judge that is easily
vilit. tof. ior(i. 'I rian Me L
ill (-f)Mj)ft"y- lle-wfork 14viii10 tfir JILL -which -haNv hitherto, sa tisfac-
e% tier rwC4 tile ro.atiierii. t4ter ing.- jj�, nl(ist importalit 11111191 pndm" Ilaulus are
I y t -V tit r closed. t w Clogged with- lie .11,pvpr mum
%vit-4 a -11118t the East- "111 will :"to tory for a while, Wit get
Ini.v W4 Ilk tea% it er steam- wt and hol"POMP
(W lift- I)v oil 44 Iiii-ki)ry. 16 Miss S:I'%%,
chilofiri�n, Witf, .4 wcre sillgilk-z- .4--s arg
h worf). W a riiiiiing all :4 11' 1 thti pasba with - a Newent in Bridmit' P"'00
10 ge ofth�- .1. bo
.4 it tir.� (or. mt4f pjpe-one
)jpok fc,,\- carly fit tilt% x-Ong1% ftoll) tollaceO hooke
Weil, rair it
top live Wit) for 11101 flesiif.d unr\f1ed it -.4. bitter.- A
a -.4fect 0111,111 ers qo, fac up al` 1)(11t 'shnpe- Eboll- %jolutrentIv savtj London Ladf, the
itO 141114-11 Ilk$' alitilillij iiolfv. th* t sevelisen mill -on.gul .!6n are vrb, tt a re it it 0. -Tile I. regu- curvfid 8 In iH )Ilrl �,terlinx U. fllv�or of good t0- (il(i-fllglliol"'tiini�I)IICItY Of tit(' wedd'ug
itVIFf"Pt tit AVA ot, ism 0-4111a int. of Of. tilt- systeninti
Waded also npOIj Ito stoems ispoil V ging, for latelY -wv-
or-re i u-%l1w t-:14gill Chronfele it'au nottiot ter than real . dr(wvs is fajit C I 111,1114
I . arii baceO. knew I tilt- y. lation pf thi,� T
th i'Ot t t 11. ,vA) le 1 T441 - lit Nothing is had tit govk,ut; heav-
I I r -alleis 41 io; Mangerous. ell
111"pheom or ps%acf. plicit of Its julidtioll. With tile Ft ami,er Or bont'. eral bridim have
Kh P414,1kip-I artleii I I Ito, ifustriess. ti Knew, Ot of. 011114V 01111bit gro,at liae to Iwith colorml ImLs- i
y'oninx. fir,:11 fift�jp 'a fine- I caual. w1lic it. will Ile of
tvIc. tile
y,,%-Pr:v ilavich Old Fari.nor-That's
Anything Wl nf -�Valk. ith tit tile, traffic IN -'M NT. ;��luorontoerie- *t
,11 herl a 'MTV
11;1%4. just 4U
1 ti tur-
11(fing nav on. -The bulk ipo r A k
Woy 1011"I weil mile rem 'ther* What 416 you feed. AN 1 T 00 -ored'is- tit(% turquo4w
or. i,p ovnr IDattuboo
.,I :k tri -but: It WAS 1111110 -t -j it I 6arrVil on by tit(- Austriat gulqxwd to 49�
and te-jlj�sjjjp conip-any. A rrkepiorlal� Volutu fillaw. I pefore -,%1 )6 %mateur_WIjy. j, i'll., Ilify gliod luck, and colb4tantly Into".
i, IOrll. of course. writteii
li.ting lj�ugfiian 1.7riticew Ft. Willardso is Ite"19
so res;1104 . I
'41111 jil.fq4w. 1101111W14 'Ifffit, li�Cljt 1897) tilt %I NN
tt) ar I .1lillift
et little liarl'or old Fi%rm6r-lj1' th ' e is end 4) Vas tier private wvr('taTy- FOR
IiiEt,41 vi, lr,, the. 7 .%t tilt! S
jOrtly; lipr %lit MW work SAVIgation Company
Anintpur-Ce tainl hot; r tobe win" Mijlard,� LinimntCures Distemper.
.4.t ml r
-Wa - -m- .11 .. X)l -ill- d
olie, y -rf-- wt lu, .wlth a capital iA Kill- Gorirt!oll- Mlss.Gordon Wil Itelt, we n"a in 0twisAn.
'Lt, � it-r:j4!i7 tilt I Irs 'Uh- lib the Ablest . tj
'Iflefl, rw, 11811. th th(" P
RA 111tel Mon :..- , 7 IrInual G6vprniii44It s cIlls 'Work
to 11 tilen ltx)ketl 41K1Wlk 5.451'- (sell. Itall
tileir ef MWII 41w) as 11101tial; aII4 do "0()o gulden"and has. flow Io glaTI41 and - Americas. $6.000.oO3 for a
tet, : thf"lich 1 4, liaof-ilmle titAt %.,''my ellifill ihink lit- k0tilf" dustrin I "At' 15 000 tention Of'400, In I'm
I ip lie. 4t 11projimm. anti 4, 9 11:9 pfl, Who d(*ire tAj Itay tribut It will vogt si ' t 11ritaill over `40.- SINGLE CUSS RKE
Anylve wly tji Into' her fact. e ance-10,ralw1finfiait fleet.. j)t 30 tiWamers. a9KrPgAt* :11141 w(on
.4t,kh inuell, tfli- -rem411ljT*r 4)1 liernewn - lie liew I
ant -4,11ndlity :0 yf lilts. 0iltura Mi-ments. ljvjt,�k -Ifpw tugs f and Krandf-st woluan (If
114,10, 'v (lilt li 1 21111 -a W).Okj for t1jo building of t -OR I
ji,.M -pure-. It,- ri 1`861 � i . - . . to the girpat"St
LIJI.-4. 4FIC) $out Kevellipoll -,yearic t(i y6ur level."', �" I I. , jlum�kbcr, of. 10.330 horse-I)ower, -lilt. I. �: I I T) T Id V.
oxcept Mi Xvilli.. t it for en -Thwt6tai ill 1jungarinn the ago 1lrftt-e!aj4% twat
Ilim-at boor -I %!� it, ilk fwfI64 to 'kel) )tijoi-r's rinjr. Sh� 1`1` J114,411111na. Why; have - 'YPU forgo quipNi .0 -pions. lofw� - are,, jent.;l j0().gXj toils.. Tile - Adr This Volume. C'" tl(vhll) mitu, eabio. ritiod, T
v4tpr Wns" onillan.14, -which re- Beftutir it Life Of F v" -Y that line %-Alitl gomIr April M to lith Inclusive
%VIL4 IKIr lit( )roken, I ralle tike. 1arLC4*t sum Ot "'Oth
ele w( kiiiell ilwiltil"I vigatioli. ( IWNP Upon rn Iseving (letotialtIfor lot I&W thw
the I I - - TLlip 8� e4ju : . . - I of 5700 the r -,td sillent tin ret u
tile 1+11f,fit 11111, implirN timl Wilt ted rc V1 114-411111,M0. a Na - subkI IN )o Kul- q of the building of April 12th. IM
jr 4 L 114. 4 ju-n -Al 1111, tile wholip, -n* t yearb whiell will hr Ill thi witt lot ever 'It
%Ij,I �J�olotWV4.n AYI tj,ittk*:1* !lid 114 A rieft its, Iiiiniber of. aCV 1�497 '(fflinni;11011 with the jug pilillic at av earlv dMe. nian-of war. Her armor plate* alone
loO.'. 1;14
�140L]g 'I tit Iwnt. �jtjj',L tilt. ."I()Iley deu, also. workH lit I out by tills TV.
-r :0141. 1 Ill ty. tot :1, - wonintiot; Temp,
0 Vol 1.4.r,. Its 0 4 1 - - -lilt] tier gulls liefirlY
turti# tilo liuman nibitiation. Ili ill cost V50.000
nio 4 Irr, T 111111[flly to -4boviolco roUgll,, ell copy W
overy V
I load- bpr* Ibf if f t - I �j i 1:, Im-r. YoWlY I Iff" Ali acting. (101. of latioll. 1111, IOR SCIM01 V4C4TMS-
y -a t 11, lias been Itaill in IvublIX111lig ASSIEW
ying. he 44kelled 16K rms;. 114 -art, w4l de a e '4 the official Stamp of t4w V.
kl(q,, as A --loomell'tic Inefdornt. lie i
Ka Freac - . . I ... . .. 1 0 . - - arinj the title page. It is hope" t1l's t Cureg Coidia, elk. Siaec Virst Class fare AW &WT"
t X%, j - r4 0i I H41 St Th 7,150 0) Im-r-st iiltj w" $1 P, "4Y XX
F.410' ft*. -r o,,Iw -a rsing to and T. 1'. on if inard's Lininieu
Varif wa.rni can I* w%en coil FlWkfill"'Govornmel't leild Itte lit will prevent tiny
I o 1) )t sinnounceme
tile, it, ilet 4ir '' T Tothol inaMarch i9th to April 9th inclusiva
Ei h. .4.1 le ft! I t t HlAflk) 1)
1t. 014-11 rjLtIl. .),it% tiley %vf al nrteries.* u roml
Wag :LlkiF; world, art1fI(-..I your -ktlifi�- I being plairwol, our shirts
thrfA M0 v Oend noturn till April l9th IM.
lift per. Ho 11:141 1�'Kljll to It iiN nild f roni . ,(.title, edition frou ro
I 04usl4leilly., 110111 fIlliNhe'l .%It tllqll�p .6yes, lov u kpt. k;toe ad. For Further Ill-- The mat'lliNh girl -nlatiotl f M)III 1. IL 411611011111111,
e. .
tile mar Full infol
040 4)PP4 of 4 few nor 1he..It*!Xt- Oil
(inly fust ask tO lll*iflg 414)%vil rite J. L.-, Nicholl, wotl,,t* tip :1 tiltin f4or D. P. A.. Tormte.
if - 11 -,1 hittur y"TW hPVIlle AAA", :1� -And dr(K)TU, formation. W M. C. DICK
IV# j14 laid li(!r Of the I of orolito. But she
lov" im pawl( wf-41 Lli a' nioniell! W wit illy big avh)tl out. NO. 33 lZICbmovid stri-et went. T
tilo, ver till llil;V. sure, 0!
thinic ill � -r atiff w0t f lit :1 dusui .111,11 w1nie paraffin, -illil
btit rPVIV4-4l.' Thl-,'t i", 10114, bim,�xlfqmll( ' . all 9. tilitil at tilt% stilds Filie learns to swear I ------
%v#prlil 1,4 l, Ito% -o:ar.t therfl. r Huropeall Serva"t Utilonh.
0 tit(- wash-leathe When hey roll Ilene:1th tile bur -
Aml tile witslifleachei. Anytilihig
Tito w-rvant unions are spreadi ig in cal
tie 04aid .40111y *At'- AjiflWevv A WW4 -lit. GlermAny and in the
41'fif- eliie'!" Furoll ,
ui4,.t vnice, jjok't Vortime �t- Tll` "ittl"' 41yeS Thomait muld,1110.1 tries. Tito fenitirle
4. I)ut vorr.v nitich astl');i imbed'w I left it leam- tr out the
a very, IfAr. (I - I _cjwdinaviall CADUll The Prob
;fie-jid' fit)t P4 tot, inurry. efp it UiVIL hilt. Ail(]*
v Wa yard anti Kii 0, -ill improve
hfard. M0 kfxp* *t I I:JLt Mr. Pto. A -wiling rv..Illtt4 art, commoncklig, tp organize
kept t)14,. l'it t -'re Oro- hatuan
lwfw)n thn % e A re that your temper
ven all 1140t $Pilo. t -Y s Nloow y", Wt . and.tbe and m
pho fplt it tilt aonier..C()pp"
&*q -for- of for t4horter hour## few 11 anti y6u %vill elljoy walking nll,i Skilt-
alrd tilitt 'IN)ttle- y It
in durknitwm Iblit .. titeir treatment. . 'Oul loliths "1190 pjlnjj.@t (glee t-liat sorV viorn
tile ninking, it.Neetll M#or govoivnem, a lady.; not by.* any tUff, fcq� reno.vatinK lenther. mid nn menced in Norway, ing lit re
PUMP, altifig tjj0i%- Illiglit tif- - 140nw. (I rentark for tile movelne"t COM ilutnain Ask for
prWA jo t (I a t 1114 ybung. an able btur I(jiv -r conn- is reM0v0d
it j)]d h." . rpread to otli(,
ithing Px4Vjkt gil.-sit. mwj-ptlje loQd ,in th you, 961119 to rp-. and lilts rap Extractor nover Wis. givnK III) Will'
i ; the
the earth out'I' "Ing A14 Ing -hu and had 1)"'
whore in at !Are trkw in Eurrn
g -rid Of, 1)4'"US6.
Wiliell U1114141' �-verybofly re- a good jind will relieve You in twenty
A willow., Give luWam's it EAtritt-tor
tI10J. loveirs he, go( r vvid.4,,ingero S dik�W pair &tit the 8 JN TOILS. 114111".
dG er
P 1P.M. nx,4!t and like, 116, though. nobody sfikuri be ni ust 111,ve Wink -MISTH FS
at the Jac dif Dott"t POST
jiscovered V Afrninic hor. Now -bre�6ding P. 0 0. 0(1 bi vbkh i� pure ew
winilorow ro'c" xv;lm much exelte*d con� �r giiiillft.f lilts of ra g it trial anti lie I'll-PpY.
VIP. and tbat-it W-114. yfiu*wn". h -90 oQd?.. sticking 0afftf Indigestion and �yspepsift Had blade
iiaar 1vap alk a W.-ople Und bee y0U1t:blood1A?' . (t all of W4461L`
- . .. I a!!, A Ideal
night ry f(jr er T A -o Years of Dintre"s
n)(1141light Roy, and: mome were - rather., mor 1)c rid of MOM -P -It -A(juu& like it Nur- Her Prition
t. Cc] IT t g (+0
n intot yqu..W.ah yol -N ol "bewd' orklition. of Turne )y Song Because
nwpon. &bo 'Very nisCht t 1W.' 110 'h Rf I - TOP"I'l bl�W yer's d to a IL S
fill him.; ow? By the lve Or Dr. Mrp,. Newlyrich
(P in :t illy %y t 1.16 U43. nd u1c rs gical operatiol y
plann6vt tf) K ell In. 4111, WWW stittry got wind blot,6he$ -bouw4enning.." South American Nervine ever read llurnh, Mrs. CirrOgan?
thk lwon;- an -61d attacli -solres.a
W.Multm toweir.. r . it& linving -11 niiiledy for all. di.,,easeS $al wIslI you wo-til(#k"t ljjt*rrupt* wlien Cured Eter Suffering"- Mrg' Stillitoor Grogan—Faltil. 81141
ig the rAdi(;,
ciriolor would burns
-tile t Xtr. .0 nt,"-.: *)lot , in terestod theak. of simparilla. 'm trying -to think Of, thl"Sk: let lilt FAve, IN*t-Mistress off Ldge phat lie if tll,,,v
T,;#�t we -till %he fOIkt; wer(i lialf Maria
I godd m. Kell.% -
it, 'y 11414 (if -cou"M ; 4 el MOO& there nothing' Yes 'For awarlY twO ye., re I w "n't rpd. M
aud mairrY Qrj If in th Hill, says:
givat n
folko make till'. In with him, To go must havc If w-i4sors :m4l it V from acute Indiges- when
tho 7011111K - a' Ilave liad. 1.)n I to I) I . &air fermi a9vul(w y(>u order
It w -ver %011 V(111114 itil-hig I ia- imd's Lijosiont Cam Diphthena.
jiioir Youth lilt rAd maj&wbeh lit- illight glov" Wilkie M*4 a. v prac-
940 r * ill, "�U. yoijug 44nes! 11 Dr. Ayee-A Sargaparilla wiLi recommendet'l to no. bY.7 PIT tiont find dyspeplilla. I c9uld e
so V tor, 4 , tically nothing vvithOut its prtidue T h e n
Aliii elloko 0 Ing
A n4 YC"I ajul I ml�*t go. Witt, 11iij fartulw, and chAractet. thysirian am a 1-11"A purifiPir. �When I began t; 14;ooll heavens! w.11 -it hits luippi,urd'! t he gp lit The I'llitPd- StAtM cabimt is "Aid matches.
; i ra. jit. t-,� 110-4 opk! )eOple play—as thp.* -11A.d ()jno lmttle cured me." . - I I vereilt paic. Tile' doctors cou
AV I It V10" nInTo C111111110 llfj- milght, n0i I ,wt boila all 6ver iny_ t hope 10L nothing Fwriolls;" do so ituie for ine I about gave tip to have determinm that the prew-tit
ojid ot tjlnt, otlier good' inall, 1BONNER CKAt-r,,Wewn, Miss '1611jew tit(, nuill. 1101-1,111 wily 016K wtils induced as mtj,tA, ()f nffflim ill ruba nitint end. YOU will be sure
with hllr*rtj9VAf'lI 14 odpk 'fit ve maryied anYbOdY!.P to overhaul my hIkr,—I1iek-MP-l'i1-. liope of 14movery.
CO .11 tit#- y -forgot t1l: o give South, Amerl
v marmhuls i Nraw :1, Rut resoupm fl,
bl.."A vj,zy fire. %fr , 1% Tito it MT. Roy happen- 'afii Nervine a trial. Two bottles won- KM vrisolow#9 800"Ing 1117mv to a 1110"r, 1)aving thebest
Jar%y. Janetta ;nd tf�) I* fim:ot tjl#**.# men. who havo. Is uniment Ca wiag mmody. It set only r*111111TO
Iginir to get .0 kre t4j, ma Kinard res, Gargetin Cowit.
J-tI6 jwjqjrnlai� divi 6rry "any- lerfullY helped mr. Three bottles com
tile wOulan, whether: jetely curcd me. tuld for ift nient-11#1 but in!.1P--- --
Aitme0ho two tx)Y,4; f I) rrpetp otclot y. and gtvoi sea
Y of tilat 1411CIAt 1pirdol-It or nw,
jigl1w A:w ko j,.,,CjjIUx to.wer 1pody; V) Wholu oct Itealth.'
wbich .4t founilhearly *or latol—alfte!. In WIN rage ;rady. (if 1KIII11111yowell. (*Otlll- 1 111"ve elljoyed Imr I UW Whole systa& It WiH
plairrill, agar" flow .1jenutiriji Tit(, 03 .Cur* e
watch. anti, -%4)n 00. 6DO tate lit inotantl -ping tn the
04 ky allining- found early ver. - V00r ty. lAtnerirk. upoll wl' PS SixtY lalignage#- nro glioken ill th4- c.,jj& KvA 11"ot ftu
AAA11111111411 Iferbertatown tilt- -plan of campaign" Avg OWN
'the C�-ftr WOM14n ill Wurld'.fore
tho anstpons ell .1,1141 Vio brfl' lilhe need- Ot tion, In dead. ctar'm Empire.
4#j4ltll.,lll IrfW #TA*! a r alm Fortutie ! Wag firgt put Into execu 7
br*bt q too", failing elw+k, lier xll�-
o0o. every a Itky afraid of,lwv, Ither.
nx ould never po'elther.
ft -veil the vOilM hair, -be W
woonow- tf 41P