Lucknow Sentinel, 1898-04-01, Page 1V IAF- I I . - - - ---.------ __ , I I � . -, . - I ., - � , - . . . I I . � P1.1 . . ; , . � . . . I � - t I , Z - . . ;. . . � . . . . . . � .. . - . .. -_1 � Me - -, - . � . - I ., I . . I � - . � . . i, . . - - . - - .. I . .� . a � , . �t I , . I I i .. I _!�* - I I . , . . i I . I I I . . P. I I � . - - . I . . . I . .. . . . � � . . I . . . Z� I . 7, I'm * .. - # I !� i . .. . i. . . e. . I . -I, I . . 14- - I t . , , I I � . - . - . I - - __ � . � . . . j.. . , - . - , a � ., . I . 1.0 . -_ - - . . i - . - . . - - - - 7 I - I - .. , &�, . . _t - I I - � . � * , . . � . I . I . . . - 4 i � * . � . .,. I . � , . . . . � : . . . I . . I . - . . 4 * . . " - � I � - M�__--w%im . .. - . . � , . . . � . . . ; . . . . I ; . - - - �- - I . .. ; , I , Z ; , � I . . . I . . . . I . , I . i * . . . . # - . 0 . . . . r - I . . � . . � I . . I . I . . . . I , I - . I . 4 I . . W I . , � . . . . . - I . I . . . - . I .- . I I � . - ' IV .­� . � I BANK OF HAMILTON � � ` -.-.' '. . - ' .. ..... -0. 1. . ��. __,�.,_., 1A. I 1. i- I- �. . _. .. . . " # Z 966 od NOW - . ! ubscribe I � . I - � I - I *_ . . ! i . I _* .. . i - . , . - . 9 . . - LUCKNOW. � . � . I .- I ClubWMiff 1. . . . � .� . .... - . ./ -18 . . 1% cl up , S1,26o,000, For .. .. . � .. .11 - - I �.#apita P3.i ; . + . I - . .. 0% - - R a sery --t Fund a i S726,000 � I . , i - . � - I R" I i rota ,*%sets a � $9846,678 The ­ . ... �_ - .. .. . i .. . _.. . . I I 1 4 1 W � .. '. re'.4kilet1t. -JOHNSTUART. .__ -11 - - , I - - - - --- J . - - - - , - -- - - I il Vivo i?--sident -A.G.RAMSAT. - __ - ______ __ - ___ ? . TIME . -_ - _____ I - - --- It- - - --- --- ____ - - - 40 . OLE NO. 1261, 1 . I , TO� 0 00K N ow ONTAR.L YRIDAYe AFRIL 1sts 1898 . - I . 1i . I I - -_ - -_ ----- �_ - � '!'. - " DIRECTORS: . VOL XXV-13 . �. . - wlqrlw�_ W- � .. � a r Vo .. I 1,1O P&()cTQ1l,Wx.t',tmus M. P.Gro.R9ACB -_ I - - - - .- -_ . -_ - . � . - ­ _____ - --- - � - - --- - --- - -_ - _____ f Mo Sri irliten Up Your Rome P . A. *r. Wcoi), A. B. t.xz crovoirto). . 6 ifillaot and Xtettlitp 1 -It won't co4t much to do it. The . 4 . ) -) . .TJJE POINEEIR DAIVS- � having it, minister with them -but vIien Cbrist, and how ignominiously he fails, I t­� . � When every lady in Luck. , (%whit-r--J.7"UXNBV1.L. . .. .. . � . t1litt priVel�geLdid come, they as Aten ,%till with ah his blundering we love ___ ___ prices and quality are cheaper than 11 - . . I . .. 1.4 V1 IV 0S 1pi4ii NK. - HouTs 10 to 3; 8.%txir- 31 &UR & SIDLA119 ' ". intoropling Papers lRead gLt the . . congregated in some barn for wor:3hit) Pete'r; ho is so'intensely human, and - it was 116utI2 evtr. . Drop into Berry's drug store now C'Illd surrounding district . I - . . dAy,*, lot,) 1. L)epoaiti t -f $1 &nil upwards A . . . . anY 0ace.else, when tile pa�;-Llnts so full of energy. Though a nuan like ,,wed the and see their immense stock of wall is i it t erestod i i I rtoce4vetl and interem It allowl.d. . Bankers, , I . . k1d"Is blisslon juand. - 0 as around' would bring their � alities for a mission- At the time the sun or ' The very latest American and . � . I I for miles Peter lias grand qu the wind paper. . : � . . SP9141AL I)Eptmirs also recelvid ateur- I * - .. . i .. children, to be baptized. Some,imes ary, still lie would be dangerous line and introduced sprir g, designs. . . feut rate* of interest. I I . th, so according ,9 old belief Canadi an . L UC1,,7-4V0 IF, - 7 oN i. ST. HELENS, MAJIV11-25TIJ, W98` � there'bein " a regular bee, when (1hild- was sou . DRIESS GOODS ' . - RA rrs ,-n Gwrent 'Britain and the United .. .. I . L . It - alone; and so Christ sends with him e shall havd wild winds through the -_ I i w didress on Armenia. . 4 UP Ed d I', r of Th e S� , it i n t I - , ren ,from less than two week8, oh ul, r ' rved, contemplative, un- . A � statevi 6 uAlt.tud sold. F161ABLISIIED 1888. * ,of. coref ese . , 6os't should I . . C. . . I The Harris Mission toall a'geswould receive the rit'o telf- spring and summer, and I . . Rev. H. Doeronian, of Armenia, Interested as to Style I OL, AGENT. %%,, , DE A It 8 I It: - . w. Gordon 9 6 bar6, now, dennionstrative Andrew, qlways ! hurt the fruit or fruit tl�w J I ) 1- I NN D. X41A I-) a gt�llvrA hanking buiineAs; li-4:411t, 0 me baptism. 1dr. W . d self -co `*� e v e r.' rash not , and gradusute of the Prftbyt&rian I , Band having had charg6 i f trio - no ed an- ritained, . Interested as to Mateiial ' __ . L _* - draftotbri0twhoia Canada -and the United . - � owned by -Mr. D. Todd being tho P018 . . Ve but always' asking the ColleRt,, Montreal, will (D.V.) give an Stilte-A. W01114e C011ectiolls on all p)intd. 'Alissiull Subject.,in t.he Y.P.B. c . lAs scene for inaij)-'s a service and rite of or excessil , Homo Buyinir address on the Armenians. aad M is- Interested as to Quality . G. T. R, TIME-. TABLE. Inchi,ohig : - We*trrw.%4tatev. 3ilanittkba anti of the Pres, byterian church, St.11e.ldn"q, baptism. 0 Whys and wherefirs of everything. Mrr. Robert h1cLean,ofGoderich, sion work among them, on Sabbath Interested as to hice. the Nt)rth-Wr:;t Prw�inces, and - all- collee- . ie cannic Scots took him a tiun,4. whether note or ac`;ount, will havtr were requested to* 114ve the following Mr. Currie a graduate of - J�nox No wonder tl ill Le in Luck -now on 8aturday next . I)rtompt Am ntiton. I � I . . � nt� u,s for their patron sarnt, while,..the im ' _ evening, April 3rd, at 7 o'clock in the i . I he t i ister se ,� . buy all kinds of horses, both heavy A r. A ' I Nk)tk,z4'disctounttd and fartnt-r's I ted parer* printed, so if you can find SPaec -college- was _t" f1l'st 1�iu to Presbyterian church, Lucknow. . .1 . ;t .1 in pul8ive, a - by Principal . -W in, w �tatiou As . I . � � -in coming 1 , oott-hearted Irish chose St. lid also intorested ,is to . 1'.L-JILtuget ty.,411110 JVR% Ill k IL - , e, paper, Mr.' and �n his WR r draught and drivers. Pcrties having � - .. fq,1.m*.-._-' . ct"hed. for.thi'lli ill your valuabl . - . P' "St, Pat r% Dseronian is commended . . We loan to Wirker-4 on double or mingle, t,teti the foreK but betook imself to the - Peter, or as they call hiiii, aniiiial's to dispose of will do well to McVicar, of Montreal College, and the host placf3 ill wiliell to I & , __ I I At frtink tme tib- twelve w',utlis. tijue, and -L Editor, you will g'refttlY oblige those c o ill 1) A ss 9 �11* �, . &nee rick." � ca lie is anxious w return to make her pulwiase.s. I I . I - , . 1. . of pray��r­ Ing gui � itig tilt-,,, ill ou Satur'. y, F# . 4 1 . Goin.; S. -lith * * . I Going N,orth.' , ; br , April 2. others. I � i � . . rra.,4onat)le raie of illterrst'. I of having them published. _o, � hio - As J.. ul, z. I *1 1.31 a. ul, We h*,au 'nial Second desirous � . ollt of the Woodo, -and while, - The next pair is inadc'up of Janies - -------- �- I.-, v. ill. , . . . 4.20 1). uu. 11- or lar;;v antoxints twu' his native land to labor among his own -_ ____ . Ll tnortga�;r on farni,t or other real r,4tate 4vc- . Yours 'truly-, * , . knees was found by wltomanCatkolic, I ion will Ye 1 4 . . 1.-� 1'. "I. 10.47-p. -ni: L � . . . . ' ' and John, two-h%rdy (Wilean fivher� Now Wall PAPorm' people, and a special collect _� - - - - �,W��_' I " * I � . . Urity"And oa firot chattel m-)rtga4,.,,es. tlu tivr I . , Secretary, II.M.B-' Who took bim for a lunatic and i was men, full of fiit�ii and energy as iiignified . - - J 44 W. HA.YFS. Agtut. * At, A and iuipliuients anotcr- .'A, . . . � . ).-q:k,1zs OV THE' afraid to render assistance. Mr. Cprrie We h pened the largest taken to help him in his work. I I 0 . . . . - � I). I Weli�6% e a h&r4�,-'au%tP1lvlt lof fit" it sonee , T14E k-AULY.* 14t I - by their '."W� Boanerges, sons of -L - � 31 to S�Tv , ,rwo oP'- . . I � I ' " bhipti.enu of 04anadian apd American ____ We have lJea.sure in ­ . 1. _�_ ___ . - _=� . . I ' .� . I I I . was khown afterwards io ipeak about �� __ - ___ __ - __ m on ti rst ini ,v�,",age t, froin r, I)t.r cent. �) 1; 4wt. ' CANADA.' - - rider. J a probably the . , --- #- I . 1103119 MIMION FIELD IN . M moo was statino that we have a very 'I - I ceia, The' rme 6 6 -r -tiled iccordiir,, 30 the . . it as the - . ost musical and sinless'co-a- t1lu papt,rs we ever carried. Itigrains, Now Sprins Witunery f. - I The -Pres e on (Wing tile birds aisd qattlo I I L . LE6AL . I byt' ria;i church in Canada, oldestof tfie tw�ilve.' - Ile was the gilt,., "I"11111lersv the latest dwigns and ,%ligg 1jilinbletoolt Wishes to announce n I - . 1, -wality and!-ize- 4 thelt,An rettuired. . gregati of' corlt�inplation'. Old -% fiue ritlitye of B14ek and Fancy 4 1 " , -have. apost1b - age- and vicinity M . . . �. . - __ -, __ - ------- - We hav-e on han,l for 4ale m) ser" in Ashtield. ,e% .1 -illy .in the,pr vinco of Ontorlo of tile district . I 1. colorill-g, efj*hng and botdors to match, w the ladies of Lucknow .110 . I ARRISTEE t-�wnmbit, An I *_".-wr" ill Kinlopw t�,wushill. . pvc a 0 * tile Refor"meil a minisor could the lifo- of any church, I I is Dress G(Nods ot the Newest , il % - ' ' ' ) V$ F% -1 . .%. -NIALVOMS0.%, B it; greatky indebtoj to .Mr. Rut'heirford was an -older of! the contributes to suitable ftif, Mly apartments. ,%Ve will that her,stock of spring millinery I � 1� I � - . it -or re'OnVe SnCe'. ,*%C.,� (late 41 'th ill1prt-vr(I land, with ­-'od 1,61diogs Anti . ' . . # � a '444ic . 0 . . 14(tch cliurelf of tim ,United. States, - -in thpse- parts, . ., peace, liope and for thei r - . . ,, wrich). Oilit; will 1-c &,ld�at a bar�-,ain. I I church befo�re lie s�ttled � - -with its calmness tak,- pleasuie in showing t1blese dlbora completeand will be open Afateri;d for Spri " and , � #06 . vw-r -n. Holt A Camer, , : W . � - Ew',Iish anAl 4 OAHA - , ' Iloge -atteiltiOlIS W�tc turfied .to this ewith Mr-.'Nrin.' Clark, eldfj;r of expe!ience. But judgement and ex- ng , * I � L a '- 4uir-* iii ,%Iliu's new b ick. � e ftprr,,4t:nt the leadii),. - . I w . . and h . tions t,j ^uy interest�d.--D- Murchison. ii.spection on Friday and Saturday, - 00 � P . '. . . . 41ii� Five Insurance 0-uwanw-4 and ca -i - . � fi, - f missidnary labqrs e nd Summer %vvar which we are , - - - - ___ , ; - provilit!e as a el%lo . London a4d Aev - Dinald) Me,Ken�.ie of perienc must be -supplemental by . - April Ist aud 2nd. The newest a . - - __ - __ % i tle�-.t ill'Aurallce oil All *c1a.,Ae,t t4 t-ri,twrty -it . e y ' :4 Ike - --- 1798A 1 -the P . -ian . - -- -_ veilings, prices -a - . . , Mutti. so' - arl a. t . year Zorra organi!ied' . resbyt� I -, i The offering at that ai 1.k10r 9 if )R.:t. Iz I,, UST F It .,St,wk,-r - -%I 0,impaniema,4 dc-4rrd I . vigor and Inergy, and so we find John Queen's 111irthAnY prettiest designs in gauzes, - .R""N - ' . � . . � , 9 .3--lieit-wir, C-rik"I . N. q ItAry 0111! (IttiCe 6AIT'S Art' frl IM I0 M. Ut. t 1 4 'I). ni. . ln�,. this, year tho , Masses , Of CI)selv w . Issitmer , I ' c - ongregrtion i.a. R. Heldne. I only a yoith, svnt with James. Ho Although it is a little eariy,we beg to chi6ns, ribbons and everything in interesting tu Lliw-9 uhu desire ­ � � I . r .. 31,%nev to wan, t)ffice uver .Nloody%, . Albany selit to Onfart-o_ the Rev. Robt. associated -,vjtli Nlr. Rutherford il his can wh beoin to descibe the beautiful antiounee that Lucknow WllL celebrate triminings iequired to make a dainty 0 e .L . - i OwAll,,.whL1S"J faitLf'(11 and toil. t, getth BArber Shop. , GEO A. SIDDALL9 L, '' Mel.,)* � . w-)rk was Nlr. 1;0'1-41on, friends th.ey I I . . L ; L . i I . 1 14 . Oil . W AcriViVeS in 11014119 to lay the were i � n privaul" frie-tids in pblic, and- character .9 f the belbyed apostle, why the-�4th of May this -year in a Kianner and stylish spring hat Gr boutiet, also __ _ . _ _I ____ .- , . I . 1) I - -mus for their mousy . . . . r . �IANAI-Elt- foundati' n's' f the-Presh.?terilkal church ' do ws all I vejohn? becauie he is the truly i,(,Iitti!lg a loyal people, and we tile latest styles in sailors, walking Best . - 'J .1"OW "IS VO 0 I friends. in-* tile- wQi-k of . furtli..-i-ing I A R It P111,00FOOT, I�ARU ill this la�nd"desvrve to be held ;n grate- CI . tle. 4f love. That word is oftenesb and Is&t (-IW tels, .%4..licit,,r.*, vilL., Godt-rich, tint. .- � - - -17Z[_��_� - I . ltbbert '.%,'Lc irist'sKingdonfonearth. Wholsays, RP08 t ' say to al I our citizens and 60'80 Of thf! hFit.8, ani fancy straw shapes, WW9W*W1WW$W I . C. ts, � ~ - jips� it is used fifty titnes in the -e no en- but not loast, a One assortment of ., , surrouuding townships, oak ,, ful renivij�kbranco. 0 'IF.OW, kl. C. � NVU. P.ILUcpFuOT. � I , " Dowall but what thilt clos ' friendship h i not on his . I . . I .. - � . . . - _ - - _____-�_ .No.- 14 -born iii the Uiiitkd States' 'of been renewed in tile Ki 'adom? . .. I epistle. . - __ - _&� wit, . - I 11- - five short C'hapterg'of his first gagenients that will keer you frow Ilats tjimuked in the latest and most ' i . I ZL __ .�� Sr.,o,,,ti,,'h ilarentage-'. and- li-cense tO Beloved" is his names far his te . . i - __ - - __ � - t . With thb prospect of the new cl iirefi 6' - . � . , htl� it C "t U 0 Ir #f4fial Ilow- 4 . I seeing tile great demor.stiation in approved styles. Oall and be* convin- ! # ! k. . MEDICAL � I preach ip 1*7,00. Ou coming. tu. Can.. . - s perhaRs the most I . ' . In w many memories will Pan %W . . f . � vii -w ho "hristittis. His i Lucknow. ced. . I - - ' - � .--- -__ - _-, ___ __ - . ___::_ . 14414i, Ike,labored--sa misgionary,preach_- . . t coming !iefore us in the I _ - --- I __ __ ' . 1) 1'.. TENNNAXT,; 1, it y 8 I CI M%' -- . I __ 0 .- ---:. +.---:- . (7 . . away wi.th the old one? How m h Christ-lilit life P% -_ ____ I 6 I ,� 4! . iliv 'And. or.unt/ing 'cong�egations in ' . u I P r i 7ie- New Te-utatilent.- - - Got Your Name 94 1 'W -iiir,, -On 3n(l A onicbeut. Sur, -TTKR -1) To ARGFR . . . I have to be. thankful for in the I LOCAL F FEM , . ,cery TOR LIBERTY TO I AN different , place. -i butween . 13rockville' I . . ' ' 6 -,urm I . � r I . - we now enjoy ill Sr The ass,�8sor has about comp!eted .. ,v,.r .i. i,i,; .tt*& gr,vec v. wre Otrice h I e,,P,, e s comparisQu to won(lerful - T, , - a ff"M - - __ - --- �p I - � ­ ... . VYA�XLV ACCoKDING TO THIC L)WTATRS e- What, it; t,he secret of fii i '- - --- - '.-:, fr­ix "-t,)' .4. M, ; IrwW 10 5 P. M. an _ I and Toronto. In JiSOO li .accepted a - - � i 2 . . V CONSCIMNCF WE PRIZE ABOVS ALL . . . tile many drawbacks the pioneer -;(,t- spiritual growth? Is it not the fact his' work, and in a week or so will -Feed corn for sale. J. G. Ander 1.) . 0 . call froiii w congregatioiis'in the Bay. . . I � 7 t.,-',' it. yu. A .. - : . . k - r% . tl,&rs had to contend with..-Wheii this roll. Any -T. Agar has always. plenty of . � - I � - - Qui . I &t . - , 0TIIKR 10111FRTIES . I .1 , I . , lite. , He tuet. with,agr�at many - that lie so completely surrendered fitart to copy into the son. - # I a barrel. . � Nic ill. 0-4 I., F.'r. . ,of � ... ' olit church was, it kip by easy st-Lges. be n Goderich Salt on hand V I . - L -ei-as the .tloe'trines ot' grAce I', r , !"!, I Iiiins r 01111110N, A.D.. c.N. .-4- - J -' , ditlict.Iti ' One mea aising money �vso y elf to Christ when be. was young� young men who are entitled to o -The gram is putting on its ver- . - I %t. 4.. A - ian, %4ixr- - _--- ­ - . . - . b the list as manhood voters -owing to the good crops last fal! r � .1 1) . ' . 1.t,.P.s.0., Phv�ic __ . , - b�len in iSrepneselited.ailid then turii-.- I � of r franebise ' i r 11 , � W. ,-I :.bn.i %Cer'1lCht.J1r. ' Vp;tair. in Will. ! had holding 0�-Iueetjn s or as the� � pl led Let us learn this from his life:-Cliriat t nFI tint. and the present low railway ratas, em - I % ,treet, ;sUCkA6V2 .&yril 19t, 1898 e4 to r!idi'cule. - Tile t;eene of his labors 99 ­ I ung people to be his servants should hand in their names o M r � I A-in'* nrw bl,.ck- lte#ltlence i,,�so , - '. . I . - ' them the -soir�es, as for ro's nee, ­antw yo -Mr. John Odlum, visited in Clin- . - I - inot vanke'ron. N.1tirtl4h & C -)*4 zit,,re . - -yond his -own at - . �, ' * , he rt I * - , I extelitled lot compre-, -- - �`l 1* - 00 ��� !_ 4 �tN_- - I � * I It ., to� a tilt tilt, I _� e - THE I I I I A`T "" n0e, ,, d ! 11 - - boc I . 1.1 . . . te I I I R D Cameron f it , r I � beh , - . -___1__ - M, -ft � now, to consecrao themselves to his Ro*., assessor, and will i nse all gmtion froua Huron and Bruce count , __ ___ __ - , whon .Ono wa-. held to. pay 110 the - . ton last week. - __ - __ __ ___ - - - - ____ ­ . e u s ix pl% . -it, one m-i%!ister is. work; 'perhaps to who are properly qualified on the roll . ies is greater this year than for many , ions; lke was wont to pr'nch frot . Stejitig of the -ehurt- ' k; perhaps to h . t I - V TYFV-AL%_N'. 'M. Ii. & N 1. 4'... -villutit&n; -.%Till' .b6' ' . . wor . -The low pusenger rates continue , L . i tin r,ulu.i t- -f _ .Niany olti. time - i's health I . reina I y if not, Is. This 4 years past. , . 101)v snet-n. 6: i to nine times in tire *weuli. 11 I. I -field to now and save further appea - . PO -1cian antL ' I 1A11_ , 0 ' jokfil.gly. dies 1 and work in the mission 0 i _I. I vet-itv.Allill, � I I . giatl to learn that it is t.,Ili,,�i�]�;� �11- e � uld, tiot, stan(I t1ke otrain and on' h Is I here is� a ed nce. on the railways. - - L . T,,r,nt,0.A-1,i ' -.11114il 4 l'L%­*.`. %341 and , - , � h- gent.elnell welliave gathered berlo to workL at home. And t ptare matter sbould be attend I t,o at o -The largest stock of wall paper r.., I. s a -!Aupl, . . alp'peal for help -lb t e- syllod, sev*cral ' . I ___ Shannon, - of Ripley, � - -kn ; 19 . i f _t e, ell h"_ � F little clii'.- -_ -Mr. Frank �, li 2'. I *1%1lrJ:V1 i. . . frcial AM 11ouf4ced that th#_-.'4tni%n I eat the plaster 0 ure, - 01* in God's vineyard tor even in town can be seen at Harry Days' ft 4.,-t � - f ti, . .1!111!_�-A. 1) the . I *­Al'� .t -n -t- 4r,at .& , i.! A I "aw"t hr thii,rn ,m,.c.rii,,.;.,ont tn'assi%J h;vlh ng sk . . V26 -Am A: -13 Q d. .1 I f . UM, tluv %;V, IsAu Co.,,?% - J . � � . I - � VU a W =.Y mdo . Uall in and see his samp- . . I I 'iyj-� I '!,.I vractict�­11 F% . . 1% nlilbWr of -years ro4igll bftrqs were (4w thankful we are that To Plroved I n0 . drug store. �, W 11h,ce in A - - 'T"'ik. .%*il ,-ell ' " - . . . dren. 1 NW -P . I r T- wriski Government on tike r( resen- residt.of theil, labor,; fifteen,other co U*- t� L:113 L ti T.a w V, i des that I #.;Eif Awdar . . or bt ft - it -) . 11. I � t., I S%,i. � . - t ' . - - used as se,aip, Own- we cgot t e � ones esus himself said ,,Suller ittlie c - I e ouiv r ,%,: _1. 'Agau Cou ft WaYs Sm .7 Y Ies, ar,d you win be "Usued. I . -7-- �, t%,i 11 'anada, grtigat ions. %,�ere. or-anized before. tile . � I. . ::=:=;���,-__ __ .- . . I __. I - - __ . C 0 $9f theGoverninent id C . " . 0 we nOW have, -Which were all ma, le by rn�.t be shot body in test. - Try them. I I . . . :_ - will stion"be forwarded. - Tile ti .qxibu- year Is 116 . One was ill T'ronto --.-liose ren to coule unto nie, and forbid them insectiverous birds shall �,-ds which -A weeting of the Lxcrosse Club, - . han�; but how much'we owe to ,hose -insecttverouii I F 6001 IES . . 'tir,qt Pr"byteriallr - : . � . not, for of such is the kingdom of and the non -Miss Webb and Mr. liodsdon in is called at the Osin Houi-e tonight, - r a . - . tioil will no doubt take place ia such cor.gregaiion was earl e�tl_-rs- we cannot tA!11. The Y) are crow@, ! ____. -.I"- - � - ___ __ . I . 1 1810' ' ,.Xt the.c-lose 9C tl � 'y 8 en. Wd have time only to may W killed at any timc the rown Hall, (Thursday) at 79.30 sharp. All who � . organized in. . i It", �. - . � 1 heav April 770. �. i- riianner as to show honur to ti ,e . vet- ' - . .kbowledgO that.this part was sc,ttic4 is On Fe . . r . war in I'S12 tho 'Jtefornie4 DUtch ' I (-lance at the other groups. Phillip sparrowc, hawks and blackbirds. To -Navigation on Lake Huron open- are int4rested iD lacrosse, are request- ' & __1 . Vllr.kr_�. - I , . . . . by God4earin­ a dr ."otl_" 5.,i I . 4 P% n I .terving men t. . . I I liloll-_ . . - , sent with Bartolo- shoot other birds a special license must , . - , N , .-. � C.%N. ulv � . ch3rch i dietiv abandont?d its mis i v�ry*. great reason for thanUu.ness, tilt' dull-ininded, is . ed two weeks earlier than usual. ad to be present. I 1. :�7-. - JX 1.0 04; F I- ' ust be , &. \ . F 0 . - ope In(, r (o Thomai, be secured, and a promise m � � . :. � I ' , - in tile CalMiliall "tiel4l. IS w L - i r I- I t , M r. Louis �rlblm , I al'� . ratiuiis . � . . . Oil Our pfl�rt, for, to.thein, by the grace r Nathaniel) the sage; -Just received at the Lucknow -T Agar has another large ship. � . I 9.1: N i 0 F P E N 1) F.X1 The. th-,th of . ' Mr. .NlC1)owR1I-rUU1AiR(4 at+ hi.4 110st L f,e : and made that they are shot for scientitic I �** L I . . r .r g .#Od, (10 We Owe: the doubting, pessimistic, distruEtful, . . i . ­ts-r% - - L � and ssin 0 i . � - ,.1 I or,i'r ,.i F ­rt . whicli occuml on 'I'll t, rsday 11ast, at howeyer. anil LrbeealUQ -,a In - �, _blt�%_ . - - . . .1 rload of feed corn. 16 einber bf with Mattliew,the apos- purposes. This does no" mean for grist mills, a CA men t of oatmeal comiuR. Farmerebring ' . . . 111+1- lit tilt 4 hi-Ii.0-i"..W* � + . lie 11'rosbyter� i -ti � Cattada. organim- I ,gratiol priociPles of r*ight ittstilled, into skeptical goes -Stylish r6oler-window shades and your oats in and change for oatmoal. 1 4;1 - 11 t,,,. t,.%,rti&-,r,,t,4 -It With Illuc4sorrow t L . - . .16 ,. L ' -owing u.4 � tile way of tic of-convictiun; Jamea the less, the purposes of decorating hpuscs. But . . * . i lhtawa, will I& ff I ita, - tliere�y * oil � , . I 4 r I L. B.C. . I Vi VA -111 1W.1,01. at . � � ill ISIS.. Ilk' dietl� ill ..t 1, ill tl1V _it 11 ' -and great zart, in future latest patterns, at Harry Days'. -Miss Lou Oampbell will be 49A t r i - - - .4 - . ' * I . ein our way. . . . on- the newsp-tper tilen, Wi wlintil tio'd and the, path whei i champion of practical Chri3tianity, such is done, , J* !..Ck.-- vi�Wil­ - Wn . year of hi,y aL,m- tiome" to the members and friends of . � . -6:' , - k:. .0 k� a t)jff . - 7� * His ilartile Is a 110LIS11*- I '- tread: -Amon� the is supplemented by J ude,or (Thaddeus) will be exercised in granting such -M re tiver, .wa * ward , feet should . J. H. Geddt a, of Varloo . I Ike` - Aas a ,urite.". lie tern' Canuda, aii(I I rttl�r,-R L. � i,,�'y in% itt L fa% nt 11.01(i word in . wq. . is visiting in the village and vicinity. tile Y. W. C. T. U., this (Frid ') . . ',; r ewrly. twobationefs were Rtev-. Mr. Me- who r - pions doctrine. licensed. Ay W. .1k. L.twi.E.N4 F I ,,o firmly cham . ( it.%-. V, 1 �1- - RF, - . ' X(xA I - hu mor � eslweiAllv ta. the ti6­hborliood of t lie - lyth, vylio., was here fo'. six � . evening at 8 o'clock. Stringers will . ,,,rc. l,li, - u U.ali-, Of �' I The la%t p, and the stranaest -of . � . . S,, Its.,,% mui,: lar fellow, f u I 1,. of * �' J . F% . cljilj 1.�,I.:rr- . � Myrof QLlilltO in WhiCh the meniory- .h; Rev. Mr. irou ots and C;&rrow sloated in We" Huron -N.'ext Sunday, April 3rd, is Nlm , , I I , , , IF . 0 1 . _� . .. . 3nd endo*ed, with alAnda'ut oapa_.ity. of his fai; kful 4pd . Iab.)rious ,I L uini �try M.eeks atill liked Very tilde all, is nlade up of .Simon Zel `3 Sunda . Easter Sunday is one week be made specially welcome. . - 4 Z __ ___ - ___ C. 01 Fv . r I . . of I . i . . I :� Findlay, father of-Itev. Allen FiOdlayt '_'inlon who is - 60 Justice Oster on Saturday morning later. y Purity Mea.we a Good Deal .for liarti wiork, tile result � w1iieh .JjLcheri:she(t. . 'L -ill ' Judas Iscariot. S W 4- * *r - I I , Sunei dant of Rome -Xislions, i -Go to Berry's drug store for pure _" . � . I - . . tile C610 . The Rev. Or. ..31cGregol*, wag the . I e . I 'i appeired for years in o ns ot , now re -tire- ! aud z slous aq to become tile embodiment handed down judgement in the West -51rs. Murchiscn, of Marquette, - I , r . I . . I %� - . xi 11 � . ' ** i , . . W'RT !OM"W" ). N. -) :,!-. 1. V( K L - I I . - . I r Rev. , Mr, McKay. the result being drugs, medicines etc. All the leading . .1.& t.4e%t 7 tir�t ar41,1hil,i'-%1, I- t1l.,. M,jir, Empire and M�e .Gouserv- niutli -lulnister to labor ill .'4ov�% S6otia, ' of ex%g,,,erated goads is coupled with I luron election case, Mich., is visiting her mother Mrs. J. 1. . , rvi r . .� . . living in Toronto, and sever1l ' ther "% . _ . . . C illow. MCC . I .- I . . . I � . . " patent medicines direct f row the I ­ dp,t,th ito q.... ura&-;t�L 11"li. . I -O*IV hew;js sent byrthe,Syno.dr�*'ll Seotland . �th(qlgllt Judas tho traitor, tile embodiment of that there was a tie between Garrow, andy. . . (lay A t.-k.V 1. - aElve 710or,4. .%fr. Kril.pliv v a's . n. . . wies. .:. T e first mildster illey- I S . I Vk,itin4 I rttLr#,-n .Airy t, ftlial!y iw Itt.c. r W in.'answer to a petition froin tlie P*eoide , " 11 tQ deel notl I '14it his exafraeriated W. It seems strango the Liberall and fieck. the Ooaser- ruanufs,ctories. , V, - - `1 X r -14 41 w!;tmold *nil 6 1PAaVeS1.0! W'iAo . � . - "'A aivilig; a. ca L i .tO nr% . Momanihor the date Awfl 7th A ,�_ , f 11 . .4 a . . 0. . � . ­ . - . - I I . . . � 'ba lused' 'as lie said- -he* Afiobld that an unconverted inan shoul(I vative. The were four ballove Ill dis N. V. i �'! I.. (" I .i . ­ t � . . I ill Pictou who wantod -a unnist6r wh3 have A very large selection or laust 14, � 1. . - anti s_rtk;k1V fathily, . I - . � I .1 . name 0 " 9 =-. r i � I I . .1 '. 0 40ilic an,U - Eiig'-' I - .& � . . � � � . , r I . 4" Uhl i4each ini both G -not ive. sprin._� -wheat- orea-1 "' but 'been permitted to go as Christ's minis- pute. Two of them were reslx)Ctively Mi8s Webb and Mr. 11odsdock in the patterns of wall paw, with fiviWo 'A I �*_ - . - . I i, . -0.0--p- I ' � - - 1, . .0 P, r . . [ - � li,fk; he lk,rrived at.Pietom in 1744''aind , * wordF "vote and Town Hall. f _,w .%, I ; I . . . ter But Christ knew whRt lie was marked with the the I rig 8 to in a to - ; � � I fIVAL ORANGE LODGE . 'R 1, ; , I ; I ; .:* rp., 1"".&A I I . � it lie coufd. visit us n6w-hc'Wo6ld-,.3nd I dn:i ceil, tch i to be emu at . r .. � - . . L I Ile - TAII.- I.:- I., 0 J 'thh s_,ftl6rs. - 1. I L . ning8 on �_ I . 'I -).Al.' I . I . i . Waswarmly wulcome.by .sollie'(1ifticuliy. in et -tha*t- k',."Ilin ' J who with Ilemember- our tnilinery ope Harry Daye'drug store. Drop in and L . . - . I 49 . , , 9 do n,nond Aent with hini one "Joseph," and had not previously been I - - -; I,, F k. ' ric-k ­'fvru;%'ide*' 44t the I . . 4t4lic� - t is. :_ * 9 . I IL .. .1 P4 . - I coinmo( . _T s,)..�. j�,.S, liVIT . - iX Nit. - Fitipi%�t * I . le set to work with al;�. lit' lity.. * . L . is - Thursday and Saturday, April 7th atid I . '* � I . � .� N4 . in tl-x-(0v­;l.&..:,e Hall, . � . 11' ahno.4t too greac zeal would cuun- counted &lid were rejected The bal have a look at them. ' '. . inf�8itIly 111Q�Vti)L at, A 11.1i 'C It ­lieeo s.try ia- ­,en�itle '4'ny, i4%stu'and heroism. ' It wi I .'give -you - - , . ._ Veil (I u d I d w iku 4, L 's . - I I . . .1 111st"1�4-J.5'. Rev. A06t. .--t,0rac#, his i, Garrow �*6ring the 9th. W. Oonnell. - ! - ,ti,.t.t, 1.q1%1Ll .,w. - Li.Tt.-t I . � - 1, - - Oil Nov'e,mber . . lot counted for The Rev. H. Dieronian, one of the I c4l"0*11. ­ ; . I nfluence. - L . . I . Jklea, of som . 1, _. ___ � 4";;rt,r ' a 0. - e*pf the. har'd4hips ie. . � . . � � : * I 1-4 4.1,-, ' r 1..L'.r'- thr fril '041il -641vote Own'Z11 %hall' lie tho!�e. Leask w.iis pettlM. *as - pastor -or- the - -.- - - those of the poll cleT k - ,,rr, of Drumho, is - . . in�'* Der " . . I I - - - initials "C S" M ra. Geo. Ke I - ); -, � , i � I . . . . le tile twelve we Illust inen . persecuted Armenians, and a graduate �.* f 111.,wing . . . ),ad io,',vn'diit�, to-knaw that Oftun'O'Itis . � . 11.0des . I _1­1,.1T1JtVL,%Vt-,#t1nl1 I . , ; t ,. ' , ' I 11 out , 0 of W - ni�jkt 4 1, .. �it Ill 'u tt­beLl 4'a,nd * h44 cl t'rgo for 4b - I eat Wawanosh spending a week renewing old acquain- of the Monti�al Presbyterian GolleM iAily in & of thikt' Pio'v. ' :J 0 0 � Paul. I n his Charles Stewart _44 . " .reii (,,r,: i, imt'abllillwl by tilt- law' .1 . , . fuil ni(-,n ,V: , iAilir�;�!J,et� . I I . .. . . .iffr, X rio 11 wa-14 a, uttl� straw ' * -tion .1he won(Jerful . . � . . I . . 1. . - t went., . f torate . town. 1 4P _. * Rb : . - k . �- - t h ree xears - this lotig pas " was allowed, whiie another one from tance8 in is to preach in the south Kinlow -Vito d tv, tht, ulcktinlla- I - - * . .. - *cei,it.ry, n 1)er.;� on. t'h#,Aoor.. and his: tlai'utie-st I *iq * ii .- character we have the embodiment of . . L . �, I bi'l JV,f ".%. ..-V son-' ' : it, tho :same parli � � --fifteieift..- . .. , 1. . I ­ - inca as lit, ... .8 � .labored br g s' . 1P . . 'r , . 4 At,, � -Tii . - , ` ' * ' .110, ' in 9 u f r6m the time of the iimeer No 2. Ashfield, connted for Beck, from Iss . *_ - i i P V -PAWID A lei[ r Ait-v*%t I VV. ""' ' 6f the . 110tattQ- : ffion.ths cent aut'e '�hichL the entire talh-ge of apostles. Tile � -NIi Ll ie MeNay, of Seafort.b, Ohurch, on Sitbb�th first, in the fore. � . �., .. , Wtir - --- __ .. . to.vbte � I .. .. 'Wore lie rLbeeiveC.a. shill'n, . . settler ta those of -re . I 1. - � I * . ;.- . I - . I g of Ilis . wc and two. which the official , number had been - L . I - ___ --- _L .1. i i ' . � . . . one. none t"* Lss 0 1 � I I- I - - rovincia. elee n;, anti I .Fhakes th a work d' I thers were sent Out t t '0 is visiting at Zr brothers' P. 11. Mc- noon. - I . . � . . . % ' MY L ­PrJ'>Vinrf- litt a P t . 4alary, tvok, long jourive% s on f6ot (�ver lid' L ' . ' . "'aul g - ilone a' orn ff, was rejected Nay, of Paramount. A first clan Parlor * . � 11 rt-.;111lAr -m-nt * 1. .1 . . . . ­ ' . me mi-4sion work for all that. Af ter I oei nd-priwes.himself an -For sale' I ,; ovwn '?, ChriAlam - thVA if tll�. -provil.cial I i s.t a e M9r-a,,._ ba.1 jQads, t1edugh, 0.14ekles-s - forw4k,_ . . - , tile best a .atest, . - __ , uit one year old. Trimmed in . . I . . I *0 � I . . . 1. Nve . . Mr. Leask ,catne Rev. R-. S' G Ander- - Weal niis!slonary, . nd gre -Parties wanting corn for feeding Suit$ i - ,_. helde-w-efT 4t.e.-nd � - and. -preached lu pfivate hollse.4, bikrus, ' proArress of "a C. 0. C F & Fv11 ' ' . . � _. last � I ­ 1 3 . reisperinc Ilt n� in the otit ows th3n one yeztr old . nc-w I ists!!3h*lI be' I . . I fJ.3IJ,,now,.,f Wroxeter, And no'y wd si stle and .herald nf the cross; at either g4ouni or whole can be supplied Uverman rug. Apply to William ' � - � .. 1, n . - � 1. , W.116011"tww. A d.11 -h fr'. � . � ' r I - Wilt rever : all . 91)- . . PO Eroin the report of the grand recor - - . . . J. V I; I �%'%, .. � . ' 0 a. ihi�. Qlwn air, - . - 1. � ,, s mP.,;tPr,h.Lvi11g I at 3 1�.Iu- 111994 epart d lot . : . giv,illa up his life f3r Iii. at Trt leaven's ukill. Piracumbe, three doom west of the W. H-bll, Lucknow, py -the Dominion ele�ctians. .PG�tllili,ty offered. Nkoe'were, hiwla4ors -areunder the faith * ftil pabtorate of Rev. " . dor of the Canadian Order of Ch(sen ecretary. . ... � .S . hose workamo K - 't�s gilt % good fight. These I . pr,.tij- It. N ,%f: w6iev iv - i ndeed fo a i � 1 R,.4 . . I 1,D p..s t L L, S . -'ripi mlimt appea V - . . .1 Lucknow Towa Hall. eft - i atriligi, rs to b� simple' 0-lontille-1 to Plctou;. lie "; ral � - - . . I . I - * . I . I'Vilt - seve . are glean- __..�Mewl felt hats of the latest styles r . i , . ... � -b - � arie43 Friends the following 6gures - . . I . . hiii a 'r'eadY been sigaally* - - - i , -find , - the inission � . . . - 9 - : X ��"N'e wid fair. - . � . I ­ k1 are by no nea t Connell's. A large -.Mr. George Pottoer, of -this village, . . . . . . . �� 1. 0.o. F. . ine poi i 1 _..M� . . . I � : . , *.e.eks Jit. stinimer v.isitii4' the-. Mairi- . - we hope and rdy that in tinie to �qrne_ ns all " ed: - -T-Ao thousand eight hundred and at low prioes a I . .. time w,u%*m(*t�-:1- -watterill-, sliushille . p ' - ' f the New Testament, but enough to . . alection to choose froui. received the sad intelligence on Mori- - . I 12 ., . .1 -of God ki8 labors.; - o ­ I i I � I . cli�_� . l.)y -.the biessing . I I may . nission- ninetp hix approved applications were co' . � -(4 K,N- "I. ' It is saild that never since the Cfin1-.,- idl. along his way. -.-Furi- iiiiie years -he 1�lve u. -. t i , I �� -A I 1.--J_-- N7.0 112 '' -� L . � . R91 . , , - -peceive rt richer and fuller rewar(]' for: ,; j�xatnplfki, of the trut. luuc1l. received during the year, 167 in acce" -Mrs. McKinnon will have her day last thia his sister, who had been i I . : I , 14 . tA,n . . . !hk the Rav's.Dim, . I ary � �rit which ii needed so visiting in Lucknow come few weeks . M f4 *V4.-Iry Fri'lav k­-�IA I.,.a,t . " . ,.-pan. w&rhas. Bri - _been so arouse& Iabored.alon,�, but 17 "As the ,mountainir. are roun 4 ' illinery openings on Friday and I . . 4_1-,ck ii, ; I can. Rosi anti 1-0,obt. B.rowll,-. ,-,-iiVea � S L eill d; � bout . ve.n �et in our own (lay. of the previous vear. The raembership mi I . � . * I ,,,M0)tl1 i4r,--t. All I-ruthrru to 'a war feeling as siWie prese . I Jeru VAI so dOth the . . ago, had died at her home in Colborne - ' AK -ha! 1. - the se'e.wf-1 PreSbyter'y .ft Nova - . Lord coiapass " - at tile close of 1896, was 111,683, and Saturday, April 1 st and 2nd. I - 14tially in%ited. . . ' ,- . -41141 so � I .1 . . . I . 1 - Let us with zeal like theirs, inspired, " township. - I , . Ve WILSON. *No leis - than ;' 620,000A)) were �s-,Otia' wits forniv-1. - E'arl ' - in, ' 1914, His loeopi,j." I - I I - at tile close of 1997 was 15,27, com- Only a Few Looft I W 4%itM-.--1v,% '. . . I - , Y. . I VICTOItTA E. GORDPIN. - Begin tile Christian race$ 3,995 fe- -These elegant lamps. To clear I * ' T I - VI,- PJ7.1 _. - . RrC,.,r(1.tr - "ritain' Ruis"a, and A-merl- Mr. McGregor'had a sev6rb .�troke - or .. , .. .. .1 . . i edof 11,032 males and -Miss Ethel Webbl, the famous , . . � - a . ubletv'raudl. i. voted w -)y .11 I ­ � . - - ______ '. - --- mbering PO' . I ko� _. - - . . . . I . _�. ,. ., ,I nd freed ' from .each - ellcu total insurance of them out the prices have been cut in elecutionist and 'Mr. W. Graham ___ - - . --.-,-- - _____ , .... . I males, carrying a . . anient. ,Tilt Britisl 1jaralvsis,, but -he soo�.reioti.med *ork' . ­ 1 . I . **;,. - � . . . a e all tile I'LONIA:lt .44Sslo.N'ARIES OF . . . ea foe naval * , .1 ''.%I&W - - weight . . ar,ra . - t1tv _. n wo at Berry's drug store. .. - arg . ! . ') �k� �, �,,_ A 0 , and'contin c ­. I .. $18 � - t Appes, . ,., , L ir � U W . . ti�d ;-to flis �h , ., . . I 1. �' V.STAM EX I T I � ­ . � . ,343,000. The total amouit col tiodsJork, will r in the Town '. I 1%. ( ,'overnment hal voted � , r t lie 61114istry until. Uie 3rd of . .1 4. . , T it- I . . d the concert in the hall on April 7 .� ...P.� . 1 90,600 * - . #6 - " r'! 'L, 1', irlioly fo'ot.steps trace. . If;, $1 ls� -'s * � .. . lected in the relief fund ep.irtinent -Remember I dulic 0 . ­ , , . ' I under the auspices � 11�. - * A 15'a *r C K N., 0 W. . t, � i-11 , ..t . .. t, - '!study L. .. - M. CLARK. I .� - --I �,�-- -,,-.� whtn he had -4nother i ' ' fo . I . .. Town Hall, on April 7th. of the Epworth League. The price of � e - � - I argip-it. - amigum. I Morch, . artine, poin r our' . A N.4 i v.. ,%Iiss Webb 1. 0,., '10" ,.It _. I . . . n . . for the year was f 1 40, 7 69,4 1, of w h i c h I , . L 11'.14ge &,f th* itir war ships, the I ' (v I . I . A4 a 4 . . . - � . � . I ' I . . . . I - . all- - _ , :�ea for .. . . - - . .. a . � . 4%��&.. =- Ancitylt UP1.44 i.f 14a . toi-j. iThe e0tiWaLca inclu& money --i-troke it�k,l %vas tratistiLteAt.to - - Reavent tet �.ud goil ba,,k to that hour, -w . .� . . Q105,700 was p4id for ) 25 adinission will be advertised latoer. . __ . I%_ - . -if - L - - W.'rk-Inen . . . . I - ' . - . . . I ' amount , 6� and Mr. Rodadon. Admimio . . -�__ � _: Vnit-�*l k . . Ale 11�in­- 'dewl i � % (Lt speaketlh.'! A* . -CE .. 6 ftR_ , . . . is, . . . .. L . I the ftst time, Christ coill.11.1ission(d !big * � MOHMONS IN BRIJ � ceuta. / . . . W. -,t.- in thi� 04141 tui m-sking great extentions �uf ;. the � .. .. . . .. . .� 1. I . . d . ea.,� claims . . The ituount, paid out I - � I e ' t., out, . - . . . . I - . ' b, v�nd isient' , . 1. . � 1f since o A large assortment of rolle� shades op-- __ . r . . an ih4aD6 of his ,eperosity it is- said . -Days' baking powder halt stood - . . I h _k . twelve -to preac , I I thev I " . . - c 0 1 rganization for delLth and dis . . . - Q1.,w* I I W . thetestfor purityfor a numlier of . . '" "n t " ' * *1 that tl u ri n - - t Tic ti rist th ree­year� -o f'- h' . I . Lu'kn' w ar. 28thj 1890. . - go, " nN - -c-,nd docks at Girwalter, Portland, and **]so - 40� - The &,--c -of' t hi I .1y, giv, in .411k. I . . , . . .. . . . abilitv claims is nearly $4610 Wn , . '. la"t ` a , . . . '' (7 (Junt . is ful I . . . . . . '000. � .. � I - --* - V * - f . MilliStfy '111101.01.1' li * his . , I . . k years. Call and ask for a sample . I . ' . ., Ed e wl' . Oall and we . rA. , , , 'h F t - surveys . - . . 'Sund,py 'School levoon fo this; it,rr dof The -6 n1i ' just to hand at Harry Days' in pl i . �� 1% . 4ni4o 1! are in * hi.-�; � '" our . . - \ "liday � Do,t er, anil 9116W �thft' . � . % � raili imo,at t ei,;bt S,ftliffy f WA -4-;. 'AM311i ­ he L gave . '' . .. . dadoe, freizes, and lace. package and you will he oonviacied . I I w surimingi Matt. . I oth In . . I: .. . . �V,,iting ;Trogre.�" for i orks at" Burviuda, Amin- chapte . . My D�..%It Stit.-I under6tand -that . . . I � . 3W. . I I . . ___- -L) ,- - . I . I . ­ - '.. , o'clock. . Aif-y pollwhj for-'.tho- reden)'Aiop � or a A Small Fire them that it is the best you ever use& In -ilj I . . I - , lc,,% aw pg. of. UY4 I . � I stated that Chri ared- inL yoir last issue,� . . brtthren c4flially inv-lto I the C -I . - woman' f i-CLIn SI&V - -Many INIark 6, 7, it 6 . all Item appe . iv was seen r . %T Colors -d ery. , .r .., .. On Saturday last smo -Fred Grundy desires to exchange 15c and 25c packages, at HArry � V1.1, - - * a I �uplos, ... . . . I I .1 . it - . , . '%V.S.111)L'4Fh, I , 1),I). V Russia Ill L4 voted 90,000 p000� - more in "; of pioneer . heroism . in them out two by tmo,., and ti *.". .taken fro tile Paisley, paper, . L . Aer,W#,00,man.. It.-, �r'ler.. . .1 10 . stanct - . * - . I . - ' ki)8 - tO ' . suing frof.. the roof of a k -all frame a stocic of Boote and shoes for a stoock Days' drug store. . . N.1 * . -d StIttess -A-"01 - 109(): church-cou'ld be cited, in' in Matthew's:'aezedunt is - I to tho . . and the Uniti the Presbyteriari 'A r1ril 'I hat I said - at the " se owned and occupied ­ ' . . - . - for the . conatr ructi4n bf war Phip's. - . . . .. I- . 9 . .. . I.- . . I . a , ry that, the Pres- hou - by Mr. John f Groceries, each to be exchanged at -M r. I sa&c Cranstoril of Ashfield w " . . . . be the correct one. . L ineetin of 'Presbyte is ) I . . .. .. . . but these , ill stilli,�ef."* . . I (I - 0 1 OLD LICHT LOOCE . , . . . . . .. ?% street, in thi . . I � __ - I 11 I �_ - - ------ r __ __ - -1 I . . . L . (I . n auTiverton, was irriflith, on Outram COOL has Purchased the farm on Con. 7, . . . ' RAMAGE. ' ' IFIl - did- he send them -two bt village, a -The next meeting of the West . I .ft I . . . I M I NN I f.. .,. tw . o? byterian'congre atia nd on investig&�ion *it was \ 1. I ' ' * I I I .. '. . ' I k . . . '_ , .. PORT ALHIEUT - - . . - L . . . : . � .­ . ,yl . . . 'e Mormons . a West Wawanoeh, known as the Stumt ? 4- I I ir a A X . .. . . .... . - -I- ;_ - _. . I � . We would think that' every min I n rent in'twaiu by tl found thst the building weis on fire be . . . . , . . . I - i , - . A 1. , a . . I .1 . . I . � I . .., . ' -0-1 - .. . I .* . . - . . . I know- ' , Bruce Teachers' Association will farm, at a reasonable figure. . . S, - . I -OU-4., �tllat dai of -so few preaeliers woul,& the Mormot's linve never, to my d the alarm wag sovnded. The � . '' ' le ett, M rs. J no " I ()-`� t-* t -'R I SETTLY.11 Axti, gk.1.i(1.I � .. . L U held in Port Elgin about the 6 f at of . . . G Pa C L We ivre sort -t' . - . 1. . . 'L I , ft in the bo, nds of that an scene and May. -YOUR 6PF;Iv_((-. SUIT -Have you . I . " y 0 ,arn th' - , come with ' S, , . - L . '11tWd to .W. in- as many PIS%Ceg 81 3 .pos-. ledge, tiremen were soon at tile . � � - , - . . ' . . . . . O.' L . WORK. : . . I - "' 'congrega I ,could not lia've said . � .' � . - . Bennkt i,i on,thesick list. � * . I . sible, a04 have, a. thousand t(I'ligueS. . tioni - I had a stream of water pwiring into the . F. K I' If , V . . . - - while d %s ill(- solein' sui' .ig com" - Christ' t*ihen mo.8t hove a ng . - . . : . L. . � , . I the 'f,111 - tll,,,,D, W t i . I ** , "In 'rr I ". * , - 0 . . . I . t , . . 11 - , , (1p * to atib". so t * i6ptd settlers -of'the sur. " - 0 1 _� E'VERy,r1W'T1%-1)%y N_ ; I IT .iast, FiViDS (IOW11 ' " m9, had lto6d aniythi - f The kind -nor . yet did -The Rev. I. B. Wallwin was taken ordered it yet I If not, call on J. 0. f­r,- he � On Friday . . L I I tile building, but as tile fire was burning serionsly ill on Saturday night last Murdoch J: Co., and see their stock of ' . N llaveio,ck istreet. . " (Jul. si , of, tile vil- � reasen' for thus less�rking tile. .g� ograp- siay it of arty other congregation in Clay L tl� . C&,M11CMAL, I . . . the. �i i'l -& tile s I nilihi- to ' shil"4,' :W- one by-, Ono . ­ I ; I b-tween the ceiling and the roof, it with pteuresy, and has been cotifined Canadisa and Imported tweeds. I . . . .1 - .T DAYS, I with a small ra,P . ,, , IV _ I ?%*ssion- Prcdbytery of Brucel aud it woul,l not * - I - . - . J D X I C.k i -.1 I,, 11AkJF See eetary. lage, Mr. .J Siiilpsork Inet . ' they pas -3 f1way". untiL bye. and Oye hical pu4siWities of thit (irist had it been said. was' a ditlicult task to get at it. I a a to bed since. and Verietion worsteds, Pantiop etc. ' . 14. .. . i .� ., - , ',.r,.hZ,tU1 .x�- - - r.; I Wt callie,opt. of tlifl. . . , s ary tour'. ,'Perhaps these n1J, were .have been true the flame was . , . 4# . . .* I'- . I .- � - Acel(lent. A ' . � I to rec . . rint this in, your few roinut,es however They guarantee tit and quality, and , ___ , . - . . C huggy allowing -in- (his way to ene ra, I ' �* . 1. . .. ; none. will -W left' all the d.Ay . 11ext issue I I and Mrs. John Nixon, of . . 0. r � - - �.. _. . shaf t of th * MM the shaf t .Wlten theii olt! churc-li, w'it's' *new, when, Isellt out ou ;e each reached and soon quenched The loss -Mr. i .; . I . ' are doing a large business in ordwed , - - . I from iti place. Tile horge be7. ­ .. he (Aher witha 'cheer of fk�inan opathy'L and oblige. , � insurance in Ashfield, have just returned from a as well as ready-made clothing. � , . . to Irop � the great.8olemn (0est ranir,'with. i ­ .T I I I . K. AlcULN14AN. Js fully covered by weeks trip to friends in Port . f , - away- As 9 . � . . Insurance . � IT . - came frightened and ran ' . t Mari .14' a"te'. . he; 'riiei � I � . . 1-19, The, ' . - - � three . NNINGHAM. ec�o-ot he: wo6l . -Or. 't - .-Were on a perilous ni ic n. . 11 the London Mutual Fire . , ROBERT CU . I it wa44 crossing the bridge iho, bdggY ho rely-sincete sonx,%, and. simple'. ehr- 'world ti6ither kiiew - n6r lovec -their, 1. IIIELFAST . . I It is suvpm�d the tire Elgin, Willow Creek and vicinity. -The 37th annual meeting of the . ' i - ft I INSURANCE . I I . . . I I . . . I Pouipany. . cheaper and Prettier Tham Zv6r Educational Amociation will be held - .. � ' ' , - they waster,,ik�ud i6y� had persecuti,,)M afid , � INE . ng, .thrdwing intq�, . fi4 - . FIRE AND MAR I - struck the raill 0% nest- yers of 4the pioneers, - . I ra Up Lt.0 OtIr Fathe I . i - John McCros . tie, *r,, of Forest, originated from a defective chimney. I GUELPH- � the riv(;r some butter and-eggq- were �Ok,; r,q,l r�- in' tile - .dillicul les, witbout number - airaitin4 is -Drop into Berry's drug store and on Tuesday Wednes(lay and 11ursday . 1# . , . . . : i - - 4 - I -by 'one � . look over their new designs in wal! April, 12, 13, and i 4, in Toronto. ' . ' . , 09.. in. h6mos'. But on -e them-, I 'I.Row touch then �-jld be spending his holidaYs at 6)"le- I . . � . .W 4 - jr,plo-pbone %a 114-11 � Sucker fishing is tits sport ,qf tile,, Old- 1. c4l� � . I . wor The Electric RINAVIF&Y r .V ja_'. � I I - . th6 trees of the forest fell before%.. the Wawallmsh, a paper, ceiling,% and friezes. There is a vvry full programme in . - i . . - -1 # . ]D T! J\T rT ][ S rr- see,soll. I a . xe. . of the settlur, and.one by one � . tho need6d -tile hand-clvap of a comrade, o. Cha -s . 1)urnin, of Nledical Scho-il The above heading bab adorned -We call special attention t3 the every department of the A,moclation's . . . . � (.� ..- . - F, . .,%I,..s McCullough. who has beeti visit- . . and the sympathy of i, ,brothe�-. Ilut Audentof TorontA) item in the Telescope during �i . bodies of tho iettle'ns were laid to .Test. - many an auction sale of farm stock and imple- work. . I , I � c . . - ! ., I*e, f t for i is that all? Was there not mo�e than' irade a1ew - alls here whiln en route i G. A9 If,- - e�b ON, ing in the neighborhood, Ila . Ainong the first of theso'settlers was ' I tile last couple of ye4r-, and we have menta at McGarry's hotel in this Vil- ' - ' 1 4 , r . � M,w'r _,rullilt- in lienti,itiry, T)rjoittw he'r home in Goderith town9hip. . Mr o n t Christ's 'purpoic, W�jien 11,13 for Athabasca - in no doubt tli,Lt our readers are getti April 9th, by i John A Thins Of Beauty Is a Jar Fw nvw . . � i Ii .Cameron* , .wR6 settled in ;od Ing lage on SjLturdsy . . Ur- - . sent them byl- twox'81 'mey w(I re not Mrs. It Nixon is in Collingw( -Tbe soason's patterns in wall paper I'% tA� I "'11, .'V, .and ,l)!,rcV!r of D*vktal S' . al f r4sting on our ch u rch '; ' IS -1-4. His resilence. . . - ired of it. Hope deferr- Purvis. I - . . . . t 0--n %11 visfolern 0ans Tits artistic . Wawanoslt in . .. .. l, lief, -,&. just a little t d000rations etc., beat4 all past recoMs. . art-ry, I'! -r -rail Fi&ivt 'rkdows is a credit to I'Mr A Sheiff- - ' erely, .wated' they were natched, attendance upot sock mother Ill - ' '�mlr_'. ,4,�I'li WOrkwarwhil). wi L .. being'tben on the-.QnIYL open' road -to In 9 I I ed waketh the heart sick. All the -Found ' ft Sunday lost, in Luck The place to secure ;bf oi; t-riLt4otin agol "'Irf I 1'r . . � * *ben a -necessary (lualit' was lacking. Isaac. the latest paVwms . er, who did the work. Ahe north part of the Townshi p of y I � offic's in Al1its*%4'b'1#*-ck. iitwtjkiv%- ; . By � . I � . L . ne, it was found predomina.ing irk . _.The March plow is working and it same it is not well too cry "die" too now$ a ladies' silk tie. Theowner in the newest shaies and blendiags is i . p. .(4. _ Wiil,Ni�.jt 1,.i1,l._y every Thund . - ____.0b WaWanosh, and the southern town. in o 'i L . S173on, and thiq electric rallway project , . . L isn't the snow P . . ships of the County of Bruce, and he the otber. In.t.hi.s- %vay six perfect* lough either. can Ave the ume by arplying to at Berry's drust store, (tturray Block.) . &It--rTyv,n. - . - 'I- __ . . . I ,; . ionaries were mwle out of the Tt lookw as thoumh Garrow ii . I - . bein of very kind, and -sociable- ntis to re may yet dpvelop into wmething sub- Rev. Mr. Hall. ' I . . . of our farmers have commen- 9 . a - 0 beyond � * - all in the stsntial- - yeqterday W. McNamara -By an explosion in the Acetylene --Mrs. Glen, relic6 of the late Wm. . dispositions and hospitabl . twelve men. ster the extremist, sont West Huron after I I . i ' recei%�ed a letter from the Toronto G'len, of West Wawanosh, remitly 00�0g,cottoll Root compoldid some . Pe pre i peratus, the Guelph Oity Will . . 0 . ly by,ovol ced ploughing. . I cqnimon, every 'weary and 1,,Ingry .went frrth with Andrew the Conser- 1,f)cal LeIris'sture gas ap - Is 41jeres4fally UIW't mnnth I 109 ank traveller of whatever country or creed L I . . ' Agents of the English Syndicate, who sold her son Hugh, the south quarter - . O.W�f)Ladie.'- safe'ef?0CLUAL LA( Nfr. )1c1)on^1d is. still confined to � . I � vative. They iwero br6thers, ')U't how The wedding cards are out this week. tter under their oon- had a narrow escape frow tire on of lot No 13, con. 6, West Wawaviow, "' - It to r C1001i 9 C14"0111 New Clew . ited to entei -and was received � - have had the ma Tuesday evening last. I . I __ - I . t,urdruw ..alit %f i xturs,ii. P1111T and but with the --return of the .WAS inv . . � unlike! Peter was bol(t, intre?id, eyer . The.promotion exa.inination of If ur ` locate in Dan. . & 1U. no torner ,$I r the housel . ain with Highland welcome. Ile was a - eondu.cted in 11,elfast school iiidenition for the last few -months and she intends to . . Prioe, Me. 1 g it i.� hoped he will be well ag . . , . attempting the impossible and' achiev on was em. -Day's bakinst powder is the Witt Mlion's Are dangerona- I To.. sprin' ' ever . . indicate busin gannon. . otrnnger.$3 I*wr box )all and everyone. who that seems to L 10,1L pe. 9. 10 (1eWr+e%4 friend t( 9 . . � Ile sta I d in inade from pure cream tartjBr. . t of roriep andi twob-0ent iliall b,. - shall he; the. student, turn -a ' ing the marvelous. lid,, out as on Thursday and Friday h%at with the have 'in . I ()r -1. mat iwt on rece I amP&J1117-windoor (MV *.,-) ) . . I knew hini or his wife,'retaln warm .1 saye: I I pappi-4 The took W - . . leader of inen; the spokesma' of tile follosvinry results in ord.er of inerit. The letter Try a GAMple pa-kage, which is given -Ready� made clothing is a "ial � . ,olnuicaded4all fa'rmer I , . U_d noble ,a r% . I . ._gVP-,%4,-4. I and 2 ."Pi d Pina ree I . remembrance of his kindness a I � ourth-Berths Sher. received a communication f rom line with us. It YOU waat a good L big bruggl6j; in (;suad& - Some yeart.ago oviax to death and I I . apostles, and head and front c1f every 'ro Junior F . away. � - .. I x9paudl hospitality. . I I Linie Itutherfort, Jane Somer- tily London Principals. They ask for tuade of imported tweeA gi,re us I I property chan 'ng hands,'a number of movement that enlistoed his h�.art #6nd wood, I -His wany friends will be sorry to suitt , W001 117#11 X, , --,/,I ,',, 1,114.-re'Air hy 91 I In the following Vears tame Messrs. i ny possible pa,rticulars from any 6rm calL I a overalls we 06p the Cole. - . . I I int but we are . I who reminds ,, Mary FAwards, L Mr. Ed. 0dlum, intends a I Goricu, 1)rmlrest. our homes becatne vaci , ' G,ordon, XcDonald, Rutherford and hand- "It is Peter vilie, John McCrostie that wtuld contract to build f rom hear that ,% 1� 3h. 1)2 190 . pleased.to notice that in tile past six others to I. *: --. ", -! ,1 -, ­. broken forest to the apostles oi the vacancy Annie Sherwood, 11'ni. Nixon, Daniel Walkerton to Fieslifrton, and for leaving the vi!lage for Vancouver B C., brat0d LrM aud hammer brand. W. �. I . . __ - __ - _-_ .M hs there are two leevacant, houses. hew h. or themselves, and caurW b' the apositacy of JU(1%s­1ftc&r- Thoinp8on. . Oonnell. . . . . ont I om& out ( . y approximate idea of the figure at on Wednek6y next, , I -Them is RrOst encourageumentf(r . - 0 � &JUSIC LESSON -S , - If our young. infen would follow tile as tir'ne went on, each got his 9,hanty tot, &W leads thein to the fir8li official To Junior Third --Alfred Sherwood uld do tile whole busi. ­7Mr. Ed. Robertoon left last week ' . L . . . example this P!ace would' soon be a& 'and out buildings erecte'd,* and not act in the- organized church It ilt Elinere Philips, 1106 Edwards, llugli which they wo 1. uld for Fwgo, Dakota. where he h " " the Canadian hen. Lu t year, acm d 3V&J P a G.qo. Swan, ne.88 between these two places. Co , , - - tfill _1110!!. - .4 1 '' , , 1 � o 91 krt e - ", it, '*� 4( W"'.7 3.- ii_., - I _? , ', Z,*,�v � A I , , " I �rz, ,%, I Ir. in I J-1 .1 rl�t ient xtoup- I 1; . i 1� IN I 1 4 4 __ t - I " , - __ I , I * * 01' I ?y to I I ��' I I I X -Y, I b� _.,8110111l11:;:::::� . of learr.ing was over- . baptism of the ,on. Jos. Irwint a situation in a large grooery ing to the oflicial returns, the export of G ivc.v of yore. . even the seat Peter who after the Haujilt be information cured � et me have all t A . I . . . IcKenzie h" returned looked, when the, old log tichool-house " �the fronb and preaches 11el(n Harper, Bella Nixon, Peter you I I 09P from 04nada to Gr. MWn iiD- ' . . 0, . -0 I I Mr. Alex. iN I Hpirit,_st,3ps to L . ' it is Possible for you to get. I am in. I establishment in that - eity. . - . ; .0 . C. _JVC, f 91�Rj,4N# home after spending the winter in the was e'rected on the corner of Mr.Robt. thst great inissionary sermon that Thompson, Fithel INIclAan, Thomas . . p4s that "with -Fred Grundy says that so far his Mass RftrlY 2,M,9W domeek over - � - . . . .. . . .. . - I - - Woods. -McDonald's farm, where .the grave' brings three thousand to the ' foot of .81wers: Edith ]&Iwsr(IR. formed by my princi ey quiv satisfactory, and that Of 1896. 1 - . I . -.--u . ya.d now is. Here, in 1854, Air. 0 i leader . Second -Cas political calm ic Europe" t ea trade in I - . � I a t 11 ;&L #1 ; + no r XT - I I t. : # ha �&f +,,. # a&#; - he is now correspof . . . 4. ME- %fr GOO ffudgon intends to put the cross. We should, say :ToJunior e McAllis Wr 11 nding with butter -When you can Itet an extra 6 I .6 - _' � " . . . .1 MAntl(MIG . , nut'llau 01 VV AV Mc�o 0 go lu %IF . ter, E%rnest MAcIlister, L" 9 %F = 4m ,o, Hamil- heavy, extra id . f . . - , Juitow . 0 -rnet foundation under his house this M,Scl - '� like this, Fio full of energy, isju8t tile rown 1he- hope W a uls wi elyrin . I stone ean(tbe first public school teacher onclupion won. There is no. buyers in Monu,eal, Toroni, t, at I 0C a yard I . . . � . 1136111, - - . missionary. * But' PetW*- per, Samuel Swan - factory c I litei, the weAr, you so � . . . 84 1 A. r. . I and Mr. Gordon organized -the first nrin for a and 1,ondon, and so soon as a satis- one that will 0 - . 6 - . . vism � .. � 1 311111me jet body in this locality who could build tna - . v I _. . ... ". . . . 1�1 � so., . - - .--------.O-- �irtuei e.,xaggersted, became I is ftulbk - ­ T3 Part Second-Rugh McOrcmt y n ply reaches him, lie will getti g a bitrgain. J 0 Imirdoa & e I . - .. .. .. . . . .. : . *10. I - . Sabbath School, Mr. Rutherford sup- . . if the Engli h Syndi factor "' . / _. . . - - .. I �,�__. ­�­­_ _Tty T Agar for a first clailig - i 164 courage someilme" degenerat4if Willie Thompson, .'Ainnio Nixon, May a railway, but . is buying butter as usual 0Q., are solling such a t 00--- . I I . At . . the Sentinel - te& intended tile S.R. for fifteen years, money, tbeyeark find commence W -114w, �_ I .4et of dimhes A large - J. Go'd his devotion Itoxie Haherton, cate Wge 1610 nJJ :40 % - ,- . � . Por ternu-, ete., cill st , qnd dninsw , being succeeded b,y 'Mr. r on. � into rashness, and to $wan, Lora, Philips, Who CL a. -Walkerton eitber for cash or trade. You will abowing it ia a Ago INVW . office. I - i ed stock &I ways on without, and self confidence. 8eo [low t,oastingly Nita Hethertmn, -Evelyn Sherwood, plenty of men It in light and dark A00% - - 4 _. - * and well psort Services were lithl, � re ook z I hear fr= him won. 040 - bla.- -1 . - . I Telescope- W6`*-VW"'q - * -- - �1 . . I .sAeCi(Illy b%nd. r whenever they Irad the privelege of lie declares that he will never fu ake Lena 0 - '"",^ " * v I . Concert JVop,& a i . I I L . � SA �;i �_. or, - . , - 4 . I - 1- . #14 "do "r .. . . . W, L . I - I � tar IC , &AW � . 1. . . . , . . . I . . � i � . . . . . I . I ,g t . - - . - I . 1. . .16 . . . . . ..'� � � 11 '� 6 . -, - I . I .. A . , . . ; r . . . . . . - 12 . A - . i .1, . o I � . , * - ... -11 ,!;* I , . . . . . . . . i .11 * . . 4. , '. I I - . . . . I . . ; .1. . . i I . � . . . . . . . . q '_ . . . . . I . . , . . . . . t . - . . . . � L . . . I . . . . . . . . . , . . .- . . - . . . ..� . . � . . � I :.. . .. 0 . . . . I . . , . I . . 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