Lucknow Sentinel, 1898-03-25, Page 4• 1 ' CHOSEN FRIENDS. Ireswat. I's Manual 'Mooting of the Orsnd Council. Torootq. March 2 -2. -The :eleventh annual n#eting of the Grand Council of the Canadian Order r od Chosen Friends met in -Toronto thiw'week, Mr. D. Patter�..,n being in attendance as delegate froiu the Lucknow Council. The past year has been the inost pros- perous in the annals of the society, and the report:4 show a meet substan• tial increase has been niatle in the. reserve ftuntl, and attic in the Member, ship. • .' *From the grand rt corddr's . report the follow ink; ti:;ures are taken:- Der ing the year.: ,N94- approved applica- tions vert• received: being 167 in ex- •e40sa of the prt•cierus year. The mem- bership at the .close of 114(.4; wsa $tI.-. WA, and at the e!ose•of 1,497the mem- bership was 1b. Q27. composed of . 11,- 03_' males anti 3 :►y:► fenlale , carrying a total insuralle? of $19,`4: W►. The avera;;t► amount.of, benefit ivaurance carried 1., t member: is $1,21J !►i, anis the. aver*;;e. a.;t"• of ,.new nlenitt4rs • 34.8.. The total amount collected in the re- lief fund del artnt►ut for Old year was. ZA,t 1t► ; • tl�►.-11. or which amount $105,100. ��-ass }►ilia ter s:• death rlaimi4, and, 42 ::r► iu .;Usability 'claims. j The.: *totil • Fail oat.ance er aniza.tion for.. death.. -anal tii,4111,1 ty. eluitns amounts.to nearly $4►U.01>1.- The re-erve.. fuhd - of tho order- now .tt':,'unts to $1394:41 1;, . the LuCkMWkMthtI, Brute Courl4t March 28th R. RUGIIES, Ootbiff, Eootz &Shoes.: ABSTRAOT TOWNSHIP OF MOSS, 1897. Peter Corrigan, treasurer At -the t: e s to a of ,theyr, {thl're were l 1,0:)5 uii iubt•r:t In good standing- in the L bt i•t ternerPent from-vrhom. BOOTS -Below is 'a The bulk of our spring stock, has arrived, which .consist of the;nobbiest and nest values ever' presented' to our 'oustpm- ers: eV of our snaps Woman's Dongola Button .Self Tips, (loin Toe, sii3cial. §1.35- woman's 1.35wVoman's Dongola Button Pat Tip, (..`tui Toe .. .50 Woman's Doth;. Button, tit f Til); Turn, worth $.35 only 200 Dongola U•`-t1►1•►1, Pat �� ip. •('Ui11..Toe.. .. 1.00 Woman's , . . . Men's Do gold Congress, Coin 'tot), •Speciad .. 1}.i0. Men's Dongola Laced,Coit! 'toe, Special.,.:.. • .1 .50 Men's Dongola Tail, Laced, Coin Toe.. .. .. 9 7.5. CLOTHLiNTGa_ Men's all wool tweed suits, lest : of Farmer's satin linings, Worth $10 for $a. Me*'s b)a ck _ `'enetia1 coat and vest, . boindt Ind best. of li tiugs,.only `(1, all wool -Canadi i+lC Citi' t t , as co. � ♦+i►litallt $rain►:i,:l: t 1111111 s and well in iJe w� {lt:..�,etl.itl a � ,-- a"OOd . . This, ad,led- to: the Lata*tee htonl last • �-t:ar of �1.:►:�.3-►.t+n�l.inter 'o _.,t, :1 of this -;t' n..$4,7:►: t"kt «a` .1lai►l torr' 9:.:1 • well as the best, .worth .$1 5, now selling smell: claims ani Vein for fut'.•rat,. belle for $1.00. i:• -ti. teavin4 a ba.lan.N, on hand of 1,.- (• '7r►4-;!. The genet'Al fund is• also In a healthy condition, aril} Shows a bat once of t-1.1:►�.'►4. Thitty-1►iae.cou►1 4.I14. were organi/ed detains the yeas, . Na-ith a total .nit•nibership 4 f "n, or' an- average lt at erage uf.:. members to eiach council, Th:• reports of the grand treasurer.. No tweed . -stilts, special.at $4..7`5. f • nadian twee l pants, made,. s makes a :rants total. o .). t • j f $21 •`) liens C grant) medical organizer ' anti grand or,;auiher all give full aceclutlts of the works transacietl in their departments and also.tliat of the grand councillor awl the finance committee. Some Iroposed• amendments `•v ill be dealt with, but none araef grew importanei • -A German Professo 'ilalnw to bare discovered that thea. world has two moons, both of whichl will shortly be t iliole. If a-ny of our' readers hap- pen to be out late and see two moons, they need not think . they have the r liD,amg. Those who aye_ in arreara and do - lint wish to be -billed again, will lav t' this by :remitting ininietliately after -reading ihis notice, as Settlements of all arrears must now he 1>d.: • TENDERS WANTED WHOLE OR SEPARATE TENDERS will be recei%oti by the undersigned -until Tuesday, the twelfth Clay .1 April, 31, , for the various, work tletptire•l in the *.rection avd completion of. a Presbyterian rbuveh in the t•iliage of St. Helens, County i t H9rn11.. Plans and ip. c1fis-ations may be eters at the stone ..f Mra.. Hiller, St Helens, - an,i M the office .of W. F - Binning, Archlcect, :.Main Vit.. Listowel. The lowr1t .,r any ten. sire hot necrw►ciiy arcepteil. • RuBritx' HJ ILKt:C,<, • Secretary. l.,aknt•yr, Marro *J,1"$. FLIZIC FOR Sditalli Burst: THF. Ott ► If t%EsT ter ..f lot 13, in the 11th. concession .t W t;t tK swan• •ah c -ntallliU. :►►► acres more ',r 1. +.••. 'l;h•. placC fenced anti contain a The farm ii will watered. For further particular apply t,• ANP1:EW Ali"Li.IN, 1', $_►, license District of Suth Bruce To Tavern Keepers, Shop Keepers and all Others Interested �"UTlf'E IS HEkEI:Y 1:1VEN. THAT apidicati,,n f••r l.icegre f.►r the .ale of I i•4►1„r, in the License 1)i:•tnct „f South 1 rice f.,r the year 1►+`'►$ -9, ci•n,u)encintc en t tiro day of May next, will be received by t .0 a*der'4igned'ip to the }'rest day of . April, 1898 BT Sole agent for Williams' plough shoes. ' At►plks i'a will require to 1l1'rnish for *lames •.f tat, good and stltficient +)l tie►. when u. .kin;; such application, Any application Iran a l•.+rty not now a licensee under the Act. or 1.', premiere not now licensed, must be ac et-mjj►antest by a certits gte signet! by a majority of tlect►rs entitled t,• v: ,te at .an election. 44 the I.egisladve, A•errul.ly is tb. polling »sib- - division in which the pr• -wises lir which a lit amt i{,w ugbt•are situate.1, said *laid to ijority suit Include tone -thin} .1 the electors who are M time ,.f making ajplicatr'►n rertident within rn.1.11,1)11-l11, sub -division, .JAMES }:I:YAN. Inspector. f .nckn,.w Ont. b13rii,, FARM EOR SALE Et go side : laced . • LUCKXOIN al ARIKETS Fall wheat, per bushel Spring wheat per bushel . Peat* per bushel ••••• • Oats per bushel......... ... ... ...•. • Barley per bu►►he: ,... Potatoes per bushel............,:: Butter per lb. rot's 1tk, tuh:.... .15 to 1: Eggs, per dozen .. • •10.to lo Hy, per ton .... . $.,,00 w 5.50 1' •rp....... ... $2`''►to.:►I► Dried apples per lb •.►.•• ." Tallow per ib .... Lard per lb ft,�..;,,2!t Pork per cwt ..... ...... ......... Wool per lb: ..... :...., ............:.. s .17 1'hlckeu» iter �ib...... .....}... •..;... 11 Turkey Iwr Ib ''' Ducks per lb - ''' (, per n,., ► Geese r 111. ,w,.,�, ...• 1e J.1 til,. / '. Apples r bailer ... .... .:►ata sheepek�e............ .+u Sf:•,rts ...... •. ..7 Bran per cwt.. ' , e+1. t 1..tmeal per cwt;, - .. ..I3O D .7 t:rt•u wood per c•,r,i...... ....... 1.i 00 Dry wood per cord..,. •'' S. 1817 • RECTI PTS .Jan. 1 -To balance on hand at last a> dit ......: , :. ; 11493 75 'rota! receipts...... :..........-..•..... • len 34 11 T. DAVISON, I JELSt 4O1tTI1 it,t1.F (JF LOT 'l`l, . IL era ��..wan,oe•h.' .. ataininq ]I,,► acres. Thi.- farm t+ in s► g.s*1 situation, w.-1 watered, , ►t,ti b.lil,lita{;s. ►;,.oti orchard, nearly all sealr.i-dnwa. Apply on the l,rem- re•to. Mt eliEKSt I.r, t Lot:kn . R. P. Somerville, WANTED �;): HuNDREI► t't►I:1►;1 (►F F'OIJR-' `� Nw,t !rorty wood. green or 'dry, hard or soft. Tenders will be ,eceivttd for ten cordis yr upwards. HUGH MOKRISON, Clerk Locitaaw. March 1, led. FARM FOR SALE At,1-NT FOIL Allan Line Royal Mail Steamships and ' Dominion Line Steamships •1. } • Tickets via New Fork and Montreal. Call at Express- office and get . your tickets. We Will secure bertlis, check your 'baggage and do eviery. thing to save you trouble and make you comfortable. - High u ality Paterson's Biscuits! They are fine tlav ur, crisp, but not- too 'hard I ::et th;,•lu often;, 1- get t ern fresh. I know .they ar al- ways good at • AL. McL.zie'$ PHRENOLINE REMEDIES BEING " t'11 Ii A14F OY LOT 11 iN the rah ct, •,'.4si.•n of Kinloss. contain - b K 30 am., on the gravel road, 3 miles from 1,ackn„w anti half a anile' from the rbool b ,pie. The farm i» well fenced snit watered .►,da ,nab bearing c,rchar•1 is or. the pre -n - good barn with stone wt+ble and g .awl frame h. um. For lurth►- r particulars si'l'ly t" 311:5. Tif(,;•1. BURNS, Lucknow, P I ► Wood's • The emit rr.'►1.a1►• gold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only »li- ar, medicine discovered. cure :b ss, alo to of *bow ''►eta . Mava w •ak pees. To- "' .11111111.0.11111111.0 Illestal worry. F.ztxseive s of of T - �.0 or Stimulants. maned �. ono win Ow, trs►s k . . tt st ! Tsevalets treats envadd> " e•.• t* 'Wed Csolon. Windsor, CO!, by Nie Q,cion, Druggist flub., 5q- ; t897 EN PEN MT U RE 1).00.31 -By total roads and bridges .... '1155 00 3 t- • Total relief and taxes remitted ........ • ...... •... • •. a .... 316 47 31- Total printing, poPtage an' i stationery ..:.:... ......... 81 15 31 Total Miscellaneous .4.. •:t.• • • • ,... • • .. 89 65 .31- Total salaries and commissions - . • " : _ 634 95 fih 31-- Total sooi sections.; .. 1 t ....... .• : • • . ' . 5439 38 31- 7 otal County rate .? ......:-•- . • 1701 34 9117 09 NEW FURNITURE WARE ROOMS. ' : 31- Total expenditure..::.:. q` . .: •• • $7417 98 Dee. 31 -Balance on hand ..-. ..... .....••-. ••••'....11699 11 We, the undersigned have examined the Treasurer's account of the receipts and expenditure of the Municipality off the Township of Kinloss, and report the sane correct aceor•.ling to the vouchers suhtnitted to us, and in accordance with .gift above: Abstract Statement. Having s.•cureti the premises lately occupied by G,w..BERIIY as a Furniture Ware Room. I have- recently fitted ' it w'itb the neWest de theins of `all kinds i►f llouyeh,)Id I'utniture. As t- quality, they are unequalled. The price is - away ..down. - ..ill good* are bought: for spot cash, therefore .hcan sell at as close a price as any- person' in the country Why hay in To- ronto . and pay freight, subject to -damage, when -you can save- this at. home? When -at A. T� 1AIVSt)N'S. inspev an.1 ' be c,•on- yincerl. • • THE UNDixRTAKISVG DEPARTMENT Iscoubitie,f at .the. old h'.,,: i, ..l,i, ii h.ti 1,eeu :• -e sly -renovated, Taking the lead everywhere. We are working, day and night to supply the demand. Our correspondence shows that hundreds upon hundreds of ' poor hufferers are being restored to health and happiness daily. Try Our Rheumatic Specific or ' Kidney and Liver Pills. They are ahehlutely pure and health- ful. Guaranteed to cure Rheuma- tism, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Lumbago, and. all forms of Kidney and Liver troubles. Beware of spurious imitations Manufactured on Honor and Sold on Merit only by . . . • BERRY .& CIO im '•r Win .<I.•'SO a CO .,,,,sari ‘-arr. Feb. l Otht., 1$9$ Embalming Pr©serving and Taking Caro cf Sodios a Spec ialt� The Embalming. Fitiid, u,.tt.-vial and , aF- plisnces used have proven to be'.tbe most effectual that have ever' been used foe the past twenty years. WPictisie Framing and all kinds of Ile- pairinz• done at the alt! stand - FINLAY McINNES,- Auditors ;THOMAS MURRAY, } is McKERZiI Baker .and Confectioner. Dealer in : all kinds of Groceries, -Canned. Goods Confectionery,. - Etc, Bread, Buns . . and Cakes' . . Fresh Daily . Flour. Oatmeal and Corn, meal always on.halldl ogs Wage AT THE LUCKNOW SAW MLUI The highest price possible will be paid for hemlock, soft elm, basswood, ash and birch logs, delivered at the mills. Logs must be sound and well cut. All parties iilclebted to the undersigned either by note or book accounts ale requested to call and settle the same before the ' 15th of January 1898. Jajnes Lyons. CANADIAN 2ACIFIC AV. 'Save your eyes ! 'Disc; rd rubbers! 'Ask your Doctor! Wear the new w etet-pprroe, f, snow -proof, sweatless leather footwear. Light -weight, easy, warm, Stylish, econo- mical. Made with th't famous Goodyear Welt. Ask if., the $5.00 per pair. "Slater Rubberless Shoe." J. G. Murdoci & Co., Agents That ToChe$Tho 3poc,..- 1IAOLEUll'S SYSIEM RENOVATOR - Ur' Weak and Impure Blood Liver and Kidney Diseases, Fema143 Complaints, etc. SETTLERS' TRAINS N 111 !env e Throne* sland tl,ut.t I'Itll."F:►vl/A1C during $A6 (l r►Vitied sufficient business offer-) And run via sMITN'' t'.t►1.1.» "MANITOBA AND THE CANADIAN NORTHWEST j', •L mama, GOoettlett, Ont. -kik* vett;;isi or write direct to is Sold by Harry Days, Lucknow M. CORRIGAN'S Is the place to make your selections in CROCKERY, CKERY, GLASSWARE, GROCERIES & PROVISION ♦pppplea - aslacking •Black Leads Bine . Baking Powders Barley, pot Bath Brick Beans Brooms Baskets Brushes Biscuit Coffee Confectionery Canned Goode Cocoa' • Ch•►c,.late Corn, canned Corn meal -Currants Currie Powder Cream Tarter' Cocoan u t Dates Plhoul 1 1env Toronto 1�'.`IOttosi I lle stork p.m. %mune daY The only All Canadian Direct Fast Line To THE HEART OF THF KLONDIKE AND YuKON COLD FIELDS 1s via Canadian Pacific Railway. LOWEST RATES. FASTEST TIME ONLY THROUGH SERVICE 3T EA RH TtKs 'AC - FIO OAST Get full particulars and copy of "Settlers' Index" and 'K1,.ndike and Yukon Gild Fields" from any Canatlian Pacific Railway Agent, or C. E. McPHERSUN, A. C. I'. A, Toronto, Otlt, - J. Murchison, • AGENT, Ll'CKNOW MAPLE - LOGS! WANTED. I have in atck -the following : pried Apple -. iKatractd Fitts Fi►.b, awned flab, dried f;t•lotine- Gingers Hops I Honey Ink Indigo Licorice Lime Juice. i.emons Lamps Lard Alatches Mince Meat Meal Macaroni M u stard Meats, canned . Magnesia A-1 Flour always on hand. (Nutmeg Oil, olive, Oil, sweet Oil, castor Oranges Oat Meal Pail. Peels Pipes 'fickle Pearline Pea.,canoed river Raisins Rice Rice Flour Sago Salt Salmon Sardine. Senna Seeds Sugar Syrups .- Soda soaps • Spices . -• Starch Strawberries,oanne Sulpber'; Tapioca Tomatoes .canned Teas Tobaccoes Vermicell Vinegars Washboards Washing Crysta WoodenwareI Whiting picot!' Sets Yeast ('akus Dinner Sets Tea Sets 'Water Setts ('ream Bette Berry Setts !'toilet Setts M Ifypti want the inside price in boots and shoes, read the fofpR ing. We have reduced the price of our own make'gl men's laced boots. • Shelled cordovan from 14.50 td 53.75, and hen's kid boots from $4.50 to $$4,00. All lines .of Band -made and ready-made shoes in propor- tion. We have a large stock of boots, shoes and rubbers in all li>les. Rememoer, we warrant everything we sell. If your boots rip, bring them back and we will mend them free of charge. Repairing done on shortest notice. TERMS ; Cash or credit. A liberal discount off for cash. 4 E • LT! NO Furniture. FUR Bedroom Suits, Bed Springs, Matresses, and Everythingin Line. Furniture Upwards of 800,000 feet of maple logs wanted at our mills, Havelock street, Luck - now. As usual we will pay tha highest prices. Mitchell Bros. 1-urniture. to to to to Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Pictures & Picture Frames, Etc, Etc. Repairing and Picture Framing and a Full Line Of Upholstered Goods. Our Undertaking Department isCom- Tete in Every Respect. Lawreice & Jo (;ren and dry wood wanted tole, FORYOUR SPRINOEHAT You will be right in style if you buy one of j. G. Murdoch & Co'e. Special. THE IDEAL THE SUPER THE NEUTRIA THE HOZEL THE MARIENBUD 4 These goods ate of the famous Bentley, Hartley and Barrington makes, the leading hat �' manufactures of England, t, which is a guarantee as to their- color and quality Try us for s Fedora at 75 cents or a $1.00 in black and browns. RESPFLTFULLY YOURS J. G. Murdoch & Co. Embalming is our Specialty. Calls Promptly Attend- ed to. - - LUC1COW. -exchange for furniture. People •+ ust ave GrcerieS The gres6 question •ust' where to gill thet u•bel�ow coate , the we at qualities to be had. We don'°. pretend t+ do sell them at a very close tar n. TE'L-S Black, Green and Japtin are unequalled in quality and prices. You will save f rota 5 to 10 cents 1 r pound if you buy from us instead of tea peddlers. Compare quality find prime ROCKERYi We have.a fine sesort4ent cf dinner setts, tea, berry and toilet setts very. cheap. Call, exaldine them and get prices. FLOUR 8z FEimD ()thine 15 etter For general use in the kitchen, or in tact house than in any Enamelled -Ware. !)art It tadcs the place of china and is UNBREAKA• BLE. have a large stock always on hand, consisting of Tea pots Drinking mugs Water pails Soap dishes Soup bowie - Jelly plates And Tea steepers Saucers . Water pitchers 1)ippers Soup plates Pudding dishes Soup 1 the prices are right. of the We I Tea kettles Drinking cups Basting s1)O011s Sauce pans Wash basins Chambers Preserving kettles Dish pans Dinner plates Pie plates Rice boilers Skinners adels 4' • 4 • Thoinas Lawrellee, - - Liieknow, Ont AIM All kinds of flour aid feed kept oonstantly on band. Goode delivered to any part of the town. McClure and Mallough, Dass (3190311W48 I -4 • Spring is C oming And we are preparing to supply our pus- tomerswith the latest patterns in prints and dress goods. Our assortment has been care- fully selected and we can with confidence, ask foga continuance of your uatronage which has been so liberally bestowed on us in the past. WM. CONNELL - - LUOKR'QW. 1 T7.11.___au Ever Before, • "A Thing of Beauty is a Joy 'orever. 'And there is not anything in the home that gives the Cheer, Comfort and.Joy, that a .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 � y - COOK OR PARLOR STOVE BEAUTUL I ekes, and there is a large and well selected stock f these beautiful stoves at the 1OPULAIt ` A:itD WARE, that surpasses any previous as- portnent that has ever been on sale, and it is to the interest and profit of thos6 intending to pur- c u se a nice stock at a low price, to call and see the goods and get prices, A11 stoves guaranteed. . D.C.TAYI0 .-9 LUCKNOWI • t