Lucknow Sentinel, 1898-03-18, Page 314 I's- I i +\ VIM. Wext(�* A i\� /N*r;t SUNDAY SCHOOL, - 40, To INTHRINIATIONA USHONS NO. X11. 1HE'#YUK0N?- Celestial Glori (;OING TO SQUELCHED At FRAUD It Tho Cream of the Nain of -now 0 mm-- /4 MARCH 18" - Woman's World a d Jenness Seven Days. A Talmagian Discourse onthe S cildors 4- .1011111114. flaptio.0 Wheadi .-Matt. It: 1-12. Information About Routes Miller Mont y of Hcuvpn and Man's Inabili y to �4* I erwvw- his tervwtU, Her and4A]iaA,, AaJonie, J(,dwn Vitt Baptk4t- Life in the 6old Region&.-. Comprehend Them. U4)nllnentary-l. At t1fat tilue-r-Vul L(ter Or- Milrdiar of .1ohn the BAIM-A. %V 'lielf at THE, YAlUs oaxly Ili A. 1). 09., wivni tile tvr(-Ive +1 + -cipk, -ttirywil frosul t1r1jr pro-aweli-,, (IF.nmn the I %2o,.Padfio:1K.1oM1ke RnIletin. 411 it AV�114111119tfllll,* 'March VI. -The c�es". Begins t( xpect disasters. i;,g tour in JkAka w4w illip I "Al - Others wait for s hing to turn up; (Med i I I 'Mare] i, A. D. 28, ii I th, ,i,,r If he Fake Games W e Widely course of Dr. Talmage im line of -might� ; (t, Thii rialik' has 0rtio-reil 1-10 he waits for it to dov�n, Others; NA 116691 R CH \\ J 181 llapti�f 10 -head, .0 El)3l0-NT4-)V an4l N'ictouri;i. ritey report, quitol it the dimness tot earthly of Allaellner1w for t year. lie witio; 1111141huln, - . torttramts And with only half as h education and xiii 4luced, poplia"tkoll owilig 'to in-artyred during tili,44 whoi-li th#., Worked in Ca ada, acter get on -ell. He two,�Iv4, Wert* Pr4,arllil r '"I tin eye4lght; -as comparvd with the vivid- char e as,%% Nit,.all th,40 P : .-. . 19. Ifertiod--Anti- n sometimes guessi. The V%itlin till- g, th,ii,wing'-tlie esi; of celesfial eyesight. ;s ill list ra-I tio', 7 ssi to what it all imu%uft or ti,- win -s Of lier,,d titf- to*rea,t. rol-n tA--.t -ing am lft-d-[V it. work "I". haps riches The text is 1. Cor) ans 11C. A2: ineans. lie say er .111 rtl�r fi,r 211� grvund .-awt dogging'. tomparatbry nthi. 116 ft"ther. lwtlLW,4.. WIW it. Samar- rVigipil. 114 ON, V%lbrid, ur: t -lit. 'For. now we sea throdgh a giass, dark- would spoil me. aps poverty Is t up.- It is eNtlinaW - ita-h. Ile, W44 Wtrarcii of 11-alite:- wid it h - v4b thou- ly. bul then fiee to faco." Jt)rdA I I Hii yearly .t part, k 1110'r WAS REPORTED FRON MUM necessary to kee 1 e humble. Per- 'of Perea. beyond 111. Varont 11.1--i llt,*611111 riltaill- �tliat bet%%een. her and ri The Bible is the 1"Ost 1744-eful allif haps I inight. If pgs were other- inctome war, *-28,'00. Tit, funte tlf Bloir-.1% rv-4'I4L11o,-V-%t %II;kyor MW1.11 NeC. A:lNk.*Vl 1.1li-w .-Ili slinill'iteolile still reinaill 41VSl)Jt(-' UIC' of till- 4.1ty Putigent 4if Jbookl.4*. ' While. it bap the wise, be tempted 6 dissipadons." �jliriwt- -'.�of a moth'er's We's u &%cklm—Until ijk;h , (�.I- But (here Is nmwo on of -.11.,11ilig two yea r-4. vvY., ua Awillell Wt'. ylty ji, !.,w; I 6XI­ sweetness It lid- I -act kr l"o, huniah trouble. it has .11 tile keennes bled hint Tior murtlering itplij, ylelded lia's hit.l.n. 3114ii-d uio� all'i 111SVII lill.011v ing paid from he Sharpoirs Took I the Unwary" tte mystery. H es t rough u. takeit tw tIK)ifgfit tif &*juj. Ill. ,,a.%. 11.1-11t year a per jioulrI; Wof),l i -i 8 17, 'M (.6r. I .How t of WsUnjiler anti the 4-rushIng.p(&Wo-i* glass darkly ani�d at wait for a m-o-rding to n i.nwirl.il 'flour *2 -ir poutiql -in, have INW11 Int MoBl-, fo t iln.,% W Ili I I k r 4 i� -4 `.-o: i -4 --Attructive Advertib ent.i of;JOIS of a ligbtnftig Wit. it 'portrays with highee unfolding., ill there be in ix Aan tion! Y (I od W Vio alinual rOPUort 44 Sir IOME othsr" inore 'Q;an -. puffiter's 1) wer.- at one a Ill take thear Iwo went tewki-ig tli,. titi,, if ki,ig m4,11 for tivur forty. yvars. M of - jr..-nerittly $I r. IX01till4l. for 'u Pe Prizes Masy Or 0119agOd In W&r With "tg Aret;; Till- thii-i 'mornitig, of Valisr(N i�l 16triske pieturing a heavenly throne aiid that man in the t bf the thtone roin: IA i L siing'..'�wiVls pi, -k .,1141 -111illo. it 14. durlug inuch .,(if tfic tit foIt-6 vit to.it Britain *75,10) Fit6ke Papers. I J'Aftnill-ut conflagration. The string -s and say.: "Child ortal. hear the f I eloping , wouderfull wlic. 1:00 hy 101w Money Ill reilge.,4 il�-tbe lave llor�etj ji 4 ,aad.25-eellt pleNI-4. 41 t41l*:IF' (fist of this gre'at -hiirlo are fingered a -I I explanaLion!* You ember the fail- illin,kiii7. Whatever avif'itl' riet lj-:Ir�.hep I list i4ni Spille ti nle - ago 81, H�i Itoir geHtle- reawpli Ili.; f0whad-,ow for pleamuir.. wtml:41 -s -of the juture. 1119 of that gre -rprise--youi 11.oss f% 1Lkll0W:! volltr-li- rlvtit.' k0d tit) ftir tor a n4l no%%' e0Jj1J..�;'tllfL Klondike t Ithe, splend9t ent( t. I I e the fraudu-. -tiounding wlth-.the (-ra(!We-6f Coll . Rull)- mlsfortuw� ill Ih;, our disaster Ili' laVC k(I)t fill" -*1.lk*)r6'o64i but "f4pe tho- floor. of 11-alwasler, iiilt.. t'i,,, -ry Pu,' r hilt 'We'Mith: inan who hud jimov r - ji�,kv. -1;;md *-,I y.jLrd� 'fr'ym tit a4rld it,�; gn ilvilly it the Mrl,:w 1141to-1 :1*, 111i 1 1 d tA * . . .1 .4 1 . U 1� all (I competi- inti.worlils. now thrillinic. with thf- -Jtoy -1867: This W th' lanation." An4 v�40V Of c­tLieleBK'w- it lt�t(­r, 17, %trjtten. a., I I i (111 Ill . th-p- past- t4 -4t yeariq the ineirc-.1SP le t chara6ter of.the fill (of the vverlasting eniancipati(m., 1�- vou - will answvr. all right." 116 #.*rvaj it..;—I lerl aim the cap- At''achte I.aryi gitis. of ininerat procYlut-tion ill the.4"nite I tions edrrIed..'on by WOluall's tells how que- forbidden- tre*4� hit th I see. every da - ofound myster- taiwmi allKI ItAr4-i nilent'Oue4l lit Mark %1. ,rl,iA% rew vat Ili i. I an,,.-iinod for 1q, t4t.- %411tlitner o,,,, -P I -au 1-u-11 10 ly-r,t nto. allot ill r- Monthly garden blasteu the.earin WIL111-stelmess ere is no ques- 2.1. i(ait tile Mjlti-t-114' waN IL I,ILLII- NN orld and Jemess Mil les of Providence. f el.arter4d fit -i- tit ;riv,,r froat per 61jit. nil death. and how atitoth�er' jtre�- 'lion N%.e ask often an Why? There (if . 1, prieAly p,.-,d'grPi- ( 1,uke i 7); 2.- c;4XIt4 1upt a 11,1111: 1 1 % t of it p&4nc0_ 0( -hich has -tali, ell miuly it liar Out of all"i will rall ilitio, ti.i. harsi. Illd In tlI&--'VIlit4VI t1iijibigh leafless and bare. yet, planted are hundreds of es in Oak Hill lkiolt-4 paretiV19 - (Lilkia'i. 6, b'.') ; 3,. 4-9. -urt,. a, ana(lians, comm which 911141 leflOtllgil W ULke up to life Vkicago allit It r ry SIt. l, :pr(LAtletioll i.: :414- Ix -r v*aplta.-.:InsI. in. gu,ljI;It:, licvi'tkd witit on Calvary, shall yi-Ad a fruit ti V!-- .;i -in and Greenwood a urel Hill that Idetie'ormil 0 (.Nlatt*. fiv 3) 4, it! gi -lie -rtL&- reconn Ill 101* V..Wtada �A"10. -office authorlt -oll m' - -tt�an antidote tif -to be exWVla forni (d the one %vho bad taught t " the post I il 11'aft sh. ort, it-IMIs how- the red irtt-ed Hospitals for amoupec-ment, (I.uko J. 11); . -1111- 1�,,fiu I i.-'. tit -,,,'A ! -; V� I. .,I - t1w,"I t1W way top 4." 0.41. 1 of. tlils Ini(aint. Aritish volullillift N w, York go- tile jothers. rlpe irstual Wapo frftu itupoisid- I lluwa tri t,-. .,4)tt-N s() it. 1)., C., -and tile the bilnd 'and Ia sylums for the ent lobitt%, (NIatt. iii. 4) ;fi, %qj I 1 64 ise trave.filoo life for on -I it iri bro:-all. t ilis shouses for the eflidowfneuU (Luke J. Vj) 7, licroic :0 blIJ 141 )plleo rel gvotia -s 4if (lood's wrath were bri-iii1it t;l ill ly Must4-i idiotic tind Insan 'uppression f f'raud und to t1- 1`V 1 8 nd Jesus trod theia ell tiurely they 0rals t'l I 1 19 iler. enitt.- and,thO.Yukdn' 40-jtri(.t, eict�7 for the S 111v ),*e's. f, right, tit efrild rid;_ %il� IIA# 114 it li I it- o,r claini. twit- -mill"ilyls. iris -destitute and I of pain and c,)urage (Luke iii -7-19) 8, pure c hl.'r1%*vt. notVitiV V; 1wr eent,�4- Cr ng - forth at- Cast, all tit 'e gooltil,,n nd more than acter Olark Vi. 6 A414*10' vit:o. 0 - I inle. 'W-ttl tl piethods of., out and how. 'misfortufio thitt - f heir reputation in lloeliljg k1lowl, as heeil VAPti out o4f t It whf -110S Ito., tite latkirs njItj ur 'the chalives. of heave.n shall..rlovv �vitli th,', him d1wiples. M r. Mail-kiit' l4till,r, - tbat. Vith _ging a tion by human siolution.­ God will clear, klim4Aer xvi 11, Dljk4- J x. tt sit i-., it i. I t Lirlit.-T -ral wine of that awful vOitage. ft d,i7.zl(,-: tl look, N f t Of flo-fove the'- Vii-koit atithuritl S. lailits had The friend lit Jesus wais a balm for .0ther'. ou It. all up. In t that pours 7-9, U.J.4 itilgiven am olw Of ti e thr.-d- __it Territwiiill I'linlic'e', 01'"119 t 6): 11011t 'with British- tile eye with an 1.'zrkjel*-, .v1 -%!1,n' (if �Jght ;A sp- W -i;. p 4 rom the throne. ark. mystery van opilliol,16 av"ling heartli, tho trol.41, llot oyer 11). per io,o,nt' om 1.!J,r�, 1) alho goflet In. and now it , result. is .1 .6 d M h4fl tl They went Vi A'0111111,Va. t1lbligli,- tilt'- latter 14 a,* . I rid- win.g, ii:id fl..i- .-an iat wer - f 14 at J! ig a frutid orderlbrbidding tl eutteern live. Things ll-()%% 'Furly, inscrutabl" 0.119 t 'w' Ililn 411141 told ti"Ir worriow unto 111in �lt- It pe,,144- &. to) oix Uort.1%, 4-ijurn. t lif. tinki. vfloiwt on, January Is% !-.lst. 1)ut llo-r tilf.; grC:LV AoV:l:Cl of inineral rtksuure�- %�lnd. anit stoaps Sp-wn so lov.- It wIll Ile illuinined lainly as though -er . tf ever they relind upoon tlw wtwds or 1�4 .1tirinir -use of tue U b. bra i Is. -* other tivoie, Wing that It.- %v; iall, it has not Yve lwt-!% at-y-roted. earr'ietf 1)rf ill t,� a ..in 'put its lips ''the ear tif a d y I ni., 1. -utfi.; vu-vetal othe similitr con- the answer Were e jar.- tilt ir teacolier they did no%- wliewi they lilt C:111:14 -A' j0t� r Y101 ':'til There are' child :Ind why. " W-neup highet-'� len , oil th and that lie was-, tone of tile 4)ld 111ro- -Ak ths.. a4 lit -11.11. %unr ;t,:tk.rfV.�ttA%d .* - - 11�1 u In the lilieUo who hail riAm agaiii. Thereftiott j:serj, "� I ic cernii. -"Tile American nialil" iki 'ail- And -yet ilapl;, In 'my A -ext. taht-% thit, ffier 'wall or so '16eillplo eftind- too Jestai ft;r lielp alid guidatme' X - :1 11"M Ala-,lia- lips fo:ir JiPwSlo s! #tnly anthem. Hartime All thank (od iiiighty wcwk�--*Ile MiNks John lla� Ife Who lind Piaid ­ Come unto tile, ail ot-lier 'fa-ke concern Aim depends (.ju tesponsibility of *flying that Jt ro­o,l4*vt-#, i it, t lr*. �t 0 1. thErt he'was blind d Lazarus t�at hirouglit bdek -tvitil llili" ti, e lrg,r y0lb.thiflit, lAbOr and' are Iwo%.y jadcql. Ailo I lot] t, I ift Ve rr aryt illo 1. %, :.. . tme-ij, "competitions." priz offers, t, an indistinct inlri-tir alill tilat -is Ibis- st4k, I will _gl%.e it.,. gold fever: h 1,.tr :,I u v(yu reaL,.. .%.. lie. som-s.- and -Jin- So-; relilmi.-lit, and Xl'r, iWO 140- 11,11d,wiliell the Calladi-a authorilies 4ilom �liatl! be -s -spo;�T;,V­J. pipwer,,. Utow- dl%-iiier giftis, whit -h tilt- A_ Irr-lit4111114111 Wfl� ":v to yorox-i- Ifix powor tA# tl~ v4gr: i r; -:ill Ort kin Solue o theiiie olleets llli.y be nti-e IM-AeAn I-ewvt--n. f-WMit-no(l seph that he wa kt Intor the pit, Ito to., t t4), it*, ought to Pxclu,14 �plrit recelvim,4 whi-it it fmtoer,; upoit V I aft# -r titei t --cather a,t aI I -ILL-iskati -to [lie t.11r0r.e. Just *.,',I iiou,. in I nm- and Daniel that h KrW- 46ricken ones. In Vwm Hip ly i,! it, iflis t o.%v P.. i , Ti!,f it affiecti * a nned *ith lionF. llearenly lif4p. guild tilt- pr. pbet, may now V a A rusta, )oil .9 6) Vu- .?�tfrts tis ini;1I on avvoulit of Abe-. I we have a t -hl -ipbacked. ronR4 triie oliwiplom. -Nart-i oe 41 14 -aqtivip # Nio-tui-d* fr-im and Paul that s ]inn Ilia the 0q; to 4- -tvit-. its v, ould fih-! being 'it fa%-orite point 'his is 0 1 401.1111. x4 rL thcee loowvri t, gekther with li's to) th., ill 'r1u, nee of, .11apail eiir-Iribut.s. 1w I t 3- ()-1 from ograpivr who 41IlWIkitt4-d 4v right, If -ft stury of tilt- ex It (I action of Norculancum tyr N."ittevoli. :ill -I -xv�- 11-k &Ind 'David that I s Ariven 0 1 srrilde reproufe�. 'No wonoiter inian.41 it, Itvts %-tory. cold. ptaurc tt It with.- Jerusalem, woman ft artner tv CKED BY AN RLDIPRA". Ilifing sllrt t reit lattotest ai.,l Aay: "How At n d t 1TTA 11r -ti- fai 11*1--� of 11VI41. :Jlpf 1�1&1 the la%v offieers. If- y have. 11 , P, . - . I - ai - li,- 'oii'. Kv!l;ir !,ns beeii in A!n.ska nght -1c i Q.4 ha%- Oven V -)K1- ge S11114L N�, 1e" bee I ierod, wao,4 afra it 1. Will It 4 '-1 41 1131.1 that she could Iv a'few penoe 1:1 w, lif*ilo WIWI-. to) -fte (i r ti---4-t.-1il;ig him. you I.N. g d. the :1. 110-I'Vi hail laid hold—Nizirch A- Zxplorer Cavendish sThrL.IhK Boca" s t' Iwi twii It-li our -toddera--14mps!" 'so 1 for making a gar and that inva- top. V.-iree 4)i f4 -1 fr ,, 1 .11 . - , 4 tpare;d w U: iven-ity - !v ii­6*4A iv ­!1, -S 10") i -I for her' io ;,sago fr ba:i sit latit bueu ea 110.1 ii uppl-ration: -it, this, I e... which waq n -or 0 e le could -n D. 2S. Ilut lAin. ill iori-A,on---�At Mat-h- 'J�rfolljrht A il�oil - �':;- v. At g oill irh,i n k t h. tibl lid that f .0 ot lift I From Death in Arrica. t4)j.. . r 11.1, Accept 04, N't wirieli-I ­-4.!lt 'to ili.4 yeari, .1 E�0. 4kJtg -Now York,, Ahlreli 9 ill. I st�,r la,14 f 6C. t - iil� this %%orid, llia3�. hi.- In loorea, pra the ear4tot-rn tido- , : I, At W:,ki4) w i, frollit 61141* p to (Ju head from t flow, and. th 11 14-kilay tN t,Aid. c.* x e I t Mg o, u r Sea_ Aintilcis 1 - -d IVOT y t -a s t JW &h4j vikett 0. Vai.k: UOtt lVah, notifted li�- Iwar the I lIrtoiie %yido%v that she- I ch hat -k (d th,­ Dead Ifere liati' Ii ('avewb It gave gui Int-M-st- m �i.*,03 An V. :4. In issil I I- T! i-, Lit t. & .. -r is -sued galw�t, - ti 'intL% ` qt to all eternit by the to t -airy I)rea.1 for ildri-n. You it -i I and pri-�*)n uniiier tonf- rm). Ing accourit tof Ili,, re -mit ti ip Vo Africa I vor 1, ry - it-. irl t i n IV 'frati4t.,ordt . d, . , Ill., Mo re e( 1`4 ir I., %X rang-Vt, mouth of Stikhiv Mv(orl The' V S. serate hn.4 I tit, vilt I, - Illoplit W.V, V. vu It 41, AVoillaft); lVorld 101111thstli ('0111pally, be,.wcen ils coin I Ia r- t i % My was cotulnull ill Mt! P:lst- 1114 -Ml lefor,! tit&! Uoyal f -"'Ie know that in a s -r 11-S -t4gra4thical Soci- '911 rd ttr-aikwor all 1, lit' frilt the T' .1.111 Ili�nmier, pti6lixh(-r,' la -d 5(vu ex- light 'and Itre 111,u iiii fiat; q m sit li—tV.111, d"ffetest � voicc 5 was wjw living ill thIs fortp-s,4 lu 4;c bill. rjaylt � - 11w 114 SN: iniit.ir:vs f4 wir nnvoiie. want, c4rry different jpa The sw"t order W peo*--cuto-, the war with hill; et.y. Among 'th;- ineWnUo lie rpi&Ud g4-14 lit- Jarlal- now Ila,, tl-:141: td-tillod t4) klIClIjdV �Ill -111 il- d4ldressed The - Iiiblf4�-. no.4v isl the., t:va*fftVl41il.;. I I v-, incss a t, l%* r. I, I I ge',, ii;, - r R �a v41 TO,- 1 k -41 :It S!. ft'lVi ; 1), 1 n, �ovclrwhelming pai thk. hallelujah T41"Itt Or a fitbt at U thi-r 1�4) thf- %Voivan'ti ly id, tilts Wt)- *the i 4,enipl�. 6ut'Wfien th" "of heaveii will not a led by- those Offelided f a ther-it n -In w. Ari -t Wzwi tile f0fl0wlI9 W liwl..41- left takc-n fripia 1w,11' VI rr :11id Bit -.411 Will I't. 1114-t I,v t be . U'lit. 11'orltl Cmis dotle. 0 -ere will h1c. ll:) I", riot, 'Carr For 114-r("Lus' maki--lin obel.- With _.I w4vill't `1 4.6.11 ill %ioldell lw waliv to %yonlait's ilig I. lvlhf� orir-A6, in 1hi rtac -anti irravp 111&2it 0 OF ..14ton lor I rilo jiba. 0n. I " 41 V!:I i I I I a.:::. wt 1.1411o)) 1.1 &��)Jng 1VOrldandAvinifo" -Milf-r ()iitllly:ilkd- the.scaffolding. sumptuous -entert ents, but pau- ence too her t*inankls. Jklie -waji ;ill" ii,arrowly or-t-a4ied deii,141- It Thor fie I tried to dodge film. I J I I t I Iv wa-, Um -Lf.,,-A' virinuent.- re- The itlea''I Fli-111 dv%'(A4"1 to-dA5,' it; A Allilininer, - 121:111:191, P ldreli will 'lit, beggars will ambitiou-s, unloriticipledl, lout 414!- .110 " I ito 14 ... per chi iik "speditiloll t.k.--the KI-41..ike 11.1, V - AVVI'll that. in this v.m-ld wur Iw-P%vlvsIz NV! 114. go"A: JIA.4 11 NIL Tliki, notice bring.%. .1, nessagi. for :, sing It. redeemud ciirriers will witching atitt t-twiniring - wotuaft- quick fir me. -awl as I vicared t1im- thi4i 0 ..,)1 n I i � N,cl 4 ot*N'. 1:rvr,-�ary AJ�xer de-' Jqwl, for Victory too tilt, newly () Inkptl ratively-dini and uns r pr - -sing it, those who e once the -off - Whell #,it(- Intirrie4l Philip she joroba- nihn(ma hi*1i I saw blin twt over 1114- e4filig that 114 1 i I exvts for it. ftwillid 41,1 V e DES SZRTND IN CHINA. Irau4 but nevert lie less,,', is jntniojuetior�* 14). 31114 wll',t"', 'Compl-Ae Osiii)n scouring (if earth sing it. The illy 4.3L,weteol tilat. II -%j tile ()J,dest- ition with It s trimic lit the allN w) I thro-w twvt' 4,f I h �,tte Of,ty for till -Suppri. 4*11'aa H. Cr- nip. t he 1'.. S, %1,l;4)buil..1- I ttill 14 Atrander and more hallelujah will lie tie grander for (;1f Illerciol the -Greatt, Ili- would ite heir HIyftIf too the left,01i "My flaw asid kept I . C� 0* Intry, rmol A01"ll I Crin -% -40tfii�- -city;)(% licit wa�i In - 'i ill-, i .I I& CrVing (;rJeVfknc:,P'WhJch I the Isadies Tbfi; is eiiiiVentlytrue In regai-A to our ar c I . 6 _14 It is not "Aill, t1driki:ig tlt4t tlW -plepisaitt might ills. wtiled- t'bii- hv ,4t. liant f4rr Sjouth- all 4-.irr g,61. il,VW eotIK)ratt-1l Jit- Novelli 'Ist, With earth's weepink and aching of whole k4i6gotioni. y Might Iiivostfg'ate %,few Of C40d. 'We hear -so murh about Ilk Ii 'into heads an(l, 1.xh.;k hands , and lawfu (of till- loas- go oil. He, sohowever,"t4opped Intinixt- :1111t.40n, 11141-6.1 Further thall tf),I:tv Th8ntas 11. thf- Ilavt- '(-od th.lt %1! lude that Under- IT-Ifero-I was guift.;ol 14 so I scourged backs a *1 M Alif 4111 �Vl .11V The ste-Ina- m4'yer ..Sug.ir h,44inhr,,- C U1, nie-d a,.- h;;-,- nartyred agon- t Iiiat, he W., a 1,,w 'Illy. -Its mand Him. He fik I-ereFt' ii --t, -treachery to Idw brother. J.'tir it, ately and f-pitining around. knelt dowit W . to- . %.& I %%*i1flaill 4 f I.iidi7i arri.%441 hor -I it - ExLi�cuti ("(Plilluittee. ing the tenderne'.v ,&'a 'father. lhe- ILA. %vj,A. liq_. %-!sit*4I lliru It Ittillip Itel,hid rne, with 1&4 loea4 right over r -14A talk. r'pge ra mp ri MO ll'L Cbairni. .(R till, Iv, that flrmn#.#1i.f ki-Judge, the naploit.v t;r a Agai tvith li1c, and tj6k ak 4-lri%�4, at nie with Ili-, Th4-- Veolo-ra. 't4 Ok Wit; A#�-() 110 Tilf. lally ibe n, the tho of the texJ s that Alu loo-calaf. -fluaillto,41 .2 2 'y *4 t 1 4 h -I % f-loll.1 Ufomt Allullig the enj?oytpents -.aided 1) V. r tile �frattds wer" and -tile love (if. a Kther. We Just When all-lolit-d 441 t1ro, pro1oo."l, 0:1, 1 unpita I of jorall(-ol for-tl,.(1 l't'.1 - 4- beiiii; coninj d -by lwr- kin 11(1-(Aias. and abi :I trumit he lolottei tur&m. w1dell I fuokily a% V. "I - Valk 'abiollilt .1 111-� 0 Irl IS J41 T14. l. 1.,:, W i1q) ust.(I till hear about H.im. 111 1 f the rightc()Ua, I aven.r I ithink -g lit el4*ier undar hii. chowt. He the -ii -it JF I w6f,k W�yk I% lit 11,4110 we have but* tl 1 it of the num- agaisL-4 tile- hooltor anti happini-sli. of it `I -k! 1.1141 rllr- f(J.'I I .9 - Ifttl ptior-hollid ine under hini wilAi Iiii. V runk to, r, ctl rix -It. lint -11 i r. %k ( 'I'L r 'i 1; 11 tlljll til.1t, .'thp qmurator.,4 alot:il for- wl'ite cliout Hill'. -NN, 'Hill, w4to wit-� bot'a 1-ort-Abotor a4ul li4*.t. :1111#. i4o 4. t t i 14-41r.wk. infanc) *i-nd it, ttenibl­s on the Ifer of lithe. -righte( I �n hvaven. In- - k1ir,exi 11141f.d. f. C,0 11"t lI- I'lg Engli,h girls. therto, INK-isih 1110rill, 011W. --c .11 a '('mv. tilontils. it�ir vi-etinis 'in 1114- f4art,4-the noiltiVidt—Ix-4 his aud tried to") PM"d mt. witz Ilio knoer" M . 1� I likk n "y4ou ."tuilla i't Ott 'llial. Z g ' of 'ihe dying tPct(j-1­u:I W ­ fidels say, Aven will - be the yollilge -t unily 17, would havt- it, I was - 0 flie xy.nt r t yt-a r*. %�,4 r s0-att-oari-d 'tbrouglif t Cie coun- to" ue s -it� 111L .1:. ilig 'tot ine Cley rutrar-lovd. but% &- luck j.114. tll-. 1.1-4-t t,! r.1t, t1w. �mbat WPM think that wc, know -vi-t-y-imu-1i aV'lut verf mall place pared u .-IllakiIi-it-41 iii.Lo)ioltouttl hill-11-Alll. try, and - Old.. indh 141tial o4sj.s" WPM :1 lshet x mujoil drita-imos ;.h ­m too N&W Out Of 11194 reach. I k4pt 4xwilig T-1ke the 41 it world the lost according to This rn,-fl- lwd rowk '0'1111� ()f theill 1111.11111#�-J 4"" 'tit* hill; legm ati Itht-y vatue ' lown. .... 4) 1. IA# ) W.1, und(:rstanA I t Tit- Itil4b.' Y.0 u r Ia e n ;tjo-ority -of- wen. continued. mtr Ujjyx twi,l, for lifilf an t !..I! t1o. %;ar jilt, 0­041iti!... r t1w I "g-, _I . It . t(I & vitti-neo- or n 4 ti� it.. ill L;w1.O1* .r - 1. As-sis-UlAt I'llit4i'd Stl t A kt t4orney Is W".4161141, -Iii�.IfAw`r a"41- Ifis; filalts. Ieny di charge. smrs-hll over w 0 h Ili -it Is It i., will be destnoyed." Ig Flulay. 0"14 di, 1 140', "le hi. W"rk-,: lly tllt-. Illail .,tvaillers I . t. .11 houir. [out lie wam very tuarb uccupill-411 4;uIs0rjtl 1"yn#r,* will) is 1�1`i '( (of the f III- I. -i. 'Of* .4-ntioi-,iiAsin,, were iidt tinedontwo, tit ?4) tf�e tear i t y .'r t4oppli-.�4.- f(locl, f t lit, v as 4,f al.4- s it 1, Ir s e a't th iultitude of the. :1,141 flud it -it tio jilt, *a.U-hing may gunlooearera it t hi.141. i; I I , rAl-I)a nlei -1 s If p,finally lost. nis itred with Ahe- 0 wpm C4* L!t4l loving . I& - riiter..- 11. " lj,. slifoOting nopt bilivnitingr fr6m some (its %io at I* 1. ;01 tro pisril-4 list- U 11(it tilt. liv sa�jt t-114- rVW In- 1*1*;11*��.t 44 ,nt multitude of fh fi saved. will hie tanee i)ff. At onto motlietit; lit- lay ou hat 111.1't uur,,1,.r in li-ii. t'r lit 14 -art, bilt lowis to 0, it: MLIi, .00�4' :I'ly' .1tiZ #1. I)l1j'. f fit ':11, tv sp­ctor-s vniplio,%vol Ili if 1$4 Ist-off I ineret t Vill' handful. I r, u i that the fe-y I vue and I exptxtet. -every moniP.0t, W s I And -No:' I ealtry -wiL liis i f4 or illig girl. it -ft, in Mt* t-ldiply. I'lli-partiu'vitt wer4;' kept tliat Illull it note of Ifl i 1. 1. s4ck peopld in the pital - to -day, as tot .4 -ills 11( but sudiiiLenly It 114)t1l.in"' ill thf-' %%4)1-1! till( I it I ILI I zrill I': i kiiow that Ili(, VJt ws. C"llipared, with hundreds tot Iw 'ivauttNVtA3 -tare I., pli t j4 pit i � 4 11 % , ll� t lie 14tu..41 -7 -U911 %i,ith 1� I have -ar .111i. Limes craek. "b to 4,1 L13, tilt his v I ig-lit was lifted off me. and I tratr tit wimlt;l -f thi-4 !Are tit Cwldel' ht -r -night-41 r I IM04.. zreat Iteing a ev`- 1.1 w. thousands 4,f �vell le iri the city, dio till. -o & Asarilenhire rt of t his vity, 'tt'd I ay C f 1;J Ilig IL,_, It .,f t do,-Ath., i1ha,... the num- w, whL-It lit-. %vas hown 4jr the day wi 1ende,I I was dend. and. not wish loat!lw. . p.. would Tli-lrt- be 4; M. pro rep I: liq. 4) t.;4_,etor for -iii Uoilml):ltinlat.ol WI'le, #)p n -,i lid we QhAV -ralld ing too hw*- tile coup de g*acw coming, AiAs-.-r ill t 103- 1-illd I wvro*.rvt:llnviI as c�)mjsel cast 'out in %% hit. Ili- 6P 41 41 1 -,Ill)l)lltw lici, 111 if ol's. it ok Airt-,eti:o, tip htj%v new atili ber of tlipse who I ber 40 -yeb a n, I rentained quiW te r ph Iiii A my t - &:r I - w.1to h( aril. 1wr vrv-inz in -f :6. ! *who liatifluot, 111te utilil$ry authforitie-,, tlii :tit; i in� o, I et,!. the directors sub.-il-rill (I fiiii,1.4 ftor suffering, compar -ith those -ard that :I 'er Nai P. allot :tl)ILI(.. itig!'. Nve.%,e�v upon as. d ule'aftovu k4 i the h e- a I t h of aim wtier w -ii ftf camep. Nina- vi. :ol.. t t Mill, H J -r(- wnt' t(o' 4 nil,-. We study' 'he lie 'got tip and backed off My body. 1111" of .014. 111or r, i., lievionil, tht-4- poor --clergymen an Ise' -ti.:Ic rheaven. For w (of Vi-raiia, wore aectist4ow- P lit Vii-, 11.%. i re through --uptoll Ow Xy ro, i t k I lie dewJ t a log of ghiu� ill Ath iin,i knocke.t his leg agaills .1 (-)Ile f: t4- Thi.oi; It.,t 0 As I � -Ili comparatively .,ll too r4by-(*1 &Ili 1:4-jtititoll t1litt lirq- I . - lixisKandau wo4kI lying claw behind. Mistakinig reps -rt,-! t1wr th.iCt"t r. ri I t4-.. 'i a �i s, 1. 1-4, tint. ; % t: -J14) oJit tilt- C iwitry Vo -:(oin t r,4;ei( t in -on Abo, are li% --it-114,, f1to 11161 Iy. wid A. t -.V. X Pe ,w I tta Chelstian th4eiaertaln-, rsl* Way I the begi.nning (of 1 1111 is tri %a -nt' I lelilbe ilp (Us- to ttivin dy t uld. Vt-au h. tilp loc for ine, lie vented- his rnge, :1 lid tt,- Lf. I I"dFi6% 1:� 'Ill a rra iiii- t o �Ko h4jillik nd telli "OlAr Allore lia it ":I 'thon'sa iL611 cl yinon a 141 ;ation -ai.d t his world ment."941ark-4b. th( rise- at &1% pens Iwen bit dly 'frivnill-� t if're wh`irl- it. tei..J& -d and that hanit -tint- i%ah S.11- "Im4I must have I iers, ;or be pbpula$ed an4 enic Nice- ro-A-ci-i ilk havi ol lei 1. K41 in) fill a hill tdo.'set- f hus it. :111 0-)f tit( a I Ill br�'a*k, i * nd -h wab� repre,.,:en woundeA. After a time I heard the 'iltl --�ayye:t- Ahi-in- Tli�- -'%i)rt`h I Ith -i 10aily- -In luf e (1flt4. t4-1 ages of 11j;ht. and are to flow on N 0.. W v port(, 1114-roAt-All illt1*Xi(,.Itv%l A* de"patch V:4-1.00- .411,1410oll . f1t -tit ftatuls- p that %% hit t I I hq Ile ao. th ititudes- of the boys closing neaTer. and, W&itift till 1A It, I -fi-% ifi.t­ the. Int r( to it.-;. N%*Iiil- wt. loo4k tilt- moluntaiw, I f %Iot Ile I)I41-:J-4-11, o-boillotless, V -f flm,)l , 4 . ajority t4eY wen. fairly near, id camp the 11 Slrgal:ofe Pay, �.­ 11, i* ILI vad --W I I V Fr(' ill be in v NI tlist;t "s.. `Nwro, it :I 111,7riti, 1 .1 it all parts of tile e i IIAUIP. tl-.111sligured. Tht- lmrni,,;lled '- I �-s 's- M "Skill aii;l grace of r. I o4viro-s- �Lt 1111tag AT- . .1,� I - 'the gregatit'lis -11. plepilaut might not have gone far. I I I .�q - in, 1-rup K� 4)11ell an' Takc. -.-I I I it] q.141 to -t fiv 'A hint. I. K. I t i 4'0!-1 faints ieg?trding th a-dirertise-I. of Iw. I n swin 4r shut. is, it -t Off i1of it* lorin-r that ,I I'rn iicl,' i - fo -rve 1'.1- splendors -e .. to -day -asse d f,)r w4wslilll. -fuliy rotinti at�id saw law lo,"edwn rt tok. I, -if 1., .116 4,11. thijilgh it ii 4urltrring tip it., IncInt" if tit Womah's Wt- Itl find -fell- p:I.-;t' I Thr. ha% flie loirthqL;6.. K :Ili, Vx i -tit A they would wall S!1 uell, 41, i�mAr. I- Ind lovi)d­ ptit 1hom togethe st.41141ilig.all(lilt 17() yards T)ff. I got 1 IItl1W*.1 t #1 111, x it ( i a itkat arti'r o' Lb L 9 Airwr-., if wit iten.- is- S 'I i I T: 1, t ties Nfille font lily�. tw mag,%zinew --clotti tilt- king. rty ill I s, 4�foll Joy ir � , , . I � ',.'I � , . tlt%.r al altio but -a - snfa lence compare Awfooire mistructed Th( 41' , gil 4 Iffi .o. jitoil.141 nlerjr.,il Into one afid pub froln ahilci.; 11 d - L son illy. If-gi, .Is filst Ili my bruiw% would ff , 't en!-;oo wir Fi)rf 1 11 ted b�- Chwi. Evat lid, p1m. :'t t ".4 1!�, Cl)il;4'4' til I lot jut, anti aitliggered towal�l my pony. a3ld. i,ifornieoll 1th- and tens of ltivilt I too 1 No. 22 1 2 X rth AVi Tile %%.tt,,-r make %o;ith the. thousa �4 1ll:l*­1.,:4- �111 1,1011110 Aso 1.4+4wilize and. 2 1- ki'lilvili-yst' llo'e."jiJot wait''laid 91ov floor nuothec. J@n�� to uroc$ twilding,..." ft * i I - t ... i (A ' usa n4,the Tile loo)yp.rotl owellig me 94t up, were i - if inlaid lit. tit J49r- the 'liL:ht %%.ilk*-..th n do' a "'I. has know. of thii! '..l.iiarrii4 Cl 1. lialn raAreot,-.this city.- 0 nd timf9s, te ousa 11461141' h:141. Ily lier gowil 4 -jt tilt- il fouT thousand 4 ;a.,4 -t to. J1111 -ti UP4,011. allid 01 d -Ito was Tilk Vail 4 -Ile I 11t. I, r tit IiJitl 11, - h: I L. , cle i�: ak,- now.- -1-1-n .11ho, hwifirod and fort ',wr 111oig'iter 114,r instrumetit umwoun,it, anj illy groosi. A F ! P141111go!r. int-4niher-4 #of t lit- I*1J.­z,-tif)ll ch-rks we' to.-briftir - t, tho bhn!zriipt4-%. 14, 1, re kc- 1) t b4imy its fill. It till. , infC., N41 k-flo w -regitate-red lotter departri -it of th". 'Tile -.cralpr r. flu,ir- : (mrred Vis- ."that 'Aall-.stand nd the throne. --tiodiout tjw tkonti, 4pr tile it grent. liniking feltovr, !wanted to i 14' ntraVt riling among::014. 111:411 Nile 411t- - I , r age- illd. there is, 140 g .. tip Oeaven -in jnar� .. rt ri a v e ftp me _4 rs'po-r-I: I '. se flashed ea rry ine. . 1 1 4 -off i ee .11. 1 Tho tilinking I mum -it 1'rimeot 1!'r. %tr, 1lit-4 -11;''t f. -tot, tfij. i -l- I., Niz1v York. I -s't Ing- wa tellef) 4)f r, 10 fiett-4-r. tit lit Ile' llmig iler(bet. I'll �ill. Aftei floor 4- J" O)u n y waile(t by 1 .1 [4,.i, -14 -9,) t Fr.. fires. 01086 t for many yeat loones broken . lout, althoulrh my left lklilK., to!. J"nil )!,%vf,lr . V 11 mornin to 46�lllei, ,is II S 44),iiir 11114 those fought tallie .% --pif,turo -(if. .9 -%1: . e retirt-tl too iiiquiro pf lier wic %%as seriousty bruived and my scalp 'As rit4l.: "i 1-oi I, If. I. 4heir f r -i tv. timi -.r i I I doi ah :th"' upon the invalf twot I our u iakt request khe shoal-il iiinke W(11`1114 .111 V*sllti In the 'armies y and rose as g w. I r t Vw�t�, thoushnJ p- ov. flo.. WA -4, 4iled it a ki " - ra - I lit 'evrw they 'fo�l I i ry 1 1. All tho-re re hall., Io. tile hos" t d ' frenn high im-nu lit other "pectis tilt- 'wrilo'cura or sit from the mast rul or -111 V ro. 3ohn 111a.lotibit'P4 hd%ad lsoixriv!�) fr-,ir) s -seldollf fewt 1111IM(l lit :I . I.-vitrw d tinit Whii,111 lot' we sh.ril- have. lok. 1101 SUL114liAg --fave t4i o the.sea. -t lw-,i- - ,avrifts-e, 5 A xcaffoldjngs. ri 6f 'tilt :11h. iteol -wf;o)rifinz tip tit#- Vni­1:11:1 nks. r,Ir. thetiisillVes r. ill ashed They. in :I charip-r­-lif o"ie'4 bt the JZ41.141-11, or were W I ;3t4'tt4'*. 03t V;e Vrince Is-rimnlillf A!l 'hill came up f rqrn pit- The V'oman's. NVOrld Pit i% roqn- a foicturt. tkr* the morn- hv% wtik-h �Lrraeed Ahe hanip ' '11119 0 t, A . I Vp Seq] 7 tj)- ' . I from Laodimi, d' f. ev-itor in a hi:4 Xvw Vwlk- Niltel t 114: -1(] rti' o 144 llil!�,t loo reiqo#)lji- pa 11Y. lay -V�2 or- ing th"'t wkil. lIt-Itott nvirning ils—If 1 4. MIS," .r t 111illa %40 pill( y cea, - f rqni the Mt nk-and Gen- 14; la iN I Tids S%*A4J nd&4 Its.& 11i'Ji. '111� 11,144 k -14le for. t1w. eriitiv,. :11:4 Wv rZinfil)t r W a "inissh I Ater PUZ-. Again my tt.xt i -s true of thl- Sj-. ti wave, Vgyptian 16rick- IJe-%t. iiulil% g liftell it 41 t4f 4 b- nesaret' -,,tirro-t% v' a!i .-ni-1:1-1 I!,. r 0-,.l is I, t .4 In. A `p1cfure',6 'Abe, :Im* Cit r6in, le 0 ., 1. . , . . . f f and:sxVvet. �:a % e. I V.,. 4 ill i,fn lne t1w loror % ii-th v�.- ill to t vio.r*. e�(' in, I. 'hreshing flo6r.. vw-.r it. yarde, ..and Gldeo t as. U fill"' wt pr`n.t6la'd bi,sl(If ll*,sioll -;in,[ Is Inds years, ago- s pt4nng - i ir th lo',� Sta ti A (Jilitill 4:-!: t, rh fli'M -0.f o-.x'I Those thious. I ep t The kivilrAvas Pt)rr.V-Wue 11-.11111jot it t. 4- 14'4' t k A alw lie t YA 111,4411tion., lit these are this� troubled. ii(pt h reativred tile if it - r I i it is L we, '41 , I 11lit!sf.m. Ch forth fi -ouitl I1aV*f%,elkq1ed t ., . - ..% . F.\. -His compa th yef; and Aa ikr 4? 'voli t: 01, n 6f 8.4 rim i4* last Ideep Pusel Through by Unf of Brock- lo#prt i awl 1 (11 I .. work: Ili t ta iome�ni liq �(of Jo!iin.. r0r jhA 1% V.W .316ro ving it' 4 -t ­ . ­ -- 'h it rr .- v ' io ii, %Ve art: ll.'e'l C,4;4fl i !tf S girli wt- -i- H Is d ii H is r v s ' . , -. Ailt, I f� 1114. '-Ill ltf*;i :1. . , I - ro, ill"14 E ii V-11,41 1* uit. their li-mbs Ztrete loif t ..f6r the i )it Ix -fort'-, lout f6r7fear of itiss-own- is t Ale at Ch. nged t;o nit ure it.- o voll)P o ormninantivd 'Vt t4o too ri%en-4- r. :4-1. i:1-11) '..kt 1111('4i thAt F�i ri cont;eStall-110 Wits -t I Ville's Best KnGwrleno W C, gh".it. Al -v ht'),ur ' art . oUr 1-lulcher. t hi - t t "t.h.... t MO ..-mits for: threl- ;n wo -Aitbw it)- all roll r;i wir lo'T it- th c I attac* fr t hr.,01nient we vitount Alto A' generai anol hoinor -were nimw%l to thi broken eni and looks i lit. M u -I t! *,I, I i-., IZ i-�-A - -tWh tv the mag.Lwunio-onl UP 8'.nd :1. tile en�ffiy stwids- -I hill imgv-d inam-eint-114(x)d rather.Vian am -et r SO'Ution. irfenVe -of, Hi--, love. ..all I diz.� - .­ I . . -6 ..to Ve I . 4 I'll. t t U's 1 1% 1. m7A e . 1144 41-0., -W WAI:. � -s. and thr&ugh' A field gl *nd- sees in the what othem woul4l #,a:r of him. He V 4 -tion. Was pabli,81 . led it Ativat antil th(. vtiulltell. all rtggr . - vl" ." AJ-ASKAN DVOUTE SETTLED. tbt- blA)od' biAunds.' I t 1.1 il 1;.i4sk All— Lt-f"thilt, 111#� �tyydwf Plinio r apptoacb,4 iv 9 killolvil to and th4 wholt- na- arpat distaned udes Would ftnowilit I for rijiit ra, His A.,egs Gave Out anC When Ho S&t 111A Lt. ifnr t oJ ty - eli-arl)- but -it, L4 e in-. V01,1kik fit Pieveti 8;-ts* of 4 lirds. olit. I& -f .1 Ing,'but has no id their numb`eOt VA -r than IX' t,(Ai I I t1-41 Aure; is exhikirated. PaVe (tun re I ife"o. "ilip, Iv ratlic-r i it, e , says: tell a�� t h in.. lo-rilliti-ly, thitt I ro- i.14' t4inged. a m "-4 kno� pu- inefrN." tile , "I ca P Down He Had no Control Over Thom Sir Julin:n Pauneetotoi- Has Ar tlim!­ Xnd -yet It is through a glass, . 112- Ills d a irr. N ref ely . know that 4 -It', ig a park -trail "Go V 44 1'(4 k-4 of t1w NO- 1 I Convention r4al'king the Routidary.'.' tw it -� e ra - rt Not - about then i k r0*14 4arkly. :%A,er set- not half of that cQm J14-ading the 31futilated loody wax esst -Dr. Williams Pink Pill& Loomewroitotl 0.1 ber." And so % -feel fiQo, h.t1f the there -re a gre. --of Vie priwin In'jitt kaft uneWred Ali ir. itiimo, j-4 pa Him to Activity. li-i4lotl sill it. c() t.- writts- a­kimt' ssionate face. Wit tin '.co out -iplvs show.tilil pft(,. t1lis" Nvl% 1*ork roqiii,rt -I'lie I big e� 8 owe i held that I lols'e wait John, without at to� unt. leoln, anti tit rff of that loving heart. ftor. until Thhn's iNP4 warm IWO that -no -us rush Into H ays': ;-A gre4 the.fi tilt bw Inp.. f roffi Uiftawa Sir Jathih tll:it partirular ".s%yer nas 4ACCtPfl 1.4 out-, s. r. 1&.%th to Itt too 'n 1. inpipeet folw It. it; xpl,)riii� shall, , i (Prom the BrockIrtHe R*wyqftr.) 1-tinlit Tilt $.Xl:#-1:ot it'll i"%: tilt- virtid-.,- IiiiA% h(l ;I rV 'SAA)II. l%t.Jirei-fdtv'- has itiforniviii th'- Calindi-1-11 t(i it, -(riliid su4serilxo�r­ spreaid arm -s. Th" be far- nian can -humber. -T414. lust.kill6m.. they Muld 1414*0%%, t-4ol .11�nistr�.. toffiviall p r� $:1,0 4 to .(a C, luldow Ah, -H. VIC sulo-' -ire tolt] .1114, who There are few nwft in Brockville or I 'I A(f, 11 wr :5 rt Ibv- C roll V -,v'.*tll:' t hit - 'llits nql­vvrtJ.x,,,nio,,n.t )EIere t rmlhl. alVen is a pJace -t4, tllf. V"llitit.mo f fir . . f. ve knovf- ntiop with flit a vor, tjJo1w-* ba: theJ ulti!l-. air hal!pinesp. at do %"",r -ungell a eon t -he Ullitio1l vash. reet'l-is a 1-18 Wt' 1714 �fol tauirlit t-114-111 the (11 relm- vle4nit.* better kiliovrn to Use ceneral t i.i. o -f That will b- 1 ubt 4t happiuess? ppiness, Jn- th's unit i -I spring i pt �i it, I :'it iact I re, SLiii.v-s wlwreby th.- Alask:111.1,pli, da ry :, 1pizzle pontainin - firtee tv to r, I s - w i t I I in 'of till toretlitureirik-tit. I#LI mro-r so - 4 n ji 4 . . - tanep.M4.1 Jesus -To whoin John ha'J P,1,11;- twot. $::Ill is 14, t litp. I'le 'tip I' , I - missing.,. an -i gmtrantf e' -t-irt unroldin­: The rushin­. world -is only, a I -fledged - t 1;4g -a (1,4 . . public. mid there 6 certainly no am -it clisp 9. t .'ni te* ths a inaziffli4 pciiifitAA thm ali Vt!- -XIC.,Ma-It lit f,ri #I-.* Aicy 1'.4lu1:bl,i 7gs... g T -I seront hissing I ring.- �(&f nr.n f(wh n I 11 1 ir ha i I#' t 4 P 'I wilt.) filled oui In V-iew (if -atl hidde.ii excellency. tlo"I�v p.oh. -144oni lie wa#4 hat thth f("4 -runner. it t T, r o tl.to, rwivf-llti�all' IwId Ili grov�atpr PoZeem by Ilia friendiiii, bro rom 1; t 4 -NG T# 'i If 1- I-VV13 4 tbr �itcher. f 16)--vriklnPnt li. lir.. T-1-6111 of Ili ito,n wf r4l,.�, virr (-fly. colniag ai;a'ln of.- It, iton- -, -ent Je-, avro oss it: a IP Tenehlngs.- Ch�rLxt- is. jrmato-r th:wi thwi Mr. T. de Carle, &4RL Kr- de Carbe I,.. ;Uartam. 11 4. oo- iii t'r. t Mvect. U.141 not in rags Ind 'in 'whicif Ilw water i aropped before 141atek "th-.it till- three On- -thesis tw(v a(Kert kinelits death buC-a'miftt 'a light we could, drink, I thrrit of'ekhil- wick441' ni(vi, believe Kint too. Ile. A- C&We from Digland to Camada fortyr t4o"plisit 4AII -and P b. -I. iowt.4tred la ill it n114:611t, joenury, if tl�t aglws be pg joy-.-ku�-h as itration. followed If s reac- 141-0ity ormiWii-mrov iaakit-b Illen rillir to rhar.soat vri,4-0 Fr 4 ut (isastrou 14)ur yesan- ago, locatft in the county ofts-r rupchilig tit('- Ft ks lit for(- JlHlj�v' Tyner itt IV -w ohs and pt)ml) and o biftmi. I Xei Wt -er go any. froin the shom. thi lit.6111.1111, and .1 lingtonl. none bul., in el t h e J4) !o% Itljwrlt:14� I (ill, lit l4ill."a A11111L.- :14" Va:l A(P-41 tj%4-r.lan,! linvic, trad ligmte" could tio ik. Tohe derstai i -hore,4 of -11141 It( -#I thrmio 11 flays In (I -a -glorified I It Aglilt yean lat*r he exlW ice, , Ob. to gaze. fou ulo'al th.. heaven. a 11111fP ior vingage lit ail), pleamire J1p(; (yf C.Iei4Arry. F tA-i Apriz,�-. (or lit- vall w3i'llo' ifilets. whit -11 ar-­ t.h.lJ1:,-rf (":g1li-7-41 48 was (4111clulle 1 oil'Satunh -, Feb. 2 rlei the I 4akes us to wa VVIiiCh ' We -tNIP111 110t 4VXlWCt - GO(I'M move I t Br, riBe &,nd n �ffi-vj. -1�y vwf grals: P*;,' oil% ir, that v lac6rated. ispon the sldp'� river. We s uiCh d lie grassy bank. re t �o )ck b" m& i;q%- funilAr. flat float.,.-niol ga thv..(x-vai4, anil wit :ts-ri%erW eutt Vernon it rins tjr* Mr., 1-:!Iis- jJ8 eepreseutt 1) y thit'. w a - 8 UI)Qjl the feet that. bl(vis1i4.iKtr(-ong )irinic wlil kZ.Id 11WO . . 1 1: . . , I . plerced, we -see th e waker �onewith ecas nil hin home here ever since. He estalao. 14,*vu, the Nc�b*ooil. U) i too Ill lie 11 6n With f trill. It'iti'll Tilt' contention.ti, r s is,. of tolli-.4 city,, and' General. Were Rai e'd; to sl ajid'ejoi�e ur). Ili - the lit) uw'it finto It ik :I falix- ino- - -ed o u '11; 1-: RA I or -I -,o l It i I v s. less waver But t Ith of the eitfes -was that Dudley. of... s 'held by tli4- ronto­ It -it S t'lle- catiadian rvio%( vresenef!.,ot Him who pray f r s.Ail* are, eniptied' it, and" t ri, Xher wh(* k-asis he'� clillot iiao error. I.Wed the lane marble busjn� aW nha r lliVshoul,t 1,;egin on NJ r. 4;artlen.hire thar e Abr. dtitit--4 on' th�- . m4urk b s are -- t r and unhealthy A wiCkei cmUi Ls IK,%U-r brolit-tt than" CnItTied M bY IAN OMM 1wre, and to �-;,akt-Nlj 'Fr,,)tn tite Liard. tilt. t h, vi'­Ioroa gilt., lit Utin. and, thought �of It!; 'by , - I rs I ­inwI tlis i44to the Frtulcos. hiVol-r, FrancPs Utke t t,,,.. - � 1. 6141 - or tlk - INI.- (of (I r kva 4 eptivo alif I ank. f -evanwar, lull. and k the sea,'.4nd agonfsecl,'fo-r 0oln the eitlialations `,spr i irorn it. and w t: kelit. -CiHristiatui inhy suffer 1111torli ill I I.Im',elf me of the most expwt stocoo- V gard e river'to-f lift- ftis life, but tK*.tn conivaro �-itlt ltii;of Uelly RiijL -p"the.4 Yukcmi... that thp 0cullill tit tiflo, sit *ul'l. loe-4-that thto­*** gim-ra e0 A- f or us Ill -horriblo cru 0 en. and die tan to -get an Ide Ah lit toy thl ftin) to einbmce . li� I �: I I %%-it to Daws -fill. V"Mlhilf S -110 .1141t loo*)w adVeotiNf. nleftt t(-- 111) Of ci lix i9h; fo ' f eef ­ e - CUUMI; In V.P DKIIIII11111M Of C&D&41L. iaron Ca s iwell.,Weeteil - At, run aeross tilt- Int*(.. ... (of 11 In of rkmite from, E. lihontan. aniltigif I-, word r -ILM. to) In heaven. t sufforisig of th tertilty. r* -1 vel --.'Peer, H -VI-V lit L. kle t o rps"en ta ii t1wir Tlvs�,itll­f-4 are-punivr 8 It I In the: reasle -take His. ll�Tid. vo k i as His w e gk' as of the Wketi "roW oc"ut* wt, way Ile i, almo vrel! known an &n axUet In 'g 0S .. e 'fat! TI.ero' are- a txAl 'inany purlages' 0MIZO e I s along th '�eav We thi ­k:;%.rvm,VIaf! th-dvase,f- 41110 xt"tl4l fifto: the. illainland .11 %%-,)1 to V s� 1p'll, o he was got a *50 teet. to run our finger e gears reui)ions of nk* to &.If* otber lin, & wid a, -i a draughtsman Wo I)otwoij-a- the foorkh (0f. thl" great dist"(-(%. - lillid. Vo-'if(cis".011 tnr*re.-- Jiw. 4% tiolution it] 2X-eents, 4f I ancient sUfferiij to say:.. ­Tbis -is' son* 'festal day t thi. When fath- Ample tg#,r*. will) lovc-ut 11hrtli K&It . 4 git U! for 'mt�' r -Vit ACTICA]. Involvilig* au a �and- -. Woult I r ft or paying few equaN and Tw Pupen lk it I If 4, fore is pf mir Iniportanci,� to the th'at. my jesius! - He gave Himse - 011 111h.4--flak-il In, wo-ro 4elil ";f 10 the er and motbVr. yet living. and Unites! S*tates'. the inaga- t -hall nev Th.4- jaineof Jesus tilted Ilert).1 witli evid,nee of Ui�t, ipi alifiai�drd In the fact IWAl or it r# ivAtw Ill sk"gilay. 100 11 1 tilt Jiros' .0 . a er leave h14 prt -nte. the childred (�an e A good time lit loo�vtipr.i T tting 9 The VniteI to tile illif'� for fi%e:,ye1tr.q ap(l :1 -at(III v:1111pil shall forever behold His g�k.)ry­ J'shal.1V 0 tow filitti s that., But -it h is drawback -all that whein tile "kstruc 4)on 1 trenti4ing. llewa-k so flaunted toy ti rillif-il intt-rf-A -in this latter loortion Itritl4lh retAining--thw. lybuil,fi-iry on -the t liptill. iiayn�ient of -�5 in ad- e n wqre . not thLir aA Cawidlwi Pacific Itailre" was begunt, "!1:, I ter ally hear His vol.:e. - Lord Joi;u e. . tuppiory of b4s gill, yet to) unwilliflig to --fifr & . %� ee!. I behold , -%yhere the. ivp Vitritit as t1je MoNsiall, tliat 14 lion.- (A-Alleill. exp* 11*1 it 'tilt-. t6 tile 2:k o' off. to sea and *ne 'was heard f rom. it rou t&N, a. ect limit (if ttlf,% (*bi!e()6t 4).is-, I tinits je hall now I s4te reice T te. b;' rv:idy- to forim sonitto siort or thint 40- A17, .(I I thn -, tile - -witwil te� where the Ars courit- e t too ;ff-) tt) Pt%loIN-011 CillY, Ix'1i0v14l9 they 'A%:Iiite pass.,', bi-c-t' Jim . klt,4 (o- Mr. 4.11* blood star Sir %wWc*-41 Fle�rnjsig, cider eaginess tuso. in Al is, testifif That sister—did ot fay her awa) * ed. (1.* w h P re, the'face was distork *-rv(, as It Neroet, or that gyemt tZA1u4_cmtjwMW ro" f! i� wabl I at. v. I"alik. (-t, wili fill'i nil tit" 9(11 tl'OY.-wi';Il with- 11ritish ii iso,-, tiw iin;. or (,(,.st, ,I:*,. s., . tirehased ill in t.fipr freshn�ss h r young 111*0 no.'rMicet. "the pr:eo aited. for. tfils- hour. I shall con- gobt w dtt h I n- . . %v. neve' in thi rld to took 1 out ta.kh�-sc- V:nt part of the journ*Y. 06bearvation was-fix0d'its oiis- rtinnitig IS 114 . hAvv o lifin. If indeel it inigh't' lie r 'more 'n hi2, No illore ludt�.I. that 4�uhn %,vas rititen, then lit, reqnst4ed hini tK) )obi Ills Mr. %wiv tf pmventifig. tJ.e - furtiker­e3f- n long t lip t, if! I if I ',I* tip ertise ever tdrurnity back on or e. her? Ah, there % ;i Fkeleton at the Fo S. of #iflver, Inie inn rket. is *ea k. on 1:0111i ta -ills. i ger.titill puhiiib*4 1p V, 'nients lookillK through -imlierfeet glaFses- N' iii IsurtiLer fear or what his de Carbb arcepted the po4tiiim Sir B19AUTIES 01P WHITM F6A S8. ThO detkJon, whilto-nilt f tirely witbout his colikilt-- feast. and Vars -igled with our 1111441 tkntpthe 'Indiaii import 04 tY move, studying -Thee in A,he dRi*.ne%s.. �stinas day. No, frieii:is Mig.lit tio to him, sitioe the re- 8"df<)rd'@ requepot, and remainied'vvillb d abinet.' ik regartiod Mr. 11;d1roli-phire, s;tit tile 1rut i . long " this thrdne s sic expecte . by� the C. as tinds and litughter on that fort r wil be- raise -I' "riot U111livitirl.- Ireast, Which �ha liw -to ld-�-inakaziticl lottilt. lils- I c1rciflation so with heaven's fortii weee.i;A) !, faio-torable concerning eo with if a vor' It was:'uwlerc. this, ei,�Irlastiiigjiyer flims, and.tho�z silons. it will bt Vie , mpwky for nitiel yea6m during 4n o4 t,':#. Crow;t I ni s i,rl- or %%it.it'i1i a. few 111011ths. and ar1A'rrdt':blbom, --and.- thv�-o- - arches of an uninterrupted dn(Iss. -Many 1.1 Alin wiciin lie ivotild tiame lolin. Therie The ct,norft' . stiav Route Offers. Ahat till- British (im'otoi , i (-iit wa 9 Christlati parent look around and vtiu illw') aa vxeuso ill this (-oil- Virlilch tinie he dmw twarly &11 tiw 1411*1 . rha:Ar tot Aliv.proorit victory remain -vu gfeet htilpe hea%*t'Il's, ent I Ito 114. t .4t )rwafrIlls-s-4 d"r tit - 0,111:1- tj -willre, ( iormous. (d 31init.. has wri ten j. oti at tilt .,r( "Ahy" lie Allsion nigAillut the'opiulon of wome ImMim of Uto rk)&d &.nd the plam 01 Sl.e rTifferi ig'flrd,iii inflarninati(Al ..i3ah.'Mitofstry. but It'wilm fiot fl,orwAill. .1 tilge -.Tyjier hiS decI8100- conque'rors. 4a. long- I shall see.Th ffind all his -child there. tti.r to his Iorotlwr '­11hig or tile ve, thl. Me"dall. t .101111 f -f all :Ittno:k twit thg, siirrvil 4-r. womil,l Ir, s,o, �jyq* ,P-' until last Friday. wfiet he Imued a Jesus of my irbolee. 1exas of thV.'somt. ;aye-, **can it be ible -that we arol tivit Jesus waK the I rlifff(* between Ottaw& and Tliva- Sk.w .1y r, -r , , 0, - integrity -of John -fiat] 0'.') .09 tilt! -fty" liph. falrever and.1 - .1) '? r- Pill. ill ex- IRK -it ifit fr;vuol'.-' il.pr,litis agifAllst lit! Woman's Jelous, of.lily triui all here—life's over. The Jo fluelizA. at.,f tit i.s o,+r­a4litfjr Yo f "r""l dur Bay. H11% wtvk was cmink"X111110d passed, an t 0 was a holy,lu.-ill, �:v*� A ra i I A l6cal pap ­r prints Ow face", dan.' an ne wanting? �Ivrod to sio-,� tfin terit w! fv`i *,iliaki-. 1,4-r riiocditloron o-rit- W441FI11, 6111lishing Comp: iy. nuil 1. If. ever, face to qtf-r" and tilt. follf)Wing Is -all. V TAKl38'V1RZ#.WIJPE. V -true Why -even the- digal Is- here. willilIg rjItller t* Uje betA dmw by wiy draughwaism In tral. ... .. .. .. . - Itiminvi, p0hiiii6r. e notice lie The Idea ot-the vett.is just a& _1 loop llig, life t.11ftu I. I VrOte t : * . . .1 . fVf r %11(� .% - . . --r- . 1� , . . sent to. PostMaoter Y Cott yester- wh Who I almo$t.gRve hi How Iorig he -fall to defewl tile holy law. His -1nis- the cc-auparty'o employ. Slum leavlag u8triatt - ' 0`uy trilo was a ve ry. I jard oilf. ovet -WYear Bricegroom' Tells -Gorisip� it]& low"s. that 'It if I nli-m "Inell ..q tj�e 'has noVeome. to some pass In life thor- despised rn­y..cou t grace hattl -4i()n-wlksl to prf.aell roilwll"Ree. I & I * .1 11 be n*o enapplied to God's providenet bu If tLe covmp*vq.,s w rr iw Mr� & Cwke It&* llft # q1 4 i n',* '. I V o t. orl� A00%. d. I Tit 11.1 V— 9 W7 Iff 114 . I lo th. of Lilt- " IIILP LVI I. 'A . as 7 'None of Their Business. uniphed. AtI A it(%. 111114.4 too f. atopile failed to fulfil stiverol t��-Jf�o :nn"(for w. elt Mr. 11�'.Ilis oughlyAnexpileable,:, jou say: What,. tri , ail here C Wha t -Is God'going to rhe mighty Joy t h the city- Let llig 1nisoji()1l. If h.. Kilared thdise III w1rh lived & zvoltired life, enjoytog & well- whirla were Emperor -igins, ror yoyiseive.i, , mere' '%vere doed thin.meanO I' 12, ­'Much gCkAdp Franels 7(,-;- 1. 11 iA .3,11OP-%tY rivd. 'thousand ljor." New yC;Ao, %ftl ry I tla with. ni i e now? He tells. me that a 1.1. thr. bells rilngo* Vhe angels men- Iplaedvi he may .:I'S, well Allive Ki% -ell 111) eanwd competelwe at ILW COW home . nu.-ol 11'riV, 001neiVoe. coullf til t e11111� (mt tho trall.-this fal.1, and ty':i-s created ill.* Ilw Marloir Jstrict of IN)) Ia -thtngs work-1ogether :for- good. Tit I,; tion it In their Wave It from tilt- fiel( for pt-ople will follow their in the %yeA end of tile town. Mr. dg P Minister. an -t ;kll.. With ti Vify �vsti rda'y by. the 0111TIVIE1111111t DIV RCE. - , F- L.. T11111a li(II411"tim 11ZIU1,1414111 10r pllii�, pjLck' 31-r�p does hot look like it." ' You cA)trtin I I All here!'! Its. I tier. 'y -... ­' . -- ut, -the top of the w Carle i- poweAed of a ri4WA donstitu- onstmstrol, to 1,44�.T,,Wptsk or torni, train tbal I'S'* 14 -ft, Or'-� I'll)"Ut L to'" 6'dllspen-,ation., afid after Ing Obtains -eedoru From to study� 'th NT more. brea I of Ileartstrin.9s. 'I'll' malit-P of Ilerodins wwi- high bine 'o-wark-- a Uq I* Spald 'lid ineRn Ition &id had nlwayK ev)ayed the 1"at log a new A,, olifig. thi� ir- 11#.)r ­ -e "I t" N awhile guess about - wliat but face to-faVe he orphans that .1inut tilt- hermIJ (if Chrimt. She hail .0" t. . oIle-141- f Jr - - I f 119 1" 'it jg. 'h 11 1w � re Her. m rellesF, W IVIC 'and. 1,1 � tiAng, , Nil titin itorf iiii-i wmti' -Mior Hpsban "He lrfio�a'ns to leach me thii. I think were left poor in a e' -4i(vopdel at) far in reachitig her rov- of Imalth Until the fall. Of 1896 I'LAD L top anol thin t1lou.,Qinr`l . . .. * - %%ri-f-k. . Tilt-. gassili w I M a many hortim-F. 'Iylllg for a s -1(oe- Cillt-ag"P.: Ill., *March I .—Mrs. Lozzle fie m"ns tit teach e th,4t. Perhatf;, wo, I ft(ld IK)4.ti01l. Slw Would not, readily tie wam odrick4ou with an affectia" Of %Iif0-Aj-r,4 xvi I eirawliwt tile current oo f rium f rid,' kicked cuffed of 4111stan, 0 thl.-t'ract-that it It; to) hdmble my pride. Perhaps it is hardships. shall their parents. -4 t y lit K. of I I tries Wnrrew yield W tilt- prchelter from tile wil-)er- tile 11111t*, wiliell u1j; 11 it him. hat or, convia .-d 'MURUNRE48 ARA LYNCHZD. ha*plo to teach nit, the uii certainty, aiwmt rirty �w thro - :ilklir 81 to -s - 014 to W I I Re 11114 wif to make Me feel more* dependeiit. Per- over. whose grav ey so long wept. c &I" It ooLJ tPilth-S. You (;anfi(it, itilagillo., th" X y-fiN .*yea - . o paldfug, tit(- formpr t, 41em. lie inight know the tioxtent' of Sp(qLILi g w.Ul a loo-.(.4ra�r reproilwat- lights -anti hurrors'that w4 -r - on'this 0111Y m1%ellt4"l-li.. -of enitit-zzleni0itt, -wag g i I i ted - ,I di and gazp Into glorified 'count- slier sin. to C ut after 'itli It Is only a. gue-sts tit KIIP would not allow hini &tiV(b tlb� Lother dw. the 0%tviverviOUQU died cigh life" B enances forev"r. e to- fact-- XV 0 t Yoh- V rtfi�er'H first.. -w0p Rob-: �rai',­tws raii. i4 V Tow. t I it. jig wree tq-ilivy by Judgi- i ibiwill-4 "Plic rent parts 0 4) influonop her captured prize,againott lookin'g th ough tht- gl4ss, darkly. Thp, evelifitt &111116 Three De*,perate Membem of the was SoAlf"thing Irot be ago. W . tlf-ep-ly &tfyk� i I 'prt-Aretiltig-4 hi eourUmon In( d If' thhn -assiires us there Phall be a witis;- maly clime up. fr difflei f Imwipen d too tic,i ulxxi thi, tier, foc.through him bilw hoped to Iw- t1w, rlrcuTnIt4MCw.0, cmtWCVd thfrw- kl,eriis Ro"t Gang Stru, 'i tile trail. Fir ty 11,4.-r. .,I fill pro­xArlttAt.I ' by'. ler ft nj I ri 11 tC-R Bible the ;world, 6ne f the land and ain i -t- rot f Oil - t ' his-rild Of ollqqll. ft . wms not'itntit.-al.out.threii, f iN factary onfqlding. "What I do thou other from 'the ths of the sea* "911)" (Illeell. I�he had ­& quar-rel With call I e t li, t,,rd in lit- QAAI wt". ari 6juld I)',- lKot undre( P W6.4 gran (I �Irs $pald-' ku 'wei -not how, but thou shalt knnw, tJr:l1il114t 114M." Iler llatrrd Iiii'n@ (ip*-p, tleta;ls ivi!rf- received h0re to-IfthV"t do - 1. iti Is ago.t.11tt-it, Ito- began to- take Tit.. dl%,or(!P %%-:18 filpil tfj- frani lives afflue nd prosperous. oi 6'1.aggt fajl," 14n 141 1W "nvy lqw� 1* &me to Rill I k , , -Racks or oats�.ac It. 11) erviorbilt, whir hereaftip -know why. Gad iiiii lier 1W, I ii -at &Vwn tit@ in the lienrJr w0unt �Alfi4l ally tl :Lily - ititero-st; 'in' tilt- affiLirs IlIg oft a r." You will from seenes of ed distress, but .1lurpow4i agalust him eruN. OW11 & CAtidit 4) t';At M ivnehing or d:�.,v lik I -or Ih,*vyvr, (-hit lt,:flid not pay t4o psi�.k,.thein ing th3t,011"' -took Lu Himself 'that -only child.. Neift, I I'll tia-ii lift b a fre- it -e was. a household of sevtn- we shall all me rapture and ju- Tle J( y a Horoa prov.-d hitil :Ilt4)- I tLwt Ito) 1�ower , %-,-r 'Llipm. I emAd not -to wan no 4imall ai - husbiltid had bv6n con-vic -d or a fe. Y. dqor.thei nt-ar the %vy(ilaing-Color�t. 1.01111ikvo, ill_lt mj�yt)ll- clill awp It Pei K4 IXioldti011 %V11MI M,,Ve 4tijeloil 41011d' way 4 r U4 QUwr, Amid Mims 111,tv- t)f th-ree ineilibers of t4w, t its, 'Itt tit(- htstwe.of Sjuildftigm eounfA I Gil bilee, face to fa Xr unfit Toir tile bl, tt rtv-rivo lidittlred bxe- 'fir""' . k children. Why not take one. f roil) , p )-. park U app.ntr on ered !w lif4d. , With bW intlitary oftl(v-ry wnp4 lutti,rally much alarnwid. I wan bd 'oswip -malol they ere goiii&o., to t Many. of out da have ent I 1,00r."t t "s anill of ollti.11% -8. wilifil hils 4141ii,m tour ronsi-hiii. al4d r MhlX1tl.4:4)r- tha group Instead of your.only one? itioi horso, fmool, that 'we 'toe.niarried,A)II.1; looth (U.114-11 theiire- dered to defitpit agahist Im. out the dwelling in which upon that Joy. w -days ago the) and leading men of,Galllee otbomit litin W Iry lye. %-ilikojiiiiiii- pta * li�. lit& intfulged In tile uw 4 intolicanto I&.. I fuLd rvad .4 t4wir curleg town ntaking that rp �lgw;ty, w4tlf.-, I was off4p.t.1 NeventY r i -at 9 gospeT %'(Juh for oopyoral yearn. lillusti6liell by their., for .; di voree 1heTe was only one heart beatiTig re- sat with Us' th io�se Ali' m wif or ri%-.4 of 41TAt#4 - 116t, Spaillijilg -A IIN wif litil lie Iivar tll#, meA iypeltufl arP I.olliss is. I,i)hn,-, ,1,r)flarj4 rf It, 11!44-aine kiiown yi-stt-riluy -t ' iatL Y.0, all.;ging -4k. Win. . To -day sponolve t . o yours. Why did (Ind give themep. the ly saw throukh a U wo, far tho slave (A polls- *A" � Piltifflar to initw an4 so I dwAdpd -11-alf, 'Way, nver th.- trall, tint refi.14M] tit#. e(liple weee nuteried Insit Shturt YeAf-ri"Ut ttl Will It* glass. darkly- revelation hath Si(Ill "N U) bP Pk'am'41 W lint-tio a inallf- td 'Xivil, tfilem & tr.al I purellaflood a won f'. Dernret 'an -1 one ijin­l;IlQ%V1T. I ... ay liewai-grouted n.Jt:iy i ot I%- you a child at all It He meant to tAku -trilarolers-41- a It oil arp-tolinj tof - Its- bt-iniT worth.inoro Ilight by lValtpr J-.-K%vpffield,� of glad - c0me- Your me will alto (41 1111iPeRr 10-f(VP hilli allot Ili" trartoiis- opipply (if tile 11116 wid f"ntn"wWA T%hii, iooepks ^go Johiinon ils. %vo 'conloln't -,pael: 1t. Ahswo.ror takrill i0the pe-111trnti. rc)r A pKinth It away?.W ' by fill the cup'of your tllo� Suntinit A yet, -come. God wili leave you floun 1119 0=111kity Und daum for tJL#ir taki Ilrein ace4v%Ung to tilrocti-oniii IX)v NVilliam Strang at Vitlen- t Wk nems,brimming. if He,meant to d"h It . LL 12.-` dering I w - the' d ess. You stand inerrimmit. 'A) villit)it 11ij gatilkfactine I i2only take'l thetu a VJKWt tilue tine 11loy's ranch in Wily nu ­y went awny oil a brier wetHiniir, -.1sarsill LollitsO.Erviii, ill' 1 114)111 sipal., tlown? NVhy'.allow, -all the7 tendr wonder In her. 1INVIdoloplAvloin to Ulm and his w1an I fou 1.11 1 waft r�Vainiug IjapiW) to purane .1-o,haw4l allot but, nottirned Wednesday idgl�t. (Oli your heart to' wind "ound. that ob- struck itmazed. You -trip spen t no --u; Of� le ninfirolo, Plif ud aA arilni+ #gii;1-y.esterdny, thitt lip bir him I III f1b West- . soua­ Ject. and then, when et :.r4iiio-rn81ty In rewardiult'her. lit- rash- tie use I* nly leg.. W vA em id ra i or 4 wt 0 Monday la -4t.' AI`r.'G, - beizli-d ev ry fiber tof -1 as if all the -liness of life wete walp alubushell and killpil "T1.4te' 'Wfio )i K toli- (if no reawni wily he "houl(In't wn life seemeid- to'be interlocketi Iashpd out. Y tand gazing Into lv %,towet'! to give lwr what she might UP Cilld CrOW Vie 01,11011i WithilUt 111001 frientl-,. 611-41 6.,' li, kn,Ov., where. Your o Mallk 114 ta on M�Jte� it 1*(. pipaW. ed Z writwt* al� wl, I' 'Oer 14th the ebild's life, with stronI�g hand the open chaiin he grave. Waft P %%,Wt, tilaWli, It W t4to half Of Isis tUfficulty -4-w reniarlp,4 t -o lily vv ife .111,P4 fie, lit, continueff tilt- p"rallit k rnn-s'L make lip tlivir wir.(1-1 Ui YILT' A h&tl - no fanilly. to- diijiwt,- lie * J4n1ol.*. -As to tear'y(ni'apiart. until you faU, bleed- little. In the nee of your de- 1�ijlgdm. To Itini ma hour'y jilfwaluire that tile 1111141 -,%-e dAng nw innob -bf ths, irmthtw4a. 1,.;Ig faj*Wf!ll to t.1 Wd,t141 - - rip calight three aud , i to SEVEN DISSATIsPI WIVID8. Parted and of who carries then, wnp more Mail half n k1tWI(MI. A yliching th &14 WOJP' 11104'eft,1111(ht. for Sim. (;nrilnpr. "who (kelinell'to IW, Inig and,crushed. your dweliling des ed, and i4le vrat. Ilmoth souq'rivA and 1. 0 ^frtil.t. # 11yo lit t1w. ' ' he 4, I� late, -your -hopes blasted. your h -tart in his boso;)m. shalt soon stane to e4lilrnirl plettNure indeed! Un- w I )ell 1 #4 ne N W -11th inLorviewell. MR xywf-d Iwr With The meem 44-vii-nty-fivio,' inilo liiallle.s"p it4ioll)10 fnqhl�i�t4*ff'r the aver- "dP- Th*Ir Lives Miserable ey Sought Di- broken? - Do. you suppose that Godvill face to face. 0 at our last hout 'fit to have the ditipto-vil 4 w) vnnt au (Jif tile line rfill- liprfatltpr anid aunt, -*Ilo vorce Two Wore adians. Wlwt eame I eould ulow my U111111111111 - age inilt Vc.; pay p rMIt.4:,o­)f'ro luxiirtes. explain that? Yea. He will make 11, may kindle up this promised Atitlitcmi he'"t - rlmilv, -having Wit- Jjx-(Xl1p ap lm% The requftt is aboult a wily. colig 601tilinwi taking Up- pil W i or $7 A day to 11 V4,f plainer than any mathernatical prob- Joy! May we ble to sak. liki it viii4ta- wtrie $4 humed, tilt! rereinony.' HP admil;ted 00troit, Maltll 1 Is wam it re. inadii, by Ow maiikvii- th4mgll pr(xnpt� nMtolt. alid toy t li&t titse I IlAd 90 X r4onfortably. 71mmko. Are In Dawwai in KI Jil -p Court.' lem—as Plain' os that two and 'two the Christian no g ago, depafting od by 1w -T mother. Ia) stuinned Vio Jill- amtrol of nly kv, ap I ever had -ijri _lui140%K di. d gainl.*rm aii that "11tere. In i g It V�, Ile' to Aispnrlty 11 e ri,phl (lay In the )ivor( "ThZitigh a p1lg Ia ve it] (Aht-r frm u-alking throuo arioun Hi�" tilat 4,%,411, tile effect of cuti*4 I,, invusti-if Ili a him t1wir agpw bolt that... I w, oiai(t did ilot IV-1till-li 'two twitrs Jud A141rielt I make fdUr. In the light of the throne f &V46WAA CA-01111pleVIly 4,ark4 you ar"' ills stroing drink tooetim4l bunialmd f( -)r never 1 A4 a pV Ill ot a I Wilt) are thriOng off tlw ItTill- any(ate 1110 Jew. tlinn VeVe`h. 01 atintip(l wlv' Will see that it. w" right—all the valley. the mountain tops of t 1W p;4- rallronall 101,W JaliollfillIC bf-t%vef'll 14. f Pee -from rVilni'the lionds (if inatr nony: Two- of right. .,"Just and true are all Thy ways. gleaming from p to peak!" or. liki- a mncwnit. (N)Uld 110 IlftVe emisidered sW(* Wbd &in ii-ov-V as WIN I 'ho ned Clieuvillin. lit. Coren. Tilt- er,4' Y. IF lom when tile m ­n w-pk ri laxat ion in The Romantic-1111Wry 6 f X&000.. t1w broken mnrrjag(-N ere Canatillill. Thou King of Saints!" my dear friend �*d brother, Alfre(! tunie mtonlitVit tile va.]UP of one� 'iiioul- he war, I attriWite MY ON* en U reW 411for, no wers- itivippegiief tl.e aab.o-ts aml dalle-- llall,4, wilt r.- tlWT Mrange `dij4vo'V'ery of bank notem Rptta. from IttAx-rt F'. - eDon it Id, niar- Here Is a man wjio cannot get on Cookman who k hig flight to tho m Itr d asked too Dr. 1killiam-' Pink 141hL SWO % 9140or'p; tior-4. louts lavi-LrV ;irovvn, thvir rlAf In the world. He always seems to throne oi God. g in his last mo _ht have arild she Ila i1balAnty V) Ilk) w). Falmn , Ila*- N -4,1i wiwt'lake oolwIter when t" go Into lilts Im-ea ma�olki at Pit$lemililln, -if Al- faille , ypars ago Brantford, Much. But nt). 1R)w coulti lie -who hao hLva Wen VIP PillN ths tt)wfi. pllsira* of 11q.rW refretilhinents - buy at the wrong time and to sell at nient that whi as already gon ollt,; w1fr ehitrged Ito mnirt : one collpf nlwon Pir as are-deedei. Not 4)119 -#in ep I %IW WNAF 4 4 in 'it am lairl­ llear. okloll t I Ic flit -on the worst disadvantage. He tries this Into Christian c s. ,I am swe wreeked tile bappin(wo (it 1111t owu aw- 44 In Itigh Af4 fl.'fr, Mild tilt! l`MpplY -A41 reNitlk-ik -Itatilt.41-V - -riek w)ll enins her -living it (Trpmniaking, wife ond aiso Iiiii li-rothor's think upon 8c4 too 4111111111111, jv�waiooflaseljy. % -1011ifori and -r __p So P%iitee ail I t redf 4 Tie NIVI 0 A&ht A., T r( I. 'Mitrr, I cnterprise and'falls that busine." and ii.g through the rly gate, war-hed 'alue nt n Nmil ? He did not ineas- @AVmQ tile. Prat ever it..(! I frrni thin M1111- f'wh~ allow' f ' o xhati ic )m Willialn Ay w1w -�Icfl. In - IfIn Ilmillft t fi nar- t1w A Oat. thmigh AIIIIJeet V) a co-in.4tailt IIV a-val tw a smokillig voled. in 1893; hu"band chn rge: I witil 1.4 disappointed. The man next door ill the blood of Lambl" kl1)9d4`1M tillit WIky-o TI)4%rq-q 0. Cent" f(Ir t4le orflinary I to him has a lucrative trade, but he .111101 few I fijrtlwr ordpra have been plartoif drain 0 rrp(InI, and w1i1c-JI 1le - tLilowe(1 II(Ax)(ly 'ovrnlng and operating (inn rrelw)npo lacks customers. A new prospect f(we 1w cowArdly emw%ntad. r."Ier is J wk! one dollar for MC(Aell." to rnter. Till.% al)artntent haiq Juni* dl%po.gltioll ; Cettertitin a d. tion-Vapport. opens. His Incomo.is increased. But Sonday Melt er— - aiv for I Lt M to 141 k saw t Yen, 0111 pol Inno( nt, blood bi.-en eleareol. out- and lit 'a hdx #46Wf"'I 0 Ttw, P(Aski tonislot mays, that Notes. 11 that year his family are sick,.andtht- dren, Go -I mw!e U. -.11mmy—No. He Wan eammntor tile Jeom of a d"ok. .4, a Ill-a4led by It. Ito"- away, iq a eupbonrd, bank notes too �A "M kind of appki, red within an profits are expended In trying to cure llorrifle acher—W-wbnt? cm e(milany or incur tolip dimp -11 am W10011t, flax til NPAII I i p- In 6( 1 t clinfrip. Nut i iiwwarri-41 in tile llartiv-i I(!1ILV'l1g I)Awwm City on the vaine of X8,6W, -werp AW..nv o-pki. %vf the ailments. H@ gets a discouraged -lillinly "oNd 44 ImiCke iny Pa. Nth of a iniurderous wonlam. rt-aclitmi Vl&neouver Welstnihwter Gazette, look. Bocomls faithless as to gue. snym Filio's matlep.1 it What lie Ia. The faithful diw-ipift fe&Z" Ni" to? orado. lo 111F' Vt P ilk Jllij1111111111111