Lucknow Sentinel, 1898-02-18, Page 44 alai& rho LucknoW Sentinel, Bruce Count./ ride's Pebrual", 18 h 111.111110' _ t.. emmuomm AFIELD COU NCI L MARRIED Mot Feb. 5th. Metuhers all present. Minutes of previous meeting read and Fowled. Chequewe- e issued for the following amounts Municipal World for 6 copies of said pacher and stalup and pad for u4e of auditors, $6; auditors etch, $8; Wm kcArthur stationery, $1 ; D McLe0d covering culvert on lake road, $1.50. The auditor's report was presented and duly accepted. Ey-law No. 6 was read appointing the pathmusters, fence- vipwera, and poundkeepers as fol'ows : PATIIMASTRRS Joh* ffaesilt.n Jas M.KnLbt. NfeSee, tlirrin, W. B. Grtbsan, N1OWhinney, J TIgert, Jaw.t)liver, G W ,%% in. Jae t'. rnaliue, .; lteneett, J as McConnell. D Jardine. B ',u4'ii, Thoe Stewart, R •bt Fin iiren. F Haeden,',1 Au/veni- son, Th e Blake, 8 Wejer, J•.hn tirittin, Pat Wm. 8.c1 ton, W Limn .n, P itaid, Win freleav. a. R Blake. it 4141, .1 :4t...thers Jas. Brown, W Smith. %V 11 itetst, J Lane, It Lee.. J l'oniobe!!.J Mull". .1 Gardner, R Nixon, R Andrvw, A Muidn. D Anderson, J Baird, I) Az tew, .1 Helm, Jn., Helm J B Mcliensie, K NIcKeezie. P MeNay. P Doyle. I Enelgn, 4 Molienz;e; .1 K McDonald, A hicponai.r„ afeKenlie, 1) Ratherford. 11 Chambers, A McDaraey. K Hamilton, Geo Hutchison, J ('.win, K NicLean, A Me- Intvrei, S NIcNain, J W Murray. tWalla/dep. • DartinN Knehen Soil:tile:to 1 :4ytie. Jas Dreanao, MeNamara,ln . Da'..io ie. It Mc- Intosh, Joe H,:kett, Pas1. rho* 1)rennsn, J Fe.ales, J Loci4, .1 McDonald, D Fs-rish, T 1.) %Wallet:bar. A Mc. Dermaia, M t RieUy. $ Scett. .1 M, Whinney, N J ohnot, n t•t'oe nor. 1" Steel, ' tizar. J Cranston. T Stoth Wenn, J E OA' .1 1.ofitiy, C Lumbers. n. Wni Nice .:1 eN1 !ll. Pr Altman, D McIv M .4 iCh, 1 Boy.. J- 4.'ourtury, F Tre:eaven, M Richards- e. ; 114„,„„,,r l'ongratu, A Bova. E T 1xtL..n J H Gib.ii. $ Ki‘.ett. Ve'vter, Dineen, .) in, H Blake. T O'Connor, J tal A B Hawkins. saxes -viz WERS J Webster. J 3 11 teckett, R Finlay. M NIcLeuinan. J Black. III "ail?. A Dreany, R CJ rick..r i.semaao, e owell J Lane, .1 bteeruss J 4Liv.ii01 John Mc I nty re. POE' NI) KEEPERS J Mt:Donne/h. 1' Rev], J Mick. J McDonald, J k5 eerier, ti liaerir:aa lid John McIctyte. Next council meeting Mari. -h 19th. F Scott, ,1 Thom kilpatri Ryea..7 Ksnitolv. W H I kit... it 3 Sullivan. W Diekain. 4' 1)1.1ter. A A Droanv, J RAI, 3 1' ,:ritti.., E HAMI1.TON-cox --At the residence cf the bride's mother on Jan. 12th, Mr, John Hamilton, of Huron, to Mary Jane daughter of the late Mr. James Cox, of Kinloes, by Rev. A McKay. DIED 11.kMIL1'ON -In Nlimico, on Monday. Feb. 7th., 189$, Junes Hamilton, aged ti7 year*. MeINTOSH-In Kinloes, on Friday, Feb. 4th., 1898, Mrs, Peter McIntosh, sr., ailed 80 years. Oubscribc for. chow entiti.l. Ont Vollar aunt'. 131". Aftci'. Wood's Phosphodins, The Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggista in Canada. Only relio able medicine discovered. biz package., guaranteed to cure all forma o Sexual Weakneso. all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry. EIN.1414IVe use of To- bacco. Opium or StImulanta. Mailed on receipt of pries. one package SI. six. 55. one will pieuse. Sita Wia Cure. -Pamphlets free to any address. Tim Wood Company, Winding, Ont. S, hl in Lucknow by Dr. D. ilI. Gofr do)/ , Druggist Logs Wanted AT THE Spring LUuKNOW SAW MILLS The highest price possible will be paid for hemlock, soft elm, basswood, ash and WI ch logs, delivered at the mills. Log s must be sound and well cut. All parties indebted to the undersigged either by note or book accounts at e requesteti to call and settle the same before the 15th- of January 1898. James Lyons. A Porous Leather "Kidducl z"- which evaporates perspiratfor. , keeps the foot dry, warm and hardy, while shedding water like a duck's back. Can be had only in the $4 and $5 grades of the Goodyear Welted - J. G. Murdoch & Co,, Agents Linens Tweeds Cambrics Flannelet Prints Sewing This is the season to buy your Spring Staples. When the spring goods arrive, a great deal of our time is taken up showing Dress Goods and such like, and the Staple Depart- ment neglected to a certain extent. Just now, if you call you will find us showing a fine Tarte of Shirtings Lawns Muslins Coton5 Cottonades Sheetings fiB Pillow Cottons Ginghams Wrapperettes Etc Etc 7 to 9 v. ro. ip*Ha*Ifie****113a9a-**494k. op THE CANADA Cluarantec Pro,:iPt sh1P-. 11Fp it SALT meats. ' .s (41) 01. ASSOCIATIOS Finf • "I" ')( :-.112‘1 • w salt. * Cointon, Ont. * For Table or Dairy 940 : 1.5.: COLE M AN'S N• SA LT. . . • , ,y; -7,4m,‘,4.4,-*****4444641414111406v CONCLUSIVE PROOF. PIP001 a Wall Known Citizen. silly deciliter Pofiy, bad for more than a year been tronb ed with severe symptoms of kidney thmsase. She had constant and acute pains in her back. The pain in her head was fearful and alenoet unendurable. It frequently pre- entedher from at g school. and she found study at home pr sy impossible. She had Do appetite, and Slot sleep well. The pain was very severe aroc:id her heart and she wail much troubled watt Stuttering and palpitation. She was completely worn out in body and was tired and drowsy all the tone. Her mother and myself became seriously alarmed as she was constantly getting worse. -Last July my daughter Sarah, a teacher in the Public School as Kingsville. Ont.. came home to spend her vacation. and finding her sister in such s distresainof and daogerous condition. /said. I am taking Doan's Kidney Pills and they are dotng me much good.I have • box with me and will divide with Polly, which she did. By the time Pally ha.I finished the half box her improvement in health was as marked. that I procured more from Mr. Pmleigh's drug store. Her full restoration to health and 'spirits was 11MCD. GOR rapid and continuous. She has now non M.S., Dd. her former dangerous. painful and distresili:g 1aoll 4. 11-7,7j_ i;new katiey troubles. She iota id sleeps well, and ii.9 bbxfr more than a month enjoyed the most vigorous health. She hits not bit a day at behind atflieschooI since she commenced taking the pills. o -and ham 60 mach faith in them since they . D 1-y1j:sowe4 her to full health that she wants nae physiciall? theyiokeeipi . d 13 sizboae in the hours all the time. in t_thaveilable. ToliontoVuiverSiger cwonderfulsh4: inka they yiglSittrge4.114 '1 sill cure any complaint If the pill had cost tablet to di...ases 410.00 a box.. I would not have begAdged the USU. in A islioney. The restoration of my daughter to full vovfore Jan. and strong girlhood, from her former P. erica' sickneea, etc., has made ber mother, --*-7=7"----=------=--cieyse11 and daughter a happy family. sod • I make this sworn statementwith th wie full probation of nay wife and daughter. yolni,- --wily and without any urging or inducement hataver, 50 show/ the gratitude my daughter, ife and myself feel for the wonderful cure ught by the Doan Kidney Pills. We have t the least donbt that her trying the pills ,st at the time she did saved es a large 13ctor's bill. as *be was all but sick abed at e time. I am eixty-two years of age. a car- uter by trade, have been a resident of SL ory's kr forty years, and county constable r thirty leers wad am well known. and I make ts solemn declaration believing the same to be true. and knowing the same to have the same effect as an oath. and aceording to the Act respecting extra Judical Oaths ISM Sgd. WILLIAM IILtOWN. Taken and declared before me at the Town of St Mary's, in the County of Perth, this 55h day of March. A. D., 1896. WM. N. FORD, A Commissionex in High Court of JusSioe. Ontario. 4rolte to Crnittors /a the natter of the Estate uf Arc/li6a/4 Ham - atom, late ' the Tabersa0p oj Riarw, sn tAs Coolies, of Brure, Yeoman*, Deceased. NOTICE IS IIRRLBY GIVES rtm. sua.nt to the orfvisions of the Revised Statutes of Ontario. chao.110, section 36, to all _-reditors and .,ther perenns having claims againet the estate of Archibald tiamilton, late Di the 'Township f Iluro. in the i'ounty of Bruce, yeoman, dreea.,-.1, wt died on or about the 17th day .4 Mareh • D., 1897, to send. peat prepoi.i. t,t . hver to S. Hamiltess, of the Township .,f Huron, County •f Bunco, Lucknow Poet ()dice, the under- signed executor of the said •leceased, on or be- fore us* 20th day ni Feb. :text.& statement in wefeing of their nawe.. at:gi addresses, and fnll particulars of their cheiu.. d demands aad the nature of tbe any) hold by them. And notice is fur -her that after the said date mentioned, mie prota-ea to di$ - tribute the wets of th • ,4i.1 deeelsoed among the oeteons entit1,4! having regard oaty to the claime .f w -.1.h notice has eves as above required, and tt he will not be liaSle for the said aerei.e, or any part there -- of, so distributed to any pervon of whose claim notice *hall not have been received as aforesaid, prior to the time ot such dietribu Um, J. S. 11 \AIILTUN, By 111" ;H MORRISON Ilia Solicitor. Lucknow, Jan. loth., 1. MAPLE - LOGS! WANTED.1 Upwards of s00,000ifeet of maple logs wanted t our mills, Havelock street, Luck - now. As usual we will pay tha highest prices. Mitchell Bros AUCTION SALE Or Valuable Ferro Property in the Town- ship of Greenock, Co. of Bruce. Coder NA by virtue of the power o/ sale, soctained in a certain m .rt.lao wide by one, James O'Neil to the Venanr, stow Tin default, aati to be produee.1 at time of sale, there will be Eassed by Public Auction at the BLA.CK- HOitSit HOTKL, in the VII.% tGE OF KINIA)138, roe TUESDAY, the EIGHTH 1./AY OF M.tRCH 11498, at the hour of one o'clock in the aftersoon, all and einAular lot Number Six in the V1.4 Concession north of Duritant Road in the Township f Greenock. containing 50 acres more or lees. The snil is Bald to connist .4 ifixxl clay loam, sla Alt 25 //Cm b •iag ctivered with bush. Erected thereon, are said to be a lo„: house aa.1 hare. The pro.,erty is situate 01 the main g ray el ...Aid in a good' locality and is well watered by s spring creek. The preyed, will be offered for sale *object to a reserve bid. Tombs: 10 per cerit...f the peichale money will Koplin 01 be paid at the Wad ,s1 sal • and tbe halaoce according to favorah'e terns; and onadisiations tsar lire so& know.. Nerfedher particulars apply v. Z. M. CHAUW1CK. Wilanstov .t. E. T..nnsto, Solicitor for. Vendors. Aid at Toronto this 2tith day of Jan , 15911, cliRh aterson's iscuits! e fine flavour; ot too hard. I often; I get them ; ,now they are al- -eXeule,N ige 4 FOR SALE OR TO RENT 1()RICK DWELLING HOUSE, STORE, III good store house, driving shed and one varter acre, in the Village of St, Helens. busi tires etand; possession immediately. MRS, R. MURRAY, St Helens, 'Jut - - Wanted -An Idea Who can think of some simple thing to patent? Protect vi,ur Ideas: they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO, Patent Altos, nark waim,ington. D. 42.. for their SLOW prise offer aAd list ot two hundred Inveations wanwn. AI L DAVISON, That Touches The--- 11"LEOD'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR. Weak and Impure Blood Liver and Kidney Diseases, Female Complaints, etc. Ask Druvgist or write direct to al, M. urei,o0a, ()it. NW FURNITURE WARE ROQMS. -Having secured the premises lately occupied by G. W. BERRY as a Furniture Ware Room, I have recently fitted it with the newest, de signs of all kinds of Household Furniture. As t3qu lity, they are unequalled. The price is - away it..wn. Att goods are tought for owl cash, therefore I can sell at as chew a price as any person in the country. Why buy in To- ronto and pay freight, subject to damage, when you can save thie at home? When at a. T. DAIVSON'S inspect and be con - ;inert". HE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT Is co Rim ted at the obi stand, which bah heen entirt•lv renovatel. Your respectfully, itc. J. G. Murdoch & Co. Sold by Harry Days, Lucknow. M. CORRIGA S IsTothing is Better Is the place to make your selections in CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, GROCERIES & PROVISION I have in stock the follimiitg Apples Blacking Black Lead,: Blue Baking Ptiwders ihrley, pot Bath Brick Beans Brooms Baskets Brushes Bistuit Coffee Confectionery Canned Good.. Cocoa, Ch3colate Corn, canned Corn meal Currants Currie Powder Cream Tarter Cocoanut Dates A-1 Flour a Dried xpple Extracts Firs Fish, awned l'ish, dried Gelotine Gingers Hops Honey. Ink Indigo Licerictil Lime Juice Lemont) Lampe Card Matchea Mince Medd Meal • Macaroni M ustard Nieats, canned Maguepda lways on hand. Sutmeg 10i. )j94:sweet 10141c4 3,:stur 9himsi Pails •PIIJei PeOs PlIe - Pepper Riee Flour ith a 8 nee se 4130 18 Soda 84 olipll Spier II Starch Strawbenies, Ca131111, Sulphers Tapioca Tomatoes.canned Teae - Tobaccoes Vermicell Vinegars Wasehboards Washing Crysta Woodenware 1 Whiting Dinner Sets Yeaat Cakes Dinner Seta Tea Sets ' Water Setts Creani Bette Berry Setts Toilet Setts For general use in the kitchen, or in tact in any house than part of the now big aany AA' o'o(,d the owls the away Fs ia ear - Enamelled -Ware. h takes the place of china and is UNBREAKABLE. We have a latge sto(Ai always on band, consisting of Tea pots Drinking mugs Water pails Soap dishes Soup bowls Jelly plates Tea steepers Tea kettles Drinking cups Saucers Basting spoohs Sauce pans Water pitchers Wash basins Chambers Dippers Preserving kettles Dish pans Soup plates Dinner plates Pie plates Pudding dishes Rice boilers Skimmers Soup ladels And the Drico s are right. 111 • •••••••••••••••11••••••••••••••••••• *••• .1041•••••••••••••••••••••• Thomas La wrenee, Lucknow, Ont that Motor *side $ re - DOW Oil .the rill be tbe e con tnable it of «orn l'sei I' I I OSPII0I)IDITE: The Great Enallsis Remedy'. • Ilickapes Guaranteed to promptly, and permanently cure all forms of Nervous Weakness, Ensoiss,Sperns. atom/sea. Isspotracy and all effects of Abuse or Excesses. Mental Worry, excessive use of Tobacco, Opium or Stints. Before a nd After. Ian ts, sehieis soon lead to Za. *mit y, Insanity, Convensp?ton and an early grave. Ras been prescribed over 35 years In thousands or eases; is the only Eeliuble and Honest Medicine insole*. Ask druggist for Wood's Pbosnhodine; 11 he offers so worthless ipedicine in place of this, tnelose In iter. and we will send by reittirn • Price, one package, $1; six. $4. Oft41 peal% aa trai ear*. Pamphlets free Welty addreaa The Wood Company, Windsor. cont. c,aassia. Wanted -An Idea VW eon tan* uf soros, simple thliag tAJ Went? Mgthey may Urtag TOU wealth. P.RBURN & CO Patent Atter- D. C.. for their gJo otter (trod inven,.--e • • # • • • • • • • •,41 • • • • • • • • • Trt a Canada Sat AssockatIon _ CLINTON, ONT. Guarantee prompt shipments. Fine. Coarse or Land Sah. F,r Table or Dairy use COLEMAN'S SALT . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2U1-07-orgrtit uot o too :ix W• H• Cash, Photographer, LUCKNOW & RIPLEY. A Haying rented a photograph gallery in Ripley, I will visit that village every Trunday. Any- one requiring photographs can do better than call on me as everything is first-claris. Photographer to ".41 Her Majesty Queen Victoria. Her Majesty Queen Isabella, 'est Mary Queen of Scots. I Her Majesty Queen ot Sheba. I 1 01P••••••••••••••••••••••• In Lucknow, my gallery is fitted no in the latest style, hav- ing recently purchased a new out- fit with all the good improve- ments. Cell and get my prices and see my styles, which are the very last.. W.H. Cash mbalsaiag Preservitg and Taking Caro cf Bodios a Spec- ialti. The Embalming Fluid, material anti ai- 1 oliances used have proven to be the tnopt -ffectual that have ever been used for the leapt twenty years. girPietnre Framing and all kinds of Re- pairiny done at the old stand Photographer, LUCKNOW & RIPLEY, xxicomasamt-Ar WOOD, FOR SALE; Tug UNDkItSIGNED HAS FOR SALE in the bash int iota 14 and 16, con. lo, WPM Wawaresib, two hvindred cords f,11 g..(si Maple wood both green and dry, mostly 22 inches in 1-ngth. It will be mold in lota to „nit purchasers. For particulars apply to THOS. TODD, BS Melees P 0 4140,- • MoKEIVIZIR Baker and Confectioner. Dealer in all kinds of Groceries, Canned Goods Confectionery, Etc. Bread, Buns. and Cakes . . Fresh Daily . Flour. Oatmeal and Corn meal always on hand BOAR FOR SERVICE MILE UNDERSIGNED WILL KEEP 1 for service at kit 17, con. 13, West Wawanosh, a ten -months -old th3roughbred I u.proved Yorkshire hoar. TERMS :-$1. For pedigrees and other particulate apply to THOS. MILLER, St. Helen. PHRENOLINE REMEDIES Taking the lead everywhere. We are working day and night to supply the demand. Our correspondence shown that hundreds upon hundreds of poor sufferers are being restored to health and happiness daily. Try Our Rheumatic Specific or Kidney and Liver Pills. They are aleolutely pure and health- ful. Guaranteed to cure Rheuma- tism, Sciatica, Neuralgia, 1.umbago, and all forms of Kidney and Liver _datroubles. Beware of spurious imitations :Manufactured on Honor and Sold on Merit only by . . . . co FOR SALE, A BARGAIN ..••••••••• t'llrniturc. Furniture. FURNITURE Bedroom Suits, Bed Springs, Matresses, and Everything in the Furniture Line. ,1101.11N/MOMMi• Window Shades, Curtain Poles, .01 Pictures & Picture .01 Frames, Etc, Etc. Repairing and Picture Framing. and a Full Line of Upholstered Goods. 1144111.441111/1444441 !MIND SPECIAL CLEARING TRICE TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE containine 12 room., also a shed and stable, with one and five•eighths of an acre of land, situated in the village of Holyrood. The owner requests all parties indebted to him either by note or book account to mettle the same by the 10th of J anuai y neit , 1898. NDREW SHOEBAUTTOM, Ilolyrood. FARM FOR SALE 100 ZING LOT 7, IN THE 9th CONCES- M, sion of Huron, containing 100 acres good Lind, all cleared and well fenced, and two miles and a half froth Ripley. There is a large barn with stone foundation and stable with43sy fork in barn; good orchard and three wells of water; frame house and kitchen, and eight acres of fall wheat iu the ground. For further particulars apply on the premimes or to MRS. ELIZA MARSHALL, Ripley P 0 so net you need NOT Or. TAMS ASTIIMALENC vURES pSTHRIA IT l'I' all night gasping for breath for fear of ouffoostion. Pend your name and FREEaddress we win mall trial bottle Our Gndertaking Department is Com- plete in --Every Respect. Lawrence 84 Johnstone In • (;rein and dry wood wanted irt exrbange LUCKNOW Embalming is our Specialty Calls Promptly Attend- ed to. Lucknow. fou 14 11 rIti o. arolmmoommorr4.4440m. ;ENTINE!. Subscription price $1. O1 pse) Tfr Our job department is fu y equipped, and we (19 fine job printing at lowest rices. For example :--We will give you 500' first-class envelopes, with your name and address printed on flit corner, fin $1.•25, and 500 noteheads with business advertisement printed there- on for IS As The Sentinel enters ate best homes in the Counties of Huron and Bruce, itnnot be excelled as an 1ad- vertising medium. Bes des, or rates are the lowest. Call and get our prices. I BIN As usual, we have received the very best arrangements with the, leading papers of the. Dominion for special rates during the dubbin* seasoc.. Cali and get rates. JAS. BRYAN, PROP. R. P. Somerville, AGENT FOR Allan Line Royal Mail Steamships and Dominion Line Steamships Tickets via New gork and Montreal. Call at Express office and get your tickets. We will secure berths, check, your laggage and do every. thing to save you trouble and De. TAFT BRO110841 ADELAIDE ST.. W. TORONTO. WIT. make you comfortable. atillhollalissusoo $ d ham for tbe g our High si the Lel E for loseph achnot: J *mei of this stinity In all lines of goods from now till the 1st of February, preparatory to stock- taking. ? I The' owner a watch or clocg then it im 19 yntir interest when get t$ng it, repiiirsd to place it in the landg of the most skilled workman +III can find. This you wi:1 do by $ringing it to R. KNOX, Watchnnker, The goods sold by him here and in inghain from 1871 to 1879 are giv- g the best of satisfaction still. Re- tablished in Lucknow 1894. Please. member the place, in the old stand ext. to Mr. Lawrence's and the ex- ress and telegraph office. His stock )nsist: of efd and 1411ver Wistrhea.('lorks Silverware, Diamond Klass, Wed. ding di Egg:women,Charm preaches, Ear -rings. Itrarelet, Ate Pit rings and Itairf • IKNOX, WATUTIMAKER WM. COINELL, - IMMINIO441=44,1444.444,44/ • LUCKNOW. Better Than Ever Before A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever. And t iere is not anything in the home that gives the Cheer, Comfort and Joy, that a . BEAUTIFUL COOK OR PARLOR STOVE does, *old there is a large and well selected stock of the se beautiful stoves at the 1-OPULAR HAR.)WARE, that surpasses any previous as- sortmont that has ever been on sale, and it is to the in:erest and profit of thoss intending to pur- chp,se a nice stock at a low price, to call and see the goods and get prices. All stoves guaranteed. D.C.TAY LOR, LUCKNOW. "wsmaillm_eusumwell People must Have Groceries The greht, question where to get them. We keep tbe bes qualities to be had. We don't pretend to sell them below cost, but we do sell them at a very close mar& ill.. 11'M.A.S Black, Green and Japi are. unequalled in quality and prices. You will save from 5 to 10 cents er pound if you buy from lle instead of tea peddlers. Colnpare quality tad prim). CROCICMECY- We have a fine assortetesit cf dinner setts, tea, berry and toilet .4etts very cheap. Call, exam me them and get prices. Plj°13-i&P All kinds of flourEaulfee3kept constantly on hand. Goods delivered to any part of the tx wn, 0..A.S1:1 (-IRO C MR 13 0. r., t T, CUSTOM TAILOR. Allia's Block Having opened out business in the room over Mr. Wm. Connell's dry goods store, I am prepared to turn out in the atest manner and lat- est styles all sort ot work pertaining to a first-class tailor shop. Satisfaction always guaranteed. A call snlicited. To enter my rooms please come by way of main up -stair entrance of Allin's block. MUSIC - TAUGHT. Lessons in Vocal and instrumental Mmony McClure and Malloughi usare tic and Har aught by MRS. M. M. KEE, at her residence, Gough street. For terms apply at her home. r t • g very al task 1' SIM. he an el the oral be 'Vogt Ile ban poring plawdat el Yr, tease* 1, The of the Alt. Illiof 410 s a few JsJsthis ton a the• tit the those Inlay im grow ia that irziA tbe a hold *Ueda when - we in @hal Alki" A. All* B. Alt* leen I by te. • got, T., Ober% raw al p 47-