Lucknow Sentinel, 1898-02-11, Page 311. it t �J' W_ bwe so RANK IF HAMILTON Xr .04 ytoterday IRad- 910 r"SILIWATIWAL LBS00) —bl'-) U1 8, 1: is. VBBRUARY I &""UUU"UUJL -L&LAJ 11WAVAsa.- UL= 11cliffe, tilt, 111111glutu Ott A III,. Cell a;i4l lQok4-<.l �Iini over. When. lie unconceriledlY, AK"' RHEU of I It^ j%lIiwm remarked, or " Use of ST. JA008@ IWI-- The Cream ot the N ews of Phe Murderer Pays the Last' ­Tkat's hatk-liffe 00 "In,11 JvIJ0 in St The Call of MattlieW.—M&I I - 9:9- .1 oripples and god, ,edgo_ fe,,oences ()hronis Ipg tAw'I;4lng (ligells. all, Strikiing Dif Time.—A. 1). 28. place._.­_:ipuArna till) the detalLs of t-I-niorniw's tragmIS o Ridden InflaMMIll'Ory Seyen Dap, Dread Penalty, Avit,, ja.ler (Zook, and liad tjI4., opera- al Character* pormxw.—Jejuo. The dlolPles. Mat re's no Denying, to ilim. rilld, in ation thow. Phariswit. John's olidelPI424'. The I Z - titm Illillutely d_*WrllX1kI rp"t"ll to - I i *if - 11.1n4w —1 IT CURES. whelt. it war, djqte� itwingly a- __1W . LAkiinniontury.— IF - tile 14,1119th lie Would have tO drOP- KM AIUVU94" AM TM FMC16 Tho larger 1*)rti(mi of cb, Aerp; viii.. W.Andmw Ptittullo wiw tile unant USTI t-piri-tual adviser, itev. Mr. Atkillf,", THE SHRE= F Ix.. x. and xii. of Mati (rewrde, IERVY TO TH the N014ADIC TURIL and in VAMP notuinee fit tile Llbtwals of Norti ll&'4 IWI1 'with hini at all Ilourn of also in Mark J. 21 to 111. 19. OX16rd. 41&y juld Ilight, &nd h& � taken Luko iv. 33-" mbd v. U tO vi. 19A 04 ntI kloub, 4 IT and SILVA& ywbam& I PITT I I 'ITT Ult4oll much of the hillsx, 0 Turk is wholly without the itillu,1111- ileiclongs uertween Le— - - Awled to i Mr. JLphit It. Ftwtiar. of Aouth Elm iiained with I'l Rev . Is of tliW quarter, or is coV3vd by the tandard of scripture. They lw T11UR 10 P V Wisy, lj�,%jg heel, oalpeted Wanten 40' expected do& 4. 19 - rell %.illg extriltethl [Tom or woman. fte is not a factor and blic pompous worship 78ry low Witness -4 01 the Gal- k to-niglic but %,ill Ie Tile f0110% lot considered. Tite Tux Id is goneral 'Statements' (.,( till Jamt three retire from Pu of (jUiem, lind learn vt n u All 10 o7tioc 1.01"Od-s alial Orpliville. tile condealned *q tile lir.-t-tiiing Dr. lielmortit's letter from Frzer3um, -kish wor -on4os of Lewkm Ren'l, carefully and the Wpacillilig ligain till ith read wit I in- I nian's world, and a man"s world % Tito eve3:6 Of thik' what the ocripture salth. ced to LA Mr. Jc4in LoualLrin is Iowa Tragedy 27, lb97, will be It has none 0, Matt. iv. 2.11-25. Ill. t, y ihe Youg Kan Seueb Aiwrnla of Nip6sillig for in. tile URMILing. fill lie Ileartil . V Nov. isn't good for mu011. ('lf tilo gompej of Mt�thew are know the pul4licallh Uere kill cm 11ii choice of the L %1l lille x.1ll?W1l ib elleer t the wie refining influences which the pre- part ^ttj4.,i to know tile love whirl, U00 I the Legiollitive AseemblY. 1-4.1wilt1h, 6f Ills deed' and to-1110M,"v teres le to und3rstalid sence of a cultured woman always not arranged in their (mi)r of time, ut too re(ataiul th"lu tauged ou 14 it is Im [Ist anti nt f rotu but grouped together hell., as theill (l , Jrailice Zpalchereau It -apt rejeeteAl th- 14 -fore the. execation 11 po"ll) ion and the pi J(PY tlutlit Armen- lorings. Aftfw I Ilad been nbse which oc-urre about the Rejoicing. (lirks-tianity brought V",reIlt4,Vtt 1 by tive tiefence t( ME A&YFULU. %vw tic. reltitt fro -ii h1in, by Jaller C(I,lk. krineulan the onstantinople about a wleek 1 felt 'ficidont"I cholien lky ititio tho world. It 4.311 not provide for :%lq*%aI in tile t-iopte of Cordelift Viall. 10 SP8904 tile dooliked Io) exprf" '114 I)rospoctl%e relati011 Of ething, I could not tell what- cit.v Of Capernaum tile P111 C4. much fillAt FORT TO BL CkDi, TO bAVL HIMS, ill wbiell tile TurklHil (;overnmen't un- I filcm nn ii4g LF congregat:011 relpeliTaIlCe Ilis crime and licAws I'M" tO dies the sublect 04 the tliat @Oln For a long time I could the.,Sav'iour as llih home li�ter leaving long-drawil f The Presbyterian u"fer ti,rowth le&4 one stu WILN. lacking. %,icA . #*us and Id., and mourtlilliK. It with tile iru41el (I jtAietW, 44ue., Feb. 4.�ThuLua& -\U-L) bat Ill. taill1tv %%,it'. ll()t 8 It- deficiency. Then I Nazareth. WO now 11 t:) Capern:ium glad ti:41ugg. it Jjftei tile veil of JVrk- y0U40iJk4Jf ;;U, W&W W­kluy Drop and His () ftirther c0ureft- ground. not di8vOver ti lir4.c. 0i MiIvvrUxn has extefuleti it unaniniou Its Nock Brok a 'niatle il ordinary circumstalicsi the round the cause in the, absence Of 0 (16-cipl(w on their retur it 1,11"ought remt eail t4y, Rev. Air. Anotlemm. Of 1*111VIP1 on by th tho 11iii, tAiker titall *tlip csie U uder )Rrt of An&t011a wiloge face fN)m tUcountry of the (;aid ren4w.. netw an'd denth. an toull(I guilLy of h-ving uturueredtilr0e iis, 1 0( Ills il n tilts I rf.male face. Not a WOnIft" 1 1 The financial aStattenwilt 04 Nov: End Painless How He Spent atithorixed. All tile two raQft I atnity. the steamer. At He saw a fnail-At. Jo Vil went out tion. plovpor. rtugliNg III age Arou urt End of a Sud lie preit Y tioll are will live on terwo Of perfect 4 ould be see" Oil lkt� city of Callern, U ill, Lif ter Hv ye.tr^, Allot 1.11A 0tue *!otia Alow-4 the year's ex1pelldit Last Night of Hit; Life ute %N+ saw were all men. Wlien we were f Tom t I I**11aratioi fill' tille exec" example, wlille ell ro, table we an visible I,*-alod the partilytic lie iirected Hill, "Aoki U yeam He W&A kulmek"u-ty a avlt 4'.813.6tilm. at deficit of *21.458 page or Neighborhood History An- I. iLl,11 p4cafrotd,' drop ;Iii(l rorw. For in compgllly and bought A00i -o,illplettv e IW at q%reibizond the Only wOm 14")s to the illeashore. it was ollHili ed CHI slay - C 'ell. t4a3ted. The two litinters uncertain Awntoobliced U) Ile Il-AlW W. Chadwick u a�tr Mr it hav on(, was J3 Mr. Uwe. 'in _M: thk thowy Orr meets With an ACCident. arP ready, it" e Vace III trIC their game fOr Our dinner. was all Armenian of vexY of way tilat He 14aw Mat tew. Mark next. Th.- upunowi Aor the deleuMde- tilge, Iveelved the lionlil uot tat, nol-d to IInve charge , i (*0QSWy&tjve tal)livention ftw"Il-est Al r.t.rlin, vut., Veb-.4.---,Jatnes Allimm, e-ii:ectititmi will tl, -bitt III 4to wc"'Alled a Turk and tile other an AnWitiati. in, but %vilo iiierely lleg- and 1.010 ellil 11iiii Levi. S011le think ciare that they intend u) eArry On Var ngo wilo prete t the 61wil jail, . � Ijk tite centre, of %.gain, we saw 11,14 tile foot dr Kop our roo t ift prolia boy atilovit of a wagcgl con- To-daY I enjoyed It Chripit gavo hilli tile numerA Matthew bi" Otit .IN, coki-bitkxIed, preme'lititted, liell P41AIAIN inipimsib'o I)agli a queer axk Inetied Hellsation who;ill lie WLIII�.d him to ;*. :in al-ioumpitle- I DeparLifit-ut Of .1 1104tice at Ottawa W ly t1iapleaL - yani, M0 1111tt it Wit . [I family ill delightful we w ggnirieti the gift of God" t Iw_ came- t4lilling n Artliellittl e , a,, the Suf 11111,01it A41441014. allil Uti aunierer of Mrs, Orr, neav Ip olltkdo to AN, w1utt is A They hall wltil tile t-olififul wid attho aW%ve takell kill 1111-ir title tim AnvOl lkf_%4.jllsjde tite woo, I- Illother and two daughters- by lunched 'it tAl givr na, At the r0f�Hipt of cuotowe-The plac The criuw for wilicit -Nu,t-Y -t ugullit, explated his vr* t unattendifild 'O.4e Vi -11 toll-houl". 11is litmior ailnoltlllce� -alt s. -e; tilo final come'from 14zerollill 1164 yo,trig %vife was Pr cu.40m was 4e 4.014P 0i tile EmAt Ilave 49 fear %,0%%. a elvili7atl -n III where 41 tile here this morning. 141itd Will 1*11 vaabv to of AlliKMI guard, and seemed to g4wid efieer. - . use, collector's Afit.e. tk1ing fering of Army Ii his intelitit."I 41 .11111ilig his pratetic' tilt, , iiviTg body -40111-1110 if I flft, wilpl, tilt. Ilidde" bellind a litt, CUL 11,11f law. The lexecutioll t4ptilE place I of molestation. We stopped and chat Willett women ar in tliW MOO bY t1le be:-Ilf t mikht lw (oil lwwllUlg of November 411611 %i.ill drdlp 111rcongf, thp trap. them about tile roxite. In tle@d window a,lit neer appear at ;klltl, as 4� tile forry tax. for the - r1noit or 1*!r- ToAu Nulty rrivod home whille ooilshett ill thp plit yard, rytIling is glxwtis are klivited IN 11 ti 4 ilike. Which ids till form %Qiell will be tf1d witl I table wben rstal,.41 e4ofts and good" ft(!r(*w V&1 father and mother were out, U00 4;. Bit-ecker, of itil lit, 11111ch privacy aid after 4he b"'It tllo villages and towns eve] 'tiona - made Helpless I?' t o pit, ted. Strong men ff eirod Day .4xv. and, goming &A) thfa, Imira, ir"t wlt4re of whalt at present uiet. Tho two eivilizatio" at all, M ws 1111di oil [it) collec I lif-y; KiIIlZ,,t4Pti Uovi%erva Alley lie at keep eutirelY ap&Ttfroul tie w4-ri. It may &) for a rf i)l,(,r har Folluw 4) first. Th The Story of One Who Ou uck Ilih it 10 SlIOL will qdft4t i4imster (91 thelimck"I't uouservatives A*Nible, tIlily press. representatives, *1 -up scaf- itiee'do not ghbors Nlo,-Christ blO z e4tr warJJ04 -tIIP c0v tSmythe: t111pikiv.that boled good ne� vife or wivefifrolu Iq8 wor,i tAi and Night for Twenty Years. 0 the coiriAler iii )"it ()ffi golita 0 . . eaell'other, but are of re- to M& III% pialuo power accolll"1114WO I t the neek. C4mkU9 b--ek UJ Mr. Ile %%.IiUt IdLe )se friends, tile matter etoms gaze of rivals but it is all aroll, ttIteW th,; t fThe it' nee alled and elf 110 Ilav , utgrow", m)nvert Ma llalu Banner.) h(Au*& lie met 116 mecoakd illiatieT fqr ttelida Ilaingitift will degree an or th. (Front tho Chat #%truck her down, in. th" same manner. lials being prew" foritig in any aly among th"l-e w Thn umber o twel'VV.-fiVf' Mid J], 'C444ed 11101j4 ile waffold is ligion not inter om wjl&t I have tile r)blber haron 1wriod wid will, live word to CUM tili­' mic I M Ing. lie 104ttforin if I may generalize fr I)alsy (vorse 6). -Henry_ He If rose and T116 6 threfr 1w'-frded ill, t froin place to wilicil w4iniv, are the III- Evervone living in and around till, Then goinlx into tile II0u'w lie 11W l.1tivistar', tile N'W!IIPle10Iy -11 in a W4 Tld V ther Idy tile imy's spiritual , ellillml Imfy t4taniis well in my 910w mare roilowod-Noither hip c),,Wliowion tior jo Mr. Peter tail t1w two o children. Tiie #Allti- tillii,4 a, jgr-at :I.% the :-ale-A III the rantull, )i (At whielf th colld tlie ground f tilings. every- eBPc+unt and ni, r.,tl'liclpn)at-"- if inon it I I w lien Chriot vilLage or Wheatley know & lie elet-1104 i,Lg Itlitrl, tell'fiaet frOill pInce, til is is tilt, state o )r.- I liave -*,)e(!t I,-- very little gAins will(' "et, A wounds and the precision It. tkin-mill, IW Itern Asla 31in( III i4i - rs post and him in lictmd s to the 'here In F innot Turkey twho it&* been a rabident of tilf' ii,rity or tifc w at callW. H6 quitte wlli,:Ii thta� were tilt' it a fligilt of Ntel), )f ddAy@ ),aV wily ; sino with jiltiler,lWok, II( S,011 it -R llough of advtlwe 1101)0.4.of preferment In lace for upwarLis of twellty tout, That .4 Church Of hA, til lapdiAa juen The St. JvUll, P&PtIste r p!ltforni nliti from - %iPw. been told, the fa(.t, that i,ry. Montreal, was de9troy getot, 21111, %ightwatell (;itstmie, JJTTLE. EXE"UTIVE h i.04 bytery a. III I;tw pirt (pit and tile personally vOuell fox vo, never find - him at tie rem-ipt of I who ijuring the wholiP 0I that evenjug Tom quiet4y c..Iled Rachel street, large null- and Poll by fire, 'and %Iw 1wes I ii(ter it. wll; Th4, I)Iliek cat w Then its I -e diiring the inntisaarils a Turk'lta as :I 9W cuitom ag.111I.-43oni- C( Lt. :knt filweethe,rt A44 UqW. and no T1 the thilit, !in tt anceltl fffltside 110ul4es 118 1111 �at-lli Mat- lierlod up too last year w" con,14 joilling was also badly Ila to pie _Iv Iliidelf, ,cKw arr. ill ber or IXIII)orK pral tt,1119 very little tra ti v, 10. jewm gat at it 11out 101w It liatit. tile IKRIY "Its com platforul tile W Turks opened Weir ti(*,d zaiytllillg 14tra'W' ft lcoiq will be $175,000 or 1.4 it into it com- lrol, asylul-0 to their Amenian no 1, witli rare but P14111did vx theW964 hou"; for lie t tade a fe-ist aufferer from ;Irutoe rhe'umat6l", U-1-104 O1IIY two dUY's llf" that LkApp- 0111 view, a Its tiw trai) fall li,1141 tlli. -)if.. . ores, if nilt litindre 0 Of lives eapaclt.v -a arfair,4 and 11is (ILsel es, and invit- ar �#4k(4 ar- ver.v - and tHat w must.. ceI)ti4ll1r4 I,,. in dull it, bmine I licate tive ilim un�jer 4 viv *ak 4) f dipli. I i.;, I e pot t .. d rvpa red for ill; sitrOlkg or J esus He 4d by other troubicill, UBLI ll"T ovidmCe An. artmetit 1) lirtwirl, VaA11Y-take"i ad If r C&AIP4 veeption. ie trap wits sprung -kL , 0e,kiroP 4(in that wpr4, savo-d In c0llF luenc4' ohad-ow. At 014 -'go' re*4. T hf- eirt-111111111SVIntia, at 4 we of he UWl litorit tise look &eper than riwe or ari(I 1#4 eamil-tApil, h Ing I& &oK &111ft to we worn almost to IL %e%% him wa... w"k, I)ut ralltage 4), I.y tIp4 Jew r (iro vk or .\r Nest I"Jis" Railratil. Two YoUlig, in co'llit %vilt prol-ably U, at tJlerefme,,) et a solution of the pro- Illy. t,K) hortip of f r,,Jg;,Pr.. wou d r twenty he 11 find Mvm were Ill t1f,- ileek 1*1,hW rellirion to ( hri4. iui ia-us no ilItr0ducF4`I 40. Uw Luing . a i ,Almost immediat(.1y I,(. broke 111OW left V, dif t4 b 'himil to eolve_ If these meitia, 1 T H. yril, Volunteers, and af ttoellil. as'- Jon till, liav iftmfeowd thit 110 allek, The procc siolk U" tilt bipm we artS teying e ru4iod v) Turkey no :1 1-0`11 8111101a tho people or i at prorewio IIal commiti tile box car wi-ji, -tit nit -lien limplict4l jit Thr, use of -friet 114.1ping 11tenitielveS lot M44VP CAirist, lokined that life illwakell. but -re pillit.-but"ll ill the n It"Pif-itiffl- 11lade a - ifti Z)r were tile only eft would anza alld WILO aft The Jews would I tilem1wr oi' tiLiat orgattiz4viOU for thrOe ecuif4L rt . 4 !wi lay their liard t Him doeti. T bp (let Aim Il c also COR - of St. Thot"1144. r'-4 arms w� I. hilt tl e recent frigilt!"ll speo'"cle's to, everyt1,1119 they ( till. outclwts gathered ,%boiti '%ew York 4- avJ4lrY did I not and kit' Vy till I lie W. Ili% de-ith wit" ratil-4 aftOT"ot-H lve twen beheld, Of tl4t A (;er phariw* -Theirltignie t;igmifle- hopint-ti tile tlie re ing liad &fly ren, NI r. T. Ile 1)01t, tuid witell never.hi: very In a railnad t I e the w&r u v till witil Alsto t and wr % tho crilue. The o- 11" left for the Yuk011, t"Ommence f inil frilfrit got 11 assurcol af"_ Frevichman geto tile CANI Ig til -it- they -tood lie touli mrts- tfor commiti look j41jIIpte4i t4) drair it the 1*00'4 perfeetlY we jeo llt� (,htef j.'ngineer of construe 1pluirentlY oll)wrvatiOn and ma"k intor- lijan t,r a lava, indic-Itil oj - bull & "un. ftn k to I)rOVp dut 11 # people. trao!t and make- Ills ft)rtulle- Are I apart from the ulillol,, mamseilt.- (w. thereulwAl undertoo tit_. V, the. new Mr. J. orfler of lroke. It iVJPA t-'�PI`4)ff "I'(' (1011h carer"' eplieptic )On yon-thfilf face., The l all classnif Of til tw ac4intred? Th"Y TII,NY Hik; d1WiPI(4­ toriv battim etc-, iiud at an , -0 It* .41 whit-il L worl-et -Iien tile t (,ulIwpp_­r thit thi, pirkwmit. W&`4 oil irre- E., and Mr. Wel y tllRt rouble' down it, f4 regn *4-ijliyarlla alld th their '.%tas- it i;&I)urg, a -dri J) .4 tested firx' I do not. fin .%14 If tO tilrit them f I)IM ri)de eighty inti" at 11(i that under ri,, ht Tilt w iirdish sword ns nto pwket*4. It illy evioug 11 ot olle, tiale NI experts, iff,61C. t,lpli 14, prp on whrn the K y caii ter. They were cowa Atretch, carrYi]29 &%Vatekleh through Two inedic- wei--rh*ll-! unishentIN't wiltVii ii)tirdf�r wa" tile mattwr- Of general 'rurkp I 116ter, UP another occ&' 1114114. And*'flII3'1V�a iq fa n- fw to Inquire directly (if the my'#, Units. Oil ore tit that effect. dellie,4 re W-1 & not sly ti,at rell,9101 .f several brilliant ezaillPi four day& 14w it ogtransr' :A. ItIsfaetor'lly a -.4 y would havo dollf had tl"L'y I*en 1 ho (Sne oil for Thv- N'uItY'#- are (N,rtaillilY cw* tX) id 81 1 -tor III figlit #4011 ttle wouer flat cla-M -r Tt -III tile Inorn- s,ly made nliri�nti d wilH kX bo yield thoir anti it is aticism trub. 1;rawl Trunk i" ii,t4 1101-11, 1 wlis not a fR( hut tley guilt% &rf' 1111 , gilleem- an 0,4 q lie. They 14,114011K e&4tj:Ig Premier Uvreenw-'Y wilf far tilat would 1*1 90illif rilled 1-jy. officem I in better and vTiteir :-tier. pat. llwif(yre tile eTtv"Itit"ti- tl,�Tlk w,ithothers -a y 4n the Blount lint. r. I it did elord-isp an &Ild iier troopti axi' 41 for - instru-1 101 that j,.ueh hardbillim left llint, as they J111111111""mrv" il int, wlwr*,. dellenw for buil,ding :1 too ra nIptlljlIX to rr iii, al,liroad. - To ea rs, witli a wreck ,or. AN-TTIONY flirl atili "u1niliarity did,thoulotallde Of Othe T11(,r*; ih not, so far an 1 can,learn; ivay*L , -irm fully IA' 1111*.% liorrid oil While in the army :I f. tAl evi. twirl" up�,r dY IiPnOte` lntlln']Lcy ompson, agent of tilt, V Orr. the 111191 And, of tile. I,*- alre. coninwicial affildtion In Jesus l ari. ,constitution Th , W lioll. lif -0* the tiorrorm of t psitllte to 4io- , k particle or to 12. NN' llep "n Mr. Chao. u thal pal But I do not 11 y,,%%,Itll tIW rare exceptions uid to & result of 11001C food all(' oft' and in repor I"Pt with a si , lie 'rimp Turke waxaw Would not addres, Him He wo uttacked with powerty Booth Lunitlir ('0112MIlY, While el tj, 'at ro,lis-rioll wa"' not t P rerezrid. If you want 'j,is lie would w(ww^ witUbir, lie *As ckrollie fit civililling - MadawaAka are and that if-tllf�r" Turk, for nnAwor t rrhtw,&, wiliell f tile shantymen on tilt pilifill,ml iniko the caiisp or oe trouble. -I trusty .8crvant get a 114. Stood 4 derellee of [it- dia ero IlAve* been comPell' 111-tr It Jill - (,jigiolls; . ft rypgTeadv weaiaenod nuetimui. sturgfoxxt Riv of 'the heavy oiling.water. aTA I'(.- joiffereil iiij -ripfi biid i4 -,.en notl6lig rn'orf- tilan r else will cleat you nd lie and aLoo pr)yo Hillawlf Per- 'orm. Th6o Oil torey to tile tricts %-Iiiell 4ontriilutf. tile to ork on account I been W -d work- diwipleo hilli. and Ito fell &tI -uky -1 the voll wan y a e to defend nees there woull If . SIll. To Will oaotlfilv� itilill tt & ft(Vr* �vill [lot to go to 11 Ad over four Ie% ? sjill# illl � I (liuself, and sitill paillb mild torrors of theumr itlitf-ra10% ill tIW snow. There are no%v or r"t of tile viittor. tronhIP nt it would lie ri(JeulOus., -It tll'.t P-11111" tillin flelt to tile ti,roitl it 1181S.; tile 04ptut.- of allow in tho wOo&- (;,reek or a' cor"i louden t of t be Banner Im Anid. founded to 1,e hily better ffir I'lirk ; YOU must engage I -it THIt .%I11,%JF bparts of tlkf% 11hariseiW, Itow little they 1A44! I'\ ITFD TATEA. eemtry and in Armenian. The nittle drivers In thf- vrp IlqIl)ing isinner* -0 rePAnt never exilecUP0 tried olicOrm of ZM it t4l t a0 lie ajl His. rp t t1li owners -it doPA not 9D out to thW world as I had .1141 0 avans are Turks, Im - lack colailtr'. r, milgim t1l, tit# jays Armenians. c the, world ii lvortlill*4 ask, at a taid-ir T'litlimi"(1,4 4)f "IWO or tile efirnvallti nr A religion bqvilglit we no relief 1wrim1w4l frout 0III - , tioack t, t Ile 4 1 not it t a U. p4tartimm for W cAeflad riltio %-FVITABI,E- rk retid t . FRICTION 1, that cannot ImNar a.[Q' t&4 will I 11104 lie tiktWll But lLukj Mrs. tiever rtermar e Turk. Ig.n& Noll,,i tA) Tlwy th-tt fle T him, I 001J I %% UOA ole usen i to Cheat lity. lip . Wgs being so, th )611411 the al"t Pat tkut little. tile Dr. yridtlor Englan. W ter Iaubll Alle w-ar vVi I)a rtiolular In tat Inav All tilede w,ho44S_-11L44 relily cOnf(* -plinlatislii. tliv wai,oritY Hodgson Uttruett, aile"i for k. r WI ellow, oubmittIng to 'love discip1m and 011y Irtmilli with Or New Yor ter,, r4 tr III, Is, re. He R14 11fild poor f uIrvd by Ule PlitiriaNw. InSt;l1let It 9 fttlglti'W of tilip munkn-vir, %% lit, it. married tool in the campania 14 from lthe Walking bellRatPI te'r at-� ti,ta nehrews a . 116 w tk y liroperty all slowly I'Vil enian. relalp�uro the litthlicato Ind sinneric—J. at titioem v�w 101111)""t to c�IuAed by of, Iiia-46wil In 1 dyiiao-tY I-. q1trewd tile ver -,shrewd Arm com- qwlis. and at other t0le's 've pio4jell-cavindiati. The lillaticial 11110y I-attl'. pe occlifflOn"I F. & B. A PIQTI�Iciftln would not y lived 11wiffig Filarnelt ,,rUiell swept dw-vil I'VOI lint lie line I(At*w) wi(piered l%'IIY sl l(mid there #lot IIf*4_ m -lit) Nvere apiwared 'to Virn 114ack befOrf' ull. great storm loildaY light ,,,I Pa., t1upwid ni - ISO Ind III-feelft hPtwee-n t1le rnonlv ft)ull(l w't" t worild often feel 4ick t illy reueLl. During the Bonton on DEk J ES' LA0,00 TH e-11 etv" pitt allill- iilitary r rrietion How can such friction In hoftitil, an not kDly to Irmain eyew WO U' D STARVE OGOGT -4) many two races. at widell tinles tileteoti nearly three will aluount to oveIr 11 US IN Hqb-Is r -o I tiger a vrrior wpmit4 W Inp ITTIP09- with tittles tcilv- sick If they Ptoniaelk. me, My kid"PY" thia nieti-bo-r- p faujily spldk"n r t%%4, etl tilat strikes sell -10111- 6. or L-4 gt ine. , avoid ­d? It -Yasp ifilathils"Ille to irwil,941, redtle twel is admitt they afid hat; n4lt I-eelf, ft r generatio! till, An wl.ien on some t,x( -ordemi'l him awaY Ied me greatY and Iny tier ..,I�Owod ally e1W it tpn 11. Ity-filit - ture With all Turk hhs U, But g-) you it 114 If* �11_Tlwy who 8W) trofilo conlpletel)* shat - s -n-A r4 11(jered 4,tw mp1jill the objpct, for;w 03 ,fV*,r tite %4-rdict Ilank,6 foug, lie otlier oll 0 r4nuentI.Y A ,ult."'gated ere.a answers tile purrli tho 119,lijj. 1X,, of* the J,i w votm systein seenied feet lilgh.. knbe hit !.r .%LIASO-N. iitre.stototd, and they are'( ot wultatihp, Ow till r Ills Innings, nd, henring tile 1)41104 I I'mWne cail �carvply U." Ifir-t earf�.& (If old Nuly W -ti, It liamnile s who are su o:,.er 4 lins ano their -8ttict -iborrvance of it, -.4-f-fati 14711119 a" I for tlw r4tu"I llead with illing him '1proughi on 'bV Pez%0 wl.lell. l_uhjuga�k)lll illast, knows that hP Viidnred doring tlrcWe f+41 tl) the grou"ll, IL lks follows Julie. working 11WIT, nnd Who II&vP all le*irit. T* go lie priweW4 rive. HOW later- rm-dom to !oi)t %rnwninn af�L bm-ttoer verw I III %vd-ar� yea,-ij. Alsoor,,t a year t If t 114 - a J. I,,. interest,;. of tlwLr own to se ITiAead of war -1,01 givps iinwif tAl tilat IW does Ilia work o ptitey covidemn-F-11 w wm� to try Dr. Willi&j,.,*, pink crinw wss c(Illi'llitted, as )ok, A. Boonier, is t1le piobletn' e4llnmerci M.4- flehrewt4 tile "nip I t stra nge JwIad criticus. 90 owll&lw the most unfroncernt-d Rollorto of trauded ve--wels aloll rilkey Tracey, 'to, prevI(iint strikei; -oughly tilat lilt xunwt tlit. . re a re- t1wip law tll-lfl,tilfb fLI1,Ll it was a grand day for lilt, it. But I o'jwt continue to Come Tll 4; it' I "t III go9d filen are'nO%v seeking v I g. They %vor, crigit-aliv it agrIetLI 101 14% streets an -i notil- an learn! MelItY After I lind If fill WatA the PrIliftloner himself, wl'O the hought that zxt least ad Night which matly others NLr., Walter' th Ir set d. wI!, inany d. -ad I n U vearty left L to thf' I prt4er mercy to). iaerifici-- o'Itat I flegan their lw*. it in t r6oter, koniner' WPbiI;1tII,-; I) . tural Ile, pie, but *.vlie,, illic lout tile d I rfast po Illy paills liad de- 114 fw tillit Iw will devoW III* till", a nd .- ere lost at variow* POist ith theal 1) solve, aniong famous :41glish 'eiirity, It' n mat- 1111,1-4. 1116.11,*�qi Witt, qtcu of twilevol- -W-41 a few I)OX-es raY g Ili, t,(ml for eternity - p14 W tell ; a,,d tIWT0 was "t) Is not . v bel- tAb prt1mrii it;. Itow1by fl. AlalidilaF. Of t off wrewlicd victims? It &I'd I Vowelmi strandin oing V, Skit wh PaliaaVto all -tigineering suggests,.. in. a 'Perty wIllch cmild be triven (If religious fanaticism. for it is ipw and kindnemm t'han with 'ad i Ito, rhe prio- raice irm. He by %, -ter tat -ith t1w dutlex er tile 4maller fi-Al er inim a Fielienie lirtgand% Pl*a n'igllt +Ilpy beennir ext0rual A IP KALINS. I,tW �blft lliS 1410-111 V14V 1 4 -f 90 it- necessa ous-But lof tlw MOVMMTy KILLS 0 eel T he lb" to %%as firm-alld etter to . ry to Avc0int for wl plec 111,1 icinity. i,� iatioll, Which pill*, I ctrild eat. sleep mnd felt craft Of -41WIl .,114 1 'or it wollking'wan's assic 1-i all iiilort Occurtl l,y roarcrelice to allything of of rallgioql. (,all VIP righte qi;loucester flwlly`�- '011619 Not the rim al)141 to W'"r I liad (bDne twentY Slight 1411110P the recur-- nlerC wc. -lie rigtf k m.4 and 00 h*41vy. WaS Observllie-6.1le le thinks would Prevf,-nt 1 a I)ri)fit Ci 1e "'ado tlip swirt. INie ifimple truth is- tile two t of -a irs mow feel well Spools. Skewfars.T thpicka-DioesolLoo porticulariy der anot fr"'t" wlllell remell vp we. jolossal blun length thmigh I . 1A i.%. I I They ar - 'tilt- 1114 64 k t Ilig"at Pe"Pl' I' -e for a n Of y of illy old coinrade-� and IY&by 81019bil, Pr*d%LO*d' E AT r Ir nounte4l tile tepp; leading to tile rence of any silC th- -ir I'lef I cimnot it% irmig a nid if au Si. 'in L wring strike, .,Ain Ill hp rsre tul1l exceed ufflt,�.. teij.. e4i n( 11�,, T tl-,�. ugli ciollie racos Itory, for tl�eir naltei -If 'I'jit Of iiiiiiie er is in -atastroplie as the p Ily d etuplOY- w. call tim it, the sanie te" t jiLl. and are afflieted I %vou'd Mr. Herbert 91[leuc SkL W a not 110w to prow AlInUaliy ULKAOUt 2.,U0W OOJ an affectioll k vi,ich halt cost employers all t rea& t (;rppkL It to " tIq1t tII4. Plinriw 'Were ri feeble heplth frOm lit Made no rem,irki befWe the lilac Cir —k Turk doec to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pilh, lin r after -I wwoul I 11--y "ru 0 1 t1lat Pr Wii- He pr Ojq that iln' %w(l Tu Set d tile ow.n i thua 'TOM f Uw ,earq*. and Ilaa removed fro w:11s d so OP llat g" the better of W XPW14. Interests, and t flot un- Ali nlia"im &IIo`w it A if I ii4JW ow,uoilwi 0 ntlY. 4141jupitlli. Tht on conferring .80mew C&n W tile betteill Of t 0 Biglltou perinan by te V.- orgaillZatl wm all. It yea rs lie findi that tile Arnfeni%P IIft& tim terins of halvft. jolt; bit &POOU London t y re- i ia ii -o' timati-zw yard" requerlt lea rd -limilar benefits %ruieviall cAl 1 out%% til tilev Vverap nuail, form all U.,V,,pfrmt* nee" 1,iwrq� arqe awrentAm or fAcw- hp scafflpl I beifig inc1f*'e I- ii1lould be creollte. Y,;u g village wIW Armeniftnt everyt,hing. 111WA .The BritiAll War OfficO Ila$ . Freder, I by Ile trade unions GRAVE qTjL;'8TION.13- splond t4p Ilipi call nw-r(,y.,But 411 -1 1 give new life and rivilln" emPIQYi1l9 the re*(jWIatiou or Albert Ilepentnifice I,.: ?.ary. U -ty' wntan- *- ()()I,, I ed The. bodv wft" viewe' :It '%'if r - or, in ottler, words, a benefit smlFe ai d Turkt- fire iPth' reeld, IIner:4 tA# "'I and Jremtore 84,,attere4i ilt av with purchaol kvliffp, tilir (,orinter -fail % an out- I %#-ry slvrrt tillif. to digeover yet. witat Turku ip to do, 11OW IvIttion. It, till) III - ick CalvO r 614 nuation and I t; I u Ire- n the. And Ar- th" docirwaY IPadtTI9 tA P41 ormf4i -terves They are 4A unfailing P;pe the coloi of a volun r(0111 Bowlby, wuo,pronodileflil (!eatl� %vith superall tached , to lIttif buosines,t "Well Of fimixIverlitilied, tlmw I3twils Plainly illf or JK1.47.-AJO It year fir tholow W01% :40, 00 -work' fund at that tll(,. je c0 r tliftt ` )r such diseft'sed making of t1fle qXXAb tile, iieck wal a *at,,&. '111) one -ific P tt 114.lu - them tpr Hb4 mismiol* oi� #,8.000 hts all-Importnat and lace ar, Theye c -in t-11. They Werf, ralitis. dill, ,,wt it lerivol frow * til ipleoi .14 rewiment f 1, * jury ifference, tjIat eacil man Willy flotable eXcePti"Ti1A -to tile mot -t proq-erous ler" or tb. TIw, oliti-IlerhaPs .1 , a I if. partial ])a a. rhelinlati-im oni:. of witite hirch timber. tw -m .4lkell. .%,cor marked 'd 14. e..&oStatlea, iicuraigi The Li .kli inillie".4, led exten, 'Dp master of ell Jobil tilt- 11111 Ile mire4v Titly. empanelk4l a hall to, a litili 1) t ti rule hokii good 11 ey liad c4itill to Inve"t will the after erfeet, -t.000 (pet, ATv timtwl* lb up Ily, 00 t" tfipy wOri t erv(ptw IiPadarl ctmi. A iAW imrt "i Ruagiall w ia,"to mur- Wid Very fintural llg,.y -joy labor. t)ttrt. ar- ill be 111'141. L �M c(,ul4i em, pla(wed Wily I1111 on of the ties letAwpiracY. t Vel 1111.4 own. i1irds Thio 4 rg&nI7atIO1l w, , 4 etiraor(Unartly every Baptkgt if a grimpe, palilitati timber cut It, ib 'lot . tip i;I.-Atall 410ner spent It fairly c'Hm: 0 be c;)IjPetfAI allill i t 11 v. (.no thrifty .444"in0t III ta-lit count f UK- biNAA (*r the Shali The PrIs eAdlect. 4,T caw* t Arme'llatu'l are all tile wtv. or apirnilitra.tion. all diffesawn factumi im-re, but Otipp,-d front A Ile Oe . t.jme John Im, ullillu bre. fil o4afe kee cAlp;ary Itl I :in I. M -lt imPOT tmvtlic%r at thf- 11411a"" `Wtft10IP PIK It :11141 too x ok lvIW­ 'ping the proi e4l illrewd' ra.60. ml d1willies. Fow -iti&tpd huniors IS tilt f n44 Vi a wIllell covers a P -lid tile t1ilep and a lovikA W so,,idltig u �0" HiS sTfiritivil d all., th beef,, in priwwll -If ftJ4 berofilla, e'llrottic Pry gr0ht fftou)§—year %isu ie '%M#. w"llI(I bc or 1wit", it, Wrf.:i ter e T1, . *,ftr Pancroft pa rt of M!*4* a'nd tl *4 of Iffltitude , f trailaftetifWa­ In I'll, I klixi -1 v V) roti it witjl�. hiln t lit, ly hv earef I ilio Ar Jea-us f r also a WWI eilly drhwll articl, to fill M pi)rVA 'tile (loveranictit. When-th, t lie, 4pe'aA Tlwy ar ald Se"till,1141. LA&t LA-molon A ntot ut I,e life tIlf" �N rtpen ta, urk tried to exterminate uIldefaii 110M, il too Ile, 6,tJ78,66S fe bt (if bil"" 'k 1141 ' too, Mile tie nicht t lit varly 1) 'r JI Ild f(W trmll)lcm pectiliar "&I V ir(W e1lKnJoeid F plac com eould they Killgi,lonl. t1w ,alstorn t,anada tho rt po.ition would com- Lltento a Incral mail. Bilt lle..enme very near to J.v Iliell .f trikstees whillie the It J*4 safe tO your guarti w!- rileantiluo Ile e ik, t-ke part 1 tit L'nr(-)'-'* it Inri4pnee I�Jlieido, for 111 some I)jacm I t hp I Ali 1pippri!skions. irrew-l'ari-io- imi 1`1�- U r. T. fn&,�d t1je etitire V of weaknom They STAT. from tho- trwIiII4 pro at, atter collillAw Of thf- wfb 01114d all &.11il),leat Iwxt yonir. ritere aidtwi Man accumulate rop in v t1wre oft__T_hJ,4 cuestio-I VIP Tlip fliltd .01 1 _,lid lip tj1q, b1clod atid rfwtcore tile f0l workmen - eoineA of ` cOu IL)y 1grs of practiCe to taxlas can Ifniat am sorry ould be d -alt w itil, far no 011t,"f- petwitv devel,vp;-d fit 90 ;()vi,mment tweati-e. far, -pfoulry as fO'* Ilillit tf) tile supply ip Impla. ble is SO 'tatpulent. Kuril I. m. thit :1 bettPl "Ot QO mliell 11A14911 �,Niiww o( health to lva"I" it available. TI* new battleol' tile, larg of Ill will. wca payment,.. nd. tfieir authorized Tle ii, lid and U!'Practictil r effewt ralidi- s Ilim llnvid,4 . The Kuy%t Iwoul I Flo" vige(i othnn Iri-cw)f - anti 0M fkl�fO Is tll.lt C In nien tll( ItY dP a rising fro -it men - "t orer five millim d illar r Illy vrinie� it Out entirely I st.� s well Tlw W"Cai Ter p4ppllt full. VIc Ill1i Ablig f e luall14- diArti-1104,11 9"'i's lutely It' "lliev might be eftsily it (Alelit, a' e-irp in all c lifemplis all through tht, eigt suni e U." illo,ile eommitteeo4 of hOnA fitio- ilvorkluen.' in' t,4 lyretty nearly everytlli'49 eldl`- 1 .1141, Of univemal btinkruptcy. Bill ef Alki lwit,, ce"Wao; if 3j"ilm. re Ilu war. Tile aritior-pla It �Tflftn,pi %411b- ad aiid had, but lie Ila# no busint'44p, I( -)t my :im her#- tIl`emqpIveR -it xubilwit" &i worry, overwork. Or Px wood ditatrictA. IIII thew a man -44- not tlw gul,o ticarly' Eae 114V llat. *,hat Ls th imi 4V_0,000, the va , inillar Ownelty wliatever, w"011 act* as I f ind tlienl tI1^y a4K viiatover nature kinds of little %%-00(ieu w ill W004d bc cap imply W Stat -0 f I I paid it, a 14 &-tirlied out all ocriptiom i lie is like used by a. flank. relationN witil wi ArinvIdAll Geor" Ff.. 194-pworth. nwl nvt fo-lv-t -1,amber-Joll" "'r ap paid iIIW 1- ni% a Slim (-Ilildrp" of kride, boz�o%- 111#111Y nlai I ner ii*4criptlontl ly to, remember -tlie ract ror illally 'a SHE HAD KONEY IN sP.EETS A de&*mtC tto t thp N ile and ce"Aill or -tho-Je 81 drunlst* '. cifeacker (lepcti tor's W01RDERED 1irt ativ tiell"'I"'tv -pr1s0d dice boxeli, wltxx*u "top'llem' 'bag, f1m rn WaAy Haifa. 441 )uki Ie witlitlrawn at tile lkxlg da he- PERHAPS YOU JLAVX1 tl'- How a Fair siiopper in Boston sui k indo a wc,mvd catarat1t, S�Yai ttlat 0 00c, tried rule -s. and; Khl;] anii thO rniellian Illiall W14h .10 thouwand diffeirent nd n"r V te rmed rliaxts tlkot tll` subject t it tile Ax the. Prame locftlitY� and perforo Englisk brOP 41111110 H` When it iQrjIIIt-,4 slv*ild. Work. unemif 11 in, other wdrds.' if MX- t,0 00 easily #4(4� Whv the it vrarrlowl a* friel 1,11IK46. toothpicks by tlW shwe &re all I)igila, ` tilt 8 r6 nenr neighbors.-yoti Ica 11 is tniti&L Iliad, 11 lialtildro-11 4a The itecor4 prints a wittii(oi desks diprviv4wil in4 they d" under Opm ids too j1W ciedit: lie rea Ile Klialifa, bavc idiour or'lits ellfi- a gwd chlillm for tron- 1�ritlpArrw""a Werp Ca which a tkvtoill wlw*lblir- Al (4f t cr tllat there ed TitBits by "1111 were frP0-1 Irrapl, alm)ut a t4urpiiae etirta an prin,cipal getter Lips bolliefit lie withdritwo, It The ICAMI ig n arrigant fellow, The fiutwti0fl to ark -Itil, rfil&4 . fr0'.. bopke,-per lato 1Y exioerif-noload at the ks, cYcle utfl"(* baby commemoed &A advan'ze dren- dg i, no-, w Lereas if ,,ruling far Into t1w it 111tv- Erg- noeorlill'r to tile y 1p tie tue, Lou( Iwo t" lbegla-4911i loll Da ily n. The aim of the tvitil a,hiptory r n E gli-Attman " "Why is. ti�q v were U'wl lktinwr KO tillIlIrw hlilt& cuffti-lllfer� Jln 1411P I,* warkmall slimild Ilid:lilo ANINA, antl it to not #40 101119 Lan lle,,,plf. am such stainers in respec tier liwlwLlkd is a 1la,,tk prle-Ident III The larg4wt o.Niegad(ir. MOrOe"N t P it or stronighoP mail f ril ha Mamter. is nvo@4 fad Ido calitk. \e%%-lIIIrT i(viai hatik,% re 'KIN -Orld t1lat 111 expediion ving oecuple, peconle h64 OW11 he t,, tile LmpruWr of the letter 'It' 'tl,P'V Sila rJ1190 I v,. .It,%' factmor,, tile 1x)rt, Tim, luL* F ill tlW Ilresumahly 0n . says Mr: - Alaudslay, that, LL11d wai4 a full still sitir y that the eeiv4. tlipir [)ill, In flilleetol, 4or twe Oxf(AM county. Hrkakee%- f rebel (angs Of inet of the 11-rigalld riw S%r riter goe,4 (-ni to sa 1lleing t.4Xtt#d The I "I I' witIl thl'a :19pititillIC0 0 t I d.olivered f rf-An tile Tito i1vt 4-, ,jell are ettl alter nm emlilYoll. co rmpio a. '.1 conscietice does Id Ameriew-a ara 'lot i-nion' fa -464 Fill"*11 froe prrsident trave olie Oaf by " -week. h UIFO"Id fn%A -1 tllp Sultan's t anti t . I trf4ul)lf,# lilt 11IF lie drive- V Diview fatatorT- 1169P 4 nti'littAir " i f se, f&ulti;,4g, In peech. rTis (*Itilrosil wil#jA 14P wala lZol-bner,u, wife mild shil tiaturally tr9*v6Il1#' tpt.& - it fter nevert 111M -in t lie, too 11for �i f,(W).000 ch, rk- ; defea ar gtren aill& tacke4t . " "i" -galus, or who. Ill n's herd of Cflttl(% to m. U attrillifteL tile frequent disre "liat Ill,, af� tile an on 11-4_,�arn .11loe 11*loxes. I!4tr* . an Armen t1le It is 14 Ig is ..,arted at 4MW allut `24111000 after years ket alill loveket-m I flightillt turing f, W% bcml jell til letter is treated ill .421 TV the wime t0"'Ill Ifolicy SAI14C pect wittl wl flljlil�v, t1lem atr .\fter nialting I all(Aher fnetan., in trf,lurnialinc pit rp(ue of ()Iie lit lie h:, to tile Influnce i t Jill't til ey plio-At ra Ilf the largiv OOAwm Nhp 4**VA- tilt' Itill Tl it -lit toil for. t Df the i"W"ell '&" I Var 0()0,(*0 at kilkti (if I)racti(' ol in"Ide tolli'll V* of .1 on+. limit a4p ak- drpar*,ire Italy aid will oftell that rpeurrene4 hey hit offilriaily .11111ou I)II the .4trike Therelvip 11 1119 111 the P, guage Up,,, t11 He of the firm ha& MnAe jug ti lati(l rmot twit store" Tile Armenian land ite-elf. .,-a# the- nis Of'114-1 nz 4 out f i ter poebrtlr Qk and c& CoO24t Mo.)r�cop, Word) inwr wouldprevent illifrom,litriking. exeit,04 no -surprise. without resourfbFhl� I g race who live in FAig t4 dIKtresi allot danger slio-11 to tile cl#*rk: 1114. y4mr -(is 4X) 000 ikewerw Imall by soutb ified-iflJjjCAIISC-,s0' blit if Lq not is lot at-pir- 4, a new- leupoll ( uttirg -r f lie felt JI -14t savoryt-tie kilolWv lifty Vital " tber tutcltem. W(widen 10cycle rimft ,y tile %itherifiall atenm# 4e Ilis 4101ley rot Iliell'mako 1,, the Frettell laliguage, cepted I t fire. Th4 Ile P)LItyllod deml- W is In neil of money at tilliv- ated (if new cIf0tII--T1'P ($0 ff & bm. ft�OCIP CIA plant, WjI#_,MuJ*pn ptur he woulod have tO:drm%V Tho Nurf a's U ft I the middl ag s largely u, ed 141 A T�le(*P Tjbpd fast,; for TW a V*11011100d elf.rk at flrFt reciproe V* Ite willing t, - -,I oprew a ted. c" en ft.r alill(),,,t centuries a facture. Tlw prilmolluct nf thOw' Hameani frit of 1119 aA- "'it bi-f0te' 1111"d"'L- I.and Armentall q Intereott. A- iand. Tit CgIrn TY11184't loatelit,41 wit' t recele #.Luela 1`11441PY front a 1 14m to #%I, p-Irts Or t1w world witil Co. lot I WS I tx)a tw. y, one'. V Ind plefp : the 11anufacturer of curreary bill finall.\ ,ww of tile shiv- roulm it over to ftll� fa­461ay 14,41 it t n goo(I rato bag a cip, fit if, Wine. III tII0 day,.4 for the I'lailta I - ft Wag avww ermaidpw"d The Moorioli t the Ku pur &Igiish. w)ldierri, wtio were view and 04 of r1~W ber umd lie niatter was, explained bor. tI M Englishamiq. 14 that the ordinary tiomo,lishol the villagps favorable Would. IWAgit&te a long wilile Iw- Im!),0,141t)n that he hn Ilepti chented andert g &1%.Alt FranCe. flecame "at- rtoy, mllmt [lot be CtAen Ily Y. r -u n -eliting nuinhi (of till 1,4,b Imprwsion i(A no, far from 04 gh afff. lip avul I on' t 16r, Me Village- Blacksmith a bonig- Toia" foroigTw" ego it %vo 'etod by it*4 peWle's 110 *orroa. 1101 t1lat. fir til irally elld)u 14 r)o Y OU K the nivrits of t.rutil. Th(we.charact0ristio"s -turned to tllk 11 Ir.""I ii Tiv, orpsAn-But South American Rhou, inhabit 1114 n re nwl INt fli t linat.ic Cure Wolded 386. 4 flag very Pronounced, an m&Wler of illebell wud ri th,tir fain-liek. worwi-mit rvpte*l of cert the Link Wbleb we" firdt 0 FN 11io scht-ine, 1) ' Armellift thi-4-4 wn oltiuntr to illfect Itial. Wintio%% id tilat Ik"11- I go" 81 g n, for re in Kurdis�ftll 140me t1wil itid acqual, tal"4 with tile same im- r0w, 1W] ilr"n Witinds Him to Go d Ho&fth Again. hat the eighth en'put fOrWard IN 1i gjW oripti'V, it ix undeTatoOd at -Usi two it; allowo that tilmlill � and a4le milliorl Kard,4 awl n-ot ll�ttivy more axe to determlite metit,)d o'd el fifaps Tl,it. is. w hat J. H (;ad'm i Ila -11, L^bjuml iuU) 4 will be watenced to ti, luen laholy d -�,all aro pamw0awaY: Weylpr -n par- �it is easy 'nu..Clatjo I a3m bileollif, Illit11 4 if krupri4 or. (,kit. says a entury I I mprisollment and tli# 1pll are neeking to graptile witl . I tills -mil,jon Armoni, casily 1, f pr, a, ..lid at tikat tinie It. bati tllij*i -Are 3 heuill.1 ThAl, utitil 1776 vo"i 04111ilig w&b mon RAW'LIFFE.. tilat friction c -1141"t va Ily Britt. h- 10414"41.1 811 g+eat -ourferer fr4wi acuLe r N tilt, evil.. -4%0 - W I used niwly re-1110dies- ifrl)i(kic-11 tile .,r,u-v 'WIllell di,.1 tilo i.ulk 44 Out fight- sit) Ml*. i'll). I dinicovered in e. variou- 17. Tho VAice hav n t 4RO11114 wlk4) injurelli will f4 iri OFITHF, TURK, mV) tim New I I' iinot aT rolipf. induced ut, tr 144,01,11 That tile first iron 01* irglinka In tile demolmtratio MADE A TORCH OF HIM g. �gatll fr bei -n uWd ity, witil I tf4 n it1willujittic uttre. P%tJtA'8� ve Ila(l lIeen arraligell I:y tit's ine PP rank it, Judaimni 11wrics and b -fore I 1715 ? which alit] that 00 olle will tiln)w ur Alcohol on a Negro And llf)w lot ve r refugea'- ford Itow t 1 d.*.* lielped me 111f) I!fllll; 1141 1peol)10, 311y 101 ill -t arli, Drunken Men Po tt 2firicult f(, ent., r,,r Freach I eD49tw 0"Llm 01 I "'Y aimmt, tito Turk. It 6 ;1_ op%,leln, - tw-d -riltic'"Ill X)ttl,- I wao gTently tietwa- That the fir&A 1-W&Lft QA)Ct&limt.q ror Inertly on, n1e.' and Set Him on Fire. reful NtIldelit to account for Iii 1W Iluguellot#&. f�r ex=pll� of the (A4 lialf the, I tollill y tgltilki%llt Ili brought (Mul FACIa"d or lifite 9 a C41 Evep op late &A the 111harineft t would elloaIVI.- rited. It ha.4 cured me, and I lwartitj 4 SiK`11441� Jft4neA Alliff-Al. pe Tivalvin report - W. C. - t1lunib, weak Ittoll ill Europe by i-,rollch prWolere tury %& hen diialm nva i0i "lley rec4tutmend it tA, all taufferviv froll, t [to ins. *.,ylT&nJm ard uli:lriltlos- egill I g c if tit. - r cent CPR I(plill to preas intil jLI their prewlPiat fOcu CJLI)Ifti Tl 1-1 -41 age the d6willll swit to IwIl all ()v4,r I-enn I It hipi otil r saga.,4ta @41 kni O)"llcil tbat the tile lx,,ijy at S.3' a-,emixt1date -f-or state I fimt place IV' e wery 0 a clir,lT ic (state 41f warfare tits new licilt. jury, In tho may inventwl by Attaluo,. K ing of er- l1lNi , Prolitt T4.,olfiag Oliver, w Jul Sap, Is In Bo ap.,,rto gr(bat Uum- follow Cliris* -Ittlium, in WT? all destroyers to C rri f0iow" v . 110 u#*d kivitiftt-hen, -oUOM In Vai 95 torl**, o, Imau .1 lnitill , 9. jolt it 4d at til Iti, i. ef and ullie"As lie 01ri 01t4 44 1-'renchwttll 6 t I 'd &� pri left we %urn iur On On. It ,Aev kWWinf MIL WEW lot.) lgroilvent filibusters t Janwo irun a lotel in Dunkirk. lbut 10 'low --III NvIlieb par le Einglaiid—th4l outhern wI sho-old %"JA tA J. That tile lirst volu . E . orri Tlia Ile llho-nix,, In. thii 'Ity, cial 11(wition im-r4j N-.vk 4r1' *,"114. 111(loi itite Noilm, pattallwki k* countor stroke to tit(: til fly the PrOce a of raw.'* contr 111-19 t 104 Mal 04-11'ellt 111A,11n. !d emoluntle SOPeCially slit To keep s imA w lea I -well knowil Illuell out Of It F.Aell utilienly, %lifl, crifnp ffyr whVeh Alli,00 ]XVIN tile alld, William Keleller. a Ily falthr atle (Us riet,4 it' whic -Valk In tiv. Jeap;allt, f44-1 uti., in pvpt In r sti-ld It, f toor-ho is genera kri �%tt k,viw ar, wrtiotw all unp Val (A Tim- D14-st atroc1011- )ut td n' &­d� P-te o Wa, aiiA-4 spirituallY we uiiwt INve Will Lebrate ma&4 at wn-4 ft q**t a I M hill Ite, wa lie 111ioe- u I Sooner t r lie w-14rate is le"t 04) erved Elcot am"Id upoll paid eir- i 1#tA I That 9111"P� wit" ku date Tho -y 13th, 1pa' 1*bnllty 11 utel WeTe IR t and lione"t. I WO under Igilt AIM [lot I kayh tife New C., and tliat tlw earlm Cathe Februas ne, WKI all t;cv4'I14) 141"t"', he FAclialig"a H 'k or an Armen and Irelatul at -d Willi er,* ilot glass dral, oU fir,4t 4-ldy Isave been watell"! q, (-are early Tu6rd&Y MOM Ing than I wuld ()reel - its a cor4,tnker 64 6 719 lil.pt e t-iflue ir their great -r tir a U114 Illiveri;ary of aken intoo clu',t ,rvallt hi le 0-ka 1114, -11CAL SURVEY. to -m- tile otber 4ay tric light W" Invent, - I, be tile sanil r"al jitters t &4nditI40F1l lit Wili'll they would wit l'aV0 t ACr igiltietit at itit, tile 4liel"t by M to tile 111141 ain c rr m tjt i, tinen t tx Ing me That tile eiec emony wil by aflil t. Th Ily JOdy A Lon The Am& I at the jubilee Icrinte btle ) Itave beell und Iutky mort of fel St*king the (V at wits J clAut floors two 1. wonlell. 1110 Koi0loff particillals. of Off wiplut they 1114 1.% It h: L -11-P lid, therefore oo or spo you kni : -A pe willing to, live oll Illi.,siolt toll eari L. by tilow ii6k) in 1888. ere 114 ( TW)T%4 low, at) tile reat"Is. Pam () ler, ol k twas Hollne" that Count williall) ng. oni. IA14t lie, wno i,rt on.tile, Orl elate. j4 qp. -MID, r tile tif-gro, p!nr- ud alway liJ4 sU-p4 11,14 to 'Ap the That tho 4 liguerillotyw Jt in relx>rted Emilit Ilrumi arm 'wltJ, r. -L. fvrr her two ekil er of thia Hotel Orw,i]11111' go, -d ru t' 6f broall if hear Iffin ,riS4kt,II*gOkflg down In all , I liagiwirrP and -'sl"M in f. dent of id wi�tl liked elmracter making tII44 I iwt rcultiou nom. Mie year JSgs 14,K tit and will 4.11 or foand M."tt how t Ili 4ou't have that unpleimalit Bbilmnrek, Prf"41 immarck, If 1 Iren. TIw h1wiliavul had left lm)UIP atured a' t4irpe refer the Turk a It WIL--; thu.; I of Prince B . . ire wilkirs: .& , The t% pu r e. 11410W iturday. ollacoa, u, lindo Men Just a' you tum't feel 4t at electric ~&PI1 arly Lo mr y t It's he I oql Anei o. lit, That the fired and owe011d son Herr MaublLell in e IIIAnatol 1, tPirtiltillY to fought, a dool with (,Ouncillor I.e C4.Avok !I& y men if' tl]P'..C&fe of their ho 6 1114) if., where b'- 4,4 4411404 11' tA kJoll Day (III Fri 11Y tliev arlit. lie new Mtthew was of ctmrNe. 1)(Afody in the Plevill W" U"d in frofin 111siddiogton 'to Wl itifixt her PIP in 11A tile lobj!"et r0und III ('41111,tall' 11(11.day. :in Donill bid forsake, but noilw,ly the IA.* (luty tl]0� :11livAl fit to ized upon hl it. -Id filn). the ottier nf%. easily vorrulptf�d U*`A' 1 listemad intentionally. wh-it i1rkytott. Ungka nd 7 Owing -to a 1*rwnal quarrel III& 111W. -and a hank- givilig "11141 114VII) lienring tite ormotm, arrivett at wounded. r--Jm I-el.11141 With a !, 9 ai eniviit- )f ibe 111haribatcal religion That it 10 ffaid, wan Io anothur the form- t the procces. 21th. ilecautle jig heart w taltiott itudlutly all -Y, Vtall, July 201t.1184T? ek il, th 4 (Alvel, Maubac melled a Match to IIIM 61#4 17th i -tit Its f till 41 . with !'0 JJ* ld tlp Iler 61XI pickl­X UP all ax ;Hjured &IrA)lWJ over tile unfortumite 'I urk oll bit el;a 1.,ir4t widay i I q, t, Fell. L Jull Ilollof virice, lle.c'lulf- he dealt (IITw It IMIg guns, recntly ent too Ilrr y nwxnent he wak; ablaze 40111y 111IL(-41 t4l dotw ain, silliti y, At r Sull- U That 0,000,01M in 90" COM tijers and twO i�&114ed fits rlef,4411 de'41 1.1 1 a 11if I wilen the Illivra4mli revilt'd Him JeP Alit* dow-11witni i ts 14 1101tindill nvoirdupoin ,ar Trik. IIII - y were, I havil, w-Itcked 11 gain ani Alyril 1()tll. elf-vate! Lazaritm, ne %%Onlan' 'skull H rim !i6adt0 114 -el- Prunk lLf4 tlw ar)o will lwgrin turntatl to tils, publicalls, :Ind ther ­4;roulid t, That RcAwrt yulum launMied I the vitiage or aYment taxelf., I I the P , v, lit Llw gardo 1,p liziDd I& extreme dall- men.-ing (I litioll, for llebrpw yvar -) 1 .1 aff Ike tilrew Inick the 414 lo7� oil tb4b 1"I hals, to enrorce the 1), troopm I t b -Jedly !M-Pa.'re"ki a 9 A , t I I ree rev.9 llptiling millit be With 111crea-ilig oth. found one, ivil,3W He cAllf4i to Iw an ll(%Wiy JIIVplltf4l #441111111IN'bilkil " met the ad the 11PAY.-IvIler ger and mew that!w)l part ;,nd pnrewel I MIA I ig"t brot unw,t. Frid-ly 401)t. Q so (if w(men q4trilAn"i (put ff"Till Fulitimer of ISMT peaAan ft,id buri gro . ides lip an ICY ik)wl 1114 &V flifo,t'o. Here Ihold the glwttnf- The egular r-ngage In 8 i grah!fp(l the Ile I#o. lie"tr Tho four teawlnooftwill rhich viiin make it pub p(m, thp fl("r. t,ilkinK now fr Y_ w d1oCover,41 a week later jinp tiniolkly. Th and a r at- witil IN divino graeo. U 04, Wand IDP41 fire, tile t of do; re. Ile was :g In Spring. 2111th � That Wt The next day (Jitl4lit, fit till flird bu.41ed him oft &'AlIppory till side. h4, akneck #1110114,11 RYP4 utumn, Belot 11Call ;Ill aPitle' ExcommunivattS, anol thore, W3% Mw- at If-Ilitt w1w VaIWA tile Knil(w King ? enimed. Owe a4ly 41ec4)'nP(-Vlet" "I'lli , pad twe* ile(] I I the til y gave Idul ri�ct reekh-P41411044" ft't:ihrp a of tile self-riglit J4 ment (I, with rs,-111t.4 110 try olfrom the felh V� that tile 1*111 p jack wa^ Tell ea,itinie file C0111" ITilat, ill tlib firot clw lr<li -9 uloio-r ivul furred hill'. if 114, w4ptild live attl it I nd . wintoor, Dec. :IlAt- Iewtl, IK, t entled into commu'll 11 t4l, walk Ill J)e Iferfect, for -l"Allip, lwarier ever publisbed, which at!*' know" here cured fly Mlfe04AhllI 114! 11114 Illtell4lei'. awl batter"d 11'.; lie hack 1141- w4lilld . are'fiVP (oniet-. st All apostato chnilKet, workmen went , . I I 1m)n't lerclothil"19 ard 'he get t of Minud is Liniment for Rheumtism- allprarrol to Now Yoft A A nMmlw,.r for Mel fiVIllily and the lyrtIlIVIX but,wanty U114 mly w 110" 0 04111 498. 1 jiliam T. power, near grav, ti) n illwxtiol, The wordii; Came. Varra f) kill the w mllelf, If& I&W. fo,Ur bl Ckg tt.0 4GraMdisi. There knoto. MEWW-W-44 the make mome re JVJ tiop %'Namp (If Which W to tilat 110 1911OW14 Ills won How tliQ.v mupit have tiouni*, That 1* W "L lie Wa" ff)"Itil V) I)o III aL A NOMAD. Hyperbole. Iow Me. Wortiot, t. WasiLtingto troinevO tilt- 11118111 4 1 M"dvdW bournp, oe'n Oak, vr&h (jug 4oale ti.1" week, THE TURK dly nian' psim Latow nAother wprkman wen WW4 at once takon to V d, alwaYS 118" 11r. FIVIlett lirAher of h" i ditool' fwM4 w orl it trial #41mil IIY the brntlillic rushed back, onyin, efu" lie kilb,d Milo. Orr. for the r"elf rAynditioll, W'd Tho Turk is it "Cimit one, and tilt- w 4)f I%evipwsl Unjust critl ilarn. None are ou liki43 4*vi* a)por (if ether In 111446 &)Wn. but )p and all th, tlon OfTolly, Ifer tile 0-rry 114,%pital. Iways w4ll bu lie ..'U.,traliall Revie tjj etalwure fuiJ eritiihe the metho Ililwtolx hutb4t on haggagP :w 311 A - that InspeCtOr Mow ,ro.41ny tle 110ume @Ilrgf,,011 rpported tw*ir olle, a 4vilng e1w. rMlat wan a member (yr a eAllo-Iial Parlia- v In! W) If.illega or a wolumn's rv*VlbtvtAlIi"ItY kle tj I -@-on Th-bl', 01111101% 11 rp dead, and the mewit" etAiditioii an moire (JiLliger- dlim to become U part lit fient %v 1,4 r -An a certain ui*xl in sa U104 fill those whollial #,hp workinaft. w& Anonialou'll (mt of joint thom_elvea4. and tire no' e#w Tho fire depnrtm,-" TRIa P110111T wrf)tell ti,; Isi tAw key to the r %v her, Sir named Tnylor Tilt- U WON fall of g" mwer atolpt*& than at first. The Imor ell and g)lllys III FAirope. ',No mattiff tric an(I elderly, Illelltl* willing to be lot right. Sowing discor .4h(% it, relumpd nee *.I)bd rm ever wap ealled 00. 1 t he 110-01;-� I ':errI14y nurned alm-ut tile, i-trnna find lilm-oll tIfe plain. it, the wil t -pblted orit making a qwech (at oduca- 11, Vrpthre oenowlem rule The blWaitol ­11five ur t"" and every you - anity,19 t of th. i it remarkably jot fter tile -bolrOuthful Misir4orerShOw" MIX0 (it tf&ek. He in in m4 rtal %JZarattign trunk to no InOrP a KY alp and floot Itsli drvqw dArnespl nWe IK)pulouill city, The , rat to 1 'd Of a hyper iniKIW-ru trick; of 'Satali, fig well alill ain ncw the eye whiff, va CAMW t *rod. -of Brftkin.,,, Down. if te I to - m4v ft,. a ieep of I H %v1lj(.Ii w4.ajtlI ions ees coul r(WIwaoltability than 11 f NV 4"a r0t"T drrs otk th ' niWo #4w(Irf, out war- t,1144 surrounding blolleal eul 9Y of t4ie B-ard Of 80104111- 0 yqm if f(l 1 0 pfif"no of tlie Kra lew -.Ib:.)rt 114mrs rwnn llm. The (III ow*w%,#. 111111 riilltuM betwOwl th !-A evidence. Of Buri Adal" a same aw t"r 3,-A purcllllsi�-if Y in' Mr. Tayl,ir'pi corstiluecy. 111r. 4 4d -t; me 60vil ie� If tile Pha r1l" Province 0 Berlin rellk. olmventPell Yeaff-Okl *r&itto4 for all tkro. this artemolfDn on ean does (,very .1 have, enuved -, nwo. .-ww Aarlt_ Crn ccMted rei luce .11y reillaIrk (or at&i as.,anit with In- -lowlly You FlUliett IlItf4rJected �opri I plom aTW their MnsWr by per Fxlpv Id married 11 IlVe- At 41'ellIck to c I,Wgj, pre,*lin of doubt. "WhY t�ir." -aki tile tfix(A ally. Forli. lt&IY- A _jji, of aggrav The tiling In lk nomadic ilvay nd is Hearep suading t.lkq_gU that 110 was leading oLrly davisa. It go" to 11101111011111.11 atvicked by tit r�rililqr- lie Willi tent V) fliallciflill-44Y iiiijim, Itim. I I progrewl, irate Taylor turnilIg 111)(01 10111, "at tll(.m into 10 complijilly. the opt r price, will" Itillig to corne n(mrroW M4 ly toutillied by what we. ca for atteml, affod an4l 'Pay Witit. 1118 life,t'W eat,,IS %van laid over lmtll the ne-VO� it tile fifteenth eentury and tilim very M(ymemt I have a ocll()Ol III inara,stwment the bed Heir Reswre, w,%% muftlly a "N""reme He tit rMr tuility amotiq tllow% publiennot migh I le Una lie t4urvives is able to appear. The,de olklY 0 -le pupil ir grain. nt t kind of eontemPt for the IMy Iopn They know UK) w441 Wofman XV IL4'0* Thor The e-lalt.v r4r tIvV IT11111fd" W liell I jag. of i)tli. At endaqt#4 l,vtyre 11#141 in $2(Y) hail each. lilts I L oil broad riot" tI44 fyrr oll The -even colliforts retoirtmi-th- do,,tor, ni the rliange. TheAMe wrr' 41 nif-frit ol. ape. I t t�pentli. IMPTOTemqnU P- Tay I r " was dr,)wned ill thAt silence their nrlru 1)(X)k oil a U-nin shop alwayp act& no, ulelf ourpr. JL y,.,t,.Ti an tolo-411ght, Witt, Inly eittlit niew are the, facts of the I to Ilim, for lie tir rat-Ta'a elo luence "nd ow, rried. C&4W-a-Mare 004. 111 1,10 (!cfftdimE1(1 --wke no appea 0 Ought t(I give lwr nn trflwprA freflurutlY ('I[[& rxuli tl'P m ve lie, -0*4 iff, ruinored &bollt tOWn IaW tA)-fliglit metllo(lh of life. He who mentao ir the -1 aj,mfted Uim t mp- deft It' , , jwr Rev. Mr. At- tilat oettjtImeTtt Is of fered the npgro f ers the ruder 110111"I they reporr ed se t1lq%r witil Sm It sw flir "kal .%nZeigor printp; it ell 16*4 1119tritual adli, - , thus In a tent man, not it UW. divery on. Nor wem, they will Vgrp@pondvnt �-1(1 if outward &P. at $-00. but he pr4111111Y %vill refuxe lives noyconkldf-rPil -i r-faft"11' ,-I, P 6tell from KlnX 1.4 XreAW :inwfil. tiling ui-ion 1A It me JaA bpen�offere.4 WhICII IA 10t nian. Ile Ilan a g*aln of tribal blood In 111j. em fitIK too) lot oi e efto-t do They ying that earnncP go) (,,r lly - f ins, and 1P hardly two re" I'llited gtatM &I nry part of a Young wl"Im a%ion in Orpece HmtJIA 11W J III Ilim Ve cps- 1poll tilo db CU)Ios of JOILn. �d by tile situ rt.par"l tO dil". W lie lulalit likely. -4- moves front UW. flabithl Of Ills an S.111pert IxWlilk nnd love townri Pinotrt.. and In iii Priv"ItO dVV tion tije otlwr day .4),W- riintLurps delmtc at King- lo roamed tilt. country In 1141ptive, will flav LL visit to llrkidelit inanly "rt in convem deollit r a n I M, 8 t tors. - wl jail the Pact Wice mo@lt nereptab; ountpm of WoTnlTwnt n)# -n 11P 1<1 cliverrid loul 1)"(4411to _r all expeletem semrcll of ndventurp and for purposes JtKiflley, I+ it a-:Nerted, in mxIl1VV- atoll ylefdoad $285,60 aftp de _T I t. oppowd t 0 A ortant a flicUbr if tII1 le 14 nl:Ly glye .Va$ W114-011 lie V!et' re 60 wn `4 of comiumt. Itynx with tile affairs of tho (ollgo 'knelf"l ed he wpm wti to ba�MOAOZDZ "titNish IL we inet. Of $1110 Rum $185. The vlolt will Iw (if I'll blAvi"ll :diviiiiiii; The PketY of tilt the "ady (1�f rppub bpf(we'lilm. but SIWI'p up to %be em lhorature. oat lec- 'lie -eaff"Id rLq-w Relief Society. n �T A FACTOR. live wished aaffigt in the, ow Ign'. "f it tllw far. nt to t)le Poor WOMAN NO ould evpn Ili 1,avp twen fill his ftotmtant organization, and $100 dricial cliaracter. lie. H W r""ident. 1qut -)f tile J&11 to. -flight, tA' i once mote, the Civilization of the tie" of R fultabole U10 illmateo I wilct watell ho 8t.. Vlnelffl� (11P, 111"1111 '-�kvlety. questioned whother much 1%.TnAd COUW frJefX!L4 awl Vic officials # L9 op _7 7