Lucknow Sentinel, 1898-02-11, Page 2-7 Wi to be V lie 4 mr-M -mizigle El aborato tables of vital statistics WL*n I w&% down in ht Twintomm a, . - T61W-ft, iur a Of ni%MILT feaskILS LIitve, so t It g which- iiirt- Rev. F. Elliott, of Rictimond E I I m4m,itifis diag my turn in t4iiat iwu- -Persisten RANK tell him, at 'most shocked him. day." ( To be C00inued.) of MamachuiotLs from tile twenty- Relates a Happy Incident. liar and primitive esection," observed "God forgive me!" lie muttered, and r4gl.t annual report of the 8tate tte specisi.1 pension agent toy a WaAli- 0U)od Irresolute. 'Board of Health givo a number of In- Ina%mi. 8tar maji, "I L&d at varioilit, IrresiDlution, ala! too.) late; for D tereisting fa6ta bearing on the inter- Hold Bedfast by KIdney TrOub,16- :0 timw suet. glimpowto (A life am you paw Just then all the three Dalziel boys wittent discusdion regarding tile lx)*- Could Not Turn Htmsel.r-Dodd's Kt, 4ered clLUdren of the lumiri um capita.1 Clou S U - A Good,' A siblo extiuction of the New England ne=tuured Him �ever get. I remember nne une morn- gh The Romance- of a Gov riLshed Into the house, anti tile school GtWk becauso of the preponderance of Reliable jKedicine. lig I samime, from my simpke bed of emes& room, (ollowed by their grandmother. 0 fentales and the failure of births to etapbojards tm the loft M;or of a log The old fatty looked a good deal Nur- coraperwate for deaths. (talwiti atid pr(x*eded down a ladder to A oou6 which w9m M prI,-*%d, perhaps it little displeased, The ivport shows that during th the earth thence a buitodred yoxtit j p Iticlutiond Hill, Feb. 7.-Itev. J.. 1 4 on in spite of all the ranah" W MAIITM 11 front one to the other. WINTER SKIES. forty years from 1856 tO 1896 thp- a popul.Lr alW prominent (I 'i,own tae creek where I wa. arrurdec riii, consclouistiew of wIuLt was and Mr. Roy permived it, and recovered if* of winter are unkind ? l".tulation or the State was more than i.11lottv of tilis written I otitiple oppoirtulitty for my watutinal you have applied cerWnIT MAS lrtie *40T"7 daJ** (14k which Mr ltoy what was about to be, I)LnWtf tit an Instant, letting go For- the A rs, and I think dotibled, the Increase expremed in gym"" y alilattonim, as the mtream wa,N 1119 energetic frii sensible tt"tMent- t suddon she heard steps on tun*;'s hands anti placing himself In i Lt' I I 04h:IrP the' Sta figurtimo; being 1,367,S44- - Of thLl; 't"ry Of film suffering, aim] recov,1 Pittyugli tit rail a mwmill with. For twenty-five years that staa- "d r'9P-k111d f,"r oeeijkg his friend, or Ow grvel Im-low the liall bell front of her, between tier "d rs. you will find the tialuber, however, 904,395, or nearly r7 -ow kidney dismse. The sketotsli As I spLaodied M face lit tile clear U'UtwVver elpe- lie rang thrugh tLw silent tiouse. She lialziel. Long afterward she rvinem- That, instead of looking 'round were immigrant,6- Tile o; deep interest to thOubfUlds Of C ater and splattered uver it after t1w &rd preparation of Cod-liVCr A Vollan"" t4' te Prqlv4xl 21, failure. tier kiANw whi) it wa%i even before site I*rott that trivial act-remembpre,I it blue, it, it natural increase ad ia us. lis it wual fasidon of a mail who likes to, ta witi: the tenitier gmtitude the rtip giance &;tr ight tiown nd right - --the, excess of birtlitit - Itev. Mr. Elliott say's lie fee , a,#411 film face, I wam )Aned boy the ]O- TOMVW% pupil fell Ill, ajki aim wam openplil the thiii-w and anw him a nd- protector, it nothing more. at you. over deaths- --during this period was year-old w)n of the family 'With which CUTTV hNin t*vlde hiaL si,lid %way. tile ing them. .6 it'll sights for bright only 463,419, all average of 13 5ft ,juty to tell of the meojilcine t, 1, Ycm me, I came. am I told you I Tho tiight (if cure(; lilm-Dodd's Kidney () 1 I %% av stoppijig. He suiod 4 pit the shorle "NLty I eotne in ? They told me you young 01r. YOM could induce IV until th,.& . I a I.- ahnnid If mamitilo to bid iss Wit- 0" 1". I- A -11 ,goodwill W men' I , ateldlig me with much intoores-t Ar"198 a I. � IL& It % e** wbether- the 111na a w,,& -A infeetlous IV wvn� Keeping Ilotum alone, find I Halo I should Iti-st walk over to bid 'you I I ey 11ams g000d-bye, anti wee Davie. Th Is hung 111) tHu" ill till. winter sitiem. Von llf)w- how clear the jacr 1"CL VjL%_q3zV5 a& is not, a now thing. TlieTimT census, llo%v Ills name'to be publisliev TO to a - tomtimonia 6 The � 111cli I am glad top o4ay I roturned IN)y it. In the stWI twilights, in the wake- frieads ;v* you anol I have been. I 4W rkit. It turlbed Out t 1 Iw- very IrIf"JI16"a alitt Davie glxxt-by." both kindly admitted* me, and we have had half liour's, merry chat. mark ftir i* ? tit, Lpn in 1765, i4howed 109,747 female#, tie- thiij colinection. "litirely unsolicited. % ith uwt, for fie was a picture fie sandy and 0%ikled and didn't has its CffCCtiVtnM in Cuf' nxiot trivtal t4jiig ititAge- *W "I weighted matiner was grve anti mat,- . -in havc, we not, Davle'!'Now, My ninn, 'rlfat's th*'o w() rk of tilt) wttcllinge@t to 105,042 males, the settlement d. During Ing then 145 years ol tile -1 suffered go severely fr6w 1* IP* P,*t look am Lf fie had had a hath in tile ing proved I the trying affCCfiCMS Of the with ;% pain nwut 41MIll't t4l 00Ar 'It vIellso 44 'atality Ined. per- twTt-of-fact-a li*tle constra CX)kt tj K but not much -awl he I - 0 good-bye." He took up the little rel- fairies. -rho saine th:lt Illakes pictures outhe 11 rw.,olutionary war tho femalos g In- Bac k tturt I could not turn nor bed. I began using Dodd"' Inem,Ty of maji. 116, clotims were of a. cAittoti throat and lungst and thiS ig the 14" 'Llymt overwhlineal one ii-x9%,vaiin I iml.- oinif *Ara I f11sat %% Ith- lo" nd kl4seil him, and then ext4'lld- Itilade, one sermon. Becomit4 ner- ed fat4t, the census of 1790 showing, ()ut of .4 1 - Iin,' atneut* qn,ple enough, exiisiAing f I- I fear.- YcAj will tie, ltuctrat glad to) t. - -A %;I Av. a P% T I pot III, hand. "' * -by,, Mis:s "I 1� 11ey it 11s, all ,ja pa n -4dr, autu a madit"riet juda (P vastran reason wi W t e r st 10AW1. X%*Ilat the other felt ithe- dki out any liftitaxtion. she �oo)k him Into %.P0 icielpp; out of the raJil. 1,043 of them to each 1,ow there kywww I hope your Yrttle pu�il. dw. Lppeareti. I conBider D6 1114 jwuitaI4Kww &lid was it<) hat to . He cam., daily a,, I'sual ; @4he tho whool-room. %vhpw ti.ey were sit- s will v.-Ilue And tn 1*w Intlies Until IS10 the males gained, t" ills n g(tot], tkoliest, relh L I liW a hea of hair which I am lxmi- tially digfted,t strengthens arid W11*8W him t4mw antl go. and tome- thig and g-tve him tilt- arin ehair by you as you dew.,-ve." rmal Bad Case. the excems or femalem being redumi KI(IlleY I or tile (timmses they re Is- Ive never felt tile penetrating ajid per- vitalizes the whole sys- 11101M be twMeid aliql they exchanged a Dav ie's solf.%. Titan, with courteous and 40 t* twc4ity-five In the thoumand. Tile medicine f for." 4uadjlIg 111 -fluence of a comb. He was tem; the hvpophosphita C"I'M 1`rt�m'the %%I d,w But Iwyond "Yea, I own to being rather over- farewell to tile old lady, and a nInt so WfAat am you treati* C me for, doc- cemmuh returns of 1820 and IWA0. how- com wended t, ghle had tq - takv all pavdvely� (Joll; I have had mA much W rraii uproariou one frotr tile I)ON t1k " ?10 evor, howed 1,048 females to 1,0M 1'1~ are r. FIliott"t owl' W0`6111 Ubo much Lntem-ted J!i the mysteries ol, a tonic to the 1,re went to the door, but turned round. ,IA)m of memory. you have owed me inifles. The greatest excew or re- silch Is the result every t I -Iii, my tojilet ti, ma aiiythitig until I to&ik Wl-at evuld *he. tvily a w0lilaW. 4) or fisr I must lectre here to-mtirrow, as k*,,yillg - to tile *,-Itimt boy, dim- btll , of $so row two years." mittes over males In the history of tit(- Dotid's Kidney Pills are used. IY put a pocket comb and I*gaii too utle it rnindand nervest and the MY r plan N%*0111011'af lawi- think you know." lbo and 04M 11111 11111 Bit oLikloWlt, &lid pn4jurle, tilletly aud clegirl.,�-V'Ougll State was in 186.-j, at tho closp oT the 1wrsoit who suffers from Bright's )*- in my ta,lglod lock-. AfW a tug or rlycerine soothes -The boys told me." Dinbetes or tiny other Kidally two at It, looking at him tnetwkwhile, a farther end of the room, I teals the irritation- Can She hood eouriu%t "I th(V14ght tIK-Y WCHIld- I 811011111 WaA :It th eant her A CheaT)est -Looking. war, lien the ratio was ble, after having the ammuratift tie spo)ke. 4" WedYwa*da. Thurs-tay. Friday. tjAF% (Nmt% it mywlf, ,It .very ly Itho heard. and. was sure lie m -What im, the chepest, to 1,000. Tho proportion of tilt- Trou t -lei "'Say, Vilister,' he said. curi(nwly, you think of anY cofrbi- 8&tW4lLY-a-, If they hd twpii yeary I ho;petl to we you. it wali, this little too hear, every word: Patience uch a orthy alml emillf-l't ooking thilig,you ever saw about -i A6*M has fluetuated, but tile cen-Ug (of s ere I' socffcctive &I this? fix 0 %V t Wo rp &I I By-theo-bye.. Archy. there is some- Mali as Rev. r. Elliott. (IPNPrvP* W 'have yer Wit to do that th nation lind g4vtle-llati fled fpljow,- 9 Patrice --A husbart(I of 1995 *howl; 1.000 males to 1,50A I q fault. I suppose,- p:IttiytgD,i- tiling I watz ilwfflt to explain to Miss �wargaln counter I foolftles, wllir%li uts tile sexem nearer pity The eure iFi within easy rp tub 'Do %%-flat there It' I iinuiled Ili reply. a ou get SCOTT'S Ernul&iew Sm 11111111t thil well [low watting for Ilia W118. anti ir they*mfm9e to stretch out 1i 'That there that yer dein'-' wj h are on the wrapper Ike mJ.­.uuvA fleol emptily away few ie's head. "He xv,ems quit!, 1011 It %%'illiatnx. Te,11 liar I will wrilte it. Shp to a n el been 19 fftoluxn" fact. -A @be had had tt� feed Iliqt jg jolly as pongible. You . (juiw sure t[, :I Iqtter from juality til:ttl they have haiml to grasp it. no one can bp "'Tfou nieAji cA),mfoing ttly hair?" cm. co-Inmulticatot by t1w boyoi Ili their know what It -64 to say l000d-bye.' 11 * 1850. 66 4 y6m., soc. and fi.se, all dnNM'Wft mo too-inorrow-no. on Tumday morn- She was Green. le tie es refth t&lk. rhe effecteI. (if the Civil %v.jr Pepin too hlamed but tl M lv - rocOTT & SOWNF, David, my wm." lIg 9 'ills 11081tivel-T 10(' 'Of courv,e, it has UA be dn"41 "Mr- R41 ww, r&Amhw er4w4 to day." -0 .. Mr Roy, lway,4 tzot on well i *' slko ion tier first voyage) -What it. 11u,ve been niarked pi the Hrth rate Dodd'm Kidney I 1.umbngo. Dro. )4y 'Every moeidn' ttoi,4 ertvay ON,,t m*g Dtek-,-eedy dull." I W110 childreTi. lvi,i trtl.-'k of c-illing nd s() Ito wc4it away, bravely "Id that place, down there? lfvtxer tliall Im th­ relfitivii- i);ri,portiolw lm-rmatiently cure t, - I Tertainly.' sm.$$ ehoerily, the boys RCCOmplinYing llin' While tilt. it p p(,pula- Pa,rfIJyFftm:' Heart DiwamP. GOu -C jjoW TO DIVIDE UP A 1PARK. koy &-ked why Davit t4id IX4 - lk-11-W) Y, that is tile steerage. fit tile wxes. iai, .0 " '1?# 'Weil, geewhillerkins, inWter,' he I WIx yoxinp:--r pupils tA� t1ji, gatc, anti shouting anti wav I - -fil i - - atica, Gravel. St tie Ili Bladder. 4111114ue ta U1, laii,sow, &nd Paid lie litiped She, ---And tiou-4 it take all those 1*0 tj -egan to ovcytftkp the femall, im Ill titinary diwmirt, aid. with much feeling, 'you must too a bo would be itetter by LAsi,turd y " 1IN1101ky flo you F*ft y 'C'001L'-byei� ing their hats to film 118 lie crossed to inake.the boat go strnight? ii-edInt44y after 196-1. and whilp ttie malf Weknew. i Witty Judge Oners a SuggOOL1010 Which a. the t diminu- NIuralgla. Lnme Biwk find nil wr loap o' 'troul)141 to er#;W.' Iaki K ots..by t" Ila all at I 1, then sked tho Links, until their 'grandmother marriage rnV- slinwis 114) grea was Not, Printed. antl i 1111t NvITITAnLy t Kidilley n1w,4tws. "They re the Ily gave tb* Palch somethpig t,) remember i roproingl.� suggested that it w:l 9 THE KISS. lcm duritig th %vatr tit* exeem its an inveti-rate iokft. 11kini bj when W wj6. cut ji India. Did I Y'01ing qp&m p or six or seven. who had Sunday. bIrtlm over deaths fell rapidly. From remeIly mi earth tb:it lintl f-V('r I -pe somw W(AWW It iod rllited. C(Ol- a nionk-ev or a it go Off to you Itilly mend your sweetheart prew "if 141.1 tAk 18f10'It rwiged fr4an mwl J. It. illmoitling spere- Me Wllli&jna4 kru,,%,r Le we,,, gq-ii:g out an many trieks ,uR ut Mr. Roy doe-; 11 It to Bright's Ditlea-fle All"i I)In bev.s. I iey mngpip. Tn fRet. In eliattprina and India every Suniiny.- Ilurrah I %vish ents cent. 11, 1861 it wAR 4.07 if ar4% w4d by till druggistAi or IV U'll ITIdIA 1 0.".,. 11*11V jolly "' 1 11.99 per I The G Rea er t.&.T If.* Itijud (if Agricul- "Y40 and hit- ealt-4 npxI eek. a *I Iiiiiing thing lif- wag nearly we were itil-girting W. chiIi�r* Through tit(, mail ir you desire'. 1862 ft wn#4 7.47. It was 186:1 -?tit' rim Y -.,of t if - tum, vent orpilt i circula m4kilig .,ent on receipt of price, fifty ( tiv I" a Ttingpie. anil tlw torment of 1114 for Mr. Roy." Caii trajismit a roving me&�utgv In 1H last year the a box. #dx boxeo for $2.-O. F!'jw 1juggestiona front fairmen fis o flow the nam#- t4 hl altip, is i tie Queen 4-f the govpr-P"., life; et slip wns !Otul of .'Of - y fellow. and By the telegrPhic wire. i (,.., T.imtted. ro &MU- and be X4 wo hy Liverpo I in- 111M. *,Wtly 110 roll hill 11,4 good-hy, Mr. Mr. Roy im a ver -malt] rs. dtlatlw and Twirtlin nl4)r-,aclwd .earer Niellicine tA) divide it, should Im' 00"" r 19,Qtb&mp 0-1 h e1jus- it Ct,.,U Roy? W11 r do" It you stav always with I hope lie! will do sweet propOMILI, w�j e,mality thatt, Ili Lily othcr ye&r ront,o) tA) larliker Wm: and tie leav ' Dal-kiel. touched by their enthusiasm lxXI a it, tlw 11,77 year4 of tile existence of WAS WRITING TO REGEIVE Witli tile variouh 4`6 St A'Airew'?4 4111 Afia Williams rd tlalao, by somo. old memotiem, for, like (;et nil answer most sUbUme Mbod&y nuirldlig.- :114 Alit it kims not done Ili fmrpon, lifiv--saciluvettS. Allice, then the"PIC00 (,oqtly oablei(rarn­ He rtwel I n%- r(Th"', #"'long "AT* y,,u ure he dftj�tl Mot -I wish W CINI T could., Wally St. ndrews folk. she w JA a failure every time ibirtlY4 over d-nathu Jinx exceeded 8 --tLay worti- She, heart] that, hear(] it distilletlY. 4trongly linked with 111ilia. anti lind ( come high, but are A BURDENED VIGTIM OF -ior cent. Ill 4silly orio year, 1,874. until neverthekins. a 244) nem fiWill -Lad (il%idC 11749?" IF(* that was Satumlay i4ght. though was spoken beneath .1119 *,.fit off one-half (if tier numerous II41CfIt�SarjT; lid whel tlw� Take .0 ill to 64'et WOO breath ; a there. Re4able. I A94. 1V Ith the l6zeeptiost *uf that'oNe prim- runs tilt to 20 cent -4 it W(Mr<! :tnd ifj tj tub : 0 CONIala. heeat** hP 11 anti she 'felt tile look, turned famil tot, live There t1w exceiss rwiged froM.4.82 per KIDNEY DISEASE# 14 660M ruimiiiiih loread fur failkily, 10 d ()Ile tljI,g I like al;4)ut our iie%% (!611t. IH over. UMS still. 0h, what fnn it 111USt I -e!" fnr.,ne niomslit fillon her nil he stood, was something like I tear In her ol ye", even f(* extended inew 4,-e b And 'tile tillve went 441, gTeativ x- ! .9- lip never forgot- eith- 1882 to 7.7.9 lit IW91- It" it doom not take long to Pat i,jtsi s", reN by the window. oyei,4, though not ror.the young tutor., I I :to; long a,; slip lived. tomp ruau,­ wil-I a mewl or of the firm W his it w1w Ff.24. In 189 ) it again declinliml. [I t I :91 ited. repeating everything Mr. R4 --)v. Pr -never, hut it effectually k4-11it Iter from either Je. Yt ku rat,e per 11golliev. For ill"talice. a rece to ld theni-fliAr lie itait Made them words, some looks, can delceive, per- thinking of tile gov- partner, *'b-; that he's relial :,,ei-g 4)idy R.01. Tile tna"inge word "patch froin London to Ar acreu. tam 4)f h1m eve Ili -tho-e few iii4intlis haps quite unconsciously, kv being looking at or ih- can tell what lie"; Villa to do 1,0w of po)pulation rai-ged froni, gplItilla emt ' $7,-01. The to word d -To foarlilbli vt iiisky, 1_100 uerf,%. orness. And mile ftOrg4)t them both I ext." 0.2,44 In tlw toil yam4. between Paine's Celery rompoun I -t* ) It lircaking price -flat if� tht aji-d 11966. Fram 144; to 1-49:1 joe4it tio Cl%v snore Uo tlw --ozpatlating v% Ali. liVilght , m �:I fut- i-ither Tlitire demonstrative titan was. ruediately. They were merely the however, im I I!at I aid wmiiv eam% it -timy 1* tire care". am merelwtnt, t�r ofinie- tneant. ir the exaggeration or cold- tistor and tho governftw. Nothing. tunged from 14.91 to 20-90 row a calilegraill. sent by Mr. H thing tbW dkf rtq.t quit4I knibw what ; i.Twss to Mile its opposite: lAit somp- for tllj) boys. they eltatWred -r*iojj lit ker Heaton U) Australia'ill bell; 1p 0 Saves a Life After Fifteen KtralW to saY. Ellimpt) letter In be$ no 6 uot It would be fzzir nicer anti jr1ar.er. n tone. IvItrays. or From IR90 t') 189 the P ;�p I I tilnp#1 a vtqtemently ll tea -time about Mr. #lw- RriUmb Parliament, ea4fillg (-ver M14" &jn*tlIC ulazi st40ppj'1g at Ilonle rather reveals. the real truth In ,I 1,11oy. arld their envy of the jC!IIY,0 Le� r go acr That 1palcw V 1 females 1 -,ma ined t lie atne. Reuter's news agene., ac of lilt; exmA of Sig- (I 24 to,the 4110,000. --Kadwim (,jity and CHiAng forever --ver horrid Ix,oks. nianner that nothingr afteTwa.rd call t lien titer Minds lvery "ry, Air. Peek,' halitt-be liet'ic a galit ft r the ilia It (-0111t 4Vr till- Tili!rde r fleeming's rial ricultural inforlillitioll. Dkki*% Mim Willi"is think so?" ever falsify. Fnr one Ingtant, one In- life, Ile was going u ecou n t. j,(X)0 over pt the same years the wordhi, eoi4 SS.- Yearg of Ter�ble ligony, Jollrual. X" WJllt&m& only 4miled, Ship knew' stant only. Fortunp relt gure 4iiiite turned to their own affairs, anti t - here editor, ­t1j.,It. in giving o r a #,verage. anfitial percentage of r- it rip ever waiii allence. of your t;ilver wedding we should have 11 a t4lightly less than ktimthe (YO illemsagem aw " filo life twolad loveAt other slip j Kagem ", a Co- n Fow inre. titat in Rollie way or -lid you had been 'harried' 25yeart. 1()rlg, tile M(*t expeILSI 4- till Tho kind of silonet. Most* Of nil 'I;, -ding five yea", tile eXCe84 Of 'I'litg' a0 tia VTW 6 ofts preferring them t, 1 pff,a- was very to Robert Rov. If tile know it, whelk jillyone belonging to ()r course, live men tit. to say 'married' " PreC4 t- twte loping Ulftt of the Khm of ` ul ViCtoriffi it. etinductoed bY tight boots. COM p hirthp cover deaths was sligl4fly grea Itest conducted by Put - &um reereatt a. alm4 st to ILa ily tv ead: ­vwxt minute lip hild tak n her Into houNw§11old. (or vory famillar, theres answerrd 'M. N. Peck, "I IL One of the GreaInst reaping Is hK)w he had lived 4*i the hope itiat owne ilia arms nd saiO or 1(w)keo tilt, %%.or,jj4 #r and tlw percentage of childr6h un- to Uie litilip of Abruzzi, at 100 3& rilro ainlems C(wn Extractor. t1w 4lWt4 away on On long. Indefinite ab, .,oil dilln't mim"it, to aniount to der ;-, yraro old showed a corrempond- inroic.;,ing llin, 4 tile' deatio 4 ! lii:- day he­tlo4ni oidy a farmer'A "I- virbich, ts) an earnest-mintled. s1noexe %nw. At-fir6t titer*- 1-4 little C0131010101144- anything." IIkp .%o4ta. , - liel, oilly safe. sure, prompt and paink4n migh't do somethlng,%mte nomettiVig. mar, like him, constitiite :I ptedge for 4 1 t :111; we are oo Ing iricreaow. In 1RS' ,hpirp ivere in fa4l&#-r. t1le last 1) Over Diseast Evep Recorded. rorii cure. lieware of Imitations. Wall) am ef .%readia." He might have lite, never to he disannulleel or denled Ileiss of 'absenee :1 Ma#--saclltWtt4' 02W1160 marriagealle .(tit $12.670. com-tantly expecting the door to tm- .;,jppc9e You Try. dme ft 4.r rot -the genim, nuy 4 r may hocould hardly fplt more coju- for the cu,stAimary presence Diatom tint] :170,973 marriageallf- fe- COUNT Irpleiiid'N 1414-111 iwitistry efu0twoo nialeis. tA a LESS BODILY AILME1 TO n4l. have been the" -, but the dnibitlooll pletely his own that wo Peareely even mim 'the To tit) all the 9(xxt Y011 call to your rn uLat Sta . ilialf's I 00.0f X) *-rw 14IA. A re I -gaily rega rJed ao-A mar- - alw%&LI-ky viraw."Couk! lu-_ have tlmolvvil But lie. fid ' not say them; lie Nuid known voice, or iim'. or hand.; ' BY- [jellow-beingt4. Directly Attributable to a I)iuol lored 1i4su-4-4K4di% tnot OUIY Pckin- it aalkle ? W why nothing at 11 : ant filallinC Mg benil # int;clence. tiageable at 16 wild funial a at NerveHvsteni Dispelled ina)l*rry ML Kevill Sm: ny, ut tile wal -irticto of comkiliff -however, we tl() mims it, ll[) To have a ' Pure V Mud. shallow To gain a 1 hiomorable fivellillixxt, i4tanec* and conditions. Of tile ina" Got Well and Keep Well Wit', Fur mere love 4,f rile on Ills hand. jvith :Ili No tl,4.rv. t 15,, regardleti or individual circum- b.v tbpGi�eatfiourh American Nt, IT ne pract1wod. tile w�ltpr In which ricw know h1m to)o welt for tht. He wa.:i a weary. so sail, that ll tlip coaxinix laine, To gairt for yoar*elf by work a liV' "Your Ctompou-id Banished 11t,,ItIon. wilich F000 care pler LOW and of t4e females 46 Nt)lile X%'rIght dairyman, 40f 01 ang"l- i. IxqI4%oi it. wver thrown sp-ty. The %4xvough bo kworm. @4imple lit all 11 9 ways of little PaviP could hardly %vin tlltl easy an(I coin- tie earA'- 1,000 were inarried t1lat ypar, ville tays: a nunilm-r (if r- *ry I fuajt)r 1) rt iq the nutriment g*w*; into tanum and f,ablao--oimple aIM441t to from film morp titan it faint smile. fie before long: To make tlk)Le around YOU 1111PAY. Nil My Aches and Pains.11 k. h fort6ld.o f orgotf utn,vw leavinqe 939 1-2 bachelors all(] wid- wa,4 I great a,ifrerer fnan indig *4i,rl t1ij, liquid, fin i itm oiddition to a soup pener1limouvs; but It w&,4 a penuri(wtm- lmked so old. too. anoll, he wa tit Except svith tvnw. or jW)SKjbly idows. Ili- �- valuable iian tmc:i of hard fortunew, wid lie tliirt,.%-. only thirt-only twenty-five: l0114 - wers, anti 954 mai(im find w arod 4-ly-I,pepsta. %Iy 1jV4,r wid k Aieyf. w lit) is Zliost likely, tile MODERN MADRIGAL. yet tlww wo wpre Ilwaring orced perwns being included, unpro- ix 4JMR*d m - I t reatied m I t I I ni at v t ioc- never allowed 11 to affect anyhotV and Who.,lias never heiara U) ut- 'Them is a w-rdk-n ill her face. ided for. Tlip avcrage agem Of tlIP t,114 aii4 need M&,Ay romedletA. TOO but ulnwelf. Still. there was no doubt swemed to linve borne for years. the er word of rtygret. 4)r oeimi too shmi Whoro r(mem and white IIIWN gr6w.", p'" " NO CASE OMPLICATED who inarried from 1F90 to IR95 citred 9,4it4. knwriran Nprville-i:, 011P r( ide !I* did nq,'t C&re for itionoy, , r luxury, harden of life. feeling all Its harrimlill"s tear. 'r h tw or Ili* aweotheIrt's Charm and -ranged front to 29.10 yearn, and 1wittle greatly lienefited lilt- aid $-it cnr wq)rbdly po3iti4 �n-aliy Would jIiw Willialus, ,low je FOR THE GREAT MEDICINE. (Of the nd none of it-; sweetneRSIP9. ft �pme wistress grace rif tile women from 25.35 to�25.-9 bilittler. eittirply cured Ili(- wul ili-da� U-bev that LeppAer nien count things ever chang'p? Would fie have in the whool-room. gave Tile 1xiet warbled long ajo. figurem; mbow little changp fironj earl- I anl w we4l as over I wat.i. I Is enougl. tio) work aiLd irtruggle thoeouraxe (it was his part. not tiers) 'am it,roual there that 'Moliday morning. Jpr times and show that melt and great mmfwiy and I ani glad N tnie, for. To give up Uie purtillits tin 111:1 I.$, I V I 4, In and walkelti with till the f(Ya.r b(" lint for tilt,- maideii, of to4-( 1,1Y wome-niarry now in 31amoachusettes %Ve4% A he !oved, deliberately to choose otherii. afterittioti. Wor,e, lie UP weave a wordy wreath. able to) reoliimmund it lear glrA.-For -the liflat fift4`11 to ebange his %vlio!,- !ire thub, heart -union, whi,611 to all Pure and on tiv. 1,61i . k&; all. the ntj the same ag" that they did front Ilave Wn trt)ul i It with li116. The E L FAdy CO'L . liva% it 1,%14ry loright day. -is i japly - J(Wd thus, I-egin hiii lay: 856 tio 1875. 0. pa,triate himself, as it were, for years �rue, naturrs; 6 consolation for every I,. 'tit . Now Varieties of silk. 1 .4 S11114lay had l*wn. and they commu- There is a Klondjke in her Um lbirth rates of foreign anti na- -,L:4-d kidftpys. I am exigaged in tile -perhaps for always -why did lie (to human woe? ,oicated to tier the interesting facts. - - - pulation-'show a steaIly excess I I wonder." lie said, sittingL down ti'vo po .\ firm fit Lyo�ig, France, hat naufacture of-chee e. am it, tr for whom? earned at golfillig tilat iijorning. that A btigtit L.),itterence. dUforeign over native fecundity. Tilt-- vc-ntly-mecured from Chitut. :'.O twirci 1�) W4 rk more or le a In 4 istol-1ping 110.4 - Was it for a woman ? Was it for nd tnkina DaN-id on bis knee -"I vroll- %fr. Roy and JIL-4- -ptmrtnianteau had V -xce&4 of females over males in dilovious- mens, oof ilk of a nil ture hither w ufi turip .lit timeA I fuua4 it alin4vt ini- Coln of 101 her if evw, it. those long PmptY` dw if It is beat to bear things one's I*vn seet I at LeticharA (in tlio-wa.y� itl)igg.,--j just finished reading -m zi - re w count (Or how they burned heretiesal ly causeol ky the emigratiob. or death lillon-ti too the 'tratle, and ther tna3 -�c to work (owing to t*vf- . ilail days and wakeful night&. this last -self. or tq let another share the bur- Burittimiland, &nd that lie would ',Ike- lx,. 4.xpected noon some new st, Jos o llkkLwys- OfjAni, ii(ter wcrk- Will not be imausid UH thought entered Fortune's mind, she I den ly liare a gomi trogping.- n tile melt tile stake in ancient times. Suell bar- or tile males. Evety yeax from W56 silk. he manufacturers in tiu-1 clt� jilg lit a listcx1ping pmition for a tinle. I I stifled it as sornething which, once 1- how Pasily!-could Fo?r. hari8m would not be tolerat-&I in. till#- t 1995, morp boy Vian girl bables difficult U) March next at the earlimIL to have fully, belielpd and then disbe- tune have :inowers-d this --h . a ve tol'i waA very calm. There had lattly etilighteneIl age. havo been bom iu the State. In fact, an- (of the- opinion that the com I wuuki find it ven.' 0 We have b"n too busy to lieen stmie equinoctial gale#;, which achusettN niothers gavit; loirth to ing from Tonoluin I-,; preferable 0 014 raightell up at tvice and Cou,11d 4"lly lieved, would have killed tier. him that, whother. lie -wished i4 or had interested the boys amazingly. Biggs--,�No, indeed! Tile motiery In as tb w� after repeated e0ortm. find time t get a bright That ittle should have done the like not, twil did really benr his liurilentit and they calculate(] Witb ing011iOud heretle ig let Off -with it ronst In ths I larger proportion of Ix)ys titan nny Cartne Article. Of Laie year.; while lalouring unapr for bim-that or anything elge Ili- rorlvip.-4 tho,tnie who lx)re � it j*,rtinacity whether buch 91LIOR weret rellgi(AiR journals. ountry in tile world where - statis- Uiew- aevere attack,,4. I lwcame very and attract i ve clndw for or selt- w.wretly allot silently Iriti not tile I -les fire gathered, excepting Aqstria A volving any amount of heroism 'ikc.lv to occur again when �Mlr- Roy jervouo. wid continual,ly had tin our Men& are. Itut she if - his Didn t Think of the Trust Thuat'r­ And Italy- Doar Sirj4,--I have'lio-en :I grt it o,ur I macriflee-well. It was natural. right: ligliteKt sit' Ili the Ba of Biscay, and, The proportion. of illrgithnatp Hrths ortrn-*ut feelbigic Nly rftt at night If You witnt a copy in but that he should do it for tier ? That it not rotm*ible. -4hilp "-cre wrecked, what lie wotild in- forer from Plieumatit,tri, lato-ly 4leelned to d ) me no g4ml, aud I ailu ilyp lie should change Ilia whole purpose 114)* shall, I lienr of you. MINI Wit.- sIIjPlKxj&j to do. Thipy were ill I lite BeiascI) has been giving Fwnn# tile total number of hirths has the Mam4i Aend pwt card gigid a4ivice on how to writ,I.� play.' -reaved gradually in forty years. ft 'have been confined V) my Seeilig felt tired (ut ill req of life that he might be able to marry liam,,I; ?" lie fter A long vilence. ' uest now to stire lie would rtniduct, hintself %vith remarked the critic. vas 7.5 W the 1.000 in 1856 and 17.1 y(pur MWARD'S L1.XI'.%1l_*NT I liad tiemi taking var,,taL-4 medicine* .4 twwm :I POM " T4)u ire, not likely to leave tit(- ]Dal- heroisio. perhaps emeape of' A Ind W&-, gletti!lg Wt J%r' &U tile tSLL...--. qukkly. to shelter in Ili I 1. I "IN"w! That�p efwy." returtivIi jp9j. Tile death rates of native and Last, I decided to give Paine's C*I girl wbo was not able to fight ttst: zW family?" r a raft nwk� I)y flip the It ., )reign born InhabitfInts show that ti-;Cxl9 I tri(41 it. an-] ;rot inimetil 10e ery ,4ingle plank, o , aspiring young dramatist. "Wit. a toott le world as a ru;Ln could, the tiling- NO)." i -he answered: - ali-I if I 41111. own hanitik, Ahey consulted 'Miss dilietai't he tackle the real problem he foreigners not only have morp elill- I umriho my restora V 3oiqi to - ,,4jIIjp,(Auid a trial. I pricocufred * The E. B. Eddy Coeq very Impossible, after. all- 1 e4thl alw:iy@4 ho heant Of. tile Da l- xilliaills. w1m), of course, was a pert- oot 110 AnA z1ol.; are .4i) wi- . ' it lit "Which Iren thfin the nativm but outlivf, livalth to the wonderful po, rer of and t Pok It accurdi g U, directi(xw. and * increfliti,le 11 know -re-, hout-A Before I h&PJ 111"mortl to her almost ,&tetic cyclopedia of all scholastic flound iwefUict wkAb&-r,'u1 I 111mv to get a play produce(]." )will. Tlip averqgp death rate of the medicine. ftnt bAtl,- I begwi Vi, im- Yev j am telling a mere love story. .4till. lw)t)r wnwkwing goverhe" information, as vo whic port in IlFed t I le HULI., CANADA. remember -a foolish, innocent love e4wily drop,4 out of reople's mf,-mory." France or Spain lie to toe drifted ativm In vl$+ht yearm has been .00.4, lAswis S. E u$*r.' pr,ve -, after I Lad u led the sec4,nd Uot� # story. without apologizirM for either *wAwl a uq)or wniu!ering tutor too. �o. vllpp�ising this exciting event did Hard on the MinisTer. Ft,ii or tile foreigners 17.4 to the 1,- 0 dhe folly or the -innocence) so)mPtimes But I ani nt)t -I tuoe tiny more. nt] Ila pe I 000. CoTaparinons of the tables allow Buriti, ro It Am ell 1W ever I i4 ill mv p n --I -ee t1lat they have put a w)und- life. it had balij4hed all acheei id that by procesi -of Pthirration and 4k t slip was so far lelta to liemell. lia the eotch say, that she did believe I 'OPP I snall 1011- 00 - P001 -11M. Frionit-i cannot lose one anothr; squit he aiwwOred tlielr quemT.I0118 wit" her itstial ready kindlinamis. -she fe It Ing lookard at the ICK (A the tninl#;,7 ter't. pulpit." said Baron, "what (k) yotj deatit the native population linto tilt- theatre firen'd,iring the ow, !iun- paius my nerTous'waw was aII g(Rie, !11141 tj W. tiim*J Rad'worn-4out fe( ings * * it. In the stWI twilights, in the wake- frieads ;v* you anol I have been. I like a jwrson itt a dreatil, yet A 110t upp4se that'S for.?" been diminis1wd slowly for years. anti 11111t, warcely felt it. Q I Id tir,' berself. To -day CWI Wit 1A) bed 110%v, ing the cftliipr evening, lie wakw ap t -P the fr(wit and gave out 04 I liv ow ful, nigholls. in the one solitarY half will take c4re we b4liall not do it. mliaplsy dmani. for she'still fleard that the proeirs%: continups-ver grad- ftbert replied: Ally. i0o too thr0%V ually, Nit York Tinivs Ten Clgars Made One Serr on. and e4epp well. and rimA it, tile iijorn- 0 mourning help]#-sAly f( -w the anilliar bim. f6r he. looked o4uIderdy tip. 04111i the liplpfu'l hand. With I*Igged, tier par-i4m- I did not' hurt hour of Inteme relief, when, all tier that is, if- But nevor mind that. you tiw- vrAce, ptill felt'tlie clasp of tile ont the w)und" alinago w4ki that :10 yj &ft ago Dr. T, ing recstod wild refn,shed. FOR SALE boys being afe in bed. @hf- rushed Iravo been very gootl to rae, anti I .4trong, ten r, staitaining haiiiiii. ..%fill de "Crraclont4," "i4l Barofit, yon ho tuted to reckon that ten elgarl- I h,ave recowmend*,41 Paitw'ai Celery theatre 1ires. Of tile 33 theatres lourtivIl to the hall were de - out into the garden under the silent havo often botherrd you very much, .o_morrj)w. woulki be Tuesday. thr4)w lint tile siound there wouldii't be Qn�v% as Tho�jrrht Itilade, one sermon. Becomit4 ner- UoulPound to MY f1rielKis wll.) were writo on to write as tilat the (lay would dawn; guL.rq to sati. to moan, to speak out I fear.- YcAj will tie, ltuctrat glad to) Tuesday' was IL wet mornihg: The anythitig left t4) the twrivigwi." maddening toothache gtops whell vou% he droppF*i the habit, it it lim -ufferilig from the. same-trouli4w aA I c onmac in n in Mannr. I ip.q lon,l wordq which nobody could pos- I 1�ot rid 4 me." loright (lays wkre done. Soon after Norviline-that wonderful nerve -pain beien making his sermons witl, )U to- ha. and all have too -en gV1ft`tlY hene- 22-4 neatly all cleared aud bi si bi y he&r ho might have turned uloon Hill 4lawit Forttine had * woke %.p atid IRRAVB MAN. cure -Is applied to the tooth. Nprvl- bacco for 24 fited, Knowing what it ha, , d -me. I cam. rtrxi stjtt4, to f : )trick (twell- is Iroing away, anti I shall ii-yo.4 swimmitisr with tearx-wom,in'r- �vatclvmf the sunr6e, till a chi -4 folt Tiiv br%,e nuLij prates not, to tile- line 1% the only poiii1tive. never fniling years. - diiet-rfully recommend it tl) &11Y pert -0t, Ing : large frainf- barnm and m1wWb.- never we him again. %nd I love film team -that erigine (,f power w"Iell -rept over tilt- Pie& rai-d bl(Itteil it 011t; world tihe woes reindy for tootimche and all nerve- urfering from kidney seaw. g(mal cwc I in rd i iiever-failing apring -lovt4 him twtter than nything in they say tub in -in can ever resist: but alj.,o. the Links, the town, ererythlil6r_ He has been given; pains Be, advised andi-.try it. Ifinard's Lininitmt is the beRt. Yourw truly� t-rq%ek -er v 4144-iralw!v fnrni Term% all Vto wortd. I couldn't hp1p it --he - I tl i link. if Ao. a wouilin likO Fortune rugiflar St. In, .4lence and In w)lltude lie 'showai : An ftoB to Buivino-so C. Ft. Keviii, Du&Wortt Ont. cavy. jorices r4rht. couldn"L help it. Itut, oil it'R harfi- would have scorne I to) use it. Tb(*w tildrewii people know what that I Abandonod thePae on ChtlkiotPaw. Him burtP to Heaven. JNO.B. GRAHAM. hard "' iwx)r weary ey#*, which could weep 'Miss Williams lja:d "pen it once In the elLrly part t)r August thm. 11illm-Do4ohm lias been expell4d from Theatre Fires of a Century. Anti then. alV_)gether tvreakinic (town, 4 *_ ^ HUI& ft phillf (tecianis nlone under the stars. were 1"l-fawet.1 Al. nqww iry anti famteneii twice lieforc�,, biit never w) bad as 41 �11 Ilie brave nifan fronts Ilia fate ivith oung tuen tuLtued Kirk, Bergen -in ilm- -niedlml ansmiation for d Ivertis- 161. & 16 —4.. A 11orlin palter publishes a list of one would b -C 11 a . . 1 .7 .1 0 miwwd him So. evpn this week, af- fill tile ground. a,4 site replied, in .;I � penetra tog, " W% -p dt:twe that y&i could hardly sec'�our learlew Illien find L. Emerom lelt Nati lcaf.wl for And i4miling lil*4; Dawson, City, carrying with thent -i 'fig C-11WILFY sic UR . sfintliti-How dJd The advertU311 tilt- theatre firen'd,iring the ow, !iun- .411110 ter havinC for weeks and monthsbeen grave, oteady vc.ice,: U. -fore, you. None Pave Ids (;,(xi when his complete printing Outfit, their int(.1:- 111119 -Called to lead tbe pray,!r meet dred years ending December Ist, 1897. There were 1,100 cotiflagrations inaill with him i F -very (lay; tiout it was less You ­do not really believe that, like a missing'her Im er-who was. #4#* you wivuld never li&ve Paid it." 11111t, warcely felt it. Q I Id tir,' berself. To -day fftftrs ,ure seen tiou being -to establish LL newspRper black eclipse: ing the cftliipr evening, lie wakw ap t -P the fr(wit and gave out 04 I liv ow with round 10,000 casualties and g1r1 ,after all. not her lover -than a C'hild ,.Her cmpol-are must have surpriatIl it. '14a IN TIW;qday.,­, whicli ineant ott tho Klondike.; The prew could not W carried over the Chilcoot flamsaild .. Tito- Great Physician Now imi flare., deaths- or titip number 462 firm oc- 0 mourning help]#-sAly f( -w the anilliar bim. f6r he. looked o4uIderdy tip. 04111i the liplpfu'l hand. With I*Igged, tier par-i4m- I did not' hurt . n0thi 0'anyque elme, everything to knew thp atisolute falth- it TK - Fol The Ravag-s of Time. was alnuidoued. the men proceeding on curred in the 11"nited States, 139 In (;rt4tt Britain, 101 each lit France and voice, guiding, all the rpst nt the warld Fortune Wit- yiku. snroly 1'. Wo must not part with er. slip rultims; tile carelul accuracy, in great their Wily to 1)4LW&Q1L *,Wily. papa,"' Paid Fraji Eineroiou has written to it friend ill "surely Int6resting Notes For the Germany. 1A)ndon had lis,mol wag an indepprldent. Piierg#.tl-r the lea.%t slindow of unkintitseas be- . tijingm' and small, with which site "I looking at the family album, Isn't of ?*0 sall. RaGwl, imkiiig litin for asmixtance Ladies. theatre 1ires. Of tile 33 theatres lourtivIl to the hall were de - woman, Fteir-t-ontained, brave and twmi w"." . am n wAltary govf-rness had 'Alto 4)(femd lies hand. find It(,- had to do. -if Robert Roy said, will sue.1i it day,' he waig a@ sure. this a picture YOU "Y(w," replied papa. ,that is ., pie- t" enable, him t* get home. Ile says I ground, stroyed within tho first ten ears of strong, need t4o tW; but 1*'Side- Rotw.rt took ii�gontly, affactjioilatejy�, * Uut . writo on to write as tilat the (lay would dawn; turo of mf-, taken when I was quite that his conlipaniotw arv, working in to- Duwaon, but that Ila Itas twell unable their exibtence and 40 of these during felt like a rbildl. she I mly affection. tteily. The one step be- I I 1- 1_ & * I that is, as far am his own will went; young. . 66TV-41 11 I 4,11" flpl tA) got anything to do. He, wrltft fur- c onmac in n in Mannr. I ip.q the nrPt yelirr after I*Ing opelled. for him like a enuff. YfIVII(Ir &A.M.W11,11011. - 111C I It Ij I fail, and will, not circumstance, is the I no,' 1angu.,g,,v but ,, cr.*.,, world, another lite, he a4eemt-d strotigest agent in the woorld. df~'t 1()f)k " mueli like you 44, ther. THE I'SKITHY'S" DAUGHTER witl -41ii�,Sermihetj not to link11. Therefare she wait0 quietly for the you look now." "I Want to got out of thin eountry �­ure and Proffi. bTA AmERIN Sto trw w#+k and utid.ay tm4am I r-ttirve to death, for unless I V. Disiziel's lika.. For at. lo.64 lialf -Ili- lj()Ur 110 postiban's born, It sounded at last. Att".ked by That Most Insidious of Ma- (Or :illy other phase of spet7ii impeldi- (-&me, kept -It Can ra.Lw% the, money to come out on rauders -Kidney Disoase-GetA. Good went successfull and pem -4cotch Sundays of twenty years ago. sat there with Dayid (9i his knee, 1111 go, cried Archy. "Just look f4 eii I) Advantage. the first boatq; I hall noter got oilt I-(, of crude,and worth t-jr; m1i Health Betek by Using South Amerl- anently No, visitcor ever enterini the bouse, or rising up, rlestkmly to pace tile at the haar!"I shall llave to . grope in tile dead of night Mr. Billux livar4l. I havo I*wn up and down ttie gulch can KJdnoy Cure- A Kidney 8$eeffic. cured by it physician who was lAmsdf rlx>tu witit Davioil f,ii hii shcnihier -. lout, ay to the gate." tations of Diamond DyeA4.' kee tL:it all inveterate rptamme"r. For W- wisprein all tile nwal-i werf-'eold find apparently noz- de�iring tile ch He came back, after what twemed faint screarn. ki, r(xikft Ili, looking for work, but can get nonp. your (k�alpr gi%es you the "Drinoti-l" 'riwiphiie Gadtxils�, 4)f krnpri or. ticulars. etc., addrew Box 349 Berlin, ttic blinadis itrawn, 41tow", 11. if for -I Y1.1191hi M w iibbing his Marla," li� na Ther(- is not employment for one- when .%-oil ask for them. writes: daughter was a great funeral. Ttw family went tAt, church abht-nee. rather ivi-4hing top k el), an almost, endless time, ri d nearly 1.1 forgot, to toil yo.i I was carrylt fourth tho twople here. all(] there will Di imon I Dy -a hav,- ., wt rA irlije rep.- ufferer fro)m kkbiev dialaxe. 5iiedical I Oat. -LA I soort of parrier. %gain-st what ? it .- 0w entire day. St Awir-%v".4 be- head and declaring lie ha to .111--mollry lit one (Of thome trick pocket, I be nom Over a *thounand men will. utation; their work 6I, of tilt# high"t *ftOr tier wid we -11iinself? nd WO, millutoo. ftcr min- blinded illmself by running right in inen did Uvair lmk4t booko tilwit -111, a pill In your thumb, have to risk their lives In gettiligolit ing W.- far off for any return home uw blipp.^1 by; alUl .1ill.is %VII i:m-'A. At- tile laurel bush. (Order, and thvir succeim is df -w rved. triad. all the repIedie" at command. a I only %viwn you try toi (4)en them. PrIVIO this winter or starve. The, Poutitry L'%u lly one ting in lw-r place by tile win- q couldn't see for Uie fog. Them are f4irty-eight colorm n tile a.nd tWif nntil Situth kineT�eaji Kitliwy was ieft in chargP. turn . It (lin tilt- left side, JlLqG In fill right ir you have ple,tity of Caft largliAy increa,ow tlhe.ir ineme br dow, lready -aw, dotting. the Lifts. llo'Ope, I've left Done of the letters be- t)Jamond Dy(vt for dyeft w(,:) nll,t Cure war4 Tried did she get jut7 belle- aus! Lurn tt)(put. t)tit t1ii, sun&iy Mr,4 inoney find provisions. Adviw� fill ou plactig tieir aceltunto in my han4h -ottoii goodP4 each dy#b is 14 rrectiv fit. IMiree dKii4ft Imilught a great to- IjOalziel, htvilig put the goveriwm In gmijo after group of tile aftenwou liltid. No, no; all right. Such a lot! ,el-urch-goers wandering quietly home It's the Indian mail. There's for you, know to istay out of hore, unless, they trup�to color, nd s reliabiv -,F pilip tier. Two) or tbrop I:o,tles cAimpletely Twenty. ye4mv (it W&U street exjwri- RECIIP'E FOR HiPPINEM. linve $1,M) tit eaNli n(i 1,00o lio-i,litilio cured her­iuvt a tiiiVi qif I)aJn or die 011ce. in 4114111%,1<1111 to) W,Uhle INWDE thf- nurme -4 Wftc* kw ­41t: til' --lililig -tly, so liappily, fathers and you, ho He deaft them out Child th!vj;hj*,*Lrswdly she might ap �mo of provWonm." gold. INFOUK�TIO.S; eu&hli- mp to adviv nioth, aimt ehildren, companions witil a merry, earelew hand. 110 told her she wam beautiful, Dialliond Dyliv; (.401401 llythif ny tiret-6 44 Wkv kiliod left. It iN truly a iier in, tne, place. We 44 Tho printing I)r(*&% left bY tilt! party w)all. %%,(inder worker." you most sucomfulty Writis for ImLr- 11�0_ _�p U-1 aim,l fWw6i-for waiii uo part- There wak tin letter for Miss Wil- fie praised her Soulful eyes;', olr. Thv,y -are ' f ast to. t6w, and Ic-t bqr tke cluirge (4 the Ilml rift, grain. liams--ni eircuinma6tice so usuat Viat Sbe sal(l tilat lio w chivalrous, W a curiosity ill tho piu*4. - 'It it; lying washing find still, tuid sairikts i 11 oth- tiulaiv. which are Intersaftiog U) ther li fij� ii%tlf) Dft_ L Ilig ; out in tho mnow, and is carefully ex!im- Ngy ptum Traide. U&TIlkg tummy to invoK. kitchen fire as we 'Illia % r. mukk4ily tA)ok WIt hih nobody noticed it oO her, as she sat And wonderfully wine. i ors in firtilinticy. 0: Iselug Engli-%h- IT lillently IR tier corner, while the chil- ue nattered liet ; she flattered him, ned by every fortune nepker.-R-an I)y( re tile stroii4 c it dyeo. - F. .Preoiiiidejit lio( the Charist. li tigliliv Investment Broker, "I Diust g') [low ; 1 Sc4i 1 flave Francisco Chronicle. No. &q Vk'&Il oft%wt, Now York city. %16,&. ,lot 80 exAct 4b(Mt on!lfl, noisily and gayly the let- As both of them well knew, made, hence tile ClWAImMt; 0111 P.qClg- French Clutniber of Commerce t, At - would rinvo be*-tt;. ftpellt 1111 tout illy last five illillutes. dren read my la;.y.qu'li, be a torn from theirl rar-away parents. But stili thoy kept it tip and ivere age is e(pitil Ut t1aw of an# (After exandri, 1.'gyl)t, calL%, attention to j4A a covh womall He Remedy "W -bye" DaVitl' WANT11D-AQZWM TO AP MrIL tilr you Hr -r Serenely, happy, make. the lix-INIAARg trnde itt Egypt. With Prj_.I. Recipes; king her uo re ain ,it I'Mmi, Alorw big waij,- miiybe, - ;wheD I m0c' &MINkawl'; irge tA tier pupil. agaill. Wljljam�" istutiding bep- Had lie forgotten to w7ite? But Rob- N.1411,1111la-Im . afraid that youtig Never 1w dt-irvivedl by tit(, falte Claim- tilt. (iiielling (of 'tile sibuwtall. &,=,k cc ZAP= MA 'his art Roy never forgot anything. Nor i Wilder will not make you it gol)d hus- . W thop who4e day in ob. nBooks and Their Users. of itnitatom tif Diamond D3fw, If I I it k w I I I be r(orim. i ho, # I%, ­ , jpx- lf-np r1nt1h r -A A 1. prif-V AQ 1011 qV Thus fmied, k,urtune thought. her ftpn,- her With -Aft'-exprebsumt did, bei delay anything that lie could band, Clara. your inetchant twks yall t" lit Tt in- ittitirla and Central :fric:i, mil the OIA, LLAAR Ult-14M Htttwrt Roy f"W m 14,110 ,*wn be- a beautiful library Wesley buildinew oronta. ia,at hcj)e &-eing -do at the time lie promised. Y1611 I Clara -Why not, tuainma ? other minke of dy(w. be sure li+'f,4 after mi wt iiiiii,owtittit distri It for the r it -re he ii.-nially f (tre), .6' be- fom I - go Ube re " as it ques-, possiblf have! exclaimed the visitor. "Yoti calk 31allinia-It seems to nie that he either at churckk--�­-'.1,4 . ti(xi-I lind determinal to i L . wk You- f14' was one or tile very few people In large profits, anti never till lies of -ilt, tra4ie of Egypt %% ill :(miht1p,', ill - ant Ill the I)alzi+-1 1A1---. t) -Y tile (-Oki world who- in small things as in noTor be lonely with so inany beautJ4 rather neglects his personal appear- your comfort and suecedill, to. ni ike fliv ho.) a I'mmly ethiml 41jewtion Ivilich U 0114 and expe,nolve books about you."' �` creaw tile f4mvirt tride of the I;t n 64 WE lady's ro-quefit. YN ting to great are abnolutely reliable. it wem- ful aaft. Book of directio" anti saw ie v.ird -6 tile frieml (A mine lms'beeft put eve lie had not 640h," roplied 'Mrs. Cuntrox. eompl&4 Clara -Yes, tAiat's true, mamma, of the Xile. In 1896 the lwwt of .\I(.K- WANTYOU QUICL behave --or t, nsweir; that I&, (,..(I sit imlKoalble to bell ntly, " you don't we all we have.99 of forty-eight eoloret sent rrer 0 :Iflv nmirti Imi)ortell womis to Vie valite (Of ,j%ree%. wbere he mpmetimes tC94L the ube� atill-I'l COUJII 11 and I'm glad you mentioned It. I'll ndtln%w NY W4.ilr. & Ricliarf I; wi Co. I coulld. from tho iujUi',i tile written, when Ile said he would, that. c4m 99 047 600.000 nii-ol exlww-t*Nl Sm(. eldest to eat their -piece" at last hope, Rhe stole out with a "Indeed I we that lie makes Ills personal aP- hid joillgilLVI. All was now ended . 'Yet workily aiiii1e.. might thivk (IS yeig. Wo have any number of lutallu" ami, be " plaid over her llea(i &nd crept through to 4 )earan4v here every evening after title 400.000. " t laces and U61211011 3�ad�T ... lovwy P I ha (4*. -or dreft(I-of thi,-, lant dilterently." .�wjtjl paper backo that wo re , lustoead (if only twice it week. PU8d with senteel av w)r TA c"I %he h no had hung, 141w, l0w relt '!What -1-4 it , t1to side walks or the ganien, almost i4. Rrmlatreevs on Trade in f1i r adit 141tv) Po-wanl. 0100. %_UjP1oyVmL INDUSTRY in the oa.entW ounitlay a ity, till It was Simply thi.4. fr i, mail liab not a groping heT way through tile roK, and '- I -A XMIMIRY to secure W" REM t'NLlItA wttil what intens like Archy, stumbling over tile lo%v* Tho C-Uladiall trade e4itua I lon hau Thot. readerm of thib litowr %vill 1w TION. Can give Uke addrVAW of ropmetitative b,aU_peIIn:y, ougilt Ili! to ask I %% Oman jx)uxim or mie. iatirel hush to tile let,- been improved rather than Itirt by ileafi-mi to 1parn that t'liere ib at vrbo bas just r1w&od $its in v DAYt,%. 86ma gtAie .111 to sh4m it". Uji,ther lilt Irish way of hands 'ramt (vie dreadfifl di.senae that if"Im be UWAS riCht at irmir owii HOM E. the killd 'of ter -box It huld. tier trembling THE MAN WHO LIVED. vory henvy Niowfallk througl (at thp J. L -?� ic Not's a Ce Fortulie was r hcould putInK tho matter," ith a laugh. felt In every carner, boit no letter I lempor- IWA br-ell abif too eiiry in nil ita #itA­!­#d wen- it given ht Dominion, not It ip thought tlif n Richnitoxid W69L. *melllls ICHilist f.Ite (or but, without bitterness, '!but you tilt- t1j. tile, lift. Ought he. not, W wait till wilt# there. 4ry c1mck given dimtributive I widi tht Ili Catarrii Hall's CittarrIt Altances; but when her pnrt 4 k-rmta Sbo went wearily back ; weary at is likely to IN% Illore th-111 ilia(( up by "llrll' L" tJlt* (AIlY 1w*41tive ere (A'AtIf4i HY LW ,nply INtwAve she C(Puld iso ell- 11 * ty IlItA it least something to offer be- heart, but patient still. A love like He should have been dead. n lw%tter demand for winter gowIds nd oto tlie niml ica I fratertl I t v, FITS Kline** Great lNenm Restorm. gry j% 4 I#.- No fit^ &sr iturvoumi,en ah4w am day�e lit AA W.0me (jo, with tit iif-pt meall, hers, seir-existent and sufficient to toy an Incream-d movement o tar,,, beirw a oititi,atiti4kinal din- ust. Send t 991 A wh ot reet, PbAs ut tit bind a woman to all ttw Itself, 1, h ; ery patient, quite unlike products to market. I.AAnther sheep- rPqntM C011116titutlOW UNiftt- delphia, 12a, for I reilidw and free Sq t riQ beide mischaneq of bit' 10tt in- t4te othi-r and nove common form of Ff ratarrpil -f 'fire is t%lreii Fo oalek by J. A. Hwte l7ft Now* Iiiame treft ND COMPIPte Iit (Alt 111011C like skitw and hideg-ari- all report!,l high- -1clit. All's hn*�!ye w(uldl have. t1jis, pniv4ion ; not love, but a diseased But he wasn't, becau.We - or, but Canadian pulled wool 4, lower Reting direetlY. 00M) thf- X0"Uv&l- Que. -be mail ? y rrien4l, thinkm mj,, and I I craving to be loved, which creates at Toronto be.atww of large itull,orto ',Uxid &nd intictris opirfarps of tlw W.0 mffeTlug at am with him." -huaginary nilme-Ties and I -m. therehT ff"Ifid. 110t. certainjyj agrc% a thousan r of foreign aimts. wcy)ion I I inurne- f i A8k Your Dealerfor it by his ­Tlwn why did Yom' ask me wrongs. �4iarp was lipr pain, Poo Tbere4 nothing succeedot like success."' sing the formula for such a very valuable turing 64 tililliA -which I] I V'e Itpe,,, of tlw d1maw wid oriving t)ir jwn- ;titer bour, mile m ' Id Th,- wordta, th(jugh low juld cler, girl; but slip wax not angry, and af- There is tio withstanding the living atri- remedy." -W. It. 1,AWRRNCF, F.ditor, The Pt.p."t 11 bv 111104filliz I!J) t� e C4011 am bmt she. em d ijharp--d0nrP Witb 10- ter her first stah of disappointment men t of the tuan who sliould be dead, wli�) Ohio Farincr, Clcvc land, Ohio. alitit (.town for two yonre pea, RM Ili an reprinting alit iivertit i . Till, 1 4 -Vmd" bookfil which AIOW ' we'm ctf-O . Every atom of All was well with tm't dead., but who would be dead, but for i running I It"timl arid %%unohlypo. &IrUl ffshen gn, %t unbearable fiain h.r courage row a preserving medicine, That's about the f1ph nirkot IF; firmer at Nd 17tound- 1tW 14 w0ft. 'Mit, BOECKH'S allroved of . 0(-Mmth mtorkw- Oriltk� in hi.r wam rouff4l. Whether lie hini ; lie hall been wen cliperily mtartr way it seemed to strike Editor Lawrenct, -m)k i fa- 4.) "Itich faith Ili Itm wirative wiowprx WIW6 of the Ohio Farmer, Cleveland, Ohio. To preserve licalth prepare tor sickness. Inlid, and tho spring outl( uNipstwer which hpveld tw.r anti %v(-)ul(t not tell tier ho. Ing for EdInimirgh; and tier own tem- 1'e Kee a, . bottle of I)r. Ayer's Cherty Pec- vornhle ofte. MontrPal dry goo # liNwet- A -at tit" offer I�oljarQ BRUSHES A ND BROONS. I whls. she sor loved Nomeother womall wish- porary suffering was it comparatively was afflicted with one of those colds thit toraf handy, on the desk, in the omce, on rel tort fairl y good tirdera. IR i 7d w a re W any caw flit it fails to cure %nd oil lwr to know it, it was :ill tile small tiling. it could not !afit; tile have, thousands of timei over. culminated the shelf or in the closet at home, and you f-ew list of TeRtIT1140111jils. I- or bate by all LAsiias Roams. r ilit*fmA q lettr woul(I come to-m(wrow. in consumption, when not promptl cured. Is %-.ith W He %vn. evio-jently determine -1 to in this condition he tnet a frieny, a Con- will have sit hand a rcmedy that is capable buitinem I% nlimd of Inat 3 ddrftm, HAS. SONCKH &SON& Iftavd%wturen prowt. 1, will go; out tne� leave tier free; will Butt did rw)t, norl the next day, at any titne of aving yo --i suffetinor. money, item fnilurfw. in Cnitada last w -# k iiiiiii- will die- n thfre g,v away frP0 nd sumptive, w1hom he had not expected to and evcu life. There is no nialady so lw%r 4S' ngairwt 46 tho prpUc lit week, T01WN"M ONT. -rimp,4 seealive. The consumptive friend recori_ tolific of evil tesults as a neglected cold. w ho�e ;.o . many sprisible men or wome rior tile next. On the fourth day tier Fk" bY T*�hft. 7.,c. riot , i(lonathan 141 %vrxihj Kay ho wum right in w -i (101119. hipart, f(blt like U) Irreak. tneudea Dr. J. C. Ayer's cherry Pectovil Mrc i -t no medicine so promptlyeffective 56 in tliW woek a year ago. 1i i J (13 In Iravp - U, the, WMI ftf DaVi4j, at , piLrd(Al lie aid, alnio,t for the editor's cold, on the ground that It in curitig a cold and absoluteiy eradicatitif the rorreMiolmding week of 18' s.. B. -ink arp ttw h"t. rL:4 bis ow I- I twg youi 1 think, of all Pangs iiot mortal, few had "helped him wouderfully." Ithelpittl ,t Mustard - THAT'$ - mtnterc n i4oul" *,I (jought not to have hpokell aro wPr@P titan this small f4ilent ag- the editor just as woudcriully, givirg i III effects, as I)r. A),er'4 cherry Pectora elptringil; fit mix Canadian cl i %A la r clicV, 19 ute f I_ lluMhly. F% -cry traveller should carry it. Every week nmounted to $24,409,531 again T)"'Al"1119 00"t lklil%�Pe, ilkheate (4 P"**'n - C,f thiA at ()Uglit Just W IIILVe ony' or waiting for tJm post; letting "almost instant i But rod hilt houtichold Phould ker -dv-,Inir lawwilta. ps,rtini-for ev IT it. It cittes every 0 ins of lung "Raw Ai,i� (;o(til-bye' and nothing mOm-" all tile day'n hope climax upon a sin- letter variety of C()Itgh I 81 all. foi 1 32 por cont. over the like vmk n tit It# r very ',part' 114- tA)Ok lie r Ila no L . glo minute, whit h passes by, and the "About two months ago, I wa afflicted aud throat troubl. e. Asthma, bronchitis, yonr ago. hout a deeream of L3 per Tv"n horossho-w have twen r4,ItTd 4LV unn 8 wss on it,otie, ring, notvery Ivopo with it, a;jil then comes an- with a bad cold, and, Tnecting a friend, I c ctoup, and'w hoop iLn J( Cough, are promptly eptit. front the prpvMtm wopt. Ing hark to tj* ear 4,81. ul.tm-AF, of that **an- advised the uz,e of Ayer's Cherry llcctor�J cured by ii, and it Ila!; Ill inany cases over. alwayn Iikpd to otlier (lay of dumb endutrance, it not not a luable but title which, he claitned, had helped him wol- come pulmonary disew�ex in agfrrataigA it,lind belo-1419ed to) her doipalr. This eN-(-n witli ordinary jet- derfully. A,,; lie was a cousnttiptive, who n fortris, when all otlier rerricclic ited to Ibis. WhWowse syrup M a nevalks D (Al %4#,ar it. Ninard's Itiniment ftm IAGripp tf)bprt Roy drew it ff, and ters ipen which nnything or moment I had not expected to see alive for sever.11 help and physicians Svc 110 h( f care. reawl. It Detaftly f*li@TM do mustard a ltvwr Irojees nii,ttwr- I s porket depondm. With others, such as thim years. I concluded lliere tutist, be merit i1a Anyone who in sickis invited write to P"n. but intifau" the awlsiftebom rately into Ili. the Doctor who is at the head of the staff 6� Correa%# &A 4', a Imm and all J)ut it (Jelibe ]ft Uie Franoo-Gernian we evewy wow MADIE ABOOLUTELY PURC paw[ of I P this. you shall have It 1ptter of Robert Roy's -let uR not this preparation. I accordingly bought it i $04 01ve M couple of bnttlr�,. oue of which I kee ar C ssm= to tho% whole spim -ll 10"i4w-1 IENGL t'n n I qm dcad, or yLxi Rpeak of W ome iviny imagine, otherm a,,, o( our umly rk-avited Free medical Ad. WIA Germ&n wildler had a ini I (it FROAto WN FLAVOURED saying that &11KII.In wh sny desk rill the t6ne. This is cert )f Tic( -d irtwcut. The livatimedical advice, thla joebeillit;y cure ipilting in t fir .4, ot h -t vt iii4i Sol n 1, dwp 111,11ad by %%rhichever happi-n-4 first. may havn known. a shnllnr susli,ense. the beat reinedy fu� a C01(l I c% er used. 1 on al I �Tsrases. without reference to their 0=1" through which fieW44 tfflftr4l - qUda, MeLhOM doln'l (WI 40 vreciir%-ii wfbtity .tinn t1b otlief I Thav will iinflerstiltnd wi -. long eare Net almost instant relief, and the 1. (.1. curability by L)r. Ayer's medicines. A& I tir, eve son% a bemAs. - Aek 1W Dunn's Pure FALrMard AS. ---- ni Ayer Co. arc to bc GqvgrstUjdq4 gg pqM jo I drtes, J. Co Ayer Co., Lowtil, V numbrr Of pirt)m1writ men ed fie was WillLng to 1110 nation wimlwd to @Gt&bi lie. Hp n aNdst would ev" TP), ItM tion omwh Ott, rna1c; **OWA-- fluestioned Wl1f*th6*r frlew!A w faun& Ir L.,.da - -t i"I Or A L