Lucknow Sentinel, 1898-01-21, Page 3M .. of fa —W. VW lip Ile A. - oil MOWN TMIL to some southern air cure. Her phy- IZ _T A -P il-a 0 tyr, Wall retemce*fg tne UUUULr Iva 1A PROROGATION. A Fiff, t in whicli thew righteous Per- OUGHOUT T7'9 WORLD '01v� I aiciaris ,till forbid her /+ i4ons oitand too Chrirt Tile seven be&- rooMIL Z A spt%cial desliatch from Shanglial 1+ titudw, therefore, deberilie the blewied- 0 INTAX 14ATIUNAL L28MR-HU. IV: . right000Umnewn Of Clod MA it gays tho whole Drit6li squadron 1$ 74' RAL BIGAMISTS itew of the Sir Oliverlids Fareweli to the /+ - appears 'in tile l"t jtwtance, on tile The hong Bloo Under TbA N.AqYn nf + -h 10 likely U-) amemble soon at the niouth 4 JANUARY 21L law. 9*.n" hand in I inr periffacuted for Ito) 0 T11 I No M U1 of tho Yang-tt*-Klang River In sup- Eigfith Parliament of Untar' rIghtA*AWiow4' Kalce. and on the other port of'Grf%at BritahOR ws�,-rtiotis to 10 for Chrlat'li mtke. Th caste a Foggy �t 88. Seven Days, China. Are IM en Who Spend All Their Evenints at the Club flow light 1,1110oll e&Ctl tile seven Tile Chinese loan negottatibiv ari ileatitules; they are it flict wit'l) prcgreming. Great Britain lias In- TLXT OF ThE 8PELCH FROh THRONE at d Neglect Wives and Families --Talmage Plak*-11kmat, 0i faim rigiitewanow for true righteous - formed Mina that she is willing to. T,.,roato, Jan. M -The last W�bioli iJPAMtUUm, SUV�11 ftuui,ij�vebL iiews', make; they are for cljrUt's oakos MU891MUT OF 800106 CA N XM AN. find the money required, and the lie- wa.4 pitrokued ois afternoon at tlirev Talks Sensibly on Club'Influence- 11,011 1-4pel,&I'Luill. %fill they are a conflict for His sake. talts 4re being d6cumed. The anwunt ),clock, t-ir oliver Alowat, the Lieut.- Ierw.#,A6-iubut,. The disciplev. Tile Tko seven beatitude@ form an A"-nd- Jae,. Hamilton. of Fltzri)y, wait killed will piobably he X00,000,00(- (irvat reading tile SI)eeell front lut Ititutle. ing lille ill willell tile new life is trnceA WhUe felling tateels, Governor, 7;1�- to utage, from W; cOill- Britain a,;kIng kv.--certain chnngee4 In 'the flixtine. .- i, , oapwtiwry-The &poene ur thit; iea rrotti ata�gp [11pietign. blenbeim TheatrictIs IDd a Pen- Stokiff%ille's now watcr,%vivks Were the adminhAration of China, Including THE .141,EECII. sacrificed by that contract would be '40, Uffj6 IP1,Lct- in tioc- MOl-llillg';i,fLv, niencement too it& COI mati8faettvy test. tile restoration of LI Hung Chang to b wa-,41iijigtoi , Jan. 16.-Ti,is disvour:ie The order of grace. or Ioeatitudp- 31r.-Sliezilier and Gentlemen of tilt but a small part of the multitude it. WlJC4,j LILKLII, 01 pruyer. Sev'Iuke vi. witli relleittati­A, lar youd if t of thie I I t 0011nMelleeg Calneroto. Toronto, is tile power. relieving of Dr. Talinuge uill be nell)ful to those LcgLslative AoseiublY,-Ill sacrificed without the contract. But Ill coulpaling tilib I at;cou by Lute- (414111 2. It reKt* an falth 04tax,rvatiri liomtfwee attentiance upoll wan toj with healthful I niake a vast dinerence between *-rmo,i'wi%,h that givetl . in Peel. t despatch from 111arritz 14'ays: "Tbe yuu lrom further who' t - nd places I itt tp be,. a (1l1ft!renLe i ve roe 16). 3. It requkrete Mitt" a Mayor of Vancouver, died Carlilit movement in,*.*4pntn is grow* legi-4itti've dutict-i, It tifftiz`ds Me surrounding$ 'and to avoid places dele- I clubs. I have belonged to four clubs: Limov feeinx "Aloe-tifir-atioti 4. 1 t ii I'll: YtAir P, fit 14: 1 A and L that they, %%4,r`l, 41ilfere 8RIDLEY-1WIN TITLI CE199, vukIden!,-1' from all ailK)pletic stroke. *o rapidly thit a rising -is Polathl Aeastirf­ tt) exilorev4s, lliY I ppreciatiou terious. is -text is 11 Samuel ii., theological club, a ball club livert different PVWfu%" by sufferalig trert4a4 10-12t.. I i got, from them A Ut -400ner than h. -to bt�en expected. Not A[ till.. elilli;enve 410d zeat with Which 'Let the yo rig men no% arise - and two) literary clubs. A I -uui*w tic Lange. To be " txx)r ill mloirit Is, MethexlLst cloirch waa opened 'for twenty years luln the pasiiihill physical rejuvenation and moral I)ut we will tiotim i)otn Lukf' Mark 1,0%% 0, nf. rZidgo o4i tilt, Brant Indian ty y"m allphext youll-40vf1l to 01b, play before armies encamped by health.' What shall be the principle? oiidi Alzittliew record tile hiattx,), (,),, Ake fo-irkdatiori of all. �ation. to( a tiuce(wafui upho-tval been so open .1e btv.4ne4s during the selmhin now There are'. 0 _ , we.- jestim pitts, I.ahulve virtueid lit tile fM*4 C&rdISPIDD94totheGuesoto Doom Even lwbeon. The time hangs I will lay down t 114,. t, u I , ly.diseu<sed. Anwng the Ineldentom Ill 'Pr6t1glit to a eluee- It iii, it 4ouree, the -pool of It God will help me, *.Iltuliell of t 1yeritautt m, c-&il easily tinder - (in the lixost P avity o -No NI-Itthew Jame" Baird. fsw mzuiv years tucating tile r. f 'the isitantimi -,)r j�ati,factloa,tltat the,entire lood.Y -Aleavily on illeir hands.' one army three principles by which you may jliAjt0C.j.V afti-ar tile w.rmcm -4tAl1d why He dof* t116. 1. ThO-y Arl- tile Baby a Title Poptad A Tin Pan 'orth Ontairto Observer, i,4 tll,. fact tme of wword fencing. of the N d propuses a gL Jud re whether the club %%here you art Mount. LukewLys lie HtoCkJ tfrit Don Carlos himself kf 111,I)Ile. Iaw--i tit tile I-rovince, Ila ith�ful and in- 1144 killt. %Iattliew Says (011 a the fol(lidatioum (Ill %% Ilk -11 Mrl!oile the S"renads for an Immormu Couple 1,60 suddemy in PorL Perry. has eounternrindo I an,Anten(led irl- ;44�_l again cl W-01i'ditteti anti vised thing could -lie mare hea a member, or the club to which you ,a V., ettire of - tile active virtne- re tiocent. Tho other army accepts the have been invited. is u legitimate or wtotitil,^in; Luke saYd On li levd-1, wiperkitri, hentiettill New Yacbt A Tbeatre Revs. Dr, Lucas and Dr. Grantwill .ion to Cuba to,rai�e the Spaniard.- �"j tl�jft yon 11.1 ve �-ouf irluetf find ap- . st twelve eat[ to. 1111ift. 2 They tire o it tof -debat*iiio On probAb�tion in the . L'Ity there in his favor." proved lVerk bo faitidnily. perfurnux challenge ---Twelve men again an Illegitimate club -house. AL - t1t r_&ys u w4 -lit up ay,- i -W. and thereftn-P are eamilY t)vflr- Sewswe. BlIt som"th'ng First of a.11 I want you to test the Iti tAie harwony,. if*- cautist.: do -v egr6pbs: by tile ct)mwl_.�Moners appointed for men, the sp& - - I if. Ile lijolcvd, their inilotirtatwe forg4itteil ,,tt OPells n ;A rl Hall- RITIKAUX), Ob lanuary _'7th.\;ind A Cairo correspondent tel went adveriodly. Perhaps one ot. the club by its influences oil home, if You Millort (11htallel, above -It is the 4belief -,here that the Bri- Litat purl"e. The'new volumes of Thisy were fittle ti (Right 4 ill Vl,� LoofKkoil cal)w fw%l. 1'6e wildlikea U( to the pre- L110 btatllte0- Wit swordameri got a7n unlucky cli' or iw have'a home. I have been told by a tije, I whe-re great, crowds w#ATP Aeuther, njw,-#- fire blooming ault Botimer was w.ected a High tish operatioTw are due 1, Without doubt, some way bad his ire arousell.---altd prominent gentleman in elub life that lip coulti 1,:ive the lays whPil .1twu-4 lived On earth. Um - b .,, atilt!, i, % sencef of the French at,'Fasliodu ra- pr'"ve to he of tile greatest conT.en- Ehat w)iich opened ifl,spoftfulne!, -nd- vilem 0ur Lt)rd#&4 text -Blowing. A fittiiig lulpll"i.% (pf butto-rfl" ija%,� be -ii Nehtx)l 1)ruptep at T.o:,d.)vv'hy 'tile ('Oun- three-fourths of the niembers of the 1; (M of t1kc. ti6icipleq.. 1111(i Wllil�f) lie, Cit. being the fif,4t IVW wilo tins ever ther than to tile dervish auvance. leave. to tile IMMIe.- UDd'6*peci;llly to ed th vioIe*e,'-earh one takin - his g -,*e -at clubs of thesi cities are mar- xt for Mrimt'o rerflirml, fcor He Vam, hpreiid opl lit- amil t Ae- ried men. That wife so to ow recordcd td' inemmaitag tim anded t4o'thta niul swrved on tile Boarst. The-odervish ntoveraeqtAs hanipereAl tho.-Iii-tip t 1W. .112109- -contestant Uk- the hair, and*theti-�%-ith 4)11 loses her IMAI Von. tilein the m-ru it) -tilk4 earth t4) loleaw. Ilia life was 1 y tthew Ile do.4m - 11 ig one tlh9llt,;1t fluellad W, It Ittoint unkilot% li in -Ulm in tilt of Meeting It to reported that the C. P. R. Aele- by lack of tratimport; but it 61 lie- .-tr.w.y. the swurd thrusting Influenee over her husband who nt It I M lieved that 40,000 dervLshL*; arft t*ov-' I 114 -lir th'at exloprienei- will !irlwe so that-whf(h Qpened In innoceiii. fun n all titudt' atilt repeat -ed Luke's poortioll li,()w' 11�p might blew other,, -ma! -A- JOP hilWe Witil. Mgm' than La g-rapherot' demands have been pretty Khartoinn), the %% i-ailt-ill of* 4 for tile- .1'.nd&j1 in the massacre of all the twen- -vously and �foollshly looks Upo do.. 016- tO011. lle,11 I.appy. lie died t4o tole4m. wid gv-nerally met by th', company and the ering Onidurm4n (oppoAtc 'tl'4' bill I - - Ly . Was there ever a -Pvtining absence as an assault on 1. multitUde­%%-h,.o Lbroliged U-sual ijutut*-r of dvaLh& eupwiully anod 20,00o more are at� Metemnieli ptirpt-L-4-.tif twvtkring tile lilantiracture -four sporipm-en. the-micity. How are the great enler- lilt, ar:wK outstretelieA ()it Vie el"4*104 -o, jr ev whole matter aftliral,ly wttled y 'find ,f, the I)Ine . ltrtst of our fortwt,4- tier illu,4tvation of what' was true ar 11'ej uoraw awl be 11,. iLnAoUg 4 1 merli IN,-QPi,:. A 1.4111M and 41jendy (betweeU eight lict,4 be which prises of art and literature and bene- jik)tour' Iiinj too.) lie, .1 11 it, lian(W wW (qoen. told how Intr. , lien. an L -i yearned to blew V) tile last. Mr. F. Iange it,,r. M. I.L. Will Ile gtkZ- OW 11 . em a PA I d 14 true now, that LIMt carried heitle I., When Ae W. Set- i hist wiv- If f. eru aayts (A tioe Witckt*t log tiunug ninety- nill(A north of Orrduriman). I t ia 411.1, is Innocent . y -be made destructive? -t.ceiice and public weal to be thf� "tow of I the- Jew1bb doctom. to -l)lew4, and with wordfai o' etted Jtxige thi;-, %%eek- Tiiery will, Ile IS eStimated that onc-elghth are ly Uo At. . I � ar' tfie.elub- -.n If every man is to have his Avorld of .tjlw arloW wit'. IN"t week. ig:Gln f 4he ye no t-tme lom% In twinging oft tho electi011 ."ttilk 'hat!'r(-st, th'! '.At this r t, %%? s -and cities W1,l(-'-..1ught #dttillg1n token 1,il-o-wing lie orreptod thu,,ee w4o m6,M11- armed with rifles." are In 'bounded on one side by his front door hlh I C:A_�- tor him successor Ili quebec CentcP. by his autlig .1ty.-Jacolowi 0-41 Min am dead Junwil-3 ib Lill Off UROUUI for bwial -&ioii. on full P193) OYT 0 1 (.110.0 iw dkoing., of Lix. wuarteat repi)rt of the Ituyal Irolumi r. jha�-e found'out that there step, and on the other side Mile arintia. mt tLi, of tile t)utark) -stfy, lill(I hef46� thp Asseinibly Anowing nothing high- e4lwij, ,,to 111111 --They gatiller,114 AAMU01.1- I "`f4)M. lb a'legltim4le, and an IllegLOmat6 use tack window, i,jai wliVo t3i - mill"Itude W1 re far- Life COULAX.V 1-04116" a&4 11eld lit 1.4) Poultry ki-sowiatkm ll�!_ dul-Ilig 'the oession.-, alid havP IWEM -4 the club-flouse. An. the one ca -se it �-r thitti his (,v.n attic. ror notbiniz Un -r.LlJa4erMd of %lit, X1. hat ife titt-l- Xf,' thotigh 1pvri�ap- %% ittill. don. '.Nlr Ge�)rgp 11. A PRISON SGANDA I kratilied -to lealv�r'tlwt �:evernl inex- - a healthful recreation, Ilk(- lower thap his own cellar? T W &wwwortil. L160--autit of Lje 1puk, -nay becom�' L - I Tte%)n'to, uAls. e;..rtt,tI 114,norary lwnz%LV4, yet vi�fieivnt llwfli(xts - for en- he vont�st of -the twenty-four men in who becothes Jealous of her hu.sband's THE DAVISON CAM 1� j, ijig p.&,*ty, iiolt-ludlug Earl atid atilre, or rL- Ii.; tip , dent. vouraging reforestry ha% -v I-eell-oug- 1010- tt','Xt when they bekan their `plaY; Rttention to art. or liter 114 opened. I Th- Coll Slueo hk4 rt-tiini tro prison Troy, the 41ihl I *tnist, that' tit(- bilt. �n the otheiucase it becom--s-the, mas-. ligion, -or charity, -is breaking her own b*�twelrql the '01.1 ali-I lipw COT N IMMMLIt Mid 14ady Napanee murderer, kck:pis continually bo4k, Is hetv StAkIligiv b.nXight (out 'Xim. i(fteph Cham - I know I.. 'in v. II(.c: ther Bruce County Victory au.laiti, anA Sir WildAw vcruou liar- noking for the*prtest. The 1prirAnl .111- serious cliaraes ex- Jouiltie'l tl`W1.(10ll %�Jlj(!ll 3-oll li:tvaq I:a-"- im-re of mind and soul. as in the scepter of conjugal power. Luld contes ants of tho -tex-t an instance whete a wife - thought 4.�l Inily - greatty eLotktributw to ilil- asp of thf�' giving too, Nl6lmt I al in tile rm.ky M Ano %too fat- court and Lady H&rLx)urt. e' gone that her husband wav a fill Atitullif .0 V4 V,.4 thoritilims are cronviikcOd that tile fell"w ivlilt-h ymr have ill liew. d h%1AJ 14, Mount of 1`10. lor DO&I's Kiduey Pills. wh n, they -their I Allintelligent, ages h:,,%,! many nights to Cliristian.-rervtce, to a bi are 0.) is i i i ia no, I t,,�elft With ph'.asillt. t4l, 1111. Jul- -4port. - -to prayer meeti.mP 41 -MSK Aild shrtibi. lying If' tile w te. Prevalent ug - I Wardell 011imeti- -wilt for iUi iihlect' the their gather)ngs, for politicalt :067 charitable service, a populcous dirittit't im tlw lvk-ty Ailat t1w liewspap-rb &M ineoln Libera.Li w ill pol irtiptle, lit ary purposes-gat.-eringtk an4 to religioui- convocation. she 4?r . I taig tlw CEI&P 1101.� %alld. Uue More Victory for the Cwre&test Ade&- . 'formatiot, uf it tkwatl%, t 8 harbim cd Jan. 0`2114, wevention or spn-ati (,f satt, Jww unt old Anglo-.' 'JL�1040 OA kwurtso cob ImId & t. "Tt .1fee acteris*. by the bi systematically decoyed him away un- li, tallght-Tlw werill(oil 011 th" cine on bartli - i l2lb 1iu. the Earl opt ROWAYu al, Mliftagef, Wale. Ist that its t.. Will� -flail. 1;14 of "club." 11114 tri "I ation he. attends no church, and In .k candidate wIli Ile nominated, and I -Aritc naxon det; tit nou� his t NVILS., In I pr(plwr Mende, all in- tjW06p% bt6&.Alky Of wtye our orchjtrtl-� frow. e read bis -tory. y, i kndw to tA; A.)Lboame, "kaueoi.," or Mr. Wi liam Gritimot. M. 1'�. will addrfw W� tx. fort I i If yott ba, on a,rapid way Al,&%AUCY "LINICALbe Laii Mak-olni uft -in as a Kin moralit, g�ne, his money i I ley Alst flow twile SUED FUR DAUM' Ith I diwoursix. It A,"y �tltlfl, %% hat there V g1s Head k-Ub. a gone. :Lug" *-I th".zttelled. , 1 , Jonson club. a�' Hrother'w club. to Ilis 1 wiples and V) tilt, voe)l the C&n WL,.LL&L&nu Oodd's it, still Iluttered by tkw litn and, 1. fear, his SAM gone. A I _ At 1111trthaville, near Forest. while o! Heay. n Klulmy rAls. Blenheim tbetitriicalb, find there il&h "'ho I"Ill.. tovalll,�Ild,tlle elvetifW11 141%% Q*.-* -,i belongr (*hill, -Wr it! tile M119-101"It, li.aving a tooth eitrnctiA, Mrs. Jos. I , --which sw&3 and Bolingbroke Let any Christian wif " e r rejoice 1,intid 7. jL,lt* tit(. .1ktaillvootor.1 Suffrage twiiitra d: a liter Y. OlUb. which Burke and ates ex Ile li:td i'lec-I tre.ft too 1) - itt _n I &I goViAl, L*_aU*. innuence q1 .1 n son i when -her. husband consecr en- 1�0 at U. 17. - 11 "be Lruu- -ei U-5inlan died U04'fvr. the i %(.t will, 1 (1() 1141t. floviblL. 14' Ovvldsmith nd 4ob tnd Bosweil I tMar(le-A a,% Ltirknow, J wht) have IA j)u.jetl wiv feui b t%% Iv,., 41 husband ant" Gnss Violation of Rulies Charaed tio' ings to the service of God,ortochar� 1-ttt.* It Nit' 4' r"Adenw, , ell chloroform. 8liv Ilt%z found t4) contributAt'- top tilt- 11101-V 4-f- imf1h!trtal;L a Jacobin'club. 11 *Ity. or -Wart, or' to ailything ele- t1 it, ! I I To or the (,t*;PeI tA.�Iclliilg. Tle L;4.MiJty y 1)jdMu#t* by kmd' -4arlborougliti, t1w %"r jiav-ug Ile - three small children.' 'Itranklin ;unto club. Softie Aug a %%ejeogne� (A the, Imirisili ficiull.t. wtorkttig� (of tl:(--A*- htws-' Benjamin E� to fa- rated; but let not inen sacrifice home llis-4-1 *4%1 Were t�1'111441 Ify %I-Me"SiVp- ""fel 01 kikll&e I u,060d too I Against Him. Lvitluey pilla., were w 4prgau&av -t cluki. ik-.16 upoll Ule oce"1011 of the hotne- deputatlott tr­:ii tile Wtohkisto"L Th*, lilmsures 'rPspc-,,Xillg J:Iil-; .1111i thmse to gidicate justice. sonio life- to club life. I can point out to m-ve',ati" LUTO the lalgeat IWIMUS; Ilig i Botiard of Trade vi-itv,i st. Thtpmas tt, tile- public -si!rvice. witi, I trust- ;con- vpl- th� ar .-,Some to ',promote 900cl a great many nam" of men who :11 f4114Wii_­6l1&)) 3_. Tilt. llaljp�tysg LA) I t, would I t4d.- CCRD _tf t I ot� latA, Duke hud Duct 6eenre Inforriati-T., ;�,-r the gnidititee 4-f tributo. to tik" . 11)"re Ceoiloillil-ai tlld-� 113allnefs. F e to despoil the -habits. you rs &U11l. 01 auy similar budy upoll of Slaribormgll. _ IM'1IXlseAl Air tAlA. -sollle to t'roy tile sout onv Ltre guilty of this sacrilege. They are w lilt ill it h- 4, I)KY 1py� 0ay, 114jul, b� The hutit,1119 11UPer" 1"11w chaffing W#xAst-ock eitizelis lit th#4 CON VICTS'' UTTERS SUPPRg'""fle lllillistratl(�� t)r tlit. affairs :i's genial a's argels at the club house., 12.1titulle. is tilp 1)(,rfoct loo -Ing of' mMU1111elit. of, the (%olilliti(gi, mur, the Liumiwr of periMULlb CUMd Ll� Mr. )zKA%mr . tit to') hiclorpt Lrate'41W a city. 'NA11(4. .111d r �%.ill in honest history t home. They - are t vf,r It I,, -MarUn uixml -and (J tilt. 1, gland. Ireland. Scotland. as ugiy as sin a .11j, WoUderfui meelkAtw luereafte&- and Mrj,. Wadley -is , I - nllt*�vd liove (A rank lAUd Litle-%- It tnan, W. adity asWilt t(A theill. Aub uf f wine s ­T1 'Whit I till, 1nr+4-ctAor -11*4, thu geArous on all subjects o m, rpmaiii,4.11(ptiting to ly, tag.A4,ti 4,11 Thursda-Y -Ind re Tile nipasitii,s whleh you the.UnItbd States far. pers, yachts a nothing tf) IW Obtaint4i. Mill' very form of MULIkey MMM&A-'s Ll tillAt the titmor af reverybody Frida, ll:tvp Vrance an -nd fast horses, but they iept one h dreO years. he will write' watter Llow viruletit or i.o%% axtiuburu a ITO" r' tilat it commw- Many ofThem Burnea Over4001round 111o.,litt-JI 'lit.tilig tit thil' lillillielpal. world. '' The I wife's dress and .4 -e t twatitude y,eiab uptoudily alld illia,liul)* to L)-j,.d .,t&Yillg :it luilmi`tch" &Ito it j- im(kbrstoo 1 1-4 of the . club are; stingy abotU the 11,ide, fior thIs# loerf Will Ile. :lptV)i1lV,%kI tl1L-ilVVedtig:lt*' ssl­ the histo . ton English the children's shoes. That man has '110 card. with the occupatitu- naaw and in a Vault Money Taken From Some atill it. .4sillent I., fAlicatioll, too %vas, an itution born AM Pilki- 0'tie trouble ill the lbust-offict- thprv. .1 I)MA"'i "kUrts :'Rfl eri- ..made that which inight be a healthful, T1 i %"or Ili Npirit- -Th(pie DdviApa, of LAIL'Ituow, WiLa. title. Tlw d" of tile nunw ry of tile f %%-$,nt wit,) 1p4-1 titab it, ei of Thein A Convict Sues for $5,000 Mill X- to' ttle` .4twil, I)ut it as thrived w 11 in Am 44 �11,lglllcllt debto.rN. Who sha resident of atioll 11 tril how recreation an u.,,;urper of his affections. Mr. R. (;0MOn'. a former the exalu'ril. ;ill atmos ere. . a 4.49IN 0 I)iwuw, 1Vt,.*_UL,4y, J) )411by (of Lady Craveti. daughter of i or Wife 8 Deatb, 'One of' the Corlse (-III-. - kl' d of club where and he has married i t, a n (i , lletter 1101119-; euM"­J Of Kldue Mr. and Mrs. Bradwy-Martiin hab Tweed, while returning from 'Medicillt- 111141 t�� I)Mvellt K;111110ing lit; 1191*11 many beloo to that n . . Under this .4 tixlwxr alld , q ro' W itb a few bO`X@d of Dodds &iduey P-11-, �Ip ell - ittt,�rl`Y lvoror ti-ev Kxf it "Viwount (Vingto0n,'. VIA' Jut and OP guilty of moral bigainY -lii74 io-,% Hat t4), Irt*wi�1v & Gordon's ranc quences of the WroLg. tural Pxhibitili-Ais. Wil,j. .1, it Ill t i -if 1141. aien - roks togethqr pense of process . the wife. w . hatever her fea- il , t 1., 0 1. Lik. Ouse was au e1tl`elut! oue, ALtAd of tile Earl loot lliA way. and Was out In tile "ttorlin prov#� advantagoolis to the pirblie. io�puse, ap )rflolikng the ex (Alt'i riglitoou'411es"'. wit ou y dill the blgbteat tAtic Of tile eldobt Joy YOU 'to doin, -and tures, become's uninteresting and Th(& ()P- W ut"cor 1waf`L'%1 The child was blocil July r a, ser wit':,itit hope of eterit.-d fiff for twco, 1110,w.'s I)-" ly froozes, Aloiitrual At--joatel-i -jitilbil Tilt approprintioll 11tat-10 vants anti r her but, will, reccver- JoIll W. -Ifllt 4-16%cotlf. 'ai.w." 1.44'. tf) W., -nid tilt% railway enterpriti.,es Nvill, I ia%-Ing a . rt of dom"tic establish- homely. lie becomes critical of IMINI�w V) prilk, :1114 Kidtwy Plilif win a %-ict"I.� 31st. 1897. of ciub hous� �vhich it' does not Ake the dress. does not'like 1110 1" aterial inent-a s le i)tl.-,rtv of MArit Is th(- b:11r, Tlw FAglil-b lor*mw, which Ila& frib.- '%Yiiiialu i;reen. a YOUI19 111.1 it W 114, to vitter it -mit it. . furuja1r,4-t t-;wi,rioivtit,conlucPto tile iii. than . the -it the way she arranges her hair. Is 1144 rioto" Of His. vvej Kitilwy Duseeze every Uwe- livfv& at Itawdoll. llat; joeen aljrcl�.%ted oil 'thp-011"ll- fly' opinlo , is far better t% -hi (7*(*Ki 1#111k#14 'Juently 4NMdellined t4le whitoe. e4w Of %itiluage.-i 41gail I limtry hio I or* boarding house? Rul ania.zed that he ever was so unroman- is Aw kl- g loill-,ririy Lijey,m umed. They are the tMl tAwl, Vnittxt Statoiv%, Dow 1111w to r"CINd t try, will PlIA-ILISkAl of MAtIPIRML-4 11 t, off er he I and he-irt. itra riieir.; . lint hao (vel ht� charc, or Mling ail var' off JOI'll 4) 1 lyy .0bJert nQW JS'(4) spf.ak of Oull tie as r bar,('. �Vjll 14.:1,1 tll#.nl lilt,,. iy lUC-t1ICjtW1 tpU O&AAA t Fk similar outbreak Ilere- Tile par'64111- f 'rt,l('N,0h1prq:- tolillki.t.. 1.1-tv %%',ardeik theilrovince. ch as the ' money. IMT th"t "JIMck in that tq),Wtwliip on tho, 1�.tll o L .1 1% . f A1144 ne-wer liartA o different §(ort, su She JA always wanting money. Mi spl-it cuieti bright's Djmp_AMww attol WuLwte of ianig,,lier, Radnorshire, ecau- ill Wl lich st A'ijlve�llt it. -iiii 114-niti-itti.try.. t y4oit for tit#%* lltwral,' vet Adi- 11VU-41"4 'If 'Lincoln I I t I In t w,,er, Chevy - Chase, or arar itf ML Deuemlwr 1:wt ill it tight. ohi, --when she ought to be discussing terlstir (4 4 111164111- A ift' iiiseas ki Y-011 toP theUl ati ou.01) dalized by a. lorejwli of Morality. re- lit6do ior t 4"­)-%l1l(1F- uAY". i.; c ,. elows appropriation.,4 'F 14A*� both %,#,ro badly che%rM. whiell fills " Well gJql.11t#b(l by tile- (.4011litur lahm, Olt. ciipital.. or - the V citpae4, and Dexter.'and Derby day. her - �Its priv`.IeirCw nr,- tl1eIr-- Its a u, ' in0%,iLahIY M 11410w Mel" bc'� eently li-rgantz"t a K -lug Of N"IiW I pilblie' #wr0ce during nian�eilief-. tb�- nited and English drags with six horses. all "e-1 vellly Lim -UPI-Ingtiniv &MM- remAed Tho c.iwidian s%U-anwr fit *'Xtraiordiftary* 11)4 11t4 yon r'. elf t1iLs'la4 t� sif Lon an "Kidney 1) i ftedA, -b lit -lit t.f that ill- don, the Lotom 0f sweTing the pull of-Ibne "ribbon." ell .1 r4% t Wl rN file worg ()I curing Capti, W110, With wack %t4untarily pla(vil intt) t lie of tile -11M711494" of tile 11ro- lists drama- of thp with tin palv, ptr.. lin unwarried wliie!i w. silikit (it tho Eight Parltanwilt, New Yor %vherti journa The influence which some riel i -� its li(xiors. it,4 gl(iry. Ull 4)f the -Ufllt4_%l '.`4tlLt4'S authi)r- stitutini. The actim, is knuiwlt (lit till- cannot ]fell) lint. eongratulitl;4- ters and arttgtP. **,embkih t4iat of a f a rzw, r %% If 0 le ult.) were living togetlkPz, and vi4pizitilIg tilp clistomo reguitt- Atlir. 114"Orv.-SM-0 t*6 Itut-w 0109 scu tors. pain club houses are exerting is the more ti 14' I'l." H.4v,, golly dprtukt% to clear 116 land of tilibtiej, P 4Nom1wiled them in their night 4M�,", .thW#. Jut Jill fact tlult a w",l li,w)ll t-114. WWit)lll and prildf-111-4. lilt anches. gather together. to 4 T"Y th"t Ala%4kn.. hav; 1*11ell rel(-Haed OTI eflistill. It'llell.tit. w , as a t4m%-iet thVr4' to 'be deplored because it tikkes do,%kn 11c, way try a dUl" v, wadp 20 minutoi*- In the river They tj4 M. lisvus%. n' the very beat men. The admisilon fee Qor ow for Mit. This -i%; wili4-11 11:1N,p 'gnikh vd)tlr idellberatiotwit -r:w. theaters and elab, Otifl- %he fili,14 -f it 1887.* nover wa.,4 ikNiiverell- 14, it -us.' which fail tA41 Iko llit,* (Ki tlik- ri it 1 fl(4ggpd tlie, unfortunate couPle. se-se-holls 4)f thl-A IA -961-1 arl like' the Amer sifts out the penurious. and leaves (or t.1 t4. (If 1111,111 wilot, tile wcorM raw at�l that the triial of ktilt W.&,, tilrowl, jilto tilt, 10,ii I it4,lktI.1 ry ip"141tvq Is, LxAt- tilat Ilas been divs1glied slleCl"14 llially ),",kl -4ju in 4urnMer-tiliie. dilliplinor -Y are frank, M*061"i(vis, all -I 10 czt (off their 11.1ijr al�,d nutrclwd thew only tile best fellows. The I In Xulty. for tile lillintler or -his P -is- %;Lult iliong witil 0041-r.i, irl'id- %Y;.Is th its 116ok and artms.ilig the they are, generous. they are. whole- I for iao oth4-r up aM down the field. TO and Illo-fill laws wbieli 11:1 V44 he out 114 111Rpr eftivil'0110 'Of K`1t;1ifvIllK gln('- 101' tim' r f I)WIXM" 11' i its Stag hunt;.. like the sg P %,. Itti Kidimy Dih*mu", V011 1111MY INle y8r1ltAjMAn. referring #A) tilt' t�ers asul tmother will commence on t(*Tntl there- toy t,111. emillili.%sitint-n.. Ill l)ariL4(*d. 111jibik tile i fe-A re large souied. they are talented. Oh. I be- 16.1 fd br veto 'entury ul). wltit�h has its n Priie nw4-k-0pp,0A U) 'ene I t of - t -I I i.... Vto - tf .14 - -uw hundif", of wedicitbMi. but "Oil& %-ery JaptV iKteaw yacht which Gftwg#* joli6%te. '.Nir. 1. f I%%. o7' the &nllvl "mroday next at '17 ho - 1-4-su, in tile - adminixtra-. enerable lawyers and p()et3l; grudge the devil such a prize! After try Dudd'ag MI ill -go out -of lilt. "bIf-s4,ekJ,wrP Fpirit.-WhW Will Lore you till.you L. Wat#4on 6 des-igning for Mr. JM1Mft Y ,kle %Iaberry. the ccmnsel for tile -de- ti""I lka-i tX4.11 titw 4)r tit.. piii,ile arralr.,4 whivii ymi ike the a while the frank look OP- cure Kid Gordon Bennett. proprietor Of t1w Ilan a4utqKlenaed twC'Uty-four slini, and lit, llow.i illxml -rny and Nav elub.. Wfie, the face. and *thc fe-�tuie- V. ill lie W ney 1,,Ilb. rhey are mad4- too fence, chi -like' st-MicP T4t qpi ineir this A1114-wition IN e the insAnity plea. to. tili. .1t,141jillt :lbiwie nienti(otivil. t1ij. 14,y.lity and patriotimi which llavf- :.th4o-e wh ellgaced in war an4 n. goy troubles. and no other. Y(wk Heraki. Wvf- tile vP*wl I& intend- witnemm to prov .,� I haggard. an.4 when talik' to) YOU. '41f .11 till or thi., sea n(ww come to 1. � r I LVIC 0 it IIAbffn They alwave ad- I I C reowd t " I ligu. I — I TN. eirrintis tile", chartlicterized 'll yonr proce"ll L! days of earn- inateaa M looking you in E ic eY revensre it !,zip wayti ty %- LAM 4yuk V) m"a I 7T The 4;co%*er1illlent havt' he"I :Plvize I (I L Ing of llutcla.,0:0-i ',ett;,r i%P*L'c % -;ether to talk lover 01 club.with wIll looiC. d6wn, and every.. morning IIC .,nd 1.1iff-t-ro, iWlf will. ner*t, the Atlantic. A;,� to tilt. ­4vanishil) tit*- fill '�"ntitri- to lifol", tll.'kt 1.,,i; like -..NejN Y-ork Yacht ra i ! er t - ke% W r, til -It 'the Cinadian Pacifit- y son. vi. T): it cum LuM to be 310 feet In May. of. beauty Ill wooldlb Kidney Pilial .1116i) mme llutfirwity, oshe IN ompally's steamer D;Illuh(. ll�is N ell it Is ro-l-k-tkil, -1-A flAll-l": . may pn�% ill - thf-4. , is - 111lati - palaces )hot-. the mother will kindh :i V, ­4� 4lefrau 1:14 it. Cor. ther give- b.lg(o, Lanw B:Wk, Rlieumatitim. lietirl 11vW Ile fitW It%-itll quadruplp expan- ILKt7. tile irommilli-Itonerw appointe I to) -.1 t nd - paneled- with whRt kept yQu out so late last night?" litt it -o -If but r ­ ,ft ,ftagway for lit infractiM rv.­;;,4-et-1 tlf.Pll Y01l �111(1 th -itered 'w velvet a . or he 144) a I i ke paralvois. Femal,, Wenknesk, .4.Pn'enrinet-. lave 7.0(X) Ilorw prower seized -e no answer. n v" 'f"4 W. jilt(* tlie.,affair-Sl ot 01P St lit afiprecia- b -ing all the advantagett "of and he will mal wrAll MOM Nil - tot the coft�, ill.luin : hi ­Tha t's my business." Tt�pn mvIl­d it re- j;rkvlpI 9"tc-*in Bladder. all rinar� tit,on or I IIJ( &sll-llt. aiid of will say. -k Cne-whvll and excepti(MallY I-Irgv bunke", 00 sw W;i,ll_ %-il1k-q-llt .1k- 1'.Ltlil Ft-niti'lltiti-Y t"llf- 1111ty aii(I aK earn ­t 41f g tit -*,�Ott is in c6mmllilicatiml All, abtffirN; th"y and %%.ill come ti the store wileft- it Pufferm. it tronbft %k-latica. N.euralAi-i. -Dropoiy litli - s4w11,-Itu4.l#- ft)r tilt- -pridAwt 4011 ! 41f tho. ,,Illv pleasure vilo it -qi#)t. ag in .1 Aheir I. 'k try. Imat i some time he to emable )ter to be driVeV at full "ImPd 1-14 11, -or the bank cross and befoggoll. -1r.1 fifteen ing1ttlin rover the matter Intnitol Itself to ;Out. and all impuriti&4 of tho- f rtwitiestvAl the Wardi-it's .'Cle-k 'to Wr Wit- usan& another nolt� 1-ut i 11100ti f r loulz dift&0004 wltl4icfut cG&ling- Tile vervat iliV-r#'�stam r0fililitti. *V tit( n,', thre th, and. an- he will neglect, sorre d after th WilUalln.r1rev mon "roVil etal. .11 uty. and all Druggititc nt Cqg"-wt. It seenw, calh, 10T 1�1 ku()W t. I'll K4 for. ther thirty thi.)us, tit r1rhu4mieT. They are "d by tjl,§'� M11111664611 W t fr - e 1.)UMMMI'd ano .,-!- the a wlAe he -will- lose big place, . anti 114"l. Vint tu-tge r *;L. _M. speed tile wtlq)le owajy acZ40M t4l' At- varleton Plgco. 11at4 killewd, tit 1-:1 s, . . 4 tf. (I dollais Triberit the fifty c�ellts a Wx, six boe&i fo copies thousan folio,tv-ilig a threshing D-1:61ature ws; Iia -4 inarked yon r ith­r ;Ix F. & Ire comb4L TIP wa-4 rong Amt. af ter Wallti g_ it lolig t; Ili# if w t 01 t I biring Ali#% llarlianwiit-iry t4 I-11I.--tiow 1w -asure boats belosiging to the- then. with nothing to do. he will come price, laatic. mUl. Ar, ke, I (lot-. -doA o'clock in the morning in -n iw.1Y. it' or will be ment (m remApt of ut of rain .(I %while , going ov er a of the do6timelits -for n at ten tllo_� cartil (,it top nimblit, to vltp,�4,. tu_t. over - LW servant b,,cause the -14 0 i.t lei flie wwk rlm- by Mie 1),xid s Mee!lk-ine Co., 1AMIVA In vpPe of tlW 11' ubu&l &ul(-)u road t!.e Peparattir fell over .* t1w illo% Mill it ev club- to cursc the tr(loin tile twarenly t. k the American Jock wI, 'n1writ it almig tile Riviefra utkd it, F47yP He was it me P343-'. brtakfast is cold. 1�f r ftt4- from nil (1kfiiemcnt- nnd INWMto. Out �,hlm, kUling him 0114talltly f-11 t6c, part -of tit's n wh,, have- a' Ito" &re flocking Vellm ill I&rg" num 01Lly ,,j ypat_ of age. married. ard well 114-tinandi-d itillitte f dnes-4 for horses. nne liorsos. the lli&s4f0fl. BUT NO RUSBAND. ill tile Scriptures, he Let me say to fathers who are be- eXiti4V; 44 unrirht�ebouP1le10;@. IVM Many roya'ttiloll &M 81MAIdy e0fill Eta Colin issipated. y' ili fpli- I *,wr �11 0 (iOLD TAKEN rROM A MIN& known Ill Uarletcln Mae en 'Ing d our sons w , Thev w1lo filing r and thirst--;- tile Riviera. lklilding tile IlQkP 41f (or him tile key 44 1111- i s ha (I J b ,�h tch 'Of thut king u. low yuil. - You think your son does ; i %. e.!, u s .1 skc %.11 4,fficial rclx)rt received by 0-1 r- 1144air(. t4li"It- InU-.t t1w Dulw and Ducht" -If 1, 4.- a 4 - t4 A. the ne ; J)JggtvglnAust ralla Which Has 'V)elded B. C.. Antes b", oeasts. e arch -of, its e, not'know. He knows all about It. ol to.e'tor Milne at Vict4)r A)nk f�Vellinir-ths. v�%Illt ths. ot ty of its lip ttfti--fied Thi -A is Thirty Yeam. um 1,erlwtid aM1 t4w CrOw'll Prinft al"' U.Wnis officiat-4. iinder k * to u S. I I IF I S 4)f its f the 4ftaIcs have heard men who say, "I am pro- sm.0m.000 in Tplept-s elf Rlounlatiia The all c of- its ptjwer. cry - that Americ I at .vttp�s all, Experime of a Womart -1 lq�, s deir,-. all -I Mf -n :ire W KO I n pro PU . 0 fane, but never In the pres MY -% at tile W441-14. tot SmIth. recently ml vr�i wure 1MM10' 4ait.,.th( w.hirlwin ened of gold Illits, so taken .1 b tl,i- r'lro r and g 0utf Alast tbq1u clothed his neck 'children." * Your childr*n knnw you t4w their intPnmity--Pcl0ub`Pt� 'Aie - rieliepit lf*M r p4mmWlia Itat- a c:lrl;(!t iwar A4 n I glory ()f his llostrils 1111pr rIgl1t4-('-u',4U4W-A plrrfeet Inner :ilIa at Nice. The PrUw%m Louiw 41f v&nceql liltA) tile Lkke Bennett iiimtriet f-rinOg a !y trested on Pigamv Charge �%-ith !.hu ti�.r*' Thef ttt (brin I ty to lov..fit-te4 under the tUrIving Ito%" '11; and --itripes pabt V. swear. .1 haVe heard men say. I out -r I ift, IV rai.-ed tile z,4tars . It tl..p wi Alw s if",% . he. paweth in* the-_valleY and n rfect (Ninf 'i I's Belgium. vdltl llai 4fte of the fines, poliee-� - - drink, but never in the presence of my ati tile British flag 4)f tilo mounted al"I 1w, 0"' `44)%% ell J41ceth in' his strenith, he saith am- - :. 11 nature : t lie heality 0 illao- at CUlliez lib; v1peevvi lhw lwzt 90 �u (,an:L(Ii:lu pfilice,imille iat* 41in. r'er:v flial-tti, r r . n . 11 way tig the children. Your children know yc 110 Tlwir des-pe,t, Iting-;np: is aftor o upl-war 41 slocunis i "ll Ila atsuilt a Mcp-t pets ha.ha! and he smell- %,toek wMi 20 hovww- �JRE MAN I describe now what ocdurs In the ouA .earijv al; tff wlioai aire eMUbl0.r#Q -Ju, well angi cured 't) - remfuXal t)f the ohnollo till- va *11' WEDDED A MARRIFI) e thurldel Arink. an Clof.1likennes. (;IadUww cAvrtinut* oe statt. In Which 1-41 t IV M ittle afar off. th like hundreds of households in this coun- g* Anvs-i Tliere are inuM CUM 10 Mr. -L1141 Iq 1 0,!� tA I 41 an alw)l(9y-' ictwr--;. . and the shouting Ai that I wn Tvn.-PeIcMh­t, lit- Illihe. a' URT11110s slog, .111,1 ottaim api, ins, The Wer the city, 'Ablut, �ljrprioied the 'C4_,1illtli�_S N M­'-gtfp.l -414--patch. Say-., k WliOlt litil ub, try. The tea -hour has arrived -Th-V Al -ill Iw right the trial .1 I#v of tunnein i The revelatiwo ma&, duritig i,.11,JL barn oil Willi-lill Jackbitni exa1ll11l..rLti%4l of the h Ti-.-. ',erq, club. the -14109BVm cl ,1tapur.,a soere te club. the commercial club. family afe seated at the tea -table 1,1 tv, riU(4i a deptil Of 2.4) Everton, Co. wellingtou, I 11ilt.; p':1A 4-ji t1jr..11-1ti tw4' Marriage AT141 ill tile flitilm Or'll have 11 401, Aw.41 toeilAg at to tile nibbe 'If '14be *�ui'E 'wr Mr- t)"'O' Jay' tite farm. near ther-iii NhoMeol t is Pa It Before the. rest of the family arise 1 -4) wao'struck by lightning -during 010 1,,U, in 4�f tl' "Ifliteitti.iry 1-ad-1wPil thf,eront timf -8 11114 %% I'll ,It club. the Stable Gang club. leyon i their lor4went lx,)wer -je.. r,,ie entraiie*­ Mogley lender agained I-ae1Y TaWni M4. le I cer.lul: he Lilf - tile fattier shoves back 141 Doratifill - all it inanner.-At IN t. club. the gambling from the table. rifw of %xhic7t iv cKhArO-Iod toy & oorpf yke- te) rflic(wer Money 14 &Tied oil %U)rm fill Wednesday evening. 11 carried cin- lit n e lrelt�-14 turferi-tit' nten, i,,, tw4 . ) coitw. �hv Am t:ur Boa clubs of all his chair. says he has an engagement. 4 11- tO ct4eeive. Life is a se lie tile ground. MoA or tile live claillied 1114t ths. lmw&-� 11:141 1.1 wine he Iwir fulf 'Imollt. One ard 110 II.Lud, JkLirto r -.r nwe­ %ii-ldril lie MKIPUAU"t 11, - . yvt Is -111-IL114 W11 -i bs as lights a eigRr. goes out, comes back , ;irp; Lift 1, t tl1d *.%,,),toll a , pr.)n -P lkq burned to Viti. -lit 1111A -IV rals. clu co"ciLb, ib tilt, ha,% fire J,41 t -1111t ,11%rillt th clubs of all mo 41ti�fi#-ld tntl:­14 y( W Ile t�lgjw4d lir lier I -4 taken out before the after midnighti and that is'the his- '1141t 104. istoc k w; i. kept at'nil r4fice p% i k.- ye�.Aerltziy 4 Ill ..It I's oml can be. and, elubs as bad - 9,114. reigio.1 art) il'.d !,,a, iii ra -114, have ftfixg ut eight iieud of eat- 4itw-iia:r F)f ths- lkll-illf*,4 `(-ttPr.-4 ay,4 A. -Aged in le. Dur- tor'y of three hundred and sixtY-five 71 oe tllp.jIr*4in-. All 4 ur growth 11%.1 Y -1 '� eaurprised loer friends. w 'rear hed thent, h -1 d n i)t. -clubs Innumerab awi their imt- lulw. Ig -j-11 d.Lg o%-er iwvrrai U1110i kipm-wi. 44 tier Iva Niwi fo)r gainlAIRg ailloWs erops 41,elllllellU (16tap ivarv-1. Thargi, tit hig.111iy. %4.111v �car.4 jigo - �,bad a- iviar (-of tlieof- de-ires Vo and t tie bul k of the se mp rativelY nights of the year. Does anN Milt forincr-y,covered Ivy 1;, 4or -f tile n* aged It by saying lou" *t. Her taii!Lrofitp was a I yr, wig all titarried a nizin 11al It 41 the ay they are* ct) nember or a ell --UP wmt to .14 Ile. w i t I I tile -It lo relaU,l tll.-tt 4,11 tit" -want, to stultify himse .4 t)jilldi-tig. The it I Who a play aj­ n)ixv,I ill) I . !'et c4 zy P!. -t es'. - Here and.there a tj i%-ItIl � I I rr.4 ati -(;4)tivvrikviir. 'that that is "�i Tit(. -11fe-ruirul-Tho-w, re a,d -flow flitre-A. lout tile treas.iia%e bwt4 high low wiii be very heavy. vault alit -ro " ing a n1e%v.%&paper. or -an em h4t that is *healthy, - 0. 1 .1 -, It-wa I I inclilled to ikM?:lt14d d0AU, 121 I itin 41 -it%, of thv cere- Iftil r, lm. -P ,�Vv 1A M tile Illark."r tlw men I'lley Were in tilt, -ading coii- 4,tlier 41oct-m-pirv, were I (M Fr M M ) 'a 14 )l Ig is I CI& I I- % 'a I r )r a clerk writ- right, that Inat 14.4 nono, a ve %),%A 4tal' % I a 1 .7 lie mi "t -, a 1# 'M al- a sofa. 4 'el al"I Pick iA Vim" r*4iuently at pact, Mr. Tlionian Kell.,% %% hirli li.id iievrr 114411 tu.%ny o4!e 4lime4A'L,r.,oI Awr hu,-4ha, with lipill lliA _ueoor 1wrw)n-z ill imik outorismilitin I at . t. i Ice it ;J c t 1 ( )11 M '71 V ir-tt.; fetts ra t ace- -n -f he cur- -our wife have married you tabil of M#WtIfW f -,At) t )untO. but whe T the worder A few rPaXP a6w) I 11w tract(or or winnipeg If,% *ipr" nnit that "nplli jitickpd nK o. of rt. �r-,-Ar lintl M wife ItUdb nsatura! U �C.Q af�tc) rri-v 11(bt -oldr bear their owl) of! Nu. ottPrIft hougnti. a heary r.ttppayf,r against tile up,tv(r,-4 0 1 1 T ki-nt falls 01% r 11 - %% 4W 110 Ilie"e. ins�rt, th.%n a tlit)nsaild 'Ail-, till .1ft:1.11 left lli11l..CA;1lllllA Vp 'Callalila. �.itijl .f tie I r Cii ttlj�y Ifni- thirt. Lild tIl'P now dp&,LL the curt.1in ilf Time will. pass on, and the son w4ll it-Itiplitly. but toy Chriatinit of 'Wip 19A, who I. A4 had n -0ton PalaCw. city's action in inserting a clause that Attlle-uvcr n. year,agio Ole' whrr.led -..enter 4 tile Affliction 14 �k* ill %ain. ap.irtmo t at K­nni 0()t pr,.� 1!a4l twen hurns,, lir.orlit 44 thP. A wo,.- hoists -'-'for . the be sixteenoor seventeen year" of age. Xllathy lwrtnke 4 contractors on city works-sohould _11**�ar Ihon- ,nb iltfwf+w , k iti A..Icl. tile gold is f4wild 9'reat rm. when tilt, Vol war(k-?l Willie t1ln#­prv%-i4,1is -\11140'19 aAnan-palned..M-I.T. liviltir if'* ha1tMn-,uP, now, th and w 11 be gt the tea table. and My i�s .1fid Ilw rOk, pay their laborers or other employ ge .4 in ni.._ 1 *4 It t ti Imper you I 1. wvrria -he 'wII-1 ShO t:4 t lie li-itter-L that t%-crr !!�llriifml it im �-ai4L ali,14,al !Wis la ve back and have an en ;wrcKw*' are lout On. HaAarat Ls iKA rien ill tlP report 4)f tile 9"i[191, at reaelled a le*s rate! of wagm than 17 1-2 cetkts Ut lout hair a; 1 "1"11111141, alld lin.)vekt. its t,11V first. a4 loarls)rp on*th� side. Figement, and he will Ilght his cigar, -4. -I-Ure Ill llf-artl-l[otlre, 1.111ce'" I en n vreliow .11. It, .IY. ' h -ry, tive .1 purpow_ ThAt FtntA'Of 44#.ta.kdard Vold t4o tlw ton, an 'it thc 1'4'L" -v 11101 Py. tho'. lit TAII in a*nd :tn per hour. 31r. Kelly �laims4 tit, C4 wn t oft i ft 01 1 It kievill.-i t) ler A --fR11 of.the Kre and he'will go Out to the club house. workA to I*% done by the - citY, in tile for lind tnarriol agaJ6. IG, Jil'stifi, 'I'llig aV- �th'th uph(?!st* d he- re are. dining halls 01 Iwo 11firtA-pil and %lipioll mitie ratepayer.4 large. have Im-6-11 a re. iie Tvi it IT )n,any lux- and you will hear nothing of him un- �tj,j! which relit -1p, 1(,�atlles everytilini -0 king future will cost the ",viet#, wils) .11.pi tile )JI, (oiriiing i, i it fly eta I ill t,itg V-4 IlAve roevi ved a 1pt- hnt ch tit you hear the night -key In the Wonder-Woi- hnt ch li-nj;e You to mentiA Jb ,r P-inful-11ploulwt A prinvillia luti� ywitled litilre than E 04uru.,4 -V>f money over and abov" tile tlio'svenaatf's fir"t- I'lle-4milel. .0 - knot here dooe after midnight. But Ids physi- relixiMl 0 Vear. tbein. 0 �r 'th. thpy -cann t- a NoTd. f4 bilsi-ted "roid lt1we It wa#- (q)eratoed 30 .nr ir)l c401vi(AP ter fn� t.. % *ith gi-tilpturi. -and paint- nptsviwiry and proper awounU to Ile --20 -in t.l.t(- J, tivr, -Iet: ir tIv-retilyou vain's tO ga a rik. V cal conatitution Is not quite so strong Diamond Dyes. .0 ga, i 4mtwanl w oltings : n cloullsings flgx). Tlw, wtoirk i-4 d0fle 60 sylite. iw paj,l therpror. I I . 14. city *.. aild n pp'. I u4 . I t..Wl, 1, 1. h a and, drawhirm that it - is; -,ue aid tilltv Crowl d lithographs. as -your%. and the liquor he drinks is it artists. Cropsey. and thij, grotuld Oily 4-XIIN-MA"I tAl W -e t-lilly 11111111 OR) tlJoroug' Y 000 for so t, 4 it I'? 1k - (I fr 0. 1 -mil, t _b ore terrifically drugged than that oti,- V1 enjoy ot'-riial ItIcory: lout i4i'lle 4 -Of tllP toy -law granung -9,62, The ortIT61 a i -t I -Atti.rvey %V1 writi threat- f est 4)f m or �ri. and f -cation at King-! ttur, 'a _a&-ti!#lk fo-W lligallyy FRt lerstr t. and -Church. and III -N that it I urif:catlon tor tite Low grade %)r ore. The supifly zilitt honu, for 1ho 4 )e tils, 1# 41drf-s-'­1 by" eiiiiig Mi.l.'r. -itlk o0d. whe- which you drink. and so he will catch ('ll rimt siltm Thlwarloib of I&dkfw In C&n&" kMw If ) %.%7 i'lig It( r -1111111011Y. pletum-s-1pr 'every in . death, 1% If'- RfAling 3101A. Aif -rcl.,jtIv1v4 to) e'd.oriviets-tor %%' ltt­,�J 1,r t I LP X at I M,rd up with you an the road to cquislti� ill ( mr(14,1 Mtyllig quartz awrinti -r . in- tierati, rp If& - ' ad or PlAcid . Ill (irt i- r I i!.r 4:XttM,. wo-11 U. -Il MAM4111d PY10" CAM hi fW 01 aI, carried by a majority Of tlipir''parwit.m %0licii I il%0 t4ht� t4vrvvil tilt, Writ., Whe lljol'otl �'M I ther yo ar� imp"sionc thnugh you got such a long start of to, o-11jpr juto ti kI lom of alld 1w tile vell a; m#.nop vaA ty, m rit ajod great bmuty. 79, ff)llllql in tt,(, v.juit, Nil ..t 4)r tiji ikp� L -ad. u-nrritnt it-pu&I *for bi-r�arrv#A tat 4hlli%%-.r k,. or, Funlight i)ver - thv se him, and so you -will both go to hell ilpil,g e4lon!m4 over intich territtwY. d, for I," a (*ttrke. Sit si %%.,1odz-%,orkizqg dq#s Mv pro - 1, 08: 1. - Tile vote AtOO 41TIt.-Ii.111 4. 4 of I0lg.jllq-- Slit.. lialil fler. lire- Qherldlt Itiole. oir thO-noohday paxt l?i ; It yv n thilig It. Illind. Idd. fa�r 10) 1&,4t f4w eentar- againi4t 1105. The concern expecta lrjtUj,.4 c 'Kiwi-ftfL�W1. a char 4.' t I . 16 --if, the riners under the trepb', foam- together. aches! see men Iiiii felleitv '. .1- ptir,41 Ui prty-elob% (if the bwt ethlb- linve, Wit tiparty :Jtninar.y. 1,earwjr of ')h. my heart 'u dArd rxvl4irt- for w1jol eUk and teaUseris, -f% Ir011 tumt.*(l Out 'D#dt-le of till", 'pursued by the hounds In Vile -4.(l . tho 1ld.hr.­wA for ix -ow - V) ha,% 111hittud tier :n- dee struggling against evil habits, and of Auatra'ia ,111 e ',mrp 4 I'Quet. I)osittl4-w-ji. Who col r. tho, la%Vn. lie staybw % tiiree inonthot. Tile works will 11elO- xl)r.-+p thp part 4 or the sheep tin 141 *illg' It. All of t ilk I.Iwcla., livais for CrAwme 00"M �ounity CroWil Att4irnf,y Adiron cks. i - they want help. I have kneltbbeside tile writer f4jr titt recelving any all-. f(';r trial. 71je ading r(14) W , j. l*eacem. literal luenn- tun i"th &lid a0ath, and have a dil &J I m I&W gnodw I 1,n the eantern end of' the MY, 0", thv4 side there ar�,, re A 1 u-—, beard them irry for , akera-lii it __A # '121 *is Iting works, Anil ,wir fr4om tlw i)ar*. writtett Vi-'--Ome tmLa-yq NJIller. 1,4 ti.L:! DIX Inlill'Ift-114, 1 114 Ilk newspap liiule atod MI dif%CUOM 90 with ft #,ft(] sme I where ou find all', ers and turill. a" linve ricen and lie Plk%S tilf*46 I(WVX41`iA 01 kJod all., lit ea%u M WM - lit'" a ttvtf� imake.twat tathetie iW- tlics, woman who wi I lIK41ly- DC lrUM nelp. arA4 L 4 -IM will) titV-rl.v a less- tio 3L* w i I I of the Ic f -S. on Mal- side there iz a aillior %-Corl-Ing tilv whitvi a shour, N will .60 it to expected f .. ljl4rlC(,d I)efor malca,zi Anuois ip 4ruck. eftell IWOCILAge Of the Dianw" Dyne rom 200' ls- �e� - e hand on it))- right shoulr- �trjff- .fill -t-elillte. .:Ili %ar n n II the Then tlip #lit alfsvver.'. ILTA.8-Kill am her ca. find all books. from has put on tictitimis a+ ti, 4wk ulm ard. allowing t lie twe CA011 filoyed. Tilt. btudnesw men,are 11hkary left shout- tliat tile m4 I*o e 1,e,-16 r4,r ka ry where you ot Jwzpwieneed prnom ,jin pge ot the fiY-Ittw. litr9t, llumber W e', )Udge. herme uti". to the fairy tale. Coming der, and the ather on my ingly 1:!tx)r With Aiser.% w tion joie :er the paj* ronviet.4 to tile Mlni.qter (if der. and looked Into my face with in tont-i nild -. war ', to d , ap vad *a proftw fly gig in and ut 'there are gentlemen. some ir might either' to prevent thi�� o fall li1wkward and 0own wiliialn N-vearn, of Gl3elpili on No- llrf"PA% ftirtlier than 'CHRISTIAN 8011111MOR WOKI ayeten minittep. others'staY infirity , of -earnestness which the tvl­ being kitidied, or, �Illlft, �!.rtoifgli which it log raised tO "'awill dvw. don with -111-4tice, webt '.lop I . I ' of who :wtt are f row judgment day wHI have no power to lor flp!l from, It#aiemib r UdWL twIt&UX* art "119 vemlwr 19th. fP wure :11so f4)l11l1!- t 6- millod. "Mis 11 in at 1AM iany urs. Z, -)me of theite L-intllel, fniifi breaking out - he wirfave. w1lere I lip tit#. Wardeii't, olffic(- . t, bas cried out to Cow Me sty to " package of [)I& - john F.. Redkeir, of''J"ort BurWpll-'T 'tA � t Leenk Babe Die. -Then Z�Mjb CbMMItteA. n b*nrap%. and -,they have --e1- make me forget, as h - it it I ondon, -where tilt* Wjirdl�flljii (inty- ranm- f . I SUIM411k, luxurl -with his lipx scorched in ruin. "God from i-pre.a.ding further.-WeKIPy in tile Band. 11artAton atid Bit aid I kres. WIMPI you buy d.Ton for two %vent ()rer to Wt*tt I It tait thein at 1xico V) thP Pepnrtment cused emse!vt*1; 'for.a while from th(, re Is no help fitw4.. %%-Ito. like their NlasWr, seek, t, are mueli more ciwinfor,ahr i hnme dyetng see that your dealer e4 Itedker, an that thev qi4v enjoy the hel6 me!" For such tile I)Pvearn brut -111Y ftIlWX t Juptil.e. IA-tterm - f ronv t he Depart- I.Ijica.gg) ik4patch': tilesul- domest circl- ord God Almighty. I �u to (lott. U) briag,diville �Jlall the wtorkeras ill a ("d iniue. Tisere I gives y,,u Un "Diwis"W" no 44ber e c)uip house.. exei&pt in the L v6tic-ik- nit -him of I& hat, -knife, n got 6; . let d-olt—ction With �t #it gid%nfis nf larget ociabili.ty of th 1 6 & rio -orml.; by leadinirtlieft al. Ito "t)ziq)ap. a-& b-.4 atid no dititimr cvw tki tier inlut ace a T� g UPC. tch and .131 in mow,.Y. Devenrn Ila(] of `w r' - A�vd%ollfiwz% elf-luptley Ill it lid-mWami. t." Theyi, re from (11N.MeMbered h0utt am going to maKe a verv. stout. tmR41 111 W ebr V�aoe -Pelo -Get. r.q.% eximoitwioaK. Pure air I" for, -ed atake 44 flifte'964ge 4VIv wtil mu T%mw I I I JW% U V1W 44 11614111111CALPMA 1-5 her MAI(! Cill 49 W It I a -I�lain loug,119. You know thnt sometimes CL IL%.'p IV # :1,11V a as %, rt witt pro 116 wm eiiiLtW1&CwML prevlom%ly made, ft (*CMfM1-Idn, t-Ut at 1111-9 W so dio'cov- h0ldq. flit they have -is vor of C0nvicV; PrO 111 ditg without niffidical -attendance, tile ponle to thip club maker will take very small threads '1i1Jdrv:-- 44 6olfl-our Lord here term . lit tlu-o4glo various shafto, and tit SOM to Wells A R Wamdi�wt Cb.. f *.fore Judge E1116tt on S&turda v fa . - 1 4 140mew #,K% but they ill'to thp drivers. Tite tutme s at- trtftl I Willell, 14-tti-rs ha;7 Ill-vo. r teell ra.mily being (Jlptltian chief enjoym-:!nt. the ebildren tit Goil; f0t room .)lave their 111411"Ai. P. Q.. for ralualAe tMIA of lie confew4l6n and told ""ti. %I.-itil. thiS it and wind tbeni together until after a If I tkV J.'ather (of -1leftce 'thOw' -drifted far apart. w) timt there wi;- lie tnok back t alwwo, %I..l '.(%'Campbell tI& niorn lug plunged 'kball amid ven vdites wi�l. de- while, they become ship -*cable. And I &M samolvie card *I ealime; ill- y . One bl e it' it story that tile judge would nott*- f sowe interi-4'tio rvad tho f* an's oaccoming a memb-r. F(, am going to take twome very Rmall, "1�lrq1'w()U- it, are reputod lii�'6il- ;or no slatiger to tile city alitwe. wl-Lorp 14 ow'.110 death f row it third--sto WIn a E)evearn was found guilty'atill is ! 4 1 feat PUWL ZM to wa &4drew. tnii Jolin . Tit( nip- ot+)w lit. No. 3,526 ForeLst 2vehue, 11-owdyl m, for drunkenness, for - gAm' delicate threads and wind them to- 1ltqpll.__C_IArko. lie Is tile God of pelice ali 6 trade and lMwtie.-IAMdovt TiV� *-ntented tt) five year -A in Kings gether until they maKe a very stout WWI. criodiing ffgainx the.pavement, wit4l bhng. or any kipd of misdemeanor. a. 1p ft, of (;od is the Prinbe of Peare Btfs a Spirit of CAN4%L A011110bg JAPAN 8 1. 1: 11. 11. SI COW- wrtite _e rope. I will take all the memories of 'J�lc Spirit of adtV0111 I.-' On 4 Wt. Istilp o-,l#.oek that hattermi thc- lif Out m nib +s Aropped out,. -Brilliant club T. JOHNIT11118. I -A) STATES. tAj tjl#. I)pl)ilty '.%lIllI,4t4T Of JuAtief"'Com- to bottofA.* The chan- THREE ROYAL 9 T'NIT 44 licir Ixody, already wPak amd bruised llouse rom top, the marriage day, a thread of laugh- 1 . 'T%e Ocheme Now ZAIMAY to be 3arifted -it furniture.. the of "Am we lalx,)r %elf-d6htruc- &qler the p)AtO. the ).. llPrWVlJtA-1l-WhVll Ie Ioelliu ti:ir.v surgf-on. irtrill asimilar attempt at ter. a thread of light, a thread it PrIncma Henry of BatLeDberg Fully l4light advance in alltilrarit" "'t-)"' I'll"lli'19 of 'ie literature. the so-- t1tont reatly for ThresellL at New York. I&t st. Vineent' da I'M11 not. r4-1 A4110* Lion, lAlt two inontlw ago. UOU"ed by i4mshlp. Ill musie, a thread of banqueting. pt -ace" nwn.*' make %vags anrvmneed chantment. Qualified for Ambulanco Worx. CORViet,, 11*'.attil wheil r4,-lx-ntedIY Mal pi stilze." a colnpiete cii thread of congratulation. and I twist I little.,, Iiilo.. exz. 7. Th(-.* are pur- j&IwLli IA' UWI btAt4lb Lit -A (A I Z46 noise or 'Mrn. Ounpbell'M fall, 00, (-tat P, 19 L Thq- a M awked t4b (10 1�w -is But he evening passins-ou and OVQ Mddent McKinley tuw dpn Air. (,ote*m letter w. ppll. log the lionow. hurrie4 out and hem together, and I have one strand jed, run,itowit, fined. iinprimoned.litin- 1,towioo -]an. iititi,yu- tile- i(xig-Utlked 01 cuLt'ag it W the Unitel Ststes,Ctongre.ns )in A%,7.irdAi. witil'SIr Poa we bamten through the hall and I ii)led, jitriplied -of tliflr c4" t0s, IL-Itteii1ourg. hi tilt- third lady ill th mital &crow UM 111111illik iswad up Coll traiwmitte& t" t picked tip tilf, %.ictilh, .viio vraA breath- so Then. I take a thread of thp hour of rJKrymniending payment. of the #will- tp whom . tit#- Complaint'. linfl. I*. failltlyq 1),pt *tile eipfred, bef6M. a down he qteps and Into' th., Qtreet the first advent in your house. a 'I. eacketI. tortuml, aiwily,14 df- ..0yal 1.1mily Who is Itow ftUt4ioA..eA t W blork tin 11 'we I*Wt t1w J&Pau %wa 'Altil th, LUAY (bi litti IS thP Illtlttf'r and f m block thread of the dRrkness that precedede e1rR twell 1-ubmitu-fi Aietor coul4l reacir tile '4 vered to) Ardth, and accounted :lP tA) wtmir t1w twOidlimi (4 tit t It" twell rimditly b ought it (lot Vincent Af. 0. comp 0. azuther style of club hou"RE'. stnd a thread pf the light that f0l- r tile i4lnughter.--Henry�­F(w liplill .�wlljllatic%- -t&wwiation. it Ila.% ItAn the, I I I,t of prac.1 abili f witil tio- i-tirge i at St 9 . � Openi g, t Mr qf`�Mrt A- Gituo- Tile oleath of Mr -A Catbpbell- wh be, door, we find the fumes Ifne-p ro ty. T%v A 11 incinjilati,forinerly ,nP 0 Paul ? 1,4 ile-4le--il tor nsipep? If lie. W-Jui It llazil(wMe. ivoinan, '03 -yearo"old, lowed. and a thread of the beatitiful or Clirixt's saka_ Not ,Ire-,ady loo-eii gran" U) 11"Uce-w ofigitigliowl. of Llw prolwt eltiz#- 'he Cirwinnati - well for tilt- War- of at ng drink and tobacco some�_ 1, acarf that little child used to wear I Itilte0lug"46-F it. Ar 1�ak A thli. proprietoM Of t JA. nlivv. it wolll'l he tile ellmax.*of ir --tragodk vrlilcll . lmo4t Jiltolerable. These y,)ung - ollillioll#4. but for4oht -colidliCt: i'liristian ititil timt iiiiewws irr Al- wada Aakefiiikku. whq) elalooim-a %**41 t kbe tbing tl le to it %vtw - when she bounded out at even c Sat bim' removal, nil amleej, thrtgigh'. tilt! to under- fnr. th.­ &Qke. r 111i, tioup, tiinnik will), Witile the Wnleb W�jgl; from Uw gygftm ju %-uguv kn Vomu reial. till 41rf lay flf*ll 't4l, rec(onill14 WWI' I last, Al men this table, it Is easy oul, I I greet You, and then a thread of the, Ority Gittilm tije slimmer hooW, 1111V4. lilm M.pl lei -d Ii.y. Wil'o W. M(Antji:4 cor tile woman's lifc�- stand what they are at. frorn the (.t* stralW tioctriucs. or proud andex- and loer tinughters lkol I tertiti #jttw. A ref-juire- - beautiful dress In which you laid her I raticie sted Beiglum Iilh n1l,kil it has,bolell V18- Inky .;I littli. atterf-tifoll _t4o the, Robeirt, "U.. ilaftive, pretelli4ioubi, If tiv promixe . Ti%��) nwePlis ago i for the' 111114411`1111M 11,1-' tel tvut a canal fmocti Towux" .1-Prvvident ('14-veland. ttimacked t he uwiits (11 t1kii. (14-partgwilt.* Isixiled).-J. 'Ga1nP_ flushe ebeek, the Intent look, the al urrection. And then I Chicago fr6m away for the res �V'j)11141 toe oweured.-Jaeoh i#A.ql,hy hurglarte, who-ri bell bril)ughtL I i. -k wif" tO most ngry way of tossing the dice, uic. I Ile- Mi exiltainittio-it toil firvit ttid tiikd- Biwa lim Moe (Xw littlid all� 1). S. Thoinf*�4M." It Or however, , Viii a I twist"all these threads togethtr, and gloriong - and exult- ll(Mm. front attic to) relltir, nlld.� 11110P FN"Ia a took, paxtments at tl)e or of oving the "chips." They are wliA ll,wthe surgeon. but t lie n I haVe another strand. Then I take a .64co-Hav" :motlie-r (iti Iturling, :111d, V0AWttl.1ll.% t1w -other. W ezmvxV, i, valin; that it Oakland Rotel, on Drexel I!16uIeva^I gamb ng 'At another table are me thread of the scarlet robe of a suffer- 'i I it �t 1.v Iteward in heaven-Ahim- i third. wikk1i c4wers turt', pilll*ets. to 11tollokullimuw-a Xo(x, t.heir ew..41pe. el -Warden, who Was too 13.1"le ill thim (),*e, _,l4-hile, her hm4"I, Wept, Vrot who 'e telling vile stories. Theyare - 1L '"d The r4-11 ing 0hrist, and a thread of the white intit rtwom;oeitooe for tlifficulties met bl' Peitic%-.-a Henry attentio-d 114111 011 The whitechil(I ("K11141 wit" 11latter. tiest for tile. doctor's C-ampbeffsliently openW it window and and be - of Sioux lndian,4 ij, ,4outll Pakota im iis' received by three ourthe - intoxicated, rniment of your loved.ones before the t -P wn-.%-. So pe.roteruted they tlip %7en delivoreI at Killwvral 10% 1 P" tia. bmn mn& and UP 1 2"' 12 and I o'clock they will go girt,%vilo 11is- relowt ill tllk4 --caRO w t1ung hert4elf to the pavement.' n ($4 wee M of tbt� harp "Mphout-Je.-remiall wt I s "Courgmi 44urgf&(mi Wood,- ill lkavI. Arpady eeitabill%h' little throne. dncl a string suppowd to too 4*.clflimed, . was ing, shout - at MoOke the Wardmi. 11-110, it i tanc,�e of twt) ptorlem.-She was foulul s.tagg ft, hooting, swear cherubic. and a i-tring of the ha P ler. is. 2) -. &-eharlali, mon of Jehola- tlof� lkesitii. t*nitre jP( tile y:tmacho. TtAk appeared frt)m herhome never lianded(ner t4) tile doettir for lying upou the'walk, hintily brulse4l, ing o their *ay home. That is an TIL11:11 t tlireo years rRvhic, and I twist' them all to- l.j. w1w stoned (11. Chron. xxiv. 21): 44bnN ljttl(� %tll4ly ih n.(lUi11-4j tA) pam the clantil will N. MOUAWn. N. N%'. T., abou aptil)II. (*ompin int -P aix)ut -'Yeriow 16mly Injured. on him all kindness, all "e ty on the P:trt' elf'. the bu t. not mer 4inly on. 9ether. and I have a third strand. aecordLng to 3ewit4h tradition. tim- 41vt ni Ilia tiolik. tlK%i' lbel"Spe- of JAPRII The 4. "t-KiPct (of (111 Campimli gueevoled In keeping)vatch varc, 11 culture has been bestowed. "Oh!" Y'ou say, -'either strand is lt,ai4 sawn neituviii-r by 'ManRmich; Mi- el,4ply t1w Kitine to print-vtos jilid Imme- Jill -Lt f1eV0111141, were rpeeivi.-I from the Ill- way M) ven The 11"ic If %%'arden 18.4") lit it efw#t NlwcU)r, the belluty N1inItttk-r and Ule over. his despondent wife until yester- He is paying his parents in this i strong enougb to hold fast a world jkll't4 lire was t;onght, and ninnyother ^tit. Thc im-Aialli(Mix ftm- W108111P. Oil- %Va.% built !n -lay, wlibn tie was, obIhMq to go to' f.or-t Ir kindness. That Is a �-(111119 Nil I Will take these strands, and I jrophi%W %%-Pre lierapeutell *. and wtth- toy firf, Sillidily 14- he atill g(4d, nivi pulpilK litive to twnr 411110 W. Nliniqater ItivisOlf, tint `J Oded them ria. on liquines&. * lVe left. 'her In-' iiiarri d man, who, only a few months will twist thern together.. and one end iq two,, yeam 3(-wuR hini-elf wa* to Ile In VA14. ATIA 006" It had it denting caluteity 'of ca.*. .'IN iii Minrgo- or PO" mises of or the Burdsall fandly. lout mlics ago, it the .0tar, made pro of that rope I will fasten. not to the �1,ra,4.11tetl even unto drath. 7,M) and in it, wkfft0 ')f tile ml*lt Mr Frrol- BoUelWtU!.- kindnfss and fidelity, every one of communion table, fo TP4 - ichinga-We h&vp till 66d omim ha% -e juut�brrti forwnrdwil tf) C famotim singe" anti public spoilkervor suc n gludln'g all vigilance- and whictf he has broken; Walk through r It &hall be. re 11'rifilim-w livill-T. it, UA tlw V11111"' Of 'finishing tile tamk-she had determin- and moved -not to the pillar of the organ wtoc�hjuywli#�-iiwt-piitoerkito ponw*- I. rhe cuuxca FZLL MUD IN CRUJItCH. self. Here are all the to! 110". of it is the world have appear" _1101 V) (10. Kee for your nd for that will crumble in the ages, but (pf� tile fire i -f suppijup(l tjio have been mother of Mrsi.May ltriple�nents of dissipation a of w1jid At 'roun4l and 'round the cro". slon of all lie has providfml for a& We SEA . MrK Jolin CreL* A 0ood Old Methodist Suddenly Oalled the 10timild roji)lce more than mouft. (iver paw"T Rou"01111 or u, -h A quicke' death. As the hours of I *-' okctric wir4w. at Burk's Falls. Crow Campbell;' Committed Fitilcift at ersation be- ')f a sympathizing Christ. and havin K Ifterwcutkm %%,hfvn It is &ufTerr(i for night go away, the conv fastened one- end of the rope to . the P. clux i" PMWnt, IMEAT BICITAI.N. ber hoine In Peoria a t4liort time after debasing. 41 fWn1,,, MI% Our reward w1`11 Karquip of *14aburv's Daugitotor Tho LAmdon Daily Mail maY'4 it learns llirko Falls, fleit., Jill'. 16—kt, t 11, Mm Campboll's attempt at suicide at meq imb(,rile and more se who Crogs. I throw- the oth-r end to you. *,,ftnifold our sufferings hery ri4w & lkwor. bf a bapplues Sir Charles Artliur Fairlie Cut'- fplI#_yJKMllIl1 1110-4-tilig Uft4-r tile,. worimig tho Oakland Hotel. Mrs. Cress watt Now �t is tinie to shut up. Thoi I -ay hold of It! Pull for your lits,! dtspa Otit 'a that mitted suicide. at the Ho- .tl' list Church. Burk-im. are Wo to stand Will get out on the Pull for heaven' PRAMCAL P -117104A. Liontlitwil, 31W. 14.-Laid� E'r110- A' xervMe, lit tile Mf IM terribly shocked when MiC 111CWH 'Of ningli M COM paveT ent and balance themselves who wil po" 60'r VW P 'iba 11rudmell-tkruc*, ekiftst dill tA.1 %,IctorW London, on the flight Of Fill].. tco,-day. Joof,061)h Kerflick, JIM' her ontighter's act reached tier, tind agal t the lamp post. or against the The Ileatittlikw "'lle' r*%llt4l'cti00k- Uto Mnz41u64 'of Aflmdootwy. 1W. 2#Stil. It, wan announced at tile lti)4)llt (14) yesir.m. dropl",I dead In 1111k o4ho took upon herw!lf all the blatup The young man Marr &ire$ in, lostallo. Stio -Bl4vwefI& Tilt- Pcven atituonitioup dmth ; and, ILI- ent. Deceaevid Was it h1glily- r( 'or - Mm Campbell's condition. it rallin a of the fence. will have a 'of tile Reg6tra ninrried, _nt Livprp(xA. Mao # only tim" an a natural whw not able to stand 'Clio report m4k-nerj�. =rightly characteriu-ti a#4 -4o tuany % -to( 1, -. am tt w%eillo; that Mm Crem was an adher- the club titwj(14. The eighth out—" per. . 1arry 11rady Hunt. Chr W thotigh an ln(ldfmt was held It &W fariner, and Me fit the first se In bed Tiprovised for him in of oiitario, of the birtli#4, warringe , is porties f­rmed a Im"nan r weK verdlet 14 Mill t1iis k1cality, wilere, lie took up n Pnt of the Christian Science cremi, 11(jus or two not quite so Overcome an Sake 0. IL, , 6 . , fr e. (I (it-aths try tile Provinee lins been p�Kluted for iightwouines4 dir4oucit meetins f., iep never reported and the two 1101444 pant of Ilimilf."topad Poftw and wlwil Mm Camphell's lnfanttA)ok w1thfilquor will conduct him to big I)rintk4l. It shows that the total nuino botAw tim-reli the p4woftworA of tirp i -i LiverlxK*41, wife 06 Wag 0ENFRAL. Bark' -4 F11,11.140 IU3111Y y f1dir" 11940. HO Ill tho grandmother imixted upon fathe s house, and they will ring the tww of tuarrlaMv� last year in Ontario ftven pmcvding featurvol, (in sm)unt (if It"114RN Tariltowc Cuk� 0 6"al IPMI, - and 14,4 r �,% owls Rp Iva%o!* ;I 1(ro"-tlp faultly of be)y 1111(l trenting It on thew! lin(m. Tile child door ell, and the door will open, --hich -y - I x, rtirc u ted %I ( a M 4, Tile V. C. K. f)(AJJP*AL, W1100e wife Ilayllitr dle 1, o;oiun three rapidiv -grow worme, and died with- the 'o Imbecile escorts will intro- wits 14,904, tho nuinher of lieroont, N t lit it n T b,, CwtAli.., a t ire I '1 0( t he ume WSW Lewig C&rroll, the Lu. v. i r 64, 11 i � hoino this morn- otit inodical attendance. ]4r8. Cilinp- duce"into the hallway the ghastilest nistrrie4l tle-Ifig 29.S08. Tit(, birthat tAD- *ven do not dif-%erlbe- i*) luany 1"Xt'llet t4l-r', twtif 0116t*11110 . C004t1wo.., JL do P ye4ir- igfp- HP left 16" ttKimr of "AlIft In Wonderland," IA deLll ill goeml health an. '*,It wam crazed with grief. She was and �nost hellish spectacle that ever tillied 46,90R, Mill the den.thaNvre 24,- clittrartem. Init ep%wntinlly' tile PABle 1 to Y%% ever. oft tbi� tO Ow W 01 hKWOO, lie 44 6 Tile lle&ltll 14 El-KniprMw k;uir,l � Wale tilp (mily weniller of !wrought U) Chicago and the Onkinnd ente unken son, 857. harneWr under W) 111ILRy disithict lip 1wen WW C&OF fru.�4k ti.,4111 grovvs. pir n r� a front door -a. dr _,vorta. tboo rewar.1 W Ili Ilk(- mantier v.-Iliell G!" Iler ribeumA t 114 family In'. litt#i flance lit thf' 1.,a,t, ?%lid, lemm Cunwrvntives have thf. ill esp 14, a a,n(I Kha ig unnble v) rrr).qm a lip - flotel e.pWAe followed. Then raine If the dissipating club houses ()f thi, wnl ad 01, wow 11n(I lo,4qI it wntottant Ineul- the sulelde Of Mrs. C'reait throngil rountry would make a contract with ininated ex -'Mil or T. 1). Hot gins (16f MOM t)r tile %letilcooll-A Church for yeart. Zriov I Ing 6ver the low of her - grnn4! - the Inferno to provide It ten thousand 1,()tidon. for tile I-egidative Asw- orm tt) the rniqlective virf.aft.. F"rich Government Ila.- decitleil ;11jqJ Xpent III$- 111-4t 11110nielit In thO 1illd eauWng )ter daughter to rl, men a year, and for twenty years. on nibly Artup ea"Ies ail the rfmt; MO. lit" 31ast,�r, murroun&d by .. 9 0 e Ste&tnev whieb hav�- Just arriviA at xnrd lmoMis all the rrew to prnflosen-te M. Zola, the 114, v e I is%, on er%-Ice or in I ttTlmo. and take Tier ore, as #the did to- the condition that no more sh uld b Sydney, N. 8. W., report a trilial war i �rlek. In the eighth I bw W, ant of his CMnOcti4fil wit" tile FA 111m lien rt-i4tricken and w)rrow 9 fel- day. itikked of them, the club houses could l#)W_w,.)rj4lI Ippers. it to make that contract. for they N Y-Droyfus 111MMEW. ffff or at Taftn&. In tto New H44orldetA. rhere -,h(- cother oviven are onLy olift Worry, which, in 11111wilevirif In bor, woul . save homesteads, Fave for- ill S&Id 'go have been VOt'sid-TablP the ideft of righ beconditioll of the beal-til of F., M ft rpl# T hti,; slain Its tune save bodies, minds and souls. onle Ilublic geto4 lemoi fhr Its money bI(xxisbad, and the nativus were aboo f be& von In i Victiprin or oermany f3eltel' u4bg Vlo traders much trouble. Iow who per"Caft it She will 90 in tim NprWg t1wLa Individuals geti for theirs. (lubar. The en thourand men who would be ca Wpm 1 Mi r Ilk J, _2� It