Lucknow Sentinel, 1898-01-21, Page 251 7 -'T2 mom -0 -- gaff 7. to %va d .801.1therti.air cure. Her phj In our " 'Ind Wo hDrinimilonv 11.0 1 nm,. ji!e 1.�n - fatep crLvwftlg d tot tle broad next i8sue we shalli Ju k 0 r 4� U Witt, for Wooks 411filnellf1l, 00"10ftv utzT A in ilght fro,it, ROMMik0le DISCoveries Recently Ott 'Fri our readers with the 1r(kr a n(I It P, ill perfect; day a Weeting was Ilell.1 at -His whole constitu"" L-4 thu storming Wit to ILIChUll bY BOUth Amtertma Not oMing chapWrs c0lunin. headed by Made at Copan, the Departmeint of Agriculture, 'Ot, Exposed FOIDID vine. Marching to its Col. ing4elc*eo, tawa, which wa,6 full of - Interest to to Inclement Roll 64 Of a newser. first battle itti, Two youm 0 every fruit grower in the Niagara DIS' -9 H E'S V E R Y DEAR. attaick of I,& 4PIP0. Chronk cowti- I hiad a seven- Ntomosirtiti, bow- `Ove'19 Enduring Flame. tile cktactment front Qqr vie%v. Thm DURA& trict- This was Vic, consultation be- Weather, aJ' 611ch da inty little bands, ON and nerves becotmip eompletililly *)Otu* "k (!lump of tree' goo" Ilides MYSTERIOUS C pat'iou follow'"d it. my 4 4 illecond rua" breaks V'"br-sky line of ral Ainertean 'explorer, C;00. L10,jt absorbing ro VI Tile Cent t"Veell PrOf. Robertison, the Govern- The k1rid that Cupid loves, Zt is a r ITY Or RON she II Plawau. It is tht mance, I " 0 1311t, olth, it coots an it wf ul lot Fabie",s Celery Compound dw&14W, anti I Was it greft P fflff f4ow. by nlent expert, and Mr. Job" 11. Smart, I itoried Many lilemed" wittmt ypV cze of 61,1PI)orting eol-� Byron Gordjoll, eOntributes &n &rtIcIq rePreoenting the Perkins -We' m to Rheumatism world's umn- IrVading tile grot"id witl, ber sys- He Falls I n E&ByVict, To 1CCOP thotie liands in gloves. unflinching otep. �lrl t1tilick, �fttltled "Tile Banishes Rheumatifim U116 Mliet. I we& aodvised b beati Perfect (,r(kr aikLl I -my-fterlou" city of Hon, telIll of istoeriliz und R indred ) cme whry and wW Mtify oilenap. The bangilig jf e odura-s­ tot) tl* j ed air for colt] storage Years' Troubles- A Tw-enty Alle ll&j4 tivit) little isbell-like earm, hadderived greatbetiefit from m(ath all t. a n d t I I e c i"U'lon is in- give anttary Centur - This SuffererlTellis How He Found who * rarkle of tutIsketry 'a c Y, Is UnderstoIxt Relea,,e. VIM lightly crossed, and Sciatica, American Nervinte to tr- it I did -ftd ul account of t1le Wit)' blue 't Begin with the raPIWY Increaaets recent remark- that 31r. Stuart Tllat means five $I(Xj It IW& corrected a I tj was so faiorably Impreabed It-ith tile - fmy "divorderk 04-8t "I's din Of. livick 'n "(1lum0; tile furl. able Iscloverles in You know %viiat earrings cost. i and resotorc-oli me to the bwt of chapter. anti t tic Od war i -N lienlifting Girqd oil Fays ad e -1 t Cop aa I PrOIPPct for bwAIMb ill Can"a that XrOMlkh - Itichlbucto, N. B., Revje%,V.) health. it is a Cmat totriL.... F. Tall - fevered folm"W" Of 1,�Ittle throtxi Wit 110 at OuCe. Proceoded to 3fontreal. to fer ctist Jukdt�­-Z, away among tIi6'm1't;ujl*L I ills of 'nako the liceewisary irrangement W17; - Murray; or Cormiersville, aMes alwaytj are superb, Beechinor was in A T mall. MWACkville, Ont, Sudden q errible �` 0�11 Sbells no 1011ge' 11 valley uhich, 1181lip "PlInles for N., B., is t it old and reopected fartntir, The other woim4L-u envy her— With the Nteal Quitc ellic abd up to (into; Mr. settler of the thrlftlug And I—I.pay tile freight. r toar 'the , I'll. even Ill that littIL-travelled countqr, fittilig UP Vt*wels with t new Nyo; It lid & Woneer XQbOdy Know In" b"ttle-iiiNtior 114)"dura* 'it a I)eautirl. Ekyw s but Xotbotr% bil fletsi � no i Itt - 11 UJIIQVU ZAJPASSen TINSpIneg. am -V tX1 t tem More Putte :Ind , 11-fliere romoteric'-ft' I.. a characteristic tow- Thim lue4tw that if tile frult ttro. VWAge he [low inakes Ills houte. Condition. Oonwns Tret" and Stream* 1Xhi4ft on k Ilgalngt our grc-)werm eillf-operate 'we shall have 11) And do I love her ? Yes, indeed! 1tre rtllwork bhelteFr Tile RUPPortl rig t -clud0od, Lotopan-jpg active' qperation, 0. 314� 34urray wasi ypt' It oung tHi3aing t(.)- I' attribute . of places, J*k urlusuajly k4e, e0lunin halUi, turnill".,bout, 0 It grown oil til he Have a Natural APPeerance, knitint, but Mother. back witj and nnrchei -of tile Oft the greatftt by' whict., the ilext emason lllall� As everyone can see, I It-41114urtily. e:124y 'ite ages. After the pubr., fru e tiler with Ilbs father and 8he itlwayt;,'wais, and ahvityls will PlaYthingu �.jrp 4tv.,,tv. relaxed orijer P in i- 1.'. licatioll its Niagara 4. CAI lid unt W I I, n llkf. htlnl ()f e.ornra­(1Ull.1nwo by ol-12 CICLOPIllens I -a& ug" - will. Doe P1 WOE. 4ft V1 UL MIS 13an _ko e acclowit am] lip- ert ulldeo4 one of thp %,Pry dear to me. P. It Is containeittl in it f ra uj, - tilre,, X oil th '11911mil market in best mill Plelm aboo �islt to the, rulno,-Which made IF, the sarfle properti" to bb been in . !t -Homervflle Journal, fpoet alld fire feet 1,011g, "t, mother it Ls ..out L -of, sight. 11"tt"19- thiela know1l f( -r tj con"ll"Of' ad wh("n it left the orchards. he early to His Mouth. a lloon r4lilre"Pilting tile Interest aw"gelLeki .by. 111#3- days. Tht mills colieNted, day landwape. Ill ttw How UxlAy tJhlznb,1,e,,,, and Tlw ot,ence 1., 10 fir"t tinle.to tile Thfi Perklno� 8Ystew 6. tlic� only means thil of a siu%vuiij,I A Liglit Tuuch. ground Plum and rilerry tr"%q allo, How Mae raifted ? ;1-4 It Zia tile spat. -t ii—th-likof% mly I'r,j�killl KrlCphtc dewriptifful, auld. tile di by.'-whiell tile fact.can W-- ' all Ill,and f(Woe- -WOAV hurnh f. t'lle fas.; % a%vitip accomplish- . were operaU*I aud riel. PIAHU appear in hl()(Xn : 11, till. -fl 111119 Clat accompallied it from the bkiltul ed, all(] Its i"Ifiliguration. will n.-volu- !nanaged WIckkiiire-I like Irillimil.,b, ilt llttkii ral"-dr"T* 011 tile heill-ffIrno, t S1, j Bottles &n)un,d u& mild t4onizo ly tile `tWo,brotliers. Labor of Nature's Modi- rear its w*n it Illil, from flowif, HOW r"y Powil *4 Uatherlyood, rela- the fr lie' IIAN islich a lig-lit tottell. bon pwd and nit trade in thlif saving ilpliall be Milt- Coy-nplete Cur.*. I Is It. cwl- it bit. ac"10ti. Tilt)- one - I cm Ing- then 8IjnnjJjw­-yft, tilat-pif ()tie t no Erfect, a I A caw"ade, admirably ImItato&i ill It' ocuoddle(l uuT11 within the laot deca& writers on great ill crystal. Fronjo this p b iijact staclo In. the pa oll" 4pitrativel.* tulknown, *the young in ' T11111mills' favor. lie rarely says thir ObOft knows f st hum b6eii the istrih-e,. a wow tile -ul of Ainerican archiiedloo liol f,41 )h JittAiburg I)eglojitell. Were dependent entirely for Infortna_ 91filt "I the ft market" CaUN04 by - %'Verfb 4�11X*Cd tA) dangers and difficul- f(Or nwre thau -$2 or $3 thm-adlike t It ort Col tiler' entire' croj�o I Ineandere, viscireling r(jckN "T, Mother. It L%,wairlo I- --- I stream 'A tng. baijig, lquig, leonling, Copan llpoll� the 'writ- 161hg. thro'wh orl'ofir (at tink-flowil" ,'.I Strong and Convincing Letter. anti islands in its wjntVngv,. #,,(I fin to Elow =mulv b4l to -Sh,)t roljoisrg t" alill haN 1411P Ilumted tki­ anti tbflz* 6 till omick 8ace4risj4111,10111 ilWR Of Ste"PlIefifs' WhiCh*Werorregarded 119lilic"hiarkets a-Il(I 110t. st.114taiineil jj�y- genernti, to the ilreseut THE LAGGARD IN LOVE. 011t. of 06 greaWbt e%-Ils ,NN*6dY knows t)ut UntniAtakable rattle OY THaVY with P�kortipticjcsm and misizoust. !LU eXport_tra4j(-. , When 'but _few it, coll, ally 1()#Jiug iteelf in it str*bwl, 6f %%.Ood- I If rAilkily-repe ion' Ivith the'b" 9 lVe you a k ey to my lWart."sald land lilt 3tekl rifle .1 -N(#t Only 4) Zito recemlit. etplo KTOWilroi, werl� eagagtA ill tile 1111i4ille,&.1 oxpo"ure to , wet ne.-Al W" In a miniaturo sky a golden C4LrslftAqIY I'loding theXijselj*#,, 0 Iny ei,'Mpanjoin lialkiso'l, t0d. cold, wbiell, "Un turns on sttver Wirv, Ntrikingthe 11ol0ther- I' ratione bay Ili tile White a's deuvi, VA fix ev. I t 144 ccvifirin tilt,. ace4fiallt.given by St-upliens' It' 11014IN Wert- realized: Iriiat. tikoug), ieeded a t Come I% Ilen y(io W )As & R lelmrdam W. houm (Ill Wiver gongs " It ""wow. feel that jIjy rofgardh, tile jyjagni*ud, day ul.�,�! tile time, have - victim with rhounlatigni. 'OcltmildY kww" but niot,. Mn Pawed. liever t6t, crippled lock - it, Llit!Vr Sift,-Ftior five FeWu I aWfered of"VII LA b1ollXILtZ� a,. e anti 'I.* a' it allw 41 the esV anodr6 fr Id Scla'Wa anod. rheum' EaCt, hour is marked by a eree %Ve IMli"A, but tilt' e411110"CUOU Of . 44'.iintrkot I., fountL 4n �n - Ia Your kpy 1.4 jol" this" (and, she of - btfj.� t1j%t I atism, at times ping the.sumnlilig Column, F*'Ilcs h4) I'lle, jlr�a 4 roatiQn regarding 3 -to CAALId 1,0% walk (z 7'Any bandkerehiefs ivil W', fil V.19 111t%&1k*jy' 311"iunl is jir(Jiductim', 111LA dlailiiak;e, tQrV4se. A bird of e1quildte Plum_ Pow -?t�ch. projo"rtimw ti" wrellowilig to my' nt"ft 1�. It I gLt,- i r1A I L-4 Aufficletont to mivilleli Alufray told tj H.W fully. Uft, its num h -the meltim skep- - lat -relief- Illust .11t4l ostory r loncr JoLli-pw , ft,red a kim) PL t my 11wid age %varblec at the cicwe oq the JbAnY rit&ww-­ thv- " 00n't let it AV&P 12'Alf.Q I li(mr I Or lVik . I-qry Itlur CM viia 66 011RA 41 Pitir e-'Ich Aittle point -I. -it that here are Of r*luaims of.a . 4" 1614;u our ji,rogite4caivo grow- 44" t It J -tillu 1111al eure "43 " Ple'a tA), Ck) &POT vvtft I would be fin(l " tile aong ceamiin. . ral"ge froibill Grevi * , -;�: clY, 111111110WIi'tDO hilitt ' vrjL4 *.ill he'lli4cill 1, of Dr. wilfiams, Iink 1`116 Cr I pled for weeks. I to* m heii forth fFOM it iwighborilig grotto__, How ter U-). t�* orj-', , as 'remark-.. Ott. trof the busitibs-4. -­ i,'or Ove e A114411 Mid 1),A w!lrth 'ra.pitaj. aecoullt Ili jr-trit gmy, -ink ton f fc twenty ye&rg I hm Two- flitte'll fly 81"e I venture(] tr t- Itment. 7"urkimilt, a.M Mineral batfix, rer Out rheujll:jt6-lj,.. 1 attribute to try 1-00 all fa.Ued to C-,Lre CA." it mottler tiv -k&ry. Yototour.-Careffulcoini, I % live beeni;; day and. wam1wring over tile hill u) tlw paid Ade-rAtif oil as ally -.of. tile . 1111vient C*41- represeilts., a �rpry the 4�a -Mooft My came. Fknne gartlen, to soon loot to view, -NvbOdY knowa lout -,L9'1JrM 146tilt -nnoll a Or the-digeame to tile time UY luck Ili that Ntorehouse Uru ago I t2ted 1-tiakle,04 "If47 c4jocn- mother. 1*0 eltulivr; pitere- t" Of clvl!!%Atlkjn.. In -thr' Old Norkil. it , e4u : NY lu, re- w Iten it sharp-tiurted sill�illj. -of Bibal -Wit' t6re, .,f:)nW.rtjt(%-e ill 11 y"Ung mau i worked bI Lwe*i of pr r. ud, rth� tigigin -of pl,Q - but 01ne, Ivoy,'and that. u !It and after uwijlg six b(Atiam I rf.(.l .pfe, thiiii, oi� o r i -e QuChtion out Grammar, I-01 or "t '"y l`llnoIkLV show all in art", 1141114kim"llilih r I )n, 4.1 "Id-CftY Idlettli1ttly -.-AnjPric&ii=the we would 'tried that 1144w k1lay milt! fula .1 r w i,4 dpatll 1:1 111;lt given Ali elderly giltntionlial, ,ad A-alteoll kno" but !14', mo."UtrY Vie wir. "J"t & new mW lull(l can do a JLIrd mother. 6 . ithe Polla wher the Ajter.� (it , -'a work Uld fee i' tume tly. worsic. r()r ll"U4, till to lile. lid r, to till 11.1id Rtoe k I ago to 9.U:Uk it tilaughte' I!, MCC t. -4111 ILI I would lit fro& it I liave ajact gailled ill nd =WY darn, 4h) you lzlg Ile 9," y f6r-�ffiit, Oft &&41e of. tti 61 early 1511rJug wlllk' tile audience FomaOd Out, ill twder -4%, ri4igi.,i them in tbe lee altd to have ft wsw witli t lie 114ri44l1ti*t laugirter ")f h r-4. r;..4 uBut, "b"Ile r0l"cted all k Nobo&Ay knowu rtut oYl)U,r#& rcafelly W ttloi%� V*Ilry loat beU100 caine for kit Iloom im-nuluielitly curtd h4d W1 ured. tol;w 'Tlw artijoig nit d Y,"Wiled, Yourw tr u 1jr, ery (if w4r tht-- On"t You know' JMs a r44jef. lie rema. kt cL (oi diailly, Hlittle torn aj)rtai. to to-oday, tile sllouljljg�� -.t� It , *aV Ing alkylit 4 left n Y4 ii t go out on thc PO"d 0r were you . ()nt. rr t:! J Jr. t Ij w:ty (M vacati(ju ? , now MA ny I, to &ftoer so) mucli diwumifl, fir 11,'water up to uly kjeft of 1"Itleal y av 0 I ly a- - Col 00y,*- tspew? %Ve fri,1111 tit%, biiMt- front CuatA,111aln. came; to plant ifrom mornh* Your key'd rubt, anil—yon Iiii4ell to, No OP time ug!. t of .1 lie - t rtLgt"41A i.i I eon r. -of- t1, - fert 1.1 e ^it t 4 �u i I I itivir IZLI't lig.r.11V ell Ping- �kionit mijrr.j.j trumt_ ?7014T CORSETS NOT&IN STYLE. Ili` M(Jht &lx)ut Your dltcourw am and. . 11A it b`r(P%,%- rr tlirt-. illterven-," wah generally *w'et front vAllor tile to out '4111f tilt" wx)r k MAI' e' t t -altell'tid the ex-mbination!'to tlAt It& ilubjOet %V 1wey a Them and the Modern 0(XWjdtr&tjoXl. [*,are d lid every Pec&d nigil t "N,"' wax Uw fulliow. er, W 1114 tit im tb� t 1911111oter oualp ve lit ol on k co w fili, 1) u t Mo4lier A Illet-tes Forbid litri is an Athlete. t to oflay. n, is, -4 1 Jr. *4y w1thoutr Ila liglif bject %-aN nt lb Inv C 14 )t 'How nres dotii,, at first ffirt­t it;rt t I ,niam7, but it#4 4)1)jpct wax.,, 'Lilt t 1, that h 0' ocol(I .t6 stia erk--The tild genticlU&I Y UP and run "IdUM for modulgeuce in V v4., d;'Yh iak. S -you #we I w, `i'itli U. -kivf_ 11�0ii:r,,ottrwit-tirt' a Ili( 11,17 'ritowi.4o rq, it. two, 201 19ayew, that Ili.-; roo if& 04' VILat ;* tit mill - btillt &k blul-11. ,is 1 It A.) r in40; full of kjNDwt4 but -ntottier. litcvi-jile gro,vt- �retnfi.tne .4.t lit*111. 1jay at- U1110, ill.' aif4ic spor" fly w0ulftu li" resuit.'T t 't hf. J*,;U I IfIly I Kult of iprtl -te4M fMfn tile I ill %% Ille 4 or, ill wot 'j undry- (50 1110re, t"ji, one NO 3.1898. -few t"Inne aj:tj 9V d"Ittells.l. so nd till.% %voul, I fnianY JbY-6 fron, litr 111,; t.ill rri n, �eii , , , c ( . 1% . cltheil, a f"maprietor—All riglit. (qlarg" ilm 11 ISSUE heart f lcow allo'llit ly 111i)(Ml .0- 4 1 * w a or jrn)fkwtJA%zi#o, thol) "t' 1-i50 for a Turkish bath. lig 44 irigalitt, till t Ile had mt;ltj.d Not the least of 'k;0b1XIY knowN at tld!y N t4*1 P. I ... 1, UA! of. 'ltlll0i41),h;PN tin the 'tli(, --- --- the ru us offif t1l" ieftilllfvii. -if., -44jo��tiy eiw i, ahaitodilmlilltant (#f I g IrIm-unintiNin, I)t-fitting C�oro-q& tlifit a nit a d W. V Were W) M he of Villifor-. t&4 Flo"' ftmuV prayer�4 toy lbed ? lk"ible tA V ir It lige KX a few yea1% ago. i''filtiLt" Ifit" t!140 EATr JUjo tl)(.. ilt 06. ill Now- 'tt!r.* v!d g, Itu"luallfled- loan.. fill "ever I's VAJOY rev ril gottilli rnxiouu t tit. It is 4, lend te&ft- for * Ted eliandwre atroif vaults 'wr -:tfl4,r trials" -Mjuism fwir pairs *tve a h ed It crue *.it Idell; .111 tignity _ i t alm)ut,your ck I , 'I 'r4w l, Im-ennif,s 1 4- YesWrda hol, wall ( r irai.ferlem -v&0,rC v-111 11exer if out toed in dally and mustalit 11w, W '%V h 0 �r ou %vem tar;�Aii tee. '*On'["- nu%DY k Tho aren 1 1411 l'p- o for 044.1i 6irl'y It tile llfw4i of lier diveroe toiletv 11 t!'iti* V"llot tfivolo,141 elt to% t lloe. te- houise by tbe.ald of knowx bnt I I be men- uti othe action fOr' which' tlbqy are U1 r At other, tirafw' tions tile 14ul)k fig. Of deami. jpi.�g at) lit t car: UZIN tit 'fill toell litm N%'(, lwar very ll$ile If Worn Ou U4,1N tulnjv- .1 1 1.440 1 d two lltjIv@- .(If fni; t, obb 1* YOU U aild. to !�Pftt tile hout4. J�y Ilifil heard we grumblin ,jx)ut high ZION. 4L -011t cOrseth behig n"' ter, g tit a4j4 and again at ult oti, at itli.c. -i fr re- w,r 71glit ftcjjJK jS frv%%n- t is rrivo toot, tt,,t. joltee (11. Nhipinvift .f Tf 11141iruil tior (0mu I (I k ne 1,ut' ruotber." W off 1,little Hild I Site Had Do you conx to the close of A&*,ulVt1~ flabriatiolIS' 411' twil.IK 141, the ter, ftblr tukjv, Thouht 'or l'bat. Kill l) -y all 116011si-WO People, It little, work., but. eoul,I lie- fwt-mnkrs, lout clitit and 8,1 t e &t m:i juh reti and this. jj vither the day thorauthlycizhauste0f Mr. It It fo tj t171"s.-:a ry L rt or morp ttian t t t., g . t,jljotlfrjj t **or(% 1MV1111 witIk's-tonco. or of. Murk r Snapper IVI'd wanted to, felilaie rig-tim. need., ,owe kairowip ot1i me. The lengt hit. of Mid t1lith of tlio, Docs this continuc day af ter Al ot'.t r jimi wh6n, til- i (-e. walktng I fj . i W such, aq is givell '6�, a r"I r b1h 109 taintleo r(.r cro oti,it.11 M11"I Until . :0, tlj0r7tJ4n141tPr. ionyi(ji amp Weat'lier i% oill I A fuwd have isl - '41 day, posabl wtek after week? riottoik 'Afld Iling, t corile lilts iver nce got rich, you 0,1.18,de and well- IttA-d eflTset. The liellf rmT j acetA114.1 1, Itty-fumm-4 Of Covered a, k-�. n I tr* at preeltidew any thought of T Focrhaps you &rc even too Cz- v.*- - t-1: 1)1%.ry �ht the, 311.1 'J"Rint"Miter frilp- to are utill- ad poor church 11101.11le , T1011killse 'Its f I W Wol to , Wililk. fr, *' Ile a* -- v -(Proet about tile ribs. I;ut do4m -eve CrA1,119140 Irititr to JIM -4)"ourOw- 1"re beell %Uljporti g Wit hausted to slecp� Then some - How ut,. t ftmenf,.. 0' all tile -"O Y(�;Irvl.' ThPY havenot. 1W -corKelt, at i honw, r# qI­ iaitirtg� i9tono &74 nio- t4ut.c., N-hinintilf-ri * a ;Df th' -Wo ?�'Y­teilj if, , '. -(.till , Lit on thinr is Wrong. All thM 4 ifive 14 4). t 114 W 1% eifi lJ4141. to mitrary, demAnding at le"t ltlO'M'% t'llf anol i.. fr: I -teit -rn 1 '111( sit dfoi Iffy tilf., P rlIir:z4,. artil 4iiVe!, k,t profrrremive A 6in s incticate that you &rc X till)(4 T&XJ W a1h t. t) r. -ugill `I. vie%%.: 4), e�o virible in flint' - lind wat4:11 i"OK It". no int,r 1- .14 1 ;vnd irefon, toe rid rikitfttil n1sinFuriii -tion will top seliell 01 IP90 I*'117111g Sill �tj) _I r I- flicirt comfortable corset suffering from nerv(>Us ex - of y6:Ir'% 'flat hriit!4 lit' IvaA it X4 hatever abova the 'on. that .0 tile.. I)Iwlnwx n think I - tri I hausti Your n4rvcs vw,,Cd 11 THE GREVJ,Pz4,�, I - - t n4 �f I -MAI t 114, ed filthp k%- 11 'It %vill '114 tell t t tvil of-loig, r"d I fetiding and Vour bLood Cn- olg 111 line, tout at that %vaist is cu' lid can tie drawn, Lw tightl otI)ut, gill oat fair 11kUPPly' P;1`1 &rzl -1.11, 'tirf stritettiriiv--titt. dbVitip 9t ell, 611 L lie y as Jill. 1.r., vaoximark-1 pilloilld toAcry supple are the botilell ri ching. itt.#T it-, the t there olusul I 11bet0ra. blit in or W!, r t 4.f .1 1117! 1 t 1;4. it -misufferinig,;- lit. - barkc,,tort o"A while 8 1 lindirujill4l" Fur. 11),1161.1t. aractof r-iteid -actltin con tbe part rein it gives t fle"l. Ir. lit t,he fn t Ill'" r 111(fition Of - fikure it d(jeo part 61, 11 '(of Ll'at I)!lP9lJtm bro- tile 'C4111411. 'ror W:Lrlt of enn"be left,� to Fill(- its %haw-' Corset gl%.( P t -4s hiv- f, 4MU-114. , ho a ring ocill, it -L orotiit? 4NO frm 'if tl!(- grower.;.-.N*o, Much a 114 r S tq.ry j. Cit it.* 'nip Cott's Emulsion fill de SJ(;CLIL V.at, 14hottlit joi ft ik. I (+ t irrC ular pit*-, ri#j.jg`frj;ljl if n with the by I 'night, at.-I-Paht ho. corbet. The vinpipe I Proixiort4on of of (forjng. Rel, Nt,('P,,A and -tt�rraovt.% t 1 gom for fird - for '(.x por I loot ot ev!: 11: fir to' iting Ili nry. doletor tj fa%-orite, being very fidirt ra alki tormin t the iMurray, you eitull(A IN. o!eaz hiver Oito wah AM u t , f thing ottill. 0ilt re lAmid acr(*.i tile titoniacti: of Cod- ffypo- 0 r"r lhe 1, 1 ,A C&- IJPktlt to 0114-10, U-4)Wf loy tll*. In an Inter -lew Mil curt- you.-, I wittj their gt- tji,,gust mf.. it� W lwrfeelly mlited to sletider. fig- % , I' lit HfPi. Joh Dry4len, MinL r- lnalrL4 or ., fr I between tile lit t Witt 1(41. Itnil. phosphites of Lime and Sodoit.,, t 1W 93"e.,tt %v ii r to* to ron. are ol­!ir I*Vin. Ontario, -arid. Mr. wt. gri- t4 0 it in r -contains just the rCnXdjCS to Atorxltness -develofWA pm; ita lid well % 94 Snin-rt, r(Vllml Ila If .11r. �ul!ll i'lilt fragniento.4 t)ollrkl tl­ t104-11, IK)X#'H, lot re ingi I ie;. 1( -Pk realLy tootter ill tile o4liort Vr! n o P-artv ffwct thm wanih% The cod - 19 t l -6)l I t: iroi to vi-Vwr 4y the iointm ()f,, tr(4*4, whil -;UPP(ort, ard ju#4 'h - a .. I 04jf)jI Ms Eldero', ou ma nir)& lx4 to rillib''f6r, I "okArIC jj* tile tjTltjr0ritlf,.q .,!It r4 -I t, 11111tv- for the But. renu-mber, you will' It " 4 nbe heid. ti"ll t4mr) elohdy, bulgifig h'%',tr oil rives the nec4W Itiml *the Ott -twit re tile I -the t fte,01,111111talole for it it, t I 1p (1,,, stricngtht enrichcs the blo4 # 1im" *-hit At i14% tire hild 1M.4 it o or -cr% unaninolls'. tj, tk.j In 93 ilut :1 ro lw ro orlifficu'l- -in Illiftilig tit' got .11 Itr) f% Y Of Ju,'*- Ixluuath the-fdge of the oor'. gut -10-1* thol, the ruins, v)f trl#o! jilljostr (Joje' ir4 Plir I the fill: ft buxtoo 191Y Tito round figure fcc-ds thC nerTes, and the by- Uiking thein ticcording to nl(wof- twiAlly attainod ity tile 41 t 0 r! t pYrulltim TI t jilozell" boxes 'Was 11 rl A Pirlij tital)d. f t1wAll"U4o tham In AlIY other PorhosPhitcs givc thcln tone o!OM4 t cg Pk it' . .411., Igor. d A #*4e me 11011% 1101 t, l"Wil oof for it fills -0int' a lid V, 40W des, -c r, ti 1, 1 k,lig all the you Irct ra n I*. u� sq.,f a r -nt wolrks (If ni 04afflr char- ORN DOESN T CARJS,' Be sure t!.of- r4 I r-- r.. L% not milart. anifeall it %%-(irk, 1vt W! jrj tj,- Fat of it llally "Id Fet I heard tlint (.4)al Ilea!- -SWTT'S Emulsion. tinlV­ itlea, built in accotrdallice 'Irit!l Would he Ju Ork. 1, did -niv 1-r. Offer N-( i)r loorvi,iiog a %or. st Soon Elet j() t* dri (ute of loin art get-:lj All arug&tlf; jox. sr tbu Fcocuted I:U*..l L.L� t t ed' rplan andi-1cor spem as Ndt. r jeul(l roll tell" 1110 tikirt or wtilte oU&dg* intof-,v pim 0%v A114' Plough -for ago.", P, In fat- with leather at tifte foyt.. rather thim, c Q'in 11cXlt''f"'IiuK -affy HWumati 's' Or t Fill o - �zr(ITT I ixrk- C r Inlued If 'W' t �ttonl y, Dr. li"illilms' 'Ink tofk,,ath too koep alive fill 0 tilt fir pr of OWTI10107 t I, i. it p4yna- Oews. r and plainly Tile loltmixe ttcni,it to, jr ternoo, did 'nio t -worlid of goo,,. (1 thfit growill of brif-f W. .111(j 1� and keiping plkt* %%-itjl til I Martin Thorn., jitrodgly r'cominend. then, - alto] black Wool. very a opif. Wa-rden (if for - t lie nill't waste of Good Liquor. t- - - -------- ------- ThQrn, rs. -ro-6 idot rr0% Nanding taoteo.t)r tbe ")lf .1. M m6tv tcr- . , - nek ("U" In., anid worn over ON of demndm. offif t he� as. lkel I twiltence(I tit fifteen yc,,qrw . Dr. - 11' . tileAr O*k nation.0 rl fie. ir 91%,es till every eowpel.,^j 'Pink I enat4ii noriiiiv Whither are Yot, rtjm!jlltg witil th&t of Is sumtritly t4t) ? nd girdle of petiropt an fir face tili ft, � t jfii� ]AXV. it r i: ­n r .11,11) !lip t..flr. ur pol n t..4 Fuppow' yoij wIll b0 blorxi, U�l nip thonterres,'and thtl4a murderpup; op n rti- r(loked' + e A �Iuid h" of hite - 4 # frofil ea. -,ft 'to -Papers oa1d site nftP'- Al Illilig little 4-ap -itnerf, gn f% tut 14-ry fi-w -11th up And repli d .111.1if- hull(frf,64 or enspoi, they have rure& the Wrtli 41�10 Put Itir it wrge Or !14mor 9 of -14n 111' CrOm ,north tot Tito akv frm the Nvxtem. Tri '(Wftcl Kahtall-1 am searellLng fNj 1) . , niab.1 1% ift 1 t.-4 it ri k zitta ro-ar,li. It rvid fete t, and ft. a d lWit 11,Dwi urt.41 origin. %V14011141"'get ()fr tilpt . -.I(i finiled. Meat, w1h. Yr (41 1 t Is rof ot 1',.. A 4% Ity Mr. 'Ifni Ift, u- ni­,arf n.A wi011 to kill Ijkni, bUt --Part of thP WItat. yoli hink blisbing thf- clailli t1lat thfy, ,Itvny ur I& .1C*`iT(b ra F,') T urloi. t t wilk" 1I t rvel ftM"Ihg the Arlumplip;rilf r. ear, air, 'auf -t-,ked titc. till rl�tjolot"i to rit.;l 14 %V fm ot lein V411.1tilar"It, cto7pot of the 'r tedical A DAYLIGHT ROBERY The E. B. Eddy Co9s. tv . xennine, .1141OTt. #or.* t; 64 1,41 t Pal I if f!"wri 41iri'ctl,� arte inut-11 0:0114-1 Kalit . ali--Orliit 1,11alth Thieves do Not Of t Tile e t In t'*,, -f t fre orit, Ili, t1jo pipolit it twa rl it g , thus ex- , the. 010- hill' tritle ninrk.,.-- Dr. I a fess NoTime that in c if I' , b" 'Wilfia�m Milk f()!;ty sVeaho, old VW f0rin of a cliff- ease 4rof fills* for Will Not Att&c WbLoe it Thorn thell sl ke- -t�) 't-11 k the lula=ry n Y' ft*t high,.. prp64Mt - 11 r rd�n' Pri.-Aftet Tourillelf imposition fir ltiiid been t4-Mt)le(j for vvr C11H ff un tile 03"Pcil't-lo'll Of Sutherland to- refii.sig I ly Pill that defies not Nl� Xiadrd:e Tiniment with gravel find ly. II)Ugllt rt urim, etc. I doWn oCum B ill 1*4.11 my (to ,the Arlb, V li'lilt 4V kle ns, 4 if 0) Y. tho how Remedies ati(I do( - 11% t, 4,1111"m ot r i r hulifIltrigv, lVeupli Ir Yotptt' kniow I was senteotice,j, t(j A Tribute t ' jewlst, r4-' NJ -for, a jifty:, - - fa'k-d to lic-11) we until I trip(] 0 amh 411ext at the earliest. ry &114f nowwag ISt. Strayed o American Kidney to r-. 9torojen. -- At have 1Wtt-t1 too busyto r. f0lillointion. To) ll Tfif Ise Wh' Cure. Beforp I for mm- I' U JP 1%7Aidc% rej)Ae4i o take delight Lit criticitoon) 1 twlillff w) severe I Pit, Iaboralp But I14 tot- the IlArl , MGM -na ry c It dracte I jqt lem of t I IS i iii%, liof '114 .-1 % LIUClit * . F-1- 3'(tii k n (i -%V or. tile down Or rf,main Lon aft.v filldtimetogetu abright two., I fioi� i kr* t frill I t. 40 liglit n uliffler, or:'- 'Irt JPW Would have felt a miltylti rebuke, tj�R for any ft-ngtil (II tiMe. r, . - comfo, tf�#* koy t4 fir 01taY, 'which k mmn c,� I r4 'Wooleh It 11 4N fif w, havo :1 - b pru- ST I . . ; to t1j. 'd Id ttractiv 1. y M It oil UM 0 - 1;1614"(�M had they vii"Ited the great #411(4)pillg. -0- _)Ut n - Ulf Ilia 11111w fleek t tile ict offir -Noew Y4ak during the late relit -f. Tile m-mvness and �rh r riorp WOU141 rati.ler Ilia t t"l a bottle got n1mo,,;t is e careadar for Ir ti, , lr'-Inftftntl� T,;.' not fOfriends. Xj 1- 4 1.-, y tfj ti Y rther clelay.-to (ir ffa, jow till produclett it" mow- efftte* C. I fil fit IV. rs fu Irst f. 11*1 orA intimated If V"ll willit a Copy 'hat 4)f thf% h0liday 1-eaon. oil thp lHav Sat.; Tf 0, did- not tw #4 le, n thotre one 11lay urda pr~Ing (*hrL%-tmas. on, Of tile tO#Aknew all left, me. r 4 "Wilptur"t e%Peet a lot' ft- or a ffwtOred to a henithy Itioll f n44,r Ntrueturft ni,tintintenfii, I kidneys ,I lf�. tflfX)rry or onitnuttin -n�jjj., 1), *k'4 have co id I'V4jue-it now its V#ilftpMeTlt, thmigh 'it t4t iSeat), penterlee, wt -an"' fixte""t rm j 14 1 ifiank this gmat remed.r t + Y -wt !'tot cAnn6t. Lob. wt W licit War -imitittlooll of. t lie or. Twellty-tijr,(I ha t* tit reet den S. I P� wax m n we 4 In. -t, liroquat-n referml lginal . . . . . . . . iel, Air gira!" t If 031d 41 man.- line, 4, bv n ter y -*in@ I f%xlllnln- V), i Ile #;ent-ence njotherw uge 11roughout th day, A relativ it, f oMUI krif tlli�z urj,)jLS elre" Of Nack Thorn to knit" (If the memIx T" Of tile fjrn� e Of fine Ont. 11 ills Lance It oneflit wo0l arn. They f (I plainly 116 flid not c had di'ed. alurliwAte fate "r 1,4 ju#4t cnorlu re- to of- %-er,.: opinion j; trilortithe- v ir Comforork alld- II-Ith that beautiful affecti,im Reasons for Feing a cannibal lEddy C099 1ito itir - er it a.8d thfoole of I-itoiir or, kittl' , fielf.'r lipille. r-sunilT tMvirninic 111;Q41 too inijklIt r I gT" t aji�afftkv- tlip�% red. -In Froin "Six tn prilotra drew the blind,,and Ac`e0rdi"g to Jiletrie 4Bull. ty If - HULL CANADA. A r not: thl..4 Itiong and a ft .74prape". ralian it OAM "i I I JrhaZ.- -efjftZ* 'fr 4 r I chised the t chnoom, comtInnes'- Ill --int vride, they d')"" Crowd of mortin ajid w( SPPtoltimloeir - 0. eAt-:ike tf!rmtitv nten roegular rorti(luomft (InCireltm. the neek ortot r down hao nir)t yet b#.,en�*Ck.tCT,,.,"- two 6r, three time.;, cu"*Jsleft w1U) eagerly 14t N -lit, of all cannibals eq the"flead .6 f atiN h routr -lie bY the t4munate Turk t minvoil t ears, traveroeil the The clA*;Ilq of ilsought adm"s- k."ordpr 1K) glorify thpm; .4telle(I V)rpxt I be 1*4 1 ZLII eNtablish 19 1 exam- riiiar. li!o- rr.it- -;4' AVi, ll.v.Uko the, crowibrit. nwnt T'cr a t4n9le da ineant 1(*@ 0- tt4l&. eat geat warriortr ill order tj r, t),r i ri dit-r. and were. tifti I,- r tat ('4nlliP6j+nj rule irtule b(Sinial L(iin(for) chli reh ()Ft k44undAy,',l,jj(j it .01 t("M Of th')MAW'do of d(iflar,. 1%-e fear itilmiorit their emirage, :ind le tjl I rs t, .111411) no, 11111WIrly-odown In a tieing at a l3ritipf 4 of not fr(m) ea tj.;e( k a liniff'. the that many n cliftqlan in to dead childrn in orde t thol culture (of tile. :au,.,r. M uell ('If filrolv ItH 'm Waist. Somptimes it r to we *IlMl hnvf� Pr itt"W ere krdttp berluoll bs, !ds firpit d 4�2,ergency lrq)uld -hav#,, l)a 0firil ­ , i rtake ii -if ------- t ry J."Orwar I. for%, lAt OU111 10 per cent. vrn. 'P'r in whic caai. to r-atrifief, &ffecti(It biddl-nig ffir king",* cro I ettY con- r-lilpf . the prou(I IKINt-awor of a oil nieur m+it4%-4w froln religious r Xi " 'C' 1,* * evidence not only Of circuit, Rev. ifeDollagh, for 1 1.4 tll - (4 lbmm6 Of nitfin ;tr*-- C, -4t- 141aroi-. -r.-trniulio nttt- . that Copan .it . Pris r t1k) altAr of fifs either lit eolinertion with t�iiit,,%-Ilfftv rfj(k*t of the ay -ft eltle--if, 'Imt .)Ill th4- No IL boy- to " e*')ecWly if lie wil 1 lVator ritw. 1CXCH"GZ LIST. I4t*,,#.,4s, lrnrni�j, , aclier it 1, Olat-tho Copan Valle Pre. I ft - aff Me ilavy an4l,admirntlo, Or to glorify tleitles, r# �d ­eou 1, 1 or all Nvonle of rx"t, Cent. fenat e of cer. t ThPire is nl,)ry Catarrh l tilf% j!r.-Jortl arld a olidpra. with thp It � iltain J-1. k. I I f r 11 tni In POW F'01 A ROW orrHttF:V 2.4 -T01 -MY It -ell thilli MTtitill 61*r to arevige, t 1n. ters Have. Itif ttkh- bri-k houses. prp"*TT t I*v fr;tllelnK -'I`eth`O(fi8t In isearlo emmeriTes j1pon t#�e InoutlIA O;r numer, :-c-lrl Y.- It -.111lery lie Country tll&li all other Hiii.millon, 'low-neuin eted. Mr murrtpr� putt direortsi v4 ltdr ellorimies. Those wo(ol order, exch*rpr for butid-edac"fitIrlis. a n. one C Other drivot hin- into ('0119mg.ttio Iiq, I; tller all(, uljt,1 the _t wllr) devour fin- a4rhal f`4 or row-tv.11 or ()ng- 1; Ort t� !q, Lst, in I fil;.Ipt leave.. rurial ip- to i ti4 rm, ild not otlle, few fla�iih WvAuae (vf are re.­k- t"00tv &'SOIL 11smilwn 116`4 all 'hill, r P yanuee ritts, WIRe'* triCtuAl ? yfftrM IL wam ilinppmed to tw. Illcural famin aro tile lie. -.a IS twreent. In chfirt' f(. tr1l4p t;4) U9 Ordina tion - vow,4.r larjr a great many Tbof- 11'a-shbigvq e whoo u, 'to knit thom nt doctors Pro- rlo`­*`Q* bombardment open,. ile, t I*i-­!16ll;r Art, Tit -lit, of dancink therl. AGE.VJ'S 1,4o In join- 1C. -Wo Clit ron lele. and llr*4- i-oportion of 24 per cient. �Ammfti. whirim privelpal InciAllibnt I frees-lon'), �oljjij.l ti numed I t a lOcal I Ic yf't- skorh;P Or' tlwrn pefIbed 10eaJ rOM(todIfis, and 3.0% 3& at, 2 fx Tn.. " amqtu.-t (wt tile a t1utt jistir,111,11 011 1114, fl.!jJrAet ()f weilt orr.' -t'nfI ft' -tk( of hurnan f lA@h beeft, "'ho id (or It -the lills- Undese alble, dififforing ]FrQtn Ril#u- Im- thpy- pre-- W4�x*S- it 11100k 4Df lititwipee &nd 'wthing but Ir. 'I rot, Itrat.luctmi, Prable Ife Ila()* l".ri'slitiLt t gt�r. , oit, cm tile ra,16- melfift: lin'IP 0011). red edgs (4 '16 Infantry. ifi�-cmirW h -tile 1jua. i&Q4ojyj 11p, P -a ftbwnrk I`YY It lie Cower of Ron. W111e Ott##. fat"'W tocuMB I'l-Ith loftl.-treat- 11 it to, 6%.bsri r mea ns (if lllnientRti foraRinpie 't churrhoes or tImNloven Catarril to Ile a coofotitil- Wedey butidijigs, 'I'Orollto. cxfll, PrIlloUnced It Science on. eRPF- Pricc M IAM HIRI(j()S. frOTTI-the lef flank. Hundrw!s of rq -t to' :: re irrithing in, the agonievo of inortal thift queti, n but lye reit My Ito, wa..4 wl, �Ild 'rlie' t i4)rta I d1peaw belch forth flamitinIt roun,'I : w) 'artificial -(.Ir do 111.4 - "I'd therefore r4wjuii,i-..4 me. 11A thP king off terror '.News. "Ia tism tilat for w��ks find - tt) WRIFtlitntloiltnal trpa AAiF.NTS GUARANTIE]CD TWO THOUSAND r" fling Puft,4 of thl-k Krey o -woke pi t -'rell NaOk turt. - arr Halits c.it- Dear Sirm,-yo,* MINARD'S 1.1yl- OOP" to rml)race- thein, callin " out 1700"*ib� t om In, bed w4ib ubeetic , ir dollan a )-car *rIIInjr n new telepliolle attiftfich. Ty rr1e11b4M&*ft qle&tll IT I (Iltr th I llad rnatitirnet tired by F. Ment * at -Ila on sight ; exclulti%-e Wnc), 46 e iThl'iff"i0r, that It T suro in a jur t South .%merlocan jilletima- to t Tijb,(14), x0meOnIE' verY d4par (mr rer"PdY for sore 11i9n4;J;rood Men. Addrese4j. ('. stotesbury. rery air with their ear -split- tilf-in Ill life.. the tic C" -WOuld givo Illmm-t lnRtnnt tile cotily hroak W! very t hong h t of 11hportatit artq,; cun,, or 4AIP &4 theY we -141, 4heir wh4m 64 drink -covery 11.1& h 44- re e tile market. 1-t fulldo and all ordinary ailmonts. 2M C-011WO lltreetoio Torontoo. OnL 'It it V-1fou"fid ?%Vfll; blo mil 'made -by ci0u)4 nfl 4`1100ing in tile, It, f I I so muell falill ln",.It tilat L4 'tuk(ln Interitially i[II oijoief*4 from 10 It, neiver falls to W -V rU0111- whiell'im t.-IIIMI C I pr bottlefl. I-fling(IN Irilgilln.t., Th 24 hours g The 01(al and 'Pure S1i01tTH.kXj) f dMitts t a teiaspo4fillrUl' lt aetig directly BF:NGOUGH I figures tAillng and panV it -1te (If tholl discovery w.,; my WIN Waff Out of paill, On thf- lll(xxl' 8CIR00L ii with o covered we ind out of 11111cotis surfaces or. on tot Killff 111treet weitt, Torojte; Individullil if thyfIbbI119 19 -SAI evt,-r liniW,� Ing nti oitill mblng upward are no*. jo�-O. P-IrM carn.wnr jj thick Junkle,!and the lie way 'oll M. Tht7 off(w me, hundred (101_ livurblorl: !,oporting blethods. Pu rd-sWicyi1c ici11 wilik-t. elite -to. obtain For to r.T . I rq or aqy caw MWIP lkclltn- from indpioent-' longer mt�n with ljujn�L I villag f recore -W rrfmi tl�o VO)PPIIIS my n hk!art4 and I ritig, it t It falli,; to cure gi.1jd WHO01"Ex. 111,111Y 'me. A. C. Brock. prilij. Val. wearily ri 4m -d ViY01 r1ne Int4l, oor JvtombAi Cr(x4bk�. a 0`210irecin. at a late namon of Ina@- Aoddre�-@r ---------- ho-,ur nf ttle whow, onfy yejinine 114 to -re be,.r.' I "try work. They rpmoVo F. J. CHENEY & (,o., Tbledo, Ohio. nfelft. ozhaumuttitj I haql C&4 jrhfvwtly We 1pe &>ttan 00 d thqf, brush r*"!()ul)t. c"s byonetim' witj 6d Oil (ft a am r Al"Wir s!w,,tring r* -x -t I toe I I t),I!ik ft is il"Ive, oil' h !4daen itnd Reportelg 7.7ire. 4SA` Your Oealerfor I ',Arica tile thell tnre-king roe, - . Fli tlw toundation-9-ol, Were oil Hilkollps - awl kill kill, L-111! I 11*1 Isamily "Ills -aro tit Polfrt^ in t1w P"l-itt"111m, I r We froen2iefl pjlj�frit read 014 -11 - V! ha ie. They Tito ficulty of olledd in Witil new,"., g "margari,110 flit O:j 409all look � for treakurpt4. -Infl, Paper - portn 6f'. naAMA" divorce Briadwitre ward ttw (18, trivi eryo(I le'lfving-that It J.-4 butter. adfranced rx-st Fitter deqrfinir. the wilil wWj -of a -;()Oil found sonm preel et'son. Trade in call r,*i,td t1w. fiank #,f . Wo are brtx4rd an be:ru 0114 Image, -of Camm 11 bben "Yed Ili. a very adu bat,. lorn 11101w 000-Atw! anti crumbetil. d(fled oil Bq(f(llla . P I'll Now brnso,4 injam" iI"aVOrahloe Weather I, LW=nt Reiieves Jj8QMj&*L tour Pe- 1)10 in er ill- England. BOECKH'S W bo-tly eMgft*d Ill Witil eVell At tile L cannon"o lkF ths- ptirveyf)rs of fo,-,(l tjjrjg(% . Tile' Pregi. (.anaolla relimlorIA,4i froul r -n t I, the"i? fnd i -W they n1w) nneh :1 14knt urt, "titeotm the- till -if ruld nier d",% nk "Tift on are nviver enfe from rthf4l the co, the outlook for s7rijig, 'rado Odd I" ""OPP Rounlanlam- Ruch I'An"Iflil s Im eft. M f011cet-i0l, of nelnt mln.si rt� m, t "ti"T" nit tlw Woo. Tradition withdraw and they do is re- vOrUsift beheme garded tit, oine t,)r tjw, lwgt four y(. TaXey' t"'ekly to' who Pro"'fly 110 tile vilinge- ha it til -It the 111- 0 117 aring'to make hit ' 'a" -11`4t deNCent, frorn tile to too m*lf or. Z mekaw many of whir.jj* AW Rom -.11w, of the b 14� PAXt A Vor 6ale by ill IA�4jdjng CANI tdp ;;!I!p vram billit b,� King liftra(I j)a per npleaaan CHAS. BOINCKH & ISONS, ,'brare day,4 f)r Thero will bif 75,000 Amertemi print& re rel fly Mki! finnJ efforti anti I Imbly #411()Ut, apl directorY of for 1898. My -conspicuoug, -by Felling rrejoy at low ji, lorted practleml toy :1 QUIPIX&C 14flop Ping'short. Y'rujisiturbeAl by t lcmi, lnsy laot they ,vttIjIn, witli- I tho ne" 'ill tl'P (;Mtbl)ny:ff--Tlnmw. of Upylon. 111"ertilit hN right to remain. In con- rice@. las" 4asler. With evry 1*ir Of NI'Mmoold Of shrieking ohelis croowing 1mi'llpllew elaint that tit,* neetlonPwitfl Likii; arrangement, iminigratioll Im expoetell ill the 11toillin- TORONTO ONT. i4triking, timtance or (Nman"I4 un- title.4 "'Atch, between tile 34(,ffl- In 816ine Ion during tlw ollisning to 91"fu a Pair of Ov`Pr*4AO0N on each M CRY :oT i, - torej;to e0'rreAP0*l0nCe h year. - The re- , 101 in a starw) (if I,!, 111ga in A )e or the ailp *Iew, with tile letwrls Wateur Athletic A400 lation PaNK-41 ween tile Pretildent as Junt turnN f!"(0111 the Ne"'f(Auutwid flikileri * Wf WAVIP%f they te&r rfia4y through ni. "'llitig w)l4lipry.-46 Vietory! V,,etn $w of Wit willcm uproomr lm,w ard ry.. real - easily (ilstingule!1v M0 tfii Athenaeum Cillb, Of eurt iiiii(I t1lo prplo. it, it, by tit#, Tilt- 3104trPal 'eity 'bill Tomato, Lord Jenne .,exPect0d to Odym- h0tter than "y 4' 011t YT*' -'kt each 19tfl, the Utrarer A hrJWlj t lightd;ng-like lisL4 betin -for-Suturday nrxt. wrote: loopo r"Ayrd There were LS 1111si- 111kes in thp GU QVICL w&W Swelvi.- Kroat' eroip-4 ttip rr,,Ilt If that by the 1riv tte . -B fillillr(w hi tile f)onljnkxi pnow t1l"t 1) y t4w id 4m otronghotd. In,, vpurt,,, a t Qu6bee. TI 1"(" im a'Kl94ni4C "rocking stotle,, "I W10 to expreAw my acknowleog. ada 1:16M Iteek, agiaWt -2 if ('nil- Advortilseluent is visible, t yellow -re -a. , Thei French Or hall'"mi bowider on, tile 1)innacle InVilts 66 the gentlemen or the PrNw for' tou wevk and 65 it 0 -toilp prev- tleref"'re, he imu All over to Tn j!j8W,A ttle IMOMPIn �iia Ift.-Iloamr, d­jrt t"1110le-4 dT firp into) tile ientre,- a folvilf- for' of Tandil Nx ' their mmthdrainal front tile court It- can. I Taw* travemiric Cle tiol- fastt-dpepe * opera. will 'bo in .114 011"t--tiu, B111011,0k; .-kyreffil. it L tile 88 [UP tiveek a nJnIC 91f 01411 Tfwroti the , 0 x1trell I ft ear a4Z(o. Bar will n4st jdant 4, orif (in xharp erackle -irof .1 riflo-, Volley. 4' summer. Pxt Is 24. feet in - hpigli t, - 9 lk clearingw fol &is (,Utla_ 'Ile adw� it I lki )Mill Iq..ljle1I 0 rvq6i'J4t'Yc44t0rdaY durlui 11, Your Wits (Aft ept long pn(i g the heai% dial, citielp, pla-d %11.11 gel1w) ana 4.rr), Kjf)WJ fro it op W;PjXh t-gVellity-fIrp- tons f(V thP [hut week Ili 1juln- emper;d 1kirt. -panning 1,isc irunm and..... 1XIOUST10- j., the ellmetilLw the l(md 1119 Of '� particular calustro. They inny ary aniuunW to U07,1422,00(), It gain feelt, if V If is then "! n aw bl,� oijultij Pure that I never have made tilif ,Il psr Col, aMille her 'Lt N CESSAItN' In mecurr (j,001I RjCj11_Xj2UJ i-lience. mume over thp prpviollm 1r I)IIV her F1ut4l&ljl,i4 III lit lthe Addrv"of rt%prwentitfUre Rnd ne r shall -make ouh requoRt wi, nearly 19 lwr sent. in, ,41ril whO "N "Ft cleartild si n in 21 1 drPadful that, ni, "d ue titIme will Lkf var-mi and paitsing .,iln exclept 'Very rare occaalonm, when the &arne week it erpnzoe over 1kim. uej, of V14,11 IWbunle nil 1w itioLde riol flit ),011t. HOME. Lt. APPIO-Mber 41Y. With-urenIng, "THAT TERROR Of MOTHERS In my Mont a distinct and serlotv, y"r ago. tIlliff'ferY of marriM J. L c.41 the Afeelianic.tIly I r 0 Injuntl 'to Public morality would re- Its im d1le tor) c(Irm. 141t;nanio Usti 33 ItIchmond wept. 7,orenta tat 4 bw, and with txj%veff by *nit fr I tile pubileation of Cum Dandrqff. pajitless mid henry'.1liur) walk tIlrong, prompt. 1ANtiftart thp o)rrt->%rfvij gloarning (10%.71 the ill,, How it was o -TLY laww, ShPlter tronell wercome TJIC* 030cre of the press ill reply, 1"'y Warnied Bineuit..4 ft;1d Two A119011, X11111,111s&n Towng. 11"RKMAKFN Ej J U The officer A(I- exj 'I, t* lie. ll[Xie's Great — V Dr r re- dremeof me. anmvvp their confid,ence in joijZe Tfic FITS W -to tko sir lie nw-we u-,immill, r l inflOTAtion ill N"rVing tilol, rLgU r rVoillilinovo. limt d cune"w'discretio nott a word, I,,,ut f"Blik Is 04' nolx)rt 111w. 8end go Wt Arelh ptree ze. mr)ijn Nova Scotian mother no and t* everYthlng latioll b1muits an(l ejw*we at (411"Jus Witten of L4M t delpiAm. P&., for 1�nm d, t nd rMe, nway. Y W h ithpr It Phould Ile, and everybooty, lit to I,,,, I know -rint, I "rs. All YO the delicate bisel7it ,Inupm 'P"Illgs .111d Ramona. two tow no MrOr PWO IW J A. H Use and free $I tjQ boWe ay Wtdly and to tlsrlfX without any fuft-an exa.mplp eli tcft. latrign cGunty, with LIW on t r"d, i3;l; &r1or 1"18nNotr*J)etnoljtj*0 lowry into till, 1xi1pullition r r.ngilb j"stitution,.4 t tjleIr "t. nor MoNtened bV '11111 llry, 4 "'".re is 11'"t R racalit boiw in ------------ 't MuRt 'lot be ReOrched hot of tile night, - thinking.' Who is well knOwn as an author., lgtp&lu ,(A 0 but itte. tht wneftil I)nttje-flj+l )wt, glifficitentl ie Man or boy. 011111111116 the I"ollninnilin,4 fr)ugllt Y Warmed tQ Make it t 11 tilipk-r nd not a dog. 1111jub - nitt . tender nnd wtirtu V) tile t&8W. TIw IN tlint %4jj11:!)adrww It Ae ftils 6 -It ffiltnck-c-hildren C- J. Wooldridge, Wotthittm. Tez., writes: Private Poetw or Thm, own. wiltn'"110111*0 j.t -AA"y Ir, The ftkatizely an3� other I,.% more dreade4 thin it 4 WIP ma(lola that them hviiiN llever bobb" mot vejmj my V Is croup. It &o oken colneq in the night. "One Of my claildren had croup. One 1-:' not gonerally kdoWn' that t InWxic:Itjug wiffi4ii, ONO U4 bra sudde r 48091reat. Theclimaxisgo breathjug, and 011 1.4. .1firP, ill % no 'wonder that Nlr,4. W. j. jitrangling.1tbadu arlyce"oedt breathe Ik9fliuSt t1le JIM Of wA or% The d:nge vva,,i sLarticd bY the child's harif Yvott; 16tillberi's 111'41ly WXW--SaVe The Trade Ill either Of tl~ tow liquor t going to it found 1 *40 11 � eim- f Beranger and other French BI(pof, t4trtkjIg sijlpo. IWilb isamottof " Stan ford EVCttith,") r11 IS tell a re no any ! 00 t W next mf ive by tit WWW 09m; *4 a ififollfulto -clamtes, t the vrork of market Nervilltw it' thc great tilury � 41 w0nien of Wh MW ,Kinic nnd minging ti, -Dickson (t)etter know -n tl,lder ber P Haring a part of a bottle of Dr. Ayerl.� tit lftifoatUe- flud tol-fore in , 1 0 thougl an .,.Yp 4 Im thn terror of mothers," Nor 6 it hie Cherty Pectoral iner le world of letters. The pain cure, 06 to w: 1111"Ou Make big seliM t red- 7 Wonder cbiI4 three doze"' the hOuse, I Kaye the )r tite initste lialL.4 h Itv w-netrating 4ljqI Pain be* ney4w Ire that she r. rites in iirltls 011 91 nt short intetvals, and . i ii #Aut)duljig is so", POr coin effam. i t" "" 0 an(I nll--iourly waited resuits. From the M()� her frat tuorle for the Telief which Piie ad t h4`1 tMe"t the Pectoral as given the child's POCt, whow reni almorist itistrult,114,O)UP T-ry it a meret. U Priv- 3i4W'11 Liniment for "it evw"heyt. roast" Or r6ft few of I )0th frorn her 0" finxiefic -aft nild lx� mom "at U 0 D if 61 jj was 'try, n(I. 6f for her children's altraestis, a breathbig grew cagier, and In a short time NlOutro�jget. tilf, Hanle way, (70qfte :oX. 0 EIN Aycrls cherry pectoral. in Dr. calling (or Wil0 merchant nt convinced. --------- fW will afta VStrio 604 =. J' Meet,ing (juietly and liteathing uat- The 11(ist I -- w— �.41111 w1wr"ll" bo VjW on The Rev. H. tirally. The child is alive and vrc,li t"ay, lit) t110',fYounger im 1­'llvI)11ed with him 41111Ptrititiltaw 4-1191neeriag 1111100a will be r"mmed of Ville aft gas do plems was Levrb C "Metnorydov; not reca nd I do n0t, hicsitate to say t1lat Ay",,,j sparklittg, ljjojl0l()grue" UehW carried oil in 11 te time when me tbor of "Alift In Wonder Dr. A yet's C hc r ry pectorn I wa s not u if erry pectoral pAve(I ft.4 Ijjc.,,_C. by' a, cutic In I f it, nian has nolif 4julst Ili" worl-ol am tile building of thp Cod In WOULVAlLoGE, Wortham, TLz. tile lNftraim, 11Y Hanle ThInet. Till" Uslially Mud. TW Iwillth to( li.x-F�mprsvv Our family. for tbrcootit and jun troubles. - That terror of gentleufXn 'trielIN 1114 lol-11 froni pun- 19'rady !tllnopt $-�0.060,mo Ifer rheumittle tiv Mustard musterc cTcmLTc"9h---nevcr alarmed stilteffit"flq tanice rgmment it, tnotiveti: of frien(1,4111t) an(I re a 111tan 1111im llortic% mellw% e. F0 Ion fu" the Liroll asl dsliOttleolAyerlsChe y Pectoir colther is) have Ill's prodi'ictlolL4 printf,(i if tile en.t firratellem You ;Ate* nt tile joul w(mrw anti she im unnhle to In the linuste to stipplement t favor of this reftle4y ulinecessary. it i,; ktifow When to SaY neigh. 'a Mmily In-flictne that tio home should he Or too �a k I u will r without. fro-,, Seth. Wben ftjjejrjl3g Iti.; junt a. (of Money from it 119 Ill - with whooping chitiq .1 efficacloup, in brou trnYm tile Pign of tile rlleni� --Tit 11164, Ulm. 401, is its worst form, and articulation other A ritties �Pf cou gh,;, a a it is in crour, i - advice 11 71je French (Rivernment. him Asthma, whooping couffh, snd al Ala I tese er If .1 Dian wouki foll(lw V Zola, Ure nxtiellst, D Un n'gs to P t on accnunt of the chOkfuff, Anycme who is sick ito invited to write give -4 to Other" we Would soon be pe P ACCount Of him 0onnectitni with t I i fob W"Id point and sticulaii the Doctor wb Not to be neiturneg. bottle; for experlelence 'hall ill at the Wad of the fitus foct Tt w0tnen Wer I " f011d of all )ear- moothillig 14 rut) 68 a tilover. terhazy-Droyfus scatifti. of our fiewly nirganize<1 Free Medical Ad. 1-H990-0aa�ler ivejils to [A, Ing lit r)rintR AH they n -re In o4llk therp 1`141 -rev the chfid t mflef was in its.cou. TiCe de tirtment. The best medicO advice.. 1411ing reniedy. it viot only t ThecondlMon of the heaW t.,r 1-:11 life. ivtou Id IMM Paill. but ifil-womum on all Tfeaqeq. without reference to their be more ),ft4Y vrrl toers. OW01 t1h,1111 OMNI@& and prom VictoriA of Germany vxcit,4.14 of Romancig V1 the oliglit to Ie. 'All of 1mus ar citrability by Dr. Ayer's Inedicincs. Ad. tile If cd-nfti werp to g-() Out Of f.,Imlllon nit, ifind corAnumit, She will go in the Ppring t1lan I d ress, I. Co Ayer Coil &9Wgjl, Kjiss* db weddinf, prelsentm were givon Ilk#) by I'llor" Iol) tile for'Ortil. MADE A1180LUTIELY PUIVI PeoPle r1ready married. nome yourg men Would have no Vie. will allnopt IF*OM M10M IrLAVOUfto EMX,gM WgD Ible meow of sapport. ACI -40444; ill t lie 14611111- It it tilt, vii-ind -ic. AoUker*. doti't (all tO P811mroll . -Twenty 1� SOLD IN tse. and 10,0, -nlqS Aek for Dunnos Pure Mustard *.'4AL IL IV- a UK Under tes. SOCIETT ILE clak. Doorig Evem P0111"tad -A Tin pan lnunee4u Couple, T&ChL-A Theatr% 71le 4j( hPMad of lit- nOn' til-kil 4W Vt Jog tiuriug Mt,fi for atwiAl . Ux. Jiumirleja owtivy 6.001k.. of Lt* ltuk, of so, _eLit"alphies. MU k;4r# iaut *wt tand Ididy J 4 Ifteplif Chum - u % t ruon kiar- an. feva"It ill so- qwr% at* 14ug- of n tkwa Lt% . IV ah man -Ager, A! joitintier, awl Mibt- .atu-r*-d by tlj4- uid Ow -re ,as au*- Ue event a Liu, %Ita:anl or Jiuv.ng jv,- e (jr V* imiritsiti I of t he Ilom+- se it nd Duelliem I am Chaffing -y-Martin upou lk alul tiltie." It :If evo rybody betirlit it large IlLv* naaw and vjurw-rX of t1w dRughtatir of y -Martin Imh l'ifington," t1w. a cof tile Earl sas - hern July Which line frv- NN'llitoe CALIW 0( law to recoexi A lit -re. Tile parWd- --er. Ittiodnoro4hire, scairi, .breadi of morality, re- Anizod a gang of White Irith bilack ILoe*. wrenaded Vft. eV.. nil unnizirrimi et4i- li%'iGW tkWU110r, and Of /,* sitritt drewme.,, iiiiie river. Tli#-,% ortunat*� COUPI;. nuLrelied tiwm iferring to t1w 6 M-liell George for Mr. 3 a mm *tor of t1w New Iroo,4WI ift Intend- iteliting rvom�d ocardint to tile to be .310 feet sa,druple expan- )0 lmmw power e Imaken. too af. fen at ful I "Peed out "Oling. Tiou lit, (Ur Ir, kDot& aoQ"w Vie At- auu-mut wrain ill 1�mt, ri,,- in I&rg* nunj- of am alrekkr clu A"g thp J)"op jj( ALWJ Duch" tig towli 11'rince and Roffouniatiia The a,- it'sof taken a i1ne" IAmiw, 4o -f 0 of tilt- fintr*t W*Vol Ill -re next 141wo. %%-ell fatioli dQrIl4g the trial Dialljol Jay. tile t Lad.ly TaWnt !ley k.&;jVd Oft h lie Un1dPrAUkkj lFba..'Wi liave 1104 wlito have kwW Ptr gatuNing. fln1wr of a cjj-;ur Iii 11),irb play &#.- Itey were in tlw lently at esell a, Yeaft age 4)llp 110 im novr dra.L 1111111i'vton Palace, IL row W hell %1W 9A reached t1w tond Dyes I n C4wm&ft kgow lywir et owbiles, ka- mod ere&t bosUq. Ito an P"b.. t @ builit GUM - silk and 1q&16jW% with planbil-ma Dywo 80 �Imfenced pvtoom I As ILD promw 'tilititcom are loiryieg I PaCkAge of Lu, *^A bQy Qv ee rw M yaw dnabw t0d" ; no after to will do Y~ d e&tA@f&e%Nft RictilarKboln CID, w4jualAo tionirtit of t mrd qI 00jew to 1111�m 94114fa lit& 0, 09 CULting iA taktad Uj con- th tibe uay ulf om-ouy b ^ bt 111111"o -I &kAittY1b,, Ar 6.4- ('111buniu%j tive. *Ina tu vugue ja 6 Him Innill Ow 7surMs * hallil 4111, 0 tot, n calla I au -it rift f 4y Ire* W I J1 V- A - it