Lucknow Sentinel, 1898-01-07, Page 2I . I W It a 4 I Tie brp�lu ilk "I A Vol 1611do.-Ift J Not. W sew DA t 0 _1 W ks follow JVW. 40 -for 20'­Tea1)s, -13�Ljmd &Ut t tar &4a 'Aak SKULL FRAPrinur" k;�-1141S Wllw. t nd U1 tf�o 17 , '_ i - - - W, i Z.- Hatift at 0 4 iW 4)1 -ifuriz, 'Koft* aitl ft food. T he captahji; of.the I-bl-o tW Tlivinih again. the - irard huoelt,; �I� row to. I t 01 061141 a NOW. likvlp-you 1;11 another all earn So fra 7 4 �eal I -nca 'I !n0[l *11r. X P E *AA Ri T 1W 114moi.M.- 'Who had C�e i i:., Theim'.. Thank- YOU.- bir." ON 0 title I Or Tax W.I^ luall wm,"I I lo Vvlp Of- Adtalrai, he was palli 1,!30 : "&^At it (fill* 'It away t1wl, to tilt. with Rheumatism, komid W "I'd' . t,46 but -tom ol it." 111lustwara ; V61ifforers. ()tiler N francs- a- year. hat 0othen-bultm? %Ve lmveWt cottoos 1111111 WIVOU 410 all Selleral days pewt Qell OF THIS WORD. .11141 filing thobe rpsPilisibte cares ALlIkI anx- Could Not Raise Either Hand oir Foot ta tile a� e thee -5a lIP to dry 111 Tim official reports allow ti t k4y W.111ch otiliv -k '&Me 114011tJOR ffirl" 1140 tecured for, 74;0y. fir4&ttv U16 I've kmen put - the Want likell ' ' ' ' * - doewra and Had to be Fed and Drem4d-,The 1119helit tem- PetAtUr-e ever reeor(letl in thp'tentire se4wn a commo4.io my Mlars, -Intl cuffs it, all tills 11@�gtnty. Frientis of tle. pa call k"u... ting pie tienta were etolulull- Doctors Told Him a Cure was Impos- Calitornia was 136deg", tills being %%ell'furtilshed detached 11ouge d E u1s"Imain `h6 did ber duty, Tiksa tile, Wasi tile iiiieut4A Witis 'u* 11 No Name on Earth So woek?" tllrt% 'It WAI_ (of courpw. rwo 1)(x)r erea- sible. YOt'He Attends to Hits Business a *ve ot W 11 Y, G eorge That's* the gtp t Malulnoth Tunk, in. tile de& -rt re- -on-the -Naze, where everyone of Its illy ball dre%011 It is a strengthening food and inC lip No high -grow- Of' tobeir injurkts, hilt . the, To -day, gion of Un Diego County. CI Famous — No Name 090 to und Of factory handii and ware.- t6nic, rernArkable in its flesh-falt;m- r"t Went 011 well. 4fid witillu Wn it 128Ld*.reW,at Indio, I the 110UM 4" ""'I'll 4 dd-yN I'Vere all alote 'to leavo or. tw, re- ("'ronl -the Millbmok ReporWr.)' W" I -L staff will be accommodated, in Moro Widely Imitated. That youug idiot doesimIt **w to ing properties. It WnWria C�od lll� u'0vs""d t" theilt hVveral hq.)Wee�. only. Rbonmatislit, sarne. coinrity. batcheft Of thirty at a time, wfth a care ;' bit abolit, liceldento. Holm up - $1.10 U111110wrl Patl tint.% -lins. elainted Inally vie-, fortnighV& free bcfard anti lodgitig, III NO 1101jue on earth, perbaps, to so set, four boaW hy rocking tit - Liter Oil emulsified or partialIV I, Tiol, Sultan rect"Ilvitic it present Of Well known, Uggo peowl&rly ow- r0a Ut'd there he im at it again." diecstcA� combined with the well - Dr. HaijWk. i em at %ilol;l tile 901"1 mtr 0"I'li rtx),,Il ,till lav, I flit TluLuhliW ItIv' Alk(l. a lip6hatily 4.1ttisf4l of -A. formeo is� I t, itj't4tat- addition - to 4Y tlk.)14fli tlie ig,,, Ilailk thall alty (it], undertaking,a pulilt.lvd 0 eeks' wagea. Xforeover,on-funo '64 That'* all right. lt*o4 lite business. _1w life Jaily ;1lJtJrf0v_ axpedItIon struct d, -dr,0V In thO glell, t4oll. WiUI 4*1-- Ilion- Plilop a U affeetills I or raore widely imitaW .1 tilt. luankillil.. A- Mill; and 22nd the ivork,4 were cloged thun the word DODD. I % nnmlft� The hotel people pay him for timt. J:nown and highly prita hypo- Iv"11 wee nit-il. t,x). %itruil rewpiratIo#i 010119, Cho.*, .9 11v and 9* -,r n nd Whit have a ahwt thP Rifflah. pirit"` homede, to WU of tilt. the ween-tv reg u ta to,, predatk"- have cat,61 worken was pre- 6 Peculiarity that makes It it�" out He uimeth tile lw)ats, the tiontman phosphites of Limc' and Soda, slu 11011 ail alzIl ' . , r, - %v itli 4 t_x finve suffe -*I $pull, to pur- sented -.three days' pay. - resques,the cirls, awl the 'New 'York tho g-rkjuntf n o"t entil* aces"atioll of - - a torpedo boiat ti) Mor- PlMmInecItly &n4 fasteup it In the Lll"4' I)gklflflll. lo119--drao-11 010n% * thall Mr. cooni, NOW ; pro- numor it Contains four lettm% papern are fall of It, The advertleft that their potency is niaterially af Wr breatIL4 -�Prietfur'of ()MO waters., L F�rmeli 'e"rttWr)8 alio' ()ne Baltlulor�e Street Railway has but Z two lette I& 1111glity ellesip., inimased. on""" W ioll mus.P�1161CRI Of rishing', lulkery ilk -going 'to. Rift wA re of the Alphabot 4 "Nam a wl'tell .M.4 like thIP lard grint ;trllg. lialuptcP11, but tur I nu adQpied 4a ap*proved system for (le- RrOrMS knows that tboe f1rVt k1da prilwow - 66 We of III 1*r f. I had a very interesting time, of I"% ugaiiialt death. A it old algalug W-MUMPW ever patented or Wd in W;I.*4 #41-01 1171-10 watrows rewWllt (of 1,14)[Ityl) I- llegl%) lit Kent ucky,.heing told the - rouUs of the various cars. 00,� %V hell..hiop. X06- tOm was named DODDS. nwlr It Sunday. f4ant", the strolng man, fairy . 11. -in tielit'sf- clot h tl)4-,. iju.- V�L"- Wit Over thv_lorojecting roof at tile for. = I I what will Art 80:0 Ety 114ftr tini W' lvhw t-eviarroid. To is r tl%'t 'One Of Ilia race had boeii arrested oareiry startled the medical profeWon sllsmt tite day w1th Lue. %*111114 find flot it' t -le relm)rte 4 1 %var(f end a,,,l ma tit of- foilging for-* I.L )Jill' oil the charge of the car in an oblong flux, . Um world over, and revolutionized thtk Real y ? He miat tw 11 wonder, M r,., c ­ V It will arrest loss of flesh an-� 4114111i*r- 11�01.01 Ll:aot fellckw." Wexv inn.. o% gave vently Illuminated tit night by incandescent trGatruclIt, CiL kIdney diseaA& tl exclahncd: ­Dat,,.� fivilat p4j,I)ell, k. .0lig I'articular... ot 11 6 am front. Witti. No Lmlt&tor hag ever stioceeded I- He Is *. wt, ikc Islet ;Ilid alatch isun- ftStOre to a normal coinditiOn t1ir ^t-rie.. w4brox onee .'%.X.*r i'llildl!" L' greli't er eddleaJI(m. lfx� lights and having gi .7 9'mkl lukl.v -iine,14ti sufferilit aluil got ten children, tUid, 111% ft revolving i4creell of Mack with emstructing & paille X*WQ=Ing thol -.kif&nt, th-c child and the adult. I plty.11lvf�- Us jjj A23 t Rig." (te, cure: %ionie AY 4tenim"i. my AwItIl �Ooli Verfi:1114 " * 1. 111AUk lieSvell. 1)(A. 4- or JemAtin r#1141 the n4men 4 t1w. wveral lines In white Peculiarity of DoDI), t"h they went tout, and Sandson undertook to w, .:for vight, -Naid Mr. or Wr Ito. letters oil It. More easily read alml folt it to' flearly all adopt nav;eti as similar an IAaY with the boy. He went to 'lied will enricil the blood artemic fikkit., r idell ouell 6f -tin daythae thall tile usual edr migns, It I at 7 o'clock, -ilmolutely broken down." vAI stop the cough, C littist" P" ble Ili oound and coustruction to h*thc Tik- %-jqjUtb� 1141JOletleN, k-0111141VU91 Wi tit irrita AL -fir.,t pay '16101 h. :Jtten.� t Ald that at itight these esw2 lw.read. libla. Thoir fooll,"Itnem preven tb m LAST PATIENT 1 111-19 �144s� til.1i 'to i"t" 1; lbe -Aliktanice of a squa ts 0 tor. 1Pk d,l� )i . - tLeTp arO realizing I'l, 1golng u) have. that t4tock in- tion of the throat =d lungs, and lit 416 it; '%vim st"fally that attempts to Imitato WIWI wl tm, 41w rv%�m, I I)egfill fj). #I' the faino of Aodd's Xldwy 91,014111K arw. 7.)(W(10 Ili E.nglandi,. IfAve lxwn 1wrea voutigated," said the Invastor. CUM inCipient consumption. We fi'l. '11), thV (%ta bl Nif melt t I of HUM AND ROAD RUJ' Thereo bee" a good deal of funnyp lal"t 61.10 allgilie4l" LDtNG; rntlwr 41ark, tk .,iAlt td,) ho eftetq_ 1111 n2akie this statement becauu the Uor trotible tile- NatItvI#Vl. ..%X.jl]iqUtiOn ()f (q, W'hy im the naille ­ L�(M-4 Kidne7 lowlialso; in that corporation." irt "Triie" &aid Barkow. "atid I'd aa- experic t1l'at f rfoilv hall- t -lilt TbO Norwegian', M thod, WJPayh�fj. the PUN " ImItUW As ask why '-tft*.i t1if. drl� 10W, ItTeitigilig,flymnit, A.' isle Ytolk to employ a diver to Ioy011y proven It in tens of thousands of th orw, ! fill Aob ailt-r.-- Tito- V f U1114. elrild.4 - e nc-e of twenty-five y"I-s flas, Inant4br, -fovw rot fill 044,011j.4 Iffid ho-,fr PuIllic Improvements: 'ibro diamonds aiid gold imitated. 130. i6ir, winwir It a and they, iror�4,. Qi" -(Q 1()Lt fif."IrrH Willding away iivor,,:.' thtf hills' cause diamonds are the most precious 111voNtighthig, therelm aq mucl, wnWr ilt) IS lit- kat, *k t1it- Ioentitilill *qo 4'n ;spa I tGt :tJILttf.4_I Y U0111ilk",- a -Wee, k. I 901W. cold - the in It.ov I C�s- Be $more you ret SCOTT's Fomasses. UP fly QId 1111tlii'S ;I L" ". t) VAV4)rkx most proolous 1.111 _ orl, rrve- L --roratu a uvr '1111 t tit ks" 4 toilill* oft$ .4 . I 1"). Wore . I - -:- ­ v Dodd's 1�ldney pillp gro I1UI_ awl 'gua &kill eitfr 4)f IWI-gelk' I, Idift tue s,&Vw1I extosQ, off PAW a io-it -r hway. JX' ;V4 0- SCOTT & 90 W',.' t ung .11 1111torl ' ilbevilt The ki 5--oc. and Si.uo, isli druggiiit. Ig tilt, i srlpti;4' UpIW1- Wds * fr(pa my aia Ifttiolt oof tik: 11irluk oind,.. 94,111101610 medielile t)if- world hap eysor I cietY rel"toer wrotp: Mr*. Wilki 4ap ila to . the --the ogl"et livx feyt 1111yelf t1lau :ChII0. 4116WIA i 4 tKW Ii)eeawie tlipy tire tile mawt 'if find .1ilistake. tJP,90O(t* r. ga !1�'- 4w -b!--Ab, iny tic(t, t,00 6uld ilut jilt 1111 ha ft'or )4vilk-r" uli.ill Al-, inquiry-. Illy wirt. u.;I., 041:ige"I t.'* i. "I &� . -..I U, t Ut.''! arl'i Imewit. Part-low-Robert-wai will 4111:�f -wlieu 19tit Vii'l fiqtlr�. kiad 4 once more ruah-a roar- a fr tfill let d0 ltiftilig t1w ihforniathat tillit rilgIll ot.j(r t4p r -lilt e; It -4-x it" factAlkht, it Iftf rh No modielno waIs ever nafned k1da k Uee I wore tile wor of Hymen," the d1wil expr**o had d4ahti�,I_ into 0 j4zs loit, 10119- 111trtX41 , I I.. I I ill and tile , 114. 4 Le"L Lt-� It PUIN till yearm of Canip0"Itoor pelled llyme!l U I like 4.4:txins� 'A U.11 ineffical reseazK IFRIONCH AREITRATION, k1ul tho pritfito' ith &L 1144, I'llikiRst 't Hypheir It irla OutillikIP tile omall '-e*." Alttllktl�` I �4jf.:�krillg tflA, pine W�A*104iflg -for tio. x1lie. tit Iiii lo�, ily F.&VO Dodd's Kidne til P. k t h. -4 t, 'y Pills to the worldl. it t 119: My .11a Ild X, to, 14 .11At it N0 Medicine ever curfed Bright's di*. trift. though, urtoVall. v '*411445fu I Kothad.of A"*t itlibf all Lajool� g of I ral. wt. -IL lelf 'tit of -t *1 V44 . __ f4endl 109 fik-lkrifli, heart .14,atft, 1. - ore #44- it rl t leiiiii lit�'; lifts -ler 1. P. -tit inan- Nuc 691MU80 4041 fall' *,- - i wi, .4 . t1tv Ivevitisi. ..,fJ64. iii to h0r 4. dint,, C1Ir1lt,.q t came except T)odd,m Kidney pills. No a.' sihoIto of W*ft 1U141 IllUr Mwk jlljt�41 tliur Ilik . tightiy. ! - . va clrw t 6- ;JJi,I*fN.t it - d(** 1144t 00ftol,-Il.. Ili . the lit, :141V; . . 4 ' wiliel Were alik-o. has cured a& many kro r 1"Ka*r 4 law. 1lUW tobrust- '11411- lilt 11tv It , . I t -41 tff.; V It'- fri-iiii it mt Pra I.. -n ud 14-t-willi., ry, Dlseme, 11b I '""' f"I C&Affi Of llheuniat6m. Diabetell, Heart At Bib for a I-ew tuinsl" ,r h - j &-ut-! t1ort!ft 11"" ': '11 1 lta-�4 lonwf4l ju-4 very ua mo I'll' A V ETERAN's won Y HV611111`11 Pluck 4d orror. f0VA IVI 1. if. N1 111ty yb& 'Box df Dr t^jqblem tio Frunt* are goner- Vk litl -I! - t LunibaC4 M uf Age One SOW t4_Vk AU11.11104lit'ItIlat Jt hAK loi4ql D�Y. FOU111,141 'A 'g ltd 11"r1l 101116ay .111if i., kw'. 4 164*. oil owdor Oures a the work, 41�tlt . .4'.. CNI119 1.144 to-' IT", We&kness, and other kidney dige&@ case orrifty yettra Sts,ndiag ft 4 ravue 4%� Iny -it-it It- I,ilt.AJI`1*ee. 'exePiltiolls. . ilt - evelry, �new OaLarrhal F %its 10VIIII.Ily tile few k)(fl, ovlr. is I, ire, *,I rd avi.oi%hrlj� Ll tt UIt k4ill 0,414 t. I Dodd'a Kidney man.11are. It 14 Fither patriy t4p 1 ift .. it: Jr.- s or as it t hiokfIA kit \.,I.\Vlly. U'wlpr Alii;4 pifin tile', ThIrty winut", t,r + lilt. Jet vit v un rermally knoi�n Rellevt s Colds and Catarrh is, 0114114 toy a jerowd ()f eager fie -11P.. P.Jr.frilliLl K11.W I I ttwA*11 &Lfbd e i,*- ".: -Ili retof).1 J thdt tbey bevs Y . -1 il s %v. 111:111y' IJ( -f uttv -**nwit to 14,. it J r I' Ill%- 4 IVLAI t4o it -1 litottitv. tit tl"� wlk>. fil fIvAo uiln' '1111all -.111%tIldl1�4" 4I.W. os. It.Lilk -A ..10W11111(t.K. -tirlvi i:LlJtJJUK4'. 111fi1ditig norer falled to eure t�e" dWeaaft, �64,,rgv Lewis, or ij t1I1�,0hffw mild A I.% I tItM,P4 a riv r44ju gra n t hencp 4 _m.(i4J4_ till 'r. It. r- I- . . . they are 010 widely and sharno. wrlvtp.. *.,I alai %olghty., arleitret- NMt frons tile u,"oni., ir -,,4 Inowt. pa. -it A&I 11i flist tqo Nit to- 4d ulce. tifol. fr: tfymbled.� With vatarrh im 11(ollf"l. an,,. fjill, tpetiulii­ kowly- imit4ted Tho cbtlwr Isurty t4i tilt. 40 always. to tilo fore wit.11 tlltl 141. A 1*1�� - I g, x I e" r I., I lia vd- 6e� 404V U. -4-ith - e -r -f N119116w- f t, q�k , Apa, I,,.- t 1'� wliti. ;iror1lot u , qI1111L.�. V 'Uttio linve 1-4-4 t 11 r*d to 1110twft lbear to In ilyl� 41--l"t' Aftit t*,, t t111NteVW.L% bf 1* 1 i ti dill 611111 0,4- 1 -11111 tit Ifid"ific 414,i vottoti. MORALS 'AND anx. Im adju*e4 t4p Ise t , K -it I: �- - t v. I . . I CiI"[ IL gTeat inany eatarrit eur 111111, AIIII . t 11'. ai "i lve-4to 0, t ft, tout to re of Wito Av of. 19. ni(K4t (It I... Wkt. thellk told 'Jug, -,1,y liw 1"nover laid an* relief untii I ,*%I L)r. pe4l,. U& 111t, it - 14.0 1, I -Ir 41illtilld to 1111141 wwo tak*a t.. tile,.. llt_' :V�. It I'll t4,;-,tu :a.� .,:%% tY i-0 One .3tandard to; Nnough for Mt -ii As.!.7tewA Catarrluil lkowtler. t)tw ixt, 15, 111ttl'o Y !: .. it T,, I- t v4i,UAiKft# t 7 (1, 1 , EA t It*.. fer. I I-elieve. I -ik 6-Aleo .111114) Vftnlen Now and Alwhys. R114 fbi 4ettred ine eontpk�tely, AUd it gili-#qo lne L J -.61 . *4vqj, � J t :4 t (01, fit h( r losiblit 1*�illor tim- pr4viding ioffjt�siq- -It trailaoAd staff.. sk-W % %T is kWr e i 11.1t ythJnX that %%,.I* J;,v Vt , I - Litive flkletojw flro* great plea#�Qrt- tAo rve I-S%rl _mniviut it., tA, tll#s 11,osad cpfq�m iliati It 'f qti4trr, ;%]*I' I-ilro-filIlY ,f-I#'C1A?,I a4k, 'What t114' 'Nr%4- Ar4q*%,. if, du ... : ..- - itkns. -losyt I UjLU: 1, 1 L144. 1buddeet tkec@�%_sWft jt Aot getting of. pvIW I,,, ora tnom tliW main, fall Pa t Ilr# of 'flis iti Vablio.'Si-hoolld "k -re mos ett-L- and art- -afway tile l,av#,. 4 ail arrvic"nent, it 411Pkirte I*.`JItft V. �,Ii t 4-i"Itiot * . . ' i U1 - y - if b(Nit ail i- al!)IP)hitA-4 it L -"`,I�RY fg#r 4,10vating i-sral d' Fkard tiVArloitrat' 3.%Ou untly' gftting ll,, thal, U.k-jto (I " ill very v;wunt lu%j fA: i 014� 1144 I kliql, t1111U.- - a 111;1'kV 'a IL -1-114- tillit- -lit 4 41vittlif-lit lit ortilo Fos 4prainei Ank wazilil. Ih4P niaLrt-n- Itad volivols,tvil- llk%r boolbeqW, q,i t, tirl'-Llt r ,ill Jilt, loart 417 W00111.41k, -dwitle A4W lualt,t,jr . although in f-Aw rocamt**r itni the groatintl GsAors jqto, an 14Y sulferiag-,.. collf-I Ths- lr�tttilst, 44rue- 11:1 41 lwver� Ave ki.,ttt, -sid J & IWIlda I to alAdo 1iy ttw qw-i,,. Off 11.11 tit not Illp .1 fn.%.v tic- 'talix" **I t ra %var,l 311W 11411 veg :kthitli­r J:4i:l C, 1*11, 111,; 11.4 t 4111t a i'lliall, quallc�ty, i1fly intill MW CAM %,.." !1i"110111 in- Put VIP f(W)t bit4f 114it'*Atter; wd f,-~ trAb, lubt *t Ijoi J( ILI!1 '' , 1w, to fr4l 11111dilig It reniala vwn- jilt 1-14AII. or. sjgigor, 40 itrip,-1, jiloo. t4i t 1-y T- It. -vl I , s, I I fig a! .111kirew -lite tem1w-mtore am big), as lit& party, 'I# r �%'i t I f t i'i'* 'i re �s I I ILI (f.41 Ii I%. wt-14'KIN. alildlir the ;f;I !"I,JYJ I T. Ill'i 11.161 1. t I ?#(I% Iii0wr "Mow aaalu-4 tit" Uploeal 'I ft*V :111 t Ii4' MA ot It IP ; I rt stand kc*pilqi le XPX lit Dr lijs* Of) *i% orth U41t ill!`l t 1113' If -t :It)' Ilm"t POW-Jihle, ItY adding -t4*o it tA), :,Ili, tA�* lilt. V1 1W 001n- OvOr.v ten or flitUmmi mimites W)" t to idicau-il t4j,. N t J.�J' r tit* )11% are -r, Gov- Ilro favOIT Owl CJtP.+W -"11:0. tie. r*V0% % I Intl arfl-. tit it, very W-1416 o toil rt,. L .114.fl I ­ .,:, ..list un6h 'r tilt., 'I (I. . I , " ' It If ill U?e 14 C"'t tw-. % rr-1711 t1je 'A-Aitor rill) tite ankle I t, 1 01;4k, t if t;n La gi J� --the lwok.�.Wu'.1y rurn �wt . &"I lio"Xr'. I "I ft rt 0.. - *1 Ill I y wvrt- Ufa t tilt- 'Firi-t 4q)4,;Ii ff., ill. 1`4-utltilk.' I'lit' VlollKh tk�itll f-i-I.t.4jill UY 13ki 1 ow it -roi ig! I. tit*- Lt. r�: t r1lo:*! g Inal 1#4401ro.. thik uIll 4PIAiet. %PT*�r tJV.' f * - , , felt a tri -fling -rv11[J-fL " -f -A 1. tr'i i i'.! largetv i I iv, is niani., gently, tout flnilly, %% itIt.4x,&kja.. k.*p luoal.v -a 4 or,. ra 4 j�y arfl.vo-d .0molit, al'kf 1111111- c %ijqla as Clerauwl 4AN t I I iT41 14. 'k 'dago ft.-fV%mi ti IN" WiAt -If the Je.l.) k_.!, t -i. - of .19t) 1114'.*111A 4.1+:- eity, allil sit 1 t,_4 114. 11111'r, t U40 - Ni rd'ti Li eut Cures Duidru 4.1 C % J1 licir :mv .f t 'fr-Ilk Volo 0 lay., ntime, ra:Iw,l tov if 4-alw:- ft le tolt -t" &lie Ulm lit*Vilig til.'It, tilt. peat tlltm t2re&sfU0nt 14A fro(toe Lft Ih v%% 6 ols,11J.-C tell r . ayT'Ir`1I,I;1A- I , 1 1.54 0.1 if 141 t 1%. 1 during un-, Jim kiig' It, voliAlition, 4X -mltih-r like keg" G -r H W I at ir till. t 4,; the d&.V ah 1bow4AtAe..:cjkl fiprget Fim aild swoni are tout @-its%* X 14 IOU tv I i! I t ha t 1,46 t iv. ttireih witil l'il'* aw hi -hw is t'I v r iiirferf-tatly 11"W'. tilt- 11lom, pro. -from that It In greatly.tc. Your adtantage It I P. 4r) 4. 4 f, !.wt 44vtor t rl t, W'. ff. Illy till-, loo -lief. whit-li is 1U) keep Vie pot *an qaiet- :Lm lumwilole, pfteisftfn� ith t6o �14141%elr. va r rib 1, lit 111-0 -1 of a proijecte.' PoIj-al of dwtmtruon if, win, fit lvitil _.%. - AA,titi,i-rant-t-, -tfinn 'ot - lilt* t.: I of�.ct 11 Ie t I .-I rgy ft Moarg. t!Ie tic if 1, A. r4mi, onwwawd tit) .474J,.fer. L I hi-.--palll bn(N. till With 1mver eare tit.. arikle- will nj-1141 fuugh U, I Vtit,ll lwtihler.­�te� r,vi;Tg* lie oofiiw 11tv -ilu­Jtf-.'Ntr-,' k%7 Ui-4014oij� -PtAter" r;wit�g port avetift-ititoii tile AV(11414-n�� vr-ry ralsidly, 1. &V v :Vnt A IJ;j1. A.. A I, r: i i ly 4 L.AiCIS OF WINE. ('r -tit Jw Reform W! I& t *41 It f, IF& *.1 , 6-- 1.. (1 .% .%Ai .. :i c s, ilk t Udelioll 4. rti. rWl' ro titan ill(A), In foor v fy .-rogn .1111t, tftejr rpla- W hY4 bufter JP tile rnotm of the 144ir V) IM M.T fW)011, ormor., injf*41rVk;144",'- 'A 8 ig Un.deirs'pound T4nk for Sioring t I they get' tile Mae-, t1lenee to -t'lle ve ell'y f 0 ON -1`1 I* fri'l" fT4)IIl .11,kin.. 1^ rim*lf a g4sro%1 ri-i-w-dY -t* r, itit w if I ra 4%tij&p. ts , itI14,11t, lilly. 0 wwre Lt*wtly,: -tk# f PIR& fit- ire -TY10.3 `11 -it it tilt, the G' till., 4.11a It Use till. for tri t1pe till for Wit my I PO Ile for all-killiN 401 int Aft. -tPUrtM*nt 'r- I'Apt,t shwe. aiivong tf, rn ta t 1. -1 it I-V " I* tIiUt*tII4,ft* :Ire Fitted t:40, W41N."er, jig, 1, ., , - ?I ()? U14. .11111Lsmi. . . 111, Y. it - fill 1114" 111:10-t's (­irer� IN tqli. ­ . ........ It e. tho rIq a- hwit ly %%-(Intel t'f")tIrUjp1W-' JJR ()if#' Illiffilte ()Ftfer. r ­ -1 1 ! ! te , t I lf�# t 1. ji-e;, to Vi�, .1 Am." 'u 14flien titss,. t ilttoeqftk�xl %`_ e4l woe LWA Me all, r "tin, 3114 1. -f -1 loi4ier Mr. Y 6,11W, t) 4uit tiil- 1101hp-If!'m Mt f,,r"o;e%,t Yll, , (f* Just- think thf� i ebleir 4 oboy fir 4 flikoe. OW tailk "Aliell- the Ill t4 or"atoni 1-011141 bor the ref4sruvit,#try' intervato f#. I,, I I #It I tllil�k nn 11A :Jig rb 0014', , ISSUE NO. 1. 1898. -hiser or 'it Dr..1 two worilo f' iiiij, th. l,itc; i1rip ttllk ilp lit.' t 11:1t II, tit. AA f A1001r. a trinit t-PA,r st.t.sr4ig-hitir a, Illis- tkit. y Na MITI, in A'tlinlmrg .­Ikattir., for titingi tpir fl 1141nvi, lln�,, Ill .111y V'V.�44* I .#-Voif at yot. 'They' lia4l tll*,! -*f t ti'at 6Ut It'Ig 1*4 41 1 L . , firo'.'. kif I Worapa file fr,..L tj '"ek Ill 1to!'Viga7l, �4, "1--ki(Allot Iv iatr�.-r'tfint tli#.v ky'l, Tlsith% Vk. it%-a're;o't` WULfiry.. --Nf,Kt a itht;r sliNtinet fit, yo,arv- or u oTtare.... hilt -,!xJAf.,ar.- vs oJ#*IQ':1^Iy;'. am3eW vit4vout Ilia healtli'loo-Ing h*Lha41 -194 . alorication off Tile hwlebt PAIlt .. t ft wrs, iJ4 r4 Mighest Man Can A i enfi, 1W the lit -h- i U Itieft a Iwin AGEN7S WA N TEO rO Sf InlY in4lii1re 444 Y 4 t1w rovilitr rvw.,,tk-i,t %k3ettir Z l.k t r*k-,J: -it plit. il . J f J# I fir W"(1,A4 taking I't'llen I I No -at affWtood J*i 14,3W f*4.t. t A"tat- it 11VIlts-.111 k1)41!fit­ ifitAJ I;tt t 1. 4,1114-11 all'i 1:6q, r nisf.. 4 t I #'L;.4 t t I ­.WII-It qutk'@- tilt-. VatU.p. 11 It difffly- f, 4149 f*ail* utw1u,41 th- t 1w -13 t4111A I I' I rd4 W,. .1 s� t'.. J..'r. t I s4 t reng t I 1. 4 6f ItPPet?­ 4,W-' i., IiPorry ICA 11:1 r3, 9", AAd Ito fibdi0r. rIK I 16nard's LWment Relierev Re U 1141.t'. r, \io% t t 1;4 ro .......... f,)rni -I )f If L; CC* was knoWn of Dr. 111. .141tilkILP or 111th:- satil tllft I I aradstreetLeon filt- 1#2 canada, n ift%l t)y h[* frleitl, Deane), (11C414, I Iva, .0 ­11witi.,iii to -W.- 4 turuii,.Ir a t 1.0 va Accio nlnyl.)*- grf*t 1.0, �rl.tZdlhti.-tlb thl, iniiok,riJJ4':J- mF rtnu 14 2-0:11 der p" Improved %wtither r7ondlitiona Ili eau. -oil ii wip. lip l'ifity 4.f (Ilsi- is firint:r en rs, . Wit t4s,,:k,,4 f4licr t rva t- t I" "ft Ilk I tiptipficial erfeet UP Ill Aeflo Ve4l there or waine fi% 010M . Ife 1I.-I'l :14� i1ttI4%-t44 -"ky rojit 40,V1409"Jily flail, it �Vv. . , ;1411 Ti- )r 1.1.1rit 11 . 4 1 4-ijC!1t lJ41114IM-41 bu lielti 40f Also J 1,P % airs! at -o- '11A - - 1W I A Which Ill"i getwral illstributi%-e tr�d;,. (Irpod &pan and mysonh -grrfm tf.d- t Ilk 0 It, Iii-, wingh. tn&f deal abrobild. lit t 1, IlA. I A H CANNING& CO.- T4b01@WU0 Aneuts relmiXte(I front. N -J;' ':afit. but Crain iner- rogulfg '111if a"elawrful butimik isre re- filit *41 lako. Tfie'i-villela ivilifl-tair" Aft one thow.411d vight, Ilull- h-i4 b6trf-)ng I, I r,.4 irit), Istich : ". " I 't, 1011r4alt- ;tn 41 f 1,- k- lw)rJ#*,f front -MontreaL und at' an -1 thIlrty t "411. 11.1114-, -mo man. n V ),000 lfcon�4.0,111, -11 41ifffirt"llt. active 1"7 1 Toronto, r 14W . ., 1� 41tVttbrA, :L reflor I . f te ilvr pro,te tin;: t,,TWrh_ 14WI16C.- f"Pt, I% allit, bushel plell. nallisr. 1;4)d t&I from Iv tit it gr�v�*-. r;if,.f e y r to $a kf' tA I CYCIO I' -tilat ljjac�p thviii-p',iii fre ilmV n 1,111111tt'kiLA 'Way hil"All * Ive JU rolw*w, an.1 a 0 tin 1. C. dui edibil'. but J,*)r0Uc4,. with prixiietionp car al, good t-4 aiv;f off uir'Ute - W" infinit*-!y weft AJIt I tat I;,* it 0- krnp weir4i, --t iux- 1w�o-leraiiCk-. wtorry fir Prel�rllt' yi-ar, 'nlsl Alln't, tile Ity-.grinit-ftlitoit.' -Therv:4r41.'i grea topr ptlinlwr kahl it 'was 1pqwinfw.� for 1*-'1Ut-'._ri'--; tO 1W 614+j%-1 tj fy(filli qititq,( t Dr- fftInz to, r e .ti:i ad vt Nerve ILestoror. r like hPil VOIC04 '%ft i I-irl, -it'' tea A— tgtll:,in�o i 'mk 11jil 1 4 and Is cIllefIr hen. tout wolilli pay 1 #44 tile opening luontlw of wr 1 0*1117 .8. e.*C4JIJ(,r4't4. 1114 a f `A:#I :11.1 t1salf-r-, or -wt _;i* ma. e11ytstrijct1rt�1,1ir tit v It' t till loaliA&L-jind tile after siout daL fie sosAwinalple tra(lo 61 twotter at nTs 0 It avonw. it re'IIIY it4i L I -t hY. Ilittil. e r ninli n i fr kinferl-. itaimil, Lout wholesale lAwiliew is Ilot Nmd to 'ro .4r. -It wo.11- i, 'X -in C-111- rimehl, fit kt* 4 or -t I if t im - 1 0, 1 4�4`4 oil in fn%%� Alaw up 't.f, Malow is wall" V or I 'sti -1-lerly 1W the watripti, an wut"n know.", 1011141A. ft 1. 1*- that tor 9rfwti%t 411, 001INSIVOI lit A',Pw Brurwwlek in I&eJp lultilipring -Montv�cfsl. (JU, .01 Met at "kit 4'. -elf. (..f1r4 �tolll- bu)410N fir grain slitiva4l olitill An -"Jimarrhil that ile 1w lit bi- J. A. Hai -t.. I 7lot X in me If 'I ve ]Iveil flle-. A 11-­-thOugh neither Ciat. nor any la!gt f, v,. lit., lie 1, 4 The 4114 isr 1lie'. (404 -rations. Salmon eantibig pronlises st) ler int0rull'ItIO)n �Jtlqsjlt ;1inowif. 11:141 i,q(,r litit hone4t, N t ri. tilc-o' 1.1 get -tit' locktall- 4 Uiotlwr kelit Iste, it, affisietwe 1111til Ili - .1 1 w&rd -rk 41.01 N I 't 11011 tick 10kit twattw a feature of Prince ):A 0 rt op is 'r. r come from Ilia 4-,W1I Ilp-;. )r llm,41119,4. dvhforatlt�- If At -I t 1411 tl,f� - I Ilive irirt- 1*1 1411110--ilt.10, $V -%; 4 of fied. :L.% gqJiJ0l:_ k -tljir4 i.,4 -,graiil ail.1 Ickv,14 I- W.- t114 10 Domildf, 'r. [its WJ%, a V.wt.' "Stead higs 1`4 It- 6 )11 4)f Canadit "ver itips troulAe, itad 1wen. lie: tit(. at. I -In V. - .I - 1 .1 13. Biit hj-%� . - I I -fritlill I k's .1,1. -is, at Is4lawl trade next year.' Bank @low- KXCH411i" I,i%f .1 L r.i .-vart ft, ti, - 1)40 fit, an,3*er, lit -at -141. 030 h, IffAt 41 kimilser for so wewk Aulounto(41 tAl $24,993,900, willell AP,11 I UAVE (,H01(+ thr �ug.:, I W o 1 7 rt, thilit ktktl,%- ve 66 . I '*fig it.Koili% THIS JEj FOR- You, r tl(* - r'i I K-, i Py Ito% r - f IN) Irwr - Its* owil 1,jttPr*1It%aL #.I Naturv. As 4-46L'Jg� cof)v 1W16 -.; 114.- A -a r� 'u - -, I I r-41111"- get L4, *I dwrv~ got C) Ix -r cent. frw-fin the ("'y- C4LUf0TD* climbcred, pne' prctfd : 1 -1 i0ld CUlk-et it f.,Itt p1lipsIgIl tg) 1#W%.I0U#, $6,00. eXVhasage for jw(mw r*11 r1ir pre"ri ats. five. milltltf� It I V041l n wareely int)r-- th. H In ICA;, 1411 Age" wki. o' ti, k (-#,.I her lip... V-i -i7 -r-, now yoil pqlal Anybody T6 L. -W, Avttll dittle'nity Joublit 4'4 k!1)6- ler han,l %%-.,I P . Doll. t Cal 6 lint upp-ortied b, Ont4rio at 011cf. 1 11111111 firiu. tun, ut Thin. P'rha's.you kn. 114. 16404"1 lip. .1' '14) k4-10 an increase 'of r% *Uir Ill.. ro .44hi. "al"I :.14hL '41 I'll 110 lx, -r evot. orer the galne wee 114 ' time - %% of 11-96. There vrere, .10 husill EAR 111110ftf: .11F it 1 J.14,4 k ut i;' Iftly quickly. But fpw t*111- yn- - the you lin rerti-%tit,7 t.4,jnII4.*t 0A 0; e.'s I a" fall 11�) ACRES -N a ad I W ro ve lite" I per a 4: ro: lilt Who -with t 1114 ,114, reft, S:lill. "Millf. is r"tGTativf* -ht- knew ki*1104 'Yee to ftf00. MWW ill t114' lk)mini(m jftoq Intra -all' nllotl� 11 bO calle-1 or ters, 14M of wily .1 47 r mbpr ; 4x1'hA06df fb Aintarie ti'lue fit) to. ;tei 1 P4 ,.*.# -r t id 'Ita L. t WdXk, agaillest 43 11W previnut. Tr"k. Acrep; atoftLe. ce,lfar 'hil.*% Ali0w. my Child. Y W I.., t rvink will IiAt4lip- 14revir-utett I wIll gt). rMil ilin 9 '10-1l'ititAN). y All, - IV tint, 44 it It r,ir lw*v4-r.jJ tti loirth. ------ Jprancrw44 PU- her h3rk vr,Lst� towar-t t, I' - f forgetting. tuat Lialn't; fi-one.st I ii%% 11 Co lit* L11-1,gli q-aell "('count lkvus very Kinard's Liniment for W,evcrywhe.i*.' *he illd litiA. t1wrolfiWil.- If"rt. 4114, loot. I ')I i's dil- a`JkJ frail at 4 a ifil Tlwrc wit. pp, 1014-11'all -wore.Pilt- t0ki-tile-e they ------ nd ho, el: 91 Ile, t4liblt­: rested: to-Ites.. k1r,pp 4irth tilat %%,ffo filet, IJ)4-7 I t- $14 , .., I ell VP re, I 1-4,uivl forgiv 1"01911111pr." . - for give latindred and ta%4L1x.* all le�w. : ustn r;J tj 1. - z - , __1 tic. h"Villt r4* - , .11 An htegr� 41tilt til t 1W. Intill. filing@ It fl*1%*f1'vCWr,� Deafne" Cannot bo Curod ealight. all ;.1 fps a, Ive ill. A %V f or .4 nX 1% eiLt.""90 t4w faltat about Isme tilt qr slip hfelo*io, form Blit *fir .1 V, t:.t Is.4tI(*J;t till 110%4'_ Ul' Jer t 1,0 �A d if A'.1i also Vol the Mall Kyot, to reel'1119 'rid tI0; Oftr Vou Wvru or viluge; It op,.e the rwd—tilavof re -hYslcian for W)I;le lair�.,t.4 a9r. young an, i i ke Ito if applientAoiw tift t1ley can- I ill n r#)i,ni. -forli)dden t,, tfls­ #11t4ai robry fi Hugo in 11�s- --.%jjt 111,11, j,t-, 4v4,, t 11 �1 Pir-1 itl I lit Im. fell 4041t of W% I -'11 �41 not reacit. tile diomajoxi portion or the tty W01114TI-11, 1401y 1111111iaotrikzjbly, ta It 4-r be 166-1 t 4). t4%11, IJq#J%- 414,lie.l.t4V IW - aij,i -rimiting 11e gettIng 0,11Y. 194ter. '10r all ypill,-� '41114 1 WI A 444 e ry atifaw fair, - Intl 8110 93inf­;' -T .­iir Iatm--t ttl his gralla dellicate f.-kop was Ric I ear. Nwnf. iff crAy One wa'y W c 'tri.1lob. Tlwri aml II)w :111114ru-, r-411iritlid.. i'livido _ight lit Upp I`"d"' Deatnew, and that 6 by etautitutimW Wit7h jourfering ev-eti Ill It66 .;lit. wivit ti". . (or U01; the efell iii 'vbt -it r . tt %% it lgi ktielil" r, risailf. 11ICAAn0.-.. vvciii. 4.61UL, t k-;. titi, fulfil, 1 114, tint. tfll-�Jwts for.%%, and 118,11"t. co41kfti(M fit 14144 11111coud 1111 VIP# PIC-e4oill of tile f4oliv. fit tilt) .4114octocyrIsetwe ino. It':' t St i K3 fP theh I fe reiriedift. T)eafneosf is eAuowd 1,y ,In in. .1 1 PU r V.*.% Ww'A -1 e # RID- htf� 'Ila kt*1*jt Ing Awarvljing g,�anee of 1lttk3,. :1.4 _- I .)y ths. iili!4,4114. 1�-tter tate * - so-onietlt*ing were- an If r 0 , 1- re#�4 aql�kesi 41 ljfl� %(Ad his wh toxwaul 'vie iww pittipfIt tf1s. 14 r - 11 ati. r ,-III#- )fit. u. the Atrown. p tv to the_(kV8- '11141 jilt') Iv dark eyet *fit) lenly trod. -t, IIaIIX* 1,-I(- - Im' *it -'k rii I itifi 11(1* J -71W Ilext if Tit be.'Vbeu t h :is ilk 1.(1cJf6t4yr,­ - hy 1i I'llf- Jim r tuIN4 In Inflarned Lave a ruinbUng ll.r Ifir Ji.1.1 ttirneot up h -P Mck -i lit. 11y tlw' R" tail.f.s. 'tf- :1i-,- "i, 41W,114. _1,4o�t.' Vw. Igt. fjvt� tlip if 1011044(+ Of lji-*� Palx-r awl Kai(] gray A,* -t I, -ii i tilt. I,glIt rII4 hIltl'at 11urned 1)1,4 heia&4,in- tj f4* wmutil or imprirfect. I ,leek. klow %till. elirtitm-;_ t,, wir Wilt- le PROW --i ~NC. Und when 014. is the pay for jcmir paper: it 1..4 c.1jtlt*Iy eloswd Devj W)U t L' art -.a nUmbert,f vIii4j;0iti. DOW 6 t I be i 7,� IN ulllejw tjo Inflatuttiliti( In the bext it' taut Isat a i tt--r h4t there "'ry-,-,-7rA Ii. IN"J' 114-1 . t yeart' I -I aaffiter of airt wa.,4 atl -L%Vflk#,. :ip. f P4.1' int,41-h :�Ijt. t 11e1g 1,111(ml I+ A Ill M0jJJ4-_ dl�'L- vou eaw lintl - four illv4pine-' may toi- timt, t lint. 14. Me -1441114' Cbil-irll-1 delvend on nw to ptly it lie tOuthiug tht; -o-lerader form i dream. ;ti 'all 1pe 'taken fibut IWd is to, Wnd It". 1111t, down a Ir' loprini-ti arc- '10 'tr t I, tuboe ro- I I 41 -the- position of. jaboroNl to it(6 tiornaU coaWtIon, 1w erly Senderly! Ity at 104th. if dii Ili referr irf+ t all eAttw Irl# )r ils. wi4ly -ti, 41 .4 ,cor-tain irarlylvvpre foroken tr� �")U 41 1 know.-hotir ing 'will be afttroyed f lit, If4)k*!.I it%� 110. I'lig-raill N-4-01114-04, ..'If f. "rillf0ttilli mN1rtv*4, Mr. $n "S(A It f41440i (-J� l).J VP 1`110"S 1101141-stly varned- frasif.*, tyat c are% er : nine 0JUrtiml, then fie toVk �tlle t1p!l_, 11iAILP Xf-1h V tf F - ". � J%* I - 1. ri t If I? r usped b.T Vatarrh we(: I.N. 141intIfIll 4,f %,V 11 ':11 6114. `4 '.it teml iver tire (40un-, -reinona. fit) I re'. a tMi arf, t:a -.and. %Its- left, wh;tfi Lore a I- ItU.1ler, the 4,IJur!I*h �urlllu if- n C. If, f IVerle, rs 4,-o, on i0op ls.wullng lIUt in inflamed I -on - felt *I)U!&*, Kil I be, for try ill '111:111 n'-filoulltor." -114-tropnlivi" dilti4w, df t4le lnw()U)4 illurfawoft,. ring, thins . %$*IIi4.'i.r. rif-14 i loe �o r. file. lim - 0, .+f, t t -11onle. 1, .11"t t4)14110lI_C*%rlI 11104'ha*4 anlft�w"­n- f4frturlo.'. ift -lop ( A 1* -1 AM) laid his ear. to tile wo- it, doeUjr. vs.4 4 Ofould, 11fa, ri we W(k FAM CiVO Orw IfundW vei I tr (b, trustot I 't i I I 'till If.. 1Lny e. "o Ito' NIIJ Ill - 'Juivi- hti be I*r!.pjtW t,) C�D�le�,L go. 41) tvg - , r- 4 I)y t , J* " I I; I! W.,11.6% for art, then, wi-til,t1irti lve"Ila lilt'. W141, 1.1 ln�41' lwdir I' f..Iohruly�sl. lllz.l HEART PAINS LEAVE IN A DAY, Wall t0nIPtf!fI-. a rd -4 4 of 4, r CynA - It 1`147 IV44i fwm (Oaumf tw ft 10)"Ch 410et0rif ILIL've. felt- gh* anc.* ho --d., -1 per-att fro I Of:, ftlmarrh) th t e -riavii, --mv.r. r Unable to Attend to Her Dally Duties flall's Citta If Cnre. With N"W'gol'den eurls In le.. "Isr. Ulf 1% rIIII;t 1;011 wit by )rfjk#- Ili ' 00 t 114'. t ni, , I etraye , 1. 1 1- mKid.-I&A toy Iii'' .1 . ng- 110 lionor' Miur, ell tot A A for eireul tlnd:t'r,Io- ljprf)pfs. ("Flurfaii-I 11-t. �111t r1lit" tbi! 0r,"IllrY, nd a Great Rufferor Prom Heart. am free. tempUr4ri two ply^ b,nef) . . - I'M al"14RIAlY - watching Illm viet Hir t I]c I life ft.. Trouble- Induoed,to Try Dr. Ag - .4 giaAAM of lillits.-I to isht It'll jil. Qe wk 4114 now's Ctirs for the'Heart. and F.- J. c'UENk.,1- randy'realfly wbat if I 1mvp f rf 'Cal' �Ijteolr_ , it, 1,(tvil t4 .11; tllo ;.%' uggle. illffirrot..'It. Vf- the ewilwht# I)f ',�kAd hY ftruCgiv%. 7-fic. hand. 'tysl Wrtoir.-., ff it Proved ft ff"ER HAL -bitter*vit .-nel- )'I Thi- - f,,rtii :1-Ireidat-ItIl.1 W, 1.4 1441 PC r#A. Vi 11 Uilri;l ntl lrt_�tl"tjll til 41:1y 41f I tholight." tc- ire 'it "WhiW 11 for muraf­ Worker. JIMI'm Family "lie ql%p tile lol,%t fi N . ;, 1 1 13 F;I 11) i W*4x 'Ilillfwt otty lacnw) mr expiat 10 0 .S#,ntiy raiming tl,4;, if I eould. 1,ut'llis. I.ivi. 1,i-* 1PI .1 Tiio" T. y, Ill I' wab a to left firni. "There 6 fife qjll, 14t III* f r 71ij* tijet. sneq. lilf r,.. I iN illfillie'v Ulawfle., of Dundaft, 6 IS M)PHIN ho , M `4�.,rfvl tili-ir, 4f!�re- It s , I* it .4 .(r t 110. ta kon .9ve0t 0"Iffemr with pa�u* in the R#6,w Ircl;k's une,,Pl C t hit t rViL - t J`% k fitw- Conrw"ioll 44i -on. tl,jo -or a thap ite- Ir(Xitoli (A M -'Leck""Itile to a eluo-M&O f1do Other rariew. I V.4 fit PIV 'etl#rall, of -till. Id, to Illy World NY Itile'OrCAUIUM111 s teamptv)nAil-of %bat.- y(Air f LOW t 1'ril-Ilt I' I N . - Jkdfpr(I[.' It lite '11nalole tf) attAq thO Now Yt*k "t Uinta@ for _ WIII(.11 itil,* 1. . I I .. . I hous-w- tra&e ,yv. p Th". otalis -Rft,_iV4lU4*J to-tr.y I) 1"f New y4wk, Ubere &pe novI. took it. awlftarefilt, g toent, at Ill 440141 duthV4. I Ut It t I tilt, im n the bliowiliftAiii. lip% .:it ft UatOi 44U:ebr�'04 v.irris.-ft i6pill., 92,07:, ldk,,* 10 Sam -%MlewlI; Curo for the Hipak, alad I '-J1 it n,w ?sring.,sicip, I Antef-64. lilld J�. gr Gr4;U'( dbdr" eXporit-how4l 14 kul-11 ko to a rery lar#M 111"114mr. it NtIll dpea I 1AU111441low', ill' ite4., tr.,jill. 104.. Jr6_ (I'VIIAnna it Dusti' WhIf. ppe'apr I ii if? pay the re"llit was vritotiockwrul. MtA* tl)akk ;0,00() loot tII&II the JJQM k'tJ9td)-IJPr it, a iliort di -q- But, a"A 4 starl"J tin il. til, 1 ti,, it t, t1i _I Ile 11111"I 4w palti TlifL wly osmotherod )er 4 of -J1IIwT% left, nifi, sind her way. Y lie fin'] her in, bim arnim, tilt- t 1. .1 ft. filiv OV threct. it , I '. Jlti�l I Jill I artf,r tho firmt 41.9,y N allow *h* iheA'-,01 Is r u) Will' very. 1,"rt, liltoc q-(Jri I : - * 1.A.-4 - �vax. .%% 111L * . - - 1 '04 lfrfv; 1IV46 llaq! '140 f "0 P8( I dUr1nC Itut holldAyw t)f som I Ki r 1. wTUPPIJ19 ill"r'A 101 .11pir CLIFItImu last yt4Lr. -11141 U.-i"rell 34.)V1. en t Parlin 4WI Worde. 14"t p;titj f or trotil;,if. #11 Wy few I 1piff mi, nie with - b" IGU7. lite N(Av Tr* larg(Vt 11111fliber of tilt- Pia,*4ml. but ipowe Jin; 4-iffily 'forty totni" Never ed 111iiII644 frfiflt 'tile bini. 111111tifm tit .1ind Inn CX'- MPloyed is lit tilt- clighbig trade ro WARP "t? N j -P stlightftt possible 4 f0v - - Own diarllfig.* liv hearthAt4biw. Irt -qA ll,,Ivqt flidentical. knIfe whio 30,67-7, lk-Ing nivartm. The CA JUM) back 4804"4 luer�y t a � tAn"' butt -ii, 1 .11 . 1kreliverei dik) (1 the Sparrofiv, iM illtATFIVUng 4) tl)wv h1lo- Atli iowii_ ;wm' b4.d In h-AlIfig 11pr ca, 4 7L� 1.0 41 1111011 our, (I.IVII .111tor, le H,()tlntb tfult till$ null1wr exe*@& that -of X1J9hVbe severe, but there 41 alul AM - it, v 4 1 igt 1, re Ue wan f-ParrOW86 aro the'ralA)ita of tilt, fe,,- Manner rif, our it .. I yi4r hy 67.7t. "Me build1hig trade red- fluab Huftir, Uell I 'that win thered wxwld il point of Illultipliej, 10 fie _14,1.rtully . . � I UY lift. afmi therefore I I ()W-. te the hi-flialli4 jrff vfi- vinvOlawk., will vi#,latildi. will Xt wItIl a,. a t *ss rOWA14m) 134 effOrte till an I taarw­ or (1,aire JIM liumt ill kf 11 " 1)0 At ra liglc& for tt I (a 4,r It oil. frequeid�y­_1)r(1dUc11W 1110M fllan 'Waite"" 10,OW; lXa1+e el I P -w low, �[ id 11 J& IJ(Lo.' he WfAked ha4l twpn ajlmln-w lie -very. Iwd, "r, t fill t Art-�Iflfl C" 04*r te*UU6 ill a teeasoll. tl11r1W to V, asiliere I 1:,IlIU -Intl% to collip, clittAbIg tiol that 01114m,k t; -It 114 ft,ntid Viat A -h tlue4ity- young ovei 4:rmer.,4 itrp i.leeted t4).Offi - re- or four hror4( df ix or seven InAkIN". 11J00 prijitenti, Mlo(X) to aw an 00 Ill" ep-4. 4 If each An'd TvLefl At 10119fl, 144 ten4er )tit- t $to, rill. . 11 iw�&�Ch; V&P fvklw neariy to o;4cl4wk. . d ftly ramt, Ill. -110illilejl(lt ."nulital. 'In six yea" tj1e 1.440 ; Z trte quieW lier hhe ecyu! 1111C0 they a#*1111 tillidem. 21" wiad. pes"Ut wt. As, 10 qt* fou" swond hard 11111111011 InO10d at his wiLteli nb# &rn)^ tq- AVI Inif'" i nP I V 14! ItItuf1k. �v exhaRliftell t4) J�Unvo it filrl- Pr4igellY Of One sililele paIr (if AM . tfll:k t lfIt4-PI(T- Ppar- The fe the nu I r . 1''. 3 ' (. I -_-, y'i-Lirk. there livinie tifni,towar4d thf� r"Wo will aniount to.- reR1,41W are ejamt4ed­ VI ti- ti�p kitchen wW AMr. Was! It all true, Or a 1411`11,1194b, fb . . refff(bf t_lfl. (.0111,111111 millions, as (Nvi- (If vie akl�-Cw PA. Allied Lspos,tios p&s#040d # . TIw rermni -6f I h'. led latottrers, ;Fwab Us L', -filh k-1. , " it It en U -K, e Alaytir of- 3 ' C011) of teef tpa warm.44 IM1.1ilig cruelly decelving 41reani If I lty'* dMcP -tIlP alarnilng rapt(fity Iritil Slip. Who lkftd� Uff.hi"t IL L Jill, tj SOX) JiLrUfed, '0) f)e I L h-4 'f1k:1 �j T0.11elt t1w 11111ted Statl*. New Zealwid ked am kt 10 00ft' difirsits sspa" bit wo") asge U) the matzvot relative , r" AWk(41 r . folorly i.,,* 1479- 'thein rugularly. ho'fljjllnt�(�(J. fi,j-- tAtiftl ftlwtfkIlV;r, lhb Perrot Wilte tor Wat 0.44 r. !as steel, r) -4h]L,4 no.bly rititilful lioart- tiVf. 1�1 lif , atf a retretif n1l"lit-1118t 4tanq1tilet llf(vit"l, tile tf"I flumber "Ant* ta m- �br Patient. I t wf,u'd Im" t. b&ek Into, 9PIrIU arml AnAralla are noir I ullempl(vyed. ii� .Ight uminly eflite! tion.al.'Micre'. twiginally WfW*CrA nr 1114*4 ck4fi1l1FW ill t4le,ei fm ip t 't 'ei t11UU" beff>re Ow. nurw coul I be 14 Ived. ef'Or 1* 4-"4 the nlifc. #A141 it -lit, ntisiou, wilituot. t-11iltil, It re 'as MIv(*P4--a how -1 Af Anken over toy #-mi;- MOM nt C 0 ID 't 4 1 If MlIt U JU 40,tft 117J." I,;, ir L .1 . I w1i I t plktN fir ft till. 'Iftilti�. U'Violatl4m of tilo right rable guilty i trou fly , tcol I ii,1114 as the dneta-Ar Interwieli. pnot w1ped,oat hits airl, 9T."PU lIeIng very aniall. for $3 1 win "ad wqt,h WW it I-W401t)JO tklat Jul ths4r �X fit tile vitizt-ft waM altAie h wt ftea 11111c. eivell 4 -he, Might' Alo'lle in , 9QW6 ym,.indkfi�.. -Alul sirs- a ft% ,r. otllirceft-4 ha%4 looleii 00 tA)w7k to drbik 41it the roiled PI&W ell 'al warftat*4 to -v, 1'80&m. nwafiiir IN 11 be r"Un&&4 if you we III,,, ma rkc%tl generally --f ing qktn I,iaeaswh� at. baAlerip(I to that kInd of measure Pir her &1[n bY Penitence and t1lo, other alfirtu, tqvj g, l(qt -.� fit that ths. ll, -i I ullellwl:�y. I '. .:... -­ . - ., ' i@bb"d w4h r1ar bwAat Fftd K soma. bei in ek wlilt-.13 V1, Pxcitfiid tile emulatic-91) fol-'Th'irry-ave eents, whiell isf a Allediiissis oafiam Now rmi cigg man's fAA11 rPn8wfA1--,'k Iovol ant) I,-)vIng were t over ti to eq)f f"''. - -I)f t1wir ln- iiiany-easel tj r6k. fo;irk. fr 14 Ate Ilr'. A9WW ft oilltillel)t rNieveo ill 01 when lie dare iwpt yW1<1 (,np wife Her &Yee 1111rely -saketil it, for To A -re- all Pktra k TaIr -C)INt. 1)" lit to. ait elec� 41113r 111101 (%Ilrft T,6tt*V, gAlt R WS )ee MIN h V, 0mil-411M lewt I* break with Aw"*, 9=ve I%mlle, 4ull 01 a' At t1to til-lolt! tion. Tbr Iiav - I it fininied: I man llh:lij- of ot3rof Itheuni, Hear Sirsii-Aour ly Nnild Ife".-I(J. t.;cZmIn. 'Ba-rImm. ever minco-, ljfee a ;I-ricket,.iri y4ioir loartlest aJkl ,ill toil r min4341y (qr-sog -thV(*t, I ,k)*rY. w?4ffht ft .-Is, Itai It0l. Ask rour Dealerfd .IF He bent Nvr or JAW. chastened happinec-s' tier Imm- r )�--Tlte f tir tte,well-made'am well- I b4nd fi,iotwervi fliat it It .4, niurely eruptirms of '111' NI, Us. erit. alld what -not, wro Ir it Vin t* t 6 w1othiog ay441 quietitig c(A46 'unh .111 4irdinary &U1jMtsf. ot 1111blicAl 1 `444 wt -r dr�-W thib imboxA01s VlAffe ronl alm,kerr tering.a el-iin geti vil, % Diu like inagle In tlw% eurI, tor Jl. rer. &V I oy oAk out all that wain In i &-a few Ay, Tay )-%it 'Wife, ule ok-juf, I)IIA otf-PlIllIg fr' "Vith ytone right ff jot, w. ;%Vitld *I!') Ueve, BOECKH'S mall ke I Wt&h h UrY Us (le" fore V4- r, ail i I f rcni I To A fmrioils 41i :,Hlil -.exll r failei to yQ10ft r r ARAA1 I & w th-W it -PqA41�r ill. ywsr -junit 7. It V JiAi. MICK '-Wag"fi, Y, Ilf LAn4kerrhief find !A A ovelp 3. Mr.h-wimi purse ' Tito tivn I herftfffrth�:14*0y 6ur liveo -4 fm I I 4.1,1111t, in the 'ArcIltvem %it, but slit! �(liifji-t 'QIY tlwy tvi-ot to Nile -River -Not A t tl�e Des-*ruc-tive' .1114 the flAYS. bill Malt navy 01f, rh*t hidder. BRUSHES 00 BROOMS. so at t4we rPp!&c4Wl, t lion tfM I 10,*i�ve ig- iiii.r6mid _t1lC,- .0 - f. t 1 Tito RIrf6r Nlle [tam Itm rigm, but I on -F 411to afnf lip.: of. if tyqtefit of- tile C wc�fvf, atu-r li t I k". plar�'. I r Us! pt - - Tho CIIA It 1X9­%A'tI00TTr..N. w haol madp oure le Aliffl. Wu '414" Calial 00st, a tit t do miswitier it re n t fre. to, PEI P Purso lie To I)Wvt 'A Fr-( io 03-M. lwrw-wi f i r "'4 t ill 0 ort, a wovfiwign, ii0me Ta I en of. W44P'. U" It4it,"Jil'Ifill 1r:s0i) lvjvk� .. to quent. t)url"g tile last I YSam Oki As B oncim a 11ONS. -,in. there Am, I pop f A hi I Walla jinx bepit oniv o4w sttA" il� Anvor 'Ile, that of IS604., %vile'n RIO" 1 0141 4;0 "Well 11karnilli; To have a Illa-11 till- fit. Ifer virly lot tII4),N. t1lult w Ubi' IsAl"tatit"n #4 Ll J.4 wiert drownal. 10 OWY t1lat o1i Mtoftflay- mortibig., j I WCOUI-11., 4FIVthe wtirld Itring To tako a iteAvii-blynt 1 0. . lie rPp1ci,-(-o1*1'1 IinlF. ZIWI tile I. I I I . I I . Z QUI Ke thnt 1) falaCthible. It Is rtqwat- t4m�wjwwt m,tn,,r�# *I I -P01-11 ft*/ins I OA Am NNW idt Mtn Irt for If YOU VWJ Ureh ?-- In I hariatw U - HI to All 41 t W I &"t # a)* to to taffi. M&Uit wew, :0 re re&jw i at ill's 4>W'lj M &M SlAck-i , God dem*r 1Af al ch a.,, am tuft le ptpwe , r flad *sip a& a," *&be wal, 91 its ". 0 oft 1*="fftL the F& AN ff W As M&4 tvw. a. tam to afs. - it det-I'lift -, 111111411 1.1j, # WO L -A W "M " --Ww a I,.,vt. , rfptur,. of you. YM wom YOU. YOur weft 4, 'k you ! in Ule 9 you locos hem New t IFF 7Li-A al Kfalm sty" W" r (i dw T Un Im ta the bad i amnabon 0' 9 as law uAi0ft TM kr. p4twa I amofts a anise me. mad oz.4 I 40" ]matte eful. kwoj as tvr, *W." &", U.' 1E. 20 1 so ibe SIM ort Yom 5 ftm� 197 NO 6 440 tie ON" I Ut.,., 1W*64FW_ Itif . lw -%y 4-mplin#46, U1is-n . .-rallpri tile l"Wment, LIIV) L . . . . It. . . 1% it Chen Popper, W #.vp " 4 ill 11 IV 14-N I tov eoml, , it # . r r realpiiig 114-n- I,% a rt-eillf- for kiwit-il pepper, it `Wr. K. anti "It.i%tarriff.-daribmad risfoni of the holft.. 11W*t etmitillieWd 14-% Put- Which 194 a 1i Ile .1111 Xture. (4 dn%dnK to plit lfjll 11.11114..w C(PrIl soidento ftiled to 4iteo I%* I spieft, for V r. R�Owral oelleMing for saue4m.. Mix .()fw ountv tit ground ginger, ec Yrn enrlp. Tin -(4x,.n ail - it I bralbu a 1141 10PIll it tever It r�*� if to ye&d is tiet osiotor IftN)rors ifig' InW. bimtory 4016htng Imitclo Mst. #)Ili meate, Into,, wit mile* a#bdJMlk1k,1nrI1r null t ta wfi�-ro rool lit half a it 4muce emit* of TWY PROVITAHIs Nry I ae,lww **-4hat im tile your hmff III t e 11t, V#p j;#f,.4f+ black Popper INDUSTHN, is thr 41.0en"61 14 .. Uthfiq, brone'llitis, oe whoop.ing cough there i.a no ground cinnamon, ARY 14) p1l to P -tilw , 11 " 1 1 r k medy Lom or's Reglitta. nutuaW and vjlo 0 @wWr 00010 RKMUNLILA YfAllik wtanan ringm to Nomit re AYer'is- Chefiry Pectortti. re 81111M, onP teaspoonful of ground Cl (.411 8i we the *Adrvm of rVtWftt4?A&l IVI, 14M 1440prl , v IT firrif-P )I)Ptp ill a To dresim i/w lhght _ff.,Ot firit %Vl-tll AO 6ni tile, Tlw In'qAt 1[JIt01`WU1W features lit vtstl_ &Ud fill ounow t)f sfais,. 1jut oy4w vrho b" jwK cleared VIs it, 21 DA VS� wooli-olpff. , Ut,4 j L bot,-� be notolde right "t rour own RoUlt. t W -allsAwl-f lot, So P* -H both shoWailid first do'se ita he'aling influence bi manifest."The- m8en-ir who lim"On w1th the 'n"gurati4xi Of tile tlft anil keep tightly rxwked. I wWir#. #111ring To " the n#w:- nw4m full Ill 16. face: a 14s beei ept awake by the . cough'falls into a reaf i'lAnd M^ym of 14,(Mdoll aro tile obiwIts WHOUR k 4 *0 Ir .64) f1(*P6n,t lot-lie'.6 ill 1.1eft Xull. -f U1 30 llftohimi�od went. two" 44 Use ee k, 'U'PeffIrl of Plat* abd Jisweiry c(sillectak, there- - for nin, tile fWg;tI0;WfI' rod t3pr aeltpos in general I flick fi;r 11lat." 141e4o and iwikes strong and refr"hod. Dr. Ayer's Cherry with. The weptre, M&rl j4word aM the Vinant's Liniment CUM BlIrns, e&� Iv 1 19, it 14�p IL -t firkw Io, w'eal- 11od a: WC lilt I Wrrt#rtz4Pf I Ft or a llotroilii-. Ivy acknowledged j� b4i ific Jor all OulMonary 014 Pum are carried before Me L<w4 P-tilmrN, fir tilt, Frt*n(,Ii I 0111t U :Io '4. y W-A,XNTED* trap I g. dl4y.14 UlPrO OF MM'4-r. :*11griffli.- ompt *nts�. Phviiicians praise and prewribe iL fb 9 . C 'W-fvr nt t"s "'Augur&U-CAl. Ile f4teni pay 25c W 10D fnr OSSOMMd C11"40imint—thp #)tlkpr ftour If tho we)tre is tilp (),Idvgt pip pntlill pant. %T10b JWW of Catching Cold kwelry vxtent Ijt F her tislrty_1kbVv*, anvJ )l1glan<L lt is cut Catching vo J ubilke at& mns 411f. 14hen ililip did ntA Nee An 00iim Of MI- L14ek Qne.0. nly chi Id. "Y" a w1yalcilin, - of I variptiva. d4ber 1" oni ' t. . � 1, - f , 1driii YM croup.. 011" flight 1 %.,m startled by the e-hildg ea4 y p ip In gwvoA ef�TUOR. Addremill, Y twersty-0110 ysar* I-)( jiXt'. h9rd breathing, and ryfft'al al"' "A 18*111(x" Ill the days rIvV011ted and a Person in good , t Witbill three IV66$t1.,4 tl,.F* 01 all tbis tirewwne It i0l at riligular fite't *that ill 1IlIn(*t ceased * OR' 90ing tO it founil it -trungling. it hM nesrly_ of lAwAnI UIP C(Ifflfrawir. Tilt. pmrl PhAical conditiou is no V A MURTON Vex all countrioa tile 04U roltitlun to breath; , Having a part of a Ix)t tic (of Ayer's Cberry Pectoral in .4 hare hi�, 1W *, t 1"10 to coldo l' 0 Hox j�i milrdeAe"I 4pr dnto_ fr(nn tilip till)p of U1101Y cluview. Keel) tillpreet, P the hutise, I gave 'thb child throo -d(kqt,s at short intervali;t,, and-aniouly aild the PIrghb-MIN vity ,,nee warin and dry, tile 11 00t. ;a A Amall lwetlfm Of i en roserable. Let pefteoek plunwft iO4 til fiar". it Wa betJ I . ftew, avoid 1.4plap, and It W hewypfl Xw"t oc �Iler as PnIVOMMY C01lCP(kAI tW) 1041 tile CAU" itod tesulto. From the moment tile fect4)ral was given the childig from George body 'troll Pro Md e001 and the of Ill-Inck bre thl XX an4l though e thing naturallY take *%J".e Mustard T -H A T"6 —Mus—t -at- o. MWdPre oft trnerable, trv, 1 00, shadinot ng Mw eawsr, And in a short time' it was sleeft quietly jud With all t4npty et4ftxcl,, 4b and PtAoring fit the fentherx are tauiLl- The - child i a alivq and we)] to -day. Ayer's C hoffy. 1114TH OF -TliI-,,-VA.NSJ-. not, to e(Al off loo rapidly whou lissett- ed. keep out of dra IY brilliant anti Imautiful any w0man Ved i ta 1if*."- C. J. W00Lb!-J(;k Worthen, Teu& Tiff- (Jlrisit lit dark ughto, w0ar rian- ;7_41i a love of promerity nnd 11"1)1- 11610 and expre 'lit tftrm Of, hitter iLgolly Ill InvarIAW avoid decorating -bW or P Alid %V11114b they fell IlIxon tlk� artit' anierimneies. AW L 1) Dunn, -4 AN" Tiff- matth jvw�wt PILIMY had its I)Irtll.. VA I N --.1irtlinr it, 1,ftlip Ch lord ,j, mr.. win- -XIsfill IWMV V. rietleig or the dog Vi oek I y iu rer V, am psilk-% uetrall&n do 9 �in' P a I qip- Mue,% I" the 011116id wsub;,011066 _g 'Pile Mall(wastam bowelis, 0 1 ftomiactl OW usta ffift Inind th have a grout tulL. will be in segelon ro r yetolt.v at Fe dinerv, tmj a 40ves smse, MW MADE A990LUT9LY PUR9 S # 9, Which Ill attendef', %1W IMF% WIN,, e" thtfle )y insifftft r -1— "M MON 111PLAVOU090 04MISH SIM at oome simple forb neither party will bi able to look ro W,- ivorton, 700 "twiefits. Tlwb Koran furniodiew ecolir-2 of lif A and w1vA Idea a to VASOUS? te chief emirise Ar stu4ly tbeM. *'Tweni SOLD 1JN 15c. and 10o. TINS. Wanted 1111111 fiv, I.K. fag aluch assistance from the m tuni ombers LUnderwood, Paisley acd this vicinity. na$t tam,%* I% A4* for Dunn Oe Puro h. 0 of -$Wflouse of Commou& IThe wedding Rift8 were costly and 'Jarl. 19, 20, and 21�41;, ed only kom Iq fori L 'I)ou 50 'WSW m 000; r 0 _7 14 oft A 40 jet 1P n ick, His What him I" (Oulu is dug Jul bldp to kw ,% he d1we ftwq t JU4 ftr on Go follow. .ieo reab his 10 broodW �t act, -nd, fin. el of ode up 7Li-A al Kfalm sty" W" r (i dw T Un Im ta the bad i amnabon 0' 9 as law uAi0ft TM kr. p4twa I amofts a anise me. mad oz.4 I 40" ]matte eful. kwoj as tvr, *W." &", U.' 1E. 20 1 so ibe SIM ort Yom 5 ftm� 197 NO 6 440 tie ON" I Ut.,., 1W*64FW_ Itif . lw -%y 4-mplin#46, U1is-n . .-rallpri tile l"Wment, LIIV) L . . . . It. . . 1% it Chen Popper, W #.vp " 4 ill 11 IV 14-N I tov eoml, , it # . r r realpiiig 114-n- I,% a rt-eillf- for kiwit-il pepper, it `Wr. K. anti "It.i%tarriff.-daribmad risfoni of the holft.. 11W*t etmitillieWd 14-% Put- Which 194 a 1i Ile .1111 Xture. (4 dn%dnK to plit lfjll 11.11114..w C(PrIl soidento ftiled to 4iteo I%* I spieft, for V r. R�Owral oelleMing for saue4m.. Mix .()fw ountv tit ground ginger, ec Yrn enrlp. Tin -(4x,.n ail - it I bralbu a 1141 10PIll it tever It r�*� if to ye&d is tiet osiotor IftN)rors ifig' InW. bimtory 4016htng Imitclo Mst. #)Ili meate, Into,, wit mile* a#bdJMlk1k,1nrI1r null t ta wfi�-ro rool lit half a it 4muce emit* of TWY PROVITAHIs Nry I ae,lww **-4hat im tile your hmff III t e 11t, V#p j;#f,.4f+ black Popper INDUSTHN, is thr 41.0en"61 14 .. Uthfiq, brone'llitis, oe whoop.ing cough there i.a no ground cinnamon, ARY 14) p1l to P -tilw , 11 " 1 1 r k medy Lom or's Reglitta. nutuaW and vjlo 0 @wWr 00010 RKMUNLILA YfAllik wtanan ringm to Nomit re AYer'is- Chefiry Pectortti. re 81111M, onP teaspoonful of ground Cl (.411 8i we the *Adrvm of rVtWftt4?A&l IVI, 14M 1440prl , v IT firrif-P )I)Ptp ill a To dresim i/w lhght _ff.,Ot firit %Vl-tll AO 6ni tile, Tlw In'qAt 1[JIt01`WU1W features lit vtstl_ &Ud fill ounow t)f sfais,. 1jut oy4w vrho b" jwK cleared VIs it, 21 DA VS� wooli-olpff. , Ut,4 j L bot,-� be notolde right "t rour own RoUlt. t W -allsAwl-f lot, So P* -H both shoWailid first do'se ita he'aling influence bi manifest."The- m8en-ir who lim"On w1th the 'n"gurati4xi Of tile tlft anil keep tightly rxwked. I wWir#. #111ring To " the n#w:- nw4m full Ill 16. face: a 14s beei ept awake by the . cough'falls into a reaf i'lAnd M^ym of 14,(Mdoll aro tile obiwIts WHOUR k 4 *0 Ir .64) f1(*P6n,t lot-lie'.6 ill 1.1eft Xull. -f U1 30 llftohimi�od went. two" 44 Use ee k, 'U'PeffIrl of Plat* abd Jisweiry c(sillectak, there- - for nin, tile fWg;tI0;WfI' rod t3pr aeltpos in general I flick fi;r 11lat." 141e4o and iwikes strong and refr"hod. Dr. Ayer's Cherry with. The weptre, M&rl j4word aM the Vinant's Liniment CUM BlIrns, e&� Iv 1 19, it 14�p IL -t firkw Io, w'eal- 11od a: WC lilt I Wrrt#rtz4Pf I Ft or a llotroilii-. Ivy acknowledged j� b4i ific Jor all OulMonary 014 Pum are carried before Me L<w4 P-tilmrN, fir tilt, Frt*n(,Ii I 0111t U :Io '4. y W-A,XNTED* trap I g. dl4y.14 UlPrO OF MM'4-r. :*11griffli.- ompt *nts�. Phviiicians praise and prewribe iL fb 9 . C 'W-fvr nt t"s "'Augur&U-CAl. Ile f4teni pay 25c W 10D fnr OSSOMMd C11"40imint—thp #)tlkpr ftour If tho we)tre is tilp (),Idvgt pip pntlill pant. %T10b JWW of Catching Cold kwelry vxtent Ijt F her tislrty_1kbVv*, anvJ )l1glan<L lt is cut Catching vo J ubilke at& mns 411f. 14hen ililip did ntA Nee An 00iim Of MI- L14ek Qne.0. nly chi Id. "Y" a w1yalcilin, - of I variptiva. d4ber 1" oni ' t. . � 1, - f , 1driii YM croup.. 011" flight 1 %.,m startled by the e-hildg ea4 y p ip In gwvoA ef�TUOR. Addremill, Y twersty-0110 ysar* I-)( jiXt'. h9rd breathing, and ryfft'al al"' "A 18*111(x" Ill the days rIvV011ted and a Person in good , t Witbill three IV66$t1.,4 tl,.F* 01 all tbis tirewwne It i0l at riligular fite't *that ill 1IlIn(*t ceased * OR' 90ing tO it founil it -trungling. it hM nesrly_ of lAwAnI UIP C(Ifflfrawir. Tilt. pmrl PhAical conditiou is no V A MURTON Vex all countrioa tile 04U roltitlun to breath; , Having a part of a Ix)t tic (of Ayer's Cberry Pectoral in .4 hare hi�, 1W *, t 1"10 to coldo l' 0 Hox j�i milrdeAe"I 4pr dnto_ fr(nn tilip till)p of U1101Y cluview. Keel) tillpreet, P the hutise, I gave 'thb child throo -d(kqt,s at short intervali;t,, and-aniouly aild the PIrghb-MIN vity ,,nee warin and dry, tile 11 00t. ;a A Amall lwetlfm Of i en roserable. Let pefteoek plunwft iO4 til fiar". it Wa betJ I . ftew, avoid 1.4plap, and It W hewypfl Xw"t oc �Iler as PnIVOMMY C01lCP(kAI tW) 1041 tile CAU" itod tesulto. From the moment tile fect4)ral was given the childig from George body 'troll Pro Md e001 and the of Ill-Inck bre thl XX an4l though e thing naturallY take *%J".e Mustard T -H A T"6 —Mus—t -at- o. MWdPre oft trnerable, trv, 1 00, shadinot ng Mw eawsr, And in a short time' it was sleeft quietly jud With all t4npty et4ftxcl,, 4b and PtAoring fit the fentherx are tauiLl- The - child i a alivq and we)] to -day. Ayer's C hoffy. 1114TH OF -TliI-,,-VA.NSJ-. not, to e(Al off loo rapidly whou lissett- ed. keep out of dra IY brilliant anti Imautiful any w0man Ved i ta 1if*."- C. J. W00Lb!-J(;k Worthen, Teu& Tiff- (Jlrisit lit dark ughto, w0ar rian- ;7_41i a love of promerity nnd 11"1)1- 11610 and expre 'lit tftrm Of, hitter iLgolly Ill InvarIAW avoid decorating -bW or P Alid %V11114b they fell IlIxon tlk� artit' anierimneies. AW L 1) Dunn, -4 AN" Tiff- matth jvw�wt PILIMY had its I)Irtll.. VA I N --.1irtlinr it, 1,ftlip Ch lord ,j, mr.. win- -XIsfill IWMV V. rietleig or the dog Vi oek I y iu rer V, am psilk-% uetrall&n do 9 �in' P a I qip- Mue,% I" the 011116id wsub;,011066 _g 'Pile Mall(wastam bowelis, 0 1 ftomiactl OW usta ffift Inind th have a grout tulL. will be in segelon ro r yetolt.v at Fe dinerv, tmj a 40ves smse, MW MADE A990LUT9LY PUR9 S # 9, Which Ill attendef', %1W IMF% WIN,, e" thtfle )y insifftft r -1— "M MON 111PLAVOU090 04MISH SIM at oome simple forb neither party will bi able to look ro W,- ivorton, 700 "twiefits. Tlwb Koran furniodiew ecolir-2 of lif A and w1vA Idea a to VASOUS? te chief emirise Ar stu4ly tbeM. *'Tweni SOLD 1JN 15c. and 10o. TINS. Wanted 1111111 fiv, I.K. fag aluch assistance from the m tuni ombers LUnderwood, Paisley acd this vicinity. na$t tam,%* I% A4* for Dunn Oe Puro h. 0 of -$Wflouse of Commou& IThe wedding Rift8 were costly and 'Jarl. 19, 20, and 21�41;, ed only kom Iq fori L 'I)ou 50 'WSW m 000; r 0 _7 14 oft A 40 jet 1P