Lucknow Sentinel, 1898-01-07, Page 1Mot. moms -jaii for 2o ye* * - ALL y W ails, ------- S. & P4NA ou &-rev Art 01. 1,-, n OTURM'. Into UL,11 �t D!A,Nl WITH HIS gjr of F B lubton er an 09tUrd 'ra*L sy tilro", 'WlitfOrd all. Bt .11.1 twrvativ" il, - I . U + tho moist JExqj'.- ite rill -ti. with 4 loth. C0111partv 4 t WAk" old "d I %VIllt tile corwillies ERat I Qj an Sent for the nX ell L On t It eld at Afewrs. (Ainimings, &'Co's. ..With, the Richer Jew"' me an4 With UP the lslan& all W Of Gad re-qw, t�ft IL dertak)nk of a t fru Lase And verdur,. B covered urxtN4 j� In t do left r 9% 4j4V# abi If th 0 evew It coralline th. nuLstOdoo etter bo left pre od. 1-4.t tor jp. Tbro"o, f u ne AilgrIt. ujjn LOUld not 'L�'d At his &tin trying t so now Eke e&tan tits body .1 L &&in lwlb!, =MUCAJ lie polyp tter it YMI. willing to heft) bear 6uqwtjx oorner. n Ah! in), V0 W(jk" tet it ewrbOnate of Illne. a Y -fa nie Sat Out Of the-wa Of. Wbite 'etirly for 0 Lk, one little corAL, ho foun& nly- AITOCtion line. Th 1"44-Y vrl,.0 IJW 't APO t m&n. wh ftt& me 0 of a tighto What it n "aim frie Is W t bul do Uv I awn nd S%xw. tile Y, low 14M th; )f 14awboar know WORM BANKOFNAMILTON Sub _ftiake LUCKNOWS t*,4tkjXW& j .04wta paid up 81,26o,000 For -Idselrvdi Funcl 8725,00Q w1wailt $9848.67 Clubbiug - 'Pte4l Tile. 4L Presittent aftatut w4k# tan re freajo I -NNW== DIMECTORS: — ---------- I_— cW Clod [NO P&OCTCR, WN. Gissoi T M. P, Gso.Roaj= NTA4.L We are sbowing :1 FRIDAY. JANUARY 7th 1898 A. T. WCOD. A. B. Lxx (Toronto). LUOKE OW 0 Oj I .L - MOM— Ano C�whi*r--J- TURNBULL. WHOLE No. 1249. lines sit 50C, 75c and jkoWer VA VI Auy BANK.-Houls 10 to 3p Satur. -now, tisy-S, to t" MAIR & says that "few victories in history have Villsve'' -and illilti. Ilt": Hemlook Clitynjillimir faetion in comfort a WaasuA mid NPOsits of 0 and upardji SlDtALL And interest ailowcd. Produced more effective repults then Tile annuai-meeting Of the -HerMoc'k LOCAL TEMS gudr (ntow. Meived at cur. 0 French Sabbath Sol fAty 'Nlillillg ()P. wi 11 be held 'at'.the If your harne, needs repairing, eitue 1,0 '::� Awful Calamity.' SoVerAL DxP0$jTT 6160 Barlen." the battle of the Nile. Th Wit b"U& rVat ratesof intereet. ' h700i Aeuilock City school houscn the 12th The Sabbath School ke it to 11.'Galla er. '40swocom flag wa* swept from the waters of tbs ta Top Shift In I#Arrs tin Great Britain and UICKNOWv" .10 vention of of Jaritlary, 1868, at on ti'i:lock Pan. O'V7- Mediterranean. All communication- I$ervie'Cir bit will be lei 'Bervitj )PY Itat dtates -ought And sold.. cu n All stock holders -Al isi Annie M rvie. of Turouto we quested to Floor of the b0i'don City A number of line8 at� 54� between France and Bonaparte's army on Monday, January. 3 1 It. '13es Pvtrental rooi. urply &it fib. .967ABLISHED 1888. siowi att4bd as Wim'ess o - I 1 11041 VIP Va- D. NIOHOL."Ae f IMJ*rtance has to 6 Vi'itiDg uijdte.-r tb ttlid 70c that are extM.Val was cut off ill, be hpl& af ternoo Ag t fs�nsact�d. Hall Caws In, We do a izeneral bankinK busine"; Issue and his hopes of, ni�king w n aiiq evenir a -Atessrs Dean nd McGregor, of small. drftft� throughout Can&da and the United Egypt a starting which interestinic papers bearing oil States. We rinake collections Winghain, were town on New DM& ghirU Salem -,w 6" A 22T -'Po"'t* Sab6ath school work w Moon G. T TIME be iven. 111fonthe in the"Centra,11, i4cludiug on &it Points- for the conquest of India 0_1 Year's day. dft.,;,ar�, 'the orth' - Wootern States, Manitoba and fell -(w& Wow. I Twenty lla olit. Ruud Our 50C white hirt, 11saiparth $lilt] -W"At Provinces, and all collec- switill alias Phijip Me. Y, whether uot� or ac,;ount. will have it4el f won bft=O The Poo, House ote e Who fotged th e26' -Ali a 9VA a IL a Ora lj'*JkiDson and 111-114) Injured. Cotto".1inen bo tiona To hold Eliypi� LuvkTu)w as prom attttititkn. ChV0q" of Goderich are,. t guests of Alias Om and band ot" , ateountetl And fariner's '40OPerat revolt broke- The� vote in tfie village n Waday fAlla, Berry: rei n forced back an d fron �p ad"algei trA , in* 14XV N Fi d1ifficult, for a I ftay i &a alloost' ly i &bid, it . to J ANICKelvey, Of wing- . . - r ca0ed. notes Out -at %he news'of',Nelso'n last W 0, hinit was kied on Tojesd'y (;f las�week leads the trade. A 8 We l0an to fargn, a a n unallim a favor' -Miss Ids M'ill Rochester b'tum the Io ludou Fj foe txf Jautzary *ft on &able or single illotm, the streets of st'Qudericli' : Thojudg of Co-t-wiux N4,r at from woe to tw Cairo,' and a Turkish of the erection Of A Rou � I s ok Jndus'trz jng tear- N. Y., 6 Fipending w' week it I re", I liable rate of intert I Out of a line, Of full dress .11.31 a. *lye moutba time, and lit in the 00an-ty �f Bruce. the*idene in the caso gave the shi 4% a. Ea. army advanc6d from yris, r totaFof ff I . r a rienten to recove , I . votes.exat, prisone -Lnonths friends in town rece ..o J10 fing accid-ent ha the Valley of -the Nile." Ul. 10. 47 rv. tn(�rtgxge n frm or t tber real *eta x"Sto ly 2 isoe in 'is being th We Joan small or. lar,ge Amounts oft on CC Of fifteen ivel. to aec PPosition'to the;,Ho th4entral- pri at Toronto. -TI eek of prayer, An appa pperied in urlty And on first chattel mwtmes, on live service W. TIXY X8 -W" in 17911hat a- French force of tb�ro 6ing �or: ot ufe.. -On acc,)utit- Tje8, LA. Agen.t- stock and implewtuts and c d. Ildr le tio, th* a are fie night in the Louldon lahit evening. TJIC tirbt fi't Of Collars and jrj Y'"i ;C U2 to adV&ned ent4j�d 110ig W'6 have a lArwei amount of f t up a Roman* ropub. T01e'P0 led wus, very a If,,, 1jut w ift 1"Kajority -tillage cliurchet;. (lead aled is 20 but this number will tot -on fir"t m0rt9lWes f rt)tn 5 per cen to 6 per think the'-full:fore The vote for th4b ereit,io. 11-014 of Run i1j, McLeod, ti be augmented -,in all viv A llice assortment to (:h(o "Ousi L Cold, The rate is'gratled According to the 'lic,--.4W e0ried'off Po Piu VI. & h e of .-t lie pe ppositionAW so all' bability. The efec in t of incar 1111ality and 64'. of tho h4w required. rmne'r to Si' 0 tion of ho kouse f Irldptiy., Atondy McLean, froln and valUs right We I P In th": 1W lduitrY was -la big were lit town Viu Vu disater of 1881 A. MALI-omso 4 sallulle ealipeftl- rapturf. or 8,TER ""'s 00 bAnd I �t sale 100acrve in Aiihftld so fir as our A t are e., N. RARRI township an -i 206 acres im Kialoss. townfibip Qly' of. isens at. majority. for the, flous* New Year's day. convewknevr. etco (,tat*- 0 Russia becarns, ce We are - the 4cittastrophe f 1"t aglaid rned W through- r. Curtin XL tl '' 'stator 1nAJolt& Camer-m,Godorich) Offic "'Pr""d land, with good buildisp &13( 44: r"o"Jed 44 'the ;2 -loue le fo­ gi.vo thetull - %�ota Cardigan Jacket;s imflYou ]Pit I *ipley, spent it lliglit. kst of NziAning, a UP -*W" in Allia's now block. will 1-)e bhrg&iD. against Fr&VAWr. t n t ou thiR 4VOU tiy. this.wek , butthe aj -- week in the villagf,, sato 4110ts Cas a; t a We rei�rftient the leadi ni thp residenco of criuwd-otlwo or thre4j %,fr* Can&. hundred men Good quality, ne1t fittibg FiTe Insur"ca Companies and can T" money - by, a"" of an ije,otne ority i. fivot of the it ho Mrs. A. T. Davison westems ou.se was t 0 rtytwt instirance on all claastis of prl)perky. in nkard� -handsonie in the traidst of rejoicing that their $1.00 and $1.40. Rtist)x BARR18TER,, ftx--4 v�r-;Aoiite which -hax since oqe of 23W. mift . I .-F S ;e cl The r - 9 ormutuai Western onta- iea ctimmisdit,ner, Nlk)t&ry Companlea as desired. no curling'tap. A bugey eta4 -fin ter, set- single ba d*Am0l1C- tim municipal candi- 4put t bee hours aft from 10 a. w 1",4 m. bee'416und useful -in ti rues of peace. kard series flag L* y loan, utfice ovor Moody's and it n soirra nual Neoung Ap ly to R H ugll bf--494 elected. were, precipi- Yft the An* R.i e br r hop. Thus we we to&t tile great. natiull primary competition Zill t6d ThAtinnuAl 84�t-tut P. Gloves and Mitts as coinple ory opeeting of t o ta h tied tilreugh ti,e -floor of'the City, -GEO "SIDDA thip, mouth, after which t Kinlo' carrying coS LL 0 which wi You Waft owe allegi 6W mit6 sa - Branch Agriult' e*CxSt!,-r ..i,4 Hall. ni &ace was forced ural, sociev, They.- fell it distatice of about K 'tted at 26c and 35c; A AQ IV ]PROUD]FOOT, BARIS- M,** Its' betwedn the winning -c bs will b,6; lil'be not a circumoita-rice befit, 3olicitors, vtc., G�dorich, OuL atruggle deeppr4tvly again her: W.. the c,6unCif Chanjl*.r Alper held at St arys. G deen a son of Scoot) �eiglltven feA. mind were , At once a an(t 90c. to tbk* YOU WX. PROUDFOOT. --ncludes of"-1le'r0-W16 HIA11, L�ckpow, on Wed:- UWI�� bank. in U'. but three I W* There is a of frautic men and podiiQ yeari ago; s0 ...... clock p.m. letdii* for AAAAS ALM righ.. 'In the yea r d-' Wil atte ffis waiting aroun youtha fighthij- for life. came Fu CaDs drialt --.Bru a 0 came Out 611' t r Xiucisrdine, Vroxete A ucknow. n 'ru f ce is reelu W as husl t Thc,.Seut;,:t-1 wm j"t entered Britain. JUL The first -named club in grou� nuss ih+ flice DICAL ay or way not Also a )ad Hugelitabers orta d a fur alit. In neWeat styies &D�Lsjjtj Witt ba- -brought act Aw convener -a -- ---------------- Misses Jo On Soluk 4,14 art safe. weighing Wand $,T obliged to ual the dogs lid Wi -t re 0040 of he he the tn6eti*09. --7P. h n at $2,00; 2.1 pHysicIAN dace -for. plai lind, AP umplir flare Things look 0, littl poin t6dison, e -Ki' T9 .94 43110 70. e risky in the neigh The club Wilinj sven h0i7ijiltina 500 4 -Accuch C urv"e "'" ur. Surgery. tV4'-si-6CVry store. offic" hours "PURL y Acw*6 r�g. it &Is -become., halidays, with fr belicatil its wol." borhood 4 Ohia&, aw.-, fri i H*t' U own.-, M'TO TX2 bl'OVAT= i�obdy, ivan tell 4he'holderof-the'-tan*k rd r'l 89'18 and* -firotn 2 lo 5.,P.'w. and from NOW. outtIt 9 to 12 A.' 00 'or CN 8 ser'Willism, of must return: -it -WA will be se hme, Th c. ii of thf. Ac'eideut waf firr pre Gash, P o0graplir, in to the luemGeriof Y. W. C. T,- U .,th-el Kiviu-4 4wa), uf the platfoia CIIPCP WX 42114111. ABOVE AU i4o d Kai dent' of of- all MOW GO ft Mary's car ing, club 0 the j tarid Y' ve, 13ut Eng RVON, ALD V. M., F:, .*TWO L1VXX*tjW the. Gernmy,p" b66 ay set ha;just. received a it) and friei:ids this IF -y) R cemery, etc. --case, has an industrial- new. hutographic'nutat, 8 in a*Y .1 - I W - tw-- candidawa -Wert 4wrism. Rthersal f sP-el-kibg. Probably.100 VpsWr4 in Win. jy' L or crisis to struggle wit), large _ 6Wing to -men' A411 -j -now Retsideae Rose stX44, 17.� f�t his Althou�h Xr. Cash. werp 11COWarth YL;e&&,' ill _ L will be held in the' u6 An n liali Friday upon thili- fi-ad�aruetura, con elr0D. nly beet! ift business in the v age Murdocb A (Wo store 74� IM Oe attitude taken by the engineerj' T116 A., evening J f an. 7th ockick ill pworth Le or ahout th �'& ulorlth& fie is- rapidly' i)P boardis- withA thre" Ilen. 'buoyed up bv the gue the -'luck- alp. of Ill U, 1) T and to the growing, competiou U -Whips, witin a of' GOr fig, P It '9004 Patio'nage as -A feet hilth #,r�� Lprowit actiamm, thev -ould Plunge forward anivervary updai. n, Stock of whips si es ranging ENT YrjR39A'.V;- 00w,Methodist, Church ill hold its %virki otherb and the need o pe and,- "Irg 241u.4te: i -TW* Y F THL.'V0Lj:jM&_ tuany and the United Ssates'. servieft on d hi's industry and perseve' �ilt the I' few i.ir heHall, b Monday trext. enWlk Body after body was carried out, &ago ()ntliti4l. 10c t4j- $3.00, at �ry, ever, the nation that humbled Napo V. Ali 1illyard- ot Ance� Nil e gal.ler.%. 41f tht: not Tole, e I living, 00mG already de%d. Ch' ,w, throat and will speak to tb�- .9 yo arleji en abroad and crushed re6ellin injui­4 the following in Htiloortfb Uill opon 0-11 Cf7 Wag ul, of. Wbi ock. chuch, spent a 'd Hanged 1JIMSOU of' dayls li6ls on., people both &140-blett Wi6011 w" ill th* chair W' holne I�Ior JIL e, Geytge Iti week renewfng AC inwrices in _t161% ire. desire k &Ins, at one thrie ' L a4d severil �f the Aldqmen-elect h&4 THR DXA*, te r W0@1t of thc in 1796 will ilutg'o to the walf. Thi no* YOU ng Man ig n spea er W a nity. aPt"llee were all in IL SOCIETI' re Ild all should t4ke ad -Kincardine T1cl Crawford Bechmtt. Costretor Jim ES Amu ou r reffidrs, of tNi oppreciation 7A096X8 .4f, this former, but lati.IV li'vi'09 in afilly Kew. They p Ion t 4) CO ging romiged no politic$ John Barridge, Shoemsk-,cr. He opportunity. of ill 0- on earin iplipitted suiide with which we tra 1;y - han -F)tery young rogard t heir con- "11 10.04'.14411 thik-yvar and pew, Ex-Ald. John Turner, CAM whak onday evening, ast7'.* Ho hsd been i-, V` y, trunk.and I bav 90044, Dr.Wi:go- Manufacturer. him TOP10i will*aud justice t. 0, F, tinued patrousg;e, an OVIRRENT * 'WiJi b Tue-�daY I er e few d to wish thot oil defilered-by Ue Carrothe'rs, n V, Migyard, and poor'. ale t'i Mae -hich I will ell at cost,_11 Aldermen Winnett, B. Nash, Carriage, Alanufact circinstarleej for so left 'A abundanee of -the, best, xi Rev. A W."Devet ate LUC oW Lol)(;F, 'The Toronto World says ii` " of 14 ifies. and the. unfortu n is supp�sed t Cooper. Taylor, Ald..elect McPhillips Frank Robinsoc, pl"t4ww. sot s, bes' o, Gallagher. OU V(*W[a .. �. I — , L Lbo 0 1 'kindly, PmVw"Co'c ramme of vocal An: d instruni -hit life in a tit of deseon-- hool rtustee-elect Zpigler, 01 Exaterad frlwd I dug a prog 'or 9 X 1) KPEXDE _NT an be"64 during reliOle whisper' on Thursda en- havO taken -The regular alld'joll�. SC E. Luxwn. Farmer I Lbly meeting of %r&ter Comlissionerzelect Jones and tis 9� le1ves a wife y 11i9bb �41 music C jil.Ver four the W.. W - H Dill, Baker. r Fore*t a -th4 c9mi 'recitati, dency. aud ng Oar. The. year *that has tie t the Ontario elft-tio C T. U. 1YI119 hotel U I evt�o In- the. as be held at tbe vj-Atertj­ reci omtolstilone 'Passed with its_Dj�aznond jubije�e Colo. door. R. S. mould" `bq� collection -will bo takga I the r Joe Judd bad Leigh, Plumbr. poll A bidp LBC liall' thefourt&Tiit* fixed f�r the last y or Oddellows, hall nesday aftotrivi tj 8poken.. f the Tueu's 7hiff w1uld have ended th A. E. Phil!ipe, Flour Dealr. dav of each W"Pt nextat h- K bration 3 o clock to *W Of Queen Victoria's reign, In Fe' wica a r illtter-and tfiere would Prebably hae B. Jacques, P&intier, J0 9cluck.. �Vw bruary. The,,bgu8e )s to prorogue ther Repopt SZ5 SkatInecont4o6t . _.. I - jp test viill4�4- ­7We-have a adift,ful. co, I:- Wl 1 #throw confia bro�qht--tb British Empire,. and not- b -'j & gla at"ting con benUO dit;"Ukr hd th6crowd been ISWPheu WiUiavu, Laborer. invit*j. .. - y n Meteor016 I I repo for' the yv rel he J. -1). wvkfu�clr, rt 9 rink on -hand at price f ri und eta is -tu&ky )r U411.160. - _. held in the' Lor Skatin ably- �ho 0�>win" Of_qanadai .6 . but th), were not. "ud W. C. Smith, Market Garde -(h.itf ]RADir Ste4d4i -is' before days. up, Alis' f, Is 7 ri y q to 'the ow -il t5e time or .,"Gray, Gray" were board L. W. Burke, Insurance Agof 6u the f JAn. 18tfi for �4 eve.ning o ev a baranit, in LQrd and7 Wy Alior;jsen 1%ro -the. MUGU r, t f 1.2-34 inChes.... The'6* rage e e.A46004 611" 'o Infter on 614 th, orld in �a tumner Pretsid i of the Conservative "Mm Harris, Mouldr. e it Pu rse t 0 fur coat. -W. chmsil" for the last t4elv� V4' 6f divided a among the admijjn foupw. )p gut, could Isil j' w th the Toronto people who and iQ o imp *ith rew; re. 28-02. -2; 9 J. W. Borland, Woodworker. ow viat ja!� 61low Wi Ist, ok 26A .5. Kim- -31r. r. J. Sv. t to. fell on 75 d the M'sjos!y -e a0 to the amount Of th"(.419,which had uverflowed'up Noble C not hitherto treated them w' 122.31. cardiri DePuty-Reere of' i, rft%nd ofthe ewpire upon -which h e 117inghafii - Goderich, nloss &rtuthers, nephewof VRT it Th6. average 'for - and town'llipt tile Platfornit' refused to spoak. Mr. R. Carruthers, Luet"orl U%O DOW' iliv _P�nst 12 years, �jke I ' - ' - �- p ' e# rub his eeU,.#ry first and thbd r*14 the sun* never gets cour(ey. rOn; --akaterq Intpnd 'to coin. was on onday I 4 - evtrv'- . ttwnth -in' the- #)rauge HI -The year 1894' was The A berdeens took the .107-51 inches,.-.. Great*_4t - pe lected an M - C. Toothe was. art One -Fide of the F.Reaman'son of ex-Ald Reankly brane I, bf00ded 't te, an A hot tiw6may be expected. man of the city of 4ruiltutL a, Old 1�dy's dvi 'to the year of Pregreds and eneonr �isitinjW bivthreii axt: C, rdially iuvitird.- CC bride who, rain fall'4',. 0 vom ber. latforia and t4e rowd spied hinp. agemento .96 in No (,#'reate&t n y niva held W. E. TaJbot. ado fin. -,if th _16onthly - inovi-Uli -384Z A A _iA! c *,.' dre�s- 'Cut' w'l witl.-be ohn Tji.e 'were then 1cud calls for --Tooth( 0. Bruce. and .e,finW;!1i.W011itions did not w4lblad�t�yetsin her" lordo affection S MCI n e Busie ot ode up -on 14ter -]so get, yopr� costum a. ready. To' ecember. Grej* e Canditaite. annou othe." 31r. Toothe declin*d to speak John Fortner, Laborer. test rain -fall that he '0V6'01Pect"W_M. we Umst that "d 90'-44fe�-d thO to -to- he does not hso, but th' re Centre Bruce, e Ong Of his - friends LoYALC*ANGE LODGE y d y .33 inch 0Aober 12 It Hockey nat9h intend to reti thr 606h his 46'wakttof proi-perity w4h tbe-1-oron to hesiL e& . 00 Ockcd fi;m UP &Wost bodily and w It will be a three knered fight. ere ASHFIELD ELECTION ,a vo I&dej ------ Oreatest 80OW fa-ff in, one daV 7.'50 Theloll-owin forcialt him, upon the Platform. i ust full tide'ilk, 428. V 0 IT RXG1*:l4.,%R, 9114. inches on 1 611 le,4)i vnll represent B rs u r'e T rtners SM luck Gentlemen i U bring #.V3 .4 Fa - Wattoest daj 9814' then -asoftubly umfivig-4 Hall, who desire' 4A'jjP*j".: of. July: loib�; 11ow on the cr"h of' the over -weighted The Old Counou R "u Pried by a t Le V hermo . n f*is the -w"d Tuirsday i!yrning, 4414-wi kp 8 W.. A. od On. - :gra -9: belp rV&rY W.JJrwin.....- Can! PbV11 ?&ttrrt, lauckno-W. - .11- Tile, orts * ' Feb some of the beit varities of siW i6 "'Coldest. dai ball in the "aled 4i Your. partner to 4LIM4' anniversar The vaen upon it K&Jortty 91 U W..- - 'T on jan fell thro 'gh to tbL,, �oor. There w should inake a Pplictionat Onre to w zero_ on o -j One of the hott4wt oafta to the 1*10 POint 25th enjoy ovening's fur). tampe0e - backward aiid at this mom. -iii February -xiij ison 6 0 0 41 -A"%iPAizg-brvthVeu cordially ur. ..Vrby arsaft Xw C po nt. I that has taken plaoe it, AAhjj Witt(! t,x 03vint, Cen t ra I Pzperiment& one in -Lost' gave W43'. Th Ili enteriug upon'the niw_yfa .1 farm' # oftw Pecem6et. W, C. Coltigan Last 1 week between. cceue, Lucknow he Aw it -Presentd itself to a Free fil ID Kin da 0.xvitrAiCILIM.. ApAx -TxogrW).*,` r Ai hitherto'- on' Fourteen' thunder storms- occured and the th coil. of for mAnY Years too plam on MW inh &wl' Variety Ashfiald .-Pref;3 reporter, who stood on the W. recll what b6.. ion oner in PHI, one* in w. C,,- ards- a fumberwan's r er, No 8. -.The Win- vu it way be in.4tructive to only' 060 during tho year.' W. Forw last, and as a "Olult all the old on I n J'Uly,.GVer seething t iO elch aPPli t, the --d w sill beside the awfu lors have been :returned 'by I r ot thg tk pit eoafined to n Sipt�mber*rid three W. CQ;o V T b I the tenante, of this little planet we- - is.' J u ne, t1tre6j Ilk r V 6nder will obli e 'T regular momthly doi .. re ri4utin will be i* AUg A f r ie, 9 leavinx tlk's of h,., majorities. ng one hundred year In 0 office. m4nity, 'nay u0t easil�- be e- meeingof the W -men's Chyistk�n a ago,- says th6, ..cto4er, ;' la�lut sc;ibed. . There was the grtat oise .'rempr*uct will b9 held every ono�d Hamiltoon Times. Our own' #I of wheit, oata kla0yt fipjd peas* and The' Rl" breaking of many PON SLIC x V E. lip t the TM iLL **11 LJ*btpd I have A first 'Mo stock -of robe., s tll!D. Wt odo'e".1ay of eu.h ponthAs the Odd Fellotes J timbers. Name t he bad i 1..a(;kn,,w,&t3p.m. N1Rs.J.86x W003 it iwitthvive got e rything W11 10, or Upper Can lls, blankets, co a"s, and eve 11ingled were the shouts Of the People Farrish..Ah membeni 0! I jjj,, of O�W patMom. , Among A# the, r their b It VILLo. Pr*sidVat; >1 Im. If ORf it 14. Seciretary. the, vwitift, distribiute"d duriTig' tne a6eit Ex I Union skating- rinik illuMinx d'w' in the harnes - ht in the horrible W-rect and going McKenzie.46 r ith, incan- a lin, and atn prepareli' adininii9ra jklVan, t he LWP then c led, was under the' - 52 59 61 77 4 75 swb In C g j 11 to sell &.9 near co t 0 alling 008d t* 'L 0 Jarvis p'' kinj ..of, hts" Which arre a great d wn with it. ' The sea of f 2xjD jDaPuTr. - tion of Ron, Peter Rus@&' the seni 119 Boas( -n i I I 'be 801U.8 of the ,Dre I un - 1. 01,0. Fe sed P641try ..fijr Market, " - t Gallagher, humanity �ould be iecu going down 11riffriga Wion was . .1 prqvenient ver member of the -More. Promisiriv of tho new crois-bred. that it was a- fift i.d on h4 - -1w. Lucknow Dalt-3n. ..45 76 72 43 H9 76 SO. Mr. 9.*14 0 FAftmtive Councit' 90M won thing -for Wdly-1 flow lag e -The committ of -tc dovrn-down.' The floor gave way. at Oriflin .... 37 b3 SS 38 ft H 27 I VAM which have been W , be, naged 1C, diseased'poRlt'to, ie qt mri Alla�;#,Ujentfor the widdle-of theportion which fell in 2 *Gt vernor f f t t pwod99W ab the rin Hurns' 'ball Tod;* o e boe killed -and �ol ks"in t6eprovincoj : *hich reflects ildniverear nta W be held in and thus'all who Wero caught Barkley 00 ita Sao. ft#e" everr Frillay al 11 cr o,(,Imk in Experime- Thos. uff; editor- alike on'th�- - w, re -.89113 72,67 77 41 45 to country in' .1797., k Ni&Rarx) I Farlu All letteirib' :ad- Credit managers and'the the CaWo'nian, h Lucknow IJUL Nwir Wlj strret. All breth n ewer FY jonj throw "Dine a furth electric light. � Propr IL 1`11"S together and piled Ifunter....44 1021ft 28 55 69 434 and die8ced to the 1xpefh�e i6tor. The lighfa 25tb., will low vo not h , hxd ceased to be the capital it, 17979 star Farn). nt� s b i be t; a' er on this undone to tieuty, thirt" "tage oU I and fortydeep. McIntyre .18 31 21 23 1$0 67 (DILY be sent 'fr ad -said it w' Wintinik3 and., cQm quently the make an enj(.,yabjj finje fur all Mit. asixX11a. W.W Ottawa as 'nd3ubtArry qe a -10" 'role 'XubteGraad. cur an.d the Government offices Pe oU q And thon C91ILe t1le fival crash. The Ro were re- lie comes, efuL and the samples weigiling t Itreatest.import. and curlers wt happy. A moved to Turonto.14c�Mulle- hree po�nd 'o' been decidied- -The Ottawa qprrespond-ut of tile report, was Ue tile elptosion Of Ike ow". t t MAPLE LEAF 11011 jue une a says be I . whether tube"uhtsis Empire say,; ths- great' U will be son' In" C , re Toronto ail and gull, - Immeditely ar, the Map ye ..,-A* V Rome (hritish) Gove'r t free to tile applicant by attle rendered.thi ubbl*W Raw* nWelkk L'WAS too 0 meat Unfit for pra (?f men and timbers' the insil. Ia. 'Was Hon�. David lills alighte on the McLeod, ot ite4 Alp .,,lent le&de 8 office 91floption but of. As usuaJ e -havo, *recei t I �&$ been rielected to Mr. Donald otosely occupied ia.en4eav�V#1* check one'thing I the ery Vrm�ier Laurier P** r y floor of the En beneath of iAdie ot �hip certain, and -that was te fact best pme, tS' 1ad .1o.a winaer' F ket, Mich. U V K St O'W of orran n with -the� j the rising power papers. . 0 1119 in the Senate, an4 that his uoii of white du8t shot up. 9 Ancient Order (,f' 44poleon, so 1104- FLORli)A ON being dommon i -Dominion, -tat, special It caine from t -*e broken plaster and past week. Mr. McLeod Cot%. t qr. will be Re tile tu Britilsh-intiMts, and in suppres. poultry The Ilutuber, .01 ou af-afth. ow nerally weptabl. d U_ 0 meet otes fing,the jubl)in, to his home in said pl itor # ijm tbv Odd rVolous Revelation 'of Troplaul r the whola hall-. The chandeliem ace on Too, fell-ove'llall, i -n the sing the Irish ReWlion,of, 198, to skiney eapaciated - birjs us ime -Lost On iraetiday last, of last w"k. be Luxury Comtn#r to Lucknow tially sold, is tblk` for.uur , iliiibs�cribw.s to pay solliv. still burned brightly but the dufa ob-- and ci.4nd where between It. Smith'e icured tbe�a frorm view. For D A McKenzie, teachm 8 cheap, were Aectied i W-. !W oble w t�ru its attent'ion to Canadian ThUmsday Jan. 20th this Wa for their osper QT'd we can give them a 8everal 00 i -f Recezitly he pyre residence, a green t was impoiwible to see oneg each m-unth r t ei; bA affisirs. * Nor was much attention re- hased- 4 Fair of.', birds. cornbiaation whi-1h cannot be 'beaten and Dr. lElliott's, ininutes, i Huron, left loc hia hom 2f LIU s revelati of this class and 802 St. t C if k. Visiting a trop -quality and p6cei, J 1-ailling cards with There was ia AL A marvelou ou of t thetu to' a bact6r. for ast, terd the covered piirse, cond Laud held clo � 0 the eye an Tueaky of h6t V"k. qvired in tbla,(Lrection. Peace and' luxury, a Floridastate fitir-in a r ologist who proubunced-th- oWners name on . them inder will now no ndise from 20 bo ,olling I- em effoctea follow,j;lg:' * j*11tindl afid Globe . - F within the W1. On Monday evenjug.0i ject 311 with- adranc�&. tuberculosis Seuti"I forld taif ahil Empre oat-ingat this Plice. - - V 1D.D.TC.1.1, xtiod order reigned . supreme f row the palace f roin- the land of doweri% gorg. 9 be rewarded by 1 Only 0c iouall)F did a shriek or groan ..'Madtolo Workman. also- - -Hen ibe seaboard to J�ike Huron-froin o e eous with olden d000rations and. rous W huinall eatijig. tinel and 'Lo Andrew oome frora t he fearf ul pitf ul Qj j4u4p". n ndon Daily. New wany ity benes,tfi: a a umber of trien& Of One McKeftte sigglabled yfard isgo a prowipent citizen of Luck OLD LICIff LONE end of the land to the. other -and t!P*81 scene!70 filled. with tropical S2.000k;Out nel and Adve4iser 1'3b' rtisidence of Mr4mm" w4 she AQd theu the dya9t &eared away Caps. Va exhibit j4u ions$ IMPOSIVIR multi6id atifiel'and Ladies' rual, 41.3(. Scotland,�arriv Pon* now, but now livi e d Russell was, accordingly, left usdis-, xonderful in, realistic, w& w.01 th, of- At a.; JOL, Mart in 1.u. gradtfally. The crowd intho hall wh. where they ippent th8 n r aua in Ely �he dex now. on S�turdzv night I'mt to _ck 0 the f&ntibtic, to the we %d taw'% c f The8outh Win spenda -v escaped had stood dumbfounded for 10" of Tho'greatest ma h, of- I t - h, as waning the Una— of June be o0ened ruPlc@J woudemillustrating t6 toor ew6or, the dth con, of Kinlog8 h te 0 Season to T . acfttl(,n ��th his -old friends 1, During the 0 of the 44494jitm 'variety end. spl6ndid'with a thousand whi' ' h occurred' :,u tile 24th- day -.01 to te G C tion. 00 ec motuent. Few i ealixed whikl had h 0sj ill this vicinity, the guest- of Mr. "" maple tile IAKislature at Torouto istst, invalids on& one of 'its beet kn-9wn and most.- rq." ihe lt^l curl J. B. Hunter. pened. It Was impo"ible to realize the Lai Baft Ball club, Use when sevem 1prOPpective Dettlers ers iff''the.annudl fight fur Mr. McKenzie itb h a - awf ulness 04 it all. Meu stood St. N 8UPret'jisic betwml. th, -The - werits of the y EETS EVERY TRUIR-14DAYINJIG11T act s4vintagis iad resources o th%t, $petted iah&1bit%.nts-, lier iusband 6 VM ,n #)r hefor4 the full zamm, a -�h# were. pamed and duty assented to. t 'a AevoUd true.helprnjkte, ly members of Oanadian friglited and bewildered. But who silver hft,16d esne haw* 1"Q t a, -,wiJ Hall. Havelock strtet, sunny la6d. Tiopical frulita, Florida tho South Kin- the -Club li.vihg Qn the north and South apples are be'om the dust 40 partially cleartAl &Wiy, bs 6res. Seventeea hundred and ninety-eigh4 wikies, �xquisfte in& WOU known. In 101lowing *Ad JA9. BUTAX. 11AR9T DAirs, I Verfurned fountsirw;. 'Im congrogaitio'll, & oonsist,613 member; isides, of Cain pb0l, st re6t,, gn% on 4New a a' C1Lthbe'L worshi"al I(Ader. Swrttary. wa a busy time, and anything but lwa'ving Palms, iive alligatom, etc. '�nd the mause, one. of it b t 'L (1 0 Peech before Ahe -French I r there was alinest a utaLupede. polioe. Maple Ije4 oft Sy;h 9 es friends. years PAy. the firrat, contest . f tile recentl Af D'Estourelies, a member Inen, who were in t�e ball, and other D. A. McKenzie, F y e ntion t6 the lat John Ale * inen of ste&dy -nerves, shouted to the peaceful, for the mother *,juntry. The- "Biw in mind that Shi W44 t6e second daughter oj tjj_ -se&soll. took pljtc,� iii thv. rink. Theice -ofthatbodvl called atte' 66 Iffligatorb are L a c sod. Do y 1�09 I it crowd and held them back as much as GENERAL- rebellion in Ireland was' not confined nald, Inoted-in his da splbridid --condition, an . d son) ion apples and to the Dear Friend, -We, a j*V 'for his e quality of Canad This con#eriatory on I piety and uprighthew of char. -excell6lit playing-wa's done, but' tile twirkot Franw a:Tordt-d for tbew. ROBERT 4qUNNINGHAM. to the Catholics, but was joined in by wheels, a v I os"'ble so that All 08csPed uninjured. late@ -in the Ino6leja6m of built of �Outlt;4&rs were, -vieforio"us by some tropical wonderland, was acter. Born in Prince'Boward Island' 4 There w" . grave nger from tx.j Ji,ir Domiujon devire to &bow .6 Therr wag quite a pretty weddipg ource for a time. however. Pan INSURANCE U 18ter Protestants, and bowles were Florida woodat a total b *54 years &got -whenci ' the fa Tho winning 8�ipa Several PTO, isti Ia of your oon, y FIRE AND ?AAR41djffV out of $20,006. ro i I y'... re- 2Q shots., W!Pre 00, Wednesday evening, -December ladies b fought at, Kilcullen, Naas - age, GUELPH. 17"As 00- It is the most remarkable car on either moved tcr Kinloss i "r -1853. G. Murdm'h and W, *ere in tt-e hall 4Jso but none Wlkeft�of friftdship� Wbft yoa Alfin, 22nd, at Mr. T'hos. Swiley)z residence Tojqpbese No 193 lart, Gor,6y, who knew herJ defe were injured. The wiudowki at tl* 012 WA riDg may you A-rklow Mlyushinch, and continent; has * been visited -by more Those row, bar' puth - rind #.be -&W' 61,es J. B. Dungannon w marketside ot the hall off are of ft 9 lfill,be&mtbe French invad- people on the inside t y the opinion that she became' H 'at lohn iffurchis' hen hii` daughter Miss Vinegor and gazecl a b u 0 the oftead '61d f" that'snetraw the ore people on the outside seriously impressed under th on. Anvinda was married U. Mr. , Harry Chamber were kickedout tjd X`SPIC Leaf, and nity this *."g ere landed ift jrelafA &ad at Castle- in than. any e influen, U4. The brid looked lovely in a humber escaped by this 81 r Hall 0 car ever built in- the history ot- of the gospel at an early age. in A ReauUft Model j2n�%Yifh You in hlding your own r. bar and Balli"muck aftw, t, he French the aid of laddets put UP, we - a slippery PlftV in W- .d Alex^nder UcKay, sailr, Of recipient of luany presents. M outside. And 44 all roading. The people flock to It by virtueof pru(jence and wi gown Obwllit6 fixtin, and was th ' 1110" Fewton- Is. D. S. D9 118 - so M e dows fi-o came t tho auistsace-of the Irish. went her step children ever reach tw Cerft night and day,. and papers have d. I Cowin under t1fis; rillar, 48 the 0 nNila W of ym r am G r . g I ner of of tile auats fk�ool all- 1j&d the French arrived 'before the scribed it from 00"t to C -at as being her care very young, scarcely ex hanfLomest ino&l - -Tile Sun's mark iLhout bGit* 06111ght ftk" *Aid '*#)ct*r of . . . . . . 06 vessels T6 cioud of dust, per- ocean sal et -reports are ad. Vr the 11ret of its kind the world over saw, ey -w.e,, -Ir" defeat at Vinegar Hil histo saw, have ever ha"es to be the best and so as to make, ienced that th re dekived -of their, wo witted by &I dispelled OAL mothQr, d noft C. It is full rigged, TWO You r6mocab" your ol 1for en a -unv -th" -sailor I and there is not 1110st Ct'"IF418 publiAied in Ontario- 1�oslule fQ Dontfiitry perfo that the story en t r 4AP04 that We lihs,11 *xQ of 04.�' go u To defray inci&ntal expenss a nom- o uipso the hall AU "Poistumn -in innod ot G"at '*%" e Past, 'FjlQ tea and then I ra AWares, For sohjejim a rope,:p6lley. t' The Stm's select ione f(.r family reading was In . f ousery d inal price of 10 cents, lchild�en under ack4l�, spar, yard arm, Md bictury in I I Of the with rare wid ap radeavor to do all work - roncluded the time of v . 01 tiv Wig and Ireland would hii"' bftu departure was are als'o tins I its 12, 5.oente, will be charged. Waison - 0c' f9ulid qn, tho I * urpassed, wilile tile W(Wkly gllas'ji qw� P. fast a�proaching. wst equipped sailing 4U9 but Kheer oz. Irl LLI S(;- - Wi,.b Gold, 11(mmetain, Silver and different. During her last contributio6s -of A By;t tder give the ci t possible for sot" of amitigam. , - Webb, d i rector -general, Florida Sub. illness Of two worith's du�ration,'sh "1534, that it, not. represented on this a urd LMciKa P The great event of 1794-: Qjj. SO& Tropical exposition and Ilorida com- si�iffered much pain, ' bCaUtifUl littl(3 Craft. I;i- paper a value peculiaily its own. yga Pe,*being piled in ohn T49K,rii,--mjvla with a view of preowrying but endured all to whole work amitk the natiaral, appearanoe. and of the bt*t tennial of which will �1114 %ly missioner to Paris exposition, the i3tha*tof an artisti* 3an'get The Sun and this pape extricable niavii. Tit C* IP&tiODt]Y with moek resiguati()n to tile and im the iDnly o were I v oft John 1K sy. World's Columbian exposition at divine will tWl USeAl bj Mr. McKay celebmted". on August let, m" 66 , in tile last stage wishing 'in illaking isible, iotrugglod Ith KrMcKMMAS NXTIWMING -An a plication MO& to Chicago, and official promoter of earna8tlyto b� rleived fro*m trouble ;the -boat was a jaclk.kniff. nother to got out. Th,4 higivt th l(Wh for Painless extractiag.- it has Battleof ibe Nile. Na is expwtedf __j in diteAor. Prof. Robertson, th" 1)01 her which had broken in two &114, been trit"I withsticcess. P01'90n 'h6J Florida publicit, and introduced ce�rtaiuly a warvel. -resolved to break Britain's power in intc, her Haviour's -A$riculture and Dairy Cuw wars the cause of tile.,tvi,ock, liy so apoke tym Joe grieved ut t r OFFICE- In Mr. Allin's new block This Official exposition jj wh#els he beginning has Made A CaPefully study it number of b"es. c@9 nwA do A- 00 stairs.' India and to make Egypt his base of will exhibit at the G. T. R. station� in of the sickness which proved. fatal, be. -on Monday As old saft# perations. laonapart-ii put w s4a in Lucknow on -Thur;day, 4an 20th, fjop cause of incessant JphiS*Cil pain, and yeolljont af ternoon last, Airs. rtingf d&iry products in t weigiiing probably JoW� 1"OuaVroll6d anni vervary a soee market 11jgtujy fj down upon th& - 1pp it —Will Tbil n1pleyt every 0 the anticipation o(di jai meeting two -it IMASS of 1"n & .000 oe to our this 4"Vy $tea= twt 01 tniLn;-. 4L"b Of J&M 7 2 a.m. W pm., and Wiaghaw ou:tB6 end was approaching, fears gradually �V. 0. T. 17.1 itl their Ell 00il Whic fbundar Atiet W"s Stay, .1798, wit4 a force ot 30, "olut'on- A's tile '-was held under the AUSPice8 of the importan crushed the life of Ajtj v4nishod, and interet In Christ ace of meeting. juncture, when v v e te rsais and too k e facu I ties the wi Stood ba I of is is Oil a u Th President 6eing jil the - tb'e Sup. are beinji C adow had like*Ws fs,114" 1�0 a 00kPI Cott= 200VOMPOUM 'on his way to AleisaWAl, Egypt was -eatablished reality. 7 The last time her Every dairy. to in Like maer, is u d -i 'A jil,juarewfully uso�d monthly b -Early Tuesday mo eritoteaiwnt of parlor tl'Oetinglj�'Mrs. shoull !l A water Pipe bumt sod r over easily conquered. me- rning of hot pastor visited her, 911t,)bade him fare. fnsu 7 rof. Ro.bertaon drenched a fc%, 9f th,, '"" do a roux too poem t. om La4us. safe. effeauml. Ladles "k meluk's wOAir, Mril-J. S. KaDonald, Mt With well, stating "Wo shal I - * G. Berry, pre�ided in her usual efli dircuss theW on ha in it ;o r druglas I*r Call's Qum IsW Cew meet here 110 U at the London men buriod moro, but I hope tile C bra no 0 r small Mixtures, sad were routed in the Battle -of the an acci lent which nearly resulted in a shall meet agakin cient maiiner. Mrs. Gbddes gave an 00nveut�*U- mit"106sarsdangero". n the right husid *at, Pyramids; 0airo w her death. She was carrying s. 14FDP 0 tho last day." excellent 'reading, The work W wil bwjz OOCUPW4 AM too. which w&i mucl) or to it Uy OW holiff whQ �.f owed we* so ow V That she calmly Passed a McCraill, in the employ of '100n after the &ccW6u& I or I nalled n r"elpt of prim and tv* "no when she fell down stairs, way oi, t lie appreciated. Mrs 10,am Pit IM: Windisor OuL French troops pushed up the'velloy of and 'was R. Somerville j hid-tsewien or jw-4108� i and a sold and recominsad" i� au ­ go(ml voico and' I wirs with tils only . east P 0001k vemp"76 1111orning above Ntated in the hope of sang a solo in OiA.A611sedn tb,3 townahipof Lindsay collecteA tWr, A%X If ggloto in (;-n-dA the Nile. Everything depended upon rendered 011consious. 11ad it not the resurrection. as a Bri�; 00uniY, shot #&rid killed llimleg and the Do NWWGA we Dra been for th timely assistance Of. her conducted' Funeral service was union, win are indebted - to hirg- Ion Wedneada Banw r eta �qfteto W to ly keeping up communication between husimnd the would have been At the 'family residenco by, Somerville ' for her Ile had b,. kp by rusni 01 f4l, Nol- awi N(,; stild in Lw.kn(,,,r bir Nel at cheerful help in V41r r 61 Mai 0 UON 6 ate Y. "I In 4-roet a , *P -- France ennan on Slonday ingeting.* by QPRnY '*it", a sister of Mrs. doors P %9_^%( fir a* #4 .or wag 0 and Egypt., but Admiral mercy of the f arnes. the Rev. F. A. McT % a 0 I 'j,he fire Prayee wax offt" et �:%. 'are Do ut DMECLAt the 27thl I)ecomber sqd was largei ' red Itouse and wrote her a letter, biddin I )U usual 456" ;4 son destroyed the French fieet of fortunately eatinguished befoirg Y members' of ociety f,,r the 9 In ov'jv 11100 ;�y AttendeJ %, 04. 71 &<oft of the 4, serion - The Proemion to Kinloss. 63 her good bye for th last no tr.,% # Ihirteen men-of-war ia a terrible dght a damage *as done. Mrs. Mc- cemetery wM �� of our work after whicl, Berry was gbing to &!j0)thiMsQE churk I hir Vonald received a deep cut 010 the The be ovr hall Inile long. gave soine pe I Xporienep re. to C -OPT" Wamed—An Idea Z" Ea MeOrai V 746.orne., rf@W* Wo". 610" 0111" $a-* of twelve bours, 5,000 French seamen reaved husband has tljt detip lating I monn wag founddevd, shot througL WW CASO fritt WKbDLKW" -a Co. head. find &ISO a fracture of the ribs. gym o anower being killed or made pri P`1hY Of a wide eircl t, prayer The 1jeart. 110 W" ,wf Green She is improving favorably. 0 of friends ineating closod (I, t1j" n"04 ell r fluxotogy qpd o chronicle il I- ehft 1AWr U9 _4M !Val *_W*1 W"a e, ft we