Lucknow Sentinel, 1897-11-05, Page 2IbJJ 1B MAUL ju UTO 'W -A P -M Ulfilf UBI ABOUT JIBRO, Isbuild of Whieb K(W owl Very Little. llan(A tightened on his arm. Arch, [apteneli- UpM hlin fireath like Wind f relghted. with without 0oremony. 1D, Jezwy lies withill, tolle 1) Instruction and Amusement—.: SU N the pru*ttng co&qt 11111im snow crowed his face. 110h Mr. Trevlyn," she Wd, bLnlmat- ; les of IndiVidUlM Speak 1or heaven's make!" lie cried. 0 and Brittany, Its extr*lme dly, "I am glad to hav�i come across tIKTJ17P N' Am I dresomint?" you! I was just telling Air. Linmere twelve, with au AverNM Thorns. and Briers +.iw .1 Remember th I,anks of tilc that two ladies wipre haidly safe with 4ft.,,For' the Boys a v, X meveLL, niflep. The northrn (0, versus Rccentlicity Seine!" said it singularly sweet voice, only one gentleman in #Wlj, a surf am c1pitous, and rugged, rwel- which sounded to Mr. Paul Linuiere there to this morning. It kliall have nigmy plAaw the rocky heit" an if it came from leaguea and leagues Paul tlW Western Highlan'& of -to depend on you to ta 0 care or me. noway. When you sit by the side of F; I I?,. th's.1 The lajid declinpA toward the &Bj)F1 108JED 0 0"A"A"Ta hal 1 S 11 V40OLSO Who is the living love. remember the dead! THE IRAN])..ORGAN IIAN,* -No; t1li-sir it. Ti -laild being Cit)w blessed is the Of course,. AcL e6ulf) not . refqW, Mamma (*ntre of tile Is nd 11,11% SW itil that A 'in Love's Pathway. Think of the dark rolling river, and apologizing to Mrs. Igradek, wLO A� mmical mali of mercurial iuilI of. But why do numervius alleyb- 71ile entire- wed by Alotl" Nature w 461 what Its waters covered!" Iittle A%,Jlrif__ individuJOLIKY good-naturedly urged ht forward, lie 0*110 o0i 'the ivand.ering.. liamb-ti e -I at a pe was Ilki&-mtei with beautiful ba-'-,,, gift or He started from xhe strittige 1),res- took cloarge of MJw j1L I I I . '11, Mrs. y t a post for sup- it tilt- :)ai: over tlivire yeh r, Ilie verdaitt ayid peaceful, OUJIBrIS IKW at 0114 lilundredth Linmere offered Mar file band- tie Whwe notea0 are diffulvi 0 Iyl Smith tell the 0110k t. t rugged. Starting fr`011D otl9mver, am tile port. His self-posseftion was gone ; 4 ]30 kftg a r growler a, o- Was the tk),p of cpw of the _tber clad in hoummsPull 0r lead tier In, but &I ii tl llui��_ n wile -he trembled like the most abject coW_ je , reet or promenewde, in POPULAR STORY OF THE 1MY. close, beside tier, and wb n they stood By the W611, Of a crank on a queer clear. islon (oacheol,-farewo wid a. ork at wiltel or aloo' A ard. Only fof womept-and then I -tio, the apparitloi waist deep In thili wato Lud a -baw affair round or acrow the isift"41i is a' A or OutdOo d when lie looked ag, Roulur ioita however, few ILD bft- breaker as n '.sit -gr6auss all' W0 'its if' :L Jmgeix, . 11 vanWhed. h1W T. ay.. won 4 to-b�forgotten t" mbles I are tiOm f0rtulfatoe onla' arm around I WI*h an ... I . *** . drola. w Aubtn'a Bay, which mm -petween Good God!" lie cried, putting his I T* .. lluw,. Y, iv .10111111y H -t I&F W PIRY. so ecoentricit'r ltnMtlent gesture al tore lie if I led xre they bY 10m mp.'eolllm hand to bis forehead. " Do the dead rft Pauisettiflon pur.aitreietj w, of Naples, iJie vialtAlir passes Oil itil coudle.. firmly O&AU who ulk"ke harp spratig bJJC.* With all. Lsatb, ligent anol'wealtilY away. H made fill t to ut a,4piritol-1 k the likkisle:1 ;isked that Isoome c ' urious and at the oame mome Shot you asilk V conie back ! I sw them take her her* and' In the not kot Alkil 1I.Alm"llis 'Ilk �Now what i a rook In ttie ("aii. Tlif CaAlUdividualitY, t tIl,aC`1 410 not 10%1; 11111111' from the river7-0 heaven! I saw tier im fem�rkine &tti Vou. forge --ille/AtrCet . ­ his suffering fit jr, %% All the 4-m- ris it S114i] ng wave J19, -the h that, lie thtttv "Ili I ,GQW queen Bew." Sir MIt nt ti rang through rp.. ILot, love'. mt. when site sank beneath the terrible loer'looting, *and- the *iut�l I lieuroll'the -patter of - feet.; pfi&J§j$. oil till! back frru 17186, alld wall ')an'& tions on let L I bore liet out to It hic Waltelua I I* eml;lsti Alk#t 'IL W , woman bathed lit b1c"t, fell to th Clor. tuoh! Doit"t, like. 11119ar waters' I..; there a hereafter, iknd. uo tile window itud Wifi illy %%hell it's . 1� 'th.A. I loatile, ti - i4ell Ili@ *,out to. damnation UnWere gTow prCle 161 de4tti. Ile. eigh realdpd therein while lie wak wlK :01Y111111lig ajxmt- does a luail quickly glatiml out Mr. Treylyn. travel who cq.*Innllta %vll&t the w ve If Margie wris di 1wned;'1J". *as rilie.. like yours eritor,of JerAey-1600-1603. 11 1 nggle, kive M!aeol My orl I of., 116tdo strodes into the rovila. ruined man.'HIA ple 'Arem. and oota- To. See witatall. ami '49 it sheltered Charlemoo 11 Moil! For WrO lie - olloobeyed le and 'murder A littio' girl ol ­Fve killed lie 4L - liave, not aq)oken He stopped under himp and dreW tuary would .1save to under tIm abou.t during tile, Protectoratie it With - I be. lehl, j"t"ove -ither -I r -il,le prayer few editors re *only kept Anti there r tbe w", a r. resu, a seven weeW siege by We d0v cracke I voicei- (it lutintW Vlkmi . fatikee' oit his ix)cket-book, taking therefrom twunme-his er I -in ), WhIn :,W. 14;tid. Illso, 11:1 lite ft or ye ril u from st)riking by IdION4 1 Peet of get- A1.1 - tile - k,1418 Ill. the ranged' nights ag( i. 410 Admiral Blake. St. AubbVis re -lyll sillUg pprovAl of Mr. Lininere, US) willif! a soiled scrap of.paper. ' W -11 lily I-leadin He kiiiCt catr1i �lj T' '% . . 11�11 a ting a rich w1urfe., tQ his debtm. gleeful afray. thank Thee.* (;od f adornwi pretty villaS - were be- Yes. I have it herle. 'Found dr after v,,qi were yet it chiki yod own and Fff dio IN I I ripr iDtJ oring he I knew fa er tiled, of a woman. Her linen He cn't an- limpt , Titpre At g4lvri III) thir Our- tnAlied. %not- whPn your ed. the body tolm, aA too nirked'with the na my dialutolds, and t swimmers arfmild A, he IN" time the TnnrdproUs hat '41ili, y4-111 prontiMe 1113 4'Jtl JLli". was me of Arabel and Nance at a coward to rW.. #o lire mong Itsokliling a cir- ugly efftglew admn, or Anoiller unfortunate-' -No, I gr(% clasping hawls all(] per t4 -ft deathbed ?' Vere. Jfi% y4but -hauA*3,r of hor #are ?", I P'. ribiloonis.. -wil) not read the ave red tA.4, swirline breaker.a. Well, D;i � I ill Mh (allielt Imick ton L he* argies, grew, whl:te ais':-t i rest._. I h ular dances. Visit' t,�� the in V, A wax-wf �rks. R 4ny peace of (To be coutl it -ere Tonim'y Johnnie. T(jus-auldo IA*vloill tier '.*r thrunt W) orten non, for TlWTV 14% Yeti, mamina- A orm<xit Point and pan-Ilig ilig wpatterr%i Wish the blolvall of the dead pi%4mbij�i lidali t1ult _JL wt)ulsl try mind. Yen, she Is deadt There'le no Charlie.'an.t. Ned, Du you roilw I r let Bay tile _vWtoor come* III at doubt. I Ua*e been drIcaming to -night. to, Mlanee Ititimil-if 0111-118 '1110i I fulfi! I rettuiremen Ul-' YkAl W1 %i' Brelade"04 BaY, one of the strong fl 6.6 e (I anti, me. Arabet Ver...;ddeed! -c;rA,- Nelite anti WiIIW, MiIIW and tik"in., u would Cry !. Neo! .1irch IOWA- 'a ttIlY jpov v fropi the ;kIld 11ij Old Trevlynsfw1ne was too Dr i*.auttful In the Ittand. That Clo P8lIIlw!- SAVEDI yc*, Th that wajp;t� luid so � giving an iniluali- tv Brelade* fie( I mere. are you an Idiot yard walLs of old St. You knt)%V Coh(Utiona, paul Lin t washedby the w -a *rre% iyu. cu'd ra6e a hand 0(.Ilt. L Ali:] vall ytil it it, behind aiml the vep, nig to cas clear of 'the of Not dart a took All. fiopping"theijr uripm as'though try- iili'4141' Catltt all 74� he hurried- bome, and up hlite to.fly. 4713f.1 Idle hais eaen no Ims th .**I tikli; If I marry withajut -YOurr Vsi; 111A 04t 0. a the fil� lor on the second- floor., An Interview Wi bol mem. More ancient still is ar lit- felt when the 1. _. fol%_ specious p. C, onaeut un4r the age of mail& chapel adjAning. built by t gas into a or iotruck 'ilis. face. lie Itail fell lily Juttrilin"IFY., hm 19 Linmere turned up , Wit Pre-sident I hnI rirgrettvil : the Magkilrr7 ;11 -671. A vieft to tim U flare. -and. throwing (off tilli coat, u kinot [Ittle boy 1f4%et frow overt, erikiiinality. tv, dd lkow. Anti 1 hhall- mill �iiarry­wltllouf uiial blere lightholiw ut;ulem t'Axt 11) A-;0ftt away. .4.31 h:j�l n,ot 1wrillitLeti llliw to thuo d Y(iU CoJI._eUt.­ flung Illmself Into all rin-chair, anti a4le or -ille. man . or mere A It ifli eo r wiped the perspiration frwii his fare-* dliwer, twi l.icLAI PIP a14 ;t -vllo and wicanny iqu hilliaelf. Now thai 1lid elcibe- Mr.. Lin- tabli. itr-;t .1 0% fav;)rit*# -Ie.-*,_-rt leak, Imt the nortill rgie,, y cm mwt marry Dutl : as aum His ealth t4l Ifli , , U .4d weatern mako-4 Is b head. looked about the room with- . For *twZW - piatia to - Ise, 60+tl :-!IF the -it'll 'I lit iiiipre V? not -d pe, tp do- His many -cabillet I#Ut I W.: titetit. gme, he &"%v tile IIL He eril ls.jull 4)f Inerest. vniere way it about to, half -frightened. searching eyes. Breaft Do3vh-Dr... lillav crowl the -str",t- #.ugar 11C r ol tile igin lie hatt bee if; our t!uty.- Ito hit$ fteil them. -48, Fink smil -W- 111tinarle 4ock. Plemmt Pol dieaded solitude. and lie feared 'com- #4 11i4 t E t 1:d. lilail JiLt, deformity. I, you.. ;'Iie will -Ie- -e Him to Ctivity. Greve du 1wimm, Uke Ne*-.qt;e yean, pfuly, yet felt the Detellklity of mpeak. Pills Restoi 01weet Wirlock Let ol Trevlyh g 14et Isla& gloat klI.4' to- vink, nil, yOu 111341111y-� ouwr cl)lldrets. I Iiz 1'est. ;I.A the Devil's Chair, the Creux ing to something. His eyes fell on the I rvallyiml h uN er h6 411aluollo6i 'while )*el6 lie ilaid 11'repare Wrom,_the RepubAleman umbm Ind.) (Or -PI 10% waretits w4. e.:! VIA' 0�tli.lg Hole, and I greyhound (Ibzlng-'ou the. bearth-rug *1 -,-;t . fa�e n it, . toil I'tt. -Satrudr cAvitY It opVurloullity. 'Ile w(Jould Uot -ole:spo itio-r wher- r ;,11;e very i14 If;dsf4'! 4.. Colht I itivitl-d-at There s a tv orl%viAll of If -W91 A11, any dther objec Leo," lie'ealled, 6, come here, W 9 I,_luA tot mp treaspreaek, 1lut, 4w roulti-lk.oc _Mr. t:u'y pi -r- ',Tbe Ma.i;tj�vill. W -.;.. I � . %� - - a whitc-r-r6 ta of great ever lie gof* II to 1.ra Ul) wo ilicheum L,� --vip ea"e. 1)ut-40r tho'41oor. " aii 11; f. de Lecii, Boi a IC -s. but ;AVO' ti--reut7awl lo*yaty. Greve- -The'd6g'opelfed bin fey 1 -1 irtisville ludialil.i., WIs roldith -VJI,r t- 'uit, Ba ", Bouley 'Itay, and R 6ry I IRO rt4q),onsivil..� w4g Of Ill.-, 1611iL You .111f the ail-. y i o th " r ofro-r lwculiar ttraetions igl way. kt tiltifwr,. -Mr. sa.w, at -once hat though Ixo was two 4 Itxp,r-, it A lait; rewar,t witi u;frrrk4 i,yl Mt. IJF-JkI CA 44 1' ll!011111)0*� nd 'lita* pii�turtwlue grandeur, 31 ..M.rgit- te" Mr. paul I.Inmeries prooerty, -I e hillk 41. tfit-l�jil fir 1.1jille- t4l, g % ttA+ %11,1111 of �'Ill-r Iiair lived wKlt AIIA ,rrt:% iyu u f4re%d- NkIll :1111 Bay the Pon kw the 4kplsi -not lldve.,ap7 up r!gl.11, tv I )rLoug of, the ever-eiiangi. f; I uIx 14 t's efit for 'him, r.We.r .)v [loll till Inli"" -cipint4m am 4. llea,ply Co' & oo t t tkxl of h-w'perwm cuuJ6& lose glY,en a Will- au- by the c aw here. Air,! excet, Margie, Wh voutil collegtv. -Wore- w rf�e- 04 IA -9f- W Roundhig the northami �Ally onol. itleeil, tite, Ido-at4ure tit III, Y, n lwt or Woull-3,1101, be .,Cxp�icit on that *T.%ie oaand loax%ing Atint- Port, '.\I wlf slit tliv. fortuac w b Ile It W3A to 9-ve thoritatively. Iii.in "uch- i I-r.*,tle. liiei- -Still the allillill dlo'! not weil-litiowd. tbrougl the ejuntry4 orguiii comes i n sig ii t. Thi. 'I wo"*119_,_, uti- to be ex if I ponit, liq wita U04 awcurwL pliellty 14's' ; bi'm inere %v&*4 uervuum ivu9%h. And 'I'll tite .14t koliti, 11ti; �hi, sWry majwtic fortrewmi. I(imokv (town fro TrevIyu 'recusnAzi0l had citood . to.4 aiger by Vie. Verle4t trifle. former uol H64, ti4 her 4� trr of, the 27)() reet or 'height upon the wal It 491,tow J, she 11"ligift, 14* &n4 the dog'ic dbAdediallc bued 111A. of "the world. 9 114. 111 he.re.o tic -the, ;! :t, (in to froin the' tenth century, and ofit! rage.. qrg -ah: It i., go free. for iu the ile i009 U4. satWaction- ran fit -anti- it. ,,elf!.1411 eg"able ih Lrute Ile �an in k, t4 on giveA iijux oC r , mtwt Ilave infpr eo is at om Curwi. the IF Y sI fit 11' ix-owdor, days. Charlew 11. &1*) lionor iiiii liet w cai(XI'. ho Ai4ul twit' that kilt.) rectig 1� Ilizel him, But Illbe poied l(ini etiough putting 11 its f6ut. agn ill-4t.,him. iie Pori PA 66 castle with his gellial INIM con- tiumv JLV trim his n,-%xm,'wb0 M Le dear 'I q 464. kernwi the - room. will qg a w-uputy, opAlavl.l to. let him gu f ree. Ind'. 1' s Jal.1'company during Itis f t growl. or. c;ry out *- but 1.1116 lie wutk6i 4-1�,AXT- & I iloline wits a prutoner within its literverr arterwartil ** t Uad St. Heller via Only ktyd of hatir k*tbIa4avb6- lit gleallp,-d ijkt- coals.'airiti fie.�how- Oe trUtfl, J14- were'ttn-tze-d at, the evid# INCe ..wal4a. * Returning to it I I get tile iod; I I iq white teeth wiit'savage but -L. I ( I I*i,. im th IL iv.. , f iegiOlt) -I. W ... Woulti f0'rL-t;1r11IWU- asy to sev- gr yvonderfai origill-11 likvigil ilk tllW C.roaville the golf-connw.& pamwd,and It wife le (Our Wiend'o mantlet imootent hatred. iewAv"Wl 110011 it, ue Vv- I I f IIaI)its,b_f,tlI(- I.itchor I'l-illt, With i4f naiqe­ ftior,pl. hcre At leamt old 'cotlanit litith the a rgi'L lfi,4, t,1 1. f re- I I. , A farrWou,. , a iolle P-alowl, aul, aftvir %hAt it ho'had been a bulldog. Instead ore ncees- (a 1 *4--1 rt Iy I— J.'r4 *1 1,4 thetit finlike of elen 1ersey out of joint. rrmt. Tlw.% are evib trail, for I;ugs. 11 of' a greybouud. 'he:would hav6.torn Iblo kair ill goWull; L-uipiuy )f the- it The I"t way to We tile Interior troth . sar. for the fife 4 re'a- -, 1,;, 11 t I v at ir is on font, the next.loeat on wrutiit� to wwv Ikell, ;-he ni:idq viot grow fast." large hu Mr. lsul.Wmere limb from, limb.' t I le to r -t luell ao Lininere vent Wics. to 'his chnir. W a-, Wit me tIf a Pullen face; but ti goomil, anti the tug howe. The iiulary .v am a- u*re pit nd-ld, a Tho -roads art, _fItr1 but it kvpio Imu III ci�utitwi, and. and g1j. for it. it was Jtr- 4 tlattem intermInW)Ie anti bewll- -me, -a ii- ilt- loll est there. HEk 1n -ed tit IM rangi gufng Into all Wllei' r in I follg, isoint�eqpi tfter* hit,, t to I ;t every parisIt has vear a i kitlKor fly.\ were boll r ouk all ebony Which hP V4 1.1 fie lint. t4t. ano. fr6in- it ulluiatu'ro ottoo 114. thal. of St. -1j4rIler6/4Iating back to ill a. llt4itailed III()- PInVA*rt# tit&! Uf Ir goldL gtx-s alonts, ill his 1our of th(vwelitirchori arearcht- Llit Lo i, 6efore t in�pt Amelking the IW hoft Ili d1d so the init tilt,, , tlien start,-; -ation. The ii.ktiv#w sloeak tile. Wbo-or it- 1 . ­ I r re -aid h Yolung,glrl�-a.fatr y*tttn4 ISSUE NO 45 lb%. ad- I r? —not m.QPO. W4 .. fill I �ery --.' :CkIL tirilliall French. Farnw re - 111, early In -her early, youth ialb! i -i It re D6. w de-- of ie -farm- .."%% each si inAll ltu Uti"U Ina kill' t1sall eightoMn imiummera; eould trvLiriog i _i,'guardvl' !�v 1� "Ice houpes rp, as it rule, wilitl s tile rock I stAttered til.6ir' rows' 6.ver­her'.- Whelt' r J;r�' il.r., wi. rriie tiatit wpll- as pL&Jn and una- ACiENTS WANTND TO BELL w 0. r%, !Ivr -it - ksea u npreniou o*iuqk - - I I iw- ell I It f '4641gett tliruk4gii h4.- J liver %% tiful tlikell ua Ki Wriw blul to 'Utw 4� I �e 'y 4 041. lit dorned s Carlylo"o father"94 licoome in tit, ort thisrite. W)lich Ix ern toes, with lunffses of 'ripe tiouth Ae, 17,c(. Jerec I mi i. They' work harAltriese A -t WI it, ry lint-puifortal sItl +$-bWk'hnJr. and dark birilliplit Ye.41' r4-t*o 41f a I -een turli lilck. The're-ii now. pCw "jk k - ARMED i rajdta�* his, enhere aA a'dowy * 'crimson oil -her w -at it- wi iming. aint wa',;­ 1,11t over ly after or 1lips -the edg.L fhtu fit and 'tier cheeks pv -re 1ed dam Io ta toe� a re 44)%V in t o tllf% 4,f t li awl. J!oW it the -lit lik-41 .1, their most profitable crop, the yield CEYLON TEA," The ohe ai4k, bri ht. -ice, ul"I� 4, Vt t lituouptifilk ha ppy f. a r -- for 11,491. 'liping eotimated at ty af tA,,r (ice he discharged fai,111011Y for"IlArW t, -irtued With fittlo or stmw tinit' 01 CJ16 ;CAJ dow it, wa Int 41 tie* I bnrit-d ill thwirilt. tons, which readze,I C327,366,, a toler� 60) wJP *111ch no blight had a Put Up in It -ad "Wk-ittee. Whell t Illit oiLotKi W &t; i;eiit, W 11:,. liell I iii, CIO deatsi 'tit JY4 all Wand. iful -beau*0fIJL.a. Also J"ns and Hyson a. iwit kro:ii it.ifililoing ii-� A ably fair showing for a #;in tile rf.IM cierk left a vacAIlCY- w1ill `empn*-WmetJt,, - I , . 11 'Ir.' AG kA�,4' 11 I'l) 1er I l-pf I Jils i -i at plunge A.M.CANKING&CO Skiele"14PAgetilts, vC ituatiull.- _tile ki rpoli.y Asalligr JjJ'(! -en advantage t a nit boArtw, I 11p; all lic W" 1%) he ret*i tl&.e ii d zu k Every -of w att ki W 16 4 T 4 e. re, -e me I itlell IrKONT XTKKKI ANY. IUWINTU, tl 41(jold iolk own I I A- of 'for, frult. The isLan,t 6- -dotted all White -thoughu 'aloutL ud w4lelc 1. w h I i'. 4!e ilritV To lid to e Isiteher. nd when th.e.' -Ith. fine- old manor-houiow, 1 W, tit .0 114C 11'"St knew.. Wr sim tvili; sweev and hi -t" th, t- r4 Well. a Ciao student. tlWiy. :_bol d I tht over port,4 oliter- lit it it inight lie ver Ikis ixjula a"14, tile mait mailk he# Itai, jilot ellough'.w I oil Italia :it prsty villas aijiJ keautlful garderw. *at all overflow t4x) prund go.to I tred. f rouf him. ht)-prevc Walls are built t last, anti tile height 4) tho telilpt4tion sile-wh...4 too 1t Woulen Are"soA and silly 4t. It".1kio-qUe 'J4CW, t he bug. The About st'you-'Vgu In, lit .4.(4 -tr of loome (if them 16 witiething awe -In - A lit,er. P11irillir. 1, _)W6; are f I*, W&A quiLe a4- �%pil C%f,i an U) 1pee -mepara,,' %.-I le love, aud bwauaits profoit"r "altil ltlallV. i 19114W-4- Of tile bug ill is A,4 11111 LnIoUg. aJJd C. C. Co j bou t kk 'im ' tit. I uuWe, -her* pdfi. 4 'letth A a ftor years i)f I, t1key a re in wht 361 Cie, mut-l' The I lant -dl" T I wl 41�lier 41a' -1 lit.0-i'll it eabbaglW-.gfow to a great height. I M I Juld Oki- tiutt,- m6u 11ave to 'bear all-tlke� DICAIR 011<L-Afew dVe sg4i I WIL61i fit. th..111 waWr in 'tti(- pitelierst t)ftpli of Without hole, III I Ile.', 4 of -W.? earrV- a cal)bnV-stick with a mevors oeia and 001ILMICU011 Of the -vt' thii -P i, L 84. .1 As !is ­&!t, iii -t alv;ve Journal. cor&o1niyIeS.&ndhadwbsL"eq hOW'r jU *.oft ,,to Ilug; 31r. Lilui*re. ad wiw� ank jii)u, -3t, Aeop for the wita, a CW;*Ves. - W10 Clugtit- t6 linve belen wore.,eaw Intile fiot me arr I- Pa ut lie U_V� I thiio kit I I,% rs tht aiked a rig. I could n -its JlrIJkl-rI'It_. unable to put my foot w the floor. A frifinid t . riumplio reaultelt.11- hu.j itsialth. but Illy mr4i, ry' Till-' told me of your AJINARD a4ed..-Pi a *CkWlied -vidce, letting )fit@ S I io. 01 Aier Walk dU1ql4 i"'liol-ways. walit ifinard's Linimltmt Refievet; Neuralpa. 'S LIN19FxT, anti a rg w w a* a bel to a -A ;A beautY itow.' idginortims eyt*. flilft of ifgh't ild )PIng Complaining woman Afang- IN)II t III ratiOr .1. 4-111101:ir ill con as the see� k4ilow .1. Jut% -ft one hour i'mm the AnK applle&tim I wa abl, . ... - ' a 11W . I I I. . - . - A-rs . t4tim r. ' to waLk. and the pain ea"ly disLppe&re& Her parentool vere deaid,. allof had 1-neop, 00ift ink her-".' ssilake-eatwr. tir 6011th fricai tdwov . tl,, to V* -�surprioe. hig liwit liku'; untlt lillio' had di, -jvi timards it, With- 1146 4 To -.I call live my Uame M t"Oly sa you like usen left -to tite Ali expreftI'al- (4-Iiiuglity- I .NTUDENT MADIC A MISTAKE. tfllpleasaut'., ivay of eliftyreing. Itenwif' tita I con lost tv-sedy I bavo ever fl�v w I sawk a pace' W k 114 m. sidgr It the Flo' 0immom.mol win 4 oat M km Bt* I 1 10 11 t JL 11r 11" W4 n t 199 iarrand, witJ Trovivn,. at WWAie 114AL, w.te'foade' tier, 'towept her.face, Wk.. (Alt Ii lout ii tilltion, ulxm tile used. -*,r etbAor"lle,41 to a lilt- Abused JHisProres8or While Bollevips 'J -'am n4st e W1 A Wit, btriking di-stall0e it" %% to, ptl nt&Lll!v Irresponsible. 41I.-Agrim.a.ble o.havf. her (10 lio.- Well t 4 441 Trevilyn's Iwart; at lzifit* gent1eaWIk,--!WeJV t4 P 1116 -Ki u I'llately Vrmt to le Me y -but tbere i -k no flow of retrompection K, H T AILS YOU? 14 W El lerg tit tfte neek A t4tuokmit 44, Y. foun TboWethifig: 11A*;We il.30 il,al id -4 their VIirJAXIau icanieff, sir." Six% ivati and-lier -linbi, I* i-kil4l 4. Ir 1 'A Cold in the-gead? Some Sneezing? Lo Wild Ilargio lia-I it 411 r� :. "But fit thI4 -CAM, �Suyrel ally . blow'with AtAi and ti ire -ver eoitie Z Pa ills Oved I lie By 1441glKi to el own way. 'tits relationA -exioalitt- between vs: wil, child, . 110 *.dPall 4, fit tW1114 :4,II*!o-avoring'to- If I es? Disgusting ciats, I eftm the Ll Iv fie[! f(A,)t, ulf: ii -lake I-I'Lis ai-oidett the tto Throat?F[eada-che? nieuk-ber., of wtiieit Profewtor 04U.iman as ; " 1 12- *iha. Dropp nKI �4110 cauto Into Tolle 6tort u., lurativ admill, 0 a-uu.s lL - Sam 9 . r,ti I#. alit] UVILVIIIIJUK L wwt 111, "'L It May 0 that the -meds of Ca tfit- f4inafIg up unit raiqr thi!� lk.11 tic: I i Don't Ne- ff. wkille glie fteplAftie.d 'niyewlf fi'r ting, thim ret4livilig tarrh -Hav eell Sowi t 'o. cmiss day, audssoa,:�ked Ao 10uli-' wati. g -lilnx* hird inWr ftharol. Pirectly iii*%. vakt 1eitro,- Ing gw;. knew a littie, litfout t.11#4 16 6,W E slatwo, Troylp, w;kj tike #Ally "r!tflllg colottly fear. t1w.deatily fa:l%gs "I son - the, glect it an ur Dr. Agnew's Ca WANT 6 NAVY QUICL a Aieepy�-kioklfig and wartily Ital': 0 r Will Give Relief in fe,�tl ntl lie explaLned to �Jufpngaged. and with'. -, t4. ve 'latksw eliatilig 1116� 1_ ea, tarrhal Po clerk ry long renthera,, 6141 inlilic IiA'lf Nirik nutes. sh�o iap. alqteared.. f10 Mi llio cojupflWoni� that i4ince under its f ard twi6en m. a -t . 9 1 pinsent -..Mr. tAninere eILa'i4g*ab1e.*fac,0 1w raint[i .0rA... , ­ mglm of brandy n. jil) one 'wtisi, rtw1oonoffile for wo'k1l rememI*r-wiild-r#. anawf4ed bituglitily.; "alltol. It, Ill. obe- it irtivally twor, for "I. lutil vlir( entarrh for a utu- TIL. figlif is the §een, 11 11 ' t1te klAt. Ji jlle�__ 'isent I Ainco"to w Inheo 44 the de&d, we yie-112*- ter would rtin from. 110 w" go"19 tO take t1le fty det,4 in tell Profet.-or Ailliman I i I tal, auisot. auaAeutictues, c&u be sup 4he &MId ever, beamise exIsuilectesil Itt hamp" y huhl'64tr I I a 1�cdl 0 f ..tli#-. rharge .1 of roken., id the m.V' now,- and for (Lays a t III t%tue- 'Ioiq)ortuiilt.v to- plied wil.li genteel and-vogry PROTITABLi. tile ig 1), - bousie-4reaker 1 v - a "it * lie th"110"t Of'ldln- �l beg leaT6 &A-ure you gill- jr001111. I am not feeling quite well I - 1.- n.r. per- wit, Fitfortu Jwr kkepoing.. if the be bir I I' k lightning, plautb, i t.-4 foot I trhtt plany en without . pleyment INDL,srRN, is theewatial NJKC- -i-d may have, ndi)d of you before Ilitl 11reiltrell lutc-11 4t. .,I rilliall Y. 11pittmoior Stillma overlwartl Hia h1211KI trelublied 1L4 110, 1:1,444:tkiwit 'nifig t4lat you Av11I*a1IwUy.4 he reljtfl,�A hfwk- tuid hesti, Insifient relief wag inducAll tf I try ESdARY to "cureG403110 RiKKUNFitATION. n UK& txAiverviation. When the profeeiior Can gi v� the adlimn of rewv"aftU ve who mere Ux.m.e."' K -M -Ing of 1144, while Dr. AJ, -114'W'14 It A YS, $5 esn be -i..L faL 141 ent Co.. i-11'. into the grou lourimuWA of il- h" ast cleitired 6113 in %I glarievoll at A Itilen, _ 1 won r owig )A0, flusli 'of. aliger. iliounted tp file thO brifts I"i,kcA flait lonik. n4d Iv4 - had n return of roma rke( I Via t foir. t I start of biarprwe--a. itatut alillsom tilywir (ioi% rs tip. with Wi cured me is;. nuAt rigbi in -at that sortir it old luo%1rat!qi heshimitt, like to ladmin U I us UU t wardly Ito fit! t t he %t i i k at J. L 14, n & iA� thaoll xwept over 'I*- r acv. !1ji drop.,, ebek fie *t IA teeth. but 'te 4arank It ofV. dild then tilt ter It lie gAs 4,f) -Ponie member -of Abe a ntl *;Ubdueff. Anger, Just IaAt, Ills mas r to fit Iitul iveA - alm(wt instnt d"N"d Wag% T�W*) to U4 W. a;t once vuoi t �f- riell tiake W jib t thetnil, in t1w -head 60t. 1W %%-Itllollt. it and clatis, the pIfAter (of irdsch, 33 Iti Dad t kes t"Ps. feT aA lhrQw. 11iin4etC, 4Jre,.4w-d L. alli tlts�t IA_f(L At prowent. *Jw� lillptylitt'u. $V a:3,. (A I fit ttice. 1 11.1 t illy, dit4alioloeare4, rvIielf -out r hag wao irting rail recommen ti t D her lobe t U11 Will vt,suir lov ire OW %414UIItW e, Margle I t I ko bed. filhig. v t-ri j)w� W Z1.4 iwliffos- givffig It' al I t honr ASK W411141'K /Maw IP01K PairdMi tuto." fit- huriiedlYs, Will. 1 4' IthlW1.14-tie. -14 Id Ujilloor tendoin' ya-4 rltigiiig* 1 .%relipr. Brew cc�rknectx4l %v.it I I I I lei in(ath an -I Ike tat)n 4y-rbin I't; itlijbietite' f0or One V 43. -L Wit not l"I wit other, t r4 tit) 114' 91*00114 t ru-, to -ered,� i4adly st(villing to ;jlirok tli#-Iq. lip, -the -Jittle, lie' -jklisA )OC11" I liltich excite,l. He I -exa n to '10 have srumoed . aLlinclat Wly i1pJ;rMeII11jW UtIlitialLS 4) M I ri -or an W -a a B F fie JI&d Stoilerl enougl� Lss Jur armt whiett be. - WOW 'e ft!%vay-4 ill '1634 WA la I I 'k IPY blit Rome subtle instinct -atid 31 r.,- Lin mere. � TliD brjdcl, Wai4,. so. IWO lit oil '4ervoi Itlie.prufeiss TS told agle, Im fa64_- to -the core. abit wen'All , :1,0 st" f0r: ifielor. three thing., Which 1W W y Ite V�und t wri o4 r evt;ii In ll; he* Avas to o6r good' fortiute in twei.iring of the its #�a,-execliot wider cover of thp Iie- Butl,al i ' L 1 4, linAj -'adv* intis to ry. -Irl entoA.- ;IsAlil, Pr4emor Si L I to I a4w* '1114 6jn1p;ai*,�alit aFkl forbear-' 'the*m6r4t eligible iliall it. I it s� 11 liz BRUSHES and, BROOM89 If! r. met. Half Ifsc* :Lbout or jimatii, lio, pickod I*. u with a I ittle. ri . 7 im A I, ii 4f ing, '-'-I tooru I clia4W.- 4, Irt-.. orl , -, I. fig-.: Slip mitsde 1"'i :ittt-mpt' to,�coiiceal 'tl;io - lailles kit' tllf& city iv; in lovo. ­IN-Vi'til a'lage tug Jug mal: allowel him to gu ofi" rot @Kmlw For fiale b) all 1"W boasow. .4, rs I. ere tr r r.V Iziobve Iktir '41114j�ted 'd I; t in to W r (4vxeilly remarkk� #I 1wridWilte.olt Jilpit conceahni-titti- were With Mr. lairimore.. UO 'AWA14 O 41 i*- . s i (it Ihinger and t1tat Jears. a flqu I and other ill- Nightinart I " a *011110, blasufaclum", go Almi fAl intilty-41 g'r. host CHAN. 8411MCK *� pie. carrifA -10i 4�121 rcet of d1ronouneed I: les F. familiar. ti-) Margle j4 nAture. titm fit . ; are inost (outig fr!mi it , - ­ f*' anie, bet rds, 7 %ttq)ped A .,so loftily 6'.ett. ­- or "I titfier w6i T014ONT0. ON%. k yot garintivy pondew-eii(lilig, va #40 ':' - -L- Disease. I sr. ttW,-Iy 1rreAx)ikWhk-. for till gati AinAl was frnn ILittl open rw the day. is of Doled to tile I I "iQ4 and (.114.1il iN titail tak, 4if, lizifril, ti and Fra n- rit,4a Mr. f-Ininere's -wvriff- �anld. r -o ininiita,16ly 1asicitiating. if Tho li-ftif (of t0`rtoL* rw i or iww'p; Cure to i)e lloart will give. re- yet Well turneil- pv--S;iU T IN, TV% de (if V: Dljmit*v4, Itild will ef- eio6c., Argonaut f t lim we mimy a nd ried, Ile had a -grt;at ratoy lesimems &I "ur owu bomo b) smiL on. vil * luiC I Lc i trifti i 6� .-adaptation. and. 'made - hInWelf a prof#:,twor, nd kite' L jilSt'i'low 'to nfe,' 1114,11 f1r U 'in nrltillit istubborn, 14 w Ig4 ngrt,.4,tl' wit 8impImt a" most rapi4 eyotem kwwn. For liortitAx-ti-41 Ily f4LVt a re -Yery(mie- He 1lad trav- Jul ilql* a lad�$ her fail, J.er nly .11elt1th. Tif, It's- qgf 111140, svut Of Mail%-., -term* wW full infornatlim Milk T 1', agrpeablp to 4 lilfld0r, Init'lliv [Or. tlW hillnense sCaw*­ Smybhe,tli Wollington sitirseL 01 taw&. gto ou. W elied extenelvely. -wa,; ciclse observer and t4ke'- lier 1rolu a carritWe it ft ill i-oi- n1orkiory die. 1- kriew yfmi the.n. I.,lit yesu dutitu-, werie. heavy, 111411 again LlghUi, 4or Light 4ai 11 -irk ereo yq . 1111g. 1111,11.fia(Vt4i Ww r and haol a'retertitre' wmory. NIO. rev�- Accomplitiltmetits' wfilch. make -,.Inel;. suakeit,. alia -:1 penalty is at - Lyn wax charm&l.,virith Itim. o was -po;)ular, alwas. uiy. troubh-, r6timil Yl& tifue- it u%I111 A fie taelled J)y law detAruction. And 16tiate U)e trI;�ijlljjan of inankinoll-to niiwh* to i drlr4. Lee rfrli�aot qof 1largie's. -Early-, W July 31r.�Trovtyei sui ar- wjiW more i4evere 4 in, the winter J. it. 'AleXar, Irbit were -rw"vqiry, iiutWrvAb4_*lf other was a vill-alri. ani 400t tv- araof Jt -11 -*fars of teo4n tlx� Ills- to which f1tvAti is Ileir-.:. a rival tImelle, who aecklentally 'ed. -by - a I 0y &trdWd- I trif;i t4iould 1w W4 J. (I beef -to + Von are acivompant . - g.*, -y par 1xv,,filue comlilet to prove Jar* 4f I Ulti hunf. W ralw 'the iFtandartit of nmrilllity dr� I fit 1A I-pellist tVeIll4g. w"t down to 'lotay. r. Twv- e 'ItAtclientitrius." jare He otooped. and TIFUng tho llvoprtle,r riglit �to, o inakt Mr. Unippre Played alml sang Witf, lyli fintl lot ago'forel,;worn everythbir' valolous Mledi 11�Remx 1' 1, difforent, �j if vaT i #oc!i�eIw_rr6es uicie, enhrmiel purlt�r ad 400d I t rleye A exqul e taxle a-nd skiti-Ife. wit" abie- W re-; hird maY J plea t, j life 4,,ne or felivity--t4kould be welconiftl 4 1 ier 4111111,111". lik � M r -It Curiously 4, r ars of mi arg of go i4l -or:1190 Unit.: hat ncle Margle Harri-: islclatls.� Finally, WN trained, ntit' iA trained. to lorotwt live." Ile emnly. 3 arm or n marinaladi!. Illy the public. Mensm J. L. NiC1106 & coldplete vizioter, lf Iw - art, * and, in �Wxl' had come to resii.16- ivithAiini'lie ' tt - it top .111y thiti4 05. ln-Alle�u'pring f)f t -oiily from o�naktiv, Will- he glaid. Y%.l have hem- tit alldvei- poultry y;tr pi, I- I 4P iven heeinit lialAt,4. and ni No 33 Richin(Rid street 11k 4.1' herw1f. argle listenlild to him :tip 41. g, tr 0 .1 ard k fill ho fal. Flo" t I tne, I P-liall him*r 'P.0 18ilflo v w -.*w' .4 � I O.C. tA -A prmkbInt of the which tre tco fon(t or tvga, tiout from f C i ettler wine, nnWIslite), flaw iow.ued The purpose, witli a deligitt Urit was alia4st ax- lovii (itilte like ltsotlwi nice; g�nity. old , 1* 1 Jars (if ir otlii.-r or lAglita. or Light im Dark Conwrw," J�rulq'14oqf'jjl�r.mos itlemen. I - i -hi considerall,14) inm or ho e t. Would the, *�:%iw were tltwv 81w ditt iiot pur( noi4e any :all ment tfie ffip,144y 4r a I e, ivriliell baxi not liaK t1w end4 test above went out forgetful' of -her errAIN"I. willi -cbTise went doWn, Thursday wt;rk, the, trou a ovaluable dditItio to tke The plan, n Tivir. it Is Ile JudjCef her 1 14 ma:4,irrity !of till- gat- bren entirely eure, beg. fe IN A f I FT F Arch was joto awk want- f#br Sir. PaOT Linifiere followed dii -ut to 11-1 _ct. 19th (witury.- am te 14 Will LhIlel %Vas t 4 he: 14 Of g literature q if of every family, t of Alki w0nell fie udd met Ibiding tier In- t ht urdoy.., "Margie liad 'it d 116 -would, 4 ou different, M sought;lo rhuf4e her Jeal- in aot III' folre.1 Bill Phould Iw In tile hando der of the dav;, anti ec)m!,Jt fI col in ''Ili. ti4ef(CV, i The r6al 4 V1110. c ISO a lien the. young t+jndersil, Viat hi., fellow -clerks ' langh- f It* wll() not dia.liet lk%ll rang. In iie. readlitr rtuvin of every liskie enjo.Yed the sojourn, -hilt h14 jwe- and 4,arefu!'ly read.— ouxy fly flirtli different tk)ctffr* Im none, did me liny latrf W. - mi at film mirelo,ilted. nienii,, avorw- "atten- Who jPL mat, ., lid good.' Ilrof-tv"or Vo% um-, pro� wakk 4ence.. d&tr ' eil for her all tho crtainsi cratker crumbs. IN* Reem'd. led thip tr�noifer .0i dUtItm-'wIth tA4 not lveen tal&ij . C. Ow -fittleli tlotv,- But . arg. U11 -of w epoe. told ibe of idle out Of Illan%' witir a relief %v4 ti% W) evident - � a and sky. I Shie gre. frighten. fivii )r of natural a -lid tAf 1104- 4,41. Tublute." I -lie i�. The -readwe f this 1). -r will two The ab(we N fistlY E. Eddy's when 8110 t1lought llf)%V, ll, riell IS_ , %jitli Co I Williamis I:inli so mile tiin,,ke nother crack6r Into pleased to le r %hat the're is at learit that have [**Vt given of thio that Mr. Uimelre, plilurd attol irrkated, 11 tN )c, I % t 1,1461Y * % I _ ' oi Auck�; werp bo,)k niumt Tw I v -,r sfin. And In l3ut t1w y . IaA 11prit botik. but thii IslariCie flar"riOn _�.guprklian lkvk*up III' hat.i4i lefive. in t1w, mido Ile a 1416 for ale I't nd arged ine tiny pleceo. (life dreaded 4se that rWiPnCP I V ( 14 brilliallt file �)ctober- lind reZ Us tie f' r- appreciated. It I* wild somt at brealgfaj.�t, N10, Trt Ivit klto-, she-,wim- to beegine Wit wIre.- ituligry, . atid It 'wits 01ell fall ui, recod 11K , , I uU. of owL or ni'. thenv a -it, liemi.lillo, in ;111 its lmd'ages Uches is t( t *-n able to -Wilipt If .11 in strangely ot ll aixint Iter Hall's CaLarrh Cure 001 1110 v 4461no'wily, Margie, felt k (of farn very lo-WitriZ. r1le lin. b;eo Lt Etbel f by suI*wrIpt1kvt &$ 'the nominal stin tiliem* tht that is Citta dinner' and ie, big bran' -r Ile $iff), far-wfilrh amount the puilillsibery tworly 7 -s -he ItlookfA hadJUilit re- OAile She know thottr* is tile pIlly- iiva curt! rXio kv*ed rVery lt�ivis-t at rY. thent. Wilt seild it pistP&I'll. Agwits ishcoild lijoril- a kllful-v 'U) the mpdi frnteri The phctien of tdiyied- Ili,. Welit UP, the w4a the arrangewenw %vere all -inade th ama I' I eonelwitx to just '4,4 she It. ilty' Catarrh ng and It_ Wa. _of til i..4 . Jf0i o!il illft'l, WIJqr0 M&rkle Waa W".' Iding tiou-oieail wam being got- I1"1 410'-, it cow. (11 aAw-. requin-s filiki th[PA #21 PIEW[elit 11414.1k to ewll Ad - UK The firot'liox ahil tht ion -11 waa 'thinking -ao; "Jift'-glanrod t plea­f- ypu better', -next Wl up- fly n faiihibnablo itiolliste,41tat Site. had timly flate-crcker to cillistitutit: treotnient. psiblishTra. Ih.)pe- `)iaikl. "Good t et- ths� table. She bad RIL time,'! -Jig Pak], lifting ke mwre 01RIL , r had rt�relvetl or(leis for fie, Brums OaTrw rtitilling t�lown tarrh Curt Vt ki 4f ". L. night:'SlArglie dear.". -Anorl before ohle feaiot, and that t1w orang6-4 we're '111141 114-v 7 rom- -the tr "it- U).0r-d he.r. The olld knottier 4itick ilied 91% Bright -faI111W the profillow 4 h* -v chilill:41 ere 0 X el� ing )014 the Illocki and livret4ti. �ivo-r the etly wax aware, he to.ut-iii[ him lips to, tier Well, whil.1 bu'rat illtO flowe�s, nt ly ki AWr twin'g six him inueotA isurfa f the -�.y8 T)woo goolitkiin hair Wa-4 chtstunt w Me of .0 JLI.. At4 116 C. 40 tem. there - envy 11 . 1 . lit. rolindatl(HI Jlkinket;s entinot 1w fiAl fr*�quvitdy X r. 14 ftahea& SW Uirlip- her. haiml &Way from 7W*W- to:46-wis Wr fo "d (io r rov otiie puphowl liehinst 14tr a 1! -.4 W h - inj lip I PY dent Ilbov" of the-DONDC d- I., was fifttirely lie patient ripplinor m him, witt a f. Ai 4-f 40gor o4prafig too 1) day. She dempo I Linii -orf I -ay I lisfIlly We"' l(livily, wid ;Iltl �izlvilkg t tuade. (of the film"t vem had tawptl a d#w-rw-r Iiiiii ry T%eti UKme-- 14*-r P. - her f -flee*. lie. survf-Yed. her with Ald- -w it] t ber whAt 6) ulw-tiatfik ? Eve one " -f t strength by iqjl(IIt,g ill, t1w ronstitu- 0natsliltl - thpv wf-r" IMP W0114 3,4411. . I i tj JPL i A -el twtb�r - -Lud rtiager liart �durkllngm Peramblett, ;W141 *Prab- Wilfopf,, Ir y IJW4d livitlik)tIt f-af*01 6 liked jt - in a #110 alte wmrc*ly gave' I)aby tion find am 4pg lintAire ill doliqg it.4 miration.. if i;q)irit xpre� ltp)y, yet WtYDL", oppe,*1plo L- JW'llite ey lidepof tto 14' 1 led, and into the wa let th went tul a4rh4c. will l'ielaw- toafford that 4je- folould nnt Irne**4 at Her-.fea le1r;apsrroacJflnk marriage -with kiiii- certaini. reeloinm;pnd Dr. 11 work. The rit-tors [is"- 141 much il':V(J JillLe to gUI)(Jue- It ykilrit . 1 1. . - liei(mis %,armth and to 1w the luxuri- it slit 40.-tholik fit. -She4ondered tila faitlo- In Over 4pileately lrrfqiji&r 0w. -fore�h ,=Pa I I I f In. It g w Ith a opliwil liowere; that the Williamn' -11ink'I'i bit a4milair.todfor- 6Q k too r Attek arc- when Hollow. twomi awl wbita:,.her r-ldn ilva% dim Her arger mi�d-. her thfiUsand tinmw ktw did not ; will mile - t1lought ot It on Id -tlw, intsithe offer One rs I Iolla for it ny rlV4 nd :tiver-worke el WIK41 WaslIf4d they 1411ould lie drisoil am al,4'all -vie lietle.dUtkies tiwan, amp pWd a" an Infarit'-4. and lier - ito)qtJ � to Send for .1 mc�rp - r*antiftil. W- gt,#)od looking at &Lr, she witiq xIwekeLttJa'fin41 herm-If agaff: , i f1l r. ami * diompiwared c Rild the nap rattled utIll ripe ajid red. a#4 a f fit finwit tier a mment. thesil turfled AJ)"41. with- so impa"ive. filtirsledly after lie. list of I olvAls. him]. -pink nitip4lin,wrap- drp'w. 'Her party had,heml a Week at ng over SIMAIII with a fille' am �Jlsjt grew liv t1le St he woro a I. ILM(mg Vie rusii!14�4 Addrc-Kci. F.: X' ok CO., To- aPe Pqached EKI�s Wi oulatd.aft.luce- : i s(lort- tntlwtt wom)l card. ppr. tied w1th white ribboiiiii, in Mrgle itru,her fi,rehead w1th Jibr -May, when. Archer * TreAjpi eatne edge (If trIle PCffW. ledo, 0. hand, als If '"Ile t wrved in med Ethd I itt 7 lwr hair -IrroVed P. Wotd(I pr::08 tile down, . witi) to 41fd of III* employer, WICro tVgx.int�wt laalPe ,Why !so x- tat Sold .7by dt a, -m6i like dinner It in -wait to gobble itn- Ueri he hv�d M r. Belgrade. W lady was* in delj.� Of L 1114 fqr Tnellt, "'tfiley dl4Ut't 11111.4 fire tho- Miwdt Liniment Cures D&ndruff. flaill"P4 Fan Nfargtr disoarl,". $aid .%Iexwxirlrte came W"I put -.1ter'arm and had been advise -I. to. I I U). une. an -alti vegetable ouvome otber,plee! They. fuln.&O their moo- t;Ile 4-kiled LniC.- '11, k ijyd qp' a I to �1 Oil CANCW4k T patiming in hip war* fif 1104tor -amund Margi�'% wab4t'. try " air and �urf-ba r.. I . . lalf. a.cah of their tpe; vry flM mll"Ite Rr V* r 40. AAA IMALIC ISO ra i ned in a saucepan; Rift; Mind Is Gone. '!I- afmf*rt envy ytisill, Margie," .am. . 9. Relgrade'm I Aiteas. allow 113LO 0 0 rwiffin, "A wvOt yo -i to I,jok V wo n coutinum tti1vt to -night., T -add M o..I a bay leaf wid foi a -secnd, General hifk4_ pro 0111C to fekt,�- fit %lint si.yigularly.purring vice do absence at; Junt tha and he oth I Old Gayboy lu" Illayri0l iWaill." rnificent Ills I,; -_4d gntly tillilkin U Ater bals- with I- - thants, find agricultur- brillo home a friend or iniiw, fnw, wit, ill, hem.. Ah, 14141wn. Ilipi collfidelltv jpTig Of Celety. r, isimmer g. lid, titan !Wte. gave " Yol don't tell' nw M. Mr. Lt for five nutm it to ftkalo Kim in Cana l notieenbty in (4itario Iry fai in hgaiff;- -add 'ket tuid rair.quicklyo up Ule i was also iovir fathf-r friend n� Suc4ieye4,,aiA h. kndf Nuch a voice"! clerk by selectfng him. as 'If iii, w I re 'a Yen, tini he inart-lei a right a&ow the strept and Itito tlie nnd Quebec. %tljflre the movPniOnt (if fr -n -ore a arrIv"I d Clirol, Vj,- Well, Moirx* yk in firg-U.rmto and lie warr!eft it br' amwiss. TT#, emort. tw(v %lablf-Wmilluls f b tter anti 'two wilart, .1 tlablc%poonjute of It farm lorodtle textiles nd Rietil I ycUllir day.' tWat yqu have 11 ouke. uWer than Inmt w ;x usual said Brother Hal cmitinues at firni prie*!s. Busl- iti iodifisok out littrodut*!d into, lky so w�.- I I rubbed to im oat. te, Stir con- Late, rl forty earto yoi lit- is.r, Margie"af- cbowk a trifie Ax.. A nd 1,111w. Ute sighed. bmtkbk6lied an, aristocrat qa, Writ. M- p" i'lito. ilie dining wxHl" 11(444 it4 not in Nova, �4cotiai. Well, I deelare! Hlim owtlier wife pewhy bloani Mile t4mod witk the heavoy looklK of her violet Alk. with xtantl.*.ufitIl IkAli 1Ldd a �6a*q)pon-, aA. r.,tjwl eamd Fix n" U and fie wetit off jPLW"NKKTLY OUREP Hi I fiJured, grade. Arcfi might *at once have take* at at table. " It"s W where the tav" or Windwir has be -ell ilovit diet foot roy�ly tin rp-, 'tIW &fr fit 'Me' -w t) WAI ful of wilt sk fill of *.a,. teaspoon and *-.Iwr w 441s 4% MW gravi tlint 1 ttwi Dr. KlWse's fAreat INerve It" x prominent, place among the fash,lon- Ux ftfsteail 41f ine 'tll&t' Lyoll' practictilly' royed by lire. The FITS ter1w. No fil" or swvmivae* mark. b8t . LA 'a proper fill of Ix-pper;- An( stansil aside tintil -minuteP, deteron)hi" t"r, �IW I PW: . h* iv."U141 liaw 111r. .6 - . for' [its oil ularly halW18114110 Iste, ifisiolil"Idmi -.'w Ike ew.-ilrunsw 1-.tnib;-r cut 1-lit'expet-twood after first d&y's ude Omd to M AA* air*" 1441 94.OU 1111dirptan-I 1';' . it Ur. slqArit *4 tpiatiimv 19 ir it 14 tWr i0tisolu ro4 waited 01% n rew WantAxt. Covc a Well. you mv, your wt 1phas- a WWI fRCO-.'&Hd 10911 -bred manners madelitin I uldely 1. TI am - at tl;e _c lock too Ile (Aly 4 hird that of Isist, ws- 4 ter 11141"1" 4.111d tree 1112.41111 I'llignere Imoi returnfwl," Mr. Paw 0finkere lourr" jal(A tA poach glanced up t L W, all- Actillisition to any cotnpany- `Biit Bqt It -P, timp 1xiist time Poll. Prince ard Island �is reporte,l 84ftW UW botllls�]Pvr ask bw J. A. Harile. IM Now* yew stir." t1triough an un.froo-luentid op Twt to I& the eggs,.' slip- tile 4)tt too of the Dame streek NLMUML Quo, _hv multO of rwx)ma at Abe,St. Nk9iolas. He Anfl to &AW119 1W IOU lwl, ne�er forgot that fie liad. [*of 4* tonst, Ii ir,hround t1win the tomato paid E:thel 4WIdedly,- sending IntgO antitis, of farm Firo- mom street4weeper, and lie wooluld not - -nd Kirin te with� fine Y- It lo!"' duce to th6i Va�lited 8tiiW*. l3ank Mi 21i elit foi- male every WiA t.. her t4s, takp Pxtra pAins. wlMi w&4 very wit4i. everybody ;, fie. wl uoe, a ' ' I nard subinit to be latr(milzed 4y the very Cl, Winnipeg. Itantilti6n, yodrow4f, argie. for tke hast. sf-ed idt felt like wt ffl-trpt He cIA)pped pasuley.- S. T. Ro' r in And Ethel, kept her _w sod. She 11w earingu tit re reet '11*0ple Whoo.lkiul once, perhaps, grudged no,i Julwnal. learned, her lopmoll omf learned it well, Montreal, ll;illfax, Torotito and St. Speed at Which Clouds Trav X 0" In the FuropeAn lPnntl(*, and I (III not had C!xpe(*U�41 Mavj�le too fall at him Noyember -Lailies' ei vrent my littIO .-iinferIcn fhxwe�r -tA, t) at'idt6. .% maxii of !fix at-tractio'nol too him t.he pennies they. iAd thrown to' but tile big white tnother� John. N. It a 6ounted to $26,740.000 anG*nobody can In the shn4k-, Wfll Ycft rp site m'- be mullZedas he lialel"Iwin a'merio him as they yould have t1trowh- Hardl . y N *91d ltler- duck lit I� to her. lant'week. Co ared with $28,735,- ARIoQsogh the moveniomt, of clouds RICUS PURE SALL know Who Inuff I, revi ps week. and *21,911,- bredul to a aftarving dog. o 1W she will al- 000 t1a ,previ very often appears imliserceptible,yet teh TANX of a girl, Jo! avoldet] wxlbty, and attended only rxi Mr.. Ki6iin--Vid y roe thiLt young And Isom rery mr6 that PA a matter of fact it ip veiry great, KST fee Certainly, it you- *M6 _Mr., %V 1; 1 fitid nwWwto tame tier, when' ways keep her secret. BeCRURe why WO in the WeP(k it yomr ago. There tell it, that"al all! were 27 111011,84ten-A failures reportell but, owing to their treat ImIght., W Pry" onee tow W mine."'be motoe�red "By ru. Belgr". But f rosm Alexan- W91W&A JdXt -Am wO over ? she. Cant � To b I Nb "Oh heaven f t)ut It will 'bdt rare fnlort to drine. IAe lie -could not escape. ile. 'Uriq. Mann -You the -woman In from file Dorqtilon f Canada last r"re ottmrwiw. CIonds in winter TOL break that f1cry 0pitit! It will Tn4e fastexled upon 1drii at once. .41 te I I ad tho'camells air wil, and beaver TAKING, TIME AY THF, -FORPIAVK. week. a total'. considerably minaller 1,are an average speed of 100 milm x Le Jacket, the me w ..You &ro a W it re 4"t r. me ynung again A babit-of xingling out gentlenleti, one w had on bronze than thnt of!$hc prevtotis woek' an Jolur while they sometimes at- A her dX)ft, a hat w an 8"JI toy thished breath-les.4 Into a nnething white, and'PtiadmO bound, '9nd giving them tile dintiliction c trim ith f uellsi 14 taln A �elloeity 9f 2100 nijim in the 18 your afflailml'4111IMMad, rf Yfln liant"s, off Ice. '"I' the guvaor In in the third iffek of October' III any Imloot Illi4 path. mpee-tral hand was laid Att0IIti0nI4- and no one thought of and hel"rope, wit pink rlbbms and 11'Pre (or the fur po4mling years. som-P period 00 11 ke fee., . even notleffig . it flow. Arch wait ill t a* chiffon veil 7 No, dkin't notice lle� Yes; w.hat do yot) wlint Musa" THAJ4 a 11111lueftird I have been tolill suiol" on hb� am, chilling fjt' sp Paw, Icular. W you W)IIlg to .16 Mu e lilm, myself; ino"t liar- a (t - is letWr to And yOt 10 the f&CP Of that fact- throggh hix clothing. The ghastly bpheatli the inflictlovi, bit lie lit part tickler." There re V::our*nique mountains be dit4appointed I all thitqM C!rlx do I*at -me! raer of a woman -a face framed ln� wax a thorough gentleman, and could may about bar ? throughout life In every hope we hare Woo. I "ve w-mp of my jet black hair. and lit up by great n(A repulse her rudely. The hoy s iiii1iortutilty got him in. in Lower Callro.irnia, two of nlum. one clieriWied thkn to be deficient in 110pe. 12oLuk he& Pile Terror Away. Wpll. I)oy ; w lint (R-) you wa lit ?" of alum find sj1pliur mixed, anti one Tile extinction of hope I#, virtually owiti!" be, added t4wtllY. black P& briKht an Iotarm, gleampd A flow days afWr th rrival of 'Mrm. da it t . am D'yer want n. orffice boy, Fir Of Pure SUIPIM!". It is estimated that dgagb. unn I - Belgrade, Areh took tier down to the Dr. Agnewill! Ointigent i4tan 1. trim am better Itiot alone. odr. It throngir-ne mirk of tl e night ou impudent young rasc-l! No! in the four'piakm witned therp are boW to foorl one's self 00111011d The man gated Into the weird face, lbeftell. to battle. The beach wam Itoml as a reliever healer, awd sur*. Y OW flow. The ntract of thU kiwi. and xhook lixe a leftf In the bla"s alive' with the gorgeous grotemque cure for I'llen In ftarms. One arks- -Wilve got bne." 10010001, 40 of Pur9 alum and KM Wiftea0sr's 11100thisial"P to a Rover so fulm a co you ain't, itir; he's ju,4t Isin 1.000,OW of j*lpliur. W&W Well, now, I allowlil think His arm sank nervelm too his -@W, figmrom of the batherm. The air was plication will give infort In a few itnetenty Wievoks the ohm Said palsied by that frozen' touch; III* bracing, the iqurf Pplendid. Tdinutes, and three to six &ys $ &p- run oyer In Cheapside." Servwi aud females or every rakt, n2.wateiii the ossio* ad MADC ADDOLUT *Mt sued y"­ unawn Is all that Any t sold siad jig aw. W , Not that lie Mr. Treviyon's carriage drove down pileation according to dUrectionA will Boy engaged. ir Lam do r ROM RION PIL woman etmh.4 Wtob. voice waq. i4o unnatural Ititig continue employees Ift WW lkvou*w a --it h soon after Mro. Belgrade had- finish- cure clkronic' cajw. It rellevles all W S(Mtll Africk, The matt average ten 91,11111011 SOLD IN Be. siad 10c. too OK =W y9% too y0WW ; &bout ntart SAME OLD DOG. aw tony-avillit mWeh is Junt - tlw age for Is My 0 od A rabel TOG* I tbe ed fAr morning"P, "dip "' and Margie Itching ad burnin lkin In t9 One wOmaln 1414we, and t lierefore Mite po" W Tw" n sa tep, man7 good-looking, -1 ntel- ()P&4 coins back and Mr. Linmere, accompanied b3 a day. 35 cirmt* A- 1,it tle Willio—Say, ina, have they lat%r are quic',ly gouglit In marriage. Ask for Dunnsm pUrdo G titer AO L W- L