Lucknow Sentinel, 1897-09-17, Page 2(Joul IM, low go wui III, WSW rpenings of 14 Ij so, 1po the OPP -tar 17 tit, fie - couW again polst- kj Pone asking Mat tile queNtioa be had- THRO 'P S LIFE# THE .4' 010.10F S1 Y �a%v`r, and t" i?o I Tho P.,A; i8l, mi, long beco ivanting, yot fearing,,, 1P Ui 4 - HE POETS V4 tti 1U4k.'-,99ut WAt herwif mat- Jilin Goss at t1w door. Luse in all Moods— jj Bald-f4ced Bill stumbIed. almost fcll. m _ Y, howdy, Maw!" she ejactilato: —Of the— Th- I'lartlil k1l - recovered hiniwif and then stood Is I'iji4 rl�jit glad to., moo ye r A by 4 al,lo ti.a, Grave and Gay Oie -of Exposure to inclement -ut Mpori 0 Didn't ip', but vt tat; 't%%Ias* ro. t stock-still and, turning know., f r it - PN-mft d- - Ro EY BIRDs. FOGIO 0111110 in" to EMMY U10 olf!" a==. aw is, a ChaDgeable Weather, und World Lit. - is is appealing -1,y., into Ili* niaster's eyc&. IviD a Figlit good..notioii . too (to tile me&. wicou" 4 hikuso. It Way 4, The Irish Emigrant's Lament. U'liat's "th' matter. 11111 ?" auked it,,, ith aemjw._� 11 I.at tue I-flast a vlioie? D— if.ye itain't." what lie c(Alsid to I'M bittiag Ili the otile; Mary, ered remarkable audacity—and ilicif 1-�ducation and weak eyes notorious- pt . I y as lie, Fla wterc- we *ALt elide by rdde 1, he'etin-tinued. after- diumpunting and lie failed) to foll(>w - upj, tilo (jopellillg; -,he Masily Pal is a Proy 4' . . _`., I ljirKk% vay. whlle tie- 'lainining the foot tho homo ivAl up Rea" together. e to Eil ---Rhou- y go oil a brigLt May morning knig ,,I g but' asked: all alone, mat.?9* Only 2 per cent. (if ex idition lit - 'fm llisriot-etion. Ought t' love had ye Inatisin One of tbii Most Natural 11;e-. lildidn * children have deceptive eye- a ++ i�,- bright-. timi4i ala,6 o. tiller cli&r- Y, aetAT in to .4 IVIten fir,,t yeu were my bride; fil't-4o up more"a two weeks back. ol" i4li'd -say al(me, 1, Maw In' paWo'. 4.!a sight, Tile vorit Iva" aq)riziging, fret;li and IlArt, all* ev'ry sialts-- one W400.ulfereod for U' pwpLrds gro children ouly' I blu + IL1111- jQue t' - taown, and of ne -2 lie took-olit his knife—a TIA--n- is a .114 eliarletau in grVen 41,011t'0111 -the range.. a it' even ol: 1, fail Of No amoGives His Riperiencer. iser cent In 31exico of 2,000 children cati vory inany 0 19 it -t blacksmith and ear-pantogli 'no Ye Ind flae lark Kin.— Itnul and lAgh th -)ck lielao., do -vie ovath - oil' tj '11, than IOU were found to be niyo_ %you tl,: xr. atAost, artists. shoti—tti-Itly removed tile rest of - the gr" gos '(Frout tlit* United Sta IIN:vi vay. I 140M -wsk i m ItIng hair,wam Im-rtly a IKI thi. roid wa;4 on thy. lij to the er0ek t4k a �.vr furirpl. f4tt, Intelligenedr, Relleville. Wc, but - In bout the lFarion porsolial pow.. 11�ut %%am aloilo, a lid In A p, M ry, nallit by 'iOlich tile Shoe hung eitra And e 311* it. .11f.14`11j) ail' conio Ill. lyleoll MILL of the schoolchildren have weak I I we light ill y.oul hoilf. �11111 ille slwo� ill hi.4 pocicat, and. Ontar.16.) Pe Ped ail timisual dogri-.-, havo-islipix-li right'i4xxi." part, 4( Isis vald- The 14aL X I , I I eYe-4, while in Germany thot4e. so af---earry L-; littl,! change,.]. - _ia Y, tol-c-tvst(K)d up aml scratched his"head. It is doubtful if ificre Is cloth tal in tia"'.XX slulow Lili4V*-. MIC Young It was twenty -odd nilles.. back toL to 'thes, kitcIma. any er. ach 50 per -cent. ti(CL C.9, -10 bright a-4 thelli , j _ I I and 18L woubeft wl-o fl(ovckf to,--b� ar will cotdol TIK.- day f ee ted re I" -it tile cur r.jitl`rtLt there. IvIth 1144 -twes.- - ntt 4?C431110ation moro trying.' to' _A� % Tfbe lark *.4 JOUd song Ili in My -Tnbotviilel� iviience Sam liail 4arted a Utloft t1j. 1 14 It f)f..tjI0 Is 1110lith 'Open am sihoe ARPt" I -is� C"hildre s .1 -elown.", Mot by all.% .0 Ity ljavo appromel- w corn i-,4 greg�n agaiq' ti-mVinorntrig. find It(, MAt %% - Anoil tl - disliked t lie ide w rmher. - it tire ohligi!d to a atexil tilt- exotilLsittl d6tinctiful of Ill* T m�m tLe "t clasp iL)f your',hand oust . to aw im "and stornisl, of; Be hel n 6' returning that distance flitted gra;;4ully at .,Uto room I)rc* E.xpoo6d tus- tlw rai lipol mix or Ci lit years, fille*a. Win and Stocky4d I.A. I'LaYi][19, its uld4luQ liog-tic quality, Itiol -ek, have 1. .41100 set ; so after somo inln-� parmg- #;tipper. lie Ux*. fit everY, d6-. Saturdit', r4inud atiol spiritual, If w)meUmfw And yinr breath wariii, oil lily cilit tile nutulurl waaon, and at tilt) saine il"F41tvd till, tbeir parents Ili case of -Lit tit tile tAll, litllb flkuro'-Alie pret-, meditation. fift-. 41ecided to g6 Unto ell -Ifnd I iiitill' ke,,I) 154en1n.- for the oked,witli the di;st ca'asequenir Ill uied almence. But ag; niany ie Lflow0d nit or I Pi4l ifItt4I4vtli4JIty- TI.e real ex- -never more may o;pe co oxtinful y0th' itc.1 irurls L that 'chistera, about 1.11)*611 tlirc*l falls a Varetitis are to& p A gra wet. mllt-nev of lao�tvrt4 tit -j" "i fort la not for You ak. ahead and trust-' to 'uck.' and. after Ay 4tev, aild tlm--. tblek. .�Jiwk haii,,, %'..Lll;ill iree mil' I I rtg, le �:e;wlly, wr t, j pro%ide' foot 1. To i u �4 ;IWIlt tj boy). I I t 0,.Vith', 'XUP[Wat t4io ill- crowd. But 8%up Ak)vvll for a cow me ull IlOr neck. Ile wilindored if W04la- I)roy to disease. 11fro. t1o;$, H o 1�avis,. and -clothing, for their childreit,-not a HIlOw" aj jolul-lo ll� klud t I tol, - liame 4-ao. it 'feature that 1 tte little church 6t,1"tj4,L a;- ever let k�loayn P40NEY evc-r. his �relloio% Alit I travellin other direc Itilli handic tolio4o curls. towllsllip� Of 1"Cok- fe w ot the cantoiLs. ltav'e midertaken .4 S MAKE wo &rU*- . litolk 'W, much to Ilia r' lVell,'conie. 'if' gr a ro.4ident. of tile tei;t" weW�'*+..-.+ e tit on all muld nXXV-11i . ZI I TI.e church where we wer wed, ary, tiol". 11 aze, Sainmylo,".-ifie 6D.'j)'rovidoi na4loitanoe, at'] It Is esti- a I K lontlike tic, w) Intoorsrt-sting sio 1wrtgrogrotty 1()ve- t I UtIl , ellef, told him filla!lt. I reckon Hastings -county, foil flight t 1j", I 'I aiie� tht3 spire 11K,m here;or- I that ' there IV:' crOFeArbado jus -they ahi'.tL'.-4 - %V,' ows I- .1hp: putted, that aA year 40,0:)0 children' % i* 11o'biti, i al 7 thr, some L 111011 *tatA ly, that the %youil vvi-Noen knew lie But tile grave yard lice. 6et*mn. al"olld it, the timb--r. with a store loilt- 11.4 two to -eat, Ahis tiii'le.". 43-411ilig machillo for. tht.. Wfre thwit iiid,�dhy the S o, aljori,,404, -at artist, and t6ey gidle'd say f jorwarci to oil &-half for IrA(, I:iIj alic wif. to death nluxt ho a gn Mary, litackifinilth )AItIPIX Hjttilloted I 01d elery full.. For eight or it Woolf. tile d f0r rcotis I..' lottounw] tle-ir sikillarf into J& Jai). m1twel., tftaL t-1 I it WaR J114- tW c4jottA froza 11 "*1- , " -ow money And my i&tgrop might bredk your reist, C I os:% by. I wish't 0 ..ine yoars it . �2,606 %plairters ztnd 9 1'! 7 haudIIII11- luoiiL,;- Ip-jo w)ine mail ei, 2t' - witj jyj I(scilli, Tlovn� %% a-4 niAlob, lit tilt! matlije!�s of -d . oil,* oll'tty.4 thou Blit lie did d the gitputh indicate' first by 'r Mt1jud %4'1 ni Uanlit Jilin' �Iml ght Shill. Wao,subjoct to. attgoks'of hirjalij- Tit(! ak , I you, 4.larling.,. dow, to t prtLFA,IItjY, jnUel_l t' tl is efiryliatithorntivin head, alul tit(% 0 uY it, bellig.voror tinild, d Very jjjcrcas ill cottoll explained that pvc-ty tine (on o, m Ilan juade more 1110ftey Vor I've I lioll , - 'Ila tery rheum cottoij !mfers ill tile flep.. It, shpuld 10 thf. I boo hi -4 surprin - y ad atLsni. The: diiwaw t1wre, Is -tn rotor IWIC. r. ifit -r, WAL y4)nr baby o your bre tit ra ngtor,t-u rniId and galkIsPed ilyiek lititigry. I w.4 I tles. Af ter supper, .1jo% %trall .'its iippearanco in. - the w as It j, l4i'll," artist n -tl lito I'(1 tell yell, I,(. ever, Y mado -over lhst- year of furnIalwd witli, i )it. I, in a f ;6 -thits year 14itilig jo,iper. ir�l i0wjW*8 tiall any Idisnist in U cry," frk I I'- continu and tile fea knolovii W-7ave m$dp iy,-bore. He can I - ux very loutly jiolov.* Mary. gall and Cd _illrOklldlo�llt 11it"' u7!)I000' -#--oA^tot jII,div;dulI erf-ditel' IV t It is tj 0 8.1'ai. tflfI.r, Mat 4 but- in tltp. to 449, 1 - tfIll .11 -It gm -so hija an J.)ppoitullity. j -,(j or Its' 5 tit re a strangioll, t lilt I nerm: Excellit Ili Te*iai;,'-where 1% itIl the aff4jrd to discard 'this lolt'of eharlo- W(ioultl ro- fo) r ro oo t. zii t -lie L �vifiter,.causlng -no -r- -,-Veather coad"timis have J)(1 -11 %,, I For tLe Imor inalie ft -w tiew.. fr 0111, litst dally 'raounil tliat place rls'.0- 1, - It Only inneft sufff the oil Wor- ceive a to ft 9 tanry now and wSke Isis al4wal #;In, - 'But. Oh-! TIley lui,� tim bettelio &;till' Ilip-110---all 'duoult � drink notitin.. it'- for jc-.it iis but' great Inco it iWilf'r" t1V(10-thir:Io4 y at the Ijy a#4 ail art6t. AVIjether tilt- -oung I:trj tile OrO5 1,; late, and iiiiKh (Jilin- 'watch (tn. St harn ile tAie Mir T Ie fe w our Father menda; fig. iovent oil to-eXplai'll, L I key' 'X�iLlfr fi4 he n-44'sttifil rimas at hi i 111:1 uY 11103t NO tack., ot-tourred go gi beeti donv i I I the prize was -a NfIA(W.O., gil&ll eig* te IS lua.Ae of t1ja wal% tile ladit% will <U*<%rt M, 8A they desert - valley liy. tflo fl(y)&. But tJi(! iricreas- ettf, came n d A.Limwi., for- tile CUM TNJPC In "Jatience"' And yvii %vt.re 01 1 Iaoit. Mary- 14 -*11, ft-Aths turnt,d up a-lilissill" tillt -ald. N:III1ijI9 at him fralikly. dIIII-lig �lio.wlnber:of e4 the l*_-tunwju_+. Cag-1 will pro!)ably briiig the Casa)." -Whether thesv lorizo of lilt ji, t, 'txxl.t; yt-re. , ft.4" swalloilvell cip;ksmod lea I ly.. fflo; It , firs t My tolee*ing and Wy lwidc— ioio-an het+0 of 1.1.4 . light 89. A (ill - 1-:a t ill TI.ere"nothing left t4) care for mow, -a*iit iii-v.10i proved, Wit ma , tile tjwk-11" 0 'way on t If 'A ten 1w cut his hair and apgwarwl no -Xotla:" A% !)Ut �tls lfir(xat I tiiel I nife�t 1119 a every -day YoulW inau, reinains to 'flow Wiliter. or the aver igo. aPI)VIII t(o, tit(- J"ioo &w. or, 4jf iuitj�,.cjl, or W (A..0c,rig-lit ftal,41. and beforo tiventy- beaut) In Albitcehotilm-1 lot- %io-lieth-or, aai* orillix ivitil -;if" my, p6or Mary died. for to flg1;t*,*-4hy -Tvyt. for' al'a'N's. 31 -It?"' to t�vo 14 wllipp:�rpd b" wwn. It is at%%- stoo he remember - I lo_ to Iliozi tirr! cag:,. tliv ja(13 Pill. colfl! Lhat liair %%Ill.grow again. llut It h-usky r-�- 11ad' Ixui.-;et �tI'!'dj.so:j G4-ruian.v ris during III(- Irt-it we corn Said. finally, In" � Ioar' hoj ut'eJ' i6 olridA Lot * lit glittl j*t. darl'ni" s�plow nie "It" you -fix It III) to o i 1. Lrw-v. 4 It Not t heart, (I I You lx 1.111i W 9 for gentleman who hir.-s wAo grently too #X, alloart, 40011t LIIP jjj.f rc i2t, tile arLL-4t in tr,4-d - t(�ls I , lit' tivao ".11f) th I I don't- thifik I'll RV 11trouk! A do V. -I - lf-4 FP.Mt n be t9gethall -ni 114'. tll�4 vietlll� 401 sel -11lucil Y-fi ­ that the calAt. ll -w- t %I -C-11 t * 'Ildlot. 14yslofil, pot! x ' !ill i.inliroviug attall. tilt ve -it al'alid 144,p Ieg-i IVere mi�tvk 1,* -;A I1i4;oif1g -011, .01Y 11011loo.1% atovali.o' Tit if. --Ila' ilt (I Itill, It - tW 1.1tifle'. I lie wirofitolio� as tit,- girl' Illd thaw.gelitle 114,11ter it litir or.liih' UK, fie Ilati Ill .6 natri- ;gvr loarted. An, I Saw fro 40- - -to �11 r reet ' 1 14 -;� rko11O"�IR9, J1VC-jLr---,xItjq 1 �i­ t 1';:, L 6kot) -'hagi lily, the fri0idly Aral, woullo� . -Iliat -j'Ili-; fact tulocial eirele a-4 to" ' rodt report is tri t 'Pil 10 1 Ft abliorinal size, FA4J-'LIIf­1C4- J-41- 1"'.'e al'tl "10- Viso, Ptler eager voin- grouti,j I lave - d .4 . -400ffemillzit,-, Iomme WWI 144 itair nhd joloucl, . j Ill rtP11114 111,4 u. ), to tlii-. 1-ro-sroads. sp ken he'n tryIn' to eiiy it ror twf) that _tII0 birolightlAffonif., to t fie jwtitors Illay lbi. 11#4 to ripetillation. L+ use Ivoric when i wer(-.-. not .,vixiitle I t4wrt i I, V I be a 4: a I I I o. i ry it g I I I lui*4 y( I I Is. ye itlai%ry ine? row &4urt' k Wwi that 4)111 eight v till "prilig ;111,1 wtjojok-e Inglill." a 1t!i.rougji',ttI6 NiV4.11ings., N `u -1-1-ellell livii tholo itrouble emititnivil, tit,. Ll 4P 111rin't V 111(1?lt-IH ti)L take 6arly aeli(lon'w-itil regAml tri dig Wit, adiuroil -'jim, W T] w girl Juid* 4 old' atuor all,l attt.nd ttio Bill I - rnt ol ivj-;i; I i (, :1, *,%"4,r trow oar- dlld was U)IIII)III 1114 Id. 9. 1 7 1 of., tit* r Iond I Y - Able I, nwit %%ory 104-fing about (ill, I wivll t 1% l(ort --wi %our liflow- t ye' V-_.fI'Iakj4 of _Hf'Y(jjId W)n IWA:01 t #re 1.4: fcw Alrelit'K. alr�- tit it 1111164 tilit Offi.. id itf, t!i place': niver-44)a' tj lee -T! t I le t lt�. f .4i ks eolllln�-Ift IIo'o:I I"ill's tre.,It(b ine-,no 'd ye right. i: vin' i lt'tN lid thoy at to IV,:* It It NWI i.; ._g441144 I�Cll 8",oa fav4 I t ri, i t FIL't. 1-wo 'I (o tit vrtt-ry jifoy �vljo 4 Putting: - si. _% - try, I t iN r Autt, witil InU%it offi- t itlorz% ifito. a Ifaxigable jotri!wki a i:d it? 14liak. o . . � I Y4 U've tialke'l e it lift I I'trill.h." 4.11,11lef"d :tint YeS," r1eVAU,1 - t I, I t.1t '.'40 t1j. j,%tjojJ_()*I (I J.,C'k 110, 48i. t rt (or r* I biL 1, .11L. their gX, 11) apd. w -her. .1, - )fr Ow iii I tWl J1.1.0 -t Nt. t -i M -tv.- of-;jy. appmelatej 11:61 lie b�lwfl nv. of the - e4julix ti f t Oil; eh,,;ugh too 11alld you down to I ce y I xpullf it) clotki, fillecokil VMII I lit 'f r lv;ts- tri4%,I. back asti! tAitle x with stalullill-, -it *- .-rly- s.11 o116.q. th, rtality.o. tro: 71!." (alitill.."d 11% 'thf-Trowlt fr,,;,I 1'. -r Or n ni in. -i I never eYes -.1verte.l. too if.!, so i--� 4lie tkato aga!n. y p C I p i I I. tjl�,% Ali(] the Imt jit fal;tf'st "Ili 11vur put, oil tile 1 .4, re -,�riwy avE-r- 4,11, , - 1-ta -4atis A:irili rallei-.0 luf1st., No. IL waF4 -niarr.eil b).- ill-tallce, in *;p,, fill -Official 'If's .1-ior-'Irty to Harry g- the.('rinivait Illarket, I;ee:ltL*,x 1p F! t Vfkjjt#.�!,I, jXyle a -frOtt; 4:4xIt'.' light trutiske, a boutton- ie' e.. or t Ile n Rul:�";ia, inuore't I luku 1, fsl:- V14) %vurd h,-.lVIiY -Olka- Send -1�1 Juiek for twol, Paul - his .11.111ils, (,V.j!. Isil tile.; I'seetior;!o- t te? -ns lic(of"m. & yi, "sad wor eah hArdI.y­;ay71 lift ''I IojJ A'A b art �. lat v La lienrit Wag True­�) Poll. Ille or-olotews compl i�rf%.J t Ili" J"jWjp!.j, ' y,'aI- E,1111*.eor Niellol." I 111a.l. -'-- 11" 19 to-ve-k I is liro�jioo athnirers. ti -file eh;'Il P r. I)avir. -Iiiijell IIjtxIj.y Urtm it ,if Cal! V4,001 111fililifig, or afi to. d tl! f 1-� Ittily strargOr *Salu St'ir,-.s - Iviollh aturpd f.;e 0. 'It I]. I V ­111,'kimio M11114 ta;llo.- :,L gruat.deal 1 6,fll t" 16N41' . 01,71ot ell it It .1-0 Va re� 44 \(I. (; s,4 ared :i Very' i(q. Ili_w. ;rt, the tikl;u Ahi to tic-' wolllu 7. r, v.:-tt't ro-w-fie' 01 1* 1. 1::1vtA Illixt-.tt freo" with oil lick-to,':.4 al -11.* phint-lit. j,jit, larg.. 'inf-t4i (lor vfirah! att­11tio-1, -Nv; Y01 I*. tlIL � it, Mat lit- gal-prO. But t I ii-.. gfllx)r with wice only a neiglitjor� "I *;to of- JU. it wak: C-vi�ll. lit- i'l I I:. t Ivio. t t Val, -Pelt-What wak(-s 3 -,1 think it 0410-; -;)s lilt Vc, -ts bat a rli.tfivr lit elf.14 p(jij, -ith eurfe-1 )or III TV�1_410011. or farmefto whoo liveit 9114 lit ol "e-.1 'lier Ile. 41. affirinative:y:iml id, r:tIj?4--r -lit of tlti4 w4suratt6e, 3 i,�sqt: (;I re %,philittud 11;;it Ill- wi's* to, Ci or, t ? 7 veliw L I . , 11% (11011. - 111t)'i Milo, at ibufid;-riit-.h.Lir. I lVotA-4'or five y(ar.,� I.i. has kept a 'I I 0a MW kiii,l ;,.,lot trite.- j*L'j Li�j- and was in d .1 -law , - wI -Iv, -1 �L I she Y41 two' I tak('11 too ro-�ttjro t1j' France till" Iturry to 1�4.t Twr of I! Ikerehi . I - �)f ron­h siirfaci!. site' 3 a F` it-ij .1110"ZI. o ILO -10 V) tier. e3; fill I b 1, _'ryfruic-al eft 1, 4t. fils tittle- tr) nitt tit# y, t la r I i! j;,I- I tit Ifvoossi It-IFLy refustt 'fill ilt-, ei. I ' gh't"' h*' Janis t' ".4 _! enip foloviow 141M.6 to ** :JIL-twr Up", wi t, -IN1,10911 to) ilk' lu *it Nli ve- 114, d tO I 4-4. :-alld 1*:14, goin;v, too. ul't. bel!c 1. sslans lit I is (Aj',4k- tart; Wir niade f ior Iiiq Itinch. lie gromild tile tx7rf iljl(- Coal! .111). aintl%­l Tek , g iier terrifile retreat v thvr-,*--4 I.m.-fil �nl I -rk for 11-rat''it didn't agrt-4, .�Iaid PL j7pe�, 'So lit. dlirin. - f`rto:a.-.Alk'k4-- dll! W."I i'l t6r, 111"tj that i'llight ISSUE N D 38 1897 ... . . - .. 2 VOW AV. - tit to" -4ut all -Iby expWittliture "xpected. Aiiotlwr at k-.iIl4th*A It A V V-1 kill Both W" k S. Ill 1.1tio--gray were t'l 14 Y. 1:4 1L tl:ey %.-at. ILI �..l %till nrxay, tjq­ fit alnittA 1; o'eh&k, and.wolli-L-4j. I,?-% 1-1411 II -A heari! thef.8k) g you know, tay t%Ar waUju, Is t6b, was IC41 fomv tr( toovering ; t f Iaola'aw has -I 'Very ltil,rry bronzed. fl.ef,. A Ili, 11,8 ;-rig illpiriou.,4 too .-Chttle, 41 fe-i-S wa Of -1114011- 4 1 '4of 4 -curo. At' 01J.-4 jutlet v tolvAt y�-u are taking a terrible r .:f1s flinvot o is 61111�agal'orl B111'st foot., the Ion of 111til- b6th , w 4 fill, I -Ti r, totit, wi "t 3 t I . aldvicso 'Or . riendo. 1-�' lotiolt lin - 0 iful�vn. Iiit 'fifty thilol. ..4 r. illy I itile, alld. itisalo-, :, - st, actilig -:it ule: 611 in(outing it filixod wlien V,.0 etreourage yt,ur huAlan-i I W!rdl:i S11111("ift, le,mi.l are till, 11illsi414. fr'ont* tit' "Isfana faga'r filanterki - have di,-;-' IA-nd(�qj to ulitke :I hawy (.Xit, %% hiC4 9", -to Ux! goN flel(ls'! -Tite, proltablil- *)o`,*­I 13 t x-4� gral�f 4,);tl. woni,_-4. I r:Ptl 114119' Dr., 11-fillahis Piuk tl - JIOJW�, all.1 tj ILA re- ver(A. that ."Nack- tit -rap" illize,l jIj ri s' Wt t it.)t one imm in a hun- lit ill Ott! �Iat.­ whrr("._ CIO tilted ill,*a t ie..4 are IM tib-tt it wL-; mipper' ti.w first six lvi-xe..4, use if - ljoliala rity. 44wd w;II bring back :lily g,,Id. qud 'Ni"it i -,y I:e-,. t lot tra%wl loat.; lfroper'proporti-nis wit -11 c 'it, hdv t.r K asraai a -1 that 11­� lovas 111111grv. u I ward a p or Nleajiltillw, .1440wever, 11"A tell tn 100 will ever return." Ned ej.7Ieui*a t(A I pe. flay,"' catio;'formv a gp(xj_ fot�d for'fattelling t 't :1-illlojk ;tL I XtP 2, tall. fruck-coa riffig iny 11 k.ffe�e, :tllol '$tic Yego I kwm ail' Fill tjiL tillw; rf� 4).r t 'jl!!V_ Nt JAI tj 'h1aeL .1 1 ke -a ljy.'a large 17 ' I -t. rthig to. feet illizetfly. C-4, lot sIlliV., sit -14 ealy There. 6 alrt 4 wat,41 16r It. in' Texas. it is %loitlt. droiijohig 1lI4)uAqch­ an -I al- Cl-'*Ilcef�; I if4I "'%%_:1Y`14-" if lit vt- I-tj ' '441. -1ky ,i4a. Itarry K'. 91 m-ught. I 10 Vt.. jj Ilia n IWC1UXl. Illilt -the ooulwrei _)Ux exlirv.�skm. -tic ros�r.i tif-1 )r 1, tt 114 ttil,11:4:1)lne ulp -tit' graze WitLlI!'.V,,. 1'. VY14, - -Nde, Imt.eAea(!e I a I mxioi If tip 1p(. .1 refilill- I)i:! Ili, not kljflo�v Iiiinjit, 411coofilnqran -AMY morTo'- Itrew Hhl.-Or fr x. conmirne quatitit, VC. kp-b go- f'r'a bit To ,!I] 11i..4 4114#tlj�. n- I.or. r , r..,. ' r JeN of I% hat. 11,114 i r Irial for i-ile, i lAition an't hcea orlijill'idert,11 e%en. I-esfori- girlt;*- R.--eaved Wld,tw—1 want �0 *t _114A it, r, ill. illy co pit fif­4 y4olt .%i-grx­ Y '1116 - rA 1�. .,ftl , I)a n fiter, -4agk4+P I V,%V; thevivarly w-Releb;.-I p(lr-, wetlijlig I C(yv et I. I*(o4-,4r411!11 a f *Uloply�- Ry 'tlip J, .1 lid '111d's 4)f 1+� .1.4--o afti. II(Tk- .11.; 1'0." (if -1fie"a-tigar i.i:.-e-producit. vagerly Welit ill', -No. 21 N:o so. Mr. 'illills. for .4 thert-6y t-61kfi ' * t1l : * 1, 1? , - - I slotrt I WY husb. r I I e. foth(-r ill a eurtain Itielort -tit tL-4-1 thr its -les more toe C U -.01 _0T_ I jd4 I IF lol so + i. U All oui to ral TO 11; 1, jo I I Y, t1i U ILI Ot Ic Ut RE ..I)mrar-1:ijrl f!!r rZisat lao-t to Ie Th", g'10 Cf 1`4 1* Xt-r Iviii !tIte eiivi- ll�ealer-Afw.-.` like Reitur- a r, 1 161 i ii,r I, et 4coritill"., *4.1 lit, I I Iha-t, 11P b W;L�4 it Niilorovr- al+jlk� 'ga Ft t 71 t -a- al* t1d:. Y ml th.-tt'. -ut hat -ry ? M 11of-leaved IVIdow-Nio'hilt 1:C*, I Jim '1!:it it Ce 1 it 0 101111TIV. The 944t 1' (or - '"a haad*()l t- 1 -1111 Z "My, f"Ull'! ' " I ' jur.% o ­cf' 1N nrt, all, gett . VI, JJ� al"1111 gi-IJAV.14 C ill' 1: to % 1 4 J. regultit!(pil "prpvttlitirig .1tair IWAt-4r+eo;,,,,cNj liorviler I 6111all rigic again." off- 'j-", go ovall to I It' qote llis"ootii V.at it j'. Ut tl,;. ll,ip- after �me'. -:I.-L,l I'll, c tligo+ 1--jiling or fit tfV.-r tlie.�e lia-1 w-anned criti- -ruq'red W it P A-. Therv"5 a 11lat it. T lorz(4, A L L 4 or; fig 1, 1 ; f i r4 JU AIN I I I ..� o ­*,*..I %�_ S I. - + . I ;�lt :IXvIl t .it.; jjifo�, or I r�'. at x0fiiAi extebd� -f n lilt C -MY ra Y 7!;: lirl.,' -nfo :,it ju4 1110,40. Ir I�avllld-ovq:l f w. rV(, tilt! tif'-� all I tile hats ill Poracvi 3 -oar.. -aii4l t'l it, over t!,; T qs­l I 1e! I t 40 t I w, Afghaiiii4tau fft;nth-t The r, tlwy, Withwl -Co4iLitioa, jel tile lifilo- !11(1 U to" t -a wa, t little fa,40. silarlis-fl. ill.-- Tootl LIVISJ --AN LEA RN.L%G . . 1 10 V114. "to till"( 4 1)�_ Ari,I .%0:ht. niio-t. !,orely. to �-t.-Irted f rivn r4l. fill" a IG % iiffit, for thd tit(-+ counter, in to to, Fri IT Ille-1341 their liv,il -t. Tile t! -at J:e can", tat theit. �, M I I roo'4 they I!f.: :iske I A" le n we"I fer wtalth," ack I every, re -CL iii.1' ' 4 ­� AJW � n. -1 S: sta- h I t I., -re�-erve art)- -:it fe-ent tx,!i- `x i,iVllfl.� 44, unrumtrve,Ily,.I,ut.0 ."True 14)vto, intist -c()n)e to lilgro-! I` Sant. she lPrC)Ctkei1e,,l otTo. tl,m;it�. tire- curt-, Ilt'ght; fill" mr tie(,! �ipi! I . re if.11. t!111 If lilt to r t Ilink with -06�_ ellet, -fili"AO ft Much io-ilialler area of, ,I I* t tier B -)ysl you caE mi fm:n i�liive.- Ise'. 40 f &­Ooo�he didn't Walt when Wip in(-, m, - .. I, f 441ter tit.,* ft'. -'W'di, t -Ill; go illint fb j'avQi, pot; - knolvii what it forty-nifIv.4 Fojuartb iii6ifie I I for. lAwwoilt-k , 4 12 a, -I ir. 114, Inountahui. .11041oliar."houl, lered fellow 8at lovi t i 1 1! i Ill-wil- h ttriv. 1 '�Wfer with yliviiinai-isin ji.1,0 0. to 1) vto pa re 71budgli polinittvio; wwi Ite. I a t e d k: lit lif.. %V :tm W ii, u 1) -Wil Jtor it toy the watch a t :1 1 Uug 1!.. t )()r, and s0,,jjI!jI1t 1,1 t,.. to t 4!(jus.,j Lito . r..4 w oal c., I.; is:tt Dr. gig:I.Iljj4, 'atoll -,V 1 la t.*? 1' .1.1, 1 1:j s (or(. iVW 114.0t, we%I,.fl_)r w(aItfi,"',t-h *I— and colmin al..Vay *It 114! wt�:It "114 r. ii Is (pill; foxcept I, ali were Allis! a *,joade`o; it ipade. byselling rg,, .4-rio tP1 by BritlAi. %v,�rklrell 211 h: Now tilie Ila' learnod that tit(. %I -atth 11' oo.-a%o% v,)tir I:. 04-t r, to- eabtiie4 C. t 4'4 11114 rellei, V ba'yl ri %;t -. - 1. 1 t 1,,V, v4,,, Thew djora.,. an -I i4l ow wli*1)4,r.,4 fois al)ol n*� --f , * I..r-., 1. U fn,ja .%o. iric ea­*neer at a ra.;t, --low -e 0!1 Wes. f rt . 1, 1 14 .tktick -WurTitoot-I t(j**%LI,IjJ% .11. r('111k 'It ii -I:.-. rio­0t;g..-!itiy. lit'le L atfi­r f(lo tile very TJ 1- lf)ve -into I tl pi q1 u res Y t idparatively*_­ ifina, ex. 9i4ifIi_i­. :4 t .1 t ti-lite,116. s4tv it.;itz they %�snc?(! jle� 1.414. r0ligli at t to f Queen Ill at.: it ha- thro*a,' mol al� ft 4 1:111! IN -11,;A' after'tfoctors­ and - 6 le c(11- XOW, it 4 iaA "I III41`otjf1,14,-� floill* at -.1, Th 0 Ill 0111plit tile I six Plyan. Then fie ran a.nd kllapV�I - bill' r 'tit up Clan t I v,�_ Verrio; feiiiiiijile 0 W. Ii*ik-i,-g at'li, 1oVIl(-CI, ;kll'l f'o 41- Other artleleg f10_1q& t Ile t,,atf 1 C. eru L ye., ceaW eatell. Sri Arr 'a- the'ot1wr nian Ini-I jm4t Ii.a. I ter intItIle awl arl-;to- kto Y ra-t to r IN ;tip, N wz�.4, 0044. adlioo lia.-Atf.111-1 - to, the It Is Tor M4) "j t i c t4a Ill ther*& ocrupation and.we ti.ilik- 1,ij 4 t:*r.% "r.;i% had uttr�rIyA,t1!eI. t4i, I '�I*4,1 lilt -(of - v - sttore, 14)6ketl i paFsellgurs, 'i� I W r e.-- the - -A mail iwv(tr :ippmciatev a w�mait's 1) u rii nori; carr, for w"I'mail the or -)ods I" handreft of ism lit(' the bar-� 1 opq� '84 flat .1. and, Ivitl a. lit(64 *4-,:1t1ti#w-4 crittio conli'l Itave, ft juti(I Uruo� vnim- -unti: fit, had married her. m"' r i -4 0 1. pl,. I wave t f the :to r r t -x i a l4right 4ir 4 1 g; V i fig -nid".9 from be)] ;.pI1;irA-ntIjy ..to., make- vertain' W. pf(j j,­.tII.,It I I Ir. IV i I 810111t1v r., requVed. Kan* -lie bIrlI".-_e'1-e view v w4milly -t;vrr#_­A1wnVgi; it 4eforot- out. .()ff toward t 4 t! I Fi factlifers' AgwLey skirts Ill �.iagronl tot a tiuixrter of a njj!,o 1,ellintl Ilin) are give.a a Lill- tr'al '�Jof i ' IL:V4,"S - ('J�'t VIll' 111t. it- I- r t, t rG! i... t I wht). Wits hastil t-tretriies of tl;#- 14.1 IjUl e. ri'liv iv Ime I ni-rabl­ lioluint. was her sure! rtf, * Iji-Ing ie; i,, - r 4-XVVII-�iol'fl (rp virep t -to :Iatt-ry. Her ;!augh- C.4�ry ..'at :111 n fie istriz-V rond f u 1. .11411 4 1.14 4.11livrIl-L by Werie J:ti 'et C)040< Y. I:f1l)1j1;ll9 W I le ULC.46 107on were. a A., ait w(#rit fly mairy, Lit j on,- %%,:tj ij, 4!..,rk Avrs lutv�- not tiind­ aiiy linliortivienuotit 0#0000nr% S 11' e._ :Eveiry 6 )X of the g0aillitf., Pink -A ot!!- ,tr.-. ..,s,ol a 4Iej­ty ?,, T" weri�'ju.,,fturiiii!g into flie u(�jd I* l,.*j Lt.,, eL :I, w it llroatl lace Ii0to _�11'llut-7 tralle 4on the,w.rap-_ fri'lik, f. I -i.. ki-el) rilli--greeri v0vvte ith'. t1i'l, juke'ticular. a wn r- .I, I te;i. tilc w0lua. to %viLli weh I01-pil tllFy callIellt ('()I fac -4)ooi%r thP.AIouIjg­r,;. 'Slit- was it, if K(4., IW Old I JIM it) th(i r. :,,, miri 11 1 0 V'.If 4 �rtltsl- ma, longer II.J.; it" ell"Irms shr- - r at lwor, ar.;tlrid th I Aer fit :1 t1w 'to,ily " real "I i.k?-,:: 16 twm, -riwl -tili;- pur o. Is y fro, -it' Y gr wvvr reaclle.� t1int U(j, Ikl orl r. - ­ 0 'A v Iniglit" *at 4)f t h V fir film Cr4*,­Ing the road.- -s' VOL -0 .11,144 -.tv Alve tib the physi -.11 Islip, tj h4j,pyj4, 11ml, *Shv I IV It roll) .1111- a 1-t your fivill-4w. Ili'# .41 Ill. film. p -.i t I f ON iqtiritwil -it. tre" f faithful troull (Al. -I I fill --diip 1XIM .4 c-ilr- -prnouTt'* I;hl�ieif. f IvIltly FARMERc r ba,4tilyj cotw! *4ani. krie% '2 AM jo 41 01 wvj�t on )1Y' rftfuslng it! '- other.-. ��t) t f knew t-4-forelh- 0 r r rich, - 4 -that the him., -i-q-t-ugati,,on. lier '1 .111-1 Ii.q.1 Xo - I it. r atioU tayifig .1, hallil "iti, oh-aJer's at'. fi -x; or r4Aicitill-V tile '44 (of tit -pi I (M eould isot 1:114. loo, Ir AIM #IV4,r..- Ai -Y, 1-llo�i iiiav tiik-e- lbkoo, t 'I 11- re -4-11t t�eri_ti n, uo 11cl, -it Wh--ti and 1 arle twLr- go x, flik-li %y tinie to thInk 0� '1014t Ile IlAd �ne. imilry Art It ­r 114-1 ft -If. Tit(! Im-kil, distinct rieif,, ]'Ili to have Lily (Avu way ill I-Cile -I've -I'Itst, t1 1, t AndL 11111j, jje t tk DAIRYMEN 0 I L 1108,� f( i0 W;Ifitil I LIM "llikfirg-11, I ".kill it,,%% was ill.. (Full tall %iromail, IvIll) 11.0 a v%. *-t1fing, _-a I. -v Ft Kit" oia knew *JIaj !h:l t Wner.-ki ly lialipt-iml. tII:It Wf�L r; lit W 0 -W rig t -re ful'ooiioln a (,�rtijk-74_i UeL v-. j won't. Ve a- t1full-, tit* Ria irail Mr.. pe -aim- ji 11oll, lutir were raltlif tile (Lsf nit. .001111dWit - "11 % 'The f e"I'l will Tliat*­ ti Int -al'i" it .1 lijil WIt. 'Ili* ctit'cro4-;'t61if- (!ir . �ii %v:,Il - r And thefl Whovs, V. f j4 1. lrefleetArA I krrlmly, D V-6, See 13:i- t'4vandina%ian- It 1-� proloalile A tli(,r ;hL Never beAl&rm id viea.se' f-'Atow 11 t.j; J1rot!x,,r ga;ii: IN)"'t you- remeniboNr I told you- too I it i4 tit 10 . 1 -11 - 4 Y4 ',III 11, lit at Ile 11.1141 !11.4 rovolver on, and they r Ila.; q, jr.e. I Ivill wel'irip IK USAD t carc, W W 41. 1 Ilk- f V!jy' f): hu,* J.ango "I'd J, %41 him t -v -k his K019) -o -d to moo in a rowboat, alid 0 D rop I and get oo zierer',hajig )tint, &t-lroast:. �'jj. 11.11i r4 411 44 0o'I't to V! I VV- I. IV:lid'll and &Sk-C(I,jf I'fl float tfWoXWIJ lift- Witli ,a vp I 'jra niuiwrx-,u.,i deatili-4. Mitt "tile IlaD+4p,- r-ilver-1blinjust that wayT.- atlo lie c 4000 frez out bog e on That I.i­. jw� not f661 mwry. really; but It'(' ('01114111th front Afgh1uhig lif o -LI r -N't - tv Y(,,ik'it T! i I i I I it' "so h: I I 19A� 014 U lot. Thf- I' t I le IN e -t yet -,nit: atel in [:'t 410 l0f!ket," xvIi-elt G rA4 ip --*- Ytv; 0 oy'll git -I ol y -c-1 r, -wiyi-� the Nt, -et*- :,ttracU-ii. ' - 11 Yas nowing fig %% -r.- tl'�- awardi tioffure.11.,r feminine. W -14 -n -W-.11, lic lisut I IN DUCATED HBREWARE." IKAWY, but !t ­m Uri- roe Ai4i,a willell Ye V1 � Tv 9 lon't l(xjk ot-It. Iliu, tctli'll, Is I'Ing .1" Thg�,y wor.-re -Noa -ir- it --,f I t i at jiiin -!. - we I I, 4 Naiw- Icati.- was kt**%rwg� 11CIVA no%%-, jilloil tile hullpts we 111114-AlMo* tire vlectric-'rurren't 4' 0:11v. fly Ifir till-, 'the 1. It 4-iij, -ytil as a4ir f4iorward. it Cools nothi tellsallabout r 4-4-*, .4 1 J, c.onl forta MY el" -P,. If Ilq Nsoulql,-nnl� Idayed �06! uliar l)r;*iUR-,,. 'tj liji s.emon- `tsfie!r bri li--- 6f r-vvl� t -W. auKI14-ne- vi, ju,.Igo_: 4jr tier at- Tula*. 0XV­. t Leau . I N InduraLt4d ,F Wirathig'. that, a- bo., -t- (of' -14-,Iltllillg 4"s iiW' li*xttlre�. I-Ir'a."Troteli �t,r w ' _111�11 w, s pro1wrly fixe to,, -fill it for ;1 71,4 -1 1 gave hha'.L ptwig it) llqo'% I!, th,,- ivaji ifi. tit(, 11jt-- ilakka.-Ir CuIt It lov Pni-twto' Hoi.glam' rtY t ravt i4 on t i ; A)jjl p, ix Pails, Milk an rorvur- tli,- lirt-mier I-Liev_ -Tit(- voto- Pins, Osbes aild 13 tiotter T u bs, ,it Vie lif, M' Ith'p-4. grooy4irllt. the of -ity and :il-*,) It.; iirr 0.". strango Ut . tle- wo-,_ rap y-Illey 1%-j. g,14,11 re ij,* it pro 01 14-011141 two PQQ:kln(Ni, were %Vt JIL by lo�jjlk" t-urniod alt% ltlf� 'tilt Litarte I t(kivnrol- 14111willied. fonoll.:,11­14 till. ft r i so j �-Iltl . to. it ty amowlt to.anytIllua �w turnovd till Jr -r iio-;� 'llut Into a tip. aiid wio put ir�oney in .,Vour Cox. ?it 11wrehy rIllt -lie .01:411tbitt; Ulak 111:0 Irrot-v I i t a jt tlio bollilding, ottid. 1i Of' 1 114 Re' hf. a, I w 4 &-� Ir- or 'r uvliole -kill. . 1 5- e t�*ftv.ej In a r,*' oil ,aid et;ptemptu- pocketso I A' f Ill f. ,at. ai.(l i!rging flio it Tilf-. rtjec- 4?f Nj'4I J.'Ll '11'" M"" -all 041-04UP will No t%linintir-4 Aitritig tt-' we(o, I,% - Alf t J: -1: rile, toil fl.')tr :1 ture on. -,Igain jioro' Igm)keoll I ka -k. One (or It lot t a Y, 1+4 plirstioni I. -%I to's i him, , 4'f lightlihig 1-S 9r 'grUit ifItA14IL-ity. rward mw atiilst Ill vo;l knOW eknmnd-d It r Ij ko,'- tit ri--.t 4jof I.I.j' till I.t to I V 4 r; f4,r -Sain Stirui y r f4 r ,I "it i no. ()Flo. _4, coutgry o-vtoili, who %%:a,,4 not ju AY ri-iiaijwd, tte i% .or' if 11,- r fAwily, wnir; n.)t at :111 illila Intitive. . z rf-4.-t. low 61! 1 f. X ol;xvit :iu.; tit I raoth n6idgeol the van';1--tilliptlig ail, "Vhpt Lk-E.1allin I-r:trik:il*l '-duik-zia uch ilia 0 le . . after Ahv 4 � 0 t-. 1. woriti t raiment, 1.-4, a k6 Ili t it. I ex, - CIIA-14, oj It: r (low- .4A:v-a"t tiarn lilt the 67)t_ tt-i-nfothingr :,I)o:1t, tit it1j;e III& -f o- hrop Flitytils Wily, It# 0 llr#W;- Titer -,ow. %V t THE L Be Boy 00 if.#- fnm #i 't f . I" y It 14, t I lot jwo'- Chant t '14-L (6. 111:.; cept 111m. rM Ightiling '. [q'1* Not-. -ifivelit y;­ QVU til(I -lighttlif1j: "it -tor t1lat of tilf. -ie t I je. f&(- fie wtw draitriqg enit of V1111, 4Pf hii-4itarers," 4w. �aid with. 'tilt- eviliar- -range.; irl'i 1:)i Is, :'.*t ro tt 4,r 94 Ittlenica w(ore too pro.� at-tP to con% -tion H U Lj�, OAN A 04. 11., �L-.#, 14 va., r loi- tivo-jr-r, b1fig.a ovitia-re, great (It-46very, I;ut Iijj-(C'b tho,[Vother is t,) work '11. Wha t "A tit* 41atterm-T that T, nak-coil or j iv tal.,er v-, oet-. - JrIvowth.ratt)m luiovt�- naetl Inlif-11 it) -tIj(;. I.) f: tall andjaIr osfocurc4l I.f*)nf­t 'faf't 1 -all --of (1i)L' w ao that tile 'NIODEW- ACIIE. fllj�niollnto4l. :10 lit ar, two.� eli-ar..: 1wile.4t the, mWf wh+ Till 1411f. uyu-, wh 11V stliore. 4& kliowkxl,�re, Ott' tit,- jiubjr�c t: '-`n ra 1!4,r I ditifiction over" lt'�r rolval,,4. Ai4 0-aine' lip an(4 jol�itvl tjlg� rt-.4t..---lt wa," r:j I -'or -&-he had taken. tier libico (nl the Ntage iiis railwr :t.plunilter. awl a Im'!rgiod 1100i 40f thf, Saip's roui4hj,. -Will- stj attt'!* 01"Jightiling�rpiLL4. fia:, �-e- _cru !ol it ­.tso -W "'liow) tHloll T, ts"4- '6TIir(ju' I 'The in Io. - 911* veived a great ll!" in a 1(larklitiu, 6114411 gown -nnd blue lie A -fit lfw ipo.v to,eolI4,0; ("E'NTRAL I I 'S 0LLEGE. TO ­ :a I Velvet calklo. she 'ity'" %vear 1 *1 NY "Vtilne-hL�rv. fit,.%* t -on," lie pai-1, "and Itt-vii- t1t4-4C, fill;- kil"...v wlatt Ill- wa-.4. till haek fie y- .'And Ite'turtie(l Iilp -tkurxi-of attentioil ftv)ju of me.air 1-k r to I rontio, n-C-.lVgr-,K tit' 7!. If, t f. let a 11 t loth Ix- ja a re. 'Ody ov�r. log, n4 ni o UrIl Ill ft I. NV, -eOnling Mack Iiat anal 'llandAnwe .-t;tow or 64-11 '1 VC -t -It- :1 1111tifirf", a 114 t ffir t wo oi I)t,.l lidenta at in time %%Illy IS, SAM ..yo,, r bf s-1owth ti�d N font li� �r-;, with' Itink (vraphy and (,Oft� A Luaw an4l 'I,-- elp'tIld tbink for wt,� X)90 .11.4., ailou,;, ;113*tirylag. 4 haracter- tile WhAt vou haNte gaill(A ill kilowhoilge.o!" 1,, lgIrtfillij; have lwcni explained are i -o .�la*ki- Th -f -.r .1 ol &j �.Xtl;j I%_jg`4,, be lit with—', - brini, mui, f gaw Itror toil lilerelal )M)ar particulars :L ..I%- ri ' U& lit., . at,4 of I for'ito c(,nstant ap1wa rani -v ,.Not 1) sI; -Of I I Ufo liare I 1.6i 11100t ball Illit 1, ()no 1k Wit S . % 00*1 *% 1". 1 1 . _ . f, ##I #I: I., - f aft, r Y 11 dain if -.100 14her, freak_; of. the'ete­,tritv 4'nr-- t4niel, of elegailee IkV ear- bra V f1ii-, - - tile � Otfler#4-, -. "Tbeys ary drIveit-'n _tf, J- r, Pt + �-z I so 011fir V.11, rwxm ilitirtly after '111.4 p 9)vf.vr t1l., . jj% e -ryliliz, ail Owny jn'd tAll ' 110 oI UgItA arrivid lit)jilf. sigillt t1if.4 wa,ll,t ill inore.orsh-ru uIljjerg4tA;&! rfr-mfwunte<1 And athlog-Ve rii yettrgL.Igo �Ifjg�.Kc 1., 1) n orr, to I k.. NO 4k "46R)SUSON tllef* 4,4,11 fe lov tit-- tiother comloo-titor.4 %%-]to _r illy 41'tc -�4. 111 -At' t1w fiat vva% tile,. t -ti( out' f# -)r tit- 111"t0fl '44fvre And tilr.,nt tile IjIIj;tt()jj place, lilterilaticknal 14 tortber. m6l IT 11. 1 k�,r� njec Q11 '1110' questitak -tit I Mat; 71i,n, m4 * fie: fonk-il. ts iliggrer ro - it IN, or iigia-, tr. .1wiluxi elglit, t()*f.jxjgr4-II IITC%, bv Were I �kj Nud Flyiin.'the lva-te W an'd lifty'Al not thought fff tile nlemlw-rm 6f tile Iw%plig, lln(j, ii-qr tbe 11ii., jillig nxis alitl tile rel, to- - tfm -ranvii, lie re- -upon ille 1; otme, Urtj r -"No f for thj-4 JCOLLM, in.einji,--r-41 Ul,,. 116-11:wi - t 99C calle. w1fleft 4 Nab*nv, met 'there gattletingy' bam-%ol"cei tim 4ot*crva:r go (,);W4 4 �nfv Outlaw, rrorn tile arm.4 for Ills v1irleking. j lo distance, .141 re-itk; :1 1 >11ire &a& C011146 tint -.� I ,, , Ai 41111 to so t -lint "tit'itillga. ke Itulgei4 I tV. '.% 1. 'Ind INAen -t'll [if - Wire, expf-orience..,of tfif dIll not II lomita. 11 filf. 14 to. -. A 'Ithoutr affy .4 414-L. 'I0-Iw)llT14l, Ivor. e gor-Li- to 11w \-(irth J, nd--%VMI. Doz., tw llk�*w ? arrival land, 14 -i tnti-I Url !'43jagii,ir ('#-)jnrw-rc4;fl 'It Itil" Iffolk,44", IV.1-4 IVPr4) J111if at t. t t(; by. 1 Ile t1j., .Lllt-f 8Q~uI ft-sultn. h tY - s t tie in(vi tk$# twq 1�on- c;tm-�4 lit lorusl dps­rl�t BUOLts XS4 % 08" uttire .()f tflv� klibieet, wo CIVIL g CIC 4IM11111,411111 free. Send for 14 Ills m6nicot givifig Itint. 'tile' till)e 'lie -ars -.,I tilat 111:11;1 Ae -41 -111' 1:0 1.�;! s1W rry the punfslim6fit I,* Ila' . -v i �r lit 4 � tn, Mt. .4 attir,- "r - -- Pline, A% -livarti, or lijin . d F�O long an M� place ultere lip fr, I i rfer 111v ]Iett MAIL. I VI bog. 0, rl%�af for 3lat',.; Made. A gf-KxI w,rvi th, fenihil!le � coan(4l,4 ly_r u rj- g;iwy i I rielify -4-serve,].' M roh g 4 L; Va I ue; I h.t. 7.7.. li�ndh4r, 1pr forwfirfl, I J it 1i 'tn IdA -t-ome Princlp&w. ly- rvinVini at, + 09 id-%Vliat, t-titAilIxty, RL"RIXON, WIV11 1110W ontoeded tit. .I� , - - . A.-Oltillico"rod.; offer pir..t -etifill '10 III&Td.-j zo�emrnt hn It fie lin rt. that the Ktr '-r.4 fact v. its thp fne'e 1 0 I 4.11119f To, :,tow co. kljs.f� Ar0,-ZvR,-14 T N', ��N', A i-4 a rpt� il I t or to bo -low, dis -twerlos nin,li- Ili.- Of' tile it ts adiniti4!d that untkr eertaitt lit - t A Ror_1n1g-w.t-r.,jy pliottVmphy' ol tile wti.y recipient, it, t I Flynn. 'otjtla%v afid ;"rtistilior" M()St Alter making till; g4artfing' dlAc0v- Acecadtlg, Ito ].;-I ii3O)IL-4 tit(- Intott carefully erected W. -Ir -vyrK, of _jj� VD tili, ­ -aiiing. n 0 .4 It NASS U10 L, L iI PlE 4,,rf.* r4 n orilt+ t a' Alf.prove iina% 411 It Itr - I atotin ic r+ays of light with I)MICA -111--ick MIX 4 Pry. -xl:-,. iniwe #4cnvIy1 rf q I t - A 'lift lorin i4if 4kreil nprjtA%,-.t, .1,141 lw,.;t er t4a i I, tn rt I o( i"ka-41y ill IxIolitli, STRATP01,L). UNT lie instai"ma ioll.. -;WhIeft lijuNin)�,; th40P. 1V Ili beear, ifstrooke, IC is thz- thoroorifii&. '116-i gip at beeflLmtruck ljoy 11* litning, tliongil "TI I.tjl Xyllf. !;Y if] #101114 114W Iro aet ILI.. the milt '11"TOP14-ii vt it, rt 1`9 jirop��T 0 fln.0 the .11ritisli. so'1k1tkor"#;'- s exactly i4t:ito I llavt. a i .% 3 r t409- IKXJL A-011- jiglitild llnvals* lilt .0 I I I I,-.% 111)w _r, ff)r. It,.- Ivnt,; Ivy nf*) Illi-Ilns _jIw0Il*tp_ for [,' 110 lh-' In )Vi(Ic(I.,wit h J'94ltllin'- v6d'- Ill lit' wt lielmet with. -a' atrip, ly cartniu. tl,:t*. lie, , *nf4 fyorrp a t' -of ruby -.-t'~' '.%fr. Wnrol AVir- w (-to "111411` 'Inal'y f)r.ilItf!rf%4 too t4losli rillitili3r, ti I rtx6,%yor6 Ill it InAterini as dw bgr�N It. - A !IY ilpioV Ito tauldit, lkr ftrhtIoVj teaeNmrsi. Tilt*- roo -man kne.1v that. to.tell M.0 of with-- flivoret. - Pro0iICAiIIgX i prolwrik constr'-ucted and co t 111114etotion f4) r V1 ie pIIcuw&tl (or (agh, practloal I W -n under. the opllt it k W. O1VN of at4niteoil fly Oil ytiour- IIN7 ant.1y p(l u 1 Y. The iii(*4t wirpri4tig f4.:* -'weitoo tltat, tov, )+Oell. P - Aentte raV,.j.,. p6K t1te, lioelmets IvOre dan' bw.lr (hootelbitteif t�oine rh,ock,4 at a f-ozi_ I'lirco, Ab4if tim-iii---io ioionrl�rjodflg* gerf Pulp IAV- ft L-41forliled tolo olle length. f"I It jMpal'-diief If - wW'jwa-rIr perfect ag hiinian jj 0 d I V fodovery all4j t1st-n flipf ;tllat 110 AVAN Illiect"'41" t raID. 'nic fat 11W-V'At Afn jd, ft Nil * -id (I thol. I n otlierc;w" th;t r(KI.4 i4air carpet 11,1t3 I ri . In, 1 .1 Aiat a It*low. ]ill own grohanf.vc4 with Jier.*Wh'f%rP- It %�(oM ?lot. tLfif" ngtlr,�. -4. iiake them. T114i. lightning -, that ;"gell1t'tY' 'a rt 100 lo hea or r t1i tile 0411 b,,Wjk-wajvd-4 .11,41 for- otudimit." 4.4'd thein anq& 1") hilli, inty rfi*.44vgr*j to rlroroei�d with ra IjLt4.;Y+4-.Vcnid rvpr(xL4-h, thit a(Ivj* striie4c tht-v I)Ililtfilig Avarlot;. I6ngtIiw..IyS "4 tlid,",Wms tito jorou(I reph. "And t".11 (o :A water_tjj,.r% j&.11 N one of.,the fat- Mid Js inflated wliat's inam e4r.,Vl 11'rit4m for tion, awl to himm-If tl' .01, lie liketuid%to ibe aval'aiielin tl 1;1 t A ono,of theill v, 114'. fat '110 W#)?Il:tll jt-olild prol'Ably Ioliffly I . I - thwA40 a t -Ingle I.live. "Il.e.fnN,Wure. est aCillgrovemoi,nu, of.Yankee 11' as g6o.1 ax gotl f4)r RA4 face vallite it till. All' i�;ti-eitul,118 , 't0'8WCejli It Is. lio tigentilty. 11.4 (konsequently tile Fame &II thlootiou, fliat. Yfio., 6UA riol't twfori! koing attend. f .&&hY ail IA'. JINWA :Wivorlt %kfo,111:111 ftjttl' fro ()It i ts ngur. Illegoemary 1A -44ity, Bart," 1 a,,.ktA In 'a conn - will grievoriii party way rjoogrard- wake Lim' a"I'tllem IS 110 1111111lennuit rolling ull_ a 'nii..* lo-ow-wbat ifirellAl.., t. fopfo�gla* toiw', got Matm "twotlr*r, wlign 14 11 it. of 'in' If' and der tW feet A$ there wduItl 'be were tlik�, t4rx so Ileary and no harod' that Qua a, report Willed- bjr- direirt4();I. jig HELPING A TVAR1111"L -AWAIN. -fit I, loi-p I foor t1ov" With fjim'.O*n hAve 1XVII tile ; A t1if, I.,4-itmilli! ,,Ir m.ilt! ' * " w proye4 -ort'i atxmt tijjrc*, vej,ft- r A tub6'wit used. It. will, we FlipM1,; Wjj.V- hitof. -*tllat of the Nmrcitary ot. )i lor efuniv;- %,.4,rjvgtjif agille, ?TdIlre ti, "fflIfy 22n. wivo ftij. I If I ee- Agrietilture.. iti- fie. DOW of gt)i ng I I IIA*I IA%r I ilover coal PiNoak tile ASK YOURVEACER. thift YeIMV Man Arfii4rpng, any- ra-Im t,(i etitifil �-4'4!llw tll--Lt the a*veraggroo d0ath - rate- tiut. - 1118tend tlley are niade- And t3ow1wtalm and- help to k -~Il tj wonjiv, I faLn %voukt selmak Way" ?1ol I t I Ip , eo i I r t for.- re-. in tile' I'llited- jSj1,,jt4,H (*ali I* .0intail *0 itninit of- v1pea,f0illiling part of"a high- wear on tlw carpet. jrl4Lt every timv I tric-Al it on 11`46111 *tll() a Bart, Ifivitun lal - 40"d4 of m L.,.:k little wore t, my Tilt)' Pl'- 19 IAKI. GIttlh' 200. a ocairt tof tile 1`463111411 Applientloorl fl..kvlffg lx­N�ll Itu 2 Practically InvifflUre water -4yst o ILI.- Slit ni Id Anj,- 4 )f -mntrage *prung aleak 114 J -he fil", Sa" I? ICA4 OCC!ur Ln t1ill "evered; the wat4,,-j um- I Kapxl IntAi lrpr Grin, blue to WIN" I-0, ni'Afkao h.v .1110, if 14bRQ44. Tile 411 fir thb- 'fatilliti thete pilpeo he IN -at W I -Yin' YP Ut. alto, I *JjfjI'ogjldn1t.­ Wt-lu T "(,u 5 r C, 1W I vict ell fo tt. i's F =T r l.f,w4 ir ti.i4,r knue wX4 w4 Ira 111ollt1k: Vpilh, May 411,11i.. ."I Ica, e4rape above, . . . " ill 1, 1 L (ka"t pdtitxl-� of. tUli4p and -juiekly give war.11- ihe �;kieb Cop To 1:0, nie 'x v 1. 'care fly Angi ;r) !119. "If t1le Inv&.7-k y coward ljlw; 'ror4uood -to w)jce Lair tIW 'dly, r Oil L-4:111101 )Aeptel r. nifixhit, N% !lip r dentli rate occim -e. Clerk. # in 'Tic and -FiLly. 'k of note. * 4. curlonsly onougli. 1 IIX� ' 'Iyith a geatil sroein alml). wort t1ge oi�#- ts) Atic *Ixvry of lily loN 1mviatif-wn., 11 onlyl, tile L list *4 �lai�wtan-d .4riek r ori A triking ps'eture iof enr'iim sd of multorm . hr.. *-411 killrid toil(. 4.44ei. 9&A"d at 111I.P With t4yinitintliy in ORTABLE.OtIPY niy- Iffimss. (if Lirf­ all.- . "o" .111 November -and Dedbin t tile rcrrulitl hor%r (-xlvrc'&41ve eyc BEST. F AND Lill; to [fare, bc4m a fe%v Irto Wa-al. fact ealw". 00:19'It, boiiildf�ors an(] carpefl-. It OU -Ullit jllllel�ffll'R IIIAllina 'I" Sol to recorWiroill Aff.mIc-&-by Tit, lotorfmio) lo know Iventlier burami Y. coiir 'Wrs bracke"_ am usual ru I And OW % �w twim forr lIolsoul heavod d 912 Alwi-r-I 1 1`1`11 'af)(Jollt tho fluck eonreo�ssr%-i n__6 P n very , . , -t dInIcim-vMt, soan ^got. annary or 11:1011'aa ry. -WILU4111,11W 4-mPhatle p1gl4p; Tlitere' wolop -1, 1 , , , A of - t I v. 14, , " nX -1'ar orxit -oPf,-r4,aclj! ye ? wa-al,.- r AOW 'rrow. fir(, F111114nitted- b titc, I-J,411sh 1174preignp on so wittra 1111N., b"N)MIn'r �.;' . '110)ut IM git !-erk-m.. Off jh6 r' ti-jo Y Wf_ I , I bliall fad IND .1 WfIv* istimo fixt -(birink, I le. flfbc�llcjal Y NONE WORK- VALMIUM -..I mnat. tivell (on year lit Anr.VtIojI,. lightfling for -eiglit vears -are U) toltit, tI,01V*#4 oll"J"arliatom . it, tit In & 'Ummjow tone, and .360 cuclrf)f tilt, Wt, I* _��Jjapp you'd to �tw flit"I low (1k, w(wk for us sit honw, wlujoloa� "-ilittlicok,rvicemoilLinuialk-roff Ail xv NI'lo saW two latter cal;I1 I 'a In ters and- Ireptillbuter. A mong 4) 10%" 'one 0 . yet' Its' th' -Two-.Vile___Ol, Wat_ rz1I I ier ruA tIj, 11 1 INTON. an' 'nothell trifl'p ulore'thau 1,,;1,500,jXj0 & At M-tt or. sun -Lightning'-fias a preference f me by t4dtP",f--.,, slwt re t ione. The w4 wrk is e send ow w rf"w* Plwe, Ye know.-- merchant f;rnmen -itn'd - off Irpro.' folltl"- or F*me Ili. six up )-wil * tilat, a 00' With illjothel, rellow SAYO "es goln' Pollp. Thus' W . . .0 great 1.,4 the o4W-jJ_ is quickly and vs4fly do to #,ell illux't ylt:t .21 ; NdIdlerm rind naval w' helf the* soll tn of Chalky IfW pla WZ# ' t, Were the Itoperfal r-ot, r r 11ift-el lvut As finished. "It US' 1 V*414 place, - 4W f6rinatloon. light turntA lly move P 'Il- Uke - golog"s bark,'is a si Of cbmirue, It wa.S Sit 70 LOW lk- wtvk. F4w partio-ularn will i4trike 1.)ut tie Patborttr.d. aft4h th' fall I I 1 wt'?' t th�`g Country bleM. witb 18 fnriders u-Itil' Io ning gn th 0 r -keven intmee "I raounst up.. .4ep nw t One tit ah often At; when tirq pooll ment tO AbOlimh tile- r'-lce'trIluW from i Ivitb VIN.- Provingrem of, KIngsu nnil (,Ibpkl Vat." PAId tile ifirtaiittor. illy (I re and add­--,:�* be mafoofimen,' cal)Iiiell all(] earter-i the re S somicthing roe0so (LIvallit W 1% tfip' trw)- ninii!x fatiis' 114 .1ayf soil 'will -*bo �truck f S. A. Kt-iMV Co., [k)N art(]. reign 1 erlaw"I r"Jall, an' [W#o like- eolii got aveller,4 with 1-1 ti -tw o 'to' 9. ct an econolily dr C -ind thu a P"rty'gor*l 15, and conmiorelal tr an alone,. It woulti effe* t,-groape In absolutely - safp I* it %telbi-noo 14 Gjr-'Chave000 is 1"'n . 4W)tlgjl.. 114e4 'vome uddleate(l, tvo.F Tit^ prof "s lnm, it Is ratl*r . mur- venty tinies once hi tl' cound -rvhich shouldn't be gren t g`*1 - thiRg Ill tile life-lirew,rving elialky formation, Of MOM 14i�mzi A2-0(X)0fXjf w4!cll I..j tIW tol 4 9 1 0 110th iiat t1w yearnizig �jjlrlt Acorn grunted ganj, AN tll(xgll it priAllk.''LO find, c4mo far, Wh1jr(j.* tho t, 4,r 0:11t, Was ever placo(j ill collection, flow C( llfkt Tfic, bolb4 *Also harev A preference Sao, tha t I mts over C. Yc, u can quic$ the no I fie inar- 'A If%. tigeh'PemA lwjr.kv,.,4 to No spanneel-, wW%'iFIImAt4wIaI, all this Information. t rn deo. Tlwr(w are (wily 19'pilyglolaniq, for aftl hbov�- the revminp t1tat It kvt. Wfiy. a child enil t)peratot- itand AIAMT is. GUL at011o hipi rivaj. and outgeons, :1, to 9 jkli certain trPP,&_-0a1w are mtruck mcire y1pidd. out the danger may be Imamuraguramm or., t1'0c`II(l it ill. a4i wort vznd vaq Ing Inn fmluently t1jan any other tficrC y. I-; In (Phitr! Iiin fatherland mvist I've And Ito olaid W)tIj_ i4Aii1 r d—ml, IV r nd, tit 111IRLMUS CAMERA blue heaven wtofa anol freoe. W to 11art -fin tIW �ut)jm ftbIIP dIgrotu—`-" Joijrnail,;t*w- 1"herear -trr6, it 0 Newf0find just lii,'Cushit-oned elexator. IVe arp .0 - t.- ­` . A fgg Is frequently up going ?Alit cor-ftainly 10 kepq -Of I th" list L4 hronglct- u '.br n sw$f_ birch Is rare, I y a victim. it doem not Ian(] the sa me. SCOTVS AKD P 'to rive it a triff! this after 06- nn fifty tiMG8 tO.One beech tO be HW-tL QVIL a-01fikiii, a I noon MATUb. k Arees are i4truck at for the bowt4lorit of, EMUISION of C0­1_LvCj, f a dummy figure ju*t tO Wjo%, how ..4 -f 111� would have. expres. d -tor. wem posWble that oa thArk.. th with FSOTOOKA" AMA It idoew wh"e 0m, IN, 1111114t make silre that je it.: Tie.' lary harrIt, moreo th NOWTIMA16 emerging trom 1wrfooct it in." tme,. but the wtPonther bureau reporU *jdle not a tra of tile, CS NVith a duminy figure PERMAINIENOMY %R i4how such, to be the cam. r1flex. are wwft of Dr. Kilsels Ores& NVI*re Gal b4 11 so o, to :I n4l mail W m film surmloo Was 'is not a couall spcz'&;; Doth- he n6t claim I, hilomf6r mpa correct, wid then—woll, Mr. Arm- Roiv*s Tlits? ce Pin xtrong, or Flynn, or whatever film Or JIUP not merdy allay the symptorn�.q Certainly." of home than to I *or tbgi� "A*oot li)vp W e offer (Ano Aun(fr�d" Wlqrj, Re-* ktruek about one- Is perceptible in ag C,( toper. No third as often .'as 4*, yes!: him fatherland must 1W. rta"10 w&4, would not ()lily I)e dope %yard for 'any cdoe I-)OU't You thitik It vk ould 1w more A7,04 use 80"ft the blue heaven wMe, atid free. 'IY (mt 01f tho running, but wam in a (o4mucillp be cured. by arr-TL --t-but r)abL 'ah Is U le opectacle of a WAWA, the but it dccs givC Such strengLh Convincing if Phi 19 Ank i - fair way to emejudo one of llim� U1481 iCatarrh' , Tile dauger from ligh ' You 'deseended lit it ft., for torsion" W" I'm e . I tning N much int-mmitg of wlucll are P visits -Ohio.' baeking lit tile MILLS bw J. Hartoe, Wer a hutiiah heart,doth wear at. tho Ifilli4torl plam. at tj F. J. CH"' I" In tile city than in the country, -ers'vv below can- "Not to rue, Nir ; not to tn 1110 le end f of l4ulliftlit Willie tile PIT A W -r Pr�qft. Totedo; tho ratio Wng about oil(! to five. In a j.()t se( rroin stem to -stern. A (PYIN myrtle wreath or i4orrow's 9 MAta. Ohlo. tbn�w off the disease. tutoned tire Inventor, promptly a4ld I io the body that it is abk to Yourdelf Ill I "bet" CY ren, BlIt befo,14t IWM(t or eighteen deaths flue from '. - p W NTRICI-CaseeUed jub"s *ani liad time, to think , We, the undersigned, bnvo knowl, 1;,. lightning one was killed Inmifle abiAldoo Tlw, Qdeen"m Fipl&rL-II I Itave it wire and childr'n 0 Will my Wlwwe'er a filininit liear� mtrivm Outo. t1w), Iw6t plan for wearing film- -I. Cheney for tho iamt t ra I i i.%i Y014 knOw thC Old pi overb dt�opendent upw wd for ijupport." I-!) vPmn4, nit(] itig,cleveri were ouWde-alld six wero Cheirboar Of " the ounce of preve C. A. Sr"ll. P.96 After a life inure triu* and fair,though Pelf of Arnigottrtyuglo; Identity with Nf-41 I)PI1ev0 him Perfectly h(giorable. tit all under treeiL 9 anif Nice allot baek emt ntion FIYTIII. Iw Immed that that gentio. towinm tnin"eti011fl, and financially As a 'rulo lightning t1la alicut C4,000, M141 floor Majmty NOT AL`1"CK;ETHER N-rT E'. world-widw., fatherland. Wam OXW4ted, In a few dayn,on a ble to t f4trikes a jWN Don't neglect your cought, A Mustord a T14ATV a C&M OUV any, obligation tree does no further flamage. Ili only' 11180tO pay for tile tipop 0 MW W:as pretty. piolnw1w find petite: lRb,"oft a single slave doth joins, 'it to Mat; and ois Information, ingiode by their firm: book which will teff you more TheY all caged tier ez v- fV A v6 three cai4eh jpto of 100 fjldL Ws from 6, d ly aw ke volunte6red by tiart, wilon, lie Lnet the I)olt Boulogne to Nice alitt back. which Wfwt & Truax, W11014IIIIIIJO druggintu., JUMP from one tree to atl hut In bethe In tile ma Whem"er one Man may , help m tfm% range. deelded -Sani—who lintl Toledo, 0. other. cw,tey Vie ifervalits. Itorceks, ear- on the subico ficnt free on rell Mile Vmt n,)t, for alvill ano4her— been at thO Point 01' deciding for about Walding, Kinnan & Marvin. loVilolo- Rivers. what do you say to a cock- r"isget-, and 1eavy luggage. Tile av- W a A a w are 4 tol Ile al ze of liar fite TMnk (,orl for much a birthright, two years—on a c0lir"Ie of action, and Hale druggists, Toledo, 0. llavpn't timu, Banks. Itin be- ornge total omt to tho prIvir pur*ie brotbers­ tho very� noirt flay IIP rode orer. to 11all'm Catarrh Cnre Is taken Inter- 11111d With my woorkL.," Your druggW Imep &Otes Erntd on siffforth in thine and mine toeo Mat. That -is all of UK- Queen"Is annual conio!wlitfll Nis. VIDdewle Of Tbas 004 on's birthplace ALP lio ro& tip nallY, acting directly upon tllq blooil right. Come ahil'take the cocktail, tril) N n"t Clo,000. ohm Of Cod_ llftr QL Put up in 50 It 04 411111111Y There Is th@ truO to ItI10 floame Jo -no. and Inue" , nervioex of tile Rystein. find yotilll mot a head,09 ft tk3ed th.2t It lrx)ked aingularly quip ob. and $140 aim 'Black cotton stockingiii #;Iiouid to Price, 75 cents per bottle. Sold by It lim strange that,. wilile tIle Re. to an' tft jJ10 Is a WOW onj f b�. ob jkjwbb fatlierlmd. and (so f1mid Wam Ito by thim tilne) Ile all Druggistiff. Tentim Wx roe. dried (mi. tbp w nuhun ]a 11� - 1p* IVAL -_ .,Flu= a Atlowl Le all aluunt looped the- I rmg - Ode. qmfiacid As MY It" folks it" - a - ".%7 Y11fin Or- _-6o`_, a"d r tit witil tcars-1 2%9 L*- AO- r lo bre"ng vtoqk. 1;o wft I or* 4"14 P1 thwe wlkc� 9011 IN a. 06W or r and PI'AwAv4sinlis Irfnar thirtY. Tile r4LIlwa Y 'MU14tr eZy Workea, 1111ghl roll. 112. 1 n". lam to rp. W'AY are spiked, 1&hW Is C-OniftTATIT61, or Mady loan,, I" 8trailled Ule hulujilty at OnA 1 0 P VOIN to With gravW or dub- c:Q0111111 "I� too 10 3 11111N1111111