Lucknow Sentinel, 1897-08-27, Page 2J rrun - 1010. LiUhA r-�4 wn A U i* to �000 A V' A, thir- chaptocr i� fotin(l ill t fit 0-M Aille-al's 1Z NMI -=WVff- bronzed, beardlid,, out of all knowledge, 0 011111-1111' but with his heart in the same hope- D""FROM NPA NN CY SUNDAY SC leas place as ever, -and rather more SUFFERk 1 1100 L. SEVEN YEA'Rkq -.V-% 10f r Imlinnu im mmuUnnii-A incapable than lie was, five years- 0 A Ju VU Ldte VUSSIP ago, of receiving Jet's "No" as final., -of the -- All the world of woodland creatureo The Wand of Misiery Waved over INTUPWATIONAL LpffftjN S10. IjL: IN THE WINNING., round them Is wrapped in peaceful happinem 840f rooks are talk-- Mrs, Tbos, Green, Wheat s King again. AUGUHT 29,107, !pg to each 1�_Mllr in the elms; the ER4ound World'k. TO belong to the army or ulo:reli -bo I nIIW of ruturk- angd.,11 squirrels are darting to and fro among PITTY PAT'S PRAYER. Last. year Britain wAd to -Japan 1:1;op 00, -Paul uppowd at Ephe%us.-Actoi 119:21 34. Of itmelf A P&impvr-, milaili �.%ill Say. '174ce..titiuch every !ingeort ier Yom the branches; the bees hum in the tall We've a dear little girl 'we've named Prom Childhcod 10,Urj9-#483 of gcods and thir- i7nited X.Maw ing fibre of foxgloves, In the middle-distance Pitty Pat; She Auffered From nitan, -it i Heart Troubles Doctors Said Noth, STIltri� sold her 0,790,842. Tho arnistri for 4runkenums Into what occiety t-1111 111 ()rf loo), tf!. -Xibts In him Iloo the placid picture of DulfordRec- 6he's got a wee kitten title calll� Kitty _%e_Nev�_ a I ly fallen from 15,wN'e 4'-.l to varp for you. in) 01161ill fia-ve gra,duad. �=l clorgywan noot gaill .ItImj@,viq)ll r ir Ccllj; I Shall tory. A stationary white spot on _; Could be Done foi. Hen and That 1J*nKXW--I'&uI- - Demetrim. Fphe- Cat. odam. *III the last. liour I draw the lawn repretients the rector"m Now- PItty 11at kileepis fit IL g0W11 7 4001 L Her Death at Any Moij,ent Would SmIs are reported actircer, and some (;Amu III - 1851 to 17;_ 189 7, Contmeiilary.-21. ' Aft&r Ltow scarlet (0&t. a white tie, am Ictters or I)roath,*� Ate whisp--n-4 huarsely. **Thery &4fill - Nvifti; three imaller white spots, in --&-nowy white, Not Suriwise Thorn. ambitious fur loverm will have to go the great dr(t;t being attributed to. 14 * thitigm wore ended" AfWr the gumpol credit. As well ilrop the prefix -how %';ill No Juy punishawnt. Do you think perpetual motion, represent the roe- While Kitty Cat wears tier day cloth- %,(, m ucl A wius firinly iiw" (Vrom the Herald, Stratford.) oil two mmlg a day. if they wear owal tile efforts wailk) by. Lhe clergy and wbole Ifthod at Lpheitiulit i -o giaLMY would Biron, long ere tl1I.;, Illave ;I wr; t -11 1.1piatt it-,- iiiis sins In hell tor's children. At an open library- Ing all night. thilit his pr4menice wam no longer lw- ruilld fort -.t tliat lito had once men window may be seen a slight blaelk But Pitty Pat says she don't like It Of the making of books there Is cloak�- next winter. turity droppeti him! -that attacheii a certain 11(tiv,11, g 011amioll Fitice-coo1w. f4t1t ti- 0ft"Ur.F -Barntm. WWn I* Imd tA&*- t 4 Y, tes ajar?* Do you think IL figure'and a writing table; Adolphus, at al 1, 116 'end," 'it lias - been' said, and tile v# will HP41 d Mam-domjia and Acli&i&- sit'; Lil 1 )0 0)cial standing to your ran- It fit 1: back, cpui of my Infernal no doubt, busled over the wromon And, pulling the fur out, makes Kitty ThWe Uwusald mail tire at work 1 6f 'name clalm mig'lit ty-, Not u thito; P I n re6pec t A'utrungo and oturtling inicidento is ft FilNuoliites he hud founded nour- Accordingly, 011 thL.4 day froiii' ii%hic'll to our s%%ek!t fact-, feel your'poor which, next Sunday, shall furnish Cat squall ; - Mid CkmIlluems. It is probable that his new, rebat,ilit.LtCkI lif,- L,4 t.eflll- littil. :111AI, Jou."I your , lips, in forth tile accustomed eight days* nour- But htill Ole persists In undre,,:sing her of tile niakiiig of testimonials in favor (mothe Crow's Newt Pasiot Rallivaywid reported from 'Fomyth munty, Gear- ow 1)y it"lUee4IMA, in tilib Visit 1111-1114 tO &I'ment to the Intelligence of Dulforil pet, of Dr. William fui tho PnA)Ifnn of tim! uTw.mployed no gia. Last wfm-k it man died, and two Wilk. a' Pink Illils. Wonder 'k itelY to cominence-ULL-; day on which, 1. til nk-,­ Al answerip,. still with paribb. tr(mljtlirw` Uw Nortfiwe?�.t )rm color. To4wtiuU for the poor saint* I And, failing to do It, qulte'iangry Nvill a.4 are mome of the statements pub- of film licighbeiriiii %filimteered t;) a4t UP are IAIVIWt -joIjIllorneiii. I LDUSt ILI&I as regards freedom, Mr. Biron's lazit P, --ft vt that A would "Tho worst of it is, I do not care, get ; I . . ­ %% ith tho corinw. Iliuring the III lit m the vaAern LlYir�f i6peech all,! co&c. ioll Ilave I.Well I the newspapers as to t1k. I C -%ft-wrisi him eyes 'for tile, &is . f:.1 I r.Allit-ro not lwar you talk llkt- ()no lift, about being ridiculous," says While Kitty Cat cries at *Oiat vitty 1, Britimli importiol fit %%(m),l Ptilli, Ill- 1)(Aft wero taken Nick and diod witillit it niatian N"-.ige I.; A* asure that lie t " I cures, effected in all d ; I 10fte, ha tue ulti- mad6--it is her ple 1-1. ot: auquiaintance has been Mark; deep, reic-olute lias grown his Pat does I)artm of the twenty-four hourts. All three were it, Aid price, Thev-varp jeh it ill all literabifts, be "reveren,l" ! *1 t; Creamed $1,500,0041 In the firloit Kiz wam llecAm- ! .. . � I havc itercr rightly known volco since last we heard Its tones. To her one little coatie of *;iiky,- soft. country fresh evidence proven the 1ptirled frow tim saum h(Auie otlwr%, fiowevcr. krlouv: down to tho ground. A cur'ouz; s0 -off.- Vvii-w)ro 3-0if nw, sir, for the matter "The memw of humor must be wanting montio, or. tiam y# sir. Camilla tough t to t') iceed.-Lange. % 11 fuz half not been . told. Were it, n OA ow horw vp(*Wes, Zinjo ell -,he Macedonian or relitf. had nAlat.1 tile wi�z of flumio" r :;if that ` 11 -at ni,Vilmr- that Is..-Ionecan in my character, at all events, as re- Then Ilitty Pat'o agorry alud tuiks why Ixb itlill- io find it warki-t for litilli tO Pem"I-ive It, to the ( Immerian Came.- Ir, jill.1,oile. Sp iiIed, or twt 6polled, we gardo myself. How many years, I she cries for it false senw- of delicacy which :1 Whilo our learned medical frat&,r- Yellow, relret. ildWpots %voe)l "(mV Madily %ae_ there. njAy im fingering over t4w ,luedtiou aptlngus. The rnmttimt, -, m(ownger, am color of her own ecaturne. lulls" it#t llv.� our lives out to the wontler, have you been laughing at At being fixed tidy for shutting her great many people entertain in regard itame tinie tlw rheap,­e4t, h.; till, "Really, the most hidicrowsly ili-as- I:. 1)tAf kaow, I have brought nle. jet-?,, tell such Matters, the columns of MAP liether or riot ethko will ilerinit ad- sporige. which IN made up of gnyr a"tle when motirted couple,- P Now It is wild the Klonttke tele- "' 88t&Wisilfd reniark.; vioovt 49*" she goP.14 oil, fluiCkly. Jet ? They have at least progrok�sed Nor Faym, "Now I lay me," iviltoji going lircaw u ould be literally - te!e vityrtiew-luenta, *etc., 14 Pru"ian Iaw mnall filarnentis- an4l I,x-ik,- if 4. Ity t L,ehind !,�!Jng With grapli 'anadian k C ahelter of her fan, t,v Ma�)r C.110 liere.' -Mine'fabur, t1iinking to the IIw of Chrlhttan names., to bed� neknowled IM! AM all -4. - of yellow wool. reastirer BrOtt. -Xiladi must lia've goue ia tbat tir�l_t Ivei ol' 66pu gra gment I)$ adminixtil.-ring it with a vengeance. frii-n%Ls still7.' WCIl, Six-tieven ? lies, you have been. But, curling up, boftly singti rt- t 8 of benefl t Olff'. 11 such a. line at all Tlw majorit (Of Iquougvit, rvot..tj fiolred Iiis wim- drew to) a masked ball as the in­tiisj- 7 1., derived - from and, permanent eur There phyalcia, are itirohibitod an acewd-oubeill t" 91TO tht"I'l tt) you- 111IJ911ing at me exactly seven - 'years, purr" Instead, cat 116 muntry come. Irom Florkla. ('I ticra." a !:I.. -;t ItIff, yoti are Upt 86 Pitty- Pat tells lier in -ox4ealliest effect wer -ill-Calladiall line foot 'to tx- pre- from even directing tlieir patients to loa& in making and I-Inind it rather less than I (lid way, ted by tI16 use of Dr. ally simcial p4armaciots, anti a phy- sUPPI" a good maily. Thf- 6+0 ­NN"itil Wrou as high -pr it &a� Ah r I)-, tilt-iil *.", WllllaEOW ferrilou, even at a greatier cout. millived fit kmia- the first Dulford when I Pink Pills" forlilal;- Peollille. It isquite ter being detirwh&I frt),ni tile. Young lady, let thove-latigh wito Win' tea-party *Jiciwi fins 1�wa filled 4UO marks for ;4:114 th.- - ii,,let, rroni' her ever,met you. Do you remember the "If you're a bad- Kitty C�t� then I r1ladi is a I 'Imeed fine. wowan k;t it 1, witlift! the mark,U titlwr bY a drv-ige nut tmr a*.t :!Ild, riv.." thoill to hini. archery -hall tallpin 111 1`1 + 1 1611 -4 must DrAv: o say that there 4sq displaying if t4gn in liLs %%aitin '-rtynn 1- 16 that way - &ad has wcured a deuced handsollit" ft -l- a I'm - FILI-1-7 113LUll I rol Orteanii lwvo; 1wen 4firecting to a particular driiggimt. P&IV11111 wpmewun lIXV AL tl(Klf-it ho other medicine offered' �Aie lo, �0:t lift's'llb-1119 "ith -1 tile bull at which you not % I)ub"c furnished with olw ltractle* -moti- And while the ewou- ,*vu*i liehur tried a only Her lays her, dear Father, down soft- cor nd tA low for her husbanil." at (it Pmde for the purpow, IN rftu)o L�vstt:r.- lais�,va li%- d'. savv Jet to his _41111 IV to 1WWJ 11.11fif I -All It firlor it 9-Irb 211irw000i I � 9 ft W "A T %, Ou tow Lhe colonel of thic 4F. .11 Compare WILII Dr. 11 e All the licun unlil the fl It isuppose, it i -q- all settled ill goo'l lipo. i Her-doetait do nuffln', and nuffin' her Williams. iitruVoon that all Italian officers are la* was (Jug tip whick forbidii pliar- 1 . 1910 trade and for- rc%iwent, but defentlied your conduct Pink Pills, and there Is Imme. eurliomt," 116w Wylie hazitrde, ingvutI--: Ti- -y b-", ".Ir'a frtilli her tOULIl- afterward av bawd on principle? said, not Poltroons. If lie re"ires more macinUi froin giving pllyNIcian,. ("irist- Thetportgev art- then tire, Hence they ously. -It would ber 41 relief to 69ne's pli-re,fragrant,' �:aoittiv girli%,h L-wethat Cept *purr' anott 'ptixr' wid tlmxk goes not IL corner in this %vitk- Dominion niati or any other wITU. Conscience to I 'thingz% Yolt wore a - Wile-miLslin gown, 31164, thf-y toot f running water %in- and tiatan al- knvw Y404 -d oil Lk Conyligham. By t1lo end of the even -L to isleep III - which thelr� virtues have -ilot been w'Il prf4mbly lie forthooming. uct tlw narrow correct footing at lajkt. in all war-4iled avvav leavi Thr hutortill-mile pipe line itf thii- AfraiV! yolh lkav-'a ri lit-4o,thIk Put, -never inhid, Father, 111ler, little proveo.?.-A-curoi6 '%vIdch recen came evilil, %,vIlich is Itlic to 1119 It wtw torn to oJimis by ' the tiy ia '"oul keep." Itim1wrilien 6ay thoy Natural Gam Vompany, of PIA,Wpurg, It. if the doconiinplkition If. i WOrd itilirhiee. Correct, whi moro than curro-bet." if f#,:tr. -'i'wi 6P well' to crVIIlIlid* m& &,purs of your ht!cccvsive partners. and to the knowledge (it 4 representatiVe saYm tho uld rria')r, riil)bing his ds- tli.IL 1-a it th'. ilost alijeell. ebward on I P`ckcid t1p a rejecte(I frngment- "Illetad W) MUM labor law. The cou- iA at liorseat4he longt%it in ilbov.-orld, 90 t�00 fAl' Yellilih- f1loU, Wi ble temples "Tho ruarriage of him reverence Und )r t, It- va rt 11. But, I 01all I ave laugli. .1, t 1110 asi much its you like- THE 'T-ADPOLVS, WISH. of. the Iferaid is de$,krying if being upon the FTM94� and (:alna the temple wiladi io to take place at Mirenck, sae- I CUM widuly known.-- It, is all difital our ungoneroulif ne'ghbors but a linn hi buildlur fit We Caucatu.-� ! taining a tir t' and kept It. That morisel of blue rag uno day'a tudpule and a Jlzard -were ice of are Vien packed up and lit -tivaos. I have it frota the t!'.1t, J1 s tall havo in.V T-1111- A fore, Uhr6 has mi-) utirreoet thwil, u,) that the In- freml Michuilove to 111twum, %vilich ir� Quble that tile --okid of dealer, awl after a further washll�, e- a 1111MUer r -The "irce-from 1.1ily .%nstvn** dIvidual firium tako care v, we tit -it 234 Rumian VeriA, or 150 inilm logg. put, on the tunApt. Tit ttaftl nt haislo beeri to In#114, and Inick 'with talking together and the tadpole was heart tr bifffiwg -of libYsiJAlim,* horne of whon e export I But jet Is not -laughing. She hais birds. He wab tiure he Could if he only It '%%'its' Ix_- fillishied withiii a few weeks, of Xen- York In IWO *100 Own lit%L­ me. teffing lie. -wanted to ising like th Valladlutsw a -re euilAoyed. sayn,iot tilimtgeo% It- very large. :,ty.- 1`41 softly. stiloinn y. ­Jf -Otliers'! -,c anti ite obst4ruatocel-cust will 4.xcw,(l And M" Jit C(Aljo I turt"I tier face, away, ishitri4y. In had %vings and legs. lX_)Sitiv(1y111 -fuse-d tu tr�at; thepatielit and they are vxp�)rteo to every collin- Ali, at trifling mL-�coricvptjon t. WN ia not *Ilrifig herso-If tis*,speak . 'ON 16 making ILlin wil friends. 5,000,000 rublov ($3.M),ow). tI14D matter of-lioard6d relle.4 she, The next morning the lizard found on the. grountl that it Wits- no use -The I Inine try III the vrny'o and-nivalLs -t,'be forty t I Luu- t -7 iM t theAe at whow it dililig It(. :11-ts 60 flar, had eximrience.- Is theto Ilot' tbo tadoixAc In a w`11d kat&! of excite- 6111"P" Or AN' affliction rderrc valld charins. or licr simvr I?il -y-4 oil 1.4 W,_r"r than inine, it is rigitt 'a heL .1 d to is .1 apaju lias ",000 wilew of railway, . I .. ? �ertaln packet of dried ixora-pet- ment.­01i, lizard,- lizartO' cried, tll(. %3Are-of t arek re:l(ly to stab or Idol. , .,o RAN A INT4) by tlio lying- Ruillor. **It Mi -44 jet i#% is ti vo'..r .rcuor to -rivi. Ille, up. llighly-rebpected and 'uwin aWat :�6,00:),.Qf %%-file], IRS IIANI). hertieIr. X"roni the tir' A 146. the touch, the faint colt] odor "Just look at inel!, I'm 'getting legst" -s to i f ysoa reeq it�- pt., it I..; It in on t." Wc1litcklo farjuvr in the 'town -ship -of A. 8cott. Ivea, 1). 1). (111p feet. I had my fear.-; that aotut� which are more t1run. it,,.he eon bear, It wam true-. There they were. otill 031 miles were-11ouble Iiii(w. C1111111 evOn yet?' 1A*an, near the 1; 1 go - of I)Ubl in.. Xs railro.ul lililvaget.) In Is- prol loll liet.41 very sniall,and %reak, but m.ally,legs. Tlw Wort, it I 189a liki of tlie arrangement %`Ath tl,4.. palfu (If lli,4 llnn,j. eikil ing tako 14 the kind wvuio !ikv!y to), ue"Ciir-­ tilti' i absistant, Dr. V#41%, ran I chispi inttl, . . w.i, YOU aro a great deal tuo )lot Ttky weake otill-more excite(A when, and M Thus. W" 111.iltv, NII PK-rekaw5 of has sauctiom- a a % 4.ry thing, floor th-vig With- 'all loitilllw iigl;t SL'illing-An- lirr'f­yc.z�. XIr.' ieit, rs, , firm b__ a lk-Igian sylldiii;aw for the conimtrue- wovetle wound.' I appiled '-quiekcur�, tier, AID too tZiPe", kib,' after ':t _11lIlLuite, ishe wMi� aftiorwards, they #;-aNv nefir the- jievf!,.s in lie torti t re 38,810 nliko�, Nillc4- isill. It was dis- f1pulb.; ofie canniot . refl-jin --fIrtim Biron gaiii.s. &I al- kilim I caCY of Dr. lVilliauls, tion oI a"railway frow Pekin too Hub- to It. and in four dayr& it wa eoni- 1.�dgt. as to Will,- "to w"te your youth ais front part of 0,16 tadpolvti; body two A A ftwliug a certain-" 11A 1,i. r *,_,:,,..-; I- ne.--the- 'i'vvsit I Pink Ilills* very . gu(i :I.., follo"14: I, I re 11 reasons. kcrx, Cairo. 20 mil(w of d." yourewIf thu troutble -f 0,1,i, t ,\p;-rinient --b.. It YOU 'alre doing, oil a dream. To 'all little I)ud-; and the lizard wao su and Jor I - . - w go. suffered (!1terYtI!Pg but I u rol )1 `9 -Itx-trie railway, in wII(J&% -vowstruc- intient's And p tl&vx-- would Iirovi� to be Mr -1. (�reen itag IS 5- 1891. 1 ulim3catiov. Any dear i t :' L,- t urp(*;es X.ain all old 155"284 141,552 tion more than WN) mil(w of American unnoet;od, Ilandsotue glirLs ipay dit% k WUmall. 'Ole Aunt Det.- Voriit; lIttle It wao a terrible blo%,w,, to tIA:m df�;,Lth frulu. a weak lii-art, the" trouble 'Agia ... ... 26,690 22,M,3 '01 f iv�hen they -found they �vere not wing,.; tittwl and c(n)fwr wire have beeu used. and worul% wav, vat theui. lout 'not. da ugliterm call me. For y oii, the a' beet )art of existence Is still "No' -cr " L-1,0119 ff1tvU41 her. l4ace varly'child- kfrica... . ... ... ... Sow) 6,522 ISSUE NO 36 INT of i4)vlP--n,)t, a t a 11 1 v v 1, L-41. L-itly Iii -t, It tile ttiot P a r to. at all, but IeW. it o a;L oi w if A nicrica ...... 2 29, "s 111 2 212,724 A ja`l bird, wh4) 14�eceutly oficalwd despair. vwT all orlito." AuNtralia ...... ... ... old waipr. cynically. - iii V cried the tadWle In t W�s_ ON geveril we"joijit b ...- ... ... part-rif yau chouse bad enough to not liav6. virings, but '41 ALLL it'W.U4 not thou fit ... 113,LESS 12,322 jr,,Ill tJw,CtAiCQrI"1, N. If., House of -The bwt b(- 10W 4lif the wilarld to g k i!, !.., ;,-, )t to low tlmt I'm getti fact., s, wore tyr ot-*4, 61 r, I fal.l. inake It iw.l ng lega,thio way there't; no kitowing where It I III end.", U;r ' 1Akr to rcoe,'Over. tier 1ro In,,,, irivent givf-rr;.- 6',(ffrt-ct!0U, twent L"Ick ur, t4le city c7fl It %k Ind "F.veti travelling. Itile; one thing , 'grea"it truubfo� of tt-11' WarEIWJ Use tweiv"ioulpl 04teel col- ticaliv initt-lo I"- (of V) giv 1-ath,ki tis .1 t.L j,. .1 %i,,I1.tIt t`1la.t*ut.4xI to rowse nie' out of myself, The rizariL too, wus almost hopelc%s ari)wl froin IN)ronte) (;Iol)e. to, I- for awliile,-until 9he suddenly reuleill- or u-builoijoil iii 1jir f room 0110 of I & legri, broketA in V th. I� lk. irl', !iWadi. aff.-irtionat# 1�*. io; growing I tart, - and ANo magnifir. the , Little net t i Ora, this morning, fluit I would at "Sildl t -elit taker.-;. The mi'lio!i- -onotplatliat it the thape -)f ** i, , . -I _ was telling bered Ww a crayftsh islie'riod known.- -and theii-A I.% 11--a -to. I llltw;t laa.kv- y("l 11,11&* .110r, heart ag-bethed t' C% Ipnt2Y Wit4i a Imm wer. had I(Xit one of 'ito Claws ill a f ight, alreA who endow coilegej,; vjltl buy Tho 14eeets of t4w collar were neatly -Pil-lill 'next winter with them here, iNl&"' Itt-3 t1wq4)b11.g -171(f the breath- titled fiu4, buniv gentleman buua i ulp with t1ok- t. -k 1. ­r.�arc of jimirmelf." -ait t -Ig At - . . ., I - 1). 11) and it had hardly hurt Jt at all, and -anod" for their daughterti v% ra q*Kl all and packe-A box, e% -I - :in -rs at Imifor.d. ino, isuith .grit ilkt#'1ft:- 011t Ot' 11114.7 Vit�'. A ir," fit -wt Pe r t i,� to ishe suggested'that mile might pull the h;9 w:ih fitful anti lab,'Zod. Doctor,,; rarely Tha't 6 110%% %Ul-lig I itl,� In ix-rfe"'Qn-1 alil never, really, want- -iqt-OP to tbhik whil-we labor liati deutly made by' the iwiwmer. lie had two. front logis off. The tadpole wan to linv(s, 110 efr(.(! rollk tot C #tap id t, x te-c-ittlil cenViry gvt t)%* -r their :L;ve- i -.!it :I ed on the. Journeys-anil lioteh;, new t PrCduce-d'the wealth whit1i tjwy tp nil #J16calli0d f I - le isti uti( i ;I acqua ita t bi vary willing, but at tN firsit, twitch jvjliltev�r- *_#Shoia wa:s inumbier 4if Vuic*. before. S ()I. twsy fices a el.; (I'llote, and -tli(k ho cried out, "Ouch! that liurts!" so vL4e,.t by one so larLshly. Their trade it.� to get the re.6t L.JaU til- C( ,rtiva mu)pr Urett an:.! I L_. narrowly. of it. (10 not ainiwe me., I m us t �lliyilL It tillt _tUlt, "be (,OIW I tLe lizard had to stop. She could not wealth. lionctiVy if, they 4 --an, but W U" the other jkoit!e *4 Vio,, rib�;,a. t4�e as to.$ the ellillate 100k, out for a frctilt' occupittlod for The Nott-higilaw, Eng., ']'own Coun- ot %vaw w.;tjL_.t,"v* t, %tr CURES Marle Stuart Wit!ow niurniur.--io li-r lit- 4 1..' t re 111.1 old .19,&-wirite :I but feel,however, that PA)mething nilght 11911% tol, km -p im-r #,trength up, and It, met It. .,Oil,, 111011 "Orel, Per- Laveboer. done if the tadpole had n' (-�l reemtly decided up)n purchasing saffron- lral*;—'.' X (�l!gtilolknjug I been mmh .& coward. her eiytitcoln, _otIl(I %%.Itil 1 j4 >, , 110M, that busirw..ss Illo-11 'Vvant .1 tft,- local tramways 'undertak*ag, too -Mr. Cuiiyn--!mnj oon't you think It - "A novet or whIch the seene Piliall But wom wag to follow. �ne niorn- Ile W4lrk(111 ..It r . r% 10 t I i's k i lier Ili-. I et W4.ou cur-, for'mulikiltal purposes 11A.blit lle.Amay. I Z. 1:.1 L� bit" laid; In India," 6ayo Mark, prompt- They t ing. bofore the lIzard waa up, � tlr� -tal I". lef Ite 1, reney symtelu !:kd. Tliv- Is-upr!,etorti' Ojares are to be ne- .prtwwnt. au I illotut,41, io.i,- 011C.. IY- "You Could not do -better po)ltv came xrAggling oTer to 11ijilil, alooto one's ..3 114141thive., t :.It 1-c VIC' 9 it" 111"a u, wi 4-4 Dr.' W. I'light 414o itorI4- th-tti I;attA-rn' after nswers. %%ith- For I few tecondt; Jet pau-,es. Then- !1, Ilk Pills. Sliz. quired at liar, vallue, Mile- toptal cout pttal thillga.; I'Aill. it iN i-�tirring rdio r(V.t.,4* lier, hand upon him arin- door -of lier houge.. "I'Aaril,lizitrill .11:1(1 ll'i't hoiloton taking I-ur iturrwiey sysitcal. .%nil thery ire involvi&I biloing $4400,000. Irnportant ALL PAINQ comie, out )Wwp" he croled, al�l *41*4 140011 -vilectitm to think that t i, - , % - 'tiler A .2-, 1., . i4en,4-r, eunburned liand' V ha�e -is � F-111to, 14011g, 10 e wa$ Pevot,ral i4her pairticular,; 11, Ivilit-I'l 1kvelsopments of the, #4ysWtii are alm) �U&t4'n­ ItI16 1.11,(Iy appeared, Wip breatidessly I 'll I L.' . %V I " k a.*. - T. ., �i la til.,ar- tou'ch- noir. am in UvD (Aden colitAimpLaUNI by Ux- adoptlim of vIec- 1,141L,IpitaliO ejl�t)%jLI'L t'nic*, ` beggilml lwr to get I I , e of eel-gra&q all lilt j".!4W kafilt- xclloi-f rr tht'y w,4141 dolo'well to IxitIA-rii aft, -r I . 1, :1 ly i" t I jo - on -ponding call bring Mt r - A i nea r dtv 4 tili th-v trou - 1�, t4j, marry t.1w Re. -,-reit 1 1. 1 k lb tcq and mcvwure -M4 tatil. "I�vero beel'i 14A.Allint. hh"I Li"14 - ll# -r -wh4.1'- . ilfe '11jig- Panada. Had tli .1kPI -40%.- trie �axml other iniotors ion 1p!ace of V- l'itcr tV U'lo wr. we' "-111110t 414) tic-Ilvell. She look. -i ulti wirIOUNIt, k'an- e�y re -k. I.-alilt. 1, IjK_JrWW. itfral'41-.1t was itJ-trinktnig for V, C -i- Viila Corona. didly. in- tii#4 race. il-rill-Ii-. l4ring, til.. to past sunimer t;lie thieY %r 'if hot long Maaw., young Man t ii, t rt 'ear Mark t1ju he wdd' "Itiml lu)w Vin alroo-A -In F.amt Tauntion, La4y Aitipti­n­aiarr�- t.1w v.o ri.:ol -%ll ytitir ii,onty-matters at A tiny or two ,go, (1 1, '1 I.Li - Wf Pink ilk% * f ritely, -Ii, All i1W.11110 1111:111 ln .1 Iligi, raillinf-t .-r-, L.iiii'rmice M" '', llylig-r- Via i sure, -'antl I've been feellng W) - Ad It. -IN t you Pllo"Id .1ou aaakc4f 'nie a tlumtloll, and I toI( strat.gely, ttxx Somet.1inow feel nP l"d 1Y 4,,l 1 etter lie-tith th.ol for man 'fice, wivo 11K),twIlt lie. Was O'd (Slough to 111(417 1111paid." i haw, I�Itli file% %:.aal Ww:t or X, In P, I ), � Boys, you cau cau " 01I I - 111u. --A llavo time before I ould I ter"amot In auv affiL: c thoilugh I. mAlst havo .,tLr, 11 1 gvt )ro have I &I cal"I 417111 ft YOUng WO - I fatil-kil tWhear t he give you a final antswer. I litivilo rs Liofi-re,, awl II.As b6ell, lot 111m.,li -I Mono w) that I din ordi-r prohil)ititig -the Awoting wwi a few nIgIrts eiince. The gjrl'h out of the water, and. only ilien Ao I --V Oiffi-r.-!it .:I­nifi- Your' ansWei. whattever I of djuai! and partridge has 1wen ext A I1a11.11kllpI;1M"I the. -II 14, t kvil 4k%* what -.1iffer- taken tiatne. and-*' - I at(, dl .4 0 slo- hlikr: leju),Aoli Olt I work, but P I ii,r t-ngal:All- it rorniix, vo Civ �-amf­ hi I- in,otlior tlu*tly 1pft tolie room, and ill Well C11 t 1-4, -feet �owlortablc-." IWIllY Of Vw� �vut door 0 and cliain for 3earsoo *Latfy . % i., I. - ;., -1 & r.. -1 14or444 cannot I*lo' filial." lie interrullitm. %J4 tended till .1"ellt. 1:0.0, 1900. Tile it. fen, mZOWAm returnm] with a Wig Blrinn*-it ieenw t4) lu,. tl,,. tiv,: rl;llllf-..4 .1 i, t , _ I Hastily UwAltard miet"red the Cl., V) thi- Ibt. tit. .1 of bread and molassw . which by selling ooj�l: I) I . 11 e(of -if$. Tfi'.. a- h4 a. gw�d fille. t! 14. 111 tillen t1ley HAt. u t Illixio-itialls wll�) -t� the' filiv- handed Up the c4i1ler, tellUig film illlli '1-, 41, "th tadpolWi -tall, or 414%0 iovarlatily a:� hunum beings draw br cabinet ange. The wort] 'final' diffit gi% -*-it o.,ritt,rt, I t4 wretili" Oil 104 an Jubil e's ill Any potebook." stitolng at wdt q)tlw-r in PiVent con- 111 4 1 ",0., A an(f rw luDmil-, as It's mother absurdity." treil.Wil Jwr have 'frequiently bird, a cliaNee to bro(kel, and it ar- to eat pi ct ures V-4iiiii. T!I.i t iro tl,.- ocr� LI t: i -r sternatficm. It wrw almoost gone 4 -ik I purt -il.. r arl tile W -111 fQcU -ft'llike the . acoundrelly fellows m -glit two U.npa@� it lv� isll,U,gi l4tity out of Queen Victoria liaid of tho,hiotd)ry. Ali, iiiy' trir fitge : (I %% n9t (lWirrel about -St,111� the lizard wx)ul(l not gl�e;up tA)Ilf her huillantl filat they ivoul'i I V other articlos fot uii Atf 10 , ;4;lr fti.Vild, can tAtat. Mark, if I chred for you 10.4N, bee, need Lau-. State 3 11r a - What a pang it t.(*;t.; yll 'to 0) , * I ... - who ohoot bir(N eiiw- they cerits each I mve. \-.vehiber v 1(,,-7 all 17 -She knetv of u w1se- old not -bc,'*�urPriw­tI to'lv%ar uf her death lge iotent QUICKCURE I think. my 'answer Might their fiaili for f(x)d, and- the eminently ther's occup&uon 4nd we t,liat perowth likv Mr. Lat�r#,iirf-- 11- .1* -t-. J, t - erayflelt, -wl" lived farther down at ally W,0111wit, -buf iijv,. it, to -day 2-1 ifig to the Home Corril-spond- will mail Me goods. i,lito Lwide-Mv of AeG ord r(MI 1611(itul-I 1,41 .1 lawful Illilli-­t;� r thl. 11 -rt- can -olivine- r)r tho stream, and after blol(ling the j4 ksperktals!e "oliorWnic-ii who shoot ej mollt inontlills from boys. 'Xt) mimey required. Marm A f I LL,411 of oluick emotion bwleeps 1,9 WV11141 Ing, Wj rc it of the London Litucet, the dP Truth r,,; - t r: 7 i:,� t ., f, t k 4ls, . 11 Iol p U tadpole, stay w1myre he was uritil -Mle ter facturent'Agvacy Co., Toronlu, Oat. �i Laty Land,!, are- shred oiier 31ark's, 'face. - he;llt . -lif-in merely for- the love or taking inurder, uai iil:ncii� !m thr world is; the -Biron im I iji(ot oftiralile tra%'i-iirio- "Rut, au It 10, looking upon yon, returned, she basteVsed away to 1eg illAIV-She WIN d,41ro' f4 Years. compartion.­ P -ay -.4 Mr. (%inytigliarli. thf. liking, you old crayfish to come am"I look at the life. A Moth Mrs. Green .Ij�l her husiviml fet:l foundling , ItoaPited Ad aph-im, hi al ro&at W41 t I I Ix w a#4 nky bemt friend on tadibole nnilll volve Us ndvirlor, sr-l14ith It* r Q*!�& t IF I& -L& a 1. 11 1 4; 110 4)�V- 1 1 %) oLP 111i awl& :144-11 " L I with lilm, fronii an.i S -,.-i J I t Ct, earth, I sbrink from the barest lit a very 11ttle wittle Mie wao back -grattAul, Upr VPe6 greet t, tmblleflt 151te has .11i Nebrask. tjle use -of Dr. Williams'. .a want.,; W buy Canadian on two years,- a'Thnt three died. TIX4 e fit YOU i4xioilbllity or your ilgaln, bringing tlw old craytiph 1% teatif,14 I Wert- 4,f real w-r� icso t, -k;essed you Me for�eeding purpow.-s and thus I&.' stat&kI by A. commiladon of In-luiry go* Let us 'Y AI&V Z�. - _touuljinvn� littl(, fate- 0 ing t;Dth ways at omee with his pop -6 ii-kmudbig- t1leir lwiliww or, Delwitie@. FARMERS -ee, "T'nImppluejol-if 1 1: J her. He came craIrldng alrdig Wilt- I' -Ilk Hills, ';IILII iiimire iii:lo words in utili7,. tIl,. immvnw�? corn crop frippo".11lotmi by the Italian Chn Ill i'wr I lall taken a -,'iglit ookd kt Y1 so A, I on r Dt4 I. "SoIlletimes. -I confess, it seems Illo that I have got "trong at Vil everyone hopt. few will be obtained. Canadian *114iie J,!ight 4-'aeWates _.,o -no .%v:i -'I( st t6nvn me ?" eyes nix] twIddling IiDr feelers, but ell4l* - ',eart again. With Cora and the etfIT tho moment lie came to where the 'to feed thelrown wMeoli the rayo 1116. Wi4fov. 11i"lltitly ljlllpatli� I t* t' llik I", r(ort.- inoving 'AT" wIL-tt lNiA ivroughtt,ucl 0 Y dren, and now, mince you. fiave been a Wonderful farmefs wIII do well Tlw depth to 11.0 Illit. at t!,.,It .(.r Witi.- -414 1 ofirgust, -that tn(lp()40 wax lie sfopped tithort III mlr- Mrs. 4*,r#-en"s cattle. 0ur coarse grains, roots and im-iietrate water ham been roevialy liere. there cillnit- ovueb good, bright prk4k "WILY, U& in Do 81 aid (or lo.otog 0 46 learne-1:116 !tit!*s, ult-1 .1#*t. kA t it �%I,Uld to- %%1*41[o tha I feel like- :L girl ekk tndfiole," hiLL1110'arld W.ritollt. ("IsIfIlge* call Ilow-thanks to the Field- di-terniinell I�F the 0 DAIRYMEN it, swamili-ly tip !w trii:.t.. I it ti.i. it fo-or o,-� Litit sitto, name" ti,at (klee hi% crio4l. Then lie -IIAMM. olddrPS.1414.1 *(Vi or Itinal trou round that at 414 *I IKV% .11tif 4) 2pr 1pf ASCII n- I'll- then-theW, 0 Mark, III a� Che. nlPhn "I 111%2-n 9 tai-iff=l)(. -�aliinit.nlf lited IAV ialliflirt- 'I[ r fill I I if -J ot awl.- inonlent tlip of I anguloth ruAlie.-4 Imek i dt .�, 1-4-4nuotor ILLML-.1, M-i'Itica,ribun- .14 t 1i;10 Why ,tren't YCAI Out- Jftr,_tIW swani-p chealt '. corn, and the finished f4vt th� darkness was, to al: in- Viia,li, ilarsl,ly. -'tj-c '(441 anguish. tlid-eild dempali Of nfl tho ro(iiiott-tof. tl)PM?' if prodtir4t %%ill giv all rile 17.1 , And their Wives. lIq Pri % o- 1. a Imot." 4 Olt mIlliging wit.11 ii-Y&IIX-fais, sen' ulous trou- "Its and purpojt*%, the samp as that 1 11 Ifer cheek hati grown white ots . you ro a frog fbt(... fit lua titorn I cars-.*' Tll-- :41w ri,r sitvh ifelivatt. Dayi't you �knoN,% Dr. pill_, to til. reaseil pro 4w a clear lout w(mitlew.; night. tlo,# � 11* I imirlilt, 3vhile 8 (-v. r v, -etter tA) pay for the work. Drop us I post card. anc p- glunmw, witil rile;tning it t1l, .v ti"f aitie tme, niust i4iili spea k It. Anti '_ I 6o.-% frog!" erled tbe lizav%l, but the- butwrio,r to all tit' fit, sitive platoot Ompetot,-di t�) this lelittlif4or ret -4 1 ft -el t1416t it Will filly litim- young tadlx)le-frog leaped clear'nut of fler treationeiLt. %fanufaettirv" your t4ockers and c(iliwiderable len flow tli#- girl' t L.�:i, 1,, "'11',- 31i� -Jrt 0)nyligh.4111,11"Is or gt1i -of tinie gave no 0 fi-ee our booklet on ri,il . !n-aia :i dri-ain. Sit,* Guist 00 - . . - . 1. . the brook with a Joyonis cry. "A frog trou- fiederit into bu44 in your own staliles. 4"14 -lice (Of light deti011. A, ant ctired, lm -r ofi v e. I r.-4. too They ok!"O. "I*', a tqw-(-dfic for the in tiollib Airt of e rN-A-4-ilig tijo. %vakiuhig fim), it bent y he'sliouted. "A fring! Why. tliat'o bet- M211cp the livtv.; of tq() 0 Anil -ult' wcllic4l -I Inirdoir,'.11141 611�eed r(- VWI. Vnivelftity is the filat too e..4 wnrif I+r. "We ijiq.�t 4,,jo, tll;tt \%it'll '111111 willing to wait ter than befing a bird. Ohjittte llzard,4 'INOURATED FIBREWJRE. -filling 1.4-r li-vitv %v'll -ally 14 v or. if viat Im true.- I niust ay' gnod-by. There is not, antl there .(..*Iflllot l.k i, -i- i:.i I x \� I I - . u 11 AN gloW of Itell-ItIl to Kill. b,.,,, . li-sh a general Piysti-ni of lxnija;ioiip� Por Mark Austen. yie 8 'It costs nothing.tellsaflabout Scilne -!own." -let I..* S114.111.. Ifey for the wide,� green xwarnpis alld oa till. I'lilludil.11tia Record. the loud rrM.' el light qirckx Men 'broken -,IowD it Indurated Fibre Palls, Milk Jf-t 1, toi%achereo in their old age.' The Iola "An,l. but for Mr. Linion. 1 1.44, . , iorus nrlder the 40Y disput& 'over the ownership of Iorovio$F-i tlta&, any profePwor ha%ing r lkr. I'#-' NL4#.'.N' '!:Woe 4.1-44 1 of the motm! Good -by, littl' I by overwork, infallibly linve go.�t my 'Iviq il:lnllt .1 0 f r end or 4bx(cusws,_- %-:Ij. tile yu 1g. A ST U DY 1 N SLP.39VZS. P)od-by, Think of nic somettlones- when - iii Pink Pills `Z� of lill (I k4ai gold' fields. They, are nerved twenty-five years, oil reach- a Pans. D st-tes and Butter T ibs, Maroeill&4. Viere 6 *:Pkl , uneovi-ro'd Jet v. a 4-!:e" you hear me singing far away." . !, . . . It 0�1(�a III 7o, 10cated. in tlw- Yukon district or Brit- iig the age 67 65, may retire Wiln Platforip. if y(Av, rectAlect. Viat WIP �Iif. m.-iii-frg t:w-;4r4 i.:&:, i r- by' oill dt-1114-rS 40r Wlit fly JIL111 an allowancko equal t('-) nlk#zlt fill if I its 0 and will, put mortey in your inu-1. truvers40 I -i changing (_,irriagi­ o-llvii.. 1;iirv;: *#4 titiv. girl. verwhoInilni-- V riety to t' 86 the. frcg away to,. join Ills V I f. '. P ... 0 See" ttt brotheirs. I - Isl. Columbia." If more United States ickets, Wo lliw% hast a PlIght l,f 4-XIl(-J*t1ll1t I P' a box, 'or six b()xe@ papers showed the in-ully tildrit' and PO r.,im iaa, awl if vit. Amir Soc,lal Gathering. It w'ati. lonely for the littlf� lizard ftf- r fly 'I'lildre"Ang the in the t*pur,e f,f tile fori,iiv.,io :tfi !it.% art that N!i1% play t"wri-III: acquaintance %% iti, ' the fact -4 which There tire no f5sli In CrAvter Late, galell-h"4 wrort- 1&ark#td c_iy. I t %V' *+itii of the redueed proportion*& t6r t1w, frng wap gone, but ohe com - a wiinian',4 miskeve, one miiy see all forted hem�lf hy' thinking h0w happy Brockrillp.. ()nt.. the above remark indicaies, Lhere OreVai, tlie de"wot freWi water !4ike a 111101aillint of gre.- t ii --i Lil-61' Ily _,,r 0!y. N: :V. A ):111#. 11*4 l"Mig tell' astonishing Var!L-ty of models -tt .1 lie nluRt be, anti (Aften at'twilight MAP It Ptinva re o! Would No more agreeaLle , relations hi 1h,, w.)rlp I, an'l toh.� (:e%-toirum n- hits THE E. B. EDDY CO. all.' 1114ropily! B�rlwl hall t1iii- llresen&,' 4 of, her iir?.t moo"11fl.gatlierifig. A few are dever bed. listened to t1r. ellarup(44 of frogs over !iidtati4)Iw :tn(I -49� -�- lv)r-. �­ - .1 r-�( il'i - - �leii!vsw of a light-wel ht woollen In the swaynpand wondered If the one IMeil tAl) between the two great countries of decided LIMITILD ot min(P U) Ahink of :1 ir!lai I Tilt. Ut. stock it with trout. 'rile f I jy' 'Aire laid ili cross , Iolents ang w) much, louder and deetwr ist Is gi 14011" tcurs.. nP#I proeureit one for'niv That for tile who F tilf- Continent, Canadit anti thet'nited 1111itillvim upal to) my Uiat tile Like laid th#. f(mminti-on, i it lit V ­(�loof HULL, CANADA. 1.4 C.4' I Jbit: �:#,t Lilat t1w vorld. inih­' ontire lengt1i of the arm, witli :I single than all tho r(44t w" tile little 'tnd- "I'll the feeling of rcsc�utment waii 6ittoullem, but sounitlings IxIve 1-niort. of fliml." The, .11"tltw� F1J'r_t*r%t!0 -PC' eI I I I.: I re- pnff t;ier the epaulette. who lind tried so hard to 63 lov pole a Mae e. 6110-wh -iltis gr4mitAm4Vdq1rth th tw 2,(M "Indeelill' I c4mu-ider Via- Reverenil ser% e. ha., ;otlral fo)r l.er. Olo -%unt -. A cherry-c6lored batlst�. has tillk bird. "After all," site saki to hergelf" 011(m.. wi"M. we 11r:11t Vie l"stage or insult and abuse %ldch has twell fooloit. 00000 Lisurence Biroxi lk- very s,'apg(-r,>uIy 14-t;- t!i'( 11-kille Ily Chilling Cytindian cordiality would be 's . vo- It icti' Acevps s) i I rm-(I* for t he untire lipligtil. (if -"th1P_,ri6_ are. more, waya of, #41ngifig 'itamill IfIrtatiii)fi, lillilly liaviiig a_,ked faiiieInating perrom. Nfr. 0,nvn­,ham': She, i'(11, I r , 1. One of the nicht internsting feattir"* 5t I" te.., 'to, .,ear iwmi-lr --art-4i . the arm. t1lan- * bne. f1lb it. Tli:a i4 Ito. rt,gotflar molall-,111- displvlied. not a tmllcy (if inter - **If tIW_ reet rwetillilf. ohirinir Tlw i,wi,41 t1lat fle lia,. ilrewly; TliP :­ English" -sleeve -entiiely ii,f* 'inal ninipwiraAc-0: 4 `4 it rel eream-colored In * ­T%T�SJ'T,T 44' A national fra1wrii1ty? only let it jig, of the reemit Klilithead rivview wao WANTED -cancelled jubilee slanig* it) lot?. elereiiiiil,,4 the chaveft., (of t4iking or t-'Il:AC:.L Gaby-e i -d A to � list.. ce over' eolored ?-ilk 0 f 100 each . %Vi I I Pay 25c ver lot. tweaping irtiold hw Y r tie evell. -Sitting Stainil 11" the tFaiwformatioa of the White Star Addrett, )* b(itil itic- f thit line. Si-i4A, i,r w;t Njwilol. filling iS "wil with t(Aleto 0.)f-[)Iaek IC[t-11:11141 C. A. Murton. P. U. box &3, Hamillom, oil, eitill in a rallway carri.Wv, I hvcb ivir I'll it t--� net. over Nack sil k.' . Fov, I - ce . sle -ve� Mr. -FIgg-What m6de yoil W) 1ati. ior 0-tiveltilm- jitw-r Teut(mic- rroni. - a nit -i cliwitaian lia%q- been sirtiply o.-urp -of inflaminiti- ir-nd -9 ', 'a . .. . . a e corning hoine from schoi)l Sl�llifl(`H—1 IOVC Y( -Al. . I '114 - - ­___ - _& — ( tile"' Attilight, Plaill model I * J. That musty fraud. tht- mi -.sing wor ilItA) .111 nrinvol erikis4or. S - - surrer.--1 ticpn ,Ls it I!,. witri overy cary ;inof, 8 'lot twe(I Toininy-T.,pachfibir 'kep' ntv Ill. thiis imia, change" %%ithin forty houllb IP't p'll Lo i 14110� 11111C.11 as thff loodifie(I leg of InUt,:- Wlly.?,, '4 k'"U, bA up to' the pretecit tlini-. f -I v )ro; toblo 1411, 1 heart, I,; another -is. li*i1ldle, is agaill* being op, -rated in tile T44 LEADING W yOUNG at tilliwi, JIM 1-41ce fhmg not look w(41 Rtrisined I _.wearvely two' tkivs .14ixt4wil glins I It wsii4 Ji.,t ;I *nl hmndvrj� ta fid- ". I 'llited Sta t4 s. Ve r I in Its Ithe Intel, -tt SANADIAN weather, I a ni, . not progrio--t-iing. Vw f'ral 4.-jil. -4 1 .1144- stril'-gIC. over a- tight, lining. 9. 1 0 SallU- corner, stra.? lit. 11til :1,14 %�4�ry prolwrli; ilixial,led during tit. ALMA COLLEGE Since I left F.nglanol, laist OcttAwr, I %t fir.,�t, tile 114.4,11e 114"Jel-0, to) tl f. palliabli. sIxTiniell of the livnibug is I)rief period f�r tinir, and 2,41WK) tuiw (of 11L WOUN. d. t Iwfore'the gtilliljt, l.,y C This urnianient Addireall PrImiripai 411 are.er, havo Icat exaetJy seveii counce.4 :in#1 girl. joid4vo it arer tite Manner BARDER .131 UNT. Well wliat sort of it _n A sunder- 4. 1, ift- do wa nit r " Jame" 11. oal I-1hilopf a fractlion."' Standing T' I ight-han I I or- Pu ptll. Ii. -r' t1iriniirlil a ner (4111:11 to the mtrength (if NvIson's 1111- Thomas, 0otarle Imigntault, barbpr. Ni I (Iitlii*t itindersthnill lnyl� Jog. -WrttAk lbo 11timiner," Who proft,wit-il; to be :14) Notre Victory at Trafalgar. Tho widow rklwitlon- the i-ald- et !,#llir­v W lit, civitre at tolt,--yr. of Jet'@ levity In (Iftpair. 1,:ill 16,,j t7amoer- of trf,-r �rntlliet, it lut stireot, Quebpe:., In twenty-rour I..s, ry..­ S. York 11111111161K,r. the words, of whil.11 'i 6. 111* c4mitre at 64t,6111—Net. Levity! If -hunmii creaturi!-i, thf. N, V 1�or eiii-44i.-Il. r.IlV*y--.!If)0n Ull 1;11- 4 loolr--� 'QW-keum'1completely 'ienleda 7. On r!gJ1.t_lvIII(I part or tiN. lett.-r..; are given, ar.rb :dl A lilkit ru�ight I*- taien froru the FALL TERM SEPTEMER iST. r* .,,,I old curnor w-olf-elected salt of the e4irth mort- I. awii#' very b, burn ofl my wrimt, Which'. I X 0 C FN -mgk--D(%'ytm love miej-! :�t rIght #wpecially, could look into the heart -A. (f) i !.If* kept �11114' fripm iivork and. 4eep so sinilolk- that ally (.111a or wi,00i jig,. fact that frWit treom alrmg high ways liluv heaitlie,*4 for In them! slangy days.. wIlf-11 -hildr(on S. Oil left Miki c4grner at ro-Flit . An- )u irve- days. . TI'LiK inarvelloum Cit W stipl,ly thcul. That I--, I -art of tir- and ovkm rakroads have becon"le it of otlmww now wid then, n -wild ilt -mirefile%I01114".1 lov (P. -IP remedy ust' IN-gluning tO lig,) RITfipIP %VaTd,4 g I I I. -t to - y( -,U.. turn them InUp Clirisctian.-:. gavol-Ille in.-Annt relief from pain and I wiort- to %�JJLtL, Mr. W-"- skill- tormii-il next iday-ov iinialyze tlwlr dejtr wanima-4 4y*tirli- 9. T(q) I coriw,r at y!xur A rernittallaie of eplits ilo; t4l Igource of revenue to a0me German dw ? r, t 1::til 1111k ,I:- Woe thtm they are not the only.- tion fr6enilsid riiglit-71 W10111. bi! made With (at -it answer, f Ii SUiteo-, and that "it the Grand I)u?liy -let C(Mynigham'sot heart i.%. fr(pzi-n. tla- married lirc lins ()I- tbe- I dump," It is refreshing, to P_ (or w Iiell of LuxemlKvg i4xic-lal claswA arp 111TRAT"R10. 019T With no tangible eonfirnuttioii. i ho- of jii4 mv., 13M. F-Ercet on Tr%4J0.. 10. 11ottelln. cornierr ;it :Ijik- klf'two-thirtlr4 6f tlif- list be correct) a Ireld every year for instructitilg ill- An influential school th&t rlVP 41141- Iltila0l .1light ffr- run acromm an Innocent �ou-1 whoknows y,,ur acoluailliltailCt'. f`**L* t"t her wiriirst fears arp be- ii'.. -If ;,it 1 ..i:l.lt#- , -;#-xt 114-itil-rat tra-th- is (tul[ diamond" scarf pin wl enjoys a t, -P Ill. -my throughoilt floth , Ing or Alierow thingm.that We hear II. -011- lilm. t6eept 11 kx- 'ment ; isix-cotors anil rowl hands In tile li,lInt- nation&i patlZonage! Nowolt hoter III th, W; It Wf;rthy -f lwr to -- mT +)ie. 11 rf?,Molpt for a Ureca-montlis* ing And care of ordiare-ke. 11(billillitill. IWAw modcrate. c4rculam fn -c coming realized ttuit Iliron',. \,,v:l s1rot1a, wltort- weaUker totioli- ()It the streets. A good old mother rir a l4o. A' 4 -v t W) a sht)ck the either day' when' 1-1,. AddressM-. J 1-,1,l,U)TT. ri,r ceived lu_ subscription to lil; tila"L that Biron hirfiml-if-is g(nip from 1wr' all III t:orw; art- favorahlie- to. Uw, crolloot. vie stillic'. fal*44 olowil I She restollo trie minist4.-s truth in every . iles.-s -.1 Time.. *tlilt ill; the higll� Prin"io' I�ffward Isiftnol Imiy croll, 14 vche'. read a tt-fegram from h (or bo�, engaged. .:till (Mille IA)n(km lutis Addf4l to iteot imirkit un. you may g%st :1 $20.,) prize. if belph I loud laush of L.L(ly Auoiten'ilt—inevery #-.,t va!ijr, Il't 4 lic-4.1f k1lown to heni betWr tfian expect�%J. Triulf. :it St. whic Is enjoying hiMself in tlle' east, tile V! tl".- occulby At fourti, or the city's whlaf*r t-xchangett armind thf- rooni; i)j,:,;Iy _9! P L. 0 v. I lm; I, (I,-- .11colifi, N. B.; ts lull,, Init lumtx',r W V1. At. rdgltt angle. &I.nw liblCe 7:1. Xflit,11411 14tat -s authorikkkv do 114-0c acc %V;Ls tum, rei er jill, and at tile s4irut'. time afforded w)nle 6,)11g to se" or go z"' yoni. I- �, Im"Ve .141ded v; tile hen't1i reailw it, (m Lailrence Biron's efian97 ! .. AM (,)I',r 1,144-k that, illir- nlentm UP 4�fWland contlnulrk Iiilunvy. amumemprit for tbe up-to-date menA- 14. 111, the 111WW. at -.rfgbt-l4,,lsltI oil such melli'mett tilt-, k'allakliall 11014- . $ - Ill NJIMMO & HARRISON Ilig I. ha,l 14- IteltolyrO trcdn tolie LgLbrador flWw.iry berm of her family. *The boy, who 10 end 1sr4j%IP-0ty,oi the ml!,tropit #-if and biaggard face. )ic* .1. '' edg.-WrItc. 1 office authorities inig ake :I not.- llfi� He approuchit.,- W'lult (.It( P hf)-A -IlP fi-11144-11' 11, majedlatiety. fit to ?411 .!f t, tiloqg1l art. rawrraWk: thlo.*� from Newfound- having a gobd time'itl Ne* -York, tele- iful L�'n %nerp bu"d loot be lwmu.-Itle 1 tlie - -_ - - - COLLLCY[ but to appr(xich her ? T'hey -hake roa:miopani&* %,is tariff fAhPrwIw-. Buslalemi; im irfityrov- giraplied homa to the, water, who real] -Mr. Plumtner-aiM his gartle- too part W.'tth 'my, OU'Allpla. 'ara. itivaluabl#- alway,4 :it - '14., re - I - - Itaiii(bil. C Imailile-li lot riirvo %t tim. vild 4:r ing in Ontario anot prt=iwv4 to, eon- -it, as fo'.Iows: SPECIAL F61t -VILES, Torm eAl 111,11dvAl' The Limit. 11"llw-bridge over the Wuloperthal at kwtie Mst, -Otta. conAmiclinplace, maket- obsii-rva- tZlille nrorp TIlerig, pullcd. Broke. ' $end WA41t the part -4 , thorouglily w I t h -4-NIk�S!%. sHOUTH.0,4) -I!,- i-iiii or yenr-,, lior 4P. IN 141" lav, 6 lla". lily lfg tion aboewt tho weather. Iiii-to ri -t 1%ert, loretty ynjit(-fl i I,e erag", milloulamCbr trade at Montreal. mv fifty by wire."- wa rm Light-Mlodirkof Young Thing ill f rve, se I A for iL water and soali 4udiq In&&. f ront ., -MutigNton, GeriuAtry, -whiell was open - '14 -11r(119-8 at Winnipeg. Hamll- The good old motherr wa.-t sta a gnioll mild soap, dry witji a w)rt 1141tiling -SUR-Surely, Aunt Margaret, 4 . -4 to railway Iraffle-July Ist, IN :mbo NIKKO H Alt "Y ' em." remarks Jet, In -.I fore$A Ora; I I'll k tho..% hall takelk firmt. &I'll. ( rtlod. kinol of volee, but calmly �onougll : "it rrlIs1,#:lJ toll Toroonto, Montreoil, I-Inlifax an(I 31y . I"r boy!" mile moaned. 116 tow(,I, an(] app:y v quickeupp" ?4pread You are 'lot going to wear yotir erinoip"All. would ILavo been a flask (lay for ex -e' --ean Hoeft -.qlifl wail'. St. J04al, N. must have bren' in (Ais. or tiioso,�oai) "llel'- fmt higi, 1,43AIA(mig. -and flax a c(In- an"linte4i to .1jr22,- oll,woft 11114kn or muslin, and allow it tacleP In the water? ploriug the foretit-if we hall. hall the A. (,1 684,060 - I:wt wpek,' $286,000 ni4or.e -Car things. Send 111111 a� hundred. tral iRpan of 7o;*# fe44, it wing, the to rrinain fhr tiventy-four hours. Wash kunt -%V4rX#ilft-In41oee-1 I aill. X4 A an ewecw�t Protected or 'unptoteetf-,!, 44 --. i r-, 1*(: -(t%* 1� eitart. at any. thall tile PreVkAL4 Week., oIJUlL $:%7J51 - -fathor, anol tiell him to scet the lwxt witil, highe-wt Fnrcqwa&lsrR�V,, with thed-z- FOR L t 'doctor I . n the city.."---i.4)uImvil1v Cour- k2l, -oil to reluove all trdees of tllitW s0iall Induce me to take 4,rr an - ver, a -w-, -%&r. T1wrP �f lckcurp," thPn remove )if wiiij othDr thing. 000 more tful.11. lafft Yc we oePtioyl Of t1w ' Garl-Lillit viaduct lit I *hall iwortainly takc! Vora �ovpr to elialwe r.­mii:!4­.'. 44. 4 Tamarim to -morrow." Of- Crnrll of fit_vv;ioioll� -I buW.i~- fallarpo relxlorted from t1iie ier-Journal.- soap suilp am at first. :111d I*np W) '#4 f,(w l4ile ill 4111.111t!1I. to -3 ut1writ Irrann-, vvldeh' is 407a, feet lit Gentime-nian "if you know how iny iLay tvis the jiirraelfl to W drew- toender, 'DiAmi1i"1011 Of CoiLada, - last week, AS' -'Ing of "(Juickleure. TbP effect is on SeptelQer 3rd next, isilL twoen o4pent, ym vil-f-jilim r(,rglv#- nie," Fiyv y( -,JI .14A I (Alyuglinill I-; -now, ngainot 41 tho prevkAw week.. X-) In AN OLD, OLD STORY. wondvrful-many (aw* after hating r-ajid- t %- 11undre"I choick" fru7t tre"'in t)POri'46. lu re wlerpey ild (4.N%rved mer the I'Mutiful lawat and ornanwitta, trom. he addlot, in a lowpr kvy, "ForKivp- were writteil by Play" BirtA, bending ()vpr her; thpn foli U 1114111firim-4- (Ad the, week -it Ye" aw) a' 1 20 two The'follow Ing lincis sisted 'different G reat yean ago. othii-to" lfemedltss�*' 10d -sllil' :--Us fivnilo,lf. li4 all Hince'rAy. ltaVe yielded readily to " Quickeure.1' coniobtruction ikf I winfl)(kr 4,r large bridli: dwelling and harit. 4uld and pity me." i imminuiar., ,! v - mix ll(tc aloo Milford Be A. b0Y 9 years old and they are full VoTer the 11rien to proteet clotlics, front Poor D"iooU draught gtiril:oata it(* ig fi)r sinaii frame 110UPC and harn, twat tip. "Have I anything real to ror- Rcutory waredr 01AAments for* Catarrh Tha of marit, becauise they contain botli -Quickeurp.11 IW buildil give?" Jet wh64peria. lookfug up ,it her tnith and IK)otry: pie Weti011 In Ontario, tltrf* lAinut4out fatfil-r. Ullr,'111r. 0butatri Mercury, tlm% BritkOt lf;overninent by tilt- I Ira 011Y1191laim in am Tfaw, little kitten.,4 of our old *at is starved blood. It shws itseff 'ar- ik from WeLlkerton 8tattkXl,()GUnty hirn with eager betopeeldnif. with it icreaL it i.1 - 'Tile de-4tinatimt of the Illoau.. "I"Ou'll (if 111rum, 19PIendid High 'I ItraLm.trian. thougf, as lit- 'Aso inereliry %vili' surely destroy the Wore buried this (lay In till" grlws Members *of the* Comthune. rows. llfetlme'o4 "Aidenvk4l pain in hi -r deep tlr-.Iik(,I.v t 011 QIC.,Jay. 1410 and -1 or"of smell and completcly derange plot Of the surviving membem of in pale cheeks, white lips, weak &A Wtq I ap tile moditi, in being kPlIt PUNIC Sello0iffi. Sale ftbs0Iut4I; oor- eyft. f i U, hin, ai Villitkestime. Since tbo wholo WyNtem wlien entering it They came to their death In an old Paris Commune, Brunei is a prof the 4ark. They n1my Joe few t,llilla, tilt' r0hPo"Idellm InviWd a rare clb&we. "Anytldug roal ? 0) niv poor little that. lllr�-Ifoli4 w-iiatliern Nf)V4.1111ber, -Jet through tile Tnixxmis tsurfacins. Stich water pad, digestion, no appetite, eiduus_ Nile tw t1w Timper, though toome hPlieve "Ur4b Pftle- 11"t llighillist U"ider not jove! You iiave to r4)r4l�(- me every-. Iati4 reveii-il I nlill* admiration' - than :articlen should never he at the navy school at Dartmouth, tilltt they it or-,, box uwtd (mi the Zal puliotory. Tl. Ponton, AN-alker"i. and. if yDu otm' falls t(I 114, , title(] Pxcept After loWng. their breath they were where, It Is said, lie once hood a 1�yw n reputable phy- Pulled out b the tall. of tlw Prin thing. Jet-forgivP llilletY-ninie oil Prescriptions fror tion, lack of nerve force, soft ixik4i I n th, r,e,,,,t 4Ir war with tfle wife, famet aw. young firld littillilly girls 00 siclaim, as t4e, dam e they will do Tfiene three little kittem have re- pit%; Pindyce or Wales amelng fill@ pu- es Trajawaal. - P`0111 8A�LX_0NZ_SZT Cora by now ham ino,ve(I aideIv. The Of :4 'Iiufylre�l, lin.4 read nl.ucll. is teonfold to the good you can powl- is a merellant at t,liaux MuScl and, difef of all, weak as XNGU18H WOOL tumed to their Maker, de-1;'on-tis, NeIllet lives at Edinbiurgh Rcio,dl in wilip, @,,d to have rd"-firet breaker ps inch w" b1siliket lovers for five ininfiUs' 0191191 t '#Utll mien Many Illett, blyi derive froni them. 11all'oo Catarrh And wtfre put in the gram by tile and Lafra-ricaLs is saki to be es. Your doctor caUs it bl'iallnCK:; K&ElWh Pickor. 24 . illiell: tallm room full of ps,1114e, %with Lady Amten many Colin trips; talki brilliantly a Dook- MUSCI M 1; nd Kcrew cloth 1preft "d telUne Is ("Ire, manufactured by F. J. Cheney )(M-11 thf, da S to & (,o., Tole(lo, 0., ice. The Inaehlime; all is first.01illait arlder; vkrlto tW arming companion boY undwtaker. 1�litor of Atirting two herself, looking tion --are alonp.. it pprfpctly� cli. keeper In a large firm at N contains no mor- Amemia. He wfll teff you that EmImAror of JhAhi. sit(. Iw YA* I felt, througliout the wli(,Ip of young or old. Ana l4till- the c(;1d directly upon ti ia other imrvlvors still live In Paris. troth- 111"C6141'ra. Lancar-ter Maemse wwk. ycaterday. thitt :I, mtorni wa.4 gathi-r- -Still tho worlil calb4 her cury, and In taken interi Ily, acting KNEW 1118 LLSSON. A mong them am Dereuve, who is & 44(t to Alir"114, -Stlltalt or IA%wt--r Iiii- 146mater. 001, lug round our liappnif-sm. The mt(�rm X" Cocyng'han4se an, I before you h1tve 100 blood and inucioup Wlly-�A met your - new 0I) shoemaker; Clement, a Bong writer the weAcning waither of SUM- surfacro of the Pyatern. In buying my way to Suit llao� burst, Jet, and I ani i4hip- been In her wwtety five rnl willistet Cliampy, a councillor; Martelet, clutria. On her journey froll, lkxilli �"ZRT P. Guj4 la,v Hehool, niamma, to Cashmere mile Was entertained Ity nutem You ITall's Catarrh Cure, bo stire you got I r played a nier often brings it orL WAXUrFA"ftrWM or w roe ked. feet and lw amited me if T ever mar- house PaInter; Allix, a profemor, tuild U'vraniorz. a youltg iit-rainn ll(k-t, *%.it,, PRZKU8 cAmx3LA the appropriatenem. of tile, title. t1w) -getinine. it im taken internally,. bles on Sunday.' Arnold, an architect. Three Of them- AND 'Biron"64 face jo white with genuine With all ber gra6e of language, her arid rrindo In Toledo, Ohio, fly F. J.- 1111JR.- t "110111 File rell III iovfo. and unbourldeki RAPN ArpAjL&TV6,, Pmnion : the muw*]# a rounif hin mouth kIl0whYlge of life, lier ready symputily (:Iw*lpy & (,o. Testimonials free. Motber-Hm I And what did you I-Mouard Valliant, Cluwret and I 1%w -i her di -light wlien slip (liw_ovpre(I sluiver convuJaively. In tho conce, rng or others, Jet'n bright- Sold by druggists : price 75c. P . or wly to that ? flint Grot t-ILM dleputles"and 4me, that the oroling I"N't %%as the Kul tall MONTPMAI, QU& " From the ffrloit duy .1 maw you," lie new atriken yon an nnreaL The old bottle. Wily -I saki, "Get.thee bellin(I mp,- Ranc, Is a wmator. Scott S tO 11-110111 it'lle wwi lbetrothed. :PERMANION'TLY lWcAw on, in a broken whisper,"T have lienrt-whole Inilgil, th Satan," and walked 1-1911toffand left GURMID a T e dancing i4tep, HaWn-kamily Pilim are the I)mt. Dr. Kilos's itirest Wai" bow. led away froni-from rely allegi- the, eiijoyrn*nt that once lit 111) every film. Stoak a la Prancaise. torw. No fibs or am@. J liatt it lbope-In the genertisity feuturo of her niobile race, are, gone In flaying fnr a driiik in :I I entucky _WU or "Pummillililllilg Z911deney Of Locamotlives. C llotter AM dav'p iiiiiii sem to a, of otjwre. III tlw -rake a Piece of steak about two toWn the Lieu tena ut-(; 64rnor Of Phtladaig%ps., for trellou" . possililUty dT my r4- front her foroyer. Art ingenleAls IT WITH A BROKIIN H01"`PLP,. inchom thick. MiLlIt thre-e ounces of drip- trial bol, gaining 11`�rwdoin-aqtl the boOP haiii "In fact, Mark, I ani old-ym, a (lie.,vice ham been in- .1. K. Bmwell, FAq., -Bonwell & Bro., Ping In a fryink pan, and, When quite u1sion Arkaiigat4 not,long ago = (out five Dam stresk K =RWW J- A- H&rW 17N vc-nted to increase tile wwer of loco- . Quo ,proved a falso one. 9r(At t1pal (Plifer than papa ali(I .%unt al8ters.' %Juebee, wrlte4: hot, put In the steak, turning - etin am it wholit. "Have cowd to Care -for nip," sille GwPnofollne. Thoy call take an Irt- ()nf� of motives. It consilstm of Powerful mag brewerF. and m $100 1 104 The ro-itit, w the men employed by B,mwell gtaTItlY Ivith a knife until fluito hrkowll of Cod-liver 09 with Hy;o l(w4oin in finitlim. The bysta B*W=y1P&, with rigid lips. P#4t, both �of th(nn, in tiliflip n6ts attached to tilp framework of IYL de riot - 1771- - 1-111171 3,d,h AQWJiW_tlIv(y1 a centUry ago; and ao I bave ti Take tho steak out and put It in a J;kul had never wen so 111tiell Inoiley Iwfore, TWKmTT ee 53 that it! engine, mo tilat 'when the current & Bro. cut 11111011W very severe I in TIM sma eigto reprion, I YOU JA turned on a broken 1)(Atip. " Quielicure' was ap- with a tight -fitting cover. In the try- phosphites, wiff make pic C*d And tlw ImAlee mlery iiiiiia"liatit4y noti- t they attract the n Pirod I ratiOm ()f all kindA. ri teel fiPd that a comiterfulter wum in tclotil-n. 4ffw- ails. T the effec Plied to the wound, and collipletply ing pan put a large onim, half a Cal - o P. I �� 11. uluntl: t that plac- hylowital oltl &Ppair,the Pv avul-ur healed It In four daym." rot, sliced, and some clioPPell petridey. rich. It is4f1V-1 (iffereure 1jet Tlw Lientenant-0overnor ImW to tilpoll & vifte Jet COO wlams All A.P[M wunds When niciely browned lay erin the Aeak 1_41~ ear 64 ne)t wlto Ile was I)e ' '4'JL -have. andIK4 fore the IwAqillp A-ou!d "I To Give Her Work. and pour rourid a pint of as Lt may 11five I love lie was "i4traight." rehin-Huh My pop* a A41 a few. peppe the time trouble, %vit], your wife, Mr. cloves. Cover the Till a P PtI&MOh. -Thew V ought to me him SUP - "%v NI& n1jYmirlan, -11 PTn rk alrened by tho s lack or In the oven, where I §OOOH Em to ve the e i'�o' ou " t" tid ails. T T` I" -w found it deful burglar' the Prugrmdvp farmer. are timown out rol t1w Mn" ly for two'hours. it In tim cowu Y 1411st Is satiiiefactory, st 10111i, f rom he gurpriseti. POINTS IN CATIPLt, Fl,'RDING. the houne she deger0yeft. Serve It with Vag- rwan. b" a the assed a Penally as reaW a 47-ockyard and lia v r The Ontario ex !Akl - VeAtIgation nif tim ctim IF4 boing Twftt,..,,� the gravy mi should w perimmA ft&t a" 6111 ooufd go W and arfests are to follojr, ear woollen ter careful Inveatication 4xffwi to tbo n rt Orr -1. In 11 Ha n citiall ar all the year round. t4w totkwbg pwntqk we can 11ftli or