Lucknow Sentinel, 1897-07-02, Page 2WaIR y agalvs�w-
Awtbw oil vvoazo�
ETIC01iragoinviita at d ituor'
last, w the rnpulto of '
-4XZW R6b 46d 114 -.dMoms'. ', - 4- am.
lapp"Ings or All, Alb
't AN011h, 1i , I -- "h
tile Plillantbvcp the very eve Ails ..I Z Cl V - r0ftits migitit be 'AMw w u Aip v
ning N. -w reMcing of t1lat
% the rooni;
FiluttilIg the do. ft England."
buch iniarked good -will as to utinued.) )a Heaven.
n ial C'ure-all -- -4 by the jailer
e ' ga.4-huruer, every patio (i Nudid. He f ell
I n the neZ* the windows, shivering, �--- a- 0 0 Tbp �L-
Capta " Now is the time to t4h
in rm, 7 ,
the First
'We 8 ][any to"
ACLI Roy faith that to In 11811 01
ence Biron to Je4li.
1: 7 '",
the abstraet, I look u p0i 1 64
in 1869. * AORI"ULTURP..
takp. mt-ill. there'lire occ&,;Io
&.Uur cdo-A -dip 11arrOWInZ allould be_ df)no so 'as to
10"Mm"11111'r1ilitplaY- I t N polite to amume thein If k-.L/A#1D9 Results Following' Vac
1? YORIE BUSY., :1 .. Zfi
excl lnakc� wiet soil fine as (jeep uowlj A
iauge have theni not. Which aRernative k an it
e the l4ano do you chwve, Mliqs Collyngtiati, ? cination, P1041911wl. Tim cromia routa requirea + 10
a % alliall-IN)l W , Weil filled and coinpactoe 0
411 &10 lukhLato, 4r, s Brett, as Coffee ill the inconliglik or asphyxia- a @oil tQ do
-i brimikly &crass t1itm ?11 their best, us they go down to a
ataollA greater 0epth. than ploligilifig isPever
alleall Coust lu'L.-s have ntm4 were f(W Lie of action. "I am niog-t decidedty pot -for asphyx- F. C' INNB&Vresident an -
t1fat bocit-ty In ch "Atitudes Is both belligerents intion," answeris Jet, promptly. A Young Daughter of David MeHardy- duno`-
C 'U
J t
ou Pit% I With the exceptidn of threcor four ROBERT G. TATLOW. Vic
to be factiouAL ' Ti. like life on 0111�,f r.1, iat the leader of th of Fergus. the Victim Has Suffered IClnellt@ of fertilit
y, all ordinary soils
board. A -hantijk-Al OV mor0- cliance-aA- CHAI'TER VII' the Most Intense Agony D e lip***** GREIT HVIL,
OctOrs ary practicall inexhaus!jple.
our" ludivid1lL.L, filld t1iem.,elved CAPL y With -HE FERN is a well-developed Mine 0 REVIEW, ?PLY A 10,bTAMP
Fh Itu aspect florid as I Orgati-Ituide 'and thampagne. Failed to Belp Her. - I)r(4)er tillagelluld w1I1 I
m or U,,, eyes are Ingenuous; his wear a thou- FOR TWO YLARS.
evitable dand 1ears In general make-up, milve Tl
bound, during it ,,rtatill ill' Five acres of )ie -4 trans-
'Auruber- of mon-ti-s., to eilt. three ment,,4 lips wely"11, z�-mile of universal beue*vo- (From the Ferguo Newo-Record.) The value of this ore has b3en ascarlaina 1 0 manner, and it runs
Ay In colnpall� exchange c planted Into a cori vence. Xer-
tlr� swidy knoild,-Pethaps.
to lence. At the preoeut maasou, ler! I fro` Noirly e' from $10.00 to $300.80 per ton. 0 1 Striking Exhibition of B
Alt -W, to- play M -L. toga-t1wr, to November half -@pent, lie dresses race above terrace dorous, , with very person In -this section Have the ralus and warm isun FIVE I ON 3, talcon trom ai open:c it on t near NELSON, GAVE
'twere the dog -days. , I and tho night-flo ritig ceretim; lo acqualated with JLr. David oad a growth uf weed,, alid formed dt
cullruit each 0,�Ltllr's tastes, 'to as though f rang Mc�- 11"ft I
it crust over the corn fields ? -1fi g.#.t- A RETURN OF; $81.03 PER TJN IN FREE $50.100 PER TOP4 IN
'it all alpaca coat, au,l -NovembLr with buhhes
to each otlA�r's iiiuz�ic* to lji�,t, brIlliant, I i ml,.l Hardy, the popular, leader of'St. All- ting' rkl of tile one we break up t - I, sea Power,
lauglil at eaMi ut!;er's ir"k, al. An:t, by ront; wear. -i no crayat to speak of- of crimson hlbl,�cus, with i"llldg 'pur- drews Church choir, k7ergul'i. Our re- otlier, anti we 0 CONCENTRATES. MAKING A TOTAL VALUF
4he time every man IzLd we',l learned Alld'Auril.-O haek his itihirt-eol.lar wlt� pie begonla, with r(**�#;, myrtles, and shall tx-' all right for The tunnel at main IevVI, which is in 43 ) spthafaboit 180 FEET
hi# do 0
por at -
Ilia' lkeighlxr's iiame. tile llumau--na- boYl,-Ali 41rineoW from tits throat. Ilia caasla, 'in- f till blo-am. Partitloh-110(ig" 'ter eAlled upoti.&Mr-McIlardy days. below the surfa`ce, and now SHOWS CON rINJ FEE i, which runs from
etUs, growl - thetio,; to uny -truth lil the i F
of aloeo*and ea ng In such Ilonio in- -1'1)lwr Nichol' recentli I If
ture- '01 tl'eL* cliance-amorted attire, lihs face, a certain ;aunty fresh- wild luxuriance m they y, ant. thut 0* a Istitell im time olives lillie Ito S32.00 rO OVER SJO0.00 J)er ton. OF Vl?jrqlR
A never reach,
I'VgI11,1 tki �%floW- ItSelf. Twu pervading Ills whole presence,
from Joint a id h6i e4timable wife a t:ale is r:ght, now the -t-LLJ*.,0 In ill tche rHE MINE 15 PROVEN rO A DEPTH..
or threl) luarkcd clairiLketerm, indicate a perfectly :In any English hot-houke. The gle�am pa u i
people f. terrible sufferin; was elicitv.1, k;uf- of P-ougIrc%A land whleh.have wl, . 'THE PROFIT GN ORE NOW IN SIGHT 'FICIENT TO PAY TWICE THE CAPITAL
aggreo-As iDf statnew-the splash of fountains. 'o _not tx
g1ft,'d'I1Y Nature witii Ahe-dangerous IT% Ive Condition of health pliS-ul- And Tho"
('111 and- -moral. High above -all it line of stately palins; fering that has bro gilt 'a once excep- 1110imtetl for toett dwyo or two weeks. OF THE COMPANY.
talent wr emerged a How
Hurrow befoife, nooll %%,Il:tt -has beLtll
1 -ea -4 alld stll�)ullders aboye the crowd. Tho iram-ible oid lady crt*k4es the the outline of their delicate feather- tionally strong an(, healthy ell"" to PlOugliml In tlie mornijig, anti 'ill- tile Among the reports ot i this property, embol;ed of I tus, is one fro n the well-known M Ming Engintiler,
frondk cutting sharp, as though earved JOHN E. HARDMAN. S. B., who speaks in oost highl 'a prospects.
Tla*y I'lave k.#llwvr.* tf ey h' Sulull With at$ angry run., Sho stands, tho Vergre. of the Itrave. The subject evetibig' what Ions
zive rivalia. Or any
L,., ey confronting Illicn. by fairy IiUdiis in metal, against the twen broken -ill tile svni cate,
de-wriefs 'Llie spirit of -6o. Then the surface wili not- 300,000 sharas of the stock have been su scri. 11 1
luteime whiteness of the sky. af ternifi b V undarwrit .
ilCtioll Once ILwrly ilrout4d, and no May � beg, sir, as 'liave been of thehketch, 1;ocnA VcHurity, is four- dr . -W cloddy , but be it the Cash required by the Company, and arrangem ants are re�, I I which guarantees all the
Me knows wh fort -t% i t Such L-4 tim garden of the Hotel "teen years df age, and her parents say 3: Out, nor to I "I ade to equip the Mine w,th a 10-StampAtAill, wnich it
olu lie may call W* 0 tit) a dozen times before, that, is hoped will be in runninst, order in Augu%,t.
no you Ittilem to "hilt as not grown any shicAe her Illnem, For a stable inallurie, to be uW
of -t U�;
an y
V u nda
1fiend. Tije IwOinle wlit) thwk yoll wiil have the kh" Paradis, an I oil une of ItA, -upper patId t;llo I, condition which will produco tmwt' ad e to
the Reverend Laurence Diron anti Jet �'Witli ONLY 100,000 SHARES WILLBE OFFERED THE PUBLIC at pAr, and a large number of thosib
'le wh;) 4q not think that terrible Llt-x)r Whell )-%ttL enter or
d(% t!"D %allsoille'two,years and a lialfago. POLut0m, -liorso Aianure Ili exc*ll nt, have already been applied for.
You Litt, are alike ui*vhable. ". What Itililt tll(,b *41ow . Conyngliam pace stlowly to.and fro In
Thi- lifil;aiithropist ItK,ks the brilliant moonlight. Her ti�rrlble sufferlog dates from the tweause It contaluo- large (Itlau�Utiesof The Prospeciu3 cowains fLill informition, nwl will be furo;sheJ on application to the Brokers.
abiefice of � princll ties, around him. pliusphorle acid solid potuah, which Ire
Can d'Lllld upright unkler the combined .111411Y. 6hihe was vacch4laticitit Injutle.1894, two eost.11tial ingreWent?, to � the,;
I Far away on the horizon the o4ha-d- tiln
Influencews Vf allim lute jtllen6-44 and of Twenty, . thirty, forty -yes there owiF forms of the Colden Imlands cleave and wh-at slip has 161lice ulidergone hum growth. J 4 Fq C3 M n I -q -.4:
the Mt�diterranean's purple. Scattered
little, ef.criblied it-r,,(.) likinlPi or nill.-4, h4l"jult if rty puird of*lu'iigkj in arous&I' the odeepes� sympathy of all, The cultivation of tile curn at- the F. C. INNES, GEO. W. HAMILTON & SON$
fikings lwrpetually L-rWtk'Ll under the'room, ea1*,)consumIllg five cubic over the -intervening plain^ the oce&-
foot sional light from mnue lone farm or the frientio of the $at' ""'I of t1143 lWalloll Is U) ccutrol njoi*- Vancouver, B. C.
foet of air lwjr minute. I'velet ways nily. In 24 San Sacramentl St., Montreal, P. Q.
Thus: Iiamlot wity be seen to* gloam out front verbat Lure. Now is tho timca to attend to
fite-, I'vid Zen Arnott twenty. f my- a duoky setting of reyptess and, of- ion- with Mr.. Mellartly and tilt. wc,,edo. �The� very beA& yvorK of the
hiclint> to',the opinion of -Arnott. (J Vo. In thie foreground the little town- w ft�, " tile 16110wilig facto were to lie prcofitable a-4 a inilker is liolially
Ilk llul0u- tile Aivei.*,'futi terms of 'v*lf I him I" sie;iso:�lj its Lkitig dont., rigilt now, j tlw
aluitY witi, yuur next-di)or Lielghbor. Do you not thfiik, azi, a matter of aim- writ up. THE; L0CoWO#1,IVZ WHISTLE
of EAterel. nestleg'beneath its castle- -elicited.: Two: years ago last worth moro for lZather,and 'for fer..; [EN? SCISSORS AND BRUSHO
Numt*,r. Nineteen, divided from you,, We nece."Ity fi hist -players, crowned steells, The night Is still,* yet It is truo that all Luanurcv� Lnustlx,. tilizer than for tiny other'liurpt*oe.
or you w
-that we. way venture to admit a J`1.114e,"' i�aid the. father, - Lena wam, lilluit, fl, tor4i W bi. avitilable, its plant MaXicio, wems to be a promising The Accident Which Waa Responsible
"LLs:' by Vw thitinest partition Of bre4ith t) buoyant,' -cool, sparkling,- dry isuieli '' * ' I
plamKr, a struc'-ture ail too f purer atmospnere? Whist, POULTRY. for Itti Inventiom.
wric perfeetton Am you may Fergus. The f0ud' Waefillig iroct*s bliould IK,re the fk4d for the bicyvle manufacturer.
ior human. frieudoitIp to depend matialu, (Mitull,4AIlought. Inthinking, experience lit Engi take
frali atmospl VacciltiJUA by A doctor In
aral w In plado lit -the ficlu
as veryL soro and swolle all market for The story of -the evolution of the
and twice, perhaps, &'Ad 'lot 'it t1le tIl0 table c*g IA beiluK supplied, sifter Three Year% ago there wam scarcely a
ul)un. Yi,u return, lo�*Ing forward U) '"Oleculae change goea Oil ill It you Lre fortunate, during a twelve- tiumnier, and- becatne Writ yard. 1A)WIllotive steiam whimtle is an ex -
3 -our quiet hour of '4rilliiing,.itimoking ttioncr%ou..q suWanco or tiie brain, V) so bad that It was tho 1) bicycle, to be **en on the otreou Of
r month, or widower. . . I . . I I !, . . I . .%% 1.1oret powible, I'and billould alwayo reeding oclumon is. oi-6r, it Is a the great city of . Mexico'; now between ceeidingly curiouji one. It wam invent-
it-lvePiing, befoorsi dlinner, anti fin4l the retiewal or which oxygenated "Air 'like -organ-intule, find a m a . m of sores' from the shoulder to Ix) ke 9(" plait to remove the male bird" ed beelLume
.1 in- Pt III buch C�Mulitiutll -of fertility nd 6,1,00 wheil.i are been there.
Number-Nivetcert ham'started ain liar� bh,t) I I-* liet-4cosory, aud-" ell. front tho hens and give the- latter aw 5,000 a of Use debtructico of a
paglie'. as w)me one haij shid,' re-' tJ10 c1bow. In October, 1694- 'awl .0uppiled , %%'itli 'tile clip -Mento of Wad -999
MA-Mium! He wbo profe�isvd a degree th, a large bil fiCiclitly". tU h ninch free range -as li("ible. of k Wl" the country roada
0139enatetl! exclaims 0 old mark.4 Jet, pausIng In her wvIk. and 1"InpapWared on bef back,oveir one plant, I f Women are proving ouccewful as - were, for the nlost IwLrt. erospeil tit
Of 0iyM1)at1ly with your tastas. and I lady. ulK)II whoin tho word seoitw to 'Oct' tht-" It is better to tuie commoti
turtling her face westward towtrd t soai) grades, the eng,ub driver had no way
W110 kDow.4 that lie hjL4 gut yoti, Ilelp- act na a tilrect, , irritant. " I think. A'r. he of livr lungs. -The doctor who vaccin�- to grow, to of ally crtil) we -way wilill boxno ftxr "cVtO-Allan to* h4% or giv,ng waniing of aliproaeli except
wrrated rhIgeo of the .11o'litagiled (tell :t 4 row coinmercial travellem I A German
or theni built, a.14 tiley are Tdore P;wily cloth mautifactilivrc law twen employ- by blowing a tin Iv)rn. one (lay. in
UN Jund-to the crop, is X)rA at row
eaw, in hig power for t. -.e next three t ho le. -ah %�ild oil the kiub;eet of oxygen Maurcw, the directiou whence #4ueli atoml her,treatei.1fier all that'sunimer' *iLutiug-ths Cl�GP �0 the lazitt rather varried otit (if di, id cleaned. Ing for #*)me time tell young and at- the ye" 1833, a f&rrLwr was c -
11104ULS to come, .1ta-s �,-tarted all liar- the, b.etter.1 'I'liere Is it wliido%v, a soft breere as there Is is faintly blow- ealliullgr veey trequen�ly, but the' medil' thau -bulting A w!ruly' man will mako a scrub out tractive womell inAhis capacity, nud
mondum �, d Will4110W III thl-4 *alon olien-iiiiwiediately ing.. "It oi%ems to ine I- -never' really eine lie ber diii.1 llown-' , tlw easietit method of ugriculture, but b3p., the rallroad track at one of the
You try. wuak'r t., anneal to Aii& 14-111ilid th whibt-talitte ate which I i it #%VIA I.
finer 1reatheq until we cattle to the eouth.. g r 11, lo, Wt always the luust profitable a 4S ult.; I Uj9. I I— PUti-IM Llial Incy W_Idl a,@ Much in 4 N)untry road@ with a great load of
feelill9d. IuU ari- delleate, and liabititailly sit, And it hae lwon o1iien 0WILIg certainly trae In "I.-oultry matteric flay ao tee nilien would In a week.
Devonahlre mists and vapors may .110, weaber and weakei. Tho owner'lls not then the inatiter �i There are its niany mongrels oil fartur. eggp and butter.7Just am lie eame out
your hour"of 141eep. Ut-fore dinner does tho *11olo e%enhig- well enough for. people to the manner 1%'Itt'll tile luilip broke out oil 11'er back tim isituatiwL, pon t1w track n train approached.
inoro f -r Y014 thala pLira-le or plly.sieiall.. A fitqilei of tritunph fliti; round the born. I Wo cannot. expect a ali t terc, are oti ditn9hills. Four generations �f the royal fam- u
You are pivor, and,yvur'' little bit Of I'll 'I'lle, *-enetuy oeeei am lialf American. 1, like 'to aliotber doctor wad eowtulted who' large yield of The engineman blew hN liorn lustily,
lit)& get -througli,every'thtng,my breathin lbaid I KOr(A4ine emuls-ion is,pohitive denth ilY In the dirw.t line will be preseint but the farnmr did not hear It.
I -re -prandial seribbilug ju-st enabled 'it, and, Li -Ing *ut mortal, luitied her illeluded, at h , 01 %-1.. tuix.-ru Without a - good growth or vine; to I jc,..
yuu to-) rueet,Y1 ovir wt -*-k y hotel-blU temliour aliti; lier sell-coui !gh Preel-ure,and Dulfortf 0 WaR in a Vety bad, state of yOt, it Wanted too clubC ou'llioiot, rith Adil a half gall(mi of keroo�;ine III tlw coming J ulitim ljroce�m4on-tlie ViClAy tiozen of eggo and fitty IK)unds
mand. , health. Her collm to mlich boiling litit w)ap wids, atid
very decidedly, did not oult me.,,, tit4ion appeareil to.,, or " heavily kitack-d #-;oil, the fuli QU00111 TH yearis olo, the. Prince ()f of butter were sitlashed tnto an in -
Finer feelings: Tiie)Uan 1.4 all egotsitiit "We, do not. dccume you," mile crie,4,, "Hall Americaul" repeats Laurel ce e age then4ilute with six gallotwq (if water.
PO'c0l"PletelY unit rmi led' Of PotutoOld May boluctinies devel maw. The railroad
a tanatic for wtir:ie cw n wust-, z"Id 1�v thia Ci r ice has grown. 111ron, (lullokly. I it alid her OP at If you have no uprayer, use a water- I.rill
up he 16 W&Iwo 5.5; the Duke of York, 32, aiml di"tinguiffiliftblP
appetite jail completeLy failed. The if Mine al food clL Edward of York, :j. miuly mmiomy Ivid to pay tlw farmer the
- ird throughout Ton dayis have si-mce the first, amt. -,ML4n -
well underbtOW-aild iias Lone. - Tlie 14111d entiusla V)� tw h# tL1031 exPelloe of tile crop.
doctor called ilig 1)ot'
st occupy him- the lengtik an&bre&-Itlt of tile Kal : ec others of the Queell'a relatives VVVI 10 Val -of the butter, egg*, I iorw and
doctor'14 tell him, he'Dak. On melodramatic meeting of Jet, awi tier to be- ant and 'J'o havo gcxid " Inek with lwmltry,
i Xiizart- lie pro- -Wo't . rogrotiouo, matter In excvms, potatoes
.ell. His Passion 1, Jig gave sowe �ollt. nit In the procewiiim. wl�ln. A director of the company,
lot 'lot aer ward appil ' Xii their houm3s cleaii, and give the
lKhoes to work steadi,y- tl.rougla the orable, all act' u'* YL'u of b4o dish011- in the dari lwien of AvIg- ciLtionx, ' and lanced the am aPto to be -mobt luxuriant in their Aphland Baxter' by nnme, wevt to
lop a* fowl", a -gcx4 va'riety of food, with
W hole settiu. that will- non; anti (luring theme tell daym Mr. gatlivring, - but. it -,growth above ground. E"i Ali t-wdinarice hao gone forth In Japan Altori Grange, wherp Goo. Steplipti-
of W(-zitrt*.-4 (i n tim har-, iltkW &,Ppen, and drawing a curtain BIr0n1,4 aeq not give the 'eCWIY grotinj bonem and meat fieralos. if
monium) during tt;e rqui e t,f ti i� 114111tanCe with the father patient ally.benefit ohould there be a *,61)ply of ix)tabh and - t in-
r1- -le win- avro-os -it, dellbeir -ly. You were ob- of forty thou--Cand* p NIne sac gir(Il as good care am other'allinialli exhorting the peblile to eat more wo III red, t4) see if lie eould no
ter. And you va' I - I oundis -tin@ fapt It gath- 'ph(aphoric acid. I I
rry your complalata wrved tto, 1* the fi ist, person who en- progreowed toward 4ntlmacy. Ue be_ erings have'li havo tlwy uIll return a prolm)rtion- frt*!Iy of iumt, 'with a view to in- vent' so g Vint would give a
I)pva,re since that time - About t1lo worst folly - vraralng j. I likely to be heard.
to tho bureau�-tL�e 11.,oreau where, so tertst th4S drawing ooui &[ter dinner. came tile Collyll h � 's traveling-coniC Put ell a farmer can ate, .'Income.
a printed form in V. . TV, laa� ota W" � I 11�� it lom Ch broke - ani ai. loominit In to #;lw%rtd fitla&b "'In't creasing the av�ragc height of the gtppliansi nt to work 111141 tile
lwkPv Wa YOU WIMItLeil the If your turkeys are kept gro%,* iiig ram—another -c 6f ttie &ter
P11111oll from Avign6n-vnward, making its own accord, o6ly, however, U) and labor to produce, cropti, and then front the titart,- as they should Ilistaw - next d a cointrlrotnee which,
lllilght air frVm Inad ertance, tliAtyou himself 1,104111 to the Invalid III it thou -be 'be, mination of tho Jalminew. not to let when a 'Lo the engine 1"Ier
e I rol-fle-tairt t 4algratory not take. the -very bemt care of them 00j; ,
tept chative sliji for attain- and th 24111 tALrned on, Irfive ot
forgot lio unflap invallild" (mile Hand ullootentatious ways upon tile child be- after they are grown and harvested. proper' time rill put them in the lirtj ilig &I
w C4 by a three weekis of extra feeding at- the tilt� wigil
I ru,*L'tn, Is cut tu t,. hert titat the gi'v&4 a, wave it her-liand around the journey * 01nee arriving at F.Ster"el- hits caluo very pully, anti littl- tU-P-tP* Of Nu'ml)er* Ei hteen, And.Nltie- rixmi) to w1ot' e or no (0041 there to no better sign of promise for n shrIlL. Almetvrdant witund. The rall-
im, the vonAe-lue'nee, of been the corlstantly-devoted attendant per condition for market-. nr(.ad direetQra, greatly dellglited. or -
'Would r0ualn on hOr otoniach. A t tl10 future of agriculture than that
Wen 6110,11LI dlffi-r: I tie 1, Id best, your ikcXiot% nilght be fatal.,* (after 11 flolnewhat diferent fashion No rarm to conilitlete-without poid-
entleavors to l,ave m tters arranW The lbliflanthrolAtt laughs outright. -Wth of Mr.,Conylighant and night sfie%v��d fairly rave w our farmers alid farmero' molls are try. Tliere I,% a certain amokint (4 dered isimilar e4mtrivances attneliM
to t he #A%&faCV(.0 -of both. 31. le klee- 6f *jet Ith the NOeWing to appre-Viate the value of a fimm! n1wolutely anil unav'oidably wsj4t- scotlanil ea it it() 1"ng-er cltilw W to all the lo-romotirps. From thfiq the
thoroughly engroow,l byone, Anti yet, until this 1110mellt, not an pain tri her arin all I
a t!w4olated; lie met, 01, back and eA
ItIvao, tu4i lionerAly conscious of pening to tile subject ever present' to setrui m- highor education In tillilgo al)141119 ed uhlAs' there are fo%,.-Is to titill7e it. �xlow�mm tlw hilw�st railway bridge In I-neomotive 1'0111410� " It IS knOwn t"-
C*IltlY her trouble was "diroctly to Alwir OCCUPatiOlL tli,,s worl*d In 'tl&e great Structureovr 'JAY. Was develoTwd-
to thinAw tho gr6ttnu-,o (if Ilia own uiN4314,n, to 'is thoughts--the�' all-important sub�- vated 10 the Profit we must ini for, the
cbr- lightly under IWOVU- tho 3"ver � Tayj The recently cow -
or Vie patron, and bows to Um ltj,,e 1110 temp. it'ct of the girl's,dead nji by a lusm of sleev. She h HORTICULTURE.
grounti as I,*. hgj,1jL4 'P otlier and her 4q the 'Profit which come" front Vi c k ranks soot an a valuablo thing IT HOLDS THZ KEY.
f Ven the d(x)r of eat ion. fortune4-has pr beat - of attention best 4 1
Vie! bureau for V esenteil Itself. i bat to no, ava'll, farming from raising ni(isit sit 10"t In him g-amien, mpecially, that from Pleted bridge oTer the Danube at
Ou fo�w cepart.'Nelther - 10 1�oo invalrds! If I did ieuviD the Half American, Mim (on'nghftm 4, au she wam 8lQ*Iy but kiurely sink- 'expense, coal ; It ill not, only of value as a fer Vzernavwla
t1 'em remenibero yt,tir wrong@, or whiglow'' till fatell&l-let lue tlllllk� bad uadvr@t(:kA y W tI110 ralming oil twe acre what btfillim this distinction Insignificant beginnings - But They
1011T P1144Rzice, f(:r five rik.utes. 6, -that -your mother-" ing. Vriends ad our Wighbor rai#**i oil tlk7wr to silly Crop, but, becatise or a by nearly'3,00.) feet. The tengtli of the Steal on One " a Thief in the Night
certainly �openetl I' y mother w4a a Boeton woman." vUed a treatment flow structur%-. excliwive of It,4 ap-
6 tuoonrlse'�njl)y With Dr. Will 4ittA-r principle it contains, it drive" and Before One Has Timil to Wonder
For two dayif toil-, an,l the m. -In 'gloriou,.4 talgiit of tIl t to L over I ialus' Pink 1) The man who Increasis him ield an
answers Jet, wholly unconselous of Ills ills, proachis. W 18,425 feet. while ju
harmonswu d) not Aq)eak. t1io mountain*-ir I did admit a cur- qut-18tion's rift. "She (tied before I last row)rt they- were tried. (wro fiavem In eed, In expensp. oy cult,- away' Insects front all giowing plants. principa,l spans ovk�r lte main chanui-I What Ails Him He Is in the Firm
11-41 V.P t'i;rd day t!:e,_j o.l-,h countp 0 �ru the vation. and barvesting, a -ad ham land Why *not have s1rimo competent man Grasp of Disaiiiiise South American
relit or, vital ale icto a room chargoil was a year old. I 'never mpoke to an lewally apollit&I In every comil of tho river are GZO feet aud 455 feet
of unknuwn antecedentai. i-il the f.00r 'Wltll 1411ell gaga as fheiie'. the Inva- American in my lirci until three weekm o'ul)06e' Of both Parent,3' atml frientle left W Put to other. ut-O", anti to add to Duliltv Kidney Cure Will Break -the Bonds
ago- . Papa deposited me Leua began; t�) -improve soon It io prcti t. to topray trr*m find destro Inso-zet
immediately above You botili, begins 11-1,4 Ahoulil lot)k uptm In after
8, aa their in Aunt. and Liberate, No Matter How Strong
13tlo afternuou-teas, with Why, ray dear ma G beginning tile Do nots-worry over tile Imaginary and fungous dimeawts, t xin et For tho first thosCords.
(tam", lie a g I el
weill(10111112"d Itf--t-0119 I-Isfien, I was a use the pills. Her danger of doublill man for tho numlwr ot trees grown'), c�abtilj of' a big Atlan-
y0u malte - yui;r feudN K(x" oil, with the mt*4 thopassilotiate baby, and my exp6riences have Leen al)l)eVte returnot 9 the yield of grain
nhd ;oIn llimuf aqnln..4t VIS: Mon- camlor IniagInable, Dulforil, - Dulro- mile became I)Y.g(xxl frming. Drain, inanurio and The thrifty nian would then no Ionger tic lifit4r there must he :,,,Oou olxxxils, The thomanti- of cameo that have
w 14 a t. in -a y I r d Dulfurd, froila the strtaiger and her gi.. eral. lJoulth liuch cultivate all we p suffer front the habits of his negligeolt 2,000 forks, 1,
inng)rAU4 Yok ct) douip, t1it-4 -%,.k 'yon, tio ttii; conjo here, to the first chapter to the-laot. Anti n IeaNe, and we Omit (XYJ liapkin ringa, 3,000 boeu hellwd tuid cured by the grest
t nio tticether, i'tirp.-tu. Again soit1l, for?-, during tilt' . yet, 1111Provied. The sores bavo not yet lef%. find the pnitts to increa"- propol knives, houth American Kidney Cure I& the
slitirt' time we iopont In rtion- 00 finger I�owls,
Oo salt
Proprietor i4 t:'.' t4i ti.10 heart. Iter bek ati-d akul, but tier eonvtjtu. ately- 11 t Is 11 ot so much th mount of cel!ars, hout rocommend of Its curative quali-
"Illieuma 1114M; 'a go(XI Paris. I wo askeil'by a dozen people, thq, is b ma'nuro aprilled tkat henefit tbefruit ljjol) k. � #I
t mire re ta ry '1 -4 rc-torw tile, I Many of us,' at I W ag tio very much 'improved. Tha "w1wtortil- ",") tulubler, 1,iA)0 e -ups and ties. T1* remedy is a specitle for sA
le. 9 hucere Co(AX) I'latro of various
Llich. 131y, V�e (lay unitJor tile treatment with - Dr. having an ftwy pair of stairs to climb crop, but tho per cent. w1ilch isAnan kidney troulAm. Tim formula Im com-
ther of thetm stirioWn ; aAly, wazing angrier ani O"t; If not I?uil front tl' fArmer inotead of
angrier. "Rheuniatiom nd its allied !,6�ta tes. Something In -Uly face or kindit, all,] 1�,666 tia0kills. In the
af ter co,:nte-sm 1,as In. ''" I) -in 'tier - to'roach the liayl( tivailablo condition. If well rotted it ouijits ()f t1le
- to' irompInInt-.4, for suppose.90 k Pills' that )ft,. hati, not even a cabilin there will be re. Il"lund"d On thP very Intaot wieutifie
vited yQU trj tine of 4 111 of arlilch tlraughtv, mannel ooklUg -for a com- dm*lkt ladder, but meralpipleg up by the
r 1-Atlo, partleet Something ---in her face or nianner'l parento. , are. , A Is soluble, anti therovIfore easily appro- quired at least I n the m vt Tb re
You tI-Irk lu r elinrXtiling anti itinilv4, an,I Higlit air, ate die- cure.' 1. ()Oj bianketm, ,(,O�) di-mouvorkm edicul urld e
%truction You 'ear iste Ar.. ilo�strde- Why, of course. 'A chilil nil plet and Mrs. Mcr coiraor INOUand bra priatet counterlianes, 500 mattmloweN, St X) are tbowandw u) -day bo do truth -
gilt ha ceis, at.expense of
Vlarn &*i1k,q t1he o:11f-(-rf1ll 4 V'e 11artly thank 11ink- ivills for the p To make tho most prof)t out of - 111#4 ljillolvs. 7.000 #411aets, 1,0�X) bath tow. fuIJy may '. I am Iivl1W b9cA I d
tion kaown that the legend of t lie -West re- timO allid municle. husln(vw itho, gardener must not de- uW udw
Poundc,4 ii"cing fpcom inn tipper fltg)r1: i�" Come to Indian 'pedigree was' false. Jk4 sei t ImproVed condition of, t1jej; Arrango to have corn which %I ot Mouth American Kidney Cure.- it
ant cause a Child, as they have don need otiqrti'lli: nea orv; pi-nd entirely good growing els ai i d 10,0(k) other towels.
fi I - ecs:�deats, n for h0alth, for air beautiful. girl chatices to be heirems to Ir the f6eiling troughm. weather, but . grow his egetablem ------- relleves in - six - bmriL
1fro battle" forty thotiman-I poutids, the g000l than. the licores of b6ttips of Arratigo the ljormw 00 t1lat tIrey will The abroi w1birch separates haniti-
a TiA air. not gas,.for world, en doctor's medicine which she Ulok. t%tand ill a WaY that ha can be -put -,The A Splitleab Pen.
agatTimit conienr. A1t t!,e er d of which we pant when It is rniezing outisitir.
f0ir1nIg',t o i, Moro, a " - vIOU14, lima njust' credit 'her
rev-ivte ir and freer: tha't we 'wilnt.' at once 1,ink Vills are a blood mangers without bei of
Lilt- that thu 411to tilt; , ng -han- cheapenilisr (4 tlw.* conittruction 2W10 f toin stin eldxv�-mslde Lace, the Vi-
ol builder and" nerve eMoro�-r. They delill two or thCee timem. gr4*-n-Iioum*; ii greaCy prolongAig the i1min papers; imy, bag been bridge(] A %;duabtlo acqub4tiou to the writo-
*The irascible (I lady �turns on her emWeet "eat rnation. of lier -cheeks, SU
1v-Ith Afrjean progenitors * '
r P-
c rt p'; �t 1 C.;-aracter- Leel. and raurmiurs, "Bct�h I" the .6lood growing muison, Ing world is a now patent oplitlaw
8111"PiciOn Of wtol rimi-I livr aves of' ith LtO Wilmot health- The mail 1who platitot Cloi*ely'practi- at I"t by an finvwtor named Aug- wi which canno sicraveli or beoume
If 11pon hear- "We wtuilo to revive the free. blithe so" traces nit,blaft blo'(x.i (Usliguring driving fiel(l*' t IX,IK*WIb,ie Almoo3t any grower (if elloie 'fruit ut X-ttA elk
the triiih. it w.kA 11t:,,4. iarnricitis -unconecio t i4pirit, of lieliao-" 9,% ng.. 1,ropertleil, , 1.tlius CAIIY, efilrpits 1164- ' % Him now machlas dif- crumN-ullAxxt and writem on the coarso-
u golden hair! diseame from thie tiyOtem, There are that heavy,manurbig-an'll lwttpr cujtl- Would ho ght'l, t?) havo him tret
fur- **We conie at tia inumeime ex purnerotis' pink a Sprayed- ri-9111.Lrly by some, one atilepi rer-.4 frc)m all otJwrh in contArtiction, eitit and rutugla*t am well am on tliv-
penie. 1,aureikee, 14ron feels col rNI' iniltatioum, "011 will it farmer to Iflant 1.11 ttll. Stich -,in ("ie. ltlst) iS #41,111 more Importsuit, find%A paper. It prodilow ftne, even
tiv'ely III tlip fr1r. ahil under t�e advice of our p - against Which the 1 blie is warlieLL certain erol*j I', I'
hy 'ills licaier to'gqther, -fi"41 d:liiy eligagellient8 lie e
04111-411. And over which tvs-rybo. y, " though a vittig[it'w'ere. lift.ett f roin ctt)u
J . o-ir "ivian-,, t( try PLO healing effect, of Tl In T1 U1012` Lict that its I)miuct eanuot litwo (it any delicacy or Ujicknesis,
nt, e an L-4 uitiival. ge- 1110 (li-itiliguitchii-xi eveh by expertofrom renderhig it ftqwciaUy valuable to ar-
frierid Acen iii part.l. !ar, wariaLb. m 9"nuiu * 1"Ini 1111s can he had th tablo, gartk,ns of hi.4 communit
Poo :-2,.e What Wffilum,4' book tlor. oight to know, how onIr in. boxes*, the Wrapper arountt The fact, %hit onq- or two. (.Yeq, well Wrrettly lleal�Lliy 111)1;le Y. tree t4ult of the pat.Imt Mkuotterig of ti,%ta and architecta, and it is alnxwt
s4kYs 'alx,-ut.nlgh% air. Bear Dr- Old-- 'far he woulf] let xv c It bears the fall tr'ade,maik, "Dr. fertiIiiing material, -will aid- A ir
The (;ranki 11oiltel t tl:p limm-1.4 t*. in t a dusky anceatry sia, inanaged Viat, by the Ulmri,l. who In ol4km time gave more 111d0l0tructible.
t.,Ie lie i4a On stand between 111111self and motley.. lie W1Ili:i.m8' Vink I'l 1114 for Pale Peo- ni-it bf the f I'll 'development -of the ni,l of tho pruning knife. e irtioutli" than atiltoch gives nilnute@
dd wi.-ek oilly-of "Oldham Ito #;moking-room. knows, or,6Ught to kuQw, how far he Iti['fume ll otlitirs'. Young potato, 64 a solution vtlry too ma it Ing a few fee
1,4 alre'af!y ri.t uji, -into tile ma4iam. witi, i -- branch slwmlil have a chance to have -t of lace. Gold Mine.—
,ev4ry*,wludo%y olten an& wouill let anything otligol bet
'Wial cli me" and lacticins'. There are ho fire." ween 41"'i'#4tioll an to tire best nlo'le Of ltm 14-hvem fairly wull il-xpooged 6)-tlie
I ant] 16oney. 113ut Diron Is a O.BRACE YOU Up. Illanting..-- - A f)rm valuable lidormatitni ip cotitained
thO PeOP18 Who liave'niuAc�d Instru- "All: Dr-. Oldlihin can comr There ig no in and bo�ys, outrittoerg, i 1, or Ise b u - miucus Guitle." Seventh edi-
jilt Wd- nian. wIW " P6wis" folt his own-bibnefit, ec088lty, furtliertlwtn in OW York declares: We never ti
0M musica -10 any --waf f;e choogew. it IN fW lie. do6q*f')r tha.1; of the spectators: eultivi�tipn, of pirmtIng in hills On. now Oil
menta% %and' thore. i w!!d OO A Fe w Rules That Are' Preferable to the prew; rigbt up W
;Ivre -are ix tir-of niii Itter, and the i4ame oatc; nearly 450 pagtw; 65,00.) 84t rtim M-104 d -A ve, WE !. 7' oplb no aff; olp. If you go on, Or, lie 1.4 Artificial, three f- CHERRY'S T fail to anoovrera.10
with tkV.-% wit.4 birlo, ulth 'to tile Imit, fibre of Shoulder Braces.* "fit apart, for if but a I foot , lave
Wwing- .01PUDIng qlooro Rlk4l w1H(l0w8 a.'4 YOU-. hb# nature.. PARCIPIft lie avow'edl apart about three time* its ti, a I I y. I K-)-� day nA romired., if pomftbte." II'l iat 10414-11 owilzi. Ija-e you got a copy Y*4 7
ln.-whinfto� with nur--4erlezo. - There are. y lliotsuad of uisIng iqh(iulder bra ' " Were of the Heart Human Skill Was If. not, #it 1111d save
ees 4 tatoorw call With itimoist tile
00-1 declare to,-Ifeaven'l" crieo the #1 ke. In the In-- 1PY"I'laslum dir&Wr prop(sets the f(A-' 'I - a magle I!ower Is lw~&*d by
probiotery uf�Mevt- 6h I lady. In a fine Wrs.t - of most ruelemejillm-fts"i a -mi"' - Almost Defeated When Dr. Agnew's moiney. PubilliabW by J. L. N101010 &
W`110 tho o�alon Imto a wrath* of hin conscience lie fins lowing exercises as it. sulatitute: the same a )o Wish~ nian who answers every let- I
a' declse to Ileaven Cure for the Heart Fell Into the U -r o1i'the'day It -in received.- We ( "., o. 33 Rielmond itreet. Toronto.
re still a TO -1c of- what may be.. called .1. ako It a rulo too keep the back Breach. and in a raw Minut (Ageuta uatite(j.).
t h1l, light- shoulll'bo called tirlon to -pay the doc- "aPsUletle -woralityl�- for lit" few aerciti, planted erly ll -I Olick-
torv* WIN of� thOp" house of the neck cl'(**! to tile baok or One Dose He Found Great Relief. and man iis (mi dixty, and
r1caio,.-wl10 WL)ul,j ei.ntert the iaimi Thir) -4anitarY reformer doi, personal uze. And the beauty of collar ly with corn or,tioMdlunl -will fur- tlioo4o Who, have money to Inveet have
-t4 not lo -e. the gtrl.w4th wboru'lle had ix-gull.tilis 6); 111tili 0110 o' Five Bottles Made a Bad Heart a cot If idenre In 111m. lien whot cannot, Shimmering Bull Gowns.
into a i4tagm. AH tlice minor t*)u-rce* hi,4 touiper; but a hard. steely g' .&0. Roll thO 1411011114-f4l backward anti f t1ke tw"t.11,11d elleaPestigale-
lit- I solemnest plece of acting of 111,4 Ille guan'hi front drouth. If 'not letters
th#" tril3rig t( -r e-6niew Into Ills eye, beauty; downward. for sunimr fmiln Good One. or wi,16 not,,' answer huninam For thei dart Iiig frock of d4 butantoe
of are :Ld her llel* youth, the Ineffable 3. Try to m4lueeze tile Shoulder blades %a g(x)it nupp!y of Wm. Cherry, of Owen Sowd, Out., "hould get out of 11twIneisis 4)efore their or the ball 4n)wn (if a matrou there
(-ivl.' -war "Do you'knotr` iny goo -i lady, 'are wIld fr(viineas which Is Jet Conyng- tt4,,etIj)r many timc exeellent, witit'e.r foild ia-at liand. reditom conipel tliew to go out.
You In the very,. It-aNt aw'are. Irow hatn"iti salitint anti db4tingulalling -o IL- dWy. ' Oil.. high. prical land swinmer feedi writes:` For the Imat two yeam I la@ nothfiq tuore luArtluo than a woire
which o:tPnvV"-.,4 -the bott-1 to its4 rentre 'Iuueh reventable (If"ease occurs -an- ebar'la, luive absolutely touched sue 4 * Starit'l erect at short Intervals :('If � ng liavo been g7reatly troubled with armure, tlw latowt llovelty for thlo
ot'll the AkW Jf'ct Of vc-flOiation. ro the nually f;-om vitl h daring tho da.V-1'I"d up, c*IiIn in, _ grain, tw1wicially o tAiiell '(!Owfl, is %yeaknow (A th& heart and fal.nting Rum, thnt once- f(imillar tipple, hais pu rimme. it 111101 -1 14ivery tilloom or
ated- air throughout Calnicity, for better feeling am still Of t4-11 g'
le kept til" 1,niteo, -King(,( 1"I Pvonoiny. *The Irereage of o o4uch disifavor that lLwtre on Ito. ourfom- wkleii almost
to 014vt 011t, shouldews back." . - ol"s. I tried sieveral remedies, and of-laW fallen lnt
(11wn,"or i r, 1 6 "1 _)m ?,, eximtm in 1he mall's failed- breast. gram Is uluch retluced. The c(fimulted beist phyisteLnn % -Ithout ap it 1#4 bry no means an erWnce of ee- mflvete ottwr colorp
a tiey t4i k 11, 1) t #41, u t, know that 1 prevent you It im6,- I repent, it, relief to hint to 5. Walk or stan(I witit Coe hnn& extra food will oil or o%ugg"ts Qat
I Clumped behind the ]lead and th ow I n hutt`ef, too-
glif')ut t1tv eruming winWr ? trom killing tw ail If I can, bir I Will- - fP0W that tanit of black descent gone; e 'The Irregulrity of supplyilig r,:Ilt io apparent rel.W. I notk*d tAstimoniaLs totalb4m to tie able to bay thett one I t would do so if tilt! viiinillieriltC
maiothe v that, 'Widle Ue *makes a mer- elbowt; witle apart. of gmat eurft4 made by Dr. 'Agnpw's ham neither cotimumed- nor eviin fabric were Ik)liphV,I.
are found open in- this hotel at to knot C). Walk ltbollt, orf�ven run upstairp, detrimental to tile best.remiults. it.iis iwiitral'; thiii1to overy hour of the (lay and nikht- reffftry-* marriage libuffulf, lils friends with from Wit to ficifty lioun' Curo for the Heart. I procured, a bot, any (d I't for yoarm-. The very name HLEt ImART &U:.'LT't'1).
jom�L-thmg in&y b.- nirged ()n either . (If MAefftial not -only to'health anti v'
it. Yim. night I A bitter watch Is kept lie possetm any.) way iiay that a young' of the head. I", oll the but It all& (It mitelt 19O.r, t1e,, an d the first dohe gave me -great survived merely nm a generic term ut
141p: that thil opellille: of thf. wind"w* than You. perhaps, think for. I know anti lovely Englishwoi a -not a gold- . -9cwtipti. A COW relief. - TIw. firt4t bottle did wonder@ r6proitch, applicable to all Intoxicantot. He knew site had a heart 0( ick-,
will rapidly it igalt ' witlill,41.
P410uld tieWul ui)cxi Cf.- olf the Try to look the top of your 1A
external atm4,oip,,,e e,,or -u1K two nightd: hgo, a - window was washell octoroon ---i in ried film for hIgIl Save lKirt, of tile' pastur' for me. Mter ut4ng fire bottlea there Reporto from Englfuid, however, 04ay Yet still lie sisiuglit for room with-
cral -vote of- guell, r r, tile gen- Nieneil, on the floor where I "lep . t, love. For' that 111.0 juit witil -jet, will -cut vest or your necktie. -'%1l91lHt,'or put in e for July axo nonp of the'o;ymptome,; remaining 'that there runi ham eatiddeuly attain- In It
1011141,er of Invalids at nii-laight. But,;21 have (I ultlinately I)rc*pe.r,- tiot so much Lan S. Practice ilie, arm movementio (if some drilled whatever. T think it a great txxon to oil a myRterioun popularity. Nobody He thouglit t1i lace was eool and
:1..4 May happon to. -Ip� Prement. But ma e hrealtstroke swimming wbile titand- corn,.oiltis, 1*%ax orsomethilig of the miukind."
ovinion., of thkm( tt-bi("ied rea- 'ght %Vith theoproprietor. I have anity as his 'really ex- Ing,or walking. taort, to I)o cut When the dry, hot sum- knmvet.who drinkiii it, lwt It has begun nice,
for little. )w -tellent knowledge of wonlan,s charAig- to flguro� again In the exirko6 returns and did, by perileverance, vvin it.
i IL oqPoken'to Herr Sclunift." announe
-,-<a]erj4 go 10. nier leaves ou witllouX
eAd tri,4tc)ry If tho stanch ohl lady. , with a glance ter.41ready asbures lilm., Holh] the arms biehind the aek. grat4s. A Heavy Missile. to a c(nwiderabre degree. And then he found out in a trice,
You wO 1,d K* lig-4 much influence men prow. 10." Carry. n epno or. umbrell behind 1"It out w'wmo roots for e
4,Pf COILIM 111-011[�TWV "trimmers-," dle- -rotund the talon. 'fn(l lie has -gave you oredit for being tile i4tock t1l - ' The Groom Ov li toper ing)-r-1 fear th4t Her heart had warined since lie bte,-
only tho small of the lv0ck or behind the ('ondlig winter, all#] do It In time, They
I 11alf Ellklixiii t1re irst, hour I 'saw you, fu sought her
vilme4l that the 10terewts of the many ; thoy'l.1 half kill us, ck-armt. Tho ol t intirringe proposal of
OPleA of compr,imi.-ip, !,ave ever ob- %1* i"k. wil, rnio4li a relh4h which I' -at popu'ar iluientionp, til.- to the MRd . L" Conyngliam." Thto Is strictly 'a -'H The � Bride -Why, darling ? Thr- rice owillell there 1#4 (101nite revord id Instead ulf keelsing film on ice,
talried In 9& ,Rhall Uot 'be Racriffleed true flail Ite [jot, In that same hour, 41. rut tho liamix of food better thait even theorn or,.the tN .1,425
an,11 agitating tile essorice, tf one." 1ho Illpot, with 1lay. cannot hurt upi. years old. Tht� remarkable ancient re- t`,he keeps him lkiwaye in loot Water.
turbing tho.peace received 6# miladi's" letter of advIcs? elbow" b1fek and forward*
PaAhicittis of tlii�ir feifow.-s: bavf-# state;l that the plillanthr(>- The Groom -No, but the shoes they
pist 114 not Wont, ta,lose I Something alien to MrA Grundy in your 12. Walk with tim thumb@ It; title. Soi.ith A ineilCa" a tiff - ustrlia cord, which is fit the (irieiital depart,
t "Nall tl,o w1li(k)%vi up for guo,!, #-1(6,e At tills I*int in tb its temper. walk, your upeech, something -how armholes of the Yest. r h4e Fer,lib ranch - clittle all,.f iiiiial lyropome throwing nf ter us belong to n1ent of the Pritipli Mtbw_unl. In a Lookisd lAke it.
doorat an -i pai-magf-4 1wrtiletica'!ly rf.n- e discuahlon iX must 13' xbetitp; our markets '.%Ii#*i Bacm of Chicago.
When walk have Lqin'
1119 RIF1119 thet arma ngel.
however. be admitted that "]a mou-' can You dewribe tile Indewribable? 14 fmall clay tablet, waouring eight J11uM4," #,aid Mrs. MeSprulock,
de# dratightA Impr*Pitite" ano shouldors� strongly backwilrd. LIv( tock to ementlat to prospprity In inchiNi by four Incinw, and containo whip going to riefortu and
So "y om-lialf of th Dgh.-h peoiple tarile nal monte au nez." about your whole look and manner' 14. Stand nowand then during the a.griculture, and to make It liny we -1t 1.4 w4)n(h,rfiil how nny gcod.arti('Ie about ninety-4-ight litleg (if ur I
forbade the suppooltion of you very fine J0111 tim ch cl ?
inhabiting tie.) Paradi.A L must' before the I!ublic is imitatw-d.
"' Iferr Schmid ! " he echoom. de- (Iny with all tIM Pop!terlor partis of breed Joo stock wlikli niWturps cunit-iform wrllting.,, ;t is made (of ,%Ile
"Keep the will(k)w* ps!rTuanentl rltdvely. "of oDur6e. in -111m you will gentillie Briton." tho I" ly, as fa ea rly. if tite public ishow their appreclati.)n Alvim," exclalm,-d %fr. '11cSiml-lock,
y " " that a compliment?" she asks. r as P(*wlble, touching mud anti I candidate for Sim -riff, In a %-()Joe or
open,ed, night an4l (lay. Take otit top linvo an ally. We *re n1l famillar with a vertical vrall. We must be mve -careful to burn or of ally given thing theze nre nlw�avv 10ftrk ufw"l lt the marriage
pative, lten4kr the l,r( the German IdeaO of ventilation and A comewhat doubtful one I should bury. at[ de t4onw people PrOl",41.1 of a J haraoli for tile hand of ag-ony, 6'you've twn reading those In-
-athing of viti- Any, JuOglng from what one reads In 15. Amk upward.iisi you walk- on ad animals, now that we small enough to follow *lu tile daughter of fornal newapapers!"
u the exac tile King of Babylon.
4' ated air ImixowilAe the Sunny eldq of the * street. lideri4tand that tho mierfA)e Im 1`41- t f(mUtelis, -tio far as'linitat- It Is a dupliente ro).r (it a-ltter writ-
ips-ak,'4 the The writers of books evolve - their Mmmiblei for inopt of tile (11 111K tire outward appearance of a real ton about 1,530 B. V. Thought is tho pri4verty only of
Cleanitneps. m, -v! a m. pur,. RIGHT FROM THE MINEs. #4toc k r*t no I i ve animial get liesir !rgrt is; the those who call utitcrtain
A -id toill si,�ss; h:&v#! ttie-advpntage Fresh',' "ease , In god)d article; whnt they r(
fit Ithie generaliship. On both odem are clean air -the one vital condition. of facto Out, of their book-shelvesl Any them* important part, that I". inot tile out-
man who um" his eyes, not a gazet- il!oveir, but tile contelitm. The #-W,!jk prepareti 1rugthened calli- ur existenco. by (Viy oi by y Is coll- Family Ties May be Broken in the I t N tm, ir�rlY In thO day* to talk Take
paign, &nil rea-ly to dI.-Imte Inell I,y In (try wmther (Ar In wet." nlght, eer, must know that beaut Gran about FlOWIT19 lip if - * . "SALADA" Tea for Whtance, There Paper, nre�-idvlwl: d Rush for Gold. ,B What's #dock ritiring. ISSUE NO 27 IBE07
1 MOP011tan; that the most subtfle ut -91
even at. the Wet weather: A I orL,4 t r 1, Nta" hav 0 n hout, of ImItatorm'of t1ills rticip, w:w given to it I te 11 qirietor,
ineti of vantage gri,iii, T1W e
charms of all come Indeed of mixed Wealth Without Health? -Dr. Ag- Id" 11(ot much 6ve point of tho sword. niall.lim , your I'lck- p for every' hundred of Population, heeaupV tlw- sale 14 extremely large, pew s Catarrhal Powder is a Wonder- ny 111K t
arentage. I have lived amGing �he is' tild' (ww'ditioll Allat all Iirofitj4 arhi-
While Alwtralist, lins :1 Ite t4loent 111kill
An irascible 61d liu!y of rli*eiimatic and tho quality isoo good that nin
9 llerf'flm)m
)eovle." Among 'what nation fulCure It Never Falls to Relieve in (.00 to the i-ame a re i is yea r a lit rim
diatheiiiiii and 1111PWC40110 W&tChfUl- (if ti number of inhabit4nts. 114-4)0(- dmire'It. 1ead paeketm t1w public parkpoo. I'l
zleW all old lady, hflding good, old- I'looil. tunte(i nervoim to earth have the cruel ups and Teri Minutes. SIMVP ellimb over rvxkR'atxl-1t%t`l VMN' put up to r~nible It closely, nfid Ill-fly9p)U11411 jif Twarly eight, stert* Wall DOCTORS bECOUBD
school d(xArInoms ft.,4 t4i night air and down of fortune not forced Laurence 9fW --III C11110411 "0-Y61111 Wit," with some liturcha:40 inn,, Priiic4�
Diron to live? I know American we- Fr6d. 1,awrle, of Trail Creek, B. C. where Cowwwould no� venture, anti Ill- ir,� - m(st evel7 lwri) 1% hich grows surfiewi%. rl
Ilk and who, if fit e -I. wf-re, Owould men as they are, In their own country, "I have utied two bottles oi I - In front of " Ceyloll" tl..:It re- kiiigpi I,rttther an4l livir hpliarent, full]
Ulm timo fit 71' r1i,1140at., their own home&" tarrhal Powder, and em for f(yod; and they never rop a .
deprive lierself ut lawful reamt and food I lira tilt tion ", Dr. Agnew's Ca th , Reinbles " @ALADA" fit, :114 t lie IN, rpiuly for -time t1iis mililimer. -4
the, better to mean t,Lp MoVeMentd of ants aro pw%turo but to Imnefit it. law will P6r1Wtft Igo It is witi, 11 liffit The lialur (4"Itilllu,pc 'to hok] . the n
tier adverpary-tfil,-i is the leader of flilei"I In the [a anol a dead s4ilettire And your verdict Is-" have been wo4tlerfully helpetL I can In the milk of vitww mucli plooiq)),at Of tither popular articl(w. Sl)(%Ct 41'r :ill Citi7A'11#4, f4 -#r the trutit has
tkie evwervatl veto. A gentleman i�ome- reiL-mi4 throughout, the Kalon.. The MY verdict 10 -that a pretty wo-. rmomnlelld It very highly to all e been carried (wilt ill it+; Iiinla.44 spirit,,
man In a pretty woman alwaym, no ferern from Catarrh." And here to an- Of Illn- and other Pullne matter, as well
what l)a.**d middle age, sound an a lot evi0ently reached a am nitrogenous inatt.41. It 1.4 no �OaRY to call Nick a 14t0ne and bell, rubIcun;l a.#4 niurnihg, ic Point nt whicl, dij)IGniney totter4 on Matter whether her place of nattv- other: Mr. B. L. Egiui, Eamton, r. are tIllcowil fronf the hand an to callback ployed to fow.Ur tty W-11ditiol of ollinitin"
havin ')a" whilo heep carry off only what, Is oil OEYLON TEA.
everA big authority cn ventilation at 10 Imst 1pgw. and force standA reatly itY be Paris, London, or New York. Day": " Whea .1 read that Dr. Ag- baek#L tho word t'liat Im spoken.-Menander. --social, mliticill (ir religious.
film ligerm' ends: a thanitarlp �,bllan- lld willing to, take fliplomacy*14 place. Perhaps," adds Blrqn, " If I had to as- ri&w'n Catarrhal Powder would relieve Whien arguin' ialf ' 9 - Dolletowwob. thropt-4t, looking upon tt,e hualth-rtgu- at to-ngilit defilawliq thp lady, sign the mout fitting background for Catarrh In 10 minutoE", I must gay 1 9 In tel of Folleep lot a Ettli. C(-)rAll isqland tionlerliull- Seld is bewed Losse flurnetis obuiv
latlom-4 of the universe a.,4, in a cer- I aoik, 4f you, for Vitt, lat4t each, I would put, the Farimlan In a was far from being, convinced of the us remember Utat ti" mIll tiI)IY 'faster By Grocten oftly
taln meaeure, 14aced under LIA owitl titylos, Will you h , ballroom, the Englimllwoman at an a[- fact. I dockled 'to try It. I purchawd than ally othOr animal; &I)Pcially do dreff wiiath tir Florit-In Capiain *Old at 26, ", 60 sisid 00 esissisiit pee ills.
lilve the gocx'llp"' to ternoon garden -party-" a bottle. A single puff of the powder the large mutton brieetlit, wiliell ofteji inor lilt'-IY captured 24 lie -lid of
perNonal inmpection; uncompromising 011int the door by V lich you :iave Jui4t " And the American through the blower afforded inistan- proilluce twim Poor B100 'sealw 1w+*i1r,:4Ag t a i"IN410H that
It might, ulw-) he gald'un.4crupufouZ mitered thip Palon tftneoMis reli�f.'. Shmp fatten much morc:eamiry &ban. 1140"DrWrICILK1111tor
�were' thought tA) Ille Pzt!nct. The FXCUM411111INC
� tile comnom oentw and munjiblay comspalon of ijay life." Cattle, and when Idaughtered furnimli y
-when the 4uewtlon*-of carbonic acid fly my own firemide, as the bright 31ANITOIIA
and aulphureted hydrogen nre trenched of tho whole r0101 first," s4ayo the is starvcd blood. It shws itseff the lnminr'cho or vie irbdb vialmd1siss pso4t.lar mailwsy will raw
on - ., � I 14taln have the mem- Xmitlemssn, i4toutl f 1 .4 1 will n " Ah I" cries Jet, at hazard, " I un- filtepra�'her 'Counts Two. not only meat, but wool, the latter not tropdex, nnot differ Aiinmiderably froin
01 lipve. that an blage of r dProtand Mr. 1,nurenee Mron left lilm Ste, only keepfrw Indefinitely,'but paybig in pale cheeks, wh�te lips, weak 'their brethren fougil in the nortlit-rit Tbnw litzeurelosas to WAou1Lo1xk,. on
,LIAJ .14"ItiOn. dfcated heart In the Statews." i(ather Is ciounted, for two wor�dls for long. trazuq)ortatfon. watersl J411101* '91A. Jot) di slid VU
To -night the two leadurx are dee- 110000 It, the nhwteenLh centiffy van and grandmotiMr as one by the Brl- (lite o4triking-featuria im their
I think Dot," Is fils angwer. My timb pmtal' tele i autlioritlem. DAIRY. digestion, no appetite, cthaus- ifocinty; tite ,take lot, 4.rf4)rt to) eii- Front any parl
,ly, When askpol why, In 1,4rliamelit, the You Ca 11- tion, lack of nerve force, Soft ealle capture, 811111 ammlar t4i like IN- of Ontario V; 4 of Manitoba.
ititined to come face to face. Nect to breathe 4n.atm(*ipIwr*-ef)ni-- heart. furtunately, or unfortunate grap To anif part
In the middle of hpr rubber, ob- 1,arpd with which Alie prisonii of Cal- for myself, In ln� Exterel at thlis mo- If riming h 111fly The otinately playing her aces mwond-hand, ("Itta w0ald bo% refrephing." ment.11 unable- (vitablish a "fancy traide." It I I- to 08. 00
Awrulng tier partner',d eall for trump& 116 Ifx)l6a appealingly round the The girl reply. to done with either milk or butter ds Voll Ilas ctintraet,441 'for (tipur. The Tickets Geod for 641 ljosrs. goo tnq 14,1001.
that rrwm- hao ben looking nt her muscles, and, chief of all, weak apture 4,r ti,eiii, winw Is, K sur- 006 Rahlbition'July 11" to *44,
Ppople take up newspalierm, 'Companion, ubtil 'low, with her ac- BOWft"of Ointments fo* Catarrh That t4en an soon as drawn, and carrying it it priRe to scientifie 1114-11, 1141 suplX31"I For a ity inforuat i ion. waps, etc.. write Le
ik-claring to tier a(Avervarles T.- 11,11AN. Putting the milk In glast: lxpt,-
Pverptiling they oajr, or i do, or look, Or nr(3 xudolenLy Interestod in the CUst-omed keen, unabaAhed gnze. At Contain Mercury to the cuawmers Is a feature Ill some muscles. Your doctor calls -lady. I W. 1) W)OTT,
L4 -not whlAt, the iia. ellble t4d stato of the fire, or of the, gas. No
film wordn tier eyes droop; she turns placen IwWollie oxtinet.
ontiddenly fec-6 a cold -41ilver pass down 010 eateliftis 10#4 ey" ampondo. W4 Mercury will surely Ameniia. He w91 tell you tnat The Pettis are (if no (.0111tutret
e; no onq r her face aside from him, and blushes &8troy tile 111 villup Manitelita Govemillent Im"Mues
ber backbc-ne. She ititartis to lier feet, Stich is Iminan natiire-hotal 1111nihn Ituriouidy. willme of smell and completely derange Because a ling im to sell by the pound worth menVioning. SU York is&mL Toront&
drawj4 iibW a curtain, and discovers natlire. at all eventa. And a pri'Fute shame ? What cause In there for 'alm(mt, any(mno will food It well, but the weakening weather of SUM-
Fbat should send the blood t1ba w"01"y"Lem when entering It
that the eaf-my -has outwitted her. ealivahio, a couple of hours ago. would Jim thim rldlculotiq f&nhl()n to tier cheeks? through tile mueoun surfacies. suoll not, one, mam In ten will feed a mileli According to the British Consular ALBERT P. GU6L
At 9 o'clock p. m., FPcure in the sene have, hmijred more than half the en- Jet COnYligliam 18 ignorant of loven articles should never be unod except cow ellough to enable tier to do lialf meroften brings it OrL reports Julot presented to ParLament MANILIVAMIREIR OF
'Llj&t o0ruo sixty pairps of human lugs tire milliliter of voUm in favor of ven- very alpliabet,-too ignoflint to l4pell (in Preocriptions frtmn reput&Wc, an well am mhe might,,. PRZIdUS CAMERA
with a weil'-piled fire, tind it couple c9 Xilation. Mit elvillatim, like wme l4ol- Phy- Guernmeym win Vicir way by their the new ralalroad from Jftffa to Jeru- AND
dow-a jras-buruer.,4 arty doing their dipro, will fight, well enough beliln(I Out the meaning of her own emotions, IficlW104, all tho damage they will do own utralghtforwant work In tho nalem has proven a far greater eow- ;PNOTOGRAPH APPARATU116
or mumpect flow far the game that we In tmi-f(Ad to the good you can po@- dairy. heir large ifte e:ommen(!@ them raercini succom t1lan %,aA antjel 111110"IMA" QUIL
worot i a tbo atmc*4pbere--Ii3Jled, I IntrPrielimprito, yet #41irink from meet- P18Y " with Irou dice" Ilao, in very HINY, (kvive from - them. T co pated
may, to rest, in theme fallacious be- Ing Vie enemy Iji the open field. o farmerto lio, are up `v0n by thOw who were moNt oftliguine
lieto, V,*9 wl,61; 11-iyerd have been if any permonq wish a door or wlit- trutk progreme(L Catarrh Care, manufactured by F. J good butter hwer "bOut Its future. at II&A PERKAJRZNTLY CURILD
"Your heart Is In FAterpl!" she re- Cheney & Co., Toledo, 2), colitallim rio carried or KH0018 urvist Nerve
mercury, and Is taken Internally, act- "llie diLiry cow ail Individuill mll- more thoLn 20 o0o tons of merchandipe FITS terw. No flow or nor
41tting, with a wfudo)w not 141Z (1k)1v loft open, will they hold uptheir Peatm, forcing herself to look routid to Jerusalem' during the I"t six aflow ftrvtd&]�'�ffi SwiltoSU Archis
feet distant Air, night #i1r, damp, harid-4 ?" again, forcing tier voice to malnt&ln Ing directly upon the blood and mil- mal, and to to be found among tieveral months, and liftm lod to the Inv"on
ilillk riieunatlons, pourin;g In upon ot it linird IA uplifted, mavp that cos Purfitoes breeds. Probahly' when tlie.Guqrnmey Philadelph tw uVad" aw two
&' I Ita tnP of banter. "Well, the admlo- Of this 1 NYOU in. I n ,as u1sion of the 1101Y elty by some r4ghty t.0 A&I bottle. for wAs by J. &. Hartig, I -#w
ti.em In volumse! Nfay)r Brett. ayid him (1111V 11 mlon meta at rest a oertain wild con- buying Hall's Catarrh Vure, be atire as much Ppent oln her In fore- Dame At thl 300 drummers. e!9lit Fngliali
- prpebe juncture, the phllan- ri-itehirw a wifrick,-jit elevation to) Jecture that croomd my brain when yoti get, the genulne. It, 114 taken In'- iD9 a,d testing her mile will outrank and
throploot Puterm by an opposite door rovnr his 11po. we were buying the Peamant head- ternally�, and miulle In ; Toledo, Ohio, the Jerrey, for title haR the size and of Cod-fiveri, 09 with fi YPO- about fifty Oerman. Moreover, pub-
-a glaA-A dcmpr leatllnK from a terrace, Yoij nee, I hope ?" criea the old -ecmt,itutim I Ile works tire PrOce"nx apace In TW10TT na
anil wtJ -it, In accordance alike with -r faire lit up by the triumph drem In Avignon I I took It Into by F. J. Cheney & Co. Tentimon 1&18 A heirer phosphit cs, wA1 make pooj blood FOS Aff
lAdY. hi my head, luxt an I Wam looking 'beau- free. 10lich has no calf until [Palestine, and the River Jordan is
him camt, a and hi,4 Principles. lie leaven three yean; old seldom makes a heavy flow @panned by a ligin(ilit)me brIdge,
of hardly-galned victory. tiful by proxy,' t1lat Your Italian cor- i Sold by Druggists, price 75c. per rich. It is a food for over-4axed wIlUP st,eamboats travel up and tiown
open. T, Irascible f4d L&d i4tands In " I do we," pays the Sentleninn, reppondent� tile lady of no particular bottle. milker. Breed the heifers early, and
a thorf), gh draught, Tle ribbons In with empha.Alm- I pop, but I cannot R90, rPIgIlt, be --Mr. BiroV,11 Hall's FXmIly Pillm are the best. cultivate the habit of oarly matur- the stream, anti 11kewime traverw thp D
tw.r cap bristle. The very gum burners breathe! I ithall therefore return off Into one of breaking Ity for other thati beef purlloee* and weak digestion, so prqxred I often stormy watert4 of the Kell )f
the abrupt, neck -or -
flicker. to tho terraoe, c(ninteract the lmi- nothing leaps by which Jet is accus- Didn't Xnow the J�opes. Tho farmer who appreciatim Galilee.
111P that it can easfly be taken in
aitte, or piump kernels of c1gWi wheat
It Im a thrllllng altuAtIon, and one wmv I have been In4jaling with pure tomed to d1spenne with the trouble- Ilie—can't, I have coe kin before I M Winalow's RotithinlrHYmp to a nc,ver
Appseclated by the audience. In an In- oxygmi, and drink my bui) of coffee al some Proem of reasoning, of I am aud-, 91-), 01dy Ono ? for meeding purpo" readily- comi),43- surmierwhenCod-fiver 09 or. fRiiirnsic' rein(41y. It not inly rolievm the chilly AKIN
:01#1 forfAgn villagr, litit,11. 'lit
tije general com- frftwo. Ladles; and gentleme I"da the worth of Improved breeding fmnt ilivitr0rik,11,4911 tile 14(misteh and
,il, YOU denly reminded of another subject, She -And If I let ym have mie you in the qatry, and his ow)i are of the even o boweloit. iix>rroets acidi4r. And Moves jolle and
p�ezloe of linman life Im nuch nA to have, all 0( YOU, MY best wlxllem 11A of toomethig whicii r had unacoount- will take two, won't you. rdinary foods might repel.
maillog I e(nile iatch is% whatever Incl- to your proixpect*--of amptlyzIation I It ably fQrgotten Mme high iNtandr1rd as Ids golden .ratein. It will alillop
And, making a low and oweepingi till thIA moment. I He -No. I won't ; Inideed, I won't. SCOTT & SOWNE, BellevMe, (>oot. inmlantjy cure tHoinir ir#the ittommeh and wind POWDE
dent of dramatic Intereitot mny pro- heard all about you, Pir: from an un- She, -Then you tilia'n't, have any. fie]ds of rain. enlic, Met hera, don't fall t 1wocure it. Twenty.
An oAd lalry cow which has ceased 70f 11430 At W- and llliz-oo by &a druggi five cento a bolUe. THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND
LARQ98T SALIL Pie C st4Aq&
W Im- as her tinge nr wideh
cre man iffmim 10110 had coMe rvQ1lwtft and thii Ift1ke me tirM I lilirall el ItIte battery. The Ad- DOES
Irm Her ka gree or flaI101101M to my Xond in 11 tile very pro. am of veowl was OT ZT ALI,
ie Lord Mayor'Tty thechil(Imn. Fr(, tilf.11
16 and callcld for elleerg tllTng to brIng"I do YOU Over do any. V111co where had be"', by the No Doubt of it. by tim collingwoo(i t re nted 18hi. sit
e nheriffn took '41virit, forbi
for the (4"n WhLOIJ were t1ke 1101 light and lAirlty- "What n Ortunate arm tInV with imr husband.
fimt dden to M"k.-Wakc4teld. that a 14911tY. tat tbowgb
nf* Of Your fellOW- men ? -iy thing clamp, Clow upon bOw. Than
e aldermn and learpily lots. #6 Into The Asiatic convert 11owea"d this Ben e Alex
gtiveu* The mernberyJ of the Roy You unn elan poll Oil ftuCY turk IN I" said MM twenty Years old or 11", 0"M to talke it JU.-
hom al putty distribetolll traetm ?9t 9 am Cornellng wam t , BurOP- bler to lx!r husband. 00t�. Devastati(m, ty , the w has, & bird's wing in 1W b*V-
and be- ts." Hurolea e f1r"t 44 Ing turreta Pp, with their rgvuir. And left him have the bL
PIDNO; 1'rlean's wlndDwm and beata Carl- These two camis True, " re Mr. (-hAgder an
ma'49 a t'mz of the I all, convert on Asiatic
I at
a Doi . thomght of he wom were ft80 In Ovidence - as
lug wom Ilia twf% nd Cornel. Tb"kmwl the P64111na days Wore the classes of which tile 1, 1
Of Lydia vinier #@T)1ffi InAkin, Ilk-, Thunder*� &nd 8&n AdmJr*r,-WbgM MA I
W" -AtRummat — 2�111 -- - aiiiiim A.1midow"