Lucknow Sentinel, 1897-07-02, Page 1__ - -a - . -- --- - ­71Wqr71"_V_ . WW r- . - I , JWV 6"= . - � tbD'AwUm of . 11 � � .., I:neoiireS,"nC1Lt6 and . AWMM4W I I . I.-Ist, aw the reoults I a,..4r 1. 4illow 141,011JI111111111111,1116, , _', __W. --W, . _41MIL H44 4lid "fW, ""No-t*M - __ - I � _. . � . V ,.......r�.� ...,.,*. _______� - - . Mr - 1. �_ . .44.., � _,?...'so". ­ . - . A ., ... .. I " 1 14% . — -11 .., - �_�_ - - � .— - "-" I - �k — . - .W .*� � .---.-- -1 - ,(�,,,� 1. I h I � � . d&Am -4.1 . I . W, . - � ,� , ­r�akf�_P..__ i"Wir4p I . . � I 'Li'",_ .0-.—____&-___ . . ) __ 0""1110 . I - . . 4' A- .1 I - __ .4 I 'I 4- - - . . � r , . � - I . - - - P— I- V— I -1i - � I I . 0 . A I � k .W--.�-�� . . I ___.J .4 t � — � . I . I - . . . I - - . - I � Ir. �_ I , -,.W- 1-i . I . lappenings or a - - _ 6t,4 X ti . I . . 0. � . - I a 19 9ii;;;;;;;; NO * -­Ab—_-1_ Ir --- , 1__ I - I � . I � I . I - . Ar 6' ea 11 - ou . � . ---.:—,-- 7T_._��. . � I ! I . . ia=-�!!� , ", , I I .. . - -, k . � . & . I 4 i - I .- . I - I � . . I _� . . . I .10, f I - - I It-, � � . . . , , - S A - , 4 .:;,r . - P %Ld rt I -.00 114% � � . , � � I . . . ­ I . . . . . � -V - I - .. .* )ALL untol- ��- - - � � *�-.­--`-` �,, � �17 - I �­ � - -_ _� I _ - . * . . . I q� ') I: - - - &�#: I I brings in fl � . � .� I I I _._ � . - . I . - --- Ar- - 04 ft _ _ . I � . .1 , , � .. - .. __ �,� - Yalliarn. or -1 - , � - . . - .% . . I .1 . . � - � . 4 Imi7k, ;U IV 1� I I . _/ 0. _-, all will � . . , . I , r& � � . - . 0 . - . 'il 40 � tor In tile next 1, � . . . I 'k k - a Week in many 40> * I/ . - I �: L � . - . . , , _ Captain FrtuicW * I � 1! � I 41 07 . 11 V I& �, i�% . � LN the Firvt RoyaA rw' . , - - _=Emyn� I I - - - - �o . I . -1 - 9 I (,dnds# -. - ,.e ". 4 � . I t 4 .,'a - hot - - -_ � . a . � i . .1 � V7 - - 3 —_ - I I IJCKv ,I..-* _'X* >.. ____ I ­ . N * - -------- � ... �. .- . .. . OR 4< I <<M k I .. I � .. !! , ­ L. , * &at" - --- ., -, ->-- >�' I � -I' " � . I , I . - . , ,\. << � %, . . , � < ­ 0 , I iftl e wery afloitt M . I .< .,�� . . . ,C..,C<, . - -A . - . I . I ru were tin . I . ., _�" .I. ��13-_ - I *_� . 0. If - .. . �C< ,e<.� " MI -7 I / *-.— " � GREAT NAVA L REVIEW fuland Terrible, the two f .. � 4? 110 I I �:100 . . ", .: te re -1 I" %were t1liri I � I I I capitaA " or "IV -%. All_ - I . .. � % I . , / , -44serwi , . 'N A.D1 . I. . . - .. I �- . . #0 I a - It 9 1 . !� . I % � a is d% b rdt�11,0-% '' .YUBILEE IN LON Du) I I � . .'� � I � . . N R,Wg libibition of Britaip' 9 . V , I ilr6i,lt-nt " . . ­ . , I* � .. - ­ . � . �,�'40 1, --sid, . ******+**+++ .)k4v*. . I , . . . . . . I . . I .. N -_­� -%'N,-,A . - _.___ - I I - 1! * Czpital paid . � . ,_-�,,-,-,^;V A4e 0 0, V!!!�� IdA M I . ..Ow f IV ---- - - . . F u n d .a . . I � - � � i- Reserv,i . I I MILLIONS CU , . - . UEF & ( - rt� . .4"ft� WHOLE NO. 12,oLr- 0. - I I 'rotal ,O %sets -- Jift) I,,..,) , r%; 1. X. . ry � Am - ------ - —_ _—__� �_ ____ __11~ -.4ft.. 1 . i . L ,"-Z It. � - ­ - � V — — - , President 40 . .. -4 'A. T. Wt;Vv,..A P 1i --1--a __ — _ - - _....— - _.. 1. JUIjY 2na 1897. , - 11111_1!!!!!1!!1!!!!��_ I � I - . I � I * - I TARTI 0 - . * ; . - ; k ,# V -.4dAl" L -A. I : - C"hivr - -.T. It. " � � . � � .. ) -0, OCKNOW ON I FRIDAY9 - -_ ___� - - 1131 sons i ' . I Vit; , — - H 4 . I I I ORAXGF . I - - I F . . . .. .---A- NOS I I '"t __ I __ ___ ------------ �� . I B-t,ty'r. - HOME � - . . . * . �_ � .- - us PASS ....� of Dr, 0opdon and UMN it, week a spee-P 4 . to 1. U -e-�-+-,.-++++ -_ -_ ____ -7 -_ . , *to ______ , '. LOCALITE We offer th . . I . - . I I � - _____ - . I . . I)IIIECT 7 MMOMM010-_ ____ - _____ In_=_- --- - 4" od Marrlsmffe I . I - A wl,l jilt, _� Divine 061" __ I . . . . � �. r I th of an Old and MuCh NAt"M macrostle at Foreat P I '.. -<. .,Z S� "> " e in the , wilt- at- D" __­� � opsoclrel.WMAISIRSON . .(, _'. I qW 04, ��, . � ,11 lille ot Tnen'b attits which JS VD, -, ,.� .0 again to part. There is pc&c ,rs ofC,, o. F., _ jtil)le ,. ClUsen 0 i. ? I.. .. .. . I rA. t. WLQP, A- B. LZI % A 7�� �4, X - Past, The uieui6L Methodist y is ,low a police village f Luaknow. . . - � . I . . ,,ileut grave, when the turinoil, is cc. -in t,110 D . .._ - The Forest Free Pre".1f -1"12 -,! - � - - I 9 Z_ ��, �4 %V� \0�, � � >��5 � iutl 's - . .1 (- i 7th, m the NM- � . - Coohier -J - T'tTRN I . I 4 - i o IV, s, tatid divine servi 'roday (Thursday) is ominion Walter Trel ed fro . � "'. , A . 14-r - a wit), its variat"Ns, s0rroW*and , . ' ',Son, M the death of N1 r. . 1 W0 purchas . 11 .—HouTa . & M .v*ty*a' Jul)'- ' clem, they were near.. r Iledoemer., church on _Jay uiarnin" llcxt at I I In t says : - . . - _. - . ,e r r S � . , I � .-, . SArz-voS BAOX , r on. will bi-, Day. , . D,C1J,"4jtsoj I ikr,;al ILI141 %% It 11011t - thP Qtle,4-1j.. Five roail�__::= for thos(: %%-Ito aklore thei . en a speciaL ue III in$ oil at Andrew &. eaven, who pateed peacefully away a - - I day, ,,v1,iovv-ti lin've twen ('41 like tlitt-w, wljieli . ar Mr. YU16, ever to be 1b. in., wh -Amber Mach 't I Goul)ON-MA'CR02�T' F- ufactmer awaY I'je!ow the mg- f* ,�, 10 to 1. ,,,t ,jrowc . It: ieve u, aet I : - r04:fJtv,:.J &ad i at , C, U y. Bell� C1,,X*-4 pioachad to them by the pastor of tile Ili& residence, on Havelock street, ill .,. - . roceivio. -N,­hije,vvd. Nlj"Ilij,le "111Y horlw4l by four i A 'Y . - , ev.., I.. B. Walwiu, B. A. Web -iter. , . A &The firbt of those evC'Ilt8 took pludk . SPff(1r_4L0 Dsposirs 83-30, the fifth %;cTATZ8 � . k)UU .LOV I, 1,,�ji BIBLE . place you will buy . 4.;tcl� I 1 4 1. � . I. - church, It . . . reut rates of ,istef"t- ___ ___Z____ . 7 � -1 plesse meet -at court -T. Agar's is 1114' I .1 "Ily* 81, t1w Itoya � tbi8 village, on Saturdoy last, there is - I , - , , F219191 , at the Manse at 11 R.nl-- oil NVednis, U 11Lr prift Nac ()it I jVX AL'L -_-=­�-=7= �:� Alembers *iI VeCrostie. , . . I .,. I __ I . . . - 3 C W15! - . " (0i atige hall) at 10. 30 a. W. tile - r of the Maggie . I .� and the ITulted Gr Co-_.flrst�Tllo IMCUINIlit. � � . Code ich salt. removed from oulf midst, one day, 'when Miss 0 . DRAFrg on I roo .1 . _. ighly d ' . I . � OTHlCR.-.J_#7e: - I f - 304 COON I M � - Allie now ­ and most 11 Pritchar tweed , � - 3tsitc* 6ought and dold. . �1"t carring4b.-T, Village, . . L , ___ ____ I - '. � __ , Whalen, of Kincarditio, was uldest,- best k a sister-in-law Of tile "ev" " - T11ill *a it fitle all wool . . : I _' - I — -:---::, * - - - . . 16 ; - --- � — -_ - �_-- JOHN D. NIOROL, AGZNT, __ . ------- ___ - . - 'Ptis of lVale . ------------ �­ I Orange Pion in town fast week, 19 . ---= 7 - _.--_..-------v .L # r � � ack I was esteented citizen$ f the Community' was marrioul to Dr. Jas .K. )LcD. Gor t d oil - p, __�_ , ................ ��___ � _: _.:: _- _-, - - Fr*4'WI., 1807 000d pike-Fishinor . . .A note from e Bi inion Parliament The blide looked (I ! I -1c poLttpro, 110& I .41 a - __ -, oknavy . , Ki6loss, (Th --The D0111 llewlls & ms,a,c I don, of Itipley, - - . LU V_n1I+"I, V4 -9 � . ,f sterling character , - - v , . _____ - gan T. F. Cain, and . - I . . - LIEGAL . __ j.:.__- - - . Nlessrs-'Nl.. Corri lioriw) informs iis that. there will be all proroged onTuesdaY last-. hile silk crgalidie w-_ . . __ - __ _:_�- . '. .. .a a bouquet of white i 4 , .. . __ � __ ___ STER e irris -John Elliot, Of � this village, spent a orange picnic. held tbere on. JuIT� I 0 th -Wingham races on Wednaday boll, in word &lid deed, and the imme lovely, attired it, w %vith extra quality of -linings 4 1-1. " - �� " , . 'I% ,OU.4t)N.. 13ARRI- ILTON ­ i -N *; I A. .% _.Lp U. -\, -s K O'K r-.� -A r at tile Black Horse ". Welter," as he was more and carrving it large "euded t- _1 - WI -V - � � I - o Ao,kiijo, (,,,pvey&nctr. etc'., (late t' I . __ I . � . -_ Z . P Othe . plea-mrit day fiAiing � . anti that a number of Lodges will tak� L and 20 of ,,Uncle .roses. She, w"§; " by MisF 4114 trimffliDgs- - . &ad 'capture& 3i'K ents will and Thurtiday July 2 1 knew hill'% as bridess. __. . cam"r ,6, Holt 1 Camer."ns Goderiebl. rt of lakeon Tuestlav last) part.. Among - tile., ainusew . MdUatll of I)uluth, familixrly, called by 611 who Sophia Currie,of TheAford, I . 11 I r ­ � � I u's new block. — Tile twenty-tifth. sonuat repo I el.y, til -.e pike.be,tweell tuo. and three lie 'ganleil, races, etc. Thore will also -Mrs. Chas tb e village. will long be remembered and fondly maid wilo wits dret;sed in wilite silk � I .,... � . I ­ ap-sWro in AIli , . g f riends in and � �� , __ �__ - .- - ___ I ' 'They wt;.re r ses f roin promine. . c- 'it visitin I -- . � . : X, BARRISTER. the Hank of 11amilton, a copy of kvh'ch feet in lengthi . eal bea,ut- b0 Widres, tit orang d repairs family' trimmed with pearl tritrimin, We have atil siz0-S in Stock -, �_. - *�. 1 - � M()R1K1;g0" Notary . exot .. over- & may be had at ,-Wilkinson ploughs All cherished, not Only 11 his own f White rOW6. Dr, -4 * ' - . - OWTnidd'ioner. ies and'thtt -SK\T1\FL,wW� reshment I � I 11 lie Solivit'!r, C .Ntoody'&4 we thAve received from Mr. J. Y). ' ' . 11111f*- 9of I . q . ­ . . drew & Webster. C0111- hold a bouquet lo toll by, Stewart I -�: . - over 1. . . I ock. -Ail . I . I - I 1000, Lftce -Ift on. . ; I i. 10 . *. always,in sE I and �elativesl but by the whole Qordon wt -'4 supp:jr . .1 6.t�i42. '1te,',',U1flrPr'Ce1*11' , I . . etc. 39,mey to . I ager of - the Luck t_)w laoke&in thetlistributi * . . low rate., . . � I I . is visit- ' one of p"itcfitrd, neliliew of tile bFide. Ills !) - I . I - I Shop. . I . ______ Nichol, nian I r - - �Ift.­_ . . � ns, of Alli,itout - I . . . - . .. . I . ______:�________- -Mrs Alki I . .. . � 1parbe __ was given . I . I . � . ; . . %lethtxlist parsonage", this ululliL). Mr.Trelea'ven was r 101-Ine(i ily Itev. Mr. . a cere a 11 I ' an,, at tile - - . -­----p—K0V_DF00T 0AR108' branCh of tile 1�nkl orango sepmen .. � Forest es 'Elcurwon " ry first settlers in*this part of the mony was per 4 )-tr sp--cial price, *;".50. . , A.. - I 3 t . , I A tile ve. - tilt, Itev. A. E% - * � ,_ ARROW , . d;4.!P,:h1 ont. - Pritchard, assiste'l b3 I � I - telo, Solicitor4, wte.. - , 7001. ast week. It � shews that 'rove Loyal. - Th,3 al excuTsion; of tile and i ,arly days of hush of 16tandatirniii. Tf . � . - � loser present - G shareholders I. . . . . village. country, n the e lk- U V. PA00 P . I The lixembers of .',%1A:plo C. fourth annu, e other n0ble Budge. . , , t 11 - ., J. *f. GASROW-Q- C' ,--------=, ,�' per � rom Kincardine, - I - �_ i____7_ toria after paying an' W,',ioii church 1. O. -F ill �e ru n f - .1 I together with th t)t.. 1LUd N1I.t;..1). (jol-don, Mrs. (Jesiting,a nobby . ;� - ! I ,=Z-- __:��=__ ___- I . re -able P%� -il.. oil Sunday amis , on I -6 &t" were X 11 V1 ffle, :. .4 . i C' p. -1 it ediate points, to S. I tll,.,; % iliage, are visiting frie . jeers endured the hardship Miss Lizzip Gordon and I . cent. dividen * � I . Inter.1 I plorl I tile Direc I I 0 -fe LQ(141n, , 1. W Sirs. W. Allin,r and son Willi"', lifel i � . .tan 4 _ . lids in I I . � . d on the capitAl,,,w ' ' Ashficlid, at 3MIC01. . and i Monday, July., 5. of � . to tilt., early liettieringLon 1 11olens- Miss - I - - MEDICAL. I nd* .% speeid sermon; will y 3, -and return on . incidento-I t�ll,t L. 11,t)uI(I see, this line bO- I . - I? K y S I C I A'S the reserve fur . ! 1, plien . J.Ul London? privatio,ls I.. I � . ______.­_. to carryA%.;-x),()00 to I July* Itipley, .. ,y and 4 hig win. McCrostie, of - ,S't - 11 "1141 � ft . -rXN,X ence Carletont Of tlewent of the coultg I Nj1L1)t..l pritchard. ot -rorotita; 3d � �� I - _ � .% N�T, ,,,,&,.,r. Surgery , -more than hali :be pri-ach'Ad to them by the Rev, I. I', - passengers trom 'Kilocardine, a§te� Lawer set d Ito . . , - 0, n and Ace, w et ual to I will take -M - SS Lot" - D Wtiric 'D - h,urs w I ' �Gitechurcl I I id induitryt contrillitite I le f .1-0 I 'n * i hich i:6 no ,qrs. itobert PritchArdi* ljurchasill" I a Oros - Walwin,. B.A. of Luck now., Brethm" Luckt-I'mrs and i 'ing Widio Vsknce, energy ILI .ctian m hat . , n4l Mi M . . . * OV,or J. - r f rom . . ' in. Kincardine, is Vis t' Miss Belle C. . .IIi,,tt'_4. %r-'C"rY at')te' othee has had -', ( the capits.l. The Bank _ a t mill. to ; Winglia . jo to 12 a. to. ; It"m 2 10 45 P. ul' anti . o of othPV,h-)dgoa'ar6 cordially invite d t tile ently innrnin" f small share in making this poll.vi of Wyoming; . . � . frOm - - t% this wpek. I ths Ium, I .0 V. P. I . - ___ I anti .i,; extendinn its oper I-Iiher.4 will meet in �he A specift I t rai ni Will . .1 leave Wingliam, 'Binder Twine Co's twine it is today. sol ft Crostie, Miss Winnie Van Valkenburg. ' . * *..T to], I — _:_:.�-r- � 4 .I.. perou.9 Year, I . 0 Qpen- attend. - , .110 I " -at half - & -Farmer's I although ever Ud tile, wedding . - - I _N o - and at. 7. a. m. arrive at Sarpila or sale at Andre and Y' After the cemmony 06 . , D -;oRT)ON, ..1-D--_-C-?*1'-, 4 'r. ations into ,. tanitoixt, where Pod.' - Past Aw . -and, w he was taken ill, bride wits 14 . L .4604- �u ' " . schcoll, house, at half . ill of Brantford, Out., -f . I . p.A.()., Phy4 oy "it - vast twelvi, that medical skill could do an4 diune,, which f *110wba, t1lb I . . I.A.A., U.C. . of a body to tile church.- _ Returning the train w r & Webster. ' , thing 0 members of - �� I 1'rAtAir- , for -the empl Mt insrch in . . .. . . by tile � . �- . � -Q%tu - 1 - I is, W` ing's are-iound I I - . bjonday,Jub, . callei I Loir, of . .I *na Acc,"'itch-ellf. I -----.-- at 9 P. ra., on and thr nd attentive nursing could sug* Oil - * I 5 .. . n6e L ­ __ - -leave SaYnim - ,, -enzie, - vteriall 1, . , I �it itlence U ­ds .A. public cmfide I . 1. - ricardine. 'd rs. J_ . D..McK ee kind a lie gradually th, Presb Which a - I I I , . ­ A, i n'!4 new block. R" it,, ,zurplas fttntl . _30,11, And will run through !'Ci , N,iS!tiDg friends done for him, ' d fondgoa-1 byes a f . M-ardt"Clb a (',o'* stoffe - - Went To Church . roit are gest, wa,9 member, an f . behin't Cameron. - - _-_� - _.— I institution i S. . _ . is.e�ery year becoming children of Dot 9 ad weaker and when sile Was a . $._ . , ____­� __ ��_�� In this stable 1-axancia � . ', . w weaker a - the happy . - � - - _____ I 11st -%Jessrs J. A. Mc- Tilis excursion r- -_ - � ., on Sunday I . I - - gre re had c�)111(10 were said. At 2.10 I,-!". w 11 I - I - il by tile amOUnt-Of-'avin[r%'-" . . (Juaint, D. Col- opular, Faie from Lucknow in Lucknow of his departu 0 press . - 600119TI" demonst.rate , . 1, , excee , * -Pher�611� .Q.: Walker, J. more p - ; . . 11iss Nellie R. Dryden, of GAlt, tile hour , yo fol .. I I— and cheerfully resi,_Yned cotiple took tile e0t-t iJ und " ' . _____ _______� bzsnk mid"other depositt (ling MIX li , ris F. it. Col n I I ruce �: I. (-,.-, I I ' olue fit Itipl-P, Murray's Block. � ' - % __ -g, Dr B. .. e Mrs. It. D. Calu- lie was f ully I e fun -ver for their f utu re it ------ � _____� . ' [i -% R. Das v . . . i.qitiug her sist r Ily fell asleep to . !W . � . . . M F- I I � Lucknbw - - - - -_ - - - - _'.. . � Is V I wed by the b-st wishes of it hoiA of --.� = -_ I lnillion dollar'.4! on Ole sgitregstP, antl and 8. McIntyre, drove . to . � and peacef u - %. . . I . I - I this week. ,d 'No IIP (I K" 1 ` - a� . - — n , I I eron . ,U he live * - tile presents � . L . VK LOL)t"E C#83 of *.tlie* maw,gOutnt in keep- t -,j(o�n the .Masonic' brethren there i � plethodS frion1s. Am011 I e pleasurabit 1 � � . ;SM1 �. : ]X N.- ( l,%v - 0 - I -C' T. IT - 1�11r . r.t with the Lord of a 1)1�.s I r% - bright spo-. in th . � - I ... . r. 01C 4W ! � . I . 'Brilce County W. _�_ M isses A 1. I ie and Laura ROSS, sPe _ ,eJ &arw t .` ."' t-lt! al )#,, - I . . ! �fldin_ (liviiie worAlip in tile Ntetll-- - Tile � ' in the full assurance 3eudid b'l%'" -'vr"ce " real . - __� .- rcjfitabl� invested at �131 . . of Methods on l)J(_Jy, the guests of bliss . . g- were a tit . - . U-rt-e9*.,ktio occurred at tile 1. '1' ill., suph largesuln., P ses liolding ! �.i at ., '1,&4t *(3ek lit It, ytell:1111 C O' C% 0 . - 1) 1, I -'F N' D F N- a selkool . N , . . IMI I �. I I ­e'lllaat aece�table po . . _ . ortality Deceased wab the voull Presb it Wid a ..xreer t!f vvenus, Lay, con. 60 � 44-,r A ForcAtCrA 40KINt . church wher ternpoil 114- 5th, lWal m, thexholir I k tionand skill that 1. I - - af , hill,.,LuC1,-_ nd Jane Tleleavet's ock f ro - dence of Mrs. Murdoch Mci t1f,eib,w-4' .betokens ener t7au - . t'A 1i . - NlontW . ? . Violet ��harinon. . k-autiful'inw-ble cl - . . ge of mis-A I +A 114,t1je 041 gy? I " ericondue .Y title 1,14'ev. I iss eat 9,on Of Will'am & out), De% tile marria . , 1. � turt: , service,,.w 0 . 0 � clock,- ill tile -W-dfPllo'%V on- e, � Inn was i '%% � I - � 1,.,,t1,' fourthTlit- .r , 3 ack Armstrong and M I uied b.N' thi Aild"c"'es 91"ll The occAS' - 5 . ­ to - 111u. ---)il- I . A rs, will be ,krs... and was born in PlYmc 1825 attd tile high ersteeal, 1,ella ,%1,,:Kay t3 Nir. Willism Gourlev, -J � - . Hal �q be r,atisfactory to all who are t 41c'in 11.,tre accomplL I . . I R Avalwitt. They spi,il 0,%v -,vllt%n interesting Pape I - ; . ` � I . . ,!.Sv. ..f....kch IMI.-Dth.'A I ,1 work Lalla B�rry spent Jubilee day. with ,England, On J 1 411, �' below, which exPrers 8 I . . . � 11 . . I . - - - ing tortos s n bearing On -_ .0 o*(.1414..k. C I . - ­ . .-rB , -x elfare.' - - * Oj til 3, mu -� ic re' dorei I Lry t he n. - %31 the shire, J u �1'*�'Ll " �; t. At t,4 p.m. full 120 guelts - -4 . -, -le'rixtc I - . - eo -took qlveu 1)3 ev ected friends i - " '. . , V6it"9 erned in the Oank - ' - s __ -.o � , � tie a London. I was consequentlY i�a hlg r ear " in whicli the bride is held bv t1lo e f Det ro' . 'a t . . . - - __� __ . onommonawm, � hoir, niore, p-Artiuu1:,xrlY th" parts ,rent departthents, c0un � - C I of the diffe see Mr. Alex. He c%rue V) with whom tille ,,as associ- te j.4,.,tv in, it -Al . ., ., d here. tv- pre -sent, while at 8.15 the -4 , - , I U,rthrfra C-ri I . Mrs. * We,are pleased to tile titile of his death . " . I 4 - ­ .".. �, and IN11r. J. W. witil 'tho, .t4oinperaiico cause. . . . in congratula- ; . ,X 1', ,,I 1.1"t, . . ., I.,.%V,,;% llerry � , . li'Rllf%� �11 . . '. I 'R1tE)iT-T0P1.-eS , ,joy Aliv .. 'r � asiter, his long ents, in 183:291101d The Free Press joins ,,,01,1diou.s strslnir� of tile wedding . J�E, sr-�l . I- 1�angford M4111 , is par . I I . ' �11 J. 1). N -�. - r. - Unvetawy C1 4 . t, - 6 , York.:Skate Superintei around an i Canada, with hi ughout the oomf 'k . , . Cjai,a ltan;, � Armstrong ond .,of tll- 11 s0titlity'of Boole, Of* -New in the rst Wand, nes I . - - I - - . Fft I . part e" . rKing- tions " - Aarch vibrated tfflv . ,_ ____� — 14,* ru 6RT � ,perplti in. (reneral -_ hV i)l ' le N% Iviii ,jiso- taka and seri,ow: illn , - * � '.1 settled in Atube w nich the - - . I . . I ) - W. *k! ' t-. the Lucknow. I " dAnt of tl . . ub- d . for tif to( n MISS N,1C*C1tosT1lK?,-� lence i after -_ _� . - to opo&.11 to authorize " , _ , . I I "tia aoldress.x P 1110dious rni( V .d , , It ii now pr 0%erctV where he remained .. . . I .1 J 0 Nh�-r V,x N, . . - r. at -d Mrs- JJDhn' ��W" "' ston, of . as ably perform -d C/ , � %-view.. . � afternoon . Al I . too-1111w.rs 4, � : I - ea'Hine. 11i . � ' to Ash ZP ceremony - . . � . ." N. 0 - , . elton, of -)e#Lr N "larr'l t - I ttwt'lf . be held in i , lwialll- \Ve, t1le 94 � . � ..I 141it-kilow. eputie?3 to etten I � . --- ____ 1: g in the'ev'ening, to # J An Sh ' ch, I . 0 . t Mna thiTtl Wasters and d I Pen- I ., . . - __ I - - __ I Ic'meetin " at �; o'clock. Xrs'-� fmnily, visited. Mr years. In 1�47) he removed whore t1le choir of tilp prembyterian. cbur d B. I .1 - . ik - ov�ry . ave. been, Home F110'" ca.mv I . tite t1je. to"Val -all . - ley$ latit week. lship, Huron county )Wy R# -V. R MCIAeO . - � it. "ery tIr", A it;lbf,le stAmP4 I, I , ltipt,py. Tiie bride wu &OF- . .11 'rillay on which no pq . or, county Presi- Itip . beld tow, a home �ery t4o nuv� extcnd 0 you Out ,1. I � . I of - TeeswiLt . Aggie f 3r himsclf. Forest, 'lurch, _. I . 111.,r.1b. in the Orange . the, 3-2iid, lleede-, swic Johnston, and . lie hewed Out upon your sp- Itines, of R418Y, . Awwr%_- --writei , J'ally of - i , - �- _Misse.4 a oul.; � Wo - P1 - � 0 . un n, liall, vi. , b"tb aced to learit the narne of tilt -N,­11niber :1 com 'it. will . broken for- s %oratuWi - - - Mc �i6w, lion, L liome from flei pre*ide at b'tl� meetings sited f K ionds sincere cu rqrted M its, St liy officiated a& r " - I r � .0rifially ip- anil avoid senXing it to the deade letter ,BI.-jce,,Batta' arrlN:�4, . . ----I%,- - - _ ___- - .1loend119 of -this vill-wo, VI aillidst the ther, almost )rd - veil I . I .. I 1"I � , alld I - P4 . o, residence in the town- proachin -, m irriAge And whil4 � ,41ide Mr. Rector McK I '! . " I -t . this week. est. Af ter . . 4 I I - V ite$. - 1�, v. R. office. If all wUo write would have e,%ln[�''_t1t Lontlon on I ri( V S ' 1. . Distinxushed It"If. - nd in - W 091MIX), ears, he removed. ,ally corigratulati!ig Yclu tn gromosman After the ceremODT w" I . L . . t; he 32 . - - .v% Ys looked *considerably ' LOnden, t - I we any hearty _� --- �k_---*%Vm. B 'll'the WN - A..I*,,. Cirahaw returned this waQk ship of seventeen y � -�. S - _. 0 e althoug ' . re Dariog clIMP 06 .. I y the suh, they P : al w Avg. I � I , �,%_ 1). 1). V, 1, nvel- I k sented . a . amily, to this village in -1 864, ^nnat lout regret that performed and all tile M I I , event, we C 1- I ':% - , I browned 1.1r. - .U.", Nlan., accompanied by with his f 14- their addreises p�inted on th , services c.)ngmtulat lons' and beat wilhes We" a-- ound . ___�_ P, depart- .,(1,,ldierly appearallee , (1-i:itingut-illed itself in sEver ()" tLof ) Pilot M to tile time of his .;hall 4-e deprliv#Al of the valued I ....... , otli� a tA , � tLe I - ,rery hi -m -al I ' ' No. 3, made 71 u I Mrs. J. llrumpwn And from that tinie h' ling ful,.pome years taken a I . DRANCE LOCCE opes they wie. as the post I strett to 21I it i I 1111i LOYAL trouble wo' MUOted d . . 6 -out of a 'e 0 1 Uld ,:Olkle. they own tile. 9proule able citizen of tile (tf one w tenderr , . 9 *,i -it - r, 't a valu .d to tile young 00UP14 , . I __� Illerst requests, no . ampbell 1),igible 810, and 'M. -Stcw&rt, L � Tlle� I "I . (if the "Y" oleatlij, wa W, service. of In&ny guests %,heii part000k of the sumv - - , 2S, -II01,Ds ITS — , I t 1. _! armol-y' ..vt the -corner Ckf 0 . . ,eoular ineet"19 days of Lucknow., I leading part in tl ""'AsicAl , I . .. � . ().4 f", . le ,5, and 60 i)llt-Of A PO�-s'ble Go'. - I a liottie town. in the early . n tile wet- lVe f "I thatL your place N rievillar lnswthly m rt- ed a question " d -0�aranr-streets- All 'th�' boys ll �E- Wd at tile bouie, of Nii I (iur chu'rell WOW repsat which amplT befitW t1le ..'X courts have Aid 6 - I ' lid pos'sib t shobt in the 80 roand wi I took a prominent interest i w & r .1ml, , I lie . . All -4 The I iiff 410 r'" , . next. he icult to When all the UumtrOuLl * . 1-4. h .1p Hall, ci, . -1 4� . t1lue (,f 11, tilt �d diff ,)cc&sion. * int:% in t e Ora" T1W*- (41 -ill tile best . of: heAltll� ... eir Ari�iitroj�g, � on -Friday evening place., and at tile , ell(ji, %%ill t)e indet � ikiv,iv, I'll � ,%,l.ee to cliurc.he,s nwne,_ rctitin ': . I I wiallt, tihi , . 'Ile 32ond also s-howeti, Ill f are of the I 'do t- I- i %. boll ,-4trt-e_&� Luc of great import . . ... e in I . . lie was , -M,, �"ry se in alisen evellilig,4. (.n tor lwfory L. *. reIYor�tliaViIl9---V'-1L'11t �"'Fe - . . rang!'S- teal,, of, -the * -We are always gl&d.to get newal- in�orporatiou as a villagol till, for vou w, aoeithi had part.%ken of the M=Y djali . __ yjight ly t urch truiteo.-J in, mort. ­%V�if -.V1.q betrer t. ".11grth, by dk'feating� A. - . . Pe,,-rve hat tl*,-. gh - were' ft ., I., ry 4 . w rit:e its .11141 fa,ithful atten "' ,,.t of the evening W" - 1. -%Ill. I ), Tiler, � , I havo visitols, d m eknow that your. , c4c . I fill! TU . calul V_ L.,11 L, itr e Qdeen's it,u.ms. If you All IN.win--, fil"I � i tht _`ftop than .W t1l aight Pulls in. til I to elected a weuaber of its first munit . ivs, the es and &MUW t i , ,-% tMini.: f4l' -�. , c., 1. ...� 7 1 � L I send them ill IL position he af terwards tilled acco,ripsin-ed by 'in 'hurch pro'wrty incur n � looking-'corrit"ifii .. -a -% t requellt lY . ,;pent in \-arious Ral" . I -thot .., 11t1T1l"44Y .%Ily jaa�it_ g& -, tile C I , 1. , , -)11(1 - - -')nd te" was'giDt -do,on'their nam deuce, was f . I � on rthreWei)n1i. 1; 11 . ' . vaikll tflo,*-014 �.)T. tio, T10-- � . . . es mAd - counc d - Iw . , -# ,- 114Av bDY `4 ' - M� wn. .% . � ^h Joinin, ,In er.- C. . * . i nd-- C,tptain- 1. . - Shortly afterconi* 101" filent, As they allit0d t'he t&SW@ an . . I , A,', vi.-Ot in' personal lial'allity, thou'r . tL . L--.: "k i ience , atid sic . # �tl* lIVC1I,;a1.lY 1'�-Colice,l 'toy Cor w..1.1cPheeg a . UAL I . of the it . & eq! t�) the m.-etiu,-A- . � I)(! -�(JjL%bt -as ,1% Whole: iv '. 1A, � 3 P. , L . . for several years. d from Mr. J611108 g, e a personal in'; "1011 firf(tetio.ij ot the d Terent 9UOGW' . A .- I tinest 1. i i . Ai),%m Ta4)ur,k4M%, . be i lie' - on - tile 'I I th Luckno' rs. Thoa -'Young, of ing here he purchase r1fice. �Ve k*9.Y`ur "cCeP!"M P I . . . � I -AiAL111111t. sonal covenant t) PAY t, I to 'Ixtftalloll. . I of I . wi `-Ill:. aild M light token When the grey dawn of June 17 beCOW a-- . ' ' ­ . DAvIi, L .. Secraary. %Y. 361. thiB per. i's j I"- .. ; I .. �. . . '. ed.11-Y M - �,%%4under-S bo couple 'of days preient Lucknow ecoulpattin, gift,: as IL Ss I . � I _______.:_� mfects of " . "ing` Walkerton, 0% .. I . � L . . ___ and interest. The . tit ui ; gro1ItId4_--.1_., I - . �. . V.?' ii,- C0111POsed Of ,tile foll i, * . cc peut - a o, this Somerville, the - It I monal regard and , i�-Ibt,F, all disptrsod to their hOmw . — * _ ­ . 3nd , . Tiuckn y of otir Ile , I * � - - . , r , . 01- -:77 . I I .. � I , I aid; No At sit -ng old friends in - L.; which lie owned and oper not 0111 I I ., 0 - lar ul, nthly I I . . A tij,, ffl J a& McDan Vt I . Orist Miliz, Z;at, t C - t7 - The rf'-,n , f . I eiume",be accep-- ��.. , . . h '' I 1.ii!� %I I .r wishing Sir. and Xf& (;"r1ey & I i , .. ,r. --Tnen,,, cbrii-tian ment whith Viill we p . N 0-:3), -full ';',\' ld . Inise. lie wag an earnest estMILI, 'ut al-jo tif our ii,ppre loll of ,dtt -A 11 0 InOrtivs of the W d I Fo"stersat Chutic .. V 6 Tara, It Fa wel& - &ted till his do . � I W �I 1�e h4:Id v very deleon la ' ­wilf �- - ­ I . I - is e.y , vcry large I &lid faithful services in the ,,,,,at 11appy and smooth 'VOY&P 0"' . i VnioDv teil all good �ornnion. sense- w�, nembers of -,11c, Itidepeiit"1011t, pa ** �! i �)" - 1, Scott, Davison; A " 9cuffiers-! A , � I I - 1 ril ' . The ; I N r Christian nd for over 40.yeArs was A youriong ,,� TompeeAnce I in the Oda Fellows � m1phasisi. tfie demands 4 ionrt . . _ - o .,-. P` Wi.wtin, ­,,;euttlers ) -1 Wlfbhing. -I,(, fie& of life. I I . � . . 0 kA ux"Utl - - o;tcr:s,- Aogetbelt .-with oner; . i f hfulplaw leader and ' I + Lb f Ac` Somrm- rs Presbyterian church 60ir. � wodn' NlRk..T.. k)e to e (Yrdel. of -For &I eit , 1). Ra&l; if, -of' scuffle -which njust be sold. . I - , "' � I . - ,ow. at 3 V. in. . - g %,uis for a r6lu'iion.Qf &bt onc)iurcil- . ` 0 der 'ge,Njullin 8 Ft I Y sul)ply . devout and IV . Kall� l"t-15 _N 'ZLL.Secretarr. C , , �thr ii�of tht: C&Iij1d;an r . - L . . I r will convince. of the Methodist )OU and your p,mmor in life every ' I I j. 1101t-., e e I - I I -- -4ijeut - - severAL, Ur - 6- 44 we .; JILLK, F t _1K ____ . **f "e , froru. debt, . , P', U- , d,W . Cr thinn. Cs I I I I P) . I Th e men Were- x collIP6140u, in pnee i ,.,� - --.I- - -------- n(l there kre few. r e . hIld oth*ei vik'tOrsl attended 66 a but . eQnsistent Member h, the church true blessing, *,o, to subicribe our- L1'Ckt'90W IDU 13LIC S,CHOOL I I - e", a , - 'ft. Sanday 11 -W ,church, and in his deat #I 1. 000, F, . orr(iwing "t, 110dy 0 pull filf Munso-iUdiAllst . .kllill- " - � � ' . I I __ . did' ity -in 1) . I 1,yte*ifill-t-hurch ill I alsa td . .. orker, whose. k A --- __� . and tuore , cu. . � .. r . I I . c q0t. V'Rit till '*- rop(! $ f Oswego$ uefriend and w selve@. 1i,r.omotionZ3E&1nl12ftt10n *f 064'�"" . - I . . - () W � . $111110. � . � Oas-, Wll("re.*P1i exct'llent ,,;(":- , the iAttCr woul'i -Miss Martha Orant, 0 loosaij a tr yours 8bicerely, I I - � I - C K --% money on tile � . I inorin;ill . I hein by the I 'niade I of Iron River 11 be difficult to fill- Dec- For IW7 1 . , __ . `- .2 . � � L . . vre* tll_lj�& TQ .tl . .. � r 'uKed. , T .* , - I . he �3)nd.-also .111d Miss ikullie ('rant, ) plaw it wi I 1.4r4l"t.. N.", 11 . ; ........ � . � - -was 1) O,C I , - 0: It . . . L 11 ". . I . ... � " I 111011 .'Was L Nearly, One 111kin- tbL q . a .bi�,-.t sh6oting Ebt tile ranges. weeks with eased leaves a widow and seven Child Mrs G. E. livarue, Organi., - (;- __� - I J t,l,.t-k in in the i ake 1(?vels �i e,v'--'.N1r. C i. I 'on .. -_ Mich., are spendi'19 a few . t' ri. Parkerl ,kRTk(Z1(T . '_ " � -it a"' " A. ?4 " -thTen - The is a st4 adY rise . .1 . .aiilelrd! I , . . , 0 _ee . �e . � I It DEV I � i efy FridlY t . I I . . # L . .. � lose, (his eld(wt daugh choir nlilslA,r; Firril me* -U ev , I ,itt,.c.. Alr br, L -tile procession - .. . — ---------- —_ McGily, 1% . � tj ,111 . I — .. .. . of ren to Inourri his L # i. � their hall VaMOW1 . Ile .jatisfac.tion of shippers. The' .1re brethren�vere . ' . . friendit in Wwn having died miss ilediums, Miss J. - � tot 6 & . . . . . Was SL .�&;Y creditable Selens wheellerg 1_4)�:heftds , Ond t,j Form 2-0 W ' t I . cordially 1�%iud. - - ,I . awl the turnout . L . . * and Present*U91% tile, Gth ter, KM Miss ,.,,.IlV_)r. part - .I - i 1-4 , iC4 of late years was: Add~s� . . - I t J . . W. Wm -so b . . soc� , .. . )n Surt- I .. � a num MT. ja& McLeod, Of ,, h1cBertil, .Nuss M. hturdw� . WN.Sr s%rit. 1". . , ` oue t ' este i ietv. -( ' .artived hom all , Lr*c � 1�ay, T Burns, C Benno , I 1v fall so much, liz�ctls. L, . 0,tlle For r' ' . ber e on Thursday in 18859) and in this sad hour of sorrows h -mil, Milo F . . .I torder , . th6l .. L . f - �-),iTuc.stlay evening.lost, _;1% in I Treleaven, A McQu*4 I ',� . f�:: ,bi,, r 11 and -* . . Kill1q, I npathy of Broody 0 , .% qrand. -.--------I- d1lo �t ' 'Asene'd rainfal , . II&Y. ibornjifg L U(,xt , the .niemb&s Q 3 . . unth with hsvethe earnest BY, SwIle, Mrs. PCLOlisu, "' *"' i,oliqlson, .-j I _,___� o the, volutitki�-rR lAlonaging "to NO- (lint; a Ill A . W . . iall Ottler * of of 'tile I . ,it, of ter #peTI j5 1 The I surviving n, .J. K irk. E ,ri, I I ! . d o Aou st ' re . C " . . . "I 'ttaliolij 'assembled la� ' . 'I (". jitephoilso 4 () Rall, R McKi ; i - ping OIL he fo ' sts, whereb.Y. all ourt , Shcrw'ood Call" . their bereavement. n(t ja,4. 11rus) , 1, Nluo.,11p, i Reido � I I/,, . , _� ri P t . their brethren .Ccj .3211d ta , ri NuLnit,06A. � . I 1. Treleaven a . -ter. .4 M MW * ' , - ->ge - 1. ' . r ieu- re Thog. I N.Joij .. , lure, S M I'61"' I . -, �:%� , , I- C K ,'%- () W ,the creeks , r Yurest'ers, 116 th" - W*t1i � nipally, - Ii f r'ond& i I . a - ,racw ind Witi. Fo .11)11, .k mcc allough, " L N\\ , d sinall rivers -were diied - , I attend � ri's'dit-hee (if their popula � . at children a Patrick, (' , . . . I " - .0, tile, 'I - , . . i - %1� I .4 the . . 0 . - - llendont ortlei, will . , � AV _�' , ,_ e . . Ilk -lc 0 to show.their - --.The sermotIl. in tho Methodi - illism C. Treleaven, of Lucknow- ------ � 1 4 V, P H endersm, NI . . I. o,r ri'edu�ed in. V'IllnlP- of,thc .1. , ,rang KoltziVI A 11owel 'IN., ��_ , 49 1 . I - ) . 110di't ,.-hitr.%--1h "t - t�j,ljatjt, J-., W,'Afius . I ,ling, will have W , , . t I . , up bv the 11�;' * . 11 I tho _)�et t� . I I . . E. Treleaven, of N* -w 'INIC6108TIE.- E Murchison, NI . I L 7::� .1 , �_� - I. OTIlt-'r t -f 11 . . . I 0 , train,ing c a %11 I tqs wiptly, L Taylor, � *­�-_____,-s� . - Services . . I I -aj . good, . h rch hext Sundq e% e ' Alt , L , - - . . -iati the, - death S with- � 0 ft -z- ji kwen, A i � � . . . )i rc:- � I r ., �_ I - - of' rain fell just. season. . A, L I I . . . . . oil - f llit - by L ' if 'W1 ref - * the R,ev. Walter I : _11i ggreai d6l t.VA.11 of Treleaven. of L)'K T, C ft . W; -r .o'cfock, -'� erence to ­_ �_i* nit"I. I . . . . - . id .m during 'CA411PI SPOC � Hamburgh, J. Wealey McGinnes. . 0 . in tbrL 04I& i nol rain - .. . . 0 0 e ' rs. T Tile 1"-t te . - - - . .4 1 . � _. I I ,11s us.tha-t 01111,,1 . . - I t L'st winter, ith * fall of suow a - - . 31 kindnes-s t 11 d to Senior pWt tud I ) . - � -0fefe irt _ e . '� � - I __ __ - - . I igh School staff, M ledy should-lw without regard. ' . I . o.-- t -.4, Hall, 4--flAbe . . L . . � .1 .. I w, 1i 4% 11aliclioine nickel I % t,,, Wlilter'freleavcu- � f tile olint,on. H i unior part 2n ' I I __% C res�,,, , - .. . I&. -A � and Of . . 'Kentlei I. - P . Itolor Sergeant M. : T, Agar-hss on hand ' .. W . . . . - ­: f*11,W, 1,*n'l I- 'March, Al)ril atin"", hilli I r carload 0 leaven, 'Miras Sugan an,i N, i.it out rett hiorton, H NeOws , At", %T as above t4e narma . I Death. UMM I . L. Tre we c,-, nlint reale(ly the lo." __.E .3 oh"stene, D I . I . I . . - I 0 I., , depart- R LlW411 * - , _�' .% 'if vastly z. ex- - . 't'llt Satur' ,pl6tedl -.swor:-L * ge. The Aithollch . - I 11 'N I onday ir V V8,411.1 h . N � e , * I d a (%t and nice]]( word-- bram, also d of shorts. Now 1,0U,L leaven, of this vil in vour Armstrong, .1 NiCIAMD9 I * � i. .. I and lay of this y ar have' D*eath ,claimea RuOther T'� it car -los se Tre l,tt#,Ikt1 d we, are about to f"u-"t'l'n . A F, � 1% VACI� M44Ah 1,� ! , rson %of ' N read a %I I'- -' . I atlie4on ' . /Z - antl the - - �- " - - tilf! - - pe, . . , , feed - either by as largel regard wn, A ShoebcKtOwo 0 . I . ; tit in rainfall , .� w y H % . N 1"tin., , -ning- in . I ,qutton, F, Bra I I .// , , .\. . .14WIC, , F3 . � tlay inoi I pa.�!,*,. i, qci, to.2111 af ter is, tfiff ti,,,-r'to secure - . f u neral, which . - e . . .- i, .. I - ,* , . 0� . I I ., ceelled the norm * � Vd, , , adilr! r. ,AfWstf0n9V1 . I On. uf e f 1.0.11 our Midst, Y t we (10 * contriijuted a gen-- - ' "Pley' "vho .-'-' e pres- tllq huntlr�d of tho t by sylupathiling f r - reff ret - " - - iLtlilt4 i McKiaWs � . . , , pre�wnt mon�th'has - Kedy Of*' n I i,;uds and relative%, k rev - 7 . -Y John'Nfi -iO, , made th w"-,,1if--el11IX6()fdeq) P# I �.IcLeo,3, J A bretb a C-twrdjAll "invite'l. k,ideatl 1.�r at-L.All -es.. of 'hie 0 j. slue derl L I in tile it. I ' \ . . Y-1. I * -sharej The lantl L:i,6 . . .Iy ,,away af , Vt ,11 N1 - . . � . . � der [lily plot - - �Our \10(,d*e, B Sherriff, D CampW1. C 1). 1). . 1� erods , �eacijll* . 1 ,�is. -- Tho . surprLSO, the f &a I W. -4. 11 0 LN E -4. 1 - s ' ineu- - , O11i__. I)a'rAj Ithoogh taken by t received a carload of Bin . took place to lew of tit,, p.st ft,wjeArs revelLIS .\1 . (�ntatlon."t-�-A � . _�_ I J us , . R&,, r� f<r. ' . . . I . 1 7 on htqndt&Y last-, * wined into ours . I r aj,-e.l, fr ,frm all the I`kke - to �4�ari.ft . 6 � aan - - _. __ .40 . . :nealily . . ithXhills- . ropriate reply, twille juf di&rnt brands, and those ill ,emeterl � . ing, F, McCardle. - . 114.4ter W,,rk r - __ .. ially from, Michil-all ,lecA,asf,ti bo'e Iter aillictiOn W b. 3-iick *Tnafle fttil app Dungannon e ute of regpect tO life 'will("(' &nd.�nt`p ' - - Flon, . . . P&T% 2nd i ____ - . 1, and esp--v I 17 .r . . . '' plied at t to JUX1101 1� , . v withsti,int Ing 'hp-krtil- - - , - the eed of - il.� , can tv)w bC sup I I I tgh( I L0001 "n�c � report& -of the'.0w. tian 'fortitude 11 11.11il ,lot , .. OL ' thatiki,� , boys for their n tw 0 and Wail a titting trib - Th#- anti w1kell its c,litig, tog tendrels are be vf-t part Is �� LL I OLD L10"T , anti lluirou,; comes -� - '. . y I tile departe,l � t feel, the e0j, 0 .1 . ... 4 __ : , � � . . - torth to. prol nZ a an ard him, lowest prices at W-'Allin'g- kory of . . i;,Srily ME - . .-.------.v- I I . .9 1-y effort was ')Lit - - (I j�"J%vill tow i tile Marc ...Yeled we nc*; _p 11rowpo G McLo-od, L UcL 11 I . I � . . . e eve . , -, v froin. gent-roiity. '' . lid action - ILIDd grave were, 1119 . � 1I.tVe*4beI1 ft' lownt . ,,( Since YOU I . - unable to rall. that ti, ir ki r_ ' Wiuv - , prohib ., -rvices at the house sq kr,,t i in - I texilev, D Hr � I . vie - weather is workinfe, .11Xnl cou,,cil wil' I '. . A F sc A X present fint, I ., 11�1, li.fe T,Slle was . I .-Suiring 'th"111 le --The i. B. Wallwin, hays rendered G Veleaven, 0 Sarbet, 4 I - - - . , - I j of the recent� paralytic as , . scorchliog" On tile conducted by thO Rev. . 1,taven, A Cliff, . I I crops' Yall tl,C Pdect. ' Ivuer.be I r1lotteu. 51 r. Rugh t church, soeiA'e*,i With Us$ y1ou %a - 'IV L e 11� .ycli,its from " . . L I - `vf'""' ' " - I `- 1-s uppri all growing ,marks it bic he Meth6dis tile, church* * M, R J ohnstoney s R&W, k I . . I Cr It C , . I I . � P% . , Silt, had reached the 01)c - ge - , m*1C &few nic . - B. A., F ss tor of t Listance in , V shoebottoo I I . . aily. Stroke. a ill L -i , I . . . They will als:) im M, esjors. valullbV-11-S S C. _*&� - - . . . 0 -w . yeArs, rind ,wag woll known -.1.1or, iloD Also � cas I' . s. -bearers were : I � . wheat i*,sijoply iinknense and i,4 Tic ., 1 �7. . prit,xCIP&I ateecL - y S4,choolq in the Y. F, - patw,rson. I A T ­ . . .t,1%J)1c to th(I L ipn- while Billy a ,%x Of .q. 25 on eigarette de%lcrs. an(I the pall Ile SUII(IK V I' Y * I * . pobe t ce. William Lyonso t svelrage atUdd""fo ' V ' �AJ)AY NU I -Ila will -be. 17, )IX .neighborhood., being One Of tile �ui I r. t tnade time pasS . other 'department Of N, -o. on r)ll �8', , F F T S. *.V, N' �'-It Y I" I L' 1:i - in tht- ..ill out' in liead. . this I c . V lam , I IV tlkfq flill - us��ICM, . � ' U­Imow- ' Tile' 8 U-11 i . an � of NN l!1 I Of I &,re e set"Jers of L . . I Misses LorL Smith and ]Klva Thoulas Lawren illiam Geddes, 0- r,- stid n every oursel ves . w to ts and barle* ir -k We cOn$O*-c - it. Ic kstrert. while'peas, ox 1: e�,rly- t - the Lucknow ploasant:y b ! !ng7� large number -- t JL�,w week's Thom%% Webster% W churc), wot 7 -5 - I f Onic Itallo 1"ve C I crop$ It al'on Sunday 0 r tic Y S I I L91 Nrsnck. wilo f,)r tho 1pas that our upkitTKILYT L I .% T . I % I av�.. In fluit we, 'funew . . * I - W. Berry and James Bryan. - It A, 4ir ID . 8, . . . Ily 1.,%r,gc. . T ha. and cbnlic songse however, with tile knowledge F,orUTH D a, good sh I . % . I , 'Of pn�the -_ t , 111" filends in Kincar t I)Y the _. .J A 91. Y.- - Y -'t�'4 -I , . ,jeepetary. coming 0 !n I cemetery Avas 111luslia I have een � I -sit * " - ­0___� loss is a I IA1V1.%UWtr1f. I 'prospects.- �y have tile' -_ - - -_ _-, . I Saturday last. gain u) ot her#t, and th& From tenior 2nd to 3rd -E CGIMM j . Nvorshi I . - ___ -- -- -= - nk*;ver . ho much better I �bereaved hu�band itn(l f anlil 11 . I 0 1110 oil N I— ___ __ - - I - __ -conipunity in their G se"rinded din , returned ho T FROM JL oval of a,ti'%'*e worker fronij one - - LL OTHERS rem �. it Itobiopon, (A Howey ana , — . 4. u symPatb), ,o . I . not N �_ . I . ropt . � r tile ' played OR the. - m and4-ugh- DIFFEREN I Vineyard to 11 . IcKsv) ties, A Patterson, (P RAYed e .1111 be an.ab, ndant C , - ,a�ant swile - . _'.%1r.andM-rs.U1Aha , GENERAL L . ___ Ch rries 11 tiso - l -e .Jrrep . airablq-los4.,F,xpre4s- � L I .k pip of ovir geniul frien3l con- ter, left on T'ue8dAY for their home iu rt of tl jq �Jaster a od,ere,d nor the J'%VJobn%tA1ne) lies, M P&t44CO", . bile % ''and apOes w, 11 itenaifer, There is :10thing under tile sun that Ps I - . - I . � I I w , pluji . . � ---*--- --- -cour. ndins two weeks with r, ilig work is not hi an I . - � , bles Buffslo Bill's he eakened. As a of . I L. .wg,aftorspe wity resem lit t prospects . r Q�irk 6m N? onday evening, Says Qttp L pititemon, N1 Yule, (J HOOdWown I good, With the presen . . . I'Acros" M&toh Juctor - I . er. on tile 2ud (lf in any of Rough army of endeavor w . ­ L . . . L' . * -i i Knox, (1) N A & . I I . ow whcn tile mirs. (Irldiam's fath . ,,,, W&rinlmageour) ties . ..L fIT C � Id Wes n_..F. -31- ices of 1101's . se. inu�ch the lKincardind. Rovl i t and Congress a vance in"pr . %, I P L,icros . I hi -i K . Wi kes of tile tie that bindo our heart . ___._ i � In Rpe-41kifig-of th -know�'band .-ierenmled hiln lit r Kill loss. . oi- Riders of tilt. World, which is an too n Sherriff) ties, A Gmudy * l. I I � - 1.0 Bi s oPENED AN CIOPS, tl-*e 0 it bi-, crop. of . - day, t Now j�u . . at stratford, Ont., in ChristiaQ love, kindly acooPt t'h'"Le- Gritham and I I , . (,,p.l1RV,R HA I - n ., ni)ilol � Iq . . - . - . ,!e, hr*.4 and sheep, In Clintun oil 3 . _19:1 I r(isidefice on L,tmbton streets _41011. Thomas Ballantyne, ,N Stop,wart$ T a F. 1� if the catt . le, Ipautl U_ � lie I I a . . lit, anti I a . aftpr -'he late. ' T qpea�erof t Ta ompsni hilibliog ,C,14 ' t ,cri 0 - . ha,; been nounced to appear ng gifto with the bw,qt wi-1106 (It marchison and ki . L - - , tfine in the C Ott C 0. ti I big, flow of milki which - - ."Thf, inatch bp Vq . t ILill'itad arrived. 'he I.Aegislature � of North . But 10 Bill is c t;J your i0g, M mcl,esn, N Moody. A I �, -W-4r-s-:. prilit;U -fr . -;, - we A, Er.L says: C_ lintoll, tr .ral on j uly 9th, 1897 of tho congreg,%tion, in view Vance) I * 1, E A S 1.11 S'v cheese I A-etorle p ovs. of Luck nowl, 311d the , select, friend -s noillillatcd by tile tibp cities- of . efii re n. It ArmstxOng, , T'.' Bt)N .4 v I . use tl�e prinoipal \\ e d * i I . 1, V 1) ,,�*s to tl�e Se . -P -y , nd 9, � fe'�r .N S - n . it , ptrt a id Fleming, 1K Mc" , F . i 'NIF it. � _ - 9% I - Mr. an ('10 . . Wt. five i �A A101h. Alt.houg�h eLi ir*cand ate for the lio touring in only marriage, w - WILLS con truly sayAlat � cric "pt . d M r* Ilerth its tile . on, and in order appr(Wel"i'14 be sho I I . 6 r1i %VaA.excitinm - - I '] I L a in to aW, - - - 1..V. U, . , ontario. j. tiii-honoy-, and te, , wl ; Ali pp, vted. . ountry this se" I.-gV,t11.EYj - with inilk a I t1le -, ,)r% .%eeillt�ti de, . . O honle an(, 1,&ur& Web4ter . ' , 4 i . %, V, I. )i-I.Til %LGFA - Nt� - gpectat, 'waste, (i iirk!s h4pit,011 ty. which , h *1" the c stp, citizens of this vicinity that tilt richdst blessil-2 "lay .1 2 nd - B CA 11 V F C I 1. Y 11 add flowiOg ered upon you in your. new . From junior 2nd to seniOIr - * , " ' . . . r - I I I � n . -.not was�e � , IL L arter ientling w Qne, to accommod \� . I m f4,r bail4l . ei, need wantJor t ip, '�P.03- I T tic. host .-- I , * I hibition, - . ' rp 4 t) -,-,; 1!1 : I. t, I tha". W)n � . . thr-wt1h tit(, 04m�', I 11 (lid ,f lect upon I Istrucate . g ^ 11 ster,8 health - wa-'q ..;-For t,he flu to visit the ey- to yule, J 6crtinniage3ur, E Sidwl, (J f rilk 1 #14. 6n4A - -,. ed . - deal ()f e fty in apvflittlse." . I . A� i a 0 * Mr. J. - .ctitlos hy the ulajJ�t_r#%t0@ Of who ,,lay wish . been that you 'nay continue wil I . I .et'- flirni.41lf 'Of I#e. . L . gr� meny iongs by t1lo'convi � . tait i ri I.,; saries, L � - I a n 'at �ri few 1 , only 13- reduced ey-:ursion rates have ou _1111411 9 . 0 Ifident drn.n�;tllvt aft i . Dn ljunib& Ives of those with 'Alhoin Y Findiate-rand M MoOdY) tisa, J Hom- . . I I L '. -n-li . ; _� - I CU* ton boys seeni !1..t-r)l . ger of Luckhow, 1h.-County,ot'llun , trajLo lilies. The tile Ii .),H 4h .r. ' -'! a I e saute heau ty 0 K \ I . _ _ L L , rh � - - fluntor tiv.,. sweot sing . become sssoeiaL�edq th . lgelutooli, A Romellt K � . , r: v .. nners I - )tit L . after 5) ,intro - t lluml,er for any ranted 11Y 0-11 nett, . . I - I'-, if Biftl--,49 . , - .. � . - Thin i'f th" '"I"11168 . --;41", ..V1I.L I thq,y�ere wi" �, t6 pArtv TOW r '( I . , e t1pit v4jed iteport ( with .4 rtation, however, I - - .1,\ - _ I a _ . . I were I ,4tened 11 I d ajoly Y YeArs. trifling "t of transpo the great charactk,r which you have reflectoel Rabick, G McQutig and F Webatsr) ' ­ ­ - __ I I 4 viz., f")r 1 8 9 -5, ' � 0% tIlf". sep�)Y& g,)t � I %in-zj .*Tor he is orm for a grc&� timn with erwn E Little, T Reade" - INGHAM. N1 at rince', .11-nd D"tll- 1, - utesoi h ird p'.;Ayi I G _- lour great AUE to 0 I . . similar t , Lila A. is as nothing, cotuP&rOd . . tieta, L tiend 10. ' ft C)SE RT CUNN . credit. Altho �"% - , ' n - . f d %truck 0 addruss f r011 W E , Bruce County i;; crptlited arle.orro"M to their , U41 -k! . * i -iia�vll- - BiJore parting theban -,Icll' I him from the here. -,)a9r99"`t- son, M Leltly, Burns - -t , . wa of e.iuostiongl benefits accruing INSURANG i3jU3. Out I �ljying ard in the 1, 54 11. V. , - SigneJ on behalf of Ll"n c - . It lidMr. Quirk's 1),(1,)1P e' West. Entertaining illike W I - - AND MARINE# I ul,ttinn- of 67,291 and ap- loys.wero I , t,L . I 11r,1110. tip ),The ',\la0l0A-(!af"a nil of , was r lgar4ablo by re" humor, Wild jgls,�,,;, hiff., W. Hay' -, L Armstrong, ts%Ghtf . 0. I . ''After g e -two& � FIRF with a pop *Itb: 't thq Itke" the .-Oftlbinaa on of dl.n*r -as tile fitlai its bristtinl P0i"W1 its happy d old, it is also a gigantic edu- ion Mrs. J- 1)0'u ' I)SPARTMILY? , - L otting stril" i - tile. heat le ' ' n, .. .- . ,t,ht) -..till ovening air, . atho3 and inexortable younR an - THIRD GUELPH 5 . I A, . Nothing couki Miss Ten& BroodiO 0 ad d"rt - I pears to rank amoll" , ,and time and time agai c T oso: (j 11 Itg -well tiffled p itution - I 40 I 1.15 --;---- W. tile sph�jre c . I - onthe, '8'01)0)�s _Roa1q Ill*.,'.AI pithy words , revelation.- ciitional inst . 9 b se % ------# , average death rate pe � k)gic. Tlle�speech was a M and love of country so __­_41-� From 3r3 department to 4 countieq; the Q90 " ti bright) 11 * iotis .%lc1,,e,odq L Nolthoote, X . i . - I � ,. At. the* end the sc4e ,�lj-. quirk, -i M g for tho honor . wills1rd. teachpatr -prise. 1t imPrm- M;LPLIL LEAF tiient��D � ". s being17. .failed t6 ricore 0 gathering M ra. Fraficis his entei T11148, TP * . 013usand ior the past ten year, 11 thanked,0, ubscription forcibly " t poesibly eould� - hic"%jullin, 1) p4tinore. . N . . , Lucl(now , Clint, n - ed on Min. I n do- nothing 0190 _� MR.., J AHufon stooi- til"'Y had bestow __It is reported that a 6 in es in a way Messrs 3 ohn McKay, Donald Mc From junlor 3rd W P^niOT sectsOD- 9- Grey County sverage is i . . , 1,uCknow boys are a fine lot of .b,)ys . tile band struck ut) tile 11B.ag- . g taken up to award the K and ondeavors Made McKay have returned I P - 9 in 7.'8. These*are the thfc,, lowest - . roodi I clean lacrosse fLntl vu -11119 is bein so gallantly the struggles t)y the settlers who Uod and John I J hicQuaig.w MclAan, M Blyan . . - D, S D, D . , 1P ditablY per- n wbo . anty Piqs \vi1ich..wore very erv, . vardine young n1a ) le8 ra ago ith tile 32,nd ,jjattalion tuderson, M D&wj*xi, R i Dr. NeAou, L gruce reported I j 2 78 bi rth s, and played i or tile gentlem' . i i young lad' Ir cjvilizatlon wegtward. trom their drill w Hedley, F, lie I 'flu"a 01--Toronts) &­bnwo � I of For 1895, worthy of PT%ise f '.%IcCor- formed. . . reacuPd oneof Lucknow I sotliqlIt to carry le in I )ndon. lljougfas- 4 t1J)W)r Gra . a;(e, 573deaths. Grey cou- ,y acted. A ,�_ n KincAr- Such sip too he seen in 0 I e held A d 1)"Ctow of 1 38*1 marri . nAnuer i*i which t1le spl6did ' I I'L - from fallilig over thn peer i ,ht& are not ex&luivatiolls ,,-r th departint-ilt - I lent6try so now, did ars have proulotion Fram 3rd to 4 * i N Ir XL %�t XG E KY nty witil a population of 7 4 . ,177 rr- vie, in goal for Luck orn then ., . VLURIER dine on tile 22nd. Far West nQw. The steam c train or in our se :iy, ,hsul, J Harber. \1 M > Vt. I heir flags m . � hool on Monday an I'Yuosd 11,thi-A N lim Dent6try. 1wr(orm-i 1-1 births, 403-*rnavriages, work and ga . I - ; . ,t Gra McKenzie , - � is 11ardly a dAY witilout an aken the place Of the wagon , , as 11 work ported 4.4 -, I .. . , F. R. Beatier Time - %rs wok in - -There t " and29tb. 6 -all, \� McCoy, B All ,per.btio , 4.111(i CV,V Or tO 410 a e. ljeferce9 e province leRreph June "Sth . . # with (.3're and an , &tfig. , fluron,with &,population onc " � 'Tor, lag. NicDonald. - A �nuruber,of the fartne exculsion to 60,110 part of th which tile "prairie schooner;" the to eld I 1119 "' P. McDjoDald, i ;wher- . . . 601 de kepperia, IS Fair, I tll� excursion to t,�o INIodel F -trill. fal-111, � I systoein has usurped tile fi �Jiss Annie Simith if; "' t* 3,ati-4fActory, .er and ported 1213 births. 403. mmar- . I -- - 1P ' I t,o tljf. Guell)h .Model and Mai lie, pony expregs; the k. ..,J;(1ON11 DEPART1011INT S.ilv 69,558, re I I I . I Mr. Alex. BOyd's (11, . . V it j,l,,,,_,oI1, M Knox, E M - With I is old I Poccelain, . - __L____ . I arn raigitfg at .4 Vrovod fdcultic" in the nerly filled by t Kincardine this we C I I' A V411, , It would appear . B jo to Juil fori al'i ll:%, stol(l hib � owltlts FILLIS(f' . r )33 deat.hp. -' ,as becotne IL n,hot; have neariy all bee" ^JaIlquai., riagf-.4,7 is The QlqS40us 12 bh ' ' -Oriilay I %St. . ape of electric lines I bucking bra Mr. L)Sniel N,lclljoll ) W Fin I .4tow, C.Apper f co-intic-; * . I , 0. I , a now isno steer \\' ,'tgnew, B Thompson, * - a Vi#)Wl (if pre"WrVing f ro in this, that th ii grou p a The brethren of -L: 0. Lr I .X 17-1, . I L. a team of horses for a hawls,""It' "111. % J . _J i If the V"t celeb- *i1tion at Brus 1,,, e v.. Mr. ,Nlillar attended tile gelivriv 'i I tamed, and oowVY)Y 11,,bick.'rRobertaons W Vww.., W 4 .1.6 with I I molst popular summer resor he at,1106- ' rF,F,TH -!.If," ,,,,,r,n,t-. and ,althiast 880601i it) Ontario. The r -1 e 11; g b,A J* 11 4' It tht I ' � . . I the lie ;.)8 will hold a grand- I �)Lth, . - as,ijembly in Ivinhipegs I I 'rh(A,40 colebrated instevid of bunaloes; but t Tile wall for th , A ) r,i, J By,rals, (bi "id, Ij I tho nat - total i)irths of the Provincl� is- 41X-, , pels on Monday,30Y , when bre . .. I _11,in Wag"0011 - ie in Wood- ill tfarinisa1K)Utc,(0111p1,L'ei, Thir. Altin J B"i qualitl rivale-4011t, w Lviulgr in,it phere of t'he wild west that was, At . . 6�41, .537 ­ a'Kiniko is cO W,4ggolls are LIU" Acker *11 1), , Sig iul- ded). % 2'"), f rout . M i48 1V41 At , W ­ ft I rf�coflj Illen, � ,lio3tii'm malle- t" 4, l3q.V87, death., xp�ctc&to be present r the kwne- hovers around tile Wild West that is ell complewl I I 3rd to junior 4th -G 61 malriage cc e . a - " wh Frotii senior '. it hSA ns, th n aro rlA fover, barn I ,& it. Nortli F blic, W, - " � 1P,x.-rit,C;TV;G-Aft,,.4., e X t ractin" hirthq, 355 pairs of twi . .10d *e Wcflingt�n, after her sovera attAck Of 8 3 iiwck and jBrafltford, and fo te-d in his ent to tile apim"'I'LlIL'i' f1f "On' 8 J J ohn- I 11 f"r 1plitl illegitimate erth, � T.bdj gut oft 9 . ill LOUld ha� that only Huffslo Bill has incurpora ,,, of life provem ,MCI-Cayl B Allin, H RObiuwft, - � - - irted With 4uCce4x. ses of tripletis are report(A. tim. A nulin N -r. at pro,iont very i fit of the p� . I 1. baes t ,)lock and 12 eft I � -uce, and Huron coull ', 1 . ,4.� P" 'NIC0111 is Be igill on tile % T I 9 W4 sI .,. K ay, H XcLtrsft, 1, Stew- 4 1 . Nialcolm "lit] .4 . , �. i - ,w I . - . �T� Br rurn hand -i witift pluer-03y. - Waggoris having tile nal exhibition all the main festur , " Hornell, Mr. Alli'n's ne � ber of brass an, uine, and only sold thirty or forty years W, Mesers k 1, I � r it I (I .,414,ricb stolle, f ICF,:. -In N . - I I life mind d . . Cherry -ge ir anti box are gon on thc plains F� i u r. R M,Lthwm, K To y loc. I 1, . P - Opp . I D OF CONDOLE10CE . will be pregent, and at 1.33 a proce-wi- - Mr. abi 'Mrs. Harrison, of I t1lity bV W. Allin. people who took part in RimilRr %c"06 who at present are wt)r I �t,;l just arts J MIC nald, M Lyona, 9 ., I I . 1. . up stairs. everY CAR ion will be form -d by tile brethern, ' 'e,and Mis-4 Lwkart, of St Helens in Lucknow All(i %'-0- by , have witnessed visited in our burgh ,,Ii I I Ile &I(, milaut, D MCDO I � 1897. Grov I ling was iq r(N&l ',ife yeArs ag(, . - ilsd one of ' Findlater. N I YJ , Nth June, i6cipal Mr. Norman McKt'llz u Nlc�ttlljell, �j A it -,wnt vi-4it KiWe Lucknow and.will warch. throulil! the pr ara visitin!Z f riends in this vicinity. I _r,rilo address of the "010 Weat with toears in . , IF61 :1,,,,,d&Y artet nooll, - Mmt. -'%Vc. - th ,irk where Roeve, Kerr ,� of Duluth, Mra. F,11a, A. BOO e A. M. JUr address Bufyo,lo TAill's Wil� "' 'ArW wlrt' 8. A. Bur ~hw 4,-rF,t) TE;Ar street,li to, tile , Mrs. D. Me,161P, '4 & . _. p, 'M r. and argumelitst their eYes. It " gieat exhibition, his colts badly cut ill . I . .1 . I � I � * . ILKSPIK, e Presbyterian Bib!e will deliver an address of welcoma ' itli their parertitg was replete Witt' strong - b000me closer fence last wee.k. . � d strains of re4 010�4 , never � f I L embers- of th s our ,sincere I f(.w dav" w an snd those who hs,ve 'ie of Hemlock McLEO&S xpres gentioulan will OF1 t a . ll,.g ne EnquirT having 16"n M&de 10 00 k ' the followillp" -ighborhood 1-1,4t f lashes of W'til%rge q,u(jien" was great, idian and cowbOT8 .Mr. John N. McKetly- , - . lass, beg leaVe to e. d % Nlethodist min- and.fri-nds in t t ,c. Tile � acquainted with It ,wk at i he .#, ovator t at #he gjreat sorrow w;th which an v. W. l'oe'ell, ucnr I question Witli -boolm, should City, Ri atit Sunday of I k8t w oa&lj. post,_,fhoe D"rtment *A to whsthw . Q= rveu regre t speak:lte J no. Ros', wesk. I Y plebvied, 4na it was EL the th,in piiturm and story unity to tile I i V - . it has plew,6d the Almighty to sffl'o r Whiteellurch; Ref. . . ot exceed allow the presen, opport residence of Ur* John It- MeD _ jul'ilec "t&gp, st&wpe w(old ow . 0 wife. istf'" v many,,,Ahetliersho did a ist. not - , t , sr, ..------ you, by the 10, belove - loinas. I method lit jul)lle-e day tiuue good a's postage for a limited # _ t.,tt-4i rempdies .1 gs of your pathy with Presbytorian church, Bru%selsiTt _.john 11rennan&.00el of cllell`eY, (toctor himself .-Baltillto" Piss without taking advantar Of iL D. A. McKenzie "Ile iAuly stew -, r 0 ANd other I e,pt wir trite SYM Perth; , Dr. it has been Offic * IDOVE PrkLY Y your berea r6l #I 'A -have do . J , I V1 - - _41_� in 0,inton. i I iod onlY, 11 remain valid .4 p AN T 0 N18gfo . to B " r, " Ella A Bo,31e, ha -1 a large aud per * ariecirlic A you aa,le ved family, as W t pree1w)rn, ls'eaforth, and others. cided to� remove l'usi. rs, etling. She I - ' " tout'log ItAp that t,1111-6 111bilee btLmp Wi * i , _ F0 R— ishedn ff)r all well know how rutich yoll mus match, Ile,tw'een 11ruisels. and Fall -4, PArry 86and District. r.h" ioll. ,);%t pa,rk church lut ev -There was & large and 111"Ch inter DATe McDonalli t4h)k loag as tkWY I � . � ,,d lwvoiyeri� ) Wesk feel, and how much you must misti the font- b il I , tin of ,he town � subscribed $0) . ., and her argorrientS estedlLudienceof men at theAssociat- to Atwood on tilf' I 61111 Insi, for "t,69C purpo"4 80 ( ! Wt-Ak , k nc;8,% ill t4llnp . I r sp�,tklw, to hear Mrs. Ell& , llikt; returilftl nia) inue in circ'01"'on '"*ff , ill I)a playod oil the .pv ,ry is a rea( ) . f rom ILli evu I I .10pa; ",;,. s1"Pl6**ne$ij* l"alpItSti, III -)ur Sontle partner, NV roxeter w . of a now tltlinerY and free joi. ball yesterday, . I , , leural-AX, bow guiding hand of y (.. I t1lo. evertion at, -practI0101 . Nic14"'l however, be ned Bd b L,b& "W1 ,,,,, C,wplaint. N, . Gall We hope �'jt. 9 a. in. Reduced rat?s and sp,cial towurL anoe. Mrs Boole's Mr. Murdoch 1 t.t, 114. ,%K'A 1rl1'Pl4qWi wili llot, I Brf)nch,tis C,)nvuwpt�n, . 4 Ito"%, I _ Fly a dky to, come. tre burned on M e V 9' are logic MWID ,p � ueav)rlp, Kidn,Y anti 1; n1tv ry for Tn% J of your Maker I i -` vic old o 3at4y in that jeoft,3114i" to thoso who way dis' Boole on temper ,iy admirers, it being f rorn Sarnivi m -I'll deparunent, a dipunction7=4 Z 1. � rilf) frrm intell(l t,) gr( I addresswo . I d, he All -swing F'Ye oJ traiai Ila" '-)-ell arranged f('r from, tO Tell ar n her mai I _� - lav)OGS. Jaun lelrbancet F emale I rregillsAli�:q that t o and Kincardinf!, p4aterston, 7th. . ,A a6gree wit h her. ,rhe entire lecture wall loaded with good pointA1. At times she tor tile pokqkt ft! w 111olit-11A. loat, - n this re*Psct 6t1twftn thm &" tbW . � I Clinton, tilf,ir ousla(.88, ho 1),) W I_ *I &OW9,14t. v- May watch over . wever, a ,rfU'�%r.(l logical 8ppeAl to earnest and on the I rith inst, Otte Of ti`*� P I rsl DebilitY. . t bottle o help U3 to guide our 6 � i crease One of a . I I y to Uw was pathetic, at all t1moo and Gw" t and $2 per pin spare you to us, t gtratford and FLI I int"e""te st&t'onp ng of 08,000 a year iii j, given to 061 . find that tile savi citizen4, and especia t. She was well worth bear - 81 per half Pin rdial invit,-ItiOn j, sht evonts, c w)t)XZlCff,OX? ttlolishts an(I to prepave 0 follow her A W � I I be mado 61 I g' -"'d t the Bal- eloquen ,h(,,ritt1%od by 10"Y ` l , 6 of tanhark alone wil ie , � " I , - ....- L . - ,& obwrver, "rwAop�� . !00 � - � * I - 1i � , 'k , ka" -41 to 1i ,4 t1a 'k ii L � t. .. . - tNid .. 6 e V S u na 17U . - -1 t Z.. "A - W 2 1 tv - W, W � " I V k, �* 1� �4. I - 1, �2"_, , L. 1% 10 1 $ 1 1 1 I' I I I I - I I . I i I I I D .1 I - 1 1 I I ( k.... t �1 I!, L who has gone before ,U8 to' the realm W-4 , Orange) Youug %i thp cost . , church, t - stand united agAins Ut j. M. McLEOD, of -the blesssed. there to repose in the LAAY True, Biu_ and their friends" by setting up a tannery in Burk's falls 0 all. - 111ornellsville Times. ing.- ! � of our Father in Heaveril and tons, Orangetnerl, . � Ilenw their. decision to leave Cheoloy' t I - 64 I milti flarry house � of be pment. �. -,, 0 ­ I I I to -04 I?or 8ale by ,k B Congrism where we hope to meet her nev . . 1, __ , , , � - 1� I " . I)SYt% DfuAgu � I . � . . -3e ,� 7 . -A .. - . . . - I � . . . . - � , L � I . . I - , I . '. op - � � I I 1%� .kl . 9 . I I - I I I I . I . I . I . I - . . , -_ . �. _ '. - �.� � Ir - x 1. I " . I t I . . I . - . I . I . � I - - A �� I .. �, , , �� - . I v � ; ,_ ; W 91 . 'I - - I � - L - 4 . . . . , .r , . -, � _. � ,. . � t . , 7 1 . I --IN - - - � ­ . .- I : - _� � " , . "t - . � ,:K�� / � I . . , � � . V � , t I .- . I ft . L , - . �, " _si� � . � �� - . 11 I _. I - .1 ,:, . �S.�', I . � .. If % I # . . � I � - � "it .�� - - - �_ .