Lucknow Sentinel, 1897-06-11, Page 34�
- wo
per cent., and payable In gold, the McLain to -day at police, headquarters; SUNDAY SCHOOL.' lasting. Where tile love or GM fillis that Iw 't look like her." hosp
RIEFN Issue price of which is 101 1-2, was THE URBANA and asked him why he had fled from man
16 Urbana. ontrols the !Ire, its Ond artIolv-1f It did stso wouldn't pej
oubocribed lit London yesterday sev tile heart, and or
eral timeo over within an hour. They had a rope ready for ine gracious effeeto are w -en irpon succeed- Aq for it.
BAN &BY 11adJa 311chalis, as chief of the Cre- bi �ta,,k he said. " My friends told me my Iiie INTERNATIONAL LESSON -NO. XI., ilir generations. The grandmotlwr A Honeymoon Jncidmt--SI*-TIiis
k in t was elidangered,'and 1, left to oathify JUNE 13,18W7. does not cease her labors for Christ road Is very steep. Cam 't I got a dulm-
LUOK an Insurgents, has I&sued a proclania- GitizeDs Eeady to Lyflc 1P when her own child Is rear�d, but key too take me up ? He -Lean on -me,
tion calling upon the Cretawo to elect Jh_ -2 rin, 1. 17.- iIL 1447. COntillueN W lift up the standard be- Do
& Ceneral Amemb)y, to resume their and Sheriff, WhY did you send the company of Paul's Advic* to l'ittiot 1i) fore her grandchild. She allareswith my clarilag.
CAPIC31 Paid up ordinary ever Springfield militia, away'?" I aisked. -4 - When a woman W "ving up to buy
y -day relations, and 'to "I was la tile hands of eight thou- Time. -A. 1). 66. Place. -LZ. her own clilld -tile responsibility of
-3aservi Fund refqwt tile lives and prolm.-rty of tile 11erb0XW.-Jc%uji.ChrIbt, Paul, Tiino- training, her son. There w�w harmony For You and Me.- a now but she can never see &ny uw, in
Mummulmans. %anti frenzied people, who threatened thy CO. Of -lig-
f otal A %sets to ly-neli'mo," lie answered. "It Was , 4-064, Euni ' sentiment. No differences in re Dear, if the worI1 were made foe two, bar bub"ud spending money w 1w
President -Jom.,#3TUAZ1 THE BURLY. A despatch to tile London DallyMall THEY HID A ROPE FOR M101- my life or the colored brutelo, or ebie Commentary. -L Paul an apostle of iotm belliL-f existed to afford Satan nil Ow goo I a world Uw world would long to a club.
f�om Berlin says that tile Turkish Jesus Christ -He firm
fi a lot of -bloodshed. The Governor did t1,9 to ilium t applied -thim ti- OPPortunity to tempt'Tituotby to -ioubit be; f3IA&-VVhat fine, brotid shoulden you
Victe P--taident-A. G. Gover Ment fins opened negotiations _4elf in Romaum I. L The woo or question the right way. As lie ad- a I Ilen'te have. lie -They're tawsomary for a
London, Is with all English firm for overhaul not send any trcopoi until two men had mealls .. 6110 sent forth." Originally vancod In years lie advanced In the WIth earth nt r n made anew, lialfback. Slie.-My How broad fuU-
'119 The Captain Hiding in Cincinnati Had been killed and a lot of othern trIere Far you and me I
DIRECT?w" tho entire Turkish fleet. All the iron-- qnde4d. were, twelve of them. - Mark iii.;, knowledge of GodIs written word. back& must be.
. I l!enfrew to co- clittio will be reconstructed, and six NotSleptSincs the Sliooting Fears W Matt. x.; Luke vi. It was ebsetitiat Paul's exhortation was toacliing,' Ili- And If tile wealth oI #4ky and Aea., Be your own Judge, Cbumley, but
JSJ PR4)(TC- , men-of-war built. for His Wife's Safety- Attempts to did not give tl*,- keys to the jail to thim Offi , deed, He remVided tile youth of Ilia The glory of �he gold awl blue,
. WX, Y%iorks anti sewage I to the mob. I was afraid that I would ear- ce that they were eye and can you o4low, me one thing about laft
A Ir I I A despatch to the London Daily Wreck the Jail More Than 8,000 In WitluAlses of what they testified early advantage@, as t1lougli lie, migilt Were kmily Menat by God's decree Rie-hly that makes her attractive Too
The Ottawa Sq)arate School Board Mail from Cairo says that a smart the Mob. be, overpowered, and gave t1w. key.6 to to tho world. Jolul xv.27; Acto 1. 21,1. be. on account of these, under f-,reater For me and
Prol?Ow3is . to re-employ skirmish has taken place between the, it. friend to take-cate of for safety. They must also be called and chosen "'18P'llsibility to be active for christ. you I NO, It's in the bank.'
the Cfirlstizm A Urbana, Ohio, Juno 1il-The gxiLLid Tl*.v were patwed around, and filially H,i wam indebted to lit@ mother for Askina-Did you know
BroUiery am teacher& nglo-Egyptlan column and tho Der- by thep Lord Hinuielf- Acti 1. 24. If we Might pluck fr ' Mime Flit-
v"ea at. Merouk, near the fourth Jury wa-a empanellA y0sierday and got into thc hands, of tile leaders of Paul becall, much. lie was Indebted to Paul in a, Love's f r uiot, om of f Ure'" t'ree ters, the d2iffilling y0mg bacbelor girl ?
Hugh Henry Framer, aged twelve, cataract, tile most advanced "t oc- reported lifit an Indictment tile Mob. other e all apoestle, not im the III I oenap, but Indebted above nil To I;e halVer loyars do, Grimalliaw-No, but I knew her bro-
Wa& dragged to th ath at Oldio. 'Al- last Ili ."The, ooldlerw did not - f Ire until it of jeou'pootteo-by the ragularchoice to Christ, for tile bleowing of earthl betwOM our hearta, anti be tbpr, the coy uld maid mA.
berta, by a runaway liorse., y us but by a mpecia4 call from helps, anti for on1vaticin, wl y The fruit of two!
cupied b tile Dongota expedition 011 against "Clicks, .11itelli-ki, negro, for seemed that tlie� door of the jail would heaven OIL his way to Damascus (Acts ileh come It IN eARY 110 explain why we haven't
tile Nilo. Captain Pey"i was severely ou- givo way, arLd the n1ob had fired oh, fe6m JeAus, through their help. Yet, But all -the earth in we had a raWbow for a ksig time, Ttio
The preliminary' objectionj4 to the wounded. tho eriminal aasauU of Mrs. Eliza G �461 ix- 15), and a speoial. commandment _t with dew,
ft'llotilface election capw were alo- Mollimicur Erlionwon aud.klonsieur.Nfir- wer, white. Then Sheriff McLean and and thrown istonep. I told them not, to from tile %pirit at Aiitioch. Actaxiii. wit" all : III# teaching, 110 must tAir I"'Or 10fiv011 weep@4 our rate to tee; millineris haven't left W11Y Color for the,"
lowed firo More. I (lid Dot want ally more 2. -himself, "t the gift that V And ohl the wurldts not made for heavenly arell too co Out
anti tile petition d6misoed. matt, membero of the French Chamber IIIA dcputles brought .Witchell futo eltizeno killed.- BY the, will of Gqd-He did not re- es me with.
The LIbera6 of North Lanark will AN'liatever bis nat- two,
of Deputies, fought a duct oil Satur- his! call to the offico'by the will' 'I'M t" left unumetl- %IY wife 10 a Mostoriglual woman,".
&urt,ili & w,ldier's-unifimm.- Ao "the D "NDS THE LYNCII(ERS. 9�f manA but by 11116 commandute urit, dibpositioll have boen, if For two or ULree I said brown. a-Wljy wlsBfi I pr
meet at Lanark On Julie 9th toselect day growing out of an article writ- )F.Ff. ut" of opomed to
& candidato for the lo�:al elections. ten by the lattei, atLackkng N.I. Thow- militia wero oil duty twout' tlw,- , -uourt il'rliann.' Q., Julie G.1Irs- T. M. tiatt- God. thniol, or fearful *()f Ills own ability, lor, instead of i%aylrig -tillg is so sud-
Wellington County Council haocabled soft. XI. 3firmait was tilightly wound- house anti the jail, the disguise 4 the Iller, wlto *hs amaulted fly Illitelwil, 2. To Timothy, my dearfy belovett Paul exalte<1 tile grace of efirint am a A Connoisseur. dou,'o4be said wP
a memisago to Her 3tThJ,sty the queen ed Ili the forearm. The latter in a Pkbklner worked perfectly. Tile erowds, tile negro lynched by tile mob.l#.4t "I-111 I. Tim. 1. 2, He calls him " my durflel.ency for all tlilnp. Mr. Gragwo-11, a&OmpanIpd by fieveral time." -If. I think It't, about
Congratulating her oil lier long reign. lZadical -�o-_-Iahst, anti gained consider- tdiat were about tile grounds mid '111 Friday, to -day issued a card,' Of' 0" son In tile fqith-11 This youugejnap 11Qf'mf9'1r8 Of his family, was looking "Do vou like your vew girl am well.
AIL lattkin " met death ju Jaa-�per able. notoriety tlqougli Ili* protest tho' streeto did not knuW what was tlianto t6 her frieudk- for tlm-ir oynt- wam brought, to tile kuowlwige of through the stock 4 a ricture 4!ealer W; tile last one you 11
going on, and thtoso who saW Mitt4ic-11 PathY dtiting her ' afflictloti. 'After, Christ JMIW ad, Mrs. Mildly
by the ministry of, tltq I with a view to making a purchase.
ainait lieing coulftwo.l. in barracks as I CHOPIN'S SKERTONI "Ifuch better. This t
Paso; by IaUixig from it tree, wimich, 119 en route from tilt- Jaii to the cours mwaokingp of the' inetwages of. Will- apoKtIo. He, Im first mentioned Ill. What � Lq tlie name of that 'one ?" With a wft4's notice wiles, 4 am
Overhung a precipice W the rock,4 and a conscript during the eleCtiOlk Of IL one IN clon ten
house did not rt-cogi-IrIze him. The doors pathy Mw lind received froln inWiy Acto. xvi. 1,, "". The favor of God he am"41, POIlIting Nvith him cone at a to bave com I
'1406 _11U" feet below. President to succeed Casimir-Ferier. ruardett . P11w conellude* I - pwy.
to tile court house were all i partm of 06 country,' a MercY-Pardou tO'Ahe undemerviW. painting hanging on tht� wall.
A cloud btu-st in tho hill country of by tilt,
The Counell oi the. IA>n4!oii Board ot militia. ioilowo: PeftCe-The effect 6f riglite That is , t3t. 1;ecilia, replip(i tile "'I've Cured our next door neighbor
I tho Province of lzere, Ili Southeastern -pusliew is Circumstailcog ader 'Which' flis of borrowing our lavm W t,
Trade Jf" vwo&I resiolut-k-)n oppc*k- %Vitli tile militalry abL- t the, btiijt- My lie' art and tile, mul heart of PeAM Of conocielice. * Whedon dealer.
Fraitco, hati, caubed the overflow of anki _4 , says: mower." "He
Itig Vie Boll Tellevisme Oumixtuy'li tho cro%ri& outAit"itchel.1 my houwiltolld &re.ift ihourning t6_.k* "Grace W th6 foulitaill; Inerey. istile did you arrangeit? -Every time he.
tho.River Morge, and the destruction v Fuural March Was Wrift-r. 110Ar 1-10(w that iFtrike you '!-- Fiald did It I omit, Over &ud* borrowed lag'
upt)lication to Vie Government for w badly scared. ., lie , walk_( -d the bgr. Mid' afflicted II(f;IleA Urt4th Outfl"w.' anti poac.L- L,4 i* L4 Mr. Gamwell, turijing to him Jaughter. bicycie.-t
of a nutuber of paper mills and oil of i. - It us the blemed
permimical. too hicroxime their rates. k rWing' 61 tile il)dIct4ent, pleaoep Brf*en hearts ;CILII UY hearts eqt4#11y "It vron't do" answered IIIAs Gam-
factoriew, am; well a&JL 11OUSes along the guilty find w i too t' matt .,,anti jlistres-4etl iiltli waye �A G". Mrs_ BoWiam-i lx�jlieve there is lbi
Conra� t ('Jilib .1, it paint*�r, JumpW uff I r-- , tor ij*re frdk, -my forC4
eiu9W.A9d grent soli; of syllipatfil a AtYlo of lialo that's twenty-. urg here the mlftii-
Y. . ..., aV4,
tin Saturtlay. Iliai livad struck tile lie five years old."
a ruoviii�r train ncar Alvinstot!,. Out., banks. At tho to%vi" Noirou and tretuo 111111ty mily wef�, with muell por"t've'"s' "She b tar in the pantry w
-Moirium tile river rcwe suddenly 20 y$Surq Ili Iwtherj"V W w*
- -jitlary, 41641irkoti(Ig-heatta tJ1r4)ttgrt t* kx�. t4 1 boir GOT GUOSTLY IN3
tile 15 sid ihlvil tUli' of" fli 4 free tin it] wt 'fi",
feet. One per6on wtw drowned, and tc . 1 0: " plea are that -1 made this afternam
ral! or tltv. atui %vaai crash"i *!n, a. i. a p !at livigth - IL 4k BeWiam-Well, ligiten, my
4VUi6h1.'1A X sit 8�-. - - �1�* r
t1w low to property is ebiintated a At 1 94 dear, and
InJurittv provitig fatal t%%k) hollurs after- t Jail. The clintax, was _reAi!Iw* at g1.30 -or, oukp V6. out' lit: oyinputhy to the PlCiL_ JIL;4 `�4 :Q, Reff"tions of a Spinster. we may CuWb his lamt words.
ien million franco. Four thousand thib mornin litia'opened wt t _A , .,ii4
wardit. 91 w)tea the mi 84461'mring homem Ili our initist, matie 10M lie sborved 'Wai,the qwM C
factory operative -a are thrown out of c t 'Rod The Great kumician Was Clothed In a You -never hear 4 ApInater seold tile YOu're been married for about
On the rq,.vd- iLud ihot twe�nti -813K motithis now, haven,t you ? Do yOu
The jury' iti the ca. -,e of Mrs. risher, tk*Wnte-by mitigiiiiied minds. Never Jlftt t Be- jmitrinrcllo� plopbeto% %Rod Cook. '31'hen tho sidiuster I
work. I Shroud ' lresides over
o5f St, -Xathariuem� who was fuund rountio. dril tioldlets (Xi �11Y' hAttlefleld (lie L for )'it#- Jewiodt' anoostot,@ worabip;o and Had a Dead Manq-Neside . tliirik a^ IaWli
a' r Him Memorable Dinner �-Urtl -A a hOu8P- '9110 'N'lectit her servants with q your wife am ever?"
Another erious difference, almost Tito volloy resulted ill 11hrrm/Bell, Of a More holy an, kglitoeoxw cause, than PIN1. . With pqn� MAIWIence--lie wgU4' Grim, Ftircleal Performance, cflre- It they don't obey orders and " Mor* thnn, evpp, my boy, more tha'n
olrowV-d ia a 66terii a week ago, re- -1he head t 1~- 1 rave kys f or . the puHty of 111KRym true too llieq &xtack4lee.
turnt*l LL verdict thL4 afterii,,A)ft o I amounting to a quarret, has arisen be- this city, being shot thro4gh bo Acts. shon, a knowle4ige Of tileir !Rwinew ever. 8he has not ollep #;uggested tb&%
found iftowtied. The IaLsband WLW LlIS- tween Emperor NVilliam anti WA bro- and killed instantly. 'A -yoting man thtiir home -q, for mothers, Atughterm xxiil-'I; xxiv. 16; 2 Cor. 1. 12. With- It waso singular', aii(I yet etuh Others take their place. There is no It would 110 R good idea for her to
charge4i frora cuatody. titer. Prince Ifenry of Prwtiia, salt] to Illatued 11aggils w1w allot through the mitt 'AtospO. They, iul,Qilitl -I*- ltx_)k(-tI 10111' Wnt'), fawillik, ifietl the 1q)ills ca r
ii� ]Lave rememlwitiice of fitting, that Chopin'o fatuous "Puneral ter rulec r( tile pocketbo9k.1-
be- due to the attitude of Hia Majesty hotly and killed instantly., Denniti (*I as llertvs, tw W)Idierd willing to tbee-The OPMfle t March" QloulTi have been tl Thf, spinster F;ays til
Ji tuovement is on fL*)t in Ottawa to banks God that ie r ci ere is a -time "bi�l I understand you tO oqiy th4t,
towardo Great Britain and, thequeon, Grancey allot in the right foot; Dr. #41)111 the-ir lilm)d for the holiest 44-01 110 ll'tJ4 00004tailt romwatbiance of PKI piece of music perforLwJ 9 "1 - for blCycle riding. and a time for you
induco the (jovernmetit to proptee 'a Prince Henry favoring a more con- Charles -Thonipoon, cl N' tile fire utunarried, madam?- asked
burg. received a slight orth Lewim,,i and ally C.11100. nmothy in hi,4 lira Yero.-Clarke. Thts, extraordinary concert which"wao re- courting, and it time for attoomidIng to
dutmtantial vote, probably ;�50,L)0#9, to- ciliatory policy. In a recent letter the wound ill tile a, '04iglied I Mrs. T.'11. Camner." Other duti tho lawyer who wam croo"xaminin
wartin tile Nictorian Ortk-r 4 Nuroe,4, forelfead; Wesley "13owe Diu" JmkvO OfOr(W 9Z'4'at elicourage- celltlY held ill the Catacomim of Paris. if the hIrAwhold. Girls a Cbicago womalL
,11, of Cal)lp, 40�,�jvnll .4
Emperor peremptorily forbid hl.,4 bro Went W tjlim r"miin f.**i should not "I do not, kno;i
"kly Atwrtwen 4 itugget4tion for tait tiler tt) lit any way interfere in the 161101t ill tile hip anti wputi-ded ffilv'ri� him In". Racritl ft 17L"X%o r anaLml, J I ollys LWIL-muse this VleallurO' Or tode duty. Laillu our what you uncw%rgtood me W say's.
-Allall.10nd jubilt*' cclebration. 0 iant (RWY.; Raco-bickeriion uras ehot ill*. eft aml suffertn". 14&;rcli was COMIAX*)q untleir g-rowsome lolied tir u-Itnew I)ut tilat is what
Canakliau I'acific land aalcw for -May, party at, court 64 Iral,kly and bitterly thO shoulder.; Ray WL'hi . re was shot IN. reco- 19 nun, circutubtanewas, and hence was ftW cannot detect (,It our
polItico of tilt-, Empire. The donth BUTLER IN I CAGY 4 . Mi When a. woman &(Unlres a mail she I said. I have been untbarried f
if III of tJiv tearw-That
(AWCUbg the Unrs alleAt 1pro- propriato muftic for a Ighostly aqd out.).- 1119, it smoke timeK.11
1�!#7, are twarly 03U,ULA) greater thau anti-Britioli. through tho -Inumele Of -the right ar Nably when -110 bade .111ni adieu with terranean concert routu. Tim iarange breatillo' or a "beer 1,rentli.,, "I have to lie
in May, lb!)6. There ink evcry prow- Gws Wtimer received u Aight woundon tile other c4detv at Ephesium. Acts'; story a t li is march was told the Other Them -tire gIrlm; w1jo %-ill not learn menta I _lp JOIJUDY "h him
Wet of increa*oati bales during June. thou face, an(I Jutui Wank was %hotil' H, arithmetic every morning-,
NJ 1 .1 ow the lustralian Yurderer is xx- 17. household dutim. Tlwoe are
CaA41 payruental have bpell much bet- WINTS TO SEE HER 801 D11 vlo foot. .. . % .. (fay by Ziell), the Aainter, who %%"% , the rit-6 said the young WolUan, a
Z. 7lie uUNgpegi tlitil tll&t Ij Ill an IntimaW frieud,of Cli who Iwar from tilcit 'husbands. NvIlait nd It is 'a
k,,r thai4 At aiij tittie previouak Whom the fillcotIng to6k place, a QpIn delicious bn%(l my nui"nce.98 44 DIO Youer-find tha,
crow" Of IL t1wa"611(l peopfe stow Being Transported, tl'6�T4mdthy hail, given, tile. f ulip ",Four of un were dining otie e%en- mother mnde-11 brated I)roI)Iem t cele -
Tile Fuiler murtlet trial at Kellt- Womvn who always 'wear a ijeat- ah'Out One plus one
Ville, N. *4., wao fillivilted olk z4aturklay CoMrogated Around . the Jidi. 04t proof, Of tile W:neerity of ills roll... lug," he said, "at the house df Paul ritting boot or slipper give evidence equal" 01w ?" aisked the young nmn.
ren4m. and of the purity of bis faith. 'Chevandier tie Valdrome, soil f the of
afternotni. The ju.Ty retired at 4.JU Mrs. Darrant Says She is Frompted It, lutid be"i rumered that an 'Ate, -Chtrko. mulmothor - Lot-,_ French picer, No. 39 Rue tie la r fill artWtIc turn of vill.1 a, "I said mental RAthmetic, Dot sea -
v to take 411tc heil
tempt would be nutdc 71ty gr u r -d'- know flow to p14.aae t, id that tb'�y 9111d tile young
in., hitit art -r a abort deliberation AN OBJECT OF CURIOSITY. I fero 114 th" woman,
A y e.
colky PUtice where thii Auvergue. Bohided the tuamter of tile
brought in a. verdict of not guilty, anti from Ule Jan anti lia'Dg him. The mentlontxL lou"o -there were Prince Edm5nd de A mall who aduhrm with great dignity.
by Mothu's Love. w.10 rilor San rrainelkico, Juno 7.-F T1W -'mother 0
all unknown
11111tou Contivily waa a Ime Luau. b"tierous than at rx)ni Euidaeo-.-Slin waa a J e' P01191lac, Count do Ludre and woma,11,8 gown or bonnet us he
any t" Anco thie prie.-oner had - beeu DPY COMO curious details of ti , w1,,os, at; statAxt myself. Pamlwo, her on the street, Is very apt A ROYAL WznDING.
The lagts of -Otlwtiu." uow be' I`e ' "'*a In Acto xv]. - 1, In NIxtaiM of thpir "During a full Ili tile c
emfinetl in t4io jiail. The cro*d'wam 1VOYa90 otmurderer Butler, who killed onvermation V) f rowi
tUye,l by WiL-ou Lurrvtt, at the Lyric unfe*ned fid r went behind a) 'i telfribly at home billm for
Ir & 11.- L . I Ta roxi.�,,OT.V RTM TI) TUP V howlbig for the primmer and mom a, IMLIf d0M1 men whom he'induced too) #,_ th., Paul. priobably re- &;creen,. anti. finding articles ilgt. n. .* it i Prince Ali—
AMC'" AV, O&A L" ratiallEl O- gwo with film to filld millet; ill tile ulue 1_14 Liu Tlywr lalta ag'#eww befor 1611cre a okeleton, ouch as in often UL and Pirlince" lementi.,
detoerniued. to secure Ahtchell. It lind e to
Catiada, and form- otintains, of New N' )utlI jj'alep, itntj bf Paul fai- Lys-- be found 'in fAudio-w, *1 amused, myself waltIty Ile 11.1
Leay, a native i l Jek4ms wits prea A ma;rriotl man does not know flow
orly m.,wter of Lu(xleru lang' San Francisco, Cut., Juno Into the W yaid, and *tw, become until Ilem(
uaged at Thoi-xxiore Durr making for George W. ho waWeaught, t Sait Fralicisco anti my friends by placing tile arms _)Tem. pr"4*' allikounct-d f
tile ' WootUtoork Cull-egLate lubtaute. ant ever lie led to the Laointi r. after a tr1p nercm the Pacific as Alre- 6. f4tir up'the gift, of (,501 It, fit a lig4iting attitude anti then feign -
31 r. J. � is it ill L"Mmiand of thoe militia, 111114t, hand on tho Ntr(Iti fTl thee -The gift cf,.the Holy Spirit, ing I to have a regular Ix.)xing niatch nProtty Wedding Custom. Prine(w Clementink�,* the third d&ugl,-
11. It'.. s will was prik w�eafft>41 116 mother will be at 11 1drasot4ed the crowd anti gave them 0 83vanhilda. bf the pretty features Of the ter of K1119 I-eopold of Beigiunl, to
Ut otitreal, and di~o of:tu Witio it slic be, alive. lie has a stay of t-lureo nVaiuteo to (11pperse. There wiis Three, Aw%tralian detectives hatl him 'awl. . 'through' H!fin, a lwirticular with it. The Prince tie Polignac 1110tles!R' Englislii edding is tile tiny Mrllitv) Albert, &;on or (,ou t
ebtatc Ur ftl"UL divided -W�out V -ix 111011tils. ra. i)-urrantai a:'geffteral �ruish frQm the fILU yard, Ili- charge, 'mid lie was plAceti in :1,1111 power to PrMCIL and- defend the latighc,41 lieartily at, my o(id conduct, maid and adiiiat U. aluotig relativemi aiid frientle, alwi. a but, Ula cirow%J 'ngaibn returned. The iron cage on tho lower dkck of - the trutli.-Ciat-ke. By tile puttIng an of anti Lit turn lie, to6 took hot(] of tile the bri( ur0 DMI who attend of Fladers. Prince Albert is the
- purlmit-oi ommstra* I It ere lie rm4ved tliiL4 gift. le as britikemaid and page.
ijuiti1wr of bequeats to public ilisti to"wituc" tile death of her : . Hteamer, wearing. leg innug t My liando,--41ow iskeleton, and after laking it.mrfOrlu There maT W one little p r or three mily wirviving Foll Of ('01i'too de Flail-
tutl(XL4. ilichAdIng *10U,kA)iJ to eciiii. bou is unaltk)rable, anti had 116t - the �_tiKAI W.U4 loej�;s pr(MOUIMML fully lialf, riveted'to tile flot)r. alit' MO ordination to the work of various tricks and grimaced lie - coil- a)
Univeraity. 'For two. -days h nn' t Cluded I or four; but t1wy make it very
eec'llti4lii lwvli deljoye-1 she wo,uld 'in lbour had elap*xf from the time ' rpfw4ed to cat, dnd- all evangellmt, b6hop of he oy oeating it at tile I)i&llo. picture, I pretty
Pretaier Greenway, -ill 1tn tils o;itcwr was givem when the rog r- liad.violent, fits of rage In whiol 'lie cliurch. 'It in statoll In* 1. Timm he placed the bon hatidis on tliele quaint- Ckwtumes, fol-
inberview witat%,ned the trage$ly . withiii San thre Tim. iv. 14, tile keyboard and began to impi 10wilig the britio to the altar. The
%%iiiiiiiiieg, e.%,prt*w_,ed hid coxivi1:tioii quelltill,, will 11 Jul -,It ling oF niui4ketry ;W�s beard. V 'e qtened W kill Iiis guartls,- but 11 rovioe, small boyd are usu&Ily (Irewied
a 6 0 1.0 OU y when menaced with , tilt- istralght 7. The opirit of fear -Tim m6ting tile Ijkless fingers from note in
that tile %% iiinilwg & iouluth, 1�auway -biounues as cruel and after volley was Uri6d, until aA many Jacket lit, became caltner. During tile, age or toward". court eostulutm ()f 0hite satin or cloth COU4 LO niaoe to, pay, wid . m burratit, dt Ront. But t0*601e. Weittlwhile we had put qut the
VILL C01.1- IIIlIliCi4)kk, fi,L.A.1'4 ' apt twenty volileyei ImAt been sent in- embroitic4red w4til eilver or gold and
siderat4e American truffic wou;tt be I )o Is tile rumors that. to the ciowd. There wA a general stay of tho steamer at Auckland tile Of power-Chriatian courago tit tile lights and stopped talking, with the decorated wItll paste wttollm.
P41le t4t gok Ili -On tile lecture m4rderee was lid famt object of enjoying to the tltmdgt ti-lim gap. -
diverted to Canadin territory by iW f 'of lit pern * iitted too 114 H n midst, of dangers, F0 as to stri weir
Islath,,rin zi(t4-r tilt! taking vf -r paide for a, wdLe an4i tile dead anti If -vee -lit his cage. in the fait11. to d mwic, PlifrO I)hm velvet,, trimm-i vulth lace
orwiatruction. wowulftl were mirried Ili every tll- Visitorm of both confounZi enemjeK anti - which seemed to come ruffles W another favorite drem, 41 nd
Wxes brought him liquors, cigarm itn to enciouliter difficultiew. And of love- frouqi a faraway tomb.
Harry Hamilton, a 15-3ear;old bon Illy k4oll or permit me MUOVI In wXacal of 4!Octorsl� offices. flawers, amiilloutA wittlaughter came -"Ths fOrO Of God, the true inspirer with `tlie large blue tint and -Vow,
Of Aid. Ilainiitun, of �iuulpll, waa prv- too Iw prcvent att, hio executip 1, shuuItt The Lynching Ellected.'. SEANCE. rvather it is vert.effeetive.
I I from tile p6lighborhood of the cage its and regulator of power." This Is the "'Sudlieldy the Silence wambrokeil by
archment cerLifi- it ever take iplace," she I Would Oltio, Junoi 4,.-A special foo llptle:r entfirtain"I his 'callers 'with Incentive �o -true bcdlence, z,�&l anti
cato of Vie Royal fluinalke soocia- t!owin it,- lily duty aA -hW muther to be the Do I dil gpnce In God a w ce And of a three loud knocks! We were. greatly To Prevent Wrinkles.
-patelifrom Urbana, Qhio, mayw aillusing o"leo. A I -. - rvi tie" for toravery lit sa,6ing theAlle of With him and comfort hitu all icould. oatind mind strtled and knew -not what to For ltreventing wriiiLles, try 'a lit- I
Tile. mob broke into tile jail, secured- lm Peene am fotlows.,- -A,-(*%ar undemtanding, a think when a lamentable voice ex- t10 almond oil rubbed on with
a lad, nained Veter C bristle, who went **I have received malty IeUvr&* Inquir- MitclwI1 a#d'hang-ed, bim to a tree, Ili Ow- could ise* sotind judgment, the
areely believe that tile enabling twie -to a -q
tiroug!i tile ieg. ing how I have, managett to bearlup the court liow*� yard,. -1le is now hmig--� o6en' accordirig tolthe I et;t pripellk1w of rem- claimed, IGQd of my fatherg, (jo not finger froul tf'
e wjw tliij4 mah of.44) le outer eprnerp of tile
,I ad the tug .:S untier 11te awful exl*-rieiice I have ing thel-e lit full vie%v. Everyone who *, wai and religiom I
The aiteamer 11iC Ir �jnany foul.� erinteo, entiine,11 by a leg forwtke me!' eyes toward, Vie rut) the 4P
Hector, buth uwnied by the uttawa lqu**%l through and aking more. ev- could took part Ili tile work, wid no, to a ring in tile floor like a wit(] 14. But cocitinue, thou-Tn "The tolw w.1s o(A Ilite()us th(Lt we eyed aking. i i tile morning,
korwarding LOuipany, cqlli&d Ili the l"'ci-ally lily reaAotw for Intending to attempt wan made at - d1kogui!-er. 1ili- ill a meiiagerie, lolling tin :I wFth the evil men� contr"� burst out -laughilIg. %Vo recOgnized but ol"190 111clu 'With fresh, c(Ad
I lmv hunk, . mentiolied a evil. Pauls volce awl we water t h yoll IviNll
Uttawa River, uvar i;ig bay, im We+ Lot- pre --wits at tile. execution., tary. offered no renistwice, ill view of 4ree#ied Ili payttlaam, sill(kkm�c eig(irs, meducers In'the previous verses. In tile fancied to prevent
U06day tilg4t. T,,10 tug litli at tile ell)laill. in ftAll Illy resutt;,4 for tile feeling againot them. anti ni!)ping Whiskey, Ctlkiiig :Illd' thing" VvIlich 11011 hast learned-fle that be, was joking. Ili a o.. wriijkles aloi-aring Ili tile corners.
bottota of tile ri%-*--r, aud tile 11,111 is tlot-termining to I;z with Diy boy to the aughing all] Joking aboili hL--'erimem, lind leatnod.' ment however, we discovered that lie
Loft to the Mob. them not only frorra hi
Wuly daniaged... No lived %cje l(jbt. las*t � woulo ret was irembling. Of collroqe tilat put 1rhe Engagement Pinser.
luire wore space than It wam very foreign to the ,trictnew grandmother Lois antf mothei Eunice, 4toro to
Britloll-inedi(Y" of
ket*-r flarria4-on, Wig wasi. convicted. nomdo be 'given the matter. I wuuld I Urbalra, O!ilo. JuIle 4:-Tlit-- 11)ring- but from Paul, t1wougli long e()mpwl- our - fun. Tile custom of -wearing the engage- of break�ag iuw llour'o hrdwake linvo to give all. account uf Ili* I)Oy- field troops arrive'd at'7.30 tlii.-4 morn- treating tIhAo in custody. i(wW?lp with him. Tho thingp le&rned IVO lit thP lights, and tile Count ment ring oil. the I. ofourth fingu
I Ing &ad Immediately maiched toiftrd were no oubt Vie theol()gy of paul, do Ludr Vien, explained that lie w '�Jw left lialid in tsitced to an old pagan
TurtAito Junction, all(l -Ilis hottle Although Butler foragged IVIwn lie was sen many winor rcaa�ons wight be gi%L'11. tho court lioume. Angry cftizeiis who. that 114'. . had, money in En, warizedl-In the "gwpel afwr(]- restionbible for tlie three. loud knocks. 811pierstition c!ainted that
tebcod tki fi%-e yuiurn iu Che Peniteu- gland all(] a* sum
all I)e illejUji were Incensed over the kil,'Ing of He had been lying on a w4a, and, vein connected dr, lorotiter or the King. K Ing JAK40-
t-uiry. 110 Mwbe a otrcwg pk- a f or ed ill 1, townsmen by the militia at .2-30'a. A uoitra lia, lout lie declaredwb6n begot Ing W Lnke,' willell s und)ubtedly finger direetl
'%% - wuuld bc the, reco arl to friglitn no, tint] oar'uek )lit; with tho horart.%, loold Inqt i,im only mon wrine ears ago,
10111eneY. But iw wits confronted wit nwther'o ltjvo -ith witich it to stidpy � that lie wtw. pennil~,.and rd by -,Luke of the Ntbry of cle. C" has U 1140 19X41me
five m1victkxle 11 lily dutJr to comfort my IK)or child. In. were only further irritated by the ('0111bobi waf4 firriiishe(I Christ, am repeated continnalloy hy.Paul f(x)t three times againbt tile wood- a matter of con veli aA tllllt, is and since tlw* death of h6 elder Wp-
for the appearance of more troppm Crowds W hmThe At-; fit I . I I% kably this work.
I'ame offellve. "I 4k) not WQ "-,fly my a-term[nation gathered alcnij; tile streets an 11 reeted much disgilateti, pmaclilng. it is pr( the 1111get: Ic"t two�d. ther, larince fWdwip, in 18ijI, lYiitt-*
t4b attend my sono execution six)uld ver the wtii�atllona'l acco' unta f But- 90K)PI lie refers to when he "rho #4eleton was placed once m Albert haA been (after liim father) heir
Ali eiigagement, i" anil"unced I " tiva muldlers with hootink mid A *orts- ft -y" " behind the. wreen, and nothing furth Stng*e W3 0--
arvume tich comment. %%,Ily should I leri4 crinte.,which t1w, &Aydney nefj '--' cording to nq gul.Tel. RPul. ji. If;; 1. men in Denmark. loriwumptive to the X-elgia,n throne.
u," Madelie tartwright, of Insulting *remarks. Next mud ball pa Zvi. 251. would haro been heard of our fare ,- ear.
Lwrzs� printo(I tilion prpoiner's arri- it I'cutuark- YA-110 f0re&T a 'He iistiow in Ilia 22nd
ibegan to be' th. - i at tile Adiem eouduct had not tNe geniuss of Ch It' was tIvAlslit at (XIP tilue that lie
daughter ot tile hev. C. E' Cartwright, D"t' be w It" 'I'm to tile "'Wt ? romi w
ruu mangled by an en- vid find warnt%I t1win not to coinment 1-5. ronv a orhild-F.rom his- Infanc I rif it.,
CLAt fain at, tilt- K ingWA)ii peailtetiU Tito fever of excitemont raged more y " of 'Killgle call make
ary, anti orikirried t a. house near -by, ftirther of-ittlie Threene or period Of- his, Par4eat recolleeti(*L. Ing brought It flito uneximeted provisi,ml wijt�reljy tlicy call at wris loetrotfwd to the Priik�epw I*aW,.
laid lilece of :--fr RicharLl Cartwright, 0u 1, ajid m6ro'fiercelyL I wspawrs minence. lie called on. me some ago of ., the third alix-ter or tile Duke d-OrleMia
I it be wroiW for hio inother to. refitsett, nod were , finv�l TIM haAt known the holy t;cripturo- Sz 40 Isr 'Plat In the spinster clam
and Mr. C. J. atliebm, son Of Women appeared. oil ilie streets lit (v afterward, Intim(lingr to rtvit llinwlf I1ritwvw (lementitie %vaim 1wrn inJul
tile c4,nw t4) Isto Idying bedhid hat Is, tho 0141 7estament, for k
late 3IatU*"I, Mmter in Chan- e Luid comfort largo numbers, and_ theiO, presence Buller wai4*l)rotnptly identified :,,,(I the for a few hours ill MY -compaly. Ile for 94)(A and receive a weekly otipend :41th, I -P -T2. -wid t%%o e:dPr visters.
� Ijim ? %V01111L it not. ratlic New Tebtament, v�as not t1wn written. t1wir support.
cery, Ottawa. kr be wrong wwmed to 1w, all ine`entive�- to the inob jnil.
and unnatural if i4ho ishould not do so? Barnf%& They are enited-the 11oly w" very Irloom, and be Pildnined 4)Tie. horn Ili 1*7,8. it& -inarried t4b
catie, I of my poor boy. o avcnige In sonie nmnner tile out- MAY ROBSON'S SON MARRIE .1 D. tha ho had p4xwd�a terrible night In YUng Women's Jxr%tto. PriTICI` I Itilip of tlW
Memb+--r [Or PrO- Awl ISO Ili rage. or Mm Godme,r. TIM - exeite--� -Scripturea (tliat is, lecatipe -cars older than Prin-
vwit:Ler. Mon., who han figured pro'- I know that he is4 intiot*nt, and If QW7 were given by the ini-14rati(si combating a lidst nftincann plietrps who ip S 3
imint tvas growing w) fast. that nil- retly Took a Sixtaen Year Old Br through tho-instru- who fi;td threatened to. do him, all Tile r %%Iorking k
'ido Of therluly G girli4 eew clementtrie, is tlw widowed Crown
filet ill I'll iladelphia, ia.:.t Stelthanip or Atistria. Their
ineuti,y in th" 3L11litA" bclu01 (luc-o- lie, mup-4'utijustly suffer death I will be other clmb lwt%vk-(-n tr(X)lk4. 11,11d SsIc
Lion no the reprebeitttative of the with him to comfort hitu with a mov Lasi January montality of 114,ly mn'; they treat wr kindn of mh�clLicf.
'"o act;OPWI the editorW tht-r'o fore mid devotion, whatever & 1161Y things, Volitairl holy doetrineo, "He was an extremely ImaglifItt.1v find iio m6tta, -all(I lience it llftlo;wned uiptlwr, ow -en '.%Larie Ifenriettoe. I,*
tn.'writy. I" Illetvitable. In , tids
c r Cangon oMeredthe mail and Iran congtantly Ilau e thfit (RIO 09 tile #41wakers oil doniestic the daughter of the late Areliduke
1ki.'r of 1,e. Canjula, the Conwrvative Inay Im tile inatine.r of lii&4 death*." emergency Mayo Tho New. York Herald y(-.* prt4ceptii and promiwoL and' are' pringrield company to return tothe lit"' fly service Fliggetowd tfie foll
ptiper. uli�eh will re -a )0 i;r the signed to make peoplo morbid Ideas. Ilia i%trange story re- oxyllig, an Ani-tria.
_VI*--ar In Oto. Durrnt would havo wWied his mo d( I t. The. 6rder lWyed.. able, to make* tfiee wb4o unto Ita extract fro a bir Owen Meree. Primv_w Clementivie iN well educat-
ther to owe film die if -tile end had not Iva -
e nwriiago on .1jinury ::0th-. last ffilrvdeAi me of my evening at 1 aul Clx�- Idith
Some i�me ago Mr. Jutfui C*harlton o #46oner, did: tile, - crowd Ix_ -.ret -Iv (if tion -That Is, iso nt06 tilo attahl- vandier's. and I told him about it. 110 ed. (iraw#4 ant] joinui. speaks German,
111" , a. flop pr~nore at the scaffold,10 Ile p t by Vii.e. #4ol-' I -dwarol - IL L. (;ore'sluid liertlux. meiit of j%alviLticn, also. In ex- shivred am Ile heard me, 4nd talon Ills Ive live .-trittout.' poetry, iniuric
I wAJ, am acci,t*ui at Tonawantl diers than their fierce demand for the :C. organ. -.Tho cereftiffity %vils per- es turned to. a pi ;�r�v rt,
wl"ch fct 1,110 1xiot. ymr hiio oeri- "'aid W -day "would have beeU a com'- 1plool(l of. 311tellell greim #4trt)iig(-r. An forlip-41 Ikvi $1 tendilig it to ootliprx.-�-J., F.'&.B. ey ano., wifielf I had
exprftwly bought for his uw. live without cmWiettee; e,
Icort to nio. An a gbod t;on and an In- linmedi . ate ntt.U-k %11.14 1111114fe. SuV(-e8.4r Through taith tvlilcli iis in Chr" Jescuil an
ouWy ;m1miral IL6 strongtil'. He "It may
ho tt thi, _vnle Olool T "'Ifave you a okeleton T lie wked out heart,
ckwuaal from Vio ruicent man- I would sweet r wtdmont hiel if we m4y live, xvith
ow York .- -fill;v, 11pon tfmo that the chiittle. were untlr 1119" Timothy learned in ]'I lVe may live without friendq, we may
Uen t ra I 1'.&R*tty. Tito ecompany has heart -mother ii�ee that I would not die' a i;iomr-nt in the hand -i o',f* the Is go(Ily home, by*
molp, and that �N%ir Van-nt.4 were Ili ig -its t two, history, prophecy alid tAym-
61111L t 100 t t1le *-uit. ajail Mr. Charlton like, a oward. My dear mother io half and.the, next minutf, lie w1w I . Infigilm A ]REALITIC SCENE. live WithOilt bO()k11j
receiv#vt tialliagem U> tj1e extellt (A mo- lavatico the atep they tak- 606, pointed to Clivist. I said that I had not. but that I Put civilized'ttien oranilkqA ll%e without
from tim--nedft-st tree. Ifundre-6 of
"It hn^ brokell. her heart to i4ee me 16. -All &-rlpturie'lo given by inspir- would procure one (luring tile' ere I cookis.
slz.�W- A fig.
NITED STATEK in pripon, but It would kill her, r of Ldward i-4)rc 's'%IXY ati,on of God -The aliotitle im, here I invited Paul Chevant'ler de drome 1b U. wonWn were present and-witne.-&wd lllotl� Val It II filry. pantho-t;arHek.
think-, ditt she believe I could not face opeaking of the writirigs of the old and my friend Ricard, tile painter, to Plau-sO from the housthold servatit
I t L-4 mal4l Georg# Ifgo to FrIvatia. June ..,fli-All is- llmv Nuver Agafn.'6', Tilt) Teo4t-ment, the wliieli. in dine with me that day, and during deo-
1.1.0land to live. the und with an unfa:ltering face.- af- (illiet, Ili Urbana, and the-hre'l-4 coritr-
1"ounk .11figliand L -I 20 wItile veme 15 'he termp "tile holk sert, r told Chevantlier of Cli(qpin'o; de -
The Ohlo Supreme 0* tw-the bitter Injuotice I have wif- ger of more trnuldia unlem- Sheriff Ilc- 'Jilitt' brido b4 bookv, from Genesis to sire. He at once sent Ilia nervant to g the Voiee, to Swoetnow.
has ok- Traintn
clartmi tho law unc(gr4titut, Captain T-eimaml 0410111114f rf- Aiand, 31r. Goe, dicki Y'varro.agf), drid -alachl, -tire maid to be breathed Into fetift tile skeleton, And after dinner
i(onul wiil---h
-1111164 k turn IN-foro tile excitement lift" flillY mile niarried for tile eeontr tiii t I` 40-1-ibility to alter
I"t %% --Ir acCA-pt*,-QF Vie Turrems i4yw MR. J. H. R. MOLSON'S MILLION etby GoC thit, harsh- %
Will of rveording land tithm. 9". im1*4ded. tfit-y Ail Ty"t of T`be prooft are found in its, we went through tile same perform- new of tOlim t -110,-w 1110-4 like a croak,
the raili- s(vt mado no wv-ret of his Intent-ilion 10#44)ry, miraclep, prophecy, diverolt anco that had frighteiied Clievandier
tiame flfwl last night, ax tlit-re Were to marr, but as'adviAeti to w4i't with unity, prewrvatton, and fto ef- No mIlClI on -tile previous Occasion.
Elpohire said his - son were How the Montreal Philanthropist Div- W OmPtjlbng very tort and agrec-
I threato that they. lie lynchd. 111ttil Ito itv&A f)l( able. One woman h& proJrc4i that t1)1s
drowned at, Shady bend, Kati.. on -the Ided up His Money. ler. lie W -1L.4 gradintV fecto. Anti 10 preCtable for doctrine , O'Tfills time, however, thwiiks
Saline, 1. 1 jall 1A true. S110 child, and grow-
7rhe Wy, whili batit- Ttw cItIzelfix w lib attaektml the tile �4 (Aumb4t, ImAitute not too
ver. ed froin -The truthP4 and precelito of reveal- C111011,11119 Inspiration, the performance
Montreal retw)rt: The' will of n -d ll:rnehor4f 'Click" itchpit ye-;W.r- loll Ing girl a Peculiarly discordant, and
ing, wa#4 taken with crIL1111*1, &lid call- ago, all( veiit intm kaw Office - ed rel igloom
(fay: mi)rning arf .9 To tenell tl witl of God,- wait no farce. On the contrary, it was
ed f(sr Wheit the fattier went lat4,,. -J. 11. R. whicil prov- - particul4fly Inei-n-ed aW % clerk. and to point ont TMILAChrist till Be, great, terrible and Infinitely wid. lOud-PitOWN1 v&,ee- Although she firet*
againist CaptaiTi it 1-4 ok- Tho youtii mah ha( fierlomsly trIed better this Infirm -
to Ilia a"I.tarico both ere arowned. mi torday b the estate's aLturneys, clarfxl. His life has tfirt-fiteneil 1)y witil � 9 should crAnev-Mrke. Ttenw)n. For re- hopin, film face Palo mid fits eyeo op- I t.T' after,. woma 11,100 1
Paxaww, naiistant orris a 41olt, is, a .. lk�rtna organ,. a Iwautiftil proof-Convictloa of Wn In practi6s, ened to their witiest extent,'had i�n_ met a Wat
etigineer 11106� ill- Nome of'the rellativeif of the rt�en' klllml .�'girl, whomo brothers stre in the, pro- a not need 4 - truth , In the character vel(Tod lilmself Ili a Icnig win(ii g tlfxyn ller Iu1hdt%1, making ti em ptoo
a tere.,ting document. i 6 n
N On.. humineAs lit, Anwt:erdaln avenite: n d
t U10 I-A0rd Of Public T Ile w tlOw ha� and wnunik4l. 1111t] tie militintun not vI'i Wt " Ways of livilig, Nhe liy lieer '70'iu bills, in Ilia stove on Wed- night, - t1wre wfaild "fnl#*� ruAlono' and mistaken Views, bli-Ig bre"t, lte.lield the gliaxtly skele-
ov4w ;L milli(At Ili her own. right, so I f.f t thp e a44t t his throb- I
slic. received lioua*eljoid ef- � 'It.V I . - .114 -.e mother, has -relatives Ili Liver- llfs� For correction -Correcting Qwet, and, prer-sed agains iienwrerenc tind witliout tile aid of
tiaolay nright for toafe-likeping,,ili came probal'.1y have lk-en troulde. Tile ino"111 amfn(Iment In the deportment. For' ton.
burglam i*hould break Into llis it ftct#;� and expreawioti.4 of gratitude wan" t,() �Ij;w ;I"A, ano trit4t winteV adw said that 1111Y outWAle training or terxiiing, #.o
Ouse. lip the -jail with dynn- go live anti -take ins
I I Er i4lay morning hij4 wife gf.)t up for her friendship and care. mite- but C011141 lw)t-isce n tructIoTV fh rightouNnespi-Trnin- ".11 -any times, In lilm 'g-, had clk"Mge'l It, that nOw it Ito a IK*4tive Italian nil(! English, -in 10 till ne-
fimt, anot made tile fire. Tito wit' stipulates that, the tes rurp avY. A ra - Bertba with her. With. tilit4 ln�r, or buIldMg nM In' thin pricelple. it' PONI a F.Pectre like this grinning framp plensure to 1war her t�peak In what conilg6hed musician and a patrott 4d
' Scom after Lt- "on 'v�rw 411mit. no ammunition tivo separatiott starh g them h4 the - 1*4 a mait gentJe. not -too -low torw, tll4% Ito. Primmw 1: en
tile greentacIL-i were nill ablaze. They tor'o bod; he emmatell, . -which had 1#4 the text -book 'for echooling man- work Of bonep, andnow fit'last tie had ar I lentille, like
aild the aohebre- -if contact xvith it! 8( without it trace of riffeetritlon In ito all Vie children Of -Wel iums King,
already tpft-n di face, lie."Young tA)- kiri(f In right thinkIng, right doing, 0
Tile body rd 'Mitebeil wan -taken tA marry u.-ithoilt waiting for tlje con- n4f right op6akin tlwy stood-there,the livi nd
wore taken to the tbarik later Inthe turned. 10 9. come lit actu, masound. wvmed at one time fatelto unkallpi-
(!aY allot w4i to skut tip Wa.--hington iin
- re4leenie I. Tile familr In 'Montreal, 3fr. Stark a.,col-ored man Urday fd bttrifml at
to he w.nt of tl* triAlier of elth0r, &-4 in 17. Nfnr of God The Christian min- the dead, in the fantastic lightr Oj the I~, for Prince Badouin, of Flawk-ra,
lajid Nio4sotj $3,00u, ovith au annual tire expenwi ot'the 'famiary they nent, to No. 21:1.4 Emxt 1#4or.% Timothy, am pamtor, In Epoesum, dimly lit rooiu. Art of Buttonhole Making. %0 -,VIl0M 0110 WQM tA) II8Vc be'ell Offi-
GREAT BlITAI.N. 10 �nlftr- eoqw-4ttally meant. It meana, n1w), all Wo waited and wnt-hed, lout not betrotlied, died a few days bf-
Thir" eet, whi 1! Al"ayt; mark tile buttoocholim, and
Tlio (jim,4-ala al�t#-lltifoll �k SCARED CAPTAIN. ringe, ce r(Irtlilled. by peAwvm u1bo are 1* zpidoim 'of g)ood
front 'visiting 51. MoLson $5,00f) f%I. Nlo"ll renjav was lio for Jong, ?or att(ldvilly it wonderful be careful to accurately mewiture tile' f(we t1ke declaration could I oe made
Irelanl is salol tol, be tio. resuft Oft414- 00(), ;;00 Miarem olsfsia tank utock Cincinnati, 01do tho, Rev. N1r. 'McEwen. works." May be perrect-M4.y poomm thing . happened. dir-taticem they are to be apart, then Kbould 11rin(w% Alliert die before Kilig
`Ixtif's tOgrallt and -100 isbarem of City And District, m 1,'orgn hAd I a - full-orbowl. symmetrical Christian
refunal cof Dul,lin iFi an, eArr. ing �a and lux arrange- The silence.of tlie 'eitutlio wig 1111 c u & t.h(4 f, rKt on, TA"wold the Belgian hrone will osealie
"*c P md paw the buttan
a 141U, jil I'll(A-nix Ark for inlintimeni. -"ther with tw(_#'prt)Krties , On- glandng- n"vral-lv almnitt Phirm1"iohbleil meuto for departure fcor. littg*l it I 1 (1, J V I Fph. 1. 4 at once broken hy thf! tw)unod of rmusle through., Mark the Nize of the reRt with
I C. In
otro Paine street ; Fred W. 11(ilson, *n otel, In thI4 e'1.ty,.r mi. NaturdlLy Imt told 11vrth;x t(jrgCt '01. IV. 12. Thoroughly fuf'ni#4hAd ujli,� --plow, sad, profound, Aplendid- !unlc.. thread or clialk and cut them with
late hwt night, and an her �ea clothes ready, '!"Thin wast(K)
orning Post hays: $10t),(XXJ and 0) -sharm 4 all good work& -flee Rev. Ver. Com- MUSIC Buell an none of u#4 hd ever regular butt<wiholp wimionro, then over- THE CRISIS IN INDIA.
Bank stock. William Bareet adY. She wPl%t- pletely equIpped,-In every part. of the a
are reipioitsted, to contradict the 'NIol"'oll ."John Wetknel-, o)f No inne- mfm� inuelt for tile young I* livard before. Imme.1sur Wi mazeti C"t t1te, edma'with twist, and bar
iat Ile wm-4 Captain . Getiorge mile cried. 1, am.a, niarVied Chrk%tlan llfe� -and for every kind of W49 were no tile beautiful sounda otic-
rurnor that tho I)uiL,& of Leedo will suc- and Mrs. Alex. Cleirk, dinterm of tie- pecteof tf fof cacti liole-t flat I,,, ta king a kxng Stitch 8ituat,ori I>eseribed by a Former Prain
oo*d the Earl 'of Atiewfeen as ceased, $1,000 each and all expression Ltwmard, of (omptuly 1), Thirril Regi- ,wopinn . I Chrlotlanaervkw 2 Tim.11. 21.'-!�What- Peeded cacti other, and were irrdually on each Fhie. leaving the at -itch ap- inent Toronto P"Lor
mento, 01do Nati(mal who gave 10-rtim pr(sliteed ber niarriage c4 -r- ever duty we hnv'e tp do, wJiatever filiallioned worid-renowned pArently oil the surfitee, about otie- A mit�rt flow itwt been remived upon
Governor;- -neral )C Canaa.— of brotherly affecticx*i, these ladles into tile
hav;4ng large privatoii meatm; 1 rs ' tile ordpr to fire which- entled- lit thp tiflornto. 11[m. ftwgan -wrote. - 46 swwvlce is iequired fmm up, We "may ' Funeral March
TI Atoriai with Irilling whd wotint1nK or F*).Mnny citi- 16*4 'and had.. it' 111arria"go find onough in 'the Scrlpt�res to furn- *-Xteenth of wi hich from the edge. lu lilt famine anti plaue from tile
it 0 B E R T C U N P41 Spragge *;0,0(A) ; rs. Ed. On to tho end played Chopin, sitt Beg -in at the bak end of the I)utu)n- n
INSURANCE of tile $5,00u; Arthur S. 11. Spragge zens In 1'rhalia. iiotiee lorititc4l. Ili the Herald. litli us for it." gr"ping tile skeleton, and,mo mpell-A holo aiid work the umini at I , ie4tiI;uie4w%d fornwr rwotor of St.
4ftyll It As I accoottvt pthI)i Lwmnr I,tiaw tu 4;(we at hor.botne yfw- Tea,ehtr4k%.-We may live with pum. IK)tlllqt were we that not until ibelamt Itch. ( r iw-
000; Henry Spragge Alfred , 111m : at% " Ca Ink tile twititt evfmix- and firmly. lout Jamsmi" Squnre I resbytoerian CbuMi.
FIRE AND MARINE,— can ard," wh" I me from i'lie 411ning terday. Al, conisclencen. Wip milLy be filled with lig to tile f
te w am.
GUELPH- Spraggo $;;,600; ( liarles Spragg6 10 or a, were too) miu-rh - lwr,- noto wits strnek did we really recover not,. too tiglItl, all �10 ront 'I,oriito, o ra. Vfiarlotte Spragge r;;,000 - ro()m t(rf�q, 110 co ; d like a hillitell turlw4t to 'Finy more tlian . thl tolip Joy. We may nhfdP In tile knowledge our Renses. Then we finstened to con- end *, work tilt,% around almrat as if
, -Mari ojW grahbed.�nervoxrily at py wa" gind the mwret. wju; - oiit anol of the truth. It Inithe duty of pareatA gratulate the shroud -robed Ukwrtbing the o4tuati(mri, I)r. Kel-
bonr %41 193 florliert J. lobuml Ren' were an eyelet, very clowly, then -
Clork $1010j; Ifenry Archibald $10,- Oepve. that sho 1.10iled to live itil, her, h4&s- to Inatruct their. children In thp know- and reaelwd Ills; 0de Just an lie was Alnue up the other aide till you CIO logg ouqw: " Extrew, animcmity hao
Foc 1 0414 m: I k�. (if W`A 1114'. am! k now Olt the point of falitting."-N.
lw*-u o4tirred up atnong all clamwe of
d. Archihal,f $10,UA) - hlrw band very sotm. ledge of Gods Word. The Bible Is per- too the back. This should be f
OThe.f'arp ' Voting 'Mr. Gore,ls'ill and eanty)t aid.
E, I NN n m here ?" I)e I Ispered. * ' I lot feet, in ortk_�r that It may make com- I tho I")ulatitm by rigorous wearch
e John Thoman o6on $10,0�A); 7' 1)U1I_ nftv�r nip. T.Aiall ir cra7y." Ile adopd, be Peen. plete and useful charaict4r. It provides 2 squarely by several neat atitelm laid immwurtw. The itacrednew of the Zen-
harn $-),kX)0; Andrew Alorrin q. A Good Interest Rule. loosely one on top of the other; then 1,11:1 jo invadk%d. milwially high --i.
'1,(XX); Prof Q ille41 nip into for all the qualifications that are ne- take all them up with buttmiltole
a. 114N
a I
04yoll tire furious and I
commary to complel
Newtoli, L. D. S D, L' ()(X): Jolin C. Badgley $;,.(")_;'_11enry. 'GRIMOKIN WORK. the character, I r6wiitly diwovered what V con- Ktitch, forming a Ptrtmig loop that will
Dr mIANt 11.0tKell all .1nigure succefe, and,ina*e elbry Clirls- Kidet a very good, Uractical, 61kirt U4 ly thmnten 1144xxiWied and revolt.
IV. Iladgley S. W. Johit- (I b<44LI tho buttAynhole firmly am long an ludividualis In the diwharge 4 tit
lot Y(ml.,* and t 1 1% rangti look J0A9.* 9f a Woman's Bodr 1W tiaLl a pattwu od(,*Coo4*y*A*koL- ,A,, -reliable 6 pei cent. ijltejwt rulp. I tile garment h4 *earahle.
orT-)rontd, wM $2,000;.Afidrew Bennett $1.060; y e4earh duty harop been aoisaulted aul
10 TIA. I . I *Mt' '�. U . 4
in hin eye".', ". lin PA
r of trave never seeli anytIflI4 Uke4t� be
401f, fclr moblied. I think tlw Governident, in
4 4�.
I in nt 6try aw I I tO Glamiham 4"2,000; Louls Trempe itt'if I innAt beiprdtpe Bullet-r"of Cloth. Vk
VEN rAL $7,UO; Henri Renaud The las% ernor or w~ omw,,else eanuot proted CWca*6,%J With the dead body d "Tho6. am foll6wo: D1vk% -I;rin- My Ideal. olloo ut thr mcwt difficult pomiblie posi-
no w th Ut idt
five Tiamed are among the testatorm otic of thiiii rolint an for targtet, the bullet tile lifo w WIL it oung girl ti4maK, io4 acting with nil advuirab4s
me. 1 *111 gpt of a wom, prorom A try perf,,n omployep I , -cipal by 6. JfAiI6 cents are expressed In
III I)--TltiS '0. - S. Barnes $ I,- clotf 'Inven by -Casimir Zeg-, lie A deddodly rare yomig gLrI �mb lult on of kindnew and inspiring
All ev. W. )Inv(- bmn flicMd to rhAe" from !*,Tranal.�, proof t. charact6rimt1c: distinction principal place decimal (vie lxAnt, to
Zeare &'n4i an endeavor to (11) all wt ()()(I . tile Clitircir or the Alewk%li betwor-cm It and the latv M strikingly
W, witli till' IlPr 1111141111'af-11 -to KEMP:, 'y Ion, celebratcid bro6flier or'the Resurreic- FULY at-hottle-imclit— firmnomss. But -for all thio tlwy mAy
00). ANt(mitreal 6eneral- Iloo4pital 1jif Ot n brought'out, and its high, &114ur- the left, and if cmts are expressed in
(XX): tbe rraser l'ustitute $;;0,(X)0; ti-makdo, was tested lant evening at p*riticipal, place deelmai t Do what Is riglit; have trtmide knore wrious, if the
passing worth at the -same hree pol too
My wife-n;nyt;0 tlwy' liave klilpd thO Clllcn$!�O'College of Dental Surgery, Belp-lier-old mother oung girl. %trained oondition of th1two continues.
VILLING-With Gold, Lhe left, which will give the interest
tile University $1()O,O()fJ a$ an hr and In the pr"wixv 44 a nomber of pro- time allown. The (;Wpel lie no a.b- Tiomi, In P4hI and t1w Mum-
43,111)pfer amalgam. my thrfv littlf- children "tr!tct systemof doctrine by thl?aIde for one day; which mult4ply A luird-to-find girl ;
f4fdowment for gene-ral ;purposa,4; captain r.4-onnr4'6xrl4Imed,stnd fesuars, -army officierin and citizens In- number of days Of Interest required. A atillmano ar" lr� a staw 4 no litUe min -
view f)f preserv. fichoi)l,' Lennoxville. into tvarp. " I have not slp� foiove'r 'tewested III the 'Wence of bodily Ar.- of, or even highe'r than, other oyisteum, render-of4acta young girl gry te4w1on over the INirklish situmi-
TEE-ril-Ma4l,1 with 'And the remit will be the amount of
Molint RoYal Vemetery, to' forty hours." ho paid. 'J"I chnnot talk." mor. The test was conducted: under but It In a -rovelativa. of the life laWrd4 due, -extra-poetical, ti,oion, and England'o orItnng%,,A attitudp
th n3AAr.%t and f theA Ali i
the, suWrvLon of Lieut. Stanislaum which ijo manitemit, - lil Christ, and AnU-e4tlwt1ral, U)ward thp Sultan."
cwtaliIL41; a ercmatory, $10,00(). Fred It was muggemuM that the captain Example: Find Interent on $1,249.3
W. cAmvi lit addition the go to mleep, Vol t1lat Wa7secret would do Korwin-tMarneckie, of tile Austrian witich through Christ lo c(Inveyed to for 78 days at 6 per cent, per annum� CarewnoUdag4or novel -i young girl.
plication mado Afolmm terrace and collpge property, bo safe. He did wi�,-iuid Wait again army. tile sinner. Ili thio � particular, Paul ON A SENUOUR CHARGM
th-t quizi for Painlaw extracting. It 111 both lit St. ary a Ward. Tile value wfli -about four 11011r# 14"ter. wlwn lie A 44 -calibre revolver wao f irtit ln1t an John agree. (C(nitpaxe 1. John Operation $1,249.32 divided. by 6 A minus her mioage young girl;
trie-1 with snece*s. or tile estate 1#4 Placed at consider- Into practico, after the upper l')rtion 1. 2.) equals 20 822 multiplied by 78 e(luals A whow-all-her-bralaim young girl. A Young Burford Parmer Und*; Aivinist
hot -in wiw more comp(Aqd. buf mtIU nuffer- $16.24.11d. Ziswer, $16-24. With an unpowder,&I [am,
Allin's new We] able, over a million dollars, an(] tile re- ing from Intense r ervous xttaln.. He of tho body had J)een Incamed in the Paul's calling atintiri" him. until liis at Brantford.
t,)IFFICE—In M oldmee goem to the testator I; I)rd- Imagined that evry ifian lie met was allefed ImpenetrW)le - clotly. Thirty death. lie, had nil unwavering cer- For 3 per cent. cut amount in 'two; 01W t1wit don't lace.
ther, John Thomas Molmom ierels after him. #41iotm failed to Pirce tli6 cloth, fired tahit or liL4 ca.11 to alkmtleolrip, and and 4 per Cent. deduct 1-3; for ; per A dra4s4or-lber-licalth youing girl. agett
up stairs. aw) a cl(tuA;0 which staie" that If a cent. deduct, 1-6; for 7 per cent. add
God known thht I 'did not want at a t&tanm of from three to f Ifteen he labored in that relation faithfull for .9 per An up-ln-the-marn!ng young girl living at Fairfield plaitis, Burford,
legatee Interferem with or disilmites him until death. v. 1-6 ; for 8 per mi t., adoi 1-3 ;
evell to t4hoot down ti Pacawt. A 8 -calibre revolver was then "In the character of llax twen rrtvted oil a clihrge 40 ruht-
-.will visit ]Ripley$ her share ho or alle will at once towllo, sal(I t110 to *Itlzen#4 of my own PIUI, It i"remarkable that thegreat- cent. add 1-2, wid for 10 per cent. add A belp-with-tbe-Nvork youlLg girl ilig 3ef I Syinmio, a girl 14 w.arx
ceame to be a legatee. captain. " What was brought Into use, and the representa- 2-8. Or, for 4 per cent., multiply Ili- One tb&t can rut). of nge, %% ho li" given loirth W et
I to (10*? There was t1le Mob pound- tive, of tbe-inventor demootrated that i0st extremm meet in film without te-rest by 4 aind divide by,6; for,r) per Not afraM of Uie tub. ninio ciii'd. 11te girl -wao ta*ph lfi.v
Tilt! C/%.04ADA emrs. John Thomax AfolRon, Henry Ilig at the door of tile jail. I thought It was ImIxosible to puncture the tex- neutralizing each Other. The -same cenU multiply lntAL%reat by 5 and dl- A yowig girl. I'llip1w f�� the 0r1ohnn H(wite a cm-
'Markland Nfolmon and, Herbert oLson for a moment. f wam a #1wo#n officer. timo with such 'a mimle. While th al)mtlO, "110 deocrvos to be tiftmed a
-%:ALT Colemanos vide, by 6; for 7 per cent. mult4ply llip af eam W. wbo employed IkW
)c I AT ION. %re tile exec ill'tom I tik(;Nlgllt that I woul4l, bt),n6nt tothe cloth or outer portion of the armor model of robumt manliness, standshere lnteremt� by 7 ad divide by 6; . for 8 A quiet nad modeist young girl
A -%.S( Ind Table penitentlary if I let tim mob Wt the hadbeen dloIfigured but #411ghtly, an before our eyeo agitated by the Inost at his hot". Tile girls first
r".Jf"086, 0"'r. D.AlrY Whs4* Be Almsed- at. per exwnt. multiply by 8 and divide by A iKwvet nivi pure young girl atinti of 1wr trotilble that
CU"aUtt-S PrOMpt inixerable, brute I wap m*1w.0 to, pro- examination later by Dr. Leonard C. delicate, womanly feeling, and yet fAr 6 ; for 9 per cent. multiply by 9 and An upright, abIti<xLs 7; . . '_
shipWtnts. Ali Irimli militiaman whilo at Inuit- tect. Why floes the IState' bave mill- florlarul reweaJed the fact that two removed rroM an effeminate i4entimen- divide by. 6, or add 1-2 amourib of in- LOT11119y. delicloulm, t1w lorpriam igummer *he had
YU6, couss or Lam tia: an(] ma'ke lawn to govern the of Ve r1ho on, the'right side of the wo- talit. By tile rocoliectim of tho mi evenli4ii; with friendo ilk F
SaIL :etry was mingularly corwhitent In I t d" not expect tliem to shoot ?11 man's body had been shattered by the tearo of Timothy, alreidy In I tarest; fair 10 per cent. multiply by prk%-of-U*-Iiome yowC girl. Ill oe, &Ad while retuming lKomm"We
Fog TabU oc DsirY riever hitting tile target. "' What 1U wid divide by 6.—nie Bookbeeper. a
2 _* -'-- lie devil are you firing at, my man ?,, The trouble was let go too long. force of the bullet coming In contact heart touclied, aml tile joy v&icli. ic A remnrkaWe scaree young girl swot ulK*i by &n unknown nsoaffil Wod
--ratliftilly Inquired the mtmketry in- Ln came or a riot tile time to squelch with tile bullet proci cloth. Axld� from dmirro molit of full Ii to behof(I once How Noodles Are Mado. A vory-4macb-want*od yung girl outrag*-d, but arter the pohm lmd
%m In theRe prirto; of tile body Moro - I made, enquirleo -1enn1@ told tile -Alk(Ae
,ructor, who waA standing near a it ig not tifter tile crowd han grown tile bruto the fam of his friend and"dim A truly Omnadlan.
to a mob, but at the start"' with which tho builetoo came In dir- ciple. The man who Ili Ilia mission Tile making of needles is accom- Too-utw-piragcKL atcwy tit hovn Edwin Phipps had rtfln-
-epolily tarred gate, 64 some distance Captain L4�onard said I;e eKaped ect 'contact. there Vrm no Indication plans, embraced the wh(Ae Jewish and plislied entirely by machinery. It IN The k!ud-that-l-like young girl. ed her onti then bowid law t6 aser4my."
-om the target. I m 1kTing at from T-rbana without a chall(* tosee that bullets had Gentile wofid, han, irt Via mame time, an interesting procan to follow the Tlw o4tory of t1ft outralp wMe T&bri-
itate, xotir lionor," was tile reply. been directed against
hin w1fo. He left tile litel after'the It. an Open eye for Individual family re- developing" of a needle out of a Moro 1114roth. cated I)y lifin
bat gate, you fool?" mid tile InWrview, and went to a qlnlet place, lationalilpm, and 0an comprehend the rough oteel wire, tile piercing of the A Iwathisr of tlw unfortna&ft
1:Jry Instructor, who had bee"
hit on one'or two occamJo wbom he will be,unknown and find dfHa�ve yon any clue to the &wall- little w(3rld of tile hidden life of falth vyas being a very delicate operation. Albert—F-t1*1 Is at laxt beginninff w&P Infortnoild of the facto
ant?" asked the court. " Well," replied of a few mooest provincial people. urulahed the to smile on my suit. Jolsi—well, I t ly Mware out OW Informa
blawo lor. Fverybody else laughim at led to ths arregt am
at's practicing. The tar Sherlock Holnjim "I t Tlmothy�m lel was marked from mamo, machinery counto them and
h(mor." replied rALL It HAD A ROPE READY FOR HIM. p It I mattw now ft" In
I h&vo been a Grftk. As I aDDrmched. bim childhood. hetimpraliong andLeticka them in the papers.and pack- � — . . � � % — — — �_, —
W =
01 A
%_ V