Lucknow Sentinel, 1897-06-04, Page 3low, t 111001ot 'Pe * ,tea* r the mouth of . .......... one", T'W11"41sr. And D4.yp%mer, on tile Nanisen 'Wig -9, UM Wilikumi, VAO mother of the SUNDAY SCHOOL. Ing 80mo frionds too dlue with him, %*.r heel h6rO of Kara. perhaps wore her hand - A DUE I Fjord, we6f coast of Norway, has beea A ordered Ills servant. entirely destroyed by fire. The 6011119 dreo; of crimson brocade, whkh, tho best tilingm tile Aesop to provide Pay flames, fanned by a fierce wind, wlk'ml tile church was buloit in Anna- Ply. Tongues only market could sup- 1,ek in Many sporead so rapidly that the 1,800 in- Pol"L 00 gave for pulplV haagings. INTERNATIONAL L111880PI-190. X. were Provided; and habitants were unable to save their A Score of Ift I litai it 4 lanners and Morals of the At this ball the Prince paid marked JUNE 6,1897. t1mme, the cook was ordered to serve BANKOF k kill b I 8th up With different saucA:*. Course after J. f urnIture. attection to the beautiful Anne Dixon. course Was 8upPliod, each conigisting of LUCKN Princess Ingetx)rg Charlotte - Fred- Drin Century Iristocracy, it (lark. stately, girl, faxalous for her Sins of Lite Totigue -Jaiiies W. 1.13. t0l4rue. " Did I not order You," uaid 10 foarlew4 rkling, and at that time ell-. erica, siecond daughter of the Crow gag'Od to Charles BaUey, KM of the Xanthus, in a violent passion, --tobuy Prince Christian of Denmark, w3 _4 :TfIlne.—A. D. 45. I'l&oe.—yt 1911(- Lmt victuals the market afford - Capital paid up M BUSY. j betrotlied at Berndtorff Castle yester- rector. a singularly lumdoome man. A Wall Oil'!" "And have I ot obeyed your A Terrible Time In the Kitche-1. rlaserv,t Funci (Jay to Prince Carl, Duke of Wester- ONE DEAD, OTHMbb, dAY DIE. Inkieet.1-the Prince was w l4eased Written at Jerumajew. Or&ru?" said Aesup. i The fork Raid the corimerew -wag rotai p4tsets gotland, third wsn of King Oscar 11. PRETTY MADAME DE ST, LAURENT, Witil Chazles Balley"o person and ad- 1"crOOM.—Jaines. The brethren, or " lo tIm-re any- crooked of Norway wid Siveden. The princess� I I tiling better thall a. tol4gue 7 Is not 'led In the jall at drew that lie took him under his care. Jewish Christifuts, ever7where. tho tongue the bond of civil WXiety, 7%0 remark maide tile flatirm tad; 1'r"'dellt -JOUZ-431MART. wax born In August,"1879, at Char- The Saloon Closed and the Keeper in giving him a. coominhwim In COmmentary.—I. My brpthren thu organ of truth and roammi, i TU steel knife at once loot itg tem - the inatrument of our praimte and I per, holm Vu Feb., 27th, 1861. r PrOviAlIng for Win in every way. on tribes wa-ttered abroad.—Jam adoration or the guds?­ And called tile tea h(Ader a cad Gali lit 'anti Da film Own regi-DIOnt, the Ist Royal, and —The and Vie,! P­4idejat—A. G. lottenlund, and Prince Carl at Stock- Jail Story of the Orgy The Inc&P- Her Relations With the Father of Ou Jewish Chrlstianu, in tile twelve Ir [' 11 innipeg in large ables Lay Six Hours Uncared for and Good Queen- Royalty Was Royalty eli i. I. Xanthur or- DIRECTORW A despatch to the Loondon. Daily One Never Became Conscious After. tills OCC414101I.-Alowever, lie did his pro- Be not many watitoerb—"ther " be dervd hlin to go ugaill U) tile ivarket 'The tahlespoon stood on ite mett3e; ee toachers." (heviii;ed OR the morrow, aud buy the worst Ills kettle exhibited blie; -g ha.4 Late, South Africa, says that t Chicago despatch: t nusul quanti- Doors—Quinces and Kisses The Loss lWaItY cupplanted tile 'handsome The otoove grew hot at the discusmkin, .110 Psoc-rcz, Will. GIBWN 'li.ty Of WInnipt MMI front Woenifontein, Orange Fr Then—Kissing Maids Behind I the tego amd unforgiveable Injury—plain not any of you lie There vvas, a prevailing de- thiD9% lie could find. Aesop went, and But tho fee remailoted cool &11 Lim by ePok was ordered to wrve am before. hile. dayiii, has rejected, tle*'of igtFout whiskey. absorbed Anne would not recedve- for. the re- to become p to whoin he wrote aglikill he Purchased tongum, Which the A. T -illst tile proposed Vic' Raad, after a 'debate lastink several of the Duke's Sword. r COmmotier. wl01�0 attenUons thp faJr In Hire, ammig tll(*e tile easting a diinking bout bX neuxly a 8COrCF of Wallfax Herald.) LMJ ublic teachers, without Tho oteanwr Eury(qv will leave To,; voto of the Chairmam a propoo4al to uder of the evening. In her later muell regard for the prolx�r qualifica- What! touguea rolkto� about JUDO 5t1l, to ply again ?" exclaimed between reotrict the franebise granted to tile m0n yesterday 'in the Bakers' Ex.- "Folksi have Pretty' cute ears in An& y0ars Amie lAxon. then Xra.�Le Cain, t!0118 for that This Xauthuil- " ARmt eartainly,', rejoined I T110 w1lLY t1lat the Clibbl%49P and lettues and Civveland. l'itlanderq. "President Ste'yll Sup- Yfullige. valoon. 137 Wells imtreet, napolis; ther ain't a siliack of a kL" delighted to dwell on her triumphs ofri Aesop, Kept their Ile" something "19 was c(mlisidered to be a very tongue if' most certainly 1 sublime; Thr#_,e men, believe�l to be reopollAl_ ported the proposal, which at th,10 ball—how PrioncO Edward h - wao evi- brought'doil.til to 011e, ulan, Imt Itu- that alu*t heerd all ever town In t - Important one in the Ltriatian church. ilistrumont 01 t hit, fur fluillerous burglaries tile deintly the outcome of wO Chose her for his Partner In the cot- R . the wOn4 t ing in the world. it Is he The greeam dared tile wnp too mil ?A.-ith tile recent otlier i4l It dyl.11 d on nd lor rou6live greater condenivation all strife and conten- Con ILI a a tit d twos, anti monletlinos they think they 11110fi. With what dignity he bowed— Tito Revised I cre"itmi ready. ** Heavier suits. ^nd tile And the latter %,fill@ It haodn't much "'kv%t were captured at Chatham. viott of President Kruger. I— tiou, tile Invelmtor of law Ill d 14tAte of stupefaction. For houre heer �em even afore theY happen. Its "The dancing umsters do not' ach JudglItiut.- and wam; it im the mi. F_ J. Davis Forty workmen have left th ek)-' Uleii victims of tile fiery liquor lay PIl- te source Of diviblon w It W expected thaz lit st If tile teac-fierki abuwe thyme, Ill addreom a pul)lie illectilIg ut-Sault operative. gJam works , that were comelous in It back room. wherco they iw motit grand placo for newti, like all Tlutt gracious reverence now. tile Office, they t'fhall - receive greater Organ (if error, -of lies, c&ilulnlly and Got, su mad it 1*)ilod over—t1w fire ario oil Saturday, June 19th. startcd by tile :�oelaljsts at Uarniaux, been thrown by, Carl .4clioepfuer, other small placc-A I ever seed."—S' Anil referring to her lgve ishe mW: "I 0114,denination than blasphoulift.11 4 ant thumc- who are I Felt, put out atid started to cry Tile Ballarflk alul others recently and have the oaluooti-4eeper. m fast as they sue- Slick. overhezird UharIc* Bailey, speaking of Jlll*ro bearers --j., Tho untamablen(via o( tile t4ingue. T at 0nuigeville applied to a glam filanufacturer ant) CuMbLNI, ail(] were discovered by the 1407 Think of tills teacher in t1w. e I i Su urecibi itlLi lie Oven tl'4m' rw)aotded Lite turke; (A a roon Mall caD OxerciMe him iuperior power Ajid tile cook gave the gremw spot capitalist to re -e in eighteentli (xPniptiment Coming 4�uwl#through a all,% to be, 111(ve severely criticised over the aaim&j kingdom, add in"ti- the lye. declare that tile pay of tile men at tile t", at 9.30 o'clock 1"t night. century. thail that of ail inferior. or lower of- y dnim l5c"t'a lodged Lit the penitentiary. inploy the They i)OIlce of the East Chicago avenue sta- Towards, tile end of the of Wellington, co-operative, works Is . h r In Annapolio had Pr f '"Co. "LO device" by which unrul aid ukmtho lit at-- ' lyhen the officem %�,110 went to th tuce F r1utly &WI)MIt t their whi, and ['�ecume-j e plate said tile clock .att4'lllPted suicide toy taking stry-ch- rears; that the cilpital of j­;()0,(X)0fr e completely given place to tile dward alo4o attended a re- tame, but )IL.4 Th' in tIW 6orner Own tongue The c4nnot TrftnsactA�d It+ 1)ullftlem oft tiek, imll4vAl ulth two ))Irtrol wagons- a new* talAkwl gtve for iby Colonel Ill niany thilLgs wo (Arend all Ali overdtime defeated h6 pur- ud, Tito French soldiers In charge of 1prt ti reliLy, a r Lae. lie e4ulnot get at the 1'. which was obtained by memiii of a Jt)t#_ '#ill -ambulance after farm nan of means, who, in ac- %Crsion readb: 11, lually� _,wet ADd the tolate, which for yo&rg ha4 bad had been replaced �y English rogi- ii � back of that little meniber. When be been battered qDrt tpee w -0 all lituilible." would oqtenk well, him to(jugue utter@ The eioc k t -a id f III I of s4ck. Tlifewbas r?A)bed tery. L4 exhausted, juid tli.tt the 8mi- beeh glvt�n' twcertaln'et'll t8hat a Whim-, ments; Ili the place Of Vather Pelix, 0110 ith tile Unio6. kept Waves, tl"'Lgt4 " the pt*t-offiee tof ety i -A heavily In debt. key driV ettwed the ol"whom. it itimild, Mrs. Burclay Ineftil Chat Chribtianii !Omid - every I)arrcli ,mill IF. the Church of llchathani k4lg'duel IwLd tile representative of During a &peclal R-rvivp tit the ca- *1 ljo,-o liv a Wfill)POO to death. A re*Ade'at of'An body. Tho true pnoa414 L'orverue thii4m Hili w)ul must Ile tet the salibon- Rome, was to be secu: a familiar figure io that Christ- re- The #Of& said tl'O cream sho%id he k i I nn$is- thedral a' Spisa, Italy, on Saturday, r d I poub. says. 0 ian teachers arc- a reemed from thoe exceeding 4rifulnems whipped, f4DOk a 1X)U t t w -en ty xq 11ev 441 be heard her teu�lnikjikeff In th*ir Wred lettenL ' . �2 Ili the streeti$ of Annapolis, the upon the occaolon of tile unveiling of and by a power outiide of his 'Jacob BE4iley, the missionary s;ent b_y* #,MY vliO renkembered be# ceetallf. tru�hs, ajid 4OWZL h" cil"MmOn 1,411911"d—In a.ralp tlw)-' tke "If�Irimetatioitti or T -is Jetkiiie Ford, a misalo *OU*r drewmi SIL nar�foftt an Image of tt* Virgin, a candlio fell, u0n, W W o to this recepi. le or make Dluuder,�. in the use Tht� cream p4ild t lip salt vi om L 0 0 f Wd*k Cheon-tus China, to cleilil. She was )r. 4 tile 4:hureh of England. The fatdilons g T49 doUblemin,&dneem of the tongue. BedaW* g�l�'6'bn-kt-e4)err."6ho"L-I)fuer is anti- ipanners,of Verimilles had been, to their thbughw. pteason may iought to be 6etting fire to the building and caue- UOif �'ft-0 "ba 1, tile KJJig,66 royal Mon." or �L, I And Itm frimid v%amllt tj nierly�rmploed in the office of 51r. Ing a great -pan i tile many r0h6tic tenden-. if' , m4d rit V be convinced that God 1 111590. ic among rftute4 t4o'; have 'alla lber Own dlette she e other word, -4, 'they 9 e R. IA"WK ollowed �by'mooles I)otrowed from the liot abo% London. pere;ons pre pretty maid, who wa.4 tofip_ triticialu; they are hoPe - lives to bleto ma-akind vvilile tile heart, sent. During the rush for 'Cs alld lAs mloon is tA6 resort of� Engliliih, court, some of -the ladleseven r0m8ild unchanged; Dr. Ufalit-hard, A pominent lol'i-int the doors i%even persons 'were'killeji Amizeb6to. tile police early, formu- Amitating Queen Charlotte's, gimt' in Ule w-alting.- Either the lu(Ignielit or htateniqtits. If therefore the Youd not think a thing that foul poitly-, anti DeT StOOP- coming drew,4 or the glrl'ii own Wauty. ity is t ill word,Thi* liabil- ve mixed in vivacious speech of the French had the f um, and iierenteen otherm wVre Injured, kiteor theortes of luail offend no ally heart may declare tile mercy cf Gcmi, An tile oiieve %-ould n .4 so holey Tile a q4, hat n4it Periously injurel. throe of them -seriously;. The fire was tectiTO Carl, wdwk, w1th. LWutenant perba ps a conlyination of tile two, Very grea& in evAry one, but and in tfx� same bmath blamPheme Ills io. , gIven: place to the slow drawl of the attracted tile 1),Iqnce. It W e14J)eCiaJlY great lit all holy na me But It d". fOr It iiaid that tile butt4w wouilant4i e.�ealwtll. Immediately extingulolied. The damage Smith, took -clicirgreo of tile caw� FRglisll. e A doubl waA4 slight. Tile cathedral wag closed t�Qught for evidinice that.the liquor e of th field In a Klon of royalty and bicandal- WIN -Ire the %-cry fill] waYs." A man W" a slippery w),rt Of a cuft. Even the Dam for—undIgni. ts unstable, In Mi 0 -minded man (Iiillauien, w ho tire mi- ton, Port Royal, had been changed to No one knowb how tile row would 11&ve Annapolig Royal,. in honor at beltind one of Col u"o Of Vie tcslgue wiU do edge, and yet not have wisdo ojided, drunk'by Conra(L EWeb�Lvi and. BOILM ous to chroldeleo-11. R: H. wam caught 6waking. If anywhere Ap anti . tile ceremonies were suspended. 11' )ublic may krv)w niuch, anj decIare his der votitract to go to t,111a, ti) I reat grief prevalls Ili the town. luttl been druggpil. Tile, oQuon-keeper improper; great abor C of th knowl thO Plantatwon-4 therv, arrived Ili onel Barclay's doors minebief, it h er 'tile C. - P. R. 64 mlid to lutvt) bmv on badt terms kb*4ng that pretty waiting maid., in In- tile office of a relW o n m. Had Dot the ecok, Maggie o,Dowe witft Coliriul., anti th.W L-4 given as a Tile s gum teacher. thOw thing" that make f to "'a use' (lier work being dmie) clused Ule Tht- Jciwloiwa ire prepar0ig to C44— HIS SWORD LOST TO ANNAPOLIS. ume curity in this 1110 and th or lilto Chen, kit- 1),ly 6y L I VARY WEAK CASE$ Motive for w1kill 'Nomo ot tile pouce Inwi—A full-grown ridev-out, e next. # and This species usement may have INY111metrical 111tri. And,&I)le -also HAe lerowd. ut. t officers, expeict, may 'lid murder.'But i. -Of AM'� ADd thupity shut up the w-1 for I u bridle, tli u-11olt. of tile the examlout-�mrof thooe who were in "I Popular with this prince, bWY—lie who ij OROWs PATON BAKED BANANAS. 0110 of Sam Slicklo sketedies, "Madame abI0 to ispeak adviow,ily with Ills lips, STYLISH -VI loss. tile wiloon "luAng tho dity elicited Thankfilk" Madame Thankful relates iujd contruil his own tongue, will lie ENNESE CosrumE il �of dr1lik gluttony and flow, child, site helped Nlr*. k,Lr,,. ablo to kee Mr. Janittit 31urry, n. olif nd re- I Chicago Sausage House e4lenceo. of pok-oning weze found. P under control all the a Murdep (21 ' , 'Alan Who Has Discovered M ny W y A Novel Braid El:ect Straight From the ut Olr 21&king the- Fruit Palatable. farmer, or, -1-:11icLi township, The tkakerm' Exchange to it resort Jay, a friend of Lady Wegitwurtll,, Ot1wr niculbe.ra# of the boidy e., 11is F(z L 11paAY a duzen ymns Crictun Austrian CLpit4LI. jit 'SebrimgvIlle, Ont., oil Petering Out. Preserve quinces for Prince I b for men who make brehil and pastry. FAIward appetitem and pasbioill,. e br' uttrated Tfiur*la.,p, ot' Th A DO% aid effect i0i ill Lody, ill tile of am lived almost entireiy herewith, Ue was anti it number of bakem were Uwre an witIL-a child's curiosity said: toe )i Campbell 11 1 We original having been of age. What I lbo, kijtgb' vmls like quinies 9'- (frOtium, Clarke, u19Xl baked bauallas. drlukLng tit, 10 o'clock - DreKterday "Yes, and kisses too, de&r." doothers, t inealls ot only has "flown in Vienna two weeks a.90. A Whitney's furniture i4tore, RAIR ARD 13' nliorulng wl" Jacob Conrad entered. the church Ch"rilbit. 'See kpil. j. cloti* fitting' prineAtis" waist of gomc, LOOD NOT HUMAN. P., Ile savd large buills In grocery and lie wito 4"tly -afterw' 'Tile Darralb'o loarber theMechanies" ards joined by writer Ilan a tall Loweswft (W� xii. *7, etc- This in 110't4-41 bills but lie has grown fut and plain material Of a btYllsh shade sIlLstit"to and the rftziolenve of 11r. Ir- 11 10.1go , rf1lW)r.t and Joi-wlgi -Bohm and China cOffe6 Pot, with twisted.ham3e, probably the illtefl&d upplicatikAl, I)e- F(.W)tlmt oil lills underlaid with MuNlin, 09 %Ine, ill 'Uie- town of Aiviw4ton, were fou itr,1-6.-purt1cipatw-Ai In the revelry caudo tile a declares that after avi A of teachers iii tLe 110 has *carcelY klJOW11 & bick moment been fitted an(J basted, a ift*troyed by fire. In�LuetkerVii.st-jusage which was used ixt -this recepti(mi, ubJM raided I Imaugurated. 0110 treated In verve In a close, labyrinth des nd b V Jory, tho 1101i f 11c- wWeli' the crowd, baA' memr)ra - Lie In -tile annals (4 Annapolis 3- We put bits in tjw horses, mo bilice, lie dwearded other food and igm With very It to thought dMI'rJl,!0 tilat tile SikY arb thcm Berore loong twiny of Uie,men were tit- Rgyal uthig IkIgall living ll tile tropical fruit. narrow t4ilk braid, black being Prefer - it human bot,ing. ir# r' the hair Pho meaning of thin 0imple, flustra- 4 oyant und for t2k.- i-eiief of the I to)_. The Prince wam io-ery friendly with Air. CampW- 1 10 clair% able. The wals treem In India i;houltj llo%v lie finally tl"L IX)11#" 4-01 3 11111114til B0.1STS D4INKING. PROWESS� a Germa gentleman of good famlly that an we cmtrol tj and by mmna of b t C10"M at the baft nor tile and education, Dr. 17fenkell, brave in io honw hab dolved deeily in occult"Ill, but ooke and eyes. 71ft c1t1low'41, 410 tile livu of the subscriberd 4%r ally Itilifilal: Tho lleged bloK)d Ilk. the, afternt-x)n one of th'e' by tilo bit, though the bit is a "mail 110 11144SW that that haAl hothilig sleeveA are plain, but the braided are, now Wing prepaied. ocarlet, coat and th ll baker;4 btValL'b0UStillg Of cocked hat, 'ng, "0 the b(IV is "Itrolk:xj by he do with him I)akW ballalla diet, and p1mulettom are laid Over 941milar epau- i4l" (lye. lilt- IJ-tir Is principlly him drinking fA Caine out to this country as doctor of 11 -getable f r ibre li, q capacity anti ilt the chaffing that who tmWue' 110 who 'has a proper control that any orduuLry 4 -4 suggested that but w)on after Ilia arrival over Ills tonguO cAul govern film whole can live 14 the ct olitriu-t for the faAtb few followeAt,it, ww a regiment, 4nd pr(Aqwr On it. W 110 fell In with Prince Edward., who Pervice. have :4�rrud unklvr their con- rs, 0 t Ile im 0114 0 t re, from, -1th. wlii*key for vveap.. body, " 110 who 11014 a bridle governi, 'Mr. CanlPhoeli tearned tile nutritive Ir tract o owthtia-li a service to At. ths. rarca*j of a appointed lilm staff gurgom of the An nsabout the horme.-Bures. propertkw of the fruit when baked 9 lw inigaged in by everybody. Tile I)U.L7&IoJ, OF. KENT. 4* -illiwit any additional siulisidY. This is Ill tjub@tj1r1e4,. tj 'to acceIA the challenge were rbyal lady of ble 1111110111.4 Royal garrisian. The, doctor AhKAd &'No tile fill ilmk-Allotber it, Wbile, studying in India.. o)(slin 1% elie noticed le r4,P()rt v% hich wed memory, good wid' If. R. H. used tO it over their luaitration how a.0 Chrititlailli. and t4- that all he Jal"ring for the piwt oix- wj,- I sillif to he� tlte'�-men who earliest fell Queen Anne, or as a-loical poet.-OfLthe pipes Well wx-med re - I" matk) by 'one. of - tile St.ttj.,s College, victlnu'a to bp burning stuff that last C*ntu�y. puts It: and beer and talk German, Poe'ally teacher'" make use u( their markably 'strong and V190rouli, I'Llid tk*li yers I rinelpal of Alma D-er the I' hih had a gre4kt attraction for him. t4WlguftL Turneti St. Thom. -tit, han relotgued, and Rev. It. st., tile eminent 8-chOPIAller Ilaydol ov )ar at 10 " Nam'd from a pious" 0 The Prhfce did Drk Henkell the honor of y isquiry fOLud that tlhY lincrubtviii A. Dr. was ezilled "Ii.0 rell , sov'ruign, n small helm -The rudder wiliell dete Wtoed J. late proreswor of modern to a gli"i For : t fie. usee -of the r- altogrether a ti rest, dining with Ilimt a minLe the @111p,tj (Iireetl��. UP(ml baLed plan. I-111911zligeli% hasi been appointed I'rJnci- e0mliontanta the wh6key was tilalied nd Dr. Heinkell's Whitbert-o- taitin- 110 tried thein himbelf, tk.eaumq he 1.4 regarded anthe 0 ast of Stuart's line, of Queens tile grand -daughter recoilecto; ver, the governor listetil Pal. vopy ju- out In tmiall beoer iiiu��Illled to the Th' I ties of seeing lier -Tile '6hiP "ucll 904d rlmultd that lie has I all"OritY ill mother cutting up a large tablecloth, moves In the direct-i(s, th lift e hc.1148mgul a titaunch advocatop of thein ever si Al, -z. Gran Newl;urg, on -t., fell pupil (of go, of I. Prof. at cocillil ovent Ili the his-tory WiLI4 so the toung Inell "Take ordillary liananas, lop overtxard front a yaclit, toll 3ILvititly tlA, grt-,at Germn bulentist, and Prof. , A it -w mtwo or w h6key were over-' Tile gre With the 1rinces feather In tile cen- bitti , gvern U8 con trols. tre, and hearing with great pride that hormw near Indian Point, an4t was drowned. Of Gerruaiiy. it, w0lining for Conrad, %vlio froin llqv- of papoli was. tho -visit of H.. R. IT. st4m,-rs the Ship. MW tile rudd"er Camplwil, to that ' H I Itilice Udwafd Augustus, after- R. I'l. had dined off it. When Prince I Ibeel thein, but cut the ends olrf a quar- 4 t; fAvitllliOrly FA%vard left, Annapolis, 110 p SO the` 10112'ue is a little T110 1% 110 wa* Ili Iii, vIll hig. lxeit out- of work a long time ant] u an". wn not in wards the Duke of Kent, tile fattier a an t Or all Inch. Then lay tllc.lu on a Dr. Ilenkell's sm FAwar& with his Like the bit Of- A e. d Year, had been attentling Quen's, Uoll bubl rt, O tlJj.,j plialso,of tho Luet lit lard eirculpst remented member t' 11.1FUly .1k,- d1b Uted. .. 'P-ical conditlon. Ilo'wasaliciad or Am. 11 till Platter. aird witliolit, other lege, KingsttAi. pl, of Quoen Victoria, a stalwart, Aash lie lie ally Tli*% Police -wi-re jupt wIlO;lyPgati,,fIed lit the strange contest ft)r a shart hij colonel of Fusillerm, In June,1794. swOrd, which wa for many years In And liouamtoth great, things i addition bake tficill fifteull illinutes Awiio kromer, a domestic who bits -ith t1iL Ho was 'in stature, of a inanly theo PON -40881071 of the doctori gra;nd- Clow ot boast unjustly of i ts 110% bako Oven. 1% - report 14 uther "heirlists and Unie, Itut o4uddenly reeled and fell to . , tall Ifliportaijeco. it has all tile i When the banarmo a**4*kil1g to chilell 'o6r. 1kir. SelloepMer 1toppoed a -in Avill bumt open like been living t tk rftidence of Mr..J. NOTI. 11 Afi+i f, Pretie=e, and- when In i nhuence for � !M0 tile sk 11earre. 7.) ror'lUn. atieet, Toronto. point Tito Fdx weeks' stay of a Irince In a 'gtxxl or evil wiLich it, Claims.,. biellol&, a baked apple. burn them ill the prc.paeatiul wrving wh6key long efiugh to drag uniform, with 1118 1114 surmounted by � Sluftll town was, as a matter of course, matter --How Ijiuch wawdoiphyxiated by gas fumen in tier us a "Ow great a I over so that the under iwide wIll be - room durllng Saturday by Dr. Conrad Into a vacant bac"k rooni,ad- white plume, lie was'like Saul head a t Id ng to be re M and imch woodL ItOv- V017. "Ilow great a for- toffie lierfectly #�oft, and bake five night, -axid lo, K110%v ililiz anti shoulders above . Ills fellows. ` Hill ar�lmpreimlori did membe eat,-'?-Alford7 A little fire kin4jeth- flli11llt*-* longer." not expected -to live. - t4l"L his (Jplillon would bo joining tho, dining 11,111, Intl then r6- this royal visit make I - I consickred .71 w4 1 authority, tht.-y gave turned, leaving the unconi4cious inan manners mere affable, almost amount- that thme incident@ (4 it have been _11t0. & fler(* fUld terrible bluze. Tho h M44 for* conitructing a new steet 'hilu a rt I _b1otC!led piece lying on tho flooi. 1119'to famillatity toward,% 'those who A anftrias, according to 1 r. arclo I-ndge, over 'River w* chippLId from Before A O'clock ELAeben alsio top.- 1)10� him, aud Ills conversatl handed down by word. of mouth itince match, or lighted lamp, Way burn up Campbell, riould lie &;crv#-d extreine-1 ie same platter in u!4- wfl jue. Two largo titilgled ,11tsgicii o_Jf tile nchorlt% In -1 t1m unguarded 4jee ofienctl loy %he ' ufricer.4 of the new do6rsff the_ Pled over. The taloonkeeper cared animated. fle *as no" a on 1 1794. a city, The ullgOvOlmed Wngue, and lY hot, aiid on tl loelwioll- l4idge company at iagara for film aJ4 . fie haill for Co, deed none of " Farme'r Geoi _ell, may dcwtroy a which t hey 'were baked. Eat tlie W'ere turned luver to ad, - -and rges" son8-1 PASHION*s VAGARIES. PorsOn's reputation Fa I IA. Tho c(mitract will -protably bia, -along witi, ' ' were, and Burns' and how seeds of jiiiceo which ham run Out of the ban- houl bums, Ind Ile when, he canie back to. 3; bar fie verse addressed to dimixad in tho church. . anas, then eat - the meat of the fruit be award -!,I ift a few day,4. wi ro, I uwm Led W found Bohin lying on the floor. With have equally well 14atetials Ribbon Rage 6. The tolig-ile ill a f ire hig brother could Millinery A fatality ocrurred cat 1141 repoor�, 1W V111"I'lle tile, artcied the laughing remark, " Hes dead to been. written for Pri' _rt, is tile In- i O"t Of tho skin witli a toeasl000n,: to- l0sull, of tile nee Ed wart]. Litt.le Notes of St strument of ProduciiW the� 110so,'a3l t 1� orAilliw4ter Park, near woot deso. 1 gother with graham, bread and but- fu-il, and %:om- tile- world, too." Selioepftier rf.-moved "For you, young Potentate O'Wales ie. Perate 0011tentiolle and 11surrectionN.- NW. Ileather.-, a In every detail., he �ujd BoIll, . to tile room where lay. libi two I tc111 your Ifighnem fairly; have a great eal to -learn an Clarke. Like fire, it I 11-rockville f1c,rLst, who' liao a branch Luakfljg to tile different materiala Inflicts Pain, kill- Banau" cooked In this way are a elirtIful examinatiAA, Ind 16, *tupefle4t eompaniorm anti retiumed Ill$ Down, pleasure's stredm w employed d" evil and destrOYS gOod. A world In"t*e1Wiy. fattening," declres tile rf'4141Y to take, the le Alpixandrkt Pay. vvent over to ndutleo behind the bar, -The cuntom- sails I' or millinor aull among thesc are of Iniquiti A Collection of jjiDs and i clairvoyant. Three tanaiiax,', lie I)aT* in 'a ro%vlxjat to put O�ilt %,_4tat4,- V.111s* idill to :411 tile frA vvere* all more or lemAntoxichtol, 'zi- tauld ye're dsivinc rarely.!' tho filiLily rklorcd- open g,,tuz6s Made crOokednem Is ill the ulixanctified SAYN. weighing sollip,planto, at-cotilloanled 1-y a lad exhilpit;. wil' but In the absence of tile three men 011e ound, a re il.ittk-Al. too hilli. Ito Jovdd a fair face,.did not merupoig Ill vftetable sfik. Pink uAlgile. 6etteth CAI fire tile courve of f4lual In noiiri�lniient to twenty-six naint-d *k-vre. lie left Lefevre in who hivi been f6remo.4 Ili the duei blue, goldi nature. It, Inflicts sieriouti injury to POullds of bread. thO -#)Oat. lvllile* lie went alput iW Dr. Pip and- hd lw--en f)laced hora de 'combat I to kim a pretty Maid, and wa's quite red -there is 110thi,119 tou wonderf ul in man',v entire be The true banana M-1 9:1 ve t -r turning founil ne L "lit a repoorter. of tile opinion Ing, and makes,, by iN a syliall -variety of tile pi'antain, and nixon p '#tl'toenic tile quickest the *,interest waned and .1 fOr thi uluch used. material. slander, cAlumnies; and lies, a great is nover f liipiwA to northern countries. let teo of lad t V-0 bfittoin'of tire river, uni *4tatoe to were no �rndre candidatetil for I.Ou ady's iii. tile; c"e, Ai_.Oettea and-piin�lated featlieruare many people m T! ie tle�l requeqted hy t1kc i And when a I u on fire hat wo buy ao I. IManax are tile other t.lor dnek. I .1'14mlY wms quickly r(- ainine LL piece -of was-bufl.0 know pli other things iserable. it is iiet, velvet or lilwli of we* tho temporary libspital. give l4ace.- inado of tijilf-. edged witil fe&- of bell -Unkind &nd angr -Words orig- larizer species, tlw plantaills. harmonizirig color. t'n-ipr the I -lit Lefe%re wa.4 fluite to Beur a mark of t, 1% 1118 BEAUTIFUL Mi TRI-'S.,�.. Ina I I I "m- skirt -like flaps of. the walst at tile kkitl, wid -For 'lx * hollm'the three Insenidble her, and. mtrich'. flues; the tulie in to h Wl men we 48 w *4 aeeomp� gel ace eterual fire. looldt calcuiated titat f000d prrmiuct or the plaintain Or whitk, while 06 t1je enorl"Ous Kid" an(f back. which are made in one lly timitiled u Nly re left, ' lobe In the rpai room. Ilis Royal 111ghno. jerally black -Barnem lt io lie accidnt "I a - nlamw ut allegcAl the I)l reisort At 9.30 last nikNit Charles Ifilsenbelk: t led to Anqapbolis -by feather fring6 is or some bright and 7. I -,,ver, ....... . im tO with the vralst. there are also fl" L'.NrTED STATE& n1icr0`,eAiPical- tuld give a complLe U."t of No. 203 Dayttin street, entered'qle' MadAine (to St. Laurent, le beautibil 'decitled color. It' tam -kvery that Of t110 POPato &-4 44 to 1. and of the, gwnle velvet In very All kilidd of straws and siliec" * of Olin '"#-qnh;krt. age. 1 4:-P, hard -to 4110ternih fibro" vegetable 'firuddets r(wembling brought unt:pf"J" Im%tst" lull' been to that Of wheat ao 133 to I. Itaked Airt, im of the umual tiftigil, but I@ n�l I-Aliel fy vfWnludry. ThW viaw, it11 tile f(A- roofn Arid 14119b[NI over tile prostrate ie the I rea I or plush. The '"wifig rpt-ultal: 1 Ila Piece of.' wOW had forms. Lighting.a, ma i, at al r -el t 11 In- strawd- aro tre"ted it, a %%,ay to which nluioll. R (w ko- v, a tot Wa6inglialn, were te I lie "a w 11121,11s Powr and, do. banal*w are easily digtvt�,,d. brablood at the bottolu U) lipight of 1"11 -taken f I I . I* I never cat raw liananas.0 Tilpy arrd*,wol as 1,,ondoll, rulu-a dtA0. A hiArk iovas 'glanco that C-,(xirad was dead and tile have hitherto [wen unaccustomed. JgWue, ' ' 1 .1 on their way t But ule U #4x or eight inclift ill tile Fame amn- Ilort Ill' 0 ljl,(jo(l9 jut af t4.r other two men vVere"In a, bad state, F'Or examPle, a sort of frilling uf %%-flat tjl me -lie callnot cAui 'no man aro Indigestible and should never lw ner as tli.*a" irom. The niali'l-, cliargc4.f wi.th a, carvlul.VxiuLlllLti0n timi I ful, is -called in now W be- had c -4ikl all e1w. ( S.�olle, A mmall toque of atolucting the girl. doublo, that it uas 14.1 it ho hastened to'the police statiou. _4111 ('110 tolkiA.-though fie eaten by n eo4veciaily not J;Y gold wire, with a crown and a large allililAc. No Lieut. Smith de, in aJ" iod'o gra , alwid can ellildre. fflThcre they grow dye. 1patched two patrod 111(ut aly color to bQ& at 0 ce tlfey 14 -Ow of the mme elvet, and asmall A i- wag(x edge of brims. tile (1' It. It 6 an unruly e% ll -"A r4tielm arfo to Jw full of animal flc- Clitm dospatch reports C4Jrpu0el4*1 %vere pre bt!ri-berl, char- crk*copical ftnd an ambAilance,, to itile-1 Full of degidly gerniq.- Tlw heron aigrette, makeA a ellmLrnljng It r-aloon and arr(idol all the nectipants.': it Woliuw io'not coal- lK)1tkxl It fruit inakes tile choalsftt by paralysim and fatid erfM,_*, was not, I)I(XA. ir head-oir"*i with the c(*t,,Iylle It t de - Ili fact thero is not tile Conrad'tq :,body wa-9 removed to 11.4)1 si&rcd dretfded in. her 1*%t cluthats * 011 thO IlliPpine4s of fOOd In tile w(orld. rananaA are the tlipre, itild that '1191AW14t, thing a xmt'it t.0 sito tl'O n1all. and the Iteace of ideal io(yor mans fo 1, becallw melit I _)w Liat stons Ad&ms Frtreet ' undertakin' - �whe, ju not, bedizened like a rebra, &Ociety,. Ilm o( n)(PrVility alnong tlif*o ttacked it, w" t)lkxjd. sillce, I call, 9 dhedkei.4 with ribbond of ail 9 to think r'00M.1 thO 11110binsci0l.114 Fisleben wam eptit. 4jerpeont (Joes on tj Ill Over I Uink it Q16 Stilig of a­pouimmious nift.'r lie dispensed 'u-ith baked Cycling Costu vv " even fl)r- taken to the county h(wpital, all4l.i klqU and diNlKmed t)f ill all styled. A le num fra me. banalwa -are on the table. They me0l Covert Cloth GREAT LhITAIN. A novice to ib�ay 1hat"thij 9. There%1th blew we God -it i6 tile m*ko a' delicious breakfast d6h arid V unilille vvI Bohm, wh(ma condition wh9 Dot' blQU00. -Of - cotch . plaid taffeta, cut ilm4trument of prayer praWe and should be eaten at Icamt, three times W) flax cauned llm�d ill the red for nt the #4titt1q)ll --Cft tho bl&q, is decorated with velvet wori41111). Tho'KIIILT of tile Belgian, bitiod- This olublitall rious, was ca: -in;-nt toy paying isit-tol luallufacturing of h;Ausag0, and uhm I am] waA . Mm. out of - dang6r. ko And therewith curse -we a, Wek. Tile Latin name of the ban- 4 ribb011,l)ut on at equal distancea afid m6n-WiUl tile wi 4 izi(rognitt),.truvelling to Bill- nto mako a clienIcal lit ottell a ay am to fur Me "trument, th ana 1.9 Tnutin iKalijentum, signifying I of repon to] S-ILGONKEEPER- -IN CUST(YPY. in elievrolls. e U) w,o t1lo. te mark oil the, woiA Lulif M)nle� of t Again, 4 blOuAO of peau de sole or Inor- PrOv. viii. .n. an -I tlien' de- tongue- S()me` men WeV4. i"we curse. tile wive men.' and being intended to tit it W11191 alsliertk�d by Fome f t1w wit- of any desirable color, 1:4 trim- Lujililie, theY were exactly 8 . alludfv to a satenient by Theophravo- 11-4-yaclit at tile heFW1s*tljat ju t I*fore the polilice came as for it etxb4bt0`d Oru ialoonkeeper Schoeptner was D4 I ln(bd with narrow Adtin ribbon of the 10. out, (A UW mtnw n1ooutIl-Ei$her Itus conmrning a fruit -which serred VQXCL-dile Julatter, th'' e90- out of U10 mouth of, two tiff alw*f0 for tho wime men of India. .11, 4 T1' �4- Loon,!c*i'corre%.pon, I e excep- ballio color as Vie fabric, and disix Plit (of the 'N'ew tioll of tiating itil r -wd persoins two opposi York 1401110 boy" to havWthe , L O(V30d winter time %lien nothing inor6 lin been four cor drunken men Carried mit the goodd. few not Luor-D han pqippow�(l Of -iN 04 u4XtW ts if they were woven tO, ULiongs pr OU buy bananas Ve. I Wa or outlooFtbe mouth of one individwa: Iiii sure that they are riot frosted Ulf suggettilni to alipoint the tlLe gAvVll , two large . Into. tho,alley, Thin recital, with tile blike (of Teck (ifivemor-6eneral or Can- w BOth, are true anat both are equally Cornflowerm of varlous shades ()f wrong. ASY. it's which other i4UNPIC10tts etreulngtanctv, made bluo are much in 4eniand. so are'car- Doth 11. fount DARNING XADE r hiar* friends appoear to lakftt fro"' vatm. Tho two tho . police Inquiry rearching, and 6e - think It -c% were foverol, witil a f- 1'� nations; and the caterers of fashion Claims. lt l witil.- find I&- difficult to nl(36.t, th od of Performing an otfle� allvoritey Hio mub- Schoepfl, aln ...... at the some A Sensible Meth rc*A�-nibkmi salt. or out being booklid to a'%%ait further Ili- a ever -in- PL-ic--_T1jo-mioutIl is tile fountain Irksome Task. A haw Lr*n recei Ito wius Like, alkali and ventigationt er6aillOw demajid for foliage in green@ throtigh. which th0 words aro tos*-d wai a reddi^h brown. but, theo alkA-11 that 'tono Into yellow, out "jubmig men. F;wevt water anti The istockiug by tho k)ttfl%%a ant, �Aieo frin tile ' Among thr% Mail who te.-tiried Inform but wore eo- 4 tiwret Of tiuccel, loruig., Ull- -INIA DAME . -I)E T. 4\1 1 t L-40"cy and ecmm- IniTm-riat G4,"ritment i Would lli�lve thim Co. Ily 'I)Mia]IY Into red. Cmiterbury belle In q1tter-No such inm iuking that tile were Charles Wurtz and Ifichael, varioutr shaide" are , tra4lictlim a thit, blowing and curs- darning lies In running the thread -an f6filrig cruimor, J. Gerrin 11m strc;et, b also much in do - Amen( riubsUa lice. Stil.pnesto, of'No. 113 wp but hil), betiveen the Prince id this fs- ng. In nuln s foullft go Pjvrekl to 110 of f1bre culk4,0j!lg nnuid, and gulder rcpMm In every Im- in tile outga'.41ing of the darning cotton tio far on each "11'ell WaN C4'AlViCt*W1 Of 1`19111119 11 of Mix. they. raid that.* bad VrUmkey, coupled cinating lady. Tito popu r Idea %% as of a fountain. bide of the hole that it does not im- I witAf, Mlv- thr#*-ruile limit, and Woo:f, . with 0ry with tho. wretched con(litlan of tile -that.sho was Ilia mistre, ; but Dim Sbocks, empeciaily In f i4e, eAm- fe%v IllaimI ItiLirs. Tito .1y apricot tollft,, are uluiell he 13i Who to ftt*41, 1A. Iet,�AIOWJJ a#4 faS 'I.LtWr were in' 64011lachn ol"the victims, all Of whom circumstanew lead to Ali belief that t L -e "-in anti endued mOdiatoelY fray and pull out of the Ily as IN)@- a vty Ltd coolloution falshion. 101go filnung you?­Tfie siblo. 'ind could -everal'dayo, wam te, or &ther ntor- witi; know a w gOods,, Take a long thread of darni Tlis- ltig!it Ilev cillied hunlan. Tilt! edgt*4 had tile rfvq)onmil)le for tile, , ganatic wife. - She resi for the work run It at peculir markP4 of ahilnti flair. h )ec, with Win tile 1)01()Uaihe,, which, Y or teitcianq is ot 1wrely fluency of I(Xwt half an inch alugig tile goods on Epiticopal Church, lutir- of mou.;a or it T e Wnrtz paid to LIPP* tenant sill-fth Que.1 did the h os of -tile opowlig In ewl, Ride of tlie hole. Con nub: had been drinking F #410 was his legiti:iia Tile princet-is style Im being rivaled 1) neceposaZY cotton to begin ith, and 9 nearly when (lij4*tIonPfI:, Princo's Lodge, during I - stay Ili Oxhibit" 11,11 11.111denskirt. 'Cf' ca t L-4 front, Hive Nee -11W the tongue is mo, con- tinue this $QtYP4 that Dr D"Wiv mh4represento like tim luiir of a liuma,".. or a An w:wfilng these guwnlj Ili evide triary in Ltd fruits; but Pertions should until the liole is snugly covered. Now 'fffling In. if~rlhlng it as t'he Dearest con-ijktriAon or t leftat "SChrwpftw-r'ii inlotin t14 ji s;f.)rt or head- Halifax, and was bi" c ippatiloll" in IY 'lot intended, one o, tile favo nt- be Wlected for the. office crow tll&-4e thrends in the regular ces.he en4 trimmingm hi black vel 4 red wisdom and knowle( w Il 0 lx**em darning style,, taking care that tile '10-1101) 'fia)j written aldmal. T11`4 -IcU011 Of the alkali had gregatt, th-ore :ntch n vet rlbtxm. Ige. Gbotl conver- aliti-i'titir.h. The L -$fy otfier quartorti for -.1takerpe, and m:iny Crion- 0ibraltar � lit all thaie 4 to Lord allNbury 'At l6ngth, amur- bio 6-0ftell4ul thitt jbx dlefly % w1i'm Inthie tertained and wiw receir d by, the A White lawn sprigged with -at"i-Not Only good and eloquent samo precaution W observed. Ing him 0 the.kindly tet�ljng in. til P1-'le4' Yenterday nfurnoono and at. liest society, 'Which ammutedly -would pale " e uirep a ad entered. isaw had Madame de tit. Uuite4l 8tat4w towarib4 tile %loth wil"t "Lifil"ll theY c411110.1'rom 1 couid. nlw)llt :1 oel()ek rour. not have, happened green han a Spanish flounce U.) the w0rd04. but 9xXxI conduct or mode of A large h(Ae, of c-()urse. req' er uOt '""te- But thf-y'wero twLsteil ill Coo -P(Iny,, - alfil. lie * w I,nilrent riot held a of lace lnwr- Iknew 0( wip- always Oc- nraol on Tilt k1lews with two rowel life. Him worki4 with met 1witch. Isuch holes allnupt In- recogvIz6d polvi- ti,xi - cur in tile heel, #;o that in treating of nialulev its tA) 1411if wben' fie enterily the dotn.—Tho olq)oFjw chazaterlstle of -)w they were tf)xi( ti(st In his I au 0*1Llg of Valenciennes The c-)rrPsj)oql(1#-llt or thf. London 'lot from a hilman bcsdng. IlUman Sa l(w)ri yeider(Iny, he mtill ioubolio'ld. while. they' Inc& th6 t0l1guf'IDkvw of the nuilly teachers till% method of mending t Ilem It is tude thp were in Quebec, In 1792, & child- wa Tlyttvw at st. Peter diurg Iml4r act*4 ililff' ��#Jve 01-T lie . 'ailLti&4t sunimer gowns An Orently from tilat of. lul of . renie, to take tile heel as a model. From the far-reactung ntw lvtw 4-frectA of tile _W111%key fie find Iffirn to 141. do Salaber0y, seigneur of -ire of stnall-Imtterned or titriped muft- Teaching -K -There leg of an old stocking cut a klto- eitr�yirig for trade by #44.'a animal 'when it, iA put in w-ater or Ito oridered i rinkg fcW t1w rowd t. are many wholm forloidi ex[VO-e-I to alkali. A 1wrlon who tio. 1* , c - Beaupor The godfather. of this Ill- lilu% with cool-lookilig grounds CRA It" never called, and liever can Wjapeod piom of @tout material about,. u0cause of & -LAwd P#mcil in ffireigil ari4i litioler"any tmt 'never -ma,ow 'It bas litPd ti'Llt fie coutd drink more nt wdp Prince -Edward, tile 00d. White, Pink, blue, etc. of CAII, to be teachem in the church, be- five Ilk -Iwo long and four iuehesecrooss. Good gracloum I llere*0 voniethwg tile Itlekinri flag, I)ptwp 64tuly. of U11,4 Subjeet. 'Whi-4key inri any 11.1inn In -the place. mother AlPomilie Therese Ber Turn tile stocking wrong iKide out and 'low that cranka claim they can WI all 16441- whell tile hair of it. huniall be- everal of'thCW� pretu-nt olirferedfrom Julle do Alontgenet do St. - nardine A unique, French waltit ham tIle I(x)se CaumS He has never quaLified tbem,for lay thin polece upon rJoracter bv. They've hail their say plan I)fptt#t 4' th" Baltic - Laurent, -bodice'frotit, opelling on tile left aids. th-N work. It L-4 hard to quench 4�ril_ tile heel, w) tfint ho isleben, the Itmig pointed end runs up the back a ut the fmlliis of your hazido, an(I and the ing iin1 ono of Lim) 1%11 ll.,Llrof film opillifffl, "if thi-n Conri, F. IlarQnne, de orbilison. The chrlist- On the right "ide, mtarting from the siteakIng, slander and faige tewl, Black rui(i vio iwijrie ron.A. The given to me*, Muld tvit-,ily e�ee tl,4! !if- Bohni anfi w,veral miliarted Into "'Ing wa$ performed fly 3,1008eig'lleur aj;m' Ing. The tonglie has been 08 #401(v4 of our feet. They h9ve I(f0f). - "GUO and under -arm seam, are traced the degmeration of tile rivw fernce.' prove Which . wax - thO ('1111 mplon dO UtPse, who woUld the In'J Of tIM3 leg, and tile rounded part is Dr. have toil- three cl"ter,4 Of three at thO hat4e Of tile heel. " Run " down The I`Aiolion etrpF was not requi-st- Conrad All 1 to mented tO these sponsdrio had� lie lw strilment of good and evil, content'- tl'O c(mltre (it tile piece with a stout Ill our ears, our nova, fom�hplltds anil wllt*w �er- it ft'lw�rt oft the t stupor, nrid 114) w* JtL%t before they reach tile left ed ment and confouision. through all ages ehIno, Now the.T any they can *eU an carr tl'011gtlt tiley' StOOd In equivocafrbla- gel linen thread, taking rather large, I rear loose, stitches. Now - re' the clialracter of a wtonian by 0e 'm 11,11d 1"IlYN they are tO tilt' r 11ol m U011,14 to cokch other. When therl)l1ke Light camilm" Though*-Dicretion In un " In the same ar", If' 9"at demi'll"I In the #-ree- but he mtw t1l' which has a kilifo-plaited frill' of the vrorld. tion for otando anti pliteing ()f decor 'bike b011#* Of I'D (d t)m! fir. t1lp nnd e 'in a s*4 of Kent r4uned.to England. lie and ere iluits have a tiny ppeeell b way acrow tho'kite-w-haped piece, let- vhe tiliarMio a lead pencil. if it, t1tonn fit rensfine#w for tima (1-w a: lotwer orolem 1) coridition, nnd tilt cape. to eo more than eloquelleP.-Bacon �en,.g j114ji fir, -y ere a1w) to I"Plete them ; skirt and, lea A fool'o Ling tile thread be rather Wack. Next If.*, have i4triick foor a p1lilling an hfmr. ox r Kt#*4,r. to tho rear room." p1l 31ad4me 4 St. 'Laurent continued aro)trimraed with ruffles, ribbon-wigri lit -art in In him tongue; but, a vMme I Jim 1�hort allul l4tubby wttil a mean flithertt) they have, rf-Ceiveol ttnl' Tho story tt)lol tilp rtviide togetiler at Ke.n.4ington Ial- e4ilbroldered -or fillish(NI man'o tonguo Is in Ills heart. -Quarles. eat the patch tightly to the fleet by o4crar-of lead protru1ing. t-he'v Ptingy Wnee llrIe fly tile- aeO 'Intl] E41151, i%rben -tile Duke'n mitr- soutacile br&ld. an'bour, which 104 tile rewilar tradm 6REAT F,.STATLPS Ij practically theo amp'. riago to the 11rincem Of Lciningp with a fine and --vrouid Pkin a rift, for it# COST FORTUNE:8. Keel) at the utmost distance from 'stitching It clowAy around tile out- � Creamy pink lining I(x)ki4 well undel PIOW4 clilt-chat, from religious go"sip- &Ide. If deftly done tber� will be neither as country folk@ my. If It has it AIntLin Style in station IA Paid that heo did not in an lady- bowl 110 exigenclea material other than bita of old stock- Altilation to denigilil tw() Mon W" Have to Mi wrinkle nor crease. j)ntchm made Of rouh. ragg*id, oraggly point, obe but the are takinir advan- Whn Sellnepftwr w taken to tile having been dmided- bixion the poor ing.-Wesley. I f4 S %J y mauve Otgandle, having pink and - I" carelemp. if the lead is 11plot bout be Envied. way force tile Odeeper lavender flowers. Tile tongue, I* -cause it is full 0 FIRE AND p6f� England Are Not to Tdf! to drink,, and W, -w 8tate, retirpd to a ernivelit Ili France The three f Ing" are flPt to Ile harsh. twine all kmg Ilia It Should be. ftlw Is 1'. A L. ot ftwRrO that their eq , ruffles on the skirt are trimmed wttjh evil, should not be silenced or de - Ali 141va of the in, naltion wam Where *,he died in -ill be, A.ureb lit F.Ish-ty-n liad - On their wily to Annaliolie thq correcting, If both li�el and toe are worn it wil wnm'wf UL tnelu*! uxl�oelii, oprlou.i. Lato last nig lavcqi(ler-velvet rlbbon;,epaulette ruf. #4troy4vi, bout it needs thd I neRfly. cleanly. beautifully, Anii It Im GUELPH entaile4l by tilt-, (.Pf mneer, not remvemd e()q�el0u#jnpgq e ne grace- be better to loot" the stocking A linil 111,4 prince and Nfndalne de St. Laurent tile top Of tile Cf sleeve& AN rather tllnrl to attempt eitlipr darn. (if lfleO loinished In the same manner trim rpn wilig power of divi on tile (lay Of IN-111ter(k%t, it can Ile ina or ain may be condition was mAhl to I)a . w�rioiw. stopped lit tile Rulfee hou. e, just out, of A few dOuble-tikirt effects are m lie's Just tile nicest irirl In the b~ 'go tral entauvo it, Great Brit one 14~u" W look At r f I re %v # orkm at gatheml frOm tile otatement that lit Bollm, it In 04111A, will -Buffer no Ill Bridgeto%vn, tbeii kept by #A Mr. St. aJe filled and ingpoired with the HrAy Patching- L41MPIY lay tile stock- u'40- 0' efrectm from hi,4 experience. with a deep flounce of the goods on Ghost,'Po ap to W a tongue of cles- Ing folded flat through tile fleet and wOrlt- killed and several of tile great, country wats, -lie u-111 Croix. While there pritwe and Ilia bottom, -and, beginning about an prblionbly IN, Callixil u'pon today to) Ills AL plain lawn lining, thon a.long over- tial fire. -Parry. irtifired liy tke much for Instan companion were'speaking in French -drehol over the hips oil thg, . Illustrations. -A most 111ch abore the old heel (or two iliellos With tile Jokers ce am Chatsworth, Le- 14* t I ry nt tile -ccoronprt4 Inque8t. about w)MO Of tliF Pictures on the 81(im hjter(*ttAg If tile heel or toes are badly wo "May I kim your handt" beaWwd. the Duke of Devonmhire; wall. Mr. St Croix, who understood the lady Ila(]' chargo of' a Bible och rn), where a large number of yojeng 001- cut otit the worn places and tile bot- Sh-P romovf4l her veil. - No." Dr. Netoii-L- D-'r)btaiFwd it five, Knowl.,ley belonging td tile Duke of EDITOR'S ESSAY ON MAN. lftfigtiage, vcntuft-d -0h * Home explana- t0m 6f the atocking, being careful to plied. have my gloves oil." 'lice front tile -Atlw)ll, Wt�-, tile i4tatr empk�yeod (in tile Shoes in 'Japan. mon. came under her managementalld keep tim original bliape of tile foot; n,.r Gra, tiOnff; tills proficiency so pileaaed his One 0, tjic, Most I control. She had keen perceptions rc- She-Vo'bat a little mouth ouryol" of T,)roiliciorder to orgitn- IlfRuw) andl groundn', PxClumlve a agri- A Karisas Scribe Who Finds Somethi h b tr�k.`ng sighw till (Ila t tarding their timm, using am a pattern the portion lady frk-nd ham! It doesn't look IA"M 1--rit'4try aa D�)Ctolr of in W-arch (of tli 'cultural labffflor" and artis"i4, New to Say on the S eluded him in tile con Y affa ly In ta keo Zile attent t4 ell I Pcisitionis and ability. cut out, form a new stocking bottom toinoug toile e. DEN ubJect. veriatio'n. W4 bpr or 14*6 magnificent placea tile p) Alan tht Jr.' born (;r %%,011lall im AT ANNPO'LIS ROYAL. Itity. domin't. rA& avac, kv" -ompipte tKinto U) 700 ailool KXj men. Oil it nuni in Japan I" Qe wooden i4andal. worn anti rea(lity w.t each in her ploce of from tont matorial, 4ind simply mew 11 to hol,l her u H rcP V by 00 35,OW,000 of people. Th ' ( Rhe was well-verved in Bible It Ili with a plain wam. is i n DrIlitimw of Indoor and outdoor wrvanta, gar 1rho prince fir ese- h Istory, and 'a most fluccessf ul teacher. You alwaYt; Wem, ctireful too fris All )perihtlin t that the Due - qf dayo. and full of Illicrohm. The ought mervanto, car- widalm have a separate. compart-, Bile irected the school with seemIng up Your back hair?" �nAuood gatWi with care awl an endeavo perlslwd In tile deners anti gamekeepers, exceeds 2(;0, inotnelit.he hit.4 riageo and a patr of spirited Norman niento for t.he great toe, and make a "ti,d atxmt toente- whilO It 1.4 estimated that there are tile earth 11 titarta horses PAW. Her rules of order in all de- Some Strange Trecs. pleasantly. "of &vurm, for tlw gake Or with film to Anliapolis. lie re- clanklzig noise on the street. Straw -partments of the houoe were excel- &PPmr&naw I idiall have to, put yoll at leaxt 1,200 cxmntry wat,4 of tItIrd foir tile grare, and the loi�ger lie inal"Ood here about Nix weeks and Wipperm are also worn. and a travel., There is an oak trow In tile State In irarw� but they wIll be curling irions. c,opp�!r am.-OiNlam- 1-ntin Repuldles UdO which require the oftr I , 4 Ol P yru lent- She succeeded in turning off a of Georgia that I' IrILLI.Nt --With (told, PorceL rate magloit traveW the'J"ter he gges. His visl- lodged with John Ilurbert, a loyalist lOr StarUP9 Out i a Journ y I a tWtMty-WTeD feet meorica are ripe vice" of seventy and eighty ' men- blo reward for long days of jaLK)r and ('( good fAMIJY, who kept a large strap a tupply of tJ101112 On hrm back. grOato amount of work, and was al- In dialneter. Oh, Yost" He thereupon gave orders 1rgL1TH_.1*1&d,q with a view woulil willing. aPiec0- T'11h; 18 ]not W), surpriming when nightft of w boardl!W hout,�e near tile middle of the tl)Jlt 110 May put on no new pair waya madyto make a correct repprt A blue -gum --tr(* in New Soilth to have, the MaAneiem o-upierbpated to th.9 natural appetran,)e. wivat Britain if f-sio remembers that at tile walking tile hoor' with a Pf All her work to tile Board of man- 482- feet high, Ili th(mght I Walfs' the point of crLV-ing. Duke Of town. There are now in the posoemion when tile 011 im worn out. They cost to be t he Portlati'm country Peat at Welfieck teething baby -1 Io an epitaph. lie call'$ Of the writer, obtained from one of but a con &n�l a ll&lf a ager& -But there IA -Ata diomal ile. Kky- qu liti. read . mir. T hy wam one Place talleat tree Ili tim. world. there are three deer Paxkm, mirrounded an(' a tomb"totle 110 (100"Hot Mr. Burbertlis demmudapta, tile re. nre ftilts aall left*4. and leave the where this excellent woman failed. $he At Ordortile, Cal., there Is a rherry POOni wear crape <M her arm, Lll? 9XTRA'_$'T1.XG -An l,,plie"gueae Fast A[- bY twelveo mi" cA Iron reAlces. want. Ift th6 first, Of the seven ages maim of a fa, Which Madame de St. foot f r0e to could not control lier tongae. tilie gum f,)r paini 1#p4-0he Portuguese An American vii4itittg I the a1r. We never Fee ree only eighteen years England once lleglectt�d- Laurent left behind her when she t4o" elpfornittAem Of tile foot In Ja- oil f(Vt through tile trunk. fell dead On first night. e*x e or of Delaggt Of "Mu fie's licked, lit tile la6t -fie IN which is Lilly Loftlk"-Iler grandwm's play boes tri"d withonece"o `0 eiiewintered a 4tonp. wall murrounding ill 11H the others Ijeo quItted Annapolha. There are but the Poll Wldch are so frequent PRACTICAL SURVEY. Tile magn ..111 the Govern- a private park and thtylight Ile wolll(I a tarkft 'for lying, medd thim d1la, tree was liamed after "Jop keelm Ilia wife and mother46�- mischle Im-ftnO guards ce lojereed and carved steel and country- They a C. in Tile fault which James reprovem in a French professor, )dagnol, a liatur- law mad at him half the time." "WI& OFFICE—In'Mr. Allin's reinforeement8. walk too the eorni s &Nomaon who won't a ew re D ver worn Jn the tho greater pairt Of tills chapter to a allst, telud broken, ribs of ivory, fastened but lert 0 'who died in i It Ito do ttietj -ut thirty rabbim what Ito accomplished 1s tx%t de- 14 4, il% U"10 the Texes them so?" "He calls them Wb upstairs. Dir ier with a brak-a pin, capped with vvn door., natural manifestation of t1lp pgotlam 0no variety of the ndla rubber tr" "mi of WY manager,&" y a Atr*" -You may " of sinful human nature, a fiul� wl*ll, Ilan bright green nVies that an -k oil uc*mia Picritwyl in fil-i own language. walked wiolim Ile'll a'way2 Mo"r of Pearl -a ad memedto of a I 'I 1 tJ)edu At tile doorm, old alth She -Ones you vowed that, I wam the anti I walke(l,.11 lie 14ald, " and still t �,qwa t drafted fav- fie *4 "Joy 1P1A_W111* VIA" 'L'Pltf 11alstineby wall extendett far In front We (4, cha)We. f rf)m bappineals to un- wItH no tneans edged -with flaming red. I wayff wish' 1A90 an(] Knall.-qBaRtdo full ome, among Gunelline of our life. Now you Ptay of mer wl n mad I I ever f(AQW8 haPPiu", frOm tile. 94lety of a prince- -TolrhRl- �Xclfriitians. The sitered 1)#-)-trt-* of ecylon Im �mld *11118rill"T &ftell OW. tile ocllqmc or no stign of a corner. By an X*_ !)rl PRtr IY establitiliment W the seckimion of a r th ro 1 -1 don't expect sunshine after dart d by I riotiam (Ski] Im, w(VI that, 4A C-loewhere, V) have sprung from a islip of the tree night. He--I;r-why came foot sore anti wear w1th half the y and Pat hmioon) convent e i,re many nlnofig' the first under which Buddlra was born. Tfit! CAADA i4own by the waynide to remt. Having Ont 11181401,M thaot be will fl-4lil the red, lie Wanted 40 Kno thim epimtle in particular, Tho estimated ARe of a dracon tree !iALT voinmailder of tile white (Uld blAle that eOngtitute,; SOTDO of the more rigid of the arla- "Them are #Ax necemarles, you know. ASSOCIAT10NI. n ulMrated I resumed MY Journey tocracy " Here, niY little Of. wh(un lie author 'knew, or tit least at OrotarA .000 years,, but it It4 tile I)ani)er of femald- - beauty. He Of Annapolis had scruples fellow," said In 5 for a II&PPY marriage," 64 Wit" am lonir tho wall n'nol MY (illmt for the wil R wa& afraid that t1heY were mom fond not authentl,% they ?.' " Fir"t, it 0'00d 1111111111AKI-P " And y corner, but after walking #wveral I brave tile ]foil ill Ilia den,. face the about receiving Madame tie Laurent- benevolent old gentleman to a weep.- f heari , more fond Lom -1. like th reColrd of the the othem?" " The cigher five &m Gow"It" PrIMpt Joe at $lie, t)o()mlfig tread - the ocean. Royalty was Royalty and by winking Ing toy; "I wouldn't cry that way of speaking than o ng bard Cypress. saippients. N.Ow York. H miles morp., momlintarily expeetlllg ir I were you." Of teaching others than of receiving Two- Targe white gum treft Ila momy- F-1Caw" or LaW e step Off tile Island Into to foam lic-nentli lilt; feet and yet will hard they contrived to 6verlook ny Hoir did you cry Instruction UK-nwelves. f�nee, anti ad- tile E'ngligh Irregularl lov 1101, you were a little boy?', Guatemala have grown channel, I remembered that trmble like a half-rrozgn egg -mucking tween t t3r thC7 suppcmed existed be- asked Tito POVrer of tile 4ongw. In such a 810der-WhY dm't Yoti marry hWT tho, wveE*.r, during a te The manner that the foundations of P -ac Table cc Dal" my d" wlwlj�czu he PPInce and his rharming Fatloll of tear". a Brother --id Uke to,, but WF I-od to aceo GAI xteAmer salled for re unt by Ilia mporary cep- tongue waa ce *8 d1% Inc- Praise; but the devil nttpo playg h- Some mo(rnill* t.4) plough eorn The oldwt knowm living true Is the ter- W'b&t Is It? ___9886~,t:1ItsteIy aJter MADE LOVI;' TO A AIDEN' 0in It, be true tiloat t n acoordalive home a weeli later, f(W,.,-h* cupoet$e8m. lie g( friend. intended for an organ of church have been shifted @even Inchea, a a has & Pew int in b anti w), rather than take tile ehan h of losing It' I abandoned tile Jo forth Iq th;�' 'upon it, and then It soundii liko tile soma C,7prms In Lombardy, which the way "yolft" lv't" ft 4qr0P6`*Yed 1111110 and a roan A hall was, glven ill hollor of Pereech-Owl." TW little me ber of recor GaY was oftanding and of un- "W0316 you Ub w110 was one day I'm g�lng to England p he ma M di repared to wteer, If. R. of edneateg, tntelligent (3wistlan wor rd All dAY and comoo H probably in tile Asl*nnhly rooms Young nwu fire more wilLing to let tht% th nt fire at the walk almic that wall and find that home at n t to fitla '111#6 seven half- th" boy la but ampall. but by it all known age In 42 B.C. 11 shortly en- coner if It taken two Years, and n08r tile garrison gate. No doubt the the heath be mned than to let I clotlied'effl Oughta and Dowinican, llungri * an on da PlIfixop-4 of the bis halks OUJI eXPerl- ajid no breat bean Walkers. Millpiges, Baileylit, Wimlets, tile trenourfe of earth go Into other t4eaffaLm of the family, or the use g for holy apprehend from my previ Ill tile house and heart are made known. By itA 1131129 torsi", a tim ri wfth "atat Alliki once that It will take something lilre h Is Fraigers, Henkells, Barclays, de Lan- hando, ?---6P'ur&1XX1. Asti wife ovir tO QUO'& the neighbortito toys, W I U iatm and the rest OD, aft is doddedIT that timo to do tile trick."-Tro borroW may be d1k;eloned. WUNIERIEW - bm -wear to a church fornMd the &nplatw 4 ClOtI10111. Will l"t 'rauch lan"r Vnum rw"nsry thvm&A mrns at Tiumm y a bgLt -to 4� . . wh Ono eq~64W40 -Z GW� - VWVF