Lucknow Sentinel, 1897-06-04, Page 2101 14 V:qw T A 10 breast -pocket a thin duodeclmo vol- you do those of tbo ho "Ume, 111ma tike back of which the r8w -Unu COWIL, word to Surnamed" to embossed in gold r%n FMWAAM V ietters. 0 Invest $40 in & good cow, and much in poultry, give them etched health, Mr. Au#- hem In my *r carB and keep strict account Of tN ten, and ma'king scores of new aAD- peal" and receipts (You will not L NING.' QU&Int8Ju0es­—witIi or without my will pect the cow''s stable eveFY. winter, I am oWy enabled to to go recollect names at all through alpha- cleaned for a month, nor the co w the S U Moods, Ing somo friends to dine with him, I '11IN11111''111111. bee- betical clawificatlun. III tills little AGRICULTURE. pick UP her own living! you w hand- 40OLO, ordered film servant, Aftsop U) provide tit then know whether fowla pay Vvt hich, 1 1. 43 bcwt tliitlgw the market, could CHAPTER 1. Farmers are makkW loisa money not. nna- he cried, ":I cruel fate ply. Tongues only were provided; A%m2inent Entlish docto.. ,depression of voice "a really harras- book 18 a list of the English persons 1 4 Ishig reeponsIbI - " as.sure you, have met during the pa#t tea years, aty, I can thaU,Qf Old. not bma U�_* their crops 0110 reamon why4theas lay more ag 10. X., 10V Car" en h toinfect Vanquished anti Victor. Mr. Austen, to find myself traveling with a few words of abbreviations, ads ever In my way; 0 tiieso the cook was ordered to we 0u% Poison I;elll(10 the window of the, best inn't; alone. with a chIld so unaccustomed Jubt etiough to recall tile c1rcum tances are less, but because they are 41 oulumer than 'in winter ibbeema r in flillurO meato me everywhere, up with different aauc,,*. Coursellf ousehol&" sucamer-time, they are dependent upon themselv ry, struggle as I may. course Wam supplied, each consisting best room a man anti a girl are look- to sickiless am Jet." of our Introduction, added to each." More; there mueA be a proper relation The mse1v pedaIly, disease terms fill -iigharn, Jet laughs aloud. between Income and outgo. One muot Y Pick a little here and there Ick at heart ; tile world Is cold. tongue- " Did I not order es Ing out uiK)n the janil,lit perspectives oel Thet yo air, multitudes are infected, Child : to repe4to Miss Cou3 It would not take a very big book ightful variety,andhave uochance ets naught for me to do. Xanthus, In a violent of Folkestone town allLk Larbor. stretching up her slight figure to Its get In line'with tile t1mes, to glut themselves. But lay tile burden down 'a4d dle— T, UK- best victuals the market affor, i14 dit; multitudes C=4pc. lull height. " Wait until you see me ' to contaIL6 an alphabetical list of my .6 The man 1.4 ill at eaj�e, despondent�* tried, ' papa. Even Aunt Gwendoline, friend& 4 Austen. B-1 do not know -Good roado pla(m ths. :rem.OW Oftevi he censures his own manage- Boo-hoo! Boo-hoo! Boo-boo!" Mi. ed And Ila ve I not (A*ycA you taciturn—in Juve; the girl Laelf-polsed, who L4 not given Ito overpraislug, says any B. C,'Couyugham. How dreadfully f4rmer. w6O Pays, as mudh for all pient who complain& that his chickens up orderiv ?11 said Aesop. - Is thf-re any messengers of mischief do �Iio from gapes, They suould not be al- t for tniffions. Why not? I have. a tine nerve 'in emergeaw,,i few People Cora and I seem to know he buys and gets no,more for what . Next day that sollsame man a raae It thing better than a toWue Is b joyful, loquaciuu-4—out of love. in the world, papal" To- �Owed to follow their Own uncleanly With gladness Ili his breast; W they are healthy and strong and I aiii sure &8 far as age goes— be- sellm tlum the, farmer nearer ma thO -tongue "lie liionu (Af civil isoclet use Vanquished and victor. It aseds no When you are a few years older itendenclei& They befoul their own title tho organ of truth and reason rotected as a crocodik is against uh yoe. Mr. Aumten, you may saille I ket. upon a more equitable basis of umbers of Tho world seemed bright and fair, tho Watruwent of our memud glaRce t1i discern tile relative I 8111an be -twenty next 6epteinber— YOU will not speak of seclusion as Iwater, and drink endUm n and he a PobltiOlMw Ill which Mr.. Mark Austen ' dreadfulot my dear Jet." Mr. Conyng- germs. "*� adoration of the gxxk ri-shot. It is the weak -P the --j far ad age goes. 1 0 ought.to have If matwure Is kept in compoLitheapm -the little chicks your best at- Strode forth to do Ills best. '"(%- dered blin w go ag mutter- wasted, the thin -blooded who fall; 110d Miss Jet Conyugham st,tild to, sense, if I am. rever t have any, In ham has never, voluntarily, endured a Until thoroughly fottato,- and then Wlmt was It. do yo ask, that drove it ward each other. �p I week of his own ooci r ; even pure bred fowli.% with LXl the morrow, uIre what my head." sty since he can, opread as evenly as possible over : acru Away his fancled'illst those who have no resistive power % Eight o!c1lock," exclaims Jet, as a ­I—I ain.'afraid you have gut too remember. " The number of new faeet� b treatment, are never satisfac- things he coul ormed that young clover, It probably does land tory. Especially give the little ones Ills wife had given him about him a again he ue W a meeting so that a sudden cough or cold de- tiMePieCe On tile mantel shelf strikes much wuse," remarks young Austen, I have been forced perpetually to more gootf- than it umed isl any other �pyru air to breathe at night. A pint of liver pills. ill tj euok P dops into graver disease. We hear tile hour; *6 and at li;ilf-past eleven we conaect w Itif new names has for years w tile local Brown- V 90 on board. by iMiis time to -mor- iery low. 1* It I tould oiee a few more been a standing -nightmare to me, WRY. Young fowl" need to be especially ing bco* what! of ca tchin d' I Why not catdh row morning papa anti I will be to symptoms* of ill% inity fo,'IY,9 111M Con- for ray Poor Ilaolu never mastered suf- Wlifti frost firot KxAium Out Of 'well fed when Putting oil their coat of A Great Sch*mo. Ilk Xanthim Lsca4c t d 0 tu ed Pit ot,U "e Of Y or ou 'P 0 r s A 'id t �4.r* any - use t xx cc n sho 'r as 4w dv ,ate Yughum., I bhould have bei -ter groundu 01Y one of the ),ford health ? c can do it by alwayl Paria. 1paris:" she rep ficient Engl"' to be ti Igh t the gpoinid "dock", can be pulled out feathert� This is mOr ltuiigks�sup, enion met a t 4 lu" eats, her fac% of is id tes her buoyant figure, dancing it sort Of for lippe—" entire, and eatsily. Thia,spring. many Enterprising Publisher—We;are In- al steps in that good management which owit '10 wom -e year' maiatam'm'g our hcalthy weighiL ago, and ."Hope! All-out what?" Jet asks Ot&Am'�A*, such lUatters.- Austen creaming our circulation at Ow rate 1011b & were nearly cast out by the f rost results in' OfItft­P1rOflt8, . which never L4 It tliousand their rk*ru 9"'MmPaniWent to that wagic word. witb hink,you aalu",:' running pr i him, brurkluely. "Your examination b 11 s, 31r. Austen, his fr= om hapbazard m6thods, Will You nut envy u. -Ldolle, and vigilant eyes' maw tIm come fr PaPerto daily. lot's of each other Paper,* ? at 1. 1 f I %f . untal —tile chance government will r down the colt'mn of lo�portiiaty to finish the work. $soond Ditto—But how in, ihUnder do were 1;81-6 thO untary. I found RA Yuu travel.back al,,ne tu the daml) have next week of tiecuring a new smallo rit4ig In the first page. - Fifty ger cent. o( Uie manure on delights of Devonshire ? I liave forty of the n` 0-bbok. " Ah. here Ive have Plant, your , otirawtierrift umwag you Isanage It ? a total blank," maid controller ft;r' the Indian forests ? I it I , i3i mitay farmo Id' allowed to go to tnterprWng l'ublisiber—'Eamy ouch. RM* -in to a friend, " in moattera, of of "-liver CK is condensed nour- k,oversigns in my pur,e V) spend as I thought you were au over w helm Ingly r .George- 4ad Lady Austen.- aste around 1mproperly arranged blackberries if you do not clwA).,e tu L have a mai:4 at each ot theen art." "I found mymolf wholly out of ishment; food for the Wilding ur choose; Cora gave Viem to me—good, Naples. la65.1 Could thosl have w CulUvatO them; otrawberriois roquire where my paper to on file hotoels tem gener clever that there waig no doubt about been— ?" bartu4 anti yardis. Such things as tQ your passing." clip Out dyu")Ktlly w'th'Ru"'u's "Owes," kiaiO of the sys to re4ist the attacL- Oils little U)ra—ew a parting gift. guttero. c1stoernm tind roofs will all shad -i and blackberries moist soil. several Items here and there. This Emerbcmi wonder eitich a gellium Fancy—forty im)vereigus, a fortune, other Those were my father and mo- There 16 a. 03AUtu"I beceirit in title makes every- of disease. It should be taken ir 4 -svith In Paris I I I- earn their oc6t. than who taken up tile call bo PLamased of guch a devil." to do %* one like. Examination -papers I We.1 as ther," says xprk, -shortly. "I recol- plan. more important things way depend Muny- a 11461d of w1leat. will be cut paper crazy to know what those Items reasonable doses all summer long am not sure whether I shall tipend ItJ lect they we 0 living at Napleswilen 010 isulumer and Imprcpeily shocked Cultivate the rappberrlew. Then. If were, and he sendn out for a copy of Tile largest library in tile world is by all those whose wgight is belov AU tkLe first day or a,t. I am, afraid, I upon my getting through, I suppose I I was a sinn boy at Rugby. -I went You havd tAmber OL&W labODr to throw the ptiper. A Mat idea, I rWI You. the National Library of Franoe, Once get ilito n�illluer's a) am anxious about them," he begins, down tLiere once for.my hoildays.91 and then left JaAl* field untii badly away, stako ithem; it ,opt this time % Ith really successful In- Injured; all U& Ili ispitoo of tile lee- not; make the sWdard of healt& If you art '9ber0 -will be nothing left for jewelry, This with an itaUelzlug of the word bubhoo. not vines, of founded by Loujft-.XI%,., and which [U*itw of tit nt into Ills toLe. YL I(X btato year. them, as YOU losing ground, try a bottle now. and I dQ so love rings, do not you?" Now, I Once. wh4c.h J et some day ma )k WAN of Would Curranto or gooheberries., THE PRICE. coiltailw 1400,LKXJ txx-)ka, ',Uu,UL)(i durely. here is an occelidou for an Brandiewence of -beef-tea," back upon and uiqderstand. Grat*i plant roots iiood protection I For sale by &U druggiaw &t %or- fLLr- $&.00 asNrant lover to say something Wad- Irloterrupig 'Mr. Conyngham, ILI his � Sit George in Ill -health,"' froin both Uie summer"i; sun and About, tUO '11114; of M'aloua or cu- A man lived fifty yearw--�)y dashed PallIP1110td, I50,0U0 mauuacript4, 3LkJ,- I;r.OT'T & WAVNE bcUt%t'.e ()nt givoilliest voice, anti laying his hand.1 Mr. from Uie frosts of winter.and noth- cambers pince light board frame�s, UOO mave taid charts, 150,LXX) coi as -ng. diguffileant, and yet njbt too ab- Conyugham goes on to read '-stay- with toars; surd. If he only posp-ess the gift of aA lie speaks al)out the be.d., Are Ing at the Hotel Farnese.' A Mr. Ing will -furu64i this b6tter than suf- Without tk4rh; no covering or net- Loved, toiled; had wire and child, ajid gold medals, 1,300,ULK) eugrav- SUBS-1171TUTE FOR A SWING 4 speech: Mark AUsten plucks You quite certain you kuuw Nv Lich t)ug Birga of the party ftelftLt to%) foliage. Do not pasture iligb and 100,0L)U Portraits. RRIDOZ f�owery ting Will be LiecemsarY. The bugs and lor4t them; (lied; up liearttuf grace, and inakes the at- Brand is lu ?" A Mr. Efron tdo clow4y. - will fall to rulid the I)Ialltaj iLL,&ie Anti left of all lild long 1"Ife,tj work Curious Engineering Structure at the " I �-belleve--" Jet Is begi of the Party!" re- theft* f ramsm. At the recent Internatkmial Con- tempt: uning, sonw- pe&tg Mark Austen, mechanically. It tL owxi Ls'caught by frcvit, Ix -fore (RIO little Congo what liel4itatihki Mouth of the Rivor Nervion. "A pretty hantt to my thinking, I;clij1 Y Then we have our next meeting. ))eL'0n*W Apo We chit or germ Farmoerat would uLako much more That lasted—nought beHI(te grew$. of PsycWogy Dr. Muller gave so Misj4 Uonyugham, to nut enough., childo yo I leave a spitc&_tuds, you fce-112 tile wants no adornment lit erumbleh to a. flne powek�r und d" of their gardeLw if they would make MI iDtoeresting Ids-torical sketch of At Ujo mouth of the River Nervim, unleos IndeeLl it be—,' Mr. C0flYll9bam.' 'shaking li d. event of conilng across the same peo- so t4io Wvt cd au good wed is -it a prazttice-.of prewirving -- seed In Like tile monk Felix'a bird, thatoong Which flaw" Lnto tile Bay of Biw-ay Ma')Y a valuable life tit lost thr tile etiolOgy of iielf-murder. and, b I beg your pardon li ple again. 'Sir George aild Lady emy tutture. and infallible. libIlLulaneO for thedr own U -.ie. Gar. was heard Y between POrtUg&ketoe and Las Aron", Ir clw3 .0 A single very iplaiii 'riug upon the thI14 kill(I of untertainty. We 'had bet- A sten, Hotel des Truis Reinn, Upper Wauiurq- is ke valuabko tAmt It Is 'Iell" will ixcy for all tho "tinkerin' Doubt prayed, Faith soared, Death nlOauh� of an elaborate series of iota- IL curIOU11 609111eering sxructure Itau left third finger." ter order 116flitt% and look things over EZadlue. _'Sir George greatly bruk- ,w , orth. carrying away fram theeave" round" ttheY got; and the more of smiled itself to Weep; timitics. traced to alcohol theprimary beeti er"cted witlan the last few yea" a v% edding-rIng 7" of the bam. Take it to come safe *'Do You mean by tile list. When I had my poor Paolo ea. The lieWrend Mr. 131run with Ito thkV get the better w9l. they That wmV saved souls. You W? The CaW4e of Its marked iincreaw of late to tranniort paneengerg, cattle (10.91 Vid i - I could feeel sure, of course, that all them.' Can that be an error of tile plaw and Pile ccxtuptactly in a solid Pay* man paid stiffly? Nay. Year& The author kwttimatea the vehiciem without interfering with t1w Wilat a solenin volve, do!' Any huluaij means - were at hand—Brand's Pen, do yvU SUPPOde—the Reverend himip, under olielter, Lf Pos0ible, 140catkjO apples anti Pears are hardy Go(l Paid—and thought it cbeap. number of suleWes in Europe at 50.- river traffic. is conj&t,@ 0( & couple 000 would thlak you were pronounc- swellCe, concentrated mlik, cognac— Blron ?" U Lo other uNe can 'be made of tile and do ouonparaUvely well oil at- OOU a year. thiis oiliow�ng that the Of towers 200 feet Ligii, one on each Ing %he clinchftW worLI-4 of the fatal every restorati%e uee,frul ill the event "No errok at ali.tf� t ally scdL and In very � adverse A Heartless Stratagem. evil in incre"114 *at a greater rate bank from Uaw a bridge is suo- answers Wark wa*W pla", let sweet clover take ceremony It&*1f. of budden proetratiOLI, togetheir. But-� Austen. almos tile placie (A rag weed,- that your conditiotlao, it doett not follow tilgiLt It thau-the populaVou. Tho most fuvor- P041d0d lby c1la" at a height suffl- t with a groan of tin bees may have a delightful feed- would not Pay to g1ve them better llmv (lid t1ley st�q tile Its, monul for ji *iclidem is June. the cieut, W clear the mamu or ve,@seig— "I w6h I were." says Mark, look- 'low— Patience. "Yoti have every detail cor ID9 witL dukAlden anti passionate mean- A Walter (titcre b ­fore long Wl�b Tectl$. sir.". Ing ground. None of the "honey plants" cultivat". amkod Maud. 10umt Dewniber;u early mornijug IN that is, nearly 150 fat al)Ove tile in r Into tile yuung glri'ai ey lights, anti tile flivalil orders As it'rule,our fruit treem are ut- By a detestible piece of tri, kery," calosen In pref-ereme too watoer level of the spring tidem. Thiw ea. ill teu, giv- "Oh. as to detallt+,- I cannot Oretend excel clover in -virtues. terly neglected a4d allowed%o tftke replied Mamie. the night. bridge carries a Iiiie Of rails um whicl, Ko answering expression meetd him, 9 Minutest instructions as too Ito to enter * upon - them."' - says Mr. A small p1qce of potato can nouripili "They ctimo very near getting aWay while tile mechanic clamm furnhilies "I. add a In safet to ber of tubjecta and 00 M11.1t0st dawning of a bluab cro,�ses ""Ale Of IllfuF1010, :With datallett direc- Conyngham. deprecatingly. but ofie eye, andrincreasing the num- c�Lra of thenieielvqii from this day the Lirgeot num tr'011eY Is Pulled to and fro by an and ber of ey" aM hot the size of the they tire otice eWA"hed. Thim Ali Y. We I*Xthant the leamt. 1,er bright, frank face. tiolls Lw to tile thickncss, und prepara- w6rd or two. beneath tile name to "Oft"O On the Lan Areuas or northerij Poor creattirV, how I pity you! ti4)" of dry-tuamit. date, and trUst to *Inch wretched Piece 10 01f no avail. Tile eyes, at the- why tile nmuiy find no, money In the yeff. But tier father put him head side. With It goes a car, hung by You will btop steel cai&h, ill %hlCII the pa&*migere ut Cora and I have often said" aild drink a memory, Em I powesa for -the rest. ueed.end . ari but little more than businf_*s. Out Of the window and shouted that Tho liwoet poIt, which ham become Vu llo� heititate, Out of fillso coll- cup'of tea with W4 -Mr. AUhteti, titat, There is yet another entry, I WAingle eye. We (utill'ot givo tiv- larger fruito her hat was (m crouiLod, and when take their seats. 'I'llim ill not wound P-ideratiod for my feelings. per- Idgh culture, but, they ne"I fert'll-, xb(, grabLKkI for It mile upset the tan- a iery popular flower. was firmt cut- ill) to the top, but gt&y@ at tile level 1-1m al,d 14 to i0aY, If Y04- Lave dilI64 ? -1 ceive—Ilulte a recentone: *Hotel Ca- Every wagon of the fdrmer.and of of r have said would invite no delicate person *r%4 tts4 muelt an july other; we dem. tivated in Sicily about Qe year 1700 (d tLw quayw Thum the tranisit I@ ef- your s6t4t to vour.Florence. Lady Austen �patronem tile cit;r merchantman should be a Lzt Wearing black for mourning was a &n4l Of tjlo them because four original varietles two feet8d "IcklY and regularly, without Jet sbalittia her head anti I(k)ks pity- COU1111it -tile buicidAl enormity -1 am of faney-bd1l I (tills. of course, Is since road maker instead of a -rut maker. tun"Ot IAOugII alK)ut -Roman eu-9toin taken from the Egypt - Ills. sorry to- bay of tike rooto, but with mulches we jar the "'LLY Inwparable from a swil .111Y Own children are 'not your father's death); 'kept aw' ke t1ll The day of narrow tires W. passin .8. 0 0 It a 11 9 ca we from Sicily "d two from Cey- bridge. A aluillar is f our miefortune, of course, Innocent of it—of takinit tea before three in the morning by tile away, an(f It can not go too soon. emi keep Uie surface, moLl moixt. Tile tb "Pont, tranfillmordeur not your fauit, Mr. Austen. T lie � di*. dinner." Your mother, I imag.lne,,�must ll'a'v­ Let ilot those who uise emmercial There needs be. nb fvther demon-. Me to pLtint tile sweet pea in to be w -t up over tlw Seine near urder taliVA you - ouddenlyo; so Cora "ye;J. J10 stop.. Mr e. ilizero almost exclu8ivelyo forget kvtrfttlon that in the. . 1grawing of IDENTITY UP TO DATE. to ais soon In the spring am tile soil can Rouen by a French company A"ten." pleads been 8tuYiU9 In tile sadie hotel with ferf be turned without clogging, andthat eral appeamnee It will In gen- -au& as tiw C%ild is eligaged, Jet. "You have.uo& dined; I k*n' f. 'Mein. The Rpverend, Laurence th"t it will bbaefit tile' land to have owl', myeel straw1berries and 6tf*r wmall fruits Somewhere In some f rommile th4i In Wayback land, in if ellually su"*Wful one inuist accept Ler.aa & kintl of ail- (this, in Lupeking 140tto voice): "But Biron."' crop of r OrgOtten place— usually comes early ki Marcili. SP&DWI Ono &lid a clover plouglsed, under every high culture makem &U- t4ie differ- Ptagman's The Ifevere*nd* Laurence Biro few years to lightem and mellow the ence tit Uie worlod with the ilwility land— d to the application A portlun of the f&med Devill's tower of the principle elsewhere. It seemp thority—takea you sudden ly, like Uever miud. In your critical state of n a p- V% ill probwly 1--a iueaAoled aud influenza, health. a slice of thin toa8t, and a cup peare to be the� burden of the song," sou. and t1* flibe of tile fruitis. Two laat year'o shapes met face to Influenza?" trom of tea will be wholft0mer for you observe,4 Jet' aeonsefou When raw bone to ground and placed fmw of W-Yom;ng has fallen from themain odd that for miell a simple and uneful repeutd a voice by Instinct A N'� stand. device engineers shoul.1 11live t.4� g -O to thi neighti9rhood'of tile fire—at plain- than lieAvy fOOd.—Yes, 'Mr. Austen that she 1.4, 861nething to ruf- under tfie moil'is surface it begin@ to ild bade each othe bojy-of Ute tower. carrying with it Spain. sUgj, re tive. ruuffled voice. AbtiVe of tile will stop. papa ; and. just, wUle they lie 66P foed the-croO In a very little while** the rolxm and ladders by which the chronic iatalid- If Mr. Austen hait are bringing in tile te young Vark s; temper.--� ray. And each one said, "Where are we, a thlngR. *r. Austen. does the.Reverend Lau- It dimolves slowly, but steadily, yield- at i4ummit of Uie tower Imm been reach- BZAUTY AND HEALTH TO FAIR tny feara)'of the malady,.'ruy dear, I AlOuld like you to look oter the trav- rence Biron go about as travelling- Ing up nitnV:on -and phot;phoric acid, ed the few times it Imia been scaled. beiieve I havo A' prescription Ili my the A WOMEN. Oling list. - Although we have lost chaplain to your mamma?" bu & no' 00taRIL A - nd shuddered 'neath Us t upon The Wwer now lorevwnto, a prec.1p1toum gpt it front Eottur;t Paolo. I believe you. wil, It. in honje—t1lat IL,;g!lt be of service thing 1)oeosible or im I find every- Alark Austen turns'lils eyes full STOCK. Doctors Could Not Agree a8 to the "I am my lady's theatre bat.-- front, an(I will probably never be W83 Annie Patterson, of ftckvllle� N, P, to' 1,01I.- i)ossible for us'to� Upon her. He haa-handbome, , out - want uu our Jouracy in its Proper Spoken eyea—ind . r46 timi! limit no,%v Ila," ail t'O do And I'm her Easter bonnet.06 climbed again. oncetheVictimof Nervounmas &na ,*()!I, lbut- Mr. , Auisten's complain t* bi place." eetf. his whole. 'boy- witit. the, profit, In raibing stuck. (live Trouble, General Debility. T&IL� On the nc-t influeliza, papa-' cries Jet, mall- She dances acros. ish -face 11,4 -handsome. although MloA good food ti) stock of early indturl Her View. The rooms of a Corean woman are H0&1th of Marly Yesm. 041 # - the rdom—poor Jet Conyriiham may not - choo.;j to — —nff ciourdy. ef wffl as sacred to her as a shrine is to Its Homo rellnedies are notiring more It resenifoles that disease Auoten. 111.4 heart torn by a hundred 'Mink so.. 'tefideackv% and tile pork -or be Clarft—1 doll't think Gruce c a res than a temporary stilnulant, and the .4 so reaction aggravates the disease. vmotions -jealously watch- '�'The Itererend Laurence Biron 1. very much for her husband. image—indeed, the rooms of a wife or chiefly, I �Lelieve, in. the "'t1duentlemf conflictla" be made In hall'the time our fathers A New Brunswick Lady the Victim_ of tile a'6tucIL4;'1)ut it is nothing meri- Ing her laliallesz. mo ootmt6d pu. I Jewlet--Wby ? 0".ft Conylighant prodil vement—aild 'Mr. little of a reverend that I , have If live stock Im pitolitiew during the' Suffered for Thirty Years -The At- Clara—Well, be was detal mother are tile ibanctuary of any man Where tile system ham become roil Mi; his list. it Iii never remembered -to ask myself the ned at file who breaks the law. Unless for treasm down, and nervous -dcbility in i" cryt%iug is scrilOwl, 01kild. You written out in finest " copperplate— nature winter It Ito not owing to the neces- tack Cause�l Partial Blindness Find a' office until 8 o'clock one evening last or for one other crime, Le cannot be olf hio clerical duties. -Al Feeling of Semi P&ralysis. worst forms have shown tfienleelves, r-hould not N.1wiLd. with. Piuch levity, written witil the, to- isities of t1w cam-,, but rather to the week ALad It never occurred to her forced too leave those rooms, and so South American Nei -vine will cure. It, I 1114-thodical precision gether." says 'Mark, "I %upposelliave that lie might be killed, or something! aboutr illnem. Every kind of oLddell tl,Ut Charac ter 46.4- every arrangement twen ill Ill,, 'goelety four times, (luring cLaracter of the i9tock or the mode of (Frorn tile Woodp4ock, N. S. I Its keep.' Pvntinel.) long as he remaltim under the protee- strikes fit wizure connected with tile. breath- of Fretle'rick' C by tile nerve rentres - and ngliarn's orderly' My life:'twice *hen -I was a school Ition of h1s wife said his wife's &part- builds up ti e iftem by remoslAg :nlr apparatu.-;, inust 1v P;Pri4u-,4,-fth0vP eell-abisorbed lito. bov agaln"—a * �urious '. infle6 Stock In Pr9perty which"grows the AlrB. E. P. Row, of R.Iley BqDok, IT COMFORTED HIM. ments he In secure from the officers tho real ca I olytrouble. Miew Annie tlon Uwe tt-Uperameat a er of the law amd from the penalties of llatterwm, Of Sackville, N. B., a lady .611 to. a person of Mr. Au.sten n florid to *.No. 1. 31r. Conyngliamle, dresslng-�' chiingthg .111,4 �vojce_­ b * year firound,_ whereas perennial plants .,N. B., gays: to I have been a bmf ferer They Bat together In the da' ca*. -e* to - (tile at- It th 'is and- ail, productive growths from the rk, And,. rising* frorn the ea -'y rh2tir In reatv fdr�,o tf t . ravelling-bagi #stand -funeral; and—once stncel!& 14 Pro- soil are dead nrorwzrtv' ditridg, sa for tWrtY Years aN 11 am sure I v�ould* Th6 lights were vp 11 turned Anwn his mimlemesnorb. well known in tile Maritime Provinco�s_ 11-RIMCLIon on, a blUej­ Darfle hat you know r. Biron's film- still be in -tile sm ble And ho was mad when aid the maid suffered terribly frOm IndigeAtion and and -table.-L-four nt�at leather siderable. portion of the year. me a enta Volfifurters, fie � ha.4 bi-en - reposing, blig. each tor �Inuch better t n I d ' Ir T hLnimal -hich rpr Please, mum I hered Mr. Brown." The largebt bog in Irelajid is the nervousness, and her came wemed in - Witt, Its appropriate number and fin adds, turniniZ 'to IIA 6- s liare In. no In t ion It a�d it not am Dr. W11- curable. She uftel?tod South American P*4 tile fire and label) . ; ­. Xtr' Coryngliam bog of Allen, which stretches across -let's father .. aloproach No. 2. Slim not benefited by an occaoional groom- a m Ilo curneod the Interruption, but 'tirrine without liopp !jL6At'-'11ev forth %,,hite hand Conyughani'm: With more ner,tousnemsc of manner Ing --even a h0g. It would be easy to liarm Pink PlIhL ta arried at' llbi anger wam atmungod the cojitre of tile 6laL4 eamt -of the IN , that It v%,as any dresping-case'; 'No. 3, restorativ6&1' than the subject wodl(I Peein to war- -give the coww a brushing every morn- the age of twenty ank! am now f ift h give the orde-r thus: Shannon, and covers Disarly 250.000 different to other remedies, but tier flit-ri tl-e other to its blazii.ig %varmth. Brand. of course, should be there." rant. Ing wl)en stables are cleaned, it a g(A one years o14 words are, to I had taken only ne bot- J,,t -4 father! - It requirev4'no forniall Jet searches -and finds tat Branfl* I had always enjoyed Just tell him I'm engag&l.,, acres. Altogether, there are nearly introductioin to- 4e-iliaint y(jju Of tile Is there. "Branti-" "condensed wilk," (716 be contintleti.) tiff'broom was kept- at balA good health until alt4r my first ciiild 8 000,000 acres of bog In Ireland—that tie when rny system began to take !IvtWCcfI tile -). , Tile I ir -tile wcatherr be warin, it. in no I, On the health Of ehrlier years, and lw( . "human means,1-0 labeled by Mr. THE DOOR TO GOOD HEALTH was born. About, a month later the Cheering the Prisoner. in W isay, about on&-mventh of tile after taking three IxAtlem I %a& girl 8 'Conyugham'a own hand. and Ili Its fit-: excuse ((* nat warming the 'milk for ttai, aroa of the eow try Is bog. completely cured." Tl,(*e stripes," anjuvited fe.utulreM xvith the 1wr- tinir compartment,. Is Through &he Kidneys -Like a Well tho for cold niiik will ul*v-vt illness attacked me. whicii has since bighed tili convicto of 19, iklI4 11r. Conif- "his." goes on the Planned Sanitary Systeru They Keep theit digestion at any time &lid give made ray lifle miserable. I consulted make a inan feel small." In Perisia the wedding service to rea-d Bradstroets on Tv"O. t�irty -yeari of c4linnii-* %,tielatlitlar- to frxxit of iL fim In Nlcwagu& the Invalid, "brings. theBody Human Healthy Interest- them a bacliwt to be regrettd. different doctors, but they (lid not the darksome place to cheer 1111M urarl Cie. .1vaXen Ime that UA, to 'No. 4. Spirl Etna, medicine- Ing Story From Quebec. In Nuit graiting we procure -tile The kind woman who had coule into Seoding cm(litiono in the 1'rovilice of glass, et cetera.* I trust., my (lea r, tljp- blue spectacle' I , fruit of the The k1kineys -have very a propriate- diiplicati(xi'. of thc agree an to the nature of my trouble. smiled radiantiy. priest takes the couple by their P 64 little Ontario are favorable, and toile grain gre In thle fiag !y OlIV think," rhe urged, Ilow fingem, to" them to a room where a -acr*wge t re v LI be inct - 4, Gso- alcitudduvrianlsin.' not -* actual * ill- 64 flere -y are, papa—t 110 '(Ieserlbed as . the sanitary. hig!ier flitality, Iiilt "witll-'ptock . t% -e One said It wan a opeclem o( paralysis, -he ri Hiring tliv,e A 11 l9ty -yea r4 thi wo pairs. systeln of the Ilum boy. TA -t them -ou -tre brought him. f With wire nides. urely you (10 not ail clin ' iwt d6twnd upon tile mire giving ot hers raid my luptoms of ti te. I would much -a jailer they would wake fire to lighted, and there instructs the eral tradle Is du1I at Montreal, an pro - t 1, rOn, delicate betome. Inoperating and disen.Ne Oro if th-f�y ran up and down yotir suit.,* brJd1e In ber duties, and then extin- P(m*id amendthents to tile new tariff mean to wear two p will fn thful hAlf. Iiiot-g(x)d -qualitiea to bo feeling very well VvIlm I wortild oud- 011th to ' the vonfinvs of fragile -old. at once airs of spectacles quickly follow. and.,'Unl(im the Ob- hW'prqkefiy. gulsl4m the fire. 1n Japan the woman s nd manufac- ha.,4 proh- 8tructiorLs arA rpffioveo 'dentli wilibe ground with corn the t%obs dml-y have IL sensation of partial kindles a Un -ch, and tile bridegroom turers prefer too go slowly. y&pming "I mean one,pair for7you, Jet. The; WHY SIJE OBJECTED. �:Jbly not once been gravely -ill. - At ong.—" tho re'sult. Mr. D. J. Locke, of Bile - are of gretit.ralue- (*I apeount,or tlwir- blindness and everything before me .1. lights a fire from It &lid burnm the operatione have been Interfered with glare and dust after Ly brooki,� 11. Q' I don't like tills end 4 the century wife's plaything& by we& and c(Ad weather, in the Pro - five -avid -twenty tile doctors, rorig- "Iapa." erle 'Tufferc-d for yearstrom percentage or otaoh, and tile potamb would �parkle. :Y "or' rig,'itly, a(firm'rd one of it' a the girl, "at thbi I compllcnt�-d kidney trduble,and Ppent In ncvew4ry. at, a chemical element to Then my liand arid. fadot' vince of Quebec " weil am in Nova so ->- 111119A otollbld- . From th is bitrike! I wilt drink cogna-c. if you, over $100 In,. ef forts. to secure rel chango armoon one side would become numb, Sald Mim Slit -If, wltil an outburst of Co-operation continuos to flour-J.Al in tia. Bu4nem N vornewhat improved at It like. or condensed milk. I let; thie. blood to'milk, and tlie-.al-' rage; (Jay until -the present lie ham Ilbsest- will even - but no rell'qf came' until lie used bumen to capein In cheese. ' and after about ten minutes tills wn- .. ScotlanLL Tile Dundee &&Iety has had Halifax and m Prince Edward Isdand. ly bptieved himself to 'b-, dying,. arid -w-111OW Brand." adds Jet, making a, &_)uth Amprije-aii Kidney Bury tho,,(kmid aninvi* deep tinder Ration would pam to my lower limbe, F nd witlihis an Increase of L10,CA)O In Its recelpts There Ift ORIY & moderatoe v(.Aume of Itam framed his wannipto of t-xistencp. wry fhce' at tiloi horrible prospect. 'statement lo -that four H18 (41inum sheet pad buMn t St. J4*01s, g. B. Bank "but blue bottlt�s und, covered with lime orcarbolic', during tile past a -1 y cure&- him, and tMgy.1 roll the soil As thrown over And aetually ask Mp t Winnipeg, amilton, To - 1110 lieWit Ot human res1xxwil)iIAy,ln 1;Pectaelesl . Two days pletel' ftla K4cid my gp.,, quarter. In Edin- clearl ago. You know, You titiggested a re- In tile enjoyr*p 10. W burg- therre are 18,000 co-operators rosto, teV41.1 n( th.. In, iion of fmwterla accorarince with hL4. telief. spirator and a ilust-elf)ak.—ThInk n t Of sou them, t tat ho contag 0, Em and Halifax last week IfRPPilY, 14A ineari& have �een what � tho most distrewing casem thiso rempdy may Infemt the -air or drain away into' Starved to Death. out of an electorate of 88.OUU. Alto- LMOUnted to *21,eW8,()00, comparoi 04tifficierit for filln, come to In time, I I , gethor there are 250,000-co-operatore witli F02,267,000 the prerioup week to try giroo relief in six hours. tile waer. Burglar Bill—Got tiny children ? every clinlate 4)n r. Austen." an that lovelorn youth, In Scotland. Including the families of 4"Id w laud - albJurel Keeping iRt(x-k contetitA-d io a great the members about a million people In Ith $lt1,821,P00 in the wfek laist tile face , ot the habitable globe his gaze atill fixed upon her. eroAses �THP. F'111�;T SUNDI�Y-SCHOOL. factor toward k�epihg It thrifty. Ali Slippery Sam (moodily)—1 had & son ),par- T'hem were 21 butdriess failures a the room. I. invite you to Onct. I trained him to snatch pocket- Uw country—or about one-fourth lift')PUY, too, Ite, ham taken kiDdly to V 1041 t , pa y As a animal will then rarely he ret!tlepts, of reported from tile N)Miniotl-of (,&naAia s Poon- an we are settled nj '_ if 400k from ladies out shopping. the inpvRable-lia8 round, In symp- John Wesley's in Geojrgla Antedates' apd will -IjaN-o 'nothing U) keep it from What became of lim tho whole population—itre supplied by last week, c(rmp toms, templpr,;LtUri�, diet, an(I doctors, epo-operative 9ocietlec a.red with 81 the prev- mpirAtor. e In a, re- R.9bert Raikes" F41tty Years. -converting food with rapidity into ioum week, 28 in the week a year ago, tile.* congenial 'exci a paIr of blue spectnelpii coun wmo vaJ lie starved to death." ten-s-rit. thP labor u re, libymicking pain yiplif.-.1 to rot,uster. With. wire Ojadeq. ftnd 'a dust -cloak. ting. tile minuilstrati6"s of uable produci. An EnglWh militAiry writer says, and 25 twt) years ago. John -Wesle ui Georgia, where the Tile Anine expenditure or, f4d, care nturew by Vie fiel(l, 0'ie (orun), or with9tanit the temptation?" fa'wous, preacher so IIX#jt seeds and-timel upon a 'well bje(Ir animal MAY MUSINGS. concerning a charge of cavalry on an Leo to Victoris, wed tile the Ptock exchange. CHAPTER II. di Slethodlom - in �Atn-P-4, n much larkeir' 'ir cvntap�e or When May comes by I like to g.() infantry equare, that no one Who has A Roman paper states tilat t1je popp -the Rev. W. weaniq pe only a Land Surveyor. J.. -Scotlo. D. D in the J Ladle" protit tban whon mcrub is the recip- d, And sit upon tile bank, inten(is uns not, experienced It can understand to prewnt to the Queen of -bank not by a river, no, I like lent. - To prore It,' try It. ill the 1polith of oi-entfoer, two yotl�fl_ To laugh at "poor Mark Austen" Rome Jourral, vittimo that Webley es- It In t1m) nervous otralit On tile soldiers England a w-dan chair wlii(-b im ae, tabL6djed the firut Smuday ohou[ in or no advantage, to­ltalve tood Nor full of flowers rank. Modelled elactly after Ill@ iKo-calle ful 11 (luring the last twelve monthi;, _d wives of hid own'among tile num- been Jet'S the world, at SavwmtLh. Ill Connection 'I)PfOre- animaW all tile time:' *Ihether braml to receive the shock, or the "80dift-GePtatoria," the chair ofptate her: tie bfw made more wiLIC codicil dlVeritlo'n, her refreshment, fie one bit of genuine comedy enliv- With lifis other labors, -iv;hIcII were In- It be grain oit roughniftm, 'tile economr But one o( that most lovely kind Impulse df the horseman to pull up used by him only on Ppecial occasionL and pathetic "last rneinoranda" than -t deed prodigious, Wei%luy voon after -)do lea' 14all 1'4 tO That only rich men know sharp at tile briaitling wall of bayo- Tht, 13ope lias e Lo tie can recall ; h erdn� Aufft Givendo'line's Ptarched giv6 them what they learn a that t re - an watched whole u*s- ruls*, arrival In ueorgla, In 1736' began to "rill eat ul) clean. Where he who seeks Is sure eb find netis. One of Napoleon's cavalry gen- Molly of bleowing the Queen wap to and the general @ad-eblored 9 If mi animitl to not making'a gain The greenback In full blow! eralm sald there should be some device tako pla tew of medicine, or,,r,f filaekery, rtqe, Provide for the Sunday School iamtruo- Ce hkfront of St. Paullp Catlw- floijr6h, fall ; and mtlll he IIve@ anl Is baekground of country -village life. tion of the children of the parish. It In pretty surely mak-ing 1(*m then ipy t(Sigue would be-conie affee- to drop -the bits from the Ilowees' dral, in LodulWin, Instead of vvithintile no worse I Nay. to iuch perfection has Let no man eherlsh �6angulne hop" F44oding for maintpnanee, merely im REFRIGERATION. mouths at en paces f rom the enemv, church, because o( tile inatility or the -Frpf*rlek Conngliam brought this. W`hPn tile object of his choice has dren at times al- -not ffteding for profit. Thin h; true ted, a.4 would also nly lieciring. Voices, and that no square could reet m t�e difficult art of living ti mt blot death,' once grown tp look upon- lilm In tile Most amounted to Wfutuation. Chl"' for all w-amms ol tile year. no matter how cl(*e to me, would No sadder sight there lit to me Impact of lior*-@ fr6ed at tile last Queen to walk up tlw 111irt, staim into Iiirlit or the rldkulous, or to speak of dren were likewL%e equally attached the nurcii. it wan tllen�f(we P"XAMA with Increasing yearP4, seemq, even to Than migno upon the street moment frow all restraint. to provide an ornRmental chair In the docloors thpmselves, him habftually an -poor." A crIme Or to'him, as 14hown in their iutercourse ImpiroVomento in farin animals inuat seem dim tuid far away. Theme symp- That,( -tell the Price and pralee the I an ever -re-!, 1* lookod Upon in - tiie� not or engraft- I I lch to carry up the Queeh, and the w I moter contingency. two. on a large and picturesque scale, with him. Both an weekdayor and SILb- WMAS would That for about forty min- brand I ould be disqualificati( em fatal to ingi and On praetice must be varried would have a violent, pain The �' f3even M Onders of the World" Pope graciously lent llinwlf to the 04 on, that bami Bo sure that I aro the Pyramids of Egypt; the mau- "Utioll Of tile quomtion by furnb4hing UPM tile Ist of ench"Oetober he pre bath" fie gave no little attention, to UtML I Of Some one -is frozen sweet. Pares to quit whatever EngILh hotel lipr favor. e(luCational work. A a Prellminaloy your gratta aro'sbe.tter tluui over the eyem, which w Lamt year these pfaces were the cause - tie illp stnek, alway'". ycmir ould continup To me of gricif untold ooleum, or tomb, built for Mutioltis, this hantipome atate chair, wfill-h an Le -may chance at the inament t6 tn Poor ark -Aust1n, 111.9 roman- labor oti the Sabbath, I-efore theevbu. -Iva hours or more. Notwith- For there I bought the cream that King �4 Carla, byArteinista. his quwn, tiabit. For In winter, nA In summeri as, hl -.4 blughpow, big, thick ',Ing service, Iw required them to coa- Sorghum for twc 110 Unwi am well on even ground an I )It Mi � Vene In the will not make - as much standing Mr. Conyngham powe.-ows no fi"d shoes—affil only a. land survey0i r church, at which time lie all Qat was done for me, kept going lip or downsvilre b tile t-imple That " only a .1901-surve catechloed tIwm tboroughly foodder an field (mmi, but it Lq more, Iler malden beart,00 -oold. tho temple of Diana at Ephesus; the 1 shifting of tile carr.Ting poles. (A man ho'vering I*tween two yor" has, and fur- nutritiouth nnd It sonwtimev worlds, fie will tel PrObamy, been the proverbial kwt ulbbed them with additionaL teaching mueceedt; th0e imPells were coming more fre- walls and flanging garden of the city I You, stiouttl have better bectailike It better stande a Oently, aind at.1a" I would aume- TZRRORS olp AL L 1" Be It now Im*"d bvt 114) It a ve sitions to mpt In 46 drouth. of Babylon; the vast braten linage of as few earthly poiAm stravlo. from tile Bible Itself. "Soarch Lights ov He&W,*, order am Pcwsible.) About tile Sth he Upon elder sonx,Jet Conyngliam has In the Present W times have 1twO attacks a day. .1 t1woun at Rhodee,called the(;(Aowug; r,ad tha ehley" M014ortal A Remedy Which is Instantaneous and thO Ivory and goid satuo of Jupiter Iois the most reawniable, whok-loome bpen taught to look witil the ortho- Cbumh, In Savannab, Georgia, there Is fm foundation ror'nuecem with live Was -aLvo trul5led with bronchitis, , , i4pends three fox rpverence of every well-nurtred a Sunday Sellool room into whigh bun-, otock lleo in tho eponomical produc- Permanent ia Zffect A Calocar Olympus; the pharo or watch -U) wF�e_kA, never a day more or In ( y Roe 0 and practIcal treatL-40 oin the i4c4enoe English girl. Offlepro In either sprvice drwkof children crowd for Sandayin- UfP- Glyen Becomes Strong as an Athlete, 1phus, King lit tile tion and umo ( of reptling,,st Wlifch addod to nV misery. I could Ident. Crippled for Three Years built by 11tolomy philade we'll" Of life Of hot li nexes. Tile *vilm of mod- - Paris, and by mhe appreciates. (having been to four struction. The original chool was less thip, and good to�-k prcA)Iom h4 not, saw or kidt or do ally work that place tit(- great wall dMth. , tile of Egypt. Some ern wvietf are fearlemLv dealt with 01, this Oetber ev(-ning when my Exeter assembly -balls) at their fullest Ili number, but It wan unquestionab y ly solved. , . rC%luIrW clume attention to it. All o subtle or niji�terlous force u6iuld of Chinik In the list. In plain but chaptop lAnguage. Knowl- ly Iliero Is ouch a thing as. tinder- this trouble h�d Odge Is Power and t1do lxx)k throwp Atory opefim hIN youngi-r dighter Jet (lancing value. Of- curate@, even, at thP first Hunday 801001 in the world. _//hever lef t me for be more miraculous in Ita effectq tilan 11A, by acebtent extrorl3nary, hls village bazars. penny T6adinits, lawn When taught by WefileY It numbered atocking- the Vully stock the years &nd age of 48 1 cou- Is South American Cure In A Barton County, Vermont, farmer "light, On the dArk oorners" of tlie travelling -companion. bet A r eroon, Wife who Is the envy of tile 1. Y wee sixty and seventy-five 11choo. ce I or a drouth. 'In time of'drouth ri(* only tennitt parties, or the like, she it; tol farm anil mako otlipy, vrovisiong ro Ifulted another doctor. The medicine of rheumatism. James A. a ases has a Ph @1cAl life of "man" and eratit; oil one memorable I lars but from all m. tn hO gave me, however, made me worbe of Calgary, N. W. T., s. And Publimlied loy .1. L. le k n em occamion mounts there ere aye Uiat seven R�holo Community anti is certainly a Ni '13 lZichmond r1reet know." Mr. CODyngharu L,4 ivont to ex- re d to him earlier Leo go No - - Is a wlflih rascul, we wav morp flattered than title da f0w, it any, Indian boyu ill tile gramn Will . I tie poor food- anyhow. 1114teft(I Of better. Tl i I wam advised or eight, Years a he became at- CIKA,4 nI have not t*come acknowledge when the youthful rai- claAmee. A very high ituthorlt_v, Sir DAIRY. to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.. I fll(!tod with rheumatism, tu Priceless treasure. Toroutti) Ageffiu, typical an InvalM, I have rirxt W) Charles Reed, w using the third box before I found id for of flour ohe mittle last year 150 pies sistant of tile parlah floctor maved up M. P., LL, D., a Englan4. Tho scrub willell mllows more than 248 throe years it made 111al a cripple, so of all kindo-5 01lickon Wes, 90 apple Who dOm the lwwt I-iN eircuinwtan(* et Nuf' IIIA stipend to' send her it guin I#' clearly ' of- the Opinion that this bmelit, but, thien there wan a that 110 haj to use a fering so blunt my xen4e of, dutyo as valefi . tine. ea I oidlunry merit at tile pall 11am a pedi- decided change. By the time I twed about. in Ills own stick to get dumPlinga, S6 loaves of bread, 1.000 allows, doet, wt4l, tjet4i nobly, angels to'condpmn mY young an(I SundAY Schopl wns -tile fimt foun P, back of her somewhere. A good' twelve boxes I zen doughnuts, 11 b"ming ded, gro words: 11 1 But a litno-Rureyor! In the world, and that It antedates by 11111ch cow im not tlie, p felt, as well al I tild but- biseutt, 100 do jelly Could do no more. girla to live tilo liven.of wirsoeq." This; It In one of those dreadful outside a hall centary the pecular roduce of a in MY YOW19 days. Every symptom tered untold misery, and though ro4la, a The new Slia-11 of 1'erisia Ls anxious perhaps, when Cora anol Jet instruction tiny nor it m(%rQ IrnatterAg accident. treated couPle of gram of ginger would be by the beet physiclain to the ontipm, 400 "cookies," 300 paricakes to olmn the etountry to intcruational -so bumin4vises, like a dentist's or a piano of Robert Ralk? at Glouceoter, Rmg- Of tile trouble that had so long made country, and I spent. a term in the i%lghing thrf;i,.gf1 tho winter drearine W Sho It4 a, gradual (It.v(+)pmint. forw tunpros. that place a no. land, M well my life miserable had d1sappeaxed. For hospital, recovery seemed all hopeless and six dozen "genw." coninwree, mid favors tile int"Aue- of an English country village, grf)an- man Am the first school In I'Kually U10 man han the bet4r herd eighteen mcititlis I did not use the pills tion of c4ectricity and stoam. Ing under the d*lpline rW the maiffen wlipre. Theme, reader.. are'lls" Jet America upon , Ralkes' plan, which who ralw% his own calves. He known luld am ever. A friend recoinmenided South aunt who, tnein in charge- ; and, Conyngham's views, not m1he. More wam opt-ablishe(f- Ili the city of N�ew are tit ho ;they ill wax as WWI a-@ ever I -had beeu American Rheumatic Cure. It gave The- bundredth, anniversary or the It I 9 of a It the army? Yor k. n take ately, and after the second Atwtriam national IlYmn was celebrat- lorAlrig forwaril, Im to glimlke brains required than for will do their befft,whe my lIf% Tlum one morning I felt help lmqmedi be.tter worl(f, to their father'si rare 0801blY. You do not we brainti. And caro -of, and especially -do'g 9(*d & filight, attack of tile 010 trouble wid bottle I threW away my istick. To- od in Vienna On J;tn. 28th. A hun- ISSUE NO 231897 y or the w)util of t�" OV01110, City (if Toledo, uffer when put Ill Y letter frorii Ital You do jwe a brass plate. And all peo- Sta strange tier n. cOwiJ determined to tr Dr. Williams' I -ink day I am as strong as an at-blete.01 dred yearo ago on that day Haydn on Lucap Pius again. I goft a box alad took an Price 75 cen1e. Franc.-. -My rm,-Or Paolo, i,� r1litlifill &44 P1( of that kInd linve bram plate@ County Th(Aigh always ail econo.111IC&I eeder, occaml haw"t -the hymn %liows go, awl one meetio i4on, Land- Fralik J. heney 'a 900d Cow -ham no POwor,40 make onal Pill and have never since to Count Saurau, thf4m Italian fc thipli, (loom: :'Mr. Thom to ken. oath that Werable sympatily arriong i4uf- SurTf-yor," " Mr. Jolmson, Auctioneer-" b6 in tile senior Partner, of the firm. Nomething out of nothing. had & BYIPPtOm of the troublei. To A Darning Club, then President of the administration ]ACTORS RECOICKEND Doubtful, If one were forced to choose- -of F. J. ch y & Co., doing husinem liantta PL On the- 'gay that Dr. Williams' Pink 14119 have New Hampeditro women have organ- In Vienna, anti obtained permission to Of One's Own natl()ri itiproad. Let x)r ' cow Carl make don9 nothing out of gOmething find not half 0 it 04ulig publicly Ad tile national y oU Toledd, County and v the auctioneer be not th�l in. tho wonders for MS in putting It lzed a darning club. Oil a ceitain day the Young enjoy tile s#, -4)n of hope whether oresaid, and -that said firm I)ir h alld health while they nilty., least objectionable of the two. State ar try- mildly, and I Or%Wly urge their use of each week the members wend their hynin. Two weekdo later, On t e t on all who nW be ill. Putolng thrt prpp4mt alitti.-nn, )low- What sliall ability, independence of will pay tit m*one hundred do[- Tho worth 61' It COW depepdo in large Pink Pills way tio the home of ttie boatem for t d"Y of the E'mperor Franc6, the hymn 61 -s smstained a larm for C at -were a Imo of gzi6at benef it, to a niece of he Wao w4ellinlY oung In all theatre* of f;, ha character, high principle, avail a man id every ctaie of meMN1110 upon her capaci Ly; to p occasion, and the take their darning and In the face of opinlolis like these ? Catarrh thok clVed by _Qt .411g"t large qantities, ce r0006 mine, MlsX Mip J!. Evereto, Ifer with them. Whey work t0vther 1"6161Y the Mo -t Irreparable one no" The that haA ever come wittlill the limitm Did Jet suspect the reality,otMark 'a r1k, llrQ. c-tWitYi.0f. tho Owner IN bilown'In Ills 1110tber died Wlkft a4e was quite young aroun,4 a large table, (xi,wh.1clu each Ot 111A of 'K J. and naturatV muck of *be car he liag�brolught A neW silit-jile for makingmt),Iley lit 0EYL01Y TEA. experience. Paolo, after flvf�- kutitun's I)a"lon for herself, It ]]light of- the ham PiW She articles s and-tvrpnty yettitts of vtl!p S:wOrIl. to -ld -ijuhscriltpf `1`4ere W no profft p6d upon lies!"and aw w1tb`-'b#r- 13tockIngs are mowt,ln eV1_L al churr'll sw1a.1 to called the Raro. - different. In tier blithe youn houssholo b6ir4ilo t�olllp, IaA In my p Ill 10 cent butWr. she grow up she M In love with and married , rftwnr,,,, Otl TdaY of Ve6e � 401d In 5amed Lose ram*" q&uky. b+ -*n f&IIP hPart Is rrx)m tint] to mpare for maliceg I 1 Is I If -NM ar'o 'lot mUro of your ability b�caihe wea, eamily dmest -,but pit mortis of garmants mbd- tographit puzzle." 1�ach lady W n evanescent her, A 6. do bettc+ "thad Mom, k(*p to tired, subject to headaches: and her fwtly appear before the oe.wion Is orer. e arlx)r0uy;h hOtlel- Of ft certain sti _glem, out or the que*A*A t4i Liring a Pli(Aograph of MY Greeen 0sly keeper 1—fallen In love with luxt at a nature. or roquetry she has not a (Sea I i A. . 'W; GLEAS0 dnlry Immill-F-08; blit there In no qu4%­ Complexion wan Pale ad wax like. A Someone reads aloud, convermatloh flag RA 80;aad GO Seeft pw Ab NeAo(m of the year wlieti 4ucll a eat- grain. LPt Mark declare himself, and 4, Notary 1,1111l'ic. _t101l " to yrair gf-tting ItIX)VO tilim young lady teaclier who was board.- an ocemional inning, and at 5 o'clock herself taken in childhood. Theime awd - nAtroplie must n#*,Is Iw ,lost 8110 would refuse him with point- I f a] I'm Catarrh Wuro im taken intern- inark If ou try. Ing with the family aind who had umed the club members go proudly home, are all 6huffled together, and " caell you can r%rri a waleh &ad e."jlg blr disam- blank, unfaltering jeclPlon—no dou a gvatlenlau draws one fie is expected' trOuft—wJnter Plan -4 mcart4-ly matured, bt � ll.v and acts directly on tile bloOd If all Mw detailig, from twdding to Pink Pills with great, success urged refreshed &lid with the week's darning 110TS eellftw a fe articiew for ur. a preparation for tit# about that. I scarcely 11�lnk she and mucotw pilqacem of milking, 110 her too try them. The ieoult waA that thorou to guem tim Origilla� and rejoice in w -h; ittate your age. a1m) yon r fadw's long Journey r thO mymtem carefully lorre ghly ad Pleasantly done. Payilig for her suplwr. completed. Wilt) replacei would turn him it to ridicule after- Send tyr teAtiTonlals,- free. att(mided to there will I C ctly she soon was enjt,ying the best of 00cupation. Manufarturens' Agency cie., blun ? )e 110 anirual ny Men Many Minds. Toronto At tro valet hired through a Ix)ndon tined, however. to bring tills matter anuro odor— It Is told of a Florida farmor not far ward. Am the next Ualf hour 18 des- F. '11. CHENl�y & CO.' ' Toleclk), o. odor.' A�ltnat odor Is m heal t h and to a f Lne r bust, young Imly Ma 14)1d by Druggints, 7W "Oth,1119 Mpre nor less. who.shows no traces of her former a man knows wjiat is what, ALBERT P. OU.4 agency would t'rederick Uonynglkam from speculation to cprtainty, I may all's Family -Pill@ Am MW best. If tho right kinil of stalls aro pro illness. from TalilAhaiam that lie has devided Times Italian fellwd must return, with 41 - but domn't know which is wtilch. MANUFACMAaR op n, anti protwr bedding Tint] enough Dr. Willianw' Pink Pills cure by go- any a writer know8 how to write, an ing"Illom scheme by which lie It PIKKKUS CAKZRA be to my story. 8A I AND taken young. lie thW)rlze*_M,t comm Aux a* 8Pft*Vo'W8b Veils. of It aro tiot4l tile Udders of the Cows Ing to the root of the disease. They but doesn't know when to go to press. relegated the hoe ad the 00tt4M ffWPeP PRO70GRAPE A"ARATUS. Stock One k1lOW14 if they aye to tea I Let me ttcmpt to recol. There lian be�li* a great fleal will bo firiirly' free from objectionable renew and build up the blood and -Many a preacher known how to to dam Pde. Tile cotton planters, It U01MRALAI, leet.-- It Is Mr. Uonybgham who mald Inattor. Be thure ever no little, brush 8 about cob-web'_vell#4, but It lis a term Im wortli their suit. "Fate, however, speaks—Mr. Conyngliam feebly rally. It Off. tlikwasO froln tile syotem. Avoid im- practice. geeve will not toouch n M in 11GI way doicriptive ex- trengthen the nerves, thus driving preach, but doesn't know how to LY CLIM BY KA106's Mrs" Nerve Ass. cup 011tea. " 1'ray, Mr. Austeu,,,do you ws flow to the cotton Plant, but like very much toror. No 1111a or bwvswn� 13691jew at Turin, a YO11ng Peragino, semcd bept am Dr has willed that Paolo ohoill4l have a I g under tile effects of his comparatively with Tho time a lielfer Is allowg(l to go Itations by Insisting that every box Many a toacher ino said, know that FITS PKRKANKNT vice (it heavy net vell&'� The newest veil la you purchase to enclosed in a wrap- teach, but doemn't ka the drX beforse her WCOnct calf affects lier 17-119IWi milor upon tile ignme the spell your name with an e or an I? In Ow h0w to be tho tendpr gram that Ito the I)ane of aftw flint day's us& Seed to On Armb eondl- reality a cobweh veil, wit habit'all tI10 Mot of her life. Three ping bearing tile full trade mark, Dr. tauglit. 11 Phil&delphia h all the lr- or fou, t1he CatUm patch. This farmer noticed triW ,Lft., for weit" &" I rather think I may have come regula r w0ek8 Is enough. Williama' Pink 1111a for Palo People. Many a lawer know@ flow to g -O bouls. For wals by J. A. H&rb% IM ht Ili..4 uncle to family In the joint, rlty, an,I :.variet The very affluence. it It were P(Amible to exist acrow bome df your of coh*ek -an' Y of angular bmt' Cowls can be hardly dried off, tile to law, but domi't know how to ge that film grmw kept part of Ills patell D� suves, mas U04, Q" mouth." d In the centre- t free from gram, but wouldn't go I~ r thereahotkte bf each w Inbred tendency to milk Something Lovable. back again. with only at daughter to wait ort one, Young Mark replies tnat his name 0 eb In a having been developed SO strongly. Many a tradesman knows 110 other parts of It, and lie found that until Hue:' time ad I'acio-v chentlie pider, with long, fated Ethel—Oh, dear me.- I don't know could tw telegraplie4l nephew In "lied with an e. As regards Mr. f� w tO they went c9l ly w 1wre there w as drink- Fol TWINTY-8 furl leg".' The effect at a little TM ristance POULTRY. what to thinkl Aigy asked me last trade, but doesn't know how to Ing water. lie hit upw tile kie& 0( ,Ilt*ration Ple I,, or rtmrg, buk a cqoloer Ilibmection chickena are tunted by being night If I wouldn t like to have some- make After 1,,ng auJ puluful de Conyugham'it having met film peo of abroad, nothing Is likeUer. His father g1r)1v#4 t1lo r both ends nleet."—Uoo(i House- equipping each goose with & goulo. the Inva:id t"s decided, t,) lea,,e Ellg- died at Florence five years nepl, bt the veil, and it I)e- ovortrowdws in their coops, or by Ili- thing around the house that I could keeping- which be flW wIth water, and cut a land wil:i Jet for hho 4oie traveling ago- His comen am)nrent love, and that would love me. without doubt that sufficient feeding, or Idit, In, so that ccpsupani,,ii. UIA eldest daught&r wll,) mother habitually, aw fr by failure to Edith—Well ? rect In a sarred number. Aristotle an ORO goose might om t&"% th0 01111de.r4li web And tl1C 80derit are keep! them warm and dry, or by not Th NNS remalas (.)it Lit visit in lives out of England—& quick flueb all there wnftiII9 for tlie 'traditional protecgW tllp Ethel! -Well, I don't know wbethp'r f*Ltled t4mt. Thr drink from this littL trftigh auspaild9d hire, in pandng over tile lad's face as I _m from vermin t will ee is the first numoi- from the, neck of Ito fellow. Then he 00 follow month later with her volunteers the admission. he fly. Abotit tho border are,t)gurep,Qf be difficult to ralas I I lie meanalilmself, or whether be Is ber that has a beglin , a znJddla turned the geeme loosp in him cotton maid. Paolol'd nephew will meet the Ah! my memory has become so un- the game 141'aPe 811 tile spiders, -but Prof It. a flock with thinking df buying me a dog, and an end ; and thdw gives tbe per- AKIN without the chenille. fect kieu of a wt"e. Every dizmer travewA & few daya hence in Paris. Poultry will be unprofitable if not Scribbler—Le me present you with ought to have at least three cogr� field, and they cleared It of all gramL In the eantime— certain *Aat I can never venture cc to gIvOlb 06, good start, -like all things else WANTED—Ene - name -book. Hers 1 is, you ess.9, potatoed are more ilutritioui; (At tho farm. It only pays to keep cWY of m last book. Cynicum—Ac- and every novel three volumest and town to w4l Ra&m's MIQ-0be Killer It In & most nervous Po"Itiou," pro "&t*msut without referring to my Paked rgetic Man In every coeds 19r. Coinylighwn, WILLI IDLreased than those prepared Ill any other tllf)m when YOU kOeP them well, at, OePt my congratulations. Scribbler— *very sermon tALrse beaAAS.—Blaekle. and Bkood Purl4w. Exclusive torri- POW But you liavon*t read It. -Cynicus—I A low voice and gentle manner is tory. Manager, No. 98 Dml&g W Wt Ur lea GWY11911= daws from way. tendine to their needs as carefully ire e Iri al MAI ADA as now; but you.said It was yoor last. THOWS BEST FfflE14 always Irresistible in a woman. L<mdbm, On t.. ofther than & big ans: a 00 0WOned. vneV cloth" wM last' much Icai"p M6- FV thvw" met 46,0 - AX= % I is I