Lucknow Sentinel, 1897-06-04, Page 1TF _ t Z -- - • - , • - ` • : ` \ !�^ ` 4. ` r ear the mouth of a Lills�' > 11(A DUB _ --- - 4 f n , t►10 --. Rid �A.•.Ter, on the .� A ti \ # e Ic jS i' f ord, meet cor>dL of retest oatirely destroyed by A flame*, fanned by e It - ek lIl Ituy 81)r0ad eo rapidly till) f C.ub�biut • aKiQ g lulbitants here until- !' furniture. . t .s. Ca p i t a i paid u p yV _ Princes% Ingeborg " k1Il Mese r- erica, second daur - Issory � Fund � OB THB BUSY, I•rlllw Christian total A %seta betrothed at Bee day to Prince C - ---- ---- --- - -- . i',Lv.iidrnt-JuBrr3=U.iRT. ►Lia. gotlaind, third p II wY Vied p +;i�i�at--S. (3.Rutsi ,ed in the j:lll at of tiorway :ul►i`- 4 h 1097 �no �O• ���• $_• .urs. was born In A I LUCKNOW ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JUNE t • DIRECTORS : ,u Gali, la anti Da- lotteillund, and . • -_ - -- - - - -- ------ em - n 111urci holm ori Feb. 2T�� - _ - - `� C have al'ranaed .14,, ritocTci, wy-Draws M.P, I�'g in large :1 de'npatch i - L== Tori `Wanted Notice LOCA 1. ITEMS His many friends will sorry to A, T, W ov; A. B. ( Mail from 13oen ' The suggestion. made by the London know that Mr. Hugh McKenzie lits • Cashier-J.?'URNBVLL. ( 's Ira% State, �cwtlt �� �� i f which Lord Cranborne Good girl for general work, who can The 11th Division Court will hold -Our lob rintili is su erior. dan erousl ill with Bright's disetla>e at Baz'ga►�n CO=� „r. �+' Vic:• Itaad, atter a $ comm ttee, o -in No washin or its nett sitting at the town "hall, at 1 l P ¢ P t; y yd VL.'Y _;S ,HA2rJr--Rotas 10 to 3 ; Sat " do good plain coup q Mr. Alex. '-1icKencic, of da •'�, lu t•► 1', Uep 3itsof ;1 and upwards ________ day.,, ham re c_ M.P. and the Mar uis of Dufferin are o'cicck m. on J .ne 16th, - Jas.-Southamption j�ibilates the 23rd his cousin s, :,n. `t ironing. Good wages given. Apply P• Kinloss. 011 which will be plaCCz,d he n"i%ud a4d intereat ailowtd, leading members, that bonfires be to ost office box 94 Goderich. Somerville, Clerk, of June, riet the fry TO ARGUE P ► -A Jubilee ,ird a ►stet wt,l flee frUlll Week t0 Wt9E1]e 9i t,'�'l3L DEPOSITS also rrt.ived at cur- THS LIBBRTY i&rrc lighted throughout the British dopend- _ - -The S� nod of Huron wili meta g l Y '8`EBLY ACCO 1 file pr, is llICTATBB South Kinloss held on Friday %.dello , Jur:e ►tIe lE3 ti - r: ut rat,es of intere:+t. 22 Public Notice in London on June �. . • ited xc s AsovE ALL encies on the night of Juna _..nd a� under the auepic•ei of the �E;,wur t► tltci•(, �►'cl.►clti wh;.c� 1 wr lg />;.�FTS on l,reat Lrtt.un end the Un GF eo�selE the o On account of our regent fire w© ace Communion services will be held in --W `• an I Vl' '�1. Coiri�:tu whteled .yt,cC31,,,u,hLaula�l,l. OTssB LIi3E:I: I'rE the closing event of the Diamond South Kinloss Presbyterian church a League. For furtherprrticula.rs sod �)ttC� iia;e fat lesii than ra€;- w D. NIOHOL. AaBxT. y work Jubilee celebration of that day, has forced to ask all parties ilidEbted to us next Sabbath. The pastor Il.ev.F.A to Kintail un �3unday last. IIN _ _ __ _ to call and settle, in order that we may next issue. that• 1>'ric;es and also mdn�► JO tive g►-=----_=_ = Lennan, will be assisted by Rev. Mr. -17r. Chas, Cook, of Winghain, � ___ - - _---- , . been taken up in Canada by the Mons wind u the business at once. -Walter -bit. A Puce r>;o,. ut the In l (,•+,n ,of i'Cc+'lilfir Ilt�eB that will h� * P Miller of Lochalsh. The usual Thurs- wheeled to Lown on Sundtiy' Huruu left solar r e sta:ks at thi+ oflfi- �' Luokuow, :Une � a 1887 of Scotland Association, the officers y LEGAL Stewart, day services in Gaelic and English and CLt iiWay' OWII LII hc'tc't, ____ __- _ __ —__ = of which have made arrangements for --- - -Mr. and Mrs: John ti. Mcllanald which ilrellsurt•d 4 feet, 3 iueherc. MALCOMSG, BARRISTEF uestion DaV on Friday, besides pre- tc► clear In fact W8 IYlakt �• � were in town last Saturday. , bonfires from Halifax to Vancouver. Cion• to Ret portage This is ►en exce tiuuai growth for Chir Pa 3�licit•�r, CunvCyancrr. etc„ (late o SUMMARY DEATH FOR BAKES paratory services on Saturday, will ue r t run Gutierich). umc f+�' 11lesers. Dr. Elliott; and Smith D1c,- also be held. The English will be at -The .,end Battalion �gocs into tirneof the seer. tllti3 hl ic,e t am.w. •n, Halt & Came , •p-trlsirs is Allir's new block. It, there a conspiracy among women Indians are an uncertain quantity Lean, of this villago, and Peter Mc• 30 in the evening, instead of 11 camp art London on June-�'1'antesd ! Et{gg, tOc. 11 c crI h - TE1t; to deal with, anti the killing of several Kenzie and JameR McLeod, of Kinloss, O'clock on Sabbath morning. -Now for the straw hats, shouts a for choice tut, +•utter; We are now `3 (D MORRISON, , B ARRI3 to ruake angels of their babes I asks left last week on tho Miner's excursion • r �• S,•lirit•►:, C.►mmissi••nrr, Notary lues ty- Almighty }'glee at Duck Lake - - — contemporary. When please 4 buytu;; e�g-, i•utt,er, :tr,d woo . Hi;,h etc_ M. --ley to loan, Otftce �,t:r Moody a the London Advertiiit r. Scarcely a to Rat Portage. Air, McLeod intends Punta .-We are glad to hear that Mr A. a ,t prices. Cath or trade, -G. I:. that they ��'lll be (l 'C►� E>irber St►•►1►. i in his resistance to arrest for cattle- A number of our eo le of Chert , ,_ _ — day passes that the telegraph does not taking a trip through Manitoba before y R p P y Langford is improv ing in health, hind, f1'inKham. selling, �,renuine batt II3. stealing and murder, is said to be ex- 24th at Amber! I AR10)XV :1c PROUDFOOT, BaI•Y.I - returning. (�,rore, ,;pent the .. Y• -, � Goderich Ont bring u3 reports of fatalities of child- -His roans friends will be _pleased. -��'e are inforene•d Lhat the party WC Uf�Ot' this Wt�Cii: 1t -A 3,�.iAt.►rs, eta, • citing the Indian population on the - ,After enjoying themselves around the �� r , . W>r,pliovD>roos. to see Will Davison around a sin. whose bridle ornamen(�i wt�re3 %}oleo 1 • .y• ",,ww, Q, C•, ren through carelessness inlea� ing mat adjacent reserve. The Mounted Po- Died In et. Marys. beach and lighthouse for sora© hours Ix numbt'r Of' lines of (frees - _- _ -- - ches� within their reach. Ordinarily lice will sure! - rev©� strong enough bir. Malcolm McKenzie, after a - -Bic clists are beginning to make ,tt Lanes church on May 16th, is 11tr oodN ,� MEDICAL y P •th lingerin ; disease of cancer in the �tti_ they drove to the lioine of bit, J. Jaai- Y • s assn those wets of 11 wi iesou `r., where they meta heartily Sunday (rips tc, neig}iboring tc,w'ns. Cranston anti not :11 r. Agar, Rs stat �' the little one , g P° to deal promptly and effectua Y mach assed awa at the residence of I ell i►i +,ur last Lague. �. HALF -PRICE. R r 1.;N -N NT, p II Y 3 I C I A ` imitation with which they are endues- the trouble and to "prevent any �;en- ' P y t- welcomed and iloaipitably entertained -The prospects of a large crop t f a �•_,r, •.,n anti Aeecmcheur, Surgery hissonJohn in 5t. Marys, on flay lath. 1 i,ri tit.. L ce hoard h e matches ur has took lace 1? the reulaiuder of the day. After fruit are this yeelr exceeding y x - �unstat►le Skoebottocn, in makin„ �wnr •)• I-_ it • t'� :;r,,cdryat►►re, Offs ed, proceed to light th eral uprising, sue P He wr.s buried in Harrington, IZev, ..1iA annual sanitar ius •ztitm of the ' fr••ul t►t:•. a. rte, ; Ilom T. w 5 p• m, and from suck oft the dead! oison Tv da ' rear:- a o. Later:-.31mi hty `glee wishing; their bust sad hotness much -J'}se June session of the c►,ut:ty y �" � trumber O" 121 C ring t y p } g B b1r. fiicLaughlin spoke on Psalms cheer they drove hc►me feeling that council will t,e•hin on Tuesday J utl: 1 1 vcllit!'o savti t lie hack- prceuti,rei of th,• p _ _ __ -__ - F, -,i,• ire bare a telegram- „from Belleville, anti his followers were shelled by the 31-5, The deceased was a member of 4►ustueas lace; ou the front street ort C.�i. rch havin been they had enjoyed themselves thorough -Mr. Geo. Smith, of R.idgetoKn, is ru ra unh ealth condition. r �t. h..f4OT��'• A.D•� ] Poli a on Monday anti all the Pre.ibyterian chu , g Y t►t�'t,llings.lit 4 ., aC sC • ) �I •� t• P•3,0:, physician. Sur- aunounciuD that an infant got hold of Mount%► 1y, visiting at the residence of his mother. it , .b n� i �, c,�,1,:' •nr, t patzir+! in Ww• a box of ivatehes and sucked the dead- `rere killed. His father is under arrest connected with Lucknow congregation -As an advertising iaetliutn the -The villa►«+ t ui,stat�'e iufurw3 u �� I ;t111eletteS at 3f:, 4C ' ..1�� ,l,.w hi,tr';. l,,rei,len,t• ,hods street, ell a charge of being an accomplice. for about 10 years, and was very faith Communion Services SLI�TIAEL has no superior iu this sec- tl►at all cows runuiutl at large in Lh+ ,,rhfna e'alllrr�► ', :lurdoch & ('•.'a store ly ruison oft the ends. It�died short- Everything is quiet now. ful in attending church services. Communion services wiJI be held ill viliage lwtwxen t3 p. ria. and 6 o'clock .ln�l :�:'. v•, y,, C�t►I,LS ly aftetr as al ncaltter of course i+l' -- - tion. t+f'CCial lines of Women'8 I-- 1�. C:>;hhE3. queens Jubilee Picnic the Luck.low Presbyterian church, -lir. J, H. Brick, of Te cswa-erl is iu the u,ornirkg, wail I,e placed in `tht' kithrr by *sail -or telesram promptly It i3 just as much criminal negligence The graltifyino intelliveince comes next Sabbath. The pastor expects Lu and and thele owner ,prosecuted. (',:1F�1iliQ'CH lit>>e, worth - . +tLr:I,i- 1 L •, t' ar�;eai m Aerate• l:esident•.r, The grant! annual picnic under the etting out lans for a u•'w l �� :ck p° + t:,. •t. .�ppt►eitr Pr �!li��tt'a a,ntl for parents or servauts to leave neat- frons Ottawa that the arrangements auspices of the R. 0. church will be be assisted throughout the service• by hotel. P, -The reXdlar me ting of the Y.W 3:,C �i►.r 2JC. Un-ranl the Revs. U. Cameron, of Oakville: . 4„c,,a.i•j ,.,r n,•r.h t�f 9E�(TrsLL t►tfitTN• — c:lE'3 wlChlli easy reach of childtt;n as for the placing of a new line of fast held in Thompson'ti grove, Ir©eswater, C- I% U. is ua oned fn►ui Tliursd .y �- __ . _ ,� I+nirburn, of llunRec�non; 1ieLeod, of -Ttie new Presi,terian h�'lun ix►:1c P, . p All eSti':i 1111t� Ol' COttOri ];' , .t,(riicl,(iNS. `• Y• D:• IN it is to leave seductive poison where �eteamships on the•Atlantic, to run be on the 22nd of June. Active prep- ,v ected by the ,trh eveuiug till l+rrday evening, J one nth. it - )Rjt• ��,i' �•�C slid a t:-:►�1• . 4L 1m'.0,z:ri�►: r�rril:ary (ultr r A I�iplc�y, 1 cN abb c►f l'1 hitEchuFcL; and will he ready, it is (.xp , • ► '*mads sod Gr. Britain }las arations are already in progress, - when it will be he lel at .the Bowe of 1 D ♦ f the Oman. they can readily partake of it, tw ec a (, Biller, of Ashfield went. 11r. blchay of June. anti 11.:.•- +1, ti[rn►i,rr " t>tticr ,►n•l _ - 1tt�s Saute J uirustt►u. Al; at•e wrtiial r. ,t ►t l 1, ill✓ int I l)C. rt, ri,:-:zti {tali 3tK in VALMen'll'ti - - - — - -- — been completit�d. Great Britain, lecture on the Victorian Era will be urposes leaving on Tuesday next -v• McCormick )end T, Jarvie, of - � . ,, :r• •I-,•�r �t •'f Y: J delivered on the occasion, rhe usual Goderich, were in the village on ;,lou- 'y "elt.,wt�. ���. t-1uVeSUi' �tJl.. l EDITORIAL DOTS. Hun, lir. Chamberlain has cabled ur N�'innipeg to attend the General r,- 1, rn ,,;'.:1,, t•u,nl►1�•ll{ _ �tr;rt, t.ucknuw. - large platforn, will be erected and --A railavu�/ couduct,ur t'ecent:y ad- laL (rl(_i�•eS for 15e, ,lul , J l'1 1►,.„t'l:•ry xn►1 '•nci.:A t11r, ,ou3:�i»•cie►ltiea. to the Caneidiau C�overniuent, god music and gal„es will he furnish- Assembly of the Presbyterian Ohucctl day last. a �, rtisctl fur flet•%% huadred wooden t•�l'. t r :s,j•tlr att•tide•i to nisbt.oral:►y. 'The bill t0 lil�ke tilt; railway tom !� in Oanada.-bia:ter Everett �taliuug},, i,f au(1 tnl�IIy other lines at . �_ -- ----� _ _ -�'_== agrees to th bar din with Messrs. ed The abounds will be lighted by sle�• tai. 13 return wail he received - _ - *ries carry hicyclea as ba;;gagt3 waif f, -- - i)ungannun visited Jimmie a1cC,urvie Pe y equally lues prices. - yOCiET1ES P Peterson, 'I�tt• • Co. of New- two large incandescent oil torches and Dont Dolt: a letter froiu a neil;ht,oring clergymen assed 1, the railwa c,mrnittee at t + this week. ollerin I►is whole congregation on the committee wills are no efforts to -Iles, Thos. 1�'ri;lltcon, of Aah< - - P Y �, Y castle, fur tho establishment P A little advice to the. Q who practice K - Is Oe F• Uttawa by 46 to 21. snake it a grander event than ever. the habit of throwing paper in the reasonartible terinf. ,r--- -' • of the new line. This enterprise, pro• field, has a duck which often lays two I.0►f-�•KN�w L011GE t*f - -It is rumored }}lac Dir. ♦adrevc T 1•Z d t�r•us much more :r confirmation 8erviees street, seems in order just now. It eggs in a day. eat of lla iculru of Kincardine, is willing tc, s t If - Lieut•Col 3eott c►f Kincardine is the cure on c would nut apyear to be any ¢r - . h E g 1•; N D E ti T eveuin last Ascen- Mrs. Robt. C �mpbell of (;uderich , �' -� T O EI „t F�►ENNT newly"elected deputy grand treasurer sati3ifactuiy to thei llomin Dn Thursday K + fent©, and eL there is a chance of T ` ' ' acce•pt the C,eQtre Bruce Liberal auto • , L ►w»' were ' offered to the sion Day, His Lordship, Bishop Bald= y is the ue i t of 111rE. Norulan :1lattx•son, �ttt► ;, ° ,a, . t• in the 1►tl,lftrll of t;he Ont ►rig l• rand l )ranMc Lodbe. sun tlean held contirination ser- uicalculat►le damage resulting there: K itcatiuri. The other names mentioc,ed Murray'r. Block• �• e• Hall,va ti,r ft►urth Tues nt will afford material µ'in, of Huron, of this villa a are A. B. McCallum, of paisley and J . L.1, + % J.t rat m• nth, at h n xt muetin will be held at Ut- late C•o�ernnle vices in St. Peter's church Lucknow fruru. II'e fee quently see the horses li; ' _< da h T e Q K rel htened b a r being -A hearty welcome and a cloud J. B. OBtnpbell, of Pinkerton. - :10 v,cltwk. ti iiitiog tawa t aid to the commerce botween Canada whin thirteen caudiciates were run• bee°mint, f g Y P Pe :t,i:y inlit+d blown across the street, and in many burst of attractions await you in Clan- -While standing in front of Mc- LUCKNOW PUBLIC SCHOOL I • ,A, it �i, t,F,,A• and the motherland, upon which su firmed, aml admitted into tile' fulr Intosh's store last Saturday, Alex. } J- t' " '• -t, ' .F Secretary cases narrow escapes from accident._ ton, June 22nd. r•rari 1:..:,.;"r• Rttt. r 1 s There is gouJ news from Manitoba. much of the prosperity cf this country communion cf the church. The build [3esides it c}oes not add, t(i the appear -.J, Nichol, of the Lucknow Bank Murdoch, of Paramount, was run in Report ror the Konth of X&Y J . _ _� in was well filled, and was decorated *ace or cleanliness of the main•street was in town on Tuesday. to and knocked down by a bicycle _ ---- r O, F•,, coUtRT An increased acreage ha3 been sown. depends. Tile contractors for the new g of Hamilton, a �her:ert�►d. °• s wt it was d to construct with flowers. Assisted by other tal ridden by a Mr, CheAmbc s The fat- FIMT I,kPARTME!-T - Ie.ts l egeitation i; fair ahead of sat service will now peer%% it of flee church led b � see it strewn with papers. -« inghatnTimes. � ' t.n�knt,w. 3 cut, the rho y ter is not to blame however, ti he was Fat ranee -Excellent--O McLaren, a ,•Very first and third last year, add the crops never looked the fleet, which will be put on the Iles. ��. 11. Arcuetrong, sang app opts- -Ur%nd Baster �Vtooc}yatt will in _ soots Robbed trying to avoid a togm and did not see (;, Holmesp, A ' �tundny of every etituw a lodge of I. O. 0. F. in ►South. Jit Cameron, bt Urecr, e Orange better. route at, the nearest possible moment, ate anthems, hymns, etc., and the L'is u1.►nth, in th On l+riday night last the hardware ►+ '_lir. Murdoch• Pule G Patterson. Good- W ,. I liall. %,isiiing birth- t I t ' + hop very duly addressed the candudates store of lir. Thus. Lawrgnce, of this ampton on June cJ. --:lir, Jas. Warren C. E. left Walk- ' t. • * - iatl in- • es imates vee and -Com laitit is Inane that a number r Wallace -mines, in the Rain tit►lends, A 'McNabb, G Douglass, Di . ,>i ren are c d Y The floats in the Walkerton dis- The C tuca2o Economist t for confirmation, giving them a few village, was entered by this P ertou fo 1 i �► K - "tell' es sent w ld be ex era f of en dollars worth es Jack of twys in town make a practica of 11 bi son {! btc ir- Ii ArmltaQe, ,... , "�rlt�'x. li:eax, �• R• trick have, it is feared, injured the that over ,,6,OC►(i,000 wilt p points on what vu p some nine ort River I)istr►c�. lie wiU attend the ))'• 1+'air-A 1lcUorvie, `v w- - h�lblllet,n. , _ •. j ,jt' •- D, h, Y, r.o, S e This is the robbing bird's nest,. ulinu,g convection at 1{at Purta�;e in cherry trees and other small fruits this summer on railroads and hotels by them. knives, etc., taken away. Lawalr,,u, D Lies• • but thea le and lam cro s the attendents on four religous ' as second time Mr. Lawrence has met -Mr. _'!dam Thompson is at present the tiarly part of•June. He is guiuR �' t,pYAl ORANGE LODGE severely, pp p P _ Passed Away P. S. Leevl Exceltesat—A Ged- ? P fled u ou a aiu this week with a similar loss at the hands of nursiner *a sore hand, fiaving gut it in the iutereets of the Lucknow Gold �- j aro su far assured. se niblies. It assumes that 5,000 per- We ar, ca de+ I Armstrong, J McDonald, bI -� ►, t •:8, HOLDS ITS , , _ P K burglars. Tile front door was opened jammed by a wheel• ;liming .Sy►ldict►te; of which he conEult- '. rr alar rn.�othly n,rrt T * T sons wills nd from Roo to $�00 each t4 record the death of another'pioaeer, Me111ulleu. Good - -W Coraigan, hi >; Pe ,� by a false key, and as wither business -The latter part of last week teas ing engineer, and t+ill Iso abset,t i tee I; lnt�r, B Patterson, A McGiliivl'ey� L In�r iu the l►ranur Hall, t` amp- lien. �� ilfre i Lauri • tarts fur { '. eel :tri• -c; I••i�!c�►��w. un Turn in going to the ChriRtain Endeavor of .Lhe township of Carrick• , Ir. placet� in the village have also leen cold enough for winter clothing, and iiio,st pAi t of dw suLawer.-Chcs y ,.n ►n bef►,r,e land to -da Thurs • to lake n J 1 James Connell passed away Monday visited late) , it is certainly high tithe now we are in June. Enter!„ 1Le, l► Hrllderson. 1"'tur—H Thom1 aoa, evenir - . l•,n , ( i an 1+ ransc3co 1 u Y -�- slap � R Y Convention at S Y c��•enin at the ri e a e of 91 ears 7 - All ui the Prtuiary class came tDQt the i,a`1 m••wa. L>er;rre nirbt g p g y , - 1 t.a�-c:3a• ,,V,• lin* f 'Ift-Winn full part in ttce Ju1,ilee celebra'iun, and sir and a -quarter of a million is added that souse actian i hould be taken l,y -Mr, Geo. Heirr�-, of «*wanes -_ ------ -0n th.. "" 1 ad she nlor,ths and 9-6 days. The deceased , ,c lleut-II Anderson, A Finlayson, fres►n. All vi'�lting brethren c,�rtiially invit- 1;ichard Cartwright will e. the authu►ilia; to find outthe perpet- le{t on Tuesday morning for a three ISII'O>i;TA�iT10-IRAti1tiT•� ATE ct1 t ► Lir niretilr +. .to the estiniiate fur local expenses. µ•at• born in Ayrshire; Scotland, in the - M Graham, E Greer, K McNabb 11 _,l,,y, Til,,xeycs, (,ommons dnrirlg file remainder of the raters of these midnight raids. week: trip to Algoma, D-s� is 1';�1lta,. It is e8timated that 20, 000 people will year 1806, and came to this country -111r. Ceasar Perdue flag a field of In th4 Uiviatiunl+t C+.ud la��t i+rlda% 11cKenziej, A McKay 11 P•ttoe r, R i t� • Ni• about 1 i3G3. He was &' hard working Card bf Thanks T . *-t:r ,t ry, - _ , session. ' . spend f row it 30 to .100 each in at- * man all his life, of a r©ficin dis osition, fall wheat, st,nie stalks of which arc 3 a deni;,,,rl mai• resndered t•y J ud�;+• 3r,e. • -Thr rr; aar monthly tendin the Bb tis: i ours People s R P Un 1eh91f o4 the Lucknow Central feet, i inches in length, D. D. Yule tva�bc: -r , , r. L - Chrirtraui Peterson, Tait d, Co., who have been 8 P not given to seekin o ular osition. Arno►u r, that nettle t point lung iu NN 0 u;. --,til;{ ,.f the W- inters Conveotiion in Chattanoga in July, and g P P P I urniture Co., I desire to thank • }tie -A ootl cow for sale ! `Fill soon "' SECOND t�Bi'AkTYBIQT Cni••n will he hila every second y firemen for their s lendid work on g di�hutei rt:e law Its ct tct►d�, st�elug t, F r-nt,..r.i.nct- , awarded the contract for the Canal} He leaves a Tamil of four 'sone and P calve. Will si•11 reasonable. Apply Senior class -Excellent -11 held, 4 �Q.• },l + 13�r •f rash wouth iu•the Oddi Fellow• n that the entire ex ense of this asse•tcl- two daughters to in(- urn his demise. 'Tuesday ruorning last, in saving our to ft. E'. Brown, teacher. ,•ullfrc upo 1 all Justices ut the Pt nee �titi. J, Sso�Ex- i al fast service have a reed under P I IRbick, It Johnston, Thomp:011, J H;,'�, l.a kn�•w. at :3 P• m ' I, t„ hlV will fall little short of a million Isis funeral took lace from his late �ii.� ;{ r,.,,,lt; Ilei, I[�::•ELL.Sc•crety• t}leircJntract to eytablisti a service P t,uildiug and plant Froin ttce fire whir t �ti (,-I; (}randy, W Allin. • -- -- - - s' e ce on �Vednesda afternoon to nfortunatel destroyed the ruills-M•lcolui Matheson had his hautl ft;r any euuuty, �•daal jurisdictit►n, iso , r . F. 'St. John,• N. B , without any addition and a half. The Epworth League ra. id n y o u Y t 1f Knox, �� Agnew, T Robertsoc,, ,. �.� - the 1lclntosh cemetery. A large cor- of 1i r. «'alter StewKct. I understand out cn the turning lathe at Mitcllt 1, s iut►ttrc whicic of cI►euc the co•n lona - "� -� _ al subsidy.; will meet in rorontu in the same month niaj h,l e, ' �'e:► 1• i• p , to a of surrowin ►friends followed the taken to for,n a mill un Friday night last, . 1. It bass 1►e�•n a fair --B Cam bell h, Aclnt-061, t e K N' (1• �� , } + i g 5 that steps are being V suee. Pooe - (ii EtbnpaD, (' �/ I,,,a�,. No it'' ars.} will cost X31. i OOO,U00; anti tha remains to their last restin lace. ) t, ick lonfi to Nriictice fur a defoudaut K P fund for the renumeration of our vet -blr. llD the Luckn w lnlarket r f►�r , , l,'ameron, W Findlater. m...,,,• , ;,.r_ L r;.la' r;,ni::, a� x ►'ch►cl: an llr. Borden, 1liniyter of lliiitiA ti -+s Brotherhood of 5t. Andrew is to have The relatives have thfl sympathy of�all untee•r firemen, and wken�the proper anti wool o ta► take a nuucbe r of his friends v►'ith }nese ;, 1� e:•at,.,.i,rll stet •'. A.1 t,rrthrrn the cess A denial of the story who *ere jiff% istt ate s Junior class -Excellent -L Fle►u i, . c,-r,!:.,::y inviteo. Sent to p a convention in Buffalo in October, in their bereavement-1lilduiay Gaz time comes, the Clentral 1+ urniture Lo, the Iiay Bros., of Listowel. hi►u to Cofer}, K ' . �Y. IYiLygre• that he will tell n• He says hik+ re at ttie sinal! sum of 8100 elle. Deceased was father of 1Ir. wilt take pleasure in recogniztn+� the -I), C '11cDiorran of Lurk ntl�� , t �t Lyons, H Graham,) tis, B .i•in, «,•. ,;;�.i•ii, S which h�ures a►i�d t then fro out vole the one before \-_mrtlrand, .rdeT red and Win. C-otinell, dry goods merchant, of efforts of the fire brigade in a toore leas been engaged to tench ,tile bin $e .l Jc►hnatou, CI .elci�ay, H Hornets, ,�s cuvcty, t1iough slow, is assn OOc• . l hese four suins agar% ate t6 %% tom the cou. lain} was laid. This %Ioore. Goo] - A Reid, L Stew art, is K Lucknow, tan¢ible fern,, l►y contributing; Lo .the lough l+'ife and I)ruun Band. . P '' ► 01 A O V W and fie expects to resume leis official 1 i 5 000. The New York Commer __T T.Iia,t, wM mel on the his or of Mid- McLaren, H Robinson K Mathew► , _------- support c,f that fund.-(�. �' Berry► -Iles, Robertson, of T,ucknow, is �,' ' Y ' i V C K Now duties within three months. ial Bulletin remarks that the heavily u id's Wins b1:`na er. M' ir-J J McClure, le D1cL<•►t,• , - ` i e ,►f the T ` T c C p g R visiting her parents, 111 r. tin l 1! rs. laud receuty, lint he went right on Y• -' jj • 1, dg II aids of moat con ► Fair -J Reid, E bicDiullen, D 1►i - s. = Anc irnt to of of 1, indebted 1liasion o At 8 o clock, ori Wednesday evening, McAllister. -Clinton New F,ra ai tl made • conviction, regardless of , • • -••- -- . ams of the new teachers who are Sohool of K"hods Donald, L Taylor. Poor -M Davi• , -- , _ Vnit-A �� �.rkmen, > F `1 p re ati9ns that have difficulty in June 2nd, there ��•ari an interesting -Messrs, Tad. Collins, the prece�Rce t�f three other magiacratc�s, m► • t= in file Vtiti ucin the hero ra h to do the R g life at the house of big. An us Beat- 'rhe Bt ice County W. C. T, tJ, Pur' [ Uuuglas, 0 Shoel,attom, J lien a nIf, .,w• n tik, t•n the intrad g p g P Grundy and Dr,Tennant were in 13t.rk- wilo Itxd ttwon. imported to slake out a raising the pastor's salary, and the in- ti K gees fiolling a School bf Methods an son, E Findlater. 1�,_t ;lmi �+rcunel praying, bible reading and solo singing cn, of Paramount. Abc►ut fifty guests P Jun© 11th, at `� lei this week cin a fishing tour. veriiiet of acyuitt:.i. An application � - til ,a,.iay venings ut terest on the mortag(e, will lock long- Friday afternoon, -• o I`'o. un rel! 50 average ty�Lenda; '' �' = ra,h nLy t -v s t r % of in their churche3 are tic►ing much to assembled to witness the marriage of '1 ,f was rna le w hw� a •the cune•iction ' 1 at these fi ores and raise some o'clock, in the Oddfellows' hall, Luck- -D. C. Ayres, and Mit;* yres' Y ` n•sahed, E►ut the nppeal e►'ag di>imissed 35. //, .` . „,;1„.k, Vi+itinb undermine their profession' "hat a ing Y K his daughter, :Vary Ann, to Mr. Thos. rs will be q the wisdom of the ex- ns one of the foremen in the Luck- now, when interesting pap% ltiplPy, were in Lucknow on fugue l ' with costs. ,rhe Judge in giving his S. A. I3urRc3sli, fusel. . t.r.,;} , .•;�relially III�,tell, 4lnestion as t0 Bur given by delegates, bearing on the the 24th, the guests of 3t r. Somerville. i).1).YT'LE, sa.al�ry-cutting combination the United penditure;btit the railway men and now Furniture Factor . The cere- _ w.� it;,, t_ �, � ►n Y � work of the different departmentcause, -The announcement is toad% tha decisic►n ol,g�eved:--"�;'P think there •flltitD I)BPA6TYE1diT .t;.tt__r ,V„r',iaan. K�Qrder' States Sermon Bureiu anti the Edis Hotel men will uiakn -the money, and mon was erformed b die Rev. 11 r. _ __ y p Y netted with the temperance candidates fur Senior Leaving, utas as is nu tiitliculty wb-out this case. Mr. ,Senior claws--Excellent-L Nor: - s - -- -- -_ �� aTi phonog;caph alight turn out to be, if tiley may be ma'acious enuu gh to McKay, pastor of the Lucknow Pres Mrs, Y,0 le, of New �'ar•k, St iso ti 1�e last year, write at their own high Ilorrel issuexl Lhe ru+unp,ns and the de- Cote, A McLean, Di htcMillan, 1•' A1c ^ O`Q LrV,•, • LODDE the machine worshi rho Id t,eootne �.. -t that Judas was the first treas- •rintendxnt of the 1 , wiTl a l iT l'' Ptstwore, _ p P 5u eq b }%elan church. �1 sumptuous wed L fendaot appeart� �•rfurN h:ui and I,•�,,,� F Thompson, l�' popular. u re r to raise t lle c uestion of t at sort. Y schools. a F g t tiinK supper mai provide;! fur fhb part in the afternoon�exercise and ad- leaded dot uilty, 11 r. tivrrell was Nicu=i Good -J AicCortie, S Jotcu• ' ' ` �ynests, after which all enjoyed them- dress a public meetirrY in the evening, -John McMannus, of Wingham, P K ' :talc, A Habick, A �S'innte, Di I3scber� r '� J t !� ► • •ecitationg amen, to be held in the town hall at. eight and Dan , cCorvie, of London, rete }lion sei>Eed of t1►e rami and no v ler R C The London,Englaud; rimes, speak- i,�t:tiE`+i se,ltes with 'alusie, t , K %% McCiuce S Mall ,1 ►1, _ o'clock. :lira. Iteede, of 'I`ocswater, registered at the Cain House on Tliurd- m:;bistrate hall a right to sit with bins Q• g L�' Murchison. t/ ' _ ing of the Liberal idea, of preferential - +',te., in a pleasant manner until they ur adiudicate or interfere in any way Fnir -- A McClure, G Johnston, L 1.t*;L; ;;� ?:;;YT1[t i.�U.iV _NIir11T at `'iE ©ver British Owing to tile cold tendene of the Count' President, will preside, at both day last. .kraisurou , M ti'raham, i„ the trade, remarks th y Y dispersed. 'rhe SrivrtvsL welcomes y �• ►n ,,• iueetings. - Accurdin� tt► the' 'Toronto dailie3, c}xcept at hist request, It is not. to be X . E Stet ing, ��.! �.t, f °° weather t,prinry sown grain i3 makin --_-__ - ' tt.: , tl<• - rr. t, Colony should follow :,nit anti a dials ► Q i[r. and :11 r3. Burns Loch it new borne the Grand Trunk purposes putting fol©rated that the accused should brtdg furfur %•less-Erccellent—R DouR- . , • ' very slow growth. in the villa e. blr. Burne sur trial . Jx•+. ,''.., .,-; Ilaatt? D.,L s, a houhl ever. tom; in. which trade is K Votem Lest Regulattans a faster train ser�'ice nn the northern with hien when Le comes u;• 1,�� H' 11cl.c.an• Good -h1 Bryan, P •• - 1' • �� tl,t•�ter. , 4rcretary. s Mastur Henry Gardner, of Lion, is a deservedly popular young •I'llei att,entiun of clerks of muillet- friends who are wagirtrat�•s and who Nodi, -y, H Burns, A Newton, K liob- divititous, • . - free from one frontier of the empire to spent a day with hitt cousins here. man ani wo congratulate him ci ,lilies is directed to tile3 following sit o on.his case and iusi►•t upon his 11190 W McCoy, M MCIA&n, M Dav- - •- - . another, it will still, we venture to Hiss• Wrtha Bain, of Guderich, in securing yo aruiable rind estimable aalundinerit made to the Voters' Lists --rhe regular meeting of the i °+ -G57 r+i ERA L - - �Y. C. T. U. will be held in the Odd- acquittal. Look at tl►e conaeyuencPa is ill• Fair -B Dtct�uaig, Ili Atlin, h + >redict, be a source of mutual saris- visited her nanny friends ht�re during lad as a life artner. Mrs, Burns of ouch a course being porn,itted. Flemin L' McKenzie, J ticQuaig, l , y p. Act during tile, rect•nt firsaic►n of the g E fl►ction to recall the circumstaneea in the ast week. . a Pneral favoeite both in Lucknovr O,lt,►rio Leg. 1 -re. Itis te, Ltj found fe�llow•'s Ball, un Wednesday aftor'noo. suppose a man were charged with t�rr.dersou, J Stewart, E Neill, g f 1 p, ' • ! ( t -1� . I v ��j• wliic•li the first btep in the initiation of �1 number of our citizens attei►d d and sparar iount. We ex nd to :11t. h i ends* the next aE 1 o'clock. , in thEl omnibus •w al�n K murder and brought l,efon a masts- Muss. - ti }tie policy- was tti►ken, tl►e arson trial of Uoderiich�-6n riday and 1lilrss ens o0r.best vtlisties fora .clic t 1 • ee�tiun G- -The r`,ount Caouit atS i General tratci, lie mi ht, no rpatter what the N tut ,ill is P Y g No. un r.,ll #3, average •ttendanct . :[ �; �C� i.i-'11.19 .t', f[A. u .ti EDA , ; ? 't ..,. ..,,��, he • , last. o' and a �)}p y iharriea IiEcii� Tice •off$: )a tern' 1,i is a tw�ll cgmmenco `in �tliN Ootlrt evidence, b© di$chargPti upon the. pre- ,,}; ;,, t►, - hnii•lin, rest f t v 3:,. • P v1tiuK otfic • ' ' one hundred and The report has jug'} arrived that w�idirig g is ere zuinbrous and veil 'Act, .1'8V� nAe0 by add1ng there- House; Valkerttoa,,oii Tuesday, Jisne liminary hearing by the pack bench. p, McDonald, te�xchcrf �, .. r, - r Last 1• riday e; tt is i' it 1•,_ Ti, BOtiter'+• LEASES • ei ht •eight Liberals met in carver -11re. C, Doyle, relict of the lata Cor- uable. _ _ to the,followin ►, b -vection: -"9a• Iu 8tli at 1 o'clock. The principle must 1►e laid down that nelius T)oyle, died this morning, �- - where a ma istrate issu+•s a warrant or t~ot'R•rit nRF•AttTirLr'r u 4: KUi, yL+)I: Pi;1lYES \ 1) , W I i.b9 K S townshi s towpb ;and village's, t}►e --1tr. and 1l rR, Jo,c QRnew of K C9AxF.FVj,i.Y pp.F:PAI.ED, tion at lirussels and selected 1Ir A. tiir, Elfred and wife, of Holmeiville, whistle gMlll Burned P ' The whistles on the waterworks clerk shall also opposite the name of Lucknow, ae u• a short visit to their Runimons and the ttcrusc•d is '.,roliQht Senior second cl,ttis.%- xe�' ent- 1Pl �n+, ,;,;,;;i; _yt; ,oi,an•l t•jtimatei fo build Hislop, of Grey+, as.the canditate for trade a short visit among their friends E C3ameron W tic rim - d engine house and Mitchell's mill, and cacti person, state siuch persons ocup n claugllter :Iles. (Rev.) A1eKonzie.- before kiln, no oehee magistrate has ]" IZobertaon, n,ik ri.ti;rs,Et:..,furniihe iuron, b sixty of a majority here. ll at about 4 tion b inserting the same in a 1 W jurisdiction except at tho request elf msge>our, ?t, Patterson, L P• rson, - •l.,�i. East I y tl}e ringing of the fir© be y •„n Thur. notice. C)hesley P gee Yrc the one before whow ttw accused is W Johnston, W McKay, N M . y, M Jai, SUhiERVILL over _lir, W, 11. Kerr, of the Brussels Oue foot -ball team pissed a friendly o'clock on Tuesday morning last, for that purpc�s(�, t C.ib3on the rasent game with the aackettytowr. team uu brought most of our citisens out Instructions have' t,cen issued to brought." - Patterson, 1 She'rrifl'. Gt►e>,•t -AI Y ole, _.�- - Po3t. 11r. Th �s. p t _+ J Henderoon, fit.: Saturday night resulting in favor of the rather early. Th© scene of the 11re , P%rlor Keeting , all flee G. T. It. station ager. 3 to leave �t '11eLf� ►n. A h'i nci R 78EPT CUNNINGHAM. member, was nominated along with I;overs of this place. P' GRADING G Vat,ce, E McLc�:►n, 11t M urchi, •u, U E theca but declined to again was at the Western Planing and Saw The W. C. T. 11., of Luc'lcnow, have nothin; undone tv improve the a NSURANG several o ,We hope tile, rosettes reported taken Mills, owned by Mr. Walter Stewart, regular niunthly parlor meetings to pearaneeof their` stations. Or.0kanc, A Grundy, P Hayem, Laura 0 F 1 R E AND IVI AR 1 N E, . . be a canditate. from a bridal I,e�onging t•1 SI r. Agar and is supposed to have started in the which those riot Gelonging to the ,la •,lacrosse against 1liscussing the use of grading Wei►„ter, li Armstrong. Foli---A V GUELPH • _�+t g Union are invited anti received a ror -'rice Sepoy s I y �- will be returned. S1r. Agar's presence western liuildin , as it was almost con- P Howl•1• �[ Campbell, Lornt• ��•+•f►+tc+e, da car eo- c before the, blaze was discovered dial welcome, that held on 'Tuesday the Clinton team in that town on Juc.e machines, in the work of road ins rut'% ,,,,,,, �„ t ► , The Toronto Anti -&nn y 1 on that particular date seems to have surne 1 0.1 IAt all Luckubw boys go down tnent the Woodstock Sentin►�l il;eview, N 5'ewtart, A Tennant, t - - --- le are not willing to accept t lie been unknown to the large majority in and the a! arm given. The mills were a{t�rnoon at the heir% of '.dee. ll, 1{or- nd c ,. ' _ P f ►ire ares filled with moulding Deil b;,iiig well *}feuded. hope. of anti cheer�ttie team on to victory . a first.rate »uthurity oil tlt� tlue�rion .I uniur ttewnd cies-l•:xcPl�••nt -1 both o I g�rincuia flour, It Yule, J lk-linett, J '�j verdict of .the people, t,ut purpose attendance as we have failed to aster- and lumber fora number of housos tier meeting$. I11r:i. G. W. Berry, �L•or the (ween s Jubilee, �h© st► a3 .-••A grader is b►�ter thxl► an R '1i •1`�'-' austin ever Lecllnicalit end defied fain which of the family it refers to. p� •,'tri arlwaV will issue re- y P�inAlt>`ter, A itoruell, K 'ticItt:�h, F ` ex g y Y • which he had the contract of building• occupied the chair and gave the, ti P- Grand Trunk it t old fashioned r.cra er or it few Kikovels. M 11shiek. hood 10 Bei- t w L•1 the law ere. 'Phis course �� li. RPEd hay Purchased a largR acid burned so furiousl y that it req uir- After sinlin ane! pray- , all Rations at a sin- P Webster, - k n , n Y F r of swine thins tin siren t}ie y 1 tura reading. • g turn ticl:c is frog M , num ,e P K g ed the noblest %$gets of our brave fir};- er, the hostess in sa Eew words welcomed gle Ial'©, good from June `'1 to `'�l, in- But a gr,ldeer cannotrn+kt• ru:ai,. bit• a,ul, is tiiddall, E Little, ' . . . Dr .New', , L• D• S D• D• 6 shows execedim, bitterness, ,but its rest a fine ou breedin sow from R. l' Shoe�b Hen J ' . Y � R men to save the surroundingbuildinxs, those present. lu sic efEactive�mannet elusive. Ca.u,phell tieids it ne•e'ra:�+►ry to exl►tairl I+,11r-T ldendPr• n, , • t ubtful. 's the moat exten- ntire vii- 1{ Sotnorvillo rende=ec� ra nolo \ r, I1loore was l4' IIurns µ`inns%, L Render- H�,rr'.t l;ra•i»ar-e +►t T•lri,ntu '*}:haul of 'wird .rn is, Lo say rhe Ic as. , do C, Lune. laic. Heed i the sparks flying over the © Mrs -That t cars o 1 to I,lost of t>ih country ,► uliena•s that Re•icl, , - ►erltitir ar.•l U wWr ••f It is certain that in no event will it sive i raisers irk this section. c reciated In the y °g e••n L Henderson, C McI�+►11, Ai I y p g; lase. A largo quantity of logs, which was uIu !i ape • � K Y a radia+• jnachi,ue ha nt► !►rr.ttaai of • c 1! r. Jose h Scutt spent Saturday shingles, lath and lamb% -, which was glsence cif firs. Hall, Supt. of Gospel ekiu;; out a livin an a ,sten farm near K e I,e•dd T Perdue, (i Me(�uaig, pEr 1'.�L 1Kt'K4.e,itY make friends foe there cause, an P u g, temperance, )l�rs. V�wllv�in reat� a llurl►ain. lie+ conclude] :ifs warn t itae tf, Th• !,rains ulu.t i►► suNpllt•d• y' rtt►r Mil b trick olid al 'u ler they and Sunday in the circular t:,wn, piled near the b ildin was tom- Tbey niustbe on the twat i„ t11" heads Tu• oa roll :'1, ave-ay;e• :c'teudance ,,,,,, i,; 1)Mi►tiatry m even if y g ,l gR Y - pletel destroyed, as was all the paper, "Dous the bible prohibit drink- worth living they©a ,Vwh r eche whas • All operat Mesdames, with -,►re antt•au endeav•,r to d•, tell work +•gold attack bile vote, it would but machinery in Iac►ttt ruillti and the ing•" In the discussion, to llritish (�oluinbia, � those who run the n,►ul►iur, luny witif tet'►ry, $SHFIELD Somerville, g , i secumulated a fortune. of the graders which have been par- L. L. Ariusttoa„ t bele, >r .ml,orarily delay Lhe inevitable re- tools belonginP to *leases. r. Matthi© Dotr; lab Geddes •ltd VvallWin plegved Lq all t6lb, of 1t g chased l y pa }•tFTil DEPARTMENT FILi.I�+(i.-V{fi:h(/t►1deP''nrlain,:3itversnd salt, Y. S. Leaving -1i Brown, 5 Oookej, D• McMillan and D. Ddcint+ash, wha Y --:1t the 9y nieetin of Karon rural munlici lith•,; lei rP- .t+� worked in the mill. Por a while it scripture that in scathing terins drink- M y cent years have peen put into sued Senior part 2nd - Excellent - C c h,per aluafgaij�• I•,t,trance-O Brown, It Gardner, F o eco s if the Oontrat Furniture FRC- iq is denounctati and prohibition District Lodge at Lonclesboro on . a +ld with a view t►f preserving' The Postmaster-(Jeneral has prow- Anderson, B .Gardner, B Webster. 10 k h , given ,-Lent hands that the havA el McK - La but mho brave g DIir.J illurdoch of this place was P y Bennet, L Hall, J Murdoch, •!', T19ETH N +*range: and t,f the brat tory would also go, taught. hire. Hornell reael a pater 34,, p bi t K E Lhompeon, J Reid, L Trel+•twv+ a, T %,ae n.,• iral app% ed for a yin ►ular and approprate na- Junior 4th- H Reed, J hunter, 11i id {, work of some of our citizens and the ••'rhe Ylebcit�itbi if wo lgse it, what oleuteel �istcict Tem lar and bliss � ver the movement f ►r god rua s a ualit l�istriet Superin- black P e They hr�tj 1,(•en used to Burns, Good --P llenderr:un, A �Ie- ii Webster and T ,lication made to tiot al celebration of Jubilee year by or- Reed, J Haekett• firemen, saved those buildings from thein?" is% tilohrgectif were served, tend Armstrong, l3Ztd a., riYt3;Aa [ Cooke absent. Senior 3rd -M Gard- the fire element, Ilse. Stewart way %iter which Ilio rgeeting closed with tc�nda,nt of J uvenille '1'e:mpl•es. turn sod and dirt into t6t• middle of the Olure, E Moody, 5 MallouRh, bt Mc- tbe-K,Im f•w t►linle4e extracting, It has dering tjl@ issue of a special Jubilee pos- ► ravel rued- , road often un top of rood g Kenzie, L Taylor, l': �1 urchison. air ,� wittl succeq;� ner, R Hunter, J Cooke. Junior 3rd also the owner of the Electric Ligf►t the doxology. -Tl,c; Owen Sound Sun winds up an ' ► ' bdef tritA _� to astern in all dtmominations, eight- -_ __ - - I be -d, instead of tic, remove suck dirt. -M Mclnne3s, M N surf, It VL eitxrter, -In lir. Allin's new block 1x P -yI Middleton, J Gardner, R. bifid plant which was totally destrJyeel, s� _ all on a bleb the head of the n H Brown. Sec rials S ,(lard- our villago will h© in darkness fc�r •-.-Iu Ca�nA+Itt therM is publidhod the articlti un Rood roaux as fallout%: G `L'e have seen cI•rY gt►ud country nxuis, M Cook, H McKinr►on. OFFICE , een in dleto , c n sacen- Racket J Aunter some little time. The Fire and ueerest papur, perhaps in the wort i. roads ar.d " iio t i Bach anstattractive which had cost the munieipalitirs • Junior part 1 Ft - Excellent E up-stairq• Queen appears as she looke l o nee It Reid, T y - ' Hook and Ladder Companies were, as It is the ''Llancamer Agru>a" Nliicli is m�►kt thiq lou lar atuuunt for graveling, their r•o• - Johnstone, L Morton, A 5hoebottoui. • —still visit Ripiteya deer' dins thA throne and aa3 she appears to- Juhn hunter' W Hunter. Part sec- usual, on the scene in a very few min tinted each mentis in the asylaru fur placb ui re�sideuce that we would tc•u'e l�dd being the Ixccullaulat,ed by V Allin, A Arm„t.roeiR, lI Newton, r. ll Andrew li >3 era W. Everiett p ttturatlatY *flet uuuu clay. Th© engraving i9 done lit a very ' � utes, and Engineer Douglas gave the •%are of ww•k, prI►cci►caily ruined by (Iood--� biuilin, J McLaren, E Brown , I Webstet, M Hueter. Sen, p'trt one t fes the insano at St. John, New Bruns- to 4?as� an *lion law if we wan o - - - - A San I,u1d st le slid butte likenesses are cor -F S Pers F. Brown A Haeke t E signal "Take water" in 5 mini ];very erticle in th►+ p•aper is keep it to uursel� es. Let uR hope that machines bleb tri cucupdttint hands J McKinnon, M McLeod. Fa r -L '--.CaptaiD :3wr'e-ncy• U• `� Y P ' ' 1 ' after the alarm way given, • wiok. e tloh y Catarrh lea:,in There will be much Brown A tiaekett E Reid. .Tun. Mr. Steve - written by a luu�►tie, the editor iA a Lheires v►ili arise sumt� day in the Co>+ntiy would havti Kreatly improved them Flealing, M Mundt, , W iilullin, Di:�do, t -a1• x�'y s "Sb I r, �t and p g , ► art s loss is estimated at =15,OW ant • , at slight expellee. 'rat M;bdicine. I hav,, stacn s m stain ►art one -E Woods O Gardnee M that had no in- lunatic, Lhe type is rut fry lujwtat,e andj Council a �Iloses wtco will us out ((:aatiauel wt iw�t p�.; Ke:,iedy is the tl demand -jr these p P I + + we are sorry to say he 1 of the wilderno'is of tu+l roa]s. eve: found that would- do M43 ,any col: ,cto Kwill all want a full Ket. Ritchie, N Hulater, surance on the buildings or contents• tho prasawan is a lunatic. • Ems:" Price We, at Berry do Lo y• - - ► ,, . • -` .�A . - " - - . I •� r _ ,. - a... - . a C - co n ,,_. - 1 r ;_,- .,...,1.,, ..r........ a* uta ani it►mr _.._ . flanges m►. •-•-- �+� w rIv tme s t tiles •Ill lust mutsh I