Lucknow Sentinel, 1897-05-14, Page 2777",--i-7- .7r"F-,3W- 77a ---V-%-, FJv� 0 4 self, and Inipartm life. to all Him crea- mom —Z hap accused me of a vile crinte. What passion and human fear am this tt hingo of the field SCHWL tureg. 1164 life il4 tile life Of tk`-&Uli- doet. he say Pole woman who masked the anguit t1w growing t SUNDAY t J Roger, stlU knecling by her side, of her ftching heart tinder an lu,*#�,abovo them both. verew. Ile 4; the patkol. S f P.--" Ile iA I told the -C of all men. 0MV04i'a'of tbe.",4 #tory ami related to him by sive demeapor. Every emotion, everA friand and parti� kq iurfi.,- e . Fanko, and at the conclusion oagerly pang, ever.* terror. wait expressed wa*lon requIresJ__VL"i - NO. V11. cont4tant THE WO E JARLGHESTER MYSTERY ,�r. qmrf are in the city 70, W1 F waited for her denial. the withered countenance of the ol;v lo above th TBRIqATIONAL LESSON TheAw. J:6us who make articles of wome&- The StorT of a Weinstim's Foally. She said nothing. but sat In somber man; but she was cold, expression- brother 19TAM WAY 16,1897. sionnri I and 65,00U dressmakers. It ha. silence, with her eyes fixed*beyond his lems, still, as -if all human feelinx had 3 of adv- ed -for n asUmatood tliftt the yearl.N head in a vague, unseeltig manner. been frozen In her soul. alulmg, reaciiii, - S to tim uentiles-Acta, )"v. people AGRICULTURE. wount earned III thift buminemb Is over "Judithl" he cried, desperately, "do Their eyes met. for a moment, and* k agail 50,976,000. Ky Mother i*auis mddvited ongrii.y. . IV waw rihle on!eal for tfie poor boy but any- you hear,what I say ? This scoundrel from the dim eyes of the man, from A planted field whose surface is kept 47. Place., Lystra, lo"a I known oil, mother dear, liays that�you visited elstane at the Laplendid-eyez: of the woman, there stirred may give an increase in crop A 1) 9 we 'said fare, Awarc, t7hS lie hd lo.lundered two -or thing is tx,tter than tht ile ahould leaped forth a sudden look of mutual 1conium, ih LyCd011ia; An- �-1 I A steel plate lum been turned out nic,,hand In hand, 4, thmv- tiniow during . the ca.6e, but stul marry a murderemi . . . This Whill night and put tho@e two pills Into the ove that produced by a heavyappli- sidla. tlw by an Englisih firm that is said to gr -i, the reason she reiused -to let MO box with the intention of poisoning dread, of mutual anguish, and horri- cation of fertilizer. A blanket of fildle m Paul- Burikabam. ews n I Or &It tium-, tour ways "I'Ould t was , not ph�aautnt to , be taunted see the letters . . . some of her own hinl-" i. ble suspeaw. 1rhat look spoke all, sull on the surface duriilg a hot, dry fres -It an'd lconium. ],he disci- at be the largest ever made,' Af ter weg, k. V betraying her guilty Still she said- nothi t ra t -It thtw b.v a WHIII a3 ersar. whop in- were there, ng, and Roger and they had no need of words to ex- week can be of great value, and real- ni us different cition. fing it mea*ured 76 feet 8 inches ickwadow o!er (our pakilway fell a . PR04on She has been playing &., felt a feeling of horror arise in his' plain their feelings, so Judith sat ht Paul r h &ads so ditig-ed In flne. ly becomes the, turning * int for tlI0 ry.-11. Baw w A)f'lt Wo feet, and is odx-tenths of an D&�Atavo (lauvidd you doublo ga�m gi!l through. but nowgibe breast as he watched her fac-b, so colcL down nedr the fire, and Maroon re- po ight to *,At Lytra, where Paul n the Inch thick. in without a flaw and friou� You led mtx' to. betlievo Axton was e protit if present, ' when Lc*w to m y own. rouglit V� book at last. Shemust so frozen, so impassive in Its fixed sumed his chair at the desk In omin res Wa %% re now laboring, IL weigim five and a half tons. �recovarm prefmre Of AlaUl. nweekly. is b 9 ',, Her calm. ous silence. ult from itis absieuce. ti r b,,c6,jry stil woult k&P VA Lie a woutait- of iron nerve a .4 He has your handkerchief to prove (To be continued.) Tito phSisical features and climate To*-, lame from him bir year is I Eli, IV.L-4 rnia4tako. I -but adaptwd s4loter. Is lying- dangelbual depend largely upon forest vegetation, lial)%- -Paul preach- on weve the lon- Tba Engliaill city or Birmitigliiim ro- w aiq r Ant 7 that you were tbere. Judith, speak I" gevlU faith in him and Ii lie newly of So. -I had known. As my told you wht I know. It -I�i not my III from the consixitieuces of Judith a and the irrigation supply of the fu- ceutly I(wt a citizen w.Uo was born -et-4 tlP4-41 0 crime from the sudden Intelil- All at cmae the still figure became ture largely depends upon the forest formil perceiving he.'4ft should be tr0u%' whem your. naLum I faultp If th affair ro-111 f a- enQovred with life, andt with a choking VICE ma tun. *' dt:v:d� oti the field of Waterloo, where his I bottle mn j4he koved Is growtho. Private superybijon father was among the killed. Him 4,e in. parting, true a geuce that the ii, AN AUNTS AD can ,,�prigbEar y maturity dec' *novyll 4vur Roger.41 i an(I yet Judith cn still wear her cry she tore herself from his encire4ing not protect the trees6 The wholecom- Int'allOw 11 " the so" "an itwtiwr accompamied the "Seventy- d d in I ts use and p, arm", and sprung - i�crome the room. n o 4`0 that (avely tefftler, gen ly -,u ity the part of a sick- munity in interested. 7exhausted no fer 01 n , - Completely i You. know I cau a rre.it, Y4 Judith I" nth Camoeroq Highlanders, and Ar lien %0`116 ather m( oui-'pivlon of "murder n uroo fie must, be a perfet In it f renzy of dread he leaped up Them would be few failures If every tilizer Peter ntil the tree begins her @son was born the corpse of tile built up oul d nd I pcivitively ITY1, ltm dt) 'sv. L fieud Lucretia Borgia fin de Brought -a Young Lady Out of the man lived within' his income. Our to bpar of ti -it cultivation only Is father was in the same tent. declare I 'wilito "be 9, only remedy Ily lu I Pice!e I expect to have a ter- from fils Inieeling poslilon, and went rathery were content whe�u their needed. iratio that gave Allet. mv dy. riblo scene toomorrow n,glit rapjdly toward tier with. outstretched "It Transpi tra, roducce a shock to The growth of F.anks llt. bit4 naii�4� III il!ll KA4.01 Poor Rcger! hands. Shadow of DWI homes, their clotbluir and their r- any tree Mg, , and it will require population in Au.:,tra- T stop I#* ' she cried wildly, shrinking r(mndingo were comfortable. Luxury thnf- and favl5rable conditions for re- lia at prewcut 16 far from being plie- EMPEkANCR" DRINK -J. vvjpith, hiin-4elf ipiite. Judas Is am incarnAte devil comes in, and chiefly because� we must I wial Ito w" the gu.Ity ovie Instead against the wall. 11 stop!" covery. The cold weather of opring numc-nal. just wily much is the came A Remarkable Case That Vividly Shows have what our neighbors have. The How Some Prohlbitionistb Swallow to deal with thie man. . III' 0)uld 1141t I Speak, opeak You must speak I is not easy to declare from a 1ximsitive Their Priiicipleii and Alqokk6l. of Julb VArlins Nothing would e dow. not of rer these conditions, but In him becailae- IW 11.0 nof A-urri- and deny this story." the Wonderful Heal tb -Restoring times are as good as ever for th t givo me greater pleasure than toput cannot," farmer In the general sense. but the May and June both the state and standpoint. Auistralia could be made Tho ew York Daily ail hao LoWu 'tient evidence' to weirra,ii Power of Dr. Williams'Pink Pills. temperature of the wiii fire favorable. the irons on him" 64 farmer Isi Ion - povident. to imupport 400,OW,00j inliabitunto of so. lie could..not ftwree Mill -t0 slwak. J udith I" (From The growing of fruit Is not an easy CHAPTER XVi. the OrWigeville Banner.) The successful growing of pl)tatoem the black or ellow races able to en- kd by tke death,ofWK prominent tsill- it.* Ik. liati no'nivaits of "I cualtul'." thing, although most who plant trpes I 11- totalier from deliritbi, tremens, eddead hini. ltogt1lier lie %V:ts - ci wiplote- Zer. y God.1" be. makt-- In a huarwe There Is no doubt at all that Many depends, like other dolls, on three expect thein to take eftre of them- dure the climate. he 1 POP every The Man Who L*v0d od seed and good @Plv nd dioeames lation i" oltly by t ie excessive uje of bo -called noii- ly t the uerev of 3,. whiver, "is It true?" people are prejudiced against proprie- thilIg's-go so", 9OW ela Wlifn insecto W:1y. lt.#.ja,4 #Ktw t1li, aud Havo you ever I*en in the tropics? "I cannot a"wer you." cultivation. A firm, rich piece of conto we are apt to CINLrKe It to the alcoliolic beverage.,4, to inake an in - 0. rt so, you. must know how cruel the Roger felt the r ont Epin u'nd him'** tary medleinem, and equally no doubt lana on which stock has been. p lociility. There are fruit POPO LASUsi pointifical wedalm, wh6ch, I t re as" unhealthy sun can be to the' unhapity )sang montale Pub- turod and fed io good, and far bet- according to custon, are styuckevery "istigatiW of this 4)IW phy- elAi "` Eurol and. reeling Imwk.ocaught a chair for man'y look upon the testl posts the world over, In France wasps siciall in quotA'd am saynig that very grilling, under iw ardent ray& It ' than a I land, -Ir; Y,41, %to t"Iti Kill, 1. support, %%'hila lie gazed wi ter dry, loose nuil. Olt � 4. dom not lavrwate, nor tan the th horror- IlAhed am much In the nature of.an kyng cultivated, ery -rarely pro- are- so bad that bottles -of syrupmust two years, are now ready. # On tine wtuiy u -ho drink *ulnKiwA uoli-vtiluu filled eyes at the woman he love(t bo liting to trap them, and every side it, t I 1: h, 911 it 10 skin oyermuch- nor make one- think stunding there so Figid exaggerated puff. if the Banner has ducee good results. e Pope'd profile, oil, the laitta find In so doing an exceholit to Ikfo is a good �hiug.; but it enervates LeaL. and speech- been t ured with this feeling It liam Soak corn III a isoldtion of strych- fruit han to be fought for. otlwr thel figure of our lady, of the Way in Which to s1A'Uil0VV thVir 1win- Ing. the myiteut, it relaxes the muscles, it Top tirres with alanure alternate rt*mzy sitting on a throne witiv the ciples tuid their fiLlcohol at -the same. .;klill so far am one medicine Is concerned nine and droty a few -grain* lit the dulls the brain, until the body Is noth- "JudiWi. you do not mean what mote run when nrat beginniag rows of chorry trees. On those thus Christ child (xi her arm and with the time, without e4dangering their Ire - V011 kl'L4'%V ll alumt tlLI,4 -orn You * my," he criedi entreatingly, had Its doubts removed. We refer to treated we will find the year's growth right liand giving a rcmary to St. putations as WtAl abstaii.lerb. This 11--on-1 �ur doivt nie toto nlu�cfi Ing but a m, -out shell. that a' Y'6u oin not undeirstand. - Judas plough up the groulu in the spring. of tho alloot,4 twelve Or eighteen inches , Dominick. physician stat4t, iliat there are num- very isoruB. and rests. anti lies ci(wrn, and says you murdered Mel4tane. He can. Dr. Williams I Ilink I'llio, concerning Do, not drop it in the main runs, but in length, while on those not top I I stands up In a mechanical fashion. prove it, lie e4yo, by Vie' handkerchief. the curative qualities of which strong In the short side runs the.v make, as berm of pensoxw, in his 116iowledge, anti Faiiska hof drctmed the growth will not be half w) like all automation. it wam like this Ho has told Fanks, Who is - d-telst, claims have been made and proofs ad- they alwaysi coifte there t6 eat their much. Moreover, the superior bearing Euiter came la year than who would not wittingly toouch a slitiden tloughrt en- that JU411th felt qter the terrible tire. You are In dang6ri I cu7not food.. Cover tl(e hole you make with of t1lo top dressed tree will continue at any time ln��M-ntury, except gla* of *ipirita, and yet who are lia.- toL %rutire Interview with GuInaud. and she went Savo you. Great Heaven 1.1f you have vanced In their support which sieemed a clud, to keel) It dark; thpy will sing through the slow utag#% of aie Wr6A hI4 the rouud of -tier daily duties in a dull, ally strong. But it is when one for at least two years. 40 yearm ago, when it came April holie lk-titioning due U) the tAnuperallee At. fill 'eve lit 4.:, -Af on,l. tir Gultialld, any pity for me -if you have anypity Oqu soo)u start for water and nevercome . Tito word to mulch" expreows very 21 -3rd, and IbS6, when the date wan eir, that abowed how for yourself. speak and give -the lieto Much to the experienced Planter A April 25th -the la$owt In the past bevera4Mo- lie cited the inotanaeof ho -Y00 are y lier vital force lukd been ex- comes across In their own locality a back. & wo-tian who glori(*i in her print' . LOW cold- gr`atl thin foul accusation." Many have tried to Increase their -tranmplalfl llmost rivaling any that have mulch about a newly UM hundred years. T[w earliest Easier, oleo haustAil by the ordeal she hat] un- "I call-liot, I tell )'()U, Itoffer, J can CABO at Incomo by IncreaaiDg the size of their � total alm4tinenoe. and yet 01'e a inkf9e." do otie. With constant attendance been made, public thatt doubt tree or, a bed of r(mev, consinting or- says the Boston Herald., occurred on to I)e1nit slowly but surely Im4mmed I%Iil arrert, nw-for the rs I ot I" farms, -but. they will not maintain tho partly decayed manure, will do mond� March 22nd. the mly occasion on i A on the inval.d. and anxious thoughto; I by -tile alcohol of a certain tonic "niurtio-r." U. wililt. "W"Acur for You aro Innocentl" pears and oonviction follows. Such a ratio. If satisfied with & small busi- to keep the ground moist and loom which the festival fell on this date be- wine, It im not the rocalne c-ontaln- asure. I -114) case� the Banner came nd In- new which will give a fair incotpe, and in condition too encourage growth Ing 80 yoary ago. ed in It, but the alcoliol which rett- about, the Position of affairs with re- atroos a' gard to the Frenchman, she was "I can not say." tev I*- frighuned Ily l0i.- "Aro you guilty ?" take to farmiqg, for It will give a bet,- thall if a man I uld stand over them worn out mentally and physically. vestigated and now givem the facts. io derp it so trwilious and fatal. 'rile tlie inir- , ' I "I can not iway." ter y1eid for a small capital than any continually ,ri a %rater pot. It Im The German agricultural lw1wrI4 aniount of daniage done by this claw At present. It was difficult to come liii Axton Imitmod his hand over his The came Is that of Miss S&ralt Lang other honorable business known. Vda th, twpt rn 101 known. hat t to any decimit-m relative W Florry's inake the remarkable of drinks io reg-'hrded by thim physi- li,neas as the cr:sis haAI not yetcome, brow in a bewildered fashloin', hardly f I Ord, an estimable young lady who re- In true, however,. stomr you Ulay he� J1141411 wineva lit ;,.w t knowing If he wege asleep orawake, to believe it. the impiowtto of American applem Into 'cian tw appalling. A death in Jerwy and youth, loNtIth and love of life oides In the neighborhood of Camilla. DRKON TREF, OF BURMAH the other day A -as put down tA.) the then, with sudden readlution of at good witlit Vngl Oil ijul"vrWWRI laiiii witt-Ke tho (;erman empire last year were daily ewisuinptiW large quanti- were all fighting desperately against We werejold sho had been brought _ and ho 'I,*aItL-4 sow wore than twenty timeo am large am tho oliadow of death. The shock ffuA­ despair, flung himself on his koees at ca�tch of grm*4 is Itard to obtain, Inflicts Teiriblo Torture Upon Tliofe tlea* of the ve1L*1 W- tnnic liy it nian pmento W01114FIAt. lialte iirr.��t Illill tin her feet. near to death's door and had been buokwheat very tbin ; it will sh-ade in any previotm obason, the idii vfrlrjr,� or wurd4-r (oil thIP tallied by Florry on hearing of the Judith ! Judith ' you must speak, -the agency and protect Wo grulss, will ykid a Who Tauch Its Leaves in IWIP6 having amounted to ao lew who " never ,. .. 1"; untimely end of tier lover haAl quite restored to health through I yet. lie 1%. 41 1101 llleilu4 c"r- you lalust. �Io -kneeling at your df de- fair crop of- grain and leave U boll, In far Barmah there growei a tree than 6,000,0(X) double centnera--the unaottletr her brain. anti the balance Dr. Williams' Vink 1111so We WILL CARRY THE SCARS TO HER of the waA trembling between health and ft*t.. I love you. I 4ove you! I do Ln favorablo contUtion to pri:note he ention ut the name f �which eautner being equal to a hundred- GRAVE He t1.00elgfit,:i 1114)IIIent. in_ not, believe this vile story. In my cided, however, to cast hearsayaside the growth of. the young grajw dur- III :trrt, . t, I- eicknese, between sanity anti eye.,i you are innocent. But the world and investigate for ouroelves. Ing t1to cioo)l weather of the cool att- catism the native to shudder with Spent Thousands For Health. But Dill Salilty. between Ite and death. She -think of the world. It will deem - prayer to A French e.;Lijert, writing of the di- Not Obt&1n This oreat4w0l' of Al needed constant watching, 'for at.: We found Miss. Lapgford the picture %umn. -4 divinity that be be spared from Bleiiiiiings Until She Usod the Great YOU guitty If you can not 'defend your-. of heal NVith Inemy farming is it kAng hL minifthing virility of tlw 1rencti Iwo- Suuth Amorican Rheumatic Cure tinals. in the mopt unexpected man- th and good spirits at her pleas - I kitti-i't Suffered Intensoly for 12 Yeam. 11; 11 nor. mile would spring from her bed self. Judam has you In film.power. He to gfime. 'Mey cajulot count oil any Its telrriLle, excruciating. agonizing ple an revealed, In the stationary popu- -know 41tw-4n't iiiatter. I'll nrre*t Y Is a nierefletis wretch. He haWa you. ant home In Camilla. In responme. :-nt. anti try to loave the ro�4n. bound on material and. permanent rio4e In the touch. It isknown W travelers and lation, l4llowo, that this is due tothe Mrs. F. Brawley, of TotUtiham, arr i &; can olpt:1ill t w: 001110 fantastic journey created by lHo will ilrag you down to Infamyand our enquiries as to hoRr Illneam and the prices for their producta. The only Out., o§tate@: *1 1 suffered almost con - III tllp* 14-4 "It tl�c disgrao-e. unlesi you can Wear y r- nativem, of Burmah, the villages of the rich all(] ciducated. and not the poor. ,f the excited state.of, tier brain. At Ru cause of her -recovery she expressed way out of''the difficulty Is a redue- tinually for 12 years with rheumut1sn4 other tmes she lay languid and ex- gelf of this crinte.' Speak, for our I By 111matayas and the Malacca peninsula "The ri(-Iwr a Fpenchman is the the effects of which I will carry to theill ti'l yel"I to i, Oli ll't lilt' I own Fakelt.-for mine. Do not, lettlitig I*r willingness to satisfy our curiosity, ' tkni of Uie coot of production. ; fewer children lte has.4 The rich, my grave, and while the julnU HtMY haumted, witil dim. unseeing eyes, devil triumpli over you. foe -.aven"o perlenm' conjecintrating tite1r,energleo upon n a* "the burning tree." A sliecimenot the educated, the cultured tire the raying madly about her lover and ht and am she added. relate her ex i smaller area they may IncreaAe 'the, elbows and wrista are yet stiff I am It, ilot much larger than all American tho unforeseen calamity of his death. sak, Deny file foul lies, and let him for the good of ottlers afflicted an mhe average. yield. eulprita. Grenelle heads the list for entirely freed from pain in the use .--Into -of 141!lfr %wit -11 uel.k,4f tru4t;Il.-r- blackberry buish, has added to birtiu4, while the Chanipm Elyseem are t, - , be punisilled as lie deserveo. pea k, an "ti re. t", t hit I'r% f %fral4l to trust this fragile life to the for the love of God. opmk owas. Her story very briefly was as 13WINE. tho famouji b0talliUai garden a%, at the toot." of Kouth Americ Rheumatic L care of a hired nurse. Judith berpelf gro it ham Indeed proved a wonderful cure -Illjr:611 !,1%V, to win 11011 tilto Judith said nothing. bui- the quick follows: 64M ked 01ii", pfomote wth In MadraeL It Is given a lillieral space to my came t4at by the bedattle. and ministered to young pigs very rapidly. but tAeY are' to itmelf, and is sumounded by a Tho English Anti-t(Ajaeco IA -ague, I have spent thousando Jle..wa-4 right !n 't'Ai.4 ca -w, :'A Gilill- I eath. the nervous "I had lit grippe in the spring of�. o - the wantm Of the oldk girl, bolOing panting, of her' br rather Fat expensive foml, and we picket fence uptm which hang placa of dollaiv In doctors' bills and atedl allil dl& n IV kn4ow llow fl;, V I 11M. I tremor agitating her frame, aiki the 1894.- 1 did not seem to get over ' r(is after the existence of twenty -*ix years, einft without arail. Five bottles of i)f jq�%Icp ciiu�,l the cool drink Ui t openi , and shutting of her whopul ob,.-,er%o the results CloselY 8,11 'In Engliadi and Ilindooqtanee bearin*g I-athing the fever.'sh brow, and ar- rapid 119- the effects of the attwk, and aii the we go along. We (So not care W the leffend: durini which period 323,844 books this wonder -worker ham cured k1l pain. :jl.1 t . ii,- rang�ng with loving hark) the dW 1 hands showed how &he was moved. I am better In health generally than I for t ,,' Vie letZora'. I so), f " -Sho says nothii1g," vald Axton 'to sumnier progres" became weak and rak4o aM stock for market wlileft Dangerotio! All piamnis are Iorbid- and pamphlets and. 1,000,0(X) leaflets, have been for ten 'years." or, ktre4l bed-c!oCkeo. to it Wam had enoilgh -in the da' to i4it !Amiae"If. am lie aroi�e slowly to his feet; litlem. Any,kind oCwork became a will not pay for itin feed. den ti) touch tim "vw or branches all setting forth the evils of Wbacco lil,th*- twiliglIt ()f tile Rick y 'site is tillent. What doe& It mean?" 911* demaii(i fr fat. lwwker.4 at all of tills t have been distributed, Is forced to ad- Ers,"treets on Tract .,2,very way, n-1. rr#-t -nt 1) . r"Int burden to me. After pumping a pall matolill of' the yeeLr 4a gradually ree mit that the am of tobacco Is Inerear,- i, - tening to the aintlew chater -that W made one lamt effort to Induce her To thuwa, who know what the Durn- 114.. It t*k, C.Ime from the I-ps, but It wam to7 dbhy 'the accusation of Judas. I*of water from 'the well I would have breaking up the custom of feeding ing tree Is tlie cuuti(xi is quite uu_ ing, and the Vice-Ilresident ul the Trovie in geueral fiiiet4 iu the Pro - fully built hou-,e of canLs- "You will not sl*ak I" lie aidIn to stand and'bold my hands over my but one lot yWly. Thim 1*4 nit advah- necessary. The namp is a Luinnomer A"ague collcLuden that It is Impossible vince or Ontario is fair, oWing to litt tivi4 ta-ken a rnpid. of" -tilt, xvvrse at idght. The w)mbl* shfidows- a" tl,o ark h4 distributed a 9 1 to cure art adult simoker. CLuticipated advmce in duties on to ltV ad the tree stings rather than burns. 49),4tio-lit he 111141 ;1;0 Ili.* luill I to) I have prayed; you are silent.. .1 can the rh4k materinfly 1(*sened. Be Beneath Ito smooth, gro (If thA PhAde(I lamp, the uncanny otl'I 8 a eu leaved are that hurig o*ver ab; the faint glimmer., Rem ol acute anguish. "I have knelt. heart for a mo;nent or so, It would osugar, tetisi and liquors. At Nova 40f * I,%- I The rrench admirers of Balzac have Kcotia. tAadtW%o in reUlil lilleA has f 0-V - I -,do nothing. You are innocent, I'll flutter so violently. I could not go it Wirem wit. opportun.1ty of using Uie stingto comliiarable to those of the JU rm.N of Qe hf u -e. anti notlitug awake improved, but We country roadwayoto I;llt the ock g, I rl with tier pathetic swear, but I can.,not prove it. No up-atairs without difficulty, and to- feeAi to better advntage. nettle,,(xily iufiiiitA,-Iy more painfuland Metermined to erect In Ws hmor a axe in bad cAmdition and remittanceiii fli quo Cali Prove it but yourgelf. andyou wards the last would have to rest on Large numbers of growing 09A aggravating. These ibtings have opkmdid monument In the city of glow. The outlook tor the Prince Ed- k-tilti. be fed and fattened during tb..4 Incewant Ptreara. of disconnected luy nothing. Judith, 11sVen." YOU the otelm an(k- when I got W the top pbould pointo of micr(iscopic fitness and Toure, the place of his bIrth. The ward cli industry is bright, and tv ruler ii ngs. o wonder Judith am are in deatity peril. , Fank.4 is con i the otimmer montim anti oold alive pierce the #kill without ieaving any -a reqltU­41t Vl.at srontlem-lin- ""9 lie down until I could recover my by the fowler In the autumn. to be motement 6 isponwittows, having or- the St. JoIji. N. B., lumber mUlm aru f.f. quite wbrn- out witb conAent watch- Ulk� t0-111ght Witi.) J114111S. Mid tl�ey,.�wlll apparent mark. The flUid is secreted ottpyp laith of grunt rch much, however, aa"shei ntwded acc'160 Y01i Of this CTIM41" breath. I became a -mere skeleton, giaglltered at t1w packLng howe@.- at the moment of contact. but eallm" 1g1natoed nobody eenw t know ex- in active operat4on. Newfoundland re- I b .4--s he had p1d) it actly where, but It 6 mid to be rep- port44 Its peal f imberies Prospects liou la -4t cnr�! -;n ::To -night ?" my cheekm were like wax and my lips w1wre tile carcames can be eut nd &,m -r4*t. 1111:1� Tievt,r tiurren4red-h'r weary addening pain, which vometinies %a-. szntto fill CO. I P tory ceiving ready re4Wu4e from literary improved. Brighter weatther h.w pfwt hy the bed, but gat, wateliful anti eo; they have written t Mr. colorlete. I lo&t all appetlW and my Cured in a uniforml matbIRe- continues for montlui. people teiider, ilurttig -the long hours, Mar�-on. They will, mAnner, PWW to the Preference of Alctl sand the general pubIlie ttimulatoed trade at Montreal. '.%&vi - only produce the hand e 1W err.tPre 1-4---at0d hinit, - meals oftt�n went untasted. Medicine throughout France. gatWh L-4 olien anti t1w milwement or detert've ti In tb nurs;e **w lien the paro%­ kerchief. They. will" tell the story. btirern at home and abroad. of havQ-ilte fl%h to-ared by hot Irwis. Far -.r#-. bat lgh '.You refase to answi seemed to have no effect upon me. I *hen a fitrmer feedq a pig I*yand inerchaildiwe much more netive t4l c� � -. ' ' rmm-. seiz#Nl thF�- Invaliol. All throl. er nfe;-you mu -it Oil damig) das Uie agony is aug- A new muviooal instrument %% hi 11Lam westoern finr. opwttiin'tv of vxur his ,r',k- - * Ing and narthwootoern pointf. thi- eni!4�,-lsq n!glit iFuooeA-ed*ng'the Inter- albs%'Ver tlielii. Fanks told, -m6 of MIN waA getting weaker all the timeand nine inonths ho'is needlesfaly throw mentoed. and to plungi� Uie fflicted away llin pi4lita. Too many are Idow appeared In Rhode Is -land is called the Bank clen'rings at Winnil*V. liamil- View` j4he had r -at, -like a 'titone Image tO-daY, aild I. CAIU0.111? at ollee to t 'last b, part Intio wnter im w causme an Co- arn. Sou. to egan to give up hope of r&6. Ithstitnding ton. Toronto, Montreal and 11oillfax fit tb,.� sick -room. g6iiig over'ln her covery My parents were of course to a p;) re4cinte this. notw tamy of torture that will tbrow the "mel.low chord," and Its Inventor, a &Mounted W *16,964,000 laot week, 41wri tortur"I miritt all tht Guinaud "It 6 uele-s. I can say nothing." the fact linA been so often deffW- ptrollgel�t mall intoo it ParOKYSm. man Pamt 70, #Qym he first saw It in bix4l The moryLing foroke' dull and "Ybu MU -4 #�Ry Fomethliv. I& is& in great distress and I knew by the, strated awl proclaimed. This tree ranges in nize frout iL bush against $191, 1" 000 the 11rerlmL.4 a vision, a spirit holdhig it up before week, as)d $17,45." ill the week Ton po-e I Ofore, Y, nian of leat profit front yonr gray,,an,l`tb,% InsIsted upon -her quest.iqn- of life and death.. The affair looks and actIQnm of friends who cal- To get the ful to the height of fifty anti seventy- hows. butcher an many aa yodu rill -it- I -avro 8 yes. It is apparently a combina- a Tea ago. There were bapip- this resting for a h4h4t! th-re was is in the'ltallds.qf,the law. Nothing can at III' c r u 141 fire feet. according to its lociwiUou. of -my I I ro much luiury for tier led to see me. that they thought I bomp ittid turn them largely into sweet i timi of the hanjo and gultar, Arung nfms failures reported from th mpt 101-11 it. n.): not foor tho- for even w Imn V111 savo you but your own denial. y buyers he bintidler the tree the,more ter- lwepk. compared r:un vv nt You nitxst proyo the falseiw��d of tlits eountry lard wid bacon. Alan -Ith two violin and two gutar string%, din Daiminion lart Lyinst ttf)wn. her vveaV b was doomedito an early death. Then rible the effettm of -contact with It. mechanleVy over'the 0141 -ground, m-., horrible r-tory, It nieuns ill -grace. It a &4,r -lady 'friend died and I man- will pay more for tl~ right froin tt . ie The Burmew In Uie IwLrta of the and In held In an upright poAtIon on With 39 tile preVionp w(-ek. 37 if) thf- it .14 havo to pay W thto left knee, with its head premeed week a yenr ago, anti .112 two venrr -oil,* It meatL farm.than they would -trii Pil.ent I am a lig :1 tholl.-end terrors, and agon- means prlos .4 deatlill" aged'put bf love f�r ber to -drag my- country cur&4&1 w1tA it bold It in agnitwt the boily. I'll(- Instrument 11 121T= Ito*.If with a thou'4111141 pangs. Srfo ooked up zouddenly " lie spoke th general market. * 0 ago. crinie; lliy n-aine I:. In the those last words' Rod crossing over to self to her funeral.- The sensatIon of .71le mistako -of keeping aAd 1wing mortal terror nn,i flee wildly when mald to Liave a suft, rich tone, fully 1.4 At la*t b;h#- a time, but It tboey detoct Ka contiguity by the k fit! I !et 11 lie t1hure ?, 1'4ft r.4'. - it seeing her laid away, believing that I crom hred males aido matrially In de- justifying its name. Its Inventor In a Asparagus Omelette. was "o ilumlxer sucli . an hifti.. laid her h;nd -on fits shoulder, � I �.Iy. '-You. lover of mimic, and hip fattier was a woulI bring re'lof. o! noth'ng but eqbeaking wil4fly. a4d with would soo" iterating tlw hogo t"l many foruts. POetiliar odor which It exhalem. Should- Mako ill omelette of four eggo must f,.rget youriliontir !4)r - n ­r, nd h )rrible dreavis, in �-attlo ogitation. uneonttol- n follow ber. was a strange 91P e ghbred, or one be so unfortunate its to plange violin"t. pipp�,ik .he- (reams, strange 0ae. Shortly after this an aunt or 'The I?o4r luto Its branch% Ike falls to the like tlw meringue and atir'a half ".1 know what It raeans. You need there will be no uniformity In the off- a cupful of minced and measoned aspar- n!" 'III of which Judas, rittel and- merei- rmon rou mine, Mrs., Wm. Hende of Tor spring. Them Is little pleasure In, rals. g' not. r(AUng oer and over and A I new o4gnaling light (of extraordin less, was tho centital.figurp; Po In t.ie-, not -tell nie tha4. I know It means ren agum top@, and fry instantly. ()r. have eiir, vs,i r-- u.-tonished. onto, came to visit at our place. 117 Ing mcingrela. iling tho. air wt&h liitq shrieks. ary Power ham been invented by Col- heated and It I siWaIr of gaining,quiet In any way, r -he 00; smirching or my fair fime as - a I)og*, touched by it are driven nuid. tho minced amtwiraguy* .,4 ni-t trrge- t,� nil arose in the nf`t4-rn(-x)n, and returned woman; I know that it ecindemns me condition troubled her very much and Preelme experiments have 811OW'D tli&t onel Miklas4bevski of the Ru.-�slan en- ready, and spread It over the . 'Lop I I t 0 11 V, 04, %v 4; 1 t I k n -.1 lb y dlea r Phe � Insisted on my trying Dr. Wil- -Y nearly Inipotolble to feed in TtwT yolp and run, biting and U-ar- frien,ro to bvr pc*t I:y the pide f Florry. to an 191londfilous death,. but I can Ilam' I -link lillo. To pleae her J I t Is vor annor that a pound of Pork Ing the partm of tIwAr bodliep -that gineer.... During the autumn manoeures of the omelette tagether and serve at But yo,u*re n4)t. going. to) tell me At four o'clock -a ea�rd wmi brought say 'nothing. nQt,*say f am WWII once on it Ihot dish. A eftulitno"r ome- conjientM, but with little hope of any e &n boL pm have been toulthed. Flephwits touched OT tho Baltic w1madron the signals roduood with profit from any - V) heT I*arhig the name of Rogpr Ax- inno". it; I dare not -say ant guilty. : lette lia made In either of thew waYs, kjileol hild?, t_,),,, j,., I'a few lin"'. to. Thb effect, however, was animal over a: year old, To kthop the by the domm tree act like fiends, -)wer very n I,%, acribbled th-rt-on 1 1 niupt,ba silelit.-:14au.54 he dumb.' eou were read at n distanoe ut thirty4our wNq#40ning the min(wd caullq.( 'Guinaud placed his Iuft !L1. ' 1. atAkIng her to see him a v=d:rful' 4nd a pleasing surprise to b%m through two winters Is an anti- VwIng up troop and "ling In We salt and caytMbe pepper. .1,0* waistcoat. and t1w right t one -e. With a Let them, '&,ay whwt they. like; let me. : I r�oon began to feei more cheer- quated methoit dirt bellowing In their agony. nauticAd miles, mid the inventor hopes highly with stat or Wrror, #44) wondered whether thein (10 what tbeyL.like; mV h6nor ful and seemed to feel stronger. Thee Witen it ij powilile too dr, ve ijut of A horw t1wLt ciwip In contart to incretume the distance to sixty Tht ri bad beqn to Axton, a est In the The twil-beaded mail stroked his MI i, . i - art- -itrible revealed 4'allid -,rnY life r' fians cf God, guy witti the tree ran wildly boutLhit appetite be to Improve and the the feed Lots a car load of hogs lesp mila4 by meatw of reflecting mirrorv. fill' but - re.triembering . that -si- at'41 He alone can save wa," d to my elleeks and lips. than one year old. -which will bring It* at everytbing and at everyborty, paw t It.; n9s ; a ti d 4 T I rt t ul anyth'ng ; Van Tho apparatus I.-, compact, weighing vram a football player once," color rot-Orne a lovely shockof tIrt- 14 Lrt Of onian lence wax as neco-skary 0 udas a,% to''i But' you are Innoceut V' Ftcom that hour I steadily gained -corn at low and ki Iilp frenzy Jumped from a cliff about meyen pounds. it mmtaino spirit li�pyvelf, she dism6sed- this fear 'a lollt� r fnt(I toeam. from $800 to $900. with st for norelty',p sake, you -ah! w4iii can. i -ill r,-' it-.; ? strength, and wan w)on enjoying my than 2() Ceinta a bushel�, It can 1w, ean- and was killed. 71w serpents of the and two powders, one green. the other hair-ju 91 tile bald-hebded nian and. having cated An Vie' nursei de-: 'Olr, why.,do jou t4wturo nte like red. tlw compoAtion of w1ilch the In- Jinow. \ow Not evon our it, llc� -Most former excellent health, and I am aln- ily men that a little encirgy and push Burma*� Jungle and the- wLId nion- ttv alrain-t4e novelty emiuic4l to th4� drawine-r0om. tirls ? I . tell YOU I %C'an may nothing; core In expressing my belief that to are bound U) keep the bright side of keyp of the foromt never aproarli. : ventor keeps # ecret. The working part@ strokoi Ills 1, % . orn off."' h"Roger wam ther,", ImOpg reatlemaly not e -ren -to you. poi are sealed. Dr. Williams' Fink Pills dD*I owe my the picture away frorm the waI]. tive dread tree. A nihirJowry of am two tube* ending in pear--ohaped ments tA-) Jill My It to and fro like a caged lion, but when Let them come up to -night'; lbt them st recover7." it in tile fine work of the breeder, dalay, wha4e curiamity IPA him to in- haI14, whleh, leing prew,d. send ut a %I udas smied. his. p -)n wkie ente"41 fit, A)pped at once, and accuse let them dr m - P- ag a to Enquiry among neighbors corrohdr- followed clom fuid hard by the feeder, ve"tigate the lenf of the Iree witil brilliant mi or green by a oom- (Ai.4 mitnnpr, and to'd h;-4 litt4e tale -in' tooked at h�r fixe4tly am she c-.ime to- prison, I' can vay tiothiniz. � For ated Mine, Langford's story as to her which has pushed tlio American liog -to tlle*til) of oiw. finger. Puffered con- bluation of flaohem mown" are form- ISSUI�NO 201897 a h.glily drismatic favolliom. warfl h. m In her su-ceping black dr#*s. days. -for rilgliiia I have dre4Lded thls�; ed. The 1, wder keeps. dry un&r water. Of" them, L illnewt -and remarkablo recovery. In his proud position, and has put some of &U -int ngony for a m6nt1L and for a 0 Wt)rn and bagg-ird tx)th anx-' Dow It has C94ne a tass. , You be t- Each lantern roi%ta about 100 rubleo. "I then. trit.n.ft-it-ur. straight lotm and- apprehe, mi, I lieve' ine Innoceut, my i�le-bea ' he'r caae at leamt Dr. Williams' 1`Ink our n6ighbors acrow tho waters at year afterward felt occradanal dar 40 lt'..4 a iren-na t -f thst; Vorte t. artin. nive both .-Of them rted 111118 -have given a striking proof that their -wits' elid,to findoome planlble Ing pmim In the finger. The native -Y looked like two crimiiials meetp, :IO'vPr. lout the' world will belle - f In thizo isy. On the nilght Ig -fore my tht ve me they powe�-8 wonderful merits. pretext for Fligtting our pork rom �&wtors know of no lotion that will Twelve young womon of Fond du Lac DOCTORS RECONVEND Ing frir thD first tijne after t[14! com- guilty. Let them diu so. God *knows ar frii;ud to arteesterre'lie is Dr. Williams' Vink I'llio qre by 'their twhores witbout showing to the relieve the Intolprable Iviln.- N.- T. last year started a factory of their with him. -myself: We i n t w ,4 row, in mimloll of - a Fecret crime. niY suffering& Go(] knows my an, going to the root of the disease. They worid thnir Inability to compoW with jour I On seeing Rogra altered-ftwe, Jud- na own. Incorporating themselves unJer taA, we laugh, we wo-op adieu I At, guish. and -in his han(ti I leave -my., renew alid build up the blood and an owl even ternw.. w vier rot ti - au ionre there ij4 Sap. at the window Itth also paueel and gazed at him with i self for. good or 111.11 strengthen the nerve@, thus driving should be taught Stato or 0hio, Uity Qf l'oledti. eyes. -He heard her with bowed heid, and a terrified took In her AllatA � i The pigs titri-e-Lhe- uintlow like a Th sto(A i4i lentJy- look i fig at each at tho end of her spbech lie felt a soft disease from the system. Avoid Inti- , to eiat as early as po@Wble,l and I aiii Uoiwty- and Overall Company, with it capited ey uc rin to the bt nutift.11 rus.-4, We other for a single moment. but In that kNo on, ]& flair. 'Whert' I tation by iru�istlng thitt every box I should be provided with an apartment Fra7ik .1. ( heney makes oitth that stock� of $1,2(X). divided Into twelve 414 turri ; I 4ee the dre-m. V4- hocAl. the te looked you purclwe, fiH enclosed in a wrap- into- which the adw cannot enter. lie io the sentor partner of the firin fkg-urt-- (4 a W.(,than. -but'not the face. moinent the ag(my of a Urt-tinte wat up the 400in - wam empty. shares of $100 eacti. The stock haal CEYLON TEA. ping bearing the full trade -ark, Dr.. They will begin to eat regularly at of F. .1. Cheney & Co., doing businow all L %fy frienol %ebasUan concentrated. m le'. been increaw-d to $2,(XX) and the to n1r. spea" William' I'llik 1,1118 for PaliD People. four. weeks old, and can t -hen be In tlwi City of Toledo, Uouuty and 113101361100A. fosoft fee I friend. I ha vp to i.�peak - w TherO Was, tic) reply, At l4tst, Rogermfwke In 'a low, 4 mioth-' arld � the only company has twenty sliareholders, all Sold a* Gesiod Load PaMpiq 46MIT. erW tone, am If thtr� words Issued weaned wUhout any loss. Bran is the State aforc4mid, and that said firm Mployed In the factory. The stwk �c charming angel. Y,R. are a man of from" sound lie heard wam the distant slam. his white ii �lxallmt his will.. . .. 9 of ft door that; seemed to his H AVX YOU " D. D. OR L.L. beat fooA.we hAve for developingbone will pay the Pum of one hituditrd dol- wah; ltirrAted in wwlng machnes and UY tiroeen OR17 how r. Lhotlarb not our Pendezv'o'us., win, I rrinot bellev6 It." and muAe, and a little additional larm.-ror each and . every - eaft Of &;P machinery for making button- sold at S&, 60, 60 iiiiiiid 4W emsto PW W.' U,hat would yoll 16 go, and -tny AgOnized imagination to. witinrate film It' Not 'You Gan Gdt it With but 'Little corn is a hr4p. Catarrit that cannot be cured by the holm, oeving on buttons, and fancy frienel o%bastatn lock.,4 the door. At This speech broko the strange Ppell. froln he "ovoinan Iw! loved -forever. that hel I Judith motionles-,an'41 liteal- Expen". There -are Instanbos wt -re a breeding 'am 4 liall'm Catarrh 0ire. sewing. The Power is furnished by a this4 I afu angry. lie trustm we riot, CHAIOMR XVIL. ow has beea kept a dozen years or. FRANK J. CHINEY. �ip I ay: 'Very you think I -am Ing forwnrd &be touctied him lightl- A cmtemporary�- supplies us with twfi)re me and au ' A gasolin(- 1-nglue. Twenty-five (iogen ­Ppy. 84 be it. I %vfll liotiten.' Con.; ()It' tAe shoulder as ho' sunk into a The Guessing of the JUddle. more, but am a ruie It is believed that Sworn to t daily, and it to THE the following: We hear thitt the Ken - chair, covering him wild fac &even years Is the limit of usefulness 'In my pretwenee. this 6th day of Deveiii- ,-eivf, to your if, farson was ctnisideral)ly tucky ochool-the Normal somettilng am a breeder. When ishe holds- up her ber, He on.tietir. how Iwas "ith 116, - Franctm expected that the output wIII soon be ham". doubled. Qnly one tuan, a cutter, im ,,'ndgPd.- In anger..I. went outside to perPlPxed at, receiving u,note from .(Seal i A. ctr.A.1410X, BOW PW C0186 that ;%irmlow- It 1.4 (,pvn but a little, Fan1w akin'g for all interviewi ' He, or other --of which we spoke a few head like a cow In feeding It I Notary Pubtic. employeti In the factory. anot I hear uil-all! No aniswer. Only thor, i%'hort quiell ko ago as selling itd degrees is that she Is losing her- teeth, ft�n ili,4 SOPastian to. the guemwd at once that Judam had broken wee. 9 not to be kept longer for breed. liall's Catarrh ('tire is taken intern- %%,Pinan Rpeak.-4. Tlivy talk., an'd talk. Invath of tile matt and the soft rwtle faith'- and unb(*omLd bimmelf to the actually offering to I"tow them on 01&mmrgarine ham foun(i a do.- Ron ORO W1 SERBS it ad fight. and rgt. oi, !-it wait of the w4man'll tirfts.; 1 -detective, bet - the int4talment plan. The charge Purposes. ally avid ekets dir4vtiy on the bliy)(I fender no leap Important than the "Rogep, what Is the matter hat puzzled him was DAIRY. and mucous surfacem of tlw myotein. �Sho*n-k-4 4)f Iiiin wwnthin4, He looked. up sulhienly, hollow-4'-yed the reasoon t1le Frenchman had for for turning an untitled preacher Into 71jorough teists confirm previous re- d testimonials, frew. 0% 11114wachumetta S ta toe Board of A!111 fW SAY -4, 4 it 13 * f(W yoti.' and shript-Ing, with a W1ld,*qucvtio*nIng much betrayal. In order to'secure tile a D(.x-4)r of Divinity is fifteen dol- F. �."`CHENEY & Co., Toledo. 4), Health, and, acting on the reports of North Dakota White Flint . Wrn ThelA lip g(ppm ('11t ()[ tla'.8 ro()m , by 160k on his Worn fhm­ muccem of his schemeii. It w" Depeo- lar"; for making him a Doctor of h gold by Druggistp. T5c. that body, the'Commissioner of LAtate 8iberian White ............. Oats that fhor. 'She is it -ft, alone, this 44ftrY that he'shovild keep silent, yet lie Lawis, it is twenty-five. Five dollars not perceptibly influence the propor- 041-1-have been tolft Romptlillig." an Pon of butter fitt in the milk, but it . Hal . Its ramily 11116 are tlw bei4t. Mandschouri ............. Barley tharming in.. he g(,em to the # had evidently voluntarily revealed his must be -paid down, all(] five doll Institutions Itas subtitituted It for "By -by that Frenchmiui To each month thereafter till the on- -does very greattly affect the total Fodder 8orghum. table. here on it 'there 1.4 -a' bx of 06yW Iwo secret knowledge, and thux rendeml it butter In the bill of fare on which 1J.11ft-iny fr`iea&.r tx)x id pill.,4. - 8he uneless to, himself and his dimigns. the tim balance h" tweit cancelled. yleld of fat and the quality of the Employment Insuranc*. tlie himates of film prisons and aim@- Japanese Millet (three varieties). 0My GOd 1*0 she- muttvq*d to herio-If resulting butter. Thipi pl&nt prodiloom owmoulur 40106o. -rix the loix. y h -f, 9 only way in whieli M' Whether Interest is added to deferred hu, rance against noti-4-mill')yllielit houneg live. As the laws of Mawacliu- Ailing nervelew Into) it. c"ir, 6. W I armon could Factory men can do much to show of forWe for o&Kl& fAlliftT I -know iat count ff)r the detecti 0 wl�,, wett* puniadi with fine anti imprison- but Ortol- intii. it wyni 4 not has he told film ?" ve s requeot was Pityments, we are not prepared tosay, by tho varying quality cd the milk I" I accomplished fact in Grcrinaity. PRIC8 LOW. -A)rder w vidence t ,vhat. Aga'60, the lj4)x. and that nlu.,-it have learned the w�eret but we are itiformed that liberal com- Workingmen 'who have resided twti ment ttie manufatture or wile o( could ncK,supply we.,everything else ,H,e ham tout me fill ri. received from Various patrons the dif- In the city of Cologne and am coun -%vultd. I -m-e my 'dear Melititane r+,- (if Judas, otherwise there would be no mholOns, are granted to agents. Would terfeit butter, thlom course has ex- i4pring. Fr otherwise dw "The (ietoctive?" ference In the work of the farmers. F e. r turn. They 6 k. they kif�N. th'ey par' reamm why he Phould scv7k,an Inter- It not be well to maintain a due pro- over 18 years of age cia4 join the Witt cited some comment, tfut the Contimile- tormattion %,ilted to hw t1w t. d'yea... I fty, nd when I view. Paymenta made by the te#it plan are She hid her face ;it lifT harilkii with Fillp portion in the whole businetim by great educators, more par ciety. The subacriptioii 6 tllrfe- stoner boldty says tiwit lie hap served man I& first warriddw by t1Ae dot)r.the 'd with thi.-i Idea, Marm)n sum. conferring the degreeo a letter at& ticularly of pence a week. If no employment can `oleo" to the unfortunatem ander I& e, and a startle.d cry, at Wh1ch lie i4prung 'fin the c&reless and indifferent farmer, charge. not as a ipubstitutoe for but� THI BOW. takes the pl&ce of mAr- h4 gi 410!, -*40;44tiAll JA g0n moned up itil h;i4 courage, and pre- time ? The Rev. Jo Smith, L., Ix% procurefl for a meiulwr during the Imto ntit lorked, fin.ekly from his -chair and flung film- who thinks anything' is good enough bron. After Phe is married .-.tht-' witiolo&.V L 1.4 paired to niftet the coming storm with would then mean that the clergynian, dull viear-ort lialf a crovirn per dAy I@ toer, merely oil the ground of economy, the, hW1 on his knem - 1*%Ide tier. and no' It Is if factory men will a lie particular what i 94,0 t a iti, I opon it.-and"on graso ILI brave a front am lx)ssible. He wrote In quention had handed over the first, Paid him if married, otire and seven but because It is better than butter it i..4 DO my love -my 10V01" 110 CrIP-d, to Fankm, and UAd him that be would- fivo dollarn; L. L. would signifythat cept and pay for such milk no they lit -flee If single. of any except the very bewt Stradeft". wine. -14611 611 i.%i tip. 7, entreatingly, "you 10* innocentL; bring. titink a wollis,11 on t)icy- 11:111110 Of the You he Prepare(I to wife him at 8 o'clock he had mnt a second cheque, and L. Aoman thal wollian that are limocent. I know you that night; then he shut himself up, L. D. would show that the whole Tim object lemon of cleanlinew A viNitoori-In Pam Chrlidi&n, N119P., READ00f the ugli(vt o4igLato there lilit 'the iiiii-4 1"'11 tl)4. "I. limocent?" In 11111 "ta.1y for the rest of the day. transaction had been Really h shn in every well ,"If as (11189adt- that killed my '-.11e wam looking olown at bim with Plunged In gloomy reflections, lie Haw It lo a shame that such things should kept and appointed creamery will not the other day hear(] mome pistol Photo, le aK it fell(ow 0111 ft tan' An expre".ion of , anatzeinent on her be lo8t-on the farmer, and It Is much and asked n negro boy what they And the nan e-ithe namo, crio ' A no one, llot*evpn Judith; but am the be tolerated among Clirlistian men.- our owl' tieFt girl. -hich was marr3d hout approached when lie expected his Christian Guardian. y man to preach FanJL4. in a muz. Of g'r?�nt uxt to ;Ace, tike beauty of %% easier for the factor meant. "Olt, was the reply. "them fel- -A spring , l 0 ng to bim ts!Ij ie bier by t4wiri.4 by wearintwo. and by ar.x!. vii4itor to arrive he wax unable to bear the gospel of absolute clenllneEs when Growmg Iowa's shootin' fo' hats.' "Shooting g& never run into t1w Cilitilow ioum- thought, lie daily practices it. There In a de- i-epturem 44 hia trial in w.)Iltude any longer; so, WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD mand for better work at the factory for hatal" exclaimed the visitor, Our businsioullk Vxlk' man Wit') Yom! I'll swear you did Dot k1lI , for Juditti. hp told her about knowledgm TtUirk to get Rapid am t1volight,Guirtapil 'produre#1 sending I a drint of c0ld him 11, Is the Testimony of Frank S.- Emerick. and on the farm. 0 what on earth do you mean ?" *'Nuf- frorti- lits breast- tho. interview. To his surprlse� she of Alvinston, Ont. -says South Amer. Tho cost our I to Canada Co. JIW dear wife kivarillblY Kill whota ?" of butter consumed by fin' strano 'lx)ut dat; the'm doin' It ; -pprkpt n., 14 it V� Fankm. received. the 1 0, ex0enu communication with lean Kidney Cure Saved kill; Life -It ren The oletective Apiwd It. hail Ick -ked "Sebamtiau Melstime!" great equanimity, nnd'being In Ignor- Relieves in Six Hours. People is fully twice that of the cost P-bry day, 'm(wt. Wlmn de traip im com- ter at an IF Un., I celubrate my twPl1tY- I kill S'ebastiaa elxtane!" mhe a of the 'wheat. Add to this the milk Ing dey )en' fire@ dem 61KA@ when she fix— ame in thti corns. -r. rric4l riming (lidekiy. and drawltig heit* TWO, of hc%r forewnitning by Roger, lie For two year.4 I was greatly ales, which, In our large cities, are One-third of all the children "to good onto'de bridge. and de men to-morroW. mum " Jiidlth!" Could not but ndmlre the undaunted rU And iM*t It sin- .,,eLf- �p to her full beight. " Who, dared Pipirit 0 waA prepared troubled with kidney disease. I suf- immense. The contiumptiori of cheese dic before they are five years istickp dere heads out to see what's up CTIVE8 W atelbse me of. such a thing ?" with which joh fered Intense pain, and frequently was swells the aggregate, so tbat we pay an do wind Joe 'takes dere hats off an' 8 Dffrt.10' V" Miss NOT&BOOIC. #1P W face the terrible triouble coming to O'd. Most of them& of some %1WHING a Wtratc miDe for th1P first Judan I" thpm 'both. unable to work. I doctored at Inter- more for the products of the dairy dropo 'em In Me ba. Den dey rows I have Wen Jiulaws. and. lie "'That w rcach T' Nals, but got little or no relief. I bei- than for any other of our staple farm wasting disease. They ow 000up"04 for tkko maole a straiAge eorifegaiogi . 0 .,lie Oil her side, Judith saw Plainly that round an' picks 'em up. Sometimes de writing u& We . acLually aw the wilo eom- "Yes; but you are I Maroon wan almost distracted by gan to grow worm and the pMns products. very slowly; kee thin in K1,1h; 'gets a lot or em. Other day Joarl but mom Uum r the NA0 mitted the crimi put t1je pj�ijj Ingo know you tire innocent." nervous terror -and dread of the, Im. were frequent and Intense. About re you Indirferent aw to the kill(] I are fretful; fc:F does riot do Johnf4on got seben." " What doep Jc*h I put1rula" the box The natue w,�; harl- Why ?" pending evil, W) #the did not think it this time I saw South American Kid- of cowo you havo in yA)ur milking I I P Johnson do I*Aidm aboot for liat* ?" J. Lf rbes, W110 eligilteer0d this Because I love you:0 wisf, to reveal to him th dangerouiv ney Cure advertised am a speedy re. herd From 15 to `30 pou)i&4 of milk wax aiiked. , Oh, lie f6hem tin' doe.s odd it' ic0q] the Niagara Faliat'k"e- ly-a surprimo too me I Vio, W 111lihmsewl lk hot returned Ight Judith * looked down at the man "Ition in which Phe was Placed. lie lief for all kidney troubles. I pur_ ia represented by ev;-ry poun(J of but- say they have any diwase, yet Jobs an' lives." plant, has I J up the Nile. Xbm VuFllk* w,'Isl guitty. but hardly knecling at her fopt with a look -of would learn it in due time; but, mean. chased a bottle, and It gave me won- toer. 71is difference in the arnount it and a tr p 1101401t MY NumPiCASIN wf)ul,l ho con- th nev-er prosper. A slight racts of mce, -c"oss. , 11&1f& wih regrd to their firm# -%I so soon l'o-)r Roger. infinite gratitude III' e, t4he pro"ryed a gloomy mile derful, relief In -- a few hours. I Im- rePr~TltM the difference betweeii a co or soffw stoma It is unaerstood that Charon. In WTERBOR0aveotigate the cat'L Pa-,40ng lier li-and-caremingly over his, dpted fathertbat she proved steadily, and after taking four good cow". tuid a Poor. one. ut ch a nd P will be a te".ble blow. to him to ferrying shades across the Styx. to eke""; Imi, *I for developing electric pow- driheveleilj hair. woold be by his side during the or bottles I am completely cure& I 11OULTICULTURE. bowel trouble takes them away bored greatly by thone who pervilait In ag lt to learn th.Lt the woman ti guilty ol such a terrible crinie . . . deal, llsider It worth Its weight In gold, all"a"it he 10ves 10 Poor boy I bow true you are I You in order to support him to the best c`0 There Is a n'e%v branching astr, caull describing to lilm all the diseases by LORD14PFLAXial purtioem 1,11flal Is do" ',4 ger I itou't to-lieve eflj@ ever loved 1, arp wilting to lielleve In my litnocentm of her ability. ul, she k for It a&wuz*wy saved my life." which, when cut, rewembles the chry- which thoty were carried off. to tho exv I Iloor so new %ithout my denial." how futild that mu S&T-rs EM=ON of u4t1wA" tw* )W"t owing all her paamlom were eentr9d pport would be, but 8antlientuill lio cl(*iely that only ex- 7b* bed of the North Atlantic cj*- " t0d " f rom A1@K&ndr146 on Mel9tane He most liare two,, am with i4tern melf-repregsion kept her Trilby's Religion. pertoo can tell the differenoe. and it Cod-liver Oil with Hypophos- mists of two valleys, separated by� a "'rustie picture.'IrtAtim would be -Site mat down again, caught blo forebodingm locked in her own heart, "Tell ine TrIlby, 100 W owt. prootaract POwe? he- (to you ever pray flowers six eeim earlier. Floriste phites is just the rcnxdy for range that runs from the J day. 7U Queeol-I the year r(ma wc"wrfully fameinatmg lteamP mountain tor t be -nd betWeen lier two bands and and Francis Maron felt. to a 'great to him?" oftai dooeive the Innocent with them. I dOnat k1i"w w1Y 1 PitY J14- kimmed IjJm wpftiy on the foreliVad. As extent comforted In knowing that he Pray to Hint ? growinL cAldnn. It makeS Asom to Iceland. Quebec. railway, eott0l inning U Sho hftA trentol Well, no -not often It ctui to easily grown out of doom the and xhu dlid- w3, he lelt a hot tear fall on had at least one friend to stand by -not In words and on my knees and guid oTie oan 1xvioiew a prize for almost hard f h; sound flesh; not I can't bee why they speak of 1kcger isbametullY Sho trfa treat- his cheek,"and when lie looked at her him In the hour of peril. with rny wisdom of the serpeiM." " Well, you Marmon st.amefully . . . ll&Ln(W together, you knowl nothli3g. soft, flabby fat. It maim; Fol - 111 -bW 10 ambbe &I Flarry never heard of a serpent getting ids ypt in wan crying. It wam nearly 8 o'clock when Judith Thinkineg praying, ver ,v often -don't The apple tree pruner Is on III" for ohe pretermfol to 10 --Me tllf' Meajad "Judithr" lie cried, with sudden entered the xtudy, find found Iftroon you think so ? And Wig being aftry rowi& about thfo time. Get rid of strong bones, hclthy nervm log pulled, did you? to the Britlab GOTIOM11111100111% I!kwj the lover of the otlipr tarrf)r, "you are weeping. to seated, at him writing -desk, with his and ashamed when one's done a mean tivo notions -that the job can be done It chango poor childmn to e best scU906 Of uttlidufflAw hals-1kerelliet hs betryNt her "Yes. May Ood always send man- gray heaA buried In his arntm. A spasm thing and glad when one's restated a by Jupt ajiy cobbler, or'th&t It *can be P111.o-PRICE. . Khoo Will be & very Clever wo- kind such true heartm as yoursl" (of agony distorted the calm of her temptation, and grateful when It' a left tuidone. It Is out of the question chiUren rkh in prosperity. sav&&t@ say tio Infl ft�,Rj�e Can g" out of that . . . Book abotd it free for the aski mr. "I would tie unworthy of your love face an she buw tl16 &bJect, %error of flqp day, and one's enjoying one's self this NP0866ft ly man to leave treem entirely to their own scows "w days of 25 cents a box for pi I In jar tlWr wor htgb tOmPe, tnre, from wlience I No substitute for b A dmpatch to the Jondm D&i -it is pressed e Wanted. make a name to vourtion, U"W &0 O w's Liver 11111a In the mays Mat the patt Of the gam am a pasty mamo will( The Kind H beloved Is above them both, we obtaln C4 - "ilie gods of'the vvwwvwn� % & -?V- .10 N A, ma frm n un tile t r Pe i 0 r t rPI ee in ta t 1, .Io f row no me g the triple alliance bodies, we should probably woridlip. All wers cou"iltutin into the desired shape- lieve the Wine and strong drink cause the elestlaj *tibje nter- I w6r fn7"* DO y for a period Cholly (;ayburdd—Do You be $,-- -* b�" Ingis. I- enter a toWff thrM96 was d est0rda tr saw - t6*1 tea ig VW" or Owv A, rene" 4: right, to withdraw -10 a am OF W 91 yne'n (noitn" will last much kzwvw I M" vv"mr tu a enurch formed thA arimatm .,r IOWA