Lucknow Sentinel, 1897-05-07, Page 2tire for gettir4r rid of Melstane, I YOU Werb prompted by your accom- think. is u mixture of love and Jeal. plice, Francis Maroon." owg. . * . Both strong motives with "Eli I It's an excellent play. with - a Womau. R MYSTERY 0 Judas! He loves Miss Mar- "You tole some comprom6ing let - son iilba, and with his loose morality term of arson'i, from tile packet of -a Woman's Fealty. Would have no hesitation in putting Melstane's, and took theui up W him dat Melutan*e out of the way. He wants last night." r xw. that might he the world. while that 010 Flurry Nfa*rw)n,lic wants tier money. "You are wisdoin it -self, morL-leur." AGRIC SCHOO" .4jutt righttvioujiness of Grod %n with 3,000 LT11 MPImtane mtands In the way of "Those, letters forin your hold over F Ho who putts ., rmt great need of eflell i with him obtaining both. A man may su #�r 50 or the market reaps giveness of sins. + i Swi,114:1. Ilbut llow, bv fill lit such a Marmon, and you offered to destroy 100 acres Of 11 A tile size Eggs are refined lie for + red, did you fitul that out em4e udam Is Just the man -from my them on condition that lie let You ot his farm, but It Vto find1liat and they contaln��t cannot a#W-ure up,or + reading of his character -to commit inarry MIA M4:r8on." -d6 lot a vain rpligion. *-' U4,40 w6hing too S.Awl Juda al. -A-) sald it alm)ut he makes no more =' Y than he did farm. would to +++++++++++ 1141L4efor, and ther*.- X crime. Again. his employment lie street tire like a ddoge's Pr_ .1&711 was a " A miracle of logic! ind; if U ark, is Aome document&" as a chediist offers him peculiar ad- Ileve, well." Eh- I , b(-- before, for Ills theoRN did not hold in basket of fiAy dozwe";r­ Ity, 4 practice. The exception comes to him more money Vian a l(x3UAREZM WAR. f0re. by all the Iaw-* oi dowestle 1'1,6rllt again! I believe You aire my firm conviction," &-tid+ bond guaxantlee there is somethin should have been badly surved no far a ninglelan, Funks." - vantages for obtaining morphia., It to who takes to st(ock raising. a large patch of grouir- I you*d aving. Licenbed I It would be difficult for either Marson Fanks, lodng Ido temper at the gib- It depends wholly upon what a debt team to cut, a horse a*o Overran Pertia And the th rod to give aii around which sht4. so regrtid home "mnforts; but thev "Not at nil-Aiiductive, reasoning. arlins to obtain worphla In& Ing "' that 0.1 or ism V, I ton(w of the Frenchman." in incurred for as to its wisdom. It is rake, two men to stack,*Oy- She kayiii the dividual a bond theze You can quiet %A doth bind me. Dr. Japix had a gvfxt Ii ' ­1,4b.you'd atoli talking riddlN4.' large quantity, but Judas could easily w at I have stated 1i the truth, and foolish to give a note for a fast horse wagon and a man to mtj;lt-holas I - iott4ekeeper, st) broke In Rogvr. trritablY. " and tell . lit the But I I ig an unp&iv*d to-fty. wa,d served excellen I tly well In every 11,,4 hat tile deuce you mean." get It In the ordinary course of Ills that 'You ajul litaron are remponsible o- for a luxury, but when the debt HORTICULTUR1.1storic Dwarfs I for olociiing n paved but the danger may an ol legud. o, They're respect. For Inal�Lnce, his dinners were It won't be verY pleamant-to business. I am going to see for the death of Metstane in the way wir help one to make more money. W iiot run closer than % . And J udas. and *fr( . a',;econd conversa- I have described." -6 nd so to become Independent owner, wts. there Is a iust the sanv� scCup-lay. taM()U3) for the quality Of filtki And Your ears." tiou -may perhaps It-arn something use- "NonsSeur hs not afraid -of -the law It in a very different thing. tho newly planted Arav oftilt, 4-9*0 OIL I know w hut you to go- e In crafty . . . still he of libel,. evidently." By top drewing with manure in the r"pherriem with the culas in she ser- does not Ilke bicycLeic EMULSION of Cod-k.aWne. wines, w Fanks anti hi.*. frfend, Axton Ing to , may." said Roger, excitely,- tile newly formed roots w. -him Khan. Mrs. my betray hImseLf at all. "No; there are. no wituesisos pre- fall of the year, tifter the cattle have act." tie says, "but I am is not a cough specific" - found by practical experience w h u "but dbn't mind tile. I'm going to' eant09 diattirbed. �Sft 4uwhlap� knowthe truth about thit buginess". events, it If; orth while trying. beer taken off the pasture, the fer- Be content xcurrence i6hat P411�ctgojj spend all m1( best 'bad not merely &Hay the s t1beY dined with -their unwedded host. . "Meni.-To see Judas to -morrow - "Ali, you scheme well!" tilizer Will become packed in the rest of the cultivation w-" (if Eur pe: age JapIx looked at his ti anti lot it be quite superfaTictorlous tie gave them a envital meal, wulent- Vo gueuts with night," Xlbhaw What answer ca -j' vou n tri and but it does give such $1 slimebt depifted on Ills b ground, and tile enriching qualities astonL. road, make to my statement?" lie who Ims, much fruit cW lie reac r. fiVe, 111130 2 ae-ven cycles, and %III all b3 absorbed before gramagro tr able wine, and as all tbree zueu were wo good,liumoml face, but Judged It best CH.APrER XV. M. Judaa united blandly, shrugged in the up -ring. If top dressed III the li(4je to presere it without sTbty Su other %fi Vance and 'invention to the body -that it is abl irood conver%ational6ao, they had a o n.y nothing until Octavius explain- Monsieur Judas at Bay. IiLi shoulders. and spread out ilia lear, sp�ring, the growing_grams will Lft ttie of colt] ptorage,forthas keptjSed ha foi supercedling human feet oil (Aid's throw off the disease. -ro, which he did speollI.Y. I hands- with a deprecating gesture. manure up, to be dried out. verY del'orhtful dinner. Afterward, theY (,d matte from shrinkage and rot will, go' craw v der JapLx." he said, quietly. M. Jules Guinatid was not quute sat- "Me I Alaq I I caU may nothing paratively tonall. A cellar witir'411 -A,Itll prove ard It is well to harrow meadows and 6t,6no or briek walls, built into % to Ur Stephen Shirley, tile founder tof You know the old wmt to the doctor's stutly, a particu- '4 there was a packet of letters which Isfied In Ids -'own mind With reg but that you have as strong a.'ease pastures, for It tares the roots and l . nd smoked Roger obtidneq from Melstane at to the result of his interview Of against me as you had agaJAz't Your tends to thi,--ken/the gras. It alsodp- side of a hill, can be cheapLT mhdkc, t-ly- United Kingdom Band 44 Ht;pe of " the ounce of prevention ? wontieTfully'good eicar, over firdt- Jarlcheftter and torwarded to Miss the previous night. It was true dear 'friend, MQzts&eur Roger." stroys mom wlilAhL may growoubadly wid will be very satisfactory. Ullical,-,.clled at Hendon, England, oil Don't neg*zt your cough. A I VarthiA. addre**d to tier b.v tier first that by using the documentA he 4T6 be eontinued.) drained or cold ground. The stations bare beeii experimout- rate coffee. name. had stolon from Melstane'd paaket I t is some- Ing with the crooms Iertilization of rasp- tile 3rd Itwt., Lit tile age or 77. it book which will tell you num times as essential to harrow theme rhp atutiy Was R IRIVRAO MILugger UI -48 Judith ?it he had succeeded in obtaining ar- fields an 'it 14 to cultiva berrlfv4 anti blackberries, but because wait ISO long ago as 1855 titat lie CGTX�e Al 1rec1_.,eI_v- Well, tWt stupid- old smi'd consent to h1i marriage with Of tile meagre reports we JU(Ige f(Xuldt-d tile Uld(41, %hich now repre- on the subject sent f ree on rco- . y affected bv th,, doctor, who # THE CIRCUIT RIDER$ Numerous exp2,riment,4 have beenre- had In lt*fkll his books, few comfort- PO4t1bi"trew - 1111"Idled up the name Florry. but it was also true that he corded to show that moisture Issaved results ]lave not been satisfactory. The Wn U A' 11juvc-ment numbering 22,OUO quest. that of Judaq, and sent the had foun;3 an unexpected obstacle to wish has been to produce fruit with uw*ietiem and :Z,,800,000 members In all ch thm. an enVeing-looking writ- to 1111n. We tnet, Ml,-*,Var- his plan@ in the perwa of Juditil V by cultivation. During hot, dry parto tA the kingdom. Ill drugrw keep Scoulb Ern%A sIetch; at- weather every foot of plouglwd land I" "eed and more flesh. JPW ing.4 by Iliv-, and went together to �get, the llnm� He waA cynical In Ills estimeLte Christianity Owes Much to His Zeal should be kept well stirred on tli#-sur- Do not lie too gross nor too busy :ion of Cod-liver OiL I- Ut UF ic 50 enilnent rt;sta, an4l enty of warni 1pricizipt from uu1naud. I ask -Lit] tier Of the female ex. regarding them am facA. with any tool wiach will keep it to care for the thing,4 cof beauty whleh f swiftn-,m* Ill !it -A. k -v -p ut the, cold I to Itit nx- see the packet. 6he re- -beings quite inferior tu the male. but i'ra�*rle% to k" from baking. A rinesurface will.hold 114hould adorn the f.-irmer'o home. Tile prodletioin It may be, mentioned that m and $1.00 si� w1ril% so general -W IronfleMs. On thla I fwwd at first, but ultimately consent- At, the same time he was too clever a and Endurance. down water like a wet blanket. cultivatton of flowe&rL4 ten(W to bring SCUTT 6, bUWNt_ Bdkvti% OWL Wght ttiere %vaj a I)L:iz-'Pg fire In the (A Ott "dition that I let tier man to undertatimate the result of The farm and the work must be 011t that which Is best and finest4n I. Huggard d(mm his four thousand poli*he4l grate, rind around it oat over the letters first. I agreed to. 4 quick-witW woman oppos:ug tier- word* at a"'sitting; Mr. David Christie studied. Ily havlug the labor properly our noturo;4, Make the door yard blooin 1nd h.,4 tWo Xutvita. enjoying the that'. she did so, and I found uoth- self to his will. Flo"y was a 111ere His Life During the Early Days of Moth- oystemized And distributed less hired *ith b6auty in the i4pring, and have Murray thinks nothing of writing it snothlt,g wee -I anti Uilktng about tile lad clplier, whom he loved in a sensual odhim in Canada Was often one of labor will be needed.. Only by taking a thought ior the plants Tor houme three -volume novel In live weeks, and I .1arh,b+-4ter Lucki)y Japix was- " Well. well:" sald Japix, qulckl.r. " I famhiou for tier beauty, and in a Great Hardship -The Story of One torodbw rcoults at dwolratiotk tn the winter. Mr. Htitiry h" Just boen coafesgiltg t4) TIMELY INPORWATiON Im-rWt1v free on th'..4 i4p,-e*-.iJ night.' don't we anYthing strange in that.'- worldly fashion for her money, but Now 11injoying a Ripe Old Age. lowest cost Is it pr!lt -powdhlle, often- If the black knot appe, 'aris 11pon tile tin Interviewer that lie productis Ili Iwev�tt enil vhould Pon't you. I do. If, -there had udith was quito a different stamp Notes About the Religion and LALbffu&96 and un" Pomp unex Ptum tree It can often be effectually "t0riew at tiw rate (it 6,W) wordsit i he made t1n h m, wni4 pci-mitted b.* been nothlag prticular in that pack- of woman to this negative type of (From the 81mcoe Reformer) times. of the Rcoyal Family of Greece The locatkni of drainx oliould be Checked by sawing off tile knot nnd (Jay- thivw hani laws. which regulate tile ot, 311-a Vrlins would not have ob- inane loveliness. She had a masculine III the early tjays of Methodism, In accurately marked, or, better, alI ex- Painting tile wound with linw�ed oil, to - Benjamin Ide Wheeler wrltoe,,4 Of liveo of in4%fical men to enjoy his Jected to- my seeing It. o my belief brain. she had a strong will. she had Canada the Gc1spel was spreadabroad act map of the fields shoulti be -niade which a little cart"Ic acid 6 fi(kled, 311. Jules Simon hLm discovered the "The Royal Family of Greece" in tile iornoke and t.qik to b's frends n 110 L -i that Judaw ahttracted tilt! letters a fearless nature. and OuInaud dread- In the land mhowing their location. 'OtherwisO and enougli oziqio of Iron to kive it %&ret of old age, and lie lias formu- May "Cetitury." Prof. Wheeler taiyw: Pleased. All three had plenty to may.. lie di -I not w.-mt tile to seo, anJ -Ijaj Ott the upshot of any Interfersuce on �by the active exertiodis they may be lu�t, or expetwe entailed Cdor' lated the recipe in two words-intel- The Queen in a Russ". an a Hassi&h arid as tho Wght wcre oil towarl the gono to IiLarscui V, show theill to her part- 04 tile circuit rider. I eq . lit d;ggitLg to find them when they Tile Promime from tree@ w) heavy wiUi -heart nd wMI. She never f ails W .4mall h wur.4.'%hey grit4lually began to him A genius, this man -a genjus In a ,Mall, of no loctill work. Nothing, fie de(laros, ordinary health Www the warmth of her allegiance. and fall to perform their, full dufy- with fruit that tlipy must be propped talk of MeNtam"o murder, a. VVie to irel I wickod way, with wonderful capab- strengt h ; an lion constitution. und, un- It Is ziot the dding of all ki&fwof Is a delusion. One of t4w first requirv­ lllulPd so Materially tu conserve physi- whether it be to individuals, to 1"iti- % h c�i everytiting hail lw,..n vniling for Well!" rt-lwat.L-d ngrily. -Ilities of arranging his piano. and -material to the manure Iteal) which menta to mabe a, financial suecess is cal stredgtij as mentid enq)IoyIne it, cul Interest or to religion. She is a it couqi0orn'ble vnwi, It Is true lh-it don't You - see Those letters. sto)l- brushing asido any obstacle that flagging determination to fulfil the makes lt valuable, but the preserva- to prevent ov4Rrhearing. The excew of ant I in or(.x)f of tijim theory be pohtv ahopt devoted Wherent of Uw Rub - 't .1 1#_% -ii by Jud:v:. directly ou the might interfere with I t bey had 70'erre, I - to I t I I UltorY t their fulfil- artluoum, dutiON IUCUMI*Ilt OU ()tie Who ti#Mr of tile" mate rials so that they fruit should be removed at tin eArly out that tho Fren,,Ii Institute ii a - outan church. The ministrations of tile of 1144-sta e." ment. Jn this case Judith iliterfered, ot deteriorate nor lose any of stago cof its development. fa-h`on. but it was not until 10 n undert00kr to preach isalvation to his will it vi-fect, congregntioll of half. and chuech tlw gvnerally rewtve.4 at as Ahat they Plefled dowu to a -Iktva4lyo "It thit I.q tho ea -W!, wily tillould W Juda. taking a rapid survoy of fellowme- their plant food. A progressive far- fit -arty ocUrgtetiarians. tittle Rumian ellatiel, Specialty am- allftly%ts of the com;*% Jtulai* eltow them to. Maron?" tile situation, saw a means by which n, It wau mer 19 one who pays more attention HEAR r PAINS LFAVE IN A DAY 4 ortmeted for her use in the lbalace, i ' ho Could silenw lief- effectively, and thew men set themselves to, but they to tile -11laking or Influllre thall to Unable to Attend to Her Daily "Duties the great antidote fur tile but on 'Uw cre-at feamt dnyN sald apil, In Fanks fidgeted tifileashy in Ili.-; chair. Wurk 'Is othe WA su'xhiei r ar; 1'refloets great crWit looked at tile floor, %he ceiling, the determined to do a) without delay. Were trong In the faith anti hope of -anything elsoe oil tite farm. And a Great Sufferer Froin Heart attewles the Rwmian Church In the -111 P111. tcr tho Way tn doctor, everywhere but at Roger. He wished to marry rforry Affirson. ultim, e It is not an hupommilile thing to Trouble— Induced to Try Dr. tramp epidemic. Since Winnel ago c4t - 7V King regularly attendo a 4 ate reward. Many fell by th y yoll b�ave fou:14 It 011th" "I relly. can't tell." he mald, ati he wished to enjoy the income, the nmko gmxA land pay for itaelf every Agpow's Cure for the county, Wisconsin, udopt,43.(I th? %%ork- Laitlieran o4erivice held in the royal tn. y position, aud tile benefits derived waymi(le, while others struggled on aiju "I'vot not got to the er%l V JoAr-a length, ver kleart, and it Proved a 1101120 cuM for tramps the number to wy. yet." replINI Octa, from being a 8011-111-LI.W Of Marson. proispered, -and -a few are to -day en- ear, Title osounds extravagant. to Wonder Worker. rhailel atid conducted by tlw court vil"14, g*mly: "Ycw, you,can," whouted Rogur, rism. many, but tile fact ham I)wii demon- be cared for has faLlen from abou chuplAp III German. The Prine" and *11 out of t lie Ing (kilickly: " you muspect-o' and was Consequently determineJ to jo Ing a ripe old age happy In the stratA-d Many times. Thft larger "tile These are tile word4 of Mrs. T. 441 1 %voti't hallo4) VII I'm. L500 per motitil in the winter me= PrintIc*wis. however, are all Adher- sa lot no name." rep3ed Fa nks, lot nothing stand in tile way of the was a to 75, and a -saving to the county of ent*4 of tlw- natkmW Greek Church. realization of his hop( -d. JL,tl knowledge that a I"thig rewaTd will acienge under cultivation the lebsat- Rundle, of Dundalk, Oilt.: ITou're�ont of the Jarliclifttf,r w wd, very pae, r1hing In his turn. as was not can be given to detalls, and, great sufferer with severe pain in the Some 1,000 a nimth ham been effected. Almost as diverse re Uie linguistic N%o. bu. t I W 1 1, 1 a bravo mail, but he %vas wonderbiby soon be thilro. Most of these old region of my heart. m Yt�, only 44-), p!urge Into thi� 41eeper "Roger ro Crafty, and the fox. as a rule, gains timers cotm-4equently, tile smaller a%,,erAge w," quite unable to attend to my conditious. The Queen doem not speak .11 are not flow engaged In active. profit an acre can be obtained. Tho Right Rev. Alphow J Dank4h Iteely. nor the King Rumsian. recemw-s (4 th,- Ironfil-Itis wo . Ott. . "I WIAl tell 'yo -m. mut I ik_-clare 109, a his ends where the lion falls; no tile church work, but have -been iAaeed on STOCK. liouselio)d dutieii. I wtL4 induced to Vicar Apostolic ajid Blullop of t Honap when by tliemimelvem they con- 6*W+-P,­ sald AXton, r0flectivAY, lie -a lie!' Frenchman determined to go up to a rega r try for. Agnew*ki Cure for tile Ifeart, the Bali on the night following his the sul*raRnuted list, and are now rd tt, tile comparative value atid I mumt may tho-result %vas won- Dutch West Indies, 6 the firist cle verow in Germum. 35ft "peak Eng - "you've pro%-e%i c(_)nelu,4;vt-',y'ttL*1t I dit I "Good - hearetts!" cried Japix. ri rgy-' 16h find French f r4w In tile not comm!t tb!,- crime." Ing. "what dt** this mean first Interview, see Judith. and let living a -quiet life in town or on a of blielied and ear corn, " a. feed, tile derful. Tije pain inimediately left me. Man of Lpiscopal rank to cuccum f ilv Crown Pr ce English ou!" Ph4,MIte,1 ja'plx, in nt flo looked at both men for -an an. her know at once wht to expect if latter a Considered the safer, and if and after' the first day I have had leprosy, b to a of the rm free from the earea of the world, -1 je eedablished langvagp. When P-wer. and obtained It from Hoge with him attrangementis. fa n with which he became In- 6 tl' io-renelY she meddled the tara are broke , itiplit or crujilicA no pain or tircWblio since."' fected whiie adminiAering religious as a tile who4e fami�y ioe together it th "Ju -4% faikey, doc-Wr, you ve A* tt 1119 "It nieafi:4 Ilunt my old seltool-fetlow This w 11 very nicely arranged, they await the call to come up hither. until they can'b0 handled readily by Instruction and &ynkA)iation to leproum waAe the rule that Greek Witfil be with a ffl1K*vt,6oI #iuspect-i the woluall 1.1ove of a crime." and if M. Guinaud had been undis- Rev. David Williams, Wh& lives two cattlo, they are certainly to be pre- ABOUT SPONGES. adults and rhildren at Curacoa. uneti at tbe table, but at (Kher times '*Judith Varllws T' turbed. he would no doubt have suo- O!Nnt row," reniomtrat*41 miles southestp of Nixon, Ont., In the ferml to aliNlett grain. gcw%�-hunior"!Iy *1 (Ild 141161*Ct `Yo -4; Judith ceeded In Ills wicked little plan's; but Tho feeding 'value of flax straw Is What They Are. Where They Coin* Fuglio4h or Cerman 6 Qw uual lati- -at moment. you %~1 fate. not approving of this usurpa- of Windham, orfolk really too 'ILI' George PeabodY's donation of $2, - you for cleared Japix looked at Fanks tu oee if I Le very small. li is V uable From and How to Judge them. guage. yourwif In my eye -4. Illut'you nitist w tion of her role am arbitrator 61 hu- County,, was'one, OT theme early days for other purpo-wA,,os to wie as feed. It 500,000, for IAPndon workingmen'm gs limiked black ouid repeat the accusation, but the Uves, interfered, and Octariu8 elre of camninandim in niany regions the prices The way to tell a gotid sptonge is by I)OPSON 14m 'increased W $6,000,0(X) i A VETERAN d STORY4 detective &aid nothing. man . ult riderak '- lie was a mait Its elasticity. That Is to b"iy, a g(K)d o Fanks was now of g(XINI flay, nga!nst y "M diDar-Axton, yoli're dreandlig, since I& death. Lai -A year the trum�- At Eight, .4t. Ill: t y vigorous health anti although with- F-ponge, ishould feel springy lit your hand ,, Y"&rs of Air One Box of Dr P-1 Axton. quicklY 110 PAI41, Soothingly. It I'd w; sooll think tAD defeat all the Frenchman's Lettliestabled(xwor Uie stockbarn tuid, if you wet it ant: vAliweze It, t0w Of tile fund provided 11,367 Agnew's C&Larrhal owder Cres a Out many 'a,(.1vantageis in the way. of th.tt liatt Vie it ective been any of suspecting myeelf." vellemear. 'alwas be of cenw-tit. ' It not only it t4hould Instantly return to shape. MOM, Llm:dv bath roomm, lavatories, Case of Fifty Yoo.irs'St&nding- In playing with late, that godden ucilUon he'aucceeded by dint prevents wind from blowing under otlwr tlian yi,) ohould now be Rogeir `oetzed' tile large hand of the early ed The light yellow color that *;ponges ant] laullAirics; 19,654 persons ocempied It Relieves Colds, Lnd C&t arrh In Thirty Kinuta& 4n !-Lr-mon vaiting my trial on a doctor anct sho6k It heartily. llama nasty habit cd forcing her of hard and constant study in be* We eattle� but it saves all liquid man- have Is, flat natural. It in tile result thm. TIM death rate of Infants in tile ch i %W' .,f a'1vnipted murder." "Tliank heaven. there 1�. some one ponent-o band bef OP- lng uro, and Is lem expensive- than . IJeAvY a bleaching, fuid if a Pponge has been buildiiLga Im 4 per cAmt. below tile aver-, Gporw of hilaluokiti, I,&., alL.4w s her Innocent!" fie said. with it. and this is what she did norw, to an writ**.. "I stweighty yearvi of age. ore he debired to bhow admitted to. the ininistry. He was , jo6-ta d plank floors.- It IN.- ftlAo bleached too much, it becomes fkbby ered Fanka. light- believe age for London. ing p fresh. -cigar. " not only that a Imif mob. the great disicomfiture of M. i I udas. tile first born tn the first house built. rat proof, and (me - of thA, greatest and soon wears out. I have lwfii troubed 4-ilAi catarrh JiuL ven probal ly. Hi you economim of the farm,. for fifty years, "d in my time hare It was about eight o'clock on the In Glenwillian- Tile following im given ispeci- qpol- "Tut. -tut!" antwered tile doct"or ' u4, near Georgetown, Mr. That you may have a liberal fee There used to be a 'k)t of dispute over used a great nuuty catarrh cures, but proved your inn-cenue. aud . t night, following 'that momentoun in Geo. Kti- I ding quietly; "sit down. iny dear boy, id' _nnedy, the founder of -George- the questiou of whethersponges were inen of " heckling," during tile recent ger-�11.4 proved his." 9 terriew at the Hall. and *aIl Mrs. Bin- -,of roots, next fall and winter for all never had any relief until I used Dr. down. There must be some explana. town being a brother of hid moilier. the stock, uniess you hAve 1)14-nty of veget4tblem, or animals. At one tinie election cam %u Puspect hint asked t1l)n of. tll .,o t paigu ill Furfarshirle. Agnew's CAtarrhal ll'ovMer- 08eboz L� term bourdery had left the jail on the some 'of tile wime men made a CA.Pni- t hr. LIA 'A ( r. ehuckl'ng. ".1 thought ato ticket -of -leave system except Judas, To -day lie to 70 Yea r the rich wfntr pasturage or will put up a, promise and salti that the sponge was Captain Sinclair wam tile heckled and cured me completely, and it gives me much froin your' 41tiestious 'to -day. "It Roger* -would not be po "IM. rs old and fo silo, and will fill it with grem corn great pleasure to recommend it toall 8 . petuows, said Fanksa, who had . re. who eat In the drawing -room cell p"t 26 yearis'lias lived in this county. both, being part of tile time a vege-r N Sir. 3141in tile lieckler. Are you Nix-insieur F ouche. j�umed Ills oeat, "J would like Arranging everything in his crafty For many y - ensilage for green winter feeding,- tble and part of tile time an animal. a infirrjed quay, bir" (Laughter.) suffering froku thia'slialady." W-11. he hntl the ftal PAI 1)411 In to tell ears he has been a suf- plant plenty of root crops this spring. iiis popke"ion; hf- uze-. morphia for Ido him Pomething." - brain before setting out on his er- forer from kidney . and k1fidred. dig- Have beets, carrots, turnipti arld eab- The (Ad dispute Is not wholly i�pttled 'all, ilot." -(Renecd laugliter.) -Are SHE FAkM8 VIOLETS s4iotherm * -he hate.1 of) alto- Roger lot*)*k&f at Ills friend with a rand t4) lluo Varlins. The head jailer yet, but It is usually agreed that the You Wmeatber Of"ally'church?" At .4 had several timell entered tile room eawm. 41a tried all kinds of remedles hage, and a good, warm bin In tile gleam of hope In IIL eye, and sat and intimated that he had better and altilou I, ajorlietilued temporarily 4arn, well lined with straw, to keep up(nige belohgm to the aiiimal kingdom. this Inoluent I ain not; but I have A Yoxing Matron WhOf KILkets a Living down In mullen silence. The part sold in shopm is tile akeleton just come back from Canada, am you Tl.�-ry wiqsi a very nice little case "You - yourself say .1 suspect Miss, -run out for a brieath of treat, air; but abd convenient for w Out of Flowers gaO relie g-rew worse feeding. hie,, is covered with a sort of glutin will remember." Oh, yeti. There'at �t li;m." fidl,4hed Japix, with a red lie gradually there.'* (Loud laughter.i -4)me profit -P are bewg made Ins." elplatned Fanks, with faint ous flesh when tile living animal Is 11audo ."'Oh. I know Varl JudSA. saying he would go later on. nao kirkis your hesitation. ,&Imply becan..;e I sald".kept, his seat, by tile dilmnutive fire, until III October, 1895, lie waa stricken - Where one can devote a good part of growing like a cabbage at the bot- from violet-4arming I)y a young vtomim Mowleur Le" T have Judas Ila(] taken certain documentato and declined obey Mrs. Binter. With lyi4s. From this he partial- his time to "clioring'� nothinit mn fall tom, of tile too". The co who wa& vud6eiiJy awakened from lwr al n'Petillon of Japanese inatell- rea-! Gabtwixtu's ri,mnces." to 0 Ift line more acceptably than the lady's disgust. ly recoi- d and recovered 1tis poivem I'm fraid we're tit A so tnfnlllble arson. How do you know that . I much to that 4&4 V%q Apiary as a side iiisuo. It will be bf The best sponges come fmill" thel 06 is alread Iwilig Neverely felt dream of luxury am a gay aociety but - way ot Pumpect r-ome one sWhy, drat the man,"' she said. in of speech, but his mind was badly Mediterranean -ea- but the great ma- ill terfl and t1irown upon hor own rt - ave the great Lec(ml." her advantage in more ways than one. Eurollean -Oliar1etm, "ys why not? I flre say ]IPA "Whom ?" w "W faiihion. to one of the under- wxecked, ntl Ills memory was so th fruit culture 14 ctUd Jority of everyday kponges ubed in tile the Pitt&- @ourctw Her bu-binemo capital was tier "116o Varlims." observed Faaks,lei- arers. "what does lie mean by po United States bome from the Bahama hurg r 1i'J4l)atCll- After the viAliting list, )Kwt* Of ftcXulAilittkneft mos tted on Violocq. At Aill evernt". or that ho could not rememter the. dependent upon the activit surely. '.*nlay, for. all we know, be-, W"tln' c0ald an' tie? Why don't he namo pf- tile person Y 'if U-Jands, in tile Atlantic, off the mouth- home inarket. the J aj&aijew send and pienty of frien(*, wh6_1ed luxur- yon've now got an enigma Which to whom. he acting a' noble part. anti may be walk his dinner off by usins his legs wished . to speak without thinking ever busy^bee; and the stores of honey wcst coast of Florida. Nassau, the ca p- ioux lives and rooluired a Aupply 'o( wo4,U del;ght Mondiptiir (;nt,oriau.mt' . lust4lad of -robbin' me of my profits Intell ' should be reward enough. boxes to the rewt of tile trying to 'Pereen another person -for MY for Rat ortliew�.niany l4ands, Is t1te mar - 0 veveral mifiute& - One e hot-hotap flowers for the dining table, lie -it Is taore difficult than fie. by it out 01 Like cotton wed cake, oil meal cak world, njustly. however. to Aui&. This tiLstance. Mr. FrancLq Manion." ll�s tWrtY shil-, day driving to cliurch lie Viblied to rntillsilew a food of ket where Ppoug(% are c(Meetid, cured parlor bim-h. and ball bouquet&. as I ­Wfiat?" #i1imited Japix and Rogeri great value on ac- and slilpped. The an the hLim dtwLroyed the Euroean match as flovrcrb to wear or dilll�ay Lit "octal -kly ?11 **ak -'of a neighbor wru) live& next. count of its high Perceittage of jiltro- trade III Is un, wpc There ypti lit ttle breatit.' The underwarder- suggested r&- to him for twenty- years, but he coultJ geti; it bewine" of esp"ial Po - port- fishermen are called, go out to waue- tout, se far it Ila* not7effected tile t�IX f anctioluL a rrflootl(-a of holding of 6.1'ra not eprtain-by no meana cer. Voctfully that NI. Judas might be -,noti recall tile nme- for an hour or of the distant Islands lit gmall but iwa- T14o young matrtm had alwas bivii the vp:rror up t) w, Nature. El, -au-_ Aaln allco as of raising tlie albumin- worthy kchoonere, fiom which the fibli- n n zteiit. That it fond of anti determined to make bu-t I- 11.1ve my 1ou&picICULq.­ eXPecthig a friend that night. am on more, In ad(OtIOU to Ills- mental old raticTeoafliffidlet, wAffle Its abundant will hillort'- 40 W1, L-4, in . tile a busineris of raising Uipm. She began said Japix. ticornfully; A PrOViOUS oCcasiou, to which the jail- trouble lie had, - intomie - bodily- Buf- Ing is done. Tile captain and crew t, ikcvp-arP.­ Octa enm I There 11-in't a more or maAle prompt reply 3 ferin pply of his element naturally fur- all colored n4tivei% who, Uesides their Opinion of Izolitrt It. Jorter, oertaiii. with one wmall gla#*��orered pit, anti , Y. " Pooli I now g, Pains inathe head, acrosethe s`u 'we an extremely-valwilile manure. ouppliew of flour, salt pork suid gin, a - promptir. "and titioted %,%rnn,,l re"liect4ml 4ian in Ironfields." "Oh. I dare sayl That friend he fore head, In- the templea and behind has now a d(mem large greenhouses un- ­Never mind; the vpirfty It not the em :the ear* acrom the lower part. of It ls'proper�y fed with cut mtravv or New York has a new %oineu-s club 4 genera*Ly Your. respected per, flay, aud is ebeaper than'grain. fowm im there." AL t had here wao a f urriner. I heard sometimes take tIwIr families ith der tier directkiti. Her violeta are un- talkin' their Frencii gabbe. It's more them. They. are guod t;ailoro and cruise with 4W nieuibers, each otie of W�kiow usually large find fragrant, anti " she We've mtraye,l - from the Puliject." w)li" who fancy they enn #;In with like a turke gobblin' tile eikull and in f the �olut of 'tI16 neck. Fcodipg must I e (kme regularly, lib- about from place to place until they is einIP10yed In uoLm branch of do- cmly sells the very beict. @lie has mow* inirunity. and not be found'out Y a reat weakn" and puins'lu erally and systematically, working to obaered Axtnn- am 1 -ng. "riegardirtir on talkin. Wiy doil't thew furriners find gvod f"Ing grounds. ordi-ra titan Pile cain fill thit, case. -Sinee ivn,l my,4ell the bucks- lilps, and leg-& -In fact, so accomplisli the end' in view. In 'Ah ftieoitic service. . There are c9oks and arlp Intlocent, wh�-) U gitilty decciunt of that very respectability. "ra - English ? There"s the frtit- much did lie thuffer. - that, sleep was The watoer about theate imlan& is so a-undrevooti athl * waitiva6et ,,lid wul- 14he giveo tier whc6e attent,lan to this I nok you a few questions, Ja. (lour bell! Vraps It's that frielld economLal, busineopllke� manner. Eacil businem and I AA pix clear that -tile bottom can be i6een wr incaim lit now seren &Imcwts an' impossibility,' ail(*] lie fell feeder must, in a great measure. tie - Do you know. my - good 'Vid 1cq '11.v all again. I'll go my"." way In' weight until he weighed termine the ration which he call most at., a, great deptii, and when tile lery waids, [jut the tuaprity at*- gen- thmmaud dollar% a year. And go liersell she did. to find Mr. only 45 IK)un(" By titts time, Dec.- .' -upply, as timt. w1liell waves make tbib uupoLsible thty use eral ljoww%urkerb in famli.lm I - Many of us could worry along on economically b a L"ud rv-mark-d- Japix. vorateniolating hl%d Wily did Marmon want his pretty Fatika waiting ou the doorstep; nnd a box with a glaAm bottom. whioli _46rate cireunsLuneelpi. The clul. qt"eeto that.-Exebang". -large fep.t. "' that I woni!er you have daugliter to marry that ugly wreck of ember, 1895, lie - became despon(lent -would be too coistly for Otte inight be thinkIdWie was expected by Judai,- anti felt that If h6 did not isoun ob- winparatively clieup for another. they prom Into the water Wow the twicw a m0fith, and JUW a 1101LIt 001U - not Virned jraur fittent on to'.3%lonoteur a :%wlger ?" seeing tfid% gentleman had waited in, - raggod turface. SometlEa" the have plete"'y -furnuijed for duniebLic llasWr-Who e4n tell ine what u&- ,4... 1 manager 31111fl. , . rallix llf4�lt�-Xted .-gL. moment be fore tain relief he -would &Kx)n bid adieu wer- Go I F - - took him in cli&rg�% and formally con- On tile It takes. a ' wise too market a. thick pane of glass met. & tze bot- vailt" who, Ate ill. ut tif vivi tilt oy nient ful arti �! le we JLret from ttie %hale ? answering. ducted him to the drawing -room cttll. to the thinigo of this world. live stock. at just the right time, an it toom of their boat,4. or &,uperanquAted. Johnny-Whalelmme. 1w4ter- Right. "I know nothing for-& fact, he said, "Oth of liiietly : "but I enii, forinz nothing "A gentle -man for you. muttseer," .. -December tie read of a cure is more dilficult than to wH other In m6allow water the Nponges are Now 'What little boy (w girl knows t') tim. vupv at length. with' great reluctance. she sal�), glaring at, her lodger. wIto In tile Reformer by Dr. Williams' farm productia. If held too Wfig tho brought up by moans t4 a pair of III the, t4tit. d6itrict iii Uliebbire, What WO Wt frotu the meal Tommy 1,11t 'common rumor-*' Pink Fills and being seized with, a prolita begin to decreame by reasott (if had artmen to Ills feet In some our. long -handled rakes like btretched-out laud, the brl' been pumped so --sea ang-WAX. to Wo a4ded- "t of keeping. Grain - in re fie Imul Y" an,! a rumor, 4by all means. 'prine, 6- an" please don't use too many isudden inspinttion at once wrote oyttoer tongues. When tile spougeo a I)ir*A't Y -)ll tf It 1110' the' f4her day Th6re's -no smoke without fire.- Brockville4or a supply of.thatmar- the bin ill not "eat Its head off," colitilluoWAY out of tile eitrth that the coals, @�r. For 00ftis Is coals, how_ too deep to be' reached bY tongs, tile that yl.0 tfiovght,'Juda�4 lAd all t1ifi, `"A detetable proverb." said JaOlx, ever much you �elotia remedy. Immediati good re- but- stock sometime" does thlo very m&Y tlibik 'em waste r -fishermen dive for them, fre4ju6ntly laild h" iiettlett very (tAisiderahly. ISSUE NO 19 1897 thruads (4 the rae in 1i I.-; liand saild rrowning. "Well, rdmor says that papert-, #,Ult@ rollowed tNeir use and he has thing. Roger. twning to 31arson will ania.%4h if money is not Improved wonderfully during the past TIw (164poi.41tion of 'tile animal has f water, and Tile htk" naturally t4lik witil tile H&vLnc thus relieve tier feelings, yea r. He has recovered his bodily -much to do with the gain or lo --w upon among isharks that would terrify a 'I l n fancy I Paild si.metbin- like put into his buWWe- a, aud that Florry Mrs. Blnter retired to the basement, whito imimmer. Tfiei�e divers are at earth awl in ' 46 but Marmon wm to be the price of Spolger- *here lie anused herself with bad- health and strength, is comparatively A, given amoutit of feed. Thim is an *�orwich only tho' ridei are visible. that." repl ed Oetaviim %iApicion.;4 o; fit, home In the water from babyhood and NCTORS W4U "ling for Slarson & -Son the requIs. free from palif and film menjory Is ImportAnt thing for coLwideration IN - Sering Mr. Binter. and Fapka was nearly as good as It ever was and when buying cattle either for growth hare no fear. 110 11011c4u are Lnhabiwd, although left alone with the chemint011 ass;&_ Whqn It Is fir t brought up the thti roonis4 are underground. In a think tll--xt'if tile most powerful tant. an the Improvement continues the or to fatten, anti, an muell judgment sponge, to a dark, slippery, 01my great inany vamm aAiL1itl(xI&I utoriosi no. h-&Va' I hari- piu_�p,cionj (yf, i u(jas, reifison for tile crime we've had yet." YOU wiNI, to, see me. monsinr prospects are very bright for com- Is mluired, in wlecting' animals to mass, which bmells terribly while dry- ha%o been dded, &0 that by living lit find I'mi pretty xurp-" elther of lils listeners answered anked Judas, lit French; narrowing Ills pleto recovery. He h" gained: 20 feed an in feeding them. Ing in the iKun. After the spougeris tho uIlloer roomo the rer4tients 1"ay T!,.a't he f-onintitted tilt- ni r,- thix remark. as they #4*.med Instinc- eyes to their moot cat -like expres)- pounds III weight since beginning the To hilow an an'mal to make, a *.11ow got a deck load of t1woe slimy thInV, havo &oiiie light and air. t:nlP-!­d thp doctor. The roa- tirelY to feel that the zatal net wam siolp. use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Mr. growth. and' then, when sufflcl�nt do- they go ashore on tile nearest island mink, t4)0, b1Jt are kept u 1) to I can heartily on- velopment bas been reacheit- in this le 40' co vina d t ou. d "1 0 divie dox Zoo for o4 oell, 0 ba "Oh. Rm nott P.-Pirfl to) go that cloing rounol Martion through tile re- rel�lcxl FaIlk WilliamaAsaw to.cure what they have on hand. Tile -ttiv prolKir level by �hp t;v%ert *SALADA s. vitting down. CEYLON TEA. far." K41 Fank.4. . 41n,ekly : "but -as lentlesim l6gic of the detective. I Wish to ank you a few- quastions.11 dorue the many good. things said* of way. to fee(I It -for tile market, will landing is often made on some li-land 0016dens. rare. 0%J91aftsm rpgard?i Gu:naud. IT' tellyou "in the case 'of Axton." resumed "I can not give you long, Monsieur theme pills In the papers, and strong- add to the cost.to much an extent where the fishermen have relatives The Ilenni.;ylvanla Railroad inain-6 fold is "a le -d Ema P&4.&#.t 9,60 be, to imp th;nz. It's tile rusvirn. I ormler. Fanks. coo'ly, "tile motive for -the. Fankm." saitt the Frenchman un- 134 recommend them to anyone unt- that in many eamem no profit will be *tanof. f(4 th ma -iter v, check the Crime rl.I)pearod to be love. In the fering an I was." and havo a good time trading gin for etlitorial department ciom- My orooer ODy .1VI311191Y. " I have an engagem�nt for obtained. Feed from the stdirt. fruit, Wgetablem and other i4and lux- r :lolltintant -with It -gat -1 It- number MAO of Spolger, love. In the came of t),Lv nIght!o, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a blood DAIRY. lXk4ed or about a dozenanen. @Old at 26, 40, 50 anti #W Conte PON 1b. tm)x.*, 9#� uries. The ponges are killed by tile under JudIx. love. All very well, but hardly 011. Indeed. With Hr builder and -nerve restorer. ' They 7 Lluz& YOU P111111ol In a very dangerous commenced the descent of the chlin- Alln-JI.Y &MVur 001L WIP UJIULM 0A are so expert that they C.LWL a IJ k at glut, 90 along t pack a Iti-In-.4a of t'ranoi-is Mar-,oni-" Why, %'flat (14) ou intend to. do ?99 t1wir business In the face. A gren and do tile Imot I could oil mv legi. REAMS WIN M SUSUF� TrUe. true!" y 0,,, position "y. Half -way down he became wedg.ed bushel of sponges In a cigar bnx. ant. I'm going to Kei� Monsieur Judas. "My faith. no f Not at all.- In a turning, and could neither move amount of butter is continually of- tiniato income, which vi" nibout i�iitiol Axton. taking. ill) Yf)u*ll find him a match for you," tlify defemot. ` wiiv oiliout-1 J wlami tAke saill. the'doctor, grimly. as he &room- ."Ther ir is ax well You Miould know up nor down, remaining jammed In this * feml III the market the cot -it of pro- $100 REWARD, $100. 400 a year. But It takes money to t1w trouble to kill '-11ii+4tauo at Jan- panie4l lit" gues at once. I ILI a detective, ait you position from midnIght until 7 o'clock ducing which exceet* any imitisible &. tM to the door. price which can be obtained for it Tile readers of thlis paper will be IuAd a place in bmiety lit Atlanta. It of etkotoer when lie vorilil i.t%e donte op "Then I'll see Warwn.1- know, and a next morning, when the servants com ut Investigating tills you do Y#ot put up tlio a af- Farmerm wpuld hardly kc4-p on If pleased too learn that there Is at least tuff you r. for at ironfield�4.11. Hump,h: two 14to( fair of your late frietui. I suspect menced to light the fire. not appreciated. go long as you ps, AM, you'll fail t4i they knew of the low Pntalled. yet one dreaded dimease that ocience Ila$ SrRATFORD. ONT. Qh, tlmit*A rmert,?,-, a oluestit-ow of the ground." Mom" One of the murier." Half -choked by tile smoke, lie called Y the te4imony as too the state of lm*M able to cure in all Its stages, and tot, tile fun you are a king bee, but Our businfiP4 IP t4O 9111 1116660- Witil PrAGUMI AP41 loudly for help, and tile alarmed ser- Rnfety." mid Octarlu.". thoughtfully. I'll take my chance of that," maid "Wery well., Moru4iour Axton ?" tho moment you do not get in the kno%%Iledge. The teadins rommore6w Paboal 44NO.019 things wou](I not be liard'to obtain. that Is CatarrhL Hall'a Catarrh Cure or- vanto wnt for the police. The latter if t -l'- difil. here. awk- Fankq, cheerfully, as he 'stepped out Canada to -day. Nine besuUfM soMMe want I'light liave 1wen .4%k- inti, the darknems with Roger. "Good. -:'The dear Spolger T' &;oon discovered the cause of the outw. Atifiet is an excellent food for pro- is the only positive cure known to the P110411 with tile cwh you are nobody. 10 , medemw row; 1*11 IM, a Pt I meolleal fraternity. Catarrh being a I WAP in the push, and I hail to got roomo; exoelknt teachera. t*l, which would havo- 1*,4!n difficult . aI)Ie No. cry, and a rope was lowered to the' (hieing (L flow of milk, and come re- i enwr at aur Ulne c 40 I' f U) give you - constitutional disease, requires a con- ffim)oy to hold MY own. -It took #Vulan tn*. for Guinaed to an;4er; but nig it. JapJX. unfortunate Lotharlo. He had almost cent careful tasto show that It will J. PrIl"11816L -at Jar tho key tri, the Jarlehester wymtf-ry Juilas Mirugged his shou'ders I J Chester the man dlei,4. anti there L next week." "My falthl I know not. tilen', reached the top, when the rope broke, produce a larger percentage of but- stitutional treatment. Hall's Cpitarrh 111("10Y to pay for thentre ImLittles, tile Cure in taken internally, acting di- germans, supw.rs. rio%%-4-m find other V nothing to commeet Jutlai or any one pect.vo and ho fell down the chimney again toer -fata, than most other grn&,4e#;. Of EXTRACTS of course. this does not apply to milk -t STUDENTS AND TLACHERS FROM A DETf.UT1vr-.-s " You "' rectly upon the blood and mucous our- presents, and I was like the fellow 6-14e witli the death. Tliat pill idea, Yen, you do. I awspect Monsieur with terrible force, Injured Internally be_ fac(s of the sytitem, thereby dpotroy- who had 1101d ci a gnIvarlir hattoory-I NVIIIHINO a WORTHY *Ad PROMABW NOTE -BOOK. 1-i a dmilish ill�eftiolLiL #)fle." Jules Guinaud." and with a li-roken leg. -Being no which hao been permitted -go. After 7 once t4tart- =u= for the 8 UUM ER oaz got smi* "QuIte/ worthy of a t*rvnchman!*'" retufted from an The Frenchman was by no means longer able to help himself, the come ripe and woody before liar- ilig th" f0undht10II of the dimeaAe. and could not lot ng Im. We do DOI Proultow 1W DAY, lloeyb� the vIrtunwi ' English' can evening wkh Japix. tWe (R-, than th&L Pa WZZj?0 "ful ter J ust startled. but laughed jeeringly. chimney had to be torn down before vftting. giving the patient strength by butUng ad I Mad to keep it up or I was "t." but more ho�i tli#-Ir own Ili thatrtwpeet; I "Eli. monsieur ! Que diable fatten. the enterprising lovee could be res- POULTRY. up the ecirintitution and asslotitig nat- ' pwticul&rim kddrv- J`- and myself) had a long conversa VOUM dano L ure in doing Its work. The proprietors A guard oti t1w Great Western road ILY, !fir P%fr%y "traorilinary ca. -;o in Paria* tion about tile came. . . . This con- cette galere cue(t.and cotiveyed to the hospital. Tile finest fowls neglected are' no in England# who has trav 11 o 4,_ L. NICHOLS & 00.. W_ I can f d you an ellulvILIVut ily-IAJA- vOrvation. has Wit mf.. In a state of "You npeol twt lest. better than, the veriest ectulm-they have so much faith In Ita curative e ed VW PACh]01200d 9L -"t W011L TVIPMW URL don. uk� 1 am In Itching,. Buriiing Skin Dlsewqes Cured are worse; they cannot Ertand neglect, powprg that they offer One Hundred 000,000 miles In forty years, recently great perplexity. I told Japix earmemt!" Dollars f ail c that it falls to received a purse of MW for being t1a fly' the wast cc -d Jap:x, sudden- P*r Thirty -Five Cents. because they are,not used to It; serub,4 would give him the key to the myti. "Truly Will Monpicur speak uro. Senffor TIZJ's greatest traveller In tile world. ICTERBUROUGH C&NOE ooKPANT ly (koprUak tile 110, of colivermation tery next week. but I spoke more plainly ? Dr. Agnew's Ointment relieves ill can. because. they have been raised e of testimonials. Ad- P -0&noss. ow9k I&Ulaotlep we beg "W Ail* in favor of a new one. " I wept to jwe boldly than I had reason to. "Certainly ! You, say you were IL 6ne day and caPes Tetter, Salt 11lieuin, on drfw, F. J. CHENEY & CO., T(Aedo, 0. 311,-11 Marson to,-daY;zmhW-4 very III. Ii, trud I nm narrowi - friend (if Melmtane. No. that Is a Scald Head, Fxzema, Barbers' Itch, Sold by Druggists, 75c. cb*&Wt ; got ourpriom. ng down the cir- ThooD only who have tinw anti in- Ball's Family 1`111m ai* the boot. you kw)w." t%%o, peopleo with lie. You hatoOd him because lie was Uleern, Blotches and all eruptions of clination to do soo mhould raise pure PILL -AGE. WRDIS PR.A I = wW vej d My tn iilt." #oai,l Rog# -r. reltret- a P(441ible thi-rd. Manion, Ju&t -your MUCCessful rival with Miss Ma the skin. It 19 sootlilng and -quieting ­ArtificW Cream-- abodid" h bred fowls, because breeds cannot be melve edm and tow d" am Nully, 1);Urtilig out tho filet of M#+ Varlinn and Ju(#Lm. lt,,g a son. You w1s1l6d him dea kppt pure without close a1wntion. beavidtal ad very d. so that a4d artm like magic In the cure of "I TY al W_Ps"r. -A 0." m 1.4 a preparation of iigm to hu Mating fact t4) contesu Inde- ke Your sult -all baby humors; 35 contA. 100 per to for -a nil[ thin YOU'would be free to ma Keep two essential pointo In view Artificial crea -'anks. P cision Well, go on."' PaIA I IM even 10 myself But de- to tile Young lady. The box of tonic when feeding chicks -growth and oil which may be readily and perma- Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills, 20c a vial, are "y MIAMWeall. what were y6u going to teetivem are Dot Infallible, save in to- [mid for those of Met- Capital Is Essential. warmth. Unless efileks grow rapidly netitly Incorporated witli any llquid, planned after tho most mod*rn %d t 1Pn tly ; , Pilim left your Ila QW6W SAY, Japi I ImOve&- I 'nm,l*rple"d. . . stane. they will not give ft large a prcglt an and L-4 tntended to be employed chiefly gin - ;. 1 44 46 vtlted Miss Marson to- Pardon I it If I were rich," olglied the shopo. they should. The food should be com- for enriching skim milk, and rendering in medical sc;ence. have muspected Axton wrongfully. handn of went first intw the lifter, " I should be a kleptomaniac, posed of elements wbich produce bone It available ad cattle food. The pre- M tkiy." � - - I Lave itu.-Pected Rpolger wrong, Monsieur Vo.5k." AIR t of youlvc� F.. -Ad that. What C fully, and now. Let we make a "Don't trouble to tell lie -4. Guinatul. and not a thlef." and fledh. As till food containn heat paratloti lei made by Omply meclaini- .%,nd I s4aw her father. 1010 t0141 note. of the motiveit of each of the I have atiked Wook, and I The common drunk reflected. producing elements, they will w1doin cally emulsifying any suitable oil 11jo n mo;t. extraor(linary thing. P9 three pec4Ae I su"et now. . . . counted tile pilim. and tl le Says be 't Yes," he finally replied. 11 it's be lackinj If a variety in given. wlUt a volutioti of glue or gelatim, They are as gr*at an improvemont Wait I% bit." smid the sletectivP, 13fargon! fie I" on the�-,verge tho box again-open.to ien gave you pretty hard to do any kind of buminess If your ens otop laying suddenly in an(I finnlly diluting wittf to over the 60 Years old Wrong doss water DUNNS "d Wttli gje 1J excitement. 111 lie t of bankruptcy only one person these days unless you have lots of tho winter look at their combs. if any desired conolstency_�/To one kilo pill formulas as a bicycle to -in tell YOu what can mave him, mely, Jackiw)n F capital." thew have been frozen, the fowim a re of oil about 50 grammes of glue may you a itrar that I c ger. nA 3pol- **Reserve Your defense, if 'You pleam. For, Jwstice, the blind goddem, wag on the sick limt, And laying Is out of be used. "Artificial cream" keeps ov*r an ox cart in travel. lie told yoiO . . . Re. however, declines to When You got that box, you put in not blind to the extent of being un- tho question. Their houses were not well, and may be mixed with any The & ace you con!" replied Japix, hatp him unican he warriev Florr those two niorphia, pills. and Melitane able to wink the other eye. warm enougb. Egg productloh-should liquid by isimply Fttirring It In. It In antonIhme-at. - Well, ril take .3,[#Lrwm- . . . 9be won't marry Spor left Ironflelds carrying Ills deaN In br) a possibility without having the separates again only very slowly, and. Ciunamon Drop Coated makes thm the het. 34ar*on Ralol ger, because of her Io ­)V9 for Melstana. him pocket." 4.0m do I'm glad to know the old GOMPlaiate benefita of the towJ given them simply In oo doing, rises to the surface ex- p1e&A"t to take -bei Pumly veg- rith tl* t -That Jud&m ha'd written hin, ank3b A strong motive here for Mar. "You Lave the Invention, m Are giving us the slip, to sustain aifimal 11fo and heat. aetly like natural cream. and It out- stable makes them amately saft- TN son to get rid of Melgtajue. POWDE 46 1 sm.00 'O"ke rIg him for an Interview." 1* C"%Cprt%v rgW&TA Of gf*&% How the -no, I won% Miss V&rbnm Her mo. "In thin scheme for Me For nowop t&I as and they u~ fail z ring fever, Ness the salats I A long row of flgdtes In required to f low to stir tbo Nuld to ob a the ver rips IMMOT1 I am, the 6, Right isupw`4 dealt Im catalognedl as &Ttpir represent the egg crop of The L;nItsd perfect & mixture w before. ____ = 1. 1 Ke nuumne. now It- to t oliell. suin dewwnded iii tiot examire. Bwt n iiis advertisementa will not tile beautifying agent, and pro4oec- 11 BucepWus` w tw a gvod ouiotpi. tne forgiveness of sins." "An fail to honefit by twing thp newe- tor of the metal frame. 7%e evolutkan oven as a war-horse. SM wVA woucester. It Is 500 acres In extent, by one mans disobedience many were pa pers. Those who realize thim from the plain brick ham taken plase until do was thirty yean oK am 114 A PWI&I train or tvie" took to anti in some seasona yields Ito owner made @lanerm, so by the obedience of fact always have an advalitage in tile line of the production of terra then dlpd of woitindis rm�P.iyod in abst- of di &a Lotp Womw snfk* 0" to below It.--_6_tZn- volo about 3,001) lwople of every de- Lord Sudley'� a profit of $50,000. The one ahall mainy be made righteous." orer t1ione wlio do not. The man who cotta and tile manufacturp of enamel- t1e, with Pores, and Wt 1wr b� IN I "pWWrt,,hangInX to tile trew are eblefly applet; and plums. lie who knerw no oilln was inivie a mirt- helps lilinself generally sucepe-4. od and Clam brickL the Punjab. I I imen nuren - 2ornou Uft MR011011111110--~ Teo; 111har, im Th.- usmal custom Wt Lt. I unf's-ro' a nft f ro"I .1 U Wi tgat ' a strong enough motive to make a man put a r9pe round Ills neck. In Mim Varlinm T` supply the blood with it-4� life and ThIs WaA . carrying the warinto the health -giving propiertle�, thus driving A guou cow - will make more poancis Of human food In a year than a ioteer 'make sualt a L 10 111-840 W 1 11* 00 w"e" they are taken ashore Is to partially " JPU ACV 100 0 It UmLliaglug OU11100r. In addition to looking .1fter tile ad- -tif4i wit,4 thet raw! witli Ifuji4vine'R Vj�nic Havinir till.% Case of Marson. however. eneilly dioe-ase from the syntem. 7%ere are 's camp with a vengeance, and will 1A a lifetime. anti you have the )eft clean them In crawls" whlcii are patim made of stakes to prevent the vertit.Wg, tlicir duty us too read the Pillas- iny susptcioris. I-inwevor, I Avent anti �-a%v Wo,k my- what - (it) we find? Bankruptcy. lom of loss for a moment Judas was ho nonplussed numerous pink-colorett Imitations, cow over for another year, tind thetisame cAn sponges fn)m being washed away. Tile neuvpapere for the officers of the 'Oembt pomition. of MfineY, loss of name, in fact, 1-,@.4 of everything that that fie did not know wha agaimt- which'the public In warned. t to may. "Monsieur liq The Pink Pills can be, had programme be repmted. women istay amhore to wash and Company. About 8W Iiiapero are re- And what dill he Iay'?*' "Th,at a man ho4flst 11104t dear. A strong mo- pleamo, to be amusing," genuine lie said, at length, Ith an ugly only In bbies the wrapper around The continuance of liigh feed' for bleach the sponges while the men go ceived daily from ail over t1w world. Each lie.rnunVol tile pillm in the 1,4 -1 ntill then handed it back to Judas tive. I think." I can't stand tliis," cried P.4),ger, Pinfle. "Monsieur does me the hoi2or which bears tile ruirtrade mark, "Dr. w to -to Williams' Pink 1111a a few generation@. without proper ex- erciw,, will destroy the goodqualities but for more. The sponge boato,frequently gather nuin clipis every Ltem of iiewki anti editorW tliat he thinkd will III - -#open." -,4,n. Jumping up quickly; t, c(m[ound It, make my busineos his own." for P410 PeCiPle. I'm 9!,Ful You am my Intentions Refuso all others. of a fint race of ankmals. They lose In large fleeta. At night tile ol)onger@ toerewt the heaAl men of tile road. The W11 x 0b." 0' A stid,lonly. thew Funks. you'd. argue' the. man guilty cloarly, Monsieur Guinand.11 r.0 their symmetry of form, which (it- build a fire on deck in a box of sand, sheets are separated and laid upoin. you think It %vi44 Yij#ln,4 putr the, two extra pillm In the box 9" 1�11ight without a chance (if defence. You tell an the motive for the crime, certainly; They were painfully polite to eael-I THE LOVER"S DILEMMA. pends upon the proper action of the niukcleo, anti become borten and and after supper is eaten they keep t1le Pletunwque fires going while they tho t4Lble of the Pr"Ient. who im thuip able to get the newis of the He have donp s4o." "-Put but how (lid Marson do it? When did other, theoe two men, but this mutual- politeneiiis was of A- dang*r-bum kind He Intended to Surprise the'Lady and worthless. All aniimalo live best on 'play on their banjos and sing. world anti expraftions of public opm VVbnt W0,1141 11,p his motive in g(tting ri4 of MelALane ?" he have the pill-1w)x Wliere could he obtain the morphia fore 11 bkx ng a storm. Like two skill- - Probably He Succeeded. a variety, anti t4hould have botil that Is Spongers work on thares and when they get a cargo they take it into Im upon Important tAupice tit a gltiu(; Wiww tile 11'reezident Ila& read thein Ali. therp*s no -fl.Piculty tn an- " Judas knows." Lul fencers, they watched each other Au oxtraordinary adventure of 4 a w4rily, which concentrated anti that wtiieli im coarse. Najoau where the ship owner sells fie paiwes them dowm to the vice- -,wering that," rt-Pl:e,l Fank..4,^qnickly. It " 3 udam ! " " each ready - to take advan- lover to reported by the French news- tage of tile fIrmt opportunity to break The management of a good dairy the sponges at auctlon to the lilgliewt Pret4ldent guid other officials-, and ap1ieam'.fuda.,4 It ' rv.,4 31�s,.4 1farmon tto di2strartion: Nfo 14411P 0400d iii libi Yes. I believe i atilu4 IN tin ftcc()rfl- plies of 3farson. and I)et*een (town tile guard of the other. It wait paperm. A stout tradesman of Limoges form-offerm a good chance for the ex- bidder. E'ach dealer ham his donkey dray to take his purcliames to his when they have all had their chance the &;beets are returned and filed. way. wo he m'-Xlit li ave .gl4t rid of, film the two of them theT killed eletane in that difficult to t4ay who would w1n, for named Lionde was in love with Ids they were Orcitie of any brainti you may cliance to 'lave; If you have energy here rim& where the sponges are trimmed l,y flie piD meth(xl." remarkably ingenious ianner.". equally clever, equally neighbor, a young and pretty widow. watchful, io tile Idace to upe It;. It litig neeil by natives who c�Up out tile bits of Oti.4 Smith of Atlanta. Ga., wlio # Granted", said Japix. Prigerly; but even if he did re 1%14-imtane 6*1 can't helie*6 it said Japix, as I hi44 two, risitaric; equally merellem, alu'l Desirous of taking tier by surprise, neither of thein Underestimat ed fie met out to visit tier, and resolved ( )f you if you,liave good Judgment Phell arid hhrdened sand. Sometim eo tile clipping leaves bad holes wh lei) wa^ arrmt.&I tile other (Jay for omm- _iijo,ve by that morphla nietfitol, lie would a! ae to take their Ifave. acutenem of Ills adversary. A duetilolef to enter her house by the clilmney, and are careful lit looking after 4e- must be sewed up so that tile stitches bezrlement, declares that he commit - t,.e Ili, nearer the #) bjec t of him Probably not.1 replied Fanks, CA I Im' brain. both nien on guard, and Fanks all other ni(xles being barred. Accord- miule. the fimt U01#4 A dairy cannot. be ran by "any fool," but a high order of Intelligence will not t4how. Then the spongeo are ted the crint( - through hia debtre to 111ve than but-,ro'. A cliemist'Pi as- b-L-itant i,4 'lot a fittin4 watch. f()rtlA% 1Y but I'll give yioi plenty of proof sh4prtly." attack ! I ingly, pfw8ing from the roof of his "Are you aware, Monisleur Guinau(j, own house to that of file neighbor, lie and executive abLIlty is needed. rr I put In a bearY Press and witieezed Inth solid bales for shipment. The packers ke- lot, obine lit rw-ietv. "I have Iwen :lk 4 7 Lluz& YOU P111111ol In a very dangerous commenced the descent of the chlin- Alln-JI.Y &MVur 001L WIP UJIULM 0A are so expert that they C.LWL a IJ k at glut, 90 along t pack a Iti-In-.4a of t'ranoi-is Mar-,oni-" Why, %'flat (14) ou intend to. do ?99 t1wir business In the face. A gren and do tile Imot I could oil mv legi. REAMS WIN M SUSUF� TrUe. true!" y 0,,, position "y. Half -way down he became wedg.ed bushel of sponges In a cigar bnx. ant. I'm going to Kei� Monsieur Judas. "My faith. no f Not at all.- In a turning, and could neither move amount of butter is continually of- tiniato income, which vi" nibout i�iitiol Axton. taking. ill) Yf)u*ll find him a match for you," tlify defemot. ` wiiv oiliout-1 J wlami tAke saill. the'doctor, grimly. as he &room- ."Ther ir is ax well You Miould know up nor down, remaining jammed In this * feml III the market the cot -it of pro- $100 REWARD, $100. 400 a year. But It takes money to t1w trouble to kill '-11ii+4tauo at Jan- panie4l lit" gues at once. I ILI a detective, ait you position from midnIght until 7 o'clock ducing which exceet* any imitisible &. tM to the door. price which can be obtained for it Tile readers of thlis paper will be IuAd a place in bmiety lit Atlanta. It of etkotoer when lie vorilil i.t%e donte op "Then I'll see Warwn.1- know, and a next morning, when the servants com ut Investigating tills you do Y#ot put up tlio a af- Farmerm wpuld hardly kc4-p on If pleased too learn that there Is at least tuff you r. for at ironfield�4.11. Hump,h: two 14to( fair of your late frietui. I suspect menced to light the fire. not appreciated. go long as you ps, AM, you'll fail t4i they knew of the low Pntalled. yet one dreaded dimease that ocience Ila$ SrRATFORD. ONT. Qh, tlmit*A rmert,?,-, a oluestit-ow of the ground." Mom" One of the murier." Half -choked by tile smoke, lie called Y the te4imony as too the state of lm*M able to cure in all Its stages, and tot, tile fun you are a king bee, but Our businfiP4 IP t4O 9111 1116660- Witil PrAGUMI AP41 loudly for help, and tile alarmed ser- Rnfety." mid Octarlu.". thoughtfully. I'll take my chance of that," maid "Wery well., Moru4iour Axton ?" tho moment you do not get in the kno%%Iledge. The teadins rommore6w Paboal 44NO.019 things wou](I not be liard'to obtain. that Is CatarrhL Hall'a Catarrh Cure or- vanto wnt for the police. The latter if t -l'- difil. here. awk- Fankq, cheerfully, as he 'stepped out Canada to -day. Nine besuUfM soMMe want I'light liave 1wen .4%k- inti, the darknems with Roger. "Good. -:'The dear Spolger T' &;oon discovered the cause of the outw. Atifiet is an excellent food for pro- is the only positive cure known to the P110411 with tile cwh you are nobody. 10 , medemw row; 1*11 IM, a Pt I meolleal fraternity. Catarrh being a I WAP in the push, and I hail to got roomo; exoelknt teachera. t*l, which would havo- 1*,4!n difficult . aI)Ie No. cry, and a rope was lowered to the' (hieing (L flow of milk, and come re- i enwr at aur Ulne c 40 I' f U) give you - constitutional disease, requires a con- ffim)oy to hold MY own. -It took #Vulan tn*. for Guinaed to an;4er; but nig it. JapJX. unfortunate Lotharlo. He had almost cent careful tasto show that It will J. PrIl"11816L -at Jar tho key tri, the Jarlehester wymtf-ry Juilas Mirugged his shou'ders I J Chester the man dlei,4. anti there L next week." "My falthl I know not. tilen', reached the top, when the rope broke, produce a larger percentage of but- stitutional treatment. Hall's Cpitarrh 111("10Y to pay for thentre ImLittles, tile Cure in taken internally, acting di- germans, supw.rs. rio%%-4-m find other V nothing to commeet Jutlai or any one pect.vo and ho fell down the chimney again toer -fata, than most other grn&,4e#;. Of EXTRACTS of course. this does not apply to milk -t STUDENTS AND TLACHERS FROM A DETf.UT1vr-.-s " You "' rectly upon the blood and mucous our- presents, and I was like the fellow 6-14e witli the death. Tliat pill idea, Yen, you do. I awspect Monsieur with terrible force, Injured Internally be_ fac(s of the sytitem, thereby dpotroy- who had 1101d ci a gnIvarlir hattoory-I NVIIIHINO a WORTHY *Ad PROMABW NOTE -BOOK. 1-i a dmilish ill�eftiolLiL #)fle." Jules Guinaud." and with a li-roken leg. -Being no which hao been permitted -go. After 7 once t4tart- =u= for the 8 UUM ER oaz got smi* "QuIte/ worthy of a t*rvnchman!*'" retufted from an The Frenchman was by no means longer able to help himself, the come ripe and woody before liar- ilig th" f0undht10II of the dimeaAe. and could not lot ng Im. We do DOI Proultow 1W DAY, lloeyb� the vIrtunwi ' English' can evening wkh Japix. tWe (R-, than th&L Pa WZZj?0 "ful ter J ust startled. but laughed jeeringly. chimney had to be torn down before vftting. giving the patient strength by butUng ad I Mad to keep it up or I was "t." but more ho�i tli#-Ir own Ili thatrtwpeet; I "Eli. monsieur ! Que diable fatten. the enterprising lovee could be res- POULTRY. up the ecirintitution and asslotitig nat- ' pwticul&rim kddrv- J`- and myself) had a long conversa VOUM dano L ure in doing Its work. The proprietors A guard oti t1w Great Western road ILY, !fir P%fr%y "traorilinary ca. -;o in Paria* tion about tile came. . . . This con- cette galere cue(t.and cotiveyed to the hospital. Tile finest fowls neglected are' no in England# who has trav 11 o 4,_ L. NICHOLS & 00.. W_ I can f d you an ellulvILIVut ily-IAJA- vOrvation. has Wit mf.. In a state of "You npeol twt lest. better than, the veriest ectulm-they have so much faith In Ita curative e ed VW PACh]01200d 9L -"t W011L TVIPMW URL don. uk� 1 am In Itching,. Buriiing Skin Dlsewqes Cured are worse; they cannot Ertand neglect, powprg that they offer One Hundred 000,000 miles In forty years, recently great perplexity. I told Japix earmemt!" Dollars f ail c that it falls to received a purse of MW for being t1a fly' the wast cc -d Jap:x, sudden- P*r Thirty -Five Cents. because they are,not used to It; serub,4 would give him the key to the myti. "Truly Will Monpicur speak uro. Senffor TIZJ's greatest traveller In tile world. ICTERBUROUGH C&NOE ooKPANT ly (koprUak tile 110, of colivermation tery next week. but I spoke more plainly ? Dr. Agnew's Ointment relieves ill can. because. they have been raised e of testimonials. Ad- P -0&noss. ow9k I&Ulaotlep we beg "W Ail* in favor of a new one. " I wept to jwe boldly than I had reason to. "Certainly ! You, say you were IL 6ne day and caPes Tetter, Salt 11lieuin, on drfw, F. J. CHENEY & CO., T(Aedo, 0. 311,-11 Marson to,-daY;zmhW-4 very III. Ii, trud I nm narrowi - friend (if Melmtane. No. that Is a Scald Head, Fxzema, Barbers' Itch, Sold by Druggists, 75c. cb*&Wt ; got ourpriom. ng down the cir- ThooD only who have tinw anti in- Ball's Family 1`111m ai* the boot. you kw)w." t%%o, peopleo with lie. You hatoOd him because lie was Uleern, Blotches and all eruptions of clination to do soo mhould raise pure PILL -AGE. WRDIS PR.A I = wW vej d My tn iilt." #oai,l Rog# -r. reltret- a P(441ible thi-rd. Manion, Ju&t -your MUCCessful rival with Miss Ma the skin. It 19 sootlilng and -quieting ­ArtificW Cream-- abodid" h bred fowls, because breeds cannot be melve edm and tow d" am Nully, 1);Urtilig out tho filet of M#+ Varlinn and Ju(#Lm. lt,,g a son. You w1s1l6d him dea kppt pure without close a1wntion. beavidtal ad very d. so that a4d artm like magic In the cure of "I TY al W_Ps"r. -A 0." m 1.4 a preparation of iigm to hu Mating fact t4) contesu Inde- ke Your sult -all baby humors; 35 contA. 100 per to for -a nil[ thin YOU'would be free to ma Keep two essential pointo In view Artificial crea -'anks. P cision Well, go on."' PaIA I IM even 10 myself But de- to tile Young lady. The box of tonic when feeding chicks -growth and oil which may be readily and perma- Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills, 20c a vial, are "y MIAMWeall. what were y6u going to teetivem are Dot Infallible, save in to- [mid for those of Met- Capital Is Essential. warmth. Unless efileks grow rapidly netitly Incorporated witli any llquid, planned after tho most mod*rn %d t 1Pn tly ; , Pilim left your Ila QW6W SAY, Japi I ImOve&- I 'nm,l*rple"d. . . stane. they will not give ft large a prcglt an and L-4 tntended to be employed chiefly gin - ;. 1 44 46 vtlted Miss Marson to- Pardon I it If I were rich," olglied the shopo. they should. The food should be com- for enriching skim milk, and rendering in medical sc;ence. have muspected Axton wrongfully. handn of went first intw the lifter, " I should be a kleptomaniac, posed of elements wbich produce bone It available ad cattle food. The pre- M tkiy." � - - I Lave itu.-Pected Rpolger wrong, Monsieur Vo.5k." AIR t of youlvc� F.. -Ad that. What C fully, and now. Let we make a "Don't trouble to tell lie -4. Guinatul. and not a thlef." and fledh. As till food containn heat paratloti lei made by Omply meclaini- .%,nd I s4aw her father. 1010 t0141 note. of the motiveit of each of the I have atiked Wook, and I The common drunk reflected. producing elements, they will w1doin cally emulsifying any suitable oil 11jo n mo;t. extraor(linary thing. P9 three pec4Ae I su"et now. . . . counted tile pilim. and tl le Says be 't Yes," he finally replied. 11 it's be lackinj If a variety in given. wlUt a volutioti of glue or gelatim, They are as gr*at an improvemont Wait I% bit." smid the sletectivP, 13fargon! fie I" on the�-,verge tho box again-open.to ien gave you pretty hard to do any kind of buminess If your ens otop laying suddenly in an(I finnlly diluting wittf to over the 60 Years old Wrong doss water DUNNS "d Wttli gje 1J excitement. 111 lie t of bankruptcy only one person these days unless you have lots of tho winter look at their combs. if any desired conolstency_�/To one kilo pill formulas as a bicycle to -in tell YOu what can mave him, mely, Jackiw)n F capital." thew have been frozen, the fowim a re of oil about 50 grammes of glue may you a itrar that I c ger. nA 3pol- **Reserve Your defense, if 'You pleam. For, Jwstice, the blind goddem, wag on the sick limt, And laying Is out of be used. "Artificial cream" keeps ov*r an ox cart in travel. lie told yoiO . . . Re. however, declines to When You got that box, you put in not blind to the extent of being un- tho question. Their houses were not well, and may be mixed with any The & ace you con!" replied Japix, hatp him unican he warriev Florr those two niorphia, pills. and Melitane able to wink the other eye. warm enougb. Egg productloh-should liquid by isimply Fttirring It In. It In antonIhme-at. - Well, ril take .3,[#Lrwm- . . . 9be won't marry Spor left Ironflelds carrying Ills deaN In br) a possibility without having the separates again only very slowly, and. Ciunamon Drop Coated makes thm the het. 34ar*on Ralol ger, because of her Io ­)V9 for Melstana. him pocket." 4.0m do I'm glad to know the old GOMPlaiate benefita of the towJ given them simply In oo doing, rises to the surface ex- p1e&A"t to take -bei Pumly veg- rith tl* t -That Jud&m ha'd written hin, ank3b A strong motive here for Mar. "You Lave the Invention, m Are giving us the slip, to sustain aifimal 11fo and heat. aetly like natural cream. and It out- stable makes them amately saft- TN son to get rid of Melgtajue. POWDE 46 1 sm.00 'O"ke rIg him for an Interview." 1* C"%Cprt%v rgW&TA Of gf*&% How the -no, I won% Miss V&rbnm Her mo. "In thin scheme for Me For nowop t&I as and they u~ fail z ring fever, Ness the salats I A long row of flgdtes In required to f low to stir tbo Nuld to ob a the ver rips IMMOT1 I am, the 6, Right isupw`4 dealt Im catalognedl as &Ttpir represent the egg crop of The L;nItsd perfect & mixture w before. ____ = 1. 1 Ke nuumne. now It- to t oliell. suin dewwnded iii tiot examire. Bwt n iiis advertisementa will not tile beautifying agent, and pro4oec- 11 BucepWus` w tw a gvod ouiotpi. tne forgiveness of sins." "An fail to honefit by twing thp newe- tor of the metal frame. 7%e evolutkan oven as a war-horse. SM wVA woucester. It Is 500 acres In extent, by one mans disobedience many were pa pers. Those who realize thim from the plain brick ham taken plase until do was thirty yean oK am 114 A PWI&I train or tvie" took to anti in some seasona yields Ito owner made @lanerm, so by the obedience of fact always have an advalitage in tile line of the production of terra then dlpd of woitindis rm�P.iyod in abst- of di &a Lotp Womw snfk* 0" to below It.--_6_tZn- volo about 3,001) lwople of every de- Lord Sudley'� a profit of $50,000. The one ahall mainy be made righteous." orer t1ione wlio do not. The man who cotta and tile manufacturp of enamel- t1e, with Pores, and Wt 1wr b� IN I "pWWrt,,hangInX to tile trew are eblefly applet; and plums. lie who knerw no oilln was inivie a mirt- helps lilinself generally sucepe-4. od and Clam brickL the Punjab. I I imen nuren - 2ornou Uft MR011011111110--~