Lucknow Sentinel, 1897-05-07, Page 1— ­ _� -1 11911W7107 �_ __ — ----- - .__.TT7 __ __ --- - __ `7 , � � K - � ; -1 , , �­ � � , ­ . , - 'Jr7�;��I�W, -_-i -,- -�--, -7 . . . 7� � - - � , ,._j -t Ir W -MW %,I � I �� : �, - *** . . - , . I ­ I . - ".. - - I � I I "- . � , - � - � . tr * I . _ � - , - '4- - . � , 4�, � I I . . , I , ;6�" . 1� . ,­ * ­ . � " . � , - . ----- . _. . - - , 0 1, . , 11 I . 11 ,� � . a I -�� , t . ._Cf I N, � �. * - � W - '. �- , - . � . . . � I . I . . -1. I � . I � � . - , I � * � . A, I I . . �'. .. .- t. __ ,I . . � I -1. . - I I , .� , .� -'-4 7- -, : - -� -. a.- 7 "--' — . . . I - - 4h - I -- - - I � ,,, I % - . I - . I - . . . I _1 . I 1� q, . , 91311OW-51;; 1 . I N�-�_ . . ��,A- _*%-_--rqj!��. "' V I - . - - � �.rl . . - . . . � . � '-4...- . - . I - -1 , . . .J- I .� I . — � - - - — �A__.1-.,.---_-# I . W . I � . . - -0--.4-0— _� � - A . . 4 . I � - . . 0 - � , ­ . I . I . jo -ice==_ 1 42m" - � . . . . . - 4�. - __ - _,�­ _­_� . - . 0,lii!� — _WW_ — - - 062010— - V- --W_--T� , . -'O.A.P.W", —*, � . ji4db--�� __ . '606 ANNIN" . . @6;0% mq� I 0 ftft,�_i --,, - ­ '1;ti� __Am , - 741ri— -1W - 7— ­ � � � . - � I - . ­ � I � - - _?7 I . I � � ;� .,. I - . .� . .'I I . . . � . . . 9 - � 1. I . . . . I �, -1 �.. -0 � I I - , e - I A I I I .1 I . . " - '4�f , . . . 11 - � -. -_ , - . . I . . ­ . � . � . I , I I - � , I � . . I . . I . 4 . I � � * I . . - - . . I � � I I I . - � . . . . � I . - I . , I . _1. � . . . . I . Ir 4 � . I I � . �_ . - . . . . I . I _� *,W 1 %.- - - .e - I I . / . ,- - ,- I � . . . %.1. - . I , ) I * . .. —.--- - . - . -_ _ ;, -- I I . I 1% - - - _____ _.,_____� :;;m i , ,_ ___ -ft. k in A Jr W.0:� -_ . . - ­W� - I - , I -Aw 4 1% . � A . � - . I - . * . .--.;. . 1% � roors and platforrr ' . I . . I . 6wWA. - F THE GREEKS 1~. Blit the -m V . I I chance of the herd inereaaIng. , . I HgUfTflm WO g 1 without extreme care It will ill a! . � j � i-. " _1 . ___ __ — __ __ - . 611. on f(K)t, and luau I I . . � -- ., � The Princess of Waleii has 1writte 0: throw., anxiousm I I � 0 . See Our 'i IASI ton N,P�o ,9r Lord Mayor of London urgi 9 11 tuid trie Vale of � - I . UNIT,, . - _- t.he schemes to commemorate 8tory of Uiw * � I moment a rush 0 V I N .)W. , . . I aA-.Llry. 11 b!Tt , \ - fte . , :Fo,r exld jubilee of Queen Vict,oria _. � C.ub * — a* CAS ' � S1,26o,00 * ,he tenauto of the Liondoll Areat PanJ, * .t overlooked. * .& Iscribee; E100 to provide a I �� %V !. -30 P. it 0 Her Royal Happenings of &NF � _;t/ . PV '"' r) . S875,000 --- --f'Ajollc� % ates low . e I0 0 . so 947,9u - . The , ' � �HE TURF . , I'le 0 . �� .� at STOR.L.. _,.. . 0 � C i __'""� was re4eased from' . -_ -_ - I ^ �,, 3 T U -.%R r. . qn oh Saturday. He wam � I . , . - _ W___ - - -- --- - - I . � A. G. RAN K&,T - !N!0�.0Vd0W@M.ft.A.. - -­Jth. He ham been em- . - ____ --Z.-. - . — --- -_ - — - _____ --- — --- — ____ - - . -Will bub oponed out peld .� ,Mr. Jam" . ,Jn )ookbinding . in -,)men ar ' � I To. WHOLE NO. 12146 � -_ ' it In � N CULLED 5M ell county. 1. it garden work LUCKNOW ONTARJL ]FRIDAY, MAY 7th 1897. 1 . t . % RECTORS: VOL XX,,an, *Death i � - � 0 Mr. Char, � to quite recovered . __�% - --- - - –_ --- --- — the Murni-y Bokkck ljy ; �, for Hor - . --- -_ - _ --- --- ____ --- - - _____ � -_ - ____ - I . - I ,,-,inted p.r. x. G i jisos M. F, Gto. Ro.kcil __ .condition of a year - - ------- - - - - — . -_ -_ . There r ui), A. B. LXz (Toronto) - __ . - . ___ UI that 110 will &>j to 6 - -- ---- - - - - - . I . . Jersey Cow Fop Sale I . � The Troo 'Questlon LOCA L ITEMS PUBLIC LIBRARY . - � Anothefil�NT TOPICS I � . P= ., . - gration ,rej-_j.-TU�R%.-BVLL. :�_'_ , . I I A Jersey cow for Palo, excep We have received an answer to the AnnualMeeting in the, Town Hall Re D., C;A1A___ - I . -.14-0 � � -4 I tionally ' I �� I '.� :_;� - -- . � I . - - .-) "'.r.b, . I . . -ee que I we can - . . . Mr. JBIA VK. -11 -,urs -10 to "; S3*,W- - " § �_, - - . I 'ithetm r ----"- I)(,- tj stion and its far as -To-day (Friday) is Arbor Day. . 11 large and fine. Foqr years %I , . . 'hd npwar'i , " -alleron, - _,`*�, ndergone . old. Of the (j irm ()f cz . Ottawa i jj;I)0AjtA0f$1& U __�- �, . I ent of tWD News sug ests that the .% la! I fl � ( . - _. - - Progreow- . 09 giatered in American Jersey. Cattic make out it is correct. Any person -House cleaning is the orderof the The annual mectili- of t4v Ptiblic 1 . 0 1 t'rerater iterest.tilowt.d. . . .. . xr,ec- � I et the solution of it call day. Library was held in " amv, Aftirdoe!i & Uo.v W'th a fall I �- .1 ry. 16wa, whothood, that were e T�, wishing to g the Council Ch I . I .-i- . I � % were 91TC4111 lj�jrs also roceived atcar- . �� I . I . ..� *� __ - ror . - par , Club. Good milker. Paul tIeRs.-IN. ., have - day even- line of , . I . � ! i treal. __ "... I tY ahicted on Canadian Mayors . Will Treleaven; grist-iniller, Lacknow. it by calling at this office. June weddings proatise to be nu- ber of the town halI " Mon* . . . tereA.' , .. - . 1 I - I . . _ I I . -1 i IqUd arrivcxl . --- _ � ing last, but the attendance was i,ot , . . . - .. I I Fred -jor e � N " A among the Canadian vdit- - . merous. meetin- . I � I 'P " �t!At r,ritaiu. *Ud th tTulWd - * took f , Comins to C4Lnad& tboobject of the r, I otax . I � P*Your Neighbor . I . 1. - JIL 01. 3411d. . . . . , - it have thb Canadian editors Don't Bothe -Trout fishing commenced on Alon- as large as ed Dry Goods' . �_ .1 . � " �1"'t 'Ant' . . -1 Milo Bill's Wild West, show will The I chair - w.,s oc;-tipi A . drOWL"' . ( were . � Ilu deserred. . - . 'r a . . , � . - --- nil r .1 a dooml # The garden and door yard are now day last. by thePropidem of the P- Reeve RandvInade Clotbing 1. . .� . -Mr. ) 0 1 1 1�j ID. N 10 HOLO Aor%. - a � to inerit sue' . . aly .oar(] I _­ . LOU, __ - __-_, -.-' --' -----=:-- - trev, , - I rece � - "*I,#- __ -------. - ---.-- COMIN041 COMIN01 will.appear among other places at ,-Painters itud from the reports of . - I 4 - . COMING I , I , iving attention-an'd this is the, revisit Can,ida duriag June and Ji I at,d' paper-liangers are J.G.Murdocii, " I labs, nnd Caps __v . 6 � soA when the poultry . breeders and and . . I I - . I � . - . Bu.vthe legislation -of last. semion it sea I nad London, ,,�hich will be in great demani. the Treasdrex.'Mr.R.D.Cameron. and � . I " , , - e . LEGAL . T. P. SMITH, 5C1,EkTtrF,0 EYZ SPECIALIST dog fanciers annny their neighbors by 'Stratfor, ' _ � - - F% . - . _-L - ----------7-- --- -- 4'. -warried woman, for the?"- purpose of a, trespus. convenient for -people of .this sec- -Master David Hornell, is visit- the Secretarv, Kr-D.U.Yule, the L`96- � - - - ' . . I -1 . . BARr.IISTER G,.jjL,,.c:,Nc%%- 1',,ilk. Hil"(101.1da, awk T,xruntu . . . lowinx those animals to . I rary is ii. a proslierotts 4:011(lition. Unit Groceries. Etc. Etc. . P.. ,_%14%1.Vt),.%I140N_1 etc.,- (lati. 0 . Q"Ik'al Lvlic�;C,�;. - . . ' from her husband � shall liar - tion. ill", in wingliam. - - I . . 411i%. -,t, . . . recovery . Owners of fowls and dogs -should,not . M 'ia , . I .1 -,j _ccouveyancer . ; I � .--- _____­ __ ­ certainly desery g of t4 more isokry . � - . % .4 I , I Po t� _q:6Mt!r*)8,G04*riChi- Otte * have be d ,wheli allow them'to run at large. . . . -Thegrau-hoppers will need life support fl -0111 0111- (-'4 & t- (1111, 111111. ilext week- - eftva�er-�R. Holt & ( . . Call -ea.-ly and avail y6uTS'e) J of his � deetc-ed to' en deserte' . postponed j iLlzeltks 01till WAS i 0 � I _. . I � . 0 .1' -,�w_ Mock. - . _. . ' - ' I I . .. . I . . up-sta!" in Alli _- n valuable services,as this is a rar -.- . . * ___ - __ - Tuhnifeste.4 1)), the, smail -%at�ituallee at . '. ____ ____ _____ ___ I .1 - . - rom lier li . . roary I - sl)e is living apai t f usbaud 'khe E.ducational Annive i and preserver,& this spring. I . — _�___ . 11,'A -1 J., opportunity to have your cyes propet- . . . Ift -1 � . . 10 ,m)'ItHISON. 1. 18,TER. C'e !D f cruelty, Bought The Murray Stock . lecture on "Courtship and Marriage," -Walkertoz will celebrate the 24th tliis ni-jetitijr. Tile followini, is t4o i - - ,� C"'Mmiddivuee, N, . C% becuase of r . T - � 84wljoitor, ut;iry ly tested. fr I �hangc. .. No -uess- upeated acts 0 . ,Mr. John Hiles, of Dungannon) . . I I I 19.0 I , I "as have been postponed to a week from of May in grand style. sj.;cxurAUV'1J 10 -1 -ORT. R,O' D 0. C 4k 1,1 E I I'L 0 iN , i , '.N14"ney t--) 14--sn" Office o%Cr-*.X-,.Jy'* - ,%Vork but a sci�nfiilc. ccrtainty. . Diffi. i or no-lect, - 'urchabed the -M`urrav bto�,k at St. next Sunday and VIOLday. Divine .- . . . _4 , te. , . . - or-be&use of * 11 ej 1 -1 . & eult cases .-.,c c u r a,t- e I y fitte(L . ALL. ' p -It is rumored thalt, gold has bam I Lucknow May.3rd ls:47. . i i .. - . -and f6r . next thirty day -9 - 11.%rher Sht)p-, . ! . 6e " , - -,A I J -*RA %'S BLOCK. - — - __ I __ - - - - __ - ___ — --- ----- - 'WUK,K (iUARANTEED. . . . withbut cause, to supply her with the lUleno' w , orshi as tial next Sunday morn- - V -DF . 'whe . 1� u' I be discovered near Paisley. P -esNew, (9pir.-P-m and M, -?n& -r., - T tlj .t)w & "not -00-1% BARVTS- I . do. cominel ell off the _I 1� ,,,,,, - lee will ' � 7,, Id -, . *_ . L '. -1 A It . ulerieb, 0i". .. . , 40.1 beter Vall at privatc hou*vs- tie&ssativs of life ,a able so to acing May I Oth will s Ing al ning servA __ — . Jr t...Irs -solKii"ir-, .rtc. C', . .. _. __ . � I . - I I � . . I . lit. of. W4nghjuut ,4 Me J.qrkitotr 1`nU;c 1-dirary - - �� I : "HouprOOT. I I .. I . - of dress goo . S. I ( . � stock ds, g9lits' f u rckishiDgg, withdrawn on account of the Pres- -Miss Malwl Ke . I j f it X. I . . . ' Vt Y LI: WHOOL . - . S . T. k'ff AU'ROW. Q - C - _­_ .W.ILL .1 I I - .nt b t ri An ii rsary. . I PA the of Miss Adah Grundy. As Secnrctar.!, of this ir,witation scid ! -;XVi-_-X VU151-11C S i . . - , I - ; Z� � - - - - -- - 7 -----= - - — - ­� - - — I . J, t .im, Dru The ilt-%v tarifit has awakened in boots anal shoes, groceries, pate T C. an I ve . � I - - t - _- , - - . . . � - � 11 � __9 ­ -1 . ;wcordance with the suttutt,, I 'jot'#e � . - . . g Store.&O. a" - medi' nes, ets., at fabulously low :_ - . -Mangle, Oarrot, and Turnip in . . . I a MEMOCAL � arr.y Britain n -interest An Canada ne.ver 51 � .1 Ftre In KinlorM - - -cpoit.for Reptort fu.- 1ho Nc,nth of ApPU . . - . -_ — - I _____ - 0 __N- F. 1) A Y . . .1 . . A I I . zee4, for sale at Harry Days'. the,honor of presf�lttiii,, jtj.N �i - I - a -1 i , r I I V_ -..,, I v I A'.% - � before entertain.eid. The English.press prico. ___ __ - - — � On'_%1ond.iy - evening 6re was dis- the ye�i­vtkding April :0, I S.Ir Our 0 t... . . - . I -r t: Ns " -A .% "' en'T th; F I I.:, I` I)EPAR=19NT �i . 1.� S* -,.-. N Accoiwheur. Sur;,t ry - ` S � . . cione To Walkerton . 0% own as tile -Horisemen get your rout4b i K9 living * � . D . 4�­ ,,, an,l � . . Wedmda,y) May Nth. %A on, anmde, ppnkg in ladditory terius covered in the buildina kn lnewher0iiii for the year if - : I , '. ,r�ocervst,�jr,e. Amhet. h -,1114t . . . - . I prin" at.the SRNTINEL office. ') inore tl)aii the *previous � uar. T it (-- i':-;ra--,-­y t1j4ss_EzceU(-nt--A Aic- . ., . Mr. Paul Gordon who has bee ' -1 'v.i t t�ited on the gravel ' i ' - .%Ver 8j.'F,I-&* -.,.,A ', , - . S-TESTID FREE. ' ' -0110 . I 11 in Grey C x. I lote , ., . ' " _4 01 fr,.til Ey 101 , . . - 0 1 f r"t W� ..i tp I --- -1. U1. ; f 1,U . wral . 1� � .. . . of the, new, tr.�di regulations* C* k A Inlayson, M Patters(n, R I . . ' . Gordon's drug storre for some.time the Expre86, WP4cash reccil)ts Juriug flie year ar * as !-';4 V. ,; le I . - . .. .. I I - ___ - - _ - , , - - - . ___* ' Dr. , road about 2 1. miles north of Lucknow, . - Mr. M ooney, of . . . 4 t,) 1.1 p4 W. .. - ____ _ _: - - � - - ___ . __ ---:– - - - , - I 11 � 7 1 ____ - __ - — Z" tamcgible'evidence of - loyal';tY will do - . . � I . . . - __ , I I . has purchased Mr. Coate's 3rug store, And owiled bi. Will. Farquharson, ot Jey, was in town on Monday last. follow� : . Mvie. 1' G,oefr. %11 Graham, . . . __ - . ' ' . . . * , ,,,.,).. C,%!. r_r e4 I& *, ,- ,%I . .. ..� it more to-i�ndeiar CAnada in the hearts ilding bas been For general hou,-e- Balance on hsn4 hist audit - .. $ :11 '-" 1 15 -..-,a . - * * * - 0 I 9 . , . - e -Girl wanted ! Ktm.zie. ' Oi)od -H Gallagher, J Lane, . .4-4 '%I.(-. S.tl. Phy" lau � - � . . P. 9 ,.mw 4 -ex- -nmetit --,Q I � -­ . ; 1 -.,r;: 91W 110% Ir I Walkerton, &lid. left for the County Ualk'rwn. 'nie Liu .. 1) ( , . . _ , fafi 10 ,�)r . � 0 - . , ",)()N .� Up of.Englishtucu ' e e'*pty - Govet I . 1.1chenn- I'l-oir4 hi Wul. I than allth M , Town Imt week. Diiiing his rtsid,08CIP uwd as a dwelling prk.. Apply to Mrs. F. Grundy. . jgr�tit...... . .... l(it. .1 An,'OkA,""111 i 'I �. . I . I . I . ft - , ; . a-- or.. 411'! V,"' . . . I . . . - Villadelgrant .* .......... 100 ou P 8 I." i k i ��., - - Eye, fleut-E Neill, A 0 : . ILlso, st"t-i't, -tke - in the . 11'.%V 1�, ,!, 1"e -i -L -nee 11 I ___ � . , - __ - c, town Paul has ni^de many fo4r or five years and the former.occ-u- -Seeds! seeds' All kiud-i of ti, -41 � 11 . .�. A*;in*!4 i _ '. , ___ - - I -I--- - ­­__ -I----.- po,6t,jlat'jo,.js.,)f.a ,�ntuary. They ti . , I I I . - ___ . I . I . , ( j - �-; 4 -! 14 fli .1 14, A Geddes, M r k . K-hin:l �Oxtuvr.-U, IN111rdl,ch &_C,1'1�AtorW' � I . . . - fri,,.nds and they will be leasdd to pahts of the place had moved out just a . coount,V�Kran't-..... .. ...... I 0 )(� J Tent. -mol I � I - __ __ - __�-_- - L '. re, itot as You Say T . L � . � * ' . . . ___ -.--- - ____ TflvN UBE16TV 10 WITL . jkK"O AUGUE yoU aS YOU 4 . . . ou are' P - . garden, and flower see(bs at H. 1) i'y,'. Sale of magizmes. etc ......... 12 ,17 . I t . . . - * * M � ! I '1)1q.-._;, V. ,j., 1,4ALLS . . bear of hils-SUCCPS! ill bi' 'new PIACO ,fk-w-day% before ,the fire took place. ave , - VeNtallon, W G)rrigin. GoM-M * - . nz. i,).- 4 *, . t, - -,,ni­IA�Y YKI.XLY ACC0i.91'-S-G To THE JACTATES . �, . eid -Five coach loads of Greeks h Membelship f(ws,...... .I.... 101 2.) 1 " , j b 1. nix ,,r telc,mm pr . . . � - . The property was totally destroy as . fluntf-r, I Artustronu, A McGillivray, . I - i I . , fle 1, ii -1 . . %'C9 WE; PRIZE ABOVE;ALL- . si I n U. of residence. I . . . left Chicago for to fight for thtircouti- _—, It .V-ttletr. � t.,, (7har4 - . . � d until it had Fair -M I 0 q'4 1 11' I...r.1te. 11'"'itl"V�*' .* X��CIV ..A clau, e, of. the' ew tat if f of partic - - I . . - ' ' .1vi, 1) Howlers -)a. I . . L GF)CV . . 4 - . the fire was not n(-tice got i � I . . f t en - 1,,fl I. -I , Be'ing &'total df ......... 63 -_; 7, ' C- I . I * - . I .. . I .it,,, Vr I'lli-tt'; Nil th 1;1. J�.RTTT*S . . . i o ' tlAt refirrincy to cnm- Hearl Hear! . , try. . V, oatravii ,stvwt.., tPl­" "o3 -0 - Ll ­11atituportaic is a I . ' ay. T.-inmir,on .; I ; 0 r i - " . _'. , f *"' EN f 111FL.C.1 ". I . . . ,know was a cousiderable headw ' a . �4. -1d - . . I __ . I . , IV J. G. Murdoch of ,Luc I . - - 1A its ­ - , 1C01a - . - - - - __ _­ __ �. 0- i -A new lijae of window'shades. " This amount hati been expon, - ,,td rallep - ........ - _. - --- -- __ - - --- - . - ______ __� . bines, When-ugy eoinbine,..by non . . . . - - - - tr 11 R,xcellent.-m-C NtclAren, I .. . . ,,, �-- - - ft n I .. . I'm OIL lie New �Era oflice on Friday* , , . 1. I ,�,, A. s. N*, -11.. I Iler at -t just to hand and very cheap at 11arry fol #,wS : . . N1 C.Lin?wn". N1 Grf-pr. A Yule G � .4 � � - . .%� -, - $ 4 ) ('0 r . - Ill. �A - J. Gill I . . - " t"T' LUCIMOV9 6 - .1 .*ing, 'foeces _. last. A Now Firm Librarian's Alai .,. � ......... #­ - __ . D 0ra4luarte 14 "1t,k",�'A"`trrl1nar� c 'I -;' , , nril 30th' 1807 'Pol; tile price of an artic Like many otherr residents- of. I , . I I . , If .i Oil I tohiwi, 4' Pattoroon. 8 AtcQuaig, G � . . . . t,-.,t,-n,i 31-�0%9 4111* tbt- Ontar � � . � __ . ­ ';ount, it'ii provid- ' -lib Clainer e dis- Days'. , - %_ Ar � I 11 1". I to any exor.hi.tant an . - . the 1,-'.epoy'tqwn he!s a staurich eral, Itent.'ligtit (Lud fwating ...... 140 (5 , . , , '-, a-rin, , -, X1 ii ..,j S-Cietv. ( 1A.C. "1114- _ �___ - . ,_ --'- - _______.__-4 . . solved par-mership and a new firm h ss - -Atr. 0harles Moss, 4. C. ha& fieen . , I)ou-,*,;.,--. Go. -4-14 Armitage, D 1. - - t- %. 4. 1! - . It . all ' 1-1 - 'and thereraro those who think one so I 11001-3 ............ ..... - . W W -, % wN "T �jmt­ %n,A e lu 1) L.-tiw, .�l Murdu-,-b, W Holmes, A � * - I " ,.: �, I i, . k-ilz-t 0. VI, .7 . ' - -1"AILWAy.. ed that that artielle,sh, De it wediat been orgartized to do business in th appoitited-ajud,e of the Oat*,ri Court. ... . I - I , . I .- - I ,',� j�!t­.LF. *' ,. * , I I URON ,&, ON TA Il 10 I - I a (10 - . 4 .4 strt-vt. � �__!-__1111. .*-. I. . - I ' admitted into -the country free �f cliver and able should be in.' arliament, P Palmrs &lid .inagizines - - - - .... 50 I 4 . * . e y . � . McCorrie R D . - T V. I � I ­ aull'I., 11 _�_ I . - bld stand, corner of Cam bell and Ross . - \IeNul,I). ' Pty)r-A I '_1 - k.- ' - - ' I - . . of Appeal. Miseellalle-ous - ..'... ... b .... 2i S 2 I ; I I s,.r i -i o­-r-fti',,1, - -;V"i"' � f.e. I 'T,-, -".0v _I - - I- , : . ould not, be surpri d to s firm will consist of i -1 , , , 6 a duty. . ts. Tho new __ - I-, - - -, 1:�."t , " -'t , ___ -Tlii2 ptopysed -11ink. -0i th . . I . - � , __ - ,--- -- . . him t W IT " � . . .i.�iit s.r il�Ay. in. and we w . ) I- !, It -A t. I e flurua ' Tids will insure to the consu L , I t -Baby carriages at very low prices AcLp&n. , ) . I I - � __,---- . , -verything, here sovie day. -01 nton Nd .MI.-J..G. ,'Murdocir and his brother, . - Onta'riv L"ilway V., uuld 6%, . . . . i I - I t Harry Days'. C&:1 and got pricod Total expewditure. .. ... .. $20S 10 'N'o.,on txjll 49, average at,Wadauce . 0 th I)Qbi- 4 -rd afair p�rcliase priee for e - . -1 I a , .. .e , -1 * - � . Era. � . .1 - - Mr. A - - %'. Murdoch, an M V . SOCIETIES. .- tj,L. hu bu " befQre buying. Leaving cash oil hitud.. .. 1.)s ! f`1 4.5 . . I - . - - iuion the I'lUstinction of holdillf, .)>. - - � . . busineis under the firm, name of J., Gjr - . � . - . � . r5l . � I& on - � I .. I . � I— q . . The 11oblin itetu�n . & Co. *'they arg at present _-Mrs. J. Brown, (;f Lucknow, ii Two hundred and one new books .. D. D. Yule, teacher. - I . . - I . � - rec6til in the b 'i" - rk" (of cle'etrie'raif. � . I . . . Murdoch I � 1, Oe Ve u Idi-n I -;Polld s t4at a pa3tal and . . . IL . . � . , . . - . . . rru. . , eat say. '"I A r3bin was recently cao have been added to the Library since 0 4 . .. __ _- . I . . . A. %;o . . . glit, by one b.usy taking.'stock, ope4ing out the guest of her sister, Mrs. 1). Jacohe ' .1 FCO X WT) k PAUT M I. �Vr - . . . I . . - . . - . . . I . TW 1.1-�*.�A-O%v . - �4 Il- -Wftv�t. .."flie.compaiq was iue(.�rpurate �- I . . ' -of -tile .Waterford high &cho)l students - $* ... 4 -�A\ I ,..,� ..k d olumes in . � 1.0 . . � I - h ;% tovvii in Ontario, not ina6y . marking new goods, an(lexpect to be lastreport. ' The v the Lill r ' 1�1 .. � -, &6� � I -1 � . I - � , iam ,:11�r� 1 , , � , . 'Vitj� &. pie,Ze of t. I ' but if -Tar& Leader. rary,numbei-2021 S,-nior- �lasg-E,xcellent-J Baird, 11W . , � * i,v' tht, arliam it ti, ,to its lea . . Saturday, Sth. ilit I .. I _%� I �� L)�-.1i'Ll.:i,-"I 1, . . ), - "JuIld." , .. We" 0 -1 paper tie(' a -open- *n - Findlatf-r. R Johnston, M Reid. V 1. . *_ it F; ." � . � iftiloi froill 'Strptford" . verheard' . \% - ,.\- I i IF V V % . . t I * . -Miss Maggie McGrory, who has No. of meetings (Wring the year... 11 ! - .W . , �� �, . .1 with the following ,queriy- Whep not I . 0 " ; ( or,b r ,,f Ft wre�tvr , z%T,(,l Ojx,r.afe it ELI � I 0i fL A t ie. railway' . . � they will be ready to greet their . . . . I - I I r . been in Detroit for the past two years, Aferage httendance of Directors . - .. "i Gwd -T Robertaon H macIntosh, J . .14V nient tha on a. par,%- &- .. , . . lualki, the stat� t - . ­ t4 In ti"t)"I'Ifell 'W' ­ � . . M � . '. � e 'I . .1 . o winti,isrobin build its nest.,iathe- c rly noxt week. . i . . uIvi ticrue..,� front aPort Pe r 'V wt -ts%,� 'I L,-Akt,'. ' . I 11 ustomers . ea __ - - _ . again at Orewe.' The librarian*s report'sh' liabick G' Brennan. Fair, W Vance � I - I fliq f - lur I . .1. - .1 . Y.!tt� Kiwl- handled',_ s&enty' * - __ -,--.- is dws.the fol. I I . ,I � . . " l'iall-, I . . '. � , 6--tilar dz* I . . 1. following sprin o was sign- .1 . * � -.L.B. - - !. V -, -f U-�-tt:h I] 7 i - - Qne I I 69i rton - bf volumes issued iu W Allin, B Robertson, W Agnew, B A . __ ___­ k., . 14 111th.. at , 11urou. hit lit�: t re. it., r t. Ung of nt to Walke, -The recent rains have made ttie lowing nuilibe.l. , I ' ' . ,!,, __,-�,-U. vi-itiv.. . '. re-istred lct-Nrs in . �day, all . I 0 box 415, . - .:, , . . - five 13 . ed by N. I J ulos F rinand, I I , . , . I . .4 , SL I a 'e a fall wh6at look fine and the graw ' is the various classes during the yc�ar : Thompson, It Grundy, G Cameron, W I � tho �direators w,,s he!d ill roronto la' (d- A you'fig lad n 'mod Miot sto' . - '' -I. � . I . . .1 ie 4viugl town, of'u4hicli fifty-two'. were Tampa, Floridad The stud, irit** ixnm m , 11. I'l, - '. : �, Irklillilly 01 - ; a . I giography ...-.,.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 150; Itchitos . . I . - I . .. - r I , . . � ,� iatoily wrote.1to Flurida announcing his caAdip. of tobaccq and some prints fro coming along nicely. , IL, A - it. '.%I. Lv,lo- .%tily, itt wl�jch'.Nl �. 3 1. N%:N.aulara",of � . . . . ; .. I . ressed tcr, one departmental . . J, 1). '%!'�'RIWC; ry . A store __ I litcordin.-i'wcrt-ta . dd . I , the Lucknow station one day la4t weelf Fictio4i - .. - ... - - - - - - - ,..... . �.. 784 Junior class -Excellent -G McKay i -ji,!f r,an:---r. - * capt�re of- the bird. Mrs - L . ____ — . -� - Pranklin, of Ripley, spent a ...... 6.0 ... I V I— - . Walkeritun, was elec Led 'Treald ent, 111 ' ' u h . 0 'nsisble shoel)ottou got out. a war- Histor ...liz....... 82 E lZindloiter, H Graham, N1 Lyonr, E - ___0. ------- , . ill Toronti. Plows L _____ - -----. __ - 0 town the guest of .Mrs. . y - ). IF.. OtRAZT L few days in � L � I I -e 4 - I that Pt. Literature. ...-. - - - - - - - - - - - * ...... 50 I . . ,�4 , � V 01 Sherv�)�."I. NO. J. 11,ol.stin of Piheik)ourne Vice-Pre-zi- townstands if-theL people",don I The Ashfield RoveVS . rcht. for his arrest, and together with I 11 MvLoren, 0 Shoebottom, H Robia6on. - *.%,. , I I . . I I I . . (Dr.) Tennant, this week. . .., ...792 . '. ,\I..,.t I . Miscellaneous - - - - - - - - - - - - . - , - 0'.0. 1,11.1 -U. -W. . - tb-Lt, MCK cailleroll, -',Nleaford, Sec, use colul"*011 S411115e. � . . rh.er-Ashfield Rovers,,of �anes, have 0, ,W. Jjaym !�t-'Artcd- after the young * 6 E ".%71eN1 ullon, J McClure, B Allin, 3 � It.. - t,.,.ry fir"'t ,1,1111, Mir! � . � . . . -The question with a good many Poetr'y ... *09 .. Juhust�.). T RoIJ. Good -L Flood, IN . i � . , . . _. . .— � I anized their foot -ball club for criminal, slid after cQu8iderable driv- ........... . I-.- . ,%I.,,, �-- ,,I ., - - � 3-ain org Religious.... - .. . .....6 . "I m -A J. M llijb�,rto, of -Ijun- , I , I I 1 ,,14 ,:v,!.rY retr.ri ." . . . L . . . &D .,...6.. 7 . ., . -- .1 .: 0, . 'the Turk..; o4nuru- . 06 season, u nder t he follo w in a -ollicers: f the ladles still isp is it the love of a ' . � N__ . . � ill itig, succeeded ill having him, &rrested 0 .1 Grun,ly, W McIntoili, DMcDonald, 4 Z-1-fr .nth, in tio- Ontuizt )nqi(l,,riz1i,v th-k-V - . ,tilla - -, 13 1 . 9 I..... -1 - , cienceand Art - - - - - - - - - - - .. � I . -th- g_-thnun� t rt.,asur,,r. T 1 it - 4 e'co.- il ine.1- . . . � - -, ..Niathrso Fair -J Hosid, . -A, I*r - - I �. a 8-f-witr� I Ift. I ­ ib 1AL.1 5 I . . 4 7 , I 11 k lia". N * * 'in*- br, . 'llon.,Pres., Jd!t. Johnston, .rr.; Pres. iji Teeswater. Ho- was brought be- bonnet or a duqk of a hat? . .b . ­ . - - - - 9 1 - . . � t . I . I � r . It. T "-! I ." Irk: ct,rdimny. in - I -f lie .route of -her tiv� Greeks, by atoat� five W.Oue- Referenee...... ....... . tf -,. '*I, . .. I I .., . . %V4.1,1e,� .& 11jujiti, 11 -ter.: , . .� . I - fore . -oue nionth ago very few knew � -1, You ., MeLean, E Taylor, it - tf r-- %.! ,%it J. , . I I aec in at def�at or two a John Farr'sh; Vic� Pres4, WM. - C, Magistiate Liswerence, .oq Tues- � i " NV I - 11.4-__ ron"i wa... e there 1e,_,I1o*diggr . I � Ile was com- issa war an ; . I Dou-1&4. a " - - I , i � � ;' day and plead -ed goilty. '- -% * '. . - '-Wx. I... * -)p(y . 0 222� 1);4% lioll 01 Z- .". � i . R. t! -e prt -Ae,l t'Msidered, anti Loughlin; .1cc. and - Capt., I* Jas Kezr" whure Lar' d now almost all Being a t tal of volurot%s issued of - . , . . ,,. 1-jellenes., It %iould be &In ag-. ' re ia .. Ch - - t I . 1);. 1). y - -", .. . . ' f -)r tit I . reas., Peter Scott� 'Man c n town. The Book Comillittoe exercised the No on r-�!Al 51, &%-epW atten�&M I , -,�; . ! stattA that ii-figotiat ions had he'en T * 0 ., bom , - -John ulitted to, Walkerton to be dealt with know the location of the 0 , . . . : . I - & . - . - I — it Nvas . - . � � I . -able 51irpl-iie ia G'rueks hf-& becon Little, thos. Drannan,. J63. Scott. by the cannity. juddre. I -All kinds of fivl& or , Wig ' � 1. 4 %I "' 'rus. C 'ew r4, if ti 15 garden utmost care in sodec tile Im'st ioOkti 37 ' . -nt(-rvd int') u ith -. I 1,1 -r -L . - f N .. _____.___�__, I . - LOYAL ORANCL LODGE x I . ,)le t.,) make ally better showing than Our c+ub ptayedfive games last Yeafq - . s in bulk qpackage, guamateed at the least cost. V:very e3or: h"- 'L * S. A. Burgess, t%cher, I . , I � of . &I . E5 . , get'd i . j - I . TC)_j:,,g. jj()j,j)3 IT-,; � ork- t - u:.dot %.;%ki! the conz�_tructiou I . - . I - 'Ann1vemwr* GOrviois ft -call) at Harry Dayii' Drug Store. been put forth to tw_-uro the choicest * * ' ' JjjL'k:t- Tiw . C.Lu�-di-in Electrical _'�41ws they have done dow.a. to date. The winning four. Having 'obtained a The Rev. . A. G ilray, of Toronto, who I literature. I am glad t,3� state - that 0 11111,1'D DFrARTMENT N regular jiv�PtWY rz.101. � a 4 - I � . - hat number ot-fiew members we hope.- to be . _51iss Adah Grundy returned . _,, 1"ItI." ('�Iu.j­ . dei,ire of ChristeaAdin is - t . . � in so al)ly conducted anniversary servicen & vg1publie avail thenisel ves ex - .Sitnii)r v',ass- Excellent -D It*- .. inL:,,i-n.th,r or:%v I I ' United * the Pea - ' - i . . N -1t, %1.7 vu '11"'it .­ 113ii. gi% un a resunie of the report of, .Mr I I were . - 1,ell otrVeL. Lud - I mainder of the stru 'gl -alor As successful this year as we . . home on Monday last after spending ,.ny opportunities [,-- & F .M4CIAtl�n, M Nic-Millan, L . - 9 � ' ' ' in. t lie. re a _­ % . in the Presbyterian chur�ji, Luoknow, tensively,of the ni ?,,.k. oyfruin,;,-;, vn ior lwf,,r, .k. it u,11if 1, c: E, on 'thv ,propo��-d . - . I the past. . a couple of weeks, with friends in Teft- � r - _: 0 s ' `oA - r I , 11. 1)j��rvt? l.i, 1A . . � &'lid the cousclousnL'ss of ruaiPtaining — thren years ago; will (1). V.) d .3 for gaining knowledge aud fitting them '% r�h---ou-. G , -S Johnston, 1) 9 0 oft -� iw full lu. .. I I -f I I . - __ � . - I . It -i il"64 I *11 offset for,.T of - nuni- again next Sabbath, May 9th, ��cll- w ajay vvvzkin;,� f,1.­%irf,z Ili"!" routt*, i I w c(L-,t and t7. ��. amount . . Ister. . . . .1 'r,,, jfnkl; . .3 just c,tuie wi Wanted To He rdaster to discharge thr. Auzies of citizeushiU 11,i-juare, E Stirling, M Barber, IV *. - . . - Turethre" il"Irt!w"y iLl% *t* .. . . : 1 .15 . a the roading rooin & 14 -. RU -1-111. �Itll vi -41t.11; . r opi 1%,&':a' le wat..-r V )%ve.r. .Accurdl " 1, a IlQnry-Conlin a farmer who lived at, 11 ji.m. and 6.30 p.m., and -Miss Maggie Speers, of A-slifield, -Begides the Li br * ry,,* 11oi-Ay, S Nfallough, F Thompw& ' .. (46- .1 _)cv,. an -4 tyr'nnical barNarAm. I ing- ed t-) "Iti L.s-;_'ti'l-,�. . . . . I �10 �� . . I . _4 as been foc some tinle it, WXYne supplements in a measure that cannot F-kir A MeLpan, W McClure, M Ift- .* � . , 2 '_ 111iX - l d near Maple Hill, addressing a mass weeting of Sabbath who h � D.%,. -I., Al�cat�-. ' Aiw_%.m Tw..ut­(�.N, - A) Lhis report tLy rt,vl will 6! - - 1151 .Ijecrt.tary. - . lie cwtan- d a in lionur -t Bruce Uounty, took a dose rych- .$chool'workers, Mich. ha -s returned home to %�t be over-estinlated i . . * . ' . . . - 0 1 . . I by providing the Ourte, .1 McCeirvie, M Graham, ,& . I I � , in -length. , nw...-, , ,�t sreti�.i f roul. . Pe. rt T enion5tratio, of st schol.hruland friends at . � . - - - ___ - ------, ------I-- I I it'. 1, � n� 4 . P current literature, �,hat keeps the reader nabickt A - Winniel G Johnstout I . - r I . latmpid mariners nine the othet daybecause his wife and 3 p.m.. �)m Monday evening -at 7.30 friends. . 1 L - i .'j,2 niiles� -has lao. of tile Cabots. the . F% abreast Uf tile times. Many -of our C. ,1,. iV -Tlit- ve4lithr va4nt111Y Perry 00) Ilesetor . . . t I - - : an . I son declared they'vould not allow hiin p.m. lie will delirer a lecture on ,,rens -T.*P. Smith, eye specialist wil I bd Barber, L Armstrong, F. Marchisou. f t1j.. %V":_cT1,:1 ('Lgoiti . oa of the .Uer- ;. tizens take advantage of the ,manr , I NV.o . 1.1,�- - - 6 t; 4, , I I ­ ,'.t(.,r.,)�,-..I- arid will 'e( uire who. uudiT the au&pic 61one day cl I .� . r.,mp-.rA,,1CC Ulti, u W;11 �,(- h,-I.l every .Z,-C.1jr1i1 1%V;%,.1.a.b,e-;V- . i , - r j v . . ti -e to .sell a cow which tile -fimily had Lind *6f Mountaiti-and I.Ake." The sit llarry Days' drug store papers, luagiziues, -etc., which are Junior cimA—Excellent—.1i ]Doug- , . . * W�Iaf*pv ,,f , �k .t. rl�,Iita iu tl�t- oatl F-11. .we* d �;ever i hant Venturers of Bri,stol, made, i . . Exam- provided free to the public. - The las,.Nk ilrvat). Goid-E Flemint, L % . - 0.#er oi cultorts an al sinall c ... . aiseil. After some words he went to collections at all thosq tueetinaa will be only" Wednesday, May 12th. t 3 it. "'. N . r ry I . . jK-A..I.S-",!i:._ .. .'11,111 I I . age * -.Fuhds. ,V1 are cor- -nation f ree. as �-un in-ovi,led with Nveill. P I 6 . - # 11j.,% !,r. kn-w. a. il, , ; *Y. - 1) ritYlvo � ` - Frout uwvton to Flesherton, VOT 3 oi dis-,-oveiy tli%t opened up .3 .poison, i e- for th rs readin ro6m h. .: 1), . Dav'son , ..., 4 L 4...Sbc 1,-'t---. . Hanover. purobased th o Buildin I 1: . & V I L:. V� i T'r, -:i,; .: nt; Ni .,..-. - .- ------- - � _. - . I , 7' 1 - . . j ___ ., __ __ - ' at- th�! American contiden't tu European turned hame and swallowed it in his dially invited to attond. � A . — .. I - t)ut the read is .soructwh . . . 1 . -Remember the meeting of the the following reltding I'lutt4"': It llarn,,. W McLean. Fair -A New I ' \ � _. . - -7 . . . . ii jemminen ' I - ' 11is wife suspe . __ --- . ' I I I ,9 1. 0. 0 - F. i -i "" m "'c' . . . ' * * tly cre,lit-iWe hedrooLn. cted * some- Y W -C T V, tonight, (Thursday) Daily papets : Maill it Eii�loire and t0a, IN %IXoy, II'McQa,aig, E Hecd(r- 0 � -i -1 � lcv,-J. al I the q, and'' no en,pret rijn,g Ci V i " iZ Lt i0! 1, . ; . � . To The Public . � be. .1 . , I .,� IV. . ., w!%. "7 � * i . I Campb -"- . 1( 1\ * % _.N; , J ng and summoned a ne ghbor to at the home of M *&a Lou .. (11,10 ""', Pon. J lto­�. 4; N. -Kenzie, H KcIAW . . � - I V 11 11* le ,,6 al Sdbietv' of C.in-ida. tl.1 . , . - ____ to �1* ill . � . cleaningi is . ­.. J McQualg, E MCMU . L ],Ad* ili*. r� Ukt-4 to be en6ountered. . -Y I - ' As the time for. spring, Weekly papers : L;ter&r.N- Di -t .4 .. JN.�- I I 1211 - tl . .�Uitifls P. a I ' whom lie admitted taking the poison. All are welcome i - 191'1� , i "i-e-'arLp Ue... C �. I in - 9 U -'ai Week I . tivety Vrittty ,_-Vk1.%1..: :�t -i , %_ -k . . . � ­ � ):u ibus had his in-ninj -d' ring .'the with us, 11r. Max Wilson wishes to in- Judge Ham h Horn. 11arpei Y' K Hatbinwo. 0 . Met -L4 � I a line ero-ises the Grand nund llail- Ci M . UP refused however to take an emetic -The regular monthly- meeting of - 11.4"', , .i; --',l :-tr11:­1- . Ali I-r-Ahrvu _Tl I * . . . .. I . ' timate'to the kublic in general, that Saturday Night, 8�utinel, Reporter, I . , '' . . i OJj_ Signa, L W F their , k_.-.n1j . . - titile of the Wqrld's. Fair in C,,iea,,,,, had be -held in the , X No. on roll 4 i averag . I I . - ! watei- and before a doetor could arrive , i . e altendano � I lf'm jn�it%:-L wily three ti!jle:i. The-tirst ' . I I . . 0 all kinds of paint- the W.C.T. U-. 4 11 e 'rat txPositor, Youth's . c,,rdi_y . . . . not before stating that -lie thought he ig.prepared to d , . I I 6 , � '%VX. J%Nkh. W. W-.:-s'),-q. I situated at Thomp. and the Cabots were for the time con- died, . . ! ng, inside or out, paper hanging and fellows' i1all on Wednesday -afternoon, ary Time . I . 38. . S.� -vailtsible .-4 ,A k. . . . . Companion, ,Muuit. 6 3 - I . I-',; rand. . i,,�­rlr-r. lower a � I in his own 1 - - I ; I N�- - .', *, . -r- LO nilea north of Becton, signed to oblivion'; -but ,the iabtpt, a inan ought to Ve ioastdr . 1�alsemininj i4 tile bist,stYle and an hext, at 3 o'clock. Monihlv : M26.soy. UcLurv's, Mun- P McDonsld, txchet . .�_i_, ___ -a-- - sonvillle?- 1, .v('11 1. I . . . . , ' . I . . . - iroveuwnts i 'five WIlich will b,(, nveiled bi the Cover- hou'se., I __ - . . I up-to-date fdshion; By comparisan - litall Outing, Review of . Fouavi D&PAuTXr-N.'T -. - �0 yr�N AOUW whic1l, %%iLlk ijiip 0 woul, r% -Mr. Win. McMullin, of tilis -vil- sey, Cosmopo I ' I . . u I .1 I 11 . jDi L , . - . i lima tievie 's, Boi, 110 .N,1iniug Journ't . . I _. , _ ,,p,, . " I to 1(0 i *� er. - Th.- - . a L W ; �, . ., � . \\. � � �) f , � . Lors - pow ; I only cawyou intel4igeutly 'conclude lage, who is now in Le (,,,, henic.r � cl"s _h,xceileat,--E Caw %� 1 1. C I '\- i 0 W trq)nl 0 - . . . nor-Gonoral at'l-litlifax. N. S., on June . The Jublies � in Schools , " ' . bulidino lil'e are %estitriated * - I what Painter to employ,' My work the contrac dit g W() large Delineator, Book-keeper, Farmiugand I . M . W-0- L,4:, ,.f -1 .1 A . � Jtl %V J ..ihnston, NI Yule, L Patte -, 1; ' ad flu , t of buil I I — . .. ," - 44" -pro-l"itli for all tim-c the, ti 0 In connection with the .approaching , 1,01[l, I 1�1,_ `,!�. L , " n 1, - -se (kin., 6 wil'i -11 . . ' 11 spealisfQritselr afid.Yqu can never 11oultry Review. -l' * I . . " . -*,,,- W -At t'ug',nii the - ' . c b ation of Her IMajesty, n - shn, A Iftaorwon, P Hayets, N NoW,, # .:��!�Ieoo I -�� .1kil"it-lit 1, �r . f to *Cost t, (). � dwelh igs in that town ' � . ' I .. f tlic Cabot t the credit oi being the Jubilee. elc r feel fully bssured that you did the best Siljc F. _. 'I'- 0 . .--f 0 i n e our last report, the Librar . ' a- - . , --Unit,t ­%V,-rktki,-n,, �. 414. ft -i.n..a t'A'the mainland (if the Minister of Educstion* has issued ycpu colliti do, unless you have lo:)ked rday &lid . reet to the � - V * -nit-ot-4* ill V... 4-1)"'I I 'waver river lut-i A decent'Of real 'discoverers . -The heavy rain of Satu lias hoian taken dowa thb tit 11',Kcrimtuageour, A Howev, J lient - - ' . di. where there are,'at - - " ' - 0 1 . � have put: baek th@ seeding Good --G V anC46 I . - , _.: j,.j,,,N%_�* 11�1!%,.11 ti.v itance of 2j4A;0 ft. I th America. ' I pectet.s thro- - .at some of nly work and my pAce list. .Sunday, store of Mr. J. Murchison. On ac- erson, I Slivri-itr. I .1 , I --.��,�l ., � . - Nor a circular to all.school ins FA . � I 1. . . I . - i I - r .." .$ A , ers f ind it too 1: � - I 1�t ;trot ., I "'I pre.tent'4 �-ot-Al water. loower-�- .Nbout -� - ughott, the province suggesting that - 1 use the Wst materials, that 1 con for a few days. The farm nt of tliis central location, it is NIc'Lean, A Fleming, M KcLeAW -A �, ;� I 1� . A __: a .. . - I . I - � n -)k- .I#- , , , Coil y 1��_ . - I .� I.. 1, �!. , 'I- I x C r. r 1. _, - , f cs)u,'d * be duvclop%, A ; . - . - I a McKay, M NtU ' , -.- � - , - th - ; *. 1,(-;(,() horse pa%ver* -1 they direct the teachers . - '�uy aiid charge very reasonably. wet to h rrow or plough. 4 c:ouvcnient for the public. roon, 1) q� �� i . to devote, Fri found morL Grundy . 11 . .. . f,:,. 11 b. ,U _ 0 , � ,%V. %% . 1 -q,iOj)1kjRIC11 would do well to , W , 4 � ..'r V. 1W -ould provide a I . ers building ill, 31 Murchison, LL - " : i � .O.".. - , ., ; A. , i_�i-'i.',ill�'-L wililethoialls Ulu . . & I *day af tern6on preceedifIg ., the 21st Farm -If you have any defect in,your eye- Tbe reading room ir, now also it, it (,, ralla' R Robert40% . - � . ... '*,y ho itic(l. . - a corre-sp,ondinc-, an'iuunt- � 11004 tl..- . I 41 - I . ivo me -a call before ' entering into c I tral location, close to tile library 0 I britbrkn ct,00'.0 *, . , V , . , oution, . . is open, &N� b6its. are of , June toL a consid6r- g L I . slight, call and see .Nlr,, T. P. Smitli at ell Liturs Webster, M 'Campbell. Fait -ow - � . - . A.P - Ll', avi I , Man,.- ; . . W..A It 0`7:4. . 1). 6 %.Yt . , J1111z; tho! river drops 120 feetv , Nvilich "N' ?% I .. ation. Of the most notable- any other contract. . May 12th. and upiattirs over the bank. A T6nnLut. , I ,71.... ,: %'%'_'�!�.,jj,_ 1t4:._-,,rJ,-r. . - . ' I L . L - � . . &- I L --- -- -� i Harry Days' drug stor,,, on izans ca a , I I Arinstmng, I - 0 _. . . I -4 - __ W i'j' f UTI);kh a lar -u- aillount Of power. plying, theirbusy tradiD. . ' _ L � - Private room of our cit' mplailled of tile out u- a . � . . . I 1% I . . . Maje.;,ty's reign, particul above the store. L � - __ __ - - . � - j tAorc'&s9-Fxce!lent-AHome1l - . I 0 - _� OLD LINT LODGE The I !;ase,1110't -09 tilf'-N.11,ion factory , , .,� (�argo of w4eat f rain Port Arthur e%�cnts of her . Furtilus PrIvins , of tile way position of the library 'and ' � , ' . arly those bearing on the p.iogress On Saturday list a -cbuple of. -well. - -Wanted-Eggs, butter and dried This grievance is now f '), Yale., K McIntosh, J Bennett, J 0 -4- , : _____ - d illb) a .pow6r howm, w a?4, u n loaded at* th e (4. T. It. elevator, ., . a reading room. , 0 1 . . . de in scieuce, s 9f A,11field, Ralloped , removed - is givell to i;'!1jql,.etttr, E siddall, It Neill, J ., cOuld be C 11,�Crte ina invention, and educat-. krwwn farmer applei. * Why give thein tb pedlart for I . � In ad lit*03 tO tll(-' ibe large -01 4�n roeurd fur 24 yCAFS.r anaerery'faeilit3 f . ,� - at a ; I n . . . . I . Q - C Boland, L Header - I stnall, expeuse. . N1 r. R088 I spced up the m i , , . . ion. In addition *to this, I tlieir teatas at ful am half price? Bring them to G. F. King, accomodate the trous of th: it.'t;tu- - . _-rI f! I vflage(wr . - - . . - - I . i - G mcquaigs , - . / . & c. I - not of tile 'I'lle lblul�er-meu Rre preparin* for a - Pa 6 8 a . %;�� '.. 17 '. % -)gt c)f t1t.v ele.ciric plailt the c, . 9 says� tile history of Canada in relation street slid when ill front pf , tile Will aving of over .,,oj. Good -34 .Rabick, - � . Q 1 By this change a s I t ."t') * I I Fair / . . I ghaw, aud get full value for them. tie,,' . , . .1 - 50U. The t A' - . - G 70 C hil . I , 1% work is given a - ) few bit, rafts Jioui.�erpent river and to the Et�'pire might in great advan- � I , /� n . - . 8gN-T1.14JgL otrice tile tongue of one of the - 50 a year has beela eff ected. N / ; �'. N . -w frony.FlealicKtan, to'Walkvr- Wall Daper a specialty at Harry $ . T *Ligldy. .M INI, oody,*C McN&IL � .. 'N !�,ction i. I I . r-theru points. tage be considere thb neck -yoke It is the intentiot!t of the Directors _j - I it, Heuderar, W Berns, E I iL '11T ' ' othet no , I din -brief addresses by waggons dropped but of ' at our .idt - Nyinnie. L . ,i,Y Tl1t'I,,,1)AN',N11. ton, tj1f, di* %nc Lcing-37 milei. -The a Days'. Gume in and look I J­r-� I, Vr'. I . -it e . I . 1. . I r. � . � � -every year in boo',�.,. lt,.I,", N- -E;Ilop , .,-k -j* IbVf,rc tht; f.'"'I in"wo., ilk tb %Vorkis about to col"InellGe 00 the trustees, and.others. slid the end striking into tile road, to expend $100 � ql,ottom, M �i . . - ,4,se�:tion' I I . . . . . ­ - . . I � . terns before you make your pur- 14 , M� . - M th.-re - - . ' t The Government gives a gritut of ' : o � brid-inge i -i heavy on thi. . I __ . -r. Poor -T Peydne. Nj3,.,1%j4 It-ar, navt:.,ock otrcut. delapidated break-wW . hoisted tile waggon sovers.1 feet into Ps . . . - . � . . . . - -X.,L1,TiT D., -14i . ",ve al Lrge bridges ofpr tile . . I . . Our Clubbing RateG � - r I chase elsewhere. It will Pay YOU dollar for dollar, and an initiall cx- I . 1;einf; s- *r . . I I JA'A-� P.11.YAS, . 1. . I . � er A tcn_thottsaii�d dollat sewerage . -TIN.E the ai * atid. threw one or two of the I an 4 . T.fu1'.%1&:t,-r. ,Stcrt' ' llir�!r. There is -a - wat , I . . I tea for tlie. SZ.N L The banking firm ot Gillies and penditure of $100 a year, will in 10 No. on roll 14 &�Mr sumid Vior-i,; Slugeen %� � Gur clubbing ra P 4 11 . . I . . � ileg plant is now bein"t put, down. As'La M . occupants o6t. Tile ton.gue, snapped - i ig�7 __ __ ­ - — Sau,,een River, two,111 .4 . M e best weekiies -in the ' Smith, of Teeswater, were divolved years purchase $1000 worth of Ilook.s. 4 2o I -1 0 - I * ..! - ___ � I . . . . ­ ___ p9wer on'the. M, V� � J I L large number .aire-* elliplo,yed, We Lhope domprise�g all trL in two -and the horses got, f ren of the L. L. Af nistroo& Aeacher. I - .. - - . , . wel"'t 0i Purl1q:111, which would sullp-y . tho f irot of May. 0. H.8mith the That is, ou the originul 'payment of .. .. -5 I . ork, Dominion. W4j can off --r the follow- - Oil � L . � . . � I " . - Soon to WIC'the jCOMPIRion of the w - . a . rig. and after running up Havelock is going to -Rossla d. Wliere is t1wre FIFTH DRPIkRTKLXT - � . L _. ____ - I I ' n Sloo, we save W. I . / . , . ;)-00 horse power at a c, I . :_ . -1 . - o,it-of ,,::.7 00. - ' ing inducements - SENT)NEL nd ' t? I am sor.**v to V . , - ,_ . I . The' (44),11"riph-, Or�,a*n 'Co, serit a gtrcei for a short aistance ware cap. yetiring partner, L . I I .rton,.,-%,ia Kin-ar- . . �n . , NVe8terllL,,Wvcrtiser, $1.40;'SENTINRL . of the Kincardine a better investmen . '-t�tii,w part 2nd -11:xcel lent -%444l&1 I . If . . . ,Xalkvrt�ln to Ti ve . 11111(ro c I Orisi"Dinent of their instruments. tured. ConitablIc Shoebottem has -Mr. 11. Clark, _� 11 - I I - � . - . I., . %jail, � 1. '0; SHNTIN.'Et and" lodp M 8 Clark, state that our young veol)le Kiave E Nlt"ly, T Burns, L Taylor. G Me- - . ,j 0, , Sctiv-1 will re - ,And %VC(ATy , a . hi, e is 37 m0ex, and t . ' -owners itevi,ow, accompanied by r . -, - , . -NA.OTICF . 110 compli nt against the -� of the lib- . - I - __ � . Ift ,�xxstraliit 'last -week. � '.'.% T I 1,4 E L. .e�d a L di . Kvty,, C Bean I . >L5.4 4 F. -El .; of ki -number of 0 " . I . AV eekly Free Press', $1.75; 'Sk attended a party given at tho residence f ailed to take adrantagt ettp M Uc'ketmie, A Mc- TKK 4UI- z -) AN ,fluite the con,.truction . . . 9 the teanis and the caw 4 set -for ' -e i6good-L Treleav- tjp.�'.J. HAS ()PEN. -overnment, i . . _ . ' .,unullary. of. his OL of Mr. J, D. Nitholl, on Tuesday even- cral off er made by the (,' - btlil.linj: vast -of the - ..,,�,rts. The. grad- ,--,Nl �Aeagv-r gavk� a' � slid We .. 1.50; SENTIN-EL aud - a pi y tipit our Clure. J Murdoch. 01M,.- in - We - qu L . . trial this (Theraday) morning. , . , � - � �, - .),!I bridgei and.cal, I - tile ekly Sun,A. ` zii�ght schools. I t if, 0 -.jE,ir;VZ:, Vrintin� 00* -c#-- . nding in'N r.. Canipbell's case in Weekly G lobe,'$ 1-0. We alsb rut) .. . - . . lug. I M Cook, E Muichism, P . I . _. . - � jr would not exceed tile lu,"xill'u'll Of fi .1 in the - - - . - pplt, do not embrace Ois op- en ,11 t . 1. i -F�_%11:,_\"l,--!, 1,q;�.1)4%. j,F_%SE-8 ing V I .. . .. 1. - . I - young pe4 flenderson, 9 mallough, 11 McKinn=9 I G U I- ;a , 10 per cerit. Ut ally 1)6lat. There are. c . 6u, . rt room on Fridal last. ' ' & premium -picture of the Lib6r&l Cab- - 0. LANES For carpets, oil clothes ana linol ty taf-ff t9emselves for pos- I - . . 'D , I r r ,1 - - . I We give epee. portuni ; . , - inet in conneceion with tiie.'"We4ly Pums, go to Connell's. - 1,ju , j 1tvid, It Webster. Junior part 2Nd .%ttji­r(;.v;E-'i, N AV I I,L- op,(* Inall -tho de , - V441 k.-; - . %, _, e ipmaijer of bridnesi. 1� ' 1� itions of trust and emolument incildill" i it was unfavo able 10 . D K _ a lar. a ' . ! . . I El-*�*LLY PL-KrAll-LED. .9 - . . athy of the * town ('10b'o Only. L. Our arrangew - eather hn,s Berl ial attention to these lines. In two i t I ewt,oft, E Browng L 0 . ( .%,11. Vaz t ii furnish' femlent. The symp ents for it w lad to state that our Villit- - Council, 0 Excellent -H TX 4 , d i. No repor . . . I I The pro!ongpd wet * 9 C- . . . I . , . .f...r tmii of 1,00 feet, . . . ndent. . "Ev nd 'Weekly Globe 'ously retarded tile seeding. I pi his progressive age, Varton. A Armst .. - elan4 ,,-,.,-i-.i,;ati',.n.4.%Rtl,estiuiztte -* water power is with the defe and three ply all wool carpets, we have ng with t rong, E Johaxtong V ; ;y I y tile mgineer on the . - are :-,S N'TINEL 1% r" in kee * . 0 . , Mill, - ri , , C.-. 1111rui,lbed, ed 110, . , - � ' ' bstantial -grants, the Alin, 'Go,.od-A Shi,wbottotu, J Me - U.,044 t .�J,eget 'Walkerton d.. home in for I year and premium picture, $1.60; has aided by su - . in tfii3 diistrict. be'tween .r Mr.. Joe 1fright, carri,� Bliss Patemon, of Lucknow, 4 the some fine patterns. . . * I . . I On-Alor. n,)tice- Ap H . t I on Wednesday SENTINKI, nd Weekly Globe, - -trittl guest of M -Karl's Clover Root will purify schemes of this illbtituti011 - ki.,.,ton At Motxil'e, R Little,J) Cal . . . st),1jEjtV1LL au I . AleRS- , J A3, .V d 'Goderiiell tilt-, Eli tance is ,55 vailer&' iriumph, -his . bride ; . a re. Peter"Scott. . s of this It i -il ary a I* .1 I it I * . . ' ion reg- Institution &:"-,,. at mcLsod, -J MclAren, - __ optbis section, betw*ecrx Formosa aw Ittst. I . 1. . 'tripi)f 3-montjlsy with premium PicL- r The roffular weekly prayer ineeting your blood, clear your complex � ii"'I � !� , L 8i ty_ _ - - n . ,nro- I !�',..rriff. .F-tir-NV munin, n Hedly, . . . eswater there would- he three X . . . all at this Dflice 'And see will .4d&v evening ulate your bowels and make vour head ure of poptilar intelligt . - , -Te I The ronvergazione held in.the col" ure, 40c, ,C comal oil Thur, . � ngth all.] iavadf 11 . . ' _ on . 25 r that ti,roaghout the le I . R:)BERT CUNNINGHAM 0 fifteewft�i-t bridges, e . whieli is ont of the'finest nqXt. L . . . &1q clear as a bell. c., 50c,, and $100, 3. ill �-'t* j X1"1'.i-11CFle1Uing- ' % feet and tw , 1) - IfIgiltle institute en Friday evening, the picture I I I Jos, . A . . rl 4 . - - � - t. L ' a ijotwithst%ndiag- the inclement, photo-engraings we have evc.r had S.auxillary held a inost at Berry & Cole drug store. of this Province, not oul I ft - , - D . I FIRE AND MARINE$ I sides Other culver 4. � Tile ()'Fran was, . . I * Tho W.M. 1. last week towns and ,viliages, but al:!,o :11, ti c' Ili-he,t, part 18,1-ELeellent, I . membit TruA, 0 nadian Pacific, and`W-o ("' AL' I - Friday last. -In, reference to the item in, 'I'-.1�,t)-t Ca Mel"A, L KcLean, C I a 0 . weather, an Overwhelming the pleasure of seeing. successful meeting on I work In r-Aij-ELPH. I I . - p L __ . __ be- of the big shipment of cattle from here rural districts, the library and road , 4 I B. division of the G -T -R- arecrossed at success, Every art, trade and rofes'! . . I The* ladi( s of the congregation are in, Mr. Thos. room, are the chief attractions. Any ,Iw,!It, P llruwn, IP Pattwaon. 600d . ' I DanieO- . to the Northwest Territor vly V 1% I :I. - I holle N40 I91 — v, iver sion was, -well represented. , In the . Died In Wawanosh , . coming more intereated in the work, � -11til . - NV "a', i it, A.McSw*yn, 13 Tra(Zen under a , --- - � arious p6inta. The Maitland rii '. . n should have been Riven the corporation like Lmknow is e �, - -I A * Idest and most r9spected . ' I - One of the o ! , -, . ing his I e bridw 6f t4iree supplied I - and a inost successfui year is anticips- M c Lea es whe,n it does i-o0ling .k umf, C 11itrber, V Shoebotton), G 3 Wil I be crossetl by-, a larg behind the tim. r% as,seml)ly roomat inusic was L f buying them in seventeen I , mi At, - I I V a S, . . dow, ft I& . uc "00 ss than ted. Owing to the Prosideut's chair full credit o the intellectual and moral ,Treleaven. -k&ir-R Johnstone, 8 my 71 sptns of I I,- , k ad local re idents of StHelens, after le, , bbt, ea.cji.' -0 - by tile "Mandolin Clu I - . I OwIng t 1 a . bout n ' . - having been vacat6d, days. development of the PeOPle- I , alu Alst,i,-k, P Morton. r D E N_&_ 1E, -_v Sit' 8 -&, w 'kg illneis, passed away on Thurs Sirs.WnI.Kickley .. power may be ()071ined'ft ,cafly. When delight wa � e'e - . I , emilucteil . horse - I talent genp 'town cloc last. -Mrs. AlcDo'nald was unaminously e-lect&-d-to the office -Marbham has a regulation req proul to StAte tb&t no ot tier corporit- f N,, on roll 90, a%-ersge atlendanL* I I If mile west of . Dungannonj ond on at its beight,*ana the' It tol- day evening . - j, . L bitratitm ' 1111 ls h . a born in' Alvie, a parish in the diq- . e *t and Miss Maggie Farroch u�ring tratrps to saw 10 sticks of wood tion of the same size as LucktioNcaj, . , . n0thinst I . ericii.'* of P d In ft . 0. � L. D� 9,D, D. 9 ti,e Maitland'river near God led midr-ight, .,'Polessrs Jor,dan & Lane :wa Dr. owton. - I evel- I Of hidenoch, InveriAess-Shire, ' * earli for their bread an(' :lodg'ng- boast of a betttr collectioa of books ' fate C4 U (10(A site fbvpower, capahle ON, the' staff trict elec d Tremurer. With the present 11. Archibald, tomcher. ' . ' ' proposed a vot� of thinks to - . u ad the effect of reducing - Rev. Di t" SchW)I � (if a ost for L tland. wbich she left in 1842, and thing but a ccess and it hash and of IL more intellectuid PQYi,'­ 13 . - I oping 800 horse power. Tile * staff o ollicers, no - - 1�1 . app -a Gra-lumt- 4 Torini . . ts who*had fur.hished, such SCO 'k with - . . (iPome's L and studen � ' ''k . g in Ramilto I tile cost of 1xiarding these gentlemen. our large cities the citizeno too -HF11 LI) . I ien64try and 1) - , �r , -f I dam and.buildings, viould be froin 6 1 2,- - men P ' ,d came to Canada, residio can beexpected. - i, -.e -at .1s. i ­ I - in- @'if ferin, . . . a good entottain t. rincip till 18489 when she came with her bro- _________4W _Sl,iioh's Cure is sold on a guar pride on their magnif twilaings ....-W� 6 � icout, anu DIEN fAL �- SI RGERY . 00o to $1.5)000. The shortest SOCtl0ft Strong replied in his g�nial way and I- an 1111lul;ler 0 � . .. ' . � I John and Duncan to Wawanosh PORT A-LBF.14T a,litee. It cures Incipient ConSumP- for aiff using learning. Ill p1lblic ) Tile foilowing il the standiaR of B.S. Va.. wher forTU44 iathatbet*een liervic and Lucknow, It gang - with gusto "G(KI save the thers, . ' . � . tion. It is the best cough cure, Only sphere we can look on t1so , T ho*' W All ,,IA-r4*Pi1.,4 it- Pentiol , . - - . . a I I . I I being the mosr, northerly settlers in — -4 kilowltulge No. 5, for April, Insed on punctuality, - IeAv , .r t ) do ail work thedistancebeing fifteen miles.. It is, Qtieen. . I . The farmers are iiaving an undesired one cent a dose 25c, 50c an with -Uari; W.J AD ,ell( . fountain t * j)empera I %azi.;fact4iry, . I proposed to u)nnect the line to Kincar- - - I the township then, Mrs: McDonald, - I ells Call drink its d(*jwwrtn1Pnt and proficiency, viz,:- � . York. a' 1. . - Knox church congregation voted'-. a kept house until her brother John rest at preftnt, owjug to the recent, sold bv*Berry & Co.. druggists. from which our pitiz � . VA per" ' � elaill, �jilvtr and dine qt a point near Bervie with the . improvemaint AMA, . I -At theToronto Technical school refreshing and invigorating waters. P. S. Lemving-M Brown, 8 C-Ockc 411 j,Lj%.4(,* - With 4; old, Porc $9,000 -exteution, - became wet weather. ' c ,tranor_o Browa. 1i Gardner, B � . to � W. � T1 . Algama. L GrAerich line aiLucknow, by way of ting on the building. . WAS married, and in 1850 ahe returned examination last week, Mr. It. J - May every success attend .the jefforts 6 Uornirr (��),"l . I'm . . � r sea � � . tile wife of the late Donald McDonal(i Miss Nellie flawkins hft.,i -0 ied off rs of the Luck, . 1111ir*r. & a via* fif pretWlrving Ripley and 1101y'rooi. The 'olling Miss * Annie Burrows, a well (who pre-deccased her nine years.) from visiting frienda in Kincardine. Stewart, f this village, carr put forth by the membe 0ardner, F Andetwu B Webster. *. � - TEF,T11-Maild with tock reqUiTPd for each- division will be � honors in Machine Construction, now Public Library. Jun. Pli-11 ReidJ Hnater, E Web t4) lie Cc tho natUra &PPes"ne).e. and of the best m her of West Huron Ft. lid in band . IWIt W . two f reight motorcars and four trageirs known school teac ' Thore were only two of a family bein�,., - -Mr.. Alfred Small, hes 90110 to aical Drawing, and Practical -e go hit , I uv*�I, 3 Hackett. Sen. 3rd- .. � . Mechi Ignorance alld'vil wer A, I : * I qualiti. . * I . . Mr. James on n dredge. o illutuill. . . igers, mail and expre:ss as unittd in wedlock too M rs. David Todd, who resides in StHeI; Willianj to work Geometery. May the lanip of kriowle'l"" 1) Ituloprt INI Gardner. Jun. 3rd -M I � I 11 . . .. SjTRA-,Tj-,4Q-An &,plication m4vle V, f 0'r P"'Jel Bogie, of Goderich, on Wednesday. -Millinery! Millinery! A large ate the minds of our young I)eoPle, ' .- ' , e%s extrac4inv.- It hio one. heavy freitiptht. motor, which wou!d ens, and,MissJanetl who lived with Mrs. Kerr and child of Tennessee, as- virtue N.1iddleton, .1 Gardner, R Middleton, The i th.) gum f -pr paint . . -trailerm , , f riends her mother'sq M rs. ,I rwithauccets. and 6 eveniiig last. Their numarous nd cared for lier mother upto the are visiting at sortment of new goods just received. guide them aloug the path of � will tat been trio give 12 motor cars, 24 " 94 )) a ij il)fluenceg that 11 lln�wn. Son. 2nd -8 Oardner. unite in wishing them bon voyage. and dispel those ev . 0 - � - I , whole line. The . . 0 last. Mrs McDonald was of a quiet, Le. i g I 1. Sailors in all styles and at all pricas, Jun. 2nd -It Raid, J Iftnter, W - *1 up -day. 't I Allin'3, nr-,w block freight moWrx f or the . i3 visiting in ,and the newest stylos in fancy straw degrade and de -mol alize, . , . ill FFICE-41n .0 r. Miss Addin Wi';Ii,4 . at D. D. Y t, i Huntw. Pw4 - - - I "Wm 0 . total estimated cost js between four The play,'Pinafore" entirely of local kind, and cheerful disposition ,and was � shapes . Call and Soe them rI.F, Sec. liunter, T Racket a, - I . All t1b. up stli,611- and five millioTt dollars. The enter. talent for three nights in the opera highly rospected by her numer6lig Goderl-ch. bleton's. The f ollowing are the directors elect - 2tmi - M Ranter, D Andrew, W Evw- � � . I . ence a V. - v14 .-ft - I I 071' C friends, who excend to her sorrowin4 Our school openod on ,donday, 26th - Miss Ham ag. Bryan, John et, IL kipwrr�,, I weint4. sm P -rt . i —W 11 .I& Ripley, every prising towns and thrivina villages house, wFis a decided success - to -Tile man who wanto a good s�uit ed for nextyear.--J AlXMV1** jr, a � ain ham has gone I � . . � appeal f- 4hurs1:7 AfteAR991111 i along the proposed route are expecting talent 'is not to be despised. daughten and relatives, deeppstsyiu--� - hliss-L. Cun 9 of elothes made to c.rder can get Murchiton. R. D. Cameron, D. C. Tay- I 2nd -L1,8p".M A 11itekett, A Brown, — . _____ __ - . a m%terial advance toward through - � - pathy intheir bereaveruent The ro- progecute her studies in Go,lerich. - I I 11%. I Tlw I _____�_ - A, San i A few wewke%go the report wits what he want8 At Connell's. Only lor. D. D. Yule, J. G Murdoch, Arthur , E Reid.' i un,Part ind--Olive, Gard- - ; orinel, D. B. Foster, I nts unt4-r, X Ritchie, E 11,ackett. I . .Mr. P.M. -captain swoeney, U. O., lectric raiiway communication during -A large number of samples of ned mains were interred in the Dungannon .r kk U -Ir I , " , " , - `� I ­�4L� .jL'j��_ -1 - -� � - , � .. 11 � I- - I T� - - -ITI 7 ? R,7 I �! , , .- - VI- __ i� . / W,- - � - r - - r K # ill" it lit, tilt, I - 'Itio j:- , " � , , __� f�,, � - I �*.________ - , zl"_ - �__ - ( .. �__ I I .1 I I I I I 1p I I 4 1 1 'I i "' " I tit; I (W- _6". 1 1 1 1 . - 14 eived by, farmers cemetery, the *.vall0)carers -was to 6o put on $12,50 for a suit made of an impor- McDouald, W. C I Inst W1 ". Diago, Cal- Say": ,,,, hilol'a Catarrh 'Ile Coining suinmer. The orignal in - grain have been rec. being, 1 current that Is tax joill, &Ott, W. S. liolmes, Dr. New- flaughter, Medicine I have t , Wag to C r mp,, t every bachelor." Now the ymng inert ted twood. A fit guaranteed. or no _ It E, Bnuvniq reft&ff, - -_ Remedy is the, first ,W Messrs. T To&)' v)u. and V. R. Mclut0sh- I .. I I (,aAtl.-. tention 0 the road earl), in this section the past week f roiu he , Rainage, Durnin, are tnining i a their arivtm sale. I , - I �L I . - ever foubd til&t would do me &nY ' Expe - I . I 7%e so g9otl.tq Price 50c, at Bwy & V099- 'n .1 $98. -Toronto Globe* 1P rimental Farm, Ottawa L Gordont MUrrayt and Clark. - -1 . . . . __ .- I la". tIr � ... I . I . - I . . - I - .L I,&.ft.,Pd I , . - V . . � , I I . . - I te to IK � . . � - I I . I to bo rft I . . 4� . . . L this mcmd I I . t . � 0 . . . . I . � A 4WPOW . . �- I I I . - I . .. - _� . . . ­ � , I . I - � from Roomo I I . . I I � . . % . . . . . �__ I .... . � powers0( . � � - � . . 0 . I - L I . .... . . � . , . . . . . I%;* - __ 1i I - ...-. I - I � . 1. . � , I I 1. -;� z I I _�� - . � . -.' - ,�. 1W, - - , well � . . . . - i . � .'. . I I - � . - _�, I - L I " - - - A I .. A 11 . . - - ", - __ .. . I L - - . I � I I . " '. . '. I . I - , - ,� -, , --,, f -. , , - - lk�_v*_ S _*r � . r . .i AP . L . a . � I . . . I - . - - �, 4�� , !�,�� ;_ �, ,� - - -,� ,r I I I . � - . I . L � . . - - - I - L4 � . ;—,' - .1 ,L .. . . I -; f_'�- , . -, I -, � I z I . � - - -L' — . �, : .1 4, ,�_ . , �, t I ­ W"VW uupw __ __. __ _�.Wdhdfi� , � . � . . � . ,� _ d, I . I . _; k . . . - " . A . :% .1� . ,.- � � # 11 - � 1. -1 - - _ __ � - - - I . _M0 _-, , . � . ". T q flt. __ -.Mli- �i - .1 . . .#_ __ � A � — — . . ..� la"Now - ­ IM AAWN W OMP " %,Go, I . . . P L 0 - ' 1* � I � . - I I . I � 1 -9� i4 , , ,-_--�_*.,��* - - - -&*%* , . I 0, -V 14 , - - I �. I � — . " ;�. — we- __ AWSM& a"We sw�­"W_- - � L - L � � - L ,_:�,, !-17.. , ­ I - , I . _ i��_ _ �� ,_ _ � . .­ ­ � . 11 - - I I __ ­ - ____ - - - ­ ­ I -, i a &"a.- -0-."P" ow �*,Wq"dft, ft.m. . � . , _ �� _� - -Z . _ - _ . - _�e_ - . , LL 3 , _ _., - � - � 0 __ . . - " - . -� 1. . . -