Lucknow Sentinel, 1897-04-30, Page 3b, 5 44 and that the principal in little hol,* of a day lesis dilliastrou'T' SU N D N N, 1; C t I00 t.... prince of this world. in Uie.permcin of 1BOUTEuropean powers will be involved. to King George'm--eaul4e than Is Indi- 1 Bar-Jwus uttered language of re - UP WORLD, vory Dr. Peters, the Ge NTT# cated. proach and defiance. The heavenly THE WORL rman African Ad- JIL I minis-trator, has been found guilty of TELEGU_1111111, LIN -1:14 CUT IJF'Y* iight of tlw giwpel (hospelied tile ma - cruelty and dismissed from the Im- INTBRNATIONAL LESSON -NO. V. gle of worldly ItLit, worldly wio;dom, .8 On the other hand, there is gloom , and worldly power. An entrance was perial service, and condemned to paY J1 I In Comstantinople, where one inight MAY 2. 18W7 am of the Npws of the co3to of the trial. expect wild rejoicing. The Sun eor- ! gained in a pagan land, a o4orcerer Rappenings of A The Canadian (toverument offil-ers in respondent telegraphs to -night from Paul tie) i dc4eated. a ruler corlverted. The in - At Fir -it Mia-ioikai-) Jour strumenta In God's liand Were the Londo'll have had numerous inquirim riiii1ppopoiLq. twelve hour,; by rail Act& lately from persona going out to work from Constantinople, -that the Gov - Sam DaYL in� the Yukon 41istriet. Much Interest d 11 groat Apcotle Paul. the noble Barna- Th %-Treek Forces Have Been Driven.- From ernment put a sudden embargo on Time. -Between A. V. 45 and 4S. has. and the youtliful Mark. Snatch - t I te %v I res &C Itig brandp from tliie burning was in- The hweet4wt woman in the world ko- L4 taken at prviient in England In yesterday evening, and the Plam.-Alitioch, k 4eucia, cyprus, :4al- deed tile. nilwion of tl~ men. Tile the report.-� fr-ni the Canallian gold hundreds of persurus arou d the Sultan aillip, papho. comeii a torror when MLED 009AM . 1 41 n ,, I erga ill Vaillphlia, gospel won- t1~ prize@ through the The ssaamm con"ll which trift the s4.,u. Mat and L arissa. are greatly disurbed. Jeruitialein. effort" of nien. The Holy Ghost of all howe,-loving men; Tito British Ubvernment, by the "eliOrt of the laWr riot it �'ort way, has taken pok*e"Iou of the lilies PerwAls.-Shuou, Lucivas, uirougli a i6viritul church, by do- WIM iso&p and wet, and slop suid a"m 'race track is' deniwl. YAR TALK IN LONDON$ or tlw Indo-European telegraph, tol Herod, Saul (calLcd Paul), ohn, voted meti accomplished great thingm and dire confusiolD reign, James Beitil, has bepu appoint- that direct c�niirlunicatlou with tile 1311-17-Jwlduld, Serglua Paulus. i fieldo that apparently wme un- And to the god of cleaDlinfts toile dedi. ed coilcur tir COMMA at W)Wniau- Torki.-,li capttal"W now, impow4ble. Uohimentary.,1. The churel, it promis4tig anti itriviting. cates her brain - Tula AnUoch-Twu cl,,ie" of thle nattie are "M then man feelm that ruarriag wtiy Belief That the struggie win soon I Honor for Xdhem. mentioned In the Actd of t fie Al". ties. UISNERAL HUROPBAN WAR a direful failure be, Mr. A. D. Hardy, of Brantford. will 4h Tills One, was the capital of Syria, and And in him aseiret, acxj�, ppriat1w *11cceed Judge Jones as County Judge ta litinVie,.' April 25. -The .8111- ahl to size and commercial ii.,purtance The Continontal Nations Do Not Love wishes he were free. of Brant. ue Uver, tai! has conferred bigh deCorationN tilion 1:dlirin Pashn and uimxi tile it wam tile third largebt city Ili the England, Charlels MLwj, tj.� t 1.1*1 been 1VOrl(l, Rome, alit] Alekandria lieing 81118 War* tile carpet up witit vj, appointed a udg,- of coniniandpirs of the six divisions of tile larger. (dga ovikoff %ritev ill tile Yort- and wUldo the lusty brusJ�; the, Ontario Before the Powers Will Interfere to Save Her Further h um i tirniy f-tigriged In Grecian territory. A large and lictur6hing Court of Appeal. lia- church nai, cwtalilimli' nightly Review: What ib your motiv* T*h* Cat Puts uP his fuzzy back "d I THREE WFEK6' LIMIT SET$ ed there by twir- I T ie, Gerniau coftsu? at Mr. toln exiles (imee Act xi. lu-L-I); and I for dwyltig the'rii-k of a general war? Mr. tion--Glo,)m at Athens- --Bombarding D_ celess vacatoft with a rusli! Lollitoil, Iwre the dweipled ere firtit, calle,l IA -t me re.call to you two fact.4, which The dog, with tail half meat, akulke haI'Itl, dropped',ii-All i.11 lils 4411ce., Athen*' rreapondent Kayu: A out and bides Ilium of heart dLk-aw. Towns ---Bloody Battles Have Marked the t Week Chriotiano. Acts ii. 267. Vertain *.If away; Tne ** lat, MAclaren - Trial Yarns About terrible paulle took place Friday night prophet& and Wachem-The propliettil Why perhaps &,erve to -remind those HO known tile racket she is ou will during the retreat, which became a Large Sums Gwiig to tile �Greeks Pasha at Work---- Italy Interferbs " were. thow MW& receptive of the di- who dwell behin(A the oilver streak last for many a day tile invitati4hu to U41t � tO k9tOP m6ierable rout;, the Turkish cavalry Tile sage old spiders save Qeir lives Froin Canada and- the States W In vine communicatiolulo; tile Leachers that if VrantfqpLJ oil quet-uss Vir-thilay. 0 I I using rifles, bay(mets anti revolvers In- %ere Like stated lm4itorti of the citurch. t1jo great Enrulwan pact be by. fleeing to the cracks. dow Market Slumps and Swindles Volunteering. tli-Acriniinately.,* The correspondents brokcqi up the map way be modified And all the niee that wintered thn)ogb A Rapid Torpedo Boa -.411AKAt. Barnaban-kie wao a man tfirtiv yeani ill'Lhe peniten- Athens, April 24. G.t0 1). lit.-Lari-mat GREEKS WILL PERSF.VERE. of the London Timep and of the Reu- of,high social pu.;jiLion, at England's ex1*Aw,- in 1829, when fall prone upon their bacAs. f( -r forghisr nLiii(koit, April Ua We hit& bt*ll'completely 'evactutted by the ter Telc*!ani Compan were nearly proprietor of the i. and a landed the Rumitan arm" were approach- Thlis morning the word goes' forth lrit[4*1. r. Williams, who repreoento slaji(i of -VypruN;. UI your old coau and qw"y siluetio" Willill tho, fourteen -year -4,11 stL)n letttr.i-The .umhiant ituteof every- Ureeks, who splk#-ti th6ir guns ln,p6- I h0re that tile UJUVerUment will per- tilt% 'Daily, Chronicle, relilaitlell at Ulat aa* ealled Ni6rer of ing COlwtantimiplo, there was in hats that fit your twwd. ul Uri Illinin Davis, of Hamilton tiling in*I,tqidcvi is war. It'im slix!eutoml sltion'and carried way aU of the i' ile'yere Ili tile t4trtiggle with greater whoill nottillig is France a dynasty whicu owed its ex - V aliL el. -six-in -10' -kill-%ki lit a runa way eagerly t). 1tiSt.s. from Cabinet movable cntion and inunitiOn'4 Q&! de term hia. tIon. The report. however, Tyrnavo. Other corr( delitki lost of The nu4pWne you,ve just I0Gk&,a townshiP,L iger," n eloithet ill I.;Lt,11 hlr it#- Istonoe 1argvly to the sacrifices 4L down tit tilt- rirf-ralf of tile war Tile wounled reituiln tit Lar"ia I haa not served to allay the gr' their sketchm and their baggage. ryig biaci, wiliell wity have twen 'England. But no sooner wam the throWli, and circulars unread. "wing The correlspondent itildii: Tito I Thei ARu' cioit end, though till but the special- lunder tile proteetioa or tite Red Crom I 91VNI tO him txcause of la -i eonq4ex- French Government expumed to the Sbe sells for " junk;" ana whm you 1--,t,t-r of ilitla lots are mutkilett its to tilt- Irritation. at . tile belipf that, even if gravity of tilt- 041tuU10111 is llot all- ask, with mild and peW boll. aro reorgrinizing the Royal Mill- riag. Greece could'not licAd her own. the ('yrene--A celebrated city In temptation of a "neral war, than it we eAr. of Most (of tile places fill med. parent here." Wlwre they have goliv. toile liKAW at -Ind redue- tary L'ulltge tit Kingston . TURKS CAPTI'RE 31ATI. nori-offensive - policy snaulfexted * in Africa ; one-kurth of the fimopulatbm prop(mod to Rusgia a scheme for r* - In irvw,,�41uence, there is *U01 -L Tito orning 111(*Wo t4irms1Kpivierit, -it. arrangement or tilo, map of Europe Ing tho wand for wor ivallis that the pub-. dtVI&ntCIIP14 re- tile order@ of the Crown llrkice nipt Artit "aym that the Greek fleet Ii hom- erP Then- were perk"olts fr,) 11 at tho exlwnse of England. lu ttW. Awd 4hougi, y(ji, gw%t Iliad Hit,, I eeived from the frotitter assert that to attack wits Idiotic and un -Grecian. here in attendancw. ulmmi tile feuat Ili( - A stearnt,r W relieve tile settler in Ushers have beeir unable to supply bardlug icholaili, two houro'Imail from Velil!AVONE. Aet44 ii. 141. Ind &14&ul- year l'oligirac, with the ap- Pwear, it etit, rig,- dwtreazol froni 116(x6 along the the Turks atticking ati were re- The retreat to Pliarwila is ironmlAftbr- lie adds: " I deeply regret Pre% iolis lilentioll (of thiA4 individual i 4 proval cill tho french Government, pulaved wven times yexterday. At 6. ed a lmor -respollm. to . tile tit awy that Ch-ment liarriwi the E'ng- foituid. Ili - Acts 01. m, %�Ili drow Uji him famous scheme of terri- River hils., t" -n ent cut by tile 11ani- etuiments curltiu.4 fiery 'speechea of Crown .1'rinep Con- She '.* W(MI't NO #-tw It told rulAoipii toba 6overnment. I Wckwk In tile, evening t1w Greek 16h; oluiitA*r. nii�l will 'Pof A(Imiral sAtate ('if affair. -c -The symP.-Attli"" with"t forca4 wer6 obliged to g1vP way. The i-tantine to hh4 troops. ; xi. 2:1-30. torial partition. TW pitui has not rousid a *�ir 114 t4 b . witit killed iii Ilentepi"a." k*;t itm importanob even now, alt mri Joly it -itiving' tilt- comba int,4 run twit party lilies. (;reek,4 retreated Ili good order on '-'*. They -Theme ri%e, &,,(I wt ottttbrs. AN OPEN -FIGHT. Tilt,, Dally' Atheii't4 correspondent indicatow the kind of ambitlow that nPepartnteatiq tlw 1auding the Turks. Kniraclas. where they are entrenched Mi!iietored t4o the Lord -In wntic slie- Vito di,trik-W (of King- nd tilt- Liberqk holping f4w Greek 1-*rom Arta the Grfwko owellpietl th; Col. Coumanouros,_ with a battalion oWym: " King (44-orge means to go cial herricot, of lorayer asid praislie, tA) would be let lo(vie by tile prospect or Ud tlien #,Iw joilil, hor gown up frimit amece-is, while ill Ireland. '%%-here one llIglIt44 of Pentesigadia. It is be- I.or 1,200 engaged *5W Turks at, 3.30 to tile. front and to iiihke, a decided determiiwAj lit lor lljw4l, abeertain the inind of the lAorti, tho "Culbut generale" in the E"t. Tito frauchi�e of tilt- 1.4,wer Town wtould expect unixersal sy.nipathy for lieveti that tlie milit-ary op�rlttioris p.m. yesterday (Saturday) cai tile plain bitalld at 111tarmala, tlw cerniiig the ndvancement of Ilis work. I olignar, on belialf of France, ()ffered Which attyp that thougil t:le Streoet Lailway L4 qu#+ee has been frrti?�eee. there 44 ;t it. nill Zing .11111(milit Epirus, will R(xm be terminated., in front of 1entepigailla. Tile battle liiio-tic-feiice advised h.v Votiower And fili�te,`!-Sonie bitimings caH com-s! to l,'LW#Aa Moidavia and Wallachia In do fall Alw tliall 1pi ua supt cjp�&li BAD Nf.'W-14- 181AUXI Wit 11 to, fina4 old t- tile iiew t lectrie railwo of phtuilits for Turkey. oil 64- gr(mild TII F il 7.30 Ili the evening. Tile iti d lsome memloeiv of -blo* staff, froin only through prayer and fastilig. Europe, and as much cif Armenia and C"d rfwlins, c4A41 dinners. - chilly tu . result is not yet known here, thou tile very beginning. red too edd ft4e*, im-,cold cliairs erA it 6- undermtood that the Greeliti lost The Greeks, have devitroyet B tile prophets company ft -r $200W tilat tile Turks are oilvli gtxwl figlit- Athem-4. April 21, a. I the rail- Mark ix. Anatolia am lie va. ta ke, I n or- t der to enable her to ovitablWi. IIW- A mne4l of Varliith cvPrT%,I ofilthe nominted nuill, tlli.v-## palters twillm-I jim- people of'i 150 killed and, woundpd. 0A. Cou-man- way fr(mu Larl-R.-a to N'tilo, It Is ro- who were prment -.14p F. t -c4 f i ttile Mediterranean on Un on tile *Iiiqjery witirs! kad news with ouros had no artillery. portod that tIW Greekt, have rriwool in pr4pbably, to all- iiiike by nank of England'a r(mid to U_ Wet rugii; aylay Yt"I &It each tsirto 'tit Clllltllalll.� i lAthens to rec*ive the I L:i%#- wt patience anti t4an -rroid cow-44tering 4 4;.m-ks abrtrul. anil qivinti- CtA. , 34arwa. has returned to rta tit(- vichilty of Janina." r4miniunirittion in Uie very ord-, rrance -wats to have ][Wigiumi, cold -Indo run riot thiv%gli fle.4 OVAIraftm of- . from tip zire that the army 70light rotirageou-ly wit,, tio.third divi lon. The &Pc�orld There gilk-pit.-Whedon. %4-lisirate file, Prupsia wam W Itflvo Holland, the King Tile enipty h a, ij4-.,; lie's airitig orf. il*.r The lov-La g d Ili defence of the nation-il honor, pay- brighde, under Cdl. Bozartivi, is �20. kilo- of tile Nethierinds Uelng transported finw e4ovigealed :11111 Itillf-.' anting to ai e4oliling from tile Vnilti4l Stilte.-A nd EDHEld PROTECTS A TOWN 11arnaluLs and Satil-That jili, wQttliell, lit building a rullilon- n the price by heavy iqierifice,4. Ultwitla fiw'the (v'revk I e - I nietreo from Arta. It& forward move- I Put stpa rt, cor tordAill titell, tor tile Pipe- to Conotantinople, t found a Chriot- th,vator vtao lwa&4ed tit -Mid- B031BAUD DEFENC11,17S8 TOWS, lilent, Is reported- interrupt0d; M a. e6rdon of Horse to Guard a tian kingdorn out iif 'tlw %,rmk of l"ifte skitw her knut-1-6m. teare, Ler iin if, lauLk by -l' majority. bly -Tile .1111,011111- G�eek Konantery ci-11 work v% hereuritAl, I ha%v vaiieff a no I e 1) thehi-r-the work of foreign inission,., tier head aii4i botLy aclie, ti-!rt,ugh Lontion foir (;ri4wi- durhig the Vono�t litl I I . A ril _24. European Turkey, iiiinus budlia and thirt4'. -fenceless -towns like Osman's Secret Insructions. 4"patch to the Times from Mil- dul -le rly vail,�d at t1w tillIe Hervitt, which were t4p go to Austria Bia adie is lia4q)y for she kbiot^ii jwt- barduient of th 1'. u its t a -(,uu -e t lie cake It pronilinent 1.4404-a banker r4aid: -,,anti Alir*.*l 24.-Osmiin ouna, dated 13-iturday, says Tile e(Mv(sraiii)II t4t thkA %%cork- in order to form a terbalance to 110ume would "tak tv. I let of ill, 46 ColLstmitinople, c011imprit, here. Similar critici-ini tlw tiaval power of kIngland. Syria, No nook or cornter hat. #wApwi, 4t&ru wo toilly mprewnt'I'mir UnitediSt:Lte.4 , Pasha tins been given Pocret histrue- reeks abandoned Uritery during the 3. Laitl their handA on them -By has been rilile, concerning tile born' Tito, Turks, are Uow t on, �_Arabia Hilt) tile Barbary States were order settk% ner 114!avwg.,1i v o. rl%er uti Cii.itaillan banko frtbiu which. tit~ tions. A det4patch, from Smyrna, sayd' night anti 11". 1118 ceremony (?f eonwerati thev- -4 r U) go to, Uelwuwt Ali. 'nilim scheme That dolnielle from atue tkmit us V,! I le iquill drafto conke. Itut if these - re- hardment. of Prevtwi. WhIell wag de- that* tho R* dirs, .* ho vi -ere called out inar0flng orl Laroosa; Edt*lu Imila ordained them -not tip an rder, ltut* Was the fire on tile ACtuAilY sent to St. Potertdjurg as r1emn swept tv4iar 4loor! Kelly. 'vu- nitirderer, p"-nt anything like a filic pirbp6r- Ktroyc,4, although yc*4terday, are intended for the.Uiwns will riot allow his troom to enter the tO a -mimion. froni tile fort -4. 4. Being sent fly the 11(4y eml"IyIng tJk'e them policy of Frwice And tbough that wtolfian a * aillits-t orrmtk-I at Mon-tirral, togo tikin pf. theo iiams forwarikil by other (;reek fleet wiL-4 of Smyrna, Vuria and Setilatiova, in tknvu, whie'li, but littlo damaged, iA rienn hn An 'extr er pre lit -re Is Idmilar to 3 aalk came ui tile Lairt. dead, her fomhead is L*veiis. t a Wssion. of tile Cabinet Is I �or(k . V) doll of cavalry. An Tito exprowltmi nca.Ao till- er' back witit Cit- ohe'riff liks, hich we think Is rent distarbnem Uy slirrounded by a cor -01, t t the Ylldii Kioak. Tile ' that found in tile previous verse, and hink tile Firmch Repul lie lit llie4-aume Ille Irowit, let eome *list Oi:irge 4#f tllp, 11 oubtelilly tilt- vase, %he- total being held a the 0reeko reliiding there. The -con- officer with a squadron of Itorseit lills a I -W gone to likely U) be more scrupulous. In such ay. t I houne ol lkpro is 014wn ill, (wilt (4 money sent to Greece from French Wiltary attache h sills at'Jnrdiin telpgraphed tile am- been dftipatched for the 'protection of ollowm tho call of tile Spirit firort, and rica Jail already very elcose upon the front for tile purpose'of report- ba"adom h�re last Friday that the tile Grevk nibnantery in, case of tiny next,�that of Uie church. Ue 11oly all evesit Lw the ulwet provoked oft I 14eeep, ihati tlw Ministery of the Bour- THN 1PANCT WAIST 'hoot originates tile inimlonary en- ng,'113�siclen thpse ilig tile progreets of thP w;nt "I Ill" Albatilan battallon-i liltil nintined and -disorder. fs Ill' 441W114 -t-, IWAlly K- im s"li lxww ? Again. I vlo 11 be UAd that that tlatf4l* :it Ahirray Ry. and a !o:::- erican contributions,. -the Ureek Government. were refiLIng to march'. a$ well- am Tile Greeko tf� the -I!igftt forgot to terprime. All olLiectionN, therefore, to happenwed a kaig. time ago. But the TheltidicationsAx* That Its Downtall ri*-rrhantot of Umdon- are- (6irwardinir BIA)W. threatening to attack -tile town. The cut tile telegraph. line be.tween Mil- thd work hriw from tile lack of the #rl hvimc - . ideal; of are singularly coit- is not Y*t.' dred thuii..Pa"ntl I,< : kdrift r oritiolley nd ording to ou fullitew of the *Spirit. L�ier Atheng. April 25. 1 d(V&PReell 'population,. ace Ila 'and- Tyriia%o. The Turkish cav- Ull- Edlif 1 PaIdIft. (oil tile*. advices, had (iditted Janina en alry have -reached tile environs stant. When Nalx)leon fell at %4e<i&n doullfall 4 U Li ilI Wria Reveill pays thft (if to Seleuela-This was the seaport his me ldm wax t, make lileace with give �4 -Liberald hlearning that tile Greeks lind 11,fwn , bl­ fnam;e, some fleeing Into the eduntry Krissa alid have taken seyeral Greek town of Antioch, on tile Mediterranean GermaiV (at tlw- lialidlil (if a eA)mmon at- like the skirt, im not ywt, if c4jiuelusiou� n('(4wi,irvative-s electcd -in tile, h#vo' nqoened funils for tile' wounded dere- I tL) fall back. t t 4P. alit] otherlit t.riking refug to the fort-. %adlers captiveii. TJ�Wse Bay that a Sea,. Antioch twing twenty miles Ili- can lie drawn front the inituy iudietk- Nova 14(*totia 1'roviricial ilectiono. Mr ai(Id the amounts* vuqcribeil *will be land. From thence they Milod to tack against England.- The Napci-kmic tiOnt, of their continued poltulariO 'W perr&t pnide prevailed Ili the town A:Iiurc;i, t'4um&ia%*i(mivr f.f Wi rk-4 linti Pont to the Crowu I rificej4o of Greece. I'dilem Itagba: make* his headquar- Cyprus, -This WlaDd. in tile Mediter- Idea, Aben be hQped t%ouc(*ed In tile They lire certainly shown in greater -4 (originally tbe li�inp war against Prussia, was t offer the course - of the war, ters in� firpeo, to -night. Tile 'Sultan ranoan Sea, wet.. variety than e%vir by Vie oirt*bmakers; 'tile iwaocD to defeated (;Prjuatw oil the ba^4 1rani Trutik t4e, .%at"Inted 1'rem learns that haj4,t4pnt1l1m tile Immiaz order of bril- of BarnabaA %'Ito Import their niodeis and by tilt of iwigulpt-W tile left bauk of tile Rkille, way tim J,u4 way froin itiiibasnad4w" ff thr'*4- (st tile 1xiWers.in liantA4. Tito const r(ind between Ela,;-' At Salamiai-Tlic- Greek capital and tile Joint colifiliest ctf Beigiiin, for 1trreg, and they are tnade up ill lie% Lie drwiii" anti jolano hor Ildcon twheve tilt- war will be over iiiiiihed,. Cyprus, and tho neamt city in their tile be, f and pretty ruaterials, which render otut and 1111ouna, fins been f of tile Vit-torla Bridge. I tfiree weeks, aild tliat when tile dand, afU-r a few be it of FrAuCe. -e than aity 4 Hild thus a impply of provisions and approach to the 6 IlaVe you already ftorgotten Mare- thein more attraeti% at Montreal-thi,4 #%eek- irt enlotun' lultn ammunition is assurod. The dicipline hours' sail. They preached ill tile clial U-Isrun'n inissi(m. which would have meen before. ilk aists are Montreal, o Turkey will. 1A) tlie tK)wers of tile ahny Is exmllent. To -day it La synagogue of the Jew* -.--At thishusy have succe"Ied had not Bismarck tucked acrom Imck ano firtint, tftinu to pari-; green intervene ill tilt-. interet of peace. rumored here that Ciown i3�incte mercantile port a large number (if a Yoke. anti (nwu Ili frout over a veat the n tile it W said that I Conistantine has f1ted. Tile Turiiish Jewo were settled, which acefientd for force -I oil thie war that gave Pumla of Iri6h pt)fut whiW_ matin �m,l to the riveir with t fie leadefthip � of Germany ? By tile v which fie ha4 arranged with U. -I, 111tLiltion (f (rowlUing llimok-If. lit- t; *-at Britain has 4clined.to Agree lo44 so far hato not lw4ull great,abotit , what is here said, that they i)ad more treat. lilide-ralleath. and some Itright i-mitrast waa n-wue-f-jintl Viken tt) t1w Iwo- to tile propn-103n of Count Muravieff t 400 at thio, - most I- than one oynagogue,. in Which !3&111 of color fit used tit tho fleck. %Iany r 'Austria and I ta ly, France was to have 'go trial - pi t4A alptahi from intervontit)n untikonp.-- Barnabao ltreach4NI, whileothe faiicy buttour, re , I , the, belligentoA juipeal,4 for lielp, -tile LOOKS SQUALLY FOR GEORGE the left liank (-A the Ridise and Bel- -nista are made ita., b�,en 0 1 i citieft had one only. -4 .. F. & B. John gium ill return for allowing lWy to 111i'49. ore fune.v : 'to their minloter-This .14-L baft W at -it term, ;i- Nir. i;renier %itIMIU6 of Salisloury 1*4ing'of the take 4'ilitine and Austria Silesia. That of alternative rows of, M inderti4m Uft.161.L to opinion that mich nit appeal will, Tne Situan.on of tile Royal Family ld whose surname wall Mark,- the spitne and velvet, &&tilt, or itioire ribbgAi &w deelareti kip was, 1) r ocet-d -twver Iw made and that in tile njean- 1%ot a Very Envitt ble One. I a#4 in UOD year 187o when, to tile ilwi, and a half wide, running around %withoui. r. Tar:% %lilli, the _N.Iniaiter individual rolferred to Ili the latit lois- -w IL, ua) t,ijoy.to lwave timo cirvurnstiluces inay arige- neces- 10 Son. His mother, Mary, was a Ms- Engl6h Ftweign Office. a conditionot or ill) and down, as ixtniumt, Immmil4t- Of PubiO Works Akl.op haleyon lw-ac* w-emeJ to prevail in I ayid they are faii4ened ou tile t lirtownt. iVdily 'Qlroilicif 1, ter to llarnabas, and Ili-,- spi sitating action upinn t1w,'part of tile f ton, rittim Eurolie. Do you think It is different der and l At tho 1,mliminary i,caring of the Tit TUrk4 'lizi.ve captum,il the father was Peter. Col. iv. lit; 1. tko-41ay ? IP4 I'tigland more loved now littit, on one aside tilf the fro`�tt and !av4 ailip.t Ulnef of the'l 1*ill'ige of U-1olicir and Lower Velhi, Witt, Peter v. 13- 1414. w [11. ? chargew of arw)n ag 4 the Ilooty of o-npd- with it labot tj( larp #ie r,Prt!,,ef1mri1c, trial 41' bi. .1tittaq -oundpd.. 60. WILOn they bad gone through tile., Fire l3ugado Stevenat, antl Irthur Bond, Zi -ell for- islo--From eavt to w.lat. Unto Ila. Johu 11uh k*4� worh isluti(iertug 'than I:in Niat-hi ren,'! -lipt'll -the Inished Ili 1870 ? If there be aity EnglUtmea of cubourg, the, evidence waJ4 not sur- iis attrft-Lilig j4-rf-at i liihoo4-A distance of nfxmt 100 miles Prttty Evening cmiuluo ficleut to make out a prima fatiec&,e, tvard mit" thi� fire (.of the I, wito dirleam that 0ey live ill alt idyl- attefitwi I)r,. ill from Sallainio. Wilt till It %%.('I[- . I 11aplic*i wan the 11(t- and tl* nevii-ed were curdingly dio- 1'.*ti,! Ali a Ulm", tIle.t;repk 1141pit'Un, I Man capital, where the. Governor, or lit- world inny prepare for & 4 liteetet 11'f ire. I pro -consul resitU_A. It was celebrated ru(*- awakf4d;ig. Tile idew4we" V a 14 plig It W W441 vov4.l,.-d 11. t:tti% 'en thirkly -diottrij uith hqum* lti t,10r itis niagnificent temple of N I kwaitinir trial 4,1 the I Iiiall, y tand -for tho disiso)lutenew of its inhati: that tile Engll4i tire. not go4xl Euro- t- t I'l Turl" noirt!vring pe&np - ir nixianti were to play C',aric", or t* Irg" too. throwit totat (:n teelillica! Itanto. They found a certain Fo turned t -k i4.rt,, antiApy advane- faNt alit] lotw, with tilt- r"lideov ler I ria -t t Wromislz, or it wq% im- sirgiie-I ;)n its cerpr-ACCording to the Greek, a 010 throligh, tilt- als4i Ili# ed Eursolm-, juid, toy reftio4ing too eoerft is -is iWilbtfill if to#. Will llit It illiglit evell the" en't ' wild '1111411 maguA (ir magician. Pow, Acts viii. 9. A :114-d the 4;ree-IE rig lixoth Greek anti Turk' to cry havoc, V Uve 1111ti6 3044-iivin1w.r. i!i.� trwl lit n regiflar lilwl. Ili any event I aerow open field,; l4pilowed. Tim TurICH false propliet-:An Imposter, in that lie .1at-41 hat, Is- the anti, let islip tile A(Wd (it war -well, I takP4 o;v fire- bich wo'll4t falsely profeawd to be a prophet of think it toy no nietaiw unlikely that 01 lie Yr -iw', Pro I n'tri-L' triall, nd 'I Shall 1140t. -ly datigurtitis lia(l the, true God. A Jew, whose name was Eurolm-'s, ciaiii, r4ir "riviral and in- hten day,4 ago at lie - )r th# will rtirlit t6 Vie hitter end'" '1144 t6p. Greekm, fearing that Bar-Jesur--The prfix " Bar Aual daning woul-I 1w a thou- % Kennedy,.Alo�)re,, whoo Iiriiilc-.� tile lij- brew, and signifies 84tri of Jesus, a Frencli i -'tore f,f full llthalld� t %%(0111d he outflanked, offered rir�vte tigainst , 1)r., Watson, *-gays.: f 8"d tiluen as large ao� t lit- mixtedt inil- 1rd to( lier and it ch. common name among the Jews; It in le, ance, is fea r( Viat Wie 1.14 10114t With all petitloti ha -4, purpolsely r4iiot. - The tile- Greek equivalent or tile Hebrew by 11r4woi-Jert Xriiger. took to t1wirlivols tuid fle(l back uptoll L larg- immi.)er of framed 'not to) clia r_.,_ -Iour. ee lie t4*_)k rip t 1 Watson word Joshua. anti meatto SaA ThiA was tho nialit- I . toillit whieli, in Urn, did A RELIGIOUS MANIAC lls)t long %;Ut it Turkih onslaught. fio!wrineti tLi I Matt. 1. 21. There i.� a 1wrapopal to el%tatilladi a ,bne to voi,11 it trial ft)r hert-4y an 00, Tile Turki4 enmirrwred but little flit- 7. Which wax with tho di-puty of tile 13,, t t I eS 4 to s�pttle the nuttWr, if pt*04ifilf" by Fienely With Captors anti I#, larg*, Van6!i anil c44olly 114itItl(in Ill ricalilig the beights of Kri- emMtry-It does not appear that tile the Uppol-ir 4'atilleau, alotig tile I firi under tile (sover,of a.heavy foiz. deputy calleAll foor It lie (]it] for Ftidly Lhugged A . - ine all,l o. awl 11. 1-. J.'Rail. 11:7thru8t hini- New Jeiw,y tU*loat4-1t THE arnabas fuid Saul,bi ways, Tho niovitif upiritA Iii the plan wif on him. aimling, no tk)Ubt W inake retiolents. of Franklin Park. a village are tile (4fiAa6 of thtwe r,):vts anti .-The I iautotid .11111ilee, fte.l. correlpimilerit of OW a hand o( him, -in(] get money J)y hint. a txx OSMAN PAS H A Telfgraph- mio: ** Tile Com. All the provinem in tile a4z miles froib th6 plam-, ea - the Lhiniii-h Cons'lls in i4,itig tio toi))-vt or ell otirts 4)f Ottawa nti ontreal. latiomq, ham now lit -en tilt- bitsim ff)r re t4unned, and angr Roman Empire, un&r the covitrol (if gligodf in a thrilling etfpr.t Uk-day to tlie-newi4 of the defeqt.1-imfirma- t1w Henate, -were. govemed by a pro- capture Ilillip Armeiiio� Who became py niglit vrita", and criiiiihing �Iow with it res8. The Consuls dcacribed their own 'thm'Js - remly(m] or tlw -rep,l)rt-that consul, here called A deputy. SergiuNt 6*4urday itIllitt"reation Im-4-9 tnkiiig photographs tit pril"I'll- at4a which 11tecit rovting :14; violently ink�ane on ition *and.that. (if the Christian ele- tthe bridge over Ilaulua--Luke'm accuracy in statement Preaking merit at Janina as most critical, the 'thei 11elliI414 Ind railwair before has been C(mfirmed by the finding (of T -ho campaign lasted ri-ti;. I-elve houry ;t the Otta\ hourp, twitt% piiccetvk�ql All I w 114-11 loWed by the tlirollgli tile 4;rt--%-k lint Ill wbvpritl prior & Varry %-omid 1*4;41 forivnItIlikg p I acat Vall INITIfig WILed -to destribute arms Tlw, C606r.t of -tile certain coitw in Cypnm with the Ili- anti rinaiiy succeoetled tegy. one tile Iwa - - I ---i.%ktill oll other mtraugers-iii. askinx anti ammunition to enable the. Inliabi- (;rm-k 'ofrii-er ' 4 is n1move praise. scription: "Under Paulus tile proclun-' mail hyst four 1, a I I Su(*I,er broke a C(,n�o]4#4r. crw-huig in Ili Ho AN AT U to "Tile fimt to npe frorn the hattle­ sul." A prudent ma;n-A intui of gixtill alt arm iiorttr t iar -d It-li 10% ial ;ow price fon tants -dofend Janina against the Al- it wrapi a prio skirt in hite &atin,o-urrouu& DOW 114V 111 04- Sahini nApril 2 i. --f iman I'a4m zir- banlan;,4. The env6yis cal" the -Atten- field -at Matt were driven back Ii.v -&-nap, sound un(lerstanding, and evi- oisar. a ruelte in vrhitoe silk cmTe. in keplAnIK l'rived 11, fast 44VI(Inilig alld %V, 114 14 tiOn of Tewflk I'amlin. to- the mater C mmau&r Mavromicnibot shot. dently of tui wtiluirf Armenito io tolti, and had with the bouillonnev, full frout of hod -0 rig ^pIrIt. Wit(-) '�al Purnile ViCCIMiZP(I U) L ir great t-lithiblsill�, fie itri Us revt*ver! * Fourteen called for Barnabas'and Saul -lie dp- beeti employe -Lotopher Iivag7 lee, and hart sl1mvew. White gaute, tile - t11114, of n lit mt The and idemAndad the moption or elfeet- "everal 1v � ?I 13Y U I III &.tcaivr A" aptured by the Turko, be- aired to know what I liabuille slunip ill U14- went forward at ovicc*14) tlw wene of ive ruensur'm to protect the lubabi- -guild werO- c thew, apoptles Land, it farmer, ne&r Franklin 1'&rk. striped satin and spangWd with lrl- thac tit 'rrL. 0wre 1.4 o dry cofilet. G, k liere, on gree- tanto. - Theo� ropre�entatlons ha�ve- .1-ido a vat quantity t4 animuriltion. taught,'and to hear tho Word or God. He ispeaks English well, W o iderout de".nt paillettem, ved# the Mir ket ha,; already to-giiii,.awl large imin- ree is practically.. defenoelesm, nd S. But. Elymas tile worcvrer ba of w sk ui land tot 1W 6".11. &It, I Ilie river i.% filled Ing to Place tIH4tJmPlvtv4 under the I"n rienewed to tile 11orte to -day. I* mem-lier 4. tilt- it@rornie(t Church at trained ek tt irt id front with piect-4 or- I)rotwrtv UWaY. Il -4 (of wd'r*' 'if- Turkish anthoritiM upown ct�rtitlii (opij- lii.�rwila must rely Chiefly uIxon tile -air Arabic word signifying "inagiw," that platt*, and hass of the blouw bodice. Shoulder kno". at (oil 'I'litirs-1lay. Witli IT)ILLY INTERFERES. ken a great in - Tho farinvirs are. the exception (ir ditkRIK wIll 11w.allowm to rellialli. Rome, April 24. -Th dppa:rti r-troiigth'of itsrnatural pcisition, for tile "tile wizard," or wwce-rer. Wit1wt4mot tere6t, in all the meetings. Iteligioug large butterfly bows in moiry ribboo in boiue. or vie ficumw dis- GR-EE.KS FIGHT IT tire ()f buir, of the, aninimnitica wao w-nt tou them-Oppommi 11arnabas anti SaW as D1.11liO Wited llInl 4M ta.kturday oven- niateliffig the sash told gir6W elkd6. I which soold at all, tho iiots- ere volunteers for Orcece Is beinic prevent- Larima, whefo, the Turks, apturod -it. tho magicianot or starcomrs ill Ing. TufU of tinted geranium. Whit* oo-- trict,., per0in., w#-11 projwrty lift Athens, April 2:1, a. in. -Tho Greek ( the Police 61 the various towns.. "Fivo Italiwi volunteers forcibly'en- acgi'is court witjwtood Xltitsll?m nd trieli fenther in the eculffure fail t,;#- fifth or tile ir"*rve. prive. 4 Mr West Government ]lam 411ecif;eol V-) I*rse.vere The inan rcok- ff illt4) tlIP %%0(XI11. 11 in thte ptrruggli�, and to "ist the fitr-. W-ft"d n'train vyldch wam leaving Aar<m. Exod. ii 11, 11. Tim. iii. S. 14 A doerf* of divorce ioen granted vitel rhihnian, Wtjo-w wife, i..; -ill invali,l. Three Hundre horsebck alter &upper and remainsilli d Ureeks Killed. ther advanco - of tile Turkm, with rimm^ with wolnell mud children. The tk*king to turn away the deputy from tile all 11 lit, Robert IlailtrAd lilitrrl�on, chief i, aoWd )he tieket iemlavi to) ri)r W -r re ig praying, eiingiug anti Women 8 rull. crowd firtl4l u1mm the Itq who re- tho faith -From rewivkag tile goqwi, Northern lacific linpir Viurs"10.1n, wo- for kreawr Priergy ' titan 111109 ll'it'llPktAll I ians pretaching. nie amily were afr&id U) of t I c f re I 1111tierptand )(Pur [low anti cousin o'beert ftoplaye 1. it 14 fficially (jecl Ahmer Hifzi, commawk"Ar of _tl1e 1?urk- turned ichir fi which lie maw him Inclined -to k). n Tat4,ma, W. re4l nTW% Ili telL follow him. lie wa&4 founa yesterday of the Duk of. 11fe, -from lito wife, aud hi -4 ire. wlin will that tile new line of defellen J,,4 far �gralphs that !"Tlw.'1Af1nisters wellt t4i, the Isallice 9. Then Saul, who is also called I In ill morning ob the roof of David Beek- hseveral inerriLw-P." (lit. iwfte 0 flarri,on, (in tile statuto,)ry stronger titan the frontier 'where tle-, the T-urks yeXlrday reraptiLmd I len- tcr-day anti deniamW an immediate -Thin is the first tinie the naino Ilaul t-) apt -at oof: tinly half a il(azetj eare. Blanel ATTERS. i a artd a crowd or a huu- tepigadia, fortreiin. Tilt! Urreekg Mail 1(*) change in'tho ftmiceft No official tie- occum and the last time where lie it' dred I rAtax quickly gathemi. They 10 groun3. Mr. IlarrL-on is an officer In Turks, gained t'heir a4l*antge Ili com- r im). Tiv-111a*kwall Tininf-1, wiri h han- setfluence of the otiTwirlority of killed,'219 woun(W. Th6 Turks briti -,I count li'414 beeln recelved 4 the Greek, called Saul. The Gentile iip(wtle here peMua,ieI Armenio to walk W Hoag- tkicttw not or - Her 31a*sty's royal nvy, and has thpir beell completed f -(*..t tif �L killed anti a woumilted; they captured *)o a twie% a prominent figure in Dublin so- positions. t ati, but I lk-arn from trukt- ahournem a Gentile name. oune, is lered me to go tp Nice U& winter ciety for many ypar.,. Mrs. IlarriwA 4100, JA UP 1W hmiigurat441 Ily'. the IF OREECE WILL BAT CROW 62 Greeks. A large. quantity of. i4torpm,, w�ortliy sourcco thift a Very large ma- Hebrew, "Paulum" in Latin. wized a butcher knife tind ran up. But I phall got evem with hini I (of Wal 44 ill of. tile. (Illfpil. ammunititni and'T;rno rifles s jority of tile officers in the, forenitioit 10. Full of all #;ubtilty-Eximtrt ill tile idiall #tay woll a whiole year M well known in Eagli.-h s(icial circle@ stain -to film room. William IAV&n, and haa; travulleff eltelwivdy till tile The Bridgcm Ctanniittee oethe Lolitkal The Powers WJIl lrtterven� to Save Ifer I k"lell by tile Greeks. line of (Io -fence were eitlier. kilfed or art -of deceiving men, andimlK*4ng on a J ut4tice.of -tile Peace. went up tooc&p- 00 Unbel tiny" e6he hAs. never to -en ill 0plinty Uwalleil lills; (lecidoid -that the colitiriont. -, Further Cha4tisement. wounde,l. All kindsl of rumors and actu- them. Thou child of tile 6evil-Subtilty, ture tile nianiac, but Armenio str 101"104" that to,., Y(w, %he W*ftll o1m,ninar cerertionlos shall take place ion. -IT WAS BLOODY WORK, ications; are ourrotit against ' King A characteriotic of tile devil. Gen. iii. him in'the fice w4th a bed taint, kno"ck- thrillisteap4l with it tonce, but a IKALI# slat] wridi.ijt imccurreti ay 212n4l, _4111iii fliat it W earn- I[Aph.ion, %pril 27). -Wilitt Ilk, I and -the Royal family, wh4w, I ; 11. Cur. xi. :3. A striklqr contir"t at Voterborioug!, I.L�t evening, Just : to be, tile last week of wa ' ,if, The Londoii Corr"powient of the Stin thio to his name "Bar -Jesus." Enertly Ing tout, four of Ili,@ teeth. tof spring 1witte" ortlught lwr (pit all nif-mvirate with thfb Pnwirtant-r-of the r Is tintere IK*ition 1,4 In the Idghtot'tipgree un- The crowd remained all tiny tring right." ab0*6 tile V. I bridge. Lizzle, %fur- Descri -'urks* Assaults. enviable." of all rightioluumilsss-Iiis fatlier'. itffpir. - UP01 ti"lay'. It I#' (1iffit-tit from thei . be4; the I t lie to induce Armenio to come ilown, but tray, -the of Sir., ew yor devil, in suell. Wilt thmi not c"tw to *ft A i-ninil t4wim-do-11(tiLt. tilt- Tfirlpinia, tangio of et)nriiL'tlllg Ulf-grainsAo lin- PROTE&M, PIUVATE I-1104VIERTY. fie continued to, rave, anti remained t)a%-(�% it lie eft Michael Mur.rny, wao. litaying With if, 114'X tei:111A t, hits slorstand the Pxart po-witfim of a rra irst. I rrespondpitt of tile to -j, I pervert tile right Ways, Of tile IA)rd in Ills room. Coniotable Oliver as tilfkt *' lie carol party, was t sw Mjmo t*f)nl1Pft1lloTij4 'tin the river bank, �The IkUlly Tlegraph's correspondent broitebt tile it t(bol millin." i84 100 1,011owing. tho (;.reek, dt-feat lit La- Yesterday was lKjly tiliy for all wor -The-ways of truth and virtuo. Wlien they or6trow-rPil tin (ad cantrie, f#.#.t rismAAmilon (,pllij 11. 10rhe hand of the Lord I^ upttu induced to tny to arre*4 hini. Am *mwt A t says that Alhem Pasha'd orders with on. to -day is 11.1monq shippers Air ollarnined. The Turkimil. an Ito entered the room rmettio 0 - 31 llrr,-Iy ot' intsw tile canop, lo f� 41 m in might confroilt6t . tile Greek armies -io, the Inviolability of private my vrife'is." LIZZI 9 - br#*4k*t" part, rf-gis"ers - -12. t4ono(, tin inmim that ti n I hosts wilo revq*ct thee -The affliction came from ood, sprang at him, and to escape tlw gkm 14loved It out drawswo thre#,, fect T ater mi and this Tie* Is pr(bbabrly shared Thessali and Epirus Invoked property are tr4ctly respected �by not from Paul. Thou shalt be blind- - Hubby-Yft., deA", you look nice lit by - hi aid knife, Oliver jumped (mt of the witi- It.. ;I figo are not Total blindarm. He who endeavored to dow breaking Itu arm. into the Ntrearn. it wriA'etairied down threp Pilinfts. eat -h with thi-ve pr'"Iwi- the powers, ast Iry re ;ilrcady inov- from Allah and.tJle 110pbt. awl filing his tro(4w. Tile Greek-vill tihat draw, but It r(*it me n lwap of stream, anti the little one becoming Ino to lutprverip,.. lVeswitil letAisqpss filry rig,%iugt micktmi and only it few i4pirit store# leail others into (kirkne#w lit loirnw-If mone. Wife--Frtladdir, dpar, u-IbRt di, frightened ftt her Pituation jumped I Tl.i4-' amattl-tir p.11 rhil ill piolls,11 ip It is IN-lievell tll;,t. intervention ATI have been. burned. blinded.-eloubet. ?4;tme joibe ilitiggested that Arinento lie I care for rrwwiev wheTi it i� n iuw the river anti wao.4 drowne+_71tie I - ake tile fo I i tile enemy "Il- ak)"19 the I'Notj'i"g Tito correspondent of tile Datly dru&ged.' Dr. Ten Eyck writs wntf(xr t)ody linA not tw*n recovered. t oryntf sto opej:ed Tijesi!ay u i At sevpnty- first t. . rin-ttit a o4uggepition of human 'couid withstand tho nift'd, Cewo-nt Nientia say that in Ills first 12. 'Ihen the deputy - Sergius and when rmenio, i-IiAmtoett that lie tion of pWasing you I fbur players, tile highst itit record. arinistice, to wbIeh * the combatarits MOn-likO 11--vallits which the Hdl Paulus. Believed-Thenilratle-wrought onder 1%-1 floo!s t7 Frn#,rw)n anti orri..4 tered. Two former cliapiploits, Hor- would no d t"'I'm telegram to King George, yesterday, belier; the doctrine of the Utrd wan tliirsty carri*%I upstairs apitchler W tat jr(pt blukward oubt agree. Shice yester- troop made, riot 011W or twice, but tile Crown Prince Cotwtantine Id, of %ater containing swveral graim of W cuttilig ff hlp� wivft, r... oar, wife or a ace Iftitchinwat anti V. (Iny ths . Briti.-fli Forcign Office I hall a i -core of tinwo, Uptm overy lip- i'sil wreught salvation. anti left It tit tile door. "Very likely t1w i(WA cw-- rmiin 'owttk-r, wa.-4 drowned while bPe [as; "' Wo withdraw Ili perfect order. Tele- 13. Pul an -I hi. -4 (-timpituy-Barna- morphine curre* to Itim while lie wtv :A thu are a1*wnt. btit 01 the 'oother traek r -in lose (oniumnication with . tile ition held by t1wir Christian Theninular drankit grp&ifly. and fin 'players 4,1 tilt.- gtlfing i%tirlil have t -n- !otlipr -tions." King George re- lmw, John, Mark and perhalw others. lliz to I sfape tip higher ground near gralih 1witruL menibern (if the r.urcippan cow The, burdened wirf" bring ofily:lorief, hour later he wnst taken. inserwible. to -*()n. Familius r4m,peff up In tile tprtvi, rt -rt. Great 11rit.1111 14liggel4ting ; that lacmile detalls (if tllp' '"t day's plied: "If pomible-,defend rarissa. DO* After tliiii Paul, :ini not Barnaban, work In 'titer. here a 1141 fi-it the I o-4 oil- tilt- time has now rMived for them to. -ork cl I lit X)c -ea Aory. The.printIpal th6n. obey netrewitjr.11 I llear it burglar in tile 1mutry. I be- stori" in ricap quartopm since The -in re �nt.11i your duty. If not pomiblo, to defend. takes precedence. Caine tA) llerga-The the Jail he.re. Mrs. Prown 'On it well % ltit§per i wyl conimf.-nep 'too fevi rpry de- tinnt hag hcen eAild, e1werk-so ltrid-bit-, act. rhe Freneh,'the German andthe battia was IiAlght at -A ati, between a, RUED THEIR ENGA0ZMXXT Iterp I in goiUg to 641eal tile vake 1 9 Damial I capital anti atimport of I'amphyli nteoIng Ouring tho,week. East wino!m pre. Itali;in Governments liavt- already Milouna Pam.and 1,hrini-in.-Hevell times The Crown Prince divided the army w1itch was one of the southern pro. CPI- tWooked W-4fty. Mr. Rmovkji 4tileepily) under a c-ans of exit to their friends in all.; tile. offering to agrev - though the did the lorave Greeks, th:� Crowir Into -three divii-dorm for the retreat, ncen'of Asia Minor. And Jolin depurt- 11 They ExaLanited Gifts Before bi Court --floor lie inay linve n (81nily Ing tile on dry ground. Tile OtIzens tinum German Government ag IL COF11111-.- Prince hin.linclt, 1peat- back the -army Of and jro(k,,# at the he.ad of one. The 141V from thetri-fle was probably dis- I low, et. a. they �ttn do to lio)k after. � Paris, hail been thillf-ir t,4ayi ft)r Y#�nrm" tit*. that It will I* lipelpsoary first fanatics ftandard% eorroklxondent at Milound- cguraged by the difficulties and dan- and Called it Off to WIK)w fribnzy imyg'that tho Turks captured large What ill tilt, %% 4.1 l'! Ip that 4 -cul - V ()vring limilk-s an+ propt.irty. .%Ii Ter -pa^t at Easter thim. Pxact'a pledge froin Greece to obey ran Under at by each re�ulme. gerp of tile miterpriow. Arto xv. :t7-40 Alt ulivausd seetw. was prtma* it&i in tractic"I you havu 4041 of Your ef-liducted 'If- t"t 411('y t4e eir- Tho Jubil!v gartlen - party WIqll the mandate of Europe, when this TURKEY's sTItij stores of proviAions wl ammunAlOn 11. Tim. Iv. 11. Lite I-ourth Criminal Court in New- wew, bu,the ghx-tmy' outloole I.Aprd und Lasly Warwick intend to mandato lit altaill srivell. The, Brit n b Tyrnavo., Teachingis.-It 1% the (ifij.e of tije ark. N. J., on 7%uaalay nigh, when 1,411 � -%6 pockets, Spend)y 0111, ce Mus Turkish c6lnn.,ai1tI:-r ba,!I seeuretif 11U.MILIATio.N. Holy Spirit t4b call nien to Christian Gottholf Kuller and Dorn Hor tein, little inventkiin tot my wifo's. I (all nothing I - time to (081" 1- 8 "PrIoll" rrit- givo at Warwick Castli- ton Jillw :1 -rd Foreign office bellercm Gree tM will the-strMilges.1 ally known to, ancient or' -duty of the chureb to betroUmd couple, appeami before tlw put money lit my lxr-ketilt. Imt I eswi't semi- work, anti the f a to of U will (of tlw loiggp-4 ftlinctionx ror giv,, thin untIvrtaking, 'lin. tile dis- modern Warfare whmi lie appealed to Rome, April'26.-Opinione mys 'c grt It tout again." Itev. Di U-ITED STATFA.- the W-asovil. 40yer 7i,((N) guests -arp asters which h ognize all who are Mitts callemil. presiding judge. formally dimpolyod to) ve.overlaken her have tw rel iglomx spirit of his inen,- and It ofriciiiiiy, this monilng:. The littur is r*- -11 be Grace -Dorn lit makiing tile nitnt lit invited. demoriotrated that Turkt-y still'poij- a grave mie for,Ovrei-ce. Her aliandon- Pionaries sent out by prayer vt I tJwir ekkgagemetit anti returned tile (ie0r9e'4 Fl -ridge awl tr'uctural was, Clear that viet6ry wait assu'red likely to return ii triumph. -Those pow-rito etwh had received from tin in wifforin * w.sms a formidable fighting machine ineiit (it is'niore than it 41p- dilimperate effort too get leer wftist 41 hiragot, !1,'L%4- de- MAN BITIcS THIRTY PZROON.S. ' from tile first. who know wont are most antiouo to do n I ever saw. Carmelit-m-ts site . -.1 ft fftct *hleh,mut lkavo a 'sobering feat. It 6 a delinconstration to( hn- t other. The. two had been engaged for W Xflut, '"i'd to strik# for alt effe0t upon the popular (lerritind If* The Fa)me tliillg fiftlipel.c'ul 'a�t EpIrno, len rn (v. T). E ror 1 -fid self ishnew I lit ve al)(otit 4�raee--Yev. thily think. site how (W- - Va.. w1wr 111'righ tf lirl Zx pert ence in Russia With a JX)telIt*, fuld iW C4)lWXquelICe14 :11ro ear Hall lind lia,i jito trouble a ay Oay. where tile Falne spirit -111161rood the' Illea lei, in I ple, tilile, (.tit rvamm to fear the truth. deml U nf-W Imir of t(weptsi made f war t %theyw, nliq wlil-ii will pf-rinit M I until a ie,w weeka ngo. Then Kulier -pnniodi tire' rt-portf4l t4 he Victim of Hydrophobia. I -Mumulmav Jumt 4. Irfley attacktU agaia mite has the became Jealous oil account of Uie at- loun-cofixtructor Pkin. Demnlocre tho Greek nation toe inib 01mvii. and,,again tit courage to iiegotlate and withdraw PRACTICAL SURVEY. - on' ruthlaw w f exter­ A terrU4 trageoly h" jubt beell, tile York. W " pr o Greeks captured e L her troopd from Crete. The clitirch at AiltiXt, w'ah a njoJel tenti(Xim tot (yUmmr young men, the, "I atimit thAt its yo,t 1% I)Mau Is 44 in Cubit. Gen. %Veyler Ilium enacted In the village of Lityinovitdch, GLOOMY.,AND TRUPULENT. arly Ili tile 'ivet-k, fatl)er of one of whom liv had seen not hwAut44y certain W her spham," Pape" so Itt until. tile cresiftnt finally supplailtopol ALBANIANS TIIREATF,,N TROUBLE. church. It Ila(] a live membership. It mders to dentroy all Cuban ln�tllre Twhernlgov provinte'of i h- Wiake hands with lier. Tito- blood of' &ald the It It 4)n)Tn%i I it W. Ili anti kJll t1wir ininaten. ern Ruwia. Three or four" months ago There Are Still BlUinir"Who Want io the' cr(AN above the fort. Conitantlnoplp,' - April 26.-41)elayed COntained prctiolieta and teachers. It Uie lover wan fired toy t.lieKe events. tlitr-.ght as mucli." mill the I~ neati. -MornUr out AfcKiriley fins appointed a pleamrit living there wan bitten by Continue the Figl;t. At tither polilts of tile frolAtier, the traiii4mission)-The neww sent wah in touch with the Holy Ghost. and lie amsaulted Uie old nian and "It @lie felt that it wtw r*aliy antl quirer. a mail ttog, and hIt4 relativ ) 111m,ttly work went on, almwt always, from Janla, Epirus, fly tho forpign From that church G&.1 could 10(et 111.4 V lin W. Fcater a special Am- es, Lnutead Athens,'April 25, iloori.-It ls.ti�wleliis alas,, to tlte� 11JI(b)irig, 1, S rvants W go forth Into new ripitis Utreatened to kill otie of hipt truly her own slip would alread have Of. obtairing proper medleal ald, sim- Of King GPOr&'14 1411OW the situation there to op 'nie girl' took alarni wid i4sakf4l ti lind It deenraW, with pink r of tho United States to ne- pry consigned film to the care of tile to deny that it very gloomy view of oldiers. There woo niethod as well 1K) precarlouis, The Conpuls have of labow. To that chureh lie could al agreement with Great iflage magician, who, for a eorL4itl- war prospects Is taken here by the am f ury, nrW In 'it itJ1, Md, Phrowd -barricaded their re"idence4 andtiroope make knowm His divine will. Whom court to protect Jm-r. tt.) owcure joint action forpre- better. Inform&].. There sire.. however, Kuller was i-timinemit"I loeftwe tlite The Bin* of th* Dun tile dest4ruetk)n of owal herds eration, underWok to oxorclAe the 'lio signs of it panic. The c1ty;exhibItm masterriti military T1114'alow have been, deapatchett froin Mona- thli Holy q1hont called, 6be church met ju(*e wid he prmnlw-d to let Lite giri Tho- timirth oti % hich wo- t4tand, ow.,4 a- -vm -hieny on the side of the Ttwk#-4. stir against the, mutinous Albanians. apart. Gool Sea. dog, Itlide. of alignifi caT:d; tW church sent. JM t n J1 T T ho evil spirit of tile All att Thc church engage.1 In earnest prayer alotic If lit@ pmwenti. returned. Sir Rolilert Ball, im no t to it lig L. Tho man was eventually seizp while many still %flow na unabate(i will tal "g X. i with -GHAZI, TUN VICTORWUS. GREEK CO.MMANDER, RESIGNS. an(! fasting, &ad the command wall When the VXChJUWP I(Ktk place. Kul globe, niewurU* :w It tk** 40W up-dayt OHEAT BRITAl, a had -attack t hydrophobia', nrid, flithusla-4m for fight. This symptom lamlla. *11.0, it %%.Its 14-loorted, L(midon, Alirtl 26. -The' Daily Graphic given thern conmrning tile extensiorl ler found hlmwlf (once inore in P09- mile- In diameter' ; yet if Uw ~th - afWr biting his wife, ruslied through particularly no b esterday, waif Ill him be reprtwnte by a gruiti of mgstar�l �n,lon Timfo cabled congM 104 t4cea le among the y * tok-day published a despatch from of Its work. They wt:re comnifi*ioned ~Ion of a pocketbook. it lucky cen$ All 11b. tit Fremier Limrier no the tit" village, foaming at the m0utlf and wounded now in AthenA. Their one sovereign, establLihed him right W LarWa, dated Thursday, nayingthat and a clwap gv.Ad ring, while Milli; pipm, Uwn on Um same waif the 10111 to sent] forth those who were already price -Iff mvagely biting tile people who eame dehire seems. to be to be bealed In bearl, hio; nelt chief title, , G hazi the General Maert.4� thd virtual comman- called to speci&I work. 11ortistein reireived a diam(mid ring. Wx)uld be repirtimented by a commaw. al"im itlit hIs way, with the exception of th(** order -that they rwy rejoin the col- Victorious, . fie )lad fitiled only at no der-in-chlef of the Greek forces, lias Tho raimionari(m were iniplreti for It 90111 elmlifti, two gold dollars and I*rlwtpm, Ilowerer, a di!ore lim4plelolve P I hi great plaii ()f tuAll-ni.ligil rtwigned and haA been suee*eded fly their work (1) by a call from Gott D, 1w w� who hail the presence' (it mind U) throw Ore. Naturally thl,4 64 much fostered Wr fatberle photograph. Ili resp(wA conception of Uo. djn)ensj� of tile r, repatriatifM projxllsal, It 11" water at him. by the confirmation of the reporto -against tile Ureekm ill I'lie-waly. lie G'eneral 1favromichaells. W by tho fervent love vrhle4l they to property We uailiappy lover&�eewp great orb of UV &y may be tAo-- TI o e Tito ottwr men of tile village- ww)n that the Turks have lburnF.41 the hoped nOt Only W take 14&ri" anti had had for the work of Godr,*,itll) I)y to have imufferol We greater owl by tained in thim way. Think of the nxkA Mr. -a being sent to Canada. movrnhted with guns and sticks nnd Greek wmnolwl in a church at )Kurt- the rest of the Ilrbritice, but to deal Scotland's Oldest Church Goer. the prayers of Qw c4oft4&_�% by tile t.,ettlement. Tile xchangeof gilt& UW quoen cot t1w night, whicis eire4e- Inst angalow for the accominoola- a regular hunt for the wretched peaeo. zi()vall. The Turks lighted fires on a de"th blow, to the (,'reek cause by the needp o( thotme to w wmw madip'withomit eoniiniont. but the niontAlly stround our 'senvem pgriou- ,1._ . dft& ilie Canadian tenin at Blxley ant -began. He wan finally shot and tile bodies of tile wounded. Many of making prisoner tile Crown Prin Tito oldest ehurcligo2r Ili Scotland is lom tmq were Judge took oceAslon to prediet that I he oes, fwt e tr caXt1& OU Mrs. Millar, a lady of 102 years, who lealled. This blessed bond o(v union ng. as * d ft we) W aek at g rapiol progres", toward?4 corn- oteverely wounded anti then bpaten the Greek w nded* Implored their Larima L4 his and a1w) Tyrnavod"d resl&w Ili the Mile-EDd district of Glas. which existed between the ebuieli tile coupki wofild kku and make up & (iLtanae of 240,000 milm frolis 1'and wIU be a olpei(IF41 ()rnn-- with utleks until he was quite harm- romradleu to kill them; other'd com- the Themwallim plainxi but the Greek gow. She wag born In Kenmore, a anti tire m1mi(maries was tirkIniiipira- One of t1wee days. Just now. however, Pertli, Tet the Pun it, W) Tilbe Carnp. WNW Ife died Immediately aftor- mitted sutcW.- Although'it hil sald army and Ito" rQY9LI couirriander'eri- 11prthitililre village, in 1795. when Burns Voll to botli. the two seem immer*wly relieved if it were a Ivailliow W11 t1lf, I)uchepw ()f ward. that the Greekn carried off all of their caPed The horns of h1o4 vrewent- waiii still writing w)iqp In Durnfries, Tile mimlou to %Uch Lite Holy through their roleaaw from the hur- teartmit. were PI&OW safely delivered it( a (IttugJi,- The polir-o report oil tile, cameotat" gium from Tyrnavo and Larissa, and kiliaped advance did riot come togetiler when Geotge Ill. wax King,and when G110"t and We church called paul dpfw of t1w eugalr#vnient *-vttt�. tAint ball. t be that thirty persons were bitten by oottago, andringimin, at alpo destroyed all the provisions at until lit" T)POnPuto diocqwered the trapf Pitt, Fox and Burke were stare In and Barnabam was tile salvation of 01 Um orw, this hym yepterd&Y afternoon. tho peswant, m(st of wh(a have been both placm, they could not trnwtport ObFing upon t1wni atid. away. Parliament. During, lier long life Ole SOUW. Tile @MJ of Use Holy Ghcwt A IPellow V�seling A elli)(I [Lre tx)tll removed to Kieft for tir-Uratment on tile gu" to Phargalq. Suc.11 In tile story of a sing!e day of I 11[w never'bad a serious illness. and it and the mriction of the church were say," said the m" wh-o had ssp* from 0 ENrJLA.0 the Pateur method. It im reluctantly twlievpol fly torrie TurkiAll victorifo, so far n4 it haiii I," her proud boast that. within tier given tot- that purputse. 13.9phom was the farmer lose his lapt cent r7ks I ;k(. t tp I powers The Intrustffig of ouch a Caiw. to tile I ill Atbenlan cirelem that the retreat reached tli,6 outaitip world. it the recollection, she has never m1weed a notood for the wantonness and vim the shell game, "dift't y ­ woo rito, the man who at- villago magician and itis terrible eon- wars, somewhat disorderly, and that tftne or writ -Ing frriguientary del,ailis "I Sunday from chureh. She ban been a which attomded the . worship of foUdw is & robber b K= Humbert on owluences are a striking example of "me of the guna were ahandoined are coming from hour. tn hour, and life-long. alAtainer, but for the last Velnwq. It wam Into ituelt a straW "Ho, wal," @&V a ared Inijane. the depthot of Ignorance and nupersti- with but feeble defence. It oveems confirming tile getiera.1 plan nA' de- forty years she has been a devotee of hold of Satan Uint the memeWre got the maw m does not bellevle the tion In which the Rumlan peasantry probable. however, that In the main scribed. molit of tile Inrorm&tIon is My Lady Nicotine." clay pipes and of Chript effected an ectranee. In- WILY, OD 4F will remain localized tire at preant mnk. the retreat waa In COM order. conwa from Gre<ik so illere "black twist" being her favorites. ition. TIw eW I in'