Lucknow Sentinel, 1897-03-19, Page 3171 t - 410 W 7,M lar-oa-MIN-0 4:7- W5� by -IN SESSION Of 1- 41 12a t ional lifrq 'RUISG LIQ av Nor of.tUt OUT T_7VW1_ VILD at It does with the various depaie Use N V F of sevenartikt, from Obear Wilde. Acemd- 0. Ill* to flie letter NI'llde informed Itey- nolds that lie w'as released from %' I I STORY I OBES OF THE FAMOUS, pris- Of' six weeks ago. -three SUNDAV SCHOO 80ME BEAUTIFUL GOWNS BAN fore the tuoutlis be- L Same PasSementeile forms the garni- culupletion- of Ilia bentence. ture of tile ase was said to have been A Few Selected Prom Those Worn at the sleeves crowed over bodice; the ca -%o ks Tile rele -Ou t WOMAN'S WO ulade : - Washington Blow are Of 11100liellue de side and E&PDL -1 ews of , con medical grounds. On tile Stattling Denouemen* Idge- Wellington and Napoleon Fond of INTZRNATIONAL LICSSON- the tones of hellotrope and gbid are Tih btill joy 6 rft. other hand, Xlvillle- Nli'ilde stated oxily 6 MARCH. q1. 1897. NO. XrI.. A gruat many beautiful drc*ses werp, reptlat4ed In the Cluster Of orchids r"t- I y t t aWa c3tpitaj 111,st Tuetday thut IvIlell Oiscar was ina, le for Ott % the Presidential Inaugural Ing on the berthe. i�, wee h ear ciinnot riCe her released lie town Shootiflar Children, wbeeL Would go to Portuggi -hall. The disting-ulwhlug features in I Another exquisite evening gown Is V rotal A and rcjotn Ilia family. these gownt- Is a quIlint, combingtJoil white brocadeA the dUrt alaslied N4uw thit til" wintry da.T,# 10ift A Speake Seli-l�vbtrahit�l Cor ix ig-271 Came� lizave I ; - Of color find tile use Of light velvet in Ill front from ff.)ot W knee to j4how But still f lor Time -A. ID. 60. ' Place-Probabi Prefel�!IlCe to aimcmt any other mator- Pleatinir or white silk gauze, eath 110 tj()mlj@t PIREM'S STRANGE N SOLICE IN MUSICAL 3TAIIN's- lal. "Win to !001 Mi. J.'H. lj* P tea - xner- A F11THLESS HUSBAND, rNFISSIO Ephesus. 11121al' being - edged with sliver. The * as rery glum, 400tmasWr of -Per6ons-l-,aul and tile Corinthlan Quite a lovely gown Is 111ade it) .411. front or tile 1"lice Is set In fan-like FOr. On the mantelpiecop it, ete��. ;13* to thellil- Idiocy nerasieng or Which Histor.v Has -Church. Ter moire, trlmmeti with rose-colored NeatA, narrowing to %he watte, and Is' Where she can riew i 1-4aYs Ho Was Engas Comidentary-19. glace, 8IIgIItIY brocaded ti-linmad witil t It 11 the Willie. ��r. t,0 1 , the bodice of -a.. Destroy a 'HAd Occasion to Take Note -. Pecul. M made apparently of str grape*. llitc-rriningled With La purple POlic'e V C. "st Mill Alleges the', . roprietor or f A Paul, U lounches And 'tim loedeckeA With Olken ban& I Ha3 Two Wives yet in Canada-' is'*� GI larittes of Kingi! rStatesmen, Puets, free frow all men- W, the powerof IP8 Or the i-liko I'l-tince In Pl-tuilng style. t1l" Mill WaS His EniPloyer A Title all lue,11-under no man's power as a IN%ft vAr%utl� a candiltilte Not Liable for Bigamy Musildlans and Scientists.,- Phid servant. I And eve-rT. one that of du uy. hl With Soille Sellsatiollal Features. made, myself 'bervant _-ft It th ul Henry- IV. of Frtuiee, -the greatest unto all -Although I am under no ob- DftlaPes that she has Tuade A y UPIM-)n iA lying danger- A "Mot peculiar story of alleged Ili- IlUkueuot King. who has ligation-tu ally man, yeti I act as if COMING TO CANdA And ravft aloolInd anti in ill of n : TRUE'BILLS FUUND AGAINST HIM.- C01341titridn', says tfie Globe, has been come familiar to m lately be- t�very Individual *had a particular pro- And praiwA iU hun. ervous tk-bility at 11i'a re- I In JVOntreal. I'vroitt(i deslv�ltel,.- brouglit. oul,'l any of us' In the perty Ju me,.. and ait if I were tile 0 T11010as McAllister. a Tile relil)rt xy the confO.414100 of a works of tanley Weyman, was slavie to the public. -Clarke. In intio- out. I - -u1%'ndn4) farmer. eut his throut wit'.1 at th,r an Monday 111all,eftiled.1at MMIllix. 6�-Pat Hnr- It Ik cent-thifi&.- I -Pani Could comply With Countess Wachtmei8ter on Her Way CAQU04 r1doe t the grand jury af ternoon Passionately fond of 'children. BOCRuse, t -he weather is so bguj. a Jue"lliff0- fuld ie th!ad. be-slons rington, 'as lie'- Is otherwise known, related of _hLm4* people'� usages, for their advantage. 811-'r ILLMe Is iipreading round 41,11 anibas6ador cfawl 0 A CfAiventiou "'eist Huron Ito- contained t before itidge me'Pougall who has made a mtateln*ent implio- discovered, by that, one day. lie wpa lie would transgress no laws of Christ This Countpy, And s4e in 4tpuut, Ile fill"IfIgs Of two true' t' pleaso-or hunior any man; but he Clad. fort" 1I`I`­I lit i'ull- bllL4- One was.for theft against john eating IL liltherto4?cputable business Ilir on all -fours with the Dauphin on would accommodate hinipelf to till 9&1lu0" on t riday, May _­ I a, t. lualt in a successful attempt to burn, I Ilis royal -fully. Mr. Luke N1 '6ac well, where- he might do Ii la"' rOR laoC1_)_0_ a.d*1ral1,, ML)uut I., ores flendrie. and the second for 'non-suP- 11 is `0w it pro:lperty by fire in ortler'.to I . k, and thet rest of the 1o.gain. some. AnIuLerebting Pernongilt y One ut the A beijutiful Cro&t -_ IR Wh;Ak C f Port against Albert 11a. -lam. There ix Obtain the insuralice. children ur Ing him 20. 1 became as a Jew -Pau ks N116 awcured t1te coiitr.tct f-wr the t;ov- 9 to equine feats. Ion in lRoLie Ilar about Leaderij ofthe Theosophical cul't lu,Ll Isilk. triiiaellt work, ou t;oderi-Ii harbor nothing Pecu these A quiet iqvestigatioll it it was Ue Jou either of as been go- 1 .0 was not abasbe'd. anol, withokit IlAe apostle tio the Gentiles, anti to The otamp, rnijI in -con' -Ing-on for some tiwe past hito afire !.rising saI4 'to t Her History A Friend of the LRto I T here - Ith i Have neeth n fludingS, but there Ii it story Att4clied hw Intruder: llifilit have excused himself from com. Madame Heletia Petro sh-o"n h"441W a iery that' occurred last August at Itidg'-e- YGUI childr-&A, Mr. Ambassador T' "Yes, PlYing* with the Jews. -,Com. com. In Vna Blavatsky. boud(#Lr gown of pate bill, ti;&V* We crus -s. e:xceedingly In- fly ell grIA sire," Ill that cases" repli7ed Ue t th* Klaabton *ciloot of '.%lilling 1$ Dow to the..Wcond tilat I a nd trim 111111 was d is shall proceed, with my sport.` A of' tile unconverted Jews be eircuill- filed Ott tile front breadth will, two' hing ore frora different 1,lacm :''ter&sting. SO the Uawthorpe' nry, Acts xvi.. 3, we f Ind that, for the saket Constance, tile L,()unt",. %Va CIA. sk" gothmed to the hun', Mgh% and day. I estroyed. Tile matter : Forty-olle ti ago,, AlWrt tf:t--Iain '.now said to be brought. to er, Is tile nu'Lue of tile brilliact -to the Mr. Tarte wauts y ea r a head, fondup" -for children was a feature Ila 'elsed 'Timothy. -Clarke. Them, that rp rurnes o( Cream 14 ,Put up- a build was and some kieniational 44111ply ga lic-fto] tit afti" lug in 01ttaw Uorll of good (aluily, at %Vlow- -ted developments Ithe character of the Duke of Welilligi. are ulider the law -To tho-;e. wko lectuftr, % ho has itr- blOu'-icl wuk, t t -he rived 'itt tile GoIdan Gate from aud waL,,t. The ll:lrrow New YO110 hilld thet a at tile cOL-4t of a quar- 4ridg(4, UPtario, alit] here libi boyhood are expec -ton, and also in that of his -great. consfifered.the 4i a a ter of a milli(n -9 ptirpome of day:, wer Tile recent'461iberatp ,Iiootiiig of a U(14 ereary, Napoleon. It lit difficult to Wati niselive till tintler obIl f* e spent. lie learneil thc%car- olw to observe itij rites anti cere- coll&il,-W� of Malinix - at j ze tills Inipe r tile rom- %teirtling from the'lattt-r were - an, i storing recurds. Pelitering b"Ille inan by tile name reali ZealanL] aiid Australia, afte Werc lace %V311ani mul., Witt, his father. r1ous. man, thle-terrOr 111ollies. t hough they had lit the main I ;g4ll 1%46 I-enteuqf-d to Mol when lie fitlish' Uldge pletion of- a tilour�, in ln�;I, ed his . trade. was town by a companion named Of nations, Ilandling the youll& embraced -Uie Gospel. Paul Ldcame as i .1. Slip 114, to ate frouta tli.lt txtended too twelVe a -ear.,; ill tite- Kingiton onsidered a fin-t-c.as J�mseph make a tour or lbanada as well tills lid,,m, each one trIllIluNkj kut ft Kfilg _a mechanic. Fro 11.9'1 - is underst(kid to have Of ROMO In his arms, and judglilligi -if the 1% 00(lbritige, in. he were under the same obliga. Wftb a !arge tentiary at tlik. Prnil-ro,,.-e beft, Ahe Indirect I daubing film face with sauce from his �.and- therefore pu'rifled hi'mself imetre find I re met Clio- laae crimin,,11 11 -%ssiz- for lie Visited OraugeVille' means Of throwing t'on' 81thOug!I she Id well kollown blue iiatin bow, wilp Considerrible light om' tile 441gill of � breakfasi plate. and here- lie met Mi�ss Maggie Suggett:. X16t '60 Wig recorded temple. Ilk; we 'fiita. in th�' chig the figure "1141 decumaA to I 'edtot-m" at Vancouver Mile ontin g&l_e be] me litss, the 11 t w"160' getown fire, and *,'of easting 1-011 Act"* 21- tit(- side by lr1aKulfleent Caboclien of and V ctoria, 'Ji _,u., tills wilf be Th -e N-,lIIilIIQ;l Department of IU!:Ile Itu. - An'oiher of lilt weaknesses Clarke. 0 iralds and dlynon(lis. n wild Won his- heart. A 1 4 .26. W4nek (4 Jrj, 1, 1 a* for the music j)f bell -s. He -would f1rut , vilift 'amtern Ca was: fix Ok 14- 4,1 w na,da The ed. auLl the'wedding to "plea"..111t `j-.uApicion 4 tin -.Mr. to I ace on Tijahksgivink dfly, 1878,. t. C�arles i cawthorj '.L �o 6 vey Of the FrL�er River. ill be. lung nuin @to lit tile midst of'a discumi6n on The Gen6tes,.who di'll not liold ti th" COuliteGs is very "d that the Sur- pl- 21.-Tothem,that are without law.. 1 lig 801ne Or the prettlest lI,o1l,+j Per@Oflftlit.* ( I Workzv ii.Ls beea 110tific date her plial. lia's ILommence,l. -30 yeais of �ageo veul Interfwting. 'clock abqut- ", thc gra "UbJects t6 fisten tu 4 selves bound to ol,wrve Moses' Itw-..-. the, waist With R fuli front of black i COLumbia, ceretui)ny T.as set for four o In anob wno was lent- PrtPaMl Is :L wbite satin, Pointed 'at tit(' afternoon, but tile Yt)uflg brIde did Put ill 04- tilills 11by 110.4 father, . 'who villagd pealo, aud be surprised and al- Bent -on. Ifer full natyle WC011-statice Guorgine A th-1XV.,it 44 c, -i'llus - like �the lives a * lie migjft, am4g the heatlien, vel*et worked with Jet and Ateel let i duni, fro;n '%,# 11 Idea. of the. atilutring t ;TIm nivist, or, 1. Milli rl I X, In 'HOAt Indignant it those , Louis lie Bourbel do 'Ni011tJuncon. -Ifer Iell rater -ed, crowds about - fit In' d iscol�rse with, theni oil -Lit If, with another 1 parents were tile Mar -tatement. nuido under oath, cbn principles of that eternal law, tile out - 'y I -S 111r0da, -`0 -it w" that-thetouple Imr- fakiled to -evince a eorro tile gre pointeit quim d6 bourbel, luu lwvll di.-4covered ja the V)w it -JI I 1i riett 'urcli, 0rangeville me, a Ill - a -Ch Mr. Clwrlt�s CawthQl0pe irgen They - rqmind spontlin Piece ol a formerly in the rronel. tO.:St. John'' that tereat. 'similar kind on f-Ither Wd,,. of Cairlow, ilred -1. " he 11"id' lines 6f which had been written -in , Tile #Jiort velvet I dIVIOniatle ser. ult, tile se �t' . oll onf' -Qecak;IOU '.'0f*_tI­i6 first y 1113.101filig.A. Comaty, tW.O..hours, before the hink to) set, tile flit-. sleeves, were an!] Consttillm. B,,Ikl,.Y, tooet hour. An laill on ears tlivir heartiq, In order,to show then -1 .%ifie.1 Viellet*.p; -t-),*.A1()ntrt,�f1. t,11 re*-, brought up 111911 &Ud trimmed witil.: y t kl," Tit elltle.. wag hal�p7 the necewity . of x on had not the fires Lt, I pawed -It *Bri E ul ill I:_ -embracing that -guH-- whi frOn., tho third'sto)ry balet-uly of lli.,. and It being a cold day tile marriage thou." pe . I'Which was tI . ie power of -God unto W tulle. But tl1W wag not w) novel Altolit -1 Ibleltock;. ill ilitt hiorai.-,g of-, Mi Ic, inde��I, am a Mete velvet of It hounw. was perfornied by Rev..( us anon kiender- it one fo x Jeux-robe wap, pulley IF tu - or. -a n- salvation to every one who-beliqved. which had litgh ,L)VIeshile. .1114.1. w as '111 tile ebiII4'. church' lie 'I of 31arch,' la -4 yeltv, tile ot.herj' I.rqd beeiA tit- DIPPveo, standing for a Moll tile PW Thus t ea hobby tit cuilily -Clarke. AL�o Ulwourmiag, Ili their ow'11 ? ward up7 W-tll0ePP IIIAl 'is on tile sholildW,wltli w,hIte ace 'Foung, Couple aturted t eir marrie-it -tliseovpreil - vai great 1hell.. jilltdIl (It.lighted to, ),fly I I ,career. pwts. Axts-xiil. 2&-.1., 1�1. & B. IlisIfier held ui) beneath by 110 tv (if M ws .,g -is )t1bi fire, whivil. Atart(ld ill the top stori 111�611 tll(!6 orgait, aril c(Ta;aposed 1jitilly- no of Bru~[--4. a rs. liaMara ;wits a t -L 911tt"t tfW. Milt,, liotiling IR'iiig �-,ave_j fille t Ivithout'laW--to God-.I%'hile tilligs. light moire ribb-or, is doa',l fri,m the hiirwi iftIc%s sort- of fel- Cliai�U to .11valms. Gai I . while Outrdde was b -.a fisb0iollgh conforming to others In niatter-m Indif- a Ion(' -diamond b�-'c'U'e shaped to the and' Ills wife, 1111t the IkAler aftJ 'PlIgii;e. Perfprmgd wit e% Me received- y exploding wo'! who had a little It' 11.0 little ilk Wl,tle ime w -a' neY. was eAsy Witt, him. "I'101 inill %v:n.,4 a I;trgt- .1notfvra dja­� violin. 'Alany, -of the lik on the ferent, taking care not to be- without a--feW 6he tJ*-r,,Ilvr Mill.- tt:4. insu 41 to teverloll anxIona and o God, but respoii.,ible* .1vorked liard, lhol it fid re nd law ill relation- t days 11-0. 4)ut flaolain never %o. hours dt Luiller werp solaced to law lit rielfition r 14 rik I. Torontoctilit- by Ills f I lit*,..' al:(ftit om - iij, 41% 11 4 _to. Christ. lnu(:h ac ra6ed Iii.,4 ImnJ to-do a stroke. The great , reformer, 22 To tile weali-Ile did not despise I 'ever, Before 31r. Alfred Jury..the newly-. He wore good tlotf*s, ajlLI haij a good 13allie,- lien it had" favorite''-re- aplpointe,j mm vni, &stroved itinie how aiiot tim ` of th et or Judge them ; he forebore to usc-11iis L* Spending Uke money 1�ul)plled I e'reatlou,.Iu t1le 811.1pe 0 for England, tie will be. tien% bY Ili.,s admiring Wit, son-10.1thing %vroiqc. more us , 11;eei;� k I the game.'qf d4rty,* for their'sake, and was edre-. better h: _11y, it,;Ues. or Ips. I vltz A i Probably the ful'to lay 00 stulinbling-bloclE lit their t ilf oil Ilia 10' 4 it uce 6 'attenuing Ills. u9U tO t he, I aciffe III Govern-, maily a, "it ivas' ki s t Vie COLD pull iolls. Is lown - Clat there meut, 'to Wst 411iAseif obout�%116 man- hAtl g:ltlg.of,* labori nev�erll waY.-Com.' Com. I'Veak -apd supersti- i :14�ar�rs. hallging around I gave him -so k; e6n an exhilaration of tiou..4.beiI6vCXr1s, w try. TORONT(o. proprietor (if tile rpleasure am did the -knocking doWnor Jewg ell ks uncortiverted The Kev .4 r1l e Vle couple tired of life on nlilis, ""i -to -1!suspeeted or having ; all. the. plas at -IL it" and Getitiles,--Laijlte. Weak in Nortljwe�t acciaii,anted lllo�etl t,-) tIll.4 city, allything't" dfy.�A%jfll till roke. knowledge, grace or alAlItIes, or -to 1% here tt e fir,:,,.. lit- I BYRO, I.N., i 1%, , � ' k N 6y. Fattier. Le fuv. is �xj Ottilwu to Ill- le -Y 0IwII('d a 4oartling. house V FLOW1,-Its. tho4e whoa6 consciences- dt43l!' tlIL- 1*111vtUmi-lies, r;,-tr,' and were unjn- (,r ! . Byrom lo�ed­flo formed, -and , therefore scrul�ulous.- -(1o_1tQrnmf-nt,.1n tonnectitma.11-1-141lu itarted-In i"I'liediately'to qn. son, wrri. wers,' anti k�!pt ' i Wrriew the P- held in- stielt resix-et, ill Ills "Ith tile. co,vilizativa if. a:ld -L ('4g I hoill4m)(1 -&nstantly _"ed- 1% ith thent Benson. . T became weak -4 entered Ir Gown, iblibel , roolilis -t-ciletille 141110119 t �, -4 a resuit forgot Ilis their it * de�IL ru lig, that tile * Voa r�l lloudo tLe half-breedo. sti lie . Wc!ked up witil' of, Trade tivei(leti to) theiii.in re, "aid that lie Orow.fro lit tikeill into their condItIon -Jn olle way add The pr1rI(N_,_A i4lier. 1% oruo� 11, t4juk- to drailt. alld led.- -building -the ni�:I. an.1 inepiration. � 11, the'- later 8 another. This condetAx-nsion to their cut prevailm wde-0. All spoiclai fr,-rn*. *klierbrooke, Que., thp Tili!f bort . -of 504 for that ptirpiisv. yea rd of Peculiarities was, in appear4nee, boudoir a handsome in daYs t..at Bi@Lop 1-11roeqUe tfen.es the . 4 illIX- t!l1q',A VVk hit; life lie, fornii?d_ a gr6aCaffectioll. a or till - 6(lel W41S* endured It 8- the Poard of Trade ni(4 and tlecidi...1 -for dogs, find _gooilLbrally,ha�l so!,,c of weakneKs.;'but, in truth, it Indicat6l.1 thront4 &)rt '"'athft thf� figure I rumor y Mcs. 111 vdmost Lo- tIlc :9tit 3 earq, but in 6.4 moral ,p of to, P&QJ I Miliserilitif nis, lylliell g I i est - power. -Lange. t "A t Ole 1.,4' to be next lulft. for.nearly e- - I them about hi, ArebbWip Ut atreal . the". , n' tile- a A- [:Lrorite olle, 0 tilt. kllf*m. -er It is s t4ited tli(. wrbi�gvd a Ited to .11,3' ltb doniise, received 'tile honur, of a 'swung frOn' tile sboulderti I In Other quartert. Allat %VUL"au lult for her Ilolilp a,,rol'.1' 3- That I might' gailh-Win over, or briog bl"adth Of fdln0st transi)arent lulfu� ira rigt. e. was -heil s-lie­Ipft exi I"us . men be raised to -Nlgt. -Begin Will ill C I:vcll i% 133'rullic epitaph.- Many fall to-proper'views.-Lange. All thingm to.1 tne Arc!iieptscol a' la t, I% or -k tilt -the rehuilding La r.1119 to tilt- hem (Jf the Ve tuen­6 Iving up my, own- 'will, lily I liuPlIce 01 :L1 re %or a 101.1daess for 'IsTjE R drom Ill fronto. de-..ireti that gviltleman- to On.)-tA. and ill' not few- initaneog Own 14'ay, illy own paise, my own plea- WACHT111. ts lhtimatc4l tl:at a I IUE -COUNTE Lady Aberdeen f It'st-Itil faitli. in her Itus- pf ille*Jilill, would iL,011+ proviaicn,11 c()Mmittee' 1%114 be appoint- -PIA Ow h4ju" It wa.,; tli-tt. the allifnal el sure,, my own profit,' that I might dhe was born oil Marclu 28th, bLbig a t t UP nw It.' A Jeweled lek luld furniture fur1ler. rmIiw4 to ill- i 0`4e u 71'41.4 [Well 6f kiiid. at Fiore 8-A cl""Pl' the f1guro-4 "wvIll down oll 1,1W e4J In a few ('ayr- to requ"t the X4ykirs -Tiris lie did, but fail, 4:0111let-Lid ith houbeffold lal*e tile- souls of -aAt* larke. nee. Italy. The de Boillobel . -L-d to selt-11 or de- %V�Vg.'Ae tile fire. alid the ctu4 1va3i jet . - �__V and headd "I'd tile pritlo*;.4 line Of ILI,* J0 Of mudicipalitIft to Open I'A'ver Vie'Lliloney tii his �.-jrt,: Uardival'. 1"Itir'-the, gospe,14a family Is one or thfk most ancient In der Kowfl t4iowfo lit, t1le P.1,104 froln subecriptlen e proposed' .4 0- -in�l. ai4iuiieIljt,Ikt 11, it v * 1:4141604-'a - fonud sake-f'or th(' It. -As ' for ' tit ill Turmito I Ie Put ill 1110 - hand' ')f Pro% it Pett'l- Otte.,L-tioll of tlats'The' hoijoir.or"Chrlst, wh6se the godpel I,.;, France. '(-�rIgillating from tile south. ocheme- fcr the ct-mmi m0ration of ths, illitit'lle liall"i'lvilt tiVe Patrick �tleffornan.' (it 0 d0r thP arn; to tile helu &4, tll#* fr(Ill- t1J'L' W.Noulit lie 1',ad reo�elved Whl# I' r4wglit- t..) -ille!k n sill-, IN MAI spent 'for at Queen'd Jubilee, the Victorian Order rioill tl lilt! jli-*t 1, IX)Pt Um%'Per tailletJ liar and' Rjr-' the salvati;A'of -toulai, Past or France. they settled in Nor- niiindy 11)k) ' U&h of Ilih tilike Pt'pdinlK tII.I f 11 ling t was designed, and that' 111D i� kilioulder all(] lim-s or tiie figure are alwi, C -P-14111 ISS -le the Clarku--Bradley vun- thelu. (Joetlle � 0 d ut thP..year U36 A. D., and of HoMe Ifelper le- f4rufture, Ai4d then return - A which I and Ijack Pan"s "wilig Ira jigs% ' heart -broken Slkiraey; cate laitter %%ptit-ti) L d 4 . ' . augVebUd NJ. tu ( -4 T14o IPY might communicate Ili t 116 velvet everywbpre aciro" I t. ve t1lull' a' long title of ancestors, 1).V the fall of tile IV tJ 11 , 11 a de friell Ig with and ti Tile Ila Y* ftyrg.tve Panels and t;jejr Ur. Fielding; 111nisferl Of'Fii,anCe, in wife.' v. fit i ani.mal Itilig Oeawrlp­ was edged with among Wbich receiving *P,baraiitl (4 IL far lem 111T privileges of it, or partake togedier (Ila niante lace. The foundati m-reral were di#tlft- 14111111-transp t! 14"idgettm alit' e(IIIA-lerable on. of tile fur; ill tilo.� evillenve rega`rding tile fire whiMl t l"'that il em. -Coni. Cow. I might'be a par -.1 bodice was light blue molre; the fall guidlied lit Frenefi history, eopeciall thl" a odel shoul,J 1W iu--trelaw, MOlAftul dvi,iutat7un, re- tioll. it, lit rola ed o of th The- materialp.or presenting tile CIaadlaq coal i' n d a 14, Fare.y , pabsed, lit' e , ntereste, 11'" ey WM-J'Placed li taker 13Y fuithfulnesitt to*0the (Pile RhOul de Ik)urtm4, %%,,UO liv,di,-.t Y �forc the Ttwon o firiii x 4ower- ot lawyerm wit(.) wi-1; 19 froal-, it e1jill might expeq ;L share in gow-0 be -Ing Of Noine w)ft ir i4ald that lie sti,11 hop*41 t1lat 'A da %rithOur, bring- rs, he I front was formed Of the nacle velve Ile 'IlldL Ing the duty (w:l (Oal thp t*nit) In tir iige%,1:1i* ;iftt,r her.u.-turil IlIvY c�orlir&r -it live -tile blessings i openlhg in front to to 1'"gil of '.()u'.' Xl%'- IlaVilig lost her %re4l" "I'M the Orer Panels of I ed States ffit--lain opened a farleY *ture I w-'11gation. sitake, nilich lie kept there I Uf tile gQspel.. 811OW wt:lte (Ila- loarents at an. carly ag4J- 4'0ILst&1lce fi"h grfmadine. r TV Wad _U btkt her 11 and ear- mante lace secured by a -de 113ourliel %%,itm sellt Elirland to !#ullt higil and c;J()qp Administr.a �Y. to ta k e wit #-,#Ne(; -it �lke�a 1110 diamond Tile neck ijlugt ilie hiji-b, 1. XOM, frleiid- Hardly -.4. They whiCh rud-Au aliludl* to4 buek e In a blue b0w, while tile %.(.Iret her the t19'A.v "06YNI cItY irlif.' CUILA' Oil sRmie cour.4e, but it it rn-,.61. tlie lile rs-fti"d ti) a 0 f0flil �wam takiNt by. tI tile ftnd thoP wr resitle ill ..tile lit raore agreeaI4 le AtWetic exercise.4 if games. aillits Mrs. 1'ulme.v. or Lindell nim -t 1w finIshed bY 'long frlll.,4. tit" Betwe anytijilik-Alaol"Ateen olone' Ili Itembranoit, wI10 Ile - duty it was s -till oi*,,, t� C;n6d.ato mart'A -city ca Int, which were '�Wfebrated Ire retaliatO. .0 Ile ad, %urromjid- tile* 'matter, however, oil Feb'. L;Gtll.,- air a i)e. devoted to qvery fifth" lkrk*li witpre she w-tio ibdu- Ir 1119"' 4nd la,.t lie- lien ye7ar, called UthmijLn ff -cated anki fir"'d until her- hiarriage, In floor Dilo"s 04k`*0(.tIliN'aiii-w -lames, well - Y. lie, p`0 0 alillix wao haIll * shot, and the dq%th lie StAyed In Vii,; big eity anti I' Ill %%Itll her e-otb, rt 1), irted to,- ed v -r )me knuwa. t(x the C6rilItlI1an.% and a aub- ""ICIltilleiNtA-l-, . i,,,. (,#)ullt St. -Norlo,rt -)4ighifican shooting became VtL' gri"t that lie introo�juead itm fig- Ject.of patriotic pride. The exerelaw a4wedit-li ,not :."Ve told V!e . (1 -4 f"St lit"- At Wiles. Whell lie needed ce of tile that I il." I * niolley lie %%4,11141 "r-11111 ill apparent whell"It Was known that tire 111to a group'lle w;&14 t1lipt, were runninir- wrn&.*I: 1�_ Ncrwegian 131110sber --2c #1 f. Ae4 is tlip 11,,� r ed upfAl t)f @;Zag- &A6& X109, 1, 11F7 (our&, opf and horrow fr,,in Iiis -.1 Malmix was tile man who wgig tolp- "The race-Courap wria. rei. "k rocent, ,bye; Ct14)fl 0011141 1:,L)t 104% bil— fi ni I iy. throwing, -etc. There a4he -idtA*i rg he. loo-seti. to Julow. Inpoot about tile fire I LO Sily' years, led eonrat(td' grimad. silopil,.1 Ciall frmil' Saturdity the ailli(N "Itlestibil' refus- nut it mere resort for public 'ainuiie- they die i ulItll - _11011(lay. 1 :1 * I , t I oil 'olie nil Was Indeed OusPeCte1' of 'havin� �.ed 'to recs)g?ljze eflilled to) copp w- wir 1)rc--.4.nt mtatp. Ili.., himjwl �t_lul, -if- went, but an llhagt'll -As [ Aeto.fire to tile tion too their fill ti#dwr,4, it ll er the protection of the Vanish court, and then aftor i-uAi tayed on another sh e paint- ,the patron Gram.,nl,to 1rI'tlj11,LWtI t I %% 4*, Welock I i t.h. y a., I und almost. sacred edifice, Yearia. ttif, ( ount 1wr*mall v. r h I t , p__ip k-je�f 4 iR t114. -114-' to work 00tilig took place about- 1 .9' 1' dUellrillig 'to erase, it,A 1.0 Iricture deity.ot the Ionian trlbes."—Lunge. lWine liontintjA npi aii, I his wift� kept him In Vlot Fri4ay morning at. J livery.. left On Ills liandi., 11"im said. to -So ran that ye may obtain—The gym- Forcig"It Affairq. tll(-.v to,,)L- Ioard. latmey IMigetownli. Mannix. or � Patrick il"existence. naslum h-Iljodp at La -I �r"se i * - - . wAs a prominent feature in the official resi- Ilarrivgt4ml, its Ite is otherwlsecallopl. 'th111 ally every Greek city. Every candidate had d(,nee a,t 4t40ckIIOlI11. 4-hiireh d'gnIt:3r:-y All -It tit#-' is MAIZ11MD entered the livery about ni Of these 14 tht, fri . en(611-ip %%.Iliell pqfs to take then crOated --A Nta-tp lady Maight and Tlie (*ount~ lay down oil a Ued in tile room. "here '011 Inlide IL der* tile land t!le King. anti Was the n4 -jt- ordered -tlie tij stop buringAllei Ila t Year or so, awl.tintil an Oath that he bad been ten agitatk lavt er id' or tA) mcUttis lit training, and iiat ate he would htreet, a bt;artling I fileinent in tili,. . '" . - -C trilis distinetitkil. as Hm on the Julle, Ilasiaut Aved at, w6re-also In the Ilvery,Eil. lierniann- beguile t,,t- t,liul,, (if , v,O. none of 'tile regulations. tile P )I)e not- aPPot)inteol. aileit-gate 1 Ouse keP t by -1flnwN Vilge anti James 6'ray. A lit- .1, )4tary con,-. 2J 'A la"t to fIA i I �,J - ' That a cdrruptlble crown—The title' thein lweame, to A Mrs. I:ootfiroyd, and 11114 two tmothers �le later Jo-selih Hall, who ru k crowni w011 ill 1RTI. 'e- ns, a el-. erf-ature of tit Ind by. tile ffill- Of t1) o -re, Wit', 11illi. .%IKj1It iself, aniellhiv. In victors for -rar- Ptore, entered the IIvvr the Mull whe retnAlued tit r Is YmPiall games were ew York to4rited out to) 111m. annix, whell, I I e t I" m with stivorlekdini to-) rts% of Went t4>Niagara I'all el'al ea tw- appoinviot Ar' *"' 1 or " ul`- lalu unit Urs. - ktx)Lll-- mske-1 for annix. Tile latter %%-.js rierl apso made of tije%wild olive; in tile Pytblall Lip -lie %,Rrnier climatou oil (MI thp dent.1 i f stitte, awl were married. mlvloild gan" 8, Of 'latirul. in tile Neurean aiI1(%ItII. Pren u., For -a tim' -4aw 11all comiu', jil desire`to tititie i %he riA one xon.�tllft e 9 PC L agamrs, of Parsley; anj in tile lbth- fit Count Axel UMTED 8TATEM woll,towarriage wais I'll- ()tit, "IF'"r 11041'el 'sake d6let-l-t him atiother lover ()I'uiii:na 1:klltj%vll tt* I)ut lie does 9411'eA, of the Pine.—Clitrke. his first -wife, (jut whe*n site ki I I The iwo tuen,clinelloil, lie 6 al,*) tile- i)arn floor. Soviety, and jai 11%elY for )ter unfaitliful,,41A) a twivate nieriage Je nwho rutl.; witti a clear aim looks W 11laill' the Aii,er- 7&y traffic. In InJilana. Oticalf l-rrert- %%W rail- 60uts-lie Ptarteol tumakething' L ci,irle took place t- to anY' particular variety. lip kept I aini at, and how to aim at It. He ;till infe not wel" to 11"ve e"ni'llied hi* favor 26-1 the.refore @:) run -1 knt)w wl,&t e I bex of the- Tli-ow)- use. 1'he 'Ahilp Valce anii 11amilton got ap and r '#!--G - w a 14 Submitted to tile Attorney- trieil to) get the revolvpr away. 11all 1 jerein all 'flainfier of, t' straight forward to tile goal, makes P'Peti011 tit the iKociety. #!Iil)ljtl I' Park, iv fi amto nkely be *PttleJ wx)n. 4;eitera,I's )ei)artinent. ilere it wal, firefl, howvver, t-Im *111111bt ' i %ver(- guthered together smil- )p i his sole alni, caAs away every ln- In I-R"dg tile striking ttintled' &*49 begall The that 114sh.lu t4atione Into spirituaiisuL lout after ahnix in the left 414* 1 with sertip'ulotU care. culubran�* (11eh. x1i. 1. 2). Is lildlffer- ed PoInto under the arnim, pdgretl It"o years (if ardtiopwa forican . -syndlCatO i-4 14ald c011id-not le pro- milder, I)a&-;ijng a tiles, hite, form do-wn --t-he have got contnit of tile Lehigh V11,11py 1�ez-iitekl- The ease of Regin %%4.'I,1ow_ along towards the neck. au(I then ,gyrfalconn of leeland n4ill III& too what the bystanders wty, and w'I*L the' face. A higli boo I fIyil1gsqd1r- Railroasi. , '. I the Court reliu were. w#3 art!' tmil, alilt) lice w"s It lienull, � I -et tile . tif , fig , tile s0metitnei even a fall. only s l Inhole 11n red-chadf--1 reir ira ve it, tilt. Precedi-rat willetl I)re.; llil'P In' -hes. 11all, a couple of hi'lurs Pt, With flill TIM Illeadw-i-shilp (of the The( A man gi, it, prizud lit, till" rouse Jilin tile more.—Bengel. Paul lia(I white imtIn front covered with h(irl- Clark All 111" it-% -TaInem ItrOSecutiO.'r In ontari.) for big, titrne-1 up at the office coilet-tioir., AIMJ1JL tile !Vear.11,(;.1( been ber. t ranka In at Detru4t. The police of -Dr. K ilIg Of tile pro%-ing fiffillseif by self denial, zontal rows of Penis. having a ruked 1881- allY 11 ilie second marriage takes r r think lie Mind. showirig bf-It of the velve Ilat, I N a -4 a -(;rook.' tile revoh- 41tilled .:'UJ wax assurell that lie was ruritilng with an uli8t.ln,jing work( -r [4 it, 9 �: 1;alh, p ace In a, foreign covintry. ent I took gotid 6frieelo; of Wis. Ijy tilt.. velvet collar. t1irmigh g4loold aii(i gorcp in (r'Plomatie Prosent4tion of t'll"011911 evil roeroort.. 'I'lie Greer bad charge of tile ca.;P- but hill, -witir; an(] thli4 nuin has'been for doubt alwmt attaining the prize, i�lnce Cut O. I liam a &skirt of Pink gla(-e, Blavatskv gilve By Ahe hreakin@f of an ire Detective -.Ii Tbat's the Instrum t4e ra( to heavem Thera' was 111) a,:Iy flooded. S, co, U Id !'Ome time trying to rob nie. but lie got Pliant and five camels..The former of he had deter trimmed In Iter tile Post of cor- the Grand Viver tl*-.* vi*l,,%Ce. of I -,,rt-* I teyoad the. verifying the fact" al] 16-- - late land, -Micti., js b mined to r Tlie cut 8110" not tio al I t f I 11all. was drunk iin tile whole the new style high up respondin Feerettiry Unit that wA8 ip_ of wktll sit tile �thexe appears to have been a some- race. go t1glit I.—, Tit is'gom pare..; - tr) ql� al),Ove the hem -to simulate a . doul)lp clared 11 awa 11 2041, T116 the !,(,W- time, anti: when thp revolver was till by the �councii at Adyar, ;tvow cor velViRt, of a darker billido. TIjQ & Of Q what coi4tly visitor t(I entertain. He atidette boxing. lie represents himself Aladratt, 111(fla—but yet it wax it 11 't Of the bodice 114 inde oby f1rot. er. scarcJ 1111slam, w."io, witil Ills takeli fr6m-film, it w114 founoij required two Spanish kee As in the 140!lle callal 141fe, - iskili to have Persr at; well - Conflict. Not a4 one that honor. She wam tperejary and treas. 'ith, ri,-hl t1to rha aM -two English Ones' for. beateth the air—Ndt ?Prd tQ ontre"al and iinheri4 empty all(I fouricaded. him 140le itcht,41ner:, 'ere tIlVn 10*New York. lie \�early , r, vleP, and a ','I)r . wrr strokes, bu making random urer of Blavat,ky Lo(Ige, t, t wh darnaged. %Viis unaware 11 of the party . I ft f3efe noate what t,str,1kIn9 cdrtaln blow@ I embrOidered in grold I land, but gave l'o"(10111 L�'ng- fit th k tthe harn J,chardgey-or the'elephant an( upen Ills these 6ffi ' AN 111ill1ar It is ex'POkel that the revise I I' that ho wa..4 safe in ore Oi le.4 under'the 1pfluence. i Ills k Cps lip to %Vri P nee e lemY, and thus keeping ror a lo increa-e le - not know that lie was liahle for pro- of 1111myr. was arrested, brou ers are Ili the.. yeare, joetig ille I a -head of.1 ng time pm"Iftuy %vill. ' C] g.11 t ff e illn In tile cOnflict. Paul had She carlied on tile work o duty on coal inillortairions from 40 to). P*cution f(ir higamy oll the otherside 11-efore*Siltilre 3f(Kliilf�yiil'141eortiii.iiL�eil, at 275 Pounds anti twelve shillinglo actual warfare during Ills f the The(-#- - - cent, Ifite ($1,37-18) ministry. pucilation 7' 4 a toll.. tile Tile autliorities,,at Bur- to Jail to aNi-i-Iltilld trial. This�eOfnflutation, however I Apep uiidcr iny- it until 'OcletY, and revow 1)011t Fur Slendt*r wpre Informed, One of the (I at "ti doe" not fqeelu to )lave-covereu tile en' '11-1. it able tiv rtin vfl falu n fiffirer uestions asked Is tire exp6nme, for th ­4eekill-, in oed,-r Itself filMnetall . She was for earg r tivke, In -4ul`Iiv1kl) nanle,l beteAlve Ila wAm 1561"t, wo-ar Idack black has county, Ind., w!licll co* y (I to preilim:niry.examinati e "breefe. 11(4ite" all aticiltio' y st On wals whether it Arewted tnwaro�l a close friend of a(lame g Of farming irk ul) tile, ca. -e. Tlil.s officer the'-livery-iotable was not tile li'ead- atioll of goillm. lie yieldwl sky, and at a time -of avat- Light clotlKvi art. t it!� nxwt txco I hroken. and 1().(X)gj supplemented by the followin'. ,Be tilt&, tialit (IencY too make lin"Oue look allae land will beofl(jo, o naturul qleNirea onl as far too. quarters for a gang to plan midnight I month 97vat distress m Orange%'Ille a no I Toron � lilldei4, keepers afirme that fromtbe t y Dont wlk -OTHE R Mf.X r-1,. rii Ii Is. w.4 taken to St'Pteinber M Hall Of , Oevotioll,.to Countem y - bV tO excem ; a sh(Irt a i MU4 dkink ('lot water) but will be IteneUcial, 1)' The Upper 11ou.,e of Chatham until Aprir tent wic an"iet in tile life (if the Rils-slan flesh 0'pLk_)% site iutond . her, nnij tIlip fl(wlI_reucInX. ut 106W walks art meiking tive flari 'ntervle' from April Unto -Septemler lie ml sp1rit:-'.* IC,,4t f'. welded'nn additi(m&l 6nd of lo,% -e Isp- Legislature hao paii' all. wyne—and iioVd- lip-rar aF ti inter- The reapon given for tile lat - legislati ve - toexions - heren f ter to 1w e -tet -i partles, Ili Toronto linil Orauge- * Iju re frould be 'a Don't - % ille. uff. Ma-nnIx by & gall(mi Of wyne tile daye." tweeD berself and We socie "tAY UP IfttA- at night; get at ten vear%' interval. Mill-returnud to 1. .110 Hall la that tile 1&�ier 1 119 slianifi.fully (-W th,p _Promulgates the doctrine t.T, Will( a t k'-aA it nn pre- Apiir from animals, the vagarle of 1wiLt. Invoelf,'after I Of' - UP i vervii I A woman flille 11011fto good sleep brotlwrhomi. All tier work -for t c6n Idered that 31aunix had tried to great men have taken mnpy 4i ers Wthe contest. nooi%& ,are+to pro!seeute Haslain. Put 11as- rob film, nn'l Ila(] -no connection with for, he I:eetl, of Trenton,. N i milar TheoFolillical Society, and it W more sleeP than tj lia,4 dismisae4 the Will tn the rasf, fleethOvell was; IN against the- Am--rican Tobac o Co,11- n i a vay to, get vcry no]. anti hatp Pbusewed with Tenelliliga.—The * hest % '' m IT 11 `4 n0t %loW. He w;r)ii tearneol tile tile Cawthorl:e fire. Vue result of the ! Dan- flud 10thing kee lay Cd tile* Ifi, -cOlith-Jual devi large and contlniiot;�.IA dolle Wit.NILInt, jw tier in `�(' to re re to eliange. o0g.Ings. Otherm to do 0011*11tion like lots or sleep. t1:1011 to Canaild, wjle*re h - -%I101ting Ili that the Town Council Of ! Hardly rig! I t i I+ to - bw!t t lip,,, e a4 )nee Don It f i�t Is vi'ctarlouea tri more wife'Then -L t .11, * Ridgetown has probibited a license be wag lie Inmtalleil- lit one set of a 1weroct -exil %%'Iidtever sarri. ranks am Wii Indiv][Inal. 8 Your ttowns ru&tjtJ It was til. if partmento t.han Ike would, If - ; a -lie has writ- to hiding th,,� f.let that the fight to de*,troy it. a liavillg - anv official Posltl()n' with an eye fa in r 4 -as- ing granted for I livery Rtable Witil discover Ocl� we make for. tile C(hq I*ra.0nke#IP i,-tartetl to bring liet aywartl some defeet In them unit tell much. but the work by whicil tille lrolltm.and e4ender. Full walste. lae -1 great. ' A faitilt I 18 best known is tllp one gri%,long in tile fire limitm or wItl dn one- bun- &�et ahout "Ot t(x searching for Otherm. U'll' arries- nia ll. llu ­4,ldent Creeiro. in allolrew4 to tloeforp the court %for 11"n- dred feet thereof.. nt. A-fleld 14 ou ajv W) fote and -Secrititp9gre bou 11 a n t of fec ts ti re lim ndo,r e I the rt. lie Pluded her for _so' -re here rdenA ilot leg:lllv III,- t, tll( account of how jkla(litme while drAped olkirts ir surOY, for A -he enterpris­ -blit never morp than is his wrote. "Tile $ecret Poctrhip." Wil detract fro", Your on" (if Wk against film I)rioutril 1 1119 t0tlriw�! lie would, I 11L #4 fl it, upon the atteutkwl,' Uounce- lout the trije bl, -1ue t"ne', CONFESSES To I Wa Ta ftk y �! -,LPJ I)V t ender a V to ottie OxcluslOu 01 411" other bi the irran-1 jury at ple gesimi The ex )0 Hit Urilucky avilig w4hing Is I man, Indeed, who kjll6uld fall jo Pearn nee. -try IeAtukev of the tin- too burdo.911IRonle, 'nothing too) low (�Oullteft U'llichtweister is now, and Doult foqMt that fill% w kI I traordin. to r;Ice tile nill..Alc of- tile tIng. earth at least ovie Of the grea t ronj- ly. has llwen, a regetnrlan for wrPlItPen oundec the ishoo GREAT BRiTAI. i4tory dei-el9peil aiter .A yearm. In person mile I#Aof ie 1191'ro makew you k01k TOUriger FELL The fir,,t report, wam thAt Mannix Nvil 9 all'of exulnPle.of'Chrixt a r(i MP A strike Of rly . (late. I,oser'% "'Ally abodes. to um #�llflielcnt E'very. Mith- diuni beight, with blon.l I bout I Mark Of -bellItY. Tht nortally wountied, ftild Detective Her- G ONLY ONIP, E V E. . Chrlst4arl will recte Imix-ml- I I usi rui lair n Ing Viat threatens t, 'Y Of a Toron to Larl fenan. went t( Utdgetown. to) obtai -SO grPat was thti enti iyi� his reward. Illue eyes. a.volee of pleaKall, the ncol,,be.- n, (Air greatest illicep t tirid "arcIlY foods, nurimm&p. UNI-derate ex- evelant'A luslasm, of th .48will ).e-IrlOIftniIl_ skirt, witIl the lace antG her filics has aNingularl mwep' erelme, golng botil way@ I entire ehlp-buimitig irailt� of England. in Cl iall :lite-ijlortein statement rench astronomer, 1.41 t this. @'Oell VVill lirodum The QuftU'A-gi[t_j to, &ole Her Satchel. F 1119 'al crowfl! of' life. united by a expremion. As a worker for ti the Mallsion -u-nnix. Tile latter, 1) Ill tile narrow band of sal)le , . elieving lie clluw of' science, tila ce of pink net Is eovered W KOPhical Nocli-ty trile Hou*,e fun i k)r Inc;L-i: F;iOn beffire- t The bodl lie restrictNI Ith lees It I* Annie P0119t, wour iatripf*; heckoo. plaI& han' . A Ilk - topirit. hell it part orntiments, which shimmer If, the Wmant, and as it Pm amounts to LI,OW 4 Puffer- le-10"tch M ra. E. Crown Attorney L) vide a colies- hir6self to the ume of one eye, reNbrving It" 110 P(�Ial in. ALnd bori7 Ti,e fund has Yletcher, (Imome ano (li OV91062-4. OP1 Couqty tile Other 1401 -light, anti tile ttirpr iphe statuist vvry high, I Ont,.,, effect,, are better for reached L411,0W. gniftled. Tile statement, ely for I., ils teletteope. At w ith011t Pill 1111til edification, Is willcil gIT" bf'cO"Ilfig trimming, thin women. The *11 wlils fiworh-vL 1#3 al f1lic' W08t hiCompreliprievilo tio. looking matro, arrived I makes some 4Lerlous ellarges b!pw4d grace. Much desired breadth to #ihould #Kcirr for The flowse 9t Lords r u e n t"Mil"41r. deceiring effects if I ��@- #m� 111"lavi, y r. to, t. ealY.J!-19 mo.rning. sile -against e AM. it A' It nfor and fur. Tile collar is white satin and A4.0 1CR. up the 1,1111 eq,'n&'crr1h' bad not been Mr. -Charles Cawthorpe. ef A 8'rQ R'S' stud "t In dimming at all. X-1 111,4 volun'tarily depriv 1�1 17 tile shoulder, Is carried out ill the la A11OUT they real name I ille g tile CRY Inore than fire L, tubers,' b u t "Othil'19 it -m6re tit the I " "r-mvat a delicate niative pink and t . ho 111.� hat -It looks Out of Proportion Patrick Harrington, I was able to ittearls a-nd meallm (it diville in 13native �01tdtlre i.Aid Not ", tary franciii-e;(ju wf)ftlen ntil Iblafoore mile had a sample Imannix he 71ge M. I I lartre, mea.,4ure has twea dtA..,ptl ill tile I tilt. , ' of the rold being I;W telifather'a name, I achic. and JF'4,- will. maimer in willell Clev Ptated that fig results, and 'weye interest- tilt, ex-evuLloll 'of itm tflltuv�- ana light blue lits abli4bM4 empee- bpIng favorlu- combinations girl is -lille undeir tile influence !'-pre4�unie 'that Ile n1ay- tlierefot-e, thervi 114- a greut difft ust now. efac!t or o� "NuAllY Mmall. A modiera land treau her guests. In fact, 'ally asl the face Of a slender 14ie Pad Of INuor lie was hired b rence. 'betteeil I The Ion it re tAPO Ilia to -sized or to bet fl re t,) Illiwif the noble. legitiluate necked transpare J 11Y of U1111.1 not left tile rilion jqation tefore-i%he tie Y CaWthorpe sufficiently rewarile,l. nt "Ifleves: I ur d will, andItilat 1, 1) 4 4 fin ve r hat will Iml found Much th-ttoer, -r, tile uiwt and tho tilippery hy- I 44ueeu fr6m* -her satellel, cOntalli-, was we I er japs,: huNvevc of tile Ing al . I - era the skirt from tile A6d yet. with Lh4a Funny rolk.t� t 0 x aetu tj or Pa -out In green glace 'suit M)PIe. naw,"Y ljor4e IM -hi morning, Paid for it. The ne e n"Itirc t ng "a vA (if. worldl Cut -No. 2'mhowo a lovely gown unr. t1oum t( "ilway station to Joine fifis Wrat he..eould-say that lie 1111d r e lleC lltlollgil`190t, Ilit'll"tilig I:er le- stated, when 116. sob- beelt tile com, telcoe,,L "t" , beat] of the -long ta-ble 0 xtra el'Alling and ea4i,-lIa(j- bc*lj pvir- fied lip anti til I] k�. I . d Ilealth. A dersd with freen n dovni w1,I yl�u 9() to Mie rArtil Over , w at track' Ilia a efill8clence vold 'of Plik ll,olee , tA) the toot Of it, M) far ^m tile wa to. e thib tivening by a oRea k tiller. -She report -I he had done lie oug" 't W'18 t1lut, Of Ferdbill' Ct(id all(l luan. feen ewrloolt an(i over it pure, ]lave I",,, 1411ed, Adam, ,Or L llf*r troubles to t0ld* w.vertil -.paxtj,.,, Granoln" n,I (#rvnce towa r, 1 9 t lie n, wilo in in Ridgetown about it. Duke of Tuw.a minister van' livit II-111te e you know :Ill well as I turn notifjed the :Ate 1118. Htor ny, wilo beloti that 4perlei lave carried down either retary e- sle etie wilo is al- goes on to say t Y eYear 1670. Ile ice and tW elear. n"(1 embroldered With turqunlwn. wao a boy who began With lit) n't a thing U) wear! at -ul'tPring frr)m wi&Ym at It 111tist I have ,pp: tllb Atatifni to take vare of i"144 Induced fluently wa a frr-- Ile tile tudy of every. t�ach- capitar except lira n an(I to le"vP IfIdgetown tillol I seen by film blogra. I Just klell easem. The latter lind Ifeen Flint. Nliclllg,,, nII1l til went to i ' .1 Plier ),,c- er at, firsi long thin Fifeevom bave it bouil. IllusWie. Alger Clsra-Wouldn*& tftking ii, �watelolng a rther I 1:11K up 111(f (town 11114 roo, would lolln( Of elirfon over the s w am d without it celit, man w1jo has you like en Caine *back t Wo large tilej.11loweterm, upo idu.-PiciouA-look I jig to M'Indsor. wliere lie In between teach others to 1pe,. N() 011#1 11:18 l'Ouldera, Only tile one tout oil Wit back w hell. Wle-Well, asNuIllvil n,,Irn(b WPI't under a '. I, n th" Other of wiliell 110 Won,(, kt*.p 111. Perhap& But I Would vi. it 'nail ror oome timf., anti for ti 11 one. or a surmounted bya lacti epatil a "'e&M Y&ftt 7 Ea. ie time P reluaIntaii In Will(-,- 1 Pt Find four ad lci;t might of lljm. 1%,llfn tile 'constantly flxc,4 the buttons. marry a n)#Irl %%_IP0 coulo, atlnrd uolley at ti reeelving Ingly ple.,yet 110 man Itened by "'4el to I* atl0w(',l to do the chorew 0110 but diotn't, g called tl'41" tile apparf-ittly f" 'at-er MAPOnL rp ito) a tl()ct,()r nthr rh ilboint two *, V story wan'told to Wilie ancL od," oting (in a:varlety ioll to lie- all NO- :1 8110wo a momt charmin and "tend "'JIuOl- The doetor had no "0119 off and lj�t, ter poill t of skull 01-4 tile 111411VI(Jual referrP41 Latutr (lit 31:17"lix retu Od wantot 111j, Urn. UghtfiBt-Thi. w:11ter olue NU-41)ecL#bd tile detective lie at filt-lit t mucil oftended tion -4. rned to lildge Ps of dif- titan IA he. The dutled' eVening gown, made (it a ale IC need 01 11 "Or, tut Alger's pxrnestiv"� Oil to be rer. Jill vs of 19varilith r**4 woll I'll% fliteramt and lie too nO- ftnd i4tarted oil film traek. ft til,1 t6wn ano w.I.N agai ferent degrc be evor ro Ilot take film long tolind Ilia), -I, Iw- In(h-Co4l -to ref4imilmlbilitlib-i ri-stilig watered Olk with a natin b Ou gave ]him tliat tip. leave Ic k Ill' e town xoing till . Another -man with a cur rOCAde de- 19"0411fu tile Opportunity for tui p W r. ng traced tf,, a (,Lropputal, time, �nusa for skull 'OUR fond� it4ter of, 9.lkppi telld sign upoll it, thf` bodi-e of thi hein t*atioll- any '4111, N(All f:)r �4�4 1 le 110umP on and WcOliotock. if rp 9 'Was tile Abbe de to the to bring flint of plaiii 9 hy, lie con 4 a Co. 11 atreet. The 0 there 1! ears aftetrward, wIwlI TW.V mile, lodn't, be iL man was only a short time.. all( IT7 , I -" t - Alartill. liteasure Of tile stature very fine lace fal:illgy draped *ItIl Alger had ' * 1 (ml.v Irae 1110) I ol&CV' more I (entury n1ade hmsv more 111111dreds Or arre..4 uxt 1, and *truck, itidgetown, who) i""Utel'uth- of tllc' (d Ln a scarf stle thall the 8111wrannuated phy,,iciatl Pn _46nmel%t. cc), Inalned up to th wbere, lie re- I by 111-14 vagarIPHL erY ridiculou.4 tO tile lvork of 1qn%1pg ploulio. Je. being ()utlIlled f had (103ar", tile mlllionnire mer with ill,jirl Oln being 111,111 Kilve froir on(A pit, IHe. alwi4 the fill roTn oulder rotind the waist a few"ll the Crime e time he W118 �h Y9 woire nin(,. A content Is never without xpecta- bPailtirul trinimin!Z or Pearlp and cab,)- we i i t to HO'DO YOU think marriages art 1101b , all0l told the Officer by Ot- (,fdt 104'artiel;& his betiefaet-or. who wam' in titralts, thp- Canadian J(*-PPIJ Hall. Aftpr a t 1, (11L, to keeP,Off the eolit tore. Fril"win and relatives look with I ellor eltrerald find tol(I lon) Ile % Ili hearen ? doWt t 14HIgirlics had bpell vim-Itiors I I*_. returne4i tile last tit il r rthermore, nine Pairs Ok8t0-:%k- trimming alltol know ; but I gu, ft yours 1441141. The isateijp ne Cawthorim., Interest upoll tilo.4p wll( tilp debt. INNY that "Ill han to rape courso. or enter tile I Pearin rea p- b6 if YOU Pr'r Wt married. peopi6 wam �.ul)&-tluently rps hoaccordingr to 19,4- Illm niode of Pa"hig tile flight nKage In the game (if rade W110 saw hmJnute of, lepro-y th tory of wax more remarkablo 'r at tllp' '"ttolla (if tile bri.- tored-t tile ()Wit nix. baff learnef] thiLe N boxing. "17OU lilt%r 4111Ytiling", %fll.j itlef* of er, and tile tillff pf.11t tt) t tile ltter liad` causel to, be eontitruett4l fo He u E.very soul wilo enters the d satin ale -vs. The specitil eltarm t tile doctol-. lauw took 31an- furnace, po a of God all(I the angels, while sidep and drallill;c rouni tile corsage ,!--marck. In Jail. f rm 1,poken to partIP44 Ill r himself roe tO Rlory attraets tile at- rang*if, falling lit %ort frillm at theone I tile rich man. Flet6lr-r had come here op a v6*. getown of race co of -tills N tile way thouvit that lie WA tryin having Met fire to) tile of bricks, benPath which wa' W.ntlon tII1P lace Is ar- oWe ou a.tomin. tr ca 60h re nix t4o ItIjIgetown.all CTIPID'S PAP;D WORIC.. (I got bfin _hrrangetl tilat lie coul(I Itiell look Ulth Pagpr, wondering Pyes at t, Keven year.4 eontrailict ullo, to regulate it to tile degyee of back Ili tile m(*t octor. 'you nil ony it, for. oil 10 returned tile tit h week all. retirement to tile statements. tit prc-vjou,4. e warmt1l to HPO flow tile Chrintlan outntrilm ma nner. rwelf . " of h might require, anti Ills b 11186' difficulties and a@kp-d- "Iff rPfoftm� In the dprorcf, Egypt. Met. Loved and Marr'ie(t within Two Itteo rung oil. 16.%3tan(l. graceful 4. 11 little tfN) Oluell to demand fin y s. Tills, l4tartling r with only od � W4" Ing and running Must a -e -Ad- 40, and I want, 4, .11,81ke it riln that Vi( feting A)rY-. wrioual -at- very Fim both Wong to tlllp q Cut No. 4 shows (Ke of tile most ex_ I have cost you truut,le when he lik only ma k.-LiS SW No. the Ing, through will I, fill'orkn, expeu maole ra ct4*1% c tile abb true Christi ulsite gowilm or the season. it it, ill Alger urged. witid tile la(ly. "That'P wbat Secretary of tile Thio thorp. 1 A)y a H r/ N w- erpelt e u,,o, I to rallIng; an -standing &.4 oppogfid t4i town 1.4 RZOg tile t* 14 P11101 who at Wien lie retil"Od to re4t at rulifillix, no oppowt(i to Idle- noell to make hill, trim,n. wheo wh6 aw dyig, but P ludicrous wag the faithful iNtanding 8till. anti to un_ rep Y, film rpoignittlon, "ver tile roptiantle mar- Inle tilouglit Ile 11 night. '1*.'VPn mor nees and L11" Old. Mau, gritni Evin, with blitI." riage of William -Jrdsw a 60 -year-old wait ()f none, contrivance whic npa,% in falling back." re wam any trouble I have for- IP- war.veteran, and prett, )' J1141ge" fly him own statement -4 11 tIIP great French 7 MINN Bprtlia mathematician, Fourlpr, designed. The PWrnl reirard for the ftiltllfill gotten It. The Only expense I call re - (;()It wli() IN Just 18. Tile co(Iple met U'lien too 9o0(I a charactert tind call was the low Of & fill@ Cow. %k-llell NRIP'WkNTS ZRORICASINQ. All.-41triari ltelclls�_ for tile fJr%t time &I,%# charlFen tile crime which bfannix the prote tIon of lils health `1199est'4 to us tile Importance I YOU cunie to live with lite, Alger, I Much Stecan Or* Going grizzial veteran week. Mr. He Ineaf*d h mmel c (;O:f Puts UPOn our efforts lemIALy. and were was politt., The Ilia nil (71twthorpe, with f In i)f t x- 0 uIlli-er univer,4al n to perform wfm heaven to had the bedt Cow ill these p&rW. 1'oll Out Via on n(Iml tile Interior of The great price paid forgaill hHe Imrolo�el,mnrrIngA at r nee IM, annix committel which by #401ne Me- _. our completely ppoiletl her witil ta wers- badly (;e- ait, , Y. Joll� fluelice or 11(t'4 lip. wan under tile in -9 rhanical neaniq was kept at th only salvation convinct_% uj4 th %. i our awk- Theim Day&. I Off tile co'll,ile vent to Re i1nor. altiloug, temperatnre at It Is no wardnew. it wgm.t tllree - Tile meet- cOnfokni In n -t Witch lie felt lie tit(, p redeemed through YOU had her so skittish nobo(jy col,ld I �zt&Llon Webb, Who tled the kn,ot Tl 8111all thing to b,,) weeks tit" 1 r" ")" tilt' %eek nding oil he Inflilicatem him tile "0 Id live without wer of Christ. All tills 911oul(l. acknowtp Aelf. :11141 ern from slain t,() Place within j1wo d&yL till, t - engage tile go near tier. I had to sell her for beef.,, of thc Kaulo 1;eu. WeYler lim IIW- cOurUhfp and marriage InconveniencO celpte of glocan or* at t;b; at once, even f)y -inill. Tile divine help promised tOthe for tilat took match that (Ifttroyed the While envelope,l in till" clumsy afhdr ul to 14rive for the mn@L "There way %overt, rousiderijily he touch .Xf an - 61 certainl owe nix 114 still flangeromwly Ill cow. and there Is atiout forty e ;it Christian securem Jilin from failure, if yearn' Ilit"t due I'llnem 1pi incre"Ilig. figuroi ro tlI0 lie wam n",emmarily confille(I to one tery. Paid Alger t4w. of wiling tis I'm- The Mur(lerers of Pearl Bry&n. r"eiving blit In sTiot, blit Ile provhlp�(l means a 1, Th# number sk"ft ment at tile nds. Frell no IlIn(lr&nL.,W tGO hard for grace t0 going to Pay it.- tho woosk rsfelrred to tire. W thP handa or r)r. 3farr. '11'4 of 'ftmtllma nnd rljfumatlqm. Ott the (Jebt. I till) I t4L kviitnt-ky d"I'lltA41 F46yg: gof%l medical tre Of film head gn(I hit for thol lie will lay hold upon it. There are .11 it, Is toWn. n-nd Im expeetftl of 1116r1w 400,000 ibs.. N t. were Pre- ant e old doctor finally Yiel(Led- The 01)10 pit.0 tile 1)( -part- "i"llY Announced that Governor Brad Th to reco would have, thougi Ovc Our enemy Is weaker than n nth, 270,6W : plor ,&,, Sbar, I ,oin ted lly cow wl"ch IIAN b8m sold In Mihi- ft000 - But the FronGh brighter rtnd an since the tin* of Lewim f, Ruby Silver 30,0�x). ltp,,n Culrintances am tills higher price than 97-10 1tv.; Slocan Upy JW: n I feruble 1132111 brought & t: roel' lips refused Scott Jackmnfs appopal under much cIr- a � shining r nn,l unoffi(lal- InOnted Suicide. owwil (if Awl Xpeutive ( A De ' to eximtence, our Frirn(J. The pati, Or tile just In as a ;. I _,_ `PfI that lie has reDrie-yPri 41 detpatcll ftli. JW �c 'P. r ly Rnnoull we mumt ti. 11flit, Which groweth rlirht&_.r rintr% 6r 0 - Pi g mied 9 012 CGUM otch - "09- kther. 1, in &nd the &ad his son - An 4P d111% WA0- roe- *0 - aw- W 1W lboo, AL --.& _Wd IN. tar ame I be - bol d to 00 I not 1. ' had San? obor. ! my Arire here. I file ato M &ad &an's I %&I I the inist three Wo o cured "bed ngth wmt ino. I,ulf .1 n . ,bi 11�% 0 V r, wax perfect Ww.— stlrprbw 68 ()0() It"111i I W; dmw vs I)h mr- Alonzo VV ailing to wMe unknown i)Ate or. the wife of a highly re- ard. rPrent opinlon,—Lonf'on Rt,in,]. (18Y. Tile WnY lea& Upward all u's (;10be-Democrat. # or, - ftjM - -T �R -I,- aftpr March 20tl,. '"'alling-m attorney, I for a year, et4caped tile 001 ODO; wevingtott, 31D.-* Colonel Washington, 1,4 now con( 4k Pipectable farmer, who flax beed men- MirtitIgIl thP Journey. The conflicts M111to0water, 60, kk works have blent tally 11 Natural History Ilicrea8e in numb"r,and severity, but E4rbt(*n and one hall ha 9"111p. MOW rian iouiway that Walling vt,i,l not VIgilance of her family at th(l grace wned at. rids a old* - With Jacks0n. �4�, 41 yn until the race Is run, and conflict bOm Is said too be t1ib I.,Z' I)p AxAt"Ited led her8' nu li settler Sat enjo I 81501111tiN more and more eight of a hom 0 A Wl:l* tile Anierl last night and drowr 10 O'clock An fr] 11 blal bs Ne4x The elf In a 1183 uI)on the 8 0 ver. Thpn the crown Of glory,which wit w Z -f traim across creek running through t bank of ,is o0n. 0 he farm. Her ern creek. Suddenly. lie p a south- 'fadeti not e4t 01 tII0 11101401ppl, rivor. h Dobbins is a body wax not Spied a I Uere is In the eormt ordInary ca I of two wor& *at an wus 13 be all ip- 9(xxl talker, Isn turtle away, Is given. Earthly The so. morniqg. recovered anti) tills emerging from the erptal Istrea,1n. wOe& will be forgotten in the )pys of fered wl' rp, If It Is loot Inter - Good talker went tc) Ilia Pyerlasting rent. tit, wul, it in sa4L um lfftnd@4 .n before AML� 'Loo bee Office ones to borrow $:-)0. and Oell, lOv9 I" lie exclaimed solemnly. - Ali Aq0,,- - I SY)t away he li&d borrowed S5 The phywologists Tbat Iver I should ooms to A rmaai� ..evil-knoi 0 frOM of th * hv. fty'tbat thS riff ht tn so& ow w:!n nw6 Aot­- I IV% A vkt.."Clw fr,4n L�uidni 'brii6i- 161&fi� 1401W 10 36