Lucknow Sentinel, 1897-03-19, Page 2WPQLD "qVMQ1R0 boarders had gone out witli the ex- own: to keep at their work. If foi c4lPtIo" of 11. Judals, who w" seated other reason, plant a patelt -for 11, a tittle cell (called by courtc*y the poultry if it cannot be bougtit Li (*awling-r000m), before a. feeble lit- at liand. It will yield as ppolific THE JARLG jrllk MYSTERY, tle fire which cowered In a large, cold as any other corn. grate. The room wals iicantily fur- In the dry, warm stied provided The 1111tory of a Woman's Foalty. Iiiisheti In a very uubmtantial fauldon, tht hens to cold or rainy weat the chair* very straight In the backs, keel, both atraw and gravel. T1 sofa Just shorit enough to pro- will be no better dust bath for ti thie AGRICULTURE tfian freaft coal ashes. If a boi vent, anyone lying down comfortably, thiza is kept convenient the fowls %low"UPLMI uctavlur* Luld Illul Ulm at ollow ll:USt,_,u#%d to dispel the floor covered with lillack and Sybtem. In farming, is important rld themselves of vermiu, and perience during th Jarlclie*ter In- the - duct,4)r',,% iii,tru,"t. wljlt* diamond oil -cloth, cold wid Lay out proper fields, and have a, map find necessary adjuncts to t ,Ifttl SuPPremilied the coliiverma.ti,m No! llotlilaz unpleasant," he 1911PPOry, with a narrow strip of 4b ote each f ield to bUlt- hurriedly . " lie wa uiy Achool- MoulkNi matUllX In front of the fire. of the same; dev rations in the cinders wl&,li. they I hI',-)ger Axton, and fellow. antl I haven't seen him for If MraL Binter could have chained able erppis in succe.3mlon, with right out. �611eqi lip I,y how lie yen ru. the. fire-Ir(mim to the wall (after the wanuring, basing the cropie to the Clover hay, scalded and clioppeo. d dleicover,&i the 41* --ad nian's riame' Not a word ahout tho t1it-pting at ruost approved prison rasi,lon), dhe no tLataptatlun of tile boil ; do everything all excellent food for laying hens. )lu Wuok A C'u. Jaricliester, even to genta I Dr.. dicoubt would have bmi glad to do at the right time. making the must should lie made fine through the 1 -ii I%. for the va-utf fears which had ao; but as site had to prieserve a cer- Of experience and tile light of beience. cutter. Green foo 1 1.4 positively (if, You we, Japix." said tho ' M ng crop of sary to' health and happluess,'as hal"Ited the -4etective's inind ' werc tain appearance of freedom (for Laud which grows a btro tive. decle-iveiy. -I NaW your 'low takl3ti n terribla shape-terri- she was profoundly sorry) she clover Will. If rightly managedog,ow as pro.iuctivtnesu- Chickens cantiot 9b k -t tliem lie luoise, Al. Judas was - 'Lbt- kAl tile Pl-U4,Lription, and came ble to himself, more terrible to IIJILI Lruod corn,- wheat, or potatoe after tain it iu winter unless wice t4) tiee yoll, a.,4 %%.alit y er Axton. tipw Jaitting with the tongs In his It', W ithout quebtibil', this 1-4 the cheap- ful to supply tlicir demands. ou "1 611 not know Axton had been hand, adding little bitai of coal to t he ebt way to willatuill fertility. uLI 10 A supply of liiue Is ubmAutely n aiw iyze tl~ . eight piII14. at' Irou'll Ila said. at length. in oLIverIng. fire. :�Live labor -und money. We should sary for the liens, ikud there Is orolng to your prietamption, ic- it hi-Itating manner. M, Bluter having ascertained Luak;e the best posbible Wo of clover better way tu give this than In pot 11119 to Ur. W,lsk. ace.-raing to the 11 fertilizer. ed oyster shelli. Bones, potiuded f isLilkt. twelve p.16 vare made " Oil. v", tilc*4 vou ! lie was here t.11rougli one of the headwardena (the '4s a P for uonw time," cried cheeril.v houwe-ina.ld) that M. Judas was go- * On clay lund. espectallY the pply- ho us to have no long splinters, ne- laan, n ctiod deril Of ing to istay In all the evening, re- ing of freWi. coarse manure Is betie- aloe be used, or fine gravel which lit for h"lf of t1le twelve, bo tll"t " What -was lit -i rv-a&.ou * for staY- gairded this as wi !nfringement of ficial On account of the mechanical taills' limeutotu-. Attention to tl ght t4l le.UVO -411; I)Ut in 'Lliat box In,- down here*.", Clover also looen.- little things IN what makes pou "A On will fiad eiht. Now that is not - the -ticket -of -leave system, guid went ef feet produced. I pay In winter. Aha- Win thund--red Jaril, up to Uje cell to up the - soil by penetrating it. an TURE, rofrill-bl:r. I*el;! you saw tile reason %wak to film, when it clecays helps in tile'. Isame HORTICUL retuarkett th-! doo- I - If grape vined are expectmi tob r, graveiy reg,tr,i,,­ t1b;! P014. "isix Wvc* 1hr houme to -day. �k dark, Judas heard the rattle of thekeys mechanical way. 'X of -illy reason- a nd- na gooill as Fold." wid knew the head jailer was,com- The value of a fertilizer applied to well to a g000d old age they mus im twelve tso uut Le. ve elgh�t-a "'! a f ield of wheat may, be suff icleat to intelligently pruned and trained a "Yoti alliitle U) Mlis Varlim,4. Ing along, but without desluting from Set, Hot by Lhe rulao of any arith- Of courve. Love's 111- ke an enormous crop. and yet the first,'agid not be permitted etic I'm actiutinte witit." e4 employment lie ralowl hie crafty. Ma t a slight yield pro- bear too heavily at a tender age voliniz dream." Tommy Moore'd re- ei'm to the gaunt figure that speedily there, may be bu 6'80 there a" two extra pills." "uirk. ell ' ' 'Nothin,v. t,,Air so sweet aUsod before him. cured because of a deficiency of phow- not let the sap begin Its upward f "So I o" ' Two (extra pilim UQt makk. in lire. 'No d c m b C I have ng "Ain't you goln' out?" querledthe phorl� acid. The ferillizer needed this sprinIX -without having put ) tv I. " k & Co., 11racti,a) experrened of� It mYself. bt- gaunt figure, folding- Ito arms, that wuul(l bavc coit. no more. To imi vineyard or the arbor in proper t "Now tlLe question id,- mjd Fajlk.0, we bhould ' The structure of the bark and f rbuu--Iy, ayllig hill hand on one In,_V it bachelor; but Axton! all ! lie in, the fingeriii of each had grasped ally crop - ccongmicallY on t I jorth a . not iiout It bide of a 4Lf t1li'mi-lit- 310ore was' ri-plit. 11,11 swear. kilow inust what it needs. ie i i -e k1mtor 9 large knees, "tile qued- he � 1%�-'Onie day farmers will le&rR that It -idiffer con*lderahly. In trunslolan .in 6: Wblat do thorio lowo extra it he was-litwll,le Judith Varlins." "De fog% As too moch," responded 1,64 mean EverY wovd that dropped from the , jratinij, picking up another bit bf vital Iloint in their affairs to frout the nursery a mark bhould good doctor's Ilim seemed to t", I coal. "all' I am chez mot for a frien'-', ralse their own seed corn and take made on the botly of a tree, bo The doctor said noth:nC, tmt looked tIvit I-Idll4ms terror In the detectiVi"A I "'Oh thatle It, munseer," said the -4ucil care of'it MCA revery rain set It out prechw-ly iu the relatic, qu,ringly at, the pi-l-btjx, " if lie ex- mind. anti hp. couhl hard1v rranw, lil%- hk-ad-jalI0, rattlliig her keymi, "you're planteil will grow. This would bO It foruterly bore to the cardinal Ix) %A,W1 IL to aitssvoz. lif,xt quit4%tion Ilk) pa'r:il_vzcA tw lie h.V exp-6ctin' of a friond I Why ain't you -itritte toward better farming. Seed of tile compass. k.4, I AC 10 0 15 9 corn should no4 be exposed to,la'RIP When pruning, there is no bettc t fit- fent-ful Of " What golp! b k t It liop ? * tck in hL4 ctiair,,. I Own that I was 1111ght he." weather and -then left where ItcjLu cheaper preparation to apply to ILI 111clatemil to ma cliere, non L I am home to - agree with tile ver- he Iov'e4 stupme of- the larger limlm than ct of t4e jurors . it louked like but- al. e not burned the whito or real lead and.liwieed oil. ' Deitr. dear! Now th0i exactlY 6 f the bullding-a r de. but I had a k.iid of uneasy feel- what I aloft 'I'OU'R want tho fire, I supp(-W&", of seciirity which a gooll in- no turpentine. Let the burfacese #IZ th4-9 looms In U6 ease were tk-cep- 't knoliv�'! snIJ J11030 10 iremarked 'Mris- Binter, grudgingly. as reefing 11 y will give -will be a a littleli for paint and oil t�an't adl ve, so I 14ougli I would a tone, tit" and ohe If Nile woould like to take It away urance po c I-ke 'to doemn't. I waA afral,I Ow loved Mr. witil I her, "an' the lainp. I was g(iiti' good deal more than the c(t_;ts or that to -a wet surface, but vill lievi of . low . the "Lme- 01 t'lle )w1n, it' camp I-o,.i know. �-Wii)lllen ti) put '(%in both out, but If you nmt, ecurity. If buirned.-tlier.e Is nt hqnd' let the map blister beneati, t ero wets tuiy- jnre rUttfle-4- elt-ye* wor.-e titan tho YOU Mist. Would your fritmid liko sh deposit with Ivillell Many w Ito ha ve go(A ore I i a. I Is su lilig III hij paAt 11"e lilily to le"d him % a gratifing ca slillilix. .4he W.IA with him supper to begin rebujiding. By all meani in- losp by allowing a few trecs )f wo twrote film letters. nad all "Je no pas," said 1. Judas, put, -ure. le -w fruit to remai I bzive told you, atild I a.ou itiacuv- that'.RoIrt-of t1iing. but It m1ght have thig dowil the tongt4 and shrugging Where -it con be (lone, it Is almot There Is a yearly resol�e to clu *oi LUAL ther art! two extra pilLs :it twen ritentutWi. r don't hintlermtanol life glimilders. "Nol Ido no so tink." alw'kY'4 the (!-nc;e that an indirect the tops next spripg by grafting, i,at box,-whleh have L*oti added af- mhI a th'p %flien the time (owes arouird the I -r It letit the luuitw I f Woak & Co.- "Suppoer'a extra, you know," ob- nietilml of: Feiltng : the cropi vu ui Kier* tauid Tlili,# ooerved Mrs. BUtter, determlned to better one. A drore of 110g4l fattPried lution Iii; forgotten, anl the tree ealrive t I Y. ww-med too nitich for bftv0 crut of the m1pipor WlLftt 1111A� oil . cheap, corn or wheat will 11sunIlY mains. w. th,kiio pills call not lla%,o he rq1t to ert OlitAde even waA losing -lit the lamp anti fire;-"I-ut bring a double price for that grain. FrOAt can be retained In thegr 111to tll#--' -flux and ralli Irk order to re Ii a I^etter way by mulching the fruit trees In e by Xelstaite. a,- h-, lid no rq It- 19.�aln't hoopital to let a frfiand go If digrourstge 1. Use m to do su. Twebve ViAs are' cliouglit bo cv)f . iru.-eed away wittwut.'a bite. It may be than to Re*l'tltp farm : rAther viell lialf spring, and tias ' to a ravorite pra. what th- had heartl 'rl"t lie w -"A Fretich nianners," added the jailer the land an.i make oatli to yourFelf to among orchardiNto of exiierleucc -)r & mail even wAk nervit.-o. 6o wily afrnll to open 111.4 lipq. I(*t soine-1 it our bfwt eVorta in culti ' t- retarth. a too early flow of sap, b_,uIJ lie mae t4a.),o tw#-Ive into wftt. twathilig tr�xly. "but It Isn't Eng put fort words detrimental to ' h6 old school- 1 ing the other half In a more Intenaire. a too premature display of the I emeniv thein. WIL-411V for OR 'and. KfI V*Ah. w;.y, Indeed !' ital:d Japix, . onsietir Judan up -read out hig Itandie This wi:1 he better - I the orc Iv-frd. insects In their Pon- the doctor lov. tQ0 iland. lie with a deprecating Jesiture, murmured tietter for the crop% and better for the ter (Inarters. The leaf roller eggs eruwiy. YL,Ur t1wory ?" - . . . 14 P.Luply th s: YLu bay Melstitilie niatie fiiirrt�d 1)rotLlI_e to NPO lit"' isomething Indistinct, alit] then re- man- W found on the south side of u bc.. LAI) . u�A t4ral y - he titut fia%e on the niorroir.' lnlk*xl Into silence, much to the d1w Willie tyll,;i 1-a the era of Invention. It trew, under little patches' along iirwty k*li.:.ve ** M)AMI the phy- I al-ipi)Intment of Mm Dinzer. A,4 but the bekinning of better thill9a. trunks and liml*, an I may readil I itppp�wtt outol'.16 : _ 114 not far,di-4tant when the #Aat the two extra l.0 9 cuiAtain put- t. "There'm two legs of a fowl,- sal,l The day 'e4royed by the millions by rub nul-t 4,Xl*Vt th.-It 110XV. Ell! fill! maciiine for cuttinir rodler and ea*r off tlie,;;e patches. morib-i, of t, o ! I I. -t , ' -enil -i the lady, rattling her key%. "Dinter -orit and putting It Into ally corlditioll Noi i,r sintit" anti No- k, they in t,.0 Lux tc--ir-4—ri-Incipaliv ters. wals g(All, to 1111me 'em for lits I)reak- the farmer may desire will go. from ilk. Choose and Butter. pr re p t, t i u u, i y L �y 4.): it, u I " eik in hw. fali'"'Pt to-nitirro raKt; ilut I can trim 'em up ArIth. farm to rftrm just a The earliest inenCon of butter Utur.Al ent, u,6 U. it threshing ii1A- HeraxIotus. ut I! I ley, If you like. im' eltines now do. F.Inks. ha- an' thheetie all' a hottle of that sour Auitr.ilia ha -i at present over 9, GOWNI-bye - 1�4-elj youll feet d". . Warm The fittest wil ikurvlve. There ate *re,*-1%-vIy. ioewt,tig fIr%V';ArJ, *'tuuk i)iw _1`11(1 :)1lI*,(-41(0 reiii-e. slainAlse door villeicur you call Jullit. it'll be quite iome farinerm whd must get off their 000 cattle. 41, tbtAe t1l.ra tto Iiiii nn a liftle 'oliday for you." 'arms 'Fliey are none the w4er or bet- The hoiluefort chreme In made o �*auu cu,.&,iu. I*Abre guh-g, to .1*4.. Anil .?-it Is hLk . little Jilitit at this monlont the bell rang. I Lpr - liecau-ie of the Inventionm and miik of goats or sheep. alLe 1116twellit of uV41.1ii; all S%1111, a -Fitt 31m Binter, hastening to the Thp ca.te of the AuAro-Huriga Ill-.4''filyn sloyor, 1�e- ruetilod.4 of a proslwroitu age. They front door, admitted Mr. Fanlim, to4,k emp.re C Ar In. la 16he Mor Ilig Xeutaw La. I- voice Could still aving delivered tielther lieed, rea�l nor hustle. Thlmtles number 8,580,0 0. Aui I d".1. aliti- Lbrt- L -i not v-%',v&we to him In charge, and It A stall -fed cow will ionsume a kl-taiiL tillifliler. ?ind agrica tursil Journals do not flour- Ilow lie CAIUW toy ills fit till. If tfie raln. In theLdark- lilin aver to tlw safe custody of M init Upon tile.s.-tine @oil. four tons -of bay per"itaitum. 11wo" 1':ittk-; Judas, retired with a final rattle of Before the fro..4t Is all gone get the The Arabs use camel*u mIlk a ulwer%e,­ ouitir Fanks, _ eml.h-i- I th at her fall- 11 substitute for that of the cow. it p0l -41 out 111A manure out whiere it wi dothe moot lxiiig hi- reuuirk.-,%A1i hi., furt.i. ser, ure wLth the bulxppr Idea. good, ant) away front where-ItIlwill�-do- lt'.its *aid that a g0lon of f0i 0@-044ArVt- bVW *�Iitl;tkilg illUbAiOlt. Uter- hOctarium%. who lookcm- rather pale, great thing for the requ.red to' maka a pouod (;f che� llrandmu-I,i ?-hiprt lianfl-he litirm. It will be 0 ac, a Pill 1104- if. UuF*q1i%-i11e Wil- hut witir *a atern expreftion on h44 ,ir iii., wit:i Ax-. , r a,. . fields anti will clear up the barn yart stat*stical autharity ri"erti ss,ain tiAvtow; In uht-r wt,rtia, ot"rvfe ton. e, lslipped ort, ilia fur coat, and liny- The Gmer and Iiiii -team will Mlen in, .18su there were '21,532 aS %T &lie &jillety W Ole luunk-mr to fni; surveyed Judan with a calculating 6 toriew fit noth.-r ni"In't-zit I!e bad re-4tor- -in bietter idiape-for beginiting the reg - The fomll remains of oxen have 1% ftioure L1w tsleawi u4 %ittitu has teal , tf) Itia exprebsion, Kat (town t)y the fiction ell th fl)rme'r plac*- ond ular *orli on the fariii for the year, A, 41111 -Ser of his owo ;Lwostry. It . of a fire, the Frenctiman taking a found In Etir,�pe. Asia and Amerl frwii JI:U4 tliflm came s low cr:v ooGez c1lie- I &I u e to &.iie niur,l. rer-had mea t opposite. STOCK. It Is estimated that In the put in vim p it, uwkitq; - tb-rteen- It I th, %vait, for you." sald NI. Juda.80 emp're theie- are 7.LO).00J mllch c " ii -Off Sometimes all nnovation it; not ap- r4f blell Wilulli a Itcky 1114M. COnW tO tfV14 14MOOthing one lean hand with the . �w I . 11" - Ali y6ung for a 1;erio preciaLlow- Lillith after i�o'newiiebw ar p1mer ftir our u 4 otlwr. and letting lili 0,yelikis droop -worn Ulf. i,llis is especilly true one to thilee ye, *whisist 41,nt sal ic t 41111 �9.,Ul.j h.&Ve L;ikeli it, anti a6JU6 IkLTI. over his crafty eyes. well upor. milk. N OT I..*- 10, 1�. of tile �slia.) ILI III, land 61 turn fiel,io- to. %4 -It - in toly 11u. Lfiww C"lil . b,l%e I"11 -dwii­ It 1.4 too terrible c, )eak repetl Fankq, In hLe agreeing that the btalk Is worth Ir-- 1687 ulliall estimated the I L id-cli her of cattle in the tuited State AT I Y. h. iwevr, ror tht that I. I nguage -. ".we'll it title rsta it(] each tu per %.eut.-of the vaii4e of t1je corn th.r.w.ii4d. be. ajr.jilti ut,w worphia 1,111 -ve lie d1,11 lie to me, other Iwtter if you do." 4 9.200.". - (111pay is4ft e.1tcLively i Lh wi,rk, puto -He I I nAf been certainly, my frienil," - #;aid plailt, it. uel,6(jves to- know the best The duiry cows.(Z the State of r,p,r L -% - ju. 4r h it I)II s 1�4*ill L, 8e6.I&ti.An k`mAv tile lialile Jivas. rapidly, "it Ls easier for me. wai to bave it and feed it. ', Yprk average 330 pounds of cheem 4e6tiatle, ILI ixwftct ijakw, tice, Like, wzls lie Ybu slwak'Yrench very we'll; eh, yes, %Nitb lerti.iLy wil.ch washes away annulb. .1 taw #AAA,& .jtv. a Ue uitt, r piii-dauluill mptly it barn yard, and that Devoirsh're Lutter-eontains 82.7 titere at, Vie winie time, very we:l. monsieur." wilich is wablied into tile fieltim and 'Ji- 06-00, WJ L*4Lr duktuir-6 une U1, the Fanks acknowledged thN compli- cent. fat, 16.2 water and 3.1 per thaa.b% I., in tlje- *ame house as 11elotane? bruoks every iteasb1l, it 6. kmail won- tliat lmjjL, LUI I I Want YOU to ment with a stiff nod, and plunged at of.`40tber,rub*tanceh. recte He must have known th; der tliat outue lariners Cannot make I. Aiyl* Lbe wlii,ie , ight IA16 in order once Into. the object of his visit. The Uutter corpuntles In milk led , 111ki LIWL dieci.41 man who died was Mellitane uoth, ends mWt- 'ille CU11WO is buruj.ug froni.1-12-10013th ta 1-300) of an lie s'ept In the next r(m)m oil the "Now. 11omsleur Guinaud, about at both euU in diameter. AIXJ *UtJPMAr 1 11-014 t find It The your frienil, MeisUutet' M of econom-Y to oof ilie inurder It I.,# the I.oirest kin The earliest exi-ort,; of cheese lis LA&& cie my theury falls to tile 31--h4tant0t; room wam ajar in Elk : a moment. if you please," ever tini. uu aui.mAr III IU fuW; b,t in the United ttes were. it is the woriiing Could Roger I'lilqw,41 Jud". fit his low, Fort voice, geniert.ous leediug there is Lie great made about 18.2. Juld, Saoar6tUtH Ue6tan"'a. holding up his hand. " Before- we, L have gont- hito the room LuLuger Of W"te lr.-)iu feeding thut In hridia butter waii; for 119t4i -edth WilA rtm.wi �i njy.4teTy to all no. I can't I.cAeve it mix-ak o)f the poor Melstane let us no- w ul.; i , t i e', ak n mai doe -P not neW. I iWl- solely as an o*.ntwunt for allaying 1*h1LAw,. but, &.j oure .1.1m I rit, h* -rt-, I)uctA)r ii:erstan(l each other, tnoilmleur. That vidual re ju,re itlative. proiturth�nj* . Of . ntptj&;jlx. yuu w.1, ri '#, a i'.eut.ly morphia lie w0u:d fint eowmit a crime . . . Is but right. my friend." - r we 6 pain of wolinol& d4itruut ru ds, nd tile neare can ilk, like flesh. fish nnd egirs. ajri*)lj, & Anil yet he, had morlibia pi'lo 10 ll' -q "Yc-i. It Is but rigl.it; what doyou Q10149 tualc �Coluu t,() ku just W4.at prul-ortion iii thelijILS." IM-480igioll What prevented want to know?" 'Uu pur- tain-4 all the cowtitueut elen Yunr theory," - rema ked Japix, film from getting two pill..4 made ex. M. Julian �:iiced his elbows on 1114 bL*t tile iess will we leed to nece.asary to support 1.fe. lClIlaw,lY, "ks reui4rkabiy ingeiiijus, au'l tra str0ing . . . gotlix Intl -knee.4. warined his claw-like hwl?" jAx- e es 1 Oull t 6.1y it I& . I'P* over %he fire. and looked cunningly COMPARATIVE BRAIN WEIGH tw Nit-Istatie's room at night, un4l PI, %ery rare:y, in Vie ortherill Stat W i t,.- will analyze 1111C tlipni In tlie-box' Hi,4 mo`-� t is a barn Iuund tiiat will keep th; but MaY be correct. ho detective before ilteakIng. ca, ttle prope r I y IV a r med. Usually Intellectual Man Has Not the Kea thene V1;hb'&nd let you kuu%y vie re- tive- for doing stieli a tiling? . "Your naine. monsleur?" the wintib wilistle right througil suAL 6wwurruw. If I ilad here", mititt . Dr. Japix supvIlps even that . "Rixton." 13Y Any Me&ns. ijA.� lag onv nia.-Ablve haik-I -lie saw -in Melstatie it pos ' sible ri- Is very well -that name, &item, us.i lieaij 'Lilways due -i &tLe Such distlngul.slicA anatom'sts a wur- val an -it wanteill Dim ot of the way m�inure r6eze Letaud tite "ttle. Titey 7131 the j.lil-uux. - if I find'htre* #;Ieur Flanks." replied Judas, with a '%))IiA PAsl At Will esUbliami Ytkur thtory, Biit what am I writing ? I e"L fireedi.y. J46L to kee,j -wurin, but, Bischoff bave claimed that man mocking smile. 6% 1% exl*n3ive tililag ClUb lie can not be guilty of tl,Lg #4You know my real name, I see," re- tuu,:h more be the Intellectual superior of wo tr to * ""'d them wng aud like) Ll;-i.AL it �v,ll a,!;taIJAll my theorY terril):e erfine Yet everythin., Joined 0�ctavlus. without moving a comicirtable quartera lxcaus:! his Lrahi is a t%vel.tli Tin evvry scu-iie." ratort-d Fag". Ill- PoIntA to it )its presence fit- niusc:e, of nts lace. -- i compitment, you Wlien ti)e iarnter has il!f. proluat ninth h!avier. Proft-asor Dark far'clip%ter hi prwsesslon Of on your penetratio6.1. of tile curn field iu his -,% huld-,t )k lita larwe licad flt)%v- orphla U4 IGIVIsnot moich." suit] the French. g u pa n, vitch. a brilAlant young Russian Rail Dr. Jul It 6h04 Lije iirurii ul leythu i tile A :Y. and ded�vru,l oracurarly. 1, munt flrx] out thp truth inan. with a deprecatory, s irug. i1jillLi, as it were. iC certainly beeida 'dent of the subject, lim Dow f t I can't believe lie woulli act th �Q I I 11 - " A sletir V( -*k lie read to nifttlie Lililt, tile dpailviin, all Jol,rr ILet us not." ]kid said, lookilig a . IwL . ages d act Clar , unA from unileir hLi bIl,gKY eYt�- and yet palwrm of Jarlcesterre. an -i I filA 011P alile le;itureb of tile fut-der felug Ml riiastmw for protesting agt 'htn' . 111wLivalualon. That mail. tho I )-rowvi. let um wit j;illlp to conclit- "Mem.-To wrltp tn xtons Lon. Monsieur Fank8, agent or the police. q4e.,tiun oil a large itc.tle are by tile By- I tits, luay find it itiorphia Pill. olon 4ddr~ n t onee." to be presfnt. He ha the livis which 1,11g) 111W(.Ibt Wlioily overcome. vicst brail4kiLimal.-has Ddt the the 1,13 iny poor friend had for the 1011-A. A. I't aimig a a�ow ill C.O.,e 'Juarters not of brain weigl[Wwu by this land straiiger coines to mo anil i4hown the UnIX Leutat to disca e, b,it t m.Lke her dog, to; sheep. 120* Cut, 2-4 gra Xfowsleur -Juda'a Lj Cgilifidetial. -1 ilia. 4GO; oz. rOJ; [;ores- P,Y PomLAY' salf.1 Japit, FAT110 I)OX. nad I say: 'Monxieur %-It.uum, und, at tiie sama tilue,'tu IU - A iliort distance 'ruin the mansion Fanklit.1 Is that not '140 veea..,o' tile coit of lier keeping. Tito 1.300; Whale e. eilephha. 6M That al;s�l brain weigi -407110 lrjbftLly deadly." rt-k�lned � octa- 4,f Dr. Japix. on ti -e -rad which rau "We'll. you've re441 the papers," oil,- urcintra is �un excelent llace--sur ljqor,. dnris%lix, stubtornly. from lr6nfields to Lite dweltii.gs of serived Fanks.'s.o*ly, "atid knoxv all eopeciaii a it i III bearing unJ- 14 not, a measure oi it 1. igeuee Is Iii " If dentay." Contliatted t&V d(K:Wr. -the' magnates of tile Cit. stoW a tho circunistancem of 3-()ur ftlelld's wej,bei,-ded to cluver .Have storm thvr altowu, mcreov r. by the that inniq well oi ex rartilitary seal quk4l. " I grunt )otir theroy Is a iurgo. billuare wwie house If, a death." uitIrtersi fur lier, of cuuree- . e papers isa dut nt Met- dreary piece of --round. Tire house Th y lie gave himself -In ioearly all cames Vie veebnd rind llity--oucii an Lic-big-huye had L r 14 below the average In- %%-eight. 714t"W_ niet W ideatli fit tile liall"hoi of iL-e.f was also r,liiarkablydreary.be- the* death. monsieur." third litters of Pigs- a sJ%v . farrow T�%* tfta� the bralit Oi in he per. -,on who put Lit two,extra imr.paiute(I it di A gray. with all the what do you Ptay?" 6 a the firtv* liuld it (AW - . %rindow14 allot docits tilsillally Picked out I flo n(it know, repiled 'M. n will be Letter tha. I not even rela R eil lan coug h t hamillivs. [low -uv i,.i tiurlicieutly, vi'luAble to IM kel't 01 all other aniniala. thi�14M e 6 brolkevvr." said Jalsi. raisin;; bi-; voice. iii b:aek. Two o4torlew It walis. witly dw.. Pbrugging film shou'ders, and open- un a and tviiii il-w (4 brain weight ti) body lan4 It evitablisheb nothing. elatiane five windows fit the top iitory faciiii; Ing his eyem to thelr fulleoit extent years tu a gsO-I Uklv L Ce, in glven: Tortoc6e, 1-2,240; ox, I slee;jl tho *roaAi, four windows. and a door (the gul'.elem look). What Is �lje Ue of mucti uiure wurtu than a yuuug e4phant. I-5LO; liaIKJOH, 1-1- 0; hL4 nerve* wer-- all wronsz- I with A porch fit thtq lower. and still, opliflon of nionsUmir?" cae-o. I -9J; wati. 1.,0; Nparrow obouki daY It was very probUle lie 14�4�ljer duwii the batetuelit.8 I guarded at r. Fank.4 thought a m9ment or Two %v(ekm I-revIous to 'farrow.129 114 ClillUl)al12Ce. 1-20. The greater ,Iegi d114- an taken niorli-Iii.I. pilli-pur- tho sit:es-of the lum.se by spiky Iron two liefore r6plying. Ue waiitod, to Ouu enot,gil to I ut Vie sow ut;ull mot her di convolutions M thesuria. at clLimed from. perlx;W-q; a Lon4jon chem- ra. itful appear- rit.ki ont all about Mel-itatie's fuuiti a.mijr-t excluldilvely, und 61dier a niatt's. braiii as cA;mi)ar%i witii V gCt a &4J4AI. nightaw ance. The Cartleii fit front had it life, and no one eou 11 . him mo mileli titan till.. coris call "ley be innate Lite i 2� of woman dow not, 86taill.'kill 8 J. loroad wlk runtihig down to a ruty as the fe:low'-locre olethe deadinan. osiei diet. TO make the pig* gru%v lor.ty. for the marvelousiy III aia "itit WI)v two 'mortAilL Oh- Iron gate, on eLther v.11e a plot of Judas. however. W;a no ordinary witlijut-ceas.n- tile mother 0.14111d be o-io Iiienver lias a surimith Lral". paii jected ratook greeii gra.-s. and In the centre aw 1. wou;d - not speak freely unles*t1te ied a ratil.n wlg�lj will cat -,e [ter to tlie comparatively unin tell ilp-11 t the lota doC t Aell lnorphizL I)iilV Its twoo4o" of each claureli-yard looklug plot - a kne the who'e circumstances of i.i- (utwn eveii wiitr site !A ou"lmat* a gmat. wealtb. o. CANiVO u Your not' U-ith- La.l. siolei4n -Tht: four IoWpr case. Now. Fanks (fill not trust . -Tti- 111to. )u..L11kI 1.4411 14. 1-4 a pro- It the we giit of the frontal' ob, %Waont -Anue nwrilt-*' apix. npprov- wintlows, opeited -like doors d1rectij- oil -tins III any way. He did not like ld-� ,tueer,uf tlie'very best (luilhLy. :Llkd%AL a glufleanw. am winie seileatists f0te Ingly. Still two 111114 lility tfb the but wert silwayu alilienraiiee. nor him; niamier. iior twauty to 4"_)k I at.; . bred, f0 and im- thouglit. then witanen liak tiie a 119 09 Itare 1wen the imiance or aw4h tr Imm. w4 rs. IA I imer (11ro)prletre*4 of anything about ' him. all(] wou:il proved for ge-teraLions, tie sLands. to - to U ISFWI f,1164*41 If% tIJJ4.01l'� WJI p fAJ 11111VIn te kh'-,4 charinhig e.-stablIslimetit) thought have preferral him to rpmahi lit Ig- daY "lilloit W pel,riect hug, and tite tage, hers being thd heavier. . . . I, ro 4 a ior Uarlichevitch's al the trotibf-i of tw'o lmlx"-.** egress loy tlw funerai firour, door w.ug' itoranco of his (Failks') saullitiollm. 11,11t iwer of any amin c " 4,�Oftl tie, crita 1111y. t ut . siot proh- quitp sAtifficient. na lie could nt)t fliod oulk what I)#, it CU!J1e!S to feed iijU) itteat. lead hitu to the reta.trable new A gvt u guod bt.;4rt,, buy a thur- tio 0( the welgi able the bralit to �hat of the sJuai Ing I Xo. no. my f1ii-ar ofxtor. yo -1 Over the.porch was a broad vrtilte wanted to keto-w without te'ling Jiv- U it; jias ' 6eeii bred. no -tit 1xiarol, wliprooti wam twilcribeol fit grim. dam hin ani4picions. and as lie ct,11,11 uughi)red' %%-It,%: , op"ll not %rT to ulywt jity t 1wory. row is the true Indicator oi int entir til, roit analyze thn-w 4lack letter'Pl. 11ititer's 13,nirdhig- not Wil, Jiidap his uUMACIoll-A without Matter if site coiti you, tho price of tua ittipacity. and tht* tal):e of Tbf .*' I ithall do 0-1 to -lit Ilit, 'tFki to-, allot itithoug"li tile slrl,t Lhe -letting him knovro more Alinn lie car"I &%%to or tlLrea,.scrubv;- sho will maAe rattin is sLen to cuirrespond , P yott more money tlian � flat( a dozen 110" morrew ou wil I - 11.1 1141110e evisiliall to to, Octavium was rather In a di- 111gly to our l(Ims of the relatl High bred sop p,sipptse yuii iil fn"L 'Ive Ifi-I tane -ciorf; timlol wortWo. Binter,84 wlm gell. ternma. tort. 9 -of tlw poorer., 1,fle allu uetLer le,;u- teiligence of. the animals ment nny monillia pilli !" wild Fail!"- A* era.ly well "tockpo ml %he lbroprie- Gulitainil anw thb and put nii end to are. Ituruir, P"u Tortilla .. I ; *,ck, 1.5 ; piget)[1, Im. uro--e to take 1114 lelilve. trfw 411ir fairq 'ire I hi tier luarticiflar this lit*4itation in a mciot emphatic ire tilit ep, 2.5 ; 04, 2.5 ; horde. Thl I. erti. -and, wic, cow food and, a up til So Ain't 1M.111 vf. iii niorphla -iiip or (irp.-rcliargIng nd n npr retArn a wou�erftsl 'profit. 3 ; cat. 3 ; dog.' 5 . seal. 5. mol.e tary rplI6 for *Ic,*pla4m cx-ept in ex- -A ta:l. 1c;iimt. griirf perstin %*am rs. "e, dc" not* truirt me." VAJIM lietigeiiog. 7: wliale (estimated rnewdl tre"10114 1 griternliv give chlor-li- flinti-ir. nPravii"I hi a kaeverob'-Tookiiig lie . s4ald. with an hibiretl air. "-Mon- Hay*bUlku and- grain should be II dLI W . fit~ gray color (like thp sietir' vroblil know all aliol tell noth- tra . neforit chimpanzee (estlm;lted), 15; ele Air. Jackw-m Spolger to- of a 'I led- into inear, and milk. All- (istiniated). 18; mail, 49. Takin and pieked out hi blask, falso Ing. Bot no. certainly int will not imals 'or flesh. are transported with figurc* of 131selicif. the ratio in Oh. the Ancl,nt 1I.irinpr." sai-I IMP the homme) h.v wearing ff iky Ile pleasing to me. great�r ease Vain they, and Clio dairy Figure to your. tA) bo 49.4 in man nd '49.3 In Octa -w 114. ca r, I Does lie - suf rll)lw)vi r(,mid her throat. ;I jet-trininied itelf. monsieur. I am a Frenclinian. produe.U. are a, still greater cotiden- man. rer front itk!epbenpnem T' ' Iratize cap oil ber troti-gray hair. Mid ine, I am n man of lionor. In It wit sation, Wht *farm Products. to 4ell y(%4 . (m criomit or Id4 hpproach- riwty lilaek illittenx on her lenti haii0m. mcj? Monvieur known aft of the enae; 1s u.. very importitnt question, and Happy tho Tnan who early IPC mirtrriagp. I prii-nnie." he also wfire round her narrow walst Itilt I may knoW 'Pornetloing' the PtudY of plant food in the. vari- the inimeasuralile distance bf, 11afton A-thito lwlt of black leather. attached '.Of good AlsO. If monslen'r mhows mfb outi pruduetb lit. claWlitial. his and his powers.-Goe to W*1001' 1)�V a l4t0el C11.1111 teep dairy was a his heart. the heart of Out- -The small fariner should "By tiog oh"erved Fankm. largo Imacli (it keys, willef, so jiligis-1 naud Is open to film. . There It In." all(] let the raWng of i4teere for Was she 'lot 4-139,19NI tO AMel- wheii lip walked tLtat in the twi. (To be continued.) beef alone. Mixing them III a, too ex - ata ne ?" light mio c6uld ea.Aly lielleve that pensive work.' if lie feeds what lie No. not engriged. exactiv." r*' Hhjter�s wns hatinte4l fly a gaunt Religion of Reason. raiwes to good, CQws lie will get good. VII -A Jnpl3t. thouleitfultv;,"but site iclioot caii6ing Its rusty chain through pay for it, and for Iris labor. III tit is was In love with him. Strringo how Lite dreary 'listpoutges. To love Justice, to long for the right, lie lias the advantage over the large ftle Me women adore mcampoL But It"i a Mrs. Uhiter's Igapa (!ong since deceall- to loe mercy, to pity the ouffe r I n g, furmpr, but lie is at a. heavy disad- long story. my (k-,ar l(liton. Tuo-mor- ed) linol been a wurder III the county to amsint he weak, to forget wrong -d vaiitage as, a beef maker- r"IT 111,:ht. wlien wp 1,A)tli dinp. erf)AN e rair ttitighter hv. No two cow* have the same appe- tit - %v . ;dti L, and 1,ile wine, I'll tell 1111C beell brought up with an hiti. and remember benefito, to love the tite, nor the game'capacity for con- and to tio." vie tnie 41.11,1rie. 11a. lia! vo-i I trikth, io be mincere, to utter honest ting food into milk, and It, there- Wome a%-. I*M a twiet. ell "', Mato kilowiedice of prlson lif. hall w) ',words, to love liberty, to wage relent- ver Yee. awl a also. Tlkr! accuAtonlial herself til, view the worl I lem war again;t slavery in all It" fore, follows that a great deal of " I iudg1lielit ilould be exercised III feed- We call them hitle men sqw4md line In Tiont through the bars of a JILil, till t site I rormj4, to love wife and child and fiat] liecome quite Imbued wI&ll the Tile physiological want -4 of a littIt women, but they Really. Mr. ribCki-T-DI-kf.-n4, you friend, to make a 11appy home, U) love 1'19- ot***rvo-.Tou*m, nx jklmri) fter rh:yine routine. Lhe Lrjulttloiw. and thespirit the beautiful In art, lit nature, to cut- cow are always changing, varying ncither. They have id"s rLs nr%er a witli 3-otir ctivo Of & first-elwoo penitentiary. It tivate the mind, to cultivate courage "Ot only with her general condition, brain. I wonder you uou't 4uffer fru,n might have been licretiltary, it migilt and cheerfu nem, to make others but with the weather and other cir- ways all their own. Fot havo been 'Iiabttual. but Mrs. Biiiter liappy, to fi,'I life with the aptenor cunistances' nately they soon bcome f I %v Ibc-n I do 111 i!onie to ou for wala certainly very Jail-11-ke ill all hr of genernwo actm, the warmth Of Iov- odern advancement call be seen lit Of cod- iver oil, when it nVIII34. 11-lugh- ways. Having captured Mr. Binter ing wor(In, to (11 card error, to d,,stroy tile ptatement that It Is IKm-ibic by Will Oct. it separators to take en to them in the form fit-: " not the sort fir that box, I (who land jio mind of hb# own). site pro -judice, to receive new truths With tlltb IV maile lilm niarry her. and lor the re4lat gladn"-�, to cultivate hope, to mee ter fat away from the milk ICOTTtS EMUU10N. don't wnnt to 4110 Yet." of his life relegated lifin to the lNi". calm heyond the sto ) completely that there Is a Iowa not is the most valuable remed s- I don't hPlIve In morphin rm, the dawn 184 talent. wherr 11P did all the work of a beyond the night, to do the best that to exceed tlt*e one-tentit of one per A-61DT to 0cf*0mP1llv "txxltim" without the wages of one. can be done anti then be fesigned- cent.; but there Ili a difference In tho existen'-we for aff the wast llt4 KI"t to the door. "I never ,IN Ivir" lookic forwocrille thelf). Oh. Y04. by %he way, a I after the boarders. tills-Im the religion of reason, the creed machinei of the same make as well diseases of early life. whom site treated like pr6oners, pro- of science. This eatifles the brain am between tito..4e of a different mako. d11 prwacrihe voine f -r Mr. Axt(A." x1ding at her ovAi table, where the of the dairy rooiu poorly nourishc4 scroful octawlive. who waA 90ax out of the an(] the bpart.-Col. Robert G. Inger- Tlit- temperature d(x)r. turiwd auol&nl:v round with a fOOd was very plain and very hole- soll, at Rocheter, N. Y. allOuld be 60 degrdes whell milk is met Cb i1d; the thinii, weak, f rett some, seeing that they were fit bell fit open pana, but in bummer tirne tim child; the youn child v cry of 114)rror. in their little cellm at a proper hour, Had Lots of Practice. thermomet4cro fit our iluiry houseo itre "'Roger AKUM I" alml altogether conducting tile estab- ofteit away above this; the milk sour. -s does not trow t., aff talm Sa " TW; do YOU know blin ? WhY. IL-liment in an near a manner ap, Spil.-ticer-There is a. girl -tliat en -n before thecieatn' rises, and inuch but- Emulsion without form r,wxl grilejoil.q. %rh1t1.4 thp nvitter?" prouAlillig the paternal 1qyetetu ad put oil the gloves with anybody. ter In lost ; neither IP4 the butter first, For oetavius Fanks- u*mMing In -late wax Ole. Fergu8on-You surprise me! She class. 1;mpeclally in southern thinates bribe.. It sums as if they ki every itinh., had*i6unk into a chair nwir Bintoar's was uisually full. an Mrs. loo�)ks quite delicate. Is the separator satibfuctory anti that this awaLnt nourisrn t he door. E--- alwaym advertised It an heing Stw-bricer-She %vorks at, the glove necessary. and growth for bow mis Are You III Are- you III ?*' ronreA In the cotititry. and the worked -to- countiom at 13tacy's. POULTRY. the doet-ir. anxityusI.T. "Here, let death clerks of lronflelds irpre glad Kaffir corn in gocrJ for little chicks and nervm D*, get, !'oil NIme Iwandy." A Matter of Contrast. Id Fank& rmOvering to get a Lreath of fre"n air, ev*m as well a,4 for olier fowls. The grain Book tellM cum about f4 frc& NO. 11- 111a wheit attended fly the Inconvenience Emtelle-M.Trtilla boastq that �-he will is smaller than whent, and the brood hinvelf wIlth fl, Ervat effort. thillong I of living in a private jail. But In the be a bridesmaid a dozen tinies tills will bagin to eat It before they tire a It won't pay to try a subifitut hiq fnc@ wax an pale am death. ,,, Vm evenhig all the primon boarders gen- Peawn. fweek old, and will grow like magic. Scott's EraWalon with the right. I - I unrA to k now JR(WPr erall Marle-Yes; yon see almost any girl FAt what they W They wM relish the rW thing. nn(i %he Marne xUrtled me. 99 y went out on a klml of ticket 1, they will nutbe- For " at 50t. wlid $1.4 bi 6- mant S�Woclitlonqv" XrOwled ()f -leave (the underxtanding I*Ing wIII appear pretty with Myrtll'a by COM- crop bntind, for the Kaffir corn hmm Igo In rXe head If, it i that tlwY were to he In before mid- lier side. doat not itwell. *Uggi" 111glit), ad Mr". Biliter I iad the For laying henq 1%-nf valuable. SCOTT & SOWN 1, sawmili, 021- "I hope not -dears IrlinIA nr lk-v TWIVINCP Inil to be something very V its. a i _T1P,..QAP&PI in JARL 7ex croek running through th "10WAS n uX0 UP banks the cro bee Dobbins Is a south- fade' vv" of glory, whi(. �r IS given. bod, a farm. ITTer Orn eftek. Buddenly lie esPied a th not away, 90011 t4ilker, Iiiinot Y waig n0t recovere tiritil t111,4 emergin front tile orpital st tur Lie Woe% wil 1-;artlily "Good talker? .1 mornigg. 64 1 Im forgotten In the )org of went to Ills remm. Pvrrlasting rwA. been Och, 1Ov9 I" lie exclaimed wlemnly. rt! Office Ones to borrow $:,0. and before The That Iver I Rhould cloraq to ell -known I sort away he ll&d borrowed #50 fMMQ sIde of th F1 hve In Bay that the rirht to apift 0% A 111001— UM06 us Me. L Aftod r OW --]NORM no T ..%,Lf-iZ MAID. ry 4— tile a RTHT LITTA ear WaYs TP, ,,.non Confessed He Did illy 4A Understand. A BA411 What Induced you to oome ?" said six for Tell�i her she. as he enteml. Showing Huw a Sufferer ere 6, You," said he. Bruckvlile, iem She laughed. re,ates the New YokLk H. Well lot' sciatica Was cumd. Journal. known cit& of " I dout care to see disagreeable ham Will people." she said. lately recovelsethenterle forms t ued will Then I wouldn't look so fixedly and painful 116-e crosawd over A Correspondient of the Orillis. News heir In that mirror If I were you," said the story of V Of InOurbellne de 11P Lotter With Permwslon Y�rom the ick correspondent le 'Of heliotropoe &ad Author Makes the Letter Public -It Wretch !" she exclaimed. "ave vu'� Vie cluster of or'02' r Will be 01&dl No," said he, " but, I'm wrietch- from kidney d !%rthe. y v Re" by Otherfituffor it ed.9-9 back being so * Jiftillulisite eve unable I ore From This Paintul Malady. 17 feed You (kw-rre to be," said she. "Of t,�.stalid to in 4116adeds the (From the OrIllia, News-Le&ter.) Ces- Noticing the - of all the dilsa4irreeable-" t to k Weil what Dotid's Kit lert e titling The following letter IL&m been �or- u he, ve Im de� " le t to 'k ro re "Oil, come, flow. now, Mary." bald te gil (;b- for others I cutic d w them." be; "You dtmi't mean that." t d w xe wurded us by tLe Coldwater, Out., are- "Haviiii; uowd a. Xes I can "Ycs. I do." she affirmed. Lae cure correallondent of the Newa-lAtter, t i�.ay that I am cureti aild "I doii't think you are capable of an to I to I I cew 64 ell 1*0 that I can I to bustnem wl,IL'b we have gregt Pleasure In p%;b- Judghig, anyway." itaid he. Now ' w I . Ito Kitty 1). Arcy says site *thinki 1'�; i ah well as ever I Iml- awfully jolly." I Coldwater, Sept. 25, ISW6 Ine, 64 One has only to make a tool of HOW IV SIT GRACEFUL.LY A fc-T weekii ago I became very qu- nay Coil- himwIt to amuse Iter." Few Women Have- the Fine Art ct well [tow an attack of sciatica. &W N iese " And I suppose I can do that sitting Down. rumembering that a willie gLgo &Vro. Itry east 17." 64 1 ou won't havo to) rehearse the Ltimurioab arm chairs and I(JULIgO -III known frivad of m;ne, Mr. C. T. vamps wintoor time aud tvjitiui hamnlocks in am, of Fe*berton, a few mi;es 8110 tollielled the car the bmaimer are, geueratilig weaknes i here, had been u great mufferer f t be Lights. William." little said to the m*rrunt who answered It. In the modern hqji no which La not con. tills Painful comi.laint, I tijought, to manter without thetu 7" said lie. A that go . r DO "' We might sul,,ply their pAce with luell have king lx--eti uware of tlii*dan- 91111all " to the mediclue he gives'i otte r *6 Don't you think It in much plea- ducive to lie4L,tli or boeauty. Med'eal would I* well to con,uIL low your bril,latit wiivil-ruaticui," said ger at" oil frequent occa4iutim have clit tu for him relief and cure, tile she. vainly calliA attention there'to. Law Was aware that lie was now well dnd Mile. "Or the love light in your eyes.9' CULI, WUHILM are not 'lirotie too change hearty anl had ever since been Ibre daid lie. their %vuyA. however, unles, somegood tree It domn't PhIne for you, anyway,,, reay*oli Lw given and fortunately. so bteady work amcng luMber-10M ftu- t1llg 80111 Hilo. far uA regarcts the -.ubJ2cL hk hand. ilar bu)-itiLms. Hegave me the litforisa- Ile "Then I& In a falne signal." said the beAt of rea&on froVi tltelr #%pand- &ion required. atid wrote otft tile &A - *10 lie. atid lie arose art(] walked orer too) point Itas been Yound. P It yedcla. it , a re t ("It Iter chair and. resting libi hands on U11111111111011,4y Of OPIRi011 that Life wO- lowing teitimfinial wii1cl, lie de:tlres to IlIt'" the arms looked Into 'her eves. d1un who perhitotoenVy- Iounge4 III have Published in any way I t6julk *0 Wi I ." site asked are you con- t*11UPthigly Itrittrious, chairis will in- pro,.er, hoping LI,&t it wi.1 meet &he r or vineod ?" evitably lome whutc-ver of grace na- eye of many bufferers like my*elf who the " I think, Mary." wiH he, and then ture or art litia'beptowed upoig her. .qx)d p&uwo. Th6 Is tufficient. of coum, too In- 4re GAxiouiii to get relief. I therefore fJ86- "' Well." said she, looking at him duce reform anti'more frequent u-* of I?rward It to you to publish: inon d&latitly. leim ea -y aeuthig accommodation. It Fewerton, Sept. 18, 18?6. iere " I thirik you Are going to kiftme." is, comparatively ea*iy to i-tatid well it in with the greatest pleasure f or Her eyes met his for an instant, or even to waik with sonie grace, that I testifY to Vie juarve-louai bew then were lowered. e but to loahmitte into a chair nnd to , fA and cure that Dr. Williamd' Ilink f fer Let us kiss and be lovers," he look well aTter buch . ibu�) I -lence im rth- p1mlied. quite another matter. "'Mally pW)PJP N11A effected In My came. In Use year ear. 81 lornice. drop into a meat and greatil is the 189-1 1 waA takun very bad wiQ I i4ge " Won't you. otter T' lie asked, w)f t, fall thereof." but most of them wr!g- aclatica. I was treated at different bout ly. gle down In lial.lissarti style audthe timei� by two ductorm but dispeneed eso- S'owly lier lips were raised to his- effect is 'lot soothlill; 'to -envitiveeyes re- and- or ears. To change. then, from a witij tbeir strviciab as I founj I was The rcst eoncerns only thempe'rft. atumling to a 6.1tting po,ture I* a not gettiug'the hoped for relief I )UM4 trIal to every woman alive, with Nile Liten tried different remediew alver- arly THE ENGLISH BREAKFAST. learms how to do It. The ones who* I Itice have learned are never known to tibed ab a cure Vr a-Istlea, but,with . Lt Reason Why t1fe Vi tndt4 at This Meal impress you with the ract that they ilu l.etter result. Then I tried strougiy And ' Are Almost Always Cold. are lit a htate of evo�titioti; they are 'recommended electrical applIancea, but )no Is. The Engfish breakfast Is a nioul not bktanding before you ligbtly and eaully. still to no purpa-,e. i aid iAot improve win- a chair or a loungeor a sofa is I* - may understood by us, says the New York liliul thein, but they do not weem to- any and the pain Was excrucitting, the ninea. It may' be served in the din- be noting the faCi; in another mo- and I Legan to lose all hill" W ever the lt ip meiat they, aiml the chair are one, getting,lK.-tter. I could t1bi �A% lilown itig-room or in the library. or move about without a.�ufferink le- y be itioro often "on call*' than oil fam- but you uo not see jut [tow It came -could b1ftg about. The inmciies have -jertiy telLbe pa'", "J"the only m. ller 1 file and- there is a total absence, givievi way,fiere aital tightened there, get w4s wheu, I lay down wito my 16 legb btretched istraight vut and.thon even In the high4mt circles, of forinal- the kiiees have befit a Ittle. LmItIlot tile palil Wab itiomewhat leAs. I was is by ity in dress or in service. The vlandil a hair's braeadth too much ; Lite en- ILI thib position une day when I Ocked are for the fuo*t part,'cold- The Lug- tire twdy lims undulated fur a twcond. up a tiewispaper lying by Iny si,tb and libil will tell You that this 1b; tw- and the deed 6 dutie, but as to the i cause they have learned that Cold (loing-it is ab impius!-Ible tu dcs_-rlbe a.-. there 1 read of a Mal) cured 4 oci&- ntiL:a by taking Dr. Willianim, ; Pink tthe invatiii are mure d;gebtible than hot are the cliange., from one idjape to 4111A. Alwaya kavitig but little faith In attil that, it is vulgar to eat a liea%,y unuther Ina bummer cloud. proprietary medicines, anti in vkjw 9f .r:&n meal early in t4e day, but a shrewd .0nee seated the woman who knows the experience I already had. I would oboerver attribuUm their preference giveb no evidence of a dominance of not have tried them but for &,he fact buut to it c011' bill's ti011 Of lazy nervanth one lart of her phybiquo over an- that my wife insisteJ on going at sind old-fasitioued stovetil, which run- other. Yuu are aware that title liam & derw iv difficult to ge . t " a heavy feet. but no't too poitive about. it; once and procuring &)Lue. Site got a ineal early In the day." you know that blie is re. -ting. but liox and perduaded me to take * hem. Where hot di*bes aj:e itierved they you are not iiure thut she 14 not By the time I had fini,,hed the iy-)x I are apt to be " minced veal ' or An lounging; you bee that she 14 inalioe believe I felt better, w I kept on tiA Ing the pill* and by the time I had aketj that few thin, crimp sliced of Irivit bacon. of fier c.othes, but you are not liilifu- *4x I)o1egis I was eutimly cured. : had fac. Thesse, with new -laid egg -A, invariably full). cO1L_t:OQj that khq *is 1 10, 4 nip to:] been lai,l up for four months tefore Ijoiled or steamed, which latter iii i1i tliew, and, altogether, ftlie Is a taking the Pink Pills, and I mhat eolk- been done at table, are all that are with- triumph of combined kiiowledge and tinue to take them occaidonally, as I ca. fit reach. The cold meutd conailting cleveri"s. Site' hitu erect I ecause blie man of flaw, tongue, "tollared fiead,' etc., reinemINm that one of BibulArck-'s ktiow them to be an excellent �riedl- owli. are placed ou the sideboard. As no tutt)rm lids "Id- that the great el"Iti- cline. I shall never cease recommeading of Ke'rrant is expected to Ile In atteiid- cullor ims6toed upon everyone at bis thein. "Youriii trul Hop U. C lirles T. WM. irkljr ance at this meal, the gentlemen of Uible heing in a strictly, upright 1 correslw)jident addis that th' lov the famill go back and forth froin jitimi, and that tie (the tutor). afWr num.. table td ifideboard serving thowe who liaving been at. S-clionhaujiell rorw.)mp ter to from a much "pected r don% at ask for " heipings.'- The thought- time gained two Inches In height; and of FesserWn, wlitme word Is gen( ally less, uninitiated American might oil- theti a4lie know1h. too, that it' Ii a considered as good an him loond. New *!t to such confusion and Inconveni- liriiicil).e of phyAcal crulturisti that per ence, but John Bull delights In an af- fectatioll of bimplielty, and accom- better it w-111 fulfil its funetiorm. _4 per� plitlies informality In file usual cluin- the higher all orgitni-.m is Iteld the ISSUE NO 12 1897 1 celit, sy fashioii. Such -a convenlence,'a%; u table bell is an unknown artif-le' CITY WHERri WOMEN RULE arp' BE WISE AND TA S TE , of furnishing. Should the servant by Female Voters Outiiumbbr the Male in in.2h any chance be wanted when out of the room, even at dinner, the mistreib Dunedin. Now, Zealand. ;rom ulill rise from lier chair and cross to At, Imbieelum a city ao named, I�unv- *SA SaILL the mantel, by the side of which is -din, !it New icAlaud,.has a very lurge a -ii ulectric button or -bell-pull eom- *'!eo Wit elC111CLIL-111111011glit its ciLizeas, LADA used municat!ng with the kitchen., the Ito title to diStILICUOU, however, now TO GIVE ThEM ItFFLCT r(%t* uIx)n -tiolluething more novel. It CEYLON TEA. con- is probabl tue ilowy eiecUorzt.Le ill Detleloss. Furs. inafto,mics, eats Kall-41LIS Pr0J)Qbeb tU al.LILt the I't IA U.0111 QUIEWn % ilria% doainuw4 where thc boid tn.bml*d LAwd racketerebuill, mandmentb Law. vt owen furiu a coubiderable juajority BY Groomm Only ka.;Wuil relloort j�ays. Repreieii- of tile arLual vvt*_-rs. At the general sold at S5, 40, 80 bad " eastill perp�- TS. eiecLionti I"t month the Dunedin wo- A f tative Walters, of La lk-tte County, men iijubtered in such 6tr�eugtli as W _V_ 6riest to --day Introduced a bill in the House uutilumber the aluie elector* by wore U'R STOMACH FLAT to make the enforcement of the� tel) than ;.1,00J. There is a tiatu'ral feel- so LENC-yq NiURTBORN. mg of eurivsity as. W- the chuice'of ANO ALL OT44rR FORMS OF as commandmente a part of the crim- a coubtquwncy *o compo.,ed. out air ftowil ty DYSPEPSIA 1WT" nuat inal procedure of the State of Kau- ele%en candidates, the elcelloOrs had "e u drban dKowDeCe"m anoTy ovw man rqw. The text of the bill Is "An Act Las select t1iree repre6enta. '"ed. 0 a to give statutory force to �the Ten J1 the -prettutudi Te ant part, . r " llfew- Commandments.- and it reado ad (of- tnine) wam uutlifly r(*J)ou_,1Ae for the clie- 10rs : eltuice, it wuuld appear to indicate van i,tu- - "Whereas, The men of the preeetit that- the feniale foudaeAs for %ariety )ULI(I generation have become doubters and is carried tntoa* politics at tile adtilkt- ,,..st ocoffers; and. de6. %%*iijle Oe first and third mem- BOW PARK CO'Sai nost "Wheread, They have strayed from twrt- choiseu .%ere (on-serv"ivL%, the bea- the religion of their fatlierts; and, middle one wab an advaiWed Itailleal b.e "Whereas. they no loiiger live in tW and labor member. The first and HUMEGROWNSEED3 ills' fear of God ; and, swxmd uere strong ' supporters of g7rl "Whersits. Having no fear of puni h- Aecular education, the third a denom- North Dakota White FJimt. . - Corp 11alle -nient beyond the grave. they wuntow ilia t --011a I 16t. ( hatige wau the order Wisconsin's faril r "t Whit# it' a IY ViOla,te the law given from Mount of I. lie da,07, for t -I i e t I i ree fur mer went - Oent .............. Cori lur- %tilqi, therefore, be it euacLed by the lK.-rai were rultlileasly ri-Jectood. 'rile Sibe-ion Wh'te ....... etc. -A of the Stute of Kau6as." gentleman who heiLded the Poll was fact I &A)- Then - followS -- #in eximqAtonally clever &LAd aarAt Mand6cheuril............. Rorie IneilLs. each eominalits.- rpinntand- opeaker. But lemit it should to hast- Fo.1der Sorghum. raids made a iiection. A gradufttk4l F;%-&&- ily thought that the f6winine will"i Japan,,se Millet (three variett" fine.i is prepared for -violation us I Ili- plitlit rrodu, 0-deformaltif. cmi F an Is W !6y,,,,AeeemsibI6 to orawry, It of forapt ffl- twde. 4V lows: milig thp elecV46`4At the third ek-ct- that -iiaring any other 6od" $1 (M. PRICES LO W. -order ir arry. all, v r I *.a- I For "worshipping a gmve; 111111-ge.- awly more throitt. addrod- could w)i aupt,ly me deviand )a t 6 . eigIrt $1.0oo awl Otte yeak in the 1�eultol-tk- Tlw firist winuer had to orercl6mv� Pyring For pritro; and other i -G,J0; a little difficulty. inaumuCik as in for- J-Lrxr&4Aan ap ply I o tiary. d ma- later years lie had actively. opliaw For "taking the name of the Lord I tfie gratit of the franchise to Lite lium in rain," $-.00. th (lay." ladies.- lie met t1dis. howevew-py it ce of For."not keep'119 tl1P Sabba tilat $500 calin a"urance that lie had voted For "refusing to lionor tily f&ther from a collViCtiou " not that tile rrancittse was- too for wontea, C sipi,r- Ct K)d jold is King geni- and thy, mother," and six Ilut -tliat women were tim) good -for ,i I, t %, tir wilile nIonflis In prlvoll - For -committing murder." hanging. the fraiiellise"'-which little Ilit Of Lonic cial'un with I'lleeiii lent, gophistry may or, way not have 1A IN tiollso For "adultery." imprisonment for had a share ia swelling liid pajority. Steele Briggs a has life. 0 For violating the commandment4' Crade" Seeds, have I:* SIGNALING AT SEA. jy&u_ willet, tiny "Thou slinit not sitem sold by leading dealers. "Thou tilialt not bear falme witne.-im." A Device Which May Ayert Chanco Of Ask fei them. fr'l e 4 "Thou shalt not covet." fine or I"i- Colliallon. Eate w%*ecA1nWL the' priFoninent, at the di e4cretion of the The Westminster GazAtoe may@ that GOLDEN RE -TURNS it of court. mitr- Tile bill will probably pas@ the an Am.-:tee,lam gell'Us Is AlXut 9'vitlg CATAL.OGUES PREE ellee- TIOUSe. I to the worl,l a priL*,1ce, 1"Nenticu-thit The Steele, UH990 SaW CO. such- THE SHORT SKIRT. metwis by which all'PS at k -ea may be �-)R(N TO. ONT strik- oil speaking terms umier all cir(-Um- 416% re iaw a IN -99. 1wr it is in Great Favor in the United 9tftt 0 at.-uwe., or bive tho powt�r to e.( in- a Of loned:* Capital Now. inuilleate with the shore. SOMP wvc'" -for 2.5 ; - ly[)X, VillitoOrli to N�,asllll4rWn have fre�- since lwople llvIUg of] tht' OUU'kirts of a now required in iieurly 6-5, quently . commetiteki upola tile great the town, returning Ilowe in tl&e itiark every offlos. otitlits wjmw 10; h(,urs of the eveidlig. wcre seared by SHORT- I popularity of tile fibirt skirt lad the very lieculi.-Ir upearthly noundo, centm/ susins" (WIW pliant alljolig the.women of the cl'Pit-Ll- It rjimetill,ig aka to the t!eep. penetrat- stmt ford AORS4 g the Is statoed that ad lollig ago as last ing w -renin of ,I stenux-r's stren In the, I found winter it was an ordinary ciecurreace inilst, aithough Ukerv,, was Ito AVatVT HANJ antl got the be" wo- "s 104111ding 001 aftil,qllillil to see women ill b1cycle sk,rti without nw to 6. Oak Of, ""it 001111le'luFutly P0 Selhoeln CaDada. StudustA M&I 4wftr itig their W116LLS. 6onietimes they wure p(is.,16.11ty of a i4eamer."I'lie riddlig 6 avy Uj. Circslarp frm I en rnu goilig U) skate, bouletimes they U111re now golveal. it ilegil bwn found powlble W. J. W 1.1 PrinelpaL tween going to 1) ay got an'l Wmetimed they too prootluce a cottstant, uiivaryliig the. otily pretended that they *vere go- gounAl, witiell may at IvaA- ANTE D -AG KINTS. MkLZ ANJ r& ing to tk) thcoe things. T411 winter it 1. Be heard lit I tlilstajw�e ot V Male, ic every cicy, tows and villsills, to is so mucli all every. -day af,tair tli&t fli-e lu 143�., agilliwt a stifff Lr4xik-. A) the fastious "Fown" Yebpt. Wro" for weariag a short skirt require -4 no 2. la of buch a nature and quality gsroul.,r " premium list. Big prodt& ram Urmine to ffewit. Ckl�, Toronw courago at all. No otie pays any at- tilat It is quite e"Y to de t -r. The leabt aP- a lliWty the direction from which 1 4 tention to the wear to DO pearance of mud or wet In the street C()mes. STUDENTS AND TEACHt"no A tume An lustrumf brings out women in bicycle cob 3. Is producied 11Y . M'TFIITNG a WORTVil' and PROnT. by the wAme. They put oon thfir short %%-Illcli ca -i be moved ftbout withoul I occupat ion for t he b UN M IKR cam p ot skirts am naturally now an a infLn tering the D)Und-tll&t im. In the writinor us. Wa do not premspe $10 turimi up tho bottoin or Ilis trousers nmuiller no all eloactric warchli butniore Lhftn that per WUM ,�* Of particul&r& Addrew when It Its raining in Iiondon. And 4. I.Amt, but 'lot leatit, that Plitly n tho people wlio t10 it are the people tile instrument may 14'k- t-Uggive J. L. NICHOLB & CO, t1ling is tUl, who determine whether a e 1, W tl.,C I I inikeS I t I ONS 111 C. 11 33 Itichmond a�Lraetxmt. Tomw it,nd goixi form or not, For examp'e, �11,a constant alternative r, glialllv(.r are Boardman, Miss Kcata Rodgers and may be coittifiell, W,) that a L0111314PRAYIERand NJ WM=&n tho Mimes Sheridan were all down tl(),, may toe kept up. Or W)M41 Iflustroord, twelve colorok and orold, dw.., Lnd bicycla clothes a it aplwani that tile tylV% ' printood on heavy plate paper A bw" 4 A- t4DWII 8110ping ill , - (lark, &rUstic picture. Retial W, ativenW, 0 ,%v e re wee"- ago, matte trials I-' tu- few days ago when the strteti Outlying I'loperosill, root. Write ior 'I the juld, ol oourne, In lolw'n(.1 so pro The 80TW-W&M 3nd In bad condition. They Wltilked u. _I - day way ilown and nil the way back, VO. places In the lie ghborlwi� eor said. Quehp-, is it is true tilat some wom�ln. who are .uceti the ghostly 1104111,e (;�inon of not as young or an sl-glit at tl1O80 Competeiit perwmp ar;&,s ,,,t v1W FOR TWESTY-SEVER Y11XJ-- 11is J.:lst mentione:1, so clad are silg9ciltive that the thing ""nl yAny It" r,- -JA of the pictures in Mptlier Go(we of tile cems. T lie Zkviiand CW.ticou & fair rin poor woman syllo' was Indiperpet g',IveI v-) give theady own Itear ing eitougl, to fail nalepp by the king's trial, and the worl highway, with the rittendant trair- more (d it. DUNN"S rhe Wy of having lier petticoats Cut off. ous How ing He Had Hopes. We offer one I red dollars rewar(-, AKI rrh that cannot ho iletilmek-lo this the office Of QUI9- for any cane 41tnt tarrh Cure. iey'm Quick Cure hp cured by iv... I tes Props., Toledo. 0 or ]Intent Medicine Man -Yes. F J. Chene*jrned, have known F. POWDE -ClImme six tottles for my wife." We, the un)ne fast fifteen years 9 ew "TrIod all other remedies without .1. Cheney f perfectly honorable 11; THE COOKS BEST FRIVID success, eit r, ant IW LbTO transactions nnd finan. LARGUIT SALIE IN GARA" nt lle Cks -No; abe ahi't nick at all; but I all Ills bu"I I carry out any obliga- saw in your advertimement where a clally ab their firm. woman wrote after UkIng six bottles, tionir 91 ax, Wholesale Drugglst4j, ales me , I am a different woman,' an -I I have AN' to, a t Whole. I Mr-laft hop"." Toledo i RUPTURE"`*"Tr"� Invirin & Marvin ssea* ft" iW S&fe Investments. Wall sta, Toledo, 0. --mmmm 111M Gah itarrh Cure to taken intpr. Young BlIrginside married, you IN Ing directly upon the bl(xKl CODISTI Mo Is may, oil $10 a week ? Thalb took Ila ui4 surfaces of the myste IUCKU 0 BY leftmel :1. &611�. 0. P-41is are suaft"R nerve. anyhoW. What was he work- an per bottle. Sold by all dr rowimp or f"Ofiew lPr IMOUals f roe. K. 0 IT4.- at?" wa., a is NothinS. it w" the girl that wom rfih�fl Mona.=1 14L Palo A" the beet. the VM" If 4k," Ad ext weN CR the ffere ta'a lesem in the Leefesippit Me r. Tlw ord;riary carp, if it I@ not pqer i of 6 wo wor,& too fered witil, will _ i founde4 that are 441411, Urs o0o NNW WPQLD "qVMQ1R0 boarders had gone out witli the ex- own: to keep at their work. If foi c4lPtIo" of 11. Judals, who w" seated other reason, plant a patelt -for 11, a tittle cell (called by courtc*y the poultry if it cannot be bougtit Li (*awling-r000m), before a. feeble lit- at liand. It will yield as ppolific THE JARLG jrllk MYSTERY, tle fire which cowered In a large, cold as any other corn. grate. The room wals iicantily fur- In the dry, warm stied provided The 1111tory of a Woman's Foalty. Iiiisheti In a very uubmtantial fauldon, tht hens to cold or rainy weat the chair* very straight In the backs, keel, both atraw and gravel. T1 sofa Just shorit enough to pro- will be no better dust bath for ti thie AGRICULTURE tfian freaft coal ashes. If a boi vent, anyone lying down comfortably, thiza is kept convenient the fowls %low"UPLMI uctavlur* Luld Illul Ulm at ollow ll:USt,_,u#%d to dispel the floor covered with lillack and Sybtem. In farming, is important rld themselves of vermiu, and perience during th Jarlclie*ter In- the - duct,4)r',,% iii,tru,"t. wljlt* diamond oil -cloth, cold wid Lay out proper fields, and have a, map find necessary adjuncts to t ,Ifttl SuPPremilied the coliiverma.ti,m No! llotlilaz unpleasant," he 1911PPOry, with a narrow strip of 4b ote each f ield to bUlt- hurriedly . " lie wa uiy Achool- MoulkNi matUllX In front of the fire. of the same; dev rations in the cinders wl&,li. they I hI',-)ger Axton, and fellow. antl I haven't seen him for If MraL Binter could have chained able erppis in succe.3mlon, with right out. �611eqi lip I,y how lie yen ru. the. fire-Ir(mim to the wall (after the wanuring, basing the cropie to the Clover hay, scalded and clioppeo. d dleicover,&i the 41* --ad nian's riame' Not a word ahout tho t1it-pting at ruost approved prison rasi,lon), dhe no tLataptatlun of tile boil ; do everything all excellent food for laying hens. )lu Wuok A C'u. Jaricliester, even to genta I Dr.. dicoubt would have bmi glad to do at the right time. making the must should lie made fine through the 1 -ii I%. for the va-utf fears which had ao; but as site had to prieserve a cer- Of experience and tile light of beience. cutter. Green foo 1 1.4 positively (if, You we, Japix." said tho ' M ng crop of sary to' health and happluess,'as hal"Ited the -4etective's inind ' werc tain appearance of freedom (for Laud which grows a btro tive. decle-iveiy. -I NaW your 'low takl3ti n terribla shape-terri- she was profoundly sorry) she clover Will. If rightly managedog,ow as pro.iuctivtnesu- Chickens cantiot 9b k -t tliem lie luoise, Al. Judas was - 'Lbt- kAl tile Pl-U4,Lription, and came ble to himself, more terrible to IIJILI Lruod corn,- wheat, or potatoe after tain it iu winter unless wice t4) tiee yoll, a.,4 %%.alit y er Axton. tipw Jaitting with the tongs In his It', W ithout quebtibil', this 1-4 the cheap- ful to supply tlicir demands. ou "1 611 not know Axton had been hand, adding little bitai of coal to t he ebt way to willatuill fertility. uLI 10 A supply of liiue Is ubmAutely n aiw iyze tl~ . eight piII14. at' Irou'll Ila said. at length. in oLIverIng. fire. :�Live labor -und money. We should sary for the liens, ikud there Is orolng to your prietamption, ic- it hi-Itating manner. M, Bluter having ascertained Luak;e the best posbible Wo of clover better way tu give this than In pot 11119 to Ur. W,lsk. ace.-raing to the 11 fertilizer. ed oyster shelli. Bones, potiuded f isLilkt. twelve p.16 vare made " Oil. v", tilc*4 vou ! lie was here t.11rougli one of the headwardena (the '4s a P for uonw time," cried cheeril.v houwe-ina.ld) that M. Judas was go- * On clay lund. espectallY the pply- ho us to have no long splinters, ne- laan, n ctiod deril Of ing to istay In all the evening, re- ing of freWi. coarse manure Is betie- aloe be used, or fine gravel which lit for h"lf of t1le twelve, bo tll"t " What -was lit -i rv-a&.ou * for staY- gairded this as wi !nfringement of ficial On account of the mechanical taills' limeutotu-. Attention to tl ght t4l le.UVO -411; I)Ut in 'Lliat box In,- down here*.", Clover also looen.- little things IN what makes pou "A On will fiad eiht. Now that is not - the -ticket -of -leave system, guid went ef feet produced. I pay In winter. Aha- Win thund--red Jaril, up to Uje cell to up the - soil by penetrating it. an TURE, rofrill-bl:r. I*el;! you saw tile reason %wak to film, when it clecays helps in tile'. Isame HORTICUL retuarkett th-! doo- I - If grape vined are expectmi tob r, graveiy reg,tr,i,,­ t1b;! P014. "isix Wvc* 1hr houme to -day. �k dark, Judas heard the rattle of thekeys mechanical way. 'X of -illy reason- a nd- na gooill as Fold." wid knew the head jailer was,com- The value of a fertilizer applied to well to a g000d old age they mus im twelve tso uut Le. ve elgh�t-a "'! a f ield of wheat may, be suff icleat to intelligently pruned and trained a "Yoti alliitle U) Mlis Varlim,4. Ing along, but without desluting from Set, Hot by Lhe rulao of any arith- Of courve. Love's 111- ke an enormous crop. and yet the first,'agid not be permitted etic I'm actiutinte witit." e4 employment lie ralowl hie crafty. Ma t a slight yield pro- bear too heavily at a tender age voliniz dream." Tommy Moore'd re- ei'm to the gaunt figure that speedily there, may be bu 6'80 there a" two extra pills." "uirk. ell ' ' 'Nothin,v. t,,Air so sweet aUsod before him. cured because of a deficiency of phow- not let the sap begin Its upward f "So I o" ' Two (extra pilim UQt makk. in lire. 'No d c m b C I have ng "Ain't you goln' out?" querledthe phorl� acid. The ferillizer needed this sprinIX -without having put ) tv I. " k & Co., 11racti,a) experrened of� It mYself. bt- gaunt figure, folding- Ito arms, that wuul(l bavc coit. no more. To imi vineyard or the arbor in proper t "Now tlLe question id,- mjd Fajlk.0, we bhould ' The structure of the bark and f rbuu--Iy, ayllig hill hand on one In,_V it bachelor; but Axton! all ! lie in, the fingeriii of each had grasped ally crop - ccongmicallY on t I jorth a . not iiout It bide of a 4Lf t1li'mi-lit- 310ore was' ri-plit. 11,11 swear. kilow inust what it needs. ie i i -e k1mtor 9 large knees, "tile qued- he � 1%�-'Onie day farmers will le&rR that It -idiffer con*lderahly. In trunslolan .in 6: Wblat do thorio lowo extra it he was-litwll,le Judith Varlins." "De fog% As too moch," responded 1,64 mean EverY wovd that dropped from the , jratinij, picking up another bit bf vital Iloint in their affairs to frout the nursery a mark bhould good doctor's Ilim seemed to t", I coal. "all' I am chez mot for a frien'-', ralse their own seed corn and take made on the botly of a tree, bo The doctor said noth:nC, tmt looked tIvit I-Idll4ms terror In the detectiVi"A I "'Oh thatle It, munseer," said the -4ucil care of'it MCA revery rain set It out prechw-ly iu the relatic, qu,ringly at, the pi-l-btjx, " if lie ex- mind. anti hp. couhl hard1v rranw, lil%- hk-ad-jalI0, rattlliig her keymi, "you're planteil will grow. This would bO It foruterly bore to the cardinal Ix) %A,W1 IL to aitssvoz. lif,xt quit4%tion Ilk) pa'r:il_vzcA tw lie h.V exp-6ctin' of a friond I Why ain't you -itritte toward better farming. Seed of tile compass. k.4, I AC 10 0 15 9 corn should no4 be exposed to,la'RIP When pruning, there is no bettc t fit- fent-ful Of " What golp! b k t It liop ? * tck in hL4 ctiair,,. I Own that I was 1111ght he." weather and -then left where ItcjLu cheaper preparation to apply to ILI 111clatemil to ma cliere, non L I am home to - agree with tile ver- he Iov'e4 stupme of- the larger limlm than ct of t4e jurors . it louked like but- al. e not burned the whito or real lead and.liwieed oil. ' Deitr. dear! Now th0i exactlY 6 f the bullding-a r de. but I had a k.iid of uneasy feel- what I aloft 'I'OU'R want tho fire, I supp(-W&", of seciirity which a gooll in- no turpentine. Let the burfacese #IZ th4-9 looms In U6 ease were tk-cep- 't knoliv�'! snIJ J11030 10 iremarked 'Mris- Binter, grudgingly. as reefing 11 y will give -will be a a littleli for paint and oil t�an't adl ve, so I 14ougli I would a tone, tit" and ohe If Nile woould like to take It away urance po c I-ke 'to doemn't. I waA afral,I Ow loved Mr. witil I her, "an' the lainp. I was g(iiti' good deal more than the c(t_;ts or that to -a wet surface, but vill lievi of . low . the "Lme- 01 t'lle )w1n, it' camp I-o,.i know. �-Wii)lllen ti) put '(%in both out, but If you nmt, ecurity. If buirned.-tlier.e Is nt hqnd' let the map blister beneati, t ero wets tuiy- jnre rUttfle-4- elt-ye* wor.-e titan tho YOU Mist. Would your fritmid liko sh deposit with Ivillell Many w Ito ha ve go(A ore I i a. I Is su lilig III hij paAt 11"e lilily to le"d him % a gratifing ca slillilix. .4he W.IA with him supper to begin rebujiding. By all meani in- losp by allowing a few trecs )f wo twrote film letters. nad all "Je no pas," said 1. Judas, put, -ure. le -w fruit to remai I bzive told you, atild I a.ou itiacuv- that'.RoIrt-of t1iing. but It m1ght have thig dowil the tongt4 and shrugging Where -it con be (lone, it Is almot There Is a yearly resol�e to clu *oi LUAL ther art! two extra pilLs :it twen ritentutWi. r don't hintlermtanol life glimilders. "Nol Ido no so tink." alw'kY'4 the (!-nc;e that an indirect the tops next spripg by grafting, i,at box,-whleh have L*oti added af- mhI a th'p %flien the time (owes arouird the I -r It letit the luuitw I f Woak & Co.- "Suppoer'a extra, you know," ob- nietilml of: Feiltng : the cropi vu ui Kier* tauid Tlili,# ooerved Mrs. BUtter, determlned to better one. A drore of 110g4l fattPried lution Iii; forgotten, anl the tree ealrive t I Y. ww-med too nitich for bftv0 crut of the m1pipor WlLftt 1111A� oil . cheap, corn or wheat will 11sunIlY mains. w. th,kiio pills call not lla%,o he rq1t to ert OlitAde even waA losing -lit the lamp anti fire;-"I-ut bring a double price for that grain. FrOAt can be retained In thegr 111to tll#--' -flux and ralli Irk order to re Ii a I^etter way by mulching the fruit trees In e by Xelstaite. a,- h-, lid no rq It- 19.�aln't hoopital to let a frfiand go If digrourstge 1. Use m to do su. Twebve ViAs are' cliouglit bo cv)f . iru.-eed away wittwut.'a bite. It may be than to Re*l'tltp farm : rAther viell lialf spring, and tias ' to a ravorite pra. what th- had heartl 'rl"t lie w -"A Fretich nianners," added the jailer the land an.i make oatli to yourFelf to among orchardiNto of exiierleucc -)r & mail even wAk nervit.-o. 6o wily afrnll to open 111.4 lipq. I(*t soine-1 it our bfwt eVorta in culti ' t- retarth. a too early flow of sap, b_,uIJ lie mae t4a.),o tw#-Ive into wftt. twathilig tr�xly. "but It Isn't Eng put fort words detrimental to ' h6 old school- 1 ing the other half In a more Intenaire. a too premature display of the I emeniv thein. WIL-411V for OR 'and. KfI V*Ah. w;.y, Indeed !' ital:d Japix, . onsietir Judan up -read out hig Itandie This wi:1 he better - I the orc Iv-frd. insects In their Pon- the doctor lov. tQ0 iland. lie with a deprecating Jesiture, murmured tietter for the crop% and better for the ter (Inarters. The leaf roller eggs eruwiy. YL,Ur t1wory ?" - . . . 14 P.Luply th s: YLu bay Melstitilie niatie fiiirrt�d 1)rotLlI_e to NPO lit"' isomething Indistinct, alit] then re- man- W found on the south side of u bc.. LAI) . u�A t4ral y - he titut fia%e on the niorroir.' lnlk*xl Into silence, much to the d1w Willie tyll,;i 1-a the era of Invention. It trew, under little patches' along iirwty k*li.:.ve ** M)AMI the phy- I al-ipi)Intment of Mm Dinzer. A,4 but the bekinning of better thill9a. trunks and liml*, an I may readil I itppp�wtt outol'.16 : _ 114 not far,di-4tant when the #Aat the two extra l.0 9 cuiAtain put- t. "There'm two legs of a fowl,- sal,l The day 'e4royed by the millions by rub nul-t 4,Xl*Vt th.-It 110XV. Ell! fill! maciiine for cuttinir rodler and ea*r off tlie,;;e patches. morib-i, of t, o ! I I. -t , ' -enil -i the lady, rattling her key%. "Dinter -orit and putting It Into ally corlditioll Noi i,r sintit" anti No- k, they in t,.0 Lux tc--ir-4—ri-Incipaliv ters. wals g(All, to 1111me 'em for lits I)reak- the farmer may desire will go. from ilk. Choose and Butter. pr re p t, t i u u, i y L �y 4.): it, u I " eik in hw. fali'"'Pt to-nitirro raKt; ilut I can trim 'em up ArIth. farm to rftrm just a The earliest inenCon of butter Utur.Al ent, u,6 U. it threshing ii1A- HeraxIotus. ut I! I ley, If you like. im' eltines now do. F.Inks. ha- an' thheetie all' a hottle of that sour Auitr.ilia ha -i at present over 9, GOWNI-bye - 1�4-elj youll feet d". . Warm The fittest wil ikurvlve. There ate *re,*-1%-vIy. ioewt,tig fIr%V';ArJ, *'tuuk i)iw _1`11(1 :)1lI*,(-41(0 reiii-e. slainAlse door villeicur you call Jullit. it'll be quite iome farinerm whd must get off their 000 cattle. 41, tbtAe t1l.ra tto Iiiii nn a liftle 'oliday for you." 'arms 'Fliey are none the w4er or bet- The hoiluefort chreme In made o �*auu cu,.&,iu. I*Abre guh-g, to .1*4.. Anil .?-it Is hLk . little Jilitit at this monlont the bell rang. I Lpr - liecau-ie of the Inventionm and miik of goats or sheep. alLe 1116twellit of uV41.1ii; all S%1111, a -Fitt 31m Binter, hastening to the Thp ca.te of the AuAro-Huriga Ill-.4''filyn sloyor, 1�e- ruetilod.4 of a proslwroitu age. They front door, admitted Mr. Fanlim, to4,k emp.re C Ar In. la 16he Mor Ilig Xeutaw La. I- voice Could still aving delivered tielther lieed, rea�l nor hustle. Thlmtles number 8,580,0 0. Aui I d".1. aliti- Lbrt- L -i not v-%',v&we to him In charge, and It A stall -fed cow will ionsume a kl-taiiL tillifliler. ?ind agrica tursil Journals do not flour- Ilow lie CAIUW toy ills fit till. If tfie raln. In theLdark- lilin aver to tlw safe custody of M init Upon tile.s.-tine @oil. four tons -of bay per"itaitum. 11wo" 1':ittk-; Judas, retired with a final rattle of Before the fro..4t Is all gone get the The Arabs use camel*u mIlk a ulwer%e,­ ouitir Fanks, _ eml.h-i- I th at her fall- 11 substitute for that of the cow. it p0l -41 out 111A manure out whiere it wi dothe moot lxiiig hi- reuuirk.-,%A1i hi., furt.i. ser, ure wLth the bulxppr Idea. good, ant) away front where-ItIlwill�-do- lt'.its *aid that a g0lon of f0i 0@-044ArVt- bVW *�Iitl;tkilg illUbAiOlt. Uter- hOctarium%. who lookcm- rather pale, great thing for the requ.red to' maka a pouod (;f che� llrandmu-I,i ?-hiprt lianfl-he litirm. It will be 0 ac, a Pill 1104- if. UuF*q1i%-i11e Wil- hut witir *a atern expreftion on h44 ,ir iii., wit:i Ax-. , r a,. . fields anti will clear up the barn yart stat*stical autharity ri"erti ss,ain tiAvtow; In uht-r wt,rtia, ot"rvfe ton. e, lslipped ort, ilia fur coat, and liny- The Gmer and Iiiii -team will Mlen in, .18su there were '21,532 aS %T &lie &jillety W Ole luunk-mr to fni; surveyed Judan with a calculating 6 toriew fit noth.-r ni"In't-zit I!e bad re-4tor- -in bietter idiape-for beginiting the reg - The fomll remains of oxen have 1% ftioure L1w tsleawi u4 %ittitu has teal , tf) Itia exprebsion, Kat (town t)y the fiction ell th fl)rme'r plac*- ond ular *orli on the fariii for the year, A, 41111 -Ser of his owo ;Lwostry. It . of a fire, the Frenctiman taking a found In Etir,�pe. Asia and Amerl frwii JI:U4 tliflm came s low cr:v ooGez c1lie- I &I u e to &.iie niur,l. rer-had mea t opposite. STOCK. It Is estimated that In the put in vim p it, uwkitq; - tb-rteen- It I th, %vait, for you." sald NI. Juda.80 emp're theie- are 7.LO).00J mllch c " ii -Off Sometimes all nnovation it; not ap- r4f blell Wilulli a Itcky 1114M. COnW tO tfV14 14MOOthing one lean hand with the . �w I . 11" - Ali y6ung for a 1;erio preciaLlow- Lillith after i�o'newiiebw ar p1mer ftir our u 4 otlwr. and letting lili 0,yelikis droop -worn Ulf. i,llis is especilly true one to thilee ye, *whisist 41,nt sal ic t 41111 �9.,Ul.j h.&Ve L;ikeli it, anti a6JU6 IkLTI. over his crafty eyes. well upor. milk. N OT I..*- 10, 1�. of tile �slia.) ILI III, land 61 turn fiel,io- to. %4 -It - in toly 11u. Lfiww C"lil . b,l%e I"11 -dwii­ It 1.4 too terrible c, )eak repetl Fankq, In hLe agreeing that the btalk Is worth Ir-- 1687 ulliall estimated the I L id-cli her of cattle in the tuited State AT I Y. h. iwevr, ror tht that I. I nguage -. ".we'll it title rsta it(] each tu per %.eut.-of the vaii4e of t1je corn th.r.w.ii4d. be. ajr.jilti ut,w worphia 1,111 -ve lie d1,11 lie to me, other Iwtter if you do." 4 9.200.". - (111pay is4ft e.1tcLively i Lh wi,rk, puto -He I I nAf been certainly, my frienil," - #;aid plailt, it. uel,6(jves to- know the best The duiry cows.(Z the State of r,p,r L -% - ju. 4r h it I)II s 1�4*ill L, 8e6.I&ti.An k`mAv tile lialile Jivas. rapidly, "it Ls easier for me. wai to bave it and feed it. ', Yprk average 330 pounds of cheem 4e6tiatle, ILI ixwftct ijakw, tice, Like, wzls lie Ybu slwak'Yrench very we'll; eh, yes, %Nitb lerti.iLy wil.ch washes away annulb. .1 taw #AAA,& .jtv. a Ue uitt, r piii-dauluill mptly it barn yard, and that Devoirsh're Lutter-eontains 82.7 titere at, Vie winie time, very we:l. monsieur." wilich is wablied into tile fieltim and 'Ji- 06-00, WJ L*4Lr duktuir-6 une U1, the Fanks acknowledged thN compli- cent. fat, 16.2 water and 3.1 per thaa.b% I., in tlje- *ame house as 11elotane? bruoks every iteasb1l, it 6. kmail won- tliat lmjjL, LUI I I Want YOU to ment with a stiff nod, and plunged at of.`40tber,rub*tanceh. recte He must have known th; der tliat outue lariners Cannot make I. Aiyl* Lbe wlii,ie , ight IA16 in order once Into. the object of his visit. The Uutter corpuntles In milk led , 111ki LIWL dieci.41 man who died was Mellitane uoth, ends mWt- 'ille CU11WO is buruj.ug froni.1-12-10013th ta 1-300) of an lie s'ept In the next r(m)m oil the "Now. 11omsleur Guinaud, about at both euU in diameter. AIXJ *UtJPMAr 1 11-014 t find It The your frienil, MeisUutet' M of econom-Y to oof ilie inurder It I.,# the I.oirest kin The earliest exi-ort,; of cheese lis LA&& cie my theury falls to tile 31--h4tant0t; room wam ajar in Elk : a moment. if you please," ever tini. uu aui.mAr III IU fuW; b,t in the United ttes were. it is the woriiing Could Roger I'lilqw,41 Jud". fit his low, Fort voice, geniert.ous leediug there is Lie great made about 18.2. Juld, Saoar6tUtH Ue6tan"'a. holding up his hand. " Before- we, L have gont- hito the room LuLuger Of W"te lr.-)iu feeding thut In hridia butter waii; for 119t4i -edth WilA rtm.wi �i njy.4teTy to all no. I can't I.cAeve it mix-ak o)f the poor Melstane let us no- w ul.; i , t i e', ak n mai doe -P not neW. I iWl- solely as an o*.ntwunt for allaying 1*h1LAw,. but, &.j oure .1.1m I rit, h* -rt-, I)uctA)r ii:erstan(l each other, tnoilmleur. That vidual re ju,re itlative. proiturth�nj* . Of . ntptj&;jlx. yuu w.1, ri '#, a i'.eut.ly morphia lie w0u:d fint eowmit a crime . . . Is but right. my friend." - r we 6 pain of wolinol& d4itruut ru ds, nd tile neare can ilk, like flesh. fish nnd egirs. ajri*)lj, & Anil yet he, had morlibia pi'lo 10 ll' -q "Yc-i. It Is but rigl.it; what doyou Q10149 tualc �Coluu t,() ku just W4.at prul-ortion iii thelijILS." IM-480igioll What prevented want to know?" 'Uu pur- tain-4 all the cowtitueut elen Yunr theory," - rema ked Japix, film from getting two pill..4 made ex. M. Julian �:iiced his elbows on 1114 bL*t tile iess will we leed to nece.asary to support 1.fe. lClIlaw,lY, "ks reui4rkabiy ingeiiijus, au'l tra str0ing . . . gotlix Intl -knee.4. warined his claw-like hwl?" jAx- e es 1 Oull t 6.1y it I& . I'P* over %he fire. and looked cunningly COMPARATIVE BRAIN WEIGH tw Nit-Istatie's room at night, un4l PI, %ery rare:y, in Vie ortherill Stat W i t,.- will analyze 1111C tlipni In tlie-box' Hi,4 mo`-� t is a barn Iuund tiiat will keep th; but MaY be correct. ho detective before ilteakIng. ca, ttle prope r I y IV a r med. Usually Intellectual Man Has Not the Kea thene V1;hb'&nd let you kuu%y vie re- tive- for doing stieli a tiling? . "Your naine. monsleur?" the wintib wilistle right througil suAL 6wwurruw. If I ilad here", mititt . Dr. Japix supvIlps even that . "Rixton." 13Y Any Me&ns. ijA.� lag onv nia.-Ablve haik-I -lie saw -in Melstatie it pos ' sible ri- Is very well -that name, &item, us.i lieaij 'Lilways due -i &tLe Such distlngul.slicA anatom'sts a wur- val an -it wanteill Dim ot of the way m�inure r6eze Letaud tite "ttle. Titey 7131 the j.lil-uux. - if I find'htre* #;Ieur Flanks." replied Judas, with a '%))IiA PAsl At Will esUbliami Ytkur thtory, Biit what am I writing ? I e"L fireedi.y. J46L to kee,j -wurin, but, Bischoff bave claimed that man mocking smile. 6% 1% exl*n3ive tililag ClUb lie can not be guilty of tl,Lg #4You know my real name, I see," re- tuu,:h more be the Intellectual superior of wo tr to * ""'d them wng aud like) Ll;-i.AL it �v,ll a,!;taIJAll my theorY terril):e erfine Yet everythin., Joined 0�ctavlus. without moving a comicirtable quartera lxcaus:! his Lrahi is a t%vel.tli Tin evvry scu-iie." ratort-d Fag". Ill- PoIntA to it )its presence fit- niusc:e, of nts lace. -- i compitment, you Wlien ti)e iarnter has il!f. proluat ninth h!avier. Proft-asor Dark far'clip%ter hi prwsesslon Of on your penetratio6.1. of tile curn field iu his -,% huld-,t )k lita larwe licad flt)%v- orphla U4 IGIVIsnot moich." suit] the French. g u pa n, vitch. a brilAlant young Russian Rail Dr. Jul It 6h04 Lije iirurii ul leythu i tile A :Y. and ded�vru,l oracurarly. 1, munt flrx] out thp truth inan. with a deprecatory, s irug. i1jillLi, as it were. iC certainly beeida 'dent of the subject, lim Dow f t I can't believe lie woulli act th �Q I I 11 - " A sletir V( -*k lie read to nifttlie Lililt, tile dpailviin, all Jol,rr ILet us not." ]kid said, lookilig a . IwL . ages d act Clar , unA from unileir hLi bIl,gKY eYt�- and yet palwrm of Jarlcesterre. an -i I filA 011P alile le;itureb of tile fut-der felug Ml riiastmw for protesting agt 'htn' . 111wLivalualon. That mail. tho I )-rowvi. let um wit j;illlp to conclit- "Mem.-To wrltp tn xtons Lon. Monsieur Fank8, agent or the police. q4e.,tiun oil a large itc.tle are by tile By- I tits, luay find it itiorphia Pill. olon 4ddr~ n t onee." to be presfnt. He ha the livis which 1,11g) 111W(.Ibt Wlioily overcome. vicst brail4kiLimal.-has Ddt the the 1,13 iny poor friend had for the 1011-A. A. I't aimig a a�ow ill C.O.,e 'Juarters not of brain weigl[Wwu by this land straiiger coines to mo anil i4hown the UnIX Leutat to disca e, b,it t m.Lke her dog, to; sheep. 120* Cut, 2-4 gra Xfowsleur -Juda'a Lj Cgilifidetial. -1 ilia. 4GO; oz. rOJ; [;ores- P,Y PomLAY' salf.1 Japit, FAT110 I)OX. nad I say: 'Monxieur %-It.uum, und, at tiie sama tilue,'tu IU - A iliort distance 'ruin the mansion Fanklit.1 Is that not '140 veea..,o' tile coit of lier keeping. Tito 1.300; Whale e. eilephha. 6M That al;s�l brain weigi -407110 lrjbftLly deadly." rt-k�lned � octa- 4,f Dr. Japix. on ti -e -rad which rau "We'll. you've re441 the papers," oil,- urcintra is �un excelent llace--sur ljqor,. dnris%lix, stubtornly. from lr6nfields to Lite dweltii.gs of serived Fanks.'s.o*ly, "atid knoxv all eopeciaii a it i III bearing unJ- 14 not, a measure oi it 1. igeuee Is Iii " If dentay." Contliatted t&V d(K:Wr. -the' magnates of tile Cit. stoW a tho circunistancem of 3-()ur ftlelld's wej,bei,-ded to cluver .Have storm thvr altowu, mcreov r. by the that inniq well oi ex rartilitary seal quk4l. " I grunt )otir theroy Is a iurgo. billuare wwie house If, a death." uitIrtersi fur lier, of cuuree- . e papers isa dut nt Met- dreary piece of --round. Tire house Th y lie gave himself -In ioearly all cames Vie veebnd rind llity--oucii an Lic-big-huye had L r 14 below the average In- %%-eight. 714t"W_ niet W ideatli fit tile liall"hoi of iL-e.f was also r,liiarkablydreary.be- the* death. monsieur." third litters of Pigs- a sJ%v . farrow T�%* tfta� the bralit Oi in he per. -,on who put Lit two,extra imr.paiute(I it di A gray. with all the what do you Ptay?" 6 a the firtv* liuld it (AW - . %rindow14 allot docits tilsillally Picked out I flo n(it know, repiled 'M. n will be Letter tha. I not even rela R eil lan coug h t hamillivs. [low -uv i,.i tiurlicieutly, vi'luAble to IM kel't 01 all other aniniala. thi�14M e 6 brolkevvr." said Jalsi. raisin;; bi-; voice. iii b:aek. Two o4torlew It walis. witly dw.. Pbrugging film shou'ders, and open- un a and tviiii il-w (4 brain weight ti) body lan4 It evitablisheb nothing. elatiane five windows fit the top iitory faciiii; Ing his eyem to thelr fulleoit extent years tu a gsO-I Uklv L Ce, in glven: Tortoc6e, 1-2,240; ox, I slee;jl tho *roaAi, four windows. and a door (the gul'.elem look). What Is �lje Ue of mucti uiure wurtu than a yuuug e4phant. I-5LO; liaIKJOH, 1-1- 0; hL4 nerve* wer-- all wronsz- I with A porch fit thtq lower. and still, opliflon of nionsUmir?" cae-o. I -9J; wati. 1.,0; Nparrow obouki daY It was very probUle lie 14�4�ljer duwii the batetuelit.8 I guarded at r. Fank.4 thought a m9ment or Two %v(ekm I-revIous to 'farrow.129 114 ClillUl)al12Ce. 1-20. The greater ,Iegi d114- an taken niorli-Iii.I. pilli-pur- tho sit:es-of the lum.se by spiky Iron two liefore r6plying. Ue waiitod, to Ouu enot,gil to I ut Vie sow ut;ull mot her di convolutions M thesuria. at clLimed from. perlx;W-q; a Lon4jon chem- ra. itful appear- rit.ki ont all about Mel-itatie's fuuiti a.mijr-t excluldilvely, und 61dier a niatt's. braiii as cA;mi)ar%i witii V gCt a &4J4AI. nightaw ance. The Cartleii fit front had it life, and no one eou 11 . him mo mileli titan till.. coris call "ley be innate Lite i 2� of woman dow not, 86taill.'kill 8 J. loroad wlk runtihig down to a ruty as the fe:low'-locre olethe deadinan. osiei diet. TO make the pig* gru%v lor.ty. for the marvelousiy III aia "itit WI)v two 'mortAilL Oh- Iron gate, on eLther v.11e a plot of Judas. however. W;a no ordinary witlijut-ceas.n- tile mother 0.14111d be o-io Iiienver lias a surimith Lral". paii jected ratook greeii gra.-s. and In the centre aw 1. wou;d - not speak freely unles*t1te ied a ratil.n wlg�lj will cat -,e [ter to tlie comparatively unin tell ilp-11 t the lota doC t Aell lnorphizL I)iilV Its twoo4o" of each claureli-yard looklug plot - a kne the who'e circumstances of i.i- (utwn eveii wiitr site !A ou"lmat* a gmat. wealtb. o. CANiVO u Your not' U-ith- La.l. siolei4n -Tht: four IoWpr case. Now. Fanks (fill not trust . -Tti- 111to. )u..L11kI 1.4411 14. 1-4 a pro- It the we giit of the frontal' ob, %Waont -Anue nwrilt-*' apix. npprov- wintlows, opeited -like doors d1rectij- oil -tins III any way. He did not like ld-� ,tueer,uf tlie'very best (luilhLy. :Llkd%AL a glufleanw. am winie seileatists f0te Ingly. Still two 111114 lility tfb the but wert silwayu alilienraiiee. nor him; niamier. iior twauty to 4"_)k I at.; . bred, f0 and im- thouglit. then witanen liak tiie a 119 09 Itare 1wen the imiance or aw4h tr Imm. w4 rs. IA I imer (11ro)prletre*4 of anything about ' him. all(] wou:il proved for ge-teraLions, tie sLands. to - to U ISFWI f,1164*41 If% tIJJ4.01l'� WJI p fAJ 11111VIn te kh'-,4 charinhig e.-stablIslimetit) thought have preferral him to rpmahi lit Ig- daY "lilloit W pel,riect hug, and tite tage, hers being thd heavier. . . . I, ro 4 a ior Uarlichevitch's al the trotibf-i of tw'o lmlx"-.** egress loy tlw funerai firour, door w.ug' itoranco of his (Failks') saullitiollm. 11,11t iwer of any amin c " 4,�Oftl tie, crita 1111y. t ut . siot proh- quitp sAtifficient. na lie could nt)t fliod oulk what I)#, it CU!J1e!S to feed iijU) itteat. lead hitu to the reta.trable new A gvt u guod bt.;4rt,, buy a thur- tio 0( the welgi able the bralit to �hat of the sJuai Ing I Xo. no. my f1ii-ar ofxtor. yo -1 Over the.porch was a broad vrtilte wanted to keto-w without te'ling Jiv- U it; jias ' 6eeii bred. no -tit 1xiarol, wliprooti wam twilcribeol fit grim. dam hin ani4picions. and as lie ct,11,11 uughi)red' %%-It,%: , op"ll not %rT to ulywt jity t 1wory. row is the true Indicator oi int entir til, roit analyze thn-w 4lack letter'Pl. 11ititer's 13,nirdhig- not Wil, Jiidap his uUMACIoll-A without Matter if site coiti you, tho price of tua ittipacity. and tht* tal):e of Tbf .*' I ithall do 0-1 to -lit Ilit, 'tFki to-, allot itithoug"li tile slrl,t Lhe -letting him knovro more Alinn lie car"I &%%to or tlLrea,.scrubv;- sho will maAe rattin is sLen to cuirrespond , P yott more money tlian � flat( a dozen 110" morrew ou wil I - 11.1 1141110e evisiliall to to, Octavium was rather In a di- 111gly to our l(Ims of the relatl High bred sop p,sipptse yuii iil fn"L 'Ive Ifi-I tane -ciorf; timlol wortWo. Binter,84 wlm gell. ternma. tort. 9 -of tlw poorer., 1,fle allu uetLer le,;u- teiligence of. the animals ment nny monillia pilli !" wild Fail!"- A* era.ly well "tockpo ml %he lbroprie- Gulitainil anw thb and put nii end to are. Ituruir, P"u Tortilla .. I ; *,ck, 1.5 ; piget)[1, Im. uro--e to take 1114 lelilve. trfw 411ir fairq 'ire I hi tier luarticiflar this lit*4itation in a mciot emphatic ire tilit ep, 2.5 ; 04, 2.5 ; horde. Thl I. erti. -and, wic, cow food and, a up til So Ain't 1M.111 vf. iii niorphla -iiip or (irp.-rcliargIng nd n npr retArn a wou�erftsl 'profit. 3 ; cat. 3 ; dog.' 5 . seal. 5. mol.e tary rplI6 for *Ic,*pla4m cx-ept in ex- -A ta:l. 1c;iimt. griirf perstin %*am rs. "e, dc" not* truirt me." VAJIM lietigeiiog. 7: wliale (estimated rnewdl tre"10114 1 griternliv give chlor-li- flinti-ir. nPravii"I hi a kaeverob'-Tookiiig lie . s4ald. with an hibiretl air. "-Mon- Hay*bUlku and- grain should be II dLI W . fit~ gray color (like thp sietir' vroblil know all aliol tell noth- tra . neforit chimpanzee (estlm;lted), 15; ele Air. Jackw-m Spolger to- of a 'I led- into inear, and milk. All- (istiniated). 18; mail, 49. Takin and pieked out hi blask, falso Ing. Bot no. certainly int will not imals 'or flesh. are transported with figurc* of 131selicif. the ratio in Oh. the Ancl,nt 1I.irinpr." sai-I IMP the homme) h.v wearing ff iky Ile pleasing to me. great�r ease Vain they, and Clio dairy Figure to your. tA) bo 49.4 in man nd '49.3 In Octa -w 114. ca r, I Does lie - suf rll)lw)vi r(,mid her throat. ;I jet-trininied itelf. monsieur. I am a Frenclinian. produe.U. are a, still greater cotiden- man. rer front itk!epbenpnem T' ' Iratize cap oil ber troti-gray hair. Mid ine, I am n man of lionor. In It wit sation, Wht *farm Products. to 4ell y(%4 . (m criomit or Id4 hpproach- riwty lilaek illittenx on her lenti haii0m. mcj? Monvieur known aft of the enae; 1s u.. very importitnt question, and Happy tho Tnan who early IPC mirtrriagp. I prii-nnie." he also wfire round her narrow walst Itilt I may knoW 'Pornetloing' the PtudY of plant food in the. vari- the inimeasuralile distance bf, 11afton A-thito lwlt of black leather. attached '.Of good AlsO. If monslen'r mhows mfb outi pruduetb lit. claWlitial. his and his powers.-Goe to W*1001' 1)�V a l4t0el C11.1111 teep dairy was a his heart. the heart of Out- -The small fariner should "By tiog oh"erved Fankm. largo Imacli (it keys, willef, so jiligis-1 naud Is open to film. . There It In." all(] let the raWng of i4teere for Was she 'lot 4-139,19NI tO AMel- wheii lip walked tLtat in the twi. (To be continued.) beef alone. Mixing them III a, too ex - ata ne ?" light mio c6uld ea.Aly lielleve that pensive work.' if lie feeds what lie No. not engriged. exactiv." r*' Hhjter�s wns hatinte4l fly a gaunt Religion of Reason. raiwes to good, CQws lie will get good. VII -A Jnpl3t. thouleitfultv;,"but site iclioot caii6ing Its rusty chain through pay for it, and for Iris labor. III tit is was In love with him. Strringo how Lite dreary 'listpoutges. To love Justice, to long for the right, lie lias the advantage over the large ftle Me women adore mcampoL But It"i a Mrs. Uhiter's Igapa (!ong since deceall- to loe mercy, to pity the ouffe r I n g, furmpr, but lie is at a. heavy disad- long story. my (k-,ar l(liton. Tuo-mor- ed) linol been a wurder III the county to amsint he weak, to forget wrong -d vaiitage as, a beef maker- r"IT 111,:ht. wlien wp 1,A)tli dinp. erf)AN e rair ttitighter hv. No two cow* have the same appe- tit - %v . ;dti L, and 1,ile wine, I'll tell 1111C beell brought up with an hiti. and remember benefito, to love the tite, nor the game'capacity for con- and to tio." vie tnie 41.11,1rie. 11a. lia! vo-i I trikth, io be mincere, to utter honest ting food into milk, and It, there- Wome a%-. I*M a twiet. ell "', Mato kilowiedice of prlson lif. hall w) ',words, to love liberty, to wage relent- ver Yee. awl a also. Tlkr! accuAtonlial herself til, view the worl I lem war again;t slavery in all It" fore, follows that a great deal of " I iudg1lielit ilould be exercised III feed- We call them hitle men sqw4md line In Tiont through the bars of a JILil, till t site I rormj4, to love wife and child and fiat] liecome quite Imbued wI&ll the Tile physiological want -4 of a littIt women, but they Really. Mr. ribCki-T-DI-kf.-n4, you friend, to make a 11appy home, U) love 1'19- ot***rvo-.Tou*m, nx jklmri) fter rh:yine routine. Lhe Lrjulttloiw. and thespirit the beautiful In art, lit nature, to cut- cow are always changing, varying ncither. They have id"s rLs nr%er a witli 3-otir ctivo Of & first-elwoo penitentiary. It tivate the mind, to cultivate courage "Ot only with her general condition, brain. I wonder you uou't 4uffer fru,n might have been licretiltary, it migilt and cheerfu nem, to make others but with the weather and other cir- ways all their own. Fot havo been 'Iiabttual. but Mrs. Biiiter liappy, to fi,'I life with the aptenor cunistances' nately they soon bcome f I %v Ibc-n I do 111 i!onie to ou for wala certainly very Jail-11-ke ill all hr of genernwo actm, the warmth Of Iov- odern advancement call be seen lit Of cod- iver oil, when it nVIII34. 11-lugh- ways. Having captured Mr. Binter ing wor(In, to (11 card error, to d,,stroy tile ptatement that It Is IKm-ibic by Will Oct. it separators to take en to them in the form fit-: " not the sort fir that box, I (who land jio mind of hb# own). site pro -judice, to receive new truths With tlltb IV maile lilm niarry her. and lor the re4lat gladn"-�, to cultivate hope, to mee ter fat away from the milk ICOTTtS EMUU10N. don't wnnt to 4110 Yet." of his life relegated lifin to the lNi". calm heyond the sto ) completely that there Is a Iowa not is the most valuable remed s- I don't hPlIve In morphin rm, the dawn 184 talent. wherr 11P did all the work of a beyond the night, to do the best that to exceed tlt*e one-tentit of one per A-61DT to 0cf*0mP1llv "txxltim" without the wages of one. can be done anti then be fesigned- cent.; but there Ili a difference In tho existen'-we for aff the wast llt4 KI"t to the door. "I never ,IN Ivir" lookic forwocrille thelf). Oh. Y04. by %he way, a I after the boarders. tills-Im the religion of reason, the creed machinei of the same make as well diseases of early life. whom site treated like pr6oners, pro- of science. This eatifles the brain am between tito..4e of a different mako. d11 prwacrihe voine f -r Mr. Axt(A." x1ding at her ovAi table, where the of the dairy rooiu poorly nourishc4 scroful octawlive. who waA 90ax out of the an(] the bpart.-Col. Robert G. Inger- Tlit- temperature d(x)r. turiwd auol&nl:v round with a fOOd was very plain and very hole- soll, at Rocheter, N. Y. allOuld be 60 degrdes whell milk is met Cb i1d; the thinii, weak, f rett some, seeing that they were fit bell fit open pana, but in bummer tirne tim child; the youn child v cry of 114)rror. in their little cellm at a proper hour, Had Lots of Practice. thermomet4cro fit our iluiry houseo itre "'Roger AKUM I" alml altogether conducting tile estab- ofteit away above this; the milk sour. -s does not trow t., aff talm Sa " TW; do YOU know blin ? WhY. IL-liment in an near a manner ap, Spil.-ticer-There is a. girl -tliat en -n before thecieatn' rises, and inuch but- Emulsion without form r,wxl grilejoil.q. %rh1t1.4 thp nvitter?" prouAlillig the paternal 1qyetetu ad put oil the gloves with anybody. ter In lost ; neither IP4 the butter first, For oetavius Fanks- u*mMing In -late wax Ole. Fergu8on-You surprise me! She class. 1;mpeclally in southern thinates bribe.. It sums as if they ki every itinh., had*i6unk into a chair nwir Bintoar's was uisually full. an Mrs. loo�)ks quite delicate. Is the separator satibfuctory anti that this awaLnt nourisrn t he door. E--- alwaym advertised It an heing Stw-bricer-She %vorks at, the glove necessary. and growth for bow mis Are You III Are- you III ?*' ronreA In the cotititry. and the worked -to- countiom at 13tacy's. POULTRY. the doet-ir. anxityusI.T. "Here, let death clerks of lronflelds irpre glad Kaffir corn in gocrJ for little chicks and nervm D*, get, !'oil NIme Iwandy." A Matter of Contrast. Id Fank& rmOvering to get a Lreath of fre"n air, ev*m as well a,4 for olier fowls. The grain Book tellM cum about f4 frc& NO. 11- 111a wheit attended fly the Inconvenience Emtelle-M.Trtilla boastq that �-he will is smaller than whent, and the brood hinvelf wIlth fl, Ervat effort. thillong I of living in a private jail. But In the be a bridesmaid a dozen tinies tills will bagin to eat It before they tire a It won't pay to try a subifitut hiq fnc@ wax an pale am death. ,,, Vm evenhig all the primon boarders gen- Peawn. fweek old, and will grow like magic. Scott's EraWalon with the right. I - I unrA to k now JR(WPr erall Marle-Yes; yon see almost any girl FAt what they W They wM relish the rW thing. nn(i %he Marne xUrtled me. 99 y went out on a klml of ticket 1, they will nutbe- For " at 50t. wlid $1.4 bi 6- mant S�Woclitlonqv" XrOwled ()f -leave (the underxtanding I*Ing wIII appear pretty with Myrtll'a by COM- crop bntind, for the Kaffir corn hmm Igo In rXe head If, it i that tlwY were to he In before mid- lier side. doat not itwell. *Uggi" 111glit), ad Mr". Biliter I iad the For laying henq 1%-nf valuable. SCOTT & SOWN 1, sawmili, 021- "I hope not -dears IrlinIA nr lk-v TWIVINCP Inil to be something very V its. a i _T1P,..QAP&PI in JARL 7ex croek running through th "10WAS n uX0 UP banks the cro bee Dobbins Is a south- fade' vv" of glory, whi(. �r IS given. bod, a farm. ITTer Orn eftek. Buddenly lie esPied a th not away, 90011 t4ilker, Iiiinot Y waig n0t recovere tiritil t111,4 emergin front tile orpital st tur Lie Woe% wil 1-;artlily "Good talker? .1 mornigg. 64 1 Im forgotten In the )org of went to Ills remm. Pvrrlasting rwA. been Och, 1Ov9 I" lie exclaimed wlemnly. rt! Office Ones to borrow $:,0. and before The That Iver I Rhould cloraq to ell -known I sort away he ll&d borrowed #50 fMMQ sIde of th F1 hve In Bay that the rirht to apift 0% A 111001— UM06 us Me. L Aftod r OW --]NORM no T ..%,Lf-iZ MAID. ry 4— tile a RTHT LITTA ear WaYs TP, ,,.non Confessed He Did illy 4A Understand. A BA411 What Induced you to oome ?" said six for Tell�i her she. as he enteml. Showing Huw a Sufferer ere 6, You," said he. Bruckvlile, iem She laughed. re,ates the New YokLk H. Well lot' sciatica Was cumd. Journal. known cit& of " I dout care to see disagreeable ham Will people." she said. lately recovelsethenterle forms t ued will Then I wouldn't look so fixedly and painful 116-e crosawd over A Correspondient of the Orillis. News heir In that mirror If I were you," said the story of V Of InOurbellne de 11P Lotter With Permwslon Y�rom the ick correspondent le 'Of heliotropoe &ad Author Makes the Letter Public -It Wretch !" she exclaimed. "ave vu'� Vie cluster of or'02' r Will be 01&dl No," said he, " but, I'm wrietch- from kidney d !%rthe. y v Re" by Otherfituffor it ed.9-9 back being so * Jiftillulisite eve unable I ore From This Paintul Malady. 17 feed You (kw-rre to be," said she. "Of t,�.stalid to in 4116adeds the (From the OrIllia, News-Le&ter.) Ces- Noticing the - of all the dilsa4irreeable-" t to k Weil what Dotid's Kit lert e titling The following letter IL&m been �or- u he, ve Im de� " le t to 'k ro re "Oil, come, flow. now, Mary." bald te gil (;b- for others I cutic d w them." be; "You dtmi't mean that." t d w xe wurded us by tLe Coldwater, Out., are- "Haviiii; uowd a. Xes I can "Ycs. I do." she affirmed. Lae cure correallondent of the Newa-lAtter, t i�.ay that I am cureti aild "I doii't think you are capable of an to I to I I cew 64 ell 1*0 that I can I to bustnem wl,IL'b we have gregt Pleasure In p%;b- Judghig, anyway." itaid he. Now ' w I . Ito Kitty 1). Arcy says site *thinki 1'�; i ah well as ever I Iml- awfully jolly." I Coldwater, Sept. 25, ISW6 Ine, 64 One has only to make a tool of HOW IV SIT GRACEFUL.LY A fc-T weekii ago I became very qu- nay Coil- himwIt to amuse Iter." Few Women Have- the Fine Art ct well [tow an attack of sciatica. &W N iese " And I suppose I can do that sitting Down. rumembering that a willie gLgo &Vro. Itry east 17." 64 1 ou won't havo to) rehearse the Ltimurioab arm chairs and I(JULIgO -III known frivad of m;ne, Mr. C. T. vamps wintoor time aud tvjitiui hamnlocks in am, of Fe*berton, a few mi;es 8110 tollielled the car the bmaimer are, geueratilig weaknes i here, had been u great mufferer f t be Lights. William." little said to the m*rrunt who answered It. In the modern hqji no which La not con. tills Painful comi.laint, I tijought, to manter without thetu 7" said lie. A that go . r DO "' We might sul,,ply their pAce with luell have king lx--eti uware of tlii*dan- 91111all " to the mediclue he gives'i otte r *6 Don't you think It in much plea- ducive to lie4L,tli or boeauty. Med'eal would I* well to con,uIL low your bril,latit wiivil-ruaticui," said ger at" oil frequent occa4iutim have clit tu for him relief and cure, tile she. vainly calliA attention there'to. Law Was aware that lie was now well dnd Mile. "Or the love light in your eyes.9' CULI, WUHILM are not 'lirotie too change hearty anl had ever since been Ibre daid lie. their %vuyA. however, unles, somegood tree It domn't PhIne for you, anyway,,, reay*oli Lw given and fortunately. so bteady work amcng luMber-10M ftu- t1llg 80111 Hilo. far uA regarcts the -.ubJ2cL hk hand. ilar bu)-itiLms. Hegave me the litforisa- Ile "Then I& In a falne signal." said the beAt of rea&on froVi tltelr #%pand- &ion required. atid wrote otft tile &A - *10 lie. atid lie arose art(] walked orer too) point Itas been Yound. P It yedcla. it , a re t ("It Iter chair and. resting libi hands on U11111111111011,4y Of OPIRi011 that Life wO- lowing teitimfinial wii1cl, lie de:tlres to IlIt'" the arms looked Into 'her eves. d1un who perhitotoenVy- Iounge4 III have Published in any way I t6julk *0 Wi I ." site asked are you con- t*11UPthigly Itrittrious, chairis will in- pro,.er, hoping LI,&t it wi.1 meet &he r or vineod ?" evitably lome whutc-ver of grace na- eye of many bufferers like my*elf who the " I think, Mary." wiH he, and then ture or art litia'beptowed upoig her. .qx)d p&uwo. Th6 Is tufficient. of coum, too In- 4re GAxiouiii to get relief. I therefore fJ86- "' Well." said she, looking at him duce reform anti'more frequent u-* of I?rward It to you to publish: inon d&latitly. leim ea -y aeuthig accommodation. It Fewerton, Sept. 18, 18?6. iere " I thirik you Are going to kiftme." is, comparatively ea*iy to i-tatid well it in with the greatest pleasure f or Her eyes met his for an instant, or even to waik with sonie grace, that I testifY to Vie juarve-louai bew then were lowered. e but to loahmitte into a chair nnd to , fA and cure that Dr. Williamd' Ilink f fer Let us kiss and be lovers," he look well aTter buch . ibu�) I -lence im rth- p1mlied. quite another matter. "'Mally pW)PJP N11A effected In My came. In Use year ear. 81 lornice. drop into a meat and greatil is the 189-1 1 waA takun very bad wiQ I i4ge " Won't you. otter T' lie asked, w)f t, fall thereof." but most of them wr!g- aclatica. I was treated at different bout ly. gle down In lial.lissarti style audthe timei� by two ductorm but dispeneed eso- S'owly lier lips were raised to his- effect is 'lot soothlill; 'to -envitiveeyes re- and- or ears. To change. then, from a witij tbeir strviciab as I founj I was The rcst eoncerns only thempe'rft. atumling to a 6.1tting po,ture I* a not gettiug'the hoped for relief I )UM4 trIal to every woman alive, with Nile Liten tried different remediew alver- arly THE ENGLISH BREAKFAST. learms how to do It. The ones who* I Itice have learned are never known to tibed ab a cure Vr a-Istlea, but,with . Lt Reason Why t1fe Vi tndt4 at This Meal impress you with the ract that they ilu l.etter result. Then I tried strougiy And ' Are Almost Always Cold. are lit a htate of evo�titioti; they are 'recommended electrical applIancea, but )no Is. The Engfish breakfast Is a nioul not bktanding before you ligbtly and eaully. still to no purpa-,e. i aid iAot improve win- a chair or a loungeor a sofa is I* - may understood by us, says the New York liliul thein, but they do not weem to- any and the pain Was excrucitting, the ninea. It may' be served in the din- be noting the faCi; in another mo- and I Legan to lose all hill" W ever the lt ip meiat they, aiml the chair are one, getting,lK.-tter. I could t1bi �A% lilown itig-room or in the library. or move about without a.�ufferink le- y be itioro often "on call*' than oil fam- but you uo not see jut [tow It came -could b1ftg about. The inmciies have -jertiy telLbe pa'", "J"the only m. ller 1 file and- there is a total absence, givievi way,fiere aital tightened there, get w4s wheu, I lay down wito my 16 legb btretched istraight vut and.thon even In the high4mt circles, of forinal- the kiiees have befit a Ittle. LmItIlot tile palil Wab itiomewhat leAs. I was is by ity in dress or in service. The vlandil a hair's braeadth too much ; Lite en- ILI thib position une day when I Ocked are for the fuo*t part,'cold- The Lug- tire twdy lims undulated fur a twcond. up a tiewispaper lying by Iny si,tb and libil will tell You that this 1b; tw- and the deed 6 dutie, but as to the i cause they have learned that Cold (loing-it is ab impius!-Ible tu dcs_-rlbe a.-. there 1 read of a Mal) cured 4 oci&- ntiL:a by taking Dr. Willianim, ; Pink tthe invatiii are mure d;gebtible than hot are the cliange., from one idjape to 4111A. Alwaya kavitig but little faith In attil that, it is vulgar to eat a liea%,y unuther Ina bummer cloud. proprietary medicines, anti in vkjw 9f .r:&n meal early in t4e day, but a shrewd .0nee seated the woman who knows the experience I already had. I would oboerver attribuUm their preference giveb no evidence of a dominance of not have tried them but for &,he fact buut to it c011' bill's ti011 Of lazy nervanth one lart of her phybiquo over an- that my wife insisteJ on going at sind old-fasitioued stovetil, which run- other. Yuu are aware that title liam & derw iv difficult to ge . t " a heavy feet. but no't too poitive about. it; once and procuring &)Lue. Site got a ineal early In the day." you know that blie is re. -ting. but liox and perduaded me to take * hem. Where hot di*bes aj:e itierved they you are not iiure thut she 14 not By the time I had fini,,hed the iy-)x I are apt to be " minced veal ' or An lounging; you bee that she 14 inalioe believe I felt better, w I kept on tiA Ing the pill* and by the time I had aketj that few thin, crimp sliced of Irivit bacon. of fier c.othes, but you are not liilifu- *4x I)o1egis I was eutimly cured. : had fac. Thesse, with new -laid egg -A, invariably full). cO1L_t:OQj that khq *is 1 10, 4 nip to:] been lai,l up for four months tefore Ijoiled or steamed, which latter iii i1i tliew, and, altogether, ftlie Is a taking the Pink Pills, and I mhat eolk- been done at table, are all that are with- triumph of combined kiiowledge and tinue to take them occaidonally, as I ca. fit reach. The cold meutd conailting cleveri"s. Site' hitu erect I ecause blie man of flaw, tongue, "tollared fiead,' etc., reinemINm that one of BibulArck-'s ktiow them to be an excellent �riedl- owli. are placed ou the sideboard. As no tutt)rm lids "Id- that the great el"Iti- cline. I shall never cease recommeading of Ke'rrant is expected to Ile In atteiid- cullor ims6toed upon everyone at bis thein. "Youriii trul Hop U. C lirles T. WM. irkljr ance at this meal, the gentlemen of Uible heing in a strictly, upright 1 correslw)jident addis that th' lov the famill go back and forth froin jitimi, and that tie (the tutor). afWr num.. table td ifideboard serving thowe who liaving been at. S-clionhaujiell rorw.)mp ter to from a much "pected r don% at ask for " heipings.'- The thought- time gained two Inches In height; and of FesserWn, wlitme word Is gen( ally less, uninitiated American might oil- theti a4lie know1h. too, that it' Ii a considered as good an him loond. New *!t to such confusion and Inconveni- liriiicil).e of phyAcal crulturisti that per ence, but John Bull delights In an af- fectatioll of bimplielty, and accom- better it w-111 fulfil its funetiorm. _4 per� plitlies informality In file usual cluin- the higher all orgitni-.m is Iteld the ISSUE NO 12 1897 1 celit, sy fashioii. Such -a convenlence,'a%; u table bell is an unknown artif-le' CITY WHERri WOMEN RULE arp' BE WISE AND TA S TE , of furnishing. Should the servant by Female Voters Outiiumbbr the Male in in.2h any chance be wanted when out of the room, even at dinner, the mistreib Dunedin. Now, Zealand. ;rom ulill rise from lier chair and cross to At, Imbieelum a city ao named, I�unv- *SA SaILL the mantel, by the side of which is -din, !it New icAlaud,.has a very lurge a -ii ulectric button or -bell-pull eom- *'!eo Wit elC111CLIL-111111011glit its ciLizeas, LADA used municat!ng with the kitchen., the Ito title to diStILICUOU, however, now TO GIVE ThEM ItFFLCT r(%t* uIx)n -tiolluething more novel. It CEYLON TEA. con- is probabl tue ilowy eiecUorzt.Le ill Detleloss. Furs. inafto,mics, eats Kall-41LIS Pr0J)Qbeb tU al.LILt the I't IA U.0111 QUIEWn % ilria% doainuw4 where thc boid tn.bml*d LAwd racketerebuill, mandmentb Law. vt owen furiu a coubiderable juajority BY Groomm Only ka.;Wuil relloort j�ays. Repreieii- of tile arLual vvt*_-rs. At the general sold at S5, 40, 80 bad " eastill perp�- TS. eiecLionti I"t month the Dunedin wo- A f tative Walters, of La lk-tte County, men iijubtered in such 6tr�eugtli as W _V_ 6riest to --day Introduced a bill in the House uutilumber the aluie elector* by wore U'R STOMACH FLAT to make the enforcement of the� tel) than ;.1,00J. There is a tiatu'ral feel- so LENC-yq NiURTBORN. mg of eurivsity as. W- the chuice'of ANO ALL OT44rR FORMS OF as commandmente a part of the crim- a coubtquwncy *o compo.,ed. out air ftowil ty DYSPEPSIA 1WT" nuat inal procedure of the State of Kau- ele%en candidates, the elcelloOrs had "e u drban dKowDeCe"m anoTy ovw man rqw. The text of the bill Is "An Act Las select t1iree repre6enta. '"ed. 0 a to give statutory force to �the Ten J1 the -prettutudi Te ant part, . r " llfew- Commandments.- and it reado ad (of- tnine) wam uutlifly r(*J)ou_,1Ae for the clie- 10rs : eltuice, it wuuld appear to indicate van i,tu- - "Whereas, The men of the preeetit that- the feniale foudaeAs for %ariety )ULI(I generation have become doubters and is carried tntoa* politics at tile adtilkt- ,,..st ocoffers; and. de6. %%*iijle Oe first and third mem- BOW PARK CO'Sai nost "Wheread, They have strayed from twrt- choiseu .%ere (on-serv"ivL%, the bea- the religion of their fatlierts; and, middle one wab an advaiWed Itailleal b.e "Whereas. they no loiiger live in tW and labor member. The first and HUMEGROWNSEED3 ills' fear of God ; and, swxmd uere strong ' supporters of g7rl "Whersits. Having no fear of puni h- Aecular education, the third a denom- North Dakota White FJimt. . - Corp 11alle -nient beyond the grave. they wuntow ilia t --011a I 16t. ( hatige wau the order Wisconsin's faril r "t Whit# it' a IY ViOla,te the law given from Mount of I. lie da,07, for t -I i e t I i ree fur mer went - Oent .............. Cori lur- %tilqi, therefore, be it euacLed by the lK.-rai were rultlileasly ri-Jectood. 'rile Sibe-ion Wh'te ....... etc. -A of the Stute of Kau6as." gentleman who heiLded the Poll was fact I &A)- Then - followS -- #in eximqAtonally clever &LAd aarAt Mand6cheuril............. Rorie IneilLs. each eominalits.- rpinntand- opeaker. But lemit it should to hast- Fo.1der Sorghum. raids made a iiection. A gradufttk4l F;%-&&- ily thought that the f6winine will"i Japan,,se Millet (three variett" fine.i is prepared for -violation us I Ili- plitlit rrodu, 0-deformaltif. cmi F an Is W !6y,,,,AeeemsibI6 to orawry, It of forapt ffl- twde. 4V lows: milig thp elecV46`4At the third ek-ct- that -iiaring any other 6od" $1 (M. PRICES LO W. -order ir arry. all, v r I *.a- I For "worshipping a gmve; 111111-ge.- awly more throitt. addrod- could w)i aupt,ly me deviand )a t 6 . eigIrt $1.0oo awl Otte yeak in the 1�eultol-tk- Tlw firist winuer had to orercl6mv� Pyring For pritro; and other i -G,J0; a little difficulty. inaumuCik as in for- J-Lrxr&4Aan ap ply I o tiary. d ma- later years lie had actively. opliaw For "taking the name of the Lord I tfie gratit of the franchise to Lite lium in rain," $-.00. th (lay." ladies.- lie met t1dis. howevew-py it ce of For."not keep'119 tl1P Sabba tilat $500 calin a"urance that lie had voted For "refusing to lionor tily f&ther from a collViCtiou " not that tile rrancittse was- too for wontea, C sipi,r- Ct K)d jold is King geni- and thy, mother," and six Ilut -tliat women were tim) good -for ,i I, t %, tir wilile nIonflis In prlvoll - For -committing murder." hanging. the fraiiellise"'-which little Ilit Of Lonic cial'un with I'lleeiii lent, gophistry may or, way not have 1A IN tiollso For "adultery." imprisonment for had a share ia swelling liid pajority. Steele Briggs a has life. 0 For violating the commandment4' Crade" Seeds, have I:* SIGNALING AT SEA. jy&u_ willet, tiny "Thou slinit not sitem sold by leading dealers. "Thou tilialt not bear falme witne.-im." A Device Which May Ayert Chanco Of Ask fei them. fr'l e 4 "Thou shalt not covet." fine or I"i- Colliallon. Eate w%*ecA1nWL the' priFoninent, at the di e4cretion of the The Westminster GazAtoe may@ that GOLDEN RE -TURNS it of court. mitr- Tile bill will probably pas@ the an Am.-:tee,lam gell'Us Is AlXut 9'vitlg CATAL.OGUES PREE ellee- TIOUSe. I to the worl,l a priL*,1ce, 1"Nenticu-thit The Steele, UH990 SaW CO. such- THE SHORT SKIRT. metwis by which all'PS at k -ea may be �-)R(N TO. ONT strik- oil speaking terms umier all cir(-Um- 416% re iaw a IN -99. 1wr it is in Great Favor in the United 9tftt 0 at.-uwe., or bive tho powt�r to e.( in- a Of loned:* Capital Now. inuilleate with the shore. SOMP wvc'" -for 2.5 ; - ly[)X, VillitoOrli to N�,asllll4rWn have fre�- since lwople llvIUg of] tht' OUU'kirts of a now required in iieurly 6-5, quently . commetiteki upola tile great the town, returning Ilowe in tl&e itiark every offlos. otitlits wjmw 10; h(,urs of the eveidlig. wcre seared by SHORT- I popularity of tile fibirt skirt lad the very lieculi.-Ir upearthly noundo, centm/ susins" (WIW pliant alljolig the.women of the cl'Pit-Ll- It rjimetill,ig aka to the t!eep. penetrat- stmt ford AORS4 g the Is statoed that ad lollig ago as last ing w -renin of ,I stenux-r's stren In the, I found winter it was an ordinary ciecurreace inilst, aithough Ukerv,, was Ito AVatVT HANJ antl got the be" wo- "s 104111ding 001 aftil,qllillil to see women ill b1cycle sk,rti without nw to 6. Oak Of, ""it 001111le'luFutly P0 Selhoeln CaDada. StudustA M&I 4wftr itig their W116LLS. 6onietimes they wure p(is.,16.11ty of a i4eamer."I'lie riddlig 6 avy Uj. Circslarp frm I en rnu goilig U) skate, bouletimes they U111re now golveal. it ilegil bwn found powlble W. J. W 1.1 PrinelpaL tween going to 1) ay got an'l Wmetimed they too prootluce a cottstant, uiivaryliig the. otily pretended that they *vere go- gounAl, witiell may at IvaA- ANTE D -AG KINTS. MkLZ ANJ r& ing to tk) thcoe things. T411 winter it 1. Be heard lit I tlilstajw�e ot V Male, ic every cicy, tows and villsills, to is so mucli all every. -day af,tair tli&t fli-e lu 143�., agilliwt a stifff Lr4xik-. A) the fastious "Fown" Yebpt. Wro" for weariag a short skirt require -4 no 2. la of buch a nature and quality gsroul.,r " premium list. Big prodt& ram Urmine to ffewit. Ckl�, Toronw courago at all. No otie pays any at- tilat It is quite e"Y to de t -r. The leabt aP- a lliWty the direction from which 1 4 tention to the wear to DO pearance of mud or wet In the street C()mes. STUDENTS AND TEACHt"no A tume An lustrumf brings out women in bicycle cob 3. Is producied 11Y . M'TFIITNG a WORTVil' and PROnT. by the wAme. They put oon thfir short %%-Illcli ca -i be moved ftbout withoul I occupat ion for t he b UN M IKR cam p ot skirts am naturally now an a infLn tering the D)Und-tll&t im. In the writinor us. Wa do not premspe $10 turimi up tho bottoin or Ilis trousers nmuiller no all eloactric warchli butniore Lhftn that per WUM ,�* Of particul&r& Addrew when It Its raining in Iiondon. And 4. I.Amt, but 'lot leatit, that Plitly n tho people wlio t10 it are the people tile instrument may 14'k- t-Uggive J. L. NICHOLB & CO, t1ling is tUl, who determine whether a e 1, W tl.,C I I inikeS I t I ONS 111 C. 11 33 Itichmond a�Lraetxmt. Tomw it,nd goixi form or not, For examp'e, �11,a constant alternative r, glialllv(.r are Boardman, Miss Kcata Rodgers and may be coittifiell, W,) that a L0111314PRAYIERand NJ WM=&n tho Mimes Sheridan were all down tl(),, may toe kept up. Or W)M41 Iflustroord, twelve colorok and orold, dw.., Lnd bicycla clothes a it aplwani that tile tylV% ' printood on heavy plate paper A bw" 4 A- t4DWII 8110ping ill , - (lark, &rUstic picture. Retial W, ativenW, 0 ,%v e re wee"- ago, matte trials I-' tu- few days ago when the strteti Outlying I'loperosill, root. Write ior 'I the juld, ol oourne, In lolw'n(.1 so pro The 80TW-W&M 3nd In bad condition. They Wltilked u. _I - day way ilown and nil the way back, VO. places In the lie ghborlwi� eor said. Quehp-, is it is true tilat some wom�ln. who are .uceti the ghostly 1104111,e (;�inon of not as young or an sl-glit at tl1O80 Competeiit perwmp ar;&,s ,,,t v1W FOR TWESTY-SEVER Y11XJ-- 11is J.:lst mentione:1, so clad are silg9ciltive that the thing ""nl yAny It" r,- -JA of the pictures in Mptlier Go(we of tile cems. T lie Zkviiand CW.ticou & fair rin poor woman syllo' was Indiperpet g',IveI v-) give theady own Itear ing eitougl, to fail nalepp by the king's trial, and the worl highway, with the rittendant trair- more (d it. DUNN"S rhe Wy of having lier petticoats Cut off. ous How ing He Had Hopes. We offer one I red dollars rewar(-, AKI rrh that cannot ho iletilmek-lo this the office Of QUI9- for any cane 41tnt tarrh Cure. iey'm Quick Cure hp cured by iv... I tes Props., Toledo. 0 or ]Intent Medicine Man -Yes. F J. Chene*jrned, have known F. POWDE -ClImme six tottles for my wife." We, the un)ne fast fifteen years 9 ew "TrIod all other remedies without .1. Cheney f perfectly honorable 11; THE COOKS BEST FRIVID success, eit r, ant IW LbTO transactions nnd finan. LARGUIT SALIE IN GARA" nt lle Cks -No; abe ahi't nick at all; but I all Ills bu"I I carry out any obliga- saw in your advertimement where a clally ab their firm. woman wrote after UkIng six bottles, tionir 91 ax, Wholesale Drugglst4j, ales me , I am a different woman,' an -I I have AN' to, a t Whole. I Mr-laft hop"." Toledo i RUPTURE"`*"Tr"� Invirin & Marvin ssea* ft" iW S&fe Investments. Wall sta, Toledo, 0. --mmmm 111M Gah itarrh Cure to taken intpr. Young BlIrginside married, you IN Ing directly upon the bl(xKl CODISTI Mo Is may, oil $10 a week ? Thalb took Ila ui4 surfaces of the myste IUCKU 0 BY leftmel :1. &611�. 0. P-41is are suaft"R nerve. anyhoW. What was he work- an per bottle. Sold by all dr rowimp or f"Ofiew lPr IMOUals f roe. K. 0 IT4.- at?" wa., a is NothinS. it w" the girl that wom rfih�fl Mona.=1 14L Palo A" the beet. the VM" If 4k," Ad ext weN CR the ffere ta'a lesem in the Leefesippit Me r. Tlw ord;riary carp, if it I@ not pqer i of 6 wo wor,& too fered witil, will _ i founde4 that are 441411, Urs o0o