Lucknow Sentinel, 1897-03-05, Page 27 L NEW . 'I= . I A wmmm� As be cloned the door of his room, his and water. and a rauping little cough, at the wor o� e' armi nee& mak. 10F DIABETHL toUghte reverted to Roger Axtou which he Introduced into his conver- PEN, scm A C' Once, mom gation at 'Inopportune moment&. fie Lae. P We can not reason that if a, hen No Help From Ifedioal ]hn - FuSerted fw $*He told me two deliberate lies," he would hare nia7de an excellent under- makes a profit of $1.50 a year, it The caxpet In thought, w1th a puzzled expression on taker, an lde.,d niute, for his east of Kuy Yan —Cured by Dodd's LkW K6 face. "I could see that by his face, countenance wa!i unitlenlably mournfaL thousand wLI make a clear prorit of rallway carriage i The Mory of a wolnan's Fealty. or, rather, hiiii manner. Humpli I I but fate had fitted this round peg of $1,5w. We must eonmider the ini. taIrw are rMs. don't like this." an undertaker into the square hole of tial outlay for a larger farm. and whicli arelu4 ID STORYN"wi, Haviiig placed the candle on the a chepilat in a fit of perverse anger. the Interest thereon; there will be :ipwi North Bruce, Feb, 22.--48p9cIaI.)—An deaths from crowding. Differentsani- gilt figues, whiell old and well-known settler in this dressitig-tabLe, Mr. Fanks sat down, 11c bore up. however, against him AGILICULTURM tary conditions will come into play. door harWles covt `Viwombip. named Thomas Brooks, who way. havu you ever 1well to Iron. and haviiig produced li6 secretive uncongenial situation with dreary There iii a great deal moreja thp bal(Mn cost $30,"o1jCoJ1 of c,- n lots 7 and 8 in the 14th COD - LY Theoreccal. nok*-Ijo4,k, prtA*eded to make therein resignation, and dimpensed his owil All and roots, In growing, de- — I a mmoraw feed and care than In the breed of , In rejoicing with his neigh - )G stood lcx)king at the 11 Roger liesitated. turned uneasily In am (in shorthand) of his nied,clues %viLh nu alr of saying, veldp carbonic acIL; gab in tl-.e moll, and fo w s. It In not neca-mary to have statiatics just Put). born over his recent recovery, and he lasit blurted out: 0 this makes Vie ornuffiarr man unemployed on t sald he* table. and Octa Is chuir, and at cionvej,4atlon with Ax -ton. hope it will. d you good, but Fin J10011aes any particular breed for i%uce4w,;, while he Revol "No ; I No rewou for citoitir t." He was %he pillar of VIU14 have never ueen to Iron- n( . so ; certalmy afraid It won' ouluble ; so, If there be iufficlent n1tru- the i&maller breeds will ILLy a larger Nc%r 2-0, 1895. &how t was carpd by ubing twenty-four look,ng at Louter Axton. relds." it. Stili, name oil pill -Nix, Iruitfielits : thii, church ia a suiall way. and stole number of eggs during the year. MX2 per.on-i out o reoldetice of Judith Varlhu4 Iroulleldis. round the, chpel on Sundays with tilt, geli In the to start growth,plarits boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pill&, and as 1'.1 tL fit of painful "Humph!" . in It is not well to food grown tip weii aijo t4j,749 wome nothing eLm ever helped me I bay they Curlow omeldence-very. Nothing p a inulncholy fabliion, as if lie will get Lila ploomplaute thty liced, it fi�� 'Ile face. hi, saved my Lfe. Ut frt)m Lila p -1oubtfu.ly at hinA. "I thought you may come of It. H.ghly Improlnible were atikaig some good Uiristian to withlia their reach, In whatevcr rowis with tdo much ort fLx)d, ai it mer date; and In the JITH I 64 lligllt have met M6w Vanius there al,ythilig c,1UI I &)me of it. Stijl tll(*-e put some food on the plate and de. thiii It may I*. W'- teikis to make them dyspeptic. The 5&3,576 men and 217,.t I had tried all the doctors of this* *)*4 bw startled exprew ('or the firut tiiue." i few lineto of queer signs, recording an bpa4ired of getting It. Ebenezer wam Whether we ra'@2graln, grasis or crop beconie% dibtended, and the food -1 16. locality and was treated for dlabetft, IN1.4sai into the gizzard In largerquan- Apoplexy has incre ..nglund hopir4kc and suffering for years." Vatter keenly observant, "SO I nilglit." replied Roger. equa, - uidnili,ortant conversatluLl, Ulay i�e ul hipt aunte, and his %fife. an acidulatelil bogs, we mu,t alway Le cmi the de- 11.1 "From reading of cures I deter - an , tj his usual Ilabits. At last Ay ; "at the same time I might have 1 use In the future. Who knows? Ali, lady of uncerta.n tige, rtiled him with feniave agaitist craw -backs and en(- titles, than required. Better feed in a very remarkable --e dLnce r4 a dee p a, il; h dre %v h I& uet her in wbo, Wooed? There's a good deal In a 'rod of Iron, perhaps front the fUCL alien- WA11011t eoubt It 6 well tl them more on who,e, (try grain& 1 mined t* use Dodd'@ Kidney Pills, aud lat In the bixteen Yea eadiag I must say that, after using the firms `�u You don't. know anythingabout I chance, and fate sometimv pdta a that Mee had no chdilren over whow It is &io- 11 we could sow anti reap with- 11ORTIOULTUICE %k Ith 1866, there were 467 deaths of the �hin brow and rftuLued hi!- [ronfiekim." box. I would havd conai&red t4wm threadl Into our hands wh ch couklucts to domineer ut wt ol!stacle in the wuy the world succymwful cultivatord 4)f "the grape upoplex.v per 2,000.000 Lababiltanta. *4se ar. Fank. p.cking up tilt "Ouly that it 6 a manufacturing through tangled labyrinths to uu- (ro be continued.) wuuI I be soon steep,:d in Iditness, wid effKkmtvor to train up eiitirely new Labt, Year -the raUo was D77 per I.- Z- NV.*e it a cheerful ratle a:. gireu'pver to the donditatiou of Aujown 6sues. the iteceasitles and comforts of life Lprinfilao of tile prement seAimion's cjou.ow. a POPZ*8 HOUSBROLD k. cobla example. oundries al'iti milionalreis In the fron 'Two w1d Mr. Fanks for th6 woul I be -wittiout va.ue, because they growth, In order to procure fruit for TH uf ., GLrauge cvinch!ence," I)* iiterest; to me It is alinipty a geo. tbini Lime, a,4 lie roiled liiuu*lf up in eust no effort in their proitiuction. tile 11ext Year. The bearing branches- A Scotch cle-Myman in Melbourne. Thq Ordi e 4; h Lful.,y ; " but VLU not ral;liieal exprezision.96 the bed-clotliej and blew out , the TWO MONTHS TO LIVEI 'Ihe teaching of the agricultural of thift year are usually witireiy cut Australia, It is wUd. has arrayed Ills na"BxViefts" of the Vatwas riaLeTtius "t of %hing occurt. "I Pl*-ad guilty to the same state of leandle. "Ile hadn't seen her since Vent- louriLal is shetiding new Vgfit an#J In- away. at Rome. dtdut#s well " in nuvehL 'TrutL gnorauce. but, I will shortly be wiser, nor. He ha4lii*t heard from her oluce Lerear. about the farmers work, mak- male Clori4ers In ighland drew, than Let"L' I don't ecau--e I am going' dVWU to Irou- Ventnor. Wonderful self-flk-nial for a ing It no longer druLigery ; it 6 tranw It da0m 1wt P to attempt to raime while the women are attirect in tht bluumekeePer, aak, &courdl.ngly lit Liao Urst tHILde that remark. ields." youisg man In love. I'd like to know 'erring taeiE urOaking Labor to the (Nitionis oil the mania field for a succev- c0stlim of the " ULdy of tLie Lke." a "We ujun. yxu mity de- "IN'liat for?" demanded Roger, with more about Roger'* lIttle romance.119 That Was Whit a Doctor Told 11r. tilust of years. The land lveomem un- The hymns are sung W the dUm" 01 proided for We budget of tlie V&t4- e b Lil, start. �orse wiii tne machine; moot of all, It Nuitcd to the vegetaolile, no matter "O bagpipe, a.W the Church a t*A", for the year ISV7 Long ago. The e w wouderfiAlly ubiervant ol EXTIZAL7rS FROM A DETECTIVE'S David Moore, is Lringing him grcatoer gains than lie how well numued. if the crop *uff.-ra crowded. eXPO'kitiu f(Ar Uw Year wLII fuot up 're be eryd; ulazed his ex. *1 allouhin't let you linto the Pe- coul i pus ,ibly 1 rocure w.th(,ut the In- fully maven and onah&if milliun lire vent th~ lfive'wurda." 4:r*td filf the primoon-houkie.", said Mr. NOTF._BOO,K. fluence or its teaching. from the bagilt the next will waffer " r "Can't make Axton out . . . Most The rarmer's aim shoul always be Moore. ($1,5W,0(K))- The "Ist. 1-*terls Pence" tIOU Unly is curiLAuL eplied Fainks. severely; but as you are Tho (Adect in mulching the ismall At Montreux, in Switwrland, the in ivUll one of the largvtA souraw of r. I,jaantly. am though he. were mine Owil familiar friend'­,Sfiak-es- curlou.4 convervation-iuciulial I ve u U The Remarkable Experieawe of One Lo pro.uL* simething Letter thwi Iwo fruiW lis `1W prevent too frPquent tind electric tramway gets It* power from the P4V&I kwome, It is contributed died buiuetliing irlse. - ]Fancy meare again. Ulp;qUitows lx)et—%ve�l, am I my part wradive on his . t He Who Was an Invalid for Years- Six *e,, pr(x.uc*d. 'I lAs must be done too rapid freezling- and thawing, by & very Small stream, wW from the old priw4pally by the poorer clsinneg Ju Lris a-Luie ut LLie town 1tvLert: ;ou are itline own faml.iar frit-nd, I t,11 we t'wo I" In fact,duoring Doctors Treated.Him Without Bene. ther through thorough cultivation which the fruit 1,win may be Injured. lComan town of Nervuy to tihe madi- tho various Catholic coutitrko-, but, tinturq 100"L ID111141 te-liliff You Ili confidence, the wliole convor,;atlon lie seemed to the var.ez.es he hs or In the Intro- eval castle of c,hinoci one may riAle in Lf all Cat,li(Alici* in tile world were to large S. of course." t to Pee Wook & Co., of I* oil his guard . . . I don't like fit -He owes His Renewed Health to iuction (A tha which is new and su- It ohatild rwt be doue until the ground a y tAw power piLy the entire expenime of tbe Vs,ti- 8 M she I.Tes. pr.ate%l on a pill. the look of things . . . I have no Following a Friend*s Advice. perior. Seloct oil in thc grtat agent to 1#4 mufficieffitly frozoll to lm&r Ule aut hsignificant little rill. cwLn, a pittance of tla,i&e-quartem of IT,lp%ed Roger. and lieU. &fLer "Alkil righV to pry Into Arton's affairs, but rna e empli,ye I In aeqpmp16h"hnS advanC,�- nianure waon. " Is Uw find out the name of the I can't under-4tand his denLils---Alenlals (nent la"any I*eld of labor. Tho object in eovf Ing rhuharb and a cent from ea,ch would furniah sul- t Uu, Y s., u & - uk o f i L Among the wilder tribes (A the Cau. I iclent fundw Tile "Department oC lu ae grent.eilian wli N-sught Lkose pill1g," wbich I could tell from hU manner Mr. Darld M001'0 14 it well know& That there'18 such 4 thing .19 work no4paragum Is to preveitt them from re ated a %, for ito profit should not be forgotten frecting too deep, and to Induce all Qwus every clUld is tfiught to use -the State, WILICII 10 mainaged by Cardi- Pe Octaviu*. "I 4101"t awv wliat good that will were raLie . . . Queer thillg alx)ut nd Much etiteemed fariner living in the early starting In the IASI R&MVOII&; We iAgatl1K)M L11 Cordily. 6- VU. I tb*9 it is the fronfieltis . . The dead nian. came i y the farmer. Every Item of expense opring. This dagger almost as soon am bo can walk. France, Axiistria, 14 -pain :and Port I ; 11MIlere whole ir ---tt.ry... Pald Octavian. froui Ironfields Ml,ss Variiiis ,county, of Carleton, some #31x miles 4tioul.1 be L"isidered, and every drop covering 6hould lie done before the 'I he chldren first learn to ditab water the nunc" in America, Ba,varlamV_ y gTortuid freezet4, and wurked Into the Wlth,ijut making a splabb, and by in- Yoar rhat,jko yt,u ;,t -an !­ I*ktd hid'he,I mournfu'ly. " I will lives at Iroufieldd . . . Qy. Call frdm the vil'age of Richmond. Mr. of perspirat.on counted. He #;hould gr(,nid asit tivooin as It thaws out. ceshwit practice acquire an extraor- glum and BraALII, and tAA othier dip. ti,t-11 a swiled u-ne. anfo.d niya*lf-the Immortal hani for there be any connection betwocenthe MOGre inake up his mind to at!o:pt ail inten- tomatte repremente,tivem of the Holy Ctloil say." rvtoru-d Fasj�L th# 4111M time. When I find out the decea,sed and 111m Varlins? . Ims been an Invalid for come ive plait ol Mrming, and be -ready for Keep , the orch&rdis, gardens; and er U)o vvenpon. yeam and phys1c.*ans failed to agree "' xre4vt-ltou" ewan, allowing no Soo cost at least 1,000,WO tire. Tho e prqie r4jund and mund. "AmP Of t1w deoea.sed, which L call and yet It's very strar;ge it by the coming ol olring. Czo-d W Uo dut-cult 4.4 'to tfm"amll t.11a% I will be I don't like that open door as to his allment. Not only this but 'I he geidw of iiivest�.gatlon has rubbish about on whicli ftingi call All ItAtilaii acifmitint who lias writ- - _irjaku' Callege, conWisting of six lre(NI. Rpmove juid dmtroy all diso- CALrdin&I BWjopm, 52 Ca,rdiiial PrW@ts agzllp unkmwa. emu" Able to fin out all abolit hia nLitece. I either That Is extraortlinary their treatment failed to restore him turtial the bw4lnebs of the farmer utir frulto anil pla,nt.4 am scrupu- t4vi a tKx)k an "Fem,ale Crime in NA- and 14 Cardinal Deacoms, cost anootber Lis q dies. shortly af Ler h.s arri. lents. atialled on tha-0 point. It Is . . . Then the letter written by the !title down In the latt 50 years. T lie I lble. nay probable. to health: 31r. oore giv'es the fol- lously as you preserve wtlable ones, P14*1," wherelill, lie ishows that there 1,04)0,(KX) lire. ThW irwlud*W however, thq*t; verdici.., *J.C.do: Fla- that I inny deceased . . . I ask at the pos� decret I -w now more in the planting Income f li famll: 3furdor' ud -tW* p1lI.U01 likl some one who rins 1:1-feelitigsto- office here about It . . . They could lowing aecu)unt of his i,Lass and even- Lhwt in the harvesting. His philos- and there will be more o�alable (ines ar inre women crimUmUd in Naples the o t e four Ow-dinals In to premeirve. than Ln otlwr e4tiew of Italy, obwerv- chzj.rge of the Palace, th* 15 Cardl- tL4t link in %he clialu that. wili krard hin.l." te-I tile "othing . . . I wonder tO tual nstoratl,)n to heaAh. He says: ophl extent's to 'the two cxtrcmes of It to omrprising how far gmierous "I thfLt t1bem was little drunkaur ibuin who are prefect@ of congregar or ri=nat. By %he way." said "And therefore Polw)ns him In Jarl. I wliotu that letter wa sent? . * 0 "My first sickness canae on me when PlAult life antl6potato bugs. Popular usbee suddenly struck wAh ane,.% chester while they remain at lrqn. I I think Was the key toi the who:e at. humuuV are cead ; truth im alive. culture and clean culture wLlI go JIF1146 aw0aw them, aW that their tloxw juki the six Cardinals In charge w luag Lave you been at 'iels." said Roger. ironically. "I fair Can Roger Axton be keep. I was 69 years -of age. Prior to that here Intel Igent IaLor is h(wored. tOward iavolifing fangons (iimpai�esj criminal bent waft due moutly to lack of PaPal CalAxiet Offices and miuko. 0. tb congrattilate , you without Klect-ril treatment, In every Or ftlucat". triaw The greetext itlem of cost in Men $r t- on your clear- lag anything from me? . . . Did lie I had always I*en a strong. healthy where lawrawries, co.legm, expert - know the dead man ? . . . LIS ,ilewspaper nd the cla'O of licirticulturni growth. It liq the hounehold proper. At the beaA I arm ihan. I had. a bad cough and was aleut, btatlu , upoo the principle of prevpntion, and The Scottish divorce statistics for of this is tl* maJoMomo, tiles the lien you were bcre when "It** Puzzling. certainly. very 'afraid to answer these questions , active brains oi farmerd themselvea lizq- iTXMIng�'t replied Yanks, rub- - and In bad health gen- 64 certainly more de,41rable work the yea show that the divorce, isep- high chamberlain, the Cardinal an- eur&*ied T' I . Well. I'll go down to Ironflelds an� growing weak are coustuntly movlug husbanury too ditce asul the minsdoar-of-the-palace ; I Ing his lietui with an air of I find 6ut all about the dead man . . . orally. I went to North Gower to & higher plane. sdreiy farm,ug is than curing our infected vinex and aration and aLmony, alld adherenc* amning the otimr high char1res are t 11 re h' Excuse my witume-box wlatICHL "I'va got al*iolutely noth- Perhaps' My inquiries will lead nieto, consult a dcletor, who. after examin- wortuy the name oi a pro."lou, and treell- eaAav numbered 184. Wh3 in 1895 the macret cliamtwrlahw, of vrho;n r Ing to work on." Mim VarlinA But no. there Can Ing me. said ' r. Moore. I am very CAU 01 BUCLI luiportance, and buch pum- SOME- EMINENT SUICIDES. tilvorce was #,ought In 123 capeK, the four are alvray* on duty ; the mamter 9apo1_g*.se,'* *aid Roger, quiet- "And are gotngto vrork oil It. 116h 1 he uo connection.' anti yet I doubt rry to tell you that your came to '" giliti&% as to stand at the top. 118 In fn 1896 were 146. For Qw of alnw the manter of Ceremoldook f'46-examlno me as Luuch aii andy foundations." 4 Roger I mistru.st him so arming is not we perloim the iitimLxr of aepara- Clive and Castlertagh Killed Them- 8" secretaries ad pro-�jecretarles, sts-- L4 it weeme #ecc.nd a-iture witL ".N*ow loolf here, Rboger." cried the don't, like his manner JiLs eva- vv--ry serious. w) much, so that I doubt aecessury W huccess. Poets way be selves and Napoleon Attemptod to. tion and alimony,,and at1herence cases ww*ori4, chiefs of various offices; "the -*11n to sam-pect, everyone." detective, with great energy, "le% give replies . . . And then lie's con- if you call llv'o two montils.' He sald uuru to their inheritance ot Imagery. were 82 ad 39 reapect.1vely. employees of t1fe museum, of the Cal- 61"Ret'" reiwated Uctay.us. in Lie survey thid caso from a eommogi:­ -nected with MIm Varlins--olie Is con. Ut, Wel 1111d, farmerail who are ijuru The hisitory of suicidei prespnts a v116ed tune. "Good heavens. ."ive point of view my trouble was a combination of L) - Jeries, of Uie Aororunnfic- obmwv&- - ThIs man couldn't neeted with Ironflelds That's 111u) the requirements oi thLir busi- long array of eminent victims. The On March 22nd Dext wUl occar the tory, of the Vattrazi Library. find tl* undY hat are you talk,ug awut! baTO come down to Jarlclieoter to connected with %lie deceaxed . . . aothma and bronchitis, and he gave ucas are scarce as angels In our aver- suicittea of antiqulty are not eon. centenary of the birth of the late Swim Guard and Palnee Guard of 06 Of doort th Uk ur 1, huspecting commilt sulcitle: lip couid Lave dono All links In a chain U , ost ex. me some metticine anti some leaves to age iuetrc4)u1ls; but the farmer Anda in Emperor Wilhelin I. of GermanY. Catholic noblennen. The f1mlieft of tuie X% I you pel�ptry* young ass. Lliat at Irmflelds." traordinary. 30 MUCII to develop his taste, faLcy, iddered, for men were educated 10,5 LA anxXxis to f 'na out all abuut "Perhape lie wanted to *pare his "Mem-To go at, once to' Iroiinelds.1' smoke which he said might relieve Ulvent-1011 and criginality. "411011A das to embrace kulcide when Weakly child that he waii, that uion- the Vatican are managwi by a bu- Wacilljair. and naturally ak tLw rriends-if he had &n)-rlie pain of rae. I took neither because I felt Wel are too I)rvue to -6 despLie the arch lived nearly to complete him cen- rt*u named Ute Papal Chamber, Law tl Lved antler tile same "i knowln'g that lie died toy 1164 Own CHAPTER IV. sure I had iielther trouble lie wild. day ot bmal, things.". We do But fully all wa lost. We do not fLud many tur. not dying until the close of his .t he u man. You are one ot %he liad." Evidence of a Chemist'a Asebtan 'and that lie did not understand my rtuLlize that 0. n cowsplicuous in_tAuces of suicide Inthe 91bt year, wAien his grandivolk, Site, An American Girl's Vetbose Husband - the c I ask you." "Rubb"I Suicide@ &ro n()t, o coil. � Iroiifieids is not a pretty place; iiooi peluuy eurned;" yet domestic ec,un- 31iddio Ages. Uutdoor activity uiiJ py**eat NA11helin 11.. was 30. Mr. George Curzon. Under Secretary P W &,$ what ?" 4derate, a.q a rule. They generally Xim. Two days later I went to Ot- .muny, and frugality Lul Intensely practical life was to the British Uiubster for Foreig ed. tindiseeral tuinlpi.­ ruake away with therawlves in a even its warmeet admirer could say It tawa and consulUxt one of the Most "Lu t, stinglatus. Our Leaks are to be Lite ruie with men of hienusibility out- The ew England Magaziae haA Af [aim and also the very lu, ky young wa-d pretty. but then its warmest ad. to " - at , wd 90 ou ; bu t. I warn you I laookt Public manner. so " to draw mirer would not want to wily anyj prominent physicians ther,b. He gave iouud on every hand, in the iield, the of convent walls, and - ulcide wall hoeu making a istu(JY of the school mat, ho marned the beautiful Ulm sox, h v , thing," saiti I?Aqer. SWomily. i1ttention to their wrongs. No, I thing of the kind. Well drained. well a thorough examiruttion and -pro- lum*t, nd the houseliold. We must not commou with theEighteentheen- I text umed 1,u Ilagluzd Leiter., (A thicago and W&W)Ington. you whAt. Youug man." 040- -&n*t and won't I*Iieve that this man, laid out, well lighted, it could -accord to live upon wu�:h we UUw turY. when men of sedentary live* be- wild decidim; tLiat thWr treatment of repreventm him department In the de- nounced my al:ment hert trouble '" gait to mutilily. The inetoeuth Cell- FaUlLS. Genteut-OLIblY. "You who gave no hint of w1r11ing to die, ing to the millAto of Ito itiliabitantat- I aste. tury iA eonbpicuoui for bulcl,leas com- tw Anwrican revolution im all tliat batoei� in the House of (-ommons. He he Ber king dp a bit. Th,&,,love &I- :anie down here to do sol." I ea.silY dispense w1th such, were pret- and wild I wa liable in my present wLj,glit to not favorabla to nitritica- iurod with the Eighteenth. and thp AmericaiLi could desire. They DraLse has, up to the pres4ent session, been (11111aLs *I made you view all things in "Thedif lie did nut kill liftniself, who tinem or prictur oked. cowlitlon to drop dead tit any moment. Liou. Alanure el,read upon the mur.ace, General Washington, comwellided bY regarded as a nino of the htgbmt U at bilious fashion. An overdo -ie eoquerie*4 as cro t studloui nation in the wor.d. r'tera 'at muist, wulL until the raiLw wash it 1110A Inference the boratoon tou loarty. and promise, but of late lie is steadily and PoetrY a -ad solitude Lu- i a t's what Fro got to find reeted, gable- mansioned towns. dato. I dc�clded to remain In the city for uuw thel moll. in the sprLig the gram Germany, furnishes the largeA list of throw the blame for the whole diffi.- losing ground oa account of his In- ing froni the Middle Ages, could boast Pomo time anki tintlergo li6 trentinent. uuLy su aillude It, that organibm!i ca" I culty on poor King George. orainutoely long and tedious verbosity jr,ey Ctes a human be,nig for eu*)y- )ut.,* VAlicies. 11111instf, so if you are wse-wbicil I Of. Poor things. those sleepy cath Next to France, Germany furn6her, ()f speech. The Hou)e of (Ommono will lucag(, To to doubt -you wili brace up y the han(t uicides among lonal impwt&a" "Yes, And what you won't find Out." dral towm, beautified b. e' He wTote a few lines on a piete of wurk. Ii-plujaglied u..der. Lue wo6iture ,,;'11'erhapa yem, perhaps no. SlInrder of Tinie--poor tlilngx. Indeed, conipared paper giving my nine and 1)1,iee of auti livat, will be su.table tor forming An event, of not stand a bore under any eircum- X yeirves by helpal; Lue to flud out 11 out. Clever remark that. But to relth vast Ironfields, tile ou4olne of t, into sulta.bla plant f(xxt rapidly. civi:ized' people8. The English are not Lt ntancen, and it may be, after &3, that Saturk yotery. "oritillue: I alway#4 )()ok on both a manuracturing century and'a utill. residence and'trouble, to carry In my STOCK. I.,rone to suicide. Their ,ove of out- will shortly take place In Franc4L thc beautful young American girl has WrAid I'd make a &orry detec- .41(*0 OfL door hporta keeps them free f rout is the retirement of 11. D11,11or, Use L n1twi the qu"tion. It may be A, tarian race: ronfielAs witli It8lines pocket In came I should die sacldenly. Us-) no grade kilre, however g tize,cutlotier. who, now tlaLt he has not really married an brilliantly as In at *a#* of Puleltle." A 1010 -1 he -ifyismicia and d6orderm of the liver, She o �t renia�ns to be proved. See Of U91Y model hoMies. Its broad, tree. I did not wern to he getting any bete May bO LU appeurallLe. He gets Ills and their nativ guillotitie&J 502 criminals, thiiiks is she m'ght have done at lrome. J1.04) "It 6 a cast- nt Fniletife. I 1)eilev ' e courage and endur may save the day by communicating y ' less streets, its muddy river flow. ter under the trcatnietit' and finally *Lyio ano meriw irom Intl tliorougl.i- ance prompto them to cling to life bigu t.mo hift a4tWxA*w)r wais ap, ointwi. tA) ber huAhand i4ome of her own law. I bo . I wao ('at ed ck)wn here Elie 1tiry are right," said Roger, Ing under a hideclus ral:way bridge, Its left tlie city (!eterm�ned to conult a urml wicestor.' 6ut lie lias no power thw "00, a"'LJ 'I'd L116 wiseacre* firmly. even when life is but one long, cease. Ht- in @§ixty-ttiree yea,ry of uge. &W charming vivacity. but, after all. It Henkhtwter kave !.eitlwJ it. k) their MightY foundries with their tail chim- his CLOI qualities or Lit' low round of imin. Three eminent Lng- has been jorty yearaii in hiai couiltry'd Aatleu1i&,Af&ctk "You seem tain about, It,r doctor nearer home. I was again w trankault M is tlw- greate."t pity in the worldtbat _m th"t tht're *-W remarkcA Fan' ney t1lat belched forth minoke in 11L.10 appearutice to filis pn9eny in ishmen committed suicide, Lord Clive, awrvice. He served tile apprelit'i"1111i American giris should ma"y foreign- (%inda-uo, more ueed oi my ser- "I or'lly ju ka4. a. trifle Annoyed. the davtime. and fire at night, all(] examin&l nd the that I lid any ftupurtaut degkee. fie %%-it, breed the founder of England's Indian I -.'M- with Rocli, his prdlecemisur, assi,,Uug In Uonlrq -d-sm,saed- hn rd.'# dge from what I have Its ceaseless clamor thatroared up to heart flimeage was Fe4-mitpd, UP doetor down iuster than the thoroughbred vire; -Sir Samuel R,)lnilly, a great Jur- eightY-t1wO executions, em. EngliElimen, to lie sure, are betr am discharged the imijoke-likiden, sky six-dayls la the a ter than the othem but Amerima be0te OU4 by Jar-cuester & Lo, ; but "Rumor. mere rumor."' saying there was inany a man lot, III bm*d up- 6t and philauthropist. and Lord Ca. -i- girls, are quite Vx) good even f (ir th�. n`e][Vt ften get slicli a clever came week. V%u .111 611iW Chat tho heit Prolit tlerwWli. a famous state man, Eng- The Queen of Vortugal kills tedium -Leslie's Weekly. "Not at all. Factot;-my friend, filets, TIre-hiliabitants were a race Cy. lowltig the plow liose beart wam in 11A.L& only by, gtting oil thu Lot) had t4L after. L'm go.ug to und out allulle to the evidence at 0 land'm representative in the Congres and will* popular,ty by perseering in Uon- anticie &ffa1r for my own plea- t h 0 W' Clops., Rough. irwarthy men of hercu. a wor8p shape than tulne. I remained of the iiiarket. ailu uisle,-w we got ver.% of Vienna after the fall of Napoleon. her medical rocatiou. She goes ro. The tight rope walker vrho eawya (Iftpate I lean build, scant or speech and of antler the tr�atmf,nt of thts doctot avar that point tliere 6 uu profit Clive was u bypoehroadriac from guArly to the -diftpeasary for chil- To teach beginners, oucht Uctarl'us made no reply at first, but Courtemy, worn -looking Theft an exgseems a dmea.se with. you. thlo women, with for a long,tinio, but got no better. �v hilte-ver. . L4 no u*e ra6itig youth and used opium In h6 In. t year*; tirl-li that %he foun e,I. Ou arriringdW To bmr In mind this simp4o fact - Jumping up from M& chair, l*gan to vinegary faces peerhig mharpl�y at r tr), Ing to. mako it living out of rine aps curiosity t4j o walk V, and fro, withi a: frown on hio Then my cam was made orse by an 'J Romi ly wais deb-pondent over the death d tq every,one from urkler the %haw1i;they �*omnivn or "average" stock. douo a ouram's aul.form and proceeds ohe rope must first be taut. ra ee. of his wife, and bitterly repented his tAD evrioun work. The managvre are An old album of idainiki twavii1e.. that it Is. We Cali It detecti ve **I (tare may yt're righ wore oil their toum:ed [leads. aiid trilies attack of In grippo. wh,ch left behind rcvd thecalf well. and you encour- act with his dying, breath. The -eelf the Daughters of Ist. catharlu of ,ne Izal.-Joiu we in th�s caLse. mid you'll of switia:ling braw with justenough It a terr:ble p.,iin In my neck and ge and lutoem4ify the tendency to put l thirty yearm ago in havalinah and re- q. ' un fltvh. whiel tho lull ken-Lell,ousseU suffering fro4n_&Iie d.*- Kaid at Iength . "taking the evidence clothes for dkency, grhuy with the 811oul(ler, i prueurtml destruction of Cast lereagh wa -i never Siena. T1 cently di.4covered by an heir of the biowau a wonderfully Abort space of as a whole. I suppose the Jury could- kY- Sooty atmosphere, :ooking This became so severe rowth of the unliffn-L in a short clearly explained. Napuleon attempted wIf a cowanI when surgical operliv- collect -or has rev& -tied a number of I 0111Y bring in a verdict of imicide. No 0mo that I could not ral8e my head from line; th14 IntfuceA in the progeny. also, AUlcide. Frederick the Great prepared t6ons were expected, but Wu steeled vaivatae iwuep. some or them worth In tj I like legions of small devils as they for it by carrying poison in 116 herself too sudering, and now holda One could I are polpioiied film. No one played in the C early inaturiV nd it teu,lency to -shock o. thank you. I 'prefer my free- harren streetq. pier - MY Pit Ow wit lout uutting my hand $1,500. hre knew lilm, therefore litul no rea- I doetDrod tit, oil Tliji 6 not wholly a C;otheo during film -dreadful fight for oil lier knew Ltte patients whue - w)" to get rid of him. He took Ing the deatening C;amor with their to It and lifting It up. lib% crown. No eminent American has in the surgeons ha,nds. in your 'idkoess Well, go your that j4hi-1:1. unchild-like voicei. wanufac- inatter of bree,il.: for the feeding hais ay. U0WIR. It you wou'lL take morphia, opium or wliatever it wast. turing tt)wll. Inhabited by humanity on until I wam tr.Tirig my sixth doe- nuch to do with'it. ever committfA siulcide. a,titouglisui- ISSUE NO 10 1897 edicine I Pr4h%cr;bG, you cer o"'M ell(lugh, and I firmly I;elieve of with no idea of beauty. witil tio de4re tor. and inxtead of getting better It L4 a-dincouraging mtter to.doc-, clde Is more common in America than Alfn*l F. Calvert. one of Londons won'L be c . r,-% I. U i. ri I ui to I Ik - theory, It, lookm oechledly like omicide; beyond an increase of weekly wage, or was vtting worse. The last doctor tor tsl�!k nalinals., it is comparativelY in 11'ugl,and, owiiW doubtlom to the In- W(wt Australiu mil;ionair**-. waa re- amp "we but theln, aigain, lie mily have takfn An extra drink at the public-lionse. temsity of the struggle for wealth and Puted to be worth $2.5W,000 In e4i,sh hea vY on our bear%. and your I had advised me to wait nntll the 4misy to keep Own well SAU're morphia, not knowing it wam poison. by 91"ag fame. ADVURTMAID X08T auol vurA w.1, au.fer in 004111W It could 116t have 14 --en the pill&&, for Flumanit-V with a hard, uniovely rell. heat�of summer was over when he them good food, P'Ure water and clean ILumne men are frequently sulchle4, I a .ear ago. At that time at British WLIJ V% -Ll. be dUl.l. and be. by Its loving friends- thpY only contain art4enlc7. He rhight gk)n egmunded in Adeou.4 little chap. juarters. IRt the rules about the but it call hardly be said that all isui. ajul Freach @.Tndicatoe offered hiin $5.- the cuxtorai an I the er.tics you elP by fervid preadiers of severe prin. would blister me for the pains In my ',tock ard he d-edidettly fixed, and al- T. C Iflare a lijigli old time ot it, dear Certainly hate taken morplila In or- elple.,4. A glorious triumph of otir neck . and shoulders. which he felt ways Inflexible. - cides, are Insane. The paraly.19 of the for hl -i gold mino holdings, coast. der to get to seep, an from all ao- 11191le"t Civilization. this matter -of- Now, while cheap, Is Vie time to im-Allict a self pre ervation may re. Tho offer wa refuned and a courde )UntA suro would re'leyie it. -1 was on my stilt from severe mental and bodily �uf- Of reckless extravagaam wa entered &iry fhAt 0,0111seaft y6u talk:" said "' lie PuffeTed from Insomnla- fact cit. w I th I ts creed or wor k, v% o rk ay t dtock up the farpi with the kind of 31r. fretfull . nerves, I suppome. But then 8"1116 work. and Ito eyes eoruitantly ontlj� o Richmond to undergo this tock whiAt pW't hilli. taxos, inter- fering, and the deliberation andseem. 11POIL. Within the laAt few dw*a Mr. 0 00 You think so ? Perhaps portion of what fie took would have mortild thingn of thin earth, anti never -bl6terinff when I met Mr. Goo. Argue. est. and leaves at little over for the Ing sanl�y of the suicide',mi prelmration Calvert 111M sold for $32-3.0m thepro- pr 4pec 1110 TO41CLIAme, and use my folly been found, and If not that, then the raliwted to the blue ally of heaven. A of North Gower, xv,ho told me of the pocketbook. BuYl none but the liest. for death. the calmrxm of Idi last Pertlis that lie refused $Z.0(A1,tX)o for OEYLONTEA. -for the capi- wonderful cure Dr. Williams' Pink ['ure bred horses, cattle. hogs, sheep nwommouguaL UZI&S B4 dt-X-kiUS6ljor90 bell-Eld Whrell to bottle that lield the drug or e4lePI119 glorious triumph. Indeed W.0r(K would often seem to forbid the a Year ago. MW o# ED Y 'Ar 1 L Ila uc)t sure h L:m drutight; 1�ut nothing wam found, ab- talLqtjL and I)oultr.v are s enad!y kept as any, 'theory of in.sanity. The hopelesi con. bold in sealed lia*" PaekeeQUally. w)lutely notlibig. fie 1-4 d1scovered 1,1118 bad wrought in him and advised op'., sumptive, the victim of cancer, not The paper tx4nd in m&kJn.g, Bank of he PrIace,119 right:Y, but the niorl is ap, When It ralned-which It did 'fre. ind they only give the returns e neldom commits ,uicide to securethat Engliuxi notoom is the despair of coun- By Groews Owly first le owuver. all th.s 1� not to Lhe dead from an overdeVe of morplila, quently-Ironfields was aloppy, it wils me strongly to try them. I weiit 4ror. @old at 28. mad so semills parl.ft As"11114*0 guy pt)int, I moaa-and il anti no traces of worpliia-bottle or detextabie: for the rain comingdown on to Richmond. but histead of going mong tile cattl:', j4udden stoil, to tuffering that we terfeiterm. It to thickmer in, time upper 0 function, 0 Dot gi-t detective lover I othenrlm—eare foujid In his room. If through the mmok el.ou(I that con. to the doctot,r'8 I bouglit some Phik poultry thei motto Phould be to "tull." call hunianity when extended to a 1--ft-haml c-orner to enable it, to re - V111 W an a I I wil. use yl,u tw a medicine -it wab "Icide, he would not have Atantly lowered over the town. mnde Villa and returned home and bt-gun Oet A of all sw4p-cteil of be4ng un- wretched brute. Suicide is rare Wi a brigliter inijimmim of this dws or the disewie." taken ini'cli precautions, seeing lie everything, if more grimy U61119 tllc'm- lk--fore I had finished profitable. and all ILIC11. bee.ause of amt)'19 ""lvalte tribes, probably I*Viu e Vignette there, and It im THERE IS NOTHING UKE awely. Old fel�OAV. IjUJ nothing to gain by concealln 'my HeWnd box there was no room to ige or Infirmities. there 114 anv reron they are w) occupicxl with purely nia. also thicker Kul Man Watched said Ax- 9 than before. But TronfieltIn was terial matters that they have no in the dark tiliadowo of the letters e contetit; It wall a [lame of note doubt, that the were he.ping me. I to doubt about lieling safeiv wintered. Dj� XfJ 11114��$ 1 A ff Of flifig III& clj;j,.r bull round so the mo4le of his death. If It was mur- quit' _y time for spiritual agony or sevvre men- lit the Centre and bermath the ris. FO" 0 SUKAI u Lace hA tel. -tale taes In the der, mome, one m,,ist have administered in commercial eireJes. and Jtm productA kept Oil taking the I'ink Vills and It, is too bad to*let wortlilfw4 -Anck ta roumi of varioui llrAm at the onalp of the nooWo. Coun- 06*1E9 0AMPLIES 9 0 C AMD POLLS. 11111011t "Mm t . Llwreby render,ng it unde- it to him under the guime'of a harm- went forth to the four quarters of my malady. which the doctors had -lint goo*1 provender all the whiter ituil I ittrain, or a costly toerfeiters have not 1~ able to 1D.C.Co Ltd.11104ton.U.S..6"d A f9w a I a ILO is to Fa,aks ; "I'm all atr lesq drug, but then ru) one here knew the world, bringing back in excitange lal�wll to success,ully dingatme, was Own 113 down rind die in the spring. vices. or the 0 rapidly leaving ille. The pain also If not attended with too much ex- cope with this difficulty, and in tile 4 hita. so no one coulti have done so. plenty of money, of which a great imst imitatiom or tile notes %he pa - Lavine at once prWuced me- You see. therefore, my dear Roger, deal found Its way into UP pocketR 101t, InY Deck and shoulderv, and after pt%nse, fit, thein for market. I)ut f4ell, Purale It Out, It You Can. prr hao alwayp bem of tile t4ame N9W KDMqpv I -book and vicious from thim statemeat of the ease, that of the mamter. arM very little Into a couple of niotiths' treatment I be- kill or get rid of thein In some way. I have bepa very much bothered thIck,new t1uroughout. mlllje� 11`9 Uttle note I Am alsolutely at a standstill." STUDY W11.911 latter &Pau ad h came strolig and healthy. I am ulow The.v call at leaBt be given away. y III lately. said a horse dealer to n St. TVOUM v. A stuttv of the world's old(*t people 12 Vola. for $10.00. %it signif.cance in %Lie as "Yea, I think ym can'do nothing, The country around wa;Z not prett. In my 77th year and thank God that If you ever do such a thing as clean Any t so Your best plan Is to accept the IVature. with that black, ugly, elam. I am abk., to go about with a feeling out Your ata,M% do It before #4prLng Louls Globe reporter, with a qu"- -euu' 'M ready." said Fanks. lettidw his Terdict of muiciae a -mi forges AIR oroux city eonmtantly before hereyes, Of good hc%ltIL. I mtl I continue tak- and put the manure under shelter ; tion arising out of a deal which halt re%eals some strange f.rwts- Accord[ Uwe 1awyem, Clerk*. Book keep = . it *�-Point rest on a clean white abous It." loot heart In her work. arut (lid not Ing the Pill" OcCablonally. feelingeure indoed, all compost heaps ghoald be been to me a s4mrce tif grewr annoy- ing to 110 U. S. mul-4131111. 3.981 perw)np siad YOU. AAdren W cun t " Question first: Did you know "And thin plil-box I)Iaee beauties before the that for a pemn of my age they sheltered. ance than the 16 puzzle. I sold a over 100 Years were found, and of CAPA'DA I.&WJOURVAL CO Im dead man ?" Yuu limin notliLr.g from that eyes of people who did not know any. are an exceilent tonle. After the There are farms where the covt of horm to B. for $SO. In a few days 2.W were women. In Fra nee I Toreew st., I crunial. UDL Ilia beavens. no! I don't even except the nme of the place where thing about beauty, and would have fl.urel of k,4) nlul iiied lea I treatment kreeping stock t1krough the winter lie came back with his horse and I In IEU(5 them were onlv 60 men rind of , the dead man bought it. it you go I I I his same nor his appearance.- . thougi t t a very uelems thing If I feel sure that nothing else than Pink neuitralises all prorit made"on It ill the repurchased the aninial for $70. 1 147 women over the 100 mark. Tite - 'o the eliemimt you III fln(i out his they had. go the fields lyinir rotind Id liave, restored me to my .4umm&r; there we find no milo, no then immediately repuild him for s65. rigures for Great Britain are not every Smog. Come to the 4 imW ou have never seen him ?- - 0 Pill. -4 coil in DOW required in nearly 40 In W wuld I have seen aim? I li�me, certainly." Ironfields were on)y a shade hetter I)r(4.-.ent condition." root crops grown or i4tored. no prn,- The question lu: "How much did I availble. but in London in 1&91 there SHORT 40 Dr. Wlilianii' Pink ]Pills create new vision for i4aving the fodder from gain or lose on the transaction ? Wlien c4ntral BusiRo" offism expkiring the neigliborbood. and "And tile eircumistaneem of his Jifs than the city itself, for the shadow were report&I "I centenarianx, Of rally start ou my tuivels in, the also. You forget that." Of smoke Iny over evyerything. and 1510od. build up thel nerves and thus going to waste In the fields. I b,ouglit the horse back for $70, 1 whom ()Rly Fix were inen. Thim would Stratford. Out.. m ftq� tO 11 early and rettir4late. This "No, I drtn't. But such dlacovery wilerit sunshine in r0t, cheerfulnew Is drivel disease from the syste In gait caus6s stw,-k to eat more, atim. certainly made $10, nnd when I mild in put t e Unitpd Stateo in, - arrived a% five. went to bed at will hardly account for his murder wanting ROD sind getLho bw timiniog hundreds 01 cases they have cured Ante -4 digestion, nnd hvlp4 V) pr(,xerv#- ligain for $65. 1 ampuredly lost $5. n"surably above all countries on Tbo leadeng eemmweftl aLml as I didn't come bacic till her*-. 11 yon find out frr after all other medicines had failed, the general health. In moderation it Now. If I gain $10 and lose $5, my a ft 0%eol to V%made. StUdMte UW# WOW gA )in rour In- On onp sillile of Ironfields, however the Peore or longe%ItV. Ite at ri- nyumo. 61roull%offle. Viseft o's-'ook I didn't see him on that quiries at Tronfleldn that the (lead nature had ninde a feeble attempt to thus establishing the c,alm that tliey in a great help Vil the phymical orgnn- net gain Is. It seems to me, $5. But with the popular Ide that they F Gdbft next morning fie was dead." man had art enemy, you will have to assert herself, but then It was In a are a marvel among the triumplin of ization and growth of all animals., on the other ban(] nfter khe firutKale -ork theni-4elve-.4 Into carly gravest. W. J. ULAJO". PdMlftal. 111111"re ou not am t he cosvoe r Prove how fliat enemy came down queer little village which had been modern medical science. The geimine especially thome put al) to,fatten. had no honie and SM while after Them fnets should nW hve Rome lit- to WfIrill said RfV*w. with a shudder, hero and r*cretly pohiioned film. Judg- tile germ from whence arose this Ilink I Me are sol(I only In boxes, bar- The cown, p'gg rind henm shotil,il my seeond sale I had no horse and t 9 upon women &@ life ingur- OJL�TUDY4101111* sken,s. don't care for such I wormy eLr_ In from all the evidence there In no 001my town. In the old days the queer Ing the full trade tuark, " Dr. Wil- clothe the fam'ly and pay taxes and only $75, connequently I must have ance risks. wd.ae tbwvWWy, t*Mftby MAU "000"19 C&P " trace of poison left behind, no one little village had st-4*4 anild green 'iain-4' Pink I'illm for Pale 1'eople.11 grocery hillo; also. in this wny a man loat $5. At one tirue wlien I thiiik thu LOW - 064060.4w CaL Womy eircuimistance is go -mi." re- ties been staying In this Inn except fi4gds beside a sparkling river; but Protect Yourflelf from Imposition by may begin on a run-down farm. and matter over I congratulate mymelf t)n An unusual marriige W foretoold bv T N T 15 fiST1&.W C~ ked Fan1w. approvingly. " Keats. m-row1f. on I really dron't rae how you now the fields had disappeared, the refutilng any pill that does not bear by a wime and cutreftil use of the barn having pocketed a ., V" through slin n of bans. It will b,Lnk. Yea. I Uxmight &o. I gee you are going to bring the crime home to sparling river had turned to a dull, the regUtered trade mark around tile ainnure, helped out by a little fertil. (iealing. while at another I feel lAe fcir horrurs. You are not any particular perw)n." muddy stream, and the little village box. izer. can keep the farm �ontlntially going around beliltid the barn and be between kille. Virtane Marat. of Gold is King Poo-Baudelaire school of grave- fiaving finNhPO tUR opeech, Rogvr was Improved Dut of all recognition. improving. Let him be b:ure 1+4istock kicking myself for having been such a I'art-4, nud Ferdimi.na Dunton, jun..of Mant vour empse-eraving poesy." arome to him feet wAh a ya nd Like Frankenstein, It bad created a On Keeping Your Own Counsel. to good stock. fool." New York. TlAb voung woman La the klonw clai'm %%,ith IY! I dou't be-lieve in going knocked the nalice is pipe moni4ter which dominated It entirely, It, is an old saying amorur whool- DAIRY. de"xudant of Mnrat, the Jacobin, gutter for In.-4piration." ag:itn4t the mantel-plece. Which took away even Its nnme and T1 Infant &,On Of Lady William r. Danton com4w of the family Steele Briggs DOW yq)(1 are thinking of I "Where. are you gv)lng?" asked reduced It from a quaint. pretty place. boys and college men tht the fullow It is a mit-take to try to winter Bereseford im iiow con. Itlered btrutig of Drinton, the Girondia. Th us the 9 atird GondrPeouM my frienit. Fanksi, Atopping In him walk. i4parkling river had who ke" his mouth i4hut is always culven too cheaply. The istraw stack enough to discard the lliclibatt)r "lirb Girlede" Seeds, ' lead turned to a dull in n.,tnww or two heroes of the Reign or r me 'To bed, of cours4e. I've had a long little Auburl), mostly inhabited by poor tho big man ; that he wh delil,erate- im it -lot (11)(ugh. They will live, butnot which lie has lived his fir,t weelix. Terror. who were enemies In life, will sold ky lie"ag deWors- ber. We are distumaing Ltera- day.- People. True, bey(' IY mays little quickly whis jor him.- 1leveVp and it will cost re Lont Berextord Is re,tored to hea.th be uniw(l. I AA for t1kem. mil stood the maq. The Marat ranitiv is rich tea -I of murder. Let am re- In 0 to get tO Safe investnient. "You continue your walking tour to- miona of the Ironfields millionairps, NWI the naine for wisdoin. Such statc, Llieru -,gain on the upward grhde than after lil?4 fall on the litintifIg 'Ield. but and art4tocratic. while Onn n is it our first k)Vl*.., why didn't morrow ?19 glaring and unp�cturestque, In eqtinlly ments are quite an true in the out- Lo have kept them well through the It 6 feared lie will be unable toagnin portrait pallter, and 11% not 1408P.&I %toead the inquess." 'Ym. I start at 10 o'clock. And glaring garden -4 laid out with wathe- er woriki to a certala degree an they wifiter. mount a hormb. with a superabundance of this world P GOLDEN RETURNS ww I didn't want to." you ?" nintlea! accuracy ; blit tUe upper ten are In Col ege and schutd. The pith One of -the most potent cauwv of The Hudoon Ba Company ontrib... gTxxU- The artlit wam invited to CA rALOGUES FRAIN Ais &A-sufficteiit rwinon. Indleett" re- `I am going dcmn to Tronflelds." merely drove througlk the village on of the matter Is that it in any way fahure In village. dairying is allowing u to $ 1,000 Pal -14 to -be praent at tile unveiling kad W. FankA, dryly, making digs "Ori a wlW-gome their way you arrive at the cream to co:lect u to t1le India famLne fund. The Steele, Brim Seed Co. to theize Brtimmaem a pos.tion of Import, nt'l there in or the statue of his aneftU)r. He him book with the pencil. - I won. 'That remlm to tw� proved," rc- ptilacen, and did not ackoowledge its ance, the less YOU talk too bvery one enough for a churning."' A bitter went and met the Young woman. They -1-ORONTO, ONT. you wemn't, Ca.led aa a wltnL*&19 torte4i Fanki, grimly. exIstence In any way. Yet a good the more creolit you receive for care, taste devulopm, Which spoils the but- made ulp thetr minds to be married emove No Deftnal'.7 I know nothing or certain of it. so your w6v@t many of their progenitors had lived for thouht.U1114M. for sound Weil- tier.. Regardless of the amount, the %% hether their families liked t or not .40 Affair.- PLArl L14 to accept the Inevitable and In the dull suburb before Ironfields eOtimidered Here Is nothing chum should be set oNvinging thrice a nnd they appenr to be about to keep Absolutely nothIng r' (interroca. give this ca."e up." repli#ml Axton, wan IronfielU but they forgot all which urpw a boy to h:iVe no pin- week. e#. jV4,11111C Out flis 11"(1. 6,(;o(Xl_nlgljt.` Ittx)ut that In the enjoyment of their lons, or to never express them; atid I Some butter was nerer good, some their word. Th)s ls not exactly an kbsolutely nothing," (decl.iiilve). **CJ(0!-nlgbt, oltl txjy." malil Octavlus, npw-found Pplendims, and the miser- hi fact this 01 wtw) silence" at ocitoot w" spoiled in handling, o0me lias been r en InUtrrintional mnrringe, but it h&P A GEN TS r. Fanks twirled his v,ei(ALs little coqvilally. **I'm very pleaoed to meet able village wa.,4 now a kind of poor and coll(Ve kept too 10139. " It Its some has been Fome napnets w1dch g1ve It more than up all I as o,ten, perhaps, covi-re *Wiled by bad odors absorbed from 0 average Intereort. Not oak lag 0 1 0.6 0 r r wow wA not adwN you agaln. 14 tho way, don't let as relation, unreet)gnirpd, unCared for. eni ilty mind as it does the wits. 0".00 Joe id1we wamump write for VmW. book with a owiap, and re. lose might or eact, other. My addrem and very nitich despised. dom of t-kA(inion. There Is, however, a too close conLact with otlier mull. them both In hid V.-cket with In Lgcotlariof Yrol­-my Yanks a6frees,of In the principil stree& narrow nn(l good rule too) foloW.- which may be "Wncem- There Is a wi('e range of An Index to a Horses Characiter. 111111111M. winding, with fold houseg on either given briefly. to the effect t1lat it is prices from highemt V) lowei4t, and this Phrenology, as applied to horaft J. L. NICHOLS A 00.0 IM14 a t017 '*Teml-le ChnilWr`4, Fi(Wt Xtreet." PkIe, stand�ng like dismal gh(xmtR of the w"l to may little until you have range Was not In the milk at the The faniily circle says the Uestwitinter Gazette. Is a 33 Riallimn i w., Tiorenom 11elne, my dear 111)ger. Yotj linve O"t calne r Fankiii- weretive little, past. was 'the le-he!id-Vii mliop, a brand. U101`0119111Y niade up your aflod, and at.arti. new an Interest.ng stud, and the no h following maxim all uld be e4irefully fit which lie wmtoe down new place, with, pla-e-glal.A window". then not to hei4tate ill your state. is never so appy 0 LORDS PRA YZR and tsu Ver. mothing to cure my detective ilk freely and rapidly, with an studied Uy all Wyere and owners thP 21914fre"s witil a gny laugh. and the name, "Wo -k & In bright melitaL The temptation of the aver- little movement or Jptking as possil 1p. af ter the chain is anuar"ek twelve oware and Ion t.alking while milk- horem WSW on beav eirper. be b* Py WAL Pri "Am I so bad as tba t 7 0 -ap now. '-Ha hi ' Like nil literary men, -you g(4d letters on a bright little ground nice mail is to express some opin Even avoid loud broken and a Unk V I tell you one tlilng: I slept In the 4tart vwlt the Law and leave,it for 1*11ind the plate -glass windows np. at, once, but if that in ell,.,ngod later, ing. Anything lirlil�!h attracts tlie Erery horm carries an Index to arastlia pictum ce SON 0111411 nex,. to that of the dead tbw. prorl tm.- peared htjgp bottleg conta'ning lifluld. the hill force of the ritial opinion in attention [row the operation affects takmm. Some fan-dly his temper and intel'icence in bb 160pwasuLproflt. lVnie ter 40 tiloetry ? P,4haw!*9 red, and yellow. and green lit the mecretion. and this iecretion goes chains are stron face. The teachable animal in broad day. The Quem Silverwan Yott did F.h. VV I i () k riowi -i C()I,)r. IML—flarpees Round Table. go and flat between the eyes; this bony [,very scribbler which threw 0enronlacal reflectiOnN oil during the drnwing of the milk. others wcak. Have It b4 only in the combining properly ridgel of his face dishes slightly from 0 'Tes." carriew the laureatexhip In his bralm on the faces of pasnern-by at Right, Living on a Salary. K�u SL f an-,dly the point where the face narro "And you heard nothing on that BY the way. if I 4ee 11.94 N-Arling at when the gas flared behind them. Ali of go<xt and abundant foods. fed to a to- FOR TWIMMSEVEN TKAU inklifl#-lik, hhall I give her any mf*_ kinds or patent raed'elijea were there When men an(I %voiucn wlio have we.1 bred'cow of dairy temperament, 95tory? Or Is ward tli# nostrils. H4 ears =11 f you bad walked twenty mil" sage dli%played to thp and one having the care which shoud mt. siensitire and fa the da*. Fanka. You wo , best advnntage- 04tated malarien howl about hard time" lx- IX-atowed upoh nJI mothers, which thcrc a tendcncy to coughs, we4l-deflned ridge of bone extending uld "No: Rhe wOTI't have anything to bottleP4 of tooth-bruslies, enkes of lintl Put the shopkeepers ort with the wi-I bring the dalryman's reward. throat or bronchW troubleS, acr(m the top of the head betwnw TO n tex) tlml to 1�atpn for the 'If? with me," replleil Roger, tihmally. lleari4' wAap, vials of quer shape anti plea thLt mouey of & pomilille murilpip." "I'VO [M 4101.111t 1.11 get =rr1eqI loolne Wondrous virtue, lK P�carce. those per. The Kerries aregood milkerkt, and weA lungs? H" a bmthcr, them. Always feel foi this rkiV in U N NS ym of counw. %vill%tv a pity day, but it wwi't be to ju(Ilth, V - GPODges. JuM of %onm nre I.vinK too fast. The only way are almost am easy-keepem as goats. judging a hom­�. The eye shouid be - look twentr-four hourn 1111M." ar leechpa. queer-lotAlng pipes compolind. to live happily in to lze UP There should moft place be given sister, parent or twar relative large. c!ear and bright, with & pro. a ca n;* c"I of glass and India rubber tubing, menruit, and live within" had consum tion? Then Vo 0( thingv: It wolld save such 'Ardent loverl" said Fanks, laugh- thein. theae tough littW animalse on our TaIn 12 Ur minent ridge of bolle along the inwr packets of fly -ex terin Ina torn, tind Going In debt for things tllnt can ronglier hill lands, where Shorthornp eak. and upper edge of the socket, AKIN hl&o* Ing. "Well, good -night, and pleasant varlous other strange things pertain- f amily C W los of be gotten along without, trying to Awl ---Wvvt Mch & lot of murdem dr"100 iD9 to the trade, all crUling attention make a $2,000 balary do the work of and Hereford.4 do not thrive. They Strwithen It. Take SW ri 0"ft "Ile%ls pKower were 1rien 'With that h(Xly upstalzi. Ugh to their vnrioua ex&-beiieles In neat $:%000. 1W what ruln,4 ternperm, bringm furnish steaks most choice. EMLISION of "-Iivu OU Br&dstroet's on Trade. bomanity. I'm afraid your occulpL. crial RtWey Axton, and vanished with little printed 1paflets scattered pro- gray halrs nbout the temples, filliq POULTRY. While there is Uoliparavular improvo. POWDER wtvafd he go"116 01 budder. 11111(cuounly throughout. Ru!eides' gr;lvof, and breaks uphomes. If fowls are kept bedded with straw with H ophosphites. It man t In trade at TGWMU, tbero is a Iwo remark I rm or eourse: Mr. Faiik.n wtocxI beiside the dying Within, a shining eountcr of mahog- The time fig to Infla. or clean leaves there is no a -is MAIM2. od, gives stren gth THE COOKS BEST FRIEND awry you wept, NO W"Mily on fire, leawng his two elbows on the aDY laden with curen for the varloilm tion; I a pinew Item fit the other direa. roostAL High rOO,tA are wo - for better tnquiry for goods for spring d&. LAING96T GALJL IN CANADA. gilt bA malitel-plece, anti thinking deepl III's which flesh In heir to; and at thp tion. a'nT none. roe than JLnd v1pr weik I= gs and livery. A Wr number or orders ajv %US me nne in I Lye the women of the home can It they are to be used at all. being rweirw by M=U*W )obb&M of ER on r d I e� 11 2 a v4a ;IALADA U A 'O Lo f to e's far end. a neat little glass screen with have a wholesome Influence In the they should be flat, and not fewer but for limited amount& Trade at 10A I. 2L. N n1s room." very mtwb &lt*red,' fie run-dowt cotu6tutionL With 24" r�� -Mak so ?" SAW th t,ngjit, drearily. "Not the br* I t bo a gas jet on top, 'Lbove which could right &reetion if they but exert them- than three inches broad, not over its aid the xjmtem thwws off tho lnuw:or Is fairly aotlM an W= ww� 0( 9*n yean W. How troub% doeys be seen the grey-hinck head of Mr. nut roads see" 91111111110 man. and love also I I'll Wook and the smooth red head of two feet from the ground, and always awte coughs and col& It prt, are In good RUPTURE WNW 111my 6411"."� We were 1111011, vV y 9L man Is Ptarted on the nn. on a level. wats the &&in frcxn bmakIna. fax bummens remaim dull, and theu& girl fisisli the quo.&*;fi %"W.1* M I WW IMMans J1Vq&eath by the denian& of a welfinh Corn wt I grow chickens more rapid. 1"Nea& In Un ow ftj�. to IJU tru" character, tation UUQO we Md VOU a bwk abod i4 look tar tam Um W1W 496- OUT 01111Y Purpome hn de(ending himi And a dear Manitoba, in t Afeney, --m-Al-LJ.Vl�UWapv,,oU!pr_Kmin. anddev*10p un Is not brighL he laft ^r. Orton INDICESTRM 81V- W418 to dfb ur.. rM A nA .4 Ad;!!�_p J0041111 91144 sm un A.,q I r1ce wpirita 40N 11ttle Orl III JS Pink dress I Ex -M but we emia to GUA : I . 111010 7" asked ldr'" a solo—" mit to 'WUM '*# loes, _71T Sullivan in ALI] III# it 44 6"MU1 to iiiub- 1TDP CON URRED BY e"Oro"maJ aim!" of AtIod^ in propo@ed to WattlL ation Of their oompart,_ ko. - , " ILDO a 0 see -Orin V *,Pend Wald t, How aid-- - C "Winm4d. t,) P1011"n sin a"" " 811060 and ribbow 6 am &I 28. a solo 7" 'tt it stran-ger, -01 111016% u�p - W1111 use, that Ql W#Aer lie( 7 WN — - - wo� who Nwh ..- bw- the Pernou WbO WMId not t tar d-rb-kkim- and du2h�Am� 0 4 f AX E SELZ N L 0 r 'r keg In" b u I I NA" IT G lb sum T Ulu Aot Of 6 ing to Ide #1J as tka am Wk U11010 T Pat 014 ONE wV4111 la. Joe L 14 cai bul V No. wa to I UC I qui tin IL t L T V ­* - to