Lucknow Sentinel, 1897-01-29, Page 2W� * , 01" � -1- i _ ­ - .. ­ .� __­ 1 70WW�711 ---F, - - , � -0� , - - - � � — �, - ­ - __­'�___�_­_, — , . , . . . 1 .,4� — —.----*--- � . . � # � . __ - - . - . � - I - '"WV17 It's 1W 9 !P . .9 �� Z �� ,.r, �- � . 11 . F. —C 0 . '. - �. "A 11A 1% . . . V"#__� . ___ ------. -"Wft- - - - - - .-.r- ,P - I.- 7 7--c"romw . - [A . . I I I A � � ,-""iii&%. -ft1b.- __ tow � — __ __ — I . . _-_�� I . — __ a . - " W-----W@0000� Tl�� Ga ��� body. To prove the Immortality of anO torn him limb from limb, and JNV-111 At, , - - - I I . "me - - I a.,_,X e M I . W"" - " -q ;�,P - .22twWuls I lor p , r of Ills gentle V -, ..?n . � J_ - - - , . , I the spirit, It may foreve remain ever) fragmeut ,een superior to 4 'r,".1", tit-, rl . � I I . .1 At— away from its earthly tenement and manhood would have 1; k , P // U T T F ire so.,, 4 ttilow It to fall into decay. In 1840 me and a standing reproach. My na- A ".: � 1.4 * % �-T � 4 .,,.,4.4".,. - - 6--oo" -tE , _1h , , I . "-Oft. BANKPtr-flil ** NAPSICK � there came to us In our cave -dwell- ture was of that base kind which � ,�, \ . . . 4 1 . - " .- I .-r Ings a man who sought to perfect seeke to tear all virtue down to its _- - ather' than to Imitate the * - 1dr -, uQrY Of W&rs LOvo and Theosophy. hiniself in occult study. His name plane r, - �-4 -A* - was Ca,logaa. I see you look startled perfect and climb to its level. There - IT 14 UL CURES I - . , - at the (late I give, an you have called Is an idea here W)out the crucifixion -1 A(j1.RICULTUHE- 40 . ... - o 61A side. th'i - - - __� Cadogan a youngrnian. ()no of the of Christ, lout I am not deep enough . - - -_ - - - F A- several reasons. One Ili, that It has sImplest arts known to our cult isthe to explaia it. I did not Intend to kill VI'li,ore cdvet*tified fa.rrubig io ,43'&- - SeOn telliderly r A IPs Open theblouse, beOrl the reservoir of the strange and arrest of the decays of age. Without tile nian-perhaps It would have come - -10 2WORWRIO - *�, - - 4, t 0 fil \ ---,., \ h\k - 0 4 4--",4 -,� , ,,, , 4 !j A11:11R , � 110_� Q, V1, 1"'� tj41 y engaged In, the farmer RAILROAD KIDNEY 0 ts open t ho 8 tematteall 11R[310[* - u hirt with 111A del*-,ord, heterogeneoul Illippuuiligi ' or the t!otibt in 1840 Cadogan looked of the to that anyway, though. I had . 1. WUAAAM WALZER, ofth* City;; NUMIS civiliz,ed world. it 'Itas boen tile asy- sanie age that fie did in 1863. 1 have reached that ,lust of cruelty felt growti. nearly all the utaple crops to - aad lifts t he a r ni. A look of horror ,,IT,, of tile outcast and tile wounded no Idea how 'old lie was. fie WILS a by tile bbatswain wI,o learned to meet hio own dunvuulm, colt,ve,rtlug . tou do solemnly declare th" I I*" ag 1 4 .- . A- _ZZ>orne btre*t. and am employ" w ' el*eeP' over his fak v. tLied as, lie Is to of oldes civilizations. 'It we stap to petitioner to us for further light Ili love'the swish of tile lash and the ttie ourplus Into higher values tiof beef, 41 er brakeman on the G. T. IL awful Sights. Ti -ea ho looks into consider a moment, wo shall recall occult stufly, but on examination we I piasit of the failing drops of L400d. or %)d rb - tile fact that. it ha -,,t not always been found. him a master and our superior. I tilt- manager of the giiiijotine who pork, butter, etc., lilm inett.(xim a.po- I I suffered tutensely with what ja called I I Campbell'* fa4w 4n%l says: I tile commonplace or ignorant who He, had conceived tile vast and stu- I would not lose the privilege of his pear to adviuttage. The all corn, I i, "' ill 11101113' % Railway Kidlilys and also had fict&floa. . 'Mave You auy' iok-.% how load you 11:1ve bev,n exiles on these o4hores. Louis pendous thought of gmthering into curited craft for a klugdo M-. Well, lie wheat or cottw farineroi tire morp "I , 11 � 11 t OC - bpeame ao severe that I bad to leave are wuunded,?­ t *1 "it- lie Napoleon had, I understand, a cigar one mind the Fipiritual stores of tile died, and I became a Pariall. on the .. . d �12 7 VOML I had nmdiml � ? � I I dopwident upon others, and tile ui (Xwevowm of - � ** Xo* Ar," says cill I i Shop in your metropolis of Now York. whole worl,l. We, In our egotism. had eartil., , I have repented lit isackeloth I- I y blHatered and bad hot i 0- '60 I` . upbe!l' cuutly. I A French king ,lived for a time "on a been %atl8fiwi to sit down and follow of memory and ashes of 111iffilted certUilLtiON . JGf market influenct-11 �elY thnn withoutsucces& I took& greatque,ilitityet . . "You h.ave only Live uiluutes to NeIv, jt,rw�y Inrui, and Garibaltil was our thread of truth from age to age I hopes. I carry In lily darkened mind ,,,, ,it unhappy ound10-wi in tlieie k, 900d ,e medicine and when I began the a" el __ Do I ta, Iton I'll A.tv,r live. Your shoultler-blado and sholki- a toller at a dollar a -day Ili a fac- with only hint -4 lloy correspondellco the pic,iiiure on which I last looked, ' tic ul 0 - ) * Ikyckm&nlo Xootenay Cure I tbought it was I TIj6 fact that theo iijeky I'liai'dClihi kill -I ,�T der are Lora away by a shAL, Lind tory In one of your slump. An a honwo , With congenial ininds In all lands. and never utitil in eternity sliall new ,j- ��, 1) only another expenment and could hardly Liod ble" ' for tit#-. nd You can of tho aoil are tile source of P110 - uUttanic edu ,idve you. , ITbis Cadogan had started with the visions open oil my �ye8. phorle atid alild n1trormi, und that 1 7 4* trust MY own senum when I began to got ) Uu. Poor fellow. .�X b"t company ; has entertained many angels un- project of learning the habits of ispy notiling to augment my sorrow, the,y a.re derive,d by the d1twolvisig ' better. The pain Wually left me. my 4111d Jrc,gluwnt &hall .1 write you 11 a%vR". 'who, afterward %oared away I plants anti flowers; thea devoting y6u dan do nothing to alleviate my* of tile rock, inakem tillage a sourco 0 kidneys began to act wltb regularity and down Vo Oil i4liver piniow. I himself to the next step of creation pain. I am here because his grave . 4 -the antinal world -he could call the Is liere, all(] because near I, of fertility, vitziceo it teauti too thu I prom ptness. m V appetite retur Ded, and now , 'Cumpbell, C,-u:j,,oi,.u)- it, Thirty- ' In IS56 there wits interjected into here 9 Laori, raplu diA,integration of tlle'W I aul,cured, I am forty, years of age, have fifth." tie isa.ld. witu a algh. . Artierican society , a str!tngeo anti hirds in their oxvtt* tones, and with a tile i4pot which kne,vir me honorable - I I 11011me af rocky paxticim If inuro easily die, twen with the G. T R. for twelve yeam and g, . � - The *urtrevu nij. i - nL note of it and niyatcritions man. From whence lie looto of love make the bounding k;teed man and a boldler. III * A ,.ill Ik" - 01 -4 .W - _0 * Ciline noone kn,pw. His previoui his- st(K)p for Ills c:tvw,o, an(I even the go, I underi4tand, lie left ais a me- 801"t", OUX so I IFUNOW Ou - am flow able to workeves, day, thartio 1.4, PAWV1?%l ULL. .-:.Ittl waxi sobbing. tell. He w a.s a tiger of the Jungle irc6oguized in him mento, Ills knapsack." L*Nds of molet- I 0 11 0 1�ootenay Cure, which I have ple&SUre in ** atoV that, 64LI".�. Le a man. tory none could " ure, ur t000 froquePit cultIT441011. I � Put your huud..WLu lay brea.st and- strangei.y twatitiful Van, with large 1 a master. Then lie had stood naked in "lim knapsack?" echoed the East 'IN)o frwluent cropping mewim double Irwommending to everyone suffenng witL . unbuckic" iuy mtiutX-L*It- 1-�eep t lie VxPr(w,41ve eyea, and a tender, ,%,v(>- the voo,ioo. rites of Africa, and bore Indian and tile JEnglishnian in one Rheumatism or Kidney'rrouble, and et,pe- Lut-WeY. but carry tlio*a letters hae-19 , mani8h niouth. Tl~ who saw hlin i -a chleftain's brand on film white Voice. or triple depletion of the wit. First, CI&11Y to railroad men, wbo are all more or � ' thoy ; fler.h. Ile Ila(] learned the Persian's 60,y(m; there it Lite crop removed from tile farm, less sub)ect to disordered Kidneys, - anti gi 4!' tliom ti) 11agh , 'lung" Upon the takm fertility; second, ,tilla,ge ull- to Tr4u:kt turned tigain to look, and if I- malion. one or V u, - . wero of a literary turn, of mind they tongue.* awl had fell, the thrill of tile 'Wall.9 sald Mallon. bwom to before J. W. boLYWOUIR C�ORLVT, t he is cadogau 44., . lockti* pliospiloric acid wid Potash ...40ft letwr. I it. remarked : a wonderful similarity to i greeting sonsr of dawn in their sun- " What fiq in it *,P " asked the En- Nedary #%1616c, 0 - Some one ,,Iwuld reatt . from the rock, nwkiaig a ia-rger , — H,,,n_ToNj srotb ' to . Unro for tho 1;-.tte:, .Saiu.' 0 Then, iif- -tilf-I steel plate pictures of Lorl Byron. worship. He Ila 1. rested with a, band glioliman. portion available for Plailt food; . - ___q I Dec.,N - ter a pam-*_4. ha asked - " Saill. did . Ilyron's piettires, liko thome of -your of pilgrinis at the shrine of Mecea. " I bave never opened it," answered third, tile lapid, left lj&re m.uch ,or e�:_ - - -till— , great first Preeident. Washingtofi.,qll anti lint] studied tile concealed truths the old man. 'JeclUim in its Wr cent. of _* - _N _. "-Vdw�- vow W_ You ever pray ?"' . ' look alike. I of the Koran. In the ice -huts of the " Never opened It! - the year, f " 1,4jt.v of tin4e*j ,.' Lut. LordY, Per- � do not know that this wily. if may con- altratotm. This last in Il'ut an llk� 4i.W4 ' I lauell at it, f stranger over claimed to be :1 S()n of North fie had studied the hints of tain the hiritory of his life -the revela- - geant. I ain't been duin' , Some Immortality in the kude wooden lares tion of Ills last w5ilies," said tile ex- gignificALut sciource of lotm. TWENTY 'ji glo , I L(yrJ ' Pyron ; probably rot. I)IkAlighijig fur potatoem; ioliouki be . -Awe do wati. Seems I.tik ia.� a 1 have aftid that through New York aiUl penates of the I-Nquimaux. 11im- cited adept. YEARS OF LUMBAGO. . %%-.-to all br,)ke up." � 'ew- ' Aelf a follower of the Nazarene, fie " I have said it s1tould never lie ais deop as the wAl, ajid am early at; N VNq Pq rNj r . " Never mind. jgz.t gf-,t off a simPle I ban1jers lie received money from N had culled tile , religioui trutlis of the gro,timl will cruntlole, Ill the, 1. JAMES MVIR, of the City of limmitton, Co. . P -A If stead Abtw-y. ,Ai.4 a lairrer I inako -� meddled with. I have lield It as a . 40 1 .little prayer. to your I a W.I. hold IIIY - * I advanced civIlization. Then lie came dpring, istwuld lie rollawod by rolling Of 1W entworth, residing *43 Emerald Street N'.. N It I olkIll, no adni i,o� ions; I only tell what was � pledge of ray love and fealty to one . , hand. anti whint you stj1w*bze ijort t 110 said in newt;paj%-r gotelp at tho time. I to u-4 an -i wore the coarse robe whom- I loved as it #;oil, but now that a lid 1�itirring witli it P.;pring lwwl� do solemn!y declare that I am at present em - otty 'Amen.' GO)d ,%% ou't ' of a neop' .y.- for seven yeare, liarrow, _ajul croftwd with a pulver- ploved as night batrgageman niastor Grand - a hurryius4 time ThIs nian hail w)meo tralt-4 ppeullar to ' those most interested are here, and � . 9 pmuery very CIO. -w- in . 1A)rd Byrori. lie w.rw an intonso lover beforo we dared to � open to may never .come again, I yield; take izing ha,rruow, leavi.1119 tII0 w1l Illel- Trunk Station, Hamilton. I was trou bled for over I "-t-r -0 10. \\ � like this. anti- you can ho aA i4ncvore him the evidences of Immortality I ' fur at, lc*w4 four inclies. d'o- . /I it . of liberty, alit] was Quixotic in his It (]own, Lucy,` said Hugh Mallon. ow i twenty years with Lumbago, and at times was I -w -d i - -1 I.n. tatoels, pUuited early best, ei pe the I , 14 , , a ifftecn-linudet, -do I ir c.-a,il.Ati we Ila, accumulated through " I cannot " sald Lucv coverinLr her . V n" plaxis anti 'acts. He entered into the � I so severely afflicted that I could not walk. Tw: t: r1ow tuirk It is gettLug . .11,v Kansas uxeitt-ment of 1856, nnd wrtm tho age -4. After ten years of study, lie 0 0 blight. A plantor (14WH tile %V` K tX*10- a year during the time the attacks were very I - . . praying'! I deri't hear a wont stood among IN, tho nurister-mind, theo face. t,L,,r aild Inuro clitwLply thwl i call lie . .. f �� known as Calone I Richard Ro'-fe. "I will, then. I am it practical intense, but tile pain was consiantly with me. .; � ==� dP ..No . b. — 41 Amen. Good-bye. -*-*nm."` marvel of India, the ruler over niental done by hand. = Is . -L I Th*3 torn Itiplio.st lvea'%eil olletx con- I IAI't US Say that wiw his nam( --Rolfe- wers, a king of meTl. Sly English man of husiness a,nd wisli to sift tile RemA-lve tile reg-(Ila.tion fcqlce will It and for about ten years Wu:d not stand fttraigbt 10 "_ - ruisively, and th,2n a gro-at, generous : fie was bravo a.4 tho proverbial Eng- R_') eviiienep as to the 1sersonallty of this I for a longer petiod thd%about fifteen minutes. * __:-- lish lion, anti In th(otia terriblo daya fi-lond, thi,i was not tile erratic wait- man,09i said the tall lawyer, as lie laid e4lclosos the squaxe pen of the aver- I I - --M- . hear% cleased to ioe-it. A fe%r alinutf-f!' : deTer you Re,ek. Thim man wais as pure a,go, country tiooryard ; expaild 116 when I would be compelled to lean over or stoop 11 Z' f3 lifte4l. and the liaro- . , J. . "ter tho lint,4 j of Kansas riot anot lAo&Ished a lurid : as the winter siniliglit oil a glacier away liih;� pipe. Reaching up, lie dig- largo etkiotilgh to forward in order to relieve myse, - came, jiato, the 1104- track of trave (ItNeIlki and tielf-sacrific- I engaged the knapsack from Its peg, invo a graj,led lawn, After using nine bottles of Ryckman's Koot- 11. If* or t hi 13 th,, Ing acts marked Ills cart,er. He went Trajuparont as the spr4ngs of iny nat-* and' orushing ()fr the cobwebs of allow tile Plwltillg Of idevOral Of tile I I pital find turned Inilde out farthcr, and, like Byron at Missolong- Ive motijitaln,4, and as free from human lurgeat, sha,de, tre", wAttered over enav Cure I am free from Lumbago and consider pocketa of tho dead andi dyinix. A � ears' rest, laid It on the table - t lit) Uutt O hi, Grecee, he dreamed of a republic Pitshlorim am the white rose of our val- I I ued It. . it, ai4 they are found lit nature. mysielf completely cured. I told Mr. Rycktn&n - - I blow from f a . leyi, ho could not liave'been the man an( ope n - Sam to � 'the to rise up otit (it tho asties of a slave � I (To fie oontlnued.) AA-er turnIng uni:er green manure it that if I felt no pains for one year after tal,i K I , carbine fellild � I oligarchy. fie was tho lieutenant -of he was and live an unclean life. Tile , - __ __ - is not well to lc -t i -t rem&.11 W-) long his medicine. that I would give him a tehtimonia',, - I - floor. anti when ' tho U101ley-Uelt, that niad though gentle enthusiast, WtAdom of the ages im concelitrated in ull(ler ground th.Lt its etreng-th is tlip!- and at; the time expires this week, I came to him .0 I - Was emptied, the letters were torn John Urown, an,i. in the (]ream of the i this, "Virtuo Is power, viqf is ,%veak- Apateki, but plant at an early daW . without solicitation to give this awtan declara * - t)pen one toy one and t(.)..;.,je,I jiloon t1l" 1 hinatic. I-olte figured as tile Secre- liedS.' In every relatimi of IlTe str(nigth HEART FAILURE, thereafter. The d4 c()mpor-Atic'n can Le I . !qg-rire Ili front of the ho.,pital. tary of iiate Ili the plans of a gov 1i found In vtrtuo� Why am I liere ? i hIlLstelled, by applyilig PotaliAl or nallev. tion. I conseientiously consider Kootenar Cure __ #A I 1, ' . _ one of the greatest and best remedies for back or _::_ I . %%hk . a(ltqran's letter wits j () .- " Aniong the rest (" . ernin"t to be founded on 'tbe frail ' Seven year,i ago tile upix-r currenU of 1 Liood Ca.uada bardwoW asliev IN often . kidney trouble Vver used by mankind, and wish _�__ I I I toosed into t4 fire 1111d the last I the air lorought to w a .= .0- 11! � 'I ge y �_ ink which bound ttle mystery . (,of i b.:Uw of a freed mob of bondsmen. Ile DICV;S' - It r attainable. m case to become generally known, at; I doctored A . was a death -note. It exhaled a olgh - rilio life to common, men'was gotle. I W1114 with Browri-in that insano raid of agony. It was defUilto only in this Great Daugar Involved in WOak When oual to burred tho ashes arc with five diff erent medical men and was to:d b%, � � at flarp,-r's Ferry, and when thehot - worth saving for severa.1 purpowis. or me . ., � I cwa".rilu _\V11. - bubb.c, rising on tile steam of pooli- -it came from the camps of tile Anier Heart Action, They make an ex(*Ilcnt floor for the someof them that they could do nothing f % � . ' i - Re*U �& kuluent. tical excitement, burst and ,,- John , ican army. It spoko of a lat,er-inewage,- i . poultry Ilouse. They a" also Useful aki others said, "Go to bed and stay until I 1got I � HUgli .% "'ItaLl bWj1ojWtl Ills bjor�. L .1 Prown died, the. last too admit defeat - which never came. For sevc -n years I . . mulch if spreold around young apple or better," but that would have been giving up a! I ' . V. - WaAl U-PI"e. Gentlemen, I am on!y a have followed ;the fragnienti of that peiLr treei for a circumf-_�renee of a few hopeand confessing myse!f a hopeletii invalid ,6611olued forward au,1 z,,tld;. . c artily, but get 110 definite clew ajq to The Trouble Can be Cured. wid Mr. D. A io prutt4cu them from Rootenay Cure was m salvation, and'I believe -It is a m,Lr,4iigt:, wo.;ij:-3 Lai _. It is lawyer. but I t4,.Il yoti that those that further metisage. I come now to. Bullock, of Occorgeville. Points Out feet; this alb y ali,j i can. hardly biL WWI. Matt enthits�asts wrott- Vie fir.3t ch:ilp,- tho s 110 of b agony, and death. I . the W'ay to Renew ed Health. borers, which att,ack a tree at the it only right that medi,;al men, universities and 444d., a - I— �_Ay ) Ua JILLIU%V, 11 ter in tile history of universal free- I ce is . collaor. . hospitals should use the remedy extensively. Ili -I all -11 - ant here to find the clew to that con-" . a aa,l hear )_1 F. 4.) ajore ('10,1U. This Rolfe was also am bright a One of the advantages in manuring Sworn to before W m. J. Rusp. ul c,auugaa'd oL,ory. 'L.Ut., tilt) gen- cealed and wondroiL3 life. I could tell .. (Frow the Magog, Qae-, - No -we.) - - . I ju PDK�t m tho one fie resembled. In � , t r, ,&_cab t, Listoa d of in t -he It - U, 6 'L hat 0 Notar... Pat` 4 oral, tiw '.computuvit Uf CadUj;UU camp and bivonac lie Pent outpl Of Yet more wonderful Ficerets hiddell Mr. 1). A. Pullock, boatbWIder, of tbe plant rcot-s, tit reaching out after HAIMN TON, x5th Dec., i46. 1k I - Ili" occu, t, 01.uti,ics, %v,,iy uid he not aln- - . a A - ' tive battle-cal's anti Inspiring an- In our lQro of the age.4, but, you -would Ueorgeville, iis well dad favorably Lheir nee,led n,,urL,IimPnt, will al'oo IlaJ culuie ba�:k -and. uarave. the li.istoory stand aghast tuiti doubt. 1 I may have ul� I ' I I them.,4 of hop-� ' as - - - - -_ k,f hid life?" wh;ch, wit c Uig t,q your a theory as to who this milli wits Iw- known to all the retildents of that LuorO 'of the,mci;tUr'e, which is J t - - i ' '*Ueuerail, — _' ;Arits .a.".t.i.,itiated by hinguage and ht*-ratn�e fv.i long ," I f(nv he tweame absorbed Lit occult village. He hao pu6sed *through a very much nee-jed. if confined to the nar- -- Xld, ill they exist. In more favorable cir- row hill, they will find but little m(Aj- guerriklas near Newmare,eze , " � study. 1 might hint at a throne olb-' trying illnewi, from which hiti friends &tire Z". � hardly in the raee at all. There Is no I N IS',Q,UE NO 5 1897. tile cunistmices h" would have stamped j Lite oulnuier cd 18-. 0�c dt,ralu Carded, alit] Q16 ti-IL-iel trappings of I*tt,er Cute to go after the borers I WOMEN 6 . ' ­..­...110� his name on tit() _age, .,1,3 (lid he w1k 8 H EF4P - . ___ - � __ e. -Authors -j ad oin fearcki lie could not recover, but lie ,i4Le.0 0owe%v.jLat Jjcr( . U6tuu ut 110 wW4 "aid to nwnible. I recall a .1 niodern"greatuais renounced for a 00d - Eaxly iipring witially furjiis6"i the and tent caterpillar% than now. ),uu' wi4l discover ia wiy greater ints0ion, but on would itlis- , im onoco more happily enjoying g IDVS -HRi(F.- IT Jib" . tlie war," baid ,11a JivTi, gravely. bU91,e gong of tjie, K.In-;n.,; camps, believe. T"lay the;lwalt a few of I t)wt, market fur Wth. lambs and good heavy "Is. but they must be well 1, - VftAK.N.LJQ 4 "And you never 4ijeiv ullyt4itig iuore- which conimer"a, ' I lie-altili. Ta a cuirctipoiadent of the muttutw. With lanibb, the earlier gxm:)d I* I . 6 the Brothers lit every Ituid to hear the Magog Nowo .Air. Bulfock recently condition,awl weight are procurett the drained. Many colorado peach or - of t"akdogau'd aul.eCedea.Li or'lai faLu- "' 6 All Ill"lit within oii Completion of th.� 'Wondrous st(?ry. chardis flour.sli in adobe soji.m. All __ . 45 Ito guardeti tents, i.y, t)r tit#,: caube or his strange ro- Until the inoon was low, � 'What would have been the concli0ton gavO tho partioularo of his illness and bettoer will t)e th - pridit. The ra1sii if, fruit treei* feel the force, of drouth, . . I mullee whiell to,)k poiace here- in. the arrivi3d at toy this Fulioerlative mtwien . of early lamtis iti -roally a btwilifts a i and Other hard c4inditions. as do femalt Complailits Combined With Kiduey ft 'A WfaPPed rOUnd " With Jehovah"s t, Cure, js.iyiilg . tlla' t lie woula be very of it,4eff, wid ,very remunerative. . suwmer of 6j, will.e Lite 1-niotilorcezi . smile, . . . what Vio world to,4eo by his isilence, glad, It his expo4cvice woWd piZove `1ho L**it gruin or grajo will Ilk)t grain, and vegetables. and retinire Troubles Are Fatal. ' lovers elicaLujvq LLt tilis piace for 41- We waltm for tile! foe. . thi-i I ponder. I am dozie.11 - f �" care accordingly. - ol;ructi,ju." aaij .NL.L�lon_ ! I helpful In oliabihig wimeone.else to grow oil pocr k,uil; juA tw iiiii-ety mui- Intense cultivation of young or- CEYLON TEA. "He becamo a journall'at, and c4totiod CHAPTER X.X.; i rogain. heAlth. lie says: "Therp Is tw Lwt wool be grown to etkivanwgei wilas chards, makes a Ytgorous growth of . Peolivions. . ]pure. . Ece"Oftsms. * "Y"uF Liudlle*4 a:14 '"te"'On "u I"s Out for a titne a m:trvol of wit, and The Blind M,%n*; Story. profit on out�h hulds. The 'tcvt and inot illuess seeni V� have fileki "'the. I i . , doubt lit, my mind th.at Dr. WifflanlW heavia4t flecces are grown - ()it ,w the Lateral roots, sending thew deeper -Nodild in hoe�altdtead Packets Only. ' � I memory of Cajogau aitj in your heart U WOnder of'concentratiun of thought I "I aTu the murderer of. Cadogan. I ell into the ground, ensuring a hardier LUCKY WOMAN ESCAPEDI my Groe#rn (Poly t,,&&& y%_,u 'a wt*.i. regar,l him in the and c!earrows of perception. As I i It'll blind. In the hour in whi I - Pink I'll.lis brovight ruo.from tile hor- - bred t,hi*p, t4o fed tuiLl earext for its to life U) the tree. After overhauling the *�M at 2 5, 440, AO and 60 cwnts per W i trace, hini tilrougil his erratic career I ' C11 him HOU ' rcT� of dmth to tho glad, cheerfuol kec-P thein ij, u 900d, tollrifty condi- "llUll IliAlded find him POSW'&WA,41 Of tit - VI left hL4 tortur,Wl body I was struck ___ old orcharth; it iijay be well to give - -_ "'v"t #jf a so""' 1 t -a'(" A4 4% sellne Curz-O.o. to U011. _r - ,,in" hoa,i ijit affirtuaLion. "A t. L h e volatility noticed In Byron. At tinico 1"blind 11114 if thO Wrath of Ile,11VOIJ had world. .*$onie years ago, owing It Is quite tin Item ,W Ir -p k h,ep thpin wme of tit,,- tianie timtment. - - - _�� .,441110 Lime CuLlizau lwcluetl. tki- hold found a way to givo nio the mark of 0,%. ' ,worik and troublo, I Wax ro.- One cAut not go far wrong with a Consented to Try Dodds Kidney Fill& - I no nionk more austere in #!Pp6rtment, 1 er � quiet W,hilco feckfilig, whetr1wr fat , CONSTIPATION - U.00f froin, eutaiigling ,fectiun.% and ne cloimtefe�l dreamer with more, elated I Cain, while my heart Nva.4 yet thrilling r tell- Large #;prink -Wig of Ben Daviii api4em - the Premier of Proprietary Medl IS CAUSE0 W, 1INDIC96THMS K ON" r .. 11 IC44 ,duced! to ,& weak btate (A health, Lug in the "mmer or winter. Very lit ...t.eu.ed his htmxr;, 164, rN.,j ev(ja tlAe conceptions of purity or tuawy nubil- with the renior,-e of jL use s and . . in tile orcharki.- Among applem they - cines. and ia Now Strong K. D. C. Pills Are j.'j at AnTe" ill I E - eeded iq winter, anti never I tlr�. trouble ui rnpnt�y refuncme. t! of ,.vu-,jtall. - liad he jive.l. - he Vill, the liepirt failed W dco It -so ti4)-rO(.)ul is 11 � . %, - C AJIV itY.-Ilut- then again lie became a I t"'rutal crime. I perceive it motion 'of wIWI are what tile Poland China and tile I find Well --one Box K D C CO. Ltd.. .-%. .I _ ' - is, wu,--b range calleod for. The food W ' Free Al G.. & 127 State lk, &=a=. ,#V(jll.',l s -Lill Lave purnue,l his strango fallen angel aWVrevelled lit debauch. repugnance among you, though I cein- worl: ^praperly, and not unnaturally fatten must Le buppijed, and th, . 19horthorn are among their fel. ' I Cured H'er a � not seo. I fitid no fault with that'ex tho,aitumach becaive Inactive. I had re I's lows. The Rod Aistrakan is till - - -_ - - ocudie�s, alit) torn jilwae,f frouli all lery* an I cogsorte4 with the lo%v and 41 - - I I Liu gain fn allowilig ttliootu to I . . s�jfter tor ,teii(lereer fe,lowaill.ips." anti vile. Ther -e ,ir-6 hints of broken mar- pirewilon of righteous anger. I have I)P-' - -three doctors, but' with- raiuble. fr(-'* ' y early apple for tile table, and dtwerviiiii; - �� . . I luoked triumpimaLly at Lucy M"I- ri,ige.yow.4 alul im4ane revebi whicil COMO accustomed to It toy seven yeazi vibits , froln I- With etuck sltcm.�p and breeding ewes better attention than it han, bem - r I I t0u. on wh-use cheekto I,uraekl .the red lircke loving heart-;. At last I fin?l Iiiin . of stmila.r experience. I have No -me- ,out lw,neficlai results. The mediCine it Js quite all , tem to provide for good receiving. . Walkertou. Out.. Jap. IS. --Half a NEW - , A r aware of it by +o- givcmi ,by (mw of theth caiwed a net- Sheep do not bear eA)n- lit ltaiy they dry the tomat(msfor dollar sawA a woiMin''w lifth in this common— e4iur ol iBXClLe10CUr6. I w6iied toput In _thP%W0&s9[ern artily, iweking a highe times become , exerewe,ii. lity fortune to Vie te3t. alld wentoll: anti better �14 I e. Pqroach(!H, and often by the avoidance vatuii oliock that prostrated tito for nui.rket. When ripe, it is jSrem,eodand 'to,%-IInot nlany In(juths ajo-only hwt *,%%,Ili.e sullie Ic,_,.6_gift�L,.j man, with a I bear of film, as a Y, t hope w It o .kno w. 1h y w-verul weekL wit(), fineitueut %. .1 for a I(xLg period at a - CROP . . woniter of purity ati-I a dreamer of Of my society b 4. The last oneo the iskitm and seeds btrained out. .%,IguLgt. to I lact. - history. I le 0:11i - time. Excej)t when fattening, let '" 'r ._� heart aa human, milh& bot atLenkl)t the Verfection of ft the axiny becawiO my treatol! me gave nie a preparati After tile Juicy pUlp io dry it Ills broken Half a tAoli-ar in the pric.,P,ur 41 1 -ox - � am tile hunian race. I eT kid- thwu (rit every cliay wheii the wea- anti ground before packed awny. N%*e of L)o ' - 'bucit SpiriLua, fl.g,,jits., uut would be Finally thero comes a time when no v Y life became a burden to me there. of strychnine, -which up"et lily tbe,r will perinit; the air and exer I;D*S KIDNEY I'LLUS. 4)w, Ix)x %Ve, m&i I f roe on r me w 0- IrE 1) ( * A 1'4 1 AMVIK a.atizafied wiLia Liu"*s Utst gi[L tO D'All longer are drafts made on Brother offtecr4 shuruied nie ilig tIIVy ,11eyt4 to'sucli Wl extent t1wit I was . - do not know what it is gtxki fortlien, of th(we far-fatiox! und jivAtl�-44tinod for I'8107. bpautOully i1ju-traW, and es&W& . - ' the New I Would a letwr, a.nd my entrance into e(j,liflned to the-liouw and daily grow- CL&** Will procuro health anti thrilt. lint there may be it hint, In It forms 1-illq weIV enoiWh to lout Mm. Elwcma jog a tall descrip, ion at the best i%tmdudj@s@ it 0 1 -a W01aUll 1-4. IAIVO-allll le'M' ''Lite . U1,Y16' Y - ork bankers. and tile law firlil ill I tWr , am a signal,for instant lug woaker. I had to� keel) eitimuldlits Nlany'farmcr,j aro so situatdtl that ' . Ady oil lier feet, when site wa,% very Leriei4 of life go." - I-ou,lon 1.4 not called upon to for%%ard - society w, they can ,kill and drtims laLubiL and lit u.sing Our horticultural prcAucta. � .1-11ey arose, to leave Vile. ruoill, font b3ld of exclit.age. Under the nailie of I CeN�satlon 6t Calk,- and one by one they e.vnotv�ntl`3 Lt my ' side to � alkK) calves and pigs, and sell them, to A tyronduent aplar6it g,w,A mo far Ul %vith fetnate complaint. combined FLOWO AND VEGETABLE SEEDS t-ur,je,4 at tile duor uad.ishot this Par- Caflogan this strange teing Is laid In , would arise awl go away until � was keep tli5�h'1eifkrt at work, alld - custootwire as ttidy now t,ell a&j to liwist that it few colonies of mith Kidney trouljoiV. ' . . 1*1 privaW I ced, will revive a %%'Itll Vito CIL-kinple in view, wit'%* with nomplitte dtlails; of the farmer*. require- , I left fllone�- In the military 1103PA-al, even '' with thlo artificial aiLl thtau. arrow: a -Southern 'grav(-. awl. as a lawyer ' heire I.Nvent for treatmen�, my story Then I eggs and chickens. While lie takes fruit farin from a non-ImiyIng to a should tli(w 1w it 'i -Ingle wunain I' 123,001o. in. VIACIAP 044MPTft. 12A)VKk a lkb **Thou ohalL LoNver to hi.V 1'evel day an -1 counsellor I ani here to verify his ' w Its. action was very faint. ieAd than butoclter'ii pricku4 hid net re- D tik 4"14 l%V.1K1jl4, 104FF-111 GiR 4114oh. PODDKR . by ,lay, death. Mind, genAcnien, I admit 110th- had premled,me, anti my wounid-4 were began to try advertised medicines. but ult4 will 0iten W double the price of- profftable inventnient. Testimotiy In Canada tottering (Pit tho brink oof the AND&&sMatit.e4oftbi. %Vtft* for &copy t . I Ing. This Rolfe, or Ca-logan, may have I a nlaxk of iihamo Instead of honor. 'stit, without any good rewilts. I loi4 " abuiulant aA to the des,irab:o effector Xreve, or gtiling alloont her workdcac- , ' %%-j."t is 111,Au %#,tlilu .tliee grow,lig been I)tjrn in a workhoume. may liavb i How wl"Ingly would I have excliangetj strength, flesh, and hope,. I was ad- ferW him . for his stock On loot. boom ullood grape viue,s, fruit treeai, und geit down. U.qdrjU-d, 4iWjX)njoqtt. JOHN A. BRUCE & 00. cdarse.:to sympathize �vitlli Cla.V-"� hwl no livii . . my sightlew eyes -for ;vie shapelt-4 vised tp try- L)r.-Williainm' Pink Pills, 81 W IN & fruit loe-aring planu, lit general. an(] (U--ouraged "! I ng relative, but lie had . ­Ved," I triell Wter Ler;."LUtTen- friends: an -1 if any of you are In pos- bulk of some brave, helplcwa mail, (I(-- ' and that reminded ine that I had a Added too all tlio other wo.rth of a If It lis exl)l)ect*d or det,iro4i to find# Kii1ne3l dtwa.se3 are fat.d. They HAMILTON. ONTARIO. ily*.Pa Lad been bat4iy Kac'Ued, and .session of fact4 which ivill go to lillow nuded of his limbo like a istump, de- botm of them at my place of businq%s, crop -ui ryto Im tho amwauce Wat Lilt ready inarket for our app;es itt, I,ug-. irwan &;Io%v death. if not cured. 13st - �� . . in n I later on nuiokie a prosale niarriage.". that Rolfe the podt an -I Cudogan the nuded of It -i branebas! How willingly which had been lying Ahere for ffiore early bown crop wili ImAp the pigs land. or to continue to obtain good t Itery . cure, and it is tile pnrlxw --- 'file d-jor I .er' are one, anti t I. it he Path Of than a year. Without very nitich through the f&9l and winter and give prices anywhere, greater pains niust of tlhvw� linto!A to deinonatrate it. A - .111011. Ut-TA'AtZriumciriA .was b,aLLInjed it juiwic dreamer and'w)ld would I have goite down t 11 t, re MK-" W ,- N, 9 lo' F wrath, ankl I I&LOW tiLat I h � a.d.- %�011 the one I #!escribe Is de -A I am will. I life, led by kind hajids, could I llav0 confidence lit thein I decided to give -theau a whok%ome green bite in the be, taken in amsorting amd 1xicking.' ii Mrc - At.13"s toorit4naonial: 74te 1wj)or"a% announcemeas is a istep furward W Lly Wooing. lug to Pay for Information, or if blotted out the record of my shame ! the prills, a trial. The result, I must eaxly -spring. It will repay' niuch Alq)lf*4 not well akworted nor firmly Crentlemeu,-I have he'. ­ft trou- njude this ruoraing of Lilt! &UA"4soma- no ' 1 courted tho Inveo,41gation of a confe-o, seemed to me atillost magical. in-uro than tijo coist (A seodmg, -aiid lwtked oold low this year, and -But, .31r. .m&:i,Un,­ I said, "what pay 1.4 desired. I &Ili very grateful for 1 t heY . - Mod ,with a minplaitit Called wo tivin of the lousinew of the I lir vineAsiol L-ecalile of lr:am. t:ie co�ored inan, favor -4 receive.1 11 Ain a man of bu.si- court-martlal, and would h,ave vvcL- J. had not taken the Pink Pilig lotig keavo thc ground in Coud slialte. always will. nu-n's ivenkikc-* and Ki3ne3- Tr(-)% PrOTI&Int In'biLitutiou 0) bu ' COU1474d any " punishment that when I was it.ble U�- rest in my contei,do that W L I readkor the. many ell" Tbenium wfth tile hjutg&I R~ve I up it rowance *.1" nests an,t of few words. 'Will on hand ! would . . _ chair ITofonosor Henry The practice (or #,praving lea,ts to I W Uri waii mixed I the' , y I ..- - havo � f4eeined to -'expl-ate refreshing sleep.., tbereo is an actual lo,m in cooking ioud oUter imixwtant remulW in the ca re fhe %ery indivIduai I am, look. Me the tobacco? I wish to replenish and took goz)d DOIDID'S RIDNEY PIMS luiddowk. Fund Lite Abouiciation. vvh4*w Man- . itig ut out of the wiw,uw 404. He niy pipe." . . my needi and elty. bomething that had not taken place tor liogu, and that tha only auvantr of our trees. As too many IImtM3 aild I eojwtited to'trY thein. I brive agur for Outto,rio is Mr. N%. J. Me. � . 11 , rutw a pa,r of mu'e-i jta4 wagon to When other'" marched 10 witil r4 niont3is before.- Front that day age it gives is in pro�-idjug a change; toopelome 'a howl interfere witU ttie uscid one Ix)x and I ain'conipletc- Murtry, of Turouto, Thtw tire the , CHAITER XIX. flauntIng banners at tile eturn of so of- the Pink Pills f con- but thereo Is oo much uilierence (of spmying. more careful priming Is a ly cun)d. No pains or barliach-s two hirgept natural premiuw Ute to- � � . e tho. dapot to curry pad*engerd anQ , . with the u. The East -Indian's Story. .. Pace, I stobd at a street corner tinned to gaio In strength, and ani opinion an this sul)j-.c,6 and uPon that r ult. lack. I Ca " @41tutivap um 4%nada. Their aggr*- & & upe nwi,i m, aud lie ha.i lef& lithe main - I _ (W The sun is more freely, ad- hare ever conite ruad ait5 is coming towarti tile huube ­ It, pv � Jostled by the crowds, and Umtened toqlay a strung anti healthy man. I of grinding food - that it is well for mitted and tile fruit ampumes that hig-Illy .",Cuonl Inend them to al! g1l te bumi� In tbe Dominion ery age oT the worl(I there to the 14%nds playing the airs which be.lie-ve that even Ilink Pills, should be every one U) btudy the matter lof roj4pr hue which is so attractivo to won". you IlIft.v PubI6.11 - 016. 'Amount* to 06.4*0,000- Th( Mutual - � . with three pas*eugers on board. I have been select and masterful ifiinds had inspired rny feeble steps am I af-eiste.d in thp good work on the himAelf. tis ark] to our buyers. 0 Mo as to help othem Resierv* Fmd Lue. whict bt, the %Y(mider What it weans?" sald the dl�-satisfieft with the conclusions ar- inarched ,through four States of the system, and that assistance is exer- The natural food for liogd in tile HI)ring flowerbig bultis aresoeamily URS. E. ADY. ' larg"ut natural premium oomp&ny it& I : o d man. rive,l lit by the wa!-�qeiii. in reference to Union behind titat same flag� wh;ch cise. and this exercise I took from the wild attite ib gras.-;, mast, roots anti grown that the lahor required imhould . Vi a I kerton - ()tit - the worl,l, has for J*611101111 60UP No I&rV � With rutich fioul,i-,11ing of whip and spiritual things. (Jue8tion" 1.1ave I heard fluttering lit tile breeze. time I . began t�) regaiii my strength. bulbs of pIa.nW. They never lorget not discourage any one. Tu', I pa, . Attguv4 Stb. lAwInews In Canada, dnd hap p&id " v1pic*-, the vairr.*;-aIPWl.-4 swunrf-s" UP to arl.-Aen which ordinary logic or com- 31y worn uniform became -a' reproach, I have no* every Inith In tifis niedi- their rooting tendencies. Acting byancinths, nareimus and lily of tile I'PrO in dM&jk.e10ol=l@! over $J,M.900. the door, and _Aaru saltl;,.. monplace evidence could not answer. and I sought a planer garb wh:ch cine, and believe that if whow who 'upon our knowltxlga oi their foadness valley may he set out in the fall, and AnY %jriiggL_,t Ila% IX)I)D*S KIDN'Ey It Is LI�.'V&W..twred under tho Loo. . '"Heah .Tou 1.4, geniman., Fo' bit -s, It Is only neceimary to opeak of a few. would excite no questioning. In my are Kick will Use it, health N% Jig be the for thew) th,ags, we ishali ck) N%-e,l W the Npring wiil give an abundanev- of P111,197 If your drugIr6t i4hould Im- Winjos Ac% and haa it deposit in Gov- , a half-dollah. or two qualitah-4 paYs Ili there an im:ependently existing soul [Int've town the story of my crime reward." now and then givo them rations of I)I00111. . 'it e - Add the roses and a few wit of them. nddrfV,,; tile I14)DI)*S '.%fr[)- ernpient loomin witb the Irit.uralm de bili. Dem's d-,4 -wagOrk-PulhuO In man? Science has nev r found evi- wam V�:411age 9(�wijlo, and My own k;n- Dr. Williamm' Pink Pills strike at potatoes, turnips, bedtd or arti- Ilamy ntuillaliq, and tile work of niak- XCINNE 'COMPANY, Toronto. Prt nvo, D*-fiartment amounting Uj $,108JM, illmnlew ia de eyounty. Dring . uP YO' dence that there Is. Can tile soul, or dred rued away from me In tille'rit the root of the disease, driving it chokes (luring the winter seamm. Ing the isurrourklinge attractive is fifty c#,nt,s a box -. mix boxviiii for 02.!' 10.. BY %1116 cLange tile mewlsery of fts trunigpi w do' mu%vnino7."' spirit, of man for a time leave the contempt. I became a wanderer (rn from the --t-y8tem and restoring tile N*!vvr tu-,*-- tile uid to)rli Loarrel a �-iev- done. . ------------- -_ _ 1'rovinclal Provident beicome m�_ " kla!" said I. "'S.4im. vferO YOUO3 body, visit distant places, and return , tile face'of the earth, and Ilmtened to patient tA) health and. strength. I it ond time ivithout xleanshig. r-:mik it ___ - __ 0 , - arnlysis, spinal troulkipm, with a isolut4oa cof con,alon washing Virtues of an AfUrnoon Nap I twro (A am tumsitutwe witb one bub - the %rar " to its habitation ? -Science lauglis at Poorly -told F;tor .ef4 of brave mtrug-� casc* of - 1). . THREE WEEU IN AGONY. Tho divinity tlia� doth hedize a king . 're" "(1 tt�n "'10800 member"'i &00 "Was I In do wub,.' ,14ah, I w a-@ such. a questinn. Can two sympathetic glett I bad part',cipated in, and (tared Iocomotor ataxia, Fciatiea, rlieuma- sooda. -AvItich is very chefle. if it - )Vt-bf $8t,000,(X)O of Intivirtincv; as � froo do wall. V so'IL- hoH converse while their bodies I vay no Word, tiiough my heart thril- tic -in. eryaipelas, j.-crofulous troubles, htw. bom 'long Ili uw!,. fill' it with dry Intl*sumatory Rhounistipru so 'Sornte Ile Is as nothing to Uic amcrolness that ##j 'long Jane Ann. A�,t ' ,npVtution 16blit h&qi neal,13 $6,000,000 Mr. Mallon; he knows. _'CAMIO uP9 are mil" apart? Science calls the le(I wit,, pride. In my poverty I etc., these p'lls are ouj)erior to all onribrand let ft staml a week or two, john fleary. Gonti day* sah ; do very questi,t)n puerile an',i an insult ' Could Not Attend to tils Dally Dutlep atten& Lhe afternoon nap of the j�(io- astvto &Dd an equ&I gonnu,,Ll income, sQught no gueidon bf periu:on from other "treatinpnt. 'Thef are also a that tile earth juity absorl) th4i and wh1eb"Jiliae paid out $27,000,000 . :ajitli tootin' ter he on timie." to reamon. Iq what we call death a i a Government I Ila(] lielped to mave, spee*.fic for the troubles wh1th make krewivi and tho otior. � I Llvett Three Weeks In Agootaing Fain ciety woman. Unwary j�ouls In thol In death elaims. It le- hardly pcw � Thothroe pa.i!i.-eriZers were standing separation of soid awl body, or does i for my claim aliql himtory would be a the liveg of no many women a burderL We can "-t reduce tho co"t of pork 1khen Tbut -Good Samaritan" of All proseeUtion of various busine" Cal- lu at Xroup. Th-- mco,t pri,owinetit, death terminate extw.rience? Science , Cure*. South A mo-ric,iv Rheunistle Cure% 61161P that they Will filill U) Appre"IP WWI a florid English toarl-it. You is respectful in -her answer, tint i5ays ishanieful exposure. Draw nearer to anti r-peed,'Iy restores the rich glow'uf by rviduWsIX tho tilljo Ili U-111ch we ling,, who have haAJ Lite misfortune tile advantage* of thio change to %be . nec-I iv#k no f1watiriff-Catolut lilm. lie -that this universal belief lit a clilinera 1. nie flow, for I feel that you beglij health to pale nnd Fallow cheeks. produce it, A -thrifty. growing pig, Passed Me Way -it Helped to a Few to break in upon tile 0umbers of ouch lacrenoed owenrity vrbteh IP thm Isad (on a cheeked travelling suit. and born of longing for a continue,] ex- to PAY ine--my punishment waft Men broken down I)y overwork, worry of 2jO ji,coutitloo uvt-ight gr.04S L-4 Illost 11ourst, and Speedily Curod-Coat 73 4 are made to kt*nly foel the enormity pineed behind their Insurance a pair of thick walkilax, t -hoes, Which Intence. In all azeq of the world, I greater than I could Lear. In my or excew.s. will find in Pink Pills a dt*irabie, and t1d;s e;ui be obtaitred Con I a. of their off(mace, but what is smid to ------- - --- woked ,to 11 leath ,r aa r naiLi wero bay, men have ex,ste4l who have made tolumbers at wght the a6cusing 'certain cure. Sold by till dealers, or itt six iucontlio if w4AI bred aud well Mr. E. A. gortou, a wc4i-kno"%vii them I#; am nothing to tho lecture Illul"W011111 . am , ' STUDYets"Iffift t ,an With. theme Waxen features of tKe dead forever sent by niall, jxwt-paid, at 5CC. a fed. In producing cheap porti aftAV- *068111"as much che.iper ift llnglanj th ,questions the study of their drooped upon tit(.- cramped knees, and box, or s1% l,kox(% for 12.50 fly addresto- tillm p1jill we greatly rtAuce the ritilk elt.zon (if Grimsby, Oil&., Nvam wvere- that is IbLwtowed up -,m tile wrvant what'ske a lbwe"b AWA� IM fie had on a co.mical cap Of lives, an,l they ansiver to every quesi- � tile wh.'te teeth grinned forever lit a ing the Dr-. Williai - ly attackod with ipflanimatory rheu- maid who knew no I*-tt,er than to 8"L t elbeeLged cloth, vrnj�,,Jk. gave him tile tion: 'Yes, wan ban a spirit Inde- A' Medicine Co., of luim from disease. matism some oo yearp ago-aluor a believe that the biti-iness worlJ can- I&$ amtl t) tiopear"We Of nil Aiwirican host -ler pendently existing ; that spirit car) glioullsh smile. I awoke with colt] ]3rocl&-ville, Ont., or Schenectady, N.Y. I)AIRY. _ time he recovered, but rne or six not wait until soCety nap is over. � f, a a-4 to headxea.r. H,e lia'41 a glass in- leave the body and return; two of sweat on my shivering face, and my Belyfire of ImitationsPand substituten Afti!r a insu Ww produe"I a first- week,; ago the dread diawase return i 11 t women %Mo I PREPARIP8 eager hands trying to undo the fatal alle d to be "Just ne good." w us . U�ulge lit the habit fQQV,NE VITUATIOSS TIV.NT mertoit In hi -i left eye anti wait Kcru- these sp!rits may hold converse 1),,11(18-tliat Ili the - carse of a re- 91 . cl bred, for either so violently that lie had to gii-e up -allod a very wise and emmendabie AWAIr You #Exr FALL. . tinizing the houico ;;Itii much curi- though their bo4,'Iem lie miles apart, morseftil, dream, gentlemen. I am Droinedary and Camel Speed. milk or butter, It Is c-a,s:r to I*r&tiade wowk. For nearly t-hree Weeks 4e lily one It is, U) be sure -give the r malfis _____ 1 6 o'"ity. lie ' waA farge, florld, and and death Im the i4eparation of an un- ever hurrying now to eut tho" lilm to proctim) UtK)d cows to inate in bed suffer,ug Wrrible agony. All- explicit iniAructionis iliat they nre . - 11 I heAlthy looking. Me hand�d Mr. impaire-f and perfect i-pirit, frora a de- , cords all(] iift The-speet] of tile camel h4 greatly J[il I it. When frow thew,, lie obtains other resident of the ,toowii Nvho had 'lot too be C -1110d between Certain hour,w f 0 . I 040, Mallon a caid: . 6 . caying bcm1jV.' up thAt fa I tit -'" 9, exfiggtfra t6d by wrltoi-rs, both of It - �, . �� tlrcx)pljtg head In hope to mave a life I,- gi-od. high grado eal%fm it will be Ileen curod by &)utb Amorlmn Rdwu- for any purjxx-�e whatooever. "Tile I . 1. - ___-� . ARTHUR CRItSTLAKES "The!we questionm tire noticeable for that ', went out seven years ago. It t(wy alit] fiction. Th,�) mo.* -it accurate e:v4y to jnttko,�hil Wile%V it WIll JNI.V MatiC Cure persuaded him too try it, first thing I tell a Dow maid," said - Lincoln's Inn, Londom I their spontaceoum promulgation all Ili tile everlasting regret, gentlemen, Informat'on shows tile uTx3ed of the to giv*,% t1will gootj reed itlid care. aind, to him great surprWee, after usihig One woman toanother. "is -that there FTIRATFORD, O'W. "10 - --.--�V.. . . over the worl,J. They are asked In tile came[ to be about three miles an hour. Piogrcw is education. t -ho medicine but one week lie are Inst two tliing,4 for which my af- - - The siecond person waA an Dis'A In- , feeEng fostered by a dream that was CIO A laima, ekgant,lyequi#,p@!�"uwr*W # dia ri. Tlii.-,, also, wasi evIlent at a China, In India. in Persia, In Pales- I may I' urry bark to the guard tent The mwiftest dromedarif* do not -ex- The fe", ling of cows upon bran will far recovered its to gK) about town. toermxm nap may be disturbed with N6_9R_1lW11'1C1t IN cANAIPA. .- tine. simultaneously. The query- then I ceed ten mtl(-s an- hour, but the pace wourt Ili njiik richer in ljoutter fat. Froin the flr,;t d(*;e &Lkeyi lie felt impunity. If one of the itim"Ly dift iuA) eiterataaj� time. viortw&wewa %#_ g ta n0e. lie wa.-4 aGout 5 feet 4 coines, not from e,lucation ; It 'Is In- and undo the cursed thongm that can I)e kel)t nil for twonty hours and also in milk In gml.ter quwAttv, m.arked iwimovement. and to-41viy It - ii, or If the honsio catches fire.. nothingi W. J kLA.10TT. =d'= lach#3" in Ijej--oi#j. und slender. me false, and then g I U. short of those two catelattropheos is - - ' " herent in the race an,l sporadic In IU P " y ed tit(! without re4t. A lightly loatied m mel thau Whou they are fed upon oitts; inoot enthusinatic In Fingin' ivaken`ng, the dull pain of a rized and L4XtD'.:S 11RA T Z" jklid tea ____ __ ___ � J HN ey" were brIght, black, anti appearance. You will be astonished ' will take, with the same foot, about but Upon outs they will gala a, little pra6ep. No case tkx) wvere for South deemed suffieleut excuse W lwesgk In - twinkling. F'r;jvn whatever Way You when I tell you t1int, Ance the dawn eternal fact -perhaps that ls_9Y bell thirty-eight ii-trides ae minute, e.,jeh in vA,tight, willic xlpmi the sleep which Le so neeesmkry illustrated, tse1vtLVejers and 2- __ already commenced. I was n worse they will. lose ii1pon Americvw Itheumat 'e Cure too ch4 ck in printad on Leary p1laft dw ' approached blin you *mned to no- of time. thesc splect mindpi among men one averaging seveon feet.- bran ulotio. Thim P4 a r*wtlt of the 1 six hour#, and cure lioe-rmanently. f or My hftltlL" I ftrt,tsuk P:(Ilure. ktl%ftTp'n,,�5ft, a U00 noth�U'4,_ but tll()-;O ey"- - I I -L' wflre In'corre.,4pon!eince and sympathy thar, inany others. Perhaps some of ---- :-,--- ------� . Colorado vxjw.�rinwqjt. ; ______ ___ . '. ­.*_%$--_.*­-�_W­ - Juipercew.poofit. Wirme tor com 'th( -aom4�- 'Von Who are more brilliant and edu- day The Wumn bilveiviare dress wa.4 -entional. -,uxh with each other. As, in some foretottl . CATAR111j'COLNNOT BE CURED N% Ibm a cow will niako a pound of ' Th Birthday Stones. __ _. V=M , how the black alixtea trom-Rrao, matill I conjunction of the plaiiet,4, observers cated than 1, can tell rue how men 141 1� butt4Dr a da,V, in hor be**t coikilition L' - -domomw& � 's- - quetv- I TeRU anti seerr,ucker coat looked its are placed nil over the world to are led oil to commlt crime. I have with lqcal 0,pplicatlons. aA they ctM- for a nitiruth. at it, tint(% upon lia.Y or Gariwt-True friendbhip and fidel- It turnomf out br a. tailor at (alcutt.-L report on differing aspects of the stud!ed so much -on the incidelitg not. reach the seat of the dbieame griam only, oho will doubtle*w payfor ity; January. - MKI rIrj4 Worn in t`hq pr#*wnee of which led tip to Cathrrh im a blood or colistitutlona: Amethyst-Freodom frota passion C;h-& --��Cr- , _��"��__% - phenomenon. sQ itll over the world � that fatal hour.' a grain r4tion lit nAklition to itiolif pr r�: �.--w -) � tho raj,0a In .xome offjina in a pal- this brdtherhool of students took note What Is there in man that grows disca8e, anti il� oilder to cure It you O' and c4ire; 'February. --r- YOU WANT - ace up the country. Be, too k ou't oil what it feeds upon until 'man mtwt take. internal remedies. Hall'm I*-rly proportioned and property ffti. Blood6tono.-Firmnew and bravery; .1 _. I ,n gold eard cajp,- arv) han(fed Xr. Mall- I of the advance of spiritual science. revels In cruelty? Is there a devil, C)atarrh Cure in taken internally, and 1114.-ficwt product alwiiya c(pjaw from March. . )7 . .'on a wented card.printed onpre*4ed Conf ticius, Buddha, or Mohammed "d can fie possess men? You itriko a full supply. Diamorti-d-Itinoct,nee; April. 5-s) 4 s -11k. awl It reM: - mischt dream alone, but tlj�tr dreams Acts directly oil the blood and mucous A muit y1old' (if inilk when high Emerald-Lovo and happiness; May. "%../ EED f thongfij. in my a chili], a weak, helpless, child, tind surfaces. 11all's Catarrh Cure In not - . priem prevall is w)inething that %--j # � native India was the centre t doebi not resfist-It cowers, It pries a quack medicine. It was prescribed I SAXYA'111W. of this I should met ambitlow; dairynien think- Agate -Health, wealth and long THAT & Bombity. 11 occult i4tudy. For ages In the eaveg of feebly, a spot (if blood appearji' on by one of We beist physiclanisi in this Ing. Ile who has to buy all him fcwd life; Juns. The GROW ' . the Himalayas have live,l the Brothm tho little face, it angers you, tljpre countr� for years, and L4 a regular Ruby-Succa;ts in love; July. bAVLb TEEL AN& 4jqNZV The third nVLn at last Ivam toue"Ied for tho montlix of winter can not Sardonyx - Coujugal felicity ; Au- T1W Ak� Upon the shoulder. and lie lifted a trs. You call them Vepta, proficienta, ior something In Its lielplelimnesm that preiscription. lt Is composed of the pq)w-11)1.v make nA much woner am lie V 414M 110 C4111IL" P(dr of green gogglea from hito e.vem masters. They were- tile wise men %ScCusen you, you mtrike it (town, you be-st t6ulcm jinown, combined with the who, with forethought. line provii" 911"t. Gun Goes Off 7relk 11011, I � i5n -' cruph and mangle It, the little fea- bemt blood purifiers, acting directly on W00 whiv came from the Edmt when the a large supply of efwllnge. Sapphlre--Sald to cure dl.k.en*4es of bb� lip X611--olste a_MV and revealed one of ttjoqe ho"'t)1e Jewhith Messiall waj4 born. From. the ti,rem are unrecognizable, anti tile the -mbeous k;urfaceis. The perfect the mind; Septi,m1wr. I of,--litm wh;ch the law dernaluld 1511all rylptintaln-tops, where the (lawn first fact of the Irrevocablenem of the combination of the two Ingrodients.1m When the cow d00% not come ti�p to Opal -Hope; October. I Instantly when yo -i puU the mi Steele, bigp IWOL LT9 l,i %t,p9 f, ,%- -re-1, in mercy and con- touched with Its light, they Flaw tile act mak.es you a demon and the what produces such wonderful results the point of profitalwIp production it is Topat-Given true frien(U anti kn-- trigger. So sickness may ca= LJADING U19RCHANTS -1 tion for the. fvelln4�4 oyf the coming of a new Teacher. We scene become" the playground of a In curing CatarrIL Send for testi- often not her fault, but that of the er#; ; November. on suddenly. But it takxj fim ' SKILL THFU ramsta, ont. pu ..- - Both hl.4 eym were Xone, and I hold owner. He keeps her too cheriply or Turquais-Succem ; Docember. "CanadjCv. C.reatest F,otA tg~,*- . only the red, c.-%vcrncoU4 mocke,W re- ever. that the Paul qf the new relig- flerid. Men Point to It and iiay It is moniai,q, free. doeK not feed her with good Judgment. to load the tun, " it tA ka ' ininded tha ob�wnrver of thin -hastlY lf)n belonge, I to this brotherhood, V,nd wonderful In Itm horror, and it Is F. 1-Clieney & Co., Props., Toloodo, 0. (live the cows we have a little better - qb!�_,Q��� loon. Mallon turn,ed aff,l led A" waY I that when the Christ @aid to -his more wonderful lit review to the mur- Sold by. druggimtm, price 75c. earc and a little better feed, and see JOSH BILLING 8AID time to ge ready for those cz. __ - � . --.---- _____ . * 1r,tj pnpjIs: I To you it Is given to know derer of Innocence than to the on- ploflons called dise a ses. Couths, Into the hoon4e. where the frigat If they will not yield more than a Next to a clear ronselence for solid evetting meai %was U,eli4r spread 1,v, tile the sectets of the kingdom,' he In- looker. Have we still in us the life- . The Bright Side. harren profit. comfort gire ine' an old shoe.- lout- colds, any "attack,"whatever FOB "M-SEVEI TUB timate -I that they were, adepts.in this blood of the beamts who were our �ft � dp9t liamN of Lwy. After theeven- occult sturly of the ages. progenitors and steps in the ladder I am so glad to homx you speak nam'm Painlem Corn ratractor re- the subiect be, often meansfrc- Ing meal, when pip�,n were lighted. ,. Ro encouragIngI.Y of NVIllie o'l-igglo fu- ovw the woret'cortis In twent,v-four - a I , To what have we attaine(i In the of our elevation, aAd someitimoij does In Ce&ng,weaknen and poor b oocL me *at down aboimt the gio,wing wo(y] garnering of the frult of agen of tile old fever of tile Jungle and the ture," Phn said to her father. Pears bear with an much regularity hours. Putnam's is tile onI:v sumo. 0 DUNNPS 11m and three v4oriesi were told hT " If I (lid anything like that it wan its apple@, and sell for a uniformly Are you ttin thin ? Is thotight ? To this: 'We communicate moun'taLn cave break out In our - : safe and painless corn extmetor. # CC the thr"o mtrinXer-4- anti at m14- h hen thoupande of blood? Grod knowm.kTlie face of this by accident." lit I er price: they have fewer- ene- yo�r armetite poor$ An you thrown " b_ niFe8', not suffering mueh from any —_ --- Wgbt much light hail hePn IVIly, rather, you know you re Remains a Mystery. 'Ut maplo ow the rurfom+ carpor of Cadogn. miles apart. Thought flashes' from gentle Cadogan was a reproach and fPrm,-d,to Iiiin ao a young cub." inwet excepting the coddling moth josing t and nz - . n. njin,l to mind, a@ electricity flies from taunt to me. I hated the gentility ' The adjourned inquest to enquire a .CnCMT %A . .1 "I did." and often not from any dib3aae ex that make dcar-headed- . MAIOM.11. XVITT. cimul to clout]. Mimlves are written -Of his manner. E'very tone off -fils ni- cepting blight, and for theme troubl(s into tile cause of the death of tile " . The EnZl1-4hm;tn*@ StorY. and trano Un- Me" voice wan to me the Cruelest "'Well. yon know it's Wil,lie's a an found dead at Port Stanley wam =,r Do one thing: budd 11 143sum seen, and materiallzed at their des- taunt- One look from his pure ope bition to ho a ]ion in xmiety; and the Fe'entist@ have given us very ef- m AP " I nni here bmmu,ie at 7*riu nuiYbo he'll grow." - fective' remedies, ed to-dav before Coroner Oup- up Tour whole It= With I n'" w as tioation as blades of grass material- eye Was aA sliarp in my heart as a The cultivation of the dwurf pear tin at Port Stanley. The Chatham SCOTTFS arm Acwt a thread whic!i. however Olen" Izo from Aw and sunshine. The evi- @word thrunt. Wifat right had be, tir � --- '-' —_ - Is often very profital)4e, as F,ome of Planet F;aY,s William NVard im alive and ION of I THE C001CS BEST FRIEND dor, hatl been Vin. weami of Mec" 41ence of the exixtence of spirit has a private soldier, to be my recog- THm POWEn OF ELECTRICITY. Cod-liver 01 It h the esse= LAmr.,r,air RALir ito n&mean& rJou" , d M the showlest fruit belongs to this vm-11 arui was seeti 1h Chatbara last Wading a wolU14!rful anti myou been verified by voluntaty exits of nized superior? Why shoul y men BY title agency Nervillne im m0e claps; but the dwarfs gre not so well wiwk- Capt. Pt. Amour Ji known to of nourishmient. It does not so" rrisem simb"" 0 Man to tba" who inay have had the soul from Its tenement and the obey my harsh commands with alac- to penetrate to the most reut6te adapted to extensive orchar(ki an are be alive and the qnfvttlon now iswho nauseatelo does not trout& the atrong rs4ummW for loving and car- ompty house waiting with all Its In- rtty. but answer his dealres witil nerve -every bone, muscle and liga- the standards, and re re close and LN ttyp nia,nT--,qt. Thomae Tin^. . I thregul sn"tPped I Mr. - �.%I�Ift� 4 . . Td! & - of the CIOW. -1 " = ind I eulation of the blood, and production When I struck him lie only looked or. - high cultivati n to m that discase robs 7 --_..,__ Ing for She w.-inderer ,'Iere. votuntary functions, aa breathing, eir. their j%f fectlonate aCquiescenoe ? ment mnoe to feet Its beneficent Pow 0 ;fell thew at all __ - '----.'..- xtonia& And ft ftwaftim Nerviline In a wonderful rem- remunerative. Little EdIth-PeAm OW you do ,a * end of animal hetiot, going on perfectly out of those great ploading baby ed:r, pleafiant to even the younZvt There In a right way ant', wrceg everything so Ing * Nim Ten- A book gW wxm aborA it am . flor-stt-law withmt tile aitsistance of the mpirit, eyeft w1th a look of suffering. When child, yet so powerfully far reaching way to treat an orchard, gLv,d most Mason& L LIL140y - ,Coun4e SOUR 8"'m � hil" Did lie ? him, AA ANDAU OTNU I— morica--or, antil that spirit returns to set In I buried him to tile ground ho still In Ito work that the most agonizing farmers hit upon the wrtml How sweet of him t Little Edith- - . _X way. qWTT a SBVW bdkvw OOL - "-- - Y� -.1 . -1 I the I motion the voluntary muselm and isrose my superior, for he waA not Inteivial or eaternal pain Yk4ds aj14f The fruit grower who n"Imits to Yee ; he Sold You even kn~ hovK, W i I bo� -_ - - - � again resumia the mastership of the *Dgry. I could have leaped upo him by magk. . ""Waagw I .r - ,ft " - -----t .AM;q, , I light diseft" In his vines &nd trao I& grow old groAptuIV. - - --- . - - -.-- - W.- "a _�&' Of -.6W I'MWers wtq Wrtt4'" - -JP I 1"w "salli" of site ,A- - -1 PINIMPM-7 � AwrlIpto *VW-"ftV*"V­*-­ -- ­ 1. � � __". .'" __ 16k � tbeir nd- r)r ti -in ,A-,,-- to I - . -_ -I----*---,-- 4 ­tVVr#X"qqWNr_0W 11 mithorium this conflarra, 17ilty 1 _-3 . ._701`161 ,an, �;�,ii::IlllllllllllillllilllillilllllllI i I 7 I - WWP fj0A+Vo^�W_-V j . - � -@--a"- V- . . r -1 I I I � -W-01 -AV: I - . . - . � - . � - � 11 � It _ - . � I I " - I I 1� � I -0 . . . .iPPW_ � "Kill �'j "'C 11CP Will I N . . I " . . - .. I I - '� -111 _­% - ., . - # . - #0 , - 14011- 1 . . _. - � - . � ­ I-" - - .- � \ . ! . � 1�­ - 11 - .. - . 0 � .. � — __ - .. . I . - � ;- )_ . , � � I ... ;�� -V __ , . �-A " � .- . .1 - , - -- �.o ._Wi.� - . � -11 . I . .. . -0. It � - 40. .1-4-3 . R. ­ . � _,�` MMWM1e_..#.r_=W"61 ..... , I ".1 . 1. � .� . - ­ I I .: *- . I -�- I . . _01116-AP-l"Ab. � - ie.� _. t* - I . - 6�� 5' ., -_ - -_ - blojo..do k- --- I - i ­ , - -1,1-7 . . , .., . . . . I I- ,11P,111111�1 7 __. I I ,JV -1 . I . � - ': -Alk ,,4: , - �."% - - ­. - - - L ­ — 1. __ .;;. __��W ; I I . _., � - i;&� _ rl I i I f