Lucknow Sentinel, 1897-01-29, Page 1OUT BAr f its preeen oisr....4„ctz to the London success of ex- te in color pl&-,.* -hat by the --of the pr -4.=1 eu s Pro- lry of BANK OF HAMILTON!' LUOKNOW. es; bgsd.,ag ‘11 • • 11110.4111'' Oapltal paid up Reserve Fund Total A ssets Predident. -JOUNSITIAMT. Vice P -taideat—A. G. RAMSAY. 111,250,0°o • 1,675,000 get 947,808 DIRECTORS: PEOcTO 2, Wm. GIB8011 M. P, G20.1104,401 A. T. WCOD, A. B. Lax (Toronto). Cashier —J . TURNBULL. SAVINGS BANC—Emits 10 to 3; Satur- day's, 10 to 1. Deposited $1 and upwards received and interest allowed. stiscIAL DEPOSITS also received at cur- rent rates of interert. DRAFTS on Great Britain and the United Iltates bought and sold. JOHN D. NICHOL, AGENT. LEOAL PA. 3IALcOntsON, BARRISTER • Solicitor Conveyancer. etc,. (late o Camerle, Hox. Pt Cameron, Goderich). Offic 11111-nbilis in Allin'e new block. HmoRRIS0111 PARRISTER. Solicitor, Coingesikoner, Notary ow Money to loan, Office over Moody's glooer Shop. 4ARROMP & PROUDFOOT, BARRIS- tors, Solicitor*, etc., Goderich, Ont. J. T. Glasow, Q. C, WX•PitoUDTOOT. MEDICAL DB. TENNANT, PHYSICIAN Surgeon and Accoucheur. Surgery over .1. Elliott's grocery store. Office hours f rum 9 to 12 a. n, ; froml lo 5 p. m. and from 7 to 9 p. n. jr‘sIcD. GORDON, F.T. - M.S., M.C.P.S.O., Physician, Sur - von, and A.ccouchenr. Upetair• in Wm. Allies new block. Residence ROBS street, behind Cameron, Murdoch & Co's store Dit. D. GEDDES, V. $., CALLS either by mail or telegram promptly ,ttended to. Charges moderate. Residenee, Ontrani street, opposite Dr Elliott's and vecond door north of SENTINEL office. _ DR. A. J..GIBBONS, V..S. v, D„ Hon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College and Registered M,Anber of the Ontario Veterinary Medical Society. Office and rceidenee, one door eazstrof IC J Cameron's pump ehop, Campbell' street, Lucknow. Dentiatry and Surgical Overations Specialties. Calla rromptll attendel to night or day. SOCIETIES I.O.F. LUC 'N't),NV LODGE 111-NDEPENDEN1 Order of Foresters meets in tbe Oddfellows' 11 ail -n the fourth Tues day of each month. at 7:30 o'clock. Visiticg brethren cordially invited. J I). M" wit, W. A.. LAWRENCE. Chief Ranger. Recording Sieretary New L WednesoaY, .31111eTrii°a*"" ebney, -- the. treasury of c"- l'esnels arrtvid port having ri ther on the Marva put it She reportk 9Wept over Wiwi her powers 1 terday in . Offlelal 6 bury's prs E'FCINT nt.er Nrc TTT iProve. re V —Z.) comment) adopt ti' 1. ittlototti Ar••••••410.11.0".". LUCKNOW ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 29th, 1897.. 1•••••••=1...tor - lih14ChnOWeiCtittinti ei Hod suit • Tilt LIBERTY TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE FREELY ACCORDING TO THE DICTATES OF 17ONSCIENCE WE PRIZE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTIES ri 0. F., couRT V). Sherwood. No, 59, Lucknow. Meets every first and third Monday of every m ,nth, in the Orange Hall. Visiting breth- ren are cordially in- _ N ited. Wm. BARR, C.F. D. D. YuLE, Sec. Luoknow, January 20th, 1897 FREE SAMPLES FOR FARMERS. E1oo. Sidney Fisher hes instructed that the distribution to farmers of 3 lb. bags of grain sarcples shall Fe continued this year, and Director Sanders has requested the SENTINEL to so inform its many thousands of farm- er readers. The object in view in this distribu- tion is to add to the prothictiver,ess and improve. the quality of these important agricultural . prod acts throughout the country by placing within reach of every farmer pure seed of the most, vigorous and pro- ductive sorts, This work has, in the past, met with much appreciatian and a considerable degree of succees. Ow- ing to the large number of applica- tions .now received it is not practic- able to send more than one sample to each applicant. But with this limi- tation it ie hoped that the stock availeble will be sufficient to permit of every farmer, who so desires, shar- ing in the benefits of this useful branch of the vrork of the experi- mental farms. • The distribution consists of some of the most promising sorts of oats, barley, spring wheat, peas, field corn and potatoes. Requette for sample& may be tent to the Central Experi niental Farm, Ottawa, at any time. before March 1, but after that date the lists Will be closed so that the applicetions then on hand may be filed before seeding beiins. All com- munications will be sent free of post - Nei It issdesirable that each appli- cent should name the variety which ie desires to teat, also .one or two al- ternative sorts, in case the stock of the sort chosen should be exhausted ; while no promise can be made that the variety asked for will be sent, the wishes of correspondent:, will be attend 41 to as far as practicable. The samples of grain will be sent early, but potatoes cannot be distributed until the &auger of injury in transit, by frost, is ovcm•. FIFTY PER CENT. DECLARED LOYAL ORANGE LODGE NTO.428. HOLDS ITS regular moothly tueet- inge in the Orange Hall, Ciunp- bell street, Lucknow, on Tues- day evenings, on or before the full moon. Degree, Ligt.t • 3 the .second Tuesday evening following full moon. All isiting brethren cordially invit- ed to the meetin44. DAVID ARCHER, AI --M THWIPsON, Secretary. W. M. W. C: j.— The regular monthly • meeting of the W4 men's Christian Temperance Union will he held every second 5V-+dneirlat each month in the Odd Fellows Hall, Luckno*, at 3 p. m. NIES. J. SoMER- "ILL*. President; MRS. Hor.N1LL.Secretary, 1.4 Meets every Friday evening their hall, Campb,.,11 street. cordially invited. W. SKINNIE. W. Noble Grand, ITCKNOW Lodge N- 112 at 8 o'clock in All brethren • Villatt and Tictuttp News A Hustler Archy Campbell, of Parkhill, we); in town a few days this week, and with the assistance oi Billy Cameron, succeeded in closing • number of sales. He represents the Deering Ilarvestee Co., of Chicago —Com. spesiai services Interesting evangelistic meetings are being held in the Methodist church this week and will be continued next week. The pastor has been assisted by Rev. W. W. Leech and Rev. Dr. Gifford. The meetings are well attended. WILSON. Jtecorder AOUW UC K NOW Lodge of the .Ancient Order of United Wirkmen, meets in the Odd fellows' Hall, on the last and second \ Monday evenings of \\\ each -month Pt eNht . o'clock, Visiting brethren rdially invited. W.S.HoLmss, D.D.Vr Muter Workman. Recorder. OLD KT. LODGE A. G MEETS EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT on or before the full moon, in the Marotik Han, Havelock street, JAS. BRYAN, Haim DAYS, Worshipful Master. Secretary. GENERAL ROBERT CUNNINGHAM. INSURANCE FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH phnae An 1511 ih P c 0 F Moore At a regular meeting of Court Sher- wood, No. 50. C.O.F., the following officers were elected for the ensuing term :—W. Barr, C.R.; W. McPhee, V.C.R.; R. Graham, Chap.; D.D.Yule, R.S.; A.T.Davison, F.S.: W. Davison. S.W.; J. McDonald, J.W.; G. North- cotte, S.D.; B. Shellgrove, J. IL; J. Lyons, PsceR , J, Scott, 0.0. Death of Mr. Barbour There died at the residence of his len Mr. Archie Barbour in this village, on Saturday last, Mr. Robert Barbour, ar old and respected resident of this sectien. Deceased had reached the ripe old age of 73 years, and his funeral on Monday last, despite the stormy weather was largely attended The remains were interred in the St. Helens cemetery. Big Dividonds In Lake of tho Woods Property The Directors of the Gulden Gate Miaing Campany, of the Lake of the Woods district, met on the 22nd inst., and at it a dividend of 50 per cent. on paid up stock was declared. This is the first of the more recently, sorganized companies to pay a div- idenp and its success will doubtless encourage mining in thu Lake of the Woods. The capitalization of the com- pany is e300,000 but of this only about $200,000 worth of stook has been sold. ' The profit was made, n in actual mining, but in the develop- ment and sale of a property. About six months ago the company started work on 208 P location. A good deal of ore was taken out and a por- tion of it treated at the reduction works at Rat Portage, a brick of $2,000 being the result. This location was recently sold to Mr. Laycock, of London, England. The purchase money was used to buy three other claims, McA 46, on Splice Point, D 233 and L 1. After paying for these pro perties and expenses, enough was left to make the 50 per cent. dividend. — Toronto Globe. . - A FORMER LUCKNOINiTE Toronto, Jan. 23rd, 1897. Drone His Finger Councillor Adam Thompson is at present nursing a very sore hand, the result of an accident to one of his fin- gers, While leading a horse into the livery barn the other day, he slipped and fell, breaking one of his finprs. A Small Fire The residence of Mr. Chas. Stewart, Havelock street, had a narrow escape from fire on Wednesday morning last About 8 o'clock a small blaze was dis- covered in the kitchen, caused from • stove -pipe. Little damage was done however. For the Famine Bu.fferere We have been instructed by the Manager of the Bank of Hamilton, to announce that subscriptions for the Canadian National Fund, for the relief of sufferers by the Indian Fam- ine, will be received at the office of the Bank in this village. A list is now in the office of the Bank, and for so laudable a purpose, subscriptions should come freely. Let every person give what he or she can. Violation. In violation of the posted rules of the reading room,a large volume of the "Circle of the Sciences" has been re- moved, without the necesaary permis- sion. The immediate return of this and any other property thus taken is requested, aid patrons of the Reading Room are notified that the rulee were made to be enforceilesnd the removal of books etc., above referred to en- dangers prosecution. Raoes To -Night It is expected that a large crowd will attend the first race of the season in the Lorne skating rink, Lucknow, to night, (Thursday) as an exciting contest is assured. All the swift skaters from the neighboring towns are coming, and two of our local speeders are expected to compete. Be sure and see it. Admission 15c; children 10c. Lucknow Sport For ever. Applications and Wood Wanted The village council are advertising for tenders for a year's supply of either hard or soft wood for the Lulknow waterworks and also for applications from parties wishing to serve during 1897 as Clerk, saiary $100; Assessor, salary $50; Treasurer, sarary $50; Collector, salary $50 and Waterworks engineer, $400. All applications must be handed in to the clerk, Mr, Hugh Morrison, on or before Tuesday evening next. Fatal Aseident On Saturday of last week Mr. James Hughes, of Culross, an old man et al- most 80 years of agewas working alone in the barn, where he was subse- quently found lying on the floor of the basement deed. It is suppoeed he was taking corn from the mow *boy° the granery and in some way or other slip- ped, falling through the trap door in the floor, a distance of 15 ft. From the appearance of the body when found death seemed to have been ia- stanteous. Deceased was 8 brother of Mr. Richard Hughes, of Lucknow, DE -Nubs? ur Ntwton, L. D. S. IL DB Honor Graduate of Toronto School of lientistry and Doctor of DENEAL StiGENY All operations in with care and an satisfactory, Dentistry performed endeavor to do all work To the Xlitoi:.(f the Lueknorc Sentinol DEAR SIR—I attended a medal contest under the auepices of the W. C. T. 13. in the Broadway Hall of this cit z on the evening of the 15th, at which I had the extreme pleasure of witnessieg the triumph of Miss Kato Murdoch in carrying off the medal in competition with some of Toronto's amateurs elocutionists. Her Many Lucknow friends will epilireciate this honor, as I do, when they learn the facts. Miss Murdoch attended the meeting entirely unpre- pared and without any intention of competing, until persuaded by some of her friends. She complied more from the wish to please them than for any personal aggrandizement. After the judging committee had awarded Miss Murdoch the medal, the chairman in his presentation speech complimented her very highly on her achievement. Mr. Editor, I am sure that the citi- zen& of Lucknow will feel this an honor which touches themselves, and be pleased to acid Miss Murdoch's name to the roll of those who have done honor to their native town when abroad. Card of Thanks I bog leave to take this opportunity ot thanking the friends whose prompt, kind and energetic assistance enabled me to put out the fire which caught in my house on • Wednesday morning, thereby averting what might have been to me a serious loss. Grateful! r yours, C. STEWART. Horses Wanted Mr. B. Aubry, the noted Montreal horse -buyer, will be at the McGarry House, on Saturday, January 30th., 1897, to buy good sound horses. Any person having horses for sale will do well to bring them to Luckaow on that date. He will also be at Hod- gii s' Hotel, Ripley, on the 29th and at she Queen's Hotel, Kincardine, on the 38th. inst. Death ot James Rowland Mr. James A. Rowand, ex -M. P. for West Bruce, died at his home in Saugeon township, on Sunday last. He had been aiiing for some time past but death came rather unexpect- edly, at the age of 6/ years. Mr. Rowand bad lived in Bruce County for nearly 50 years, asd woe one of its most respected citizensfl The funeral took place on Wednesday, Jar.uary 27. Fell Into a Well Miss. Susie McMath, youngest daughter of Mr. Wm. Math, Dungan on, went out on Saturday morning for a pail of water. The platform of the pump being unsound the young lady fell through it, into a GO. foot well with 16. feet of water in it. As she did not return, one of the household went oat to aee what was wrong. She was seen clinging to the frame of the pump. Ropes and ladders were ob- tained and Miss McMath was reseued. At last reports she was getting along nicely. ymnaa um The members of the St. Peter's Episcopal Church Temperance Society have opened out a gymnasium for the good of its members. Rev. W. N. Duthie is President ar.d Harry Holmes is Sec -Treas. Their room is in the second story of Murray's brick block and is well fitted out with different articles for physical culture and exer- cise. Among them are gloves, punch- ing bag, honzontal bers,e Whitely's exerciser, ladders, etc., and also games, such as crokinole, checkers, dominoes, etc. The room is well heated and lighted and is a oredit to the Sosiety as well as the town. The Winner of More Psilzes Mr. J. 0. Lyons, of the Lucknow Poultry Yard, sent some of his thoroughbred fowl to the Owen Sound poultry show and won 18 prigs and 2 specials, a whip and a settingrof eggs. The prizes were 6 firsts, 7 seconds and 5 thirds, He also gent some birds to the Seaforth show this week but the result has not yet been learned but he expects to win a larger number of prizsa than he has done at any show this season, This result shows that Jack is one, of the best poultry breed- ers in Ontario and in a year or two he will have a reputation as great as that of McCormack or McNeill, of London. FILLING—With Gold, Porcelain, Silver rind cl)per alnag$m. TEETH —Medd with s view of preserving the natural appearanoe, and of the best EXTRACTING—An a plication made to the gum for painless extracting. it has been tried withau OFFICE—In Mr. llin's new block up stairs. P„StL—Will visit Ripley, every ThursdaY aftet noon NOTICE • ---- Bleyoles as B&Milliall On Monday last a new regulation • Deceased was a quiet, unobtrusive man, highly respected by all who knew him. At the time of his deeth be was a director of the Ontario Fruit Orow- ers' Associstion and for several yean was a director of the G.N.W, Exhibit- ion. He was an exemplary citizen and his death is sincerely regretted in the coupaunity. The funeral eeli an ex- ceedingly large on*. Rev. Mr. Aa. derson conducted the services, &sass- ed being a consistent member of Knox church, and the pall bearers were Jas. Buchanan, A. licD. Allan, and A. P. McLean, of Goderich, and Andrew Heddla, Jesse Gledhill and John 'Ker. nigham, of Colborne. Lot,AL lITETAS —asses to night ! — Our Clubbing list is complete. See it ! —See our clubbing offers ia another 001umn. — Robert Burns' O11 OD Wstilleatiuy evening next. nightand day.hell's roller mill is running —Balt for solo by the barrel at J. Zlliot's —Great excitement may be expect- ed at the races to -night. —Mr. H. B. McKay, of Walkerton, went into force on the Grand Trunk was in town last week, wheelmen will be charged a tariff for Railway regarding bicycles. In future ak:til:;143 sure and take in the $25.00 the transportation of their wheels, _ _ ._,g convent tonight. varying according to the rate paid for --Miss Haley, of Goderich, is tickets. Where the visiting friends in the village. exceeds $30, the fee —This BOOM tO be Lucknow's willlarge6rl, per nosoes_on for victoria on the ice. —Mr. J. 0. Joie*, of Seaforth, spent 25 Bicyesscleeer, Vt ednesday kat in the village wi onwill trains —Mr. Frank Rooklidge, of Chicago, aecompany is visiting friends In the village. Soo Our Rates. WHOLE NO. 1201. —An auction sale of farm stock and implements, the property of Morgan Austin, will be held at lot 28 L R., near Kinteil, on Thursday, Feb. 4th, 1897.—R. MoOsseuts, Auctioneer. —Captain Sweeney, 11; S. A, San Diego, Cal. says: „Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do rite any good." Price 50c, at Berry & Co's. —Our emulsion for coughs and ced. contains hyrpientphates uf Iiuss and soda and 50 per eent, of pure ood liver oil, is easy and pleasant to take. Sold only by B Try C ) the chemist in 25c bottles. tke passenger's cost • ticket for carrying cent of the the the wheel ticket rate. be center. passenger be For distances fee 11 being be only them. the less rate than carried when passengers Notiee Notice is hereby given that a meeting will be held in the Grange hall Para- mount, on Friday, February 5th, at 1 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of letting the milk routes of the Para- mount Cheese and Butter Company (L't'd), and also the whey of the said Company will be offered for sale by auction, and should the bid for whey fail to be satisfactory, tenders will be immediately received for the handling of hogs. For further partictlare apply to Jas. J. Taylor, president, or any of the directors of the aforesaid Company. —J. E. lonsw, Secretary. changes in The Al 0. U. W. There are 400 A.O.U. W. lodges in Canada. Each one of these will send a deligate to the Grand Lodge of Can- ada, which will meet in Toronto on Feb. 19.th next It is anticipated that there will be a seperation of this lodge Jrom the Supreme Lodge of the United States, which at present has jurisdict- ion over the entire American continent. The death rate in the United States has been so much greater, relatively, than in Canada, that the Grand Lodge here has been paying out more than it would epay were it a separrte body, hence the anticipation of a separ- ation. All the lodges have been not- ified of the extreme importance of the ooming convention. Passed Away There passed away at his residence in this village, on Monday morning last, an old pioneer of this part of the province in the person of Mr. John Mallough, from blood poisoning, the resu't of a small scratch on the leg, received some two weeks ago. De- ceased was in the 78th year of his age, and nearly half a century ago settled in the township of West Wawanosh, and hewed out for himself a home among the then almost unbroken forest. He was a man of itidustrious habits and had accumulated a large share of this world's goods, and at his deaeh was reputed to be among the wealthiest men in this part of the country. Some ten :or:twelve years ago he removed with his family to Lucknow, where he has since lived a quiet retired life, en- joying the fruits and comforts of his frugality and industry. He leaves a widow and grown up family of sons and daughters to mourn his loss. The funeral takes place to -day (Thursday) to the Dungannon cemetery, --- THE SUBSCRIBER HAS OPENED AN office in tbe building east af the SE3re11114 Printing Office, GREEMENTS, BONDS, LEASES, DEEDS, 3,101TG AGES ND WILLS CAREFCLLY PREPARED. Plane, snecifications and estimates for build ses,nilus, rikigis, sit. furnished on atior. notice. JAS. SOMILRVILL —Shiloh's Cure, the greatet Cough and Cronp Care, is in great demand. Pocket size contains twenty-five only • 25c. Children love it. Sold by Berry Co,, druggists. "re -- 4/01111•• Yours etc. A FORMER LUOKNOWITH. LA.1CGSIDE The severe now storm the nice sleighing. The people who were out visiting last Friday evening arrived home not much the worse of their trip. Notwithstanding the severe storm and the bad state of the roads on Sun- day last, we noticed s cutter pass by. Mrs. Thos. Wraith is visiting friends at Hamiltbn. Mr. A. M. Treleaven had a wood - drawing bee. Mr. Alex. McKenzie, con. 7, also had a woad cutting bee. A large amount a grain is being chopped by Moser& McDonald and Moffat. has spoiled The East Wins An exciting curling match was played in the Lorne rink here, on Monday afternoon last between the players of the Lucknow club living on the east and west side of the village. The eastern men won by nine shots. WEST SIDE EAST SIDD J. McGarry T. F. Cain Jas. Bryan Dr. Tennant, sk 14 J. Hunter, sk 10 J. Berry A. Fleming Thos. Matthie B.. Hughes M. Corrigan J. D. Nichol W. Allin sk - 14 J.G.Murdoch sk 9 W. Stewart J. Neill J. Murchison Ban Postponed Owing to the inclemency of the weather and the bad state of the road', there was not a very large at- tendance at the Burns' Anniversary Ball on Monday evening. The com- mittee consequently postponed their ball until next Wednesday evening next, Ye to. 3r4., and, weather permit- ing, there will be • large number in attenclilince as most of the young peo- ple of this vicinity had signified their intention to attend the ball on Mon- day evening. The orchestra, under the leadership of Mr. D. C. Mcbtorran, was in attendence and gave a number of Lheir fine selections which were highly appreciated. Don't forget the date, Wednesday, Feb, 3rd. All are cordially re -invited. Admission 750 a couple; extra ladies free. A Meritted Appointmen Within a few days after the death of Dr. J. D. Rutherford, which occurred on the llth inst., the managemeht of the Detroit college of medicine re- ceived numerous applications for the vacant position. However the studeets made short work of the matter by unanimously declaring in favor of his brother, Dr. H. Rutherford, of this place—even going so far as to say that they would not attend lectures if any other appointmebt was made. The result was that Dr Rutherford secured the position for this year, and we congratulate our friend on being placed in absolute control of the fitest veterinery college in the United States. He has reached the top round of the ladder of veterinery fame. Two years ago the doctor graduated with honors and carried away the gold medal from the college he now manages. Since thst time he has lectured on various subjects,for which he has twice received honarary scientific degrees and dip- lomas from duly chartered colleges.— eikayne Review. The SENTINEL ex- tends its hearty congratulations to Dr, Rutherford, who is an old St. Helens boy, on his promotion, and we are sure we voice the sentiments of his hosts of friendein this section, when we say that we hope he may be long epared to fill the honourable position, to which he has been pro- moted, 28 19 —Mr. David Lougheed, of Wing ham, spent Wednesday in town. —Every young person should at tend the ball on Wednesday night. —Miu Lilly Bowers, of Drayton, is mending • few days in the village. —Mrs. D. E. Cameron, of New York, is visiting frionde in the 'Wiese. —Mr. Dan McNaughton, of Brus- sels, passed through the village on Fri day last. —Mr. N. Matheson, of Detroit, spent a few days last week visiting at Fairview. —.Mr. Walter Duthie, of Smith's Fall, visited his parents in the village this week. —Call at this office and see the Globe's premium picture, The Ottawa Liberal Cabinet. —The Rev. E. 0. Taylor will lee- tnre in the Town Hall, March 20th., 21st. and 22a4 —The fonowit,,, will be the clubbing list of the SellTiNSL tbis year: — 81111TINZI, and Wedtern Advertiser, $1.40; the SINTINILL and WI•ftitly Globe $1.50; the Barmy. and W...41) Mail, $1.50; the SINTINIL utl Weekly Sun, $L50. —Grand Trunk Railway unstable, aloug the fine have received speciitt in structietiA to keep a strietar wetcli over t1i. company's' property As a result pet. , pi'f• ring trespassere on .6- cotie piny's, propel ty are liable to be woe soverly dealt!' with —Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn., says, -Shiloh's ,Vitalizer saved my life. I consider it thp best remedy for a debilitated systert I ever used." For Dyspepsia, Livar or Kidney trouble it excels. Price '7.5c. Sold by Berry & Co., druggists. Arceiba'd CamplAll, of Park- hill, general trot for tate Deering nialeifecturing hse hive in he eillar for the past week, He has been mak ag things interesting for out checker players. Even the cracks have to give in ti hint. barrel at articles beiub their backs, as they Mr. Wm. Finlay is schs:,,,, attack of pneumonia and is DaulKAILIMUY present., but owing to eicerdingi) , nursing we are glad to nikire time is mending slightly. We were elad to see Mrs. H. Phillips out again after her illness, she having been bedfast with a br .kea leg for over two months. Wm. Smeltror, eu.i (If Paul Smeltser, arrived home from Rainy River dis- trict nn Wednesday leo, and intends farming Lnadelozsa ourhehu ne.ltsesh7icen ner, While Kickley had the 4-tid tuisbrtstee to break a bone irit hie leg. fie ,is M d lendlicitit! and we expect present sel soon doblen giPout ura Our lath maker. 111,. is progressing Loom' eanorprise. Hit laths shell demana ready sale. Some of our young men forget that there is Fpworth League every two weeks They ehould attend more regularly 1 —A full stook of the celebrated Munyoe's remedies in stock —Berry Co., tbe shaniste. —Mr, Duaean MeKenzie, of British Columbia, is visiting friends in Lusk - now, and vicinity. —Mr. Robt Rueter, of the firm of Hunter Bros. Kincardine, was in the village on Tuesday. —Wanted Roll Butter, 133., Dried Apples, 3c., any quantity. —G.E.King, Wingharn. —Mr. J.G. Anderson, of thia village, still continues to ship largo quantities of apples to Great Britain. —Mr. James Somerville, who barn been siok 741r the past week, was able W be at his office yt Aerday. —A number of Wineham's young people aectompied their hockey wan: to Lucknow on Friday evening last. --The Goderich stage left the vil lege on Monday morning last and hssn't been able to get back since, —The revival servioes still continue to be held in the Methodist church. They will continue all next week. —Mr. W Norrish, caretaker of the County buildings at Walkerton, gave the IlliDittNaL a call this week. —The Lucknow Hockey team went to Kincardine on Wednesday eight and were detested by a soore of 6 to 2. Our Clubbing Eases Dur clubbing rates for the SENT1111L comprises all tide best weeklies in the Dominion. We MI offer the follow. ing indecements :— SENTINEL and Western Advertiser, $1.40; SiorriNEL and Weekly Mail, $1.50; SIINTINKL and Weekly Free Press, $1.75; Szserpm, and Weekly Sun, $1.50; SIINTIWilt and Weekly Globe, $1.50. Wi also ran a premium picture of the Liberal Cab- inet in connection with the Weekly Globe only. Our arrangements for it are :—SENTINEL and Weekly Globe for 1 year and premium picture, $1.60; SENTINEL and Weekly Globe, trial trip of 3 months, with premium pict- ure, 40c. Call at this office and see the picture which is one of the finest photo -engravings we have enr had the pleasure of seeing. Luoknow Wine Agana The return match betweeu Wing - ham and Lucknow was played here on Friday night last when the former was again defeated by a score of 3 to 2. The visitiqg team were much heavier and stronger than the home team but were inferior in oombination and stiok handling, It was not as fast sr smooth a game as was played in Wing - ham but the 500 spectators who wit- nessed it went away well satisfied and with the intention of going back to cheer the boys at the next match. Considering that this is the first sea- son for hockey in Luckri,ow, the boys are to be congratulated, and we hops that they will Le as successful at the end of the season as they have been at the beginning The teams lined up as follows :— WINGBAN. Hodson Dinsley Stewart Griffin Happy Children The young folks had an enjoyable time of it all last week until the storm put a stop to their fun. On Saturday it had rained heavily; on Sunday following the flats north of Campbell street were flooded. Frost set in on Sunday night and on Monday morning sheets of ice took the place of water. Skates and sleds were brought out and all day long, at noon hour, and after school the ice was thronged with merry groups of children, the wee mite of 5 years and the ycuth and maiden, frliding hither and thither on the silvery sheened surface. All was glee the merry laugh rang out on the frosty air, and complete freedom was given to tbe joy of the present. He would be a cynic indeed who could look on such a scene and find fault. • —The person who puts salt in his butter until him "conscierve tickles," this king that he is making it heavier, himself. Recent experiinedte at well-known creaaierys show that sweet butter, that is butter not milted, *sighs in ire than salted butter. —Mrs John Weller of Mildruay, was putting imam on the stove to boil, when her five year-old son Fred picked up one which had fallen on the floor and put it in his mouth. It is not knos n how it got into his wind -pipe, but he soon began to choke. Despite everything that could be done, he died in a few hours. —That story of Resseau man who tore hours after his father's death bur ied the body in a hole, like a dog, and next day dug it up again to search for m, ney, is • terrible revelation of call. ous brutality. After his own admiss- ions as to the burial one would not ne surprised to hear that he was guilty of the graver offence of which he is sus- pected. J as Seaming'', ill his new are such u Mining company Meeting On Thursday last a meeting was held in the village and organization completed, of the New Ontario Mining and Development Go., with a capital stock of $150,000, divided into shares of the par value of ten cents each. Twelve thousand shares have been promptly subscribed and the following provisional directors were elected by the subscribers:—Dr. Elliott, pres.; D. C. Taylor, vice pros.; James Warred C. E., managing director; Adam Thompson; and J. Murchison, Sec.- Treas. Mr. 'Warren, engineer for the oompany has arranged to take a special mining course at the School of Practical Science before entering the field. If ripe experience, engineering skill, and .ntimate knowledge of the territory, cash, and economy, can win success; this company is on the high • family of 15, all but two of whom road, with prospects unsurpassed by are still living. Of the tons, George any company of like character in the lives in Buffalo, James in Kansas Dominion. Prospectus will be issued Olt?, Charles is Lucknow and Louis in a few days and csa2:be had at the in Kinoardine, and one daughter is offioe of the litoc'y. married, Mrs. Norman Iternigham. PRESBYTERY OF' WILITLAICD ILA at Wingham, Jantmry 19th, D497 Moderator Rev. A. McNabb. Tee minutes of last regular and special meetings were' reed aid adopted. El.iers commiasioners were received in favor of Messrs R. B. Campbell, of Arinow, John Macintosh, of Crap - brook, and Gilbert MacIntyre. of Wingham. The clerk reported having given Presbyterial eertificates to Revs, T. David4t, atid A. Y. Hartley. His action was approved. Tile ministers reoorted theexchango of pulpits carried out as arranged at last meeting. The Rev. A- Buda:lad tendered his resignation of the pedestal charge of KLIOY church, Ripley, sta.. count of infirmity by advancing ask ho being in the blbt year of his age. On motion the rebizuation MIS laid INS the table and the congregation ordered to be cited to appear for their interests at the meeting of Presbytery in March. Vhe reading of the citation to the con- gregation was left in Mr. Sutherland's hands. The Revs. Messrs. Murray and McLennan and their representative elders were appointed • deputation to visit the congregation of Knox ehureh, Ripley, for the purpose of conferring with them anent a retiring allowance to their minister who has labored among them for over 20 years. It was agreed that the next regular meeting of Presbytery be held in Huron church, Ripley. on Tuesday, March 16that 3 p. m. Messrs Miller and Maxwell were appointed to give missionary addresses at the evening sederunt, in eonnection with the pres- entation of the annual rebort ef the Presbyterial W. F. M. Society. On motion of Mr. McLennan duly second- ed, the Rev. John Thompson, D. D.. of Sarnia, was unanimously nominated as moderator of the next General Assembly. —In at Cddfel!ows' SUI Chancellor Boyd has given judgement holding that a beneficiary order *nay by by law reduce the amout.t of weekly sick benefit payable to members, although no reduction may be made in the as sermeuti on the metnhers The judgement it based on the constituted provision which empowers the Orders to repeal or ..mead the by-laws of the Order. Goal Point Cover Poiret McLaughlin Ferwards Chisholm ) Nicholl Umpire J. R. MeLeod, Referee. Luc Ir IA Da cHodson KNOW. win wrencs viron ordon uls cCorvie est witt —Mr. Win. Bain, produce, dealer, of Clandeboy, passed through town on Monday last, from a visit to relations ia Ashfield. —There are quite a number of seholan attending the High &boo' department of the Lusknow Public School this term. —The Sacraruent of the Lord's Supper will (D.V ) he dispensed in the Presbyterian church, Lucknow, on Feb 7t1. E•Iglish services will be held on Thbirsday and Saturday at 2 p mann on Fricliy evening at 7.30, when Revs. Fairbairn, Miller and Mo- Nabb are expected to preach. Rev. Mr, McLeod will eoaduct services in Gaelic on Thursday at 3.15 and Fri day at 11 o'clock. —A suits CURE—For all ooughs and colds is Berry it Oo's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with bypophosphates. Large sise bottle for 25e. —Mr. James Shouldice, of Elderslis, has been elected Warden of Bruce county, and Mr. John Ces, of Goderieh township Warden of Huron. —The medal contest announced for the 4th of Yob. has been postponed until Tuesday evening, Feb. 9th, in the town hal:. Silver eollection. —The Goderich Spring Assizes will sit on March Etn. C. J. Armour, pres- iding sad non jury sittings will be held on Tuesday June 1st before J. Street, —It is possibly too much to claim that the Lucknow hoekey players elan beat the earth but they :SWIM tO know how to seriously interfere with the Wingham team. —During the early part of last week John Davidron, 7t1 con., West Wawa nosh, had the misfortune to lose a val- uable horse, and was very near losing a sheep, which oocured by the animals stepping on a platform covering a well neer the barn into which they fell. The horse was dead when found, but the sheep was Wien up alive, and is none the weree of he dip. The horse is reported to be v at one hundreo' dollars 31 upwards. —Advice. have been received from the United States authorities at Was - Langton, that the certificates of veten- sry surgeons appointed W inspect sheep and other ruminants, destined for ex- port W the United States, for immed- iate slaughter will also be aceepted in the cue of sniznals being shipped to the State' for breeding purposes Al SO that it is DO loopr necessary to ob- tain the Consular certificate required by the United States Authorities. In &newer to a request from the session of East islifield congregation, the Rev. J. L. Murray, F. A Mc- Lennan and A. McKay were appointed aseoasore 16 it. Deputations were appointed to visit aid -receiving congregations Tor the purpose of conferring with them regarding A.ugmeotation of Stipend, and report at next meeting as follows: —Veputation to Walton, Mr. Hall and representative elder; Pine River, Mr McLeod and )is representative older; North Kinloss, Riversdale and Enniskillen, Mr. A. McKay and his representative elder. Mr. indersou gave notice of motion that the item "Report on church life and work' be inserted in place of item No. 10 of the March meeting and that the items, Noe. 5. G, and 7, of January meeting be own'itted. It was agreed that the report on "Church life and work" be received and considered at the meeting in March. Death of John Otewant The late John Stewart, of Benmiller, whose death was noted in these col- umns last week, was a native of Glen Rinse, Banffshire, S:otlend, born there in 1835. As a young man he served his time as a florist and gar- dener on Auchentowel, one of the ea - taws of Lord Fife. In 1856 he came to Canada with his brother Wil- liam, settling in this county, and in a few years he bought the present home. stead, now the well-known Benmiller nurseries, where he resi,lozi ever since. He was then marriei to Ellen Sieve- wright, also a native cif Banffshire, who came to Canada in 1837, and they had *re - t..C'Z't•-•," .1•44v:. '-'9116401111*---esstee- —Use Berry & Co's pure emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with hypophosphates for coughs, oolds and general debility. Sold only by Berry 4.0o., the druggists Large bottle for 25o. —Shiloh's Cure is sold on a guar- antee. It cures Incipient Consump- tion. It is the best cough cure, Only one cent a dose 25c, b0c and $1.00. Sold by Berry & Co.. druggists. —Mr W. J. Brumpton of Drayton, spent a couple of days last week in Lucknow. W. J. is an enthusiastic curler, and while here enjoyed himself immensely among his brithen of stens and besom. CIUKRRY GROVE Mr. Rosa called the attention of the Presbytery to the urgent need of the ministers' widows and orphans fund of liberal contributions on the part of congregations, and reesmliMaded all ministers to be coneseted witikthesaid fund. The Presbytery appreves of the Assembly's remit on representation in that court making it one4iath instead of one-fourth as at present. The Presbytery agreed that the system of billeting members of AseeraWi be abolished and that a general fund for defraying the expenses of sigmais. stoners in whole or in part be imaged. The remit re Sabbath School limard of publication will be considered at the March meeting. On motion it Wee serried that the remit on uniformity in public worship be disapproved in totn. The Rev. Mr McKay, of Goderich, was invited to sit as corresponding member. The Committee on Y. P. 8. reported that a canvention of Y. P. S. was held wt Wingharn on the evening of Mondny, 18th of January, when it MID agreed to ask the Presbytery to organise the Y. P. Societies of the Presbytery into a Presbyterial society under the model constitution approved by the General Assembly, the annual meeting to be held in connection with the November meeting of the Presby- tery. The repor. was reoeived and adopted. Owing to the resent r num- erous woodmen have them salves of the opportooity to .,et out their wood, logs and iimple blocks. storm OE availed Messrs. Jas. Kickley i.nd Thos. Long took a drive to Wiughain on Sat- urday last. Our annual cheese factory mete ing on Friday last wake decided seecesa All questions reptding cheese thoroughly discussed sod all pr- % k..us transactions torn to pieoes by the pat- rons. Some new directorwere op pointed to help OD the ‘.1),.tt.,r times and better prima." Thc m -eting closed noisily by a short argument on the apple outlook. The meeting of the P. of I. on Thursday was well attend and all matters of general interest were cussed, We understand he siern'bers are giving a *mown in the near future. A pleasant time wee spout at the hems of Mr. Wm. Twat -rile. no Ss ur. day last, the eveat being the celebra. tion of his safe return froni Ills trip to the Best After a jovial titre ani sumptuous repast WIN ended, the par- ticipants dispersed to their several homes, wishing Mr. Twamley every enjoyment partible while residing in his new boom. Our worthy miller, Mr. Fitzgerald, took two loads of bees -wood lumber to —Hon. A. S. Hardy in a tetter 10 the press points out that the County Councils Act roakm no change in the iset weak. or Mr. Hall gave notace that he will inove at next meeting that the Novem- ber meetiug of Prosiirtery be held at centres to be appointed annually at the preceeiing meeting in order to allow the Y. P. Presbyterial Society abe reach as many of the churches as possible. The auditors reported the treasurer's books as carefally and correctly kept and recommended shat the basis of assessment for the Presbytery fuad for the current year bo 'event:ante per family. The report and its recommen- dation we -e received and adopted. The Rev. .1 Ultras, of Hamilton, addressed the PresSytery ia the interests of tile Lord's Day Alliance setting forth its objects and the im- portance of forming branches *I the Alliance in °entree a; populailea. Oa motion of Mr. Murray it WO 11111611 to tender the thanks of the Femblermy to Mr. Youag for his aggiall. Aimed express our sympathy will she ject of his visit. Next meeting will be held la Mem churoh„Ripley, on Tuesday. Marob 16th, at 1 p. m JOHN M.ACN ASS. Oka. 1110111......emmem. —Karl's Clover Root, the Warden's term, which is expressly gm& al at one year. Any Connell elating 'Mee it our neighbor boys blood purifier gives free= a Warden for two years will disarms. returning from Luokaow about a week akohniess te the cow plosion aim that hia election for the second year ago whet by inb"rte" the/ w6r. ...su.en c, t fusa. is null and void. tented into the ditch, tbe sleigh, Bold by Berry & daierteks, •"..1 •1