The Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-12-31, Page 3X1k$ AP111; oi;�Fl v"I'l 1: V; 0, 41T. I'll, % P_ R 01 "A r 41 d& A ow i� Z".27 -vwnad qur ltuAha, 4 06 311 AM s. TMO i;,tokJW4-.t wo.,Ipents Arp t ov. gle, s"'i've, I X NA 1.0- vw� p 0.044ilp fte 11 1 0 06 M I F w ell'* '60 mulo, b op j',Ati:,4Iarxn.of gi wt A O-AjO7�Vppt w ... , �I ., i hs, t , v spring fr., 00'r R ken 0, 4", a, 4 tlie pet, pee: 'pit, re*, Ifig-ld UJ T h .4 1 , � pgra' "W ram 0 lb -,re gros.4#g Ge Ao I, h _1 s, ana (144 t -p -d _,ef1i itriany, hie to iseeo,ur en -em, pi #tt t-Ae. thei IT atu*n- gV911y" XXT ce MAP th 'I't. 9,prmap XOT-00, Wi ht have won intlie eno", bee -au tv I -0 - A 1, um, W And P "A �p ae �Onhlk­ l;+ 44k' 'r . "I t, "T ot, --,Qr law wo ves Tlr�44 U Irg'tt"I 'I 'I" fie' ox, 14 troops,7 tb '-,Q vie4lo youth .1s tb timmo, to" 4y, the. f04 LS le �C , .5. . $(,,.,k A#,gsqf 31alk,* Vvi#mj. I ,;r#4 410�_Idot Cip S TV hr t, MY4111 AN 1, vilork _64�ing'Qlf tile dis_ atiun for,lil6, boy ind Q Is 0 T i 4 - qLP a lid iat - Helena -afterwand rd ;14ire-_,'1brea J I . L. . 1. Il FiAel-, Wh "I" lolv-eu, , L sip Inao A fam 1XV44"LR - ik*rAy AIr.. b aIhQk,. E r7 astpir a hx e 111 P�­ '-fV5'NvhiP' k ii"I Should liai-e PleiltY Of Pu�i6,," ks I -e coird-sl it siq,ness comes ttt lit, ........ ... ........ ... ........ ... ........ ... ........ ... _p the 4, -e .9 ''lles bein; dnl;�-ttqd. it was..a,big, mistak Be-. apd. siroag nerVeis. urnifig to 4otivp Selviel�, the' IN'LlIen fe" AVith thin,; t you 41'e,_f�rLfloni� the druggist flo ivil, in t1fie wal &dt they- a porti itkhiilt.bis� divopbed,wi rip 'blood t1i ey - stailt hl' with al ea-lier halt 'J last century-, wheip, or, the dqctor; 11tat's when yq'u' ne6d there W,,�S re peap josep hill, I I lot P11re a't 'to Win e s xervulbe,i ostl. E xp erie need mothers the, larges;t'in t1he,wo;I 'on the ExAlro of, 16 feet, high 'k with 'ithcut it One it le A� of,the Oil - Ka ve ire,a red. bood en in Oie"Briti-sh it Wl tl�o , t N,, e- . ., , � �v - re p "41' d it have toothache. v of th� he S.,t, ro 11 that a. all NervO -,A� s,le -ss night for the Nle r The cn oldie'lls, MIA h tile, *aid ll11 e ev eq, clear brai' xiiiii I to r p viline the Thany-pas gers a's a, ze,ppe In ir- .PLO ondw are 44 it - and a titire llio4 hold,, NATIth. Ner "Iy by oplieve' qii It may -be le in geillera;l If 4) in Al, war oo digest6o. In, a pit re Wood 'is ti I lit 1RQ 41aptain on tli�� �Iain � is, �r­ n.e 1) can 4e *V4,21aing their ;N,4 p did. not. t r ra, h 0r olle SiCa It -afal- :epracbe, 'J)Oib t. e R_Luss,ia, bu sent,, -iff nec sit lad -hield pust r'� it k a �t ince Ti itiodae. ca 7.11M with dellt a .1' i -)'f t It bl4 6 nta in s w. minds,taka4le ',Tile n66glltit-fl �hey likire in _4'e (iolldti-ct of Da:v( Rare,4, I s t Nothing�Lcaa. give ii�ickpr �uf li� oi)d '2D illy t1te g4ri �U.f tb� JC'lodies coilghing with a bad ita. me colldi- result,-, vigorous rubbilig with 11 nder Is it, io� .',§ , L st,,,a ta N I'll girl who has vear Lurd ju 11, alall iLn:e three in-: 4il- .11 able b4N,e not bi�eit able t, t hei I my foreigi:I n. i't, Ulib horl- wet cent ZU fti hich. gil J'N�eLrvililje is o too valuabe -a] of itmndid IlLoL to us,efuj, e �ize Of theii, xie igh-bo 'tiled �..uut, tin c� I all e 01' alid 'pldin 'tle' pjll(,)i' _o I) a fall lib rs' e For lilt FAf1iMS FOR SAL' out. scla IC I 9. bi'plane vei' hing in it %v cili ej N�.l or� neuralgia ibero no sed nbag% lame for, owing to th tite .'reaj. TIlIotvesti'lAt had'dio- h M' 14-) n(A -arge--was 'se,, dif,_, )1,0 a nd 'I baoi ItIptine -street, 114)t 11 * L"-. f POL._ n �ervilin67s- Pow, W.� DAWSON, Ning;y b0 er 6ti f iiiii, Or becailile a of N It OHpjnN7 K i lik-j ate., lid ease 1-111� I H. g a t fli ei� Ili it b I,, ouf th, L It tid linin h. if one, nd ) , anaez 4 Italf. tons, and lia Frenchmeti them ex- irl, size I in, e, greaIles. e I,, t\o peji�� t I* Pa targe a crew 6 it 'demands F YOU WANT TO,, BTV Oil SELL X —re, tin to wa k: -41 their r 9,0 ...acestors 6anye hcre,� prio The h,,ft th.e;, not e, w "IS ts jilst,oe thing -10 il for' be" f,eb-1, I �liing. to Nvaod off sickaie g�'and to cure a T�� keep i-t4ii ;�=,A W.. Dawson.: wainixton. 0o e r re ell C -d- ,e r -ills that- wi-il occur in e r v weig li� revolution, �.'is --much, su- nva:tit f.Lrr a f wa-r a n de aa t er-ld e ck �i. SL ht of -the inadiine has �;11., e to the Frenel' t It 2a ily,,t to cure pain, anywhere,', you 0 'that Russia,. -hich It 'vk, br"lliant In -,i� �his I old- blo-lid.: `ii, Dr. Williami, Pin-�, necisiitated 'an� H, to. lig L 0 canipare Io P oher fro'ni -was, gl fo.i 11, ghti6th: yeal is "last of the uld. 'time Nervilitie, VVqlieh.� fi)L� 'in can find n6thi &;,mpos�4 ICLLX!NO0S! -forty years renchmiiii- Nvith. long Ameri in- to take fi�ild_ Wa. to 6xperialeft with other teniedies s'ea tip. in springs; and pnell b ost wid6'N'­used family vatic tu es, so -TUMb" Lb`3i,P9 ZT0. inte eiiernivoure4, witit an voestall., e�lual t4l tor,,ther'e' lnis!t 'be -�tes,-,w�rk bi walls; of, Seba,-",t t6ndyii r6inedy' in tile. D.6titil The'"alost that iheAlI biplae ca�,Ti A;I 414CE � I . . I I - -lishinaii 1111M, - ti the I' oe 4 fam out, by'aur hi Ineticin'g i9, 1 '24 19 the 'large 5 tpain obie a� S1 sifeli on r0uga gro I- wrkqng -retme,ti anae- ily le, small trial ize 5c. Mi an our. beflot to P 0 Viii "d lIV negleot. 4) '10 �lb tt . lot sil� man M8'Eu,ropean.co ; i e s' 2' In Call ngW—d -d'ealers ilia .,e fth�ollgllt- t'IlElt lluss;a wa, ited ar a gradually t�hle per�. .4 6, be a tsal jsrj�'�ljn­d in 6f a ro a. Xsipa evn ic ed Na I Set Out r h' A life b;f 't le . ' ' - li A k'di Q 414od* gi-ving . OF KEROUS. - liev . , , . I . . . nd Food t W r o -con wt, s a.. clinall mit-Y 9' Illec I . I k" tibe 'is, knoA ectibnaet�_­b�N_, IILS. -I" "i n capnot, lye -Fit . Lt 're. ii, runswi He—Be mi e.': I h7 aff , , * , , , , , : L I I S It. to Alex n rs -I him elf. He: ailder'. He WOr eived- hatt' 1 alt'i A J'asi the Of llaeks' Ne 1"') 11� V 'Litltle, �.C,6­rpoxal-. but 'sent Naxb6h,n. and e�ve I rythiLn- i Id ell as P1101BONI;, PICA N A e e, Eilila le, Ift St- James St., ;*ntrea organ n tnerve i n .6 1 )T. 'In th i S th-ese Pill& b ov, you., . .. "I ' 00.n.. 6 V d Sh e—.O-h rto. Napol�ora'lj i %firine�d in e, -fie pinio" d .1 rio' the thi�* nt ,,,e V�as n6t.red, to,. Her. Anxious migge-c Family rl p'' The,,ex-. siA Was ready for.war. o I ero�ml,I A' '1� r i tile Aymy,,SeTV'iCe' It - s r 91 hat tIo in'&-II�N g'i ' S b e f 0 i 6..,. lAnna. 1;os6ke, W he n Hope -Had Gone... - W '1111 lele tema n near1NiInA. boy s,a!nod gi Ill s. Afi�,s Corps Write He' 'Yes, not wh ell e ggs em - tit Iorers, ho' arNed th r o -th iNT' k Grand. F4ks, 19 -,a,N:s I tbin St.I John, t know reitdi cents zen,. �V;L!de'eiielsls erica, r- a -eneral, to tile .10 a's Dec. 15th. A one in he hl�lnie.L pa;' 'a do XP. 1 9 S. J.? n New' amo :L I -Wag one ur '75_�the, most of 3'WhLit6 St.�WoWd'-s-Recurtib. eAt.,was re at. Mr tlia-f before; Dr. Willial, S,.: id 'lie fea e.. tha-t- ---did-nl-w;-ti, Pink lie, b ivas- �6.gent,�3 � an kI d. *NO, SMOKF. e me They Werp ri:tMw 'to preven' On old j. in y, ravageg� of -.adyanced En -s were. men 4 m,i&e ra le gi r s, a! ive. was: b. 1<11 foi�Ah it p,h.rt;. t General lBagiation gla'n dior6s, FlUnips. AUKS trouble'. My 'first attacks'- of, back. ever free,from heaa. t &artIl a'�' far as from, be n,tCT 'I. W�6t n t.11rng will, ev*-rl ache ' d kidney trouble began y.e think' I but'ltli:at _P 381a it "F as,pa e,als a,g :not go* ars a ro use 'them to the awfifness' tdelrl�k f h �i 'and:could The "tra,p -With m-7 at i I i taxy rpaatothato dUllL gnawing, ago, or six y neM Omni h e' flAii a W 0 �cw �.ii litaies present. W.heft I exert- 'se r t3 piiiiii has been t tI the in (ve&_ very 6xice taking flie'Pillii the Ili ild Mvs( es gone. -appe -e IJ -if caught -cold, the 0ALIn as'unendur- t blit'" here. is,. g - g W i f h4r' a w n it r armV, from. -pen - d and I'altri equallAo almoat,lan., L ur;ed -most, everything; but ha -rd to keep' froin'thein ; and that C_ UAD. ac -.made peaee ith "Ind It' h my, Ailf it was ii�riibly.' intensift d-. it bome' p aces� ANDREW - KYNQ� ed' kh�, thin�i' aki line J�l them, were, I . ki � � N �It. . . pain vL Is. :,he *aig �ured hohi .4% able. ti n of-�Gvfiid it you n**glit have' had e. be eLm�h d4v xettion, and sure I 'notliffig- gave. that eiiiIn iratef Sussex. t Ii L. p t re lie : th re- vyillin., line is' oini' xae, I r de -seen. it ar., resen 200,000 mo m, �ro.�! goo' 1*000 to r!c tt�n r*. f at cam6� rom ellin d 'D Dr., milton's _AP�D*, Rh aLiisift bv P. r sdin hing­ that: ha. neV, :beei Uarkh,amit. Ont' S. BiMiNG, 'Aaft' Dg, beltig; pulflleyA, iepiie.&'ifle, O�mpdrlor,: "tha fiams' Pink Pil I .: ,e hnd Bufternut., in, Or M T.% J I;I$l . 31�:ENTI t ills'of Malld al Engine While� Na s tijor;�, W Cho ed ine- JL,I " fi� ould'have seen� �OO�000 mi ore: 'meii iitead-oi b6ing,66widd down With p4iw, I. allij not, patting' et�r t seems that 'whe Lt., enjoy� splendid p, e 4 ramit 4rge. : pole6n 46 it p i�e even, b3 i,hifi r k - medicine d;��ler's of byg4pnle, da,% �akef Oct. 9" ir�. lor _)f tlian�. an It I a t bi ail, pq.4 paid, at 50 cents to -day I in strong, In box e s r 42'.50 idly, Lo8t. properties 77M 4 'the"ill is I 4 Wheelock engime, 42, tmp to, petite, sleeli soun le ba-ckl� - work' e bo'k N It p it M Ill -tr �x, or ii x yse: on oln� se 6 w. Mekainde,L' - ,an, to ea with 11' he& havle,, teen histilleil-into' 'my blood --7 bitihind-fliti trena,�s dare e in *bo hig� p -Ith i-fle. 'bilt -thai did' ii�t titig di,r�ct,�O: th Dr. Williams my AV . il, . ' . . I chetik are r0sy with color, id. I' 6 - q ti r lille'.01it'. . bra, iggest: mg, d 11'e'di&itie Co L B. ta k,, Is 'tile. s t ab as: it I par Irom one incfi� 't E V' thAt that, I he�, d�o ,,so th 4 :grand -a. niedieih,e as A Teebbie.i.1 Etror.- e ry, a r� s a, the 6ek s 11111 -e. *.as aft -aid linches pull eys thiity. es a t as tat the retrixits too the -aew A, tlia :afty � i ItN e l 'Seleon 0 M twe'I'Ve lit� eit. W ill -Russia but t seems t elitir;i or'. 11 _I to' gj,! o Iinlisua� l X I If F, T.1 V N -1 se th e t h 8 rly,;r becatise good health' pays,,. t -th y chrapriel ils been. the mos . t im-part. J -fit wps`�Versit'a`&A tht she was, I -e cause X 9�ri6ry- w ' oma * a Isbell d an i rtnt s regulk d� .'but bealill: that ll�Tt4l vet., If *f the,eisualt* P ,�e .,,outLh of England on 0FFE.R-'.'RIP1FU,4E kiiev­ to be ell- I . 01, isn*t 'he a -wa If -to -iui-ji�rial Is good -vigorous P ta,de�l ar upon ine.' 'Fly O,vilirh(�,, 11), 1) 11'. .1. ff. take NO, RIVA comes. to ill who use Dr., HAthiltons 'lie ;t bv the' ll�a�i Wife—but. Ge �Tg V Atandrah-e and, ills" 'a zpon ent, uot'a e 1:' tak i sm-h a,campaign.." t v c6ftes, ank. Wilsoil 'SonS, �i t; iv a I, N, 'o'tbai 'the%- co'llild re h vas 'popiilir., Th6, so--co(lld 13a.0 I e of tlii,- Aiiinle, here. c -, _,n Lvv It all ducted t etl J�l e lled Eyelid's, 13. -Adl e tilaet West;: To rol v; a I .11-r Its- tI.Je thp. a, siege ra 1`4ord 0, lS. F 71 iliall%L ther ihan' battle; iij fh�' I hink fi�len�h, keek, b6th irist, 1, t by CXP40- Ilres inflamed capita I f lie r, .4 l n t. J bl ock Al iato join in a bud n1* d ,r�, iybich Loll but. 1ailing :r� orc andWbd in' the� -m lip. iv�ow qh tbe best wav to buck th� nifted q I i I'd thttiehu. tat I'll 1 11 -L slit be a, Ilund e. r rr n fyeRtimwy� N&Si . narting. 'hills a , it oxp - eriOne lie. had while, lie, was. ami:ii� 0 1 111 rine qu E; ;M titpl of -India. Ohe morning 'in In 1 . fill t 11 1-:(� Ili.;. teiits N1 'yes t4lr� Here is -a -r, f the life just Ev* C.o iort. At iVour bru 5 Oc per Rottle; Ma"Re lye 11 --an t -)' - I'lav een, preal.7,111g lat ding in.' I'dbliii t' �t tP S, ifla he -ted to pose thev'4'get verl.t"11ar. fhev gg I N- led ll? from a Eng, e it p tihe� Indian slillig IlI -vein r I t re, t. n Ind:, if bis-Rns would,bring.-bome to -the 11 U ye lee I Lt; r t- �Rt:v% ill C brigade, -�Ls'no6ing else ever gis or it' It 4M chaii .. lei 4 1, - before Ae-latter tartled imes `l0iix 1.4. "j V.- fi 1) lid- w" 1.1 at tb' "WT. ell 'yk &&o We. �ba.4 zirrived r, av, (Ill e -t oft uriat?i tin Bedglum and . edil fur bein t i7f '4e.X1ject a ill within uund of - t Pai ly call: W par r.v e ed to y. an ea rl hen 'he, A R, lie; fitrna, aiii& re, -at - the' Coniniande'r-in- t at to take ur -Iilaees in' the 11117'a re here, are db 'g v it t'official *re's-iden * I t In ipnt Cure& Distemper. "t. S 11"1(! t(li il�, a how - re by .,a a It erer-L confi4ent rhai be"Cif .1,he In'' I "inard's Linim trefiches :That I igh. 'w a reheJ #,be a hivt hat Great "I t lie Me. Bi hi3 Way balr P.R. en mifq�i -th,rough - Rbe-inud over road, that soaked.'. -by four not," r6co tRe res , tilt. we , "are still a 1ang off E v i siw I-. W- rdi Miit;u explaine4 that of a and- ets - that ail % New Girl t does yit r Awn t 1e, fo r hib ick.. ays r in torn , Ill,% 'on fhe4 Dtimiziion. tlantic traffi. The- he �wxnfed to* see 60 (;,6mman.der-. e S Ike fi�l r i3r sund , and ack-wrnd;� eaka, f tl i. Stil,11 Candi 'Paci. riffe,q loudor a, We. approac e Taking' -the plaide; of 6hims of ews;� thc­setri� deeliried as, fiercOv- -a As Lit le alm�as likes . which h:ww �,d Ii -t Of ti��AS6,d in llow him' t( I am the aly ) pass:. , I f ", -)r -,s niarkm h fic, Rilw 't-11 fr,.,nt.'and�4edIh( st I P"7 4 1 Pou aid ill our, letteri, 'tile most any-thi alsn*t gpt., - it wet" easily and Is canip ed e L,rdsh . ld &tftti - e The ip tested ' ycirs shows:-Ut.&-t new whiirv" have e tho aTmi, A hav' 'done q*leII<liiJly- and loreek and the wave t IIn. s. d, the 0a _aj�e f W� been built; 45 ites f -new.` tra,,6k half-' Thp sOn try looked'a-t -hiAl tile river" Ai�kne.'and a and -1 am 1�fraid. hive losi rat;II6� 2k. package tnake$L. Jon jo -Ab. he sa idL. have been b j�d near. tile villa-gre ben2atb. The heavil% theie i,-,n*t one regit lar camp.vgn -asllaltv a ortS nient in tile doin th,e aIt gete tl-,o 'I I. id hights. The brigade splif� into ds'. have an' thev: th-ey are iL 7 Nv a In F"i -:%%l ts 480,0."o and we,, t 0 tip e kidded "is ra; Queen Vit.- lduinl� Air 1;est.- -and a -spk i oand - to with fil to tht� "A d frRe to b. all lien "The 1 .71 n, , *d . . i - W`j UZ�IIS gimidtathet. We to best t -0o; e thi-ee'' cam- . 1. ­ I e. ., company is.&$ Vayro*� VVVOUV�4jls t6WL itrerr lies. CW"!e As d, trc&vh 'Ain, aitioto youll 'improv�-d - t01" re- it t str�itI,waistol sci an 1xishman.'almost 1,ipcohere; , Vililltl el built. Ln 'rolln 6'6�30 ou.d- etter, push ont'.7 *7 1*00C that YOU *Fill VU-01COM Yolik"ffiends will be. lbud� in their froin "therr I' Kar- laighterit -Is Mid D89rae nd I -,V, ordeal. praise. If you take pr -3 VOUT r I t thi Ot f QoId'l �b4i*;Jge�; have Ibeen; re- -w , ftb i ra i vastiy. tiend 2S&. 'in 9' and we wiwinail a d4:uace_� P I � filghtill zoed�lr is Put., o�.t- flyi 4N- :steel -brid-goa, %It . paid.,vAtIj immilel working direc, who. had began ivith te retreat 21, - 6 Iwbe', replac d fri-sm and had Von -of ,the thinq,� "frequientiv "AM rohes. an4 ritil ikAdier' fro li il TM Ire ffef'on th- i o A been ki!W, biit with hel'r nii6� s a7 r o Tillat's the wai. to keep yot�r V6.; rMb. T1 ha t the tit In �o` It ' �Iid waris in 6nel.-titor, a -*O" iiij e jleyL had - taken- ile 0 t i and. friends i4 La�,i.nle�g andi tte�c s24.4, reant St. pole '966n -Th it 'TORONTO. CJLX� a:t �' I 9i u rx�t bott-�e at *ilfll _P h'.'dl V citing ti) thieni till vy,i 1b'� �-ost t ho 11 'our requirod to ki t aaB 'i t fi-Iltint- Th r tigh ArMy r a: 1`0 h-1) Twb- Irish -m German line, find- Lin Mft nd fiiierv' Ndd,.-. a h ing, apiere dtiring the ArEt tn,'Ilth .great -is M., years of thp War' Alli lit atp%r &M, Ono a v; It e, Stan4s ift ii CUSS by. itself, j, tr in I r Men e:111 FgIg i, �e been I miod and tiieki d, t., tit t Ott flia 2" Gexiimn. shell 1kinia'he -qaw- a bull i. a -retnedv- foi Stiffhe&% atWas 'wa nrived we, our tinned beef t i on. hard -duit ' tidep a ikillM 6- mail. and, to III It is d Rh work we' with e Sinifixy. work I 14 fit i 6',t tin lie l5o bullei,, and allilliq! fitany, 'Afi�,t. a. tit lilt tile )-tmt it ih�wd JIwavt keep -,sid--the j), Vor, Pa t. ,.rii ft o r e r., n �."t'rr t%"fS grive nts t btl of -Brit" xtmi� tilt' reiirlIllti4 ShIl."VeL S!,Ie 114". War it i's, 3.6M lkiiii tht'.houa, nteel; ail�v. riane bu '�jnii tivp IV tn�$ it ilut,: and to, eTV, -fircid lire hyst. Itillp t !I ill Ole old 1),omill Aad thi-- V� v len riifd fo�r V tq I L41,;A and Spiti-441bk- dt� .3 it Ja4l lift -d vur 14P I as: Ili- a.,( t4-, , WeLt.1 Co. Litnited t ( The T IV A -id b6-4 mpti. o n 'a It e w' 'Opett. *4 - 1, 4M. r 1! wo J 1 dil qfty. t1lat ........ ...... .. Lchw6tit trot" nde.r' pendiq lia., P and then it tir t 411 11) it t N V N 1, 0. P, e 14,16, e di�merr -ktiv., lie 4V , trill a W 6-r q;f gh. 0o;soh, to ki;l rt� 4uf -4 If A if 0 N Id t ion ll. A le tv'rical t Ext t4vn�.;10.t to for, ftl \iifll .1d all. lIa ff, lip Xqitlililia own wi".1 ptt­ beittlp-mani t�, :K, rtticilt� 1414, 10 a tuMared Over Two lhart. Gr6WThift titli(k. vmir rh� Jean, dx� eive di in%- note? r of ifitit .1 qr� t si d LwtApodtite. fftt-l" e of Orem Pritin i,,, lit f(ir '40,f flltoigtj rielil ItIrit-1 to it it,(-) but - t ho,te is lie -e, to n ire, Erupticin. hi!t �eto.' Thi- rie§� and Ointment Gibm�lktely. nealedw Itl lt.ter to favetv irlil tt"Id tl*tn. b �1 -Ibii t Of th, *11ILY rteefv*�J Iiiiiii Inot b It' sTivii-el 00-thts 13 WO'" t 'I;f ileIon tilt- head th;,, 'dftiz, Mi'd, So th "MA, biirfiOfe�q And bt616- fift, 'I J"t ail t1vit, volt as a, "r 'ey wer lt I th . . . . . . . . . . . X T - RA M tuid w6g* nut &'itffftu %6 bl%* no Wt6;e0%" 4t hTI' t fe, # ein 10%, l t eitto ?14mn' M lid 11oh ot t&M, daid, Wough f tto6k. vaNiq Simkafeg§ Oil MiMw Idd. h, will it, tt4 tht, life -0 -ea,66 and flot -_ . I . -lid stwo,§ kiV6 ft f6t Y6 t lit' e a �ihl We- *r# 1)140 Wljlt thie, eitra �,@M; beeded! to. f6fth AM gittift, etart-d' to t6 90'afti, tuftmft r6mi hly �r K. f ifid J ttly n �yl Mill Ill V 1p th-iot tilt ad iffirl0ft df 9011 ih k I Alt mth 'tie tl'otkle Ion, flis? A (Mil t . be.. THE. ERIA; I'll clpfle to" ,pky �6ft M ta wie 0yrf mw ll 'lit it "M