The Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-12-24, Page 3'AV 41 T. 'r "V`47 ,I 1.'T., W E7 J! 0 iiiiii;�r 'p, 'Tor 4 4), 09, -for % EN bland a V LIU 21.0, iol 099 1 prom IF 111.4, '41100to Is *0P "'41; "r, xvv4 'Of (be WIN. L ii.., qrl,4 i§J; Frv#vllhi�c. P19 AAVV Is Pm RIP me F. frA911 UPA" Able, GRU"Xrly TP n; tp A po 0, it Pat 4 wwni W11114141sqTAIVA Okulturs I i , 4! �';Les�ft;t 'PIMASR tt"t'l I, , U , U11,11 Qie f the, "two ItAxe, va. servi '10,19 1110;.�! vp pt, holitlou e V.1,10 lips of reeeb�t. A- T, I q TA TO, a :Ov wo.. drwor.44. "p-mgm 'la 11416tic -youn lit, tAA 040 le _C,Ademt.�gj .9 .p o 444"44, VIVA" �,,4 g *W_04,�tup_� I - vain A'Mr ne, 6. land.'afid double that belkwoul +�U! g a, ly, 99 to AH1 0111111 V J1 I d t'AAR weeli: V ;k 4' e' .............. Tre Ve -1 'C'.09. T't,ig with 1, WIPJP-� 9 'd i 16 in I -q ti, -acte ew 1 "0110 sp,a,red of 10 _ ge#;i, ItAind n; fqr it g4ye,aa,,,V p Chi All 0 e hareliO th.e to y those Of 3 00t I raomiq d B upfilinal ',ro fOl U s, ate Av ea- _ -Aim ,liters, of at its"Arnh -lip -with Au .1 drJUJA T ,s� the epiqlArs W'll $AA-golfier4l ll;�obezir- Jok,. ",Which I hilv little fbo YC04,,i 'of NVO,Of canalla's, . Mofft lee rely be.4-proptlit to banada Afid t1iis The Qiopexib _#pp, corresponOen:t e s be va ivitji th ' bpwel'troki- Thk It I- 4`1A or ston;9wh pa,4 -., .. I the U -W m1h, e' inter'� co-0erniall wav,df V*P,4444 bAukers—Ur_ ii. V. Mereqi,th b#_4JL and m4y add 'that those who of Alla im s sends all bles; of. sleep, it 4 4 J, ,lilliatiio� 4yjq� ren P.C.-M CP 4. Igipt' ' helifiid,, are foreggilig li ouiIiav AM A - rl;edejjql� W t, 6V view'* simple �f'ove 8, of Y4 -;,e Or T r Noimvither Quing.. n, "BOth Oe holtdays �tlld doiiig' the e4tT4 work of a xieq�ti ',o ,try' WA§. A very. abl.6 fashipA., 'in them cheerfully and Allelle.11 pexle,L�,ye .., Qt#7- W 9,§ Ion!w A c, be,m d e viol,v 111 u p. 0 u. v thild-nexi should' x1tho ut 01te* A f: is standing, The Ta;hlots are g4 nt,"d t,.o �be press_ up grue him' g spend V-9 rtv.&etipyed irp-tho wa�r a -f . Ilitell,estlY19. to noteAhat b02 P pr _g;n ly her e vleWAII t''Vanad.a ki free,frpm injurious. drugs axjd­may �V lF0 tit a ex, p Ing the.sterill witl 'th yp- As is W ell 1. knowA, Xb.,,000 obo,`0106 tt,re p . o y be given, 0 the'y-Qungiost ebi,ld with degree of ;s vVii weeks in co�.ntry` i.a,certa w to Gerin perfect' ;�#Iety hnd-' �;&,pd restits. 'I ti; Afterpointilig,out tile fa( It Wbuld -bit 4: grave: 'Plipy ape. s�old by � medicinte',O&Jei,!�- -ty...., 1 41, ank' had. e, 'no sea B -eng I Si A NUALC the 0 Ell 1E col o aqvii6ts by �ieatly -�ti thened, its . .. ... .... the bahk.6r. says, "to judge Qerman -or by inai1 ot .25 c4ents f 9 e war, �ne o., '�a "I ff xi -!new s fig' _ikt' of Mr.. A. V. a by file Get' eireoli I . man spaper T D tit, said: i3O C e lass of t�a4e ,tile l"I'lasidje th ehostilities broitight f fl.to�4.ay,. "Thoy roust not on Ont� N I., il Pling DAW 041.�.,, lflj*� wha:t th,6 Gwovc lt the whole finan- ess !rnmerrt oes t If AT T If, U� not walit b,u Fit �OrQntoi. of th t 4a atme, the closing are o�qiufired e. II66ses ,,,A,orld-: ide, fiiia'eial cotaclysm.' U To BU�k '6'p, RE t —A n �t-opulb�l'is.W'�'t�hat,'.a,ild tha on y Motint high inlfto� the billions 711he IF -Dairy F Dre St,66k,i Grain' oi Are no -in' notlition: of n 1`690111,oils. 1116sliolazili4ifill wie, at leaLst a co 9 per borne 9f 4re .-A 19, 0 6n. train toil U e a,6 OutlkV for risolvenc lie n, 'Everytbiiii ter th killing purpo r Jasmnee, po -of, h III te t" Vto trN idilig io' sugeslt that e rigQrs T1146 �-atse ilite lite -Prince S Tiiiori a t4,, 'B cominalidi of Ahe i��i wit;W y the chief ia6tolr. ill brifig-' of wr are s.lbwlv butsuirely iinder- perIal was lThe tecords f,ha;t in I edt Lord- K r 1doub. th i ni ttg nhc,.ex,p,-_res;sed .:--!s it. recovery of confto)ence_but.g�eak the national course of' the war, 28,600 6eimaus, e Government In 1he -emigratidii from to,ld, were Internal and ext . oroal. ,t',VeditL,_IS il.0 to th adis �f ,�otrabfan4." hi.0piniu, tlile,, of either killed oq-tright jC ANCFEj. TUMORS LVXP.5,. 1l;eir able financial advisers Vor rthft the modes e xc ed h'e. ker's cohtaicit, with Ger-� r w4bunde<j ` F of pain by otir bowe tieitno6st" an stwtesmanlike views- f tile -o wartaht tb.§e jan&, far about before too I&to L Dr. lieuxuan UodlcaA e' n. tary &i 8 terit. ankerralidbusiness na n c pefilei 2� t IQ ., Colllngwoad.. On.-.. b The' ba liot as y�t sufficienti'mili­ out bol'd us Mari him �b' situ n n' lri�h, family the'f ront But never-. Co Livilteld r I, I vinted him that . ey alize, new Ing sent V atio 'and, thol pr6inpt !actio Seven brothers' of �a th' * re I" $21,00� Of' tihe ,ng, the, as 'to the an� , t: eJess; lhe i, - " i 1 11 1 1 :name�.dL..barrl�an'- iving in -1 11,10 Qe rma0y ha's. 'been zt,�g :An at.- exjpen4jed7di ,of England,,. for the cquragLe'litd 'head, thetit adven, renell's staff. Ointili,�m le Cura, -vin,; arniy. toe e n And C(Al t are so I i 0C Wa !Y, �rith N he plans of the into'a and� pa oyed, il�y', the iture4."i, Although io else ex- ,nment, weri; ',,tarried '0 men. 00 A s -know,. ca na Y. They, Emcceed' n in CanadA.. quis of Lond e, indiittriali§tsA 'a go(. naa airs pen,mve a Tuirco�'Ruasiojri ..wa.r Engine, shafting- �bel,Cing oulle 9, -rry haive )ld d,�M ab.ou � '' ff !e y Mal (?n4e t' I' h' the. gr al� experience. -of, the imbir .. 'if;ap 1 0 hen othets. faill g r.e;s, etc from ]A 'the, c�-jmmeneemexft 'Rhineland' b ch f T 'n W o the - . -io.k. . ingly in- xgb, faet,�ry saie. Aft giving an exceed Westgkafia though er �ii r1k e -kg are viWe� was, ulytt w strue'tive'revi-4)v of iLe *w W' ' ' ' i. ..I A, be hiall.Are, it. is,. to ex�lafn, ne 'IS by 42, 1 to t , a y -of their t occupie comp 9 h A�ble those with cylinderlf ranie fly w Me p6pulaiioh ;id t-kl4he. Giendi by Mikfl.: t�h said. of OAlia'da,tliat agri- Youglrhil,, its' tho -r�pdu, 'tio�n ma eriali to I �o�sition Jh ni a 'd in Mr. aach redith er G re e .: . 6 t 0 o'. . tuticuri aqii� La rmer. cnflibV: ingsli etc._ a, con i*,,ar .Ptosperous� but a. general y npree. h of moinitlfis ago, limiied -po]4 throlkghout"thot, Of -the uslnts, I. culture was .,under 6000: has, uip� W e, present. a wholl u, o.<)l 11 in�: 'g6od �&nt4e�tent le, lroil5l Li�eial 1121321ollebf each,rdatied- free. with- 32-p. 1 1 .9 , 16,60R. iad �tblhave'fald' orJ*,o and Ai few, 'fild� k d Sh�ftlng from one, if�ich t,6. three on -o new un4gtikingg is ap, d.a.ys too A4 resi'�CUil6u��'Do.pt.K,'Doston�,U.S.A. d eft� befjie says, are, epessed' Arid, me,.an- sent, 800' of its 'in:hdbitan d' I ricies. rent. 1116 �Aivlsion Ott<)M, 4:11 "each 'of, these. inqb�iis, irtv Pa At, line Ainie Jl�e thou lit'' t-II6 Oxf6rd Ullivoixglity ib� let.s an pullley�s. thi i f ront.' -he iwful struggle i to the O-*� But'-th�re' no casualties, an <�:wt fifty in�cb six hes ibat'4 as regard$ liliiotitlpio�nlent­ chply over, t e C e A fit,' o� uriled at the. inc tire or r ill*compare fa�o' 11rably with any Ras been pieei�ftat- d bti that 6he,'ptesen-b'i� of'the heir their I saw cou e ss. -vil- s 15,4666 b�, the Tu ,Iwe, nchgo. Wfll,iell en otlier, countr 1!4�s. p6s enp'6int.. residt- ':ed The -6 ifien 'who'' �e 'e­is- o That of, Car 'o IJ Bro� W r inle iii the"Atstru'c6it;tn�.�of 'a. l,arg optimism An fi�liti,ng ill-stmoilling- �eqps- S apa.fi' arna- RuSS REASONAOLE' e � a�i to,fhe: a. . ttt.irr� ini na Mr. Meredith.. -pointed. �'eiuded'�b.v official. d -w ta�uat6l� it has not,begn necessary for hay'. -enormous re- I s a en bine4 ialik -to! resort, to a noorator u. im "and o n blu6fer They are m scrite to' The records o on 0, t6 o6l, that -ver,ted.. Unde'r'qe vem. h eye c;on In f Ja�paa.. VVEIR JR: E FX S E i,,) Call -e� for les.9 than`56,006o her to d t e-eiti dep how that nc; .Olosed.'his: retuarks in 'th la,�y ling py f natik ly l as b fo' osibitals--d- D d _4 e o - 'after -him so ler: & fin Ahe lrdmiwalr will �'eeeive- an Alid factories,�Chi 9. F ful Vein. — k -Chelnisford, -to '&arraick . -on fille -0 ssured oVS -1404--e but- Are ou.niol to. retard progress., ie,Gener hegreat, yearg -n for, good -1 many' I s'aw, .,City po,iipe -Ate. d of: -the, J&pit.66,se Wh�6, -ipd of re G6r 1 numerabl 1pei aid,, re.cup�,�otloq way u wa� �paptaing'.Uf Oer" <-alsure:whein, the v4s' kil le.d.Russ1a, .Worst. men, 'Mai,rne� an& mutilated n dilt.�� in th� c'hiire'hols of" the gdod 1),ay,,i),] to'-bigh ese"strettyp., a po.urin gees'e of'- Dilbl'in on beha4f 'houl Gear J,,er ma rty a r 6 a 'hardlv- I e _,,q iniportant' pe P �.t r i v�d- A -of eve 1� , SA W. a'v et -of a war, n, iis i -s nrit intehitled to the jglie:: he claes m -an -vvho can �factur, in the condt, r th T1 t . �h hcl i s n, wnunde I Dublin.11b9pitall" g till neSs' military wil doubtles,s,p ul. far- the Qtaff"It-self', thai ihelltlan, uf eAm- eapa- back. Tr' e,' On e,n his hk 3 --was-1.1 'g. litch-ell 'of,K.nnegad, He: h -a S the r, nJ a uriddat 'ma'teri.61 tr6duce,(I, t, as a, smart, tra''xis, earing 14,- On,lv eady; ije'n'i�­erk i U. e -N the borseo, e f at 'y nj,' r; d' Villin' Jkeen votmg 'and 6ev thiinlc� -will -be- at hand.' T� 7ante4l.. w s Nd I I smsh 1�t h - 'en --sin irp ti gh 0 th driving l e,.l ah -d thrt� in'th"O"G, One', -thitt,man hi:i-dbvisf 9� SIMPle. to Wen -a nery h )i 0, Sound, tit... - )n..1-hr'ee,Nvee6, the�i a,bl-,��it on ��r, nl�.,Fh violem.iN to the-grow,ad., town. 1'. saw:: P. e. of, a1A is w co- d of h.;%,S: fel,lo* k�fi told the' U ns and Ritsfia, cjas'ses',un ergoin r 4-W luck. Hii-hes*. 13ussei.N egfow t !,,'.I 'Cln e" 4COMT 9 ordex that trol f fhe" Mogit" civilize4 na;tion ap'ete hC*-k hioll't; t, B. it' th Offen!06� and are ifilil q 6 r, h w 0 LIT., T),pes, 1, g lloutr� or es t. -rest to nw' wbaC it t�_�­kjll at b,"f e_ H -I ,%,,I ows 'letI116;ss En�giland`w 11 'come Ands :uf wear flee.' a ha, I t I tvk.t. I e, f Aud" -at ment had,'the P( i']N'e nee' hAd'b6on. orphaneJ` Duixla-lk Pettv "Ses iops in! 4t The'.. G`rnnAn strates,qi 'e, an� �rder`00 M% e b it 61 fall otit. ing -fbr mimth' ;�W' ie- int - c- e at )VQ,�e M to i -ns -roin - n ine p, M to 'se ve n h it' nd U ufav':to prison: -felle trat(oi 6t pM�rame ha nof bee Sliee-"fill 1-t it lj:�_ �VZI a H -,x fe W opq, ol aving year,�,. -,I, wa�' t; i A WARWJ WINTER".. The:Publin. .96ard -of Wo;i­ks, hA' in. nai tire f'. things I'a m., C, NV ; at ilie�- must fcrego D favo.r puints, Belgii it to be- f ij for nitunths, aiid pe'rhaps Ist"I V. fti ,gi:'�ut.l � I I . I . f'h Elid III J."36 . g Men ivho,kn�eiv hich ntU len. I W 4an ls-'! hirl' 1, IV mule., reco;mforts ideal, wateijrig pla(�e, ro;icbed the Blaekrbek ho16iin-' scheme. t, e :'make ife .1 b -i A he, is ' ' - , ", , '- ! a nd co -tile Ill.,. n W ()I -E-DY'8WSPEEbY:'oA -Nor,th W�eatehi Ity. ";Four TI k to be. starited irnme -S NO, REM I r a is . 'IEZ in .4-1 a".. .1 dajly the I I e'w " P, �Lti.�.g E.FFICUENT. Ov.Frl 21 n1 t occup 'A u,� i st diati�lv .1 bOng saw th f tho t) sted, Ch cago Tedible R 'hit- Pr, Ined - of it, fat I in- beilig., .1 h.e bz�,t t r a��u 't;, Thei the.. Lcx� Af wit thrt,1%A6t,n NV i h 1 i c -,i rve criaw er I, Yll a qed, threo�,� (Lye to Uizi�l of Sunchine. Yes, a real ore—in al-twi saii f in. tat- LimaQ. eafs;- droppe�d �(Iead t !I Ita d one,'/ and..th;' Wat Rate.,-, .1.11.wqrated inatter on elti "crainp j.4 "a. d-eii 6., their, unifu Gener'sl Mapig6eir tak of Montro,il retitrninf� to his home'-ai, Kilehrep ure ier h I I the' t,: objietk __'i'squirltu is 'ov S' get a.sti habc MY, C b* ok it o e's failin- And the"1915 Expolsitiono andJpil pam'eu- ff, 1 w f dose. of vNervi ae�a r o.u:-h rea., z te This isn't' Oni,. a r m�c.� — IL ' fatal cci�16.nt Mio fi!� ftfi- . I talk Ws,,a "Solid' be expected, but It Y- LLI mere. utue depends t"110iful -f ct� othe-�Trmedy,-:­ gasl�,a n �a n,,,,: co"Til, I , -111 W, Th f� ople. -of, a extent upon the-iPirit"wit'll s�eVi a] failes'noitiiI, deat.h� 2 P not .,k a single on� M*# 17,ia,ge: .�s ;-p' -e f eZiuntry w, I, e e eramps so -the' peQP16 meet the changed en. a. wa - im t-elle' F —1vill'. Cut IJ -dui a h -4 an netL �s ;'q'u4cklY harmlessly a N'' to. pieces,f 6f .�var ha-ve. iliter. t he erN I lite. illinblirs ..od flh� cti -,'it e Mg ; n ''It hits the,, -,:pot in eonditions, bL h. It jiffy a!ves a e te d, st i�l et -1 e' a -d eareJor th �Avas worldil,:, il'.06nd e., p it- fp�udituro, and' Ail earnest e*VUl*1'I7,4JJIq I A re7 "Ecoiliomy a-fi& prudeiiide in, the rpat­ be*tween Dundalk Thj_�_- a rp I !I. imi 6f numb�.i -.<,f, yenniles. e pr6d'utation f The Dti�iqarvan line]]. had all of �!,L:, t �gatiit*da'Y Ilight my tomach. CIO, - i 7 Min IMit, S1 60ids 'Nvli,,) 'hAd com,4 e ards'Ln not CU re B to see an4 kns)w. v renlize:, wi elt 11ke,-an machine, icl6i win g.i m. kaw of T. "p, -fiarff,-o' 'hen tb?. 'aill, flhs, N1 1 'ileii to 4 of aellveJrade Mid-renetto. i'lflli: n.c' f po,?table out 1;c e �k ow a -Ir'sevi Il Of 11cri, 111�.hincnd. wa.� weu.k- rd. - "I w aq d n I.shatiofi hd ,other 6n ra frain, it. sound sleep and !)tvsperi it�s, 6)1 e rec*tl n ii -4) f I. a icing' e;*,tuf well enctigh- i.*Or Ir". s awhk'e'ued �y found -inyself ruffe.ribi ille Nvork solliviling" u- -'Qk, 111d'.rise agai a -r, ;'of torture was so doubled up 1, of Q4r.'*, NV'i) c, I heiri d iid e4�Tivnieree 11,ve rlixx3. .$tands.Str in Well. U qi. lo use cr alli tho'dIne. at be col4 ").f $Cmb f I- I fidd -nother itep. §ir- Or�'ederick.Willia�ts-Tq'.YlOr, aftOf per --ho f coul hardly lid -%iii dew time.­ )ointing, -out, that tlie,A3�iik,of -vignt- nilelri�,b.ant' marine, b l'used, N . e&-iline room.-- I. It, ri , , Pen e 0 n I'll e i kept aild. after, n,'. caused bv. -before- for -tile, satilie A�a-,,' '97, �ears s 1�a in -v rd rq--, a, -.-td el�ed. bi Id took a,i*e�l good dose. On'cet� YOU0, MV.N' DRUGGISI WILL TrI '01; disfou, t "d' pet-haps, io nb 'rhing at soothing, c' I -Y s-oinadi I. a the i'll(HRIM ri-P 1,lAalIllit of-'t4e instittitio n, escape, of gas. 6c6V, what I, ,a n, i qd ater revIe,;".d Canadh - - Upton, .'street, - BelfbLst-`­.':Th2 lwusz- than th. c,!r %n condlt�oxii'a!� of f errfline, in 11 it a is,' --rangers -in P ovince. thei enemies. T4 t whole',ihol''by'. :each - f" was pa,etIV- *reeked And tko, a i artend,-of litirt. byzilaillreee. Ufirae Eye 91 Speaking of tbq.. wai! Inates; IkA�id'�, � Beg m a .I it J that I F n i, glli, st. ��ght. It0finished 's .,effe`6t,s;l Adua the 'All, iiiie 1116�j I a had one AMeried. cwt not 4 �6op e -at 'night, aid in'.part:�/-. Bril lisl d'seeniod- to lhp� bc, I of a]J Is 4riendered a B i Yo i I m -,I time: tbei'r; handy. It iA� earabho; toothi s werel getio 11 he, outstabding result- ha�s beelti, in f, I did'-Ilv't I'll-ge to. get re- nightinare"of ir i :Qie so p, �61 I a. ter of CoLls4F1 hT, sults 14101 t 11 I, f iti�, lid llo� whi we had po-' ly bf 'Uhtiml callital d in ev a4s: lo.ng as of- -eramps. N he so,accustomed Jhat 9 kht wks� that is "Mine 'go glad ve fentid a n le'ase lMI'liel., oft 1, i t iNvin t kl4al' i, 1 . - 1., il et cerfain. T 1'am qrinfe t!�nl rapv- t tgation <,!f t1t 0 rers wel'e Nvithout, aliloetdn a16k. of it's Iiii ortabee: f 0, fl-eque-fitIV factor -in Jlio�,,deVelolifue t been killed, Ito :119 -IM T t ,;a 01e* ow fa t'on in iois Most, edohoini. I ititiontits I 4d. i ent P f he I I th: L' - , 'lifl- lclii!60ii mail,%,' of-t,he.oi ,%' 4 4 neS, d s6h, Capt.' and AajutAilt, Olze bottTe, f led .1r6lid, thix source flo% if a.] r dc, olind 1. Halt al, tilal e costs - h, s been, woi vere e fibers, tA -restiting volludo, illat toil's PUN n1`0 111,6 All de -lers 'sell Nerviline. h. !tit. + ul-Ing a considerable ­ antle e ed, e no lette. J'am prov It . , r. 0I . t Lirlod' It amounted'in rodrid figidie' 14 dxrIc.ss the Ali I 44ife- (to. 'new dqTfte%ti.o:-)­7- 'east $26,000,� 060 Pei month. -Cana- J e0itIJ no- �iqns t ll�a't, Ge�;& ifid Butt er,. e4s 6n� hinst I vi�h to viv to t, I All. Ther [an �bltxbtle orro;wl�gs' from the Ltt. 14daliVe -fil+ed ias A�t-uailill* elt 0V noti.. sold fit 25 11 t 11 I;e. J.'Jill t d t tile ;D it. Tit ' 17' 6n motkey rnarkoA toe the se it jIV e :I-* airl had a liibit" f I' or The 'at' t6ntfis 6ollng 31st July were $17f,, thi 'etinill tat ive effeqj olf t -11i I (I i 'King8loll. 0, 1 It.' Parl6t J0,060.: 'Shilde the outbrealt -of, 4 -ho A t, '�Vjj I . norer,;, 10 knoltv �at the Intow of sudh eftliftil ha, do %oil I Do, tile A ic Mull S t; I ' *1 I - , birt 111 oe"A -,ND I I Afan.y' people 'are b - lit, it p tb 'JUN obelieve ihat tea, apd' a re gek, ext r'i r f a in 'to furnish,inkisix, flow to facelhe 104, bf, (Ilia nioney ;essi t - becoming (I 00611tift'lle' tO eXPA -the totjjet i 4trong bl itid were ties of 111fe,iind d equ t vou earry (I is t fo r *01 e 4JU tile. sr5toem it ary -fiat i0f.t rained front 8, Sir, Proddrick said we we�o e; in tea Arid A"milif that flie''drug, thalt t llel� Ilot %� in mble N ttS I V 0 ul� It, vin Iteft, t I -grip' n Utte fntop6s the cradi"O 1lp` Li's brfieltle in I'e'eAgi; upon our* own r#souteei§;i th'id ha%ftu iC'15le t A luldy A, hati used o -f- q are, on trial, and thitt,pur, fi ft* e. f6 r ^e­imed. one t,��e the oil e il ha ta .1711giti il AR nece. L #ftlo ­M)Ididpend 1'n'no stnall. of ' t Let t �velti - t it, A' f thl h�Ln Ill ofts,uto Ali which, hi'd heon Men lite �Ballin tll& Heinek 'Tig 'Pi Y df nfli Vo'. 11V 6N, - �­emerge frolb tbis, trying drde ow v t U,4SL "a aster gh , it 166gdr M6'duratft (A nIM-. 'J%rijose Iijjo�rs Ill been sw,-Pi P1 on d , 6, war, 8�� qW ig, ;6 attle d lle blink qlI01-z0<I by' t 118, NV.' A., it - I tile in the ch Wit fig 'hurfir ne,, peop] e. iko e t-\-, INAR lie( ca-,tne fro §Ome 0 9,' es t fr, tiout of evil, fr atii soto tile Magnates lid, t11r* ts" for he -got* oa- ent Of our great natu�iirii nt all th,06,Matigfti 'or 'itiltriess, beddftvfie�, no llibition, A ... ....... ato Ii our v t agrigultutal.- e- fgt ",Of life wlien lio, 'Mort' Anlerie'an in 'bt�hxyill& ho'hic Lll*�es,� nd we eah'theft look forward In. %Ve a!! 14 Q. a4* X r -91 �,Pslcurn, trotlll�led tb- i0th bringsqulc'k ee r n Oki i it I i�e pr nin" er who was fixkinct �mia,ll Goift In Aftet We - lidvet- t r -ed hfid 6 1 pvkage. .1 1 61, 14 CPP of the fig 16yu, 'forbiidr,i 4'1' Ing I 1kt'V6t �Gvsm anif Pit Anttv6p, ve mtin�. -,The etill,fflitIg tio (Vtl'l Of th_ 11, �,V 3, t d Ni ly, n, r snatichl r. 91 - its, t bol . t'. d6o§ at 6L A lit T h-ehin his Ph 4. AV# p6atidg- In' Iffl10 up hat, SQ fachet -'PlAsto will do., ts de V .1 en -fh -its Moft# rt a d , 0 ap y � ft, i6,1 M filail q I �itlitil he*d A hy Olt -0 i t tie' boV whi.Ao�d- lift itloo &h_- '0 p t ff1h th.-Owhig 6f inakifig 4it 60, ntit "JIg A tto L P.4,()�)f$,J , �7god, , it W 90� 14DV fff, A Matt to' P0, 4, all �'kfw i Ilt d Ott* dky* o &th 44 M 4rk t -ft fW fi'fift Umfil, fib' j, L