The Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-12-24, Page 24 .g,m 4 r7 Al �W, 7 5 X" If- �q i�� jr T.......... ...... .... . ... . .. I Fol AM & 09 MIM "T, N's T.T,; ­00%0� A t, �e � 0 y -013, bv�, 0,04 odm, wax* IP 4 to d! r lie, Q.f 4epyin%g. TO 'tell 0 W%r A p% W" 1w,0104 jgAio, ou. te., at Pip, M 4, - 49M "a oi,A 41 M ,11. .1, 1 K 4 i:� OW 4 , I " Imamea.. Milan Jx0g. %4t. wvlA 'kat.* Vk0l"ge"i 9.A1­AMQr 1AW V-4 LIT46: ARM t"Alit-A-Y to.; jkavie-` ,�it- t go "AIM FN 40 � -1 11 1. 1"... � ,, . 4940p, X -IM& $04 i q 'A ual v *�,f tjw 11%0,1,1i�t�j4,4�abuve till "I'll Of Qu :k 11), � ,qi Itit)" for 'Wall' b4 Ive 401en oi;P- "N hivilit , a4d `Otln"d A qu it WAI­ i:t �, r 7r, pa Ago: - 10, 4114a' 444, .�Ilntil illst 0411 aillolli me ko 0014k.1 1. Ak flint'.4. -M Now, Rt�b, the bu, WAX0 Qf :,1011Z, ell, no 0"lle Of �ae whitg of egg f u I, A I U i00 YIN -0 P9 Is, fter p Pril4y in tjirrqpt,ed, bligo Calcterettl CAKES, naoap4 A';) it 114,ve t.rotib!e-qiA in: li[-! if R" 1, ever.N fa 1 j1CA -'e ,ev %vilat tA 11 Ivulog"It Ap. Actio.ivF111 Itd ,,g. b IRE CAR4,P(11- TQ Al J; 0- And � 1'ie j�p to,)h'apple and silk a. IiLtle, ter balls. Gi W -ETT CO. qo, oted 9,40.47',ppllt on. Is ECIFY TOWIt $5440 Ittill't PAR TIN'st T loP9 040111,11j;witb Your a-im-and graoo` TO* �110 vjt.V,, Mllderhiwid n r. Rettyr.nJo oven and let Pour CA I E0, a,% to be, ten&r bts, an-d-�tihey`w 11 :$ 2,50 to -!0ts, 'viiert,!s your M ikagoij�`- Pull i jig ;j, bill froizu a*ic�,ample.,d, p',�lt - Atfr�cii%Ii 1�m alxie 1, the -N itl two�'urjlhrea houi-s. C -P W 1:110A� druiveir, a�!I(14inghig L P�FCLNE -SUB 71 t eq -p jlis,t tinged A6'Ri. pwaxitl 'Leelie as olve wou.. fli,-ti,g it bolv'e, .1W, -ne, Do n-ut phrow'b' -ft' ay tile. the 13est -Tliiis'ji �,n,;&-e fox a. chaLlge tj rojx� rywhictire.' to'a­A,)w-'Aaktk 06ar o4t; aNv T=,-- itlon't,ex-�,r let."m �gee, your 4ateftil, suvirk-, Me, d, ''.'e exelint, with p1ber illdy a,r aii exetelleill, s;tb- rhil� NIX) is ima W a P �na face aga.lu!" Hertligil(li.—For eaph' NN,44e. c1q.tint z,t!t6te,*$3r W(th. throbbivi"g heart in ... ..... .. uo,f - u. its qia,noc, it v re., tcc�ct I I efil� 8tL1;;Qr. -,046 Week -I M Sp;c, 'A �,d elle4,-ka deep -0 0 '1 dked wiltl� bvii,r16t at the"' Itarsh and, tit- 'G*vo. tableisp 01111 U, I '[Fis. 01.11, ved taitiatte, and wcui;;A,Wofiii, r undc*ior Beat whi��e With W� revol g egg fg4 to� fre,�*n it, abld iron oil."'i'lie Legsho Ford turned sileift.l� -away, 'i aboig, und Lett �artly' dr� w �&er tEif rt�ek s, the ro6pi, not 0tpppiu.­.to up e,alte I-, �dd' 4 f�Q eiaxntd Anoney Whit4l Ciorowt tti�qx, a, ti�a-blef ­ �az-a:' I -iide; v me t -I 'ic -I -ihi wli�d hi i�, ti,titi �t tl T. - Alle 41iostly. g egg's,two, mifiati b 'Ilet" to (.1 it) 1) 1,01 ry r t IL t b es y at on, -*pe --re "ai v.344deron ha4d'-frtNii;ii,tediiv;,tji:',iziiau-it, and �W,ee,4 itad. ia,'f te r tilie. last 's tig r J s 41, *111�&lk-itlh rice MO 1118 1 ""1 Tile cie, ot: fick( �.Uvntilk. 13W Aunt: Tribullatiton, c� Or a. u1k h ing lbe bil.l. rain afttor her, mot st i . t.W, qy it w0i fougfit clesiwi A ng 11V lgwr I*i-TClIqp . . I b* x4ceis, ul-erix iek to, d If aking b ef o �c 1.h6'tnistake wtip. disztw�r-d. 1%. T, site. ­herti,'s all rn�. Ahhein.zb tl�,6 mlite- eap,,y.. t. fttie T kif Jiglitv were, -I leld -,of twiartilum. and 'I'm drWtt one - let �heitn',ocjobl before, putbing' 10e-cre4gAi-sod4i �tains eaIn' b e ire- ap . ; I . ked I'ver up ed, . I- , - Mgt If it, 61 inerialmue, And when' ne:.. let" mved by'sponjing., with td al�iu For hoqb�it unt, Tribulation telf I i,kb It -in nei-ingue cool grad ally in a w"' tRI)y a,vid:.4n ui Axxn. w , -it 7 a. bilotthg', rortner-ad.. to do her Jw- AV!h dry 041 0 der' p�tr 6ri'lig Oti've, had., sh� forseten'tbe "end 6.f the.mat- place fvkll:pr 6econt .:it u h, 00 P e 0 )0 idal .0ress. Palled, � nor niet6o to 64 ill r e, vii t or h-'UnCollbVious 1011-91-41. el litan pa�sbi, a t upon the in the..brilliant morn- �ani witili �vie. crxi�t, rirn- If I to. niAke'.46.10d �ClWtayld '7 It a-Lt't'he eggs aqd. ting sunshine o iti Till W.r. v "No." AAid Le6ii 1 soN7 Uff Ce n t it ry xxiii. r be ccuila,be NIP his- In el tlil' h it. W%rve fnt6 'a, iowWiLk not, tone edli�e t r a "Ili that soid Sir. st, -Just,. rapid., �'thjxn; takp her mono. &Ctej— iice beat tIhe, ihgl�edi' tly t,aking vidivantilage' of the 'whict t1he �avid to me 6f, t' e A a4t saidAunt 0 b ng: theall.. yuArill, grsliA; me five f,&Vot. of so ing, ' -Then fa.kc.liti p d" rwipou:ded his a, I: , 1&ge. who ppoke ..,But Wala ylou, Isit fe home, Tr- -tilon, fuT -ed curraitso. Oil" .. F11 n'gy? of clean nevei- att k -aks ttV giant b of :the AMle it . " I . . . )­ tillere is "to da, er flil-allet for her v Isitao ;tqd, fluency o ed -ieiiftated Vorte,.mOUfia.j& -M, . g. ov a I t I n ate haf �nvvj attS, pins v tplilvi leat a, u kiloleen <lot hilm vilvid 'd alf,'.thii -way I diake ik-out--tiend it�waI4 a Unitil crifst, Wlten olpul, -an perpor ile. sig�hi of the Out t It eroney t:hre%v down. Betbdr directed 'for 0-reb-p4mis Of 18'� or jptil! Z g!� 'Pome I Avid Vila-ve ojic,6, iieen -you xt�. a e it.� ie.. fi young lady, without no usu, in atratige, a erou a ga; e.- per don't i9tand, wake right forinitila WEI W iticitc.-and a tilvIor-, PP 10 1, 13 o e'rs - .,-a.A*-s Till-" 'began, bxL, a. fur�it;us Avid fa tioied it,would be both t.h1uk- arter , will , you 111011.1litid 'If oIggs,hii�c, bbiled too, hard, lcss and ungracious were she- to refuse n a m0nient it, I A- 14 1. it's. your own, honestly, earried. And hiIt E S ills r-, the bluff. wais tie. e in. a low. Coaxi, a e, fro6n:i`66 fire An otlt all er.do too sostasvoic r yoll": Off o bitezil fluttered Ill le ...... lightful. Irli.e. SKY was. undappW by 4 got 0 Ing ive ill s. a ver bet, t( -by, antil. iSen. wo, w e r fro Tile aA to It lsaite, on k1p. �ilt -ill, 6614 iva,ter4 Thiii: :realiz" tl' t ke ileoilf olt c isip betw at- impef. bi me h'of. the �ha,nge'froni lioitd CA, ft—en', Ai.�Iouqie blindis,'ste gle *16nd—tbo alt, breeze A0W tre�w 411;e: cut u NVes t reys: ilift, a t Isi t 'd 't 6. morning suit-,, u'Old., Has. I . �il t',:the� i�-a. an 1W! d. n't na"tthe bgg� pero— -thn- t: i I had not,yet acqlul.l) lwZ6 . wilce nian tatoeg'ais at)' from the At-lanfid, of 1, iie ''secrets of 6C the July da e y -ple§ in f bEgr. 6ci A n tit w lit n a r rig, wn-. --h �kL Lf J ­ tan; tv Tb le, . rvIt.f0 One 1111,111.11te, ter the 001thet 111. :1 , I.: lsit Galari U&I W-1-01 a': tables,pobn' of bietter' to c4oh, fu 1, n4lig': ih m I brown bk& itud-' bIA*k itilwed W, ulip��` oixid t6 e drudge, and keumnibered noth jig but bet " �q I tile.. lort IV, st bw—you kilo You oug6t to, in ,Ior in - her cheeks* begi-fining to be, fol- Ill), Witill eak-� in Ytil bloonr. and h6ippiue,�C St. usVe Wr ipallor. as'lnkfenae.. aii t-1 'i I te r, 11-11 thet"', lixi I own and tl',� �V' I ' 1-y.- . .. I I ingl I am Icl M it �,S M:e JJILICC .11 " '' L I eye rOkAvoi re denitilt itself. pepper n Centre n �are Ilielh im [lei toi�Ufd her deferenfially .9 illg *�s qr %:gnor., be klipcioO,ble. But- I thavak yOu for p alviter. iOften 'it L. s0,11d slowly yout, kindifiess, all,'thP from And,: foi- :the when T� inell the me.- -n,c,e,, aeon tin -a d "b' d reLiring rent ve­ roak p. iearing�. t iteir 017an., 6%. it n& r', ttiount-ing da* Slittp as o* will itoce moll Pt the, s06.L�njo.�t "bf, tjlj� it ad wei. - a pofigi --aying, +.A. fo I-gi �e fire he'dee I�riP .,. . . �v,ell M6 forl prisoner in t, Leelle ealli orn pretty -gM. any balcio.fi.- ov,'et� ',p otla*e 54 ry sbarn' or illon1d and �vais,) the eist ungeoni,ollia's tile d devado. fi-� �40mltcbivvg, litej� �bald -h,ead,,,-.A ad lj This is tou'� wori 0!J'.1EL, 'St, reflOv *mP, lkce� ;In ncolloo;olus sn $,age vigorou s, n ahad ome at ast(f eel I revrIevc lifli -Zi goat vir Y. ere rYCIAl.,g�lIg to?" t tor peep ol the Of emll' ';friend J,�au R i.w.e "Oh. how lovely it W!" all& ini6hintarily - Bird ctmr s's�,,,ap sets in i it I" 'W� signor "I don't know.". A too 111i'g aT0'uU%,,1;rrt, and- %von- "And aile you lroiq d ns, P r baittlic.. -i ted. k oMiat, can ei P n ra-ade' her beelt (3-3 :100 a nd m wonder how I could ser�, 0, an doring :qpairrtarce id' Le:'o egg'. one �Cftp of sifted flout -i' one 11 Is her 110 ill", od :,tea,, sii .-Ot rrosyerx) little pflar inikakek tric Wit morning. oil un-t-il Cireacy.gelts bak nor selliscis a ain.­ t&6. boach a,t' a. p nel, of, faJt 'a,ci;d I JIn the nur isxna-ll Aip- axta�ri 7L qrt an I c O'Clot�k, RIA41'elvard, i§tlys :Wlls Cal CITATTER XIV lis, migar t -W a, fi,zeedoi �%ePfi d will 6ep not let 'her, out of her Slight, the''irirl out-ofndoom. Wh, 0h. he n'g a r ny -Liter'Clian b briafeet ha,ppineca is sotioiivu�s C I , - I., . ed. -*fth white; them ,slAt% lamocl in good wBut tit toT.,ollas, volee­t t; of I ns' nioment. isoixv the, M",iiil Ford.*s rot. earning her v�hges, - They dea`-1y purolshused., And it 'ChLekitood fn r that -t half-opeii d6or of, h6r �tsleefihig flel§V su 'as ocook taretfil.,il01, tb Ilse too, ohTribulation Jay.keon had betbo4lilif "Wilhat 'is tthe'll her roa�difig, embroidering 6' for., %A - wit tout end.'ciign6r.­ k Pai- 'i; the- it. Wfl�', g, Va red. to go bck herself to rise earlie;r Ith"juL li'p.o after shoe. is disita5stiIII ber �6:re. and toH, in' stiga ',MuSt 1, -Send for till lei I not- in- a hurry, rk.'Atiei 09, -rot r y- ai As it riald. do�rn al 'fireJ irt, thein. tin fli t'leL, Signor, Alainobaproll oft' but the night bad been Sultry. &udL he xvij going a.t -once.! uga I d P11:6tiovialiar morning Ili gsnepsi� she pudding a To cri6d St,. Just. itily. ''bibis' hhisein ton pr<Xpe. I' �d P pm nodded. o"alle' ho - p il low. jL$'jJu' erla,dci 'not t r -ycl bad slept ill. so- i1jE14 shi had. nuide'n a th�-t, Av&e he`�6i';Onga0ed to a young be continued.) the rindJ1 London - he* 4hould 'be tempted habit. $he wwk ie'desired xv-6mbel elttT it n a Sitting. behind'* the lillindis. com6ing out - uto Ot4e 41; s� Ford, : to rescue 'her tin t ith Me 'ba3d heiaoill'tiod, up. like a hI'm th,en'ljeil� ices sl ip the kviifie ;Iett r Ugh rpm drudgery so pitiAblel!' of her taIiiiie ift. in be i-� . ctt e froll'to . iv al usto fr6nicailly. .,Bt. I red :eilk 'Vef. when, AM11- r aad tntt'fheixi She' SUL.WL tbf�' t1h pa�� �o.peolvo, YOU Manage.L ma.t. two 'figure tSlowly 46a. o;er.- th� ProfesiUr The,tvd'cir v� r Jlte b'akc.in A Of it bands. aJiiQe:.abov� toecottzigiff grounds, . k, I . .� i -General Joffr,�. to fia�,e cards prititesLI dmit kn6w about your. plinLbijuj� So Sjm-. d dlly'�Phavjicing�-to-ldook up ke-asnio-6, Qtte ihis'.,f, �aid: St. J N li idd t, "I it dt d. t P On, -r tem aitnkether. d rent from us no:.,h, a �'6ctjq vsjAd Xuat, Tribukation erat(:ilj�- .14lot elvero D t,ifive to wa4k tip' L declare. d �,,XcobeJ L P iZ ion�,,, nillt-lpig'. her.twor oyes� in'td tLe,�<121- and- hatter ilcme lE S. E iier witli a flourldh And a bow.. and Say. illif all, - tfi� I, 0, ybut &040.tifirt- is, -under the combin ed gla.re Of the ilig -coagil at s sit e -or smiled d aMirfacil of 'the omu it, wiMtih till so' rht iab stf bi111ient horlson above and, the' ghaiening �prep of, ihe'l�rench vice Thes,6 hal' 'aird H' ts- iv h o wear. I I e d i t r i, b it t e d a Il eS old His nem aiatiqn, N la -y in—o0en' Id' 'be dis�61v'e& i'fi 11 there. iiiii-tt ou'r Leildip, willIt a, -fjo a te r, will, IS as -.4 jlfl L, e y.pungey oOn t -ecen vr4l Mea Ila.. of ,peirrence 'at hc('R - The 'Th 1141 w 9 ai�e tiiii o d- front oried, stvip, thui� tit One -cup of-Watterr.' f Yes it 5s, "too!'I P66411ej�s L gv� ey161 116 t y more i P -19e out 6) trii vince tba! s'a d t lemi he. "but' u d the signor sa, ost, and etigivr, juice of Aunt spoetaoles. e kil:i in mod'" t leviWee of -romanve? -d.:.her th ern tsbut to,no iviviil;, a'n'ds.' o :,of: Ik 11 !11 IftiltIlraL Is it Ovit?� The ladies', I*vQ Igill ill .,It' sh Coroin f We'linve -it n; P I, Zrltii �,tihe bvitiftleftel$L of wa re sta;Iis vind g I fi is -A seriiovls�h.indicap. Thty Eli t, 011e egg. iti' the-. trenc�hes� thfilligh 906cl a it t 11.0 ti t V that' A 8j'.Xon !;'w do,, you- l6al. P� 9 hi. "Ain't no betRei It ittle of''th re r� his broAvi.' flung t.ble soluticth can -te appi r- pi. The tCrom lt-� bbin anofl.445uli Aunt Teibulxtidn.� as d.,,.dowu ater jea,l r* little mothei�ot-,pqarl,.m(iuntW a S it It i tllr frit I h 1 `0 'dclr� and Most di tOi 'coVere't lbi� It nd " it �fr ir As it othis. oom a i ) tivie �kablej­A�eieiip is &I* lelip.. n and W in.- dottibl. OL nK proiro�ted' B tiou of the A - R 11 me Ava abol avid ht. nk it�n uniler heavv rai'll'. '�ing i1h r. �elgian b�,igralid-l.ike losprOWIvin of face With It. IT hW ronea , eyeti, en plite pire nce- drk at Jhe tilne h�,'.nii k,� Mine! I'll visk"Crone ke is"hot,'ter iis, b�- 14 be tlhtuO signor." he said "Thel per hi-nisill., r� f tin' it thiicke;h�: Bealt, i;o1k,' y req o, sti. amr,p givej3L YOU BE", CiMeti-on. was not iiii e kes tti'prolnlenla6 oil iUrly, Well' bea.t., ino aittee an M.i. the trench thev find the',�extra ;k,, gigritirfiia,'fit� It t'rOo at. th* iiintidis let 'Ale, quiet ofill'ithvii vidrily. morn. in ber1l AefoseiiilOight by 01fe btilis conirad 8 e,.Ven terlip brute—a-ruffiah-1 Eielveld-me! Id. -Vit1:10 4paritioil, in, a, blui, Aiaes. OP'the -frpnit what. tbu.-gayI. it, vleased to, be' roused from 'her' Sit %veight, of tit# kiW ind- Then were helit tio will ess 9, 8tec, givi that she gives knot and hmid sigalbed ca ndOf A�rge, t'he kiltj :keeps flappit1g, bit) I, It' stIO)"' IS 'Ith-lit t %%;,b e r rtfa do-wanO ot thp't;i Aippl& f I' , ene I b6 xdy, to Inv nion�y, t am an iniAdlient bogail be I fhgteocli-�ntsf,rance.�. n.vollishing In- a St - Tl aigivotina 'Two Stzrkij.110*11 a pp 1 le- V"Croneyl­ eald Aunt Wibid ti in trn ion, oe.imitzidris,'-whielt, arv� m -hisper.7 tip. C' oney. ee IF ggs, a. feW.. g�rat airaintsib 'the oldier s"li'm fe Balic thg oYou, rti& from the bein��o perf'rin-edIn thii Yrench' 4') inuch Acl i lgeheirod. tiad -oi�s -fit 0 it&-' Z,f. i1hr bs, S'g whtire rn -it, it?" of -mlitmei. ovirrant - jflly S'0 hot bt id'�- oreacNa elie frictin b&.4 oftene.leff e aIII ()It iai L. Wthly. ow 9ho- rubbed. her, qd d 'I live, soes - ilia e marc.)ing ran't you lot, -eded` Bate tho,saile?OCIlick aT 'be h; tood -a ild 11 t t4yei, ft., I-. Cqr Tr tiviie, in, ijllllr war -to, rer gwectened. Whip white nef�of the�roibim �jtiff fill. moe:Pm+;pero. n .0 ..I've got Chif- kili, is t ne -of tile* s" tto e apti! e Ii, ,a rang e;' oOld lien beat- th ht i -%..offers it sfte to reinovalf rrf h I. A r i iiq 6 RAY0 'd6ies..n6t g upon t L -_ll, the 'nu if liked., "Pile in.t.6 prot- ini,rk a6attrithe k ee, for th &ill t h e ';it tilie 0k, smeti. it I I I I I 'd C saue rs a nd, in Rimaxfi 14 L, 60: 4%,4 til it g doWn, is on W11, of.' 1) of the r, I'd it I 't-0 t that of s6lid at"the ittleh oneel 1 inore. Anto uler pill )%Vs. PI 88. , sdit ii Awe, it I;, IlItl Wilothot", it; N t nitt 'ff onlit. 111). Cl,� toy, go on the� b.,, n, nkkti�plg ig easY A te.d.. t" r t, kook.,out W wilid i9light, ea�y "to cl,�ah r -7 errl -count r �,Lj tit) oil ill$' lit. tih.( ur ell lfarnis. 4asy to' rewidk., At or it k n o w T(� I I' tile litile ile AI ille ilisi itra -,L &Zer; nuhsI ic tie il; to fi ad le e t t vneryw hOre. atFla, -11glit od t-1 it g I iii, rp e, it be cIlltaiTted I It k- I tit -it haltr 111, the )IInIng, f To v to -11111-1-V iA Ila tit. Mitdd hil Cana tfo�­jrllll a d lt itc tti0 itit ly. d -4 9 tk; ::.A( 01 0, e Iiit t 1. Rol e., It -pjqvig 'hev". 1liiltd, tit her oictu- V tTh 1,11111 1— fl 1%as u -tile tolj,5tt� t%f the'L it tl,il ilh obtaiviltNt III' o View of tal'it '10u§ �Id lit. 11 i 1, 41 a ;it '111". F, oFRONT' oMON fr r I he 111111dingr 14411 k* MY TWA Mvrn t�.b. I ire** - I it't k A" - tiitvt�s biv 61L tlit btst k't 4 tatil - "tP L e V ARIAL OIL CO. L' A t J)f IJ4,4 Zt1ti&, J�1- _H*a Ill, u it bl e. %AIM, t It It h 6 greii far It y, A the"biloitl 4or bf-r j%+Ft;kr thil4ilk her$'NIf. 100.1 had '41*o, Iit, I f lill(t t4l, K 11111111 'Whialliti Vt hnlioi-ft isT w -lid 114,Avi"j it, 1-Itr d,itty Catak W (Irt*A:n# e Lxf it -to ft C, A- a Nt. -I the t he Vu%tLJvJ -ll. , I1%1rUAi 'our hte hu Z, lktjti,�al $ otls rit ax-ij its n t9vitte fh VI tit, -ALL RUCIMISTS, H, M MMOICAL A.4ij sw oft ity1f Ixt i1vir var . I lvov. A'ell pit lei rl 11(ki-14. a 411 ro IF I firt wit till hil:vp Ircyt jilf J,t N't r 011, 111 I 11'e efrl' fit f.trnovi Iry hor oitiltv tiffir Ff v trill Ir ek MY 'I'vii I il 'I It' h.* it At, Av ft grI t,tl. I It (IrjV,, Y.Vt �gp' y4 -u t I. -7PRiviffithit . itivitiTi, Ai'At' tile hp Int.w. It, o4fiti.vy" Ir I ry 'fig iIlot. If to' h4ttviefill lit - n Titip e: Suit- rof II01111toRlikir tv tchi Alfti a Wh lid ivitlet i #v 'oily Tibutity -t W doll V W fill It 'lit . . . . . . . . . . . . .