The Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-12-17, Page 7i 00. J pj�'L f 1,. 0 1".. 'Mr 1; rt; `!iffl g gv ji, Vi. M Pfl'pt,�� � �Q Mi "Pr 1-o A o is 4 3 71 RIP., T,b, is su eq LS itg dab ubt) r� V of N011 W a large PA '0M me dva, its,, gl C1 F4ven tbough the tre ii y, p M n'ise of. Davk,l. AS Cor ­ v ig ase -W the. tewlN J4V tb into 0 the' in4a a ilw4s tebeitr who e Lu,ke .2 An 4., 49 i,p las rnpo,rtant: ;tis hv,' oi�-b e R'S F the 1eg 'at ',�4.oild:o4'-s UM, 0 --ed b3 tbe e Alot _y 'The supernatti-riii1noss th deal,t, Nyith'� th Milyorys, baa�luet, pa dic;ited .-Mis 8 "t eh�ovs -S' sthe. war rii& ni.'* 'Che necessary pre-. Ito 4i J3 h h heal iti, i ated in. t C. ivs viii '�te . 1 tide. M�r. 'BA-lfou.r�eloquea , p . . of t1l W d 'i's 0 ina,ild un4erstanding--The Bel' :and' phagrzed Aher Infaaty, d6n'le �7 Power,: not only. W �kitow, blit 4.1 sio gium-a-ri. infamy never"to b e f, e ious lips, theniselves t a very netesary quality' iscern �i.ihi yalues an:d and which w -be re� in' -to,.' ll. th re frar' tile' ,n- and''pi Ing hot! Sp light,11ley Met. fm..tho ove P and- igigiit-Ar man of t -lie han. �all i p 1:0.� Nfhich eed, But ever so ueh,'b6fter ser*ed' ;Pet .�qouth! A iI tr at ind M - C RbrWN 9' SYR h*,ev'hav,e een so' ruthl6s UUKN. nece;�s, r6b iar po% :He will. IV 6,� n 7 Top C;�udy- ina Iti.r. g I c u can't beat. �R'OWN BRANQ :.C,6.R `kh4DW how 'to right. intention's' ed," N 1§%YRMP.­� lelit puddig �satices. after.�makibg pla n And it Inakes excel and them,to- pass�' .1� , it -hat the con� tei� i1wolv'es the -of ma,i.n.'tienianc, T -.4 - q "COMPALNt Of a4d .,Df.the -fear of OB Ck) ADX STARCH LIMTD' feir ��f- th,6- -Lo-rd European ill the 1ace. of is acturers Th he peZarlti these nuf afdi1ngl,,, bru er� f t it. &L '��u piofessom o -h lamous 13, d77 knowledge o0dici is'd e F RrAhtfotd -n und I d d fi's )iintry to Aol tho standing of -his,character and of -hi§ 'P -e 11 N u fe -of Jeho- v .4,r S Yoft William, �right 7 Rel i 'tile. ictim, tlt4t urg, �'Brand§ twin, upon meni the ar. d b Old.'Te-ttamen't towers ab6v� ts exec atibris, by -'the. vah is -th� rdi-nai 'ter tJs gipgnifi in or picty. c�nf. t 'fu -11 fitAiM,of its �' ial w�orth." f mo . ..... v -he Mes�iah,. ote tha,6,. e'eu t iiiie with Mt.,,As Turkish s. an empir e a �enidpvwleii s . has,'Einpir6 a that '14h d e. in Ca fiada .3 t4or the 60, oply Aii insiklit'int-6t6. nature eqrm,,!!ihte7�d suicide-� and, dlig wi wardsburi.. rdte- Re- th itd ow -a 8'61db Grociit n ha 6U-G6'd but, an irtst ud; its v gn- w�hie gr ine t' ve deiiri�, -h Y All! willichi ------ �;- essence :is t he' very., heart "of rieligib'ni. ithe w�6 -and then he�, And big delight(Arall be-in.the wo r'Piledetl4he Allieso recreate �ho-yall�Not only on- his' "'We sball not Sheath the iio e, ective if Alle soldiers.. ane .own. accou nave: it, but -on the aCC011i word, he 'said' "'which we ng e glum weather that p'reveyitis the dL' -s ineiiiiet o S not -lightly dii until B I obliged: -i it e d M` others 'Wherever hi �6" %inga, fear ofse-hova theremill receivies.JR� full.,xrwaure a all ligging of: 1isI­,he*rt d b' lad' trenches im- mare,than all.,she up - It N n -S r sa -le, to b u ry - ilit-, d�a 'And. it p And ht. I aite�r`the jiy�'Frinee. i�t' lk� Ju sight 'of his� eyes,. ete �-�Th6 , k1lig, gai 'i w ary, XT 111 B. t he menace of agg E; i t t R E I)OIN f & srn er t) b - to Hebrew i pal o 111461 the ri-hts'o' fh -911'er. na- f accoidiiig' on e it, ie pr4o at 1 -be e of. �sanit li�n ii twoliold W6, ki sh wais' 'to'' have, tional �,olf Flt'rq'jpe are i3l asier ng ti ip ArQt he'� 'V' M"S� h. ;�cotlrge­of armies fune on f�4q4p�jjou, id greatest people� _4i at-- 1-11 - " - _­­ ­ 'a r �, wiih -,fr eez in g - t' LI e-miitar domination of ruSSILa Proarei of .1111.0 - TOU weither,; a;ryd though pnetini estroyed. finally d IV 4 , C; i Me 4D peace *01 b adminisWr jug 'ice in-Iti -Strategis e� more fre4tient; thd, mortal- in i Fv�wr '04iitr am. 8i 20). Astheprophet's The. T 0 reat ts -Of- the 'F�ene 111 at a-po,eon in I , � p. , h asits : ' of N I i , his days4lw� itv: froul sickness and- e.mph entirely That the destructio'nJoi P.russiari V tlndres�sMj ' ' 1* -is a gr Pit I 'F renefy tli�e I., . po.tism, "is t e gist but! h aceor4ing'­to the iran a a r. itary des k. and. fil4,e -of -the be' great'N", re'- liZati peace,' he"overl6okS or i ii Britifl, i, 6d the Belgians, Napoleon never glici "te 4tialfies'dis lelt gno, s en- 'V'relude': to -the� rea. on" Of, th� idol. ola�yed,- bv Ge.h. - Joffre (A -'the 6 are about' 100 PL cryin need I -o rope, th.e,**endi t 'Itcright, 'that dlioed.: On'i 'cea ihe'adds: w�ll"b'e, e -ra tili the first tunaignis of the f Eu, France. Unknown -as, a'strategist wh b,6 N -4r hrae out - he ha� , n4se'n, 'to 'Such in f rf L of.. t, it hc� b t am n - king* or lKogisiah./ The pretirsor Gen sad -of him' -that, tlen. Joffje� ij not only. a groat lin, the he Brit�-h -has M11,4 ;I e, gre4t mam - Qh weig t, pit the: necks of na- 'ast , him, sti jit Shed w -by no means 6p iatAed;, �pei Is in that. i's -a de4d-� but a -r-6 gh'weatber. the submarines Joe Mot" -a piac-er miti to -'a, reign of to, disaItfse th S61diet, V.9 r,*, h the, �44 de, �C n qrk'l as ral i0h are &Y Opol ritli six ni of4rutocratic ilug�;'io- ae worth.,!4&.D , of' e'idea, t ef'functi 7 iiipttoo tiolpsi An as an, assure ire be �xpfcoded bv es.,&, ove asme!en. th' hat their chi d and con- eotant;,'Inenace, 'to the -,peace of' th4i an and Austrian re- -ppear that b C -the roj� to Imost d A#1 z bieci old,�vrea decide ',witih ill' b i. bled hirn to' iapidly­Adv�nce his open, a�nd might 'brin the" :to -1�essi ago � ;thah, 'th viathe Delta­fe�iv,' ,be poor and HE, W11111 MM eii 6ple t&-- 'huge 0 evexalt Germ is - p� in war. ii Affbr till e -4-.-But*ith.riAtei shallhe ' tavy 3ti Chu reh-' t riefly empba�size� the a - v� e n ;thah, 'th route... ,ii;te -end with rati Slid 'e-nness. L"64.,str'ubtiDn commnctsti,Mondi6y iquit;3� foi, the' i�eek of'ih earth is %'rendering'to 'that Mang, fopr the efi of' the St oi over. a cou�tryr, was - im-. ind: to .06 ior]A:'at large; ili a:n wiassabliii­until the 'knot -her �distihc� adv�nii 0 we;ather JES::espee re i;s,to'-b the�,�Ie frost ti 0111 extension' of the'- 'Glov- fenselesd And the opp'�ised- fbose. 4ica�ted what it imiolveg, to. In. . r< .� 1. erm n en �,ggl w e 1i e -from I.Amby ird ID E Ill TV-S'nd eh M hig'!',' Allies that wnter.4ill br he- &iit �telfepiion e -L 1§ D; E T .9 FAIrt. -,__W_ho,-ari vng t i�fft i month ,he wati he'sa it or Uri- -affeicIt E �11 1`111 E S. s apt; -to ok e Ze,ppe lesshess, of. 'ron H., Simpson, rec, or g r, meix. 1? -Rousei e 'rge's ihai or -the si for in NT6rt eft, France ave'a 1. , i "i� 1 1. . . Prus b and, ling !Vl h f dn1* C. � is for: St. C Memorial 'chur6h, 1,1, Smite the or�th; Engli veo .. I has, oi ne ' I 46 ..ninth: in .'erag In stead of 9' wb brothers'Lin -Th. Belgitti the aiv tem- the " ----a Id the )Nil FM out 39% de'g`ret%' Fab- W14 1 -the warr, the word for earik" in � Hiebrew'.` '1,5 and �-ou bogibi, Wbeth or n Ji-fe's race 6eicause,6!, th��! ii .C, e war in.'Frahce 4ba the, wa;r in is ifiat tb at a',b Eam ne� . .it . n, - the sixth t of, !ni tweftll in 't p6i;,kture'is, I�Lit on� aYpres. for !,oppressor.'-' is 0 S ter is a .1. h .eri�, the'' Word ee ie which,'will. be graktu-, renheii-,. with;4a minimum of -.about -ChanneYerols-ging'. iri win Fifteen 'rers- ago t e price of 8 . - - 4evere wind to We4their. k4o Than tk I I A ' ' " * ' ' a rm visited Gold - It is quitelikel e all chieved, and Simi very.. il Jeireer,.' ways M. iough, 4nd frequ�-.atly ge pti f $ban' y1hat he on o. ar 4e eat -lief.' -b -as tung, il�ith did', a large . amoub, of -spell hf-e,n! of Zhnost,unp'rev�4ent�d- eold- e *iew�,, .In these wa�s�*v�iifteln'.f�6r-ihe-,�ih�i, arid ihat" !but it, w4l' Alli 1�gs,-blot 'out Chitia,-was. $1 f4*,900'eggs. Xow timaige, t,o.,.p I rpe 6y, epeciallV in owe shoWd circumstances, Britain.is not.Yakely ihe� i '-.has isen- to $1 for.'360. many as.silre s th,6 aPpr6aell of s, and ghould, A w�nter. S' price r (Geneial' nes the usiness - ioftiou of the clitr. �tb m rom tit, -the threat. of the. fall -it e minion , overnmen wil p He shall s�ie t�h-e *�p_ :viintr Strikes the'leaves from ..,the . It will not,, be, 1�ng before bear o have uA't� fear -f* the-diri: Twenty-seren million'egg's�*e e re;rv6i *ith the t ever,.." January.and. P u&ri take G ofisF re haS Geneiril ebi th I)o is quite be',ciiomie impossible ' 'to dig gibles ported from, thi's __ ton, or or, 't produced be `thi�field in* Europe; and it' -ent'td-trigland spend., $4 5W -on niattreu w k f and the �ricked with the:hreath. of Lord May.6r"Is! .6n 'trenches as rapidly aS they' have, -Air*raft Leis URi of whjc� �n � I e t Colu bia, hi's lips. ot V�ithin.the bounds of.potsibility that- '13 fle'.pabt few iiionths. The theoi d by F . hlnes,6 pou try'raise-ra p6 th , prot6e ion -of ''thi- in enit, �grave and elIpful a, series "eyrt dug in:, the Aould , pfuve i4ie lliver, n.,ear the Rviii1stake wharf "shi he'gii" of"'s"pe'eches.', - They ire the f Should''on rive: t e 0thr t4ty, expert, interviewd b y the e -an 'aJoz�n 5. bghiiousisigf toors' of the ..campaign. Histoti a, axnly d' h' riore,vth ens. Thd, Dominion'E, farm a ance o unit na WI%41 'They ;batch most­-iiif theittien's a . t e, dle of hi the. jirille f ed tion, nd 'of 'bg fords aut�'of the trenches it,.no* occupies ington kar'tfiiiit the'. Ze�pelins. rthenwiare, inedbatols,, hich ing bound Uthe fate of in, ea Sumna4lafid 'is. rapidlv, t1k Aed",ti in a: good., chise,-- it may'llaire it, an the'run," 11-plegg men tilt eucc, are: ekpected .6 -perf6rm a more -empires being d6trined'6y',,co'ld, th, Aape...ainil ploughing'is oxPect' are heaw 6s e fire. whichwarms ed theiii Iredomi,of action- 'aild, jusfi&4 in and frau bif tren�,hes N It tfiah� the dr9 I �- Ic 1 11 g or bv,4 in t 6, portarit lVe 4SI Tit- Wi fl v &Ill' that the IiVinkro�nit�Ad he beds --thus, 6iienigthi i becami2f t be in'full viwirii tb­.;,resuiS:,.bfiA! wi, -in it�ne64he the Irma" was dei4ti4 �i6ttily now hi have,. h4 ee n 'bombs,. and- especially, when. 'the, :t it, tuie of -ti W� The' wo�k :of, reconstructig a u ;;olute, ex'prew- w . .4 1 is stich­tbat'bhe transport 411 ithe,fieht' is Raved. We hir�e the. e, he ii�asto.rn.'theat of weather ,!e. fit a. iib 815aniA vessels eneoun- n1an li is In ade old, women fre�iluently inbubl)i necting.- Iveff6re wifit 'Golden 6m. swit. ompare the' 'Ji diIii of ar-the 'hat, 1 -hone' sStent con - 'C because tl gir a terriG 4orni' Xapoleon d Stipp leg word of'our at Cli t Gove�rnnli tel6p rm es ari?,facing ��h of limmunitio, 99s, -truth" in'Eph.' 6. .14. td g i in ro th-6 The : on Arb p r are no u m 4n.ee. 104' 600,000 mpn in - -Ittislaa a d �a` ed' about life north is. being pushed _a4 0-8. The, - Mew �of- the' rophet 4,S oh to n by� 'them sttaop eRe I 4urfa;c6 lie& is, e eppel a far * ag- Mlo'sieii in t in 06re;ign bf pc- ',The Pr / Eisen4 Rosslan&tfi I e n'tifti fightiog upon', the. tb fb Z iris , p he; their their outerar- r. could''not b6 s�bditi adr V reason to cairy supplies that,, his -to 6e bli�e obee iiace 'even the cie.of the Indian tro6ps -a� I ea-li -ah� .-this , i th4b whi, n Sball b� Of this vast battles ill'. Pti arid men Al. 64 'Ed excited- the ireitest-interest in A ai�. envehlenty� tramsported `-'over s' e iii� said' that'only 20.0M'returti to te ithit. ;t wou d seem. i a* morth doc r tin �r rde'n of ording e On French towns, th:iouih, whieh 4hey.''to' lik�eiy 'to be, much li deoigive Vito to the'i agaifi- ippa."i on -eart wheii to ''their Vrince *tlke� r�emahider either at result in I an e4tial J roadiii the, G�ilinafi armv . ill 91111 .1 a Ire boo ing is mt I leh imiilier thaon- m pobr to 'eat e. :gs even ren -ch gpl' -�pOfshing 'of eold and - hunger, fail- "be able to'inove greatll6tses �;Cfoot "tlie wildst of be.astg. si lie dolwo.' �iers,, civi . I o r 'in F" 9 .010 n r nix t iere. laiii, and girls all afit-, ing'prefto hb�cr . rahce. and Belgium, Soktieii 'far' in, advance- of, heir e and the elo t k *' . -A.. I � , .11 .4' ;�1­6L;.'�,h tamesiLthe prices . ' re *.n a mont bA17 i th i wi`.?s and ed to side-Ille.1imous Gur"ain ri tl -: . . . Will ittgd.,tili taken.J6 11us 61 the ly.bief dIffiellity 7-: ipr cnite,Lanct were somewhat gian prisons. In 1167the pi�stiien.�- -hasnot On'Germari easietrit-froti n allid 'thV� �heil used &�Vb is Sold. Dii e Yo the Quilt fr�m Fernie'*01 6 the 6unk fib Npal" iiil,hti of Italy thwa,rted..Fredei- beeti th4e dango r of goteing" ''t f, -0ti "' -p rds of M' e. r- m6 n th oo. at ego ere, Celvip"R .11 failing, And abo the cold' weathe r' will be 'bf advan', weigh. rt ve all Q -01e 111 �leclard thiddieir ti ik 'Baiba,rossa.'Che' e6'6q-tierir. of from a' supply ase, but f.qppo%- 'Far 'eg 5 Fireslide. from th� Patl A. hil� 6611 lead the.ti ion f6ribade them to unsheath 'the ltoii a'il.tl he' was lialked iijoin. tage, tb rather thd'116 ing te- en'tre;thiii4 Allies.It undoistnd the animal:% tan d by tile defenders "N�ot nly 'are jliV cc Irt, di �Wjthaut . dra�ving blm6d, thollraifis' at Altx-itirdeiii Def,6re itlit thfit. both the Zeppelins-l"And n a'*il4 undekAwrid1t. Ili. si s as a whole , tisieA. to, tile ae�o�lanoq be 1*sS us-,-ful ill Love #,of p6oce thete,sall be.' no, Wag ��orepMe. enabled b6 wi�' important victorier, ok Iveather', tht% bhe, from the. -Tile � � 141� . whapioseenied an nPrassian getti h&V'4e be�n ther than'tho Geryua�s, but tile te, eig 'Will 4&Antage'� rute strengb)U w me 'tish soldiers who had .:bll stecomitdUthe cold weather.. For r make it. to r them hen'so Uri I I Strength i6ball be coitriledAn tertfig . to adtance, it',the great 4ake region. temp, S, served1ii India. ce p,,)- ice sergearit, ...re- - *eke ikble to bell: infance. the Great Vectr erp�sod wintr Lriths. -and the other filom ol, " a�rid' , t" ti f abd which in -mllder,, vroath#t �Gr$' 4- tho'extreriie- cold of the. higher-ati- They, isllnol Y rii -pet vel ht Selson o . f thildh6od. 110111 hi e wpitild. ; vii !hnd . f the. cur a hit. the k "I river - ori t6 ice iiiu& was thui in a ve e "L ators woixl� � -e4eg; :fro orni batti to ttb in4aer- tudes., ailinse, . 11�� Cana tail Paicifii3 be'shownifthe spect position to eut"MY 8W m - 0 - quite. di The Han 6hall eat stiralw like, the, Continued c6ld wesither' m, Nustia thing ollt- Railwv aa�.nt at 'Fernie, h' L , 6. Xete4igsburg. 'Vie4 - aagain I e4d I )w'a'slight cutto -be: made *d t,a,-'<14e irictory in f vk­�He W 11 becanti riek! iiddc t*bt Ivfth i pinell 4 ther ani'mals or I n �the,- top. of their finger in oi,,O'er, 'Cht 6reat Won. the, great victor tit, ty or 11e, firo. be.ptp ill a bit of old i%ed file 60- prize Ior'- th,�,6est and,not piey upqn reat, bAtitles -fib r all' for Ill mec kep" rden in the.Albert fulfilthe Ittt rot the*1 w., s - . I ., I i I -'e r i di% is o i. This is tit a t1ird % a' ti,, as �qndi­r - of "all,' t1i su&-. Most � t il, NIC119i�,n that 11 I on o. :,ling child ai� .'Mle t d'd t tills, the Arp; arid the fvean At a, Te, ��nt,eleetion the ca f- plit'Ids ha'In I -on the,'adtier'81 d -ti- baft by'.41fie 'Tiffi,suggestion is thait of, A babe jnt I " ti r. At:'la,st he grew ta� 'that ta oet ttehe ailvertelitly. coming it; "n-toet, ther tired of it and hited thi the , e )rne in oty i poiSono4p;,reptile and not, Suffer-, nilin witcs tirfie' 4�� agkib-g gill raki to tofijL' ing V questions: -,-Tile butcher, 'oil %u aitifibtil wag, Sure &Ath. I word den prI6.bablv mehils Ydlonkf, some trlln�; s 6�y ruffians in 91itteiiii eye of, th� serpentI. Of CAIW4, r Id be oSpeially tt it, :�l be- tho fo r which wou' mctive 4aie turned. to hi'm. afid asked� A kt dhild' ti�xt advit -CM fall a-. iL11 -nor: d#ti"0V 4*ihig thitig ?'I- -fi� Ld The No, et lin it h avirtltuii that oold.6 u. fe It ht Ve Cl TW 16r' d T, 46htyi in! M641n't Zon, bilt. in 611 IV P"M 01t. IV 11111iown worh k 110 Welf <41 h* k IT.* TU ni r' f, NVA 1hrd o6odoiftj. 1064 V f V.41t mti�i A� ....... ........ . . . . . . . . . . - Cyk,-Va shliff, h aftmni "W"M phqt4,; vhty' 4 ed. Cr441. to thko, h, W law, fipb ot th-0 to 10 -it, tit